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Stories by Cassie

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It's Not Fair
It's Not Fair! is a letter column in the magazine Boy Stuff. In it, boys write to protest and complain about how they are treated in a society in which children have been taken firmly back under adult control. The boys are given brief, good-natured responses that basically reinforce the prevalent "Conservative Resurgence" philosophy that adults are in charge and make the rules.  Rules that must be followed no matter how embarrassing doing so is for the complaining boy. These responses are unsigned and presented as the magazine's response, but the author is Dr. Cassandra Miller, a psychologist who specializes in teenage males.
It's Not Fair 1 February 2, 2010
It's Not Fair 2 March 10, 2010
It's Not Fair 3 July 5, 2010
It's Not Fair 4 July 22, 2010
It's Not Fair 5 October 9, 2010
It's Not Fair 6 October 17, 2010
It's Not Fair 7 November 6, 2010
It's Not Fair 8 December 22, 2010
It's Not Fair 9 April 23, 2011
It's Not Fair 10 January 12, 2013
It's Not Fair 11  March 17, 2013
It's Not Fair 12  January 27, 2014
It's Not Fair 13 March 16, 2014
It's Not Fair 14 April 6, 2014
It's Not Fair 15 (with Y Lee Coyote) April 27, 2014
It's Not Fair 16 May 18 , 2014
It's Not Fair 17 June 8 , 2014
It's Not Fair 18 November 19 , 2014
It's Not Fair 19 December 21, 2014
It's Not Fair 20 January 12, 2015
It's Not Fair 21 March 1 , 2015
It's Not Fair 22 March 1 , 2015
It's Not Fair 23 March 1 , 2015
It's Not Fair 24 March 25, 2015
It's Not Fair 25 May 17, 2015
It's Not Fair 26 June 14, 2015
It's Not Fair 27  October 11, 2015
It's Not Fair 28  October 11 , 2015
It's Not Fair 29 January 10 , 2016

The Cheek of That Girl!
Nathan and his family are invited by some relatives to visit their house at the beach. There, 12-year-old Nathan meets his younger cousin, Cindy, who may be a young girl but has a very strong personality.
The Cheek of That Girl! July 28, 2012

The Boys' Home
A female psychologist, the same one who answers boys' letter in the It's Not Fair series, intends to collaborate as a volunteer with a Boys' Home.
The Boys' Home  April 10, 2012

What Cassie Did
When her father falls ill, eleven year old Cassie is sent overseas to spend the summer with her Aunt Felicia.  To Cassie's dismay, her ten year old boy cousin Sammy wants nothing to do with her.  But her mood and fun greatly increases once she discovers that her Aunt is a big believer in feminism and female empowerment. In her house, boys respect females, and they do what they're told to do by females.  Even if that female is a preteen girl, and no matter how embarrassing the ordered action is for the boy.
What Cassie Did Chapter 1
What Cassie Did Chapter 2
What Cassie Did Chapter 3 October 2, 2010

A More Memorable Spanking
When the mother of  two school age preteen boys determines that her spanking are not sufficient to effect the desired changes in her sons' behavior, she devises a plan to greatly increase the embarrassment and humiliation levels.  This decidedly results in more memorable and effective spankings.
A More Memorable Spanking Part 1 August 28, 2010
A More Memorable Spanking Part 2 September 8, 2010

write to Cassie

The stories accessible from this page copyright © 2007-2016 by Cassie, all rights reserved.

This site copyright © 2000-2016, all rights reserved.  Distribution of the stories contained on this site is subject to the copyright restrictions contained in each individual story.