Codes: mf, mffF, oral, inc, mc



By Ivan the Terror




I was nowhere in my life.  I had been married for 6 months ten years ago to a nasty piece of work who only married me to get her green card.  Then she accused me of molesting her kids to make sure.  Otherwise, I had only dated once or twice.  I was overweight, worked a job with very little pay, and was essentially coasting through life.  I had celebrated my 40th a few months earlier and was slightly depressed about it.

That is when it happened.  I was out in the back yard picking strawberries when there was a tremendous booming noise, like thunder, and a man appeared in the middle of the strawberry patch.

"Shit!" he exclaimed and collapsed. 

I ran over to him and reached down to help when my hand was blocked about an inch from his arm!  No matter what I did, I couldn't reach him.  I shouted, "Hey mister, I can't reach you.  Are you alright?"

The guy's eyelids fluttered, then he gasped, "Qat, … grant emergency access … person next to me."  He appeared to pass out then.

I was startled to hear a woman's voice say, "Emergency access granted.  Sir, what is your name?"

"uh, Harry.  Who am I talking to?"  I stuttered in surprise.

"I am Frank Green's PDA, Qat.  Are you able to render assistance?"

I replied, "There appears to be some sort of force field preventing me from touching him.  If you are in control of that, please shut it down."

"Deactivating personal protection field."

I gingerly reached for the unconscious man, and, finding that I could touch him now, immediately checked his vitals.  Not good.  His heartbeat was slow and hard to detect.  In fact as I was checking it, it stopped.  Ripping open his shirt, I frantically tried to recall my high school CPR from 25 years ago.  I found the spot on his chest and started CPR.

While doing the CPR, which turned out to give me a lot of time to think, I realized that something amazing was going on here.  This man, Frank, appearing out of nowhere.  This seemingly very advanced PDA.  I wondered what it could do, maybe even had a phone like many current PDAs.  "Qat, do you have a phone?"


"Please connect to the phone network and call emergency services."   Thinking for a minute, I added, "That is 9-1-1."

"There appears to be 13 different phone networks, which one is for emergency services?"

"Any of them will answer 9-1-1."


"911 emergency.  How may I help you?"

"I found a man in my yard.  He collapsed and I am administering CPR.  106 12th Ave South ."

"I am dispatching emergency services."

"Please hurry, I can't do this for much longer."

While continuing the CPR, I was thinking.  "Qat, where are you?"

"I am on a necklace."

I noticed what appeared to be a small teardrop pendant on a necklace about his neck.  When I next switched from mouth to mouth to chest compressions, I slipped it off and asked, "Is this you, Qat?"


I slipped her into my pocket.  "Qat, anything else in Harry's pockets?"

"No, his arrival here was an accident.  He was not prepared."

At that point EMS arrived and took over from me.  Nice response time.  They worked on him for a few minutes, but were unable to resuscitate him. 

The police arrived and questioned me.  I told them that he had shown up while I was picking strawberries (which were all hopelessly trampled now), exclaimed "Shit!" then collapsed.  That I had checked his vitals and started CPR.  A neighbor wandered over and said that she had seen the man collapse and me rush over to help. 

After hemming and hawing for a bit, the police left and the paramedics hauled the body away.


Chapter 1


I was sitting in my living room, staring at the teardrop shaped pendant named Qat.  I had a few questions.

"Qat, what is your manufacture date?"

"I was activated on October 7, 2168."

This was what I had sort of figured, but it was still a bit of a shock to hear.

"What just happened?"

"My owner arrived in a strawberry patch.  Because his shields were down during the temporal transfer, he had massive cellular damage.  I was unable to effect repairs on that level and determined that macro resuscitation techniques had a 3.7% chance of success.  They failed."

"Why did your owner transfer temporally without a shield?"

"He was being chased and ordered the transfer.  It is an experimental procedure and we were unaware of the side effects."

"How do you recharge?"

"When on Earth, I use the planet's magnetic field and don't require recharging.  When extra-planetary, I can recharge from any power source."

Extra-planetary, cool.  "What does emergency access entail?"

"You have complete access to basic functions.  All owner specific memory is secured."

"What is your ownership transfer procedure?"

"Since you have basic access, just tell me.  My owner memory is dumped, preventing any unsecured access.  I reset to factory mode, and take the DNA and encephalographic gestalt from my new owner."

"What about any third party software?"

"That remains as part of my permanent configuration."

"Then I am your new owner."

"Reset command accepted.  Please wait…"

After a few minutes I started getting worried.  Just as I was reaching for the pendant to see if there was a manual reset, it spoke. 

"Startup parameters.  Female or Male personality?"

Females are more fun.  "Female."

"Name for unit?"

The name it had before was fine.  "Qat."

"Reading owner…"

It went silent for about 15 seconds.  "Read complete.  Please wait…"

About a minute later the female voice was back, "Curios Systems 2314-54GX unit enabled, Female Personality Qat.  Owner Harry #### ####.  Ready."

Curious, I asked, "Hello Qat.  How did you know my name?"

"Hello sir.  When I copied your memory, I read your name."

Holy Shit.  "You copied my entire memory?"

"Yes.  I have an experimental hardware and software package that allows me to read, interpret, and write human memories."

"How is it possible to do that?  Aren't human memories chemically encoded?"

"By use of controlled magnetic force fields."

"Similar to the body shield?"


"Is this standard software?"

"No.  I am an experimental model developed for use by the U.S. Government."

That explained a lot.  I couldn't see just anyone with capabilities like this.  "What other special non-standard packages do you have?"

"There are over a thousand specialized packages installed.  Do you want me to list them all?"

"Uh, no thanks, not right now.  Any for physical modification?"

"Yes, I can generate chemical nanos to modify the human body.  Any changes will take several hours to implement."

I felt like a kid in a candy store.  Time to have some fun.

"I would like you to create the nanos in me for the following body mods:  physically twenty years younger; penis length 5 inches when not erect, 10 when erect; musculature of an athlete; higher metabolic rate to remove body fat."

"Most of that is covered by the standard soldier nano-pack.  Would you like to use that for the non-sexual changes?"

Sounds right.  "Yes please."

"Also there is a standard package for covert ops for the sexual changes, would you like to use that?"

Spy level sexual stamina?  "Yes please."

"I would suggest that you sit down, as this process creates an effect of tiredness."

I sat down.  The next thing I remembered was waking up the next morning having to take a piss something awful.  I jumped up from the chair and nearly hit the ceiling with my head.  My reflexes seemed to have improved as well as I twisted to the side to avoid the impact.  I wanted to stand there and marvel, but my bladder was killing me so I ran for the bathroom.

As I pissed a seemingly endless stream, I was awestruck at my new cock.  Nice…


Chapter 2


Standing there in the bathroom, I undressed.  I was pretty ripped.  With my new cock and muscles I looked pretty good.  It seemed that I had converted most of the fat to muscle.  I started thinking about what I could do.  Instant boner.  I was amazed at my 10+ inches.  Wow.

While I showered, I thought about where to start.  My thoughts immediately went to my super hot niece.  She was 5'10", 36-24-34, blonde, 16 and just plain hot.  Unfortunately she was a bit of a self-centered snot as most cute girls are.  As I considered what to do I jacked off, spraying all over the shower wall.

After I got dressed, I headed over to my sister's place.  She lived in a house that her divorce attorney had convinced a judge to make her ex give to her.  As I arrived, it was just before school got out.  I went into the house.  My sister was in the kitchen.

As I walked into the room, I said, "Qat, make her go to sleep."  My sister, Lisa, immediately sat down at the table and went to sleep.  "Qat, read in her memory and add the following, a memory of her encouraging me to spend time with Leia and Tammy (my nieces) and lots of secret fantasies of them becoming my personal Slaves.  Add in some stuff about her and me fooling around since we were teenagers, kissing and petting as well.  Write out the changes to her memory."  Tammy was 13 and just as hot as her older sister.  My sister Lisa had a beautiful pair of C cup tits that I had been dreaming about since I was 11.

"Loading…"  About 30 seconds later, "Writing…"  That took a while, almost a whole minute.  "Complete."  I reached out and shook Lisa's shoulder, "Hey sleepyhead!  Wake up!"

Lisa sat up, blinked a few times, and said, "Wow!  I really crashed.  You here to see the girls?  They'll be back from school in a few minutes."

"Yeah, but I also wanted to see you, of course."  I pulled her to me and frenched her hard, squeezing her ass as well.  As she melted against me, I realized a fantasy that I had had for 20 years.  Wow!  She was soft and sexy and had a nice long tongue!  We kept going until we heard the living room door slam.  She backed off and muttered, "That was nice.  It has been a while."  She then headed back into the kitchen, to finish whatever she was doing when I arrived, I guess.

Leia bounded into the room, her D cup breasts bouncing.  "Oh, hello Uncle Harry!  What're you doing here?"  I had to get her reprogrammed to match her mother's memories fast before there was a contradiction.

"Hey Leia.  Just stopping by with something for you.  It is up in your room."

She gave a little jump and turned and ran upstairs.  I followed.  "Qat, when she gets to her room, put her to sleep and read in her memory."  Sure enough, when I reached Leia's room, she was asleep on the bed.

Now, I had been having this fantasy for years and knew just what to do.  "Qat, here are the new memories for Leia.  If there are any contradictions in existing memories, modify them to match the new memories.  Please elaborate and add as many details as you can to these memories.  Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir."

"Ok, from the time she was born, she has loved to play and cuddle with me.  She has especially loved it when she had been a good girl, she got to suck on my cock and get the man cream she loves so much.  When she got a little older, she loved to have me stroke her legs, belly and pussy.  She remembers many orgasms from me stroking her clit and fingering her pussy.  As she started to grow breasts, she loved having me play with them and suck on her nipples.  She still loves to suck my cock and get the man cream, except that she knows what it is now.  We have never had sex, and she knows that if we ever do, she will be my permanent sex slave.  Make sure she had all the conditioning and any rewiring necessary to make that so.  Have her remember making the decision to actually do it and have sex with me.  I had told her to take a month off to make sure.  That was a month ago."

"Qat, add all the supporting details then write the changes."

"This will take several minutes of processing."

"I understand.  Let me know when you are finished."   I wandered about her room, checking out the pictures and posters that she had.  She had a really cute picture of herself in a cheerleader outfit on the dresser.  That had possibilities.

"Write complete."

Qat's announcement made me jump.  Looking over at Leia, I said, "Qat, wake her up."

Leia opened her eyes, blinked a few times, then bounced up out of the bed, exclaiming, "So what do you have for me?"

A little nervous, I said, "I hear you have been a good girl for the last month.  I have your reward."

Before I could say or react, she exclaimed, "Oh, goodie!"; sank down to her knees in front of me, and was unfastening my pants.  In seconds she had my cock out and buried to the hilt in her sweet mouth.  I had an instant hard-on, growing down her throat.  Running her tongue around my balls while she deep throated me was the most fantastic thing I had ever felt.  I was completely incoherent.  Rapidly I reached my climax and was shooting my cum into her mouth.  She pulled back so just the head was between her beautiful lips so she could taste it.  "Hmmm…" she hummed as I filled her mouth with cum.  She swished it around then swallowed.  She then licked me clean and tucked my cock back into my pants.  "I just love the taste of your man cream," she exclaimed!  "The best reward a girl could have."

Emboldened I said, "Maybe not the best reward.  Your month is up, what is your decision?"

She looked at me and said, "The same as a month ago.  I want to be yours forever."

"Good.  Let me get Tam's response, and then we can go tell your mother."

Bouncing up and down clapping her hands she shrieked, "Oh goodie!"

I had heard Tam come in a minute or two ago, so I got up and went over to her room next door.  As I walked in, she looked up at me with innocent eyes and asked, "What is Leia so excited about?"

"Qat, make similar changes to Tam that you made to Leia, editing out this response."

Tam froze, it was weird, I could almost see the changes in her eyes.  This was much quicker, I suppose because most of the processing had already been done for her sister.  Only about a minute or two passed before she animated again.  I answered her question, "She decided to belong to me now.  A month is up, what have you decided?"

She looked at me exasperatedly, rolled her eyes, and said, "Well duh, of course I want to."

"Well let's grab your sister and go tell your mom, ok?"

She eagerly jumped up from her desk and skipped over to the door where I was standing.  "Oh, Thank you uncle Harry, Thank You," she exclaimed while giving me a big hug.  I hugged her back, giving that ripe ass a squeeze, then we went over to Leia's room.

We went in and Leia took one look at Tammy and then they both squealed, hugged and started jumping around.

"Come on you two.  Let's go tell mom."  I said and headed downstairs, the two girls practically floating in glee behind me.

Lisa was still in the kitchen, it looked like she was making cookies.  "Lisa, both Leia and Tam have decided to be mine," I stated.  Lisa immediately started sobbing and collapsed down next to the counter.  "Lisa, what's wrong?"

The girls were upset, also asking what was wrong.

Lisa looked up through her tears and sobbed, "I am so happy for the girls, but what is going to happen to me?  I will be all alone."  Then she started sobbing more.

I was in shock, I hadn't even thought of that.  Then Lisa suddenly looked up and said, "Harry, take me too."

Flabbergasted, I looked at her and said, "Are you sure?"

"Y-Y-yes.  I have always regretted not accepting your offer when I was 15, and now I would like to be yours."  She threw her arms around me and sobbed into my shoulder.

"Ok, Ok.  If you are sure, I don't have any problem with it."

The girls squealed and started bouncing again.

"Ladies, give me a minute here to think."  I said and headed to the bathroom off of the kitchen as Lisa joined in with her girls with a squeal.

"Qat, how does Lisa have the memory of the question from when she was 15 if I only just added it to Leia and Tammy?"

"When I constructed a history for her, I used your fantasies to help create that history."

"Oh.  Good work.  Also, I need you to immediately add the sex conditioning to make Lisa my sex slave when she has sexual intercourse with me.  Add the youthening nanos to Lisa when she is next relaxed."

"Yes, sir."


Chapter 3


I was originally planning on taking the girls over to my place, but if Lisa was joining in, why bother?  I went back into the kitchen, grabbed Lisa's hand, and said, "Come on you three.  Let's do this."  I led them to the master bedroom, turned and said, "why don't you get ready."

They eagerly started undressing.  Since Lisa and Leia wore bras, Tam was the first to show her perfect adolescent tits.  She had beautiful puffies with a nice erect nip in the center.  Lisa and Leia shucked their bras and I was a happy man.  I had been dreaming about Lisa's tits since she was 13 and I caught a glimpse of them as she ran from the bathroom.  Except for a slight sag, they were still perfect with a nice ¾ inch nip.  Leia's tits were identical except that they were larger and firmer looking.

As I ogled their tits, the girls finished undressing.  Nice.  I just stood there with a boner pressing out in my pants and a stupid grin.  I asked them, "Who wants to go first?"  Lisa, Leia and Tam glanced at each other, and without a word, Lisa stepped forward.

Rapidly pulling off my clothes, I stepped forward and gave her a big kiss.  I could feel her pubes on my cock as we stood there and frenched.  I lowered her back onto the bed, pulled her knees up by her shoulders and slid in.

Wow!  Did that feel wonderful!  I had been dreaming about doing this for 20 years.  As I slid in, suddenly her eyes rolled back and she started having something like a seizure.  After about 30 seconds of quivering, she suddenly shrieked and passed out, her dripping pussy clamping down on my cock.  That brought me off and I filled her quim with man juice.  Leia and Tam stood there eagerly watching, slowly stroking their clits.  I saw Tam lick her lips.

I stood up, pulled Leia over next to Lisa, lifted her legs and slid in.  Her eyes rolled back like her mother's had done.  After quivering she also shrieked and passed out.  I left a load in her, got up and pulled Tam over.

She eagerly laid back and spread her legs.  Still hard as a rock, I positioned myself and slid forward into her super tight pussy, popping her cherry in the process.  Like her mom and sister, she rolled her eyes back, and started seizing, her pussy constantly squeezing my hard cock.  After I came in her wonderful quim, I stood up and looked down at the three of them, next to each other, holding their legs apart as they laid there unconscious with a little bit of white spunk slowly dripping from all three of their swollen pink vaginas.  Quite the sight.  I told Qat to take a picture for posterity.

"Sir, could you please move me over by Lisa for a minute?"

I moved the pendant over Lisa.  "Why do you need that?"

"I have just added the youthening nanos as you had asked sir.  They should take about 4 hours to complete their work."

"Good.  Thanks."

I went downstairs, relaxed and watched TV until Leia and Tam ran downstairs.  I admired their tight teen bodies.  Then they yelled, "Harry!  Mom won't wake up!"

I murmured, "Qat, is she still unconscious from the nanos?"

"Yes.  For another 10 minutes."

I said aloud, "Leia, Tam, don't worry about it.  She is just sleeping something off.  Come here you two."

It made my day when two beautiful squirmy naked teenage girls ran over and sat in my lap.  I positioned Tam and slid into place.  Leia eagerly kneeled in front of the couch between our legs and assisted us with her tongue.  It was wonderful.  Tam was moaning, grunting, and giving a cute little high pitched squeal every time she had a mini-orgasm.  I could feel Leia licking my balls and lapping up Tam's excited secretions.  Needless to say, I didn't last long, blowing a huge amount of cum onto Tam's eager cervix.  When she felt the warmth in her belly, she also came again, so hard that she almost passed out, expressing an "eeeeeee" that quivered the lamps.  I was still hard, and I came again as I felt a second tongue on my balls.  Tam passed out against my chest as I spewed into her.  I looked over her shoulder as both Leia and Lisa both licked my balls.  The two of them looked almost like twins.  Utterly fantastic.

As I let my cock slip out and relax, Leia and Lisa licked it clean then simultaneously sighed and curled up around one of my legs each, both giving me doe eyes.  I stroked their hair and they rubbed against me like kittens.


Chapter 4


Time for revenge.  My Ex, Tatiana, lived on the other side of town with her two daughters.  I hadn't seen them in ten years, but they were cute as kittens then.  They would be 15 and 20 now.  Tatiana herself was hot, that is how she convinced me to marry her.  We got back to the U.S., got married, then she dumped me and started sleeping around with everybody except me.  Then she accused me of abusing her kids so she could get her green card.  I spent two months in jail and now had to register.  She got her green card.

I left my harem at the house and went over to Tatiana's.  I asked Qat, "What is your range?"

"Just over five meters."

Hmmm, I would have to get closer than the street.  I had to be careful, I didn't want to get caught.  Maybe the direct approach.  "Qat, when we come within range of anyone in the house, put them to sleep."

"Yes, sir."

I went up to the door.  It was unlocked so I went in.  The first person I saw must have been Tanya, the older girl.  She was asleep in the front hallway.  She was also drop dead gorgeous.    In the kitchen I found Tatiana.  She was still hot.  I went upstairs.  In the second bedroom was Sonya.  She was naked, had her legs spread, and some teenager was lying on top of her buried to the balls.  She was drop dead gorgeous as well.  "Qat, is there anyone else in the house?"

"No, sir."

"Have the boy leave, and not remember ever even meeting Sonya."

"Yes, sir."  A minute later the boy walked out of the house.

"Have the three females gather in the living room."

"Yes, sir.  Please go closer to the kitchen so I can send the command."  I went down the stairs and walked back to where Tatiana was getting up and walking past me to the living room.

The three of them were sitting on the couch, out like lights.  "Qat, generate nanos to cure any diseases that they have, then release the nanos into them."

"Yes, sir.  To repair some of the damage will take up to half an hour.  The two of them have multiple diseases, the older girl, Tanya, has cervical cancer which will take considerable work to repair."

"Qat, when you have finished that, implement the following changes to the two younger girls, filling in all the details as necessary.  When we lived together, they both loved me totally and completely.  They didn't like their mother much and were very unhappy when they had to go with her.  The girls built a shrine to me and my greatness, worshipping before it several times a day.  And the way they worshipped was dreaming and telling stories about how wonderful and sexy I am, while they masturbated.  Every time they would worship, they would re-dedicate themselves to me.  They will retain all sexual knowledge, but forget any partners they have ever had.  They believe that they lost their cherries to an ice cream scoop handle not long after they set up the alter.  They have made themselves de-facto slaves and cannot ever disobey me.  They worship me and cannot even conceive of not doing so.  They hate their mother with a passion, angry at her for destroying their alters over and over.  They know to the depths of their minds that I own them, body and soul."

"As for the woman, Tatiana, make the following changes.  Add the youthening nanos and everything to the memory to support what the girls remember.  She will remember never having been sexually satisfied since her time with me.  She will begin to think about me all the time, how she betrayed me, how her pussy aches painfully in need for me constantly.  So much that she will often cry from the pain.  She will be overcome with feelings of remorse on how badly she treated me and treats her daughters.  She will go to the police and confess how she lied about me abusing the girls.  When she is out of jail, she will come to me and beg for forgiveness.  Only having sex with me can assuage her pain, and then only for a few days.  Sex with anyone else will make her pain worse.  She is now happy that I own her daughters, they can be happy and she is reassured.  The more sex she has with me, the more she acknowledges that her daughters are right and I cannot be disobeyed and I own her like I own the girls, body and soul."

"Acknowledged, sir.  It will take up to an hour for all the processing and repairs.  Please leave me here or wait until I am finished."

I sat in the easy chair and waited.  Sonya was still naked and was quite the eye candy.

The girls woke up, squealed in delight, and ran over to kneel at my feet.  I asked Tanya why she was still dressed in my presence when no one else was around.  She immediately ripped off her clothes.  "Sonya, you were properly ready for me.  You may sit on my lap."  Sonya jumped into my lap, spearing herself to the hilt.

"I love you, lord," she repeated over and over as she expertly fucked me, shuddering in delight and throwing her head back as she came, feeling my warm cum in her belly.

"Tanya, I will forgive you this once.  You may now sit on my lap."  Sonya reluctantly got up and Tanya eagerly pole sat.  She wasn't nearly as experienced as her younger sister, but she was still good.  Soon she screamed and came, much more violently than her sister.  She collapsed against me and murmured, "I love you, my lord."

I enjoyed it for a few minutes, then told them both to pack everything they had and go to my sister's house.  Qat told me that the nanos on Tatiana would finish on their own now, so I left.

 I needed some money to take care of my new harem.  I told Qat to connect to the ‘net and untraceably finding mob bank accounts and transferring them to me. 

"Done!" she said a minute later.

"That was fast.  What is the total in my account?"


"67 Trillion Dollars?  And you are sure they can't trace the transfers?"

"No.  Although I predict a high probability that they will figure it out by the statistical improbability of the account size."

"No kidding.  Create several smaller accounts of $100 million max each and spread it out.  Also open new accounts in other banks.  Keep a statistically hard to determine distribution.  Print the account numbers and PINs of ten of the accounts to my home laser printer when we are in range.  We won't use those accounts and will keep them in reserve."

Thirty seconds later, she said, "Done!".

I headed for home.  Waiting for me were my five hot young slaves.