First, the standard disclaimer: What follows is a work of FICTION. If you are incapable of distinguishing fact from fiction, STOP READING. Go tune in to something harmless and innocuous. This is NOT FOR YOU. Second, this story features acts of forced sex, brutal torture, and snuff. If this offends you, please leave now. Really, we don't mind. Finally, of course, the obligatory warning: Do not try this at home. The activities in this story are carried out by highly trained fictional characters, with many years of experience. Attempting any of this in real life will likely result in incarceration, or being forced to become Martha Stewart's prison bitch. You have been warned. For the rest of you perverts, those who are still with me, enjoy!
Also, this story is copyrighted by The Chairman in 2004. You may post this story in other venues, with three caveats: One, if you do, the author would appreciate the courtesy of an email, with a URL, so he can see where his work is going. Two, if you wish to post this on a pay site, contact the author to make arrangements. Three, you must keep the copyright notice intact.
Thank you.
email chairman [d-a-s-h] bdsmlibrary [a-t] scubed [d-o-t] org
The S^3 Society's First Olympiad
Howdy, all. Allow me to introduce myself. I am The Chairman of the S^3 Society. Members of the Society believe that women exist for one reason: to please men. We further believe that there are three ways in which they can do that: through Sex, Screams, and Snuff (also called "The Three 'S'es").
Welcome to the first ever quadrennial S^3 Olympiad. Let's watch the live feed, from somewhere in the American Southwest.
"Well, Jack, it's a hot day here is ****** as we await the lighting of the ceremonial torch at the 2004 S^3 Olympiad. Why don't you tell us a bit about it?"
"Roger, at this, the inaugural games, our first torch is Robin W. She is an Art History major at UT. Robin, would you tell us a bit about yourself and how you were selected to be the first torch of the 2004 Games?"
"Sure, Jack. I am 21, and a resident of Marble Falls. My father has been a member of the S^3 Society for about twenty-five years. In fact, he snuffed my mother at an S^3 picnic shortly after I was born. Naturally, when he heard about the Olympiad, he volunteered me for some kind of service. I was quite honored when I found I had been selected to be the first torch."
"Interesting. But that wasn't all, was it?"
"No. My father arranged for me to have breast implants, giving me the incredible 42JJJJJ tits you see. but the interesting thing is that rather than being filled with silicone, they are filled with napalm, so I should burn quite brightly for you."
"Thank you, Robin." Two men came, lifted the big-titted blonde, and carried her to a pillar set on a high platform. They strapped her torso to the pillar, and poured gasoline over her. One of them struck a wooden match, and set her alight.
She began to scream almost immediately. The smell of cooking girl-meat filled the air. While she was going to be charred beyond edibility, everyone watching knew that there would be plenty of girls to eat over the next few days.
"Well, Jack, have you ever seen such a sight?"
"Not since my daughter Jacqui's 18th birthday party. Do you remember that one?"
"Was she the daughter you slow-crushed in the 10000 tonne hydraulic press?"
"No, Roger, that was my daughter Evelyn. Jacqui we dissolved in a vat of hydrochloric acid."
Just then, Robin's tits caught fire. She began to really scream.
"Listen to that. What a fabulous way to begin our Games. So what is next?"
"The first event is the fisting sprints. Our girls will be scored on three criteria: How big their pussies are, how big their partner's fists are, and how quickly they can be take the fist."
"Okay, I can see how to measure how large a fist is, just immerse it in water and see how much it displaces. I can obviously see how to time it. I just have two questions: How do they determine when the fist is fully inserted, and how do they measure how big each girl's pussy is?"
"Well, it is considered fully inserted when at least one inch of wrist is inside her. As to the size, they measure it by filling her pussy with molten wax until it is full. Since they measured how much wax they put in, they know how big her cunt is."
"I see. Would you please tell us about our competitors?"
"First is Joanie V, representing the USA. Her pussy measures 1.0 while her partner's fist is a 2.0. These measurements a relative to the average size, which means her pussy is average, while his fist is twice as large as average. Since 2 seconds are subtracted for every 10% above average his fist is, Joanie has a 20 second advantage right from the start."
Joanie stretched out on the fisting platform, and her partner got one minute to lube up her pussy and his fist. He waited for the signal from the starter, though here it was not a gunshot, but rather a stroke from a sjambok across the ass of a lovely little brunette.
"Well, Jack, it's clear that his large fist is giving her a hard time. So far he seems to be able to get only two fingers inside."
"Yes, but remember, they have trained together for years. She knows she needs to relax quickly, and see, she has."
Indeed, he now had all four fingers inside her, and was preparing to tuck in the thumb, and jam it home. As he did, Joanie screamed. He waved over the judge, who verified that he had indeed achieved full penetration.
"Roger, the judges give him a base time of 57 seconds, which when adjusted for his fist size gives a respectable score of 37. Who's next?"
"Next is Maria de G, representing Mexico. Her pussy size is 0.9, while her partner's fist is a 1.0. Since every 5% smaller than average on pussy size gives a 2 second advantage, their base bonus is only four seconds. They are going to have to hustle to beat Joanie's time."
And again, the man got Maria ready, and the starter cracked the sjambok.
"Clearly, the smaller fist size makes quite a difference. Look at that, she is up to four fingers already."
Maria grunted suddenly, as her partner punched his fist home.
"Jack, our judges say that they got the job done in only 42 seconds, but their four second bonus leaves them at 38, and second. Who's next?"
"Our third competitor is Aoko Y from Japan. Her pussy is an amazing 0.5 while her partner has a fist size of 1.5, giving them a staggering 30 second time bonus, and they are probably gonna need it."
They began, moving with a slow and practiced rhythm that showed how many years they had been working together. They knew that they had 66 seconds, to beat out the Americans. They planned to use that. Aoko grimaced in pain. It was obvious her partner was stretching her hugely. But she relaxed, and with a pop, he slid his fist home.
"Amazing, Roger. Our judges say they finished in only 59 seconds, which gives them an adjusted score of 29, and first place. Who's next?"
"Our final competitor is Olivia P, from Italy. Her pussy is a 1.0 while her partner is a 1.1. With only a two second advantage, they will be hard pressed to avoid finishing last."
Olivia mounted the platform, spread her legs, and was lubed up. It was obvious that she just couldn't relax her cunt much, as her partner took several seconds to re-lube his hand and her cunt. He finally achieved full penetration, but it was clearly way too long.
"Jack, our judges put the official time for Olivia at 74 seconds, with and adjusted score of 72."
"Well, Roger, that is just too bad for Olivia. As our viewers will no doubt remember, the competitor with the worst score gets snuffed. Do you know what they have planned for her?"
"Yes. She is going to be 'bronzed' as a trophy to be awarded to the country with the highest overall score. Five points are awarded for each first place finish, three for second, and one for third."
"Fascinating. What is our next event?"
"Well, Jack, next are the punishment races. We'll begin with the 100-stroke cane race. Each competitor bends across the punishment platform and grabs the handholds on the far side. If she releases the handholds, she is disqualified. The first competitor to take one hundred strokes of the cane wins."
Since this was a caning competition, the starter didn't sjambok a girl to signal the start. Instead, a young and pretty Filipino girl was lead out on to the starter's platform. He called out, "Ready! Steady!" And as he got to "Go!" he pushed a button, detonating the M-80 stuffed up the Filipino's cunt. The caning began.
"Roger, notice the American girl, Chrissie. You may remember her as the star of 'Sweet Hour of Caning' last year. She is clearly the favourite. Notice the way her partner has set up a good rhythm, allowing her several seconds to process each stroke. While it may appear slower, she is less likely to disqualify herself."
"True. Meanwhile, Conchita, the Mexican girl, is clearly pushing the pace, and has already passed forty strokes. And Suzuko, the Japanese entrant is close behind."
"They are leading at the moment, but ... Yes, Conchita has released the handhold. She will not qualify for this one. Meanwhile, Suzuko's partner has had to slow the pace significantly. Chrissie is catching up, and ... wait a minute, Antonia, the Italian, is making a move from behind. It is 80 for Chrissie, 78 for Antonia, and 77 for Suzuko. Antonia's partner has increased his pace. This is clearly the advantage of training, and it is now 90 for Antonia, and 89 each for Suzuko and Chrissie. Suddenly, reaching back for those reserves of endurance that made her a star, Chrissie is pushing the pace again. And coming in to the home stretch, it is ... a tie between Antonia and Chrissie, with Suzuko one stroke behind."
"Nice competition indeed. You know, there are few sounds more beautiful than the sounds of a woman in great pain. Speaking of great pain, what does fate have in store for Conchita?"
"Conchita is going to participate in an historical reenactment. She is going to be loaded on to a catapult, and used to bombard a stone wall."
"What if the impact doesn't kill her?"
"Then the moat full of vicious crocodiles at the base of the wall will."
"I can hardly wait. Now, we turn to one of my favourite events at this Olympiad: The Snuff Marathon. The rules are simple: Each girl will be tortured by someone from a country other than her own. She will be tortured and timed until one of several things happens. One, she says 'Please kill me.' At that point her time clock is stopped, and she is asked to repeat it. If she does repeat it, she is done. Second, she can be tortured until she snuffs it. If she is snuffed without saying 'Please kill me' she is disqualified. Third, if she says 'Please kill me' but does not repeat it, her torture will be extended, first for an additional half hour, and doubling in duration for any repetition. If she says 'Please kill me' again during the penalty time, the penalty time is restarted. If she is snuffed during the penalty time, she is disqualified. Needless to say, each competitor is in a separate chamber. All competitors are hooded, so they cannot see the clock. The permissible tortures are increased each hour."
"Sounds great. Who is competiting in this event?"
"Well, representing Japan is Kimiko O. Her father is the Coordinator of the Japanese branch of the S^3 Society. She has been trained as a pain slut since she was eight. For her fifteenth birthday, she was the featured entertainment at the Society's annual business meeting. She was part of a dual-electrocution, though she was spared, because she outlived her mother."
"I remember watching the DVD from that one. That was hot. Who else?"
"Well, for Mexico is Rosa V. Her husband started the first Mexican chapter of the Society. She has only been in pain training for the last five years, but she has already been 'Miss Torture Mexico' three years running. It will be interesting to see how she does."
"I know her husband is a highly qualified torturer. Didn't he snuff his first wife at the inaugural meeting of the Mexican chapter?"
"That's right. She lasted for fifteen hours. Quite a performance, and clearly one that Rosa is expected to top. But then again, she has the genetics for it, as her mother Carmen was in fact Juan's first wife. Meanwhile, representing Italy is Sonia d'A. You may remember her as the first girl to 'Ride the Wooden Pony' for over an hour without going catatonic or insane."
"Indeed. And our final contestant?" Jack asked with a sly grin.
"Our final contestant is my own daughter, Suzi. Suzi has been trained as a pain toy since she was six. 'Start them young!' is my motto. For her twelfth birthday, she was spritzed with alcohol and set on fire as her own birthday candle, and for her fifteenth birthday, she endured several hours of torment, including an enema of boiling water (five quarts), with an electric heating element on the butt plug used to hold it in. She was made to retain it for half an hour, while her tits were beaten with wooden dowels. I think she is ready to compete, and since she turned eightteen two months ago, she has been looking forward to this event."
To announce the beginning of this event, the starter took an old-fashioned starter's pistol. But instead of loading it with blanks and shooting it into the air, it was loaded with low-penetrating hollow-point ammunition, and fired deep inside a girl's cunt. And thus it began.
For the first hour, the torturers were limited to whips, crops, canes and other striking implements, and only to the back, ass and hips. This of course was only for warm-up, to ensure the girls greater suffering in the later rounds.
In the second hour, the torturers were allowed to target the tits and belly, and in the third, the pussy and thighs were added. In the fourth hour, anything below the neck was permitted.
In the fifth hour, electricity was allowed. In the sixth, needles and knives were added. By the end of six hours, all the girls were hoarse from screaming.
"Well, Roger, so far, we haven't really seen much."
"No, we haven't. But really, the first six hours are mainly for fun. Any girl who couldn't make it through these six hours would have been snuffed during training. Starting with the seventh hour, things should get interesting. As you know, after six hours, the rule going forward is 'Anything goes!' Earlier, after the torturers had drawn lots to see who they would be torturing, we interviewed them on their plans. Let's see those interviews, shall we?"
"Sure, Jack. Let's begin with Toshiro, from the Japanese chapter. As you know, he drew Sonia for the Snuff Marathon. Can we roll that tape?"
"So, Toshiro-san, you have drawn Sonia for the Snuff Marathon. How does that affect your plans?"
"Well, after seeing her impressive performance on the Wooden Pony, I doubt I will be able to break her with pussy torture. I think I will try some other torments. Maybe I will inject her tits with saline solution, then beat them with a pool cue. I think I will also cut her ass, and then rub the cuts with capsaicin. Really, I am quite fortunate to have drawn such a healthy girl. I remember watching her mother snuffed out at the Feast of Screams ten years ago. What an amazing woman. I think her daughter will be quite a challenge for me."
"Thank you. And before we let you go, what is your prediction? Will she surrender, or will you snuff her? And in either case, how long will she last?"
"I think she will surrender, somewhere between nine and ten hours."
"We appreciate you taking the time to talk to us. Good luck."
"Well, he certainly looks up to the challenge. Let's take a look in on Toshiro and Sonia, shall we?"
The girl was hanging by her wrists from a beam overhead. Her tits were quite red and swollen. It seemed clear that Toshiro had already followed through on the first of his plans. He held a knife, and had begun slicing tracks across her ass. The blood dripped down, slowly. He grabbed a bottle from the table holding his torture toys, and began to spray the girl's bleeding ass. She immediately began to scream, and shook with the pain. "Please make it stop!" she pleaded. But she didn't say the fateful words. As they cut away, Toshiro had picked up a box of skewers, and was preparing to run her tits through.
"That is fantastic. Okay, Jack, what interview shall we watch next?"
"Let's watch Juan, from Mexico. As you know, he is working on Kimiko."
"So, Juan, you have drawn Kimiko. What are your plans?"
"Well, I know her father trained her well. Her high tolerance for electricity is good for her, since it means I will need to seek more creative ways to break her. Although she is quite small, her endurance is phenomenal. I think I will begin by using a blowtorch first to depilate her from the neck down, and then to burn off her nipples. After that, I was thinking about hooking her ass up to a water pump, and seeing how large an enema she can take. If she isn't dead or surrendered by then, perhaps I will sew a live rat into her cunt, or maybe just use the blowtorch to burn off her tits."
"Sounds like fun. Would you mind giving us a prediction on the session?"
"Sure. I think I will snuff her without being asked, somewhere between 8 and 9 hours in."
"Thank you for speaking with us. Good luck."
"So let's see how our lovebirds are doing, shall we?"
The girl was strapped to a table, with her legs pulled up towards her head, but sufficiently wide to allow full access to her pussy, ass and tits. The blackened nubs on her tits showed that Juan had already taken the blowtorch to her. He was in the process of hooking up the pump to her asshole now.
He flipped the switch, and the water began to flow. Slowly, it seemed, but relentlessly. Half a quart. One. One and a half. Two. Her petite belly began to distend already. Two and a half. Three. Three and a half. Now she looked quite swollen. Sweat beaded on her forehead, but she remained still. Four. Four and a half. Now she looked to be eight months pregnant. Five. She began to cry. Five and a half. She began to scream. Six. Six and a half.
"Please kill me!" she screamed. Juan turned off the water.
"You need to repeat that," he told her.
"Please kill me!" she said, a second time. Juan looked to the judge, who said, "Eight hours, seven minutes."
"Now what?" Juan asked.
"Now, she is yours to torture, and ultimately snuff, in any fashion you desire."
"You mean I don't have to kill her right now?"
"Of course not. Take your time, and enjoy!"
Juan turned back to the girl, and pressed another button. The pump reversed itself, and began to drain her. Just as the last of the shit-colored water was pumped out of the girl, the pump reversed itself, and began to fill her again. All the way back to six and a half quarts. Then it began to drain again.
As the full shock and horror of her fate became clear, Kimiko let out the most unbelievable shriek.
"Wow, Roger, who would have believed she still had that much left in her?"
"No kidding. Let's run The Chairman's interview next. You know that he has drawn Rosa."
"Thank you, Chairman, for talking to us."
"My pleasure."
"So you have drawn Rosa. What are your plans for her?"
"Well, I thought I would start with something basic. I am going to stretch her on an old-fashioned rack until I dislocate both arms and both hips. Then I thought I would get a brazier of burning coals, and press them into her flesh. After than, perhaps, assuming she hasn't surrendered yet, I will sever her limbs, and then boil her in oil."
"Quite an aggressive program. Would you mind giving our viewers your prediction?"
"She will surrender, and precisely nine hours and forty-six minutes."
"Thank you for speaking with us. I was going to wish you good luck, but it doesn't sound like you need it."
"So, Jack, shall we check out The Chairman and Rosa?"
Rosa was stretched on the rack, and quite clearly her limbs had already been dislocated. As they watched, The Chairman reached in to the bowl of red hot coals with a pair of tongs, seized one, and pressed it into the girl's thigh. She screamed again. From the burns all over her body, it was clear she had been undergoing this treatment for some time.
The Chairman picked up a chainsaw, and began to cut off Rosa's left leg. She screamed at the top of her lungs, "Please kill me!"
He stopped, and asked her to repeat it. "Please kill me!" she shrieked again. He looked to the judge, who replied "Nine hours, forty six minutes." Just as he had predicted.
He picked up the chainsaw again. The girl screamed as he cut off her remaining limbs, then again as he cauterised the wounds with the hot coals. He threaded a hook through her hair, then used it to lift her torso up, and carry her over to a "Fry Princess" girl sized deep fryer.
As he lowered her in, her screams became inhuman. Then he tossed in her severed limbs. "Come on down, boys. She'll be ready to eat in just a few. I love fast food, and after nearly ten hours of this, I am famished." He grinned at the watching audience.
"Most impressive. But before we go to our final interview, let's go back to Toshiro and Sonia."
Toshiro had the girl belly down, and was using a belt sander on her generous ass. She was screaming lustily. As they watched, her screams became feebler, and suddenly, she shuddered. Toshiro called to the judge, who examined her. "She's dead. She would have had a time of nine hours and twenty-one minutes."
"Too bad for the Italians, Jack, but good for Toshiro."
"Indeed. Now, let's run our final interview. Paolo from Italy, discussing his plans for Suzi."
"Paolo, welcome. Thank you for taking the time to talk to us."
"Certainly, gentlemen."
"So now that you have drawn Suzi, may we ask your plans?"
"Yes. First, let me say what an honour it will be for me to snuff Suzi. Your daughter is incredibly beautiful, and I am looking forward to seeing the face contorted in the agonies of the damned. As for my plans. I will begin by inject her tits, ass, and pussy with bee venom. This should cause her to swell up quite nicely, and make her very susceptible to my next torment."
"Next, I will tie her to a spit, and turn her slowly over a hot fire. All the while, I will be using a single tail whip on her body. After a bit, I will change to a whip with bits of metal in the tip, to tear the flesh from her body. If she survives that, I was thinking about cutting her in several places, to get the blood flowing, and then setting the dogs on her."
"Wow! I can't wait to see you go to work on her. So what is your prediction?"
"I predict she will surrender, but not for at least twelve hours."
"Thank you. Good luck, and please, spare her nothing!"
"Well, we have already passed the twelve hour mark. If Suzi can just hang on, she will take home first prize. Let's see how she is doing, shall we?"
Suzi was spitted over the fire. Her body dripped blood from a number of small cuts. As they watched, Paolo whipped her tits again. The tip of the whip tore her nipple off. She screamed again, and cried out, "Please kill me!" When she repeated it, Paolo looked to the judge for a time. "Twelve hours, sixteen minutes. And good enough for first place."
Paolo looked at Suzi, and said, "Since you hung in there long enough to win, I will give you a choice. Would you rather be taken down, and torn to pieces by wild dogs, or would you rather be roasted and eaten?"
"Well, Master, as much as I would love to experience the pain of being torn apart by wild dogs, I think I would prefer to be eaten by people. Would you please be sure that you get one of my tits, and my father gets the other?"
"Of course, little Suzi. As you wish it." And it was done.
She was delicious, and so was Rosa.
"Well, that wraps it up for our first day of coverage of the first ever S^3 Society Olympiad. We'll be back again tomorrow for more of these Games."
"Yes, Roger, we look forward to bringing the world another day of Olympic coverage. Don't forget, you can buy the DVD set from our website, and if you are in the ****** area, tickets are still available. Admission is US$5.00 for men. Women are required to watch the Games from our 'Torture Tent', where they will spend their time with some of the Society's top torturers. Your woman is guaranteed to scream her head off, or your money back."
"For S^3 TV and my co-host Roger B, this Jack T saying 'Good night!'"
More to come? Maybe, if I get inspired. :)