As the evening dining got underway the honouring of Eric continued with the invitation to sit with the Prime Masters at their table, which of course left me without a slave to tend to my needs but this was quickly resolved by Master Alton as he approached the table, less formally than would be normal if we were still doing the work of the conclave.
"Master James?"
"Master Alton, what can I do for you?"
"It's more what I would like to do for you and Mythra's Child."
"And what's that, Master Alton?"
"I see that as the Child of Mythra is being honoured, you have no slave to tend to you. I would therefore like to offer you my slave to serve you at your pleasure, and of course your slave as well."
"Master Alton, that's a most generous offer. We would gladly accept as long as it does not inconvenience youself."
"Not at all, you would honour us both by your acceptance, Master James."
"Then how can I refuse, we thank you Master Alton and will value his service."
"Ahh, here is his remote, he made need a tickle up now and again, (chuckle) and I'm sure that during the games later in the evening you may like to educate him a little. He may appreciate your fine touch on the cross."
"Again my thanks Master Alton, I'll try to entertain him later."
"My pleasure and my honour Master James. Boy you'll obey Master James or the Child of Mythra in all things until Master James returns you to me, is that clear, speak?"
"Yes Master, in all things I shall obey."
"Good boy. Master James, he's all yours for the evening."
Peter took his place between Eric and myself, kneeling on the floor at rest waiting for his orders as Grant another of the Primes pointed out.
"Well James, you're both very lucky. Alton almost dotes on that boy, he must think a great deal of Eric to release him to you."
"Does he really, I had no idea."
"Yes, I think the boy must have hit a heart string with him, most unlike Alton. You know how he can be when it comes to his boys."
"Yes, he has changed a lot from the old days when he was out for blood all the time."
"Yes, you know we had to enforce section 23 on him three years ago, don't you?"
Section 23 was a part of the tenets of conduct for a Master whereby he was considered to be using excessive force bordering on abuse on his slave and was then taken before the council of Primes for a hearing. If found guilty he was subjected to the councils discipline by the Master of the Rod, if it was serious this could take days and sometimes weeks before he was released to continue his life. And he was not allowed to have a slave for a period of six months and then must report to the council weekly for the next six months to make sure his slave was being well kept and cared for. It was severe but it was also for the protection of our way of life, to administer our own justice kept the usual public attitudes out of our business.
"No Grant, I didn't know, as you're aware I've been out of contact for a number of years. I was ready to give it all up after Cameron, but then my little dove appeared and, well you've all seen for yourselves, how could I refuse?"
"You're right James, how could you refuse. Are you enjoying yourself, Eric?"
"Yes, Prime Master Grant."
"No need for that, Eric, 'sir' will do tonight. This night is to honour you so you can relax and enjoy, ok?"
"Thank you, sir."
"Eric, come stand up here beside me."
Eric stood up and took the step toward me. I took out my key and turned him around and released the padlock holding his chastity belt, removing it I hung it on the back of his chair. The look on his face as he realised he was free for the evening was worth the battle and pain in my mind for the whipping he'd had earlier.
"Ok Eric, you're free for this evening but you don't cum without my permission as usual, ok?"
"Oh, thank you Master, but it's going to be hard. I'll try my best."
"No Eric, you won't try, you will not cum without my permission is an order not a request."
"Yes Master."
"Good boy, now anything else is yours to have tonight except that, ok little dove?"
"Yes James, thank you, I'll not cum till you tell me."
As the other slaves left their Masters to get the first course of dinner I looked down at Peter waiting for his orders.
"You may go with the others boy, for the first course, when you return you will service the Child of Mythra while he has his soup, he is not to cum, understand?"
"Yes Master."
"Good boy, off you go."
Peter rose from the floor and went off after the others. As I looked down at Eric, as hard as ever at the thought of what was to come when the soup arrived, his rigid little flag pole begining to drip at the idea of it. Who could resist, I hit the remote, he went into instant overdrive as 'buzz' started to get him in the mood. The wriggles moans and white knuckles on the edge of the table told everone at there what was happening. Nigel looked at him then me with an eyebrow raised.
I smiled in agreement.
"You can still be an evil bugger, can't you James?"
I smiled again just as the soup arrived and Peter placed the plates on the table. Then he ducked underneath and between Eric's legs as I switched off 'buzz' taking Eric fully into his mouth. The look of total bliss came over Eric's face as the hotness of Peter's mouth swallowed him to the pubics. I hit Peter's remote to give him an incentive, the table was in an uproar as the wriggling and moaning took over from our soup.
"You going to keep them at it all night, James?"
"Well they need a bit of fun too, Nigel."
The other slaves knelt at their Master's feet with a look of longing on their faces as they watched Eric convulsing, moaning and wriggling on his chair. He was so close he was going to explode, then Peter appeared from under the table, glanced in Eric's direction. With a look of satisfaction at seeing he had timed it right, knelt between us again waiting but with a look of pain on his face as his own 'buzz' continued to stimulate him. I switched it off and the glazed look began to disappear from his face.
"Better have our soup, Eric."
"Yyyyyeesss, JJames."
"Feel better, Eric?"
"Not yet, James."
(Chuckle) "You will later"
Eric fell to his soup and kept looking sidelong at Peter kneeling at our feet. The precum still flowing copiously from his organ. Peter looked up into my face in askance, I nodded, he went to Eric and cleaned him off just enough to keep him clean then returned to his position waiting to do it again as needed.
As I looked around the room at the assembled Masters and Slaves I noticed a lot of them looking in Eric's direction, the Masters with envy and respect, the slaves with adoration at my little dove of a boy and his glowing globes bare on the chair as he squirmed about during Peter's ministrations, many a happy nod came from the Masters as they caught my eye.
"We have some entertainment organised for after dinner, James, if you'd care to stay for it?"
"Yes, I'll be here, the boy will want to see what the annual conclave is all about, Nigel."
"Good, Greg (the Master of the Rod) is going to get his boy up for a heating, he was asking if you'd do a stint on the stock for us all?"
The stock he was talking about was a short whip used mainly in Australia and New Zealand on cattle farms and stock stations in Aussie. It's usually made with a cane handle about 15" [38 cm] in length, the tail is of plaited leather about 6 feet [1.80 m] long starting at 1" [2½ cm] in diameter and tapering to it's thin end leaving a tab with a slot like a button hole in the end. To this was attached about 8" [20 cm] of three stranded string to act as a 'cracker'. It's also plaited into the end and can be used not only for its sound value but can cut like a hot knife through butter and in the wrong hands will do permanent damage. A good proponent of the stock whip can shred a small bush in seconds and leave only the stem, it is very dangerous to use and takes a lot of practice to do what they were expecting from me later in the evening.
"Yes I think I can arrange that for us all, I'll just call Alton and see if he's agreeable to allowing Peter to be a part of it."
I looked around and saw Alton at a far table with friends and signalled him. He rose and made his way through the throng to our table.
"James, you were wanting me?"
"Yes Alton, I've been asked to do a stint on the stock later and wondered if you would lend me Peter for the action. Of course I'll need you there to keep an eye on him."
"Ahha, so they talked you into it did they?"
"Yes, sucked in as usual, do you mind?"
"Not at all, he needs a heating up and I'd like to see you in action again. The last time gave me shivers for a week afterward."
"Good, ok then later, how you getting on without your boy for service?"
"No worries there, Alex has got his boy doing a great job keeping us both happy."
"Well young Peter is doing a great job here to, seems Eric is on tenterhooks all the time."
"You got him 'buzzed' as well then?"
"Yep, he likes it and with Peter adding a little spice he should be ready for a duet with the stock."
"A duet, haven't seen that before?"
"Haven't done it before, it's one of those make it up as you go jobs, should be fun."
"I have a feeling it will be. Well I better get back, I'll see you for the fun."
"Ok Alton, thanks again for Peter he's been a real help so far."
"Glad to hear it, let me know if he plays up." (chuckle)
"Will do, later then?"
"Ok later."
Alton returned to his table and I looked over at Eric. He had a pensive look on his face as he remembered the conversation and what the future of the night would bring. I signalled Peter that Eric was looking a little soft and needed his help before the next course arrived. He diligently ducked under the table to help Eric's little problem, to help him I hit the button on both their remotes and leaned back in the chair with a grin as they both tried to concentrate on the task in hand. Eric trying not to cum and Peter trying to bring him as close as possible while the vibrators tried to upset them both.
Nigel looked over at me raising his eyebrows in a 'oh god you're a bastard' look, then the rest of the table caught up with what was going on and roared out with laughter at the antics of the two boys.
Peter was well taught in that by the end of the dinner he had brought Eric to the peak no less than nine times without loosing it. It appeared that Eric had all but forgotten his episode with the ten kisses and was now centered on his own groin and the non release of his pent up needs.
The food and wine had taken its toll on the Masters and as we sat back to relax their slaves were allowed to leave their positions and go to the kitchen area for their own meals. We would have about an hour to relax and chat as Greg set up his body stocks in the center of the room. We waited until the boys had returned to the hall, then Nigel rose to his feet to make the announcements.
"Masters, we now have a little entertainment for you before the evening degenerates to its normal standard of the conclave. Master Greg is going to give his boy a little heating, and then Prime Master James has agreed to show us the stock."
At this the whispering began as none of the new slaves had seen the stock used as I planned to and a few of the newer Masters had not seen it as well so the hubbub was runing around the room as they tried to find out what went on.
"Masters please, a bit of shush for a minute then the fun begins. Prime Master James has agreed to do a duet with the stock and Master Alton has kindly allowed his slave Peter to be a part of it, so before Master Greg continues I'd like a show of fists for everyone in appreciation."
A loud banging of leather gloved fists hitting tables was the reply to Nigel's request, then all settled back in their chairs to watch. As I said before Greg was all brute force but one thing he had was an almost uncanny sense of timing and positioning with the whip head, he was one of those people that could shave you with a whip. He used all strength to control it and not technique as I used, due mainly to the size difference in us, as I was not able to generate the brute force he used for control.
Greg called out for his boy to join him in the center of the hall. I'd not seen his new boy and was surprised to see a very slim Asian boy of about 23 appear from the room beside the front stage area. He was of the China doll look, petite with a smooth skin completely shaven and no more than 5'4" [1.63 m] tall, slim and with two round little mounds to die for as far as a nice butt went he had it in spades. His small mast was erect and was only about the same as Eric's 5" [12 cm]
shaft. He strode to Greg and you could see the beginings of a challenge in his eyes, yes he had that inner strength to be a Master one day even though he did not have the muscle bulk of the so called ideal Master.
Greg took him up onto the platform and opened the stocks for him, placing his hands in the outer holes and his head in the center then lowering the locking board. When he was fitted into place Greg went to the rear of the stocks and raised the the boards holding the boy with a winch until he was up on his toes. Then Greg returned to the front and spoke quietly in the boy's ear, the boy nodded his head the Greg went to his table and selected a 12 foot [3½ m] Lansing similar to a bull whip but more of a bay version. It was still not to be toyed with, a good lansing could tear you apart in seconds, it was a brute of a whip and needed a man with the strength of a brute to control it.
Greg turned to the crowd and set out the planned exhibition.
Chapter 2 Whipping Entertainment
I watched as Greg with a quick flick of the wrist uncurled the 12 foot black Lansing out on the floor behind him to it's full length. The Lansing was also known as the Black Snake because of its two thin strips of leather at the end looking like a forked tongue. He stepped back about nine feet [2½-3 m] and to the left of the boy. The forked tongue seemed to have a life of its own as it lay waiting for that first chance to strike. The muscles began to bunch and cord on Greg's forearm and biceps as he readied the Lansing, he looked about at the attentive crowd, noting the looks of anticipation at the pain and pleasure to come.
"Fellow Masters, my boy Lim has asked to be taken to his limit and therefore has returned his safe word to my keeping for this occasion. I ask you to show your appreciation for his trust."
Every leather gloved fist slammed down onto the table tops, in recognition of this momentous happening even the slaves were allowed, by a stamp of their feet, to show recognition for Lim's honour and bravery. If it were not for the dictates of the tenets of a Master's behaviour under the Mythra's Code of Conduct, Greg could literally flay the boy to the bone at the giving up of his safe word. Although there was not a Master here that would have allowed that to happen, Lim was still taking a big risk had he not had complete confidence in Greg's ability and care for him.
The arm muscles writhed and jumped, the Lansing appeared to lazely lift from the floor silently as it rose and uncurled toward the defenseless boy in the stocks. With a wrist action from Greg the whip reached out toward the bare flesh and just like the snake it was began to wrap around the the childish slim waist of the boy from the back, around the stomach, over the left hip and then the double tongues cracked onto the right butt cheek with the sound of thunder as a red V shaped welt appeared perfectly placed at the top of that small mound.
Every muscle in Lim's body tensed as the first bight hit him, every muscle appeared to want to leave his body to find some relief from the lightening strike of the forked tongue. With a roll of the wrist Greg coaxed the whip to unfold from the boy's body with a soft swishing sound it returned to its place on the floor behind its Master as the groan sounded around the hall to the waiting ears.
At the strike Eric had jumped in his chair and was now looking up to me silently asking, almost begging me to hold him. This was the first time he'd seen what a real whip can do, I nodded and he slid from his chair to climb onto my lap with his back to my chest as I circled his waist to hold him close as he stared at Lim in the stocks; the 4" [10 cm] V welt now bright red showing clearly.
"How many will he get, James?"
"He gave up his safe word Eric, it's up to Greg to decide when he's had enough."
"But that's real dangerous, isn't it?"
"Yes very dangerous, unless you trust your Master with your life like Lim does. Greg's a big brute of a man but he knows what he's doing with that Lansing. If you look closely at Lim's butt you can just see some of the marks from other times."
"Oh yes, I see them now like little white scar marks."
"Yes that's the ones, although he doesn't have a lot of them so I guesse that Greg has not used it on him a lot of times so I guessed he is looking to prove his devotion to Greg tonight in front of all the Masters here. Also I think he gave up his safe word because of you."
"Me, why me?"
"Didn't you see him look over at you before Greg locked him in the stocks?"
"I think he's doing this to show honour to you for what you did with the cat."
"But I'm just a slave like he is?"
"No my little dove, you're not just a slave like he is. You're a chosen Child of Mythra, it's more than any slave here will ever be and they know it. You'll see that they'll treat you with the same respect they give to a Master from tonight on."
The tongues twitched again and were on their way toward their target. Again it wrapped around the slim waist, this time leaving their mark on the top of the left cheek then returned to the place behind Greg only to jump again and find a new point to torture. Right, left, right, left, on it went the screams echoing around the hall as the boy straind in his bonds, his skin covered in fast flowing sweat, his hard tool erect, bouncing as the whip struck again and again to leave its V marks on the perfect flesh of those small mounds, not drawing blood but lifting a welt that at the slightest miscalculation could open up the flesh.
Greg worked his butt and at the thirtieth stroke he yelled out.
"Now boy, now."
Limn's high pitched scream caught everybody by surprise as he let go with shot after shot of cum sending it six feet [1½-2 m] out from the front of his body. Muscles shaking with the release of the pain and tension of his servitude to his needs as Greg coiled the whip and dropped it to the floor as he went quickly to his boy to hold him and caress his shivering frame. Then lowering the stocks he quickly released the boy and took him in his arms as he collapsed against Greg's chest.
Thunderous applause broke out with the call of 'Lim. Lim, Lim' resounded around the hall. The boy unsteadily rose to his feet with Greg's help, then whispered in Greg's ear looking over to where Eric sat in my lap. Greg looked over at us and nodded to Lim who then shakely made his way over to us and in front of Eric took the third position asking.
"Child of Mythra, would you honour me with your blessing?"
Eric looked up to me in askance, I whispered in his ear.
"Stand in front of him, place your hand on his head and say, 'I the Child of Mythra bless your bravery and honour'. Then take the second position in front of him, ok?"
Eric nodded his head and left his seat on my lap to stand in front of the boy, placing his hand on the boy's head he spoke out in a loud clear voice for all to hear.
"I, the Child of Mythra, bless your bravery and honour."
Eric sank to the second position as Lim spoke out.
"Child of Mythra, I follow thee."
Eric looked up to me and I nodded for him to sit in his chair. Once this was done Lim took his feet and returned to where Greg stood a look of pride on his face. Eric did not realise it but he had just given a position to Lim that would make him the envy of all the slaves there and Eric would now have a valuable friend for the rest of his life. As Lim joined Greg in the center of the hall more pandemonium broke out as the blessing was finished.
Greg with little Lim behind him turned and bowed in Eric's direction as they made to leave the hall to see to the welts on Lim's butt, each one below the other with none overlapping, it was a beautiful piece of whipping done by an expert who new how to get the most without doing to much damage to the recipient.
As the two left the hall Nigel rose and called for quiet.
"Masters, there'll be a short delay while Master Greg sees to his boy, then we will have the pleasure of Prime Master James to entertain us, so relax and enjoy yourselves in the mean time."
The crowd returned to the drinking and good humoured talking until Greg and Lim returned to take a seat at Greg's table still covered with his equipment. Nigel again rose to his feet to explain what I was about to do.
"Masters, Master James has, as said earlier this evening, agreed to do a little demonstration for us. I believe it's to be a duet which I for one have never seen before. James says he's making it up as he goes along, but I'm sure knowing him as I do that it's not quite like that. So without further ado I give you Master James."
I rose from the chair and walked over to Greg's table to talk to him and select the stock whip I would need. The boys were still at the table waiting for my call to them. I looked down at the three stocks Greg had and selected a beautifully leather bound whip, heafting it in my hand to feel it's balance and weight. I looked at Greg and nodded, he returned the nod and smiled.
I looked over to the table where Alton was seated and nodded toward him as he stood and made his way to where I stood in the middle of the room. As he came over I checked the length of the 'cracker' (string tail) at the end of the stock, it was an eight inch [20 cm] length doubled over and plaited into the end of the whip which gave me four inches [10 cm] of playing area.
"How you feel about this, Alton?"
"What you going to be doing?"
"Not the same as last time you saw it. I don't want to lay it on Eric tonight, he's had enough for one night I think."
"Yes I agree, but I would like you to tickle up Peter a little if you don't mind?"
"Ok with me, but I want to make more of a demo out of it than a heating up. I'll give Peter a little extra for you."
"Good, do you want me here with you? I'm happy to leave him in your hands."
"Thanks, but I'd feel happier with you here, if you don't mind?"
"Not at all, I'd be glad to be close to the action this time round."
"Good, are you happy to follow my lead with the boys?"
"Yeah sure, just tell me what you want and he's yours."
"Ok we'll bring them out and strip them, then I'm going to get them to hold a piece of paper in their mouths and cut it from them piece by piece. From then on it's going to depend on how they act as to how far I take it. I want them under the no cumming rule till we tell them, ok with you?"
"Fine, let's get started."
"BOYS, come."
Peter rose from his place on the floor as Eric got off his chair, both boys looked good walking beside each other as they came to where we waited out in the center of the hall. When they reached us they took up their positions facing us and standing in the present, bodies taut and erect. I noticed a longing look in Peter's eyes as he stared at the whip in my hands. As I called to Eric to turn around Alton did the same to Peter and we unlocked their belts but left all of their other leathers on. Alton spoke to Peter first.
"Boy, you will continue to obey all Master James' instructions as before, except you will not cum until I give you express permission to do so, is that clear, speak?"
"Yes Master."
I spoke to Eric for all to hear.
"Boy, you will also not cum until my command is that clear, speak?"
"Yes Master."
I took from my coat pocket a piece of writing paper I had got earlier and folded down it's length until it was only an inch wide and then flattened it.
"Ok boys, you'll stand apart facing each other at about 12 inches [30 cm]. I'll then place this paper between your teeth and you'll hold it there, you'll not let it go at any time. If you do the punishment you get will remain with you for life, understand?"
A blink each and a nod from them both assured me that they would obey. I got them into position and placed the paper in their teeth, then stepped back to see that they were both still erect in the present position, their hard shafts were erect and beginning to pulse at the thought of the whip in my hands.
"Peter bring your elbows back a little more, Eric lift your head an inch, good, now neither of you move from that position."
A hush had come over the hall, the stock was not an often used whip and it had rarely been seen in use, because of it's light weight and short length it was a hard whip to master and control for the sort of delicate work I had in mind. I began by loosening up the 'cracker' splitting its fibres by cracking the whip in fast staccato cracks for and aft using a double snapping motion. To an untrained person it was like a machine gun firing on full automatic, as the end freed up I began to move the whip closer and closer to Peter's butt, inch by inch closing in on it until he could feel the power of the sound vibrations on his skin. His tight butt was trembling as the whip cracked within an inch of his skin then with an overhead twist I circled the whip and brought it around to behind Eric's butt starting about six inches [15 cm] out and again working inwards till he also felt the wind brushing his butt cheeks.
Both boys were quivering all over at the thought of what that whip head could do, their dicks tight and pulsing, again I used the overhaed move and started again on Peter, the 'cracker' barely brushing him, his face was white as he waited for that first hard lash that just never came, causing him to shiver more as his mind played tricks on him. Then it was Eric's turn again, as he got to the same state as Peter I flicked the whip into the air and with a double crack brought it down on the middle of the paper in their mouths cutting it cleanly in half like a sharp knife. Both pairs of eyes opened wide as they saw what the whip was capable of doing to their skin if I should misjudge it.
On the forward stroke I took an inch of paper from Eric's mouth and on the back stroke an inch from Peter's until they had the paper cut to within half an inch of their noses. Unadulterated fear showed in their eyes, their faces white with strain to keep still. The flashing and cracking whip sending vibrations through them as it hummed and cracked so close to them. The whip had been working non stop since the start, I was soaked in sweat and needed to remove my jacket to free my arms for what was going to be very precise work. I stopped and lowered the whip.
"Boys stay as you are, Alton would you mind holding this for me while I get rid of this jacket, now I'm warmed up I can get down to the real work."
Alton nodded and reached out for the whip taking it in his hand and studying it closer, I removed my jacket as the two boys stood still shivering at the memories of what had just happened and at the fear of what was to come (it's called mind games). I was not going to lay the whip on them in any way that they would really feel its sting but I'm sure they would afterward swear they had been whipped. I returned to Alton and took up the whip again, now my arm was free from the coat I felt a lot more confident to continue.
I stood as before and began the stacato cracking lifting the whip slowly up Peter's body from the front until it was cracking an inch from his nipples then moved it inward until it was just caressing them, making them harden and stand out. The sound shock waves teasing him further but the whip never touching him, his erect rod dripping precum like a tap as I manuvoured the tip over to his other nipple. I opened my left hand so that Alton could see what I had and then pushed the go button on his remote, the effort to not move as the whip cracked so close took a super human effort on Peter's behalf as the vibrator sang its song deep in his butt, sweat rolled off his faces at the sheer determination to not move.
I left his Buzzer going as I moved the whip over toward Eric for the same treatment and again as the shock waves teased his nipples I hit his remote as well. Both boys were shaking and quivering as all the sensations hit at the same time, Peter, then Eric back to Peter and again Eric. The pool of precum began to spread on the floor below them. I dropped the whip head down to their groins using the shock wave effect again on their scrotums and small ball sacks as they tried to supress their moans and groans as the pressure built up in them. They were so close that just a touch would put them over the top so I looked to Alton and nodded and as we both said the words.
"Cum now."
I flicked out the whip to lay the tip of it onto their glans as they spouted their cream for all to see covering each other in hot spurts as they came again and again. I lowered the whip to the floor and went to hug my beautiful boy in his throws of ejaculation.
"Oh my little dove you're truly magnificent."
"Oooohhh, aarrggghh, aahhmmmm, Jamesss, I love you."
"I love you to little dove, feel better now?"
We could not hear the uproar of the crowded hall, we were in our own little world as his orgasm came to a shuddering end, his heavy breathing hot on my face as I held him tight in my arms, softly rubbing his back.
"How did you like that, Eric?"
"It was horrible but good too, I was waiting for you to hit me hard. The more it went on without it hitting me the more horrible it felt, but I trusted you, I knew you wouldn't hurt me again tonight, I just knew it."
"What about your Peter, Alton, did he like it?"
(Chuckle) "You scared the life out of him. He said he'd rather I whipped him all night than have to do that again. I could almost feel it myself as though you were hitting me, jeez James you know how to play head games that's for sure."
I looked at the two boys and then I smiled at the antics they were going through still jiggling about, twitching and shaking. I lifted both remotes out of my pocket and smilingly handed Alton his as he caught on to why the boys had not settled down.
"'Spose we better turn these off, James."
"Yes, they've had enough for tonight."
We switched off their vibrators and the sigh of contentment came from both boys as we made our way back to our respective tables. Once at our tables I glanced at my watch, it was 2.00am the night had disappeared somewhere and it was time to leave. I informed Nigel of my decision and he rose to tell everyone that we were leaving.
"Masters a bit of quiet please, the time is late and Founding Prime Master James and the Child of Mythra are leaving us. I will ask you all to show your respect as they depart. The hall is open till six am so those who wish can remain and party, but now Masters your respects please."
The Masters and Slaves took their positions as they had on our entrance so many hours ago as we took our last walk slowly down the hall and made our exit to the car and as I bundled my very tired little dove into the car I said.
"Tomorrow you will meet with the Mythra again and I'll tell you the legend, so you'll know more about your new position as the Child of Mythra, ok?"
"Yes James. James?"
"Yes, little dove?"
"Can I sleep in, in the morning, I'm really bushed."
"Yes kiddo, I'm going to as well, it's been a long time since I had such a late night."
I started the car and we pulled out of the parking slot to head home to a soft bed and a long sleep with my boy in my arms. Tonight he'd sleep with me and not alone in his room, I wanted to wake in the morning with him in my arms.
Chapter 3 History Lesson, Part One
When we had arrived home Eric was fast asleep in the car, so after parking I went around to his side and carefully lifted him in my arms making sure that the cuts on his back did not have pressure put on them, and then carried him into the house. He gave a little murmer as I lifted him but then snuggled back into my chest, a very tired and worn out boy.
Once in the bedroom I gently woke him and began to remove all his leathers and restraints; then turned him on his front and checked the marks to see that they had not opened up any more and were not weeping into the bandages. Having checked it all to my satisfaction I then laid him down in the center of the bed and proceeded to undress and join him for a well earned rest.
In the early hours of the morning I was awakened by a small groan as Eric turned over onto his back and with a start at the pain jumped against me. I leaned over and took him in my arms brushing back the hair on his forehead and whispered to him that he was safe. He snuggled once again into my side and drifted back into noddy land a smile on his lips as he tucked his head under my arm and clasped my chest.
When the new dawn came I looked down at him and saw a little blood on his bandages and as he made to get up I told him to stay there and turn onto his stomach, while I had a good look at his back and repaired any damage that the night had done. After carefully removing the bandages I could see that the bleeding had been minimal and with fresh dressings he would be ok to move around.
"Ok kiddo, you stay there. I'm just going to rebandage these stripes and then we'll have breakfast. You're excused duties for this morning until you've recovered a little better, then we have a lesson on the Mythra for you to do."
"Thanks James, it does feel a bit sore at the moment."
"It'll be ok soon as I change the dressings. I was really proud of what you did, but you should have said something to me or taken a smaller count. You're going to be sore for a few days now until they heal up so it'll put a slow down on a few things for you till then."
"It's ok James, it was for you, and now I know I can do it, I feel a lot better for it now."
"You did really good kiddo, now lay there and let me fix you up."
After soaking the dressings to make them easier to remove I set about tending his back and a few minutes later was all done. I reached to the bedside table and took up his codpiece and began to fit it on him.
"Just go have a light wash for now, buddy, then breakfast, after we'll sit and talk a bit then after lunch you'll have your next lesson, ok?"
"Ok James."
He took off for the bathroom and I went to the kitchen to get it ready for him, when he arrived I sat him down and allowed him to eat sitting for a change.
"You all finished, kiddo?"
"Yes James."
"Ok, start cleaning up then come into the lounge, and I'll have another coffee when you're finished."
"Ok James, I won't be long. Do you want your coffee now while I clean up?"
"Ok, then bring it in now."
I left him to get on with the clean up and made my way to the lounge and switched on the TV for the morning news while at the same time going over in my mind all that I would have to pass onto him later after lunch. It had been a while since I'd had to do the history of the Mythra and I didn't want to make any mistakes. I got up and went over to the third painting to check and see that it was properly presented and when satisfied I recovered it and sat down to finish my coffee.
When Eric arrived in the room he came and knelt beside my chair as he'd been told but this time facing me, and with a wince of pain on his face attepted to lift his arms into position behind his head.
"No Eric, leave your hands down for the moment. It's going to be painfull for a little so this time if you just try lifting them a little at a time, your back will loosen up. Just raise them until you feel sore then lower them and after a couple of minutes try again a little higher each time."
He did as he was told, and I could see he was pushing himself to do it. Good, a little pain would prepare him for other things later in his training. At last he made it but was still in a little pain but at least he was trying to overcome it in his mind. He knelt there looking up into my eyes, silent and watchful, waiting for me to speak or to indicate what I wanted from him.
"You're doing great, Eric, keep it up as long as you can, then take a rest. Let me know when you're ready."
I again sat back and watched the News broadcast as he waited and watched. Twenty minutes later I could see he was struggling to keep his position, his face covered in sweat, small chest tight and straining, his arms shaking but he wouldn't quit. I leaned over and looked at his back, it had not started to seep through the dressings but it wouldn't be long so I told him to rest.
"That was great Eric, you did really well, now relax and come and sit here near my legs and get comfortable, while I tell you a few things for later."
With a look of pride tinged with relief Eric lowered his arms and shuffled to a sitting position between my legs and rested his head on my thigh as he kept his eyes on my face. A small smile stretching his lips as I rubbed his head slowly and lightly, caressing his silken beauty and also smiling down at him as he snuggled closer placing a hand under his head on my thigh.
"Ok Eric, this afternoon you'll be doing the next of the Mythra, now normally you'd only be seeing the third one in preparation for your first conclave, then later on the fourth just before you're presented to prepare you for your kisses to the cat. However after what you did so proudly last night, I'm going to do both of them for you because you've already taken the steps, but you need to know what was behind it all, ok so far?"
"Yes James."
"Well first I have to outline the legend as it was passed down to us so that you will see how important your position of Mythra's Child is compared to the other slaves. The naming last night in our society is like winning a gold medal at the Olympics, you understand how important that is don't you?"
"Yes, really was it like the Olympic medals?"
"Yes, you'll see why after I tell you our history."
Eric settled further onto my legs, relaxing and at the same time attentive to every word.
"You good and comfortable, this takes quite a while to go through and you have to remember as much of it as you can for this afternoon. You don't have to be word perfect but some of it will come up during the ceremony."
"I'll do my best, James."
"That'll be enough, later you'll get a manuscript to read it all again and learn it all by heart."
"Our history is believed to have started around 1200bc in the province of Sparta in what is now called Greece. They were in those days called the Laconians. The city of Sparta was in the valley of the river Eurotas in the southern Peloponnese, the other four main towns were spread out from Sparta but nowadays there is only four of them named. We believe the fifth was called Mythraenos, after a local Deity or minor god of war and servitude called Mythros. Ok so far?"
"Yes I think so."
"Now the four main cities were of course Sparta, then there was Pitane, Limnai, Mesoa and Kinosoura. We believe that Mythraenos was not just one city but was made up of five villages but close enough to be called one. They were on the slopes and valleys of Mount Taygetos, these were called, Pilane, Selacia, Aigitida,Pharu and Amikles. Altogether they were a population of about 3000 people.
"Ok, The Laconians, or Spartans as we know them today in history books, were a very modern people, and were very advanced in mathmatics, architecture, astronomy, and many other of the arts and crafts like music and sculpture, but what they were most famous for was there military strength and fighting abilities. They had a system that allowed them to spend most of their time looking to conquer other states and by using Perioikoi, or people who were friendly to them, and also Helots, who were captured slaves to do all the mundain work like farming and such like. They were able to devote their lives to a more war like attitude, now most of the general population of Spartans lead a pretty austere life but there was one small city Mythraenos, that lead a life so hard and rigid that they were known to be the toughest fighters of all Sparta. You keeping up with all this?"
"Yes, sort of, all these names are a bit confusing though."
"You'll get the hang of it all after a while. Right, the Mythraenians were dedicated to war and to the service of the state. When an army was needed they would be the first to provide the troops, the other cities held them in such respect that they were given the honour of taking the first lines in battle and were always the last to leave the field at the end, those that were still alive. When they were 16 years old they were taken into an 18 man conclave or mess hall, now that in itself was unusual as the rest of Sparta would wait until the young men were 20 years old before they were taken in and then the mess hall would only have about 15 men. The reason for the number being 18 was so that each man was partenered with a younger one to teach, protect and of course love. These partnerships were only broken by the death of one or the other in battle, the youth at 16 was given a shield by his parents as a sign of adulthood and was told 'You will always carry this sheild on your return home or be carried upon it'.
"This was to say that they were to return home only at the end of battle and never in retreat, or die on the field and be carried home to be cremated so their soul would go to Mythros in honour. He was also given his cloak of a blood red colour, that and his short tunic were the only clothes he was allowed to wear. The red colour of the cloak was said to hide any blood from wounds so that the enemy did not know he had been injured. It was also used to wrap his body in after death, during a battle his shield was bound to his arm so that it would not be taken from him and was also there for the others of his conclave to carry his body on if he was killed."
I looked down at Eric, a slightly stunned expression on his face as he tried to take in all he'd heard so far.
"I think we need another coffee so you can sort it all out in your mind, ok?"
"Yes, I'll get one for you now."
He took off to the kitchen to get my coffee and when he returned he had a coke in his hand for himself. He settled down again between my legs taking up the same position as before. We sat and drank for a few minutes and then when he looked ready I began again.
"Until around 800bc Sparta kept to itself, but the general population began to soften from what they once were, except of course for Mythraenos and its people who maintained their customs in the name of Mythros. In 776bc the son of king Eumenos, Lykourgas, came to the throne of Sparta after his elder brother Polydektes died. Because of a lot of internal politics he decided to give up the throne to the son of his elder brother after he was born, but on seeing the state of the Spartan people and their decline he instead took the child to Agora and gave him the name Charilaos and proclaimed him king of the Spartans. Lykourgos then left Sparta and began his search for a new truth and to bring back to the people a constitution that would restore the people to their former life. On his way out of Sparta he entered Mythraenos and was so impressed by what he saw as a true way of life for a Spartan that he took notes on how they lived and then continued his travels to Crete, Egypt, Libya, and later on to Spain and Asia always searching for the right ways to bring his people back from their decadence. He returned to Sparta some twenty or so years later with his idea of a constitution and with many trials and tests he eventually convinced the Spartan people to accept the constitution and made them promise never to change it until he returned. He then left Sparta again and went to Delphi where he died and left instructions that his body was to be cremated and the ashes spread on the wind thereby denying even the body being returned to Sparta and so the people because of their word of honour had to continue to live under his rules of the constitution."
I looked again at Eric sitting there almost bewitched by the story, but I could also see he was having trouble trying to follow so much information at one time. So I decided to take a break and prepare a little lunch for us both before going on and let him ask questions while we ate to clear up anything he was not sure of. The history was normally given over a longer period but due to his performance the night before he deserved the right to go to the fourth Mythra as soon as possible. It would not have been fair to him to keep him back now and I was sure he was bright enough to take in most of the salient points for the ceremony later in the day.
"Ok kiddo, enough for now let's have lunch and you can ask some questions, then afterwards we'll continue."
"James this is so exciting. I didn't know old history could be so good."
"Well I like to think our part of it is good anyway, buddy, ok let's eat."
We got up and went to the kitchen and prepared for the nose bag and a bit of a rest.
Chapter 4 History Lesson, Part Two
"How does your back feel, Eric?"
"It's better now, it feels looser and now there's hardly any pain, just a numbness most of the time."
"Well let's get back to our history lesson. Let's get comfortable again, you ok down there?"
"Yeah this is great."
I settled back again and put my hand on his head softly stroking his hair. It was a relaxing feeling and helped to organise my mind as he sat and watched me with anticipation.
"Well the children of Mythraenos started their training from the day they were born. On the night of their birth they were left naked and the father's shield was layed outside the door to the house upside down with a black cloth laid on it. The baby was put down on top of it, he was left there for the night. If he was still alive and fighting in the morning he was taken back into the house to be raised to adulthood and given his name. If he died during the night as he had no name he was not mourned but instead cremated that day and the ashes given to Mythros in thanks for his honour. Breast feeding was kept to a minimum and as soon as the baby could be weaned, he was begun on a diet which was the norm for the people. Any more he wanted he had to go and find for himself, even though he had to crawl to do so. The normal fare for those days in Mythraenos was olives, goat cheese, wine and a type of gruel that most others outside Sparta said was so vile that it was inedible and that only the Spartans could stomach it.
"As the child grew he became attached to others of his age group and they hunted for food or stole what they wanted to eat. They spent most of their time fighting with others in readiness for their adulthood. They were kept naked until they were seven years old and then they were given their only piece of clothing that they would wear winter or summer; that was a tunic that barely covered them, but that was all they were allowed. They were never given sandals unless they were going into battle, so their feet became like steel shod boots.
"From the age of five they were beaten daily with a strega, which is like a paddle but made from ox hide; it was about two feet [60 cm] long with a handle of wood, the leather strap was quite rigid about one hand wide, that is about six inches [15 cm], and four hands [30 cm] in length. The leather was about a half inch thick and on one side was smooth and oiled, on the other it was rough and studded with small holes. In the morning when they arose the five year olds would line up and standing at what we now call the 'Present'. They would wait while the six year olds would give them five strokes with the oiled side on their back or butts. In the evening before they retired for the night they were given five strokes with the rough side. If they called out or moved they were made to crouch down in what we call the 'Position of Penitence' and recieved one stroke from each of their age group for showing weakness in front of their group. After this was done, the six year olds would line up and the seven year olds would do the duty. When it was their turn, they would line up the same for the next older group; but they would recieve ten strokes morning and night, by the age of eight or nine. They were almost looking forward to the pleasure it gave them and would wait with anticipation for their turn. Even when they joined their conclave this went on until they went to their first battle and then after that they were deemed too important to the state for it to continue. You have all this buddy?"
"It's fascinating, did they really like the pain each day?"
"Yes, as far as we can tell it became a mark of honour with them. Anyway they continued with their training in battle tactics and weaponry. After years of training they were all very competent with all the weapons of the time like the javelin, heavy spear, sling, bow and long sword. Of all the Spartans they only used the short sword in battle and the only armour they wore was a pair of greaves on their legs and a helmet and shield, the rest of their bodies were never covered with armour like so many others. They believed, with their training, the freedom this gave for better movement and speed outweighed the advantages of armour. The shorter sword was to show honour to Mythros who would keep their soul in a special place by his side if they died in battle for his honour.
"As you can imagine being children and growing up in a place as hard as that, they were always hungry. To ease that they were expected to search themselves for any other food they needed. If they had to steal it, which was the norm, there was no disgrace in stealing only in being caught. The penalty was very severe for being caught and the whole age group was dishonoured if one of them was caught, even though the culprit was openly punished by the town's councilor, the whole group was laughed at by the rest of the boys and adults for being so careless as to let one of their own be caught. The penalty for being caught was thirty strokes of the strega, given by a newly admitted teen in one of the conclaves. That is where we got our Master of the Rod from; he is responsible for official punishment under the sign of the Mythra and at the command of the council of Primes. Got all that Eric?"
"Yes, they were a tough a lot then?"
"Yes, very tough and very dedicated. There are many stories of their valour and hardiness in battle. The two most prominent ones were the battle of the Six Hundred and the battle at Thermopylae where they were most famous for their dedication to king and state. In 547bc when Argos tried to recover Kynouria from the Spartans they agreed that instead of a full battle each side would select three hundred soldiers and the winner of the mini battle would take possesion of the city and state. The Spartans selected three hundred from Mythraenos and the Argives three hundred hoplites. A hoplite was well armoured and held a full length shield, also they used a heavy spear and carried a long sword. As you already know the Mythraenians had only their light greaves and shields with short swords. It would seem that they would not stand much of a chance against well armoured troops as the Hoplites, but at the end of the fighting there were only two hoplites alive and one Mythraenian and he was wounded but still standing. The Argives believing they had won left the field of battle claiming victory, but the Mythraenian named Othryades stood his ground and after the Argives had left, he went around the battle field and dismembered all the enimy bodies and then took his own life on the pile of bodies rather than return home after what he saw as a defeat. But the Spartans claimed it also as a victory as their man was the last standing on the field after the Argives left. As both sides claimed victroy they later decided to finish it the old way and the Argives were destroyed in the ensuing battle. The Spartans were led, as it would seem right, by two hundred Mythraenians into the battle to regain honour for Mythros and to avenge the death of Othryades.
"In 480bc Xerxes the Persian arrived at Thermopylae with his army of many thousands. When he found that the pass was only defended by three hundred Spartans and a mixed group of about seven thousand Hoplites from other friendly states commanded by King Leonidas, Xerxes could not believe his eyes at the small force and add to that the fact the Spartans were sitting around doing their hair and exercises instead of getting ready for the battle. Xerxes thought this was going to be easy, but was also confused at the antics of the three hundred Spartans. So he called his general Demaratos to explain. He told Xerxes that they were preparing to fight to the death and that it would not be an easy battle as the Spartan first ranks would be made up of two hundred Mythraenians. They would not retreat or surrender. Xerxes didn't believe him and delayed the battle for four days thinking that the enemy would run from the field as soon as they saw the size of his army. It is said that one of the hoplites was heard to say that he had heard that the archers of Xerxes were so many that the sky would darken with the arrows as the flew, a Mythraenian had answered 'So we will fight in the shade'. When the asked to surrender their arms King Leonidas said 'come and take them'. On the fifth day Xerxes ordered the attack, but when his troops were beaten back time and again he ordered his best forward, they were called the Immortals and were some ten thousand troops, the best in the army of Xerxes. For two days they attacked time and again but were pushed back sustaining huge losses.
"Eventually Xerxes was told about a Malian called Ephialtes who knew of a secret pass over the hills and behind the Spartans, he sent his best troops and the lightly held pass was surrendered to his troops. They came up behind the Spartan army in the pass of Thermopylae. When King Leonidas learned of this he called all his troops together and told them what had happened. If they wanted to find a better place to defend, King Leonidas was bound by the laws of Sparta. It is said that the Oracle at Delphi had said a king must fall at Thermopylae for Sparta to be safe, they decided to stay and fight but would allow those who wanted to go, to leave the field. Most of the hoplites left, but not one Spartan or Mythraenian moved. They knew they would all die but their duty to state and god their gods would never allow them to retreat. When all was decided King Leonidas did not wait for the attack to come, with his three hundred Spartans and seven hundred Thespian spearmen he charged the Persian thousands and pushed them back to the beach until at last when the last of the spearmen fell, they started to loose ground to the superior numbers. King Leonidas was killed during the battle and the Persians tried four times to steal his body but were beaten back by sword carrying Mythraenians until the last one fell. All there was on the field of battle was death and of course honour, as a mark of the ultimate in honour for stand of the three hundred Spartans the Greeks raised a marble Lion on the spot with the inscription,
'Oh stranger, tell the lacedaemonians (spartans), that we lay here, obediant to their laws'
"This act is the basis of our belief in the need to protect our slaves as they protected their state, and is a very important part or our belief in the Mythra. The part that is pertinent to you a a Child of Mythra is in the fact that during the old Olympic games a Spartan won the games more often than any other state. In fact it is believed that they won it more than forty times out of the eighty times it was held. Of the more than forty times it is thought that it was a person from Mythraenos that won it more than twenty five times for Sparta and he was given the title of 'Son of Mythros' and was allowed to fight at the right hand of the King in battle, which is the ultimate honour for a Spartan. Also the 'Son of Mythros' regardless of his age was allowed to select first a wife and then two young boys as his partners. They tended to all his needs and only when he went to his wife's bed for the purpose of having children of his own, did the boys not sleep with him. His wife was for the bearing of children only and his young men were for his pleasure. They would serve him anything he wanted, and also fought beside him when the time came, as they were still Mythraenians and had a duty and honour to maintain. These two boys were given priveleges and honours far beyond the other boys in their age group because of the standing of their protector. If the Son of Mythros fell in battle, these two boys would fight on over his body till they also fell or, if the battle finished before they died, they would take their own lives so as to accompany him to the throne of Mythros as a sign of their final honour.
"This is why you now are more important than the other submissives. You are named after these boys and as the 'Child of Mythra' your duty and sense of honour must guide you in you future. Soon you will be asked for advice and help from other slaves, your decisions will affect them and our honour. You're going to have a big load on your shoulders, but I want you to always remember that I'm not only your Master but also your Protector. You have any doubts at all about anything you can come to me for advice. At first it will be difficult for you to advise the others, but I'm sure you'll get the hang of it in time. Just always remember I'm here to protect you. I will never let you be hurt by anyone. So there we are kiddo, that's the outline of our history, what do you think?"
3; I
3; I'm stunned, it's so much, they were so brave. I couldn't do that sort of thing."
"You already have."
"Last night, that's why you're the 'Child of Mythra'. What you did is the same as the three hundred at Thermopylae and Kynoria. It was in a different way but it was just as brave as they were."
"I didn't think of it like that."
"Well it was, buddy. Before we go onto the ceremony I think we should take another break. How's your back feel, are you up to being able to hold the present for a longer time?"
"Yes James, I have to, my back doesn't matter now. I want to be a true follower if I can."
"You already are my little dove, you are more valuable to me than life itself."
3; thanks, James."
"You're welcome, kiddo now let's rest a bit, then we'll start again.
Chapter 5 The Third Mythra
"So Eric how does your back feel now?"
"It's ok, James."
"You sure? let me have a look at it, you're going to have all your leathers on this time."
"Yes I'm sure, if those boys back then can handle it, then I can."
"Ok, let's go through to your room and I'll get you locked into your gear."
"Ok, James."
We went into Eric's room and I began to dress him and lock his restraints on to him. When he was dressed, I looked him over, he was so beautiful when wearing his leathers, or without them for that matter, I took a last look then.
"Slave Eric, Present."
Eric with obvious pain, snapped into position and held it unwaveringly.
"Come boy."
I lead Eric to the lounge and when he was standing in front of the Mythra, I unveiled it.
"Bonded and Double Ringed Slave Eric, this is the Third of the Seven Mythra, 'May They Preserve' it is called 'Awakening' you will stand before it and study it until you understand its meaning."
I left Eric standing before the third Mythra and left the room to make some phone calls, one for later tonight and one for tomorrow. As I talked to the people on the other end of the phone I also ran over in my mind the next part of the ceremony to make sure my mind was clear on all the facts, having waited for 30 minutes I returned to Eric in the lounge.
"Boy, what do you see, speak?"
"Master I see the Dove of Mythra in full harness, I also see a look of awakening in his eyes."
"You have seen well boy, what do you surmise from this, speak?"
"Master, I surmise from this that you have awakened me to my true self and that I must follow the ways of the Mythra and fulfill your needs."
"How will you fulfill my needs boy, speak?"
"Master, to obey you in all things."
"Well said boy, now to explain the Third of the Seven Mythra 'May They Preserve' the mauve colour beginning at the top of the Mythra is to indicate that you have now entered into the domain of the Mythra, the darker purple is to tell you that you will be entering into the depths of our ways and that there is no turning back now that you have been accepted, the full harness of the Dove shows you your bondage to his discipline and to myself as your Master, his position on the plinth shows that in my eyes and the eyes of other Masters, that you will be held in high esteem as my submissive slave as long as you show honour to our ways. I will now ask of you questions of honour, you have my permission to answer freely when needed."
"Bonded and Double Ringed Submissive Slave Eric, to whom do we owe honour?"
There was a pause as Eric tried to work out in his mind what was meant and what the correct answer should be.
"Master, we owe honour to Mythros, God of war and servitude."
"And where were we born?"
"Master, the city of Mythraenos in the state of Sparta."
"Why were we born?"
"Master, to serve and to honour."
"What is the greater sin, to steal or to dishonour?"
"Master, to dishonour."
"To whom do we owe total servitude?"
"Master, to the teachings of the Seven Mythra, 'May They Preserve'."
"Bonded and Double Ringed Submissive Slave Eric, who among all the kings of Sparta do we honour above all else?"
"Master, King Leonidas we honour above all."
"Master, for he led us to ulitmate honour on the field of Thermopylae for all the world to see."
"Your answers are well received. You will step forward and as a sign of love and devotion to the Dove of Mythra, you will place three kisses upon him."
Eric took the two paces forward and placed the three kisses on the painting of the dove then stepped back to his original position facing the painting with myself standing behind him.
"Boy turn around and face me."
Eric smartly obeyed and it was now that I could clearly see the effort he was making to maintain his position of Present due to his wounds but he had to stay for a while more yet reguardless of the discomfort.
"Bonded Double Ringed Submissive Slave Eric, as you will be presented to the Conclave of Mythra you will remember the order of the Council of Mythra, you will pay attention."
Blink, nod.
"You will at all times show honour to the Founding Prime Master of Mythra by taking the third position when in his presence, unless ordered to do otherwise. You will show honour to the Prime Master of the Chair by taking the third position when in his presence. You will show honour to the Prime Masters of the Council by taking the second position when in their presence. You will show honour to all other Masters of the Mythra by taking the first position when in their presence. You will never speak to another slave without your Master's orders or the acceptance of the slave's Master. Do you understand these dictates, speak?"
"Master, I understand these dictates and obey."
Eric on the saying of the last word immediately went into the third position on the floor in front of me.
"Rise up and present yourself."
Eric rose back onto his feet, his head back, arms out, back arched, looking proud and so beautiful in his leathers and although he was sweating profusely from the efforts of this ceremony he showed an inner strength that made me so proud of him.
"Do you Eric, Bonded and Double Ringed, accepted Submissive Slave of myself, Founding Prime Master James, follower of the ways of the Seven Mythra 'May They Preserve' avow and attest to your full and freely given honour, to serve myself and the ways of the Seven Mythra, 'May They Preserve' to the fullness of your ability, speak?"
"Founding Prime Master James, I avow and attest to obey and to follow with honour both yourself and the ways of the Seven Mythra, 'May They Preserve' to the fullness of my ability."
"So saying I accept your final gift of servitude and offer you honour, approach me presented Submissive Slave Eric."
Eric stepped forward and I clasped him in my arms, careful of his back, and hugged him close, placing a kiss on his head as I carressed his warm and somewhat sweaty body, pulling his arms down from the present as I did so, he grabbed onto my waist and with an audible sigh snuggled in closer to my chest.
"Oh thank you James, that was so cool, when you asked all those questions I wasn't sure what the answers were."
"So how did you come up with them?"
"Well I sort of tried to relax, then they just came to me, just like, well popped into my head."
"That, my dearest Eric, is why you're now known as the 'Child of Mythra'. We like to think it's the dove of Mythra sending them to you."
"Do you really think so?"
"Well if it isn't, then you tell me what it was?"
"I don't know, they were just there when I wanted them."
"I told you before little dove, you are special, now do you believe me?"
"If you say so then it must be true, James."
"Ok kiddo, let's go and have a rest for a while, we're going to have a visitor later and we need something to eat before then, does your back feel ok?"
"It's a bit tender but I'm not worried about it now. It doesn't seem important after all this."
"Good, we still have a way to go yet, when our visitor gets here we'll do the fourth Mythra."
"Who's coming, James?"
"None of your business Mr. Nosey, wait and see."
"Yes, Founding Prime Master James."
"Good boy, you catch on fast, that's why I love you little dove."
"I love you to James, I feel so free when you're here teaching me."
"Good, ok let's go eat."
When I had finished eating I watched as Eric stood at the table finishing his and then told him.
"Eric when you've finished, clean up the kitchen while I get a few things ready for later, then go to the cabinet and get out two of the crystal whiskey glasses and the bottle of Glenfiddich and place them on the table in the lounge. After, I want you to go to your room and lay down till the door bell rings. When it does you will go and as usual answer it and show the proper respect for our visitor as you've been taught, then show him into me in the lounge, ok?"
"Yes Master."
I left Eric to finish up in the kitchen and went to the back room for some of the items I would need for the next presentation for him. Having collected everything I took it all to the lounge and placed them on the cabinet beside the paintings, covering them so he would not see them. I then went and sat in my usual chair where I could see the entrance way and began to again go over in my mind the next step. After Eric had readied everything for our visitor, he went to his room to rest as I had instructed. When the door bell rang some forty minutes later he was quickly at the door to open it, on opening the door he stepped back the single pace as required and went immediately to the third position and said in a clear voice.
"Prime Master of the Chair, I welcome you to the home of Founding Prime Master James, may I accompany you to him?"
Nigel of course would have nodded, and Eric arose and brought him into the lounge room then taking the second position beside my chair as I rose to greet Nigel.
"Prime Master of the Chair, I welcome you to my home."
"Founding Prime Master James, you honour me sir."
"The honour is mine, Prime Master."
"Now that's out of the way Nigel, would you like a whiskey and a seat?"
"Thanks James, I'd love one of each."
"Boy, pour the whiskey for Prime Master Nigel and myself."
Eric rose up and did as he was told then again took his place.
"So tell me James, how did our little dove do on the third?"
"Not to bad Nigel, and with only one lesson this afternoon he remembered nearly all of it."
"How many mistakes then, if that's all the lessons he had?"
"Well Nigel, I have to confess he made none at all."
"Really, that's brilliant, he's truly a Child of Mythra."
"Yes, but don't go swelling his head."
I leaned over and gave Eric a smile and patted his head. He blushed and at the same time straightened up a little more in his position.
"So you think he can handle the fourth then?"
"Yes, you know I wouldn't have asked you here otherwise."
"Yes true, I had to do a little reading up on the process to make sure I was clear on it for him."
"Yes, this is a little different than the norm for a fourth."
"Ahh well it's all good practice."
"You didn't bring your boy with you?"
"Now James, have you ever seen me go anywhere without that dear boy?"
"Well no, that's why I asked."
"He's out in the car, I wasn't sure if you'd want him in here on this occasion."
"Of course he can be here, why don't you go call him in?"
"You don't mind?"
"Not at all, boy escort Prime Master Nigel to the door."
Nigel rose up and with Eric in attendance went to get his slave from the car. Brian had been with Nigel for about five years and was well schooled by him, at the age of twenty three he'd soon be moving into a positon as a new Master and Nigel would be alone again until some one could be found to replace him. This can sometimes take years for the right person, although with the more relaxed attitudes of today's society it was becoming a little easier but could still take time. Nigel would be lonely for a while, I made a mental note to keep this in mind and offer company for him. Parting with a slave that had been your life and soul for a number of years was always taken hard by our society even though they would always show up for gatherings it was still hard to take.
When Nigel called for Brian to join us he turned and came back into the room and sat with me as Brian came to the door. Eric stood there at present waiting for him. Brian entered and seeing Eric he went to the second position saying.
"Child of Mythra, I follow thee."
Eric was quick to reply and as I had not told him how to accpet this greeting I was interested as to how he'd handle it, but true to form he took it in his stride and with a clear voice for both of us to hear said.
"Sir I accept your honour and welcome you to the home of Founding Prime Master James, allow me to escort you to your Master."
When Eric brought him into the lounge he took up his positon beside me as usual while Brian went to Nigel's chair and there took the third position in deference to me, waiting until Nigel released him, which he did immediately.
"Boy rest."
Brian came up to the second position and I noticed he could hardly take his eyes from Eric seated beside me. I looked over to Nigel.
"May I ask a question of you slave, Master?"
"By all means, Master James."
"Boy, why so interested in my slave?"
"Forgive me Founding Prime Master, but if I may speak freely?"
"Do so, boy."
"Founding Prime Master, my apologies for my dishonour, but the Child of Mythra, well Prime Master, he is so beautiful, forgive me for my dishonour and I will bow to your better judgement for my punishment."
"What do you think Master Nigel, does he deserve punishment for telling the truth?"
"Personally Prime Master, I think you should beat the living day lights out of him. But if you did that then you would have to punish me as well, for he has told nothing but the truth as I see it as well."
"Oh well Prime Master what can I say, if the truth is told then there should be no punishment. Boy, you are absolved of dishonour, instead I thank you for your words of thruth for the Child of Mythra is as you say."
Brian fell to the third position again in acknowledgement of the compliment and Nigel and I continued to finish our drinks and when all was done I rose and asked.
"Well Nigel I think it's time, don't you?"
Yes James, let's give our best to Mythra's Child."
Chapter 6 The Fourth Mythra
Secondly I would like to do something I have never done before and dedicate this chapter to a very nice young man in England who was so kind in his praise and interest of this story. So 'SUBBY' this as promised is for you, may you enjoy it as much as you enjoyed the previous chapters.
Nigel and I rose from our chairs, Nigel telling Brian to stay in his position as I turned to Eric.
"Boy come."
Eric rose and took up his position behind and to my left as we made our way over to the fourth painting, once there I turned around and faced Eric.
"Boy, you are before the Fourth of the Seven Mythra 'May They Preserve' you may freely answer any questions I ask of you, during my questioning you will remain in the first position, do you understand?"
"Yes Master."
"Prime Master of the Chair, would you ask of this Presented Slave any questions?"
"Founding Prime Master, I would ask of him some questions on Honour."
"Prime Master of the Chair, to this I would agree, and so ask what you will."
Eric was not going to enjoy this at all as it was a test set up to try to decieve him into making errors and therefore have to undergo punishment for his indescrections. The Fourth Mythra remained covered during this part of the ceremony and he would not know until the end if he'd passed or not.
"Presented Slave Eric, which is worse, to steal, to lie, or to show dishonour to your Master?"
"Prime Master of the Chair, to show dishonour to my Master."
"Presented Slave Eric, what are the positions of respect?"
"Prime Master of the Chair, to the Founding Master, the position of penitence, to the Prime Master of the Chair also the positon of penitence, to the Prime Masters of the Council the position of rest, to all other Masters the position of present."
"Presented Slave Eric, should you show dishonour to any afore mentioned, would you freely accept your punishment as dictated by the laws of the Seven Mythra 'May They Preserve'?"
"Prime Master of the Chair, I would gladly accept my punishment so as to redeem my honour for my Master."
"Presented Slave Eric, behind you is the covered Fourth Mythra, I ask you to turn and take two steps toward it and let the spirit of the Mythra enter your mind so that you may consider the answers you have given freely."
Eric turned and took the two steps toward the covered painting as Nigel turned toward where I stood on the left of Eric. As we began to talk to each other I kept an eye on Eric's back waiting for the response that was sure to come.
"Founding Prime Master, your Slave seems to have no respect for his betters."
"Prime Master of the Chair, it is my dishonour that he should be so."
"Founding Prime Master, would you deem it fit to offer punishment to such as he?"
"Prime Master of the Chair, I see no other alternative, it shall be done, BOY, come."
Eric turned toward me with a look of confusion. The questions buzzing through his mind as he tried to work out where he had gone wrong. All his answers had been correct as he saw it. He had held his position as he'd been told to. What had he done wrong? All these questions ran over his face as he came to stand before me.
"Boy, you disappoint me, having trained you myself and to see such disrespect for our ways is nothing less than dishonour, I offer you punishment, do you accept?"
"Founding Prime Master, I do accept."
I reached out and pulled the cloth from the cabinet beside me revealing the selection of tools laid out there.
"Presented Slave Eric, for moving without my permission I give you one stroke of the paddle; for talking to another Master without permission I give you one stroke of the strega; for not taking the positon due to the Prime Master of the Chair I give you one stroke of the cane; for showing such disrespect before the Fourth of the Seven Mythra 'May They Preserve' I give you one stroke of the cat with two claws. Do you accept this as fair punishment?"
"Founding Prime Master, I accept this punishment for my dishonour."
"Then turn to the Fourth Mythra."
Eric turned and faced the covered Mythra. I took up the blindfold from the cabinet and fixed it firmly over his eyes.
"Take the position of penitence boy."
Eric lowered himself to the third position his little butt high in the air as he'd been shown. I leaned down and unlocked his belt removing it and placing it beside him on the floor. Now those two globes were high, tight and bared, I left him there while Nigel and I took our time setting the scene up. By the time I returned to stand behind him and a little to the left he was starting to sweat with the waiting for that first swat. Ahh yes, the anticipation of the event could wreck havock with a young mind, he was getting a nervous twitch in the back of his thighs as the tension built inside him. I lifted the paddle bringing it down to within an inch of his now twitching butt cheeks, then back to full height.
"What say you boy?"
"Thththank yyyou Master."
I placed the paddle on the floor infront of his head and stood back noddinig to Nigel as I took up the strega turning it onto the smooth side and lining it up near the bottom of his butt near his thighs, then waited until he was showing signs of nervousness again. I looked again at Nigel and smiled as we both imagined what was going through Eric's head while he waited for that sudden impact. Five minutes, six minutes, seven minutes,
"What say you boy?"
"Ththank yyou Master."
The oil on the smooth side of the strega has a very tenderising effect on bare skin as he'd just found out. It felt like hot cooking oil on you when it struck and then seemed to stay and burn a little more than a dry paddle and the redness left to show the strike was very bright and lasted longer. I again placed it beside his head where he could see them when I removed the blindfold. I stood back again waiting with the cane in my hand, this was going to be a longer wait for him, it was bad enough to have a cane with your pants on, but rangoon cane was sturdy and very flexible and with it being held back by my left hand at the tip it would feel as though he had been cut in two. But it would only leave a welt and not open his skin, he would forever remember what a cane felt like even after one stroke.
Nigel and I quietly left him there on the floor as we made our way silently to the kitchen for a few minutes with his smarting butt and with the silence the tension would build even further and his mind would take over this would prevent him from finding his harmony and thereby negating the lesson being taught. The two of us stayed in the kitchen for fifteen minutes then silently returned to where Eric was waiting for us.
I took a stance beside him swishing the cane back and forth so he could hear its power and then I heard it, that soft deep humming from his chest.
"BOY, are you ready for your cane?"
The sudden words stopped the humming as I had planned.
"Yes Master."
"What say you boy?"
"Ngh, thank you Master."
It was said so softly and with almost a tear that I hardly heard him but decided to let it pass for now, as I placed the cane down on the floor I turned to Nigel and nodded. He turned to his boy saying.
"Come boy, present yourself before the Fourth Mythra."
Brian got to his feet and moved toward the Fourth Mythra standing at Present.
"Turn and face me boy."
Brian obeyed and now stood with his back to the Fourth Mythra.
"Hold tight boy, you will support the slave for his kiss to the cat."
Brian was taller than Eric he would be able to steady him. I did not like to give the cat in a kneeling position as your aim is not as clear and with Eric already being marked I could not take the chance of missing the place I wanted.
"Come boy, stand."
Eric got to his feet, his butt now showed two very clear wide marks and one very thin one in between the others. I took his hand and lead him in front of where Brian stood, taking each hand in turn I placed it onto Brian's wrists.
"You may lean forward and place your forehead on his, grip tight and don't move."
I looked over Eric's back to make sure I was not going to overlay anywhere that may open one of his strokes from the night before, there was space just below his waist at the top of his butt cheeks that would be clear so I took a line and lifted the light cat.
"Mph, thank you Master."
"Present boy."
Eric straightened facing the Fourth Mythra waiting for his instructions, I nodded to Nigel and he turned to his boy.
"You may return to your place, boy."
Brian returned to his position beside the chair Nigel had been using.
"Founding Prime Master, your slave took well his punishment and shows due diligence in his desire recover his honour, may I ask a question of him?"
"Prime Master of the Chair, ask what you will. Boy, you may answer the Prime Master of the Chair."
"Presented Slave, you have shown well your honour and strength, for this I would give you a boon, what would you ask?"
"Prime Master of the Chair, I would ask to see the Fourth of the Seven Mythra, 'May They Preserve'."
"Founding Prime Master, is it your wish that he see the Fourth Mythra?"
"Prime Master of the Chair, it is my wish."
"Then Presented Slave your boon is granted."
I moved around Eric and removed the covering of the painting then turned to him and reached behind him to loosen his blindfold but before removing it I paused.
"Presented Slave Eric, I reveal to you the fourth of the Seven Mythra, 'May They Preserve'. You will study its form and let it take you to serenity in your thoughts and pain."
I took off his blindfold and steeped behind him as his eyes adjusted to the light and the powerful spotlight switched on and aimed on the painting by Nigel to highlight the stark colours of bright orange, black, white and crimson.
After a few minutes Eric seemed to straighten and the humming began again but this time softly almost like a song of love. I looked at Nigel and he nodded his agreement that we had made a good decision in making Eric a Child of Mythra, between the painting and Eric there was a positive feeling in the air of total harmony.
Chapter 7 Official Installation
Nigel and I sat listening to Eric making his own communication with the Mythra and waited until I felt he had made his peace. Then we rose and approached him, standing behind him I began to explain it all to him. Nigel had one more part to play then the night would be done for my little dove and he would be officially Mythra's Child.
"Boy, before you is the Fourth of the Seven Mythra, 'May They Preserve'. It is called 'Revelation', the bright orange of the back ground shows your inner strength and the way for you to follow, the black in the center is the darkness from where you came, the crimson tips on the wings of the white dove symbolise the fire in your soul that you may use the strength of its flames to show you your path to the true following. There will be added to the gold ring on the left foot another on the right to show all who see this Fourth Mythra that a child was born tonight that is a true follower of Mythra. Prime Master of the Chair, I ask you to bestow upon this slave a title of respect."
"Presented slave Eric, being that you are above all who would follow the Mythra and their Master I bestow upon you the title, 'Child of Mythra' and you shall be known by all by this title, save your Master to whom you will show all manner of honour and respect. Turn Child of Mythra and receive your just reward."
Eric turned and showed the tears falling down his face as he swallowed a lump in his throat. His posture was straight and taut, he looked into my eyes with such acceptance and love that I nearly went to him and hugged him tight. At the last second I pulled myself up and then gave him the last blessing.
"By the sign of the Fourth Mythra I declare you, Presented Slave Eric, to be Child of Mythra. Come take your place beside me and show your honour."
Eric kept his present position as he came to stand just behind my left shoulder and at a nod from me went down into the third position.
"Child of Mythra give due respect to the Prime Master of the Chair."
"Prime Master of the Chair, I Child of Mythra offer you honour in the name of the seven Mythra 'May They Preserve'."
Nigel moved to stand in front of Eric and bending laid his hand on his head.
"Child of Mythra, I Prime Master of the Chair honour you."
Nigel then moved back to his place and waited for the last of the ceremony to be done.
"Boy, present."
Eric jumped to his feet, taking his place behind me. Nigel turned to his boy Brian.
"Boy, go show honour to the Child of Mythra."
Brian rose to his feet and smartly walked to where Eric stood, then going to the third position he for the first time in two hours spoke.
"Child of Mythra, I honour and follow you."
I nodded to Eric to do as he had with lim at the conclave, he reached out his hand laying it on Brian's head.
"Sir, I the Child of Mythra give you honour in return."
Brian got to his feet and returned to Nigel's side taking his position in the second and to the left of his chair. I half turned to Eric.
"Well done boy, come to me, you are now fully inducted into the ways of the Mythra. Now there is only your schooling to be taught that you may become true to our cause and the ways of the Mythra."
I held out my arms for him as he came into them clasping me around the waist, his head on my chest and the tears again began to fall.
"Thank you James, thank you, I love you, I'll never leave you, I'm home at last, safe."
"Yes my little love you're home at last. The next of the Mythra will take a lot longer, you'll have some very serious training to do before you can advance to them."
"What do you think Nigel, time to let them relax?"
"Yes James, they've both done well tonight."
I sat in my chair and lifted Eric onto my lap and pulled him into me, rubbing his back softly as I did so and leaned down and kissed his head. He snuggled into me like a kitten almost purring. Nigel nodded to Brain and he went and sat between Nigel's knees leaning his head in Nigel's lap and slowly rubbed his thigh. I reached for the bottle of whiskey and poured two glasses for us, the tension of the evenings work leaving the room as we sat and talked as our boys unwound from there respective duties.
"James, I was wondering what you both would be doing next weekend?"
"There's nothing planned at this stage Nigel."
"I have a small gathering at Thames next weekend, would you like to come along?"
"Yes, I think that might be arranged all going well this week, what's the occasion?"
"Oh, some worthless slave is being raised to Junior Master."
"Really, anyone we know?"
"This little devil here in my lap. It's his time."
"Well that's one for the books, congratulations Nigel, that's a great effort, is he ready?"
"This boy ready, hmm, well he does get lazy sometimes, but oh well, I suppose he's earned it."
Nigel smiled as he said this. I knew one thing for sure that he would not raise Brian to Master unless he was fully prepared and I think he used his words of jest to ease his soon to be broken heart.
"You think that this little ragamuffin here in my lap should see it?"
"Now cut it out James, you know it wouldn't be right to raise Brian without Mythra's Child attending. He needs to see how it goes and I think he should be able to perform the duties of Helot for Brian."
"That's a good idea, I'll get him ready this week to do it."
"Will his back be ok by then?"
"Yes, he's a strong little bugger as you've already seen last night."
"Yes he is. Eric you scared the hell out of me last night asking for your kisses like that. I was getting ready to give you your dispensation, when you asked I tried to think of a way out for you, knowing that James hadn't got you ready."
"I didn't know I was going to do it till I got in front of you, sir."
"Why did you, Eric?"
"I don't really know, sir, it just seemed the right thing to do at the time."
"It was Eric, it certainly was. You've set the whole society buzzing with your actions."
"Thank you, sir."
I gave a little hug again to Eric as he sat there snuggling up to me. Nigel and I continued to chat as the boys relaxed in our laps then at about eleven o'clock Nigel rose to his feet, Brian jumping up and taking his place behind him.
"Well James it's time we got home, thank you and Eric for a great evening. I'll remember this night for a long time to come, and don't forget about next week. It'll be held at Greg's place out at Tapu, you know where it is don't you?"
"Yes Nigel, I remember it well, some good times been had there and thank you for this evening it went really well. Now this boy can settle down to some real work."
"Well we must be off, come boy let's get ourselves home."
"Boy, present."
Eric jumped up into Present."
"Escort the Prime Master and his Slave to the door boy."
"Yes Master."
I rose and walked with Nigel to the door as Eric held it open for him and as Nigel turned to shake hands Eric took the third position in the doorway as respect for Nigel.
"Damn it James he's so cute, you are one lucky bugger is all I can say."
"Thanks Nigel, yes he's going to be a good boy, maybe in ten or twenty years." (Chuckle)
Nigel laughed and turned toward his car, the beautiful young Brian at his heels, as he left the driveway he gave a toot on the horn and then was speeding away into the night.
"Ok my little dove, it's over for the night, come and have a snuggle while I finish my drink then it's off to bed for you."
Eric closed the door as I made my way back to my chair then he tumbled into my lap for his snuggle as I drank the last of my whiskey.
"Yes, Eric?"
"What's this thing next week, Master Nigel said I was going to be a Helot for Brian?"
"Don't worry about it for now, it's an honour to be asked just leave it at that for now."
"Yes, James."
The drink finished I pushed Eric off my lap and made ready to go to bed.
"Come on little one let's get you ready for bed, come with me."
I took Eric to his room and as I glanced at him a faint look of disappointment came over his face as he saw he was going to his room and not mine. I smiled to myself at the thought of the night to come, once in the bedroom with Eric waiting for instructions beside me I said.
"Boy, present."
Eric snapped into position.
"I'm going to release all you restraints this evening, you will star-sleep tonight, remember my orders for your conduct."
"Yes, Master."
"Right boy come here so I can unlock you."
Eric stood before me as I unlocked all his leathers and as I released his chastity belt last his 5" [12 cm]
rod shot to attention already showing signs of wetness at the tip.
"Not one touch boy, you are now Mythra's Child, you must be stronger than all other slaves."
"Yes, Master."
"Right on the bed in star."
Eric lay down on the bed in the star position closing his eyes and taking a couple of deep breathes his shaft standing up straight and strong as he lay there.
"Good night boy, remeber what I said."
"Yes, Master, good night Master."
I left him there alone and went to take a shower in my room switching on the monitor to record as I went past. After a long hot shower I checked the monitor and replayed the last half hour of tape noting that twice his hand had made to move but he had caught himself in time. As it appeared he was now asleep, time to wake him up a bit. I moved quietly into his room with my trusty mohair brush and began another night of fun for him, as the brush started to run over the head of his penis lightly it again came fully erect and then he began to moan deep in his chest.
"Ungh, oohh, ungh."
"Sshh boy, remember no cumming."
"Mmmm, ungh, Master, Master, oh god."
"Stay still boy, let it fill you, think of the dove, feel it's wings caress you."
"Ungh Master, oooohhhhhh god."
"Sshhh, relax, feel the wings of the dove, sing your song boy, relax."
It then started, that soft deep humming in his chest, his little 5" [12 cm]
rod stayed hard and tight. But his breathing slowed as the humming took him away from the sensations being given to his organ, when he was deep in harmony I left him and returned to my room to wait and read a little.
An hour later he was again asleep, the humming had stopped and he was still in star position. It had taken me three weeks to get Cameron to stay in that position but Eric had maintained it now for two and a half hours without changing. I left my room with the next little surprise for him and as I looked down at him on the bed again marvelled at my luck at having this beautiful boy with all his tallents sent to me. I opened the mouths of the two number four clamps and placed them on his nipples, with a start he came awake as they bit into his tender breast.
"Arrggh, Master."
"Stay boy, sing your song, fly with your dove."
Eric's shaft had slackened but at the first bight of the clamps came alive again, precum from the earlier ministrations still shiney on its tip and now more was starting to flow. The sweat on his brow was showing his effort to control himself and the pain he was feeling, at last I heard him reaching for his harmony, his little fists began to unclench from the edge of the bed as he settled and began his humming. He was getting quicker and quicker to find his place. I had been right in my assumptions that he was going to stretch my abulities as his time went on, I left the clamps on and returned to my room to wait and to watch.
The small soft chime of my alarm clock broke through my dozing an hour later and I rose to go to Eric's room, the clamps still in place but Eric was sound asleep. His star position still fully maintained. I removed the clamps and he jumped as the pressure was taken from his nipples then the pain returned as the blood flowed back.
"Yaagghh, oh Master."
"Push it away boy, lift your head?"
As Eric lifted his head I reached over and placed his blindfold on him. The throbbing in his nipples causing him to groan a little and then he returned to his harmony again. I tightened the blindfold and let his head rest back on the pillow then taking the next toy I began his next little exercise, at the first touch his humming stopped as he jumped at the contact.
"Relax boy, sing your song."
"Master, yeow."
The hot wax was making a small pattern on his slim little stomach as I let a drop at a time fall onto him in an eratic spacing of time. Sometimes two drops then none for a minute or two, varying it so he would find it hard to concentrate. It worked for only a short time then he was gone again into his harmony. I stopped the drops and left him to sing with his dove as he settled down again.
My beautiful Eric was going to be the challenge of all challenges wiht his ability to defend himself from pain. A less experienced person would have probably done a lot of damage to Eric as he would not know when to stop as the boy would go into harmony and not be able to use his safe words to protect himself. I was going to have to find another way to protect him although I had no intention of taking him to a level of danger that would threaten his life, but there was ahead some heavy work to be done and as great as it was to see a boy able to go to harmony it was something to be prepared for in looking out for his health.
I returned to my room and set the monitor onto record and fell into a deep sleep with the alarm set at 8 o'clock. It would be amussing to see if Eric decided to get up for my coffee or as he was technically in a scene if he would wait till I released him. If he made the wrong decision then it was punishment time for him. Only the morning would tell the tale so I turned over and fell asleep, the morning would bring what it would bring.
Chapter 8 Preparations for School
The soft buzzing of my alarm brought me awake at 8.00am. The smell of coffee missing from the room so my boy had stayed or was still asleep and he'd made the right decision to remain where he had been put for the night. I rose and made my way to his room to see him still in the star with his eyes wide open waiting for me to release him from his position. The strak white blobs of now cold wax from his test during the night had a dull shine on his golden stomach. The usual teen boy hardness was only different by the amount of precum on his shaft and along with the small dry puddle in his navel he had not handled himself. It was quite amazing to see, it was a great feat of self control for one so young.
"Up boy, shower, do your enema and return here, you have twenty minutes, go."
Eric's tight little body jumped off the bed as he ran to the shower his little globes twitching as his legs carried him. I stayed there waiting and so I could be near in case he should forget his rules, even though I knew there was very little hope of him doing that. I listened as he removed his butt plug with a soft sigh and heard the gurgle of the bag being filled, a short silence and then the little Hmmm as the nozzel was inserted. I waited and then the groans came as the first of the flush did its work on his insides, after the required five minutes the sound of the discharge could be heard and after a short pause the gurgle again and then the Hmmmm as he took his second flush. When all was done the shower started up and there was a soft singing as he scrubbed himself clean. The shower stopped and after a little time he was standing at the present before me all done in 18 minutes.
"Right boy take you restraints to the kitchen and make my coffee, while I shower do your cleaning and polishing."
"Yes Master."
Eric took off to the kitchen leathers in hand as I went back to my room to shower and to check the tapes for the period I had dozed. After leaving him last night he'd stayed in star without moving and had by the look of his REM movements gone to sleep in ten or so minutes. I finished with the shower and checking of the tapes as the smell of fresh coffee wafted through the house and went to the kitchen where Eric had my large mug full of steaming coffee waiting on the table as he worked on his leathers.
"We're going out to shop after breakfast. You'll find some shorts and a tee shirt on your bed when you've finished up here and I've put your gear on, dress and then come back for something to eat."
"Yes Master."
I sat and sipped my coffee, perfect, he was already a master of coffee making, the little touch of salt in the pot made all the difference with the strong Typica coffee bean from New Guinea that I prefered to drink. Eric stood back as he finished his cleaning and stood at present waiting for my inspection of his work, I looked them over and as he'd done before they were immaculate.
"Come boy, let's get you done."
I locked him into his restraints using this time his light cod piece so he could wear the shorts over them.
"Go dress boy."
Eric left for his room as I got up to make some breakfast for him. At this stage I didn't mind doing it for him but soon he would be doing it himself. I felt that at this early stage he had enough to do just learning the first of his duties and the Mythra. He was already moving freely and the salve of Aloe Vera and Titoki was healing his skin very quickly, the scabs were already thin and dry on his back and the other marks were barely discernable after rubbing on the Prestinol the day before. The only still bright mark on him was across his little butt from the cane but it didn't seem to bother him. He returned a few minutes later to stand dressed in his shorts and tee shirt, smelling of fresh soap and boy. I layed his plate on the table as he stood there waiting.
"You may eat, boy."
I sat down again with another coffee as he stood at the table eating his breakfast. He ate slowly and with good manners even though his eyes said he was starving, but his care to show respect was greater than the desire to wolf his food down.
"I'm going to the lounge boy, when you've finished eating clean up here and come to me."
"Yes Master."
I went through to the lounge to wait for him and after a short time he was standing in front of me again at 'present'.
"All done boy?"
"Yes Master."
"Then come here my little dove and give me a cuddle."
Eric leapt into my arms as I held them oepn for him snuggling in close like he loved to do, his warm boy smeeling body fitting itself to mine.
"Why we going shopping today James?"
"You need some clothes for school and something for next weekend."
"But I've got school clothes here now."
"Yes my boy but these are better ones. The school you'll be going to is quite close and very good so I want to get you some clothes that fit you right for who you are."
"Oh ok."
"As you start tomorrow at your new school you'll have to wear some of your stuff for the next few days, until your new clothes are made, then you'll wear them. I've already ordered what you'll need, we just have to get you measured and that's what we'll be doing today."
"Really, I'm going to have tailor made clothes?"
"Yep my little dove, nothing but the best for you from now on."
"Oh thank you James, I've never had anything made to measure before."
"Then think of it as a welcome home present for finishing your induction."
"Oh thank you James, it's so neat."
"Right let's go then, kiddo."
We went out to the car and I headed into the city to get him measured up. The traffic at this hour was the biggest pain and I hated driving in the peak times but I had to get this done as soon as possible if I wanted everything to be ready for the weekend meeting and for his school.
At last we made it into the city and found a parking place not to far from the shop I wanted and as we got out of the car I truned to Eric noticing that he was a little nervous with all the crowds around looking at his leathers as they passed by us.
"Ignore them Eric, you are Mythra's Child, carry the name with pride and honour all you've been taught."
He straightened up and took his place to my left as we made our way to the shop. Over the doorway was the sign 'A.J. Denton, Specialty Tailors'. There was nobody inside except a young man with his back to us straightening shelves. The smell of high quality wool suiting and the fresh smell of linen and cotton gave the shop a comfortable feeling. The young man's suit was immaculate and fitted his frame to perfection obviously well made as it showed his slim frame to its best, he turned as we entered and went into the third position as soon as he saw me.
"Founding Prime Master, welcome to my Master's shop, and welcome to Mythra's Child."
"Thank you Peter, is Master Alton here?"
"Yes Prime Master, I will get him for you."
"No need boy, carry on with your work. Hello James how are you both this morning?"
"Hello Alton, we're both good thanks. Do you have all the designs?"
"Yes, got them this morning off the fax, you want to come through to the rear and we'll get Eric measured up."
"How about the extras?"
"Greg's doing all that and promises to have everything ready to go on. It's a bit of a rush for this much buit we'll do it don't worry, everything else can wait till it's done. Do you mind if I get Peter to do the measuring, I want him to learn how to do it properly and I don't get a lot of oppotunity to do this much at one time?"
"No that's fine, if you still have that excellent coffee of yours available we can sit and watch them."
"Just put on a fresh pot, come on through, Peter set the bell and follow us."
"Yes Master."
We went into the rear work room and as Alton and I sat down on the old style comfortable arm chairs. Peter took Eric to a small dais in the center of the room and got him to stand on it.
"Ah Peter, I think you forgot something."
"Sorry Master, yes he's no good like this. Prime Master we will need Mythra's Child to be unlocked."
"Eric, come here and strip so I can unlock you."
Eric with a slight blush came to stand in front of me to remove his shorts and tee shirt then waited as I unlocked his leathers. When he was done I told him to go stand on the dais and do what Peter said. Alton and I watched as Peter began to measure him all over, pausing only momentarily at the now hard rigid member at Eric's waist then carrying on for the rest.
"So James, are you sure about the colours?"
"Yes Alton and I think that you could add two pair of long trousers as well to the other stuff."
"Damn James you like to push the time frame don't you." (Chuckle)
"For what you and Greg are going to charge me, why not, (chuckle) and my little dove is worth every penny.
"He is that James, you have everything now Peter?"
"I think so, Master."
"Let me check then."
"Yes Master."
Peter bought his note book over for Alton to look through as Eric came to stand by me to refit his leathers and then his clothes.
"That's very good Peter, well done."
Peter's look of pride and enjoyment at the compliment from his Master was very evident on his young face.
"May I get more coffee for the Prime Master and yourself, Master?"
"Thank you Peter, and you may get something for yourself and Mythra's Child for doing such a good job."
"Thank you Master."
"You've got a really great boy there Alton."
"Yes James, I never thought I would find a boy like him, you know I had a section 23 didn't you?"
"Yes I did hear a little about it."
"Funny, but I think it was the best thing for me at the time. They really screwed my head up. But now looking at Peter I think they had to do it, even I could see I had lost it but I jusdt couldn't stop, with Peter I can see how amny times I had a chance for someone like him and stuffed it up."
"Yes Alton, section 23 is not a good way to do it but it does work."
"Yep you're right there James, have you ever seen them at it?"
"Yes, had to do a couple of them myself when we first started."
"Ahh, can I ask who or is that out of line?"
"Not at all, the first was Greg, he was the toughest, took me seven weeks to bring him around, and the other was Nigel, he has an innner strength you wouldn't believe. You can see how they are now, probably the best we've had for the council."
"There's no doubt about that James. Damn Greg and Nigel, I'd never of thought."
"So who was your guardian for the section 23?"
"Greg, damn no wonder he was so good at it after he had been there himself."
"Haha, best way to know how to deal the cards is to have played the game before."
"You're right there, he had me so I didn't know which way was up. I only lasted three weeks and he had me and you say he took seven weeks?"
"Yep, he's one tough cooky is our Greg."
"To watch him with his boys though you'd think he was a real softy underneath."
"You didn't know him before his section 23, he damn near killed a boy one night, just lost it altogether. We just found out by a sheer stroke of luck, had to use a needle on him to get him out. We took the boy to Steven's surgery and had him looked after. God I had tears in my eyes when I saw the boy, if I'd not had the training I would have taken Greg to the harbour bound and thrown him over the bridge."
"What happened to the boy?"
"You've met him plenty of times."
"Prime Master William."
"Bill? god even at thirty he's a damn good looking man, he was the boy?"
"Yes that's why he's so good on the council when protecting the other boys and is in charge of investigations when they arise."
"Yes, now I understand why he's so diligent, his report on me was like as though he'd been a fly on the wall all my life. He seemed to know everything about me."
"Yeah, never underestimate Bill with his posiytion in government he can get information on anyone."
"Well, Alton thanks for everything we have to go and get Eric enrolled in school. You'll ring when all is ready?"
"Of course James but you can guarantee it will be done by Friday. Which school is he going into by the way?"
"Haha should have known."
"Ok thanks again Alton, see you Friday."
"Ok James bye for now, boy show the Prime Master and Mythra's Child to the door."
"Yes Master."
Eric and I left and as we made our way back to the car Eric attracted a lot of looks and stares as he kept his head high and chest out ignoring the looks, some of them with lust and some with disgust, to hell with them, they were to narrow in their minds to understand his needs.
We arrived at the car and then left the city as quick as I could to return to our area and to his new school for enrollment. His parents had sent me his report cards and he had done reasonably well in school until the last year when all his marks had nosedived to the point of almost failing and being held back for a year, I knew he was good enough to pass any subject with ease, but his growinng needs had taken his mind off school in his desire to find someone to be his Master and take care of him.
"Now Eric, this school is a pretty good one and they are very tolerant of all there students. You will be going here to learn not to play around, each day when you get home I want you to give me a report on your day. If you make new friends, and you will, then you may have them over to the house but you ask me first, ok?"
"Yes James, but I don't make friends very easy."
"You will Eric, now that you have some order in your life you'll find it easier to mix."
"You think so?"
"Know so kiddo, look who your friends are now?"
"Well apart from every Master at the Conclave you have every boy as well."
"But I don't know many of them?"
"They know you and that's all you'll ever need. At the school you'll meet other types of kids, some of them won't understand your way of life but there'll be those that do, you'll see, you'll have new friends before you know it."
We arrived at the school gates and I drove up to the administration building parking the car near the main door in the visitors lot.
"Come on Eric let's do this."
There were a number of parents and kids milling around the entrance as we walked up the steps, most of the kids looked Eric over and seemed intrigued with his leathers, the adults stared a little harder but then went back to doing their own thing. Kingsgate was a very progressive school due mainly to its headmaster, although there was still a little bullying at times he was a strong headmaster and tried to stamp it out very quickly. It still happened but they offenders were dealt with very severely, this school was privately funded and did not stand for the politically correct stand of the public schools that were under the thumb of the government departments.
We went to the enrollment desk where I put Eric's name and address on the form and gave the report cards with a copy of the guardian papers to the clerk to put in his file. That all done we turned and left for home, which by car was only two minutes away. After tomorrow Eric would walk there and back at lunch time and after school finished in ten minutes or less.
Chapter 9 First Day at School
I sat in a lounge chair after returning from leaving Eric at school for his first day, the morning paper laying over my knees as I listened to the silence of the house now that my little dove was away. Here I was the Founding Prime Master of the Mythra feeling sad and alone without my little dove. Come on pull yourself together, he's just your slave. Yeah right, damn it's quiet without him, wonder when he'll be back. Mmmmmm, nine thirty still two and a half hours to go.
I took up the paper for the tenth time and tried to read but my eyes wouldn't focus on the words. The fear of my boy alone at school and without my protection was starting to get to me. Shit, I hope I don't have to go through this everyday he's away. Ten thirty, one and a half hours to go, what the hell can I find to do, I know ring Alton see how he's getting on with the new clothes.
I went to the hall phone to ring Alton and as usual he was pretty short with the interuption to his work.
"Ok James, what's the damn score, you know I'll have it ready for him, why the cross examination?"
"Don't know Alton, I just can't believe I miss him so much. Damn this is no way for a Master to behave."
"Bullshit James, you love him more than you thought that's all, get over it and let me get back to his gear."
"Yeah ok, sorry Alton, bye for now."
"Hrmph, click."
Oh well back to the paper, what's the time, eleven, god one hour to go, another coffee will help. I went to the kitchen and as I got my coffee, I thought I heard something in the lounge, but then put the thought out of my mind, he won't be home for another, hmmm let me see, 50 minutes, oh well back to the paper. I took up my cup and went into the lounge, as I entered I came to a sudden halt, the coffee spilling down the front of my shirt as I looked at the object in the middle of the floor.
The bundle there had his hair tossed all over his head with small bits of grass in it, the left sleeve of his shirt hanging in tatters, the collar nearly torn off, a grass stain on the back of his jeans, he sat there in the third position waiting for me.
"Why are you home boy, speak?"
"Master, I have brought you dishonour."
"Speak freely, boy?"
"Master, during the first break I was approached by three boys, who began to call me names and then push me around. I wanted to obey you and tried to find a way to leave without causing trouble. The biggest one grabbed me around the chest from behind while the other two started to punch me. I did as you ordered and fought back and managed to kick the two in front in the balls and they stopped but the other one was to big for me and started to beat me. One of the teachers came and stopped him and we all had to go to the headmaster's office. He told me to come home and get clean and then to give you a message. Master I am sorry for my bad behaviour and await your punishment for not obeying you to the full."
"Stand to 'Present', boy."
Eric rose to his feet and took the 'present' position. It was then I saw the full extent of his injuries, my beautiful little dove had the makings of a very nasty shiner, his lip was split and the top of the left ear was torn, all the buttons on his shirt were gone and the bruises on his chest showed they had been kicking him. Yet he stood there for me not moving though he had to be in pain.
"What is the message, boy?"
"Master, he asked that you come to the school this afternoon after lunch and then he said something funny."
"What was that, boy?"
"Master he said to tell you that it was 'Formal'. I'm sorry he didn't say what was."
"Thank you boy, I know what it's about. Now come here, my love."
"Oh, James I'm so sorry. I tried real hard to beat them but they were to many. I was too small, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
"Shh, Eric, you did all I asked of you. I'm proud you did as much as you could. Now come little one let me get you cleaned up then take a shower and I'll help you get dressed. Do you think you can face the school again today?"
"Of course I can James, I wouldn't dishonour you by not going back."
"I know you wouldn't kiddo, but what I mean is could you face the whole school, not as Eric but as the Child of Mythra?"
"Yes James, it's who I am."
"Good boy, now come on one more hug and then we get you cleaned up and dressed."
Eric snuggled into me again and then I took him to the bathroom and after removing his leathers I tended to his wounds and he winced and gave the occasional little moan but he stood there proud and steady while I swabbed and cleaned the cuts and bruises.
"Go have your shower now Eric. I'm going to get your things ready for you, then it's lunch and I will be coming back with you."
After lunch I took Eric to his room and dressed him as he looked in an asking sort of way at me as I locked his gear on him. Once he was all done I went to my room and dressed in my dark suit and picking up the bag I had readied while he was showering, returned to the lounge where he was waiting.
"Why all dressed up, James?"
"You'll see Eric, now I want you to put this on as well. Today we're going to do something that's never been done before but if it has to be done then you're the one to do it, are you game my little dove?"
"Yes James, for you I'm ready."
"Ok, let's get this over with."
We left the house and headed to the school where I parked again in the visitors park and got out of the car Eric joining me as I had instructed him to earlier. We went up through the front doors and down the hallway to where the offices were. At the reception I asked for the headmaster and was shown to his door where the receptionist knocked and went in.
"Excuse me sir, the head will see you know."
"Thank you, come on Eric."
We entered and as usual Eric was to my left, I would loved to have seen his face as he saw the headmaster standing there at 'present'. Yes, you guessed it, he was one of us.
"Founding Prime Master, you honour me sir."
"Prime Master Richard, the honour is mine."
"Child of Mythra, I welcome you."
Eric dropped to the third position as he said.
3; Prime Master, thank you."
"Right James, let's get down to business. This is bloody shocking, I thought I'd cleaned up the bullying and for those little bastards to do this to Mythra's Child is unforgivable. I asked you both here to make a suggestion, that's why I said it was formal."
"Ok Richard, what have you got in mind? I've an idea but spell it out for us."
"Well James as you know we're well ahead of other schools in most things and this includes sex education. The government bods don't like it but we're private and to hell with them. What I want to suggest, that is if your boy is game, is to do a full assembly this afternoon at two o'clock. I would like you and your boy to take the floor and tell or show these little ratbags that the world has all types to make it work, not just their idea of what it's like out there, would you do it?"
"As far as I'm concerned, no problem Richard, but the boy has been through a bit today. This is one I'm going to leave up to him, stand up Eric you can relax here. So what do you think, do you want to do it?"
"Is that why you dressed me like this, James?"
"Yes, Eric just in case."
"Then if I'm dressed for it let's go. I'm Mythra's Child and not ashamed of who I am."
"Ok Richard it's a go. What about the three boys?"
"Hehehe, they're going to be close by and ready for you when you want them."
"Thank you for that Richard, I promise not to hurt them, just scare the shit out of them."
"Good, that's what they need and at the same time show them how brave your little boy really is. I've already heard about some of the other students thinking that Eric was the bravest one to take on all three of them, even after he tried to get away. He has a lot of new friends here after today. You know what kids are like, the best hero is always the underdog."
"Thanks from both of us Richard, do you have somewhere we can wait till then?"
"You can both stay here if you like. I've got to do rounds and by then they will be all on their way to the auditorium for assembly. Once they are all inside I'll come for you and take you back stage until I announce you both, then it's up to you, ok?"
"Yes that's fine Richard, and thanks for the chance."
"Well it's about time something was done to free up our way of life and this is the best way I can think of doing it."
As he finished Richard headed for the door and then we were alone together.
I put out my arms for Eric to come into and as he rested against my chest I stroked his back and head calming him for the coming event. Then I realised he was perfectly calm and just enjoying the rubbing and closeness of the hugs.
"Tonight my little dove, if all goes well today I have something special for you."
"Oh James, it's always special when you do things for me."
"Tonight, my little dove, is extra special."
"Ok James, I'll do my best for you today."
"I know, I know, you always do kiddo. I'm so proud of you for today, what you did and what you tried so hard to do, you heard Richard, a lot of the kids here think you're a hero now. You'll have the respect of others now that you deserve."
"HMMmmmmmm, thank you James."
The time seemed to fly by as I held him in my arms for the next thing I knew was Richard standing there in the doorway.
"You ready then, James?"
"Yes Richard, we're ready."
"Ok let's go, I'm going to do a rehash then an introduction after that they're all yours."
"Right you are, Richard."
Richard led us down the hall way to a small door and let us into the back of the auditorium. The smell of chalk dust mixed with floorpolish and the other myriad smells of school brought back those long forgotten memeories of my years in the halls of learning. It was then that I realised where my penchant for B&D came from as corporal punishment was the norm in my day at school. When it was my time for the cane I even looked forward to it and at times I went out of my way to get caught so I was sent to the head's office for six of the best. It's funny how your younger years set your patterns for your adulthood.
We heard Richard switch on the microphone and then he began to speak to the assembled students. Kingsgate took boys only from the third form upward so the youngest was thirteen and the oldest were seventeen. It was a day school only and had no provisions for boarders.
[The following events from the pov of one of the bullies is told in The Changeling, ch. 1]
"Good afternooon boys, as you can see we have a special assembly today, this is because this morning three cowards attacked one of the new third formers, bullying and then beating him because he was a little different than them. I'm also told that he put up a pretty good defense against three bigger and older cowards."
There came a loud cheer from the boys as this was said, I pulled Eric closer and squeezed him a little.
"Thank you boys, I'm sure the boy concerned appreciates your gesture. Now then I want to do something today that's never been done either here or anywhere else in the country. As you know we have a full study course on sex education here, we try to teach you all you should know and we have always answered any and all questions honestly for you, agreed?"
A chorus of 'yes sir's' went around the auditorium.
"Right then so far we have taught you about all types of life styles except one. You know all there is to know about heterosexuality, homosexuality, transgenderism, prostitution and everything in between, today you are going to see the last one of the lifestyles that there is for you to know about. This lifestyle is called Bondage and Discipline, it's not widely known about and is practised only by very special people. The basic principle is that one of the people is a teacher, he is called the Master, the other is the student he is called a submissive and also at times a Slave. I'm sure most of you have read or heard about these sorts of people."
There was some loud muttering and mumbling going on as to the good or bad side of what they all thought they knew about the B&D scene until Richard called for quiet.
"OK enough, enough, right then, I have asked some people who know a lot about this type of life style to come here today to tell you about it and themselves, what they do and why they do it. I'm sure they will let you ask questions as well but, one warning, the Master is a real Master not a comic book one, you will at all times show him respect and call him sir. He will not be played with so I'm warning all of you, be on your best behaviour with him. Ok that's all so now I introduce you to Founding Prime Master James and his boy."
I turned to Eric and adjusted his clothes, "Stay here till I call for you Eric, then just be you as we are at home ok?"
"Yes James. James?"
"Yes kiddo?"
"Is this a scene?"
"Well sort of Eric, just follow my lead like you always do, ok?"
"Yes James."
Richard came through the curtains as I adjusted my gloves and sash and checked by bowtie.
"Ready Prime Master?"
"Yes Richard, let's do it."
I stood at the opening of the curtsains and closed my eyes for a second and when I was confident that the look of 'I'm going to rip your head off and shove it up your ass' was set in place, I opened the curtains and strode to the front of the stage looking out over the students until I saw the three boys in the front row with fresh bruises and cuts on their faces. Damn my little dove had done well to have a go at those three buggers, they were taller, heavier, older and stronger than Eric, yet he'd left them marked up pretty well considering the circumstances. I glared at the three of them then crooked a finger at them in a gesture of 'come here boys' and stared them down until they got to their feet with sheer terror in their eyes. The rest of the student body was deathly silent as the three stumbled their way up onto the stage. The leader was a good head taller than I was, so Eric had done well to still be alive, the other two were about the same height as I was. I found it hard to keep a straight face as I watched three sets of knees shaking and three faces sweating (haha, gotcha boys, nothing is more scary than fear itself). When the boys were on stage side by side, I walked over to them still with the 'I want your heads' look.
"You boys will stay there till I tell you to move, no talking, understand?"
Three sets of 'yes sir' came from them.
"That's your first mistake, I said no talking, KNEEL."
Down they went.
"Hands clasped behind your head, elbows out to the side, DO IT."
Hands jumped up and elbows went out, one boy began to get a wet spot on his jeans.
"You pee on my floor boy and I'll have the skin off you. Blink your eyes once if you understand."
One blink and a shuddering of his shoulders.
"Boys, stay as you are, do not move, that's the last time I tell you."
As I turned away from them I allowed my face to settle back into a normal look and then asked the other students for questions so far.
The deathly silence that had been maintained up till then broke out into an uproar. As I glanced at the boys I could see Richard with a smile on his face and a look that asked if I wanted him to regain some control out there. I shook my head then turned to the floor again and looked out at the other students then with a middle of the road voice simple said.
An instant hush fell over the hall.
"Gentlemen, I'll answer all your questions but let's do it slowly ok?"
"Yes sir," came out from all the throats.
"Let's start down here at the front then, one question each, ok? If you ask something that I'm going to show you later then I'll tell you to wait for then, fair enough?"
"Yes sir."
"OK, you young man, what's yours?"
"Sir, are you going to make them three slaves?"
A snigger could be heard around the hall.
"They already are, young man. Next, the boy next to you."
"Sir are you always so hard, like all the time, like night and day?"
"No, there's times that you have to do other things. It's not about being hard or tough, it's about looking out for the boy under your protection."
"Sir, the head said you have a boy here, is he going to come out for us to see?"
"Yes he'll be here when I call for him."
"Sir, can't he just come out when he wants?"
"No, I've told him to wait till I tell him."
"Sir, does he always do what you want him to?"
"Yes, most of the time."
"Sir, what if he doesn't?"
"He gets punished for disobeying me."
"Sir, what sort of punishment?"
"We'll come to that later."
From the corner of my eye I caught a slight movement from the biggest boy (ha gotcha). I spun around glaring at the boy.
"Boy, head on the floor, get your butt up, now stay, I told you not to move boy."
I turned back to see the shocked look on the students' faces, it had been so quick they didn't have time to adjust.
"Ok gentlemen, one more question before we move on. Yes young man with the blue shirt."
"Sir, are there many people like you and your
3; ahhh
3; boy?"
"Yes son more than you'd think. Ok that's it for now, let's get on a bit, BOY come."
There was a muttering of speculation from the crowd of boys as the curtains parted and a cloaked diminutive figure made its way to the stage to stand by my left shoulder, his cloak from the conclave again masking his face.
"Gentlemen, this is my boy, he is cloaked at the moment for a good reason as you'll all see soon. First you can see he's barefoot and that he has ankle cuffs on, also on the front of the cloak is a silver dove clasp holding it closed. Firstly the cuffs are what we call restraints, – Boy show your wrists – as you see he wears them on his wrists as well, they can be locked together to stop him from moving or when I want to keep him in one position for his work. Secondly the clasp of the dove tells other men like myself that this boy is very special, he is not just aslave, he is known as the Child of Mythra. He is special in that he will always be a slave and never wants to be a Master which a lot of slaves do become after a time in training. This boy also has something else special that I'm not going to tell just yet, you will see it later, Boy Present."
Eric's hands went to his head, the mask staying in positon hiding his face.
"This is known as the first position or the 'Present', it's his way of showing respect to a Master. Boy 'Rest', this is the second position and he uses it for a higher Master or when I'm sitting down. Boy 'Penitence', this is the third position and is used for his punishment or when a Master of very high rank is in front of him. I'm sure you boys have seen these positions before?"
Then the hall erupted again into an uproar as the realisation that the three bullies had been made to go through the three positions. I was sure the other students now could see why I said the three others were already slaves. The noise settled down as their laughter at the three bullies subsided, I had on purpose left Eric in the third position.
"Now then you have some questions. The boy in the second row?"
"Sir, would your
3; uhmm
3; boy stay like that for long?"
"Yes, he'd stay there till I tell him to change."
"Sir, even all night?"
"Yes, if that's what I want."
A small muttering of admiration went around the hall, not for me but for the boy.
"Sir, could you make the other three do it too?"
"Yes, they would make mistakes at first but I have ways of changing their minds."
"Sir, what ways?"
"We'll go into that later."
"Sir, can we see your, you know, your
3; uhm
3; boy?"
"Yes ok, Boy stand."
Eric came to his feet now at a relaxed position with his hands by his side waiting for me to continue, I leant close and whispered to him.
"You ready, my little dove?"
A whispered "Yes James, I love you."
I wanted to make this sound really special for all the boys in the hall so in a loud clear voice I spoke out.
"Child of Mythra, when I release your cape you will come to 'Present' to show respect for these young gentlemen. You will not look or speak to anyone, you will not move until I tell you."
I turned my body to shield him from the hall and as I undid the clasp I again whispered
"Do it well, little dove."
With my back to the hall I said again over my shoulder.
"Gentlemen, my slave Eric, the Child of Mythra."
I pulled the cape away and Eric snapped into 'Present' as soon as it was clear from his small body. There was loud gasps and oohs, ahhs, and whispers as they recognised him but now he was dressed in his full regalia including full chastity and body harness, everything was gleaming and shiney, the emblems of the Mythra stood out bright and shiney.
Eric stood stock still, head back, elbows out wide back arched feet close together. I found it hard to see him even breathing, his eyes were clear and bright as he watched me not even seeing the crowd in the hall. I looked around at what seemed like a sea of hands waving in the air to ask questions, I held up my hand for silence and then turned to Eric.
"Boy tell the gentlemen who you are, speak."
"I am Eric, Child of Mythra, Bonded, Double Ringed and Presented Slave of Founding Prime Master James of the Seven Mythra 'May They Preserve'."
I could not help whispering to my lovely little boy.
"Well done Eric that was perfect, I love you little dove."
Shouts of "Sir, Sir, Sir." rang around the hall. I made a quick glance to where Richard stood in the wings, he smiled and nodded his head. I looked over to the three bullies. The pain on their faces as their knees felt the hardness of the floor was a delight to see but I also saw that they really didn't want to move. Just for luck I gave the three of them another 'knock your head off' look and turned back to the crowd.
"Ok a few more questions then we do a few things for you. Yes, you in the fourth row, green shirt."
"Sir, can we ask your b
3; b
3; Eric some questions?"
"Boy, you may answer freely any questions from the young gentlemen."
"Yes Master."
"OK guys one at a time, you can ask him anything but be polite to him. He's not just a toy, he's very real and very special. Ok the same boy, you can be first."
"Ahhm, Eric do you always call him sir?"
"Yes sir, most times unless he tells me not to."
"Eric, when he punishes you, does it really hurt you?"
"Yes sir, it's meant to so that I can learn."
"Eric, why do you let him do things to you?"
"I'm a submissive sir, I need to have someone like my Master to protect me and love me."
"He loves you?"
"Yes sir he does and I love him for protecting me and loving me."
"Eric, why do you have to have someone to protect you?"
"Because sir, if there was no one to protect me I would try to find someone to do it and it might be someone who doesn't know what they're doing, they might kill me because I couldn't stop them."
"Eric, why couldn't you stop them?"
"As I said sir I'm a submissive, I couldn't give an order to stop them, I would just let them do what they wanted to me."
"Eric why do you call everyone here 'sir'? We're just boys like you?"
"No sir, you are higher than I am and I have to show you respect at all times, my Master said so."
"Do you have to do everything your, ahhmm
3; Master says?"
"He's my Master, I don't have to but I want too. If I make a mistake then he should punish me so I can learn not to do it again."
"Eric, do you like the punishments?"
Eric looked over to me and I nodded to him indicating that he tell the whole truth. These boys were asking the questions that they were interested in, it was as far as I was concerned the best way for them to learn, no boring sterilized chatter but real questions from them in terms they could understand and grasp, if we managed to open only one pair of eyes to our ways then it was all worth it.
"Yes sir, most times I do, but my Master has lots of ways and some times he scares me, but I know he would never hurt me. The pain is part of who I am and it is a part of who I want to be."
"Sir, what is the real difference, you said Eric is a slave but he used the term 'Submissive'?"
"There are many words to describe Eric's type of person. I'll run through them quickly for you, there is the Helot, the total submissive, the submissive dominant, the dominant submissive and then the dominant. The Helot is from the olden days of the Spartans in old Greek times, they took the punishment among other things for the high class people; the total submissives like Eric are just that, they are totally submissive, they don't want to be in charge of anything, they like to be protected and they also need the reminder of order with pain to be happy, they love to be kept to a strict regimen and order; the submissive dominant while being submissive in most things will try to manipulate their Master in some way and in the end will become a Master himself; the dominnant submissive is more open in his defiance and will usually be found in the harsher and rougher side of the B&D scene; the dominant is always a Master although some will go through a period of being submissive in order to get their training, but their agressivness makes them very hard to train."
"Sir, what's this Mythra thing?"
"The Mythra is a code by which we live our lives. There are rules laid down to protect our boys from abuse and danger from a Master. It's also a way of living your life with order and harmony."
"Sir, what if a Master is found to , ahm, you know, like abuse a b
3; b
3; boy?"
"If he's a Master of the Mythra we have a special number of people that do the investigation. If they find it's all true the boy is taken away to be cared for and the Master is taken before the council to be punished."
"Sir, who's side do the council take, like you know really?"
"Our first duty is to our boys, they come first in every thing especially in a case of abuse."
"Sir does that mean that the ahh, Master is wrong until proven innocent?"
"Exactly, no boy is ever thought to lie, he is to be protected at all costs."
"Sir how good is the investigatioon?"
"Give me your name and telephone number and by tomorrow night I will tell you what your great grandfather had for dinner on his twentieth birthday."
"Well boys it's nearly 3.00 and we have a little to show you yet or with your headmasters permission we could come back another day to continue, what would you like to do?"
A shout went up around the room, "sir, sir, please can you come back, please sir?"
"Headmaster, would that be convenient for the school?"
Richard came onto the stage and looked at all the boys and their begging faces.
"Well Prime Master James, we would be glad to have you both back again, it seems you have hit a note with the boys here, when would be suitable?"
"Shall we say Thursday at 1.00, it will give the boys a little more time to ask questions."
Chapter 10 Taking Care of the Bullies
As the scraping of chairs was heard Richard in a rather over loud voice spoke up.
"Master James, ahh, what about these three boys?"
The hall fell silent as I turned to the three boys still on their knees on the stage. I nodded to Eric to follow me over to them. I set my 'head hunting' look on them.
"Ah yes, these three, well headmaster they're going to be busy this afternoon, so I wouldn't worry about detention or anything else for them."
"Why would that be, Master James?"
I turned to Eric and could see the smallest of smiles trying to break out on his face.
"Boy 'Present', you see these cowards here?"
"Yes Master."
"At 3.45 this afternoon you will go to the front door. If these cowards are not standing there at 'Present' with their shirts off, their bags at their feet with their shirts neatly folded on them, you will report to me so I can ring the police and have them charged with assault and battery."
"Yes Master, 3.45 exactly, Master."
"Now headmaster will you be so kind as to give these scum my address and impress upon them that I keep my word. If there is no sign of them or they arrive late then at 3.46 I ring the police and charge them."
It was a good frightener as the parents of most of the boys here at Kingsgate were well off and had good positions in society. They would not be pleased to see their boys in court, I nodded again at Eric and we made our way off the stage. The auditorium broke into a hubbub of chatter at the presumed fate of the boys once in my hands at home.
There were a few things I had in mind for them and one of them was a little more interesting than he other two. This afternoon was going to tell me a great deal about these three. I grabbed my bag as we had not used it after all but it would be on Thursday so I was going to leave it packed, and made our way to the car and then home. When we got in the door I took hold of Eric and gave him a close and affectionate hug.
"My little dove, I don't know how you do it but you were perfect again today. You keep coming up with the right thing to say all the time and I haven't taught you half of it. I'm really so proud of you, you do me great honour my little dove."
"Mmmmmmmmm, thank you James, can I have another snuggle?"
"Just a quick one kiddo, we have to get things ready for our 'guests'."
"What do you want me to do James?"
"I'll get you unlocked and into your cod piece, then I want you to go to my wardrobe and you'll see in the left corner at the back one of Cameron's old leather vests, it should fit you close enough. At 3.45 we do as I said at the school, don't greet them just look and then close the door and come back to me, ok?"
"Yes James, ok."
"Later I'll get you to let them in don't speak to them just signal them to follow you. Bring them here to me then take you place in the second beside me like always, ok?"
"Yes James."
"When I've had a bit of fun with them I'm going to take them one by one to the back room. Afterwards we'll take all three together and you'll follow me this time as well. Do you feel up to a little heat up, are you ok? I don't want you to take it on if you're feeling to sore after what they did to you?"
"Yes James, I'm ok."
"Good boy, right I'm going to ask you both as a Boy then as the Child of Mythra for their punishment. It's a good time for you to see the part a Helot plays as well so you know what will be going on on Saturday. You ok with this after the fight today?"
"Yes James, I'm looking forward to seeing their faces."
"Good Boy, and after today and you doing so well, there'll be something special for you. I know you've been waiting a long time but now is the right time for you."
"Ohh, thanks James."
"OK let's get you unlocked and dressed up ready, it's nearly 3.40."
I quickly unlocked his belt and harness leaving his cuffs and arm bands on as well as his jewelry. He took off to get and put on the vest, it was just a touch big on his slim frame but for this day it would be enough, with thirty seconds to spare we were ready.
"Ok my little dove, go look, remember just look and close the door and leave them there."
"Yes James."
Eric stopped at the door and at my nod on the stroke of 3.45 he opened it and looked then shut the door and came back to me.
"Yes James, all three are there."
"They're standing how they were told?"
"Yes James, except for one thing."
"What's that, little dove?"
"Hehehe, they're sweating something terrible."
"Hahaha, good, we'll leave them there for a bit. You want to get us a cold drink in the mean time?"
"Hehehe, ok James."
While Eric was getting us our drinks I slipped into my back room and rearranged a few things then returning to the lounge I covered the four Mythra with their clothes. Eric was waiting for me to finish and then handed my drink to me.
"How much longer for them, James?"
"Oh let's finish our drinks first, we've got the whole afternoon to look after them."
"Yes, little one?"
"Mind games?"
"You learn quick my boy."
While we sat and drank I suddenly had a thought and then I knew how to get the ultimate fear into them.
"You sit and finish your drink kiddo, I'm going to change my clothes."
I very rarely wear what I had in mind this time. It's not really what I'm in to but I had them there and the impression of a real nasty bastard would be enhanced, having changed I went back to the lounge. Eric took one look and his jaw dropped, the glow in his eyes said it all.
"You like it, kiddo?"
"Wow James, I didn't know you had all that stuff. Oh wow, it's going to scare the shit out of them, it makes you look real evil."
"That's the idea my love, so you think that this'll do it eh?"
"Oh yeah, they'll piss them selves."
"Eric! language."
"Sorry James, but, well but, wow."
I took a quick glance in the wall mirror, hmm not bad everything still fits snugly, black leather from head to toe was very effective, the cap and sunglasses with the high polished boots and bolero style jacket with chains was the right effect. I had to admit I did look the stereotypical bad ass.
"Ok kiddo, you're ready?"
"Yes James." (giggle)
"Go get them, kiddo."
I sat down in a chair where I could see the door without being seen and watched as Eric opened the door flicked his head indicating to come in, then stayed and closed the door after them. He went to the front of them totally expressionless and walked toward my chair, where he took his position on the floor leaving the three boys standing at 'Present' in the middle of the room.
"Scum, I'm the Founding Prime Master, third position, NOW."
They dropped like stones trying to remember the third position. I didn't need them in that position but it gave me a height advantage as all boys were either the same height as I am or taller.
"Get your butts up higher, NOW."
"Right this is my boy, he's the Child of Mythra, you will go to the second position and bow your head to him in repsect, NOW."
They followed immediately and then sat there in the second as I stood over them looking down through my dark glasses. All they would see was their own reflection in the lens. I looked them over, the leader of the three was not sure what was going on and he didn't like the feeling of being under control. Ha, good Master material there; next was the blonde kid all of them were about 15-16 but blondy was just plain scared stiff, he was to soft to be any good for anything; the last of them was dark haired, I took a good close look into his eyes, he was the one that interested me the most, his eyes were glazing over as he took in my dress, his pants pushing out in the front. Yep, I was right first time, this kid was sub material, just waiting to be plucked by some lucky Master and, as it happened, I knew one that would take up the challenge.
I turned to Eric.
"Boy stay, if any of them move without my permission you will tell me."
"Yes Master."
"You, the leader of this cowardly scum, stand at 'Present', NOW."
The bigger of the boys jumped to his feet. Not a bad 'Present' for the little training he'd had.
"Follow me."
I took him to the closed door of my back room.
"When I tell you to move you will take three steps forward and stop, do not look around and do not move."
I opened the door to a pitch black room, moved inside and reached out to the light switch ready to turn it on. When he was inside, I turned the dimmer switch to full so that the effect of twelve 200 watt bulbs would hit him at the same time and what the room held would be a blur till his eyes became used to it, then the stark reality of the tools and equipment should give him a bit of a shake up.
"Move boy."
I watched as he moved uncertainly into the room, then as he stood still I hit the lights and at the same time said.
"Do not move or speak, I don't want a sound out of you boy."
The terror struck him in the gut as his eyes became accustomed to the glaring lights and he saw what I had laid out on the table in front of him. I used to collect a few things from bygone years and use them to decorate the room, now and again when I had someone interesting come to the house. They were never used for anybody but they made a good effect this time, there was an old World War One surgeon's kit, a few older pieces from a torture chamber of the 1700's and a couple of very old pieces from the days of the inquistion, nice touch.
On the table set up behind that were a number of straps and whips with a few paddles to add to the number.
"You can forget those ones on the front boy, they're for real men, the table at the back has your punishment laid on it."
There was an audible sigh at the first piece of news but a sharp indrawn breath when he saw what was on the other table.
"Seem you decided that Mythra's Child needed a lesson, then it's only fitting that I let him decide which of those you get later. Now turn and follow me boy."
As I took him from the room I switched off the lights ready for the next one. The boy's face was pale and sweating, he was definitely not enjoying this. When we returned to the lounge I gave him his next order.
"Go to the third position, boy."
Turning to Eric.
"Boy, did they obey my orders?"
"Yes Master."
"Good then the same applies again."
"Yes Master."
I looked down at the blonde boy.
"You, 'Present'."
The boy jumped up as he was told, the kid was a nervous wreck by now but he was going to learn this lesson and it would remain with him for ever.
"Come boy."
I took the boy through the same as the earlier one and when I brought him back to the lounge he was in tears and shaking all over. The front of his pants were decidedly wet, serve him right for trying to spoil my little dove.
"You blondy go to the third positon, and you know my rules for pissing on my floor. Boy, did they behave?"
"Yes Master."
"Right darky, 'Present'."
Good the boy was almost perfect in his 'Present'.
"Follow me boy."
I took the dark boy through the same procedure as the other two. He seemed not to scare so easy but was as hard as a rock in his pants and a whistful look came over his eyes. Yes, he was feeling the power and loving it, I would give him a special treat later when all the boys were in here together. I returned him to the lounge but this time left the lights on in the back room and just turned down the dimmer to a normal level. Once in the lounge I gave the oreder to sit at the second, and turned to Eric.
"Well boy, did they behave themselves?"
"Yes Master."
"Right boy, I think you and I can do with a drink about now before we decide what sort of punishment they should have."
"Yes Master, will you have a large whiskey, Master?"
"Yes boy, make it a good strong one, I like to be a little drunk when dealing with the likes of these three."
Of course Eric already knew to fill a glass with cold tea for me, but they wouldn't know the difference and the colour would look just like whiskey. When he returned with it I took the glass and downed it in one gulp shaking my head as though it was burning its way down. The stares were beautiful to see, I could almost read their minds.
'The bastards going to get drunk and belt the shit out of us.'
"You three, 'Present'."
They jumped up into the 'Present'
Eric came to stand at my left.
"You three, follow us."
I walked toward the room and could hear a slight sniffle and a sob, that'd be blondy.
"Quiet, or I'll give you something to sniffle about."
Up till now not one finger had been laid on them as I had promised Richard and there wouldn't be. It's just they didn't know that. Once in the room I stopped them at the usual three paces but allowed Eric to come with me to the table at the back.
"Well boy, if you were only a boy like them, what would you like for your punishment?"
"This Master, six with the tawse would be all a boy could take."
"Good decision, boy."
I took the tawse from his hand and smacked it hard a couple of times on the table. The sound echoed around the silent room. By now they should almost be pissing themselves, except if I was correct about the dark haired boy, he would be wanting to cum by now.
"Now boy, as you are the Child of Mythra, what would you think was a more fitting punishment?"
"Master, six with the tawse, then five with the strega amd lastly five with the two clawed cat."
"Is that what these cowards deserve then?"
"Yes Master, they do."
I lifted the strega and whacked it down on the table. The sobs from the blonde kid were now full rain drop tears, the bigger leader of the three was very definatily green around the gills as the strega struck again. I then picked up the 2 ounce cat and turning slashed it against one of the beams of the cross, four hard whacks. The blonde kid threw up on the floor, the leader went forward onto his hands and knees green and sweating, but darky's eyes never left the cat, he was panting and must have been so close to cumming it was only the tightness of his pants stopping him.
"Well boy looks as though they don't have the guts like a real man, do you want to show them what Mythra's Child is like and if so, what will you take."
"Yes Master, and I will take as stated sir."
"You three, look up an see what a Child of Mythra can do."
The two near the floor looked up as Eric took his place face on to the cross reaching up to be locked to the chains. I went to him and after removing his vest placed his cuffs to the chains and locked him up there, then the same to his ankle cuffs.
"Watch boys and learn, wait, you darky come here."
The boy came forward.
"Arms above your head boy."
He lifted his arms and I clamped two chains to his wrists hanging from the ceiling beam. His body shivered and he smiled at me. I whispered so only he could hear.
"You like that, boy?"
"Yes sir."
"Can you stop from cumming till I tell you?"
"I'll try, sir."
"Good boy, if you can do that then I will have something special for you after they have gone home."
"Would you sir? thank you sir."
I winked at him.
"You try your best, boy."
"Yes sir."
"Good boy."
Turning back to Eric I got the tawse ready and then released his belt and laid it on the table.
"You are under the no cumming rule, boy."
"Yes Master."
"Then sing your song of harmony boy."
Even I was surprised as he went to harmony without the need of pain to send him. I lifted the tawse and gave it a full swing,
Swish crack.
Again and again until I had reached the six he had said. The welts stood out on his thighs but the humming had not stopped, it was calm and steady. I reached for the strega and lined up his butt, five loud smacks later and the humming was still level and steady.
I lifted the cat and threw it over my shoulder to rest there for a minute while I looked at the boys on the floor. Blondy was grey and kneeling in his own spew, the leader was covering his head with his hands and sobbing, they were both out of it. I walked over to the boy suspended from the chains and whispered to him.
"You ok, boy?"
"Yes sir, but ooohhh I'm so close, sir, sir?"
"Yes boy?"
"Sir, could
3; you
3; like
3; uhm
3; loosen my
3; uhm
3; zipper, sir?"
I reached for him and loosened his zipper.
"Sir, could you
3; well
3; you know
3; like take me out, sir."
"What about the other boys?"
3; I
3; I don't care sir, please sir?"
"Ok boy, do you think you can wait till I say so?"
"I'm trying sir, but it's ooohh so close sir."
"Keep trying boy I'm proud of you, you're a good boy, not like those to whimps."
A look of pride came over his face at these words of praise.
"Just try to hold on boy I'll tell you soon. Listen to Mythra's Child's song, can you hear him?"
"The humming sir, yes sir. How does he do it, sir?"
"Only he knows boy, that's why he's Mythra's Child. You ready now boy?"
"Yes sir."
I turned to Eric again.
Swish crack
3; One. Swish crack
3; Two. Swish crack
3; Three. Swish crack
3; Four.
"Ready boy."
The humming stopped.
Swish crack
3; "Now boy."
I turned to watch the dark boy and as Eric shot his hot sperm out to the wall in front of him, the dark boy in the chains let loose his 5" [12 cm] with its foreskin now tight back over his shaft as he sent a jet out and to the floor. The other two boys sat there stunned by what they had just seen by the two boys in the restraints. Eric shuddered as he finished and then the other boy was hanging limply. I went to him first and lowered him to the floor as he came out of his high.
"You ok boy, I'm really proud of you holding on like that boy, you did really well."
He smiled up at me pride showing through his eyes.
I patted his head and went to Eric and released him, then took him in my arms amd hugged him close
"Good boy, I love you little dove, I'm so proud of you. Come on let me look to your back and legs."
"It's ok Master, I can walk for you."
"Ok Child of Mythra, show them your strength. I love you little dove."
"I love you, Master James."
The other boys stood there still stunned by what had happened and how we felt about each other.
"You boys into the lounge stand at 'Present' until I get there."
They took off except the dark boy who came over to look at Eric's back.
"I'm so sorry for what we did to you today Eric. Please can I be your friend?"
Eric smiled at him.
"Of course you are my friend. You are one of us, did you like that, up on the chains?"
"Oh yes Eric it was
3; like real cool, you know hanging there and the sound of that cat thing."
"You want to feel it some time, you like tingle all over."
"Really, it looked real hard."
"Not if you had a Master like mine, he knows how to make you feel real good."
"D'ya think he would let me try some time?"
"Maybe, you have to ask him. Not now maybe next time you come here."
"I can come back again?"
"Of course, you're my friend aintcha?"
"Oh cool, Eric."
"Ok you two, enough. Come on let me see to Eric. You go wait with the others."
"Yes sir."
"Good boy."
The boy went off to the lounge room to wait.
"James, he is one of us isn't he."
"Yes, kiddo he's one of us, but he'll never be double ringed like you. He has a spark in his eyes, one day in a few years he'll be a Master."
"You can tell already, James?"
"Yes kiddo, it's just experience, you get to be able to tell after a while. Ok, go to the bathroom and run a hot bath and soak for a while. I'll go finish with those three."
Eric took off to the bathroom and I then heard the water running as he filled the bath. He then came back for me to unlock him and then he returned with his leathers in hand to clean after his bath.
The three boys were at 'Present' as I entered the lounge.
"You darky will stay to clean up the mess your friends left in my room, you other two can go home and remember the lessons you saw today. You bigger kids should be protecting the smaller ones not picking on them. I hear of you doing it again and it'll be your asses on the cross next time, understand boys?"
"Yes sir."
"Yes sir."
"Then get out of my sight, NOW."
The two boys hit the front door on the run and with their bags in hand took off down the road.
"Yes boy?"
"Where's the cleaning stuff sir?"
"What for boy?"
"To clean the floor sir."
"That's ok boy, that was for their benefit. I just thought you might like to stay and talk with Eric when he's finished his bath and I fix his back. Would you like a coke?"
"May I sir, thank you sir."
"You're a good boy, why hang with those two?"
"I don't know sir, I was kinda looking for something, but I didn't know until today what it was."
"And you think you know now?"
"Oh yes sir, I'd like to be like Eric, he's so cool and all the things he say and does, he's so brave and sorta cool with it."
"Yes, you're right Eric is a very remarkable boy."
"Can I really be his close friend, sir."
"What did Eric say?"
"He said I could sir, but I thought I better ask you too."
"You're a good boy, you did the right thing, what's your name, boy?"
"It's Tony sir."
"Well Tony, Eric won't be long now, I'll get you a coke and we'll wait for him together, ok?"
"Yes sir, thank you sir."