; ; ; LB: 4. Tantric Legion - The Corrupter ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; · ; LB Collection · ; Story Links · ; Site Links · ; Poetry · ; Submissions · ; lbworlds Yahoo! · ; Donations · ; ;

The Corrupter

; ; ; ; Part 4 ; [1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 ; 7] ;

; ; © Tantric Legion

; tantriclegion@hotmail.com
; ;
; ; Disclaimer: This story should not be read by any person not of the age of majority in their country. Anyone who may be offended by sex and violence, should not continue. The author is not responsible for either any actions taken by persons who read this story or for the general social problems of our planet. ; ;

Chapter 4

; ; Gwen sighed as she finished the climb to the upper meadow. Hopefully the missing goat would be found here, if not father would be infuriated with her for leaving it out to graze overnight where some predator could take it. Her family couldn't afford to lose even a single animal from their shrinking herd.

; ; With resignation she realized that he would be right, their farm was small and with only daughters to do the work their family became poorer with each passing year. Things might have been different if her brother Seth hadn't fallen from the loft just before his fourteenth year and broken his leg. They had never had the money to visit a healer and it had healed badly. That winter the fever had taken him. Remembering the way that Seth had been after the fall, hobbling about always in a dour mood, far different than the bright and hardworking boy he had been, Gwen sometimes thought it had been a blessing.

; ; Despite working with every erg of strength in his aging body their father had only been able gather a dowry for their eldest sister. Marian had married the miller's son and they rarely saw her. That left Gwen and her three younger sisters alone, unwanted despite their beauty while other girls from wealthier families found husbands.

; ; Once her body began to mature, her adolescent awkwardness giving way to a burgeoning beauty, Gwen had felt the hungry gazes of the town lads on her. They fancied her she knew, not as a wife however but merely as a brief tumble. The peasant girl knew that they would leave her to bear the consequences of such a dalliance without a thought. Thus it seemed that she was destined to change from maid to matron, condemned to poverty as each year the King's taxes and the Goddess' tithe slowly ate away at her family's dwindling holdings.

; ; Resentment burned in her heart as her thoughts reminded her of the “kindness” shown by the Crown's tax collectors. Last harvest an early frost had set in, destroying much of their crop in the fields. Magnanimously the official and his armored henchmen had left just enough grain for them to survive the winter and taken their last two milk cow's, promising to collect on the rest of their debt at next harvest. Internally Gwen recoiled from the hot anger she felt welling up from within and the farm girl's cheeks burned with shame as she considered her own impiety. It was the lot of peasants to serve their betters as part of the natural order. She remembered the prayer taught by the Adepts of Her Church, words from the Goddess herself. **To each their station, to each their rightful place, The Goddess' reward to those who serve order and fate. Her will is justice and all is right, all will be balanced when we enter the light.**

; ; The young blond's self chastisement abruptly ended with a gasp that caught in her throat as she took in an astonishing sight. On the far side of the meadow, where the land rose before the clearing ended and the woods began, was a massive stallion standing proudly in the bright rays of the noonday sun.

; ; Gwen watched it with wide eyes. Surprise etched itself onto her pretty young face as wonderment danced in her clear blue eyes. It was like nothing she had ever seen. Standing on wide hooves its powerful body still seemed to possess a graceful agility that belied its obvious size. It made the horses of the village, so coveted by the impoverished farmers of the area, look like haggard nags. Even the war horses of the tax man's party failed to even approach the majesty of the creature before her eyes.

; ; With a playful toss of his head it pranced into the darkened shelter of the woods. Suddenly desperate for another glimpse of the magnificent animal Gwen picked up her skirts and made her way across the meadow, heading for where the horse had vanished into the forest. There on the edge of the field the young blond woman found a small trail led her deeper into the wood. A sense of unease filled the farm girl for a moment, brought by thoughts of predators which would not tread on the open fields in the light of day as well as other, far darker creatures which were said to lurk in the untamed wilderness. Banishing those thoughts she strode forward with determination until the trail brought her to a small clearing. There, in the near twilight of the forest where the light of sun barely reached, she found the horse, standing beside the thick trunk of an ancient tree.

; ; With a snort he tossed his head and then stood there, watching her calmly with liquid black eyes. Transfixed she slowly walked to it. Reaching out she tentatively touched the horse, letting out a sharp intake of breath as she realized that he was real. Gwen shivered, his presence emanated a palpable sense of sheer power and strength. She felt tiny beside the stallion, even his withers where above her five foot frame. With a sense of wonderment the blond girl ran her hand down his flanks, feeling the layers of muscle just below the sleek surface. She stroked her hand down the side of his head, laughing as he lipped her fingertips affectionately.

; ; Somehow she found herself whirling and twirling about as the stallion circled her, buffeting her this way and that as her musical laughter and soft gasps of delight filled the small clearing. Despite its massive size Gwen felt no fear, somehow she knew that the horse wouldn't hurt her. Playful nips along her neck drew sudden shrieks of surprise from the blond woman, making her wag her finger at the horse in half hearted rebuke. Unnoticed by the giggling girl, fang marks now adorned the soft white skin of her neck, each puncture slowly oozing thick green venom.

; ; A sense of exhilaration filled her as they played together, her excited cries answered by playful whinnies. Soon Gwen couldn't ignore the heat growing in her belly and the shocking desires beginning to flash through her thoughts as the intoxicating venom spread its taint through her body and mind. Leaning back she ran her hands across a muscular chest, feeling the knotted muscle beneath thick leathery skin as she traced her fingertips along it. At the same time a pair of massive hands found her full breasts, squeezing and massaging them as a low sensual moan escaped her throat. Gwen fought for focus as the first conception that something might be wrong fought its way into her clouded consciousness.

; ; Pushing herself away the blond stumbled and almost fell. Regaining her balance she finally turned to look at the creature that she shared the clearing with. She no longer frolicked with a war horse, powerful and fearsome as such an animal might be, but now found herself looking at a being like nothing she had ever seen before. It was obviously reptilian, covered in a rough green skin. Standing nearly eight feet tall it towered over her. If anything it was even more powerful than the mere horse it had pretended to be. This was a pure predator, with a wide maw filled with dagger-like teeth and elongated claws at its hands and feet. The creature stood on two legs and a bony spine started at the top of its heavy skull and ran down its back. It moved back and forth, prowling across the clearing as it carefully watched the young human woman. That was when Gwen saw its tail, the tip ending with a snake's head that hissed and fixed her with a baleful gaze while venom drooled from its vicious looking fangs.

; ; Her eyes wide, Gwen opened her mouth to scream. She stopped, confused, the terror that she had expected was strangely absent. The young farm girl tottered on unsteady legs as she reached out, finding not a trace of fear within her. When she looked upon this grotesque monster the only thing that she felt was an ever growing sense of desire. Briefly her eyes ran over his muscular frame, taking in the rending claws and fang filled maw. Gwen knew that it was wrong but she could feel herself moistening, a flowing liquid heat between her legs that denied everything she had ever been taught. Her mouth opened in surprise when the creature spoke.

; ; “Now you see my true form.” The lizard's voice was sibilant and echoing with obviously inhuman tones. “Let me see you too, my lovely.”

; ; “I'm right here.” She said dreamily, stepping back and playfully spinning about, smiling faintly at his words

; ; “All of you” His eyes flared red with lust as he spoke.

; ; “You've done something to me.” Gwen said quizzically as her hands obediently began stripping off her suddenly confining garments.

; ; “I have shown you the truth.” It hissed.

; ; “The truth?” The farm girl's brow furrowed as her halting thoughts tried to puzzle out what he meant.

; ; “The truth that your body already realizes and that your mind soon will.” He said, “That you are my mate.”

; ; Gwen giggled dreamily as she nodded her head, realizing that what the creature said was correct.

; ; “My mate!” The blond girl exclaimed, it was so obvious really she thought. She said it again, tasting the words and the utter truth that resonated within the core of her being when she spoke them. Slowly she raised her gaze to meet his own. “What is your name?”

; ; “Kratos.” He said, the creature's voice echoing sibilantly through the forest.

; ; Leaning forward Gwen nuzzled his chest, her breath quickening as a growing sense of urgency filled her body and mind. Stepping back Gwen slowly sank to the ground, her hips quivering with need as she lay on the soft moss carpeting the forest floor. Panting with lust the girl opened her legs, displaying herself wantonly before this inhuman creature, offering herself up willingly to the unholy lusts that burned so intensely inside his red reptilian eyes.

; ; She teasingly traced her nails down her body, over the swell of her breast and across the taut flesh of her belly. There she circled her navel briefly before her hand resumed its descent over the gentle swell of her mons. For a moment she lingered in the nest of golden curls, a brief moment of hesitance showing on her pretty face as some remaining sense of propriety warred with the unholy lust burning in her veins. Looking up at the massive monster above her Gwen knew what she wanted more that anything and ran a finger down the lips of her labia before dipping it inside. Tilting her head back the young blond slowly massaged her clitoris while reveling in the sensual sensations filling her young body, the knowledge that Kratos was watching her display herself making the sinful act even more delightful.

; ; It felt so deliciously wicked, Here she was, a young farm girl, offering up her untouched maidenhood to a monster, a creature of chaos and evil, turning her back on the chastity and embracing her newfound lust. The thought was enough to drive the blond girl to a shuddering climax, sending delicious shivers of forbidden pleasure shooting through her entire body. Hungrily she moaned, staring upward at Kratos with smoldering eyes, “Do I please you, my Master?”

; ; Her question was answered when a slit in his lower abdomen split open with a wet squelch and a thick fleshy shaft emerged. The massive phallus pulsed with lust and thick issue drooled from its tip. With a wicked smiled smile on her face Gwen reached out and experimentally pumped her fist up and down its slimy length, feeling the fleshy member twitch strongly in response to her ministrations.

; ; “Once you surrender yourself to me and bear the Serpent's mark there no return to what you once were.” Kratos smiled as he watched the once innocent young girl writhing wantonly about before him. “Do you accept this?

; ; “Yes! A thousand times yes!” Gwen howled, overwhelming need burning in her blood, “Take me! Make me your mate!”

; ; “Very well then, mother to my brood. Accept me into your body and the Serpent's blessing into you soul.” The monster hissed as he sank down upon her, favoring the young woman with a fanged grin as she lifted her hips and grasped her knees, pulling them apart to give him better access to her young body. The beast grasped his shaft, pumping the engorged organ with a clawed fist as he positioned its tip against her wet nether lips. Placing a hand on either side of the wanton blond's head he drove his hips forward, growling with lust as he partook of the pleasures that his new mate offered so freely.

; ; Gwen moaned, arching her back as she tried to accommodate the massive member as Kratos relentlessly impaled her virgin cunt. Her flesh screamed with mingled ecstasy and pain as her virgin canal accepted a male for the first time. Desperately the blond lifted her hips, whimpering as her tight passage slowly parted around the thick shaft, trying to force every inch of her mate further into her inexperienced body. Gwen moaned and writhed as she felt a building pressure which seemed to be about to overwhelm her.

; ; Above her Kratos met the barrier of her hymen and thrust savagely, relishing Gwen's brief cry as he deflowered her, never relenting until his entire member was sheathed within her yielding belly. Viciously he began rutting the curvaceous blond, burying himself in her silky depths with one long stroke after another.

; ; The blond's blue eyes burned with need as soft cries of ecstasy escaped from her lush red lips. Helplessly she writhed under her demonic rapist, wrapping her long slender legs around his powerful form as her body responded to his relentless thrusts. Her hands roamed desperately across her body, eagerly stroking and massaging her generous breasts and pinching her inflamed nipples as she whimpered with pleasure.

; ; Each involuntary contraction of the blond's inner muscles sent ripples of pleasure through her unholy partner. The thick shaft nudged up against her cervix, bottoming out with each thrust as it burrowed deeply into her body. Gwen could feel her organs parting before the magnificent phallus, each thrust making her tummy bulge outwards as the massive reptile had his way with her.

; ; Both partners strained and moaned, violently coupling as Gwen gave into the obscene desires induced by the tainted snake venom pumping through her blood. She snarled at her mate, swiveling her hips like a harlot, the innocent young farm girl of only an hour before forgotten, all morals and inhibitions abandoned as she embraced the euphoric pleasures of the flesh.

; ; “Are you ready to receive my seed, little one?” Kratos growled, his slitted eyes glowing with emerald light as he thrust urgently into the young blond's silky depths.

; ; Gwen quivered with the lingering tremors of yet another orgasm as she looked up at Kratos, her expression filled with the utter devotion that she now felt for the beast who had taken her innocence. Her voice was husky with arousal as she answered her new lover's question. “Oh yes, Master. Please give me your seed! I have never wanted anything more!”

; ; Filled with a sense of victory at how far the young farm girl had fallen Kratos let out an inhuman howl and buried himself deep in her spasming cunt as he felt the moment of his release. Holding his thick shaft deep between her folds his shaft pulsed as it began to fill her vagina with his issue. His hot seed burst forth, spraying the unholy fluid into Gwen's receptive womb as she screamed with joy. The evil creature let out a chuckle, her fertile young uterus was now full of his virile semen, its supernatural potency insuring that the young farm girl was impregnated with his spawn.

; ; Kratos turned his gasping mate over and lifted her onto all fours, positioning her as he wished and smiling as he saw the inflamed lips and the mixture of her sweet nectar and virginal blood that oozed from her abused sex. His still erect shaft pulsed with insatiable lust as he guided it into her body, making Gwen mewl happily at the renewed invasion. Gripping her wide hips the monster viciously mounted her, his claws digging possessively into her soft skin as he firmly ground his phallus into the blond's delectable body.

; ; Kratos placed a hand on both of Gwen's shoulders, forcing her onto the ground with her bottom thrust up into the air. His massive frame pressed her breasts into the soft moss carpeting the clearing as he began pounding into her with long, hard thrusts.

; ; Gwen purred as she felt his agile tail exploring her nubile young body, coiling and winding as its tongue licked out to taste her sweet perspiration. She could feel the slimy appendage leaving a slick trail across her rounded buttocks as it began to rub up and down her valley. It finally found her sphincter and began teasing the forbidden entrance even as his cock pistoned within her greedy pussy.

; ; Gwen groaned and strained as she felt the serpent tip of his tail begin parting the puckered hole of her untouched anus. She bit her lip to stifle her cries of pain as it slowly stretched her open, the entire experience deliciously degrading for the corrupted blond. Whatever her mate desired, what ever she could offer him was his, claimed by right of destiny and might. Gwen looked back over her shoulder, tossing the tousled mass of her hair from her eyes as she fixed Kratos with a look of pure adoration and pushed herself back onto his members.

; ; Gwen moaned sensuously as she felt herself filled to the very limit. Both of her orifices were receiving her master's attentions, she felt as though she would go mad from the impossible stimulus as her inhuman lover had his way with her. Kratos' tongue lolled outwards, its forked tipped running itself along the blond's shuddering spine as she bucked beneath him, purring happily with her belly stuffed full of unholy serpent flesh.

; ; The young blond was totally unprepared for what happened next. As the thick serpent tipped tail twisted and writhed about in her rectum it suddenly began biting her **inside**. Gwen moaned in perverse pleasure as she felt the fangs digging themselves into her tender inner flesh, the pain only driving her excitement higher. Hot venom rushed through her veins, making the blond's body shake as sheer ecstasy burned across her overwhelmed nerves.

; ; Kratos chuckled as he watched the girl responding to the vile taint spreading through her body. Frantically she writhed, trying to force him deeper into her body in the futile attempt to satisfy the incredible yearning as the toxin drove her into a frenzy of lust.

; ; He bent his snout to her ear and began chanting. The foul incantations poured into Gwen's open mind and her eyes sprang open as she felt the Serpents power beginning to reforge the very fabric of her being. Joy filled her as the malevolent power washed over her body, mind and soul. She hissed with pleasure as she felt the god consuming every lingering trace of innocence and good, leaving behind sin, lust and obedience.

; ; Nearly a quarter hour later she slowly regained consciousness. Gwen languidly stirred and pushed locks of raven hair away from her face before slowly opening her eyes, their slitted pupils revealing the depths of her corruption. Her forked tongue tentatively probed at her new fangs as her fingers traced themselves down her finely scaled skin and seated themselves in her semen-filled slit.

; ; “Dress yourself, we have much to do.” Kratos ordered, tossing her discarded dress at the girl.

; ; “Master?” Gwen said, her voice momentarily hesitant as she propped herself up, her equilibrium still shaken by her ordeal.

; ; “Yes, my slave?” Kratos replied, turning to look at the transformed girl.

; ; “I” She paused, searching for words before meeting Kratos' gaze directly, “Thank you, Master.” she purred, her reptilian eyes glittering with unholy green light as a slight smile curved her lips.

; ; ***

; ; The morning sun shone down across the open courtyard, sparkling across the white granite of the training circle which was at the yard's center. Gathered around the circle was a mixture of the King's men as well as a growing flow nobles and servants, their numbers increasing as world of the spectacle about to begin spread through the castle.

; ; Watching from a small balcony above, beneath a canopy which sheltered her from the sun sat Princess Isadora, waiting for her lunch while she kept an idle eye on the proceedings. Each of the King's daughters had a designated protector. The positions were highly coveted and awarded to the winners of the tournament held at the annual Festival of the Goddess. Right now, two of those warriors, Isadora's protector as well as Princess Natalie's stood in the center ring. This spectacle was what had drawn the growing crowed.

; ; Isadora watched as her protector squared off in the center of the circle against her opponent. Nakia was tall and slender, wearing light armor consisting of a coppery breastplate and vambraces on her forearms. Hailing from the small, insular community at the northern tip of the kingdom the dusky warrior possessed exotically beautiful features, a rarity amongst the relative homogeneity in the rest of the population caused by Altara's long isolation.

; ; Her limber body was more acrobat than amazon, filled with strength but still maintaining a feminine suppleness. No man however was likely to enjoy her charms without her permission. Nakia's obvious skill with the long thin blades that were her weapon of choice as well as the fiery determination that burned in her violet eyes foretold a dire fate for any who tried to take liberties with the female warrior. Right now however her coldly beautiful visage was not fierce but calm. Nakia's almond eyes seemed fixed on the distance, as if she was seeing something no one else could and was thus uninterested in the present material world.

; ; Her opponent stood on the far side of the ring. Dane was a massive man. His thick hands grasped a two-handed bastard sword. Despite the mass of the great blade he handled it with ease like a normal man might wield a rapier. His arms were lined with thick corded muscle and it was obvious that beneath his heavy armor that the rest of his physique was just as powerful. Common-born he was likely the largest man in the entire kingdom, he was certainly regarded as the strongest. Many considered him a throwback, with his massive size and large skull, like the primitive men said to live to the north. Despite his heavy brow Dane was anything but dim, his eyes gleamed with intelligence and his cutting sense of humor would have threatened to lead him to harm if it was not for his intimidating strength and skill. Right now he breathed slowly, preparing himself for the fight to come.

; ; From the sidelines the final protector watched, his aristocratic features both handsome and remote. Obviously very fit he held himself well as he watched Nakia and Dane prepare themselves. Duke Osborn wore the raiments of a knight. The knight's attire was of the finest cloth and his perfectly polished armor gleamed in the brilliant mid-day sun. The long sword at his waist was adorned by a jeweled hilt but despite the glittering decorations its deadliness in Osborn's skilled hands was unquestioned. Only thing about him stopped Osborn from being a perfect reflection of the ideal storybook knight. At his left hip, opposite his sword, was a coiled bull whip.

; ; Ten years ago he had entered the competition, an untested lad of only fifteen years, eldest son of one of the most respected noble houses of Altara. It was expected that the slightly gawky boy would quickly be eliminated from the tournament. Instead he had quickly taken the offensive, using his skill with the whip, which was his primary weapon, and disarming his attackers before stinging them with its cracking tip. Those who were able to get close enough to use their own weapons quickly found that his uncanny speed and precision with a whip was matched with just as great a faculty with a blade. In the end he was the uncontested winner and took his reward, assignment as the protector of twelve year old Princess Christina, the eldest daughter of the royal family. After ten cycles she had grown into a fiery-haired beauty and his domination of the tournament had become unquestioned. One hand on the hilt of his sword he waited patiently for the match to begin.

; ; Isadora noticed a servant waiting silently off to the side with eyes downcast, the Princess's lunch on a tray in her hands. With a negligent wave the beautiful princess indicated the small round table beside her and then returned her attention to the court below as the practice master announced the beginning of the match with a shout.

; ; Placing the tray beside Princess Isadora, Wendy bowed politely and left, her impassive face betraying on the merest hint of a smile. Behind her the unsuspecting young princess watched the combatants as she reached toward the tray, never knowing that the soup awaiting her was dosed with the unholy gift of the Serpent's venom. The innocent young princess should certainly be having some rather interesting dreams very soon.

; ; Below, on the training field, Nakia and Dane warily circled one another. The female warrior moved like a dancer, each step carefully choreographed, each movement flowing perfectly into the next. By contrast, the massive warrior facing her exuded sheer brute strength and power, moving like a hunting bear on the prowl. Their first attacks were tentative, each trying to get the measure of one another, trying to find the rhythm of their opponents movements and seeking an opening in the other's guard.

; ; Some inner sense distracted Duke Osborn from the combat playing out before him and he quickly scanned the crowd. Julie Rosen was watching him, her fingertips idly stroking along her abdomen just above her pelvis, to go even an inch lower would have been an act of shocking impropriety. As the striking blond girl saw him notice her gaze she subtly swiveled to the side, giving his eyes a enticing view of her nubile young figure while favoring him with a dazzling smile. The invitation on her face was obvious and her brow arched in question. The knight's eyes lifted to where his princess sat above, finding her attention entirely focused on the spectacle in the ring. Letting his gaze shift to Nakia and Dane he measured them. They were remarkably well matched and both were obviously looking forward to getting a satisfying workout. It would be sometime before he would be missed and even then, in the castle with the Princess surrounded by loyal armsmen, his protection responsibilities were more relaxed and any noticed absence could be easily explained. It would not be the first time that he had departed to dally with some pretty young thing attracted by his appearance and reputation.

; ; Osborn smiled and examined the young blond more closely, noting her long honey blond hair and the lust that filled her light blue eyes. He shot a darted glance at the arched exit from the courtyard, hunger beginning to growl deep in his chest as he saw the chamberlain's daughter nod in acceptance. She left, her hips swaying suggestively. After waiting a few minutes Osborn followed, his departure going unnoticed as behind him Nakia and Dane continued their battle accompanied by the excited cheers and shouts of the crowd.

; ; ***

; ; Duke Osborn threw the bolt, securing the shut the heavy oak door to his spartan room. With his noble blood he could have had fine quarters but had chosen instead to take only the standard quarter's of a King's Armsman. Satisfied that no one would interrupt them Osborn turned his attention to the girl he intended to bed. Quickly discarding his armor and weapons he reached out a hand to the waiting young woman.

; ; Baring his teeth he pulled Julie to him, locking her in a passionate kiss as they pawed at each other with animalistic fervor. The knight entwined his hand in her golden hair and pressed against her tender lips with bruising force as his tongue explored her mouth. Julie tasted sweet and her own hot little tongue sparred with his as she eagerly accepted Osborn's fierce attentions. It would be a pleasure to satisfy his lusts with that obsequious chamberlain's daughter, an insult that the sniveling man would never know.

; ; Breaking their kiss the diminutive young woman stepped back, smiling mischievously as she reached behind her back. Unseen her fingers moved quickly and her dress slipped off of her slender body, flowing silently to the floor. She stood in the center of the pooled blue fabric, wantonly displaying every inch of her nude form for the man she had chosen as a lover.

; ; Osborn's breath caught in his throat, her body was sheer perfection, pale smooth skin, slender curves and small upturned breasts that swayed enticingly as she breathed. Silky juices already glistened on her mound, the sweet scent of her arousal filling the room as the beautiful young blond looked up at him with need filled eyes. He had to have her!

; ; “Please, Sir Knight. Let me see your swordsmanship in action.” She purred, voice husky with lust.

; ; “Rest assured Lady Rose, you won't leave this chamber until you have seen all of the skills at my disposal.” Osborn growled back as he reached out for her tantalizing little body.

; ; Julie mewled happily as Osborn lifted her into the air and spun them about, slamming her up against the door so that the rough wood scrapped against her arched back. He devoured her firm breasts, biting at her turgid nipples as he enjoyed the succulent orbs. As he held the gasping blond pinned helplessly against the door the knight hurriedly unfastened his trousers, freeing the inflamed length of his member. He found himself filled with an all consuming lust as he positioned the head of his cock against Julie's entrance and thrust inside, burying himself in her wet heat.

; ; She hissed with pain at the sudden intrusion before keening happily as he began pounding into her with vicious thrusts. The chamberlain's daughter reveled in the rough treatment, wrapping her slender legs around the young knight and urging him to thrust even deeper into her needy body, loving the way that his engorged shaft stretched open her tight vagina.

; ; “Yes! Use me!” She howled, “Please, harder!”

; ; “Oh yes, I fully intend to use you!” He growled, “Just remember what you asked for!”

; ; Osborn growled as he rutted the succulent little wench, never had he suspected that the normally haughty and superior girl could harbor such base hungers. Julie arched her back and cried out, her entire body shuddering as a climax rippled through her, her soft lips spewing a stream of obscenities as she rode the waves of ecstasy. His powerful thrusts were enough to bring the straining blond to another orgasm before he stiffened and grunted, his thick cock spraying thick semen into Julie's receptive pussy as Osborn reached his own peak, his muscular body almost crushing her against the door as he sagged in relief.

; ; Julie whined plaintively when the knight slowly withdrew his shaft from her body with a wet sucking sound, leaving her hungry loins feeling pitifully empty. The blond screeched in surprise as she found herself flying through the air to land on Osborn's bed, the impact driving the breath from her chest as her eyes went wide with shock.

; ; The young noblewoman's opened her mouth as anger filled her, ready to give him a piece of her mind when a low growl struck her speechless. Her eyes widened at the expression of pure sexual hunger on Osborn's face as he advanced across the room towards her, discarding his remaining clothing as he approached. She looked at his still hard cock, eyes sparkling happily as his erection didn't subside at all despite having just filled her tight vagina to the brim with his seed. The young noblewoman opened her legs invitingly and beckoned her lover to her.

; ; Julie grasped his shaft, licking her lips as she pumped its iron hardness before rubbing the drooling tip over her wet labia, working it slowly through her folds until his swollen glans was once again poised at her ready entrance.

; ; Osborn could feel the girl literally quivering with anticipation as she slid his tip up and down her slit. Slowly he began to bear down, sliding her length slowly into Julie's clenching pussy, savoring the sensations as he filled her young body. Osborn looked down as the she deliberately rolled her hips, making them both moan in pleasure as her sweet young cunt stretched around his swollen cock. The sight of the wanton blond's nether lips distended around his shaft as she luxuriated in the feeling of utter fullness drove him into action. The knight bit at the nape of her neck, chewing on the tender flesh as he began thrusting downwards, driving her petite body into the bedding over and over again as breathless gasps of pleasure escaped her moistened red lips.

; ; The lovers were primal, clawing at one another as they acted out their perverse desires on one another. Julie's movements were sinuous as she rode his shaft, gracefully massaging him with her inner folds as she watched him with sultry half-lidded eyes. Later, kneeling beside her Osborn wrapped his hand in her silky blond hair and forced her to swallow his cock again and again, thrusting solely for his own pleasure until his member pulsed in her mouth and the girl hungrily swallowed his sticky essence. When the knight sank between her legs Julie moaned and swiveled her pelvis, shuddering with ecstasy as his skillful tongue lapped at her sensitive clitoris driving her to one shattering climax after another.

; ; Placing the blond noblewoman on her hand and knees before him Osborn ruthlessly drove his hips forward, ignoring Julies half-hearted struggles as his shaft sank slowly into her anus. He grinned victoriously as the last inches of his length slid home into the blond's bowels and a soft feminine moan of pleasure escaped her revealing the girl's deception. He then proceeded to rut her luscious rump until Julie exploded in orgasm, clawing wildly at the sheets as she screamed herself hoarse. They coupled until the knight couldn't clearly remember all of the combinations and acts performed and the bed was soaked by the mingled fluids of their joining.

; ; Duke Osborn finally laid back on the bed, watching in amazement as Julie teased and sucked his cock back to hardness, an expression of determination fixed firmly on the pretty blond's face. This little strumpet was insatiable. Usually he left his partners lying semiconscious, their minds blasted into gibbering incoherence by his stamina and the series of shattering orgasms that he had wrung from their shuddering bodies. That had not happened with the chamberlain's daughter, instead the blond girl had taken everything he offered, eagerly pleading for more and seemed tireless even after his semen leaked from her every orifice. It was as if she was still just as filled with desire and lust as when they had first entered the chamber, like an endless hunger welled up from deep inside her.

; ; The young knight gritted his teeth as his hips involuntarily rose from the bed in response to her attentions. Never had any of his women displayed skill like the delectable little thing trying desperately to bury every inch of his still erect cock down her throat. Her tongue was incredible, seemingly everywhere at once as if it was twisting and sliding around his member as she eagerly bobbed up and down, moaning hungrily as she milked the veined shaft buried in her throat. Osborn laid back with his eyes closed, fully immersed in the pleasurable sensations emanating from his groin.

; ; Suddenly pain wracked his body as Julie bit down on his cock making the warrior roar with pain and anger. Something that burned like acid flowed into his engorged member as his eyes sprang open and he looked down at his bed partner with surprise etched on his face.

; ; Gone was the wanton little blond he had entered the room with, instead a black haired slut with evil reptilian eyes watched him as fire poured through his bloodstream, her wicked smile revealing the ivory fangs which had creating the oozing punctures on his shaft while her forked tongue danced teasingly before his eyes.

; ; He reached out for her, hands held like claws, determined to choke the life from this creature of chaos before the vile poison stole his life away. Suddenly an overwhelming lust hit him and he found himself forcefully ramming his cock into her mouth again and again, his intent to kill forgotten.

; ; Osborn roared, helplessly clutching at the unholy harlot's head as his shaft blasted one frothy jet of semen after another down her ravenous throat. He moaned and convulsed as his body never stopped coming even after his testicles were empty, providing no relief as pleasure turned to pain. The last thing that Osborn heard before darkness mercifully claimed him was the creature's musical, mocking laughter.

; ; ***

; ; Thomas Tillman was feeling thoroughly grumpy. The cough that had plagued him since the fever two winters before was acting up again and he was eying the dwindling stock of tincture conjured up by a passing hedge witch ever more frequently. Combined with the general creakiness of his bones, which grew worse with each year of back breaking labor, and Gwen's foolish act of laziness that seemed all too likely to have caused them to lose one of their last goats left Thomas gloomily certain that this would be a truly dismal day.

; ; A commotion outside drew his attention and old farmer got to his feet. It sounded like Gwen was back. She must have found the goat, he thought, her happy exclamations proof of that. He set his face in a firm scowl. Although the oldest of the four daughters still living on the farm she was still immature enough to think that correcting her mistake was cause for praise, he aimed to make sure that she knew that it was simple responsibility to correct one's mistakes. The happy shouts of his other daughters egged on his rage and as he opened the door was just getting ready to let Gwen have it when he stopped, an expression of utter astonishment on his face.

; ; Gwen sat astride a massive stallion, her face flushed with excitement and wearing an ecstatic expression. Her eyes lit upon her father “Look what I found, father! Isn't he perfect!” she cried.

; ; “What? How?” Thomas was stupefied and could only watch as auburn-haired Gretel and her dark haired sister Annie stroked the proud animal while their youngest sibling hung back with a hesitant expression on her face.

; ; Gwen leaned down and beckoned her shy sister closer, “It's all right little sis, come and see him. He won't hurt you.” She said reassuringly.

; ; “Isn't he beautiful father?” Wonder sparkled Hallie's eyes as his honey-haired youngest daughter reached out tentatively to touch the horse her sister rode.

; ; “A truly fine animal. I am sure that his owner will provide an ample reward upon return.” Thomas wrung his hands calculatingly as thoughts of much needed money

; ; Gwen giggled and shook her head. “Oh, father. There won't be any reward.”

; ; “What do you mean, no reward?” Thomas asked as his daughter rolled her eyes in exasperation, as if his mention of a reward was utter foolishness.

; ; In answer to her father's question Gwen nudged her mount gently with one knee and he obediently turned in a circle, prancing proudly before the assembled family members. As the massive animal came around Thomas almost collapsed with shock. Before him was the horse's right flank, a flawless unmarked plain of gleaming hair. Realization filled his eyes as he met Gwen's gaze. “No-No brand.” he stuttered.

; ; “That's right,father.” Gwen's voice was filled with triumph. “No brand means no owner under the law. He's all ours!”

; ; Thomas shook his head, unable to believe the evidence of his own eyes. By tradition and covenant ownership of an animal was proven by a brand. Without a brand no claim could be made upon it. His eyes went to the small shed behind the house. There, covered in dust was the iron plowshare V-brand of the Tillman family. It had been long since it had seen use and the untouched flank of the horse called to him. This was a grand war horse, finer than any he had seen. Its price was beyond his reckoning. Dimly the old farmer realized that the selling price of such a beast would be far greater than the value of this run down little farm.

; ; He staggered back to the small porch, watching his young daughters surrounding the horse. This could change everything for their family, he thought. It would be enough for to buy outright a town shoppe or even a grain mill. More importantly it would provide dowries for his daughters. Somehow, some incredible happenstance, had given his family back their future.

; ; “Thank the Goddess” he whispered, “Thank you for delivering this miracle.” Tears ran down his weathered cheeks as he watched his daughters, their radiant smiles and laughter warming his heart as the store of bitterness he had spent years gathering flew away, replaced by the unfamiliar sensation of hope.

; ; End of ; Part 4 ; [1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 ; 7] ; ;

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; ; ; ; © Tantric Legion
; tantriclegion@hotmail.com
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