It's Not Fair 11
By Cassie

Copyright 2013 by Cassie, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.

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This story is set in the Puericil Universe.
See chapter 1 for an explanation about this series. Instead of repeating the whole explanation, I’ll leave you with another selection of letters from the "It’s Not Fair!" letter column, in "Boy Stuff" magazine. In them, more boys complain about how little privacy they are allowed, and about the double standard that makes it OK for people to see them naked but protects girls’ modesty. The intention of this article is illustrating the attitude changes that the Conservative Resurgence has brought about: children, particularly male children, are firmly controlled by adult authority figures, who often make a point of emphasizing that control, in order to keep boys in their place and out of trouble.
(Remember the magazine responses are in italics, and I’ll add my own observations between square brackets).
If anyone has a comment or suggestion, I’d like to read it. Please feel free to contribute any similar letters if you wish to, and I’ll be happy to write the magazine’s response. Thanks again to Steven, who wrote the first letter of this issue.
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It is indeed unusual for us to receive, let alone print, a letter from a girl. However, we will make an exception this time because this letter gives us a new perspective on the situation of one of our frequent correspondents, and perhaps will allow us to advise him better.
Ellen (age 12)
Dear It's Not Fair,
I know this is unusual, because boys normally write letters to you, but I am the 12 year old babysitter of 15 year old Steve who has written to you in previous issues. I know he loves the “Boy Stuff” magazine and in particular the It's Not Fair column. He has mentioned me in two of his previous letters to you, and he always reads all of the letters written by the other boys and respects your advice. I am therefore requesting that you accept my letter, even though I am a girl, and direct your very good advice to Steve. He will probably see the letter anyway, but I will make sure he sees it. I hope to use your advice to make Steve more accepting of me babysitting him, as accepting me will certainly be in his best interest.
Steve makes it sound in his earlier letters that I am very mean to him. I thank you very much for telling him that being strict is not the same as being mean. Strict is how I would describe myself, and I am strict only because it is the only way Steve will listen to me. Babysitting Steve is my job, which his parents pay me for, and I take my job very seriously. What Steve did not tell you is that he acts much more like an immature baby boy of 5 than a big boy of 15. He pouts, he whines, he complains, he stomps his feet when I tell him to do something, and he is generally very unaccepting of me. He just cannot get it into his head that I am in charge, until I am forced to punish him. I have certainly spanked him enough times with his mother's paddle that he should know that I mean it, but his immaturity never seems to stop. These are the points I wish you will help him to accept.
First, regarding his baths, I do not bathe him to be mean. I bathe him because it is part of my job. He hates the fact that I bathe only him and not his younger sisters, but they are both very mature and do not need a babysitter. They have earned their privacy and modesty. Steve has not. He also hates the fact that, of course, I, his girl babysitter, see his penis and his tush when I bathe him. I have seen his penis soft, I have seen his penis hard, and I have seen his penis growing from soft to hard. There is nothing of him I have not seen, but he must just accept it. It is part of the job. I do not make a big deal about seeing his penis and tush, and will not talk about it at all if he does not. I have to wash him all over, and his penis and tush are certainly parts of his body. The cartoon pajamas I bought him are also the result of his babyish attitude. Act like an immature little baby, and he will be treated like an immature little baby. I do not allow him to wear underpants under his pajama shorts, and he is not allowed to stay upstairs in his room when he wearing them after his bath. He must stay downstairs with his sisters and any of their friends or his friends who may be visiting, until it is his bedtime. If he will grow up and stop acting like such a baby, perhaps I will close the bathroom door when I bathe him and not make him wear the cartoon pajamas. I may also allow him a later bedtime. My treatment of him will certainly be affected by the way he acts toward me.
Second, regarding his spankings, I have never EVER given him a spanking he did not totally deserve. I never spank him without giving him warnings first. There are certain things he must just understand. I am the babysitter. He is the boy being babysat. If he gets a spanking, he will be the one who get his pants pulled down. Not me. He will be the one with a naked tush. Not me. He will be the one who will be showing off his naked front and tush to his sisters and anyone else watching. Not me. He will be the one feeling the business part of the paddle on his naked tush. Not me. The only part of the paddle I feel is the handle. No matter how hard I swing the paddle, and trust me when I tell you that I spank very hard, I feel nothing. His naked tush feels everything. He will be the one with a sore red tush when I am finished. Not me. He will be the one showing off that red naked tush in corner time after his spanking. Not me. He will be the one crying. Not me. But avoiding these spankings is in his hands. If he acts like a big boy and does not do naughty things that require a spanking, I will never give him one. It is all up to him.
He wrote to you in detail about our visit to the doctor for his physical. Even then, it should be clear from the letter that I gave him chances to avoid a spanking, if he had just done what I told him to do. It was his own naughty behavior that caused him to be spanked in the waiting room in front of everyone.
I would appreciate your reminding Steve again that a big boy will be treated like a big boy, and a naughty little baby boy will be treated like a naughty little baby boy. It is all up to him, and if he acts more mature, perhaps he will not have to write any more letters to you complaining that It's Not Fair.
Dear Ellen, thank you very much for your letter. Although you are not part of the target readership of this magazine, it is clear that that you have followed this section and written to us out of concern for the welfare of your charge. You are not the one in need of our advice, however, so I’ll address Steve directly:
Steve, your babysitter is obviously a very mature young lady. I know that sometimes it must be difficult for you to see past the fact that she is three years younger than you. Probably when you are bathed, or told what to do, or spanked by your own mommy or by another adult you find it natural. You may dislike it, but it seems appropriate for an adult to be in charge. However, when you look at Ellen, you see a young girl of 12. You are 15, so it can’t be easy for you to regard her as a grownup. However, you must learn to see beyond the outward appearances. Ellen may be younger, but she evidently expresses herself and behaves like a young adult. It is not a matter of size or age, but of maturity.
Look at her carefully, Steve. Do not pay attention to her size, but to her self-confidence, to the way she talks to adults and the way she talks to you. When she wants something, does she pout and whine to get it? Look at the way she puts her responsibilities ahead of her own wants. Look at the way she takes charge. You must realize that even if she is three years younger than you, she is already a young adult, while you are still a child. Is it any wonder then that adults have put her in charge of you, just like her elder sisters were in charge of you before her?
Now, there is nothing to be ashamed about. Every child grows up at his or her own pace. Just as some kids reach puberty before others or have a growth spurt earlier, there is the same variety in intellectual and emotional development. Besides, you already know that girls mature much earlier than boys. It is perfectly natural, and you will save yourself a lot of grief if you accept it as such.
When you look at Ellen, do not see a younger girl, see instead the mature young lady she is. Do not be embarrassed when she gives you a bath. She has seen naked boys before, and it’s not going to bother her, so why should it bother you? Grow up at your own pace and enjoy childhood. You’ll have time to behave and be treated like an adult when you reach that stage. Ellen is you babysitter and she is in charge, so obey her just like you would your mommy.
You have to understand that rebelliousness, disobedience and immaturity will not help you in any way. They will only get you more punishments. You don’t want to get your bare bottom paddled, do you, or to have to stand in the corner with your red tushie on display? Then behave yourself and listen to your babysitter. You’ll see that if you do that you’ll start earning her trust and eventually you’ll be given more independence and you’ll definitely have to be punished less often.
Good luck to both of you!
[[After receiving several letters from Steve throughout the years, I was surprised to get this letter from his younger babysitter. In spite of her youth, Ellen is clearly a very confident, no-nonsense young lady. In her mind there is no doubt that Steve, a boy in his mid-teens, is just a childish brat compared to her, and that it’s perfectly proper for her to see him naked, bathe him and paddle his bare bottom whenever she finds it necessary.
Puericil makes boys easily cowed by self-confident authority figures, and it’s no wonder that Ellen easily handles him and makes him do what she wants, even if he pouts and whines about it. Boys who take Puericil just do not have it within themselves to rebel. Physically, Steve could very probably overpower Ellen, but emotionally he is no match for her.]]
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Jayden (13 years old)
Dear It’s Not Fair,
Since mommy started making me take Puericil, I sometimes wet the bed at night. When I do, the rule is that I have to come downstairs in my wet pyjamas, and I have to take them off in front of mommy for a naked spanking. She says that wetting the bed at my age is naughty and childish, and that naughty and childish boys get spanked on their bare bottoms, so I get it every time it happens.
We have recently moved to a new city, because mommy found a good job here. I had no friends here, and I’ve always found it difficult to make new friends ‘cause I’m a bit shy. Mommy told me that one of her friends at work had a kid my age, and that they thought we should be friends.
Mommy said her friend had invited us to spend the extended weekend at their house in the country. Mommy drove us there, and I played with her friend’s son, Brian. Then we had to go to bed, ‘cause it was late.
But when I woke up the next morning I realized that I had wetted the bed, and I didn’t know what to do. As we were not at home, I thought I could get away with changing my pyjamas and going down in dry ones, but I knew I would have to tell someone that my bed was wet.
When I got downstairs everyone was sitting at the table and Brian was still in his pyjamas. As I went to sit down mommy got up and asked me if I was dry and I turned red as she stuck her hand down the front of my pants and in between my legs with Brian watching. Then mommy got up and left the room. To my horror she returned with my wet pants and I knew I was in trouble. I knew I was going to get a spanking but mommy had a surprise for me. She told me to take off my pyjamas. I didn’t want to, but mommy looked at me real cross, and I had to obey.
Brian and his mom were staring as I took my PJ off and stood there facing them completely nude, and then my mom asked her friend if she wanted to spank me, as the bed I had wet was her property, and she handed her the belt. Brian’s mom raised her skirt and took me across her lap so I was laying on her legs. It was kind of strange and exciting being there, until the belt started to land and before long I was crying like a baby. When she was done I was jumping around rubbing my backside. I wanted to go to my room and get dressed, but mom said no and told me to do corner time.
As I was standing there bare-bottomed, Brian’s mom told me not to feel bad, because Brian also wet the bed, and he had to wear diapers when he went to sleep. Brian started to cry because she had told me, but his mom told him not to be silly.
Then, that evening, Brian’s mom bathed Brian and me together. I didn’t want to, but mommy said that it didn’t matter, since they had already seen me naked. It was very embarrassing to be washed by Brian’s mom, but in a weird way it was also exciting, being there with my friend, both of us naked in front of her.
When it was time for us to go to bed, Brian asked if I could sleep with him in the suppletory bed in his bedroom. I wanted to, and mommy and Brian’s mom said we could.
They took us to Brian’s bedroom and, to my horror, his mom offered mommy to diaper me like she did Brian. I said “no,” but mommy told me to hush and said it was a great idea.
Brian’s mom asked mommy to put a plastic sheet on the bed I would use, and told her to go ask the maid to help her. After mommy left, Brian’s mom told me to stand up and she removed my pyjama shirt. Then she told me to lay on the bed, and when I did mommy and a teenage girl who worked for Brian’s mom as a maid came in with a plastic sheet. To my shock, Brian’s mom removed my pajama pants as everybody watched. I lay there naked as she went and got a clean diaper and the cream she used on Brian.
She then made me roll on my stomach, and she spread my bottom cheeks and rubbed the cream in the crease and inside my bum. The she told me to roll over and I had to spread my legs so all my private thingies were on display. She put cream between my legs and then took my peenie in her hand and even pulled back the skin to put cream in there.
She then put a diaper on me and said I didn’t need my pajama pants. She then repeated the same thing with Brian. Mommy and the maid just stared during all this and didn't get the bed finished until we were both sitting in our diapers on Brian’s bed.
Since then, our mothers bathed us together and diapered us every night. Even though we just wet our diapers and not the bed, we still got spanked every time we had wet diapers. This happened to me one more time, and to Brian twice. Our mothers did not care if the maid saw us.
Then when we got home mommy said that I have to wear diapers to bed, every night. I don’t want Brian’s mom and their maid to see me naked. I don’t want to wet the bed and get spanked for it. I don’t wet my bed on purpose, you know. And I don’t want to wear diapers. They are for babies! It’s not fair!
Dear Jayden, we know you do not want to wear diapers, just like you do not want to wet the bed. However, you should think of it as a treatment, necessary to protect your bed and save your mommy work when that happens. Remember it’s something you will grow out of, sooner or later. In the meantime, take every precaution you can, like not drinking before bedtime and going to the toilet right before getting in bed.
It’s too bad that you get spanked whenever you wet the bed, but you must trust your mommy to know what’s best for you. She’s the one who knows you best, and she is only trying to help you. Remember that you are not alone. Even if it doesn’t look that way, there actually are many kids your age who wet the bed. Look at your friend Brian, for example. He also has accidents, and gets spanked for them too.
Also, don’t feel too bad because you have to be naked in front of people. Mommies often don’t give those things much importance, and when it’s practical for them to get their boys naked they will do so, even if there are other people there. We know it can be embarrassing, but it happens and it is out of your control, so it’s no use worrying about it too much. It’s better to accept it as just a part of being a boy.
[[I don’t think spanking a boy for wetting the bed does much good, in general, since it’s unconscious and involuntary. Besides, in Jayden’s case it didn’t happen before he started taking Puericil, so it’s probably a secondary effect. Puericil is known to cause nocturnal enuresis in some boys.
However, it’s not uncommon to find parents who believe that bedwetting boys need to be punished. It’s not surprising, actually. Nowadays most parents are very strict with their boys, encouraged by parenting experts and the general climate created by the Conservative Resurgence, so it doesn’t come as a shock when a boy is punished for a disturbance he has caused, even if it’s not strictly his fault.
Of course, in the response I wrote for the magazine I was supportive of Jayden and Brian’s mothers. Spankings are a fact of life for boys, and the occasional sore bottom for bedwetting will not do those two youngsters any real harm. It’s the magazine’s policy to uphold parents’ authority, and that’s as it should be. Families are hierarchies, after all, and for them to work parents must have the final say, even if sometimes they may make mistakes.
I would only add that it’s remarkable how immature teenage males are. A thirteen year old girl is already a sophisticated young lady, while a boy the same age, like Jayden, sounds really childish in his concerns and behavior. Of course, the biological difference is strong (everyone knows that girls mature faster than boys), but I suspect that the intake of Puericil and the way they are treated since the onset of the Conservative Resurgence has contributed to a further “infantilization” of boys. That’s a good thing, too. I much prefer my own teen sons to have childish problems than adolescent rebelliousness.]]

(The End)