; ; ; LB: 7. Tantric Legion - The Corrupter ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; · ; LB Collection · ; Story Links · ; Site Links · ; Poetry · ; Submissions · ; lbworlds Yahoo! · ; Donations · ; ;

The Corrupter

; ; ; ; Part 7 ; [1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 ; 7] ;

; ; © Tantric Legion

; tantriclegion@hotmail.com
; ;
; ; Disclaimer: This story should not be read by any person not of the age of majority in their country. Anyone who may be offended by sex and violence, should not continue. The author is not responsible for either any actions taken by persons who read this story or for the general social problems of our planet. ; ;

Chapter 7

; ; The windy chill of the late summer night held the promise of autumn’s approach. At the edge of the castle moat, far below the lights of the castle and away from the lanterns which lit the streets of the town surrounding the citadel, the pale glow of the moon provided the only illumination. A gust of wind pulled a cloud across the moon’s face, casting shadow along the shore of the murky waters. Taking advantage of the momentary darkness the thing that had been Gretchen crawled out of the moat, quickly scuttling up the embankment, and over the crude rear fence of the home at the top. Moving with unnatural speed her pale fingers selected a nondescript brown cloak hanging from the drying line strung across the yard and plucked it down, wrapping the course fabric around her dripping naked form. As she fled through the gate a dog within the house erupted in furious barking, roused to frenzy by her unnatural presence.

; ; The streets were almost deserted at this late hour as she made her way through the slumbering town. Once she pulled the cloak tighter and dipped her head, quickly skirting the pair of drunken laborers who had stumbled from a tavern, holding each other up and raucously singing, they were so caught up in their revelry that neither noticed the anonymous figure that ghosted by. The lights carried by the town guards made it easy to avoid them, changing her path or simply stepping into the shadows of an alcove until they passed.

; ; She wasn’t truly conscious of her goal until she reached it. The cobbler’s shop she stood before was like any other lining the street but it had been some almost forgotten sense of familiarity bringing her here, where she could feed safely, fulfilling the command of her mistress. The Gretchen that had been was utterly familiar with the well kept shop while the Gretchen of now had never before been there. Hunger flooded through her and she felt a sharp heat spike in her loins as she imagined satisfying it.

; ; Her eyes darted a quick look around, assuring themselves that no eyes were present to witness what must happen next. She cast aside the robe and let it fall to the cobblestones forgotten. When the cold air hit her naked flesh Gretchen didn’t so much as flinch, she stepped forward and reached upwards, placing her hand against the building’s stone exterior. Her grip tightened and she lifted herself off the ground, her hands and feet finding purchase where there should be done as she scurried up the wall like a spider until she clung to it, five arm spans in the air beside an upper floor window. Gretchen peered through the window, her gaze sweeping the small bedroom before turning to regard the young man lying on the bed. Her finger twitched and the simple latch securing the window frame silently unhooked itself. With methodical slowness she lifted the window, careful not to make a sound that might awaken the room’s slumbering occupant.

; ; Closing the window behind her Gretchen was alone with him in the room. Her nostrils flared as she inhaled, a look of sheer hunger twisting her face as she savored the young man's unique personal scent. Youth and musk, tinged by the trace of sweat from honest work.

; ; Gretchen crept to the center of the room and crouched there. Slowly she began carving an ornate symbol into the floor, her razor sharp nails cutting through the wood almost noiselessly. Brushing away the shavings she looked at the completed work. Gretchen lifted her left breast and carefully made a small cut in the pale flesh. Blood welled up and she gathered it on her fingertip. Carefully she touched her bloodied finger to each of the three sigils at the center, activating the spell. The perimeter of the room glowed, walls, doors, ceiling and floor lighting up with arcane power for an instant before fading to grey. Now the room was sealed, no sound would escape until Gretchen dispelled the seal.

; ; Gretchen remembered love, the feeling of belonging that her family had given her, but those memories, a whirlwind of events that made up her former life now lacked any meaning. She belonged to her Mistress, her own will utterly subsumed by the irresistible force that had hollowed her out. Now what remained behind was animated only by Evelyn's desires, no more than an appendage to serve the Purpose at her Mistress's behest.

; ; Gretchen had been sent to the library to assist the librarian with some unmentioned task. Once there she had plunged into the labyrinthine maze of shelves and chambers, looking for the Librarian.

; ; Sounds had drawn her deeper into the stacks, unfortunately for her their nature hadn’t become clear until she came into sight of a reading area. Glowing orbs floated, illuminating the scene that made her gasp with stifled shock. Nude figures, both male and female and their skin an unnatural pure white, prostrated themselves on the floor around the center of the area where the librarian, Mistress Prior, lay atop a reading table, her legs dangling over the edge. Her ankles were crossed behind the buttocks of the fair haired stable-boy enthusiastically thrusting away between her thighs.

; ; Evelyn was ethereally beautiful, all luscious curves and pearl white skin, blue runes covered her nude body like constantly changing tattoos, her eyes alight with rainbow fire while her silky white hair gleamed in the magical illumination. She arched her back magnificently as she rutted back against her human lover, her moans of approval driving the young man wild. He made one last forceful thrust forward into her receptive body as he stiffened and groaned, burying his shaft to the hilt and spending himself within her taut belly.

; ; Shock filled Gretchen at the next unexpected sight, as he climaxed a remarkable transformation overtook him. The stable-boy’s skin transformed from a healthy flushed pink to an unnatural sickly grey. His veins turned black and his skin sank inwards as he withered before Gretchen’s eyes.

; ; Evelyn reacted to this by writhing wildly beneath him, shrieking with cries of pleasure that echoed through the chamber. Her climax finished she laid back, panting softly with a smile of well-sated satisfaction on her beautiful face. The Librarian’s lover slumped forward, falling limp across her voluptuous chest. Gretchen bit her knuckle and suppressed a moan of terror, he must be dead she thought to herself.

; ; Evidently recovered from the extreme pleasure that draining him had brought her, the white skinned librarian sat up with languid grace, cradling her victim’s scarecrow-like form in her arms, smiling wickedly she leaned forward and exhaled. Rainbow fire poured forth from within the transformed woman, passing into the young man’s slack jawed mouth.

; ; As she watched the maid saw his grey skin begin to whiten even as convulsions and twitches ran up and down his limbs. Finished with whatever she had done to the young man Mistress Prior roughly pushed him away.

; ; The wet thud of his body hitting the floor was enough to shock Gretchen out of her mesmerized trance and she realized that she had been standing there like a fool far longer than prudence would suggest. She must warn someone! This was obviously magic and its perversion reeked of the work of the dark gods. Suddenly her arms were seized from behind with far more than normal human strength and she was carried toward the reading area. Turning her head from side to side she realized and a man and a woman held her, each sharing the same features as the figures she had seen bowing before the Librarian.

; ; “No!” she shrieked, “Get off of me!”

; ; Her captors didn’t even blink in response to Gretchen’s cries. Helpless in their iron grasp she found herself brought before the transformed Mistress Prior. Despite her terror the frightened maid couldn’t help but notice the woman’s inhuman perfection, a beauty that made her heart skip even as it raced madly in her chest.

; ; “Let me go!” the young maid pleaded, “I won’t tell anyone! Please, oh Goddess, please save me! Just let me go!”

; ; “Now why would I let such a delicious morsel escape me?” Her fire filled eyes examined the shaking maid. “Mmmm. Delightful, you are just brimming with energy aren’t you? Won’t you let me have a taste?” Not waiting for an answer she leaned forward and kissed the unwilling girl passionately.

; ; Her lips were both fire and ice, her tongue demanding as it forced its way into the girl’s mouth Gretchen felt a rushing falling sensation as Evelyn plundered her sweet mouth. Her captors released her and the maid would have collapsed had Evelyn’s arms not been there to support her, like a python she drew her victim close. There was a flash of light and suddenly Gretchen found herself as bare as her attacker. Her small breasts pressed against Evelyn’s generous orbs. Fingers delved between her legs, finding her untouched sex and ruthlessly exploring it. The touch felt so wrong, so intrusive, Gretchen moaned and quivered helplessly in the Librarian’s embrace, the touch felt soooo very good.

; ; Suddenly the maid found herself released, reflexively she stumbled back a few steps, something felt wrong. Panic filled her and she felt lost, it seemed like madness but the maid felt an irresistible pull, an inexplicable desire to be back in the older woman’s arms, it was almost as if the librarian had something that she desperately needed, something she couldn’t live without. Gretchen whimpered, desperately examining Evelyn’s face for the merest hint of pity but finding only raw hunger.

; ; “You can feel it can’t you?” Evelyn smiled cruelly at the expression of yearning on the young maid’s lovely face, “Your soul has been rent in two.”

; ; Gretchen whimpered softly, a tear rolling down her cheek as the emptiness within pulled her toward the unholy beauty

; ; “It can be whole again.” She whispered seductively, “Wouldn’t you like that… Gretchen?”

; ; Tentatively she nodded and then shuddered, lifted her head, “Please… Please!” she mewled plaintively.

; ; “You just have to do one thing then.” Evelyn looked into Gretchen’s eyes and savored the expression of surrender she saw there, “Just give me the rest of it.”

; ; She thought about it for a moment and then gasped as her belly clenched and rippled with orgasm. Shocked by her body’s response, the erotic tingles almost made her fall to her knees. Confusing feelings of devotion echoed inside her as Evelyn’s supernatural beauty enthralled Gretchen. She stepped timidly ahead, approaching Mistress Prior who smiled with welcome. The young woman’s own tongue tentatively reached out as she leaned forward, this time willingly, into the other woman’s embrace. The moment they kissed the girl could feel herself slipping away. This sensation was accompanied by a feeling of bliss and an irrational sense of gratitude as the aching pain leeched away along with her soul. Gretchen was compelled to reciprocate and her hand sought out the wet folds of flesh between Librarian Prior’s lush thighs, instinctively trying to imitate the way that Evelyn had touched her. Gretchen must have succeeded because the supernaturally beautiful woman moaned and began grinding her pubis against the girl’s fingers. Will the last of her will the maid gathered the tatters of her soul, desperately, eagerly pushing the very core of herself outwards, offering up everything she had, everything she was for her wondrous Mistress. She succeeded.

; ; The transformation had proceeded quickly and now Gretchen was only an extension of Her will. Gretchen’s mind focused only on Evelyn’s commands which rang in her mind. “Feed me, spread the purpose, betray nothing of our existence. Spread the Prophecy and await the call.” Gretchen stood beside the bed and looked downward at her brother Aaron’s face, the peace of sleep on his handsome young features. She lifted the bottom of her brother’s quilt and slowly crept beneath.

; ; Aaron was lost in a dream. He was alone with a lovely young noblewoman. He had rescued her from a group of ruffians who had accosted her, defeating their leader in a brilliant display of swordsmanship, and now she was pulling down his breeches, preparing to show him her gratitude for his gallant actions. The pretty blond had removed his drawers and successfully freed his ready member.

; ; “Oh!” She gasped in delighted surprise, “It’s so big!”

; ; Aaron was familiar with what would happen next, his dreams followed a predictable course, his lady would fall back, throw her legs wide and accept him into her body. Instead she shocked him and leaned forward, taking his member into her mouth, moaning happily as she serviced her rescuer. It was like nothing he had felt before and the sight of her looking up at him, her lips wrapped around his shaft was the most erotic scene he had ever imagined. Aaron moaned with frustration as he felt himself waking up, the dream slipping away. He opened his eyes and groaned with disappointment as he found himself back in his bedroom. Confusion filled his lust-fogged mind. How did he still feel the blow job now that the dream had ended? Someone was in bed with him. Feminine fingers held the base of his shaft while her mouth worked up and down his length. This was impossible, who could it be?

; ; Just forget about it he thought. Enjoy this now and worry about silly little matters like that later. He threw his head back and forth in denial, it was no use, he had to know who it was. Aaron lifted the covers and regarded the girl who shared his bed with him as she proceeded with her skillful fellatio. Between the weak light and her transformed features, not to mention the distracting attentions the girl was subjecting his aching cock to, it took Aaron a few moments to recognize her.

; ; “Gretchen? Oh! Is that you?” He gasped. It was his sister, but also not his sister. Her blond hair was now white like the face of the moon. Her skin almost glowed in the dark, an inhuman alabaster. Most alarmingly he realized as she looked up at him she had no irises or pupils, unnatural white orbs returned his gaze as her mouth hungrily worked on his young cock.

; ; “No Gretchen, oh! No, you mustn’t!” Already aroused by his dream the inexperience youth couldn’t fight the sensations her skillful mouth was subjecting him to, “So wrong, stop, I’m going to… Argh!” He moaned in protest, his body helplessly clenching and shuddering as he spurted his seed into Gretchen’s mouth. He fell back helpless as far more than semen flowed forth into his sister.

; ; Gretchen smiled as she siphoned the part of her brother that allowed him to tell right from wrong, the rich energy flowing through her as she passed it on to her mistress. Overwhelmed by the sensation Aaron gasped, part of himself was missing, a raw gaping chasm in his soul.

; ; Gretchen drew back, sitting on the foot of Aaron’s bed while she watched him recover from the trauma of a rent soul, one delicate hand busy between her legs as she made sure that her body was ready for penetration.

; ; Aaron sat up gasping, anger like he had never known filled him, a desire to destroy surfacing in his wounded mind. His sister sat at the bottom of the bed, seemingly taunting him with her naked body. His lips drew back and he bared his teeth at her and he lunged forward spewing obscenities, intent on paying her back for the pain he felt in his soul.

; ; Suddenly the hand that had been busily working between her thighs was beneath his nose, the intoxicating scent of her juices flooding his senses. The musky honey trumpeting her body’s readiness and his rage transmuted itself, the desire for violence replaced by and even more primal need. His shaft stiffened and his body sprawled across hers. Roughly he pawed at his slender sister, mauling her pert breasts and grunting as he blindly thrust himself against her flat belly. Her delicate hand slipped down between them and wrapped around Aaron’s veined shaft, pre-cum greased its length as she gave it a few experimental pumps. She slid her body up and lifted her hips, maneuvering the bloated head of Aaron’s cock between her slick labia until it was positioned for entry. Gretchen moaned as her brother’s member pressed against her vagina, leaning upward she captured his mouth and plunged her tongue inside. Slowly his penis slid into her tight hole, stretching her open as they moaned into one another’s mouths.

; ; Aaron growled from deep in his throat. The feeling was even better than his dreams, his sister’s wet heat clenched about him while her soft body writhed beneath him. The visible changes and the depravity of breeding his own sister didn’t matter, the only thing that mattered was the incredible sensation of pleasure as he buried himself in her feminine depths. He grunted with effort, Gretchen was very wet, but also so very tight, forcefully Aaron shoved forward, shredding the obstruction and they were both virgins no more.

; ; Gretchen cried out softly with the exquisite mingled pain and pleasure of her hymen tearing as her own brother deflowered her. Virginal blood mingled with her juices, allowing the welcome violation of Aaron’s shaft to slide ever deeper into her fluttering belly. Already she could feel him shuddering with each thrust into her ripe body, his ragged self control no match for the velvet flesh of her clenching innards.

; ; He came. He lost the ability to love. He came. Compassion was forgotten. Again and again he spurted into her uterus, each time leaving another piece of himself behind. Finally his energy began to flag, the strain showing on his face as their incestuous lovemaking and her vampiric attack on his soul taking their toll. Gretchen pushed her brother back, quickly straddling his thighs and sinking down on his member, her cunt eagerly swallowing it as she began to ride him to yet another orgasm.

; ; She had taken almost everything from him. His aura was now only a seething mass of black and red, only the evil in his soul and the most basic animal instincts remained to him. If she were to release him now Aaron would flee into the streets, an animal in human form that would only eat and fuck and kill until he was put down by the guard. Greedily she clenched her cunt around his shaft, willing forth the last pitiful drops of seed remaining in his tortured body, with it she also drew the last tattered remnants of his soul. The twisted expression fled from his face and Aaron’s body lay there empty, his aura gone, his mind empty. His eyes stared sightlessly upward, his chest fell up and down irregularly as his body breathed in short fitful gasps. Even his heart beat listlessly in an off kilter manner that couldn’t truly be called a rhythm. The young man was truly more dead than alive.

; ; Ecstasy blazed through Gretchen as she felt her mistress’s approval emanating back through the link they shared as Evelyn psychically devoured Aaron’s screaming spirit. She smiled down at the husk that she straddled, incapable of feeling even the merest twinge of guilt despite have participated in the murder of her own brother’s very soul. The only thing she felt was a sense of glowing well being, she was a tool that had fulfilled its purpose, fed her mistress what she craved, that was the only thing that mattered.

; ; Her own soul was long gone, what animated her was a gifted portion of her Mistress’s soul. Without warning more of Evelyn’s soul flowed into her, Gretchen’s eyes rolled back as the sheer power filled her. Reluctantly she gave it up, leaning forward and letting the rainbow fire flow out of her and into the waiting husk. The same changes that marked her own inhuman nature spread across Aaron’s prone form. His eyes opened and clouded over until they were the same featureless white that hers were. A new tool of the Mistress and the Purpose looked up at her. Slowly she lifted herself up, her nether lips clinging tightly to the Aaron’s shaft as it slid out of her body.

; ; No words were spoken between the two as they approached his bedroom door. With a wave Gretchen dispelled the seal and Aaron stepped into the darkened hallway. He stood there for a moment, his erection jutting out, still dripping with their shared juices. He turned and padded silently down the hall toward their younger sister’s room. Gretchen watched him vanish inside, the door silently closing behind his white form. Her gaze turned to regard the door of their parent’s room. She stepped forward.

; ; *****

; ; The town of River Crossing had grown up at one of the few usable fords along the river which bisected the kingdom of Altara. Now a pile bridge crossed the shallow stretch of water, the bridge toll enriching the towns coffer’s as commerce flowed through the natural transportation hub. Mills along the river awaited the arrival of grain from the fall harvest and the town boasted shops, a small detachment of the Kings Guard and even a temple to the Goddess.

; ; From the sheltered mouth of a cave on the rocky hill which overlooked the town Annie watched the tiny inhabitants for several minutes as they scurried about the meaningless tasks of their lives, oblivious to what lurked above. She smiled wickedly, soon they would learn what was important and their labors would be directed to the Serpent’s glory, their previous hopes and ambitions forgotten, replaced by the joy of servitude and the unrestrained pleasures of the flesh.

; ; Turning she walked back into the cave until it opened into a wider chamber. There Gwen lay wracked with the throes of labor, holding her swollen belly as she fought to expel her child. Fanatical joy burned in her eyes as pride at having brought her mate’s unholy offspring to term throbbed in Gwen’s corrupted heart.

; ; Annie knelt beside her sister, wiping her brow and murmuring soothing words as the birth proceeded. When it was time she moved between Gwen’s legs and received the child into her arms. What emerged from her sister’s body was totally inhuman, obviously their master’s spawn. As it slid free of Gwen it let out an unearthly shriek, as if announcing that something unholy had come into the world. The reptilian creature had black scaled skin and a tail. It was obviously meant to walk on four legs but still possessed hands that appeared capable of fine manipulation. Even moments after birth it appeared deadly, possessing sharp claws and long curved fangs. Its eyes opened and it regarded her with eyes full of malevolent rage before striking at her with bared fangs. Deftly avoiding the strike Annie hissed back soothingly. Once it calmed Annie gently cradled the newborn, lifting it so that her exhausted sister could see. The sister’s shared looks of awe.

; ; “He’s so beautiful,” Gwen gasped. Gwen took her child, tears of joy running down her cheeks as she brought it to her breast and presented a nipple. She moaned as its fangs dug into her soft flesh and the monster began to suckle, nursing itself on both her milk and her blood.

; ; A sudden ripple in her belly and a rush of hot fluid between her legs brought a sudden look of surprise to Annie’s face. “Oh Gwen! Mine is coming too!” Annie squealed happily, elation greater than any she had previously experience filling her as the corrupted farm girl realized she was ready to bear her own child for their master.

; ; Giving herself over to the exhaustion that filled her, Gwen closed her eyes, the soft suckling sounds at her breast lulling her to sleep as her sister strained to deliver her own child.

; ; ****

; ; The ornate carriage had fallen behind the main column and now rolled alone along the road that wound its way through deserted pastures as the sun sank towards the mountains. Holding the reins was a slack jawed carriage man, his glazed eyes staring ahead blankly as he mechanically guided the team of six horses. Two clotting puncture wounds on his neck slowly oozed a mixture of blood and venom.

; ; Beside him Hazel sat perched on the bench, her petite body pressed up close against his side and her little hand gently pumping his engorged shaft while the sounds of oblivious polite conversation within the carriage brought an amused smile to her face. She couldn’t wait to take her enthralled victim back into the woods once they halted their journey for the night. Assuring herself that there wasn’t a single traveler in sight Hazel reached back and rapped out a quick pattern on the roof behind her.

; ; Within the carriage Duke Silvern smiled as he heard the prearranged signal. Her job had been a simple one but the enslaved maid had done it well, she would unfortunately have to remain outside, although with their privacy assured the priest and his traveling companion would have no problem dealing with their fellow passengers. He shared one side of the cabin with Duchess Elizabeth Morrigan and her lovely daughter Ellie while Lady Veronica sat with the family’s twin son’s Derrick and Blair

; ; Their family had been one of the oldest and wealthiest noble families in all of Altara. Then one year the river’s spring rush had been greater than ever before, crashing down from the hills and flooding across the land. The lake whose shores the family keep was built upon had swollen up over its banks. Many had died, peasant and noble alike as the deluge swept them away. Spring ended and although the river’s flow decreased it never returned to its former level. Far away, high in the imposing peaks of the something had altered the river’s flow, and now virtually all of the family’s lands, including the most fertile farms and prosperous towns, were left lying beneath muddied waters.

; ; Left with the title of nobility but only the barest trappings of wealth she depended largely on the charity of the royal family, maintaining a few chambers within the Crystal Castle, drawing on the remnants of their accounts to hire a few servants while bearing the constant shame of their remembered greatness. The Duke had turned to the bottle, becoming withdrawn and gradually fading into a shambling memory of his former self. When his body had washed up at the edge of the moat it had actually been more mercy than tragedy. Left with twin sons and an eldest daughter the Duchess had bravely soldiered on, putting on a face of stony dignity as she ignored the cruel whispers of court harridans amused by her family’s impoverishment. Despite the stresses of the years her beauty and elegance remained, evidence of the strength of spirit that allowed her to persevere.

; ; What a social coup it had been when the gallant and handsome ambassador from Galancia accepted Duchess Morrigan’s invitation to share her carriage for the journey to the southern estates for celebration of the Goddess’s harvest festival. He had opted to bring a guest as his invitation allowed and he had arrived for the journey with Lady Veronica on his arm. After admirably concealing her shock at the advanced pregnancy of the queen’s lady Silver quite thought that she had been a gracious host despite her moral disapproval at the current condition of the unmarried lady in waiting.

; ; “I brought a small token of my thanks for your generosity in providing me with transportation to the festival.” He reached down beneath the seat and produced a bottle from his luggage, “This is one of the finest wines my homeland of Galancia has to offer. I wonder if you and your family would be so kind as to share a libation with me.”

; ; “Oh my, you really didn’t have to Duke Silvern.” The Duchess flushed, flattered at being offered such an exotic treat.

; ; “Ah, but I wanted to.” The serpent’s priest smiled charmingly as he uncorked the bottle.

; ; Silvern hid a smirk as he turned to the sideboard and for each of the passengers poured a measure of what was actually a thoroughly mediocre local wine. The generous portion of venom which tainted it should add a certain exotic character to the vintage, as well as providing for some somewhat… interesting affects on Duchess Morrigan and her offspring.

; ; Blair and Derrick quickly emptied their goblets, gulping down the delicious nectar and eagerly accepting more when it was offered. Their sister Ellie sipped more cautiously, wine had never been much to her taste and at first she partook only to be polite. To her surprise this vintage flowed freely down her throat and she was soon staring at the bottom of her goblet.

; ; “My, it is suddenly sweltering in here.” Lady Veronica unclasped her cloak and allowed it to slip off her shoulders. Her actions quickly drew the twins’ attention. Her already impressive bosom had swelled with her pregnancy and the low cut emerald dress the noblewoman wore displayed a generous expanse of the gorgeous orbs for their licentious eyes.

; ; Duchess Morrigan frowned, bothered by the lack of propriety, but said nothing, afraid to offend either the Queen’s lady or her foreign escort. Her cheeks flushed as she realized that Duke Silvern had been speaking to her and she hadn’t heard a single word. Such a blatant breach of etiquette shamed her and the elegant woman quickly apologized to him.

; ; “It is no matter,” Silvern smiled charmingly, “I was simply stating that you are obviously a woman of great passions. Equally apparent is your beauty.”

; ; Such flattery captured her attention, and the noblewoman brought a hand to her mouth to cover her smile, while her other hand made a fluttery motion of dismissal.

; ; “A pity that you must be so… restrained.” The priest frowned, as if remarking on a great tragedy.

; ; “What ever do you mean, sir?” Surprise marked the duchess’s features as she sought to discern the meaning of his cryptic statement.

; ; “A woman has certain… needs. Desires and thoughts which are normally not spoken of in polite society. But does that make them any less real? No, I say!” He expounded, “Our society creates a dichotomy, telling you to do the exact opposite of what you want.”

; ; “Self control is the way to grace.” She nodded with certainty as she spoke.

; ; “Are the gods cruel?” he asked, his brow arched in question.

; ; “Of course not, we live and exist as an expression of the gods’ grace.”

; ; “Then why would they desire us to live our lives in pain caused by such a dichotomy?” He didn’t give her a chance to answer. “No, the calls to obey unnatural rules which conflict with our most ingrained instinct cannot be the desire of the gods, for were our bodies not created by the gods? Then these instincts must have been their intention.”

; ; “I suppose so..” she said slowly, the Duchess trying to follow the twisting pattern of his rhetoric. She fanned a hand to cool herself, the interior of the carriage seemed filled with a sudden heat.

; ; “I bet that you feel those desires even now.” He murmured.

; ; “Yes,” she whispered, “Even now.” Duchess Morrigan found herself breathing faster, her attention becoming ever more focused on the suave Ambassador, his intense gaze and compelling voice was the sole focal point of her consciousness as she felt herself falling under Silvern’s charismatic spell. A sense of exhilaration began to fill her, a growing feeling that events were rapidly spiraling out of her control combined with an equal sense of certainty that the release of the rigid self control that defined her life was exactly what the widowed noblewoman truly wanted.

; ; “What is the most precious value that your religion teaches you?” Silvern brushed her cheek, looking into the noblewoman’s eyes as she shuddered at his touch, the venom’s taint shredding her self control.

; ; “Compassion,” She breathed, “The desire to help others.”

; ; “You are a beautiful and desirable woman. I can also sense your pain, your deprivation. If you need my help,” He leaned forward and slid hand up along her thigh to the juncture between her legs, “You need only ask.” He finished with a whisper.

; ; Duchess Morrigan closed her eyes and shivered, lost in the sensation as his touch between her legs sent little sparks of pleasure shooting up into her belly. She let out a low feminine purr as the priest stimulated her sex, never had she ached so badly for release. She didn’t even flinch when a shriek of outrage filled the cabin. Silvern turned to regard the youngest member of the Morrigan family.

; ; “What are you doing?” Ellie, having imbibed far less of the wine than the other members of her family, was much closer to her normal self, her brothers didn’t even look across the carriage, both fully engaged by the lovely Lady Veronica and oblivious to anything or anyone else.

; ; With a leer he leaned back, allowing her to see that not only had was he leaning far closer to the Duchess than propriety would ever allow but that his hand was actually beneath her mother’s skirts.

; ; “You filthy lecher!” The shocked girl cried, “You have proven you are not a gentleman, remove your hands from my mother’s person this instant!”

; ; Silvern’s eyes flared with anger for a moment, a rage that quickly ebbed as he thought that the little ing 81;nue would soon get everything coming to her, a smirk curved his lips as he reached into his breast pocket. “Perhaps you would care to examine this while I… care for your mother.”

; ; “I am much more concerned with the liberties you appear willing to take with my dear mother, Sir!” Ellie said crossly, her eyes darted to the swinging amulet and her nose wrinkled in contempt, “So no, I do not care to look at your bauble. As. If. That could. Distract. Distract…”

; ; Silvern smiled as she trailed off, mesmerized by the amulet her eyes glazed over. Bringing it close to her face he watched as Ellie’s outraged expression was replaced by one of calm docility. “Take it.” He ordered, pressing the chain into her hand when she obeyed and nodding with satisfaction as the young woman remained enthralled by the cursed object.

; ; Returning his attention to the attractive older woman before him the priest rubbed firmly, pleased at how the panting noblewoman’s juices began to moisten her panties as her body responded to his skillful ministrations. Biting her lip and squirming with pleasure the Duchess threw herself forward, flinging her arms around the priest’s neck and letting out a husky moan as she clung to him, her body and mind gripped by the kind of sexual stimulation the neglected noblewoman had almost forgotten.

; ; Across the cabin Blair and Derrick had somehow moved towards the center of the carriage bench, they now sat closer to the elegant noblewoman than strict politeness would allow.

; ; The mingled venom and alcohol had loosened the twins’ tongues and their youthful hearts hammered as they stuttered out awkward compliments to the object of their attentions.

; ; “Rubbish,” Lady Veronica waved a hand in self deprecating dismissal, “I must be positively dowdy compared to the young beauties you know.”

; ; “No, girls our age don’t have anything like those-” Derrick clenched his teeth together, although the way that his eyes remained riveted on her chest made what he had been about to say glaringly obvious.

; ; “Girl’s your age don’t have anything like?” She smiled encouragingly, “What do I have that they don’t?”

; ; “I was talking about? I meant your… Your.” The young mans eyes darted about in panic as he fought to think of something to say that wouldn’t offend the Lady in Waiting or the Ambassador.

; ; “Poise! That’s what! He meant your poise!” Blair blurted out.

; ; “Oh, Blair, you don’t have to cover for your brother,” She reached up and cupped the underside of her breasts, rubbing her thumbs against her nipples through the silky fabric so that they visibly hardened, “You meant these didn’t you?”

; ; Both young men gasped in disbelief as she tugged downwards on her bodice and no longer constrained by her dress the luscious orbs of her swollen breasts bounced free. The pregnant noblewoman scratched her nails over the crinkled nubs of her exposed nipples as the twin gasped in delighted disbelief. Suddenly speechless they could only stare with mouths agape and their hammering hearts sent the venom they had imbibed pumping through their veins, mingling with their youthful hormones.

; ; With a wicked chuckle she drew Blair to her bosom, the unresisting lad so a shocked that he couldn’t have stopped her even if he wanted to. The noblewoman slipped her nipple between his lips and gave her breast a firm squeeze. Milk spurted into his mouth and the young man swallowed reflexively. Maddened by the taste Blair gnawed on her nipple, his throat working desperately as he fought to drink every drop she would give him. Lady Veronica gasped in satisfaction, as she expected once he had sampled her tainted milk he found himself unable to stop.

; ; The raven haired noblewoman smiled as she saw Derrick looking murderously at his brother, filled with jealously at the sight of his brother mauling her luscious breasts. To distract him she reached for his wrist and brought Derrick’s hand to her swollen stomach. Beneath his hand the teenager could feel a bizarre constant squirming, her full belly constantly shifting with the unholy brood growing within. He should have found it repulsive but instead he slowly rubbed the full dome, becoming fascinated as he gently massaged her.

; ; He was so absorbed that he didn’t realize that the noblewoman had opened his trousers until her fingers wrapped themselves around his freed cock. Lady Veronica pumped his engorged penis with her graceful hands, her fingers occasionally darting to the tip to gather pre-cum with which to oil his length. She licked her ruby lips hungrily as she savored the feeling of his ready shaft in her grasp as well as the obvious affect her ministrations had on the innocent young man. She turned to Derrick, brushing back her hair as she bent and took his member into her mouth. Derrick closed his eyes and bucked his hips helplessly, his hands gripping her silky hair as the noblewoman skillfully milked his engorged cock.

; ; Blair whimpered in disappointment as he found himself deprived of his place at her breast as Lady Veronica twisted away to give his brother her full attention. Now it was Blair’s turn to feel jealousy as he watched Lady Veronica swallow his brother’s shaft.

; ; His fit of pique was short lived however, without ceasing her oral attentions on Derrick the wanton seductress repositioned herself so that she supported herself half kneeling on the bench and half standing on the floor, a stance that had the added benefit of spreading her long legs apart. Lady Veronica reached back and lifted her skirts, revealing her luscious buttocks and giving Blair a teasingly wriggle. She had neglected to wear under things and her treasure was exposed, the juncture between her legs glistening with arousal, her puffy labia swollen to reveal tantalizing glimpses of the sweet pink flesh within. Suddenly he was struck with the overpowering urge to taste the seductress’s juices, suddenly certain that this nectar would be even more delicious than her additive milk.

; ; He bent down and pressed his lips to her sodden vagina with a hungry moan. His enthusiasm more than made up for his lack of skill, Bair’s agile tongue exploring every inch of her slit as he lapped up the flood of tainted juices that gushed forth from her depths while Lady Veronica moaned around Derrick’s penis. They proceeded like this for some time, all three lost in the throes of debauchery.

; ; Lady Veronica threw a sharp look over her shoulder as she felt Blair’s tongue cease its work upon her heated loins. Her stern expression softened as she saw that he had discarded his trousers, revealing the angry red length of his need swollen shaft. The young man’s face was twisted in a mask of hunger, his gaze fixated on her plush ass and his fist desperately pumping his purple headed shaft as he knelt behind her and guided it towards her puckered anus. For a moment he struggled, the tight ring of the noblewoman’s anus resisting his efforts until he gained a firm hold on her lush hips and pulled her back. A victorious smile lit his features as Lady Veronica arched her back and hissed with satisfaction as he drove his eager young member deep into her bowels, each brutal thrust sending a delicious mixture of pleasure and pain shooting through the corrupted noblewoman. She looked up at his brother’s face, savoring the grimace of pleasure and the desperate gasps that escaped his mouth as she caressed his rigid member.

; ; Derrick was more than sufficiently primed for what must come next and Lady Veronica felt a familiar shifting sensation in her belly. From between her nether lips the head of a black snake emerged, its length gleaming with her sweet juices. Her damp thighs quivered and she let out a low moan of pleasure as its scaled length sent delicious tingles of pleasure shooting through her body as foot after foot of the unholy creature slid against the velvet walls of her cunt, stretching her open from within as it made its way to the tip of the manhood that she clutched in her hands and went to work.

; ; Derrick moaned, it felt so wickedly good, as if the older noblewoman was using only the very tip of her tongue to flick lightly across the length of his shaft and circling the crown, he shuddered as the tip of that tongue probed at tip of his cock, pressing into the slit there as it wept pre-cum as waves of incredible pleasure wracked his young body.

; ; The soft touch of fingers on his face drew his attention and his eyes slowly opened. Lady Veronica smiled at him, her eyes gleaming wickedly as she drew the compliant young man forward for a passionate kiss. Her tongue teased the young mans, drawing it out and then skillfully alternating use of her teeth and tongue to drive him wild. When their mouths parted Derrick was panting, stunned by both the passion of the kiss and the simultaneous sensation of the sultry temptress skillfully taking his entire length down her throat. Realization dawned slowly in his lust fogged mind, if she was kissing him, who was fellating him so exquisitely? His gaze slowly dropped, the venom’s enthralling heat making him examine the luscious body of the woman who had stolen his virginity even as he sought an answer to his unspoken question. Her generous bosom heaved gloriously with every brutal thrust that his brother Blaine delivered from behind, the generous orbs covered with a sheen of perspiration from their debauched exertions. Forcing his eyes away from the hypnotic sight of her jouncing breasts Derrick trailed his eyes over her massively swollen belly and downwards over far more gentle swell of her pubis, hungrily questing for a glimpse the sweet pink folds of her treasure only to see the black snake that emerged from between the evil seductress’s wet labia. His widening eyes followed its sinuously twisting body to the head. There he found its snout pressed against his groin, the entire length of his shaft buried in its fanged maw.

; ; The impossible sight chilled his ardor in an instant as he realized just how vulnerable a position he found himself in. His fingers twitched as the young nobleman prepared to free himself from its obscene maw but before he could act Derrick’s greatest fear was realized as inch long fangs plunged deep into his sensitive member, their needlelike tips effortlessly burying themselves into the young man’s vulnerable flesh. He opened his mouth gathering breath to scream in untold agony, his entire body tensing in anticipation of the suffering to come. The corrupted noblewoman laughed in triumph, the serpent was a part of her and the rush she felt as it pumped venom into her victim was almost indescribable.

; ; His aborted shriek became a groan of helpless release as instead of crippling agony his body reacted with waves of sheer fiery pleasure, his balls clenching and releasing their cargo into the snake’s mouth, he gibbered mindlessly as any sense of self control was shattered. Derrick closed his eyes and desperately tried to ride out the overwhelming sensation of a continuous stream of orgasms, lost in the haze of sensation he only remotely felt Lady Veronica’s tongue trace teasingly along his ear before she began to whisper to him.

; ; Slowly the pleasure faded and he regained enough control to open his eyes again. He found Lady Veronica transformed. He looked at her beautiful face, his eyes taking in the perfection of her slit irises, the subtle gleam of her scaled skin, the lustrous mane of midnight black hair and the graceful fangs visible as her lush lips curved into an evil smile and the forked tongue that licked those same lips oh so lasciviously. With fascination the young man watched as the unholy temptress’s throat began to bulge and a black serpent, twin to the one that still gently milked the final dregs of his seed from his spent shaft, slithered out to sway back and forth before his enthralled face.

; ; Derrick now knew that this could only be the work of the darkest of gods. Already he was tainted, the foul words of the Serpent’s gospel winding sinuously through his thoughts, foul venom saturating his tissues. He looked into the Lady’s eyes and saw the demand there, unspoken but still holding a force that he was helpless to deny. Part of Derrick, a part buried so very deep inside, was screaming as he found himself obediently allowing his jaw to go slack, allowing the unnatural serpent to plunge forward, joining him to his seductress by a length of wriggling reptilian flesh as it squirmed forward, eagerly burrowing into his body. Derrick found his vision blurring and then fading as his eyes grew heavy, strange tingles spreading through his chest as he felt his organs shift aside as the snake took up residence within him. As he fell slumped into the corner Lady Veronica turned her full attention to his brother.

; ; Across the carriage the Duchess rode astride Silvern’s lap, swiveling her hips as she rose slowly up and down on his serpentine member. Never had she experienced ecstasies like those that Silvern had shown her, or imagined anything like the cursed truths that he had whispered in her ear as she had quivered helplessly in thrall to her body’s sexual needs. Now the noblewoman savored the penetration of her body even as she felt the touch of her new god at work on her body and soul, remaking it as he saw fit.

; ; Silvern wore a satisfied smirk as he caressed her flanks, feeling her smooth human skin slowly transform into the finest of scales as the Serpent’s dark magics worked their will on his newest servant, granting her the perfection of form possessed by all creatures blessed by its darkness. He turned his head to regard Ellie, the only still fully human occupant of the carriage.

; ; Silvern plucked the amulet from her grasp and slowly the lovely brunette blinked her way back to awareness. Even though her mind had been absent the venom had continued to work on Ellie’s body, her virgin cunt wept with arousal, her hardened nipples beaded beneath her dress. Her body’s need was so great that the young woman moaned with desire that had become physical pain. She clenched her hands tight, nails digging into her palms as she fought the urge to touch herself. For several moments her attention was focused fully inward until the sounds surrounding her finally impacted and Ellie realized that she was in the middle of an orgy. Her breath drew in, repulsion on her features which quickly became terror as the inhuman features of Lady Veronica and Duke Silvern. She sobbed in fear and denial when she saw her mother rutting like a harlot as the same changes overtook her.

; ; Duchess Morrigan felt her fangs extend as she saw her daughter watching them. Instead of shame she felt a wicked delight as the girl who had been her life looked upon the wanton creature she had become. Ellie whimpered and shrank back, fear etched into her pretty features as her soul moaned in misery.

; ; Never would the Duchess have imagined her daughter would look upon her mother with such an expression. For a moment a feeling of maternal protectiveness welled up from some last lingering shred of humanity deep within her rapidly darkening soul before a sibilant whisper from her mind banished it, love replaced instead by a cruel hunger, a driving need to play with the human girl like a hawk with a hare before tearing away everything good and innocent within Ellie, transforming her befouled daughter into her own serpent corrupted image.

; ; Intent on her prey Duchess Morrigan lifted herself from Silvern’s lap, his thick shaft leaving her well fucked body with a wet sucking sound, and crept toward her daughter, trapping the girl who pressed herself backwards into the corner, trying to draw away from the nightmare her dear mother had become but unable to go any further.

; ; Ruthlessly she shredded the bodice of her daughter’s gown, revealing the ripening curves of Ellie’s developing body. Duchess Morrigan leaned forward, putting her arms around the terrified girl in an obscene parody of a motherly embrace. Her tongue flicked out, tracking up the graceful curve of her daughter’s slender neck, tasting the delightful mingling of youth, lust and fear, the savory flavor of innocence waiting to be corrupted. “Mmm, my sweet little one, you smell sooooo good.” Morrigan crooned, “I could just eat you right up!”

; ; End of ; Part 7 ; [1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 ; 7] ; ;

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; tantriclegion@hotmail.com
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