PZA Boy Stories

Bill aka Storyguy

Boarding School Teacher

Chapter 5

Time: January 1978

Brian stood in the hallway, facing the closed door, his hand poised to knock. His heart was thumping in his chest as he hesitated and wavered between the desire for sexual adventure and an impulse to flee back to his own room. The beautiful 12-year-old never would have imagined himself doing this 3; not until last night. That's when his roommate Tommy had introduced Brian to the amazing world of boyhood sexuality. And, even more excitingly, Tommy had described the incredibly erotic things that Mr. Jenkins had done with him.

Inside the room, Mark Jenkins sat at his desk preparing to teach the next day's classes. It was 4:00 in the afternoon. The day-students had gone home, and the teacher had changed out of his standard coat-and-tie daytime attire and into sweat pants and a comfortable polo shirt. Though he tried to stay focused on outlining an American History lecture, Mark's mind kept wandering to thoughts of sexual encounters with fresh young 7th- and 8th-grade boys 3; alternating with memories of his incredibly-erotic liaison with Tony, the sexually-dominant 9th grader for whom Mark had become a submissive slut. He was even thinking about what it would be like to become involved with Mr. Hensen, the middle-aged teacher who seemed to be a ringleader of illicit sexual activity here at Hardcrest Prep. The knock at his door startled Mark out of his erotic daydreams.

"Come in," said the teacher, looking down at his lap to make sure his erection wasn't obvious.

"Hi Mr. Jenkins," said the boy softly, as he entered and closed the door behind himself. "Are you busy?"

"No; not at all, Brian! Come on in. How come you aren't outside playing in the snow, with all the other guys?"

The man couldn't keep from starring at the boy 3; his fashionably-long blond hair 3; a face so exquisite that he would be a natural for modeling high-end boys' clothing 3; and a sexy body that was nearing pubescence.

"I did that yesterday," said the boy. "I decided I'd rather be warm and comfortable." And he definitely looked comfortable now, dressed appropriately for the well-heated boarding corridor. At Tommy's suggestion, Brian had changed into skimpy athletic shorts with an elastic waistband, and a tucked-in tee shirt that clung to his slender boyish torso. "Mr. Jenkins 3; I was wondering 3;" he said in a slightly nervous tone. "Tommy showed me the book you let him borrow, and 3;" His eyes looked over at the bookshelf above the teacher's desk.

"You'd like to check out my books too?" asked Mark, finishing the boy's sentence.

"Yeah! Could you show me some?"

"I'd be glad to, Brian. What sorts of things are you interested in? History? Art?"

"Art would be cool," said blond-haired beauty.

Mark's mind immediately clicked into seduction-mode. His brain buzzed with excitement at the prospect of embarking on a new erotic adventure, seeing how far things might go with this incredibly sexy boy who had been featured in many of the teacher's sexual fantasies since the semester began.

Mark had no way of knowing that Brian had been fantasizing too 3; thinking all day about what might happen if he went to Mr. Jenkins' room and made himself available for the kinds of things that Tommy had described.

Mark took a large volume down from the shelf and set it down on the desk. The title read Orientalist Art of the 19th Century.

"This is a good one 3; history and art combined, with lots of really nice pictures. Back in the 1800's, European artists became fascinated with Islamic culture, especially in North Africa and the Ottoman Empire. It seemed very exotic and sensuous to them, and they captured that feeling in their paintings. A lot of these pictures are the work of artists who traveled to the Ottoman Empire, which was ruled by a powerful Sultan, and was seemingly stuck in a medieval time-warp. Come closer and I'll show you the best pictures."

Brian stood right next to the seated man, their bodies almost touching, mere millimeters apart.

"Do you know what a harem is?" asked Mark. And without waiting for a reply, he continued. "Back in the old days, when these pictures were painted, the richest and most powerful men in Islamic countries would keep a large number of beautiful women in their palaces." As he spoke, he turned the pages to large color pictures of palace scenes with sensuous young women, posing individually or in groups, in various stages of nudity. Nearly all were blatantly displaying their shapely bare breasts, and many were shown completely naked and lounging on cushions or by pools of water. Sometimes a black-skinned eunuch slave would be standing guard; other times their master would be watching his slave-women as he lounged in a loose flowing robe. It was essentially 19th Century soft-core porn. "Some of the harem girls would be his wives, while others would be his slaves – concubines they're called – that the master would keep hidden away in his palace to use for his sexual pleasure." Mark looked out of the corner of his eye to see if this last remark produced the desired reaction in Brian. It did. The boy was looking at the pictures with rapt attention, and the front of his shorts was pushing out a bit.

Just then, Brian moved his body closer to Mark, causing their legs to touch lightly for a few seconds, then drew back again. A few seconds later, the boy brought their legs together again, holding the contact a bit longer.

Mark's heart skipped a beat. Had this been intentional? Glancing up at Brian again, Mark saw that the boy was now looking back at him, rather than at the book. Mark's intuition was getting a clear signal: He wants me too!

The teacher's right hand carefully reached over and touched the back of Brian's right thigh, just above the knee. The boy didn't flinch, but Mark heard a sharp intake of breath. He moved his hand up slightly; still no sign of rejection.

"What do you think of this one?" said the teacher, turning to a particularly-sexy picture of a women lying naked on a leopard-skin rug. "Look closely at that detail." As he spoke, Mark's right hand slid gently up the boy's bare thigh, over his pants-covered hip, and around the boy's waist. He gently drew the boy closer, between his spread legs. "Here; sit on my knee so you can see it better."

"OK," said Brian, as he perched sideways atop Mark's left thigh. As the teacher wrapped his left arm around the student's waist, he leaned close and inhaled. Ah, so wonderful! The soap-smell from his mid-day locker-room shower mixed perfectly with the sensuous boy-scent that Mark found utterly intoxicating. After turning the page to a new picture, while discussing the history and sociology of the Muslim world of the 19th Century, his right hand came to rest on Brian's knee, and then began to move slowly up along the bare skin toward the ultimate treasure of the boy's crotch.

An erotic shiver ran through Brian's body as the teacher's hand glided slowly back and forth along the baby-softness of the boy's upper thigh.

"Are you ok with what we're doing?" asked Mark casually. "If you're uncomfortable about anything, I'll stop."

"It's fine. I don't mind," said Brian, trying to keep his voice calm. But his face was blushing, his heart was beating fast inside his chest, and his boyish penis was completely stiff inside his pants. The 12-year-old parted his slender legs slightly, inviting further exploration.

Mark's brain let out a silent cheer. "Let me show you another good one," said the man as he flipped forward in the book. "This is called The Snake Charmer, by a French artist named Gerome." [Note: Do a Google Images search for the picture!]

The picture showed a completely naked boy, the same age as Brian, standing in the middle of an ornate palace room. A large snake is coiled loosely around the boy's shoulders and upper body. An old man sits cross-legged on the floor playing a flute, while the master of the palace and his courtiers watch the boy. The sexual innuendo was obvious, with the fat snake slithering over the naked body and the boy's shapely buttocks prominently displayed as the picture's focal point.

"Wow!" said Brian softly.

Mark's right hand eased farther up Brian's thigh, beneath the loose shorts, until his fingertips touched the leg seam of the cotton briefs and moved very slowly along it. Mark held his breath as he waited for Brian's reaction. To the teacher's delight, the 7th grader glanced up from the book to look into Mark's eyes, smiling shyly. Brian turned his attention back to the painting as Mark slowly worked his fingers upward onto the front of the underpants. "Many of the Ottoman sultans kept a harem of boys for their pleasure too 3; the most beautiful boys gathered from all over the Empire," said Mark, momentarily entranced at the thought. His fingertips cautiously grazed against the rigid boy-boner that was tenting the snug underpants. "Take a look at this picture; it's one of my favorites." Mark turned some pages to a painting of four boys in their youthful prime, totally naked, relaxing in and around a small courtyard pool. Three boys were seen from the side or back, displaying their sexy butts. The fourth was seen from the front, standing in water that half-covered his genitals, exposing the hairless base of his boyish penis. In the shadows at the edge of the painting stood a finely dressed man, gazing with obvious lust at his harem-boys.

"When I was your age, and I first saw this book," said Mark; "I used to fantasize what it would be like if I were a slave in the Sultan's boy-harem 3; lounging naked around the pool with the other boys, living a luxurious life, eating the finest food, listening to music, and having fun. And I would imagine what it would be like when the Sultan chose me from among all the other boys to be with him for an evening of pleasure."

"Wow," said Brian wistfully, as he continued looking at the picture, biting gently at his lower lip.

"I'll tell you secret," Mark continued. "When I was around 13, my best friend and I liked to play a fantasy game, where one of us would be the Sultan and the other would be the slave-boy. We would take turns with the two roles. And the Sultan could command the slave to do anything 3; anything at all." Mark's fingers delicately fondled the stiff erection through the soft cotton underpants as he spoke. "And we especially liked to command each other to do sexual things," he added, in a low, sensuous voice.

Brian looked back at the teacher, his face glowing with excitement, and a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

Mark knew it was time to make his move. His hand slid up all the way underneath Brian's underpants, directly onto the stiff penis. As the teacher fondled the incredibly sexy boy-cock, Brian softly gasped with youthful lust.

"Brian?" said Mark softly, as his fingertips rubbed the slender crown of the boy's circumcised penis. "How would you like to play that fantasy game with me? You pretend to be a harem-slave 3; and I'll be the Sultan."

The boy grinned, even as his body was squirming with pleasure from the stimulation of Mark's erotic touch.

"What do I need to do?" asked Brian.

"First, you need to let me take all of your clothes off, so you're naked like the boys in the pictures," said the man, as his fingers began sliding up and down the slender shaft of the boy's cock. "Since you'd be my slave, you'd do whatever I commanded 3; and let me do anything I wanted to you 3; just like if I was really your master. I promise it will be really fun. And of course, anytime you don't want to do something, or stop the game completely, we'll stop. So what do you say? Does that sound good?"

"Yeah!" said the bright-eyed boy enthusiastically.

"Before we start, tell me honestly, Brian; have you ever done sex-play with anyone before?"

Brian blushed. "Yes 3; but not until last night."

"With Tommy, right?"

Brian grinned as the memory of their play filled his brain, and he bobbed his head a few times, quickly.

"Did you and Tommy feel each other's penis, like I'm doing to you now?"


"And did you suck each other's penis?"

Brian giggled and bobbed his head again.

"Did Tommy tell you about the things he and I did yesterday?" Mark suspected that Tommy would tell his roommate and, indeed, had actually hoped he would.

"Ye- 3;" Brian began, but then quickly stopped himself. "I'm not getting him in trouble, am I?"

"No, Brian; not at all!" said the teacher, as he hugged the boy. "Tommy and I had a really good time together, and I want you to have the same kind of pleasure." The wheels inside Mark's brain were already making plans for arranging a three-way with both of the sexy boys.

Brian breathed a sigh of relief. Then he looked deeply into Mark's eyes and said: "I think I'd really like to play the fantasy game now, where I'm the slave-boy and you're my master."

"Great!" said Mark, as he gave the boy another hug. Then he lifted Brian to his feet while remaining seated himself. "Go lock my door," said Mark, as he turned on the desk-top radio to muffle the sounds of sex that would soon fill the room. When Brian returned, Mark motioned for him to stand close, between the teacher's wide-spread legs. "I'm going to strip off your clothes, nice and slowly, starting with your shirt. Raise your arms up, slave." The teacher lifted the bottom of the tee-shirt slowly, revealing the boy's taut belly, his slender chest with its tiny light-tan nipples, and his smooth arm-pits. Then he pulled the shirt completely off.

"Put your hands behind your head, slave, with your fingers intertwined," said the man. Brian was excited by the game 3; excited to be called 'slave' 3; and he assumed the submissive posture immediately, folding his fingers together behind his head. Mark's hands gently roamed all around the boy's beautiful upper-body, giggling as the man caressed his arm-pits.

"Now for your pants." Mark's fingers slid into the elastic waistband of the loose athletic shorts, easing them down the boy's hips, and his hands caressed Brian's smooth slender legs the whole way down. Gazing at the 12-year-old beauty, clothed only in his snug white briefs, the man was stunned by the incredible eroticism of the sight. He reached out and massaged the front of the boy's underpants, tented-out by the boyish boner beneath. Brian inhaled sharply, his face glowing with excitement, as he awaited what would be coming next.

"Are you ready for the next part, harem-boy?"

"Yes, sir. I mean 3; yes, Master," said Brian, his voice soft but eager.

"That's right. I'm your master; the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. And you are my favorite slave in the boy-harem." Mark's hands caressed the boy's flawless body as he spoke. "And I command that you be completely naked, so I can see and feel every part of your body." His hand rubbed Brian's stiff penis again though the soft briefs, while his other hand moved around to massage the boy's slender rounded butt. "Strip naked for your master's pleasure. Take off your underpants, slave-boy."

Brian was grinning broadly as he hooked his thumbs into the waistband on each side and slowly pulled the briefs all the way down, exposing his exquisite finger-size erection. The sight of its absolute beauty took Mark's breath away momentarily. The boy's penis was approaching puberty, but clearly wasn't there yet. There wasn't a single hair above the 4-inch [10 cm] cock or on the small rounded ball-sack that held marble-size orbs.

Brian stepped out of the underwear and looked down at his erection, then at Mark's adoring face. It was clear to him that the teacher really DID like the way his body looked. The boy hoped fervently that the man would do the same things that Tommy had described.

"Mr. Jenk-, I mean 3; Master?" said Brian cautiously. "Are you gonna, you know, suck my penis?"

Mark wanted to say "Oh God! Yes!!" But instead he replied in-character, in a theatrical voice. "A harem-boy's duty is to give pleasure to his master. But if I decide that it gives me pleasure to suck my slave's penis 3;" Instead of finishing the thought, he gave Brian a sly wink.

"Yes, Master!" said Brian with a grin.

"Come sit on my lap now."

As Brian perched himself sideways across Mark's lap, the man's arms wrapped around him, hugging the naked boy close. Without being instructed, Brain returned the hug, with arms slung around the man's neck. The teacher nuzzled his face into Brian's soft blond hair, inhaling once again of the luscious boy-scent. As his fingers fondled Brian's slender erection, Mark brought his mouth right next to the boy's ear, teased it with his hot breath, and whispered: "Kiss me slave-boy. See if you can please your master with your lips and tongue."

The boy looked apprehensive for a moment, and then said in a sweet, innocent voice "I've never done it before, Master. Could you teach me how to kiss?"

Mark's heart melted as he brushed his lips against the boy's cheek, and said: "Just copy what I do at first, and when you get the hang of it, do whatever feels right."

The man wet his lips, and the boy imitated him. Their lips came together softly, slowly, sensuously. The boy was a fast learner – a naturally good kisser – and the initial tenderness soon grew increasingly passionate. Mark's hands were now exploring every reachable part of Brian's naked body, and the 12-year-old responded by hugging even tighter to his teacher's neck. When Mark's lips finally opened and the tip of his tongue cautiously emerged, Brian responded immediately and joyfully with his own tongue, seeming to know by instinct how to proceed.

The kissing became hungry and aggressive, as their tongues slithered and wrestled together, slipping in and out of each other's mouths. Sounds of pleasure emerged as they kissed – low moans of satisfaction from the teacher and high-pitched cooing from the student.

The boy would have happily continued indefinitely with this kissing and snuggling and fondling, but Mark had other plans. He broke the kiss, looked lovingly at Brian, gave him a warm smile, and nudged the excited boy off his lap.

"Time for the next part of pleasuring your Sultan, slave-boy," he said as they both stood up. "Remove my clothes."

"Yes, Master," said the grinning boy.

Brian eased the polo shirt up and over Mark's head, exposing the 23-year-old's wiry-muscled torso. With consistent gym work-outs, Mark had retained his trim physique, and he remained at the weight at which he had wrestled in college – 145 pounds [65 kg]. His upper-body was smooth, nearly devoid of hair except for the soft tufts at his arm-pits. Brian gazed lovingly at Mark's masculine body. "You're really strong!" said the boy in a low, breathy voice, as his hands reached up and felt the man's pecs and biceps and broad shoulders. Mark took the boy's hands in his own and brought them down to the waistband of the sweat-pants

"Take down my pants, slave-boy."

The boy obeyed instantly, pulling down the sweat-pants but leaving the slim-fit boxer shorts. Mark reached down and pulled his straining erection from the slit in the front of the boxers, letting it protrude obscenely. Brian stared at the gracefully-shaped phallus as if it were one of the wonders of the world.

"Wow! Nice!" murmured the boy.

"Feel it up, slave."

"Yes, Master!" Brian's hand trembled slightly as it wrapped around Mark's throbbing erection, feeling its heat. At 5.5 inches [14 cm], it was neither long nor thick. But it seemed big and powerful to Brian, who had never seen an erection other than his own and his roommate's.

"Get down on your knees, and pull down my undershorts."

Brian sank to the floor, still holding the stiff cock in his hand. Then he let go, took hold of the waistband, and pulled down, careful to extricate the straining erection. To the boy's immediate surprise, Mark's crotch was devoid of pubic hair. Brian looked up with a quizzical expression.

"I thought that men had 3;"

"They do," said Mark, pre-empting the question. "But I shave my hair there so it's nice and smooth. Feel it."

Brian's small hands wandered over the erection, the smooth pubic area, and the shaved balls.

"It's really sexy!" said the kneeling boy as he continued his fondling.

Mark had no intention of revealing that he had shaved his hair that morning, for the very first time, in response to Tony's command of the night before. But what had begun as an act of subservience to the dominant 15-year-old, had ended up satisfying Mark both esthetically and sexually. The size of his cock and balls had changed little since he was 14 years old. That was same age he'd been when his joyous experiences with boyhood sex-play had ended. But now that his sexual adventures with boys had been revived, almost 10 years later, his shaved genitals made him feel like a 14-year-old boy again 3; and he loved the way it looked and felt!

"Should I suck it, Master?" said Brian, still in-character, as his hand gently stroked the young-teen-sized cock.

"Oh, yes!" gasped the man, momentarily surprised and greatly aroused that the boy was eager to orally serve him.

Brian had given oral pleasure only once in his life, when he sucked Tommy's barely-pubescent dick the previous night. But he had been fantasizing all day about what it would be like to take Mr. Jenkins' penis into his mouth, and the thought of it excited him tremendously. Holding the man's handsome erection in his hand, he brought his mouth close and cautiously extended his tongue to lick along the ridge of the finely shaped cock-head. His tongue moved all around the smooth sensitive flesh, and then his lips enveloped the entire knob.

"Oh, yeah! Suck it!" groaned the man. "Suck it good, slave-boy!" Mark's fingers slid through Brian's long golden hair, gently pulling the boy's head forward to take more of the cock into his mouth. "Ahhhh! So nice 3;"

Brian's efforts were more enthusiastic than talented, but he was determined to pleasure his handsome teacher as intensely as he possibly could. As Brian's hand gripped the base of the penis, his lips slid up and down along the top third of the handsome, sleek shaft, and his tongue swirled all the shapely glans.

"Suck me! Ah, yes 3; SUCK me!" The intense pleasure of being serviced by this beautiful blond-haired angel was almost too intense to bear. Mark was so primed that after only a couple minutes of the boy's efforts, the teacher felt his orgasm rising up. Tempted as he was to let go and shoot a load of cum into Brian's pretty mouth, he forced himself to make the experience last. "Stop for a minute. Let's go over to my bed."

Mark helped Brian to his feet and then easily picked the slender boy up so that he was cradled in the man's arms.

"You have such a perfect mouth, slave-boy. Kiss me again."

And this time, when their lips met, both tongues engaged immediately, flicking and teasing. Brian hugged Mark's neck as they kissed, the toes of his shapely feet curled tightly, and his body shivered with sexual pleasure.

Mark walked to his bed and gently laid the boy down. As the man stood over him watching, Brian stretched his body like a cat, looking up at the man with anticipation.

"I don't think you realize just how sexy you are! You're the most beautiful boy I've ever seen!"

Brian blushed at the compliment, but his eyes sparkled with delight at how much he pleased the handsome young teacher. "Maybe you could SHOW me how sexy you think I am," he said coyly.

"That's exactly what I'm going to do, slave-boy!"

Mark grabbed Brian's ankles and turned his body 90 degrees, so that the boy's butt was positioned at the side of the bed. Holding both boyish feet up, the teacher brought his mouth down to one of them and began licking and sucking the sexy toes.

"That tickles!" giggled the youngster, though he wasn't making any effort to pull his foot away. In fact, he was fingering his stiff boner to enhance his pleasure.

"I'm the Sultan, and I can tickle my harem-boy anytime I want," said Mark playfully. And with that, he switched to the other foot, kissing and licking it all over, including the soft ticklish flesh of the arch, making Brian shriek with happy laughter.

"Shhh!" said the teacher. "Gotta keep the noise down; ok?"

"Oh; sorry!"

"Now let's see if another part of you is ticklish," said Mark. He dropped to his knees beside the bed and spread Brian's thighs wide apart, fully exposing the beauty of his pre-pubescent genitals. The man studied the youthful erection for a few seconds before leaning in and capturing it in his mouth.

'Oh, God 3; YES!' he thought to himself. This was the ultimate erotic pleasure – sucking the perfect-sized cock of a perfectly-beautiful 12-year-old boy!

It was so effortless to slide his lips all the way down to the hairless base of Brian's boner; so much easier than an older boy's cock intruding at the entrance of his throat. He could move his lips up and down Brian's slender shaft, taking it to the hilt as rapidly as he wanted 3; and that's exactly what he did, striving to see how quickly he could bring the boy to orgasm. He was sure it would be a dry cum and, unlike an adolescent, Brian would be capable of climaxing time after time in rapid succession.

The boy was whimpering and moaning as his body thrashed on the bed in throes of sexual pleasure. Although Brian had been sucked to orgasm the previous night by Tommy, the teacher was far more skilled and intense in his technique. As the muscles of the boy's body tensed and his hands clenched tightly at the bed-covers, Mark's mouth moved up and down the slender penis-shaft faster than he'd even done it before, and his hands kneaded the boy's shapely round butt cheeks.

Brian's hips began to jerk up, rapidly fucking his boyish boner with desperate urgency into Mark's mouth. His breath came in ragged gasps until suddenly 3; "Oh! Oh! Oh! AAARRRGGGHHH!" Brian's breath was expelled in one long groaning release, followed by rhythmic high-pitched squeals as the shuddering orgasm ravaged through his young body. Spasms made his boy-boner vibrate in Mark's mouth, as the man kept sucking him.

Then Mark pulled his mouth away and looked down at the split-slick little penis, still totally erect. Shifting his gaze up to Brian's face, he saw the boy looking back, slightly dazed, with a goofy grin.

"I'll bet you're ready for some more fun, huh?" said Mark.

The boy's face lit up. "Yeah!" he said at once. "What are we gonna do now 3; Master?"

"You'll see, slave-boy. You'll do whatever your Sultan commands. Now slide over and let me lie beside you."

Brian giggled, squirming with excitement as he moved his body lengthwise on the bed, and his hand reached down to fondle himself.

Mark got onto the bed and snuggled against the boy, both of them on their sides, lying front-to-front. They slid into each others' arms and began to kiss again. As the passion of their kissing grew, their bodies rubbed together, hands caressing and stroking. In a quick movement, Mark rolled with the boy so that Brian was lying on top of the man. Brian lay between Mark's spread legs, with their cocks in perfect alignment, and the 12-year-old instinctively began thrusting his hips, sliding his erection against the man's. Mark's hands massaged the boy's sexy butt cheeks, loving the way Brian's taut muscles flexed as the boy made the fucking motions.

"Oh my god! That feels incredible, Brian!" The role-play was forgotten for the moment.

"Yeah! It's really cool! Tommy and me did this with each other last night."

As Brian joyfully continued to rub his stiff boner along the shaft of Mark's larger erection, the teacher decided it was time to take things up a notch. He brought the middle finger of his right hand to his mouth and loaded it with his spit. Then his hands pulled the boy's flexing buttocks slightly apart, and the slippery finger slid lightly across Brian's anal pucker. A sharp intake of breath and a surprised smile signaled Brian's pleasure and acceptance. Mark's finger began stimulating the virgin ass-hole more brazenly, penetrating slightly into the circle of muscle. Brian stopped thrusting his hips forward and instead pushed his ass upward to savor the anal stimulation, moaning with pleasure.

Then Mark paused, pulling his finger away for a moment, looking into Brian's eyes and seeking a reaction.

"Do you like that, slave?"

"Ohhhh, yes! It felt awesome!" gasped the boy. "Please 3; do it some more!"

"I'll do something even better. Turn your body around so you're still on top, but facing around the other way, and start sucking my cock." Brian looked puzzled for a moment. "I command it, slave-boy!" said Mark, with a wink.

"Yes, Master!" Brian flipped his body around to the 69 position. He lifted the man's stiff penis in his hand and brought his mouth down onto the cock-head, sucking and licking at it enthusiastically.

Due to the man's taller stature, the boy's ass-hole was easily reached by Mark's tongue. As Brian straddled Mark's body and sucked his cock, the man propped a foam pillow under his head, spread the boy's ass-cheeks apart and began rimming his delicate anus.

Brian's ass pressed back into Mark's face. High-pitched squeals, muffled by the man's cock in his mouth, emanated from the 12-year-old's throat.

Mark had only recently discovered how much he enjoyed rimming a boy, and how much the boys loved getting rimmed. With some of his young friends at his previous school, Mark had been able to bring them to orgasm just from licking their asses. And it seemed quite probable from Brian's response to the rimming that it would elicit an anal orgasm this time too.

The man's tongue worked fiercely on the clean, pink anus, alternating licks of the broad surface of his tongue with fluttering flicks and probing penetrations using the tip. It wasn't long before Brian, lost in his pleasure, stopped sucking Mark's cock. The groans and sighs were now unmuffled, and Brian's upper body lifted upright, pressing his ass down onto the teacher's face.

As Mark's tongue cork-screwed into the musky entrance of the boy's virgin love-hole, Brian's squealing pleasure noises reach a crescendo. Suddenly, a trembling orgasm surged through Brian's body, and his anal muscle spasmed against the man's probing tongue, accompanied by moans of utter ecstasy.

But when Mark stopped licking, expecting Brian to flop down beside him in exhaustion, the boy was hungry for more.

"Oh, please! Lick my bottom-hole again! It's so awesome to get the magic feeling! Please? Please, Master?"

How could Mark resist? Even though his tongue was sore from the energetic effort, he started up again, eager to give Brian yet another 'magic feeling'. But this time, he also snaked his hands around the boy's body to masturbate the stiff boy-penis and fondle the immature balls. As his tongue licked vigorously at the boy's quivering ass-hole, the thumb and two fingers of Mark's right hand brushed rapidly across Brian's acorn-shaped glans, and the fingertips of his left hand tickled and fondled the round ball-sack. It didn't take long this time 3; almost as if the boy's previous dry-orgasm had flowed right into the next 3; as the additional stimulation sent Brian over the edge again, squirming and squealing with intense sexual pleasure.

Though Brian would surely have liked it to continue, having orgasm after orgasm with a tongue rimming his ass-hole, Mark had other thoughts. Easing the boy off of him and standing up, the man said "Now it's time for your master's pleasure, slave-boy. Lie on your back. Pull your legs apart and up. That's right. Now rub your bottom-hole with your finger, like I was doing with my tongue."

Brian's index finger immediately probed into his wet, slippery ass-hole, and a big smile spread across his face.

"Feels good, doesn't it?"

"Yeah!" said the boy.

"Keep doing it. See if you can make your hole flex open so you can slide your finger in easier. Push out with the muscle, and it'll be even better."

As Brian practiced winking his anus open and finger-fucking himself, Mark went across the room and got the bottle of lubricant from the dresser. Bringing it back to the bed, he dribbled some of it onto Brian's ass and fingers, making the penetration much easier.

"Now do two fingers, slave."

"Oh, yeah!" Brian gasped as he compiled. "That feels nice!"

As Mark applied a generous amount of lube to his own stiff cock, he watched Brian enthusiastically thrusting two fingers into his ass-hole, while he masturbated himself with his other hand.

"Now I'm going to put my cock into your bottom-hole. It may feel weird at first, but I think you'll like it after we've been doing it for a couple minutes. You're still my slave, right?"

"Yes, Master!" Brian had loved receiving the anal stimulation so far, and he had no reason to doubt the teacher's word.

"Take your fingers out of your hole and lie back. Put that pillow under your hips to prop them up and just relax."

Mark positioned himself between Brian's legs and pushed one of the thighs back. Holding his slippery cock in his hand, he rubbed it back and forth against Brian's sensitive anal flesh. "Flex your hole open, like you were doing before, as I push in. After you get used to it being inside you, I'll be moving my cock back and forth. You may have heard guys talking about fucking. Well, I'm going to fuck you. OK?"

"OK," said Brian trustingly.

Mark went very slowly, and he was glad for once that his cock was slender and relatively small. He looked down at the Brian's face, seeing him concentrate on opening himself to the penetration of the man's cock-head, but he didn't appear uncomfortable. 'He's so beautiful!' thought the man. Mark's lube-slick hand reached for Brian's penis, still rigidly erect, even after three orgasms, and he masturbated it in slow, firm, slippery strokes. The boy gave a little gasp of pleasure, smiling up at the man. Mark resumed his slow penetration, pushing in another centimeter, pausing, and then pushing in some more. Slowly, surely, the lubed boner disappeared into Brian's virgin ass.

Sweat beaded on the man's forehead, as he struggled to take it with agonizingly slowness. His body wanted to fuck the boy with reckless abandon, plowing his tight ass and filling his rectum with cum, but Mark's brain knew that this way was best.

"I'm almost in all the way. How are you doing?"

"It's good!" said the boy, as his body squirmed from the stimulation of the lubed masturbation. "I like it!"

"I'm going to move my cock in and out now," said Mark. "Let me know if you need me to stop."

"OK. But I think it'll be fine."

"That's my boy!" Mark bent down and kissed Brian's mouth, and the 12-year-old wrapped his arms around the man's neck and kissed him back.

"Hold me tight," whispered the boy, as his slender legs wrapped around Mark's hips. Mark enveloped the student in a hug, feeling a surge of love and lust.

"I'm ready for it now," said Brian. "I'm ready for you to fuck me."

Their lips and tongues joined in a passionate kiss as Mark began to move his hips. He went slowly at first, sliding his straining cock gently back and forth in the tight rectum. Brian hugged even tighter and kissed even more fiercely as Mark's hips began to thrust faster. The boy's legs began pulling the man in deeper at each inward thrust, and before long, Mark was fucking the boy in a steady rhythm, moving the full length of his boner inside Brian's hot, slippery boy-pussy.

"Oh! 3; Oh! 3; Oh!" gasped Brian, each time the man's cock drove into him. "Yes! Oh, YES!"

Mark was in heaven. The experience matched and exceeded his most intense fantasies 3; fucking such a beautiful boy 3; the perfect age 3; and a virgin who was not only willing, but moaning with pure pleasure beneath Mark's urgent, ecstatic thrusts.

"Fuck me! Fuck me, Master! Oh, yes; FUCK ME!!"

Mark couldn't restrain his rutting lust, and his hips began to move in rapid piston-strokes, desperate for the release of a glorious orgasm. His entire body was consumed by the growing wave of intense erotic tension. And when the wave finally crashed, Mark was lost in a whole new universe of existence 3; a dimension of total sexual pleasure. Each spurt of semen from his cock made his entire body convulse in delicious spasms. He held the boy's young body tightly, and Brian hugged back with equal passion.

Finally, their bodies became still. They could feel each other's hearts pounding inside their chests as they clung together. Aftershocks of orgasmic pleasure made Mark's penis spasm inside Brian's body, and the boy squeezed his ass-muscles around it in response.

"Ahhhh 3; that was so good!" said Mark at last.

"Yeah!" sighed the boy. "I got the magic feeling two more times while you were fucking me!"

"You're wonderful, Brian."

"You too 3; Master!"

They both giggled.

As Mark's softening cock slipped from Brian's ass, they rolled onto their sides, snuggling and kissing gently. Both of them felt the pangs of an emerging romantic love, but neither spoke the words.

'This is just so perfect,' thought the teacher, as he held Brian close and ran his hand gently over the boy's back and ass and thigh. 'Every day at this school brings a new adventure. I wonder what tomorrow will bring?'

Please send feedback to bil47_new(at)yahoo(dot)com