What Cassie Did Chapter 3

By Cassie


Copyright 2011 by Cassie all rights reserved

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This story is intended for adults only. It contains depictions of forced nudity, spanking, and/or sexual activity of preteen and young teen children. This is fantasy, and the author in no way endorses or practices these things on real life. If you are not of legal age in your community to read or view such material, please leave now. 
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I was sitting on a flat stone behind a tree, looking at the sea. I had been thinking hard, but now I was tired of that and I was just enjoying the cool breeze.
Then I heard some laughter and I decided to investigate. It came from behind a fence to my right. I found an opening and saw a group of Mexican girls, older than me, laughing and forming a ring around a boy, also Mexican.
As I approached them, I noticed that each girl was holding a switch. The boy, I noticed, was blindfolded, and he had his arms outstretched in front of him. He was about fourteen or fifteen, and he was just wearing a T-shirt and white briefs. His shorts were around his feet. He advanced slowly, moving his arms in front of him, trying not to fall down or get tangled with his shorts. He passed near a girl, who kept very still.
As the boy passed, she raised her arm very slowly and suddenly switched the boy’s bare thighs sharply.
“Oww!”, the boy exclaimed, jumping up in surprise, while the girl ran away from him, laughing.
¡Caíste, ratón!”, she shouted.
The other girls were also laughing. One of them noticed me then. She said something to the other girls, who turned their attention to me.
“Hi”, one of them said. She spoke a hesitant English but she had a friendly smile. “Are you the niece of Ms. Felicia?”.
“Yes, I am”, I offered. “My name’s Cassie”.
“Hi, Cassie”, she said slowly. “My name is Maria. Sylvie told me you come here. I speak poco English”.
“Your English’s fine”, I said, smiling at her, “much better than my Spanish, anyway”.
She was about fifteen and very pretty, with her tanned skin, long black hair and very white teeth.
Then the blindfolded boy said something and a girl told him:
Los niños a callar, o te pego fuerte con el palo”.
“What did he say?”, I asked María, who seemed to be the one who spoke better English.
“She said boys are quiet if they don’t want the stick”, she explained. “We are playing al gato y el ratón… the cat and the mouse”.
“How do you play that game?”, I asked.
“He’s the mouse”, she said, pointing at the boy, “and we are cats. He tries to get to those trees, but he can’t see, and we give him the stick trying that he doesn’t hear us… if he hears when we are next to him he calls ‘cat’. If he’s right the girl gets out of the game, if not he gets the stick two times”, she added, shaking her wrists to show the bracelets with small bells all the girls had around their wrists and ankles. They could alert the ‘mouse’ if one of the girls moved too fast or carelessly. “But if he gets whacked without saying cat, then he gets the stick one extra time.”
“Ah”, I said, intrigued by that curious game.
“You want to try?”
I nodded, and she gave me her switch.
“Try it”, she encouraged me.
I waved it through the air hesitantly.
“No, no… Try it with Felipe”, she laughed, pointing at the boy.
“You mean…?”
“Yes, yes. Give him the extra stick. On his culo… his butt?”
“Ah… OK”, I said, hesitantly. Bossing Sammy around was one thing, but this boy was older than me. A teenager.
The girls were smiling at me and making encouraging gestures, however, and the boy just stood submissively still, with his eyes blindfolded.
No te muevas o te dejamos el culo bien rojo”, María told the teenaged boy sternly. “Las manos en la cabeza y quietecito como un niño bueno”.
The boy meekly put his hands on his head, looking nervous and vulnerable in just the T-shirt and his white briefs.
“I told him to be still like a good boy if he doesn’t want a smackbottom”, María told me. “He’ll be good for you, Felipe will”.
Thus instigated, I tentatively slashed the switch across Felipe’s brief-clad bottom.
The girls giggled.
“No, you need to give the stick a bit harder, or it just tickles him”, María said, grinning. She took the switch from my hand. “Like this”, she added, briskly switching the back of the teenager’s thighs, just below his bottom.
“Owwie! Oww!”, the boy moaned, jumping a bit at the sharp sting and rubbing the sore area.
¡No, no! ¡Niño malo! ¡Niño malo!”, the girls chanted.
María grabbed his arm and smacked his brief-clad bottom a few times, while the blindfolded boy hopped around her and ineffectually tried to block her hand.
Las manos en la cabeza hasta que te digamos, niño malo. Hands on your head till we say, bad boy!”, she was telling him as she punished him.
Finally she let him go and made him step into his shorts, which had been kicked away. They resumed the game while I watched, after declining an offer to join the game. I just wanted to watch.
Felipe managed to get two girls out of the game, but then he called ‘cat’ when no one was near, and he was made to put his hands behind his head while one of the girls gave him his two penalty whacks.
Finally, he reached the group of trees, and the girls applauded.
“Good boy!” María said, “now for your reward!”
Another girl pulled down the still blindfolded boy’s briefs, and I gasped as his thingy came into view. It was much larger than Sammy’s and it had some sparse dark hair over it. It was almost stiff, too.
The girls surrounded him and one of them grabbed his thingy, wrapping her hand around it.
She rubbed his thingy up and down, moving her hand faster as Felipe’s penis got harder. The other girls were shouting: “¡Córrete! ¡Córrete!”. I later learned that this means “Cum! Cum!”
Finally Felipe’s muscles tensed and he gasped as his thingy shot its white stuff. The girls cheered and I joined in.
Then he was allowed to take his blindfold off and get dressed.
“¡Sé bueno! Be a good boy!” the girls shouted, giggling as he ran away.
“Teasing boys is so fun,” María said dreamily, winking at me.
I smiled back.
“Come with us,” she said. “We’ll show you the gardens around the house.”

(The End)