Also, you can read them all at The BDSM Library.
So some time ago, The BDSM Library held a story contest, where the theme was to be two stories, each focussing on one of the seven deadly sins. I started to write an entry for it, picking greed and wrath. I didn't get wrath done, so I never submitted the story. However, some of you might enjoy reading what I have, so without further ado, I present Greed and Wrath. Maybe you will like it, maybe not. It is very different from what I usually write, in both style and tone. No real torture, not a lot of sex. If you like it, or if you hate it, please drop me a line. Thank you.
A brief note about stories, and an apology: I don't write requests. I tried it once (see Celeste Signs Off). It was an unmitigated disaster. Even I don't care for it. Don't click the link for the story, it is not my best work, or even my good work. I know it is bad. I apologise to all my fans. And that is why I also promise that henceforth, I will only write my own fantasies. That way, if it is lame, at least it is my lame, and not someone else's. However, I welcome an exchange of ideas. Just be warned that your ideas won't find their way into my stories unless they trip my trigger, too.