Mythra Trilogy II
Child of Mythra
Chapters 11-16
Chapter 11 Tony
I could still hear Eric in the bathroom as we sat with our drinks in the lounge. Tony was a cute looking kid and I could see he was dying to ask questions but I let it pass for the moment until he decided to start, it was not long in coming.
"Yes Tony, and you can call me James now, the lessons are over."
"Oh ok, thanks James, uhm, can I ask you some questions. I didn't have a chance at school, I (giggle) was sort of occupied at the time."
"Sure Tony, fire away."
"Well there's so many I want to ask, you don't mind?"
"Not at all Tony, I think I know what's going on in your head, and I understand so just let it rip."
"Ok, thanks, well first, when you were punishing Eric in the room, what did he do wrong? I mean at school you said he only got punished when he did something wrong, but today you gave him a real hiding."
"I was not punishing Eric, Tony, I was punishing you and your two mates. Eric took the strokes for the three of you so that I would not break my word to your headmaster. Eric took the position of what we call, a Helot, that is he took someone else's punishment, so they would not be hurt physically. You saw your two friends, in their heads they will see Eric on the cross for a long time."
"Yes so will I James, he really did that for us?"
"Yes Tony, it was his duty to me, he was saving my honour."
"But you could have given mine to me."
"No Tony, I made a promise to your headmaster, I couldn't break it, not even if you had asked me too. I could tell that you were wanting to feel it that's why I let you hang in the shackles, so you would get a little feeling and fun for yourself. I could tell even when I first saw you in the auditorium what you wanted."
"You knew even then what I liked?"
"Yes Tony, I've been doing this a long time and you get to be able to work people out before they even know themselves what they want or need."
"Mmmm, ok, does Eric always wear all that leather stuff, like all the time?"
"Yes most of the time, there are times that I let him work without them."
"Are they just to sort of make him look good or do you use them for something else?"
"No, they are part of his learning tools. Just like the paddle and other things, they have special uses."
"Uhhm, like what do you do with them?"
"I think that we might ask Eric later if he will show you, how would that be?"
"Oh, you ask him, I thought you could just do anything you wanted to him."
"I could Tony, but this would not be punishment, it would be a demo and I have to respect his position the same as he respects mine when it comes to something outside his normal bounds."
Just then I heard the bath water draining out and expected Eric to appear at any moment, and also waited for Tony's next question.
"James, is it easy to find someone like you, you know a Master, to look out for you, if you wanted to be like Eric?"
"No Tony, not if you want to be safe, there are plenty of people that like to hurt others. They're easy to find, but to find a good man as a Master is not easy. See it's not just a plaything, we take our life style seriously, we have very strict rules to follow. It's a way of life for people like Eric and I."
3; uhm
3; if I
3; ahh
3; wanted to be like
3; ahhh
3; Eric,
3; umm
3; what should I do?"
"You try to find someone you can trust, then talk to them about how you feel and what you think you want to do. But make sure you trust them to tell you the truth, there are those who will try to take advantage of you, they can hurt you really badly."
"I trust you James, would you help me?"
"Is that what you really want Tony, I mean deep down inside you, do you really want that, or are you just wanting to play at it?"
"Please James, I know I really want to be like Eric, he's so happy all the time, I want to be like that, have someone to look after me and do things with me like you did. It made me tingle all over when I was hanging up in the chains, I wanted you so badly to do it to me, James?"
"Yes Tony?"
I knew what was coming, he'd been leading up to this all afternoon. Just then I heard the sound of bare feet scuffling down the hallway from the back of the house, and then Eric appeared, his restrainsts piled in his arms as his slim little golden body came into the louge with his shaft out hard in front of him. He barely glanced at Tony except for a faint blush not expecting him to be there, but he never faultered as he made his way toward me.
"Hey kiddo, you feel better, come over here and let me do your back for you. You know Tony, he wanted to stay and ask some questions. What took you so long, I heard the water go ages ago?"
"Yes James, hi Tony, glad you stayed you're my first real friend so I'm glad you stayed. I wanted to clean up the mess in the room before it began to stink too much."
The soft clatter as the restrainst hit the floor when Eric jumped into position. The loudness of the command startling Tony as he jumped back into his chair, Eric stood stock still at 'Present' as I stood up.
"What were my orders for the back room boy?"
The look of horror and shame came over Eric's face as he realised what he had done. He crashed down to the floor in the position of 'Penitence' as the situation called for.
"Master, may I speak?"
"Speak Boy?"
"Master, I have disobeyed you and would ask for your punishment for my bad behaviour."
"Disodedience is ten strokes. Boy, get the paddle."
"Yes Master."
Eric jumped to his feet and headed to the bedroom for the paddle and in 30 seconds was back kneeling in front of me with the paddle in his hands stretched out toward me. I could see Tony sitting in his chair, a look on his face of shock at what had happened so quickly. But behind the shocked look was also a growing glint as he stared at the paddle in Eric's hands.
I took the paddle from Eric and he returned to the third position but this time side on to me. His small tight butt high in the air still glowing from the strega, the marks on his thighs and back were red and needed some lotion to ease the tightness for him. It would have to wait, he knew he'd broken the rules laid down weeks ago, his butt was going to be crimson and very tender soon.
I sat down again and tapped the paddle on my thigh. Eric was now within arms reach for me when I wanted to begin.
"Boy, you deserve ten strokes, is that right? speak."
"Yes Master."
"However, you broke my rules with good intentions in mind, is that right? speak."
"Yes Master."
"Right, because of your good intentions you will recieve only five strokes. Do not go to harmony Boy, this is punishment. You will count them off, where is your plug, Boy? speak."
"It is inside Master, as you ordered."
"Remove it."
Eric reached between his legs and began to remove his butt plug. I watched Tony's face as he saw it appear. I had only this morning given Eric the next size up and I knew he would cum very quickly if I paddled him with the bigger plug in him. Eric pushed outward with his muscles as he eased out the larger plug and then with a plopping sound it was in his hand. It was spotlessly clean and gleamed with the smear of anal lube still on it. Eric placed it on the floor beside his head and resumed his position as I kept tapping the paddle on my knee. Just then the phone rang as I took the first line up on his butt.
"Tony, do you think you could answer that for me?"
"Yes James."
Tony stood up and moved toward the phone trying to not take his eyes off Eric's upraised butt and the paddle in my hand. I paused for a moment to watch as Tony picked up the hand piece, he then surprised me at the way he answered.
"Good afternoon, this is the home of Master James, may I help you?"
"No sir, I'm Tony sir."
"Yes sir, he is sir, but he is engaged at the moment sir."
"No sir, but I would like to be like him sir."
I swung the paddle hard and made contact with Eric's butt.
"Arghmph, one sir."
"Yes sir, he is sir."
"Yes sir, I shall pass that on sir."
"Urgphm, two sir."
"Yes sir, very hard sir, thank you sir."
Tony put down the phone as I let fly again at Eric's now very red butt.
"Yeowch, three sir."
"Oomph, four sir."
"Yargh, five sir. Thank you Master." (sobbing)
I threw the paddle on the floor and opened my arms as Tony sat down again, his pants were tented out in front of him, his eyes glued to Eric's crimson butt cheeks.
"It's done Eric, come here little dove."
Eric straightened up and then fell into my arms and I began to rub his back as I laid him over my knees and reached for the bottle of aloe vera and titoki oil to ease his back and butt. I started to rub it in gentley as he relaxed on my lap his hardness pushing into my thigh, I massaged his back and legs then went to that very red and very hot little butt of his and took more time to rub in the oil.
"You feeling better, little dove."
"Yes James, oooooohhh that was a real butt burner."
"Hehehe, well you deserved it didn't you?"
"Yes James, I was wrong, I should've asked you first. I'm sorry I just didn't want our room to stink."
"Yes I know what you were trying to do, but you have to remember all the rules all the time."
"Yes I know James, it was silly of me to forget."
"Ok kiddo, it's done and over. Tony who was that on the phone?"
"Just James, Tony."
"Sorry, it was a man called Alton, he asked if you could call him back."
"Ok, what were you two chatting about?"
"He wanted to know,
3; well if I was your new
3; you know
3; Boy."
"He asked if I wanted to be like Eric so I said 'yes'."
"Well he msut have heard the first swat and asked me if it was Eric getting heated up, and then he said something really nice to me."
"What was that Tony?"
Tony blushed as he smiled back at me, Eric still laying on my lap began to wriggle as I continued his butt massage.
"He said (giggle) I was a very good boy and should ask you to, well take me in."
"Is that what you'd like to do, you know that you would have to stay here and not at home?"
"Oh that's not a problem, Dad's always overseas on business, Mum is away a lot doing charity things and my older sister is out with her boyfriend all the time. I think that's why I hung around with those guys all the time, it was boring at home alone."
"But what would they say if you said you were moving out to live with someone else, especially a man."
"I came out to them last year, since then they don't seem to care very much what I do as long as I don't get into trouble."
"Well if your serious Tony, I think I could find someone to look after you. I can't do it as much as I would like too, you see Eric is very special and I have to be here for him alone, he is going to be very important in our scene later on and I need to spend all my time with him, to train him properly for his role in the future."
A crestfallen look came over Tony's face as I spoke, there was a hint of a tear in his eye as I looked at him.
"Do you really, I mean really deep down, want to be like Eric?"
"Yes, yes, I really want to have someone like you."
"Look Tony, I know a man who might like to meet you, he may be able to help you if you'd like to meet him."
"Could I, really."
"Ok then, let me finish with Eric then I'll make a phone call. Would you like to stay for dinner tonight?"
"Yes please, can we talk some more?"
"Of course, but I think you'd be better talking to Eric about a few things as well."
"Ok, that'd be great."
I finished rubbing Eric's butt then pulled him up in my lap and pulled him into my chest hugging him close as he snuggled into me.
"You ok now, kiddo?"
"Yes James, thank you, I love you."
"I love you too kiddo. Ok bend over let me put your plug back then you clean your leathers while I make a phone call or two. You and Tony can talk while I get dinner on."
"Ok, love you."
I saw a look of envy come over Tony's face as he saw us together.
"Would you like a hug, Tony?"
He shot out of his chair and into my arms before Eric could move, trying to find a place beside Eric as he reached around both of us to get a snuggle up. Well it was a long time since I'd had two arms full of warm boy.
"Ok you two, I got things to do. Would you like to help Eric do his cleaning, Tony?"
"Can I?"
"Yep sure, he'll show you what to do."
I left the two boys there on the floor as Eric showed Tony what to do and how to clean the restraints as I went to the phone in my bedroom to make the calls. I could hear the two of them chattering away about everything that had happened today and as Eric explained his position I could hear the pride in his voice. Tony's questions were inciteful and genuine as he tried to find out all he could about Eric's way of life.
"Hello, Alton here?"
"Alton, James."
"Hi James, thanks for calling back."
"No worries, Alton, what can I do for you?"
"I was talking to Richard earlier and he told me what happened at school and what you did this afternoon. I just wondered if I could come over tonight, I have something for Eric that he may like for Thursday's talk to the school."
"That's no problems, why don't you bring Peter with you and we'll have dinner. I might have a couple of other guests here as well we'll make a night of it."
"That'd be great James, you know what my cookings like, Peter does it all for me now, so I'm sure he'd like a break as well. What time's good for you?"
"Say, seven?"
"Great, we'll be there."
"Good, I have to make another call so I'll see you both then."
"Ok bye for now, and thanks, oh by the way, who's the new boy?"
"You'll see when you get here."
"You and your bloody mysteries James, ok see you then, bye."
I hung up and then dialed the other number. Once all had been set up I made my way through the lounge to the kitchen to start dinner for seven people. The two boys still working on the restraints and chatting about everything. I looked down at Tony as he kneeled there with Eric polishing and buffing as they worked side by side, they made a beautiful couple together and had Eric not been the person he was I would have had no hesitation taking Tony in. A pair like those two would have made quite a splash at the next gathering, still Eric was to special to take on another boy at the same time and he deserved my full attention to make him one of a kind as he was meant to be.
"Yes James?"
"I have four guests coming for dinner, would you like to dress up like Eric for them? It's not needed, you're fine as you are or you can go home and change into something more casual if you want to."
"Could I, just like Eric does?"
"Well not completely but I have a few things if you want to."
"I'd love to, but I don't know what to do?"
"You just follow what Eric does, you won't have to do anything hard. I want you to have fun, but I thought you might like to dress up a bit."
"Yes, oh yes please, I'd love to do it."
"Ok then, you can have a shower later and Eric can explain what he does when I have visitors, and what you do. Don't worry if you make mistakes, nobody is going to laugh at you or say anything mean to you. These people are very understanding and will only help you, they will never make you feel uncomfortable."
"Thank you James, I'll try my best for you."
"I know you will, just remember, you're allowed to make mistakes, you're not going to be punished for anything you do, just be yourself and enjoy the night."
I turned and left the two of them to finish the cleaning as I went to the kitchen and started preparations for dinner. An hour later and I'd finished most of it so went back to the lounge to see what the two boys were up too. They were sitting on the floor talking quietly as I entered and took my seat.
"Ok Eric come here kiddo let's get you dressed. Tony you can grab a seat if you want while I dress Eric."
I was stunned as Tony stood and moved to the left side of my chair and took the second positon beside me blushing a little at the unaccustomed position. Eric stood in front of me as I began to lock his leathers on. Tony's eyes never left Eric as he watched the restraints going on and being locked into place, once he was all locked up and without a word took the second postion beside me and on my right.
"Ok smarty pants, who's idea is this?"
Eric answered.
"Mine James, I wanted to show Tony how we were going to do it tonight."
"Well Tony, that was excellent, you do it very well, you're sure you're happy with this?"
"Yes James, it feels so right somehow."
"Ok enough you two, Eric, want to lap dance, heheh, you grab a seat and get comfortable Tony, I'll just give the boy a special hug then we'll see what we can do to make you look the part for tonight."
The boys got organised with Tony taking a seat and Eric taking his usual snuggle position in my lap but with his back against my chest so he could see Tony in his chair. Eric's head was on my shoulder and he had a leg either side of mine, I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close to me and felt his warmth.
"How's your back and butt, kiddo?"
"Good, the stinging has gone, that oil is really great, you really laid that paddle on."
"That's not as hard as I can make it though."
"Really, oooh, better not get you mad then, eh?"
"I never get mad Eric, not when I punish or teach you, it wouldn't be good for you or me."
"Yes Tony?"
"Could you, well kinda, uhm, give me, well one
3; ahhm
3; hit with that paddle thing. I want to see
3; well see what it's like."
"Tony, it's not a play thing. I know and understand how you feel, but I don't think it's a good idea, it's a form of punishment not for just feeling good."
"It's ok James, I understand, but
3; well
3; I did do those things to Eric and well I think you should have punished me and not Eric in that room today. Well you see, I think I should get at least one to pay Eric back."
"You really think you should Tony?"
"Yes James, I think it's only fair."
"You know it's going to hurt like hell, don't you?"
"Yes James."
Tony was like lightening as he jumped into 'Present' almost perfect.
"Strip Boy, Eric go get the paddle off the floor and bring it to me."
"Yes James."
I watched Tony as he shakely removed his shirt, shoes, socks and lastly with an embarrased look on his face his shorts. He stood there in his white briefs sweating a little as his slim muscles twitched, his shaft was pressing hard against the white cotton a wet spot showing on the front.
"Everything, Boy."
Blushing a bright red Tony lowered his briefs as his hard 5" [12 cm] cock jumped up to his well defined abs with a slapping sound.
"Come here, Boy, and take the third position."
Tony came to the front of my chair and knelt down as he'd seen Eric do in the third position.
"Straighten your thighs, Boy, get your butt up higher."
Tony followed instructions, his globes smooth and firm as I looked down at them as they shivered at the thought of what was to come. I waited and let the tension build in him as I reached out for Eric to give me the paddle.
"Boy, at your request you are recieving one stroke of the paddle as punishment for your conduct at school today, do you understand Boy?"
"Yes Master."
"Count it out Boy."
"Yeow, ouch ouch ouch, ohh god, oh ouch."
"What you say, Boy?"
"Ohh, argh, one
3; one sir
3; thank you sir, oh damn that hurts."
"Come here, Tony."
I looked at Eric as he stood there watching Tony get to his feet very gingerly and I opened my arms for him to come into.
"Ok, Tony, you're ok, here lay down on my lap and I'll put some oil on it, it'll take the sting out."
Tony laid down and I began to rub in the oil on his butt, the bright red stripe was so sexy on his tight skin.
"So what do you think of your first paddle, Tony?"
"Damn that thing was like getting hit with a Mack truck."
"Oh really and you get hit with a Mack truck a lot do you?"
"No, no, you know what I mean, James."
"Yeah I know Tony, I'm just kidding with you, stings doesn't it."
"Hell yeah, how does Eric do it?"
"Because he's special Tony. Ok all done, feel better, why don't you go with Eric and he'll show you where the shower is and you can have a clean up while I go look for some things for you to wear tonight. Eric you help him to relax, ok?"
Eric gave a giggle as he lead Tony to the bathroom as I went to my bedroom and began to hunt around for a few things for him to wear. Once I had sorted out an outfit for Tony I switched on the monitor for the bathroom to check on them and was in time to see Eric make Tony very relaxed as he took him in his mouth as he stroked Tony's thighs with his small hands. Tony held out for all of a minute and a half before he began to shudder as he unloaded into Eric's mouth, his knees buckling under him as the intensity of the hot water and hot mouth took its toll of his feelings. I smiled to myself as Eric looked up at Tony with a satisfied look as though to say 'Well James said to make you relaxed', then he stood up and waited until Tony could speak again.
I had switched off the mic but could see the look on Tony's face said it all. Eric nodded and turned to leave as Tony began to wash himself. I switched off the monitor and closed the door as I heard Eric coming into the room.
"How does Tony feel now, kiddo?"
"Well, hehe, he's pretty relaxed now."
"How'd you do that, kiddo?"
3; you know
3; I gave him a BJ. It's ok, isn't it?"
"Yes kiddo, you did the right thing for him. That's what I wanted you to do, he's a good boy and I think he needs someone like you as well as a good Master to look after him as well."
"That's cool James, who do you think would be good for him?"
"You'll see later, hell look it's 6.45, better go hurry him up so I can dress him."
Eric disappeared into the bathroom again and I heard the sound of the water being turned off and a bit of giggling going on as I waited next to the bed to dress Tony in his first leathers. They came in together, Eric of course already dressed and Tony wearing just a towel around his waist.
"Ok Tony, I've seen it all before, you can drop the towel and come over here so I can dress you."
Tony dropped his towel without hesitation and came to stand in front of me.
"Ok Tony I'm going to explain it all to you as we go. These are not the normal leathers you'd wear if you were to belong to someone, these are called trainers. You see how Eric's are all locked on, well these are held on only with studs so you can remove them if you don't like the feel. Instead of a chastity belt I'm going to put you into a pair of short pants, they should fit you tightly and they'll feel just like a belt but you should be more comfortable in them for your first time. The cuffs and collar are the same, they are for looks only and not the real ones you'd have if you were someone's boy. Right now let's get you into the pants first, here step into these, now pull them up to your waist and I'll show you the tricky bit. Good, now I've got to take hold of your dick, you ok with that?"
"Yes James, you do what you have to, they feel so great already and that leather smeel is so cool."
"Ok, now you see this flap at the front? (he nodded) Good, now see that little pouch in the bottom we have to put your dick in that. It will keep it pulled down under your groin and stop you from getting hard, it's a little uncomfortable at first because your balls are pushed upwards."
"Yes Tony?"
"Do you think I could have one of those things Eric has, you know in his
3; ahhm
3; butt?"
"Hahaha, you want to try a butt plug, Tony?"
"Could I?"
"Ok Tony, wait I'll get a small one for you. Take the pants off and go with Eric, he'll show you how to have an enema. Not too much Eric, just a small wash out, ok?"
"Yes James." (giggle) "You gonna love this Tony, c'mon."
The two of them left again for the bathroom and I started to look through my collection of plugs to find one suitable for Tony's first time. I could hear the water running as Eric filled the bag ready for Tony, the chatter and giggling was amusing to hear.
"Jeez Eric, you gonna shove that up me?"
"Not shove, I'll just ease it into you, wait I'll put some lube on you, bend over, ohh Tony?"
"What, what?"
"Nice ass."
"Hehehe, you think so? ohhhh that's cold, oh, oh, oh that's nice, oh wow, is that your finger?"
"No, see nice isn't it, wait I'll just push a little more."
"Oh God, that's so cool, oh damn, how far you pushing it in, oh, oh, oooohhhh. What now, oh God what's that, huh that's warm, hey I'm filling up, oh God how much more, ngh, oh no more Eric, I'm full."
"Ok that's all of it, can you keep the water in while I pull the nozzel out. Yeah that's it, try to hold it long as you can, when you can't hold anymore just sit on the loo and let it go."
I couldn't help laughing to myself as the conversation went back and forth then I heard the groan and the loud slushing as Tony let go of the enema.
"Whew, oh yuk, jeez that stinks, god I feel so empty, poo the stink. How often you do this Eric?"
"I have to do it two times every morning before I put my plug in.
"Yep, it's part of my routine in the mornings. I put my own plug in as well, except when James has a bigger size for me then he does it the first time for me."
"What they feel like, you know the plugs?"
"It's so cool, when you sit or move around you feel it move around inside you. It rubs your prostate thingy, feels so awesome. Of course I can't cum with my belt on, so every time the belt comes off I go so hard straight away."
"So you get to have a wank and things then all the time?"
"Hell no, not unless James says I can."
"You mean you can't jerk off or anything unless he tells you, damn that must be hard?"
"No, my dick gets hard, hehehe. You have to understand, in my head I belong to James, he protects me and looks after me. The least I can do is obey him, he never does anything wrong to me, and boy you got to feel it when he says I can cum. He made me go without for two weeks when I first came here but boy when he said I could cum it was like flashing lights and everything."
"Jeez don't know if I can last that long, I got to do it two three times a day."
"No it's ok, a good Master shows you how to do it. Ok, you're done now let's go back and see you dressed."
The two boys came back into the bedroom, we had about five minutes to go before Alton arrived so I got on with the job.
"Ok Tony, I'm going to lube your butt for you, then I'll ease this into you slowly. It's smaller than Eric stated with but it should feel nice for your first time. Ok now bend over, that's the boy, now this is my finger, you're ok?"
"Ungh, yes, feels hard, oooohh what was that you just did?"
"That's your prostate, you're ok, not sore?"
"A little but it's getting better."
"Ok here comes the plug, see I'm just going slow, feel ok?"
"Ooohh yeah, oh, oh that feels so big, uhng ooh owe, ooh ok, much more?"
"No Tony no more, it's in, feel ok?"
"Yes, ooh I feel real full, will it fall out?"
"No Tony, it's got a little lip on it, that was the hard part going in at the end. It stays there till you want to take it out. Ok now for your shorts again, think you can get that thing down enough to get it into the pouch?"
"I'll try, that plug is rubbing on my prostate thing."
"Ok wait, I'll get you down, there how's that? Now put yourself in there, that's right, now let me zip you up, ah damn you're a fine looking boy in those pants Tony."
"You really think so?"
"Yes Tony. What do you think, little dove?"
"Yes James he looks a real hunk?"
"There you are Tony see, now let me put these cuffs on you, right now lift your legs one at a time, that's the boy, now stand up straight and lift your head a little, good that's it.Now I'm going to ask you a few questions and you just answer them as you feel."
"Ok James."
"Boy 'Present'."
"Boy, you are a free man you are not bonded to any other, is this true?"
"Yes sir."
"Boy, you asked to be bonded for this one night, is this true?"
"Yes sir."
"Then Boy, I place around your neck this collar and bind you to me for this one night only, do you agree?"
"Yes sir, thank you sir."
"Your position in this house will be below that of the Child of Mythra, do you agree?"
"Yes sir."
"Then Boy go before the Child of Mythra and take the second position and state to him that you will follow him for this one evening."
"Yes sir."
Tony turned to Eric and took the second position looking up into his eyes.
"Child of Mythra, I follow you for this evening."
Eric reached out and laid his hand on Tony's head.
"Bonded Boy, I'm honoured."
"Ok Tony, come here let me give you a welcome hug. You too Eric, come on a groupy."
They both jumped at me in a big hug just as the door bell rang.
"Nice timing boys, PRESENT."
"Eric you will take this boy with you to answer the door, explain to him what to do, go now."
"Yes Master, come with me Tony."
They left the room ahead of me as I put a couple of things away then went into the lounge to wait for Alton. I watched as Eric opened the door, Tony was standing on his left and slightly behind him at 'Present', Eric snapped into 'Present' and spoke clearly.
"Welcome Master Alton, welcome sir, Master James awaits you sir may I show you to him?"
I watched Tony closely as he took it all in, Eric stepped back again letting Alton and then Peter come in. Then with Tony at his shoulder he led them into where I was sitting, Eric immediately went to my right and Tony to my left taking the second positon. Peter had an arm full of boxes which he held as Alton made his greeting.
"Founding Prime Master, you honour me Sir."
"Greetings Master Alton, I'm honoured you would come, please relax and take a seat."
I looked down at Tony.
"Boy, you will take the boxes from Master Alton's boy and place them over there in the corner then return to me."
"Yes Master."
Peter handed the boxes to Tony, then took his place beside Alton but his eyes never left Tony until a sharp hiss from Alton brought him back again.
"That's one, Boy."
"Yes Master."
It was to let Peter know he was out of line and would get his punishment when they got home. Tony returned to his place beside my chair, Alton looked him over with a very critical eye.
"Ok James, how did you do it this time, he's not a double as well is he?"
"Unfortunately not Alton, what you think of him?"
"Well you kept him well hidden from us, I see you've got him in trainers. How long has he been with you, he moves well and looks good and solid in his positions."
"This afternoon, Alton."
"You're joking of course."
"Nope, he's a freeman, I've bonded him only for tonight, he came here this afternoon for the first time."
"How the hell do you do it, one day and he's as good as I've seen, well except for this one here."
He reached down and patted Peter's head gicing him a small stroke as he took his hand away.
"Those two look like bookends beside you."
"Yes, his name's Tony, he's a good looking boy, hope to find someone for him."
"Yes Master?"
"Take the boy with you and get some drinks for us. I'll have a Glen as usual, Rum and coke for you Alton?"
"Thanks James."
"You heard him, go to it."
"Yes Master."
Eric tossed his head at Tony and they got up and went into the kitchen for our drinks.
"Ok James, where did you find him?"
"He was one of the boys that had the fight with Eric. I brought the three of them home for a lesson in humility when we finished at the school. I could see the first time I saw him what he was, he took it well, even asked for a swat to pay Eric back for doing Helot duty for them."
"Ah that explains the black eye then."
"Yes, now what did you want in such an all fired hurry today?"
"Well Greg dropped all the stuff off today and when Richard called me I thought I should try to get one of Eric's suits finished for Thursday. We closed the shop and went to it, just finished it when I rang you, Peter was puting the last bits on so I rang to ask if we could bring it over."
"Which one?"
"The red one, damn that boy's going to look good in it."
"After dinner then?"
"Yes that'll be fine."
Eric and Tony returned with our drinks as the door bell went off again.
"Yes Master?"
"That will be a Prime Master, explain to the boy his duties and then open the door."
"Yes Master."
Alton's, Peter's and my eyes followed the two boys as they made for the door taking in the sight of the bookends as Alton had named them. Eric had Tony go to the second position then opened the door, saw Nigel and his boy there and as he went to the second position whispered to Tony to go to the third.
"Prime Master of the Chair, welcome and welcome to you sir, my Master awaits you sir. May I show you to him?"
Nigel and his boy entered and waited as Eric closed the door then preceded them into the lounge with Tony again at his shoulder. They took their place beside my chair as I rose.
"Prime Master of the Chair, I welcome you Sir."
"Founding Prime Master, you honour me sir."
Alton had taken his position at 'Present'
"Master Alton, I greet thee."
"Prime Master of the Chair, you honour me sir."
"Ok that's over, what'll you have to drink Nigel, Glen?"
"Yep that's fine, thanks James, and how's our Child of Mythra this evening?"
Eric looked at me, I nodded.
"I'm very well thank you Prime Master of the Chair."
"Good, and who's this James, you gone and done it again?"
"No Nigel, he's not a double, worse luck, he's bonded for tonight only."
"He's got good posture James, he's going to make someone a very good boy."
"Well Nigel, that's why I asked you here, I thought you might consider him as you loose Brian this weekend?"
"Are you serious, James?"
"Very, he's a good boy, learns very quick and wants to know more and he has a spark, when I saw him I thought of you and what this weekend meant to you, would you consider it?"
"Would you allow my boy to look him over?"
I watched as Brian's eyes lifted, surprise showing, what Nigel had just done was offer the highest compliment to a slave tha he could give. I'm sure it was a reflection of his total trust in Brian and also meant as a final gesture to him before loosing him this weekend.
"I'm sure he would be honoured Nigel, Boy, Present yourelf before Prime Master Nigel's boy."
At a nod from Nigel Brian rose and approached Tony as he stood straight and rigid in front of Nigel's chair, a thin sheen of sweat on his skin as Brian neared him. Brian glanced at me and when I nodded he reached out to run his hands over Tony's bare skin, after an intial flinch Tony settled down and seem to enjoy the feel of another man's hands on his skin as Brian ran his hands over him from head to toe slipping a finger in between his legs as he reached his butt. When he'd finished I glanced at Tony, he was in outer space somewhere, his eyes glazed and his breath coming in short gasps. Brian returned to Nigel's side as we all watched the look of bliss on Tony's face.
"BOY, come."
The sudden shout broke through Tony's revery and he jumped back beside me. Brian leaned over to Nigel and whispered in his ear for a few moments, Nigel looked at Tony and nodded then turned to me.
"Well James, I have to agree with my Boy's judgement."
"And what would that be, Nigel?" (As though I had no idea)
"Well if the boy agreed to it, he says that he could not find a finer boy to take his place, also he said that he must be a very good boy to be plugged already, hahaha."
"The plug is at his request, Nigel."
"Really, may I speak to him?"
"Of course."
"Boy, do you like the feel of the plug?"
I watched as Tony was about to answer, then a very soft hiss came from Eric, Tony stopped then looked up at me, I smiled and nodded to him, he turned to Nigel.
"Prime Master of the Chair, Founding Prime Master James has made me feel very good sir."
"Well said boy, but we're not formal now, just sir is enough for now. I compliment you on your good manners and the honour you show. Wwould you like to be trained correctly?"
Tony waited for me to nod to him.
"Yes sir, I would like that very much, sir."
"Do you know that you would have to leave your home to stay with me full time?"
I nodded to Tony.
"Yes sir, it would not be any trouble sir."
"Thank you boy. He's going to need a few days to sort out his home life, James, do you think he might like to join us all on the weekend?"
"What do you think Boy, want to come to a gathering with us on the weekend?"
"Yes Master, I would like to very much Sir."
"And would you be happy for Master Nigel to take you for your training?"
"Yes Sir, I would be happy to be with the Prime Master sir."
"Well there's your answer Nigel. After Sunday you'll be responsible for young Tony here, if you have no objection Mythra's Child and I would like to be present at his commitment ceremony."
"What say we make it on Sunday, Alton could you have his leathers done by then?"
"If James would let me be a little late with the rest fo Eric's wardrobe I'm sure I could do it. What about Greg though he'd need time to do the tags."
"No, that's no problem we can transfer the ones from Brian's gear after the ceremony on Saturday night."
"Ok then Nigel, Peter and I will have it all ready, can we measure him up tonight James?"
"Sure after dinner should be ok, speaking of which, Eric?"
"Yes Master?"
"Take the boy with you and start to serve dinner please."
"Yes Master."
"Ah James?"
"Yes Nigel."
"Perhaps we can send all the boys together to serve tonight, if you had no objection. We have a little extra planning to do now, will give us some peace to sort all the details out if they're all busy in the kitchen."
"Well if Alton has no objections I don't se why not Nigel, Alton?"
"None at all James, boy go help the others in the kitchen."
Nigel gave Brian the same order and the two boys left to help Eric and Tony as we settled down to plan for the ceremonies on the weekend.
Chapter 12 New Gear
Dinner became a relaxed affair with the four boys looking to our every need as was expected. Tony showed he had the right attitude and did well for his first taste of servitude. I noticed he was especially attentive to Nigel who occasionally rewarded him with a pat on the butt which made Tony beam at the gesture of recognition.
The other three boys smiled at Tony and tried to do their best to make him feel useful and a part of their little group.
At the end of dinner Nigel and Alton nodded to me to let me know I could dismiss their boys to eat with my two as soon as the coffee had been served and the port opened on the table.
"Right then Nigel, we have everything done for Saturday only the earring for Tony to get and that'll be all done."
"Yes James, I'll get the earring tomorrow and have it ready. What are you going to do with Eric on Thursday at the school? Sounds like an interesting exercise."
"Not a lot Nigel, just show some of the good gear and then let them see how Eric's restraints work, well not quite all of them hahaha. Then I let them ask the questions they want too, those kids have a completely different outlook on things and they ask some good questions, makes for an interesting session."
"Do you think it will help our way of life to be understood better?"
"Can't say, maybe not for us but hopefully for Eric and any others that come after us. If they know that it's not all bashing and pain maybe they will accept boys like ours a little better."
We sat and chatted about all and sundry for a while longer and then the sound of dishes being put into the dish washer told us our boys were nearly finished.
"So Alton sounds as though they are done, who do you want to take care of first, Eric or Tony?"
"Well Tony is going to be the easiest and quickest also I think everyone will want to see Eric get dressed last. It might make a good impression on Tony as well."
"Ok I'll hand him over to you when they get in here."
"Do you mind if Peter does it again, it's good for him to get the practice and now he's seen how we made Eric's gear he is going to be a real help to."
"No that's fine with me, Peter it is then."
Just then the four boys came into the room and took their places beside their Masters, my two bookends beside me straight and proud at the way the evening had gone so far. I looked down at Tony beside me.
"Boy, Present."
Tony jumped up, he was getting better and better with his posture.
"Go stand in the center of the room for Master Alton's boy to measure you. You will allow him to strip you for that purpose, understand boy?"
"Yes Master."
Tony moved to the center of the room and waited until Alton nodded to Peter to carry on. He left Alton's side and went to stand before Tony and then after looking to me and accepting my nod as approval he began to strip Tony of all his temporary leathers including his skin tight shorts.
Tony stood there without moving and only the slightest of blushes touched his cheeks as Peter took his clothes from him and then began to measure him all over. Tony's erection had been instant the moment that his shorts were removed but he stood firm as Peter handled him freely.
"Well chosen James, Tony's a great boy, stands well and follows his orders without question."
"Thanks Nigel, yes he's going to make you very proud of him."
Tony straightened more when he heard the compliments and his beautiful smile shone out as though he had been petted with a soft caress.
Once Peter had finished I nodded to Tony to bring his leathers to me and dressed him once again, then turned to Eric as soon as Tony was at his place beside my chair.
"Come boy I want to unlock you, Master Alton will have some new clothes for you and will dress you this time. You will do as he says, understand?"
"Yes Master."
I finished unlocking Eric and he stood before us all naked except for his two rings and gold arm bracelet.
"Stand at the center boy."
Eric moved to the middle of the room to wait for Alton, and at Alton's nod Peter went to the corner and took up the boxes and brought them to him as he stood before Eric.
Alton took the first and smallest box opened it and brought it over to me to look at first. I had always been aware of Alton's ability as a tailor and leather worker but the pieces of sheer art in the box took my breathe away. Fitted into their respective slots were Eric's new ankle and wrist cuffs also his new collar, the bright red leather was stitched together so finely that the white stitching seemed to one continuous line almost unbroken, the catches a new type I had not seen before were of highly polished stainless steel and appeared to lockless, the symbol of the dove on each piece was of anodised metal that would need no polishing as the older type did. I could see that this colour was going to be outstanding against Eric's copper skin. Alton began to explain to me the new catches.
"They're the latest Greg could find on the net, they just clip in and they can't be opened unless you have this key, with this you just push it in the hole here and they snap open."
Alton showed me how it worked, it was going to be a lot easier than all the padlocks we had at the present.
"I'll put the cuffs on but of course I'll leave the collar for you, James."
Alton placed the collar in my hands for later, I looked closer at it and marvelled at the workmanship, Alton was a true craftsman. By the weight of it I could tell it was lighter than the one Eric had been wearing, but somehow seemed to be stronger. Alton went to Eric and with a very deft click set the cuffs in place, he next turned to Peter and took the next box, it was a little larger and again he brought it to me to see. The chastity belt was of the same high standard but then I expected nothing less from Alton.
"I'll leave this with you James, I think he would look better in his shorts for now."
Alton removed the short pants and then turned them inside out to show me the work done inside. At the bottom of the flap was the usual pocket for Eric's cock to fit into, but the tube was bent downward so that it was underneath his scrotum, even more than the ones Tony was wearing, and at either side of the tube was a small concave piece of the same metal to fit his small balls into. The top band of the shorts had a clip like the cuffs on it but the very top of the band had Velcro stitched onto it.
"If you look under the edge of his belt James you'll see a flap of the other side of the Velcro. It drops down and you can attach the shorts to the bottom of his belt it looks all one piece then if you want to take him out. All you have to do is disconnect the chastity rig on the belt, once it's all on him you can't tell the difference, it looks like one piece."
I nodded that I understood but was still overwhelmed at the work he had done. These were the finest set of leathers I had ever seen. Alton approached Eric and then he turned to me for permission to get Eric's erection down and fit him into the tube in the shorts. I nodded to go ahead, as the shorts were pulled up his legs Eric positively glowed at the feel and newness of them. The smell of new leather in the room began to give us a nice heady feeling and as the shorts were zipped up and snapped on Eric shuddered with delight at the tightness and feel of them.
The next box held his chest harness and a vest again Alton brought them over to me to inspect first and then went to Eric an began to put it on him. Everything was a perfect fit, the harness pulled Eric's smaller chest upward and made his small nipples stand out further than the old one. The bright red of the leather shone and also made Eric's colour stand out even more, he looked like a bright light as he stood there in the middle of the room.
"Now the vest, James, is so that he can wear it over the harness. As I put it on you'll see that it has small slits in it that correspond to the position of all the restraint rings on the harness. If you want to hold him just pull the ring through the hole and snap him up. The vest can be worn by itself as well and as you can see the holes are almost invisible and look just like tucks in the leather when they aren't in use."
The last box was a shoebox and Alton took from it the most beautiful pair of red boots that could be made. On the inside of each heel was another small steel ring worked into the leather as well as another two up near the tops that had an open flap to make them easier to put on.
"If you want to remove his ankle cuffs so as he can wear the boots, then once he has them on you just snap them closed like the rest he can't get them off till you let him. The heel and top rings are to make it easy for you to hold him if you need too."
Alton took out the key and popped the cuffs off Eric and slid the boots on clicking them in place, then brought the cuffs over to me. Now only the collar remained, it was the one piece no other Master could put on for him.
"Come boy."
Eric came and stood in front of, his beaming smile told me all I needed to know.
I lifted the collar toward his neck and as I did so something caught my eye. I paused and looked at Alton then Nigel.
"You two can't be serious, is this what I think it is?"
"Yes, they're all real."
3; but
3; why, how?"
Nigel continued, "After that night of the conclave and Eric's gutsy performance, when you left, we called a special meeting, the vote was unanimous. Every member of the conclave donated money to pay for these and Greg donated all the gold and silver, which will be on the other sets, dove clips, so yes James, as a mark of respect for Eric we had those ones made of 18crt gold."
3; well
3; I'm meant to look out for these things for him."
"James, he's our first double, let us show how we feel about him. It's the least we can do for the honour he's brought us all."
3; I mean
3; uhm ok
3; but I don't know how to thank you all."
"You brought us Eric, what more thanks do we need. Besides he looks an absolute dream in them, you can't give them back now, hahaha."
Eric looked up at me and lifted an eyebrow that could have mean anything but I had a feeling of what he wanted to do. I leaned forward and clipped the collar about his neck.
"Boy, you may show gratitude to these Masters for your good fortune."
Eric approached Nigel and went to the third position even though as the Child of Mythra he did not have to.
"Prime Master of the Chair, you have honoured my Master beyond call."
Eric moved to Alton and again took the third without hesitation or thought.
"Master Alton, you have honoured my Master beyond call."
Eric looked up at me as he gained his feet asking without words to go to the three boys. I nodded. It was his wish and he wasn't obliged to do it, firstly to Brian then Peter, he took the second position before each of them saying.
"Sir, my Master is honoured by your attendance as am I."
He then went to Tony sitting beside me and again went to the second position.
"Bonded boy, I am honoured by your presence and thank you for your attendance."
Eric rose to his feet and looked askance at me, I opened my arms as he rushed to be in my embrace hugging my waist as though he was going to die at any moment.
"Master, oh my Master, thank you, thank you. I love you James."
Everyone broke the spell and came to either pat his head or try to get close enough to hug him. The boys had tears in their eyes and I think that Alton and Nigel weren't far behind, it was a very heady moment, one that none of us would forget, my little dove now looked like a true Child of Mythra.
Chapter 13 The Final Bonding
The rest of the evening settled into a gathering of good friends as Nigel and Alton helped me with the difficult task of demolishing the bottle of 20 year old tawny port. We had all decided to let the boys have time to themselves and Eric took them into his room to play video games and chat.
"So James, what do you think of Eric's suit?"
"Alton, I've never seen anything like it, it's outstanding and your workmanship will never be beaten."
"It's the first red one I've done, and I'm proud to say James, there won't be another one except for Eric as he gets bigger. We decided at a special meeting of the council after you told me the colours you wanted that the red was to be reserved for him alone as the Child of Mythra."
"Thank you Alton, it really means a lot to both of us."
The evening drew to a close and with the light buzz from the events and of course the port, Nigel and Alton took their boys and departed for home as Eric and Tony came to me while I finished the last of the coffee in the pot. Both the boys looked stunning as they relaxed and then Tony looked at Eric who nodded his head at him and smiled, Tony jumped into the 'present' in front of my chair.
"Master may I speak?"
"Yes boy."
"Master I would like to respectfully request to be allowed to stay here this evening?"
"Why boy?"
"Master, I like to be dressed like this but I know I can't take it home with me, so I would like to sleep here with your permission, Sir?"
"I see, well Mythra's Child will be with me this evening, so you'll be sleeping alone, can you handle that boy?"
"Yes Master, uhm
3; Master?"
"Yes boy?"
"Would you
3; uhm
3; make me feel good tonight, please Sir?"
I looked at Tony as he stood there, the anticipation on his face made me smile at him.
"Yes boy, I can do that for you. But you know that you are to be unbonded tonight?"
"Yes Master, well
3; I was hoping Sir, that you would do it in the morning, Sir."
"You agree to being bonded over night boy?"
"Yes Sir, very much Sir."
"Then boy consider it done."
"Thank Sir."
The relief on his face as I agreed was good to see, I was not going to do anything heavy to him but thought he might like to experience a night in the star position with just a little titilation on the side to make it interesting.
"Ok Tony, relax, come on you two time for a groupy before we hit the hay."
For the second time that day my arms were filled with warm boy flesh as they flew into my arms. It's nice to be wanted (hehehe).
When we had cuddled enough I let the two of them free and set out the rules for the night.
"Eric you go to my room and wait for me there, Tony you come with me into Eric's bedroom."
A double 'yes James' came from them and as Eric headed for my room I took Tony into his room.
"Ok Tony, I'm going to show you how to star sleep, can you strip down now and leave only your collar and cuffs on."
Tony quickly stripped off his harness and shorts then stood before me naked and erect.
"Good, now I want you to lay down on your back in the middle of the bed and I'll set your arms and legs to the restraints on the bed. If you have trouble during the night just pull hard on one of your cuffs and the snaps will release you."
Tony jumped onto the bed and lay down spread out. I began to set the restraints to his cuffs pulling them tight enough for him to feel the pressure on his muscles.
"You feel ok, Tony?"
"Ooooohhh yes."
"Good now Im going going to put a blindfold on you, ok?"
"Yes please."
I set the blindfold firmly over his eyes making sure the velcro was well placed and wouldn't come loose during the night.
"Tony, I'm going to give you a word, it's called a safeword, ok? If during the night you feel uncomfortable or you can't get your cuffs free, you just call out the word and I'll come to you, ok?"
"Yes Sir."
"Ok, the word is 'freedom' say it for me Tony?"
"Freedom Sir."
"Good boy, now use that word if you feel you have to."
"Yes Sir."
"Good boy, now enjoy your sleep and I'll see you in the morning, night boy."
"Good night Sir."
I smiled at the thought of my little brush waiting for him as he settled more firmly into his position on the bed grinning to himself as he felt the tightness of his bonds.
I went to my bedroom to see Eric waiting patiently for me.
"You know what tonight is, my little dove?"
"I think so James, well I hope so James."
"It is little one, I want to finish this day for you in a special way and I think the time is right now for your big event."
Eric shivered a little in anticipation, at last it was going to happen, he could hardly contain himself as I began to take off his new clothes, it was like unwrapping the ultimate present as his beautiful copper body was revealed to me once again.
As I took off each piece I gave it to him to fold and set neatly on the cabinet top. At last he had on only his jewelry and his collar. I told him to remove his golden arm band and put it with the rest on the cabinet then opened my arms for him to come into.
Hugging Eric to my chest I ran my hands over his smooth body feeling every muscle writhing and moving with the touch.
"Ok my little dove, one more thing to do and then the night is ours."
"I want you to go and remove your plug and have an extra enema for me ok?"
"Oh yes James, you really going to do it tonight?"
"Yes little dove, really, tonight, it's time, you're ready?"
"Oh James, I've been ready for weeks."
"Good, now go do as I asked you. I have to check on Tony."
Eric lifted an eyebrow.
I smiled and nodded as Eric went to the bathroom giggling.
I took my trusty mohair brush and entered Tony's room. He was breathing easy and looked to be almost asleep, I moved to the bed quietly and then smiled again as I ran the brush over the head of his penis now partially flacid, it jumped to attention as the brush glided over the head.
"OH, fucking hell what's that, oohh God
3; don't stop
3; oooohhh, Damn, is that you James?"
I stayed silent as I watched his precum start to ooze out as the brush worked. I stopped and left the room silently leaving him writhing on the bed his shaft bobbing up and down looking for the strange thing that had brought him up hard and rigid.
Eric stood beside the bed as I returned a smile on his face at the thought of what Tony was going through, after all it had happened to him often enough. I looked again at him, his skin glowed that beautiful copper colour, muscles taut and with a slight sheen of sweat from the anticipation of his coming night.
I stood before him and began to strip until I was as naked as he was, this was the night that I had been working toward for him. It was to be our final bonding, I wrapped my arms around him as he snuggled to me willingly, rubbing his steel like rod aginst my thigh as he felt my arms surround him.
"Not yet my little love, we have a long way to go yet, this is the only time in your life this is going to happen so I want you to enjoy it."
"Oh James, is this the only time you're going to do it to me?"
"No my little love, this is the only time you can loose your virginity, it's a one time thing my little dove."
Eric pushed himself harder into my body as I lifted him up and lay him on the bed face up. I lowered myself down beside him and leaning over brought my lips down to his.
His lips opened as my tongue probed forward touching him lightly on the lips, his teeth parted and he tried to suck me into his mouth demanding I take his sweetness as he pushed upward with his head.
A pair of young eager arms wrapped around my neck as I tasted him on my tongue. The warmth and sweetness bringing me rigid against him as I turned onto my side and pulled him closer, his smooth golden skin rubbed frantically against mine as he wriggled and pushed his heated body to mine, his little legs wrapping around mine for a better and closer grip.
"Shh little one, there's plenty of time."
I began to rub his back in soothing movements as I worked my hand down to his crack and then to rub lightly over his little bud bringing a low gutteral moan from his throat as my finger brushed him.
Eric tried to push back onto my finger as I rubbed over and around it but I lowered my hand a little more to caress his inner thigh making him wriggle more and try to get his butt to line up with my hand again.
I slowed him down, this was going to be a long night for him. Yes that's right, I cheated, thank you half a tab of viagra. Ok so I'm not 21 anymore but I wanted this to be special for Eric and a one shot effort was not what he deserved. I wanted him to know that he was not just a slave boy but a very much loved slave boy and the way I wanted to do that was to give him a memory of this night that would stay with him forever.
I rolled Eric onto his back and took a place between his legs spreading them wide apart and taking his legs behind the knees slowly pushed them back to his chest, rolling him into a ball. I looked down at his beautiful face as his eyes glazed a little at the feeling of his tight little hole being open to me.
Although I was as hard as steel I knew I could wait. This was about Eric and not me so he was going to get all I could give him, not the true stereotype for a Master but Eric was one of a kind and I wanted him to know it. There would be times in the future he would come to hate me and what I would do to him, but this night was for him.
"Hold your legs to your chest for me, Eric."
As Eric grasped his knees to his chest I took a butt cheek in each hand and lowered my head toward his upturned ass, noting that although he had been wearing a butt plug for sometime he still looked small and tight. I flicked my tongue lightly over his tight little ball sack and watched as his shaft jumped sending his copius precum onto his chest, I flicked out my tongue once more just barely touching him, same result.
"Grmph, arumph, yes James?"
"Tonight little dove of mine, you can cum as much as you like, when ever you like, ok?"
"Oh god James, thanks, please don't stop, please."
I set my tongue working again still very lightly but with a faster pace to it, flicking his tight ball sack in a continuous motion as he squirmed and moaned under me, his body now in overload at the touches. I dropped down a little and began on his perineum with the same action, then it happened.
"Arrrgh, ooohhhh, uuunggghh, uummph, oohhh god, god, Jaaammmeesss."
I watched as he shot out his hot cum, hitting the headboard above him and then his face and chest, the last two shots landing on his stomach. As his eyes glazed over with the strength sapping energy of his orgasm, I let his butt cheeks go so that he could lower his legs to relax for a little before we began again. This was just the opening round so I wanted him to recover a bit before the next effort, besides I wanted to check on Tony. I was sure that the outpouring of sound from Eric's orgasm would have awakened him.
I looked down at him as I rose from the bed, the lazy drooping eyelids told their own story of how he felt at that moment. I left him there and with my trusty brush in hand went to look at Tony, he was still in that state between sleep and awake as he hmmed and haaed to himself. His hard shaft still erect and looking for attention, so what could I do? start at his inner thighs is what.
The soft touch of the brush brought an instant reaction from him and his cock as the brush did its work on his bare skin, his legs tried to open further as I worked the brush up and down that sensitive skin just below his crotch and occassionally flicked his scrotum as it went upwards.
3; fuck
3; ooh god nooo
3; oh fuck
3; oh, oh, oh shit, James? James, is that you, oh no, ohh fuck me
3; nooo
3; don't
3; don't
3; don't stop
3; damn.
As Tony's precum flowed again I left him in his state of extacy trying hard to get relief from the feelings that kept going through him, that would keep him busy for a while as I went back to my little dove in the other room.
Eric lay there a self satisfied smile on his face and as he saw me enter the room he stood to attention once more with his 4½ inches [11 cm] asking for more, I was only to glad to help him out. I again laid down beside him and began to caress his chest and hips, feeling the smoothness of his skin as it ran under my hands searching for his erogenous zones as I went.
Eric squirmed and wriggled as I found one after the other and worked on them until he was dripping again, the sheen of perspiration on his skin as I touched and played with him became brighter as the heat inside his body tried to escape.
I opened his legs once again and knelt between them as before, he started to pull his legs up but I stopped him as I took his throbbing little shaft into my mouth, running my tongue over the tight head as it oozed his juice into my waiting mouth. Eric thrust his hips upward trying to bury himself deeper into the hot moist cavern that was surrounding his shaft.
As he came closer to sending his cum out onto his still slippery chest. I stopped and reaching to the bedside table for the tube of lube I had put there earlier, I coated my fingers liberally with it and began to softly rub it into his crack and around his tight and waiting bud. As yet I didn't want to push them into him just give him that feeling of need so he would relax and be at ease when the time came for me to start to loosen him properly.
His moans, groans and bodily contortions were sending his senses into overdrive as I teased and played on and near to his last place of virginity.
I could feel his small ring relax as it pushed toward my searching finger and then slowly I began to ease the single digit into him, rotating it gentley back and forth as he kept trying to bury it deeper. The continuous sound of his 'oohs' 'arrrghs' and other moans was like music as I worked him upwards to a peak.
I started to move my finger back and forth inside him as he shuddered with the delight of the feeling, slowly pushing deeper and deeper into him until my finger was grasped tight by his spincter and would not release it as it touched his prostate. I wiggled my finger much to his delight and as his ring eased I pulled my finger from him but then replaced it with the second one, now he was begining to get that full feeling as the two fingers worked into him.
Suddenly his two legs clamped around my waist as he pushed back onto my digits now buried deep inside him as he tried to fuck himself on them. I again drew them out of him but then proceeded to add the third one, now he did feel them filling him up as they entered him, tears of need and joy were falling down his cheeks as he pushed hard against the new feeling inside him.
"It's now time Eric, you're ready?"
The loudness of the reply almost took me by surprise as I took my three fingers from his now loosened hole and began to use the lube on my straining cock. I was going to have to use a lot of self control to make this first one last long enough for him. His antics on the bed had brought me close a number of times and it was only will power that I had not already sent a stream out over his twisting writhing body.
I lifted his legs until his butt was high enough for me to see his now lube shiney rose bud clearly. Eric opened his eyes to watch as the head of my shaft neared his last private place, the look of need on his face never left him as I made the first contact with his hot begging hole, a smile of satisfaction came over his face as I carefully pushed at his doorway.
Eric had been waiting for this moment for too long now and immediately relaxed enough to start my entry, only tightening up as I hit his spincter muscle. As I eased up a little he pushed out at me again, then it happened, my glans was surrounded with a heat that almost put me over the top as his spincter clamped down onto me tightly and at the same time Eric gave a loud groan.
"You're ok, little one?"
"Oooohh yesss, god it feels bigger than the plug."
"It's not my little love, it's just different, want me to keep going?"
"Yes, oh yes, please more."
As he relaxed his tight grip on my rod I eased a little more into him. His face began to flush with the new feeling of fullness that overcame him as I continued to give him a little at a time. There would be times in the future when he would not get to have it slow like this, but that was a way off yet, he had a lot of learnig to do before we got to that stage.
At last with a groan from me and a loud moan from Eric I was fully inside him. The surrounding heat of his clamping muscles making it hard to stop from just starting to thrust into him with abandon and not consider what this moment was for him. It took all my willpower to remember that this was his night and that he had to remember it with good feelings.
As I stayed there buried deep inside him I felt his butt begin to contract and then was watching him fire shot after shot onto his chest as I stayed deep inside. His internal twitchings making it feel like a ring of fingers massaging my rod as he shot again and again, his head thrashing from side to side as he let it go.
"James, James, please, FUCK ME, PLEASE."
I began to give him half strokes and then increased the length as he pushed upward until I was pulling out to his very edge then burying again deep inside him as he yelled and groaned out his need to be filled. It was not long in coming as I had been on the edge for some time and as he clamped down again onto my shaft I couldn't hold out any longer and began to fill him with everything I had been saving for the past few weeks.
I was panting as I reached for him and lifted him up until he was sitting hard down on top of my rod a leg on either side of my thighs as I shot into him, holding him close to my chest as he sat down harder onto the reason for his final feeling of fullness.
With a final shudder I emptied myself into his hot little hole, his arms were tight around my neck as he tried to force more inside himself by scrunching down hard into my lap, his slippery seed now coating my chest as he wriggled close to me and lifted his mouth to be kissed.
I lowered my lips to his and took his tongue in as we both panted at the feelings shooting through us at this final bonding of flesh and need.
Chapter 14a Going to Sleep?
The climax and the physical sensations were all worth the wait as he continued to shudder slightly as he sat on top of my lap, his arms gripping tight as though he would fall if he let go of me, the perspiration and shortness of breath had me panting as he wriggled a little more, to settle lower down his cheeks pushing urgently onto my thighs and then with a small thrust I felt the wetness of yet another ejaculation spreading over my stomach as he moaned out his need.
I leaned forward to lay him down on the bed, now rumpled and untidy, the redness of his face and the glazed eyes told me all I needed to know as to how he felt at that moment. I quickly glanced down to where my shaft was still buried deep inside him and saw the unmistakable smear of blood down there, in his orgasmic throws he must have driven himself down harder than I thought.
3; little dove
3; Eric?"
A mumbling and confused reply came from his lips.
3; fuck me
3; take me
3; more
3; James more
3; please?"
"Wait little one, you need to rest. I have to fix you up a little, you're bleeding."
3; no
3; more please?"
"No little one, you need a rest, now lay there and let me look at you properly."
Eric lay there looking exhausted and satiated but at the same time pleading for more of that feeling he had never had before. I was not going to let him bleed and needed to attend to it right away, there would be many opportunities in the future for him but for now his health was more important.
I slowly withdrew from him even though I would like to have taken him again. I rose from the bed and went to my medicine cabinet to get a salve for him. It looked as though only the outer area of his little hole was slightly torn and would soon heal but I was not taking any chances with him.
I got a warm cloth and cleaned him up as he was still leaking the cum I had buried deep inside him as well as the small amount of blood I could see. He lay there moaning and asking for more of the feeling, I had no alternative but to use an order to settle him.
"BOY, quiet."
Eric became rigid immediately.
"Yes Master."
"No more boy, you need attention."
"Yes Master."
Eric lay there and let me fix him and when he was done I softened.
"You sleep a little bit. I'm going to look at Tony, ok?"
"Yes James."
"Good boy, I'll be back soon so just relax and rest."
"Yes James
3; will you
3; do it again
3; tonight?"
"I'll see what you look like when I get back, little one."
"You didn't hurt me very much, I'm really ok James."
"Yes, Eric that was all those weeks with the plug, but the first time is always the hardest, it only gets better now little dove, I'll see you soon ok?"
3; yeah, I'll wait for you."
I left Eric laying there and went to see to my other guest as I paused at the door to look back it appeared as though Eric was already dozing off, I went through to Tony.
It was apparent to me by the amount of sweat and the tautness of his muscles that Tony had heard everything that had gone on in my bedroom and it had only caused him to become even more aroused than before. I had not brought the brush with me I had something else in mind for him this time.
Moving silently to the side of the bed I looked down at him, he was trying to flex his stomach muscles to make his rock hard shaft jump up and down to get to orgasm in any way he could. His cock head was so red it was now almost purple with the pressure and need for release, he rocked his head from side to side as he moaned out his frustration. I reached for his tight sack and rubbed it gently with my finger tips until his pre-cum was flowing faster than it had been. I scooped up a little on my two fingers and held it close to his mouth, his lips opened at the first touch and with the suction of a vacuum cleaner greedily took my fingers into his mouth and sucked hard on them as I used my other hand to caress his perineum and down to his tight pucker, barely touching him as I rubbed his now very hot ring.
By now Tony had his legs apart as far as the bindings would let him, his heels were dug deep into the bed and his upper body was supported only by his shoulders as he tried to reach upward still sucking hard on my fingers.
"Do you want to come, little one?"
"In the morning little one, now go to sleep."
"In the morning BOY, now sleep Boy."
"Yyyyyyeessss Master, aarrrggghhh
Well that should keep him busy for a while but now I had to get back to Eric to make sure he was ok. As I entered the room I could see he was out cold. The loss of his virginity and the rush of new feelings had been too much for him but I was not worried we had a lot of years together yet and there would be plenty of time to give him what he had waited so long for. For now I was happy to let him sleep, I still had Tony to finish with yet so the break in between would be welcome to my older libido even though I had the advantage of half a viagra. Still there was the early morning for Eric yet so it would not be wasted.
I returned to Tony twice more over the next hour and with the right stimulation he was now all raw nerve ends. His face was hot and scarlet red, every fiber of his body screamed out for release as I poked and prodded all his zones until he could do no more than whimper at his frustration. By 2.00am I thought he had had enough and so with only three quick strokes on his rod he began to shoot shot after shot until he had sent five hard full shots onto the wall behind his head, the last two landing on his chest the the final dribbles coming out onto his now more relaxed stomach as he shuddered and groaned at the release.
"You're ready for sleep now, Tony?"
"James, James
3; you going to do me now?"
"No Tony, I think that Nigel should have that privilege don't you?"
"Uhm ok James, but it seems like something is missing that's all."
"Nigel will take care of your itch for you Tony, now go to sleep and I'll see you in the morning. I have to go see to Eric for a while, night little one."
"Night James, god that was awesome, thank you."
"Ok, see you in the morning."
I returned to my own room and laying down I spooned up against Eric's little butt placing my shaft between his legs. Although he was sleeping he parted his legs and pushed back onto me until I could feel his tight sack hard against my glans. I dozed off and waited to see what the dawn was going to bring.
As dawn broke I became aware of a tightness surrounding my now rigid member and also an urgent thrusting back toward my groin.
"Please James again."
Eric thrust himself against me again burying me to the hilt in his urgency to feel me deep inside him. What could I do? I rolled him onto his stomach and began to long stroke him as he writhed and moaned under my thrusts, I reached for his hips and lifting them brought him up to his knees giving me better leverage to push downward into him, his groans became louder as I withdrew to the last inch then using a steady push buried once again into him.
Eric's tight little hole was now loose enough for him to feel the strokes to better effect and as I rubbed over his prostate he screamed out for more.
"Harder, faster, god James more, more."
I broke out into a sweat as I began to pound him as he pushed back at me, meeting me on the inward stroke then with a shudder of delight he would moan again for more. It was not long before I felt him tighten and then shudder as he came all over the sheets and I couldn't hold out any longer as his sphincter closed down tight onto me, I shot all I had into him with as loud a moan as he'd used when he came.
We rested there, me still buried deep and Eric laying underneath me his butt still held high enough for me to feel his deepest place and as I twitched inside him he gave a small sob.
"What's the matter little one, do you hurt?"
"No James, I'm so happy, at last you've taken me and it's all I wanted, now I know I'm yours for all time."
"Yes my little dove, for as long as you want me I'll be here for you."
"Forever, James, forever."
"Then if that's what you want then that's what you get, little love."
I rolled us both onto our sides still spooned into him and he took great delight by spasming his sphincter as he lay there giving a little giggle now and again as he did so.
"Hey sexy, we should get up and release Tony now. It's nearly 7.30am and you to still have school today."
"Oh do I have to James? This is so great, I waited so long for this to happen."
"Yes Boy you do, now go and shower and don't forget your enema while I release Tony."
"Yes Master." (Giggle)
He pulled off me with a small popping sound and as he rose I looked quickly at his butt, there was no sign of bleeding even though he had just been well ridden for only the second time in his young life.
When Eric had left for the bathroom I went into see how Tony was getting on and I could see at first glance he had heard the early morning tryst, he was rock hard again.
"Good morning Tony, how did you sleep?"
"James you know exactly how I slept, damn I thought this was all pain and hurting people but that was the most intense night I've ever had."
"Fun eh?"
"No it wasn't, I thought I was going to die if I couldn't cum."
"Well Tony it does get better, wait till you join Nigel, he's even better at it than I am."
"Really, shee-it I can't wait till the weekend."
"Ok Tony, I'm going to release you now, your bond is now over but I think you should go and have a shower and see if Eric can help you a little with your problem, you can tell him I said it was ok."
This was of course not true but I wanted to see what Eric would do after his night of release and if he would think he was still under the freedom rule to cum.
I released Tony and went to my own room to wait and see. It took only two minutes before there was a noise by my door.
"Yes Boy?"
"Tony said that you were ok for us two to have some fun. I told him I had to ask you first."
"Good Boy, you did the right thing. So yes you may give him a BJ and he can do the same for you but that's all. Then you can come back here and get dressed for school, don't forget your enema, you'll need it after last night and this morning."
"Yes Master, thank you Master."
"Ok scoot you have ten minutes."
"Yes Sir thank you Sir."
I went to the kitchen to make some breakfast for them both and could hear the giggles and grunts coming from the open door of the bathroom as they did what they had been told, it was good to see two boys doing what they were told.
Eric was back into chastity again as my bookends as I now became used to calling them took off to school. Tony with a blush had asked to keep his butt plug in so he could get ready for Nigel. They made a good pair as I watched then leave the house. Tomorrow was Thursday and would be a long day for Eric with the talk at school and a little lesson to teach him for the event on Saturday, I settled down with my second coffee to plan the next few days.
Chapter 14b Thursday's School Assembly
Thursday morning and I went to check on Eric as he slept in his own room. He had done his homework with Tony when they both returned from school the previous day and then after dinner I had sent Tony home with some things to read up on for his initiation on the coming Sunday with the added reminder to call me if he had trouble understanding anything.
Once Eric was ready for school again I sent him off with a reminder to be back on time at lunch to change and get ready for the rest of our talk to the school at 1.00 o'clock. He returned right on time as he had done everyday and would also do every day there after.
1.00 o'clock and Eric and I were waiting for the auditorium to fill with the boys from the school, there was a continuous hum of sound coming from the main hall as it filled and when Richard gave me a nod I opened the curtain and went onto the stage, there was instant silence as I took my place at the front and on the edge of the stage area.
"Good afternoon boys?"
"Good afternoon Sir."
"BOY, come and present yourself to these young men."
A chorus of 'oohs and aahhs' echoed around the room as Eric strode out and took his position at 'Present' before the assembly. His red leathers were shining and made him look like a small Greek god as he stood stiffly and perfectly at 'Present'.
"Today Eric is dressed in his full ceremonial restraints for you, because he is very special to our way of life these were presented to him as an honor and he will only wear them at special times. Please look closely, you will never see them again, questions?"
"Sir if they are restraints why do they look just like leather shorts and vest?"
"Good question, if you are patient I will show you more as we go along, next?"
"Sir some of us looked at sites on the internet, they were pretty hard most of them. We found a story site that had some real bad pain stuff in the stories, do you beat Eric like the stories say?"
"No, I never BEAT Eric, I may discipline him with spanking or a paddle and a few other things but it is against what our society teaches to BEAT a submissive. Remember most of those stories are written for their erotic nature and are not what we are about. I also use different forms of pain to teach Eric and to make him better but I never BEAT him."
"I think it is time to show you a few of the things we use and then you can ask questions again afterward. BOY, bring the case."
Eric went back through the curtain and carried the suit case to the front of the stage and then returned to his position of 'Present' behind me.
"This is called a strega, it was used in the long ago days of the Spartans to discipline the young boys, as you can see it is smooth on one side and rough on the other. Either side you don't want to try, BOY, tell the assembly what it is like."
"Master getting ten strokes of the strega is like getting kicked in the butt by ten Mack trucks, Sir."
"So you see boys it's not a lot of fun, now this is a paddle. As you can see it is lighter but the holes down the middle make it also very painful. How many do you get each day, BOY?"
"Twenty Master, ten in the morning and ten at night Sir."
"Why do you get them, BOY?"
"To remind me to be good, Sir."
"Sir wouldn't that be beating him though, I mean he hasn't done anything wrong so it's not discipline, is it?"
"Good point, it is a reminder, it doesn't hurt him like a beating it just heats up his butt a little so he remembers all his orders. He also, because of who he is and what he is, quite likes the feeling, that true, BOY?"
"Ooh yes Sir." (Grin)
"Now this is a cat-o-nine tails, this one is what we call a two clawed cat. It means that each thong weighs two ounces, it is the lightest of them and is usually used when the submissive is first introduced to it. They can get heavier as they get used to them but that depends on the boy and what he can take, questions?"
"Sir, can Eric take that one?"
"Yes, he can very easily, ask your three friends down there at the front."
A buzz went around the room as the rest of the boys remembered that Tony and the other two boys had been at my house on Tuesday. I could see that they would have questions to ask the three boys before the day was out, with Tony knowing the true facts Eric would soon be made to look the hero of the whole affair.
"Now I'm going to show you some of the heavier things that can at times be used. But remember these are only used on a submissive when he is fully trained and not just at any time a Master feels like it. Any pain we give has to be for either discipline or for pleasure for our submissive."
"This is a stock whip, very few people are able to use it properly as it takes a long time to practice with because of its short length and the danger of the string lash at the end doing real damage."
I shook out the stock whip and gave it a fast double crack to show what I meant, the sound echoed around the hall bringing stunned looks onto the faces of the boys.
"Yes boys, it is as dangerous as it sounds, now this is a Lansing, it is 15 feet [5 m] long and has a double tongue. Again it needs a very specially trained person to use it. This one is a tawse, as you can see it is very thin and flexible it can be used as a whip to hurt or gently as a teaser for the submissive's pleasure. There are a lot more variations on these whips but these are the basics and are most commonly used here. These are various clamps, they have different strengths and uses, next is the blindfolds and the gags, they are used to keep a submissive under control or in suspense of what may be about to happen, we call it the fear factor and keeps them on their toes, questions?"
"Sir do you always try to get blood from the
3; ah submissives?"
"No, it's not our aim to get blood that is more into the sadism side of the scene. We practice Bondage and Discipline not Sadism."
"Sir, have you ever made Eric bleed from any of those things?"
"But Sir, isn't that a contradiction?"
"No, I drew blood for Eric at his request, he wanted to prove himself. I'm here to serve him as much as he's here to serve me, he has needs that it is my duty to see too as well as I have needs that he is bound to see too."
"Sir, how hard are those clamp things?"
"They go up to an 'F', a lot of Masters like to use the type like alligator clamps with sharp teeth on them. I don't, I like to use the ones with a flat edge, it is a personal preference."
Tony raised his hand, I could see the wheels turning in his head as he worked out what he wanted to say.
"Sir, how heavy could Eric take of those clamps?"
"Because of who he is he could quite easily take the 'F's'."
"What do they feel like Sir?"
This was what Tony was after.
"Do you want to try them and find out?"
"Yes Sir."
"Then come up here boy, and take off your shirt."
I reached for the 'A's' as Tony clambered onto the stage, his eyes already showing a glazed look at the prospect of some more fun. He removed his shirt and stood at Present like Eric beside him. I went to him with the two clamps and whispered in his ear so the others in the hall could not hear.
"Eric will go into harmony for you, just watch him and try to hum with him, forget I'm here, it will only be a small pinch and then it will get better. I'm not going to leave them on very long so do the best you can, ok Tony?"
"Yes James."
I turned to the crowd of boys.
"This young man is very brave to try this so I want you all to be very quiet till he has then taken off, Eric go to Harmony."
Eric's eyes glazed and his chest began to thrum with the sound of the humming coming out.
"Watch him Tony, listen to his song and follow it."
I waited as Tony followed Eric but with his lips making the sound and not deep in the chest like my little dove could do. I massaged his small nubs to get them erect and then laid the clamps onto them slowly. Apart from a muffled grunt as they went on Tony stayed with Eric as he held his harmony. I stood back for about five minutes then began to remove them but this time a little quicker for shock value, immediately Tony lost his humming as the blood filled his pinched nipples.
3; argh
3; shit that hurt."
"Ok Tony breathe deep and let the pain fill you and then disappear."
In a louder voice for all to hear I said.
"Well done young fella, how do you feel?"
By the rise in his jeans I knew how he felt.
"Good thank you Sir, but they do sting, don't they?"
"Yes they do, well if you go back to your seat and I will finish off with Eric's restraints."
"Thank you Sir for letting me try them."
"That's ok Boy, now off you go."
Tony returned to his seat at the front with the other two boys from Tuesday.
"BOY, come."
Eric strode to the front, still holding his position.
"Now boys as you can all see Eric is dressed in shorts and a vest, I'm going to take some of them off and explain them as we go. First his Vest is also a part of the restraint, these three clips in the front are actually locks so he can't take the vest off without the key. Here around the vest are small slots and as I pull theses rings through you can see that he can be hooked into them to stop his hands from moving if I need to. I'll just unlock the clips and he can take off the vest."
I unlocked the clips at the front of the vest and as it fell open they could all see the harness underneath. Eric looked even better in that alone than he did in the vest.
"Take you vest off Boy and place it neatly on the table."
Eric stripped the vest off, folding it he placed it on the nearby table and returned to stand by my side.
"Now as you see the harness has a lot of rings placed on it. These same rings are the ones that pull through the vest and can be used to hold him or to suspend him if need be. All of his leathers are locked on, he can't remove anything without my doing it for him. The belt is called a chastity belt, this one is attached to his shorts by this Velcro strip but it can also be worn on its own with and added attachment to stop him from playing with himself. The shorts are the same the top clip is the lock and on the inside they are specially made to keep him from getting an erection without my permission, Boy at ease."
Eric dropped his hands and clasped them behind his back and relaxed his rigid stance a little.
"These here are double clips, I'm going to show you how Eric can be held immobile with them. If it's for a long period then I would use padlocks but this time I'll just use these spring clips as he won't be held for long. Boy at ease in the second position."
Eric knelt on the floor to wait for me, going behind him I clipped his arm bands onto his harness pulling them back until they were tight to his sides. Next I reached down and clipped his hands onto his ankles pulling him back to maker a slight bow in his back, then clipped his ankles together as well and turned him side on to the audience for them to see.
"Now as you can see he is not able to move around very much. This is a very basic position for him to be in there are more complicated and painful ones but this one is good just to hold him, questions?"
"Sir, what is the chastity thing all about?"
"Eric is not allowed to masturbate without my permission so the chastity keeps his hands away from himself and stops him from having an erection so he can concentrate on what he has to do instead of thinking all the time about sex."
"Sir, how long does he have to wear the chastity thing?"
"All the time unless I think he can be trusted and then I would release him for short times or when he is showering."
"Sir, what about when he's sleeping?"
"Yes even when he's sleeping unless he is being taught a lesson then he will be restrained on the bed."
"Is that the chain thing the internet stories talk about."
"Yes, it can be done by locking his arms and legs to the bed but in Eric's case he can keep a position we call the star for the whole night without moving. Most of the time I only have to tell him not to move and to keep that position and he will very rarely move during the night. You must all remember that Eric is being trained and he is very good at it, he is doing it because he likes to also to please me."
"Sir, how long can he stay like he is now?"
"All day if I want him to, Boy are you happy with your position there?"
"Yes Sir, very happy."
"You see, he's used to it and can stay that way as long as I wish."
"Sir, do you
3; well
3; you know
3; do
3; uhm sex things?"
I knew this would come up sooner or later, after all they were all randy teens in the hall. I looked over to where Richard stood at the side of the stage, he shrugged his shoulders and smiled at me as though to say 'you've got the floor, you handle it'.
"At certain times there may be some sexual acts as a reward for good work by Eric but it is not a mad orgy like you're thinking. I am training Eric to be a better person but he is still a teen and has the usual needs the same as you, the difference is that I control when and where he can do it."
"Sir, how long can you make him go without it?"
"If I really wished it he would never have any sexual release for the rest of his life. There are ways to ease the pressure for him without him having an orgasm."
"Well boys it's nearly 4.00 o'clock we better call it a day but before I do I want to ask you to treat Eric the same as anyone else. He is still just a teen same as you, he just likes to live a little different life style. From next week on he will be in his leathers all the time here, it is a part of him so I will ask you to not try to force him into showing you any of the restraint positions. You can ask him anything you like and he will answer you but don't take advantage of him or I may have to return to sort it out, just ask your three friends how that's done. Thank you boys for your good reception and I hope that you will have a better idea of how Eric lives and why he's a little different."
A loud cheering broke out as I released Eric and he stood up behind me, the three boys at the front got mobbed with questions as Eric and I packed up and walked off the stage as Richard joined us.
"Founding Prime Master, thank you, that's the best talk we've had here, I hope that the boys will settle down now and realize that there are other life styles besides their own."
"I think they will Richard and thanks for the opportunity."
"It was a pleasure, by the way what was that all about young Tony, he seemed to know how to 'Present' very well?"
"You going to Greg's on Saturday?"
"Well yes, why?"
"Be prepared for a surprise."
"You're joking, you mean young Tony
3; no, you're having me on
3; really
3; Tony?"
"Yep, Nigel is going to help him."
"Nigel, well that's great we were all worried for him with Brian being raised that he was going to be alone, he must be so chuffed about it."
"Yep he is, one look at Tony and he just wilted, he let Brian do the inspection."
"Did he, and what did Brian say?"
"He told Nigel that Tony was the perfect boy for him, I think if he had said no, Nigel would have refused Tony, he really loved Brian but as usual most of the time we have to let them go to better things. By the way don't say anything to the others, only Nigel, Alton, Greg, you and I know about it, we want to surprise everyone on the Sunday, as far as everyone is concerned Tony is one of my boys for Saturday."
"Hahaha, not a word I promise."
"Well thanks Richard for today and Tuesday I better get this one home, we have a lot to do for Saturday."
"Yes thank you James and Mythra's Child as well. I'm sure the boys have learned a lot."
"See you Saturday Richard, thanks again. Come Boy and bring the case with you."
"Yes Master."
Eric followed behind me to the car and looking back I could see that Tony and the other two boys were still cornered by the other students answering questions. Tony looked up toward us and smiled with a nod of his head.
That night I took Eric into the back room and began to prepare him for his role on Saturday with fifteen strokes of the two ounce cat. Then massaged the prestinol into him and after a hot bath I used a diluted brine on his back to toughen the skin for him. Tomorrow he would have to feel the stock whip for the first time but without the lash attached so the brine would help to make sure his skin was not broken. The strega he had no trouble with and as a last resort I could let him go to harmony if need be, but I had a suspicion that he wouldn't want to for this occasion. To be selected as a Helot for a raising was a great honour and he would do it with stubborn pride if he had to.
Chapter 14c Raising Master
On Saturday the drive to Greg's place on the Coromandel was relaxing and stress free. With two good looking boys in the car I was feeling on top of the world. The nervous tension in the two boys was a tangible thing as they shuffled about and chatted to each other. Eric of course was in his red gear minus the shorts and Tony was dressed in black also without shorts. They looked so cute in their chastity belts, cuffs and collars although Tony's did not have the Dove symbol on them as I had removed them for this day. On Sunday he would be naked and the leathers would be returned to me as Nigel would fit his own onto Tony during the ceremony of acceptance.
As I pulled into Greg's driveway to his ten acre property I turned to the two boys.
"Ok you two I want you to listen closely, Tony for today you are to act as though you are one of my boys. Only a couple of the Masters know you are going to Nigel and as far as the rest are concerned you belong to me. Your bonding tomorrow is to be a special surprise and we all want it to be special for you as well, ok?"
"Yes James."
"Good boy, now things are going to happen today that you've never seen, if it gets too much for you I want you to say 'Kauri', ok? It's a 'go slow' word for you, you say that and I will take you away somewhere quiet to calm down. Don't be afraid to use it, this is your first time and Eric's duties are very intense but he knows what he has to do, so I want you to be happy with it in your own mind, ok?"
"Yes James, ahm
3; James?"
"Yes Tony?"
"What about sleeping tonight, where do we all stay?"
"When you see Greg's house you'll know, you and Eric will have your own room next to mine."
As we turned the last bend the house came into view, it was long and low, rambling over the small hill top with the guest lodges around the grounds amongst the trees to give a little privacy for the residents and guests of Greg's.
I watched the expressions on the faces of the two boys as they saw the house.
"God it's huge."
"Yes Eric, doctors get well paid as you can see."
"What's all the small houses around the grounds?"
"They're extra accommodation for Greg's guests when he has a gathering like today, Tony."
"Where do we stay?"
"In the main house Eric, all the Primes stay up there when we meet here."
"Jeez look at some of those cars, a lot of Masters must have money?"
"No Tony, not really, a few are wealthy but most of them are just the same as your parents, they work at different jobs and earn money same as everyone else."
As we pulled up to the front of the house the two boys could now see just how big the house was. It stretched for nearly 50 meters [165 feet] along the front and was about 40 meters [130 feet] to the back with a second story surrounded by a balcony so you could look out over the Hauraki Gulf to the islands around Auckland's Waitemata Harbour.
Two boys came down to the car from the front steps where Greg stood waiting to greet everyone and as they opened my door and saw me immediately went into the third position with Greg going to the second as he greeted me.
"Founding Prime Master, you have honoured my house, Welcome."
"Thank you Master of the Rod, I have two boys with me may they appear?"
"Founding Prime Master, they are welcome."
"Boys come."
I had explained to Tony that as he was not bonded he had to take the position of a Helot when being introduced or when he spoke to another Master of any rank. Eric of course being the Child of Mythra only had to take the first position with Greg and did so proudly as Tony dropped down into the third position but this time instead of having his hands behind his head as is normal he placed them full length on the ground with his head touching and his butt high in the air.
"Founding Prime Master, I welcome Mythra's Child but may I ask who would be the Helot?"
"Yes Master, he is a worthless boy looking for a Master to teach him the ways of the Mythra."
"Will he have a name, Founding Prime Master?"
"I think Helot is good enough for him today Master, maybe someone will take him today or tomorrow and let him use a name but until then he is under my orders."
"Then if he is under your orders Founding Prime Master he is welcome also."
"Thank you, Master."
"May my boys pay honour to Mythra's Child, Founding Prime Master?"
"By all means, Master."
"Boys, you will honour Mythra's Child."
Eric stepped to my right leaving Tony in his position on the ground to accept the two boys honour. They took the second position and gave the usual honour to Eric who in turn replied to them as was the custom for him. This would not be the last time this was done today it was a part of who he now was and he had to get used to it when ever another slave was around.
Leaving Tony where he was I continued to chat to Greg but now a little less formally.
"So Master, who else has arrived?"
"Most of the guests are here Prime, and Mistress Tessa has also arrived. She wasn't sure she could make it from Wellington in time and she has a new slave with her, looks a likely lad."
"Really Master, that's most unusual for the Mistress to have a male slave with her."
"Yes Prime, it is but I think there might be something a little more to that than meets the eye."
"Aha, well I'll get to talk to her during the day, maybe she'll enlighten me, hahaha."
Mistress Tessa was an anomaly in our society which is designed for males only, but she had done many good services for us over the last years and was always accorded the honour when we had a gathering or even at the conclave.
Because of her position in one of the biggest financial houses she was not always able to attend many gatherings, but when she did it was with great humour and fun, she was sparkling and bright but could be a very strict Mistress when called for.
Mistress Tessa was a small women about 5'3" [1.60 m] or so very petite and probably one of the most unlikely people to become a Mistress but she had a will of iron and would brook no nonsense from anyone including Masters.
She had long dark brown hair, in the right light it was almost black, it hung down her back in a long tress and seemed to flow like silk when she moved. I was most interested in her new slave, for her to take a male was in itself very strange for her to do but time would tell.
We got ready to enter the house so I gave Tony his orders.
"Boy, rise and take your place, don't disappoint me today. Eric keep an eye on him and let me know if he wavers from his duty."
"Yes Master."
"Let's go boys."
Greg lead the way into the house and to the main reception area. It was huge and took up half of the downstairs area, the center was sunken and gave the room and appearance of a small arena with a large open fire place at its center, although it was not lit for today it was still set ready for a match should Greg want it. He lead us down into the middle of the sunken floor area to let the other guests come to greet us instead of having to go around the room to them, when I stopped Eric went immediately to 'Present' beside me and Tony to the Helot on the floor to wait for the greetings to end.
A lot of glances were made toward Tony but I didn't enlighten them as to why he was here. The others had agreed to keep it quiet until Sunday, when Richard came up I almost smiled at the twitch that went through Tony as he recognized the voice of his headmaster.
"Well Founder, it looks as though you have a new boy there, looks kind of familiar from the back view, I'm sure I've seen that butt before."
"Yes Prime, you may know him, he goes to your school. He's only a Helot so maybe you might like to warm him up later?"
"Oh Founder, I think I've had the honour before and I'm sure to have it in the future so I might pass on it this time. Are you going to keep him or is he looking for a Master?"
"I'm hoping to find a Master for him here this weekend, that's if he behaves himself. You know what these Helots are like."
"Yes I do, oh well good luck with him, I'll see you later then."
"Ok Prime, I will look forward to it."
The greetings went on in their usual formal way and then the diminutive figure of Mistress Tessa was standing in front of me, behind her was a nice young man dressed as all the other slaves except for the shorts instead of the chastity belt, he was taller than her by a good 6" [15 cm] good broad shoulders with a shock of natural blonde hair. Tessa was not a fan of keeping the odd boy she had with short hair so the longer locks of the boy hung just above his collar, his blue eyes were piercing and had great depth to them, he was straight in his stance and at a word from Mistress Tessa he went down to the third position even though the Mistress was not of the Mythra she still maintained the ethics required when with us.
"Mistress, we are greatly honoured you could join us."
"Founder, I am the one honoured to have been asked here to witness a raising."
"You are as always most welcome Mistress. There is one thing though that I would like you to do for me?"
"But of course Founder, anything to help."
"Well as it is Nigel's boy being raised I will have to take the chair of Raising Master, so I would like to ask if you would do the Presenting of my boy as the Helot for me and of course stand for him during the trials."
"You would trust me to do that Founder, it is indeed an honour that you would trust me to do this."
"The honour would be mine Mistress, so you agree then?"
"Yes I'm honoured to do it."
"Thank you Tessa it has eased my mind a great deal."
Greg called out for everyone to go through to the patio area for a BBQ for lunch now that all the formalities were over for the moment. With my two boys close beside me I lead the way as was expected and we began lunch. The day was bright and sunny with a gentle breeze coming off the distant Gulf bringing with it the salty tang of the sea, it was a pleasant setting for lunch.
At 2.00pm Greg signaled that it was time to go to his reception area in his 'play room' which was more like a very large barn out the back of the house. He had set it up for the ceremony by moving a lot of his equipment to the walls except for the couple of items we would use, there was plenty of room for the twenty or so guests to stand around the central area to witness the raising.
At the far end of the room was a small dais for the Master of Raising to stand and in the center a Tee was set up with the shackles attached to the top beam. The floor was of blue stone ground and polished to a bright shine giving the room a harsh coldness and with the equipment around the walls it was obvious what it was used for.
I went to the dais and using my fist called for order, when all was silent I began.
"Masters and Mistress as Prime Master Nigel is presenting the boy today I have been asked to take the chair for the Raising. Before we proceed I have an announcement to make, the usual celebrations will take place afterward but I ask you to be a little less exuberant than normal due to there being another ceremony tomorrow that has just come to our attention. Normally it is a free for all on the Sunday after a Raising but this time we have an Initiation to do as well, so I ask you to wait till it is done then let your hair down afterward. I'm not a liberty at this stage to tell you who the Master is, but you will all find out tomorrow. Now let's us get on with it, Prime Master Nigel you have avowed that your boy is ready for Raising?"
"Raising Master, I so avow."
"Prime Master, do you have a Helot to take the strokes?"
"Raising Master, I do not."
"Masters and Mistress, is there among you that would offer a Helot?"
"Raising Master?"
"Mistress Tessa?"
"Raising Master, on behalf of his Master I would offer the Child of Mythra as Helot for this Raising."
"His Master has agreed, Mistress?"
"He has, Raising Master."
"Then it shall be so. Masters please remove your slaves from the room while the Helot is made ready."
As all seven Mythra were to be revealed the slaves could not be in the room to see them and would be left outside to wait till the ceremony was over and the Mythra were again covered. I left the dais and went down to where Tessa and Eric stood waiting, Tessa had sent her boy from the room with the others.
Eric stood waiting as I came up to him, he was now the only boy in the room and all eyes were on him as he stood there.
"Boy, Present."
Eric snapped into his position and I began to unlock him from his leathers, stripping him except for his rings, collar and gold arm band, I then fitted a blindfold and gag on him.
"Listen little one, I'm going to put some earplugs in soon as you can not hear the ceremony. When you are called for Mistress Tessa will take you by the arm and lead you to the center, when you get there you will go to the Position of Helot on the floor and go to harmony. You will be moved twice after that if you can then maintain harmony till I release you, ok?"
Eric blinked once and nodded his head in the right manner. The light in his eyes telling me he was ready, even after being stripped naked in front of a woman which had caused a great deal of red face and wilting of his 5" [12 cm]
hard-on at the closeness of Tessa. Not the thing a boy, let alone a gay boy would like to have happen.
I returned to the dais and called for order once again.
"Prime Master Nigel, you will bring the boy before the assembled."
Nigel left the room and returned a minute later with Brian in his full regalia plus a blindfold and stood him in the center of the room next to where Eric was in the Helot position, forehead on the floor butt raised high and both arms stretched out in front of him with his palms flat on the stone floor.
"Who is this boy, Prime Master?"
"This is my slave Brian, Raising Master, I bring him before the assembled in expectation of his rising to Junior Master for which he is prepared."
"Then I will ask of him the truth of the Seven Mythra 'May They Preserve'."
At this Greg and some of the others revealed the Seven Mythra hanging on the walls. His were some of the finest I had seen painted, but then as a doctor he could afford the best and they were the best.
"Boy, what is the first of the Seven Mythra 'May They Preserve'?"
"Raising Master, it is 'Consent and Submission'."
"And this you obeyed?"
"Gladly, Raising Master."
"And the second Mythra?"
"Raising Master it is 'Honour Bound'."
"Have you at all times shown Honour, Boy?"
"As my Master wished, Raising Master."
"Now the Third Mythra?"
"It is called 'Awakening', Raising Master."
"And have you been Awakened to a new life by it Boy?"
"I have, Raising Master."
"The Fourth, Boy?"
"Raising Master, it is 'Revelation'."
"And have your senses and understanding been a Revelation to you Boy?"
"Raising Master, they have in all things."
"The Fifth Mythra, Boy?"
"Raising Master, it is 'Knowledge'."
"Have you gain knowledge, Boy?"
"Raising Master, I have gain much knowledge."
"The Sixth Mythra boy?"
"Raising Master, it is 'Harmony'."
"Do you have Harmony with our world Boy?"
"Raising Master, I do by the teaching of my Master."
"Prime Master Nigel, I ask you to strip this boy of all that is his and to lay bare his body for the Seventh Mythra."
Nigel approached Brian and when he was standing in front of him he began to remove his regalia.
"Boy, I take from you the symbols of your servitude."
Nigel started to unlock and remove all Brian's leathers until he was standing naked except for his collar.
"Boy, before I take from you the final symbol ask you to freely return to me your words of safety."
"Master I give freely you my safe word and that is 'Neon', I also give freely to you my go slow and that is 'Rabbit'."
"Then Boy, having given up your right to the words of safety I take from you your final symbol. I leave you with your earring as a sign of worthiness, do you accept this sign?"
"Master, I do with honour."
"Then Boy, you call me Master no longer, you are a freeman and may do as you please."
Nigel gathered up the regalia and with tears in his eyes stepped back away from his Boy/Slave/Lover of five or more years to now watch as the freed slave stood alone in the center of the floor.
"Freeman, as Raising Master I have to tell you that there is none here with power over you, should it be your wish then you may leave now and do so with honour for your previous servitude, what is your wish?"
"Raising Master, my wish is to remain and be raised to the worthy position of Junior Master and to live by and for the laws and tenets of the Seven Mythra 'May They Preserve'."
I left the dais and went to where Brian stood alone and as I reached and began to remove his blindfold Greg revealed the last of the Mythra. It was four feet long and three feet [1.2 x 0.9 m] wide, its colours were vibrant and alive to such a degree that you were waiting for the phoenix to take flight from it.
"Freeman, I reveal to you the Seventh Mythra, it is called 'Fire Rising'. The flames on the outer edge are to remind you of your trials of pain, the white of the center is the finding of your harmony through the teachings of the Mythra, the grey at the base is to show you where you came from in the darkness and ashes of need, the Phoenix is now you rising above all to grow again and carry your knowledge to others who would follow our ways. To prove yourself as a capable teacher what would you offer the assembled?"
"I would offer my body to all to use as they would see fit."
"As it is forbidden to give strokes to a Master without due process, how would you do this?"
"I would offer my body in the form of my Helot."
"Then the body at your feet is your body, do what you will with it."
"Raising Master I would then offer three strokes to the assembled."
"What would they be, Freeman?"
"They are the stroke of the strega, the stroke of the cat, the stroke of the Lansing to prove my worthiness, Raising Master."
"Then it will be done. Mistress Tessa, I ask you to apply ten strokes of the strega upon the body of this Freeman."
"Raising Master, it will be as you ask."
Tessa took hold of the nearby strega and approached Eric's still form. He had been on the floor in position now for just over an hour and never knew when or what was going to happen but I could hear his hum of Harmony as he waited.
"Freeman, I ask you to call the strokes upon your body."
Tessa began and for a small woman she had a lot of power. Eric's humming never ceased as the strega struck him hard on his upraised butt, at the end of ten strokes he had moved about six inches [15 cm] along the floor but at no time had his humming stopped. His butt was bright scarlet and he was going to feel it when he came out of harmony.
"We thank you Mistress Tessa for your solid strokes. Freeman, it is now for you to give the ten strokes of the three clawed cat to your own body, are you prepared?"
"Raising Master, I am prepared."
"Then take your body and proceed."
Brian reached down and took Eric by one wrist and dragged him toward the Tee cross in the middle of the area and then bodily lifted him to clamp his wrists in the shackles stretching him wide, his toes barely on the floor. The humming continued, he was not hurt by the dragging as the sweat on his body had caused him to smoothly glide across the polished stones with ease.
Brian lifted the three ounce cat and began to lay it on. He did not have the experience as yet but I could see he was being as careful as he could and at the last stroke only one small break in the skin showed his lack of ability. The brine I had used on Eric for the last two nights proved their worth in keeping the damage to a minimum.
"Freeman, you have shown well your desire to give honour I ask you now to stand and take the five strokes of the Lansing."
"As you wish, Raising Master."
Greg moved forward with the snake in his hands, he was the only one I would trust to do this to Eric and I knew he would never permanently mark the boy.
"Master of the Rod, you may proceed with five strokes."
"As you command, Raising Master."
Greg began and the snake sped toward it mark, the crack was loud but I could see the Greg was holding a lot back. The welt on Eric's thigh was no where near the colour of the ones he had given Lim at the conclave. It was only at the last stroke that Eric's humming ceased and he yelled out in a loud and pained voice, feeling for the first time the real bight of his duty.
"Freeman, go to your body and see to its needs then return to the center."
Brian almost ran to Eric and took him down as Greg helped him and as Greg carried Eric out of the hall Brian returned to the center of the room.
"Freeman, I as Raising Master and by the rules and tenets of the society of the Seven Mythra 'May They Preserve' give to you the title of 'Brian, Junior Master and Follower of the Seven Mythra 'May They Preserve' and for your honour and compassion for your Helot give you freedom of this assembly to choose for this day only any slave to be yours and to tend you for the rest of this day."
"Raising Master, there is only one that I could honour with such a duty."
"Say his name and he is yours."
"Raising Master I would name the Child of Mythra for his diligence of duty and honour to his Master."
"Then it is so Junior Master Brian, the Child of Mythra is yours for this day only to serve and attend to your needs."
"I thank the assembled for the honour, Raising Master."
"Assembled, I present to you for your approval Junior Master Brian, may he serve the Mythra well."
Everyone began to clap and bang fists as they swamped the new Master with congratulations and welcomes into our society. I couldn't help smiling at the feeling he would have now as I thought back to my time of raising knowing how it would take Brian a while to readjust to being a Master after five years as a submissive. I looked around and saw Greg with Eric coming back into the room all the Mythras had been covered again and the Masters and Mistress Tessa had brought their slaves back in side to begin the party. Eric ran up to me, stiffly and in a little pain, I held out my arms for him as he ran into them.
"Hello my little brave dove, you ok, you have one more duty to do."
"I love you James, yes I'm going to be ok, it's sore as hell but it's getting better, what do I have to do?"
"Brian has selected you to be with him for today as his boy. You won't be having sex or anything he knows that, but you look after him for everything else just like it was me ok?"
"But what about you?"
"Don't worry my little one I still have Tony to do for me and you'll be back with me for bedtime. I'm really so proud of you, you were magnificent today, you brought great honour for us both as a Helot for Master Brian."
"Thank you James I'm really happy it was good. I didn't feel anything till the end, ooh that whip of Master Greg's is a real blighter."
"Hahaha, yes little one it is, now come on I have to give you to Master Brian."
We both walked over to where Brian stood in the crowd of well wishers.
"Master Brian, I would give to you my Slave Eric Child of Mythra to tend you today."
"Founding Prime Master, I am deeply honoured and will treat him with respect as expected and is his due."
"That's all I can ask, thank Master and congratulations."
"Thank you Founder for everything."
"My pleasure Master now go and enjoy your new position."
Eric went to Brian and took his place at his left shoulder while giving me a big smile and pursing his lips in a kissing gesture to me. I smiled and went to get Tony from the floor near the entrance.
"Come Boy, take your place at my left and we'll go and eat."
Tony dutifully stepped up beside me and followed my every move as I went around the room chatting, many an eye was cast at him by those that had never seem him before. I could imagine the comments going the rounds, I looked for Richard and when I spotted him went to him and as he saw me coming he smiled at the sight of Tony beside me.
"Well, well, well, Founder I see you have one of my boys from school. You think he will be any good for someone?"
"We'll have to see Prime Master, he may be useful some where."
"Yes I hope so, he was a but slack at school but a good warming up will see him right."
"Yes that should do it."
We laughed together at the expression on Tony's face as he took it all in. The embarrassment of seeing his headmaster here was now long over, but being talked about as though he was not there was taking some getting used to. Still tomorrow was a big day for him and it would take his mind off it then.
Chapter 15 Dinner and Entertainment
The afternoon progressed as it always did at one of these gatherings until early in the evening Greg called us all into the main hall for dinner, he had set up the main room like and old fashioned banquet hall of the ancient Greeks.
There were small tables set in front of lounging couches where one person could lay down and be served by his slave from the table. The decadence of the idea raised some good humoured remarks from the Masters and even Mistress Tessa had a giggle at the layout. The main tabel was piled high with titbits and finger food with a decanter of red wine on each smaller table.
The couches were laid out in a circle so that everyone could see the person next to them and they were also set head to toe so that the person behind had his head close to you and the one in front was facing you. It was a great idea and as there was no head of the table everyone was able to relax and chat as our boys knelt in the rest position to feed us and fill our glasses. They would get to eat when we had finished as was only proper.
Looking around the room I could see Brian with Eric beside his couch feeding him and smiling up at him as he did so. Brian raised and eyebrow in the age old question and I nodded my agreement, there was only so far he could go as Eric was still fully encased in his chastity and he had his buzz in so I could send him a message now and again.
I watched as Brian reached out his hand toward Eric's chin and as he did so Eric looked around frantically for me. As he caught my eye I gave him a small smile and a nod that he was to do what ever Brian wanted until dinner was over. Brian took Eric's chin in his hand and pulling him close whispered in his ear then kissed him full on the lips as he ran his other hand down Eric's side until he was cupping one of his tight little butt cheeks in his hand. With a squeeze and a smile he released his hold and kissed Eric again, Eric's bright blush was soon off his face as I hit the remote and buzz went to work on his prostate.
Glancing at Tony waiting patiently beside me I nodded toward an asparagus roll. As he leant over to get it for me, I ran my forefinger down his crack and gave him a small pinch on one cheek, the jump and squeak were well worth it. Tony fed me the roll and then with a smile and a blush said.
"Thank you, Master."
"You like that, boy?"
"Yes Master, very much."
I smiled down at him and let my right hand wander down to his crack again but this time I wriggled my forefinger under his butt strap and slowly worked his butt plug in and out of his tight hot hole. The look on his face as he felt the movement told me that Nigel was going to really enjoy his first night with young Tony. The wriggle of his butt said he would really like a little more in there but I removed my finger and nodded toward the pate dish, with a sigh of lost feeling he smoothered a crisp piece of toast with the pate and fed it to me as I patted his head for him.
Mistress Tessa was beside my couch with her new boy doing the same as all the other boys. The look of adoration on his face each time he looked up at Tessa told me he was far more into feelings for Tessa than just being her slave.
"So Tessa, what do you think of the layout here?"
"Brilliant James, I think this is the best idea for a dinner I've ever seen, what with the society and its heritage I could almost think we were back in the days of Sparta."
"Yes, it does seem that way. How is your boy shaping up?"
"Very well James, but now and again he forgets things. I might have to ask you to see to him sometime, just to straighten him up if he needs it."
"That could be interesting Tessa, but I'm sure you can handle a bit of a kid like him."
This last comment was of course for the boy's benefit to let him know that Tessa was quite capable of bringing him around if he got any ideas he shouldn't have.
"Well James, you and your stock whip would bring him around quick enough if I can't. I see that your new boy is doing well also, not bad for only a few days training."
"Yes, he'll make someone happy one day."
After about twenty five minutes I was aware of the noise and talk slowly disappearing into total silence. As I looked around I could see all eyes with looks of concern on them as they saw Eric out of positon and on the floor with his forearms down and his fingers trying to find something to grip onto. His butt was high in the air and his knees were spread a bit wider than normal as he goaned and moaned.
Eric's head hung down between his arms, his head shaking back and forth as a dribble of saliva ran from his loose lips onto the floor. Around his body were small pools of sweat forming an outline of him as it fell from his skin, there was also a long white thick ooze of precum dripping from the hole in his chastity belt as his body shook and twitched.
Faces turned toward me waiting for me to go to him to see what was wrong and why he had collapsed on the floor instead of holding his position. I looked around the concerned faces and as I smiled at them I opened my hand to reveal the remote for his buzzer. I had set it on maximum to see how long he would last. Twenty five minutes was a good effort and he didn't even go into harmony to ease the pressure on his prostate, which by now must have felt about the size of a golf ball inside him.
I flicked the off button and watched as Eric dropped like a rag doll onto the floor still groaning from the assault on his tender insides. At the sight of the remote the room broke into loud laughter as they realised he was not violently ill, but he'd been buzzed to the max. Silence was restored again as they watched him struggle back to the second position with a remarkable effort of self control and determination. After straining to get his hands behind his head while his body still shook from the internal massage he then bowed his head and went to 'Penitence' facing Brian and we all heard a muffled and unsteady voice come from his head on the floor.
3; M
3; Master I appologise for l
3; l
3; loosing my position and await your p
3; p
3; punishment."
Brian looked over at me with astonishment on his face at the request, I lifted an eyebrow to say 'it's your decision' and left it up to him.
"Boy, if it were up to me and because of the circumstances I would say you have had enough punishment, however as it is not mine to say I will then tell you to see your Master when you return to him later this evening and request five strokes of the paddle to settle your honour."
"Thank you Master, it shall be done as you order."
"Good boy, now I'll have some of that ham."
A good hour had passed by the time most of us had had our fill and then Greg stood and asked if we wanted our boys to go and eat as he had asked Master Patrick to give us some entertainment when they had finished. We all readily agreed as Patrick was a past Master at bondage and always came up with something new when asked to entertain. His boy was a small man of about 30 years old, he was only 5'6" [1.68 m] tall and completely shaven. His body was tight and well defined by hard workouts that Patrick put him through. Simon was one of those small people that had been compensated for lack of height by having extra length where it counted, when rigid his cock was eight inches [20 cm] long, although not over thick it was still a good weapon on someone his build and was always a point of discussion whenever Patrick showed him off.
Everyone spoke to their boys and sent them off with Greg's boy Lim to be fed as the rest of us chatted and laughed about the setup tonight while we waited for our boys to return to us.
Thirty minutes later they were all there beside us and Greg got to his feet to announce Patrick and his boy Simon.
The boy was completely naked and his 8" [20 cm] shaft was loosely hanging down over his ample ball bag that had been stretched a little by Patrick some time in the past. He was lightly covered in a very thin sheen of oil and his definition was even more apparent as he moved with an almost fluid motion toward the black semi-square sheet laid out in the middle of the arena-like center of the main lounge, beside the sheet was a small case of black leather about the size of a normal suitcase.
Simon came to 'Present' as he stopped beside the sheet, Patrick whispered in his ear and at the boy's nod opened the case and took out a stainless steel belt about four inches [10 cm] wide and with six small rings welded around it. Fitting this to his boy's waist he then took up arm, wrist, thigh and ankle bands made of the same metal and locked them into place with spring clips.
As it would have been against all we believe in to remove his original collar at a gathering or at any time in public except for ceremonial purposes Simon still wore his but all other restraints were of steel.
Patrick took a short length of chain from the case, on each end was a spring clip, clipping one end onto an arm band he pulled tightly until it would clip into the oposite one bringing Simon's elbows close together in front of him. The strain on his shoulders could be seen by the muscles standing out and the sweat appearing on his face, his slack hanging 8-inches was now stiring at the feel of the that first strain.
Next Patrick clipped two double spring clips to each of the boy's wrists and then pulled them up to his collar and fastened them there. The boy's shaft lengthened again and was now half erect, Patrick whispered again to him and he nodded in return. The boy's eyes were getting that happy glazed look in them, with another pair of double clips Patrick forced the boy's thighs and then his ankles together clipping them securely.
Taking two short lengths of chain with clips attached Patrick then placed them beside the sheet on the floor and turning picked his boy up and laid him down on the sheet on his stomach, folding the boy's legs back until his heels were resting on his now sweat shiney butt. Patrick took the two chains and clipped them from the ankles onto the waist belt, the pressure on his legs was now showing on the muscles of his thighs and where he had been 5'6" [1.68 m] before he was now only 4' [1.20 cm] with his legs bent back behind him.
Patrick turned him over until he was laying on his back and then folded the bottom half of the sheet up to cover him, except where his now rigid shaft showed through a hole in the sheet. Both sides were then folded over the boy and again a hole had been made to allow his cock to show through. The boy lay there silent in anticipation as Patrick started to sweat with the strain of binding the boy up.
Patrick leaned down close to the boy and placed a ball gag in his mouth, it was one of the larger models and stretched the boy's mouth wide as he took it in. Then Patrick took the top of the sheet and pulling it tight, closing it over the head of the boy and then it became apparent that this was specially made for him as it had fixed to the top a fitted mask that slid over the boy's head and became a blindfold as well as part of the bondage equipment. The rest of the sheet was long enough to reach down to where the boy's knees were.
The next things out of the box were long wide leather belts with double pinned buckles, one being shorter than the rest and this Patrick placed around the boy's neck and cinched it tight, with the others he went down the boy's body tightening it to the maximum every eight to ten inches [20-25 cm], when he had finished the boy was so tightly bound that he would have trouble breathing.
The boy's rigid shaft was dripping copius amounts of precum down its length as he lay there waiting for Patrick.
"Are you ready boy?"
A minute movement of the boy's head affirmed his state.
"Begin boy, but wait for my command."
The 8" [20 cm] shaft began to move in a small jumping motion as the boy some how flexed his abdominal muscles in such a way as to make it move. He appeared to be masturbating with no more than abdominal strength, the flexing continued for eight to ten minutes while Patrick encouraged him with words of advice and at times tenderness.
It was an encredible sight as that 8" shaft jumped and flexed shining with precum as it slid downward to coat it from top to bottom.
"Now boy, show me what you've got."
Within seconds of this command the 4' by 2' [1.2 x 0,9 m] black parcel on the floor with the large flexing rod began to spurt out shot after shot of hot cum onto the leather sheet leaving a white trail as it slid down the edges and onto the floor. The room went into an uproar as the boy let go all he had for his Master.
Patrick knelt beside his boy and offered kind words to him as he began to release him from his parcel of pleasure. Ten minutes later the boy was standing beside his Master taking in the applause and congratulations of the crowd as he panted and tried to work out the kinks in his stretched muscles.
The party was now getting serious as Greg sent Lim with his other three boys around the couches with port, cognac and coffee. Most of the Masters were now well under way to being very horney indeed after Patrick's show and had in some cases pulled their boys onto their couches to have a little R&R as we all talked about the day and its events.
"Hi James?"
I looked up to see Patrick standing beside my couch as I patted Tony on the head and ran my fingers through his fine silky hair.
"Hi Patrick, that was quite a show, how long has Simon been able to cum like that?"
"Oh about a month now, took me six months to teach him how to do it but the effect is quite unique."
"It certainly is, I don't think I've ever seen that before."
"Well you seem to be doing well for yourself these days."
"How so, Patrick?"
"Well you have that beautiful Child of Mythra and now this delightful eye candy as well, how do you do it?"
"Oh this one."
I reached down and twitched Tony's plug again and as he squeaked and Patrick smiled I continued.
"I'm not sure I'm going to do anything with this one yet, he's a freeman and only bonded to me for tonight."
"Well I must say you have the most incredible taste in your boys, he holds himself well and is a very nice eye full also."
I watched as Tony blushed the deepest red I had ever seen him but the look of pleasure on his face said it all.
"I don't know yet Patrick but I might let him go to someone. I'll have to wait and see how he performs for me tonight."
"What's this about an initiation tomorrow, do you know who it is?"
"Not a clue Patrick, it was news to me."
"Who's the Master then you must know that surely?"
"No one has said who it is, it must have just come up. Maybe they are arriving tomorrow and are not here tonight."
"Yes that must be it. Oh well better circulate, see you later."
"Ok Patrick, catch you later on."
Patrick took a last look at Tony and as he left he said over his shoulder while looking straight into Tony's eyes.
"You're a beautiful boy, I'd like to get some bindings on you one day and see how you look."
Tony dutifully blushed crimson again then squeaked as I twitched his plug again.
The evening began to wind down after midnight and the Masters and their boys began to disappear into the various chalets around the grounds. Brian stood and with Eric behind him came over to where I was now sitting back watching the rest of the room. Tony had passed out with his head on the edge of the couch not being used to late nights and I kept running my hand over his head so he would know I was there.
"Master James, I thank you for your boy this evenining, he has served me with great honour and I will always remember him for that. I now return him to you and wish you well for tomorrow."
"Thank you Master Brian, I'm glad I was able to provide the boy for you."
Eric took his place at 'Rest' in front of the couch looking at me.
"Master, may I speak?"
"Speak boy."
"Master, I was not able to hold my position for Master Brian and as he ordered I am requesting punishment for my disobedience."
"I see boy, well could you have held you position?"
"Master, had I been more determined I'm sure I could have held it."
"I see, very well when we go to our room you will recieve the strokes as laid out by Master Brian, which was how many boy?"
"Five, Master."
"Very good boy five it is. Now Eric come give me a cuddle, I missed you and I was so proud of you tonight kiddo, you did very well in front of everyone with the way you behaved. Your friend Tony has had a big night so we will have to carry him to bed I think."
"Yes, he's not used to late nights, I think James."
Eric slipped up onto the couch beside me as I lay half on my side he spooned as much of his butt into me as the angle would allow and rested his head on my shoulder as the others came up to say good night, many of them ruffling Eric's hair as they did so and looking down at Tony who was now curled up on the floor in a ball fast asleep.
We lay there for half an hour after the last people had gone taking in the solitude and peace, just relaxing in each other's company.
"Well kiddo I think it's time to get to bed and to do your paddling, what you say?"
"Yes please, James."
Eric got to his feet and as I swung my legs over the side of the couch, kneeling down I picked up Tony in my arms and carried him toward the stairs as Eric followed close behind with a small smile on his face.
"What's the grin for, kiddo?"
"Just thinking."
"About what?"
"All the good things today."
"And what were they, my young slave boy?"
"Oh the paddling with the strega, then the whipping, that was so huge, then you buzzed me for sooo long and now you're going to paddle me again. Hhmmmm
3; this is such a cool day, do you think you might
3; well
3; you know
3; like me tonight
3; for
3; well
3; (giggle)?"
"Now there's something I never thought of. Hmmm
3; a nice red butt in my bed, hmmm
3; yes I'm going to have to think about that."
The rooms put aside for the use of the boys by Greg were very basic as befitted their status. There were two single beds and a small side table with a chest of draws and a single mat on the polished wooden floor, carrying Tony to one of the beds I checked behind the headboard to make sure that it had restraints attached and then sat Tony down and held him up on the side of the bed.
"Come here Eric, you hold him up while I take off his restraints."
Eric reached for Tony and held him while I set to unlocking him. This would be the last time as tomorrow when presented at the initiation he would be naked so he might as well stay that way tonight. I laid him down on his back and with a smile at Eric I took each arm one by one and attached the wrist cuffs that were fitted to the headboard and tightened them until his arms were straight but with not too much pressure, next I did the same with his legs. As I buckled them up he gave a small sigh in his sleep and a smile almost appeared on his face, to finish it off for him I placed a blindfold on and then earplugs but left his mouth free, I was not really a fan of gagging when they slept, too much chance of an accident.
I took a final look at Tony then turning to Eric signalled him to follow me, switching off the light as we left. Once in my own room which of course was beautifully set out and decorated in fine native timbers with a king size bed in the center and an ensuite to the left.
"So you think Tony will enjoy waking up like that, kiddo?"
"I'm sure he's going to love it James, he looks real neat like that doesn't he?"
"Yes, I think Nigel is going to be very pleased with him. Now boy 'Present'."
Eric snapped up into his position.
"Boy, you have five strokes to come, go to my bag and bring me the paddle then go to 'Penitence' and wait for me."
"Yes Master."
Eric found my paddle and brought it to me offering it up and when I took it from him he immediately went to 'Penitence'. I turned and walked away from him to open a window and sat in a chair to watch him.
I sat for thirty minutes watching him without a sound. He knelt there and apart from a little twitch now and again which I'm sure was more from anticipation than nervousness. I looked over all his marks and made a note to use the Prestinol on him before we went to sleep. When the time was up I walked over to him and sat on the edge of the bed in close reach of his golden butt.
"Count them out, boy."
"One Sir, thank you Sir."
His voice sounded a little disappointed as I had intentionally only used very light force in the blow. It was not much more than a tap, the next four were the same and as he called the last one I gave his head a stroke with my free hand.
"That's it Eric, take the paddle back to my bag now and come back here."
Eric rose with a look of askance on his face at the little taps he'd got for punishment, but put away the paddle and came back to rest against my chest as I held out my arms for him.
"James, why so light?"
"Well kiddo, by acceptinig your loss of position and then being prepared to take punishment for what was no more than a set up I felt you had earnt the taps as a reward, and now you're going to get the rest of it, stand up and let me unlock you."
Eric stood and waited till I had stripped him totally naked from all his restraints, he slipped off the arm band and handed it to me with a smile on his face.
"What's this for, kiddo?"
"I want the second most valuable thing I have to be looked after by the most valuable thing I have."
"Thanks Eric, that's nice now hop into bed and let me get you warmed up, tonight I want to feel that little butt of yours wriggle." (Chuckle)
"Oh for you my Master, it will wriggle all night." (Giggle)
"The my little slave boy, let's get it moving in the right direction."
So saying I rolled Eric up with his knees up by his head and began to work on his bud with my tongue as he sqirmed and wriggled under my hands. I reached a thumb to the inside of each cheek and pulled them a little wider as I pushed my tongue deeper, his sqeal of pleasure was soon a long drawn out moan as I lifted my head and began on his tight small nut sack then up the length of his 5" [12 cm]
The wriggling got more frantic as I teased the glans and shaft and when he was dripping nicely I reached to the cabinet beside the bed and found the tube of lube that I knew would be there and proceeded to slick my fingers and insert two of the into his now very hot throbbing and pulsing hole.
He was still rolled up tight and now using his hands to hold himself there. I let his little rod fall free from my mouth and then placed the third finger inside him and twisted all three of them as I pushed them in and out of that little butt hole. I could almost feel his muscles trying to pull my finigers inside as I worked him.
When I thought he was well lubed I rose up a little and placed my raging hard shaft against his now well loosened hole.
"You ready now, kiddo?"
3; please
3; now James now."
Without a word more and even less hesitation I pushed in one smooth movement until I was hard up against his butt cheeks with my pubic hair, apart from an initial grunt as I passed through his sphincter he just let out a loud.
This was only the second time for him but thanks to the plugs he didn't have too much trouble. Once I was all the way in he began to rock back and forth on his shoulders as I started to work his hole with the full length of my cock. I kept up a long slow pace and when he tried to hurry it up I would just push it home till he stopped and then I would start again.
The head of his little cock was now bright red and so I thought I would let him go for it.
"Eric, you can cum anytime you want tonight."
Two seconds later and he was spraying himself from the top of his head down to his shaven cock root where his pubic hair had once been. I kept up the assualt on his butt with long even strokes as he shot his load. It was not easy but I managed to stop from cumming for another twenty minutes until he was ready to fire again and this time as he did so I gave him three hard pushes and held myself deep inside him as he cried out his passion, while I filled his insides he covered his outside.
I collapsed down on top of him as his legs came down and then turning on my side I pulled him close and for the first time kissed him deeply as he came down from his orgasmic high. Thanks to the half tab of viagra I was able to fill him twice more be fore we fell asleep just before four o'clock and as he curled up in my arms I kissed his forehead and he snuggled down closer with a small mumble.
"Thank you my Master, that was soooo great."
"Well my special little slave boy, I might find one more for you in the morning."
"Oh James really, it's so nice when I feel you in me."
"Thanks kiddo, now let's get some sleep, we still have a big day tomorrow."
Eric snuggled as close as he could and was almost instantly asleep in my arms. My groin felt a bit tender but the viagra said it would find a little more for me in the morning, hmmmm what it is to be on a promise.
Chapter 16 Tony Initiated
I managed to pry my eyes open at 9.00am to find my boy out and about, the smell of coffee made me look to the side of the bed and sure enough there it was steaming and smelling like nectar. Eric was in the bathroom where I could hear him grunt so he must have been doing his enema. My friend viagra was telling me that this morning would be a good time to taste Eric's delights once more before the trials of the day started.
"Ugnh, yes James?"
"Are you nearly finished in there?"
"One more minute James and I'll
3; oooohhh god
3; be clean
3; ungh."
"Ok kiddo, someone here will be happy to see you when you're done."
3; aaaarrrrrrrrggggggggh."
Through the moans and groans I heard the gush of expelled water as Eric's last cleaning was flushed out of him and two minutes later he was standing at the end of the bed, slightly pale and a little bead of sweat running down his temple. He smiled at me and then crawled up on the bed from the foot and started to make his way toward my crotch between my legs.
"You feel ok?"
"Yeah soon as I have some breakfast I'll be fine."
I looked down at him as he came to a stop with his head hovering above my now rigid shaft, his eyes were almost boring into mine with a hint of a smile on his lips.
"What you having for breakfast, my little slave boy?"
Without a word Eric's head went down all the way taking me in one long slurping motion. His eyes stayed on mine as he lowered his head until I was fully inside his hot little mouth, his throat muscles tight around me, a small squint in his eyes said he had breakfast just where he wanted it, then he began to move his head up and down with the use of his throat muscles as an added bonus.
How I lasted as long as I did I don't know, as it was it took him only a few minutes to send me into that hazey world of ejeculation his mouth never leaving its place over my jetting rod, he shivered and hummed as I sent it all into him.
Ten minutes later when I had recovered my breath he was still lying there between my legs with my now flacid shaft still in his mouth with a look of bliss on his impish face.
"Feel better now, my little slave boy?"
3; goosh
3; mmmm."
"Well you better let me get up and release Tony while you go have your shower, I need to talk to him before the ceremony starts."
Eric lifted his head off my loose hanging rod and with a huge smile hurried over to the bathroom without another word until he got to the door, looking over his shoulder he made a large swallowing motion and giggling ran into the shower stall.
When I heard the running water I rose and made my way to the other bedroom and looked down at Tony laying there naked and almost glowing as he gentley tried out the restraints he had slept in.
I trailed my finger up his thigh and massaged his hard little rod until he was groaning in pleasure, I then reached up and took out his earplugs but left the blindfold on.
"Did you sleep well, my boy?"
"Yes Master James, this is a great way to wake up, is it still dark outside?"
"No Tony, I put a blind fold on you last night."
"Oh neat, these restraints feel so good."
"Good, ok Tony I'm going to release you now and I want you to go shower and then come back here to me. I've a lot to tell you about the ceremony later and what you will do and need to say, ok?"
"Yes Sir."
"Ok off you go, I'll wait here for you."
When Tony returned and was sitting on the side of the bed I began to go over what the ceremony would entail and his part in it. He sat quietly being very attentive as I went through it all for him and only once asked a question about his final acceptance.
Once that was done he asked me what he would be wearing so I told him the simple answer.
"Nothing Tony, except a brown cape to cover your face and body."
3; I
3; I'm going to be naked in front of everyone, even that Mistress?"
"Yep, don't worry it's not the first time Mistress Tessa has seen a naked slave. Just listen to Nigel and I and you'll be ok. You think you've got the answers in your head now or would you like me to go over them again for you?"
"No thank you Sir, I have them."
"Ok Tony you, lay down again and rest until I come and get you."
"Yes Sir."
"Good boy."
I returned to my room to have my shower and saw that Eric was standing by the bed waiting for me with his restraints all clean and shiney ready for me to lock him up for the day.
"You ready for the day I see Eric, what plug have you got in today?"
"I put buzz back in James, is that ok?"
"So you like buzz, do you?"
(Giggle) "Yes James, it makes me feel sooooooo good, and last night I thought I was going to cum even though I wasn't hard and my belt held me tight."
"I see, so the ordinary plug is not as good then?"
"Yes but in a different way, it sort of fills me but buzz really does things to me."
"Ok, well I have a better toy for you to wear then. Come over here and bend over so I can take buzz out."
Eric obedient as ever did as I asked and when I had taken buzz out I went to my case for another toy for his little butt to get used to. This was a variation on buzz and it used to send Cameron into wild gyrations each time I used it on him. It was a vibrator similar in look to the buzz, but with an entirely different action to it as Eric would find out later in the day. It was also a little longer and thicker so he would know all day that it was there waiting for him.
I lubed his little hole and then the end of the vibrator and began to ease it into him, he wriggled his butt as it worked its way inside and then with a small grunt from Eric it slipped home.
"How's that feel, kiddo?"
"Ohh James, it's bigger than the plug or buzz but it feels good. What does it do?"
"Wait and you'll find out later." (Chuckle)
I began to replace his restraints making sure that the butt strap was tight up against the new toy so it wouldn't move out when it was turned on.
Tony was staying in his room while Eric and I went down to brunch with the rest of the guests. When we arrived most of the others were already there and sitting around the long table that Greg had organised so that we all sat together and our boys could go to the sideboard and get what ever we wanted for breakfast. I took my place near the head of the table and opposite Nigel, the chairs had been placed wide enough apart so our boys could kneel beside us and have space to come and go as we wanted something.
"Boy, coffee, croisants, cottage cheese and tomatoes."
"Yes Master."
Eric took off toward the sideboard to get my breakfast and when he had it all he returned and set it down before me then took his place at 'Rest' beside my chair.
I looked over at Nigel and gave a small wink.
"So tell me Nigel, how was it sleeping alone for the first time in years?"
"Not good James, that boy was a wonder, I miss his company already."
"You had any thoughts about finding a new boy yet?"
The noise around the table had quietened a bit as the others listened in to our conversation. Some of them had a look of expectation on their faces, they all knew what it was like to have their boy raised and what it could mean in the way of loneliness for the Master. Only Greg, Alton and Richard took no notice of us.
"Yes James, but you know how it is in this country to find a good boy."
I took a croisant and filling it with cheese cut it in half and then fed one piece to Eric as he knelt there. He opened his mouth and took a large bight and tried to smile around the bulging cheeks then began chewing happily on it.
"Have you seen anyone you like the look of, Nigel?"
"Well James, I did come across a boy that might make the grade, but it would depend a lot on what he was doing."
"Ahh, is he taken then?"
"Not that I know of."
The whole table except for the three that were in the know, was now silent. As Nigel and I strung out the waiting for as long as possible, I fed Eric the last of the croisant then indicated he was to get some more coffee for me.
"What did you think of my new boy, Nigel?"
"He's a nice looking boy, James, and if what you said was true he learns very fast as well."
"Yes he's coming along nicely, I thought he might be company for Eric."
"Yes Mythra's Child should have a boy to look out for him."
"It's a thought I suppose."
We left the conversation hanging there and went back to the brunch and as we began eating again the table returned to its chatter none the wiser.
When we had had our fill we sent our boys off to eat, all except Eric, he stayed with me as I had told him to earlier.
"Boy, Present."
Eric jumped to his feet beside me.
"Pick out something for the boy and take it to him, see if he's feeling better then come back here."
"Yes Master."
Eric took off to get something to eat for Tony as the rest of us sat around in the sun on the balcony looking out over the Hauraki Gulf watching the boats rushing about looking for a fishing spot or just having a blast.
When Eric had returned to me and the other boys were with their respective Masters, Greg stood and asked everyone to adjourn to the 'Play Room' out back again.
We had agreed earlier that Richard would take the chair for this time and as he went to the dais we all quietened down to listen to him.
"Masters and Mistress Tessa, before we go onto the ceremony of initiation there has been a little bad news arrive, Prime Master Albert was last night taken seriously ill with a heart attack and passed away at 3.00am this morning, I now ask you all to give a minutes silence in his memory."
After the time was up Richard continued.
"As there is now a place on the council for a new Prime Master we had an emergency meeting to elect one who would be able to fulfill the needs of the council and the Society, the Master chosen is Master Alton. Master Alton should you so wish to take up this position you will be required to undergo the rights of a Prime in no less than three months, Master Alton do you agree?"
"Prime Master Richard, this is indeed an honour and I do so agree."
There was a pause in the proceedings as everyone congratulated Alton on his promotion. Then when all had settled down again Richard continued.
"Masters and Mistress, I now have the pleasure in begining the proceedings leading up to an initiation. Prime Master Nigel it is known that you are now without a submissive boy to tend to, have you been able to find one that is suitable and would be a benefit to our Society?"
"Prime Master Richard, there is one such submissive but he is not mine to take."
"Masters and Mistress, would there be among you one that would offer his boy to Prime Master Nigel?"
"Prime Master Richard!"
"Founding Prime Master James!"
"Prime Master, I know of a boy that may be of use to Prime Master Nigel and his needs."
"Founding Prime Master James, could you produce this boy for the assembled?"
"As required, Prime Master."
I turned to Eric and whispered in his ear and as he nodded he left the room to get Tony and bring him down. A hubbub of noise went around the room as they realised that Tony was going to Nigel.
Within a few minutes Eric and the cloaked Tony were standing beside me, Tony going to the 'Helot' position on my left.
"Prime Master Nigel, would you accept from me this boy to take and to train to the ways of the Mythra?"
"Founding Prime Master James, you honour me above all else, I would gladly accept such a boy as this one."
"Then Prime Master, it is so. Boy, rise and stand before Prime Master Nigel."
Tony's cloak flowed as he got to his feet giving him an etherial look of floating as he moved to stand in front of Nigel.
Nigel lifted the hood of the cloak away from Tony's head and looking into his eyes as though to read his mind he began the ceremony of Consent and Submission.
"Boy, are you a freeman?"
"Yes Prime Master, I am a freeman."
"Freeman, do you wish to be bonded as a submissive slave?"
"Yes Prime Master, I do wish it."
"Freeman, is there amongst us one who you would be bonded to?"
"Yes Prime Master, there is one who I would like to be bonded too."
"Then Freeman name him so that he may step forward and so do the bonding?"
"Prime Master, I would be honoured to be bonded to yourself should you so wish it."
The nervousness in Tony's voice could be heard around the room, this was a big step for him and the moment of acceptance was now at hand.
"Freeman, it would please me to accept you as my submissive slave. Step forward and let me remove your covering so that you may meet the first of the Seven Mythra 'May They Preserve' for your initiation."
Tony took the half step forward and waited with shining eyes as Nigel removed his cloak revealing his nakedness for everyone to see and at the sight of such a beautiful boy there came a round of applause and a few oohs as the got a look at his body for the first time without his borrowed restraints.
"Freeman, come with me and stand before the first of the Mythra so that you may freely consent and submit to our ways."
Nigel lead Tony to stand in front of the Mythra and then began the ceremony of consent and submission. Tony glowed as he answered all the questions Nigel asked of him and at the end now dressed in Nigel's restraints was hugged and even kissed on the forhead by Nigel.
Greg stepped forward and told everyonoe that the bar was now open and we should all start to make a decent day of it. Many congratulations were given to Nigel and Tony looked so proud to be standing to his left dressed in his new gear with the symbol of Mythra shining on them, many pats on the head came Tony's way to greet him into the fold and the Society of Mythra.
End of Book 2
Author's Note
This is the last chapter of Book Two 'Child Of Mythra', however Book Three 'Dove of Harmony' is in developement and should start to be posted sometime in March, my fondest wish is that you will enjoy it and supply me with the marvelous feed back that the first two books did.
Q.& A.:
Q. I have searched the web and can find nothing on the society of Mythra, is there a site I can use. R.W. Phil.
A. No R.W. I have also searched to find some of my old friends but after getting in contact with a previous Master from the old days he tells me that the society now numbers only 20 or so in Melbourne, it seems the younger ones of today prefer the web rather than the traditions that I am used to.
Q. Have you started a society in New Zealand. T.S. Tex.
A. No T.S. the scene here is very limited and I have not trained a slave for a long time although I would like to be able to again now I have a little more time.
Q. How can you keep giving pain to another person. D.B.R. Wisc.
A. D.B.R. I don't give pain to another person, I feel it is my duty to be able to fulfill the needs of those who want to be slaves and that they feel the genuine need to do so, the pain is in the form of discipline and not as a sadistic pleasure, it is controlled and the slave is always given the utmost safety.
Q. In your email to me you said there was no site for me to go to for information on the Mythra, will you start one. S.T. Wash.
A. I have been approached to do so and am taking it into consideration, there is much infomation for me to collate before I can do this also I feel I would have to update the old consitution to accommodate todays more modern outlook, it will require a lot of work so may take some time to finish.
Q. I am a submissive 17 year old but I am scared a little by the types of people on the chat lines and what they want to do to their slaves, how can I find a good Master like Eric did. W.G. Cal.
A. W.G. I believe the legal age in the states is 18 so I would at this stage suggest you wait until you are of legal age then make an attempt to find the right Master for you, I may have by then got out the web page and be able to supply you with more info to help you.
Q. I notice that the positions of respect you describe are different from what I have been told is normal today, why. B.B.L. UK.
A. They are the positions described in our constitution as being of respect to a Master but at the same time they are to also show that the submissive is also important as without respect for one you can not have respect for the other.
Q. Are there any Mistresses in the society or is it for Masters only. G.D. Wash.
A. No G.D. to the best of my knowledge there has never been a Mistress as a member of the society although at times during a Gathering and at least once at a Conclave there were Mistresses present as guests.
Q. How can you tell what is good for a slave when you are a Master. P.F. UK
A. I was myself for two years a slave although a little rebelious before I was raised to Master, so I have a pretty good idea what is good for them through experience and each boy is different so you must be able to change your attitude so that you can get the best out of him.
Q. What happens when someone has to go to a section 23 disciplinary session. J.K. Cal.
A. J.K. you have jumped the gun a little as there will be a section 23 in Book Three so I hope you can wait for it to come out.
Q. Can I get copies of the Mythra Paintings if so where. L.N.T. Miss.
A. The Mythra paintings are usually painted individually for each Master as they are required, mine however were destroyed some years ago in P.N.G. during a fire in the hotel I owned, I am at present looking for an artist to replace them, they are normally for society members only so would not be generally available, however once the site is up and running I may be able to offer you some prints when mine are replaced.
Well readers that's all of the main ones, keep sending your emails and I will answer them all and now to the "Child of Mythra".