An Evening with the Andersons

Author's introduction:

This story is somewhat of a different take for me. Some folks who don't care for my other stories may like this, and some who love my other stories may find this not to their taste. For that matter, everyone may hate it. So be it. :-)

As I have often said, I write the kind of stories I want to read. I don't write for others, though I am always glad to know that other folks enjoy what I write. I certainly hope that some of you will enjoy this, and if you do, I love to hear from you. If you don't care for it, sorry. Maybe next time.


This story features adults engaging in adult activities, including driving cars, drinking alcoholic beverages, and so forth. People who are disturbed by such images would be well-advised to quit reading this story, right now. Really. Go ahead. We don't mind.

For the rest of you pervs, understand that, as with all of my stories, the stars are all highly-skilled fictional characters, who can do a great many things with ease. Trying to do these things at home is likely to get you arrested, hospitalised, or a a starring role on that wacky new comedy series, "My eye! My eye! Who plucked out my eye?!"

Finally, warnings given, let me end by saying, "Enjoy!"

An evening with the Anderson's

Betty Mannik sat in the front passenger seat of their car. Her husband Alan was driving. The tall, curvaceous brunette was naked, save for a garter belt, stockings, heels, and handcuffs. They were going to the Anderson's. Betty didn't know who they were, but Alan had promised her a night of torture and agony, such as she had long fantasized about. She found her mind wandering back, recalling how she came to this pass.

Alan and Betty had been married for about seven years. He was programmer for a major internet company, though he had joined too late to cash out and be retired like some of the old-timers there. He was handsome, in a "Gimli the Dwarf" kind of way. He was about average height, five nine or five ten, but almost as wide as he was tall. He had a curly red-brown beard, and long flowing hair of the same shade, that he generally wore in a ponytail, though Betty loved the look when he let it down. She was an English professor at the local community college, teaching Freshmen Composition. She was almost as tall as he, and while far from Rubenesque was also never to be mistaken for a high-fashion model. As she was fond of saying, "Real women have curves!" And she did. Her tits were like melons, and her ass jutted pleasantly out behind her. Her hair was not as long or thick as his, and she often joked that he had gotten her hair. They were in their early thirties, and doing pretty well for themselves. Not rich, by any means, but hardly living hand-to-mouth, either. In short, life was good.

They were sexually adventurous, as well. Neither had been a virgin when they married, yet neither had really "done it all" either. They experimented with many things. They tried exhibitionism (hers) and quite liked that. She had a great body, and enjoyed showing it off to others, knowing that all those who saw her would go home and masturbate to what they had seen. He enjoyed the looks he got from other men, the looks that said, "You lucky devil!" They tried bondage, both ways, but both agreed they liked it best when she was tied up. They tried a threesome with another woman, which they also enjoyed. They tried water sports, but neither of them really cared for it.

They lay cuddling in the bed, as was their wont, after playing some bondage games, when Betty turned to Alan and said, "I want to be your slave."


"I want to be your slave. When I am home with you, I want you to be my Master, and to make all the decisions in our lives. I want to simply be available to do whatever you want of me, whenever you want it. When I was a little girl, I had fantasies of being kidnaped and sold as a slave to a wonderful man. Well, you are that wonderful man, and I want to be your slave."

"I-I-I don't know what to say," he said. "Are you sure?"

"Of course. I know you, and I trust you not to do anything to me that would harm me. You love me, and I love you, and this is what I want, my love."

"Sounds like a dream come true, but let me just ask a few questions. If you are my slave, does that mean you'll do anything I tell you to do? If I asked you to masturbate, right now, in front of me," a thing which so far, she had refused to do, "would you..."

He stopped in mid-sentence as she leaned over to her bedside table and grabbed the vibrator that she kept there for the nights he was on-call or working late, and without a moment of hesitation, began to diddle herself. Soon, she was on the verge of coming.

"Stop!" he said. She did, panting and looking disappointed. He, on the other hand, was delighted. "Okay, I accept you as my slave."

"Well, actually, there are three limitations: No permanent mutilation, nothing with children, and nothing with scat. Other than that, if you order me to do it, I will. I am yours to command, Master." She said it playfully, but it still sent a tingle down his spine.

"Very well, I accept your slavery, with the limitations, and only those limitations, that you set forth. Now, if you are to call me Master, I need a new name for you, too. Betty is fine for your friends and coworkers, but I want to give you a slave name, that will be used only by your Masters and Mistresses. Yes," he said in response to an enquiring eyebrow from her, "I said Masters and Mistresses. I fully intend to loan you to others, to swap you for an hour, and evening, a weekend, or even longer if I desire. Do you understand?"

"Of course, Master. I am your slave, your property. Your car has no right to object if you loan it to a friend, nor do I."

"Good girl. Now, as for a name...I know. Your slave name will be 'bitty' or 'bitty-betty'."

"Eww," she said. "That's what my brothers' called me, growing up."

"And it is what you will be called again," he said with a firmness to his voice that she had been hoping to hear.

And so it went. They attended a local munch, and met some other singles and couples who were into the lifestyle. They invited a few of the single females to play with them. When the ladies were subs, Alan enjoyed being serviced by two slavegirls, and when they were dom, he enjoyed watching his wife being forced to eat them to orgasm for an hour or more, or being draped across the woman's lap and spanked, long and hard.

Alan was happy with the state of their relationship. Betty was not. You see, Betty was a hard core masochist. She delighted in the right kind of pain and suffering. For example, she hated a stubbed toe or a skinned elbow as much as anyone, but a good beating really got her juices flowing.

She asked Alan to abuse her more, to spank her, flog her, to cause her pain in new and delightful ways. He tried. He really tried, but he was just not sadistic enough to enjoy torturing her, and besides that, he couldn't get past his love of her to give her what she really needed.

She accepted that the only time she would get any of the pain play she craved was when they invited another dom(me) to play with them. And she loved Alan enough that she contented herself with that.

One Friday, Alan came home from work early. Why, it was barely seven o'clock. He brought Chinese take-away with him (cashew nut chicken for him, deep cooked lamb with onion for her). When she tried to ask why he was home so early, as he was obviously up to something, he just responded, "Hush, my love. You'll see."

After they had eaten, and Alan had had a beer (but only one), he took her upstairs. "Strip!" he ordered. He went into her dresser, and pulled out a pair of black lace stockings he had given her for her birthday, along with the matching garter belt. He then grabbed a pair of black pumps with five inch heels, which she had only recently learned to walk in, handed it all to her, and ordered "Dress!"

She looked at him for an explanation, but he just said, "Not yet." So she put on the stockings, hooked them to the garters, and fastened the shoes. She looked ravishing. He then grabbed her play collar (a nice leather one almost two inches wide, with padlocks, and D-rings to fasten her as desired) and locked it around her neck.

She was excited by this, since it meant she was going to get some quality kinky sex that night. "Come with me," he said, and led her down the stairs, and (rather to her surprise) out into the garage. They had a private, enclosed garage, so she was not exposed to the neighbors, but still. He opened the door for her, and once she was seated in the passenger seat, blindfolded her and shut the door.

She heard him get in his side of the car. He started the engine, hit the remote garage door opener, and pulled out. By now she was beside herself with curiosity. At last, he broke the silence.

"I know you are wondering where we are going. Well, I have met someone, Master Anderson, who specialises in offering extreme torture for female slaves who need it. We are going to spend an evening with him. Or rather, you are. I will otherwise engaged."

"Otherwise engaged?" she thought to herself. "I'm going to be tortured, and he isn't even going to be there?" They drove in silence for a time. Her imagination was working overtime. She couldn't even begin to imagine what Master Anderson had in store for her.

Finally, the car slowed, stopped. Alan got out and walked away. A few minutes later, her door was opened. A small, feminine hand removed her blindfold. Betty blinked in the sudden light.

When she could see again, she saw a petite, thirty-something woman before her. The woman had long blonde hair in a tight ponytail, medium-sized tits, and very long legs for a woman who probably didn't hit five foot, even with her heels. Betty knew she was a natural blonde, since the woman was dressed in similar fashion to her, to wit, stockings, garters, heels, collar and cuffs, though in the blonde's case, red, not black.

The blonde said, "Hello. You must be bitty. This slave was born Tina, but was given the slave name tiny. Please come along. The Master is expecting you."

bitty got out of the car and followed tiny up to the front door. There, tiny motioned her to kneel on the front stoop, as she also did. "It is a rule of the house," tiny explained, "that slaves are to kneel on the front step, waiting for the Master to admit them."

"But what if someone sees us?"

"Not the slaves' concern. If the Masters' wish their slaves to kneel and expose themselves to passing traffic, or to the neighbors, then they must do so gladly. Now, be still. The Master allowed this slut special privilege to speak and explain this to you, but further conversation is forbidden, and will be punished most severely. Trust tiny when she tells you that you don't want that punishment."

The girls knelt silently, for a minute, five, perhaps ten? Who could tell? Finally, the door opened, and there stood a tall man. He was easily an inch or two above six foot, and broad through the shoulders. He had a bit of a beer-belly, a high forehead covered in grey-streaked hair, but despite being close to sixty, he still radiated an aura that made bitty very afraid.

He looked down at them both. "tiny, show our guest how to enter the house," he ordered.

"Yes, Master," she replied.

She bowed her head completely, pressing it to the porch. She said, "Master, slave tiny humbly begs Your permission to enter Your house. She begs to be allowed to please You and Your guests, and ask that You punish her if she does not, or simply because it pleases You to punish her. She further begs that any punishments You see fit to bestow on her, for any reason, are extremely painful and protracted, that this slave might provide the greatest possible entertainment for You or Your guests." With that, she lifted Master Anderson's foot, and placed it on her neck, in the classic gesture of submission.

He looked down at her, and answered, "Very well, slut, you may enter." Hearing that, tiny crawled in on her hands and knees, and as soon as she was inside, crawled over to a mat to the side, and knelt there, waiting.

bitty wasn't sure if she should speak, or wait for the Master's permission. He solved that for her, saying, "And you, slut?"

bitty tried her best to remember. She pressed her forehead against the floor, as tiny had done. She said, "Um, Master, slave bitty requests Your permission to enter Your house. She asks, sorry, begs, to be allowed to please You and Your guests, and asks that You punish her if she is not pleasing, or because You wish to. Please make her punishments very long and hard, for Your pleasure." She hesitated, then remembered to lift his foot on to her neck.

"Not too bad, slut," he observed, "but next time it had better be word-for-word perfect, or you will be punished beyond your worst nightmares. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master," she answered.

"Very well, you may enter." She started to rise, and he immediately stomped a foot into the small of her back, flattening her against the ground. "Slaves do not walk in this house. They crawl like the animals they are. You will be punished for this, in addition to the session already planned for you. Your punishment will be to have a box of two dozen foot-long and razor-sharp skewers pushed through each breast. You have the sort of breasts that were made for a good skewering. Poor tiny has a hard time accepting more than a dozen per breast. You, on the other hand, could probably take three, or even four dozen per breast. One of these days we'll find out." With that, he lifted his foot from her back. Chastened, she crawled in, and taking her cue from tiny, knelt on the mat inside.

"Now then, bitty-slut, let me tell you why you are here. Your Master knows of your desire to experience pain, and knows that He is not the type of sadist who can inflict it on you. He and I have been chatting for several weeks, now, about your needs. He has agreed to give you to Me for the night. I know that it is end of term for you, and that you are off work for the next two weeks. The only limitation He has given Me beyond your existing limitations is that you must be able to go to work in two weeks. If you are bed-ridden from the pain right up until that Monday, that is okay with Him, and something I am hoping for. In a minute, I am going to take you up to the torture chamber. Your Master will be in the bedroom next door, being entertained by My slaves. While He will not be able to see you, the walls are thin enough that He will be able to hear your screams, cries, and moans."

"As for you, my little slut," he addressed tiny, "you were not given permission to chatter away. Only permission to inform bitty of the rules. For your punishment, since I will be too busy to deal with it now as you so richly deserve, you are to go up to the bedroom, have juggy stuff your stockings in your mouth, then gag you with an inflatable ball gag, inflated as much as possible. She is then to give you a four quart punishment enema, and strap in a butt-plug to help you hold it until I am ready for you. She will then unkennel suckslut, and kennel you instead in the torture chamber. juggy and suckslut will entertain Master Mannik, while you will entertain Me with your screams. Also, tell juggy that she is permitted to answer Master Mannik's questions, as is suckslut, though neither is permitted to speak without being asked a question. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Master."

"Then get out of my sight, you worthless slut!"

"Yes, Master." tiny crawled hurriedly up the stairs. At the top, she turned right, and crawled into the bedroom, pushing the door shut behind her. She saw Master Mannik sitting on the large and comfortable wingback chair that her Master called "The Throne." She saw Julia, better known as slave juggy, kneeling between the Master's feet, greedily sucking his cock.

juggy was well named. The teenager had large, though still youthfully tight and perky, breasts. Her curly red hair hung down to her ass, or at least, it would have had not Master Mannik wrapped it around his fist, to control her cock-sucking. juggy was Master Anderson's daughter/slave, born to him by a (now former) slave of his some eighteen or so years ago.

tiny crawled into the room and over to The Throne, where she flattened herself against the ground, lifted Master Mannik's right foot on to the back of her neck, and said, "Master, this worthless slut most humbly begs Your pardon, but she has been given orders by Master Anderson, and she must speak in order to carry them out. May she?"

"What? Sure, speak up."

"Thank You, Master. Master, this slut has disobeyed her Master's standing orders. She must be punished by slave juggy, and will not be entertaining You this evening as originally planned. However, taking her place will be slave suckslut, who will pleasure You quite well." tiny then proceeded to relay Master Anderson's instructions to juggy.

juggy and tiny immediately crawled off to the torture chamber, and soon slave suckslut crawled in to the room. slave suckslut was a Eurasian girl, probably in her early twenties. She had tit-length black hair, with brown highlights hinting at her Western father. Speaking of tits, hers weren't much to speak of, being at best an A-cup. If she were allowed to stand, she would probably be five-three or five-four, not as tall as her younger half-sister-slave juggy, but taller than her stepmother-slave tiny. She was extensively pierced, with rings through her nipples, ears, nose, septum, eyebrows, cheeks, labia, clit, and (as Alan was to learn later) multiples through her tongue.

"Are you ... suckslut?" Alan asked.

"Yes, Master, this slave is called suckslut."

"Why? And where did the others go? When will juggy be back?"

"Master, this slave was given the human name of Suki, but her Master calls her suckslut because she is good at sucking. She is an expert at cock-sucking, cunt-licking, and ass-licking. She has been trained to suck Your toes, and to give You a head-to-foot tongue bath. As to the others, juggy had to take tiny to the torture chamber for punishment. tiny will be receiving a punishment enema, which she will then be required to hold until the Master is done torturing Your slut. And since He was originally going to torture suckslut when he finished off bitty, this slave knows that He plans to spend several hours bringing bitty to levels of agony she could never conceive of, one hour ago. After juggy gets tiny prepped, she will be back."

"Okay. So what is a punishment enema? And what does your Master have planned for my slave?"

"Well, a punishment enema is simply a four-quart enema, generally either boiling hot or freezing cold, and usually laced with capsaicin or some other irritant. tiny will be made to hold this enema for hours. suckslut has had them. The cramps get to be excruciating after a very short time, and by the time the Master was ready to allow suckslut to expel the enema, she would promise her Master to do literally anything at all, in order to be given permission to release it."


"Oh yes, Master. For example, this slut was once given a punishment enema, and before the Master would allow her to release it, she had to beg to get her tubes tied without any anaesthesia. Master had decided that suckslut should not be allowed to have children, you see, but wanted even the loss of that ability to hurt. So suckslut was made to beg the Master to cut her open and tie her tubes. He didn't remove her ovaries, because He still wanted her to undergo the monthly pain of her period, without the risk of breeding."

"Wow! So what about bitty? What's He going to do to her?"

"The Master would never tell this slut what He has planned, but based on previous torture sessions this slut has experienced, slut bitty will probably have her ass caned, for a very long time. English school children often received a caning of six to a dozen strokes, with twenty-four considered quite severe. In the torture chamber, one hundred and twenty four is considered merely warm-up, and suckslut on more than one occasion has received a caning of one thousand strokes or more. she will probably be made to ride the wooden pony, likely after a very thorough bull-whipping, including tits, ass, and cunt. The Master may cut off some of her skin, and almost certainly will stick needles and skewers in her. she may receive enemas, or be given electric shocks. she may have her tits, ass, or cunt injected with bee venom or just a saline solution. In short, she will suffer the agonies of the damned. she may lose her voice from screaming, and will definitely pass out, repeatedly, from the pain. The Master says that some of His past sluts, like this slut's mother, slut tightcunt, said that the pain of childbirth is as nothing compared to a night in the torture chamber. This slut has never been pregnant, obviously, but she knows that no other Master or Mistress exceeds her Master in cruelty."

At this point, slave juggy returned. The redhead crawled over to join suckslut in kneeling at Alan's feet. He looked down at them both. He asked, "What can I do with you, and to you, or order you to do to yourselves or each other?"

"Anything at all, Master," both replied.


"Oh, yes, Master, though the Master does ask that if You decide to do anything really extreme to these slaves, You let Him know in advance, so that He can watch."

"Really extreme? Like what?"

"You know, cut off their tits, brand them with a hot branding iron, break their bones, stuff like that."

"No, thank you! Not my thing. How about things like making you give me a full-body massage, or a head-to-toe tongue bath? How about making you fuck each other? Or fist each other? Spank each other?"

"Those things all sound great, Master," juggy answered.

"Umm-hmm," suckslut agreed. "What would You like first?"

"I want the two of you to give me a full-body massage. Relax me and arouse me at the same time."

"Yes, Master," they answered. "Will You move over to the bed, and lay face down?" He did so, and they began to give him an extremely sensual massage. suckslut started by massaging his feet, while juggy began massaging his scalp.

As he began to relax, he was startled by a sharp *crack* and a cry from next door. "What was that?" he asked.

"It sounded like bitty is experiencing a caning," suckslut answered. The sounds continued. Alan found his dick getting hard, listening to his wife's suffering, knowing that it would terrible and protracted. He had no desire to inflict such cruelty himself, but it pleased him to hear her receiving it.

And so it went, for an hour, two, three. The sounds of the caning. Of a bull-whipping. The creaking chains that suggested the wooden pony. And throughout it all, cries and screams from bitty. Wild and crazy sex with juggy and suckslut. Alan came three times, the third as he heard bitty cry out, "Dear God, no more! I can't ..." and the rest of the sentence was lost in loud and prolonged screaming.

Finally, there was a knock at the door. "Enter," Alan called out.

Master Anderson looked in. "Why don't You stay the night? bitty is exhausted, and I have kenneled her for now. juggy and suckslut will keep You company. I have a nice guest bedroom downstairs."

"You sure it's no problem?"

"Not at all. Your bitty is a real prize, and I enjoyed giving her the only gift that matters", he smiled evilly, "that being the gift of pain, and receiving the only tribute that matters, that being screams of inhuman suffering and agony. Why don't We all rest, and You can head home tomorrow morning?"

"Well, in that case, thanks. Thanks much."

"Great. sluts, take Master Mannik downstairs to the guest bedroom, and keep Him company. I have to deal with slave tiny." And so Alan and the two slaves went downstairs to the guest room. As he snuggled in to the bed, surrounded on both sides by beautiful naked women, he felt like the happiest man alive.

He woke up the next morning from feeling a mouth on his cock. He looked down, and saw the blonde ponytail of slave tiny. "Where are juggy and suckslut?" he asked.

"They went to get breakfast ready," tiny answered, in quick staccato bursts, hardly losing rhythm in sucking his cock. Finally, in a long, shuddering burst, he came. "The Master asks that you join Him at breakfast," she said.

tiny lead him to the dining room. The small table was set for two. Anderson was already seated at the table. "Good morning," he said. "Sleep well?"

"Terrific, thanks. Your slaves are quite good."

"Thank you. They should be, since juggy and suckslut have been slaves their entire lives."


"Oh yes. suckslut was born to a slave of mine about twenty-two or twenty-three years ago, and You already know about juggy. They have never known any life but slavery."

"You are a lucky man."

"Funny you should say that, as I was thinking the same about You. I have a proposition for You: I'd like to trade You suckslut and juggy for bitty. I know, You're thinking, why would He give two for one, but the answer is simple. One, bitty is truly exquisite, and I would give a great deal to own her. Two, juggy and suckslut are My daughters, and although they are and always will be slaves, I just can't be as cruel to them as I would like. What do You say?"

"Let me ask bitty what she thinks."

"Why? Do You ask Your car for its permission before trading it in? Do You ask Your house if it's okay to move out? She is Your property, it is entirely your decision to make. But I tell You what, if You are a little uncertain, then I will make You a deal. The next time We get together You can swap 'em back, if You choose to do so."

"Well, how do I explain her absence in the interim?"

"I'll have her send You a 'Dear John' letter, saying she has met another man, and wants to see where it will lead. If You later swap her back, You look like a great guy for taking her back after she 'dumped' You. Is it a deal?"

"What the hell, yes, it's a deal."

"Great. Give me Your keys, and tiny will go get the girls loaded in Your car and ready to travel." Alan did so.

"Meanwhile," Master Anderson continued, "here are their papers." He handed Alan a large manila envelope.

"Their papers?"

"Yes. You know, birth certificates, deeds of enslavement, certificates of training, and so on. Also, there is a slave registry web site where you can access their records, or the records of any other registered slave whose records have not been marked 'Private' by her Master. There is information inside on how to set up an account, and how to transfer registration of suckslut and juggy from Me to You. Also, there are photo albums and video clips not only for these two, but for many other slaves as well. As a member of the registry, with two registered slaves, You are free to download any of that that you wish. Enjoy!"

Alan went out to his car in a daze. Two slaves! Wow! He knew he would miss bitty, but he figured he would probably want bitty back in a few weeks, and besides, she had said that she wanted to be property, so who was she to complain.

As he approached the car, it appeared empty. He opened the driver's side door (thoughtfully left unlocked by tiny), and leaned in. He saw juggy and suckslut, naked and kneeling on the floorboards of the back seat. Both were facing the back of the car, with their hands cuffed behind them, and matching blindfolds, collars and ball-gags on them. He noticed an envelope on the front seat with a label, "Keys to the sluts' bondage gear." He opened it, and found handcuff keys and padlock keys. Padlock keys? He looked more closely and saw that both the collars and the ball-gags were locked on. There was also a note, that read, "Don't worry about returning the blindfolds, gags, collars and cuffs. Enjoy!"

Alan got home, grateful for his enclosed garage. It was going to be hard enough explaining where bitty went, without having to explain two naked, gagged, collared, blindfolded and cuffed girls being led into his house as well.

As the garage door closed, he decided to remove their cuffs, gags, and blindfolds. The collars would stay, for now. "Come on, girls, let's go in the house."

Both girls crawled out of the car and across the garage. They knelt at the back door, waiting for Alan to admit them. Alan wondered why they hadn't yet followed him in, then remembered Master Anderson's little ritual at the door. He let them go through it, but vowed to himself that he would get them to "lighten up" some.

He decided to go through their papers, and get them "registered" to him. After creating a user account, he entered the codes for suckslut and juggy, and sure enough, they were now listed as owned by him. Their names were hyperlinks, and he guessed that clicking on them would lead to their files. He was right.

He pulled up suckslut's record first. Name: suckslut. Born: 16 Nov, 1981. Human name: Suki. Height: 5'3". Weight: 101#. Measurements: 33A-21-34. Father: Master Anderson. Dam: tightcunt. Video page. Photo sets. Training certifications.

He clicked on the video page link. There were a number of videos listed, such as: suckslut's first blow-job, suckslut's first ass fucking, suckslut's 16th birthday, suckslut's first DVDA fisting, suckslut's first 24 hour torture party, and so on. He noticed that all the videos had a running time listed, and the shortest was over an hour, so he decided to come back to them later.

He went back to suckslut's main record page, and noticed that tightcunt was a link. Curious to find out more about her mother, he clicked it. Up came another record page. Name: tightcunt. Born: 12 April, 1957. Human name: Tamiko. Height: 5'. Weight: 90#. Measurements: 33A-18-33. Father: Unknown. Dam: Unknown. Pups: suckslut. Terminated: 21 Nov, 1981. Video page. Photo sets. Training certifications.

...Terminated? He did a double take, and clicked the link. He got another record page. Name: tightcunt. Terminated: 21 Nov, 1981. Terminated by: Master Anderson. Termination reason: Gave birth to a girl. Termination session length: 11 hours, 47 minutes. Disposal method: Cremation. Download termination video.

What the...? He clicked on Master Anderson's name. He noticed that he had owned many slaves over the years. Some had been sold or traded, but at least once each year, a slave was listed as terminated. What kind of maniac had he traded bitty to?

"Come on," he said to the girls, "get in the car. We're going back to Master Anderson's. I am trading you two back for bitty." He decided he didn't have time to fasten them all up again, and simply ordered them to lay flat on the back seat. He then covered them with a blanket.

He spun the wheels backing out of the garage, and drove like a man pursued by the devil back to Master Anderson's place. When he got there, it had a vaguely deserted look about it, and he saw a white rectangle on the front door as he walked up. When he got close, he recognised his name, written in bitty's handwriting, on an envelope. With a sinking heart he opened it. Inside was a simple note:

Master Alan, Master knew You would be back, and ordered this slut to leave You a note. Master Anderson, slut tiny, and slut bitty have moved. You will likely not see any of them face-to-face again in life. Know that this slut always has and always will love You. But she needs what Master can offer, and has accepted the fact that her life will end in His service. Enjoy the slut's You received in return. Forget about this slut, and get on with Your life. slave bitty
He was stunned, speechless, even flabbergasted. Why had he been such a fool? He knew he couldn't go to the cops. "Yes, officer, I traded my wife of seven years to a man I had only known for about a month, who promised to torture her, hard and long, in exchange for his two daughters." That would never fly. He'd be lucky if he ever saw sunlight as a free man again.

So he did the only thing he could do. He went home. A few days later an official "Dear John" letter arrived in the mail. In it, bitty claimed she had met another man who was more interesting than he was, and just had to see where it would go, and that she was leaving him forever. He showed the letter to all and sundry as his explanation for where Betty had gone, and spent a few months training Julia and Suki to act like free women in public, so that he could take them to dinner, or to a movie. Most folks bought his story that he had decided to become more interesting, and felt that he deserved two such young and beautiful "girlfriends" after being dumped by that bitch, Betty.

Soon, he found he didn't even think about Betty any more, or wonder if she was alive or dead. In short, life went on.

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