* * * * *
This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions
of sexual activity
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to
view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do
not save this
* * * * *
This story is set in
the Puericil
Universe. See chapter 1 for an
about this series. This is another selection of letters from the "It’s
Not Fair!" letter
column, in "Boy Stuff" magazine. In them, boys complain about
how little privacy they are allowed, and about the double standard that
it OK for people to see them naked but protects girls’ modesty. The
of this article is illustrating the attitude changes that the
Resurgence has brought about: children, particularly male children, are
controlled by adult authority figures, who often make a point of
that control, in order to keep boys in their place and out of trouble. Please feel free to
contribute any
letters if you wish to, and I’ll be happy to write the magazine’s
response and the psychologist's comments. Thanks to the contributors
for this issue!
* * * * * * * * * *
published in the It’s Not
Fair section of the magazine called Boy Stuff: (this letter has been written
by Akiba.
The magazine response and psychologist's comments are
Niels (15
years old): Dear
know you get a lot of letters from boys who complain bitterly about having to
be on Puericil. My situation is somewhat different: I have gradually come to
accept being on Puericil and understand the reasons my parents had little
choice but to choose this route for me. But there is something else related to
the treatment that really bugs me. It's become a tremendously shameful burden
for me and it shows no signs of coming to an end anytime soon. First
off, I'll give you some background. I'm almost 16 now, small for my age and
very slender. With my long hair, I have been mistaken for a tween girl several
times. At the end of last summer, my 12-year-old sister had four of her friends
over for an end-of-summer pool party. These were kids I'd all known for many
years. And up until that day, I thought of them as just that -- little kids who
were my sister's classmates. But,
for some reason I still can't understand, on that day, looking at them in their
very grown-up looking Wicked Weasel bikinis (of the postage stamp variety) they
started to look like, well, girls. Long legs, budding little boobs and cute
butts. I had been having a problem with spontaneous erections for years. Usually
it's a "small problem" since even when my boner is at full force it's
just three inches. But in my wet swim trunks, somehow my unwelcome and
unintentional boner caught one of the girl’s attention. This development was passed
on to my little sister, who mentioned it to my mother, who quickly ruled that
it was both disgusting and utterly inappropriate for a 15-year-old to become
aroused in such a situation. She was very upset. This
led to a trip to the doctors and the prescription for Puericil. In the months
since then, I've come to accept the weekly rectal application of the cream form
as a necessary evil. Frankly, I am relieved to not be having spontaneous boners
in public situations. I have gotten used to the application ritual. Or at least
the Puericil part. You
see, after a couple weeks on Puericil, my mother decided to add another
completely out-of-the-blue component to my weekly dosage. This has been the
source of my great grief and shame. I was told, as always, after dinner on
Sunday, to go upstairs to my room and wait for my mother. This was my cue to
strip naked from the waist down and to take the flannel diaper she had placed
in my underwear drawer and lay it on my bed. Then, as she came up, I was expected
to be lying on my back on the diaper, waiting patiently while she got the
Puericil applicator and Vaseline from the bathroom medicine cabinet. But on this
particular Sunday, she entered my room with the familiar Puericil applicator in
one hand and a rectal thermometer in the other! I was stunned, scared and
confused. I wasn't sick. What in the world was she going to do? She
answered that soon enough, raising my ankles above my head in the diapering
position, lubricating the baby thermometer and sliding it in my bottom. I
turned six shades of red and was so taken aback all I could blurt out was
"what are you doing!!??" She matter-of-factly explained that as long
as she had me in that position already for the Puericil, it was just as
convenient to take my temp "just to be sure everything's on track. It
was hopeless! I knew any argument would result in a spanking. After the
thermometer had been in for what felt like a half-hour, she withdrew it,
pronounced my temperature "normal" and proceeded to apply the
Puericil cream. I
hoped that was a one-shot deal, but it wasn't. And it wasn't more than a couple
of weeks after that that my little sister got an eyeful for herself. I knew I'd
never live that down. I tried to cover my penis (which was involuntarily
standing at attention at exactly the wrong time). My mom swatted my hand away,
reminding me that my sis had seen boys' wee-wees before in her role as a
babysitter. As my sister said rather pointedly, "It's not like your
wee-wee is any bigger than some of the boys I babysit." That
really stung. But I realized she was trying to get a reaction out of me in
hopes that our mom would take matters into her own hands and give me a sound
spanking. So I remained miserable and silent. I
was pretty sure things could not become more humiliating for me at that point. But
of course I was wrong. My sister told her little 12-year-old buddies about my
weekly rectal procedures and emphasized to them that "the medicine should
keep his wee-wee from getting hard." Now
she's bugging my mom to give her permission to do the procedure herself! This
is crazy. It's unbelievably cruel. And it sounds as if my mom is probably going
to let her take over that responsibility. I just can't take this, and I told my
mom as much. To
my surprise, she told me in no uncertain terms that unless I wanted a weekly
pre-Puericil spanking "to get things warmed up down there" that I
would indeed take it without complaint. And she also mentioned ever so casually
that she took my dad's rectal temp every Sunday night as well. This puzzled me
mightily. My sister and I knew that she spanked Dad on rare occasions, because
we had heard it ourselves from down the hall, but I am still puzzled as to why
in the world he would need his temp taken in his bottom every week. Please
help me sort this out. It's gone from bad to worse to worse-than-I can imagine.
Thank you.
response: Dear
Niels, It’s
a good thing you have come to accept being on Puericil and understand your
parent’s reasons. One fact of life is that parents are in charge. They take
care of you, clothe you, feed you, make sure you study and learn the things you’ll
need to earn a living when you grow up, they protect you, nurse you when you
are sick and they also discipline you. You
probably made the girls uncomfortable, even if your reaction was involuntary. It’s
good that you understand that. In any case, what to do about it is your parents’
decision. Sometimes your body can mature slightly faster than your emotional
maturity. Yes, we know what you are thinking: your body is not exactly maturing
fast. However, as is typical for boys, your emotional maturity goes even slower.
Your parent’s judged that you were not mature enough to deal with your developing
sexuality, and chose to give you a Puericil version that keeps you from having
such unwanted sexual responses. While
you have come to understand and accept that, you still have a problem with the
way your mom takes your temperature. You should know that it is a normal way
for parents to take boys’ temperature. Many boys have it taken that way. We understand it can be embarrassing,
but it actually is the most accurate way to take it. You should think of it as part of
the way your mom takes care of you. That way she can make sure your health is
fine. Even if you feel embarrassed, you should also feel safe and protected
that your mom loves you and cares about your health. Another
problem for you seems to be your sister. While you apparently can come to
accept your mom’s taking your rectal temperature, it appears to be mortifying
for you that your sister can see it and even take it herself. However, this
comes from an incorrect way of thinking about it. Sure, your sister is a girl,
and the fact that she is younger than you makes it seem worse. But you have to
keep in mind that girls mature much faster. For her, you are just like a little boy
even if you are older, because how grown-up you are is a matter of maturity
rather than age. It’s not like she hasn’t seen a wee-wee before (even your
own), so to her seeing you naked is no different than seeing the little boys she
babysits. You
do not really need to be modest in front of her. She is family, and at her age she
is way ahead of you in maturity. It’s natural that your mom wants her to take
responsibility and help with chores like taking care of you. Just like a very
little boy does not care about being naked in front of his family, you should
not care if your sister sees you naked. It’s really no big deal. We
know this seems difficult for you, but your excessive shyness is a sign that
you are still quite immature. You need to try to get over it. It’s not like you
get to decide whether she sees you naked and helps with your rectal temp, is
it? So what’s the sense of getting worked up over it?
Regarding your dad, you do not have to worry about it. It seems
your mom also checks his health that way, and if it's OK for your dad,
why shouldn't it be OK for you? In any case, you need to trust your mom
to make these decisions. We
wish you the best, Niels. Trust your family and take care.
published) comments from Dr. Cassandra Miller, the author of the
magazine’s response, a
psychologist who specializes in boys’ emotional development:
There are
many variant of Puericil. Many do not affect the boy’s sexual responses, but
some parents wish to restrict their sons’ sexuality, and for them there are
versions that inhibit boys’ sexual drive. It is really up to the parents. Boys
are just too immature to be trusted to manage their sexuality in a responsible
manner, so parents need to make decisions for them. Neils’
mother has decided that she does not want him to have inappropriate erections,
or to masturbate, since she does not feel her son has any need of that until he
is an adult. That’s her decision, and it’s not unreasonable. “For the time
being,” she told me, “Neils only needs his little wee-wee to pee with.” When asked
when she’ll let her son have his sexual drive back she only said “We’ll see
about that. Certainly not for a long time. I don't want him having erections when he sees young girls swimming.” And that’s
as it should be: it’s the parents’ decision, not the boy’s.