Stories Updated 11-06-2016
Due to circumstances beyond my control, updates will be few and far-between for a while.
I have been Ivan the Terror for almost forty years, since I sent my first email in 1979. The name seems a bit childish now that I am a wee bit older, but what the hey... The name came from a strange fascination I had with Eastern Europe I had when I was 12, it has nothing to do with the type of stories I have here. I think it grew out of the Beast Master and Conan the Barbarian shows that took place there (although were filmed in California).
Almost all my stories are about the geek who gets the girl (or girls). The longer ones tend to have less sex as they get into the latter chapters, the characters tend to grow up a bit. :-)
If you are a real fan, my email is "masterivanterror". The domain is gmail. Please no flames.
I apologize that ALL the files update when I update one, but that is a bug on ASSTR, which tags files and puts them out of sync. It is a wonderful site otherwise, they just need to get their search fixed.
= Web Page
= International eBook
standard (Nook)
= Kindle
(all work the same)
The Kindle has pretty much taken over the market in recent
years. I have created Kindle versions, but the Kindle has serious font
problems and there may be issues.
The web versions will be the most up to date.
NEWAs of July of 2016, I have replaced the AZW3 files with MOBI since people were complaining that AZW3 was not working on their kindles.
As of 2015, ePub versions will be removed or intermittantly updated as things are very out of date. Also, Nooks now support Kindle format. Like Blue-Ray over HD DVDs, Amazon won the format war.
As of Feb, 2016, I have added covers for the kindle books. If you have an old one, and the cover doesn't update in kindle reader, delete it and put it back in. That forces a refresh.
Note: Final means that I have archived the original document and don't plan on changing or adding to the story.
The ends to the series are being worked upon here.
Completed Stories:
Story Title (text) | Date | Size | Links | Codes | Description | Comments |
Another Cum Master | 2000 | Novellette | web , ePub, prc | mf, mF, inc, mc | A boy learns that his cum will make girls his sex slaves. | Final |
Brainwashing Sister![]() |
09-2011 | Novellette |
mf, inc, mc | A boy brainwashes his snotty sister into appreciating him more. | May write a sequal, after all, he needs a girlfriend, right? |
Cum Master Book
1![]() |
11-2010 | Book |
Map |
mf, mF, mF+, inc, preg, mc | A boy learns that his cum is highly addictive. | This is my second favorite. prc contains parts 1-4. azw3 contails parts 1-4. Work continues on Part V. |
Flesh Book 1 ![]() |
7-7-2010 |
Book |
mf, mF, inc,
preg |
A boy learns that he can reshape flesh and cure any diseases. |
Includes parts 1-5 This is my personal favorite. *sigh* I wish I had sold the ebooks for this, Over a hundred fifty thousand downloads. I could retire. Too late now. |
Clay Flesh Book
2![]() |
7-21-2016 | Book | web, mobi | MF+,preg | A guy works to help people and populate the galaxy. | Working on editing the kindle book. Work continues on Book 3. |
Exchange Student![]() |
1990 |
Novellette | web , ePub, mobi | mf, mc | A boy seduces a hot exchange student using hypnosis. |
I wrote this long ago (25+ years ago) and it has been reposted many
places, sometimes modified. This is the original. Final |
![]() |
2002,2006 | Novellette | web , ePub, mobi | mf, mc, preg | A boy seduces his hot babysitter using hypnosis. | Final |
My little Sister![]() |
2008 |
Short | web, ePub, mobi | mf, inc | Over time, a boy and his sister grow up together. | Final |
![]() |
2002 | Short | web, ePub, mobi | Mf, mc | A man slowly hypnotizes his niece as his sex toy. | Final |
Oops!![]() |
5-1-2013 | Book |
Mf+,MF+,m-dom,inc,mc | A cheerleader makes a mistake in chemistry class | This has proved to be the most popular story I have ever written.
Thank you everyone for your comments. Work continues on part 2. |
![]() |
6-1-2010 | Novellette | web, ePub, mobi | mf,mF,inc,mc | A man gets a PDA from the future. | This was orginally going to be a Book, but I got
distracted so I tied up the ending and posted so people could read it.
To be expanded into a book someday. |
![]() |
6-18-2010 |
Novellette | web , ePub, mobi | mf+,m-dom,inc,mc | A boy seduces his sister and her friends with subliminals. | Everyone has to write one of these... Final |
![]() |
7-1-2011 | Book | web, mobi | mf+,mF+,m-dom,inc,mc | A boy learns that he can reshape flesh and cure any diseases. |
The original of my medical prodigy
type stories. Practice story to Clay Flesh. Typos fixed 7-26-2016 Typos fixed 8-4-2016 mobi added 10-11-2016 Final |
Seducing my
Sisters ![]() |
6-18-2010 | Short | web , ePub, mobi | mf+,inc | A boy seduces his sisters. |
Final |
Sister's Flute Practice
![]() |
2009 |
Book | web, ePub, mobi | mf+, mF+, m-dom, inc, mc, preg | A boy seduces his sister, then her best friend, then the hotties at school... | Fixed missing scene, Jan 2016. Final |
Summer Camp ![]() |
1999 |
Book | web, ePub, mobi | mf+, inc | A classic Summer Camp story. | I wrote this because I was upset that all the summer
camp stories I found were disjointed and incomplete. Final |
![]() |
7-1-2011 | Book | web , ePub, mobi | mf+,mF+,m-dom,inc,mc | A boy seduces all the hot girls he knows, then reshapes society. | This story came out rather well. I will write a sequal one of these days. |
Teen Life![]() |
10-23-2016 NEW |
Book | web, ePub, mobi | mf, mf+, inc, mc, oral, preg | A boy controls his sister by her dependance on a teen magazine. | This was written in an hour. (Ch 1-5) |
I am still working on these. But everyone was begging
for them so I have posted them here. WIP
= I am currently working on updates.
I will attempt to mark each story where new parts were added. (Thank you
for the suggestion.)
Note: Sometimes I rewrite older parts of the stories, but they are always minor
grammer or continuity fixes.
Note: Sometimes an update will only be a paragraph or two. If I make a
small addition like that I hold on to it to see if more is forthcoming from my
subconsious, but after a long time I will just add it in here.
Notes to readers -
- For those who sent in corrections, I am updating soon (or already have).
If you want credits, I can add them, but I figured you wouldn't want your name
bandied about on what is essentially a erotic literature site...
- A lot of you have suggested that my nice guy heros do something nasty.
Effing Way! I have two types of heros: Both geeks, but the Help Everyone
hero and the Self Centered hero. Neither of them would ever hurt a fly.
Heck, the closest to that is "Brainwashing Sister", and he never really hurt her
(only improved her).
- Sorry some updates are taking a while, I have been busy lately with my four
jobs (hate this economy) and haven't had time to be creative. I have been
working on what I can, and post as soon as I get a new chapter or two.
- Teen Life is now in the finished section.
Story Title | Updated | Size | Web Page | Codes | Description | Comments |
Clay Flesh Book 3 |
11-06-2016 |
Book |
Mf,MF+ |
A guy works to defeat aliens. |
Book 2 in the finished books above. Working on Book 3. |
Cum master Book 2 (Part 5) | 7-4-2014 | Book | web | mf, mF, MF+, inc, mc | A boy works to heal the world. |
Eastern Step | 12-15-2009 | Book | web | Mf, MF, mff | A man goes to Eastern Europe to get a family. | Story started in 2004. Will be expanded when I have time. |
Hypno Talent | 3-27-2010 | Book | web | mf, mF, m-dom, inc, mc | A boy seduces his sisters with hypnotism, then all the hotties at school. | Story started in 2004. Will be expanded when I have time. |
Oops! Part II | 10-30-2016
Book | web | Mf+, MF+, m-dom, inc, mc | A cheerleader makes a mistake in chemistry class. | The surprisingly popular story continues. WIP |
Power Transmission | 10-27-2013 | Novellette | web | mf+, m-dom, inc, mc | A geek develops a mind control device by accident. | Will expand as the mood hits me. |
The Old House | 10-27-2013 | Book | web | mf, rom | A bad girl is taken over by the spirit of a long dead girl. | I love how this started, so I will
continue it sometime
soon. I kinda hit a dead end in the plot. :-) WIP |