; ; ; LB: 3. Tantric Legion - The Corrupter ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; · ; LB Collection · ; Story Links · ; Site Links · ; Poetry · ; Submissions · ; lbworlds Yahoo! · ; Donations · ; ;

The Corrupter

; ; ; ; Part 3 ; [1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 ; 7] ;

; ; © Tantric Legion

; tantriclegion@hotmail.com
; ;
; ; Disclaimer: This story should not be read by any person not of the age of majority in their country. Anyone who may be offended by sex and violence, should not continue. The author is not responsible for either any actions taken by persons who read this story or for the general social problems of our planet. ; ;

Chapter 3

; ; Sunlight shone through the windows of the hall, sending beams of light dancing across the wide chamber. Those windows had given the Crystal Castle its name, mined from Altara's rich mountains the crystals were known for their incredible size and clarity. Cut into thin sheets they were a display of the source of the small kingdom's wealth and power, ever present above the king's throne. Generations ago, before the kingdom was cut off from the outside world, the crystals had been sought out by traders from distant lands, coveted for their beauty and even more so for their utility in crafting charms and magical artifacts.

; ; Beneath this incredible display of wealth King William sat at court, his beautiful wife at his side. Before him Duke Silvern knelt on one knee, every eye in the chamber upon the foreign ambassador.

; ; “Thank you for granting me this audience, your Majesty.” Silvern said, bowing his head respectfully.

; ; “You may rise. We hope that you have fully recovered from your travels.” Williams rich baritone filled the chamber.

; ; “I have, the hospitality offered by your household is truly unparalleled. That alone would have made the journey well worth it, your Majesty, but I also bring wonderful news. The Western pass to Galancia, blocked for so long, has been reopened by the College of Engineers and Magi.”

; ; “Our time of isolation has ended then.” the King mused, eyes sparkling as he remembered the vibrant Altara of the history books, respected and powerful before time and isolation had turned it into a mere shadow of its former glory, “It has been so long.”

; ; Silvern acknowledged the King's words with a nod, “Yes. King Arthos is eager to reestablish the ancient ties of friendship and trade between Altara and Galancia. I bear a letter authorizing me to negotiate a trade agreement in his name.”

; ; “Such an agreement would foster prosperity in both of our Kingdom's. Our people would benefit greatly” Despite himself naked greed was clear on William's face, avarice which spoke of his desire to regain the power of the crown, lost long ago by the Altaran royal family, which was his true concern.

; ; “Galancia looks forward to ensuring that bright shared future comes to be, your Highness.” Silvern replied, internally pleased by the weakness presented by William's naked longing.

; ; “Excellent. Please speak with my chamberlain and ministers about negotiating the relevant details. Thank you, Duke Silvern.” The King turned and began speaking to the Queen in low tones.

; ; Registering the dismissal Silvern rose and bowed deeply to the King and Queen in turn, murmuring a polite “Your Majesties”, before strolling out of the throne room. ; ***

; ; Thinking had always been difficult for Wilbert, each thought strained painfully and slowly from his mind which turned much like the faltering gears of a neglected machine. In the end, faced with mockery and derision from his father, he had eventually stopped making the effort to grasp for understanding of the world around him. It was so much easier just to go about the simple tasks of a stable hand, sweeping and mucking, feeding and brushing, in a simplicity which allowed one day to flow seamlessly into the next. Right now however he was pacing uneasily up and down the stable, peering into each stall in turn while his hands grasped nervously at the his rake's wooden handle. A cold chill of fear struck the dim-witted man as he finally admitted the truth. He had lost the foreigner's horse. It wasn't in its stall, in fact it wasn't in any of the stalls.

; ; “Where is it?” He wailed, his only answer the blank stares of the King's horses.

; ; Something about the stallion had made him vaguely uneasy. Perhaps it was the way that it watched him with eyes that seemed far smarter than any horse had a right to be. It obviously had a wicked temper, feeding it was an experience that left Wilburt thankful that he still had all of his fingers attached afterwards. Even the other horses stayed away from it, pressing themselves against the backs of their stalls when it passed.

; ; Now its stall stood empty. Its ornate saddle and rig was still racked with the others at the rear of the stable. Wilburt knew that he should tell someone that the horse was missing. That would mean however that he would be held responsible. A moan of despair escaped his lips, the punishment for losing a horse, even worse the horse of such an important visitor, was sure to be terrible.

; ; His dim thoughts solidified. Better not to tell anyone. Maybe he would find it... somewhere he thought with a mental shrug. Stubbornly he went back to raking hay across the floor of the stable, taking comfort in the familiar routine. One last thought troubled him before he was able to dismiss it. Where could that horse be?

; ; ***

; ; After hours of discussion with the King's Ministers and Chamberlain Rosen, sparring with the honeyed words of diplomacy Silvern was weary in mind and body. The flowery phrases of friendship and altruism were spread as a thin veneer over the competing desires of each kingdom and bargaining had been hard.

; ; Despite the already lengthy discussion Silvern knew that this was only the first of many hard fought sessions as the vague outline of a trade agreement began to emerge. Inside he found faint humor in the knowledge that the agreement which he and the king's men haggled so hard over was a fantasy. King Arthos would be extremely surprised to hear that his representative had won a reduction in the price of Crystal weights in exchange for similar concessions on spices and silks.

; ; Saying his farewells to his opponents Silvern made his way out of the meeting room.

; ; “A moment of your time, Duke.” Silvern paused and turned towards the voice, seeing the king's chamberlain approaching. The short, distasteful functionary rather reminded the priest of a weasel. An ever present cloying scent of flowered perfume surrounded the sniveling little man.

; ; “I would like to provide you with some advice that may prove helpful.” The chamberlain's hushed tones ensured that their conversation was a private one, “A wise man would find it useful to cultivate friends in the court. They could, shall we say, smooth the way when negotiating and ensure that there are no administrative entanglements which develop.”

; ; “I suppose that you wish to be this friend.” Silvern said, raising an eyebrow and allowing irony to color his tone.

; ; The chamberlain smiled, missing the undercurrents of Silvern's words, his beady eyes squinting even further as he gave the merest hint of a humble bow. “It would be my pleasure to provide such a service.” He simpered.

; ; “And this would prove to be no conflict with your service to your King.” Silvern's gaze was level as he regarded the sniveling little man.

; ; “Assuredly not, does healthy trade not benefit both our kingdoms?” Rosen gently nudged Silvern in the ribs, an attempt at a comradely smile on his lips.

; ; “I believe that Galancia is fully capable of finding its own factor capable of overseeing the kingdom's interests here without troubling you. I am sure that your own duties and responsibilities keep you quite busy, chamberlain.” Silvern said, his distaste clearly evident.

; ; “I must caution you Duke Silvern, a friend scorned is likely to become something else entirely.” Rosen said, the obvious threat glaring from his beady eyes.

; ; Silvern's eyes burned with cold anger. “Do not presume to tell the nation of Galancia who our friends are. I will take my leave chamberlain before you say something that will cause you great regret.” With that he turned on his heel and strode quickly away, leaving the Altaran functionary standing there, fists clenched and his cheeks colored with apoplectic rage.

; ; ***

; ; The Crystal Castle was vast, far larger than justified by its current population. It had been erected in the distant past when a thriving trade brought travelers from distant lands in massive caravans. In those days the threat of invasion faced by any prosperous kingdom had urged that ancient monarch's architects to design a citadel which could hold the townsfolk and villagers from the surrounding territory in something approaching comfort during even the longest siege. As a result large sections of the castle had fallen into disuse after the long isolation. Silvern had decided to use his idle time exploring the abandoned halls and was returning to the main areas of the castle when it happened.

; ; The only thing that saved him was the sound of a sudden intake of breath. Silvern jumped back, the assassin's blade cutting an arc before him, what would have been a lethal blow only narrowly avoided. With a flick of his wrist a long black dagger dropped from his sleeve and into the nobleman's grasp.

; ; His attacker had stepped forward out of a small recess where he had been lying in wait. As this area of the castle was seldom used the man must have been awaiting Silvern's return as the foreigner retraced his steps. A small grunt of confusion marked the assassin's obvious surprise as his sword failed to bite flesh as his chosen victim avoided the attack with lightning speed.

; ; Stepping forward Silvern was quickly inside the bravo's guard. He thrust the dagger forward, driving it up under the man's ribcage and into his lungs. With a wet gurgle the thug collapsed to the ground, blood frothing from his lips as he grew still, a clatter echoing through the hall as his sword fell from nerveless hands.

; ; Silvern dipped and straightened, newly acquired sword in one hand, dagger in the other, as additional figures appeared from alcoves in the hall, behind him he heard another set of footsteps. Silvern weighed the saber, testing its heft and balance as he took measure of his foes. Detail was hard to distinguish in the dim corridor but all were armed with swords and walked with the careful confidence of men used to violence. This was no band of mere thieves, those would have fled after he dispatched the first attacker so promptly.

; ; For a moment the three men watched him carefully, their faces betraying their surprise at how extraordinarily quick their chosen victim had proved. After a few moment's their resolve hardened and they gripped their weapons more tightly, spreading out to force Silvern to defend himself from multiple directions at once.

; ; Their competence was obvious, standing far enough apart to ensure that they would not interfere with one another while close enough that Silvern could never face only a single opponent. One of them moved with a slight limp, the legacy of a wound that had never healed quite right. The way that he motioned the others ahead clearly marked him as the small group's leader.

; ; As they moved in Silvern whirled, blades flashing as he met his attackers with a clang of metal on metal as their weapons clashed. Skillfully he parried and riposted, his blades somehow always intervening no matter how hard they pressed him.

; ; For several minutes they circled, Silvern on the defensive as he fought the killers alone. Finally he saw an opening as one of the bravos stepped just far enough out of position that Silvern was no longer within reach. Quicker than the eye could see the nobleman's blade licked out and the man behind him fell away, clutching a wound in his shoulder left behind by a lightning quick thrust.

; ; Realizing his mistake the assassin rushed forward, ignoring a shouted no from their leader, his sword held high and ready to strike a mighty blow. When the swing came Silvern dropped beneath it before quickly rising again and striking a vicious slash across the man's belly, laying it open. A second sweep of his sword sent the wounded man's head leaping from his shoulders.

; ; Silvern's face was ablaze with the simple pleasure of killing when he felt himself seized from behind, an arm slipping around his neck to hold in in place for a deadly attack by the group's leader. It was obvious that the man he had wounded still possessed some fight.

; ; Without hesitation he bit down on the thug's forearm, his fangs piercing the skin and sinking deep into the flesh beneath. The secreted toxin made the man scream as it burned in his bloodstream, releasing his hold on the priest and sinking to the floor. Shock was evident on his friend's faces as the quickly spreading venom sent him into shuddering convulsions. A horrible keening wail began, his muscles contracting as sudden abdominal pain wracked him, his body beginning to contort unnaturally. Bones cracked and teeth ground together in as he was clutched in the grip of incredible pain. With a last sound of animal torment his struggles ceased as he broke his own back

; ; Now faced with only a single opponent Silvern strode forward on the offensive, fending off the leader's increasingly desperate attacks with contemptuous ease while an exhilarating joy filled him.

; ; Fear was evident in the burly man's eyes as he found himself clearly outmatched by the snake priest's unnatural abilities. Despite being hardened and ruthless, having seen terrible things done by both others and by his own hand, he had never seen such a terrible death as that which he had witnessed before as his associate died screaming on the floor. No man had that ability to bestow such a terrible curse with a mere bite. Deep in his heart he knew that he had roused the anger not of a man but of a fiend.

; ; With the bitter scent of the assassin's fear filling the air dominance sang through Silvern's being, with a single vicious blow he sent the man's sword flying away. Dropping his own sword he seized the human by his neck before slamming him against the wall and throwing him bodily to the ground. Before the stunned thug could regain his senses and even attempt to scramble away Silvern pounced on top of him and pinned the man to the ground.

; ; “Now there are matters that we must discuss, Assassin.” Silvern's reptilian eyes bored into his captive's from only inches away. “Who is your master? Who sent you skulking through these dark halls to ambush me?” Silvern hissed.

; ; “You'll kill me no matter what I tell you.” A quaver to the bravo's voice betrayed the fear of his captor's inhuman nature despite his defiant words.

; ; “You are right. I will not even pretend to offer you your life. Some deaths however are... shall we say... easier, than others.” The cold menace in the priest's voice clearly promised an experience to be avoided at any cost.

; ; “I know what you are, snake!” he barked, “If I help you your master will have my soul.”

; ; “You are truly naive if you think that your soul is not already destined for the dark realms. How many have you killed? What sins stain you?” Silvern laughed contemptuously, “The Goddess would never tarnish her palace with the likes of you! Why not tell me who hired you, there is no reason that this cannot go easily.”

; ; “I'm not a rat!” The thug said defiantly before spitting a gob of spit straight into the priest's eye.

; ; Filled with sudden rage Silvern plunged his dagger into his captive's leg with such force that the blade was lodged in the stone, pinning the man to the floor. A rich wash of dark blood told the priest that this wound was a mortal one.

; ; “Who sent you!” His tone was urgent, Silvern could already see the life fleeing the man's eyes as his severed femoral artery poured his life's blood onto the stone floor. He had allowed his rage to get the better of him. With a last shuddering gasp the assassin relaxed, escaping the interrogation as death claimed him.

; ; Silvern rose, his howl of frustration echoing off the empty walls, four slowly cooling bodies the only witnesses to his rage. His finery was torn and soaked with blood, he paced back and forth restlessly before a sudden gleam of realization filled his eyes. Quickly rifling through the dead men's clothing, thoroughly searching each in turn, he found a heavy pouch on their leader's belt. Lifting the coin purse he closed in eyes and inhaled carefully. The stench of flowered perfume still clung to them and brought a low growl from Silvern's throat. “Rosen.” It was as he had suspected. Something would clearly have to be done.

; ; ***

; ; Mary was just leaving the castle laundry, a piles of linens under her arm when a pageboy approached her with a note. Addressed to her she accepted it, ignoring the messenger's smug grin at delivering a message from a visiting nobleman to an attractive castle servant. Any rumors that resulted would only serve to conceal the cult's activities, there was nothing remarkable about a member of the nobility satisfying his appetites with the lowborn members of the castle servants.

; ; The letter was sealed with a red wax pressed with the insignia from the heavy ring that Silvern wore on his right hand. Opening the parchment Mary quickly read the smoothly flowing lines of script. It was a simple note, setting up an assignation that night in her lord's chambers. Quickly glancing about Mary found herself alone in the hall. Focusing her attention on the paper she spoke softly, chanting in a sibilant language. The letters on the page swarmed and reformed, revealing the true message concealed beneath the magic glamor. Reading the instructions Mary smiled, an evil glint in her eye, before tucking the letter into the front of her dress and scurrying off to find Wendy and Hazel.

; ; ***

; ; In a flurry of swirling skirts two beautiful young women bustled into their chambers. The older of the pair had green eyes and red hair that hung in lustrous waves down her back. No less striking was the younger one's with ice blue eyes and honey blond hair which was plaited in a braid that hung down her back.

; ; Both had refined and elegant features, their faces painted with makeup and blush, hair perfectly coiffed and their entire wardrobe in accordance with the latest fashions. The flowery scent of fine perfume swirled around them and their manners were always perfectly correct.

; ; Despite first appearances the two were not delicate and fine ladies. Instead they were the very embodiment of the decadence of the court. Concerned only with status and scandal, always ready to slip a sharpened dagger into an exposed back intrigue and cruelty were the source of their amusements.

; ; When the widower Chamberlain had remarried many had thought that disaster was near at hand. His new wife Cynthia, while outwardly attractive, was known to be ambitious with a predatory instinct for weakness and an nose that seemed to be able to ferret out scandal from a rock.

; ; Whispers quickly predicted a conflagration when she encountered her new step-child, the Chamberlain's thoroughly spoiled teenage daughter Julie. The petite girl was unlikely to accept an authority figure only five years her senior. These two strong personalities were sure to meet and the weaker one would be annihilated.

; ; To the shock of all observers, although in hindsight the outcome seemed almost obvious, instead of battle there had been alliance between the two women. Their tastes ran to to the same arrogance over the inferior classes and they found a shared malicious glee in spreading gossip. Quickly they became a team, deadly to cross and the terror of the castle's servants.

; ; “Did you see the look on that cow Glenda's face when you asked when the child was due?” Julie cackled with laughter.

; ; “It serves her right for skimping when buying sterility charms from the hedge witch. Her reaction was nothing though compared to her beloved Ander's expression. I guess he wasn't the one who was dipping his wick there.” Cynthia smirked.

; ; “Hmm, he is handsome enough and looks like he might provide some diversion,” Julie mused as she pulled the cord to summon their servants, “Perhaps I could console him.”

; ; “Yes, at least we know that your charm works well enough.” Cynthia said cattily, earning a sharp look from the younger woman.

; ; In response to the bell Mary, Wendy and Hazel entered the room, scurrying over to attend the noblewomen. Without a word Cynthia began rapidly removing the jewelry and baubles which adorned her body and hair and handing them to Wendy. Unable to juggle the small pieces a glittering ruby earing escaped the servant's grasp and went clattering to the marble floor.

; ; “Clumsy wench! Be more careful girl!” Cynthia screeched, her eyes flashing with fury, hand raised to strike the hapless young woman.

; ; Wendy fell to her knees, prostrating herself before the noblewoman. “Please m'lady, I beg your pardon.” Behind her Mary efficiently scooped up the errant ornament

; ; With a sniff Cynthia continued removing her jewelry, “Be sure it doesn't happen again, I do not tolerate mistakes more than once.” Her attention shifted, “Where is matron Lewis? She is always the one to serve us.” Cynthia demanded of the girls.

; ; “The Matron has fallen ill with a fever. She has been taken to the town's healer and isn't expected to survive.” Hazel her voice artfully full of sorrow, a stricken expression on her face.

; ; “This is terrible! Who will take over. Matron Lewis knew how to do everything. How can I put up with this!” Cynthia wailed, her cheeks coloring with consternation.

; ; “I have been assigned to see to all of your needs m'lady. In the matron's absence I serve at your beck and call.” Hazel bowed her head obsequiously, allowing a devious smile to grace her lips unseen. No one was likely to discover and open the salt barrel that they had stuffed matron's body into until long after it was too late

; ; “I suppose that will have to do.” she sniffed dismissively, banishing the matter from her mind. “What shall we do this afternoon Julie?”

; ; “Perhaps we should to cleanse ourselves after our day at court. Dealing with some of those low born courtiers with pretenses of nobility leaves one feeling so... soiled.” Julie's moue of distaste was artful.

; ; Cynthia turn her cold gaze upon the maids, “Make it so then, I hope that a simple bath isn't beyond your humble abilities.”

; ; “Certainly not mistress,” With a small bow Hazel and her companions departed the room to prepare the bath as commanded.

; ; ****

; ; Attired only in fine silk robes Cynthia and her daughter-in-law entered the room, finding everything in readiness for their presence. The bath at the center of the chamber was really more of a small pool, full of rose-scented water that steamed ever so slightly. It slowly bubbled as the waters it contained were continuously replaced by fresh water channeled upwards from volcanic springs deep beneath the castle.

; ; Both women shrugged off their robes which were quickly taken up by the attentive servant girls, before descending the steps into the pool. Neither of the two noticed the lust-filled gazes with which their waiting servants drank in the sight of their nude flesh. Hungry eyes examined their exposed bodies, lingering on lush curves and paying special attention to perfectly rounded breasts in the brief moments before the delectable sight vanished beneath the concealing water.

; ; The noblewomen gasped as the nearly scalded water touched their tender skin before moaning with satisfaction as the heat began to soak into their bodies. After several minutes of relaxation and languid small talk Cynthia let out a squeal of dismay, “Look at my nails! They are in such a terrible state! You, girl! Tell me that you at least know how to give a proper manicure!”

; ; Hazel bobbed her head, “Yes, Mistress.”

; ; “Hmph! Just when I was beginning to think that you were totally useless.” Cynthia arched an eyebrow, “Well? Quickly now!”

; ; As Hazel quickly gathered a tray and moved to attend Cynthia, Wendy slipped up beside Julie, leaned down and spoke in a meek tone, “Would Milady like a massage?”

; ; “Very well.” Julie nodded in assent and leaned back against the edge of the bath to give the girl access.

; ; Wendy's hands went to work, her fingertips skillfully playing across the smooth white skin of Julie's shoulders, applying just the right amount of pressure to work out knots of tension while stopping short of hurting the young noblewoman.

; ; “Oh! It appears that you aren't totally clumsy after all.” Julie moaned as waves of relaxation washed over her.

; ; “I'm glad you think so, Milady.” Wendy's breath began to quicken as she touched the girl's nubile young body, her tongue flicking out to taste the air which was filled with the sweet scent of Julie's flesh. Slowly the massage began to become more sensuous. Wendy stifled a moan as she felt herself moistening with desire as the familiar heat of lust began tingle in her loins.

; ; Mary and Wendy exchanged a meaningful glance and Wendy's hands began working their way down Julie's slender arms, kneading away every bit of tension. Without warning the maidservant seized the young woman's wrists and jerked them straight up above her head before holding them together with a single hand.

; ; Julie gaped in surprise, unable to believe that a mere servant girl would dare to commit such an affront. Wendy's full lips curved upwards in a wicked smile, her eyes shining with cruelty and malignant glee. Julie's head twisted to face Wendy's, she had never before seen such a hungry and predatory expression as the one that the seemingly innocent young maid wore.

; ; What happened next shocked the spoiled young woman more than anything in her life. With her free hand Wendy entwined her fingers in Julie's luxurious honey blond locks she pressed her lips to the noblewoman's in a bruising passionate kiss before the stunned girl could make a sound.

; ; Something far thick than a tongue flowed into her mouth. Julie shuddered in revulsion, every muscle in her body straining against the redhead's impossibly strong grip. She could feel inch after inch of scaled flesh sliding down her throat.

; ; A sadistic gleam in her eye Wendy drew back far enough to allow Julie to see the writhing snake that joined them and filled her throat. She couldn't do more than moan weakly around the bloated serpent in her mouth, the sounds of her panic inaudible to Cynthia whose attention was intently focused on the the maid working on her nails, ever alert for Hazel's merest mistake but utterly oblivious to the plight that Julie found herself in.

; ; As Wendy held their victim gagged and restrained Mary skinned out of her dress. Moving to the pool Mary slipped smoothly into the water, sliding into the bath without a single betraying sound and moved purposefully toward her victim. Sinuously the corrupted brunette flowed into Julie's lap, facing the trapped girl whose eyes burned with anger and confusion and lasciviously pressing herself against the Julie's nude body.

; ; Mary willed her glamor away, watching with satisfaction the sudden wild fear that filled their captive's eyes as the illusion of humanity cloaking the changes wrought upon the maid's body shimmered away. Her forked tongue hungrily licked her lips as she tossed her lustrous black hair and leaned forward with a toothy grin, relishing the way that the noblewoman suddenly stiffened at the site of gleaming needle-like fangs only inches from her vulnerable flesh.

; ; Mary slowly sank beneath the water, her slitted reptilian eyes staying locked with Julie's until she vanished from sight. The corrupt maid teasingly trailing her fingertips down Julie's taunt stomach and across the gentle swell of her mons. She could feel Julie struggling against Wendy's restraining grasp, helpless against the supernatural strength possessed by the transformed servant girl.

; ; The young woman clenched her thighs together, desperately trying to deny her assailant access to her charms. Once, before Mary met her master, the attempt may have been successful. Now the transformed wench slowly pried the girl's legs apart, revealing her vulnerable vagina. Her forked tongue flicked out, tracing itself along the sensitive skin of the girl's inner thighs and along the subtle swell of her pelvis. Moving downwards her agile tongue danced and lapped along Julie's swollen labia before dipping into the sweet pink flesh within. Julie writhed as she felt Mary's skillful tongue delving deep between the folds of her sex, exploring every inch of her tender canal with obscene eagerness.

; ; Wendy's eyes gleamed with cruel satisfaction as Julie bucked wildly in response to Mary's unseen attentions, muffled cries and moans going unheard over the gentle bubbling of the pool. She relished the terror and disgust that continuously flitted through the girl's wide blue eyes as she was viciously taken only a few feet from her unsuspecting mother-in-law.

; ; Mary continued to lick and suck, savoring the sweet taste of her victim's young body, ruthlessly thrusting and twisting a full hand-span length of flesh within her stretched quim. Gradually the unwanted cunnilingus began to have the desired affect and Julie's sex began to weep sweet juices. Mary's eyes narrowed with satisfaction as she slowly withdrew her tongue. Baring her fangs she bit down on the blond's mound, glands pumping foul venom into Julie's tender flesh.

; ; Rising up out of the water Mary straddled her victim's lap, roughly fondling her pert breasts before lifting each firm orb to her mouth. After briefly teasing the blond's inflamed nipples the corrupted servant viciously bit down into her tender aureola. Once Julie's heaving breasts were each marked by a pair of punctures oozing slimy venom Mary slid herself forwards until her pelvis was only inches above her victim's vagina.

; ; The lithe maid let out an almost inaudible moan as her nether lips bulged outwards and a thick ebony scaled snake emerged from within. Unerringly it sought out Julie's entrance and began to press inside, fighting and squirming to enter the tight passage. The petite blond bucked helplessly as it stretched her inexperienced body open, burrowing upwards towards her fertile uterus.

; ; Mary rose up and down on her lap, shuddering with pleasure as she savored the violation of the young woman's most intimate place. Leaning forward the maidservant slowly licked her long neck, savoring the taste of young flesh made all the more attractive by the spicy tang of her fear.

; ; The corrupted servant moaned lustily as she felt Julie's tender innards clenching deliciously around the writhing snake burrowing so deeply into her body. Every helpless twitch and spasm sent waves of sensation through Julie's rapist, the girl's struggles only driving Mary to thrust more viciously into her victim.

; ; The writhing and twisting serpent impaling her sensitive canal was stimulating every inch of her vagina. Julie was horrified as her body was responding all too easily to its obscene attentions. The venom injected by Mary soon had her blood boiling, the tainted fluid driving her traitorous body to new heights of arousal and desire. It was not long at all before her hips were unconsciously reciprocating each rhythmic thrust, slowly undulating in response to the thick snake filling her tiny body. Julie was fully absorbed by the deliciously excruciating mingling of pleasure and pain when she felt Wendy release her wrists and withdraw the snake from her throat.

; ; Julie froze looking straight at Mary with an expression of utter shock, her slick canal full of writhing serpent meat as the unholy wench drove it into her again and again, each punishing thrust forcing a breathless gasp from her throat. Despite the waves of pleasure Julie remained lucid, fully aware of just how sinful that the excruciating mixture of lust and desire which wracked her entire being truly was.

; ; The petite blond's hands grasped at empty air as thoughts flitted through her mind, her lips working furiously while no words came out. Julie knew that she should scream to Cynthia, warning her of the evil that shared the room with them. That she should push away the harlot atop her and fight against her inhuman rapists with all her strength. But at the same time her blood sang with addictive venom sending hot pulses of pure sexual need coursing through her veins. Despite the utter wrongness it just felt so incredibly good to be stuffed full of swelling serpent flesh, the writhing appendages twisted and caressing her inside, filling every orifice and wracking her slender body with pleasure greater than she had ever dreamed possible.

; ; Hesitantly her hands alighted on Mary's shoulders, for a moment they looked eye to eye before Julie pulled the maidservant forward, pressing her lips to the other girl's with sudden passion. She had made her decision and abandoned herself to the debauched pleasures and hungers so unexpectedly instilled within her.

; ; Their tongues sparred briefly as Julie carefully angled her hips to accept each punishing thrust. Breaking away from the kiss Julie put her head on Mary's shoulder, closing her eyes as she concentrated on the soul wracking pleasure that filled her, biting her lip to suppress the moans and squeals of ecstasy which threatened to escape her throat.

; ; As Julie clutched helplessly at her lover Mary and Wendy exchanged wicked smiles and leaned forward until their lips brushed against the young blond's ears. They began to whisper to her, chanting the unholy gospel of their lord and god.

; ; Julie was outwardly a spoiled brat, given to moments of petulance and even betrayal, but also capable of charming men and women alike when it suited her purposes. Many members of the court, observing the chamberlain's daughter from afar, thought that with the proper guidance, away from the machinations of her step-mother, that she could change, maturing into a woman who could be a worthwhile wife and mother. The truth however was far different.

; ; She was evil, a literal sociopath with the potential to develop a full out psychopathic personality. Her heart was a bitter core of spite and pettiness, her entire being so centered on herself that she truly believed that others existed only for her own needs and desires. She had never committed a mortal sin but it was truly only a matter of time before she crossed that line. Of the pair, Cynthia, despite her ambitions and machinations, never stood a chance of matching the wickedness that dwelt within Julie.

; ; Many who gave into the Serpent and allowed his dark power into her body and mind did so because of the temptation presented by the freedom from moral choice that servitude to the dark god offered. For Julie morals were only words, useful only when she could parrot them to show her superiority over others.

; ; Now, with venom flowing through her veins and the servant's unholy incantations echoing in her head the Serpent's presence flowed into her, ancient power enveloping her aura. For a moment her defenses stiffened before relaxing and then falling away entirely. Normally the Serpent would defile the soul offered up before him, pouring corruption into his new disciple while consuming every last bit of innocence and purity, crafting a servant that was a mere husk of their former self filled with his own dark desires. Julie Rosen however was different. Her innocence had been discarded long before, her purity replaced by greed and spite. When her essence met the Serpent's it became his own, like calling to like.

; ; Her heart pounded as arousal and desire flooded through her body without relief. Mary was relentless, driving the serpents viciously into her young victim, bombarding her venom infused body with physical stimulation that was more that Julie's ailing mind and slender form could tolerate. Mercilessly the noblewoman was driven far beyond human limits and she convulsed in distress as a continuous series of climaxes demanded more for than her body could stand.

; ; Finally it was too much. The blond's young pounding heart burst in her chest, her mind going dark as the last rattling breath exhaled from her lungs. Mary smiled wickedly as she felt Julie's life leaving her abused body. For a moment it was totally still, then the Serpent wrought its will upon her.

; ; Her corrupters watched in anticipation, their senses filled with the rapturous presence of their god. Twisted runes flared to life, crawling across her pale skin as dark energy flowed into the empty vessel left behind by the ruthless assault, filling the empty void within her with an unholy black fire. The transformation swept through her body almost instantaneously, her human organs withering away as ancient power transformed her from human into something entirely different.

; ; Her blond hair was replaced by a familiar thick black lustrous mass. Her skin gleamed with iridescent scales while her parted mouth allowed just a glimpse of her needle-sharp fangs. Julie's petite slenderness had been replaced by lush curves and a generous endowment. An intricate snake tattoo marked her body, starting from its tail just above her hairless mound it curled sinuously upwards, crossing her flat stomach just below her navel and vanishing behind her back. It reappeared just below her right breast, its body flowing upwards between the twin orbs before twisting around the top of her left breast, ending with its head frozen with fangs bared in a vicious hiss.

; ; Slowly stirring Julie opened her eyes, the changed orbs hungrily evaluating the nude girl perched in her lap from a new perspective. The reborn girl hissed happily, filled with her new god's grace while power sang through her slender form. Her every thought was tinged with lust, former concerns and petty ambitions replaced by desire and a fanatical need to serve the Serpent.

; ; Across the pool her mother-in-law regarded her nails critically before giving Hazel a reluctant nod of approval. The sound of water splashing and a low feminine moan drew her attention and she twisted her head to look behind her. Cynthia sneered contemptuously as the sight of her step-daughter with a naked maidservant on her lap met her eyes. “Dallying with the help now are we?” she said in a voice dripping with derision.

; ; The young blond giggled as she dipped her nimble fingers between Mary's legs, making the other girl tremble in response. “There's nothing wrong with enjoying the... privileges of our station, Mother,” A slight smile curved her full lips as she regarded Cynthia's disapproving demeanor from behind the glamor concealing her new nature. “It would be positively sinful not to.”

; ; End of ; Part 3 ; [1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 ; 7] ; ;

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; tantriclegion@hotmail.com
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