Teen Life

By Ivan the Terror





mf, mf+, inc, mc, oral, preg

Chapter 1


I was excited when we moved to Cuthberg, I could start again where no one knew me.  I had just turned 15 and was the town nerd in the town we were from, and I hated it.  My father got a promotion and moved my mother, my 16 year old sister and me to the mid-sized town in the middle of nowhere, where the company had its headquarters because it was cheap.  Both my parents worked at the company, so my sister and I were left alone most of the day.

Now, my sister Kathy was the most drop dead sexy girl alive in or out of a centerfold.  Perfect skin, innocent face, golden blond hair, perky C cup breasts, she was the epitome of nubile and hot.  She was also dumb as a brick.  She was a bit mean as well, compensating for her lack of wits, I believe, which didn’t work out too well for me.  Unfortunately, the one thing she was good at was socializing, she was an idiot savant at that.  Within hours of moving into the new house, she had three girls over, giggling in her room.  I was next door and listened while I was unpacking.

Debbie, the tall hot brunette haired next door neighbor who was also 16, was asking, “Who was that cute boy?”  Hmmm, liked her already.

I could have strangled Kathy as she said, “Oh, that is only my nerdy brother Rod.  He’s a real dweeb.  Ignore him.”

Jasmine, the cute athletic auburn haired girl from across the street, who was also 16, and her 14 year old hottie sister Angie simultaneously said, “Okay!”

That was instantly my pigeon hole as word was passed around town.  I was still the town nerd it seemed.


Chapter 2


A few days later I was unpacking boxes when I came across Kathy’s collection of “Teen Life” magazines.  She had been looking all over for them; she treated them like a bible, doing everything that they said in every article.  Everything.  Last year she went and had her bush removed with a laser, because she read that some celebrity did so.  Looking at the pile I had an idea.  An unbelievable idea.  I hid the pile.

After finishing unpacking, I ran up to my room and went online.  Sure enough, “Teen Life” had an online archive and the current issue could be received digitally.  Perfect.  I mirrored the last five issues and the current issue.  Then, to test things, I posted them on my computer.  Then I took the app and redirected it to my computer.  Running it on my tablet, it looked like it was coming from the “Teen Life” servers.  Perfect again.  I had money from all the computer repair work that I do so I went on Amazon and ordered a new Kindle Fire.  Then I started editing.

On the current issue, I edited the articles, modifying stories like, “How to get your man”.  I added things like, “although you can attract boys easily this way, the whole problem is that you can’t trust them.  Any boy outside of your family or the families of your friends is untrustworthy.  The only boy you can trust is your brother or your friends’ brothers.  If you have a dumb jock as you brother so you can’t trust him, try the brothers of your friends.”  In the sections on style, I added the “chic geek” look as one of the new guy fashions.  I also added some skimpy outfits that I saw on a NN (non-nude) site, things like handkerchief tie-up tops, cut off t-shirts and g-strings.  I removed a letter from the letters page about an annoying sibling and added one from a girl asking the editor about who is the best person to experiment with and date; of course I put in, “Overall, the best person is your brother.”  In makeup tips, I added things like, “to make you look good for all the guys, family and otherwise.”  On the gossip page, I made up a celebrity, ‘Katherine Fox’ (deliberately similar to my sister’s name) and, taking some pics that closely resembled Kathy from a model site, used those as a picture.  I had her dating her brother, and her quote being, “I just can’t trust anyone else, and besides, he is so good in bed!  Being family, we just sync perfectly.”  I also changed all the web links in the magazine to link to my computer.

The mods took me several days since I also modified the back issues with similar article changes.  My sister was going nuts without her magazine, no local stores sold it.  Finally the Kindle came in the mail.  I charged it overnight and loaded the app onto it.  The next time my sister whined about losing her magazine (15 minutes later during breakfast); I went, got the Kindle, and handed it to her, saying, “Here is a copy of your magazine.”

Needless to say, she was ecstatic.  She actually hugged me before she ran to her room to read it.

Chapter 3


The changes started almost immediately.  The next morning she was wearing a handkerchief top!  Daaaamn!  I had trouble eating breakfast.  I had an instant boner as she bounced into the room.  She came over and hugged me, saying, “Thank you Rod for finding my Magazine for me online.”  She didn’t mention that it was on an expensive Kindle which she had in her hand.  I didn’t mind since that hug was the first time she had ever been nice to me when she didn’t have to.  The thank you yesterday would have normally been the end to it.

As I stared at her bouncing tits in the skimpy top, she was staring back at me, evaluating.  I implemented part of my plan.  “Kathy, the ‘Teen Life’ app that is on your Kindle is a bulk license.”

She looked confused, “Huh?”

“That means that you can give copies to your friends for free.”

“Really!  Cool.  Thanks again, bro.”

With any luck, pretty soon all the girls would be reading my modified version.  Since both Debbie and Jasmine only had sisters, the part about friend’s brothers should work.

After eating, she jumped up and ran out the door, with the Kindle, telling mom that she was going over to Debbie’s house.  Perfect.

The magazine was a weekly and the next edition was due out today, so I went upstairs, mirrored the next edition and revised and added several articles.  I wrote a long one from scratch talking about how popular blow jobs had become, and how it was common for siblings to practice on each other.  I added small touches like how it was almost a girl’s duty to learn them from her brother.  I didn’t say that directly, but implied it.  I put another letter in about the girl, Kate, who was told to date her brother and how much she loved dating him and loved him.  She told about how she had climbed into the shower with him as a surprise and had really had fun.  I was just putting finishing touches on a gossip article about ‘Katherine Fox’, saying that she loved to share her brother with her friends, when I heard the girls come in.

Jasmine was saying, “...know, you look just like Katherine Fox.”

Kathy was smug as she modestly said, “You really think so?”


Debbie said, “Did you see this fabu article on how to get guys?”

Kathy said, “Yeah, it is pretty good.  I think they are right.  The only trustworthy guy I have ever met is my brother.”  When I heard that I made a fist and shook it in glee.  I quickly pushed the changes to my server.

Debbie squealed, “Hey!  I just got a notice, the next edition is available!”

Jasmine and Kathy echoed her squeal and there was a pause as they clicked on their icons for the next edition.

Debbie, who was apparently a fast reader, commented, “OMG, this letter to the editor is HOT!”

Kathy said, “Let me see!”  A pause as Kathy and Jasmine clicked on the letters link.  “OMG!  That is HOT!” 

It was quiet for a minute, then Jasmine said, “That sounds like so much fun.  Kathy, you are so lucky to have a brother.”

Debbie said, “Yeah, you are.”  I could tell Kathy was preening.  Debbie went on, “Kathy, it says that Katherine Fox shares her brother with her friends, can we borrow yours?”

A long pause, “I suppose.  But I get him first, he is MY brother.”

Debbie and Jasmine chorused, “Of course!”

At this point a cell phone rang.  Jasmine said, “Yes, Mom.  I will be right home.”  A second later, “Girls, gotta run.  Dinner.”

Debbie said, “Yeah, and if she is having dinner, my mom is at the same time.  I gotta go too.”

They both said, “Bye!” and I heard them trample down the stairs.

Since mom was working, Kathy and I were alone in the house.  I went over to her room and stuck my head in.  “Hey, Kath, I’m making up some Mac and Cheese.  You want any?”

She stared at me distractedly for a minute, then said, “Sure!”

At dinner she slowly picked at her Mac and Cheese.  After ten minutes she looked up at me and gave me her patented puppy dog look, big eyes and all.  “Rod, could you help me with a problem?”

“Sure, what?”

“This is hard to ask.”  She looked down for a moment.  “I can’t trust anyone except you.”

“I’m your brother, you can always trust me.”  There, that would fit in perfectly with the Rod edition of ‘Teen Life’.

She looked up, bit her lip, then asked, “I need to practice certain things...  things that I can’t do with anyone else.”

I frowned, “What kind of things?  You need a spotter for cheerleading or a dance partner?”  I was being deliberately obtuse.

“Well, yes, those would be great, but that isn’t what I mean.”  She hesitated.  “I need to learn boy/girl things, like...  how to give a good blowjob.”

“Of course!  Who else can you trust to teach you right and not tell everyone?”  I managed to make it sound perfectly normal even while I was internally screaming, ‘Yes, Yes, Yes!’.

She relaxed and looked relieved.  “Oh, thank you, Rod!”

I couldn’t believe she was thanking me!  Time for another reinforcement, “You are always welcome.  That sort of thing is what brothers are for.”

She got up, came over and hugged me, rubbing those delicious tits on my chest, saying, “You are such a good brother.”

I was hoping she would immediately want to practice, but she jumped up and skipped out of the room.

Chapter 4


I had forgotten the “letter to the editor”, so I was very surprised when I was taking my evening shower and I felt arms wrap around me and breasts pressed against my back while a head rested on my right shoulder.  I was instantly hard as diamond, my seven inches of man meat sticking straight out, so hard that I looked like I was circumcised.

Kathy whispered into my ear, “Can I practice now?”

I gulped and said, “Of course.”

Her hands slid down my front and wrapped around my equipment.  She tugged and I turned around.  That was a sight to see.  The most perfect bod in the world, water coursing down over erect nipples, down the soft perfect abs and over her hairless snatch and down those fantastic legs.  Like the Grinch’s heart, my hard-on grew three sizes that day.  Kathy murmured, “So hard yet so soft… beautiful.”  She knelt and in an unbelievable unforgettable moment that was way too short, slowly licked the tip of my hard swollen cock with her long pink tongue.  I groaned and a spurt of pre-cum shot out and landed on her tongue.  She licked her lips and said, “Hmmm, tasty.”  Then she started playing with my balls with one hand while pumping my cock with her other hand, slurping in my cock head and wrapping her tongue around it.  She pulled back for a second and murmured, “Kate was right, this is the most fun I have ever had.”

In order to maintain my faux ignorance, I asked, “Who?”

“Oh, nothing.”  She slurped down my cock again.

I gasped, “You are fantastic at this.”

She said with her mouth full of my cock, “Bwe uped to pwactice width bananaths awt sweepowers.”

“Lucky bananas.”

She looked up at me, then leaned forward, sliding my cock deep into her mouth and down her tight throat, while simultaneously licking all over my cock with her extra long tongue.  Soon she had me deep throated as her lips hit the base of my hard dick.  And she stayed there, licking my cock shaft in her mouth, her throat squeezing my crown, for a good two minutes.  She pulled back for a second, smiled and said, “We used to time ourselves.  I hold the record at two minutes, twenty seconds.”  Then she slid forward and buried me in her throat again.  That was the final straw, I started cumming like there was no tomorrow, a constant stream directly down her throat.  She pulled back a bit and let the thick white cum fill her mouth.  She swallowed and swallowed.  As I leaned back on the shower tiles in exhaustion, she gasped, “That was so delicious!  Yum!”  She looked up at me and said, “Thank you.  You know, we need to do this a lot.”

I gasped, “That is what brothers are for.  Anytime, Sis.”

She got up, smiled, licked her lips, and then got out of the shower!  Arragh!  I was still painfully hard.  I had to jack off twice before I got out myself.

Chapter 5


Every evening for the next few days she would join me in the shower, give a fantastic blow job, then leave.  Even with the blow jobs, I was really getting a case of blue balls.  I started preparing articles for the next Teen Life issue.

I had to be careful, if it got too weird or explicit, the girls would turn away, but I needed to fuck Kathy in the worst way.  I wrote a letter from Kate, the shower girl, describing how she was blowing her brother when he spun her around, bent her over against the wall, and fucked her royally.  He had taken her to her bedroom and they had made love for hours.  It was the most wonderful experience of her life.  Then I did an update on the celebrity Katherine Fox, on how she had really bonded with her friends and really enjoyed sharing her brother.  She was quoted, “Hell, we don’t even need condoms, he’s my brother so he is clean.”

My blue balls were getting really painful by the time the next issue came out.  I immediately started editing, adding in my prepared articles, deleting a letter from some girl that was bitching about her brother bothering her.  It was then that my email beeped.  Taking a quick glance, it was a letter to the editor from my sister!  Good thing I changed the links.  I started reading.  “OMG, I just have to tell you how much your magazine has helped me.  Last week, I slipped in the shower with my brother, and it was the most wonderful thing ever!  And you are right, it was perfect, we were so in sync.  I have fallen so in love with Rod, my brother.  I have had to stop myself from doing everything he says, he is so wonderful.  He’s the perfect brother.  Thanks. Kathy.”

I quickly added her letter to the issue I was compiling.  I put in this response.  “Kathy, we love that you love our magazine.  We are thrilled at your perfect relationship.  We wonder though, why are you stopping yourself from obeying your one true love?  Sincerely, Regina, Editor, Teen Life.”

I posted the new issue right after dinner.  I heard a squeal in the next room.  A minute later I heard a scream and she shouted, “OMG, THEY USED MY LETTER!”  A couple of happy squeals later I could hear her on the phone talking rapidly to her friends.  The hit counter on the server went crazy.  There were a lot more than just Debbie and Jasmine reading the magazine.  Cool.

All this time I was wondering, just how stupid is she? That letter got included in the issue within an hour of her sending it.  Impossible for a real magazine.  I think at this point she was so conditioned that she never questioned what was written in Teen Life.  I wondered about her friends.  They had only been reading it for two weeks now and were already taking it as absolute truth.  Jasmine was dumb like Kathy, but Debbie actually had some brains.  It must be some sort of peer pressure, and once they are hooked, they are hooked.  That is the only thing I could figure out.

A few hours later, I felt Kathy’s arms go around me in the shower.  Before she started her blow job, I spun around, cupped her beautiful face, and kissed her hard.  She melted in my arms and kissed me back.  I made out with her for a minute with lots of tongue, then, like the story, spun her around, leaned her forward against the wall so her perfect behind was before me, lined myself up with her very wet (not from the shower) bare cunt, and slowly slid in.  It was smooth, warm, and I could feel her muscles squeezing up and down my cock.  It was the most wonderful feeling ever.  She must of loved it as well, because I had my hands on her hips and I felt her tighten up and gasp as I slid in.  I pulled out so only my head was in her wonderful quim.  As I slid in again, the she repeated her orgasm.  With every thrust she let out a cute squeak.  Every couple of thrusts she let out a longer squeal as she had a mini-orgasm.  Soon I was thrusting as hard and fast as I could, I could feel my balls tightening up as I reached my peak and came, coating her cervix with white baby batter.  She felt the warmth in her belly and let out a long squeal as every muscle tensed and she came hard.  She almost passed out as she collapsed.  I caught her and eased her down so she didn’t hurt herself on the porcelain tub.  She ended up with her ass in the air.  What a beautiful sight, that perfect ass and the dripping cream pie in her bare cunt below it.

Kathy turned around and hugged my legs and started sobbing.  “Rod, I love you so much!”

I stroked her hair and said, “I love you too, Kat.”  She sobbed harder.  I kneeled down and took her in my arms and she sobbed happily on my shoulder. 

She sobbed, “I don’t know why I am crying so much, I am so happy!”

I let her sob for a bit; then I said, “I think you will join me tonight.”

“Really?  Oh, Rod, I love you so much!”

I cupped her face and kissed her hard again.  Then I reached behind me, turned off the water and stepped out of the shower.  I pulled a towel off the rack and dried her off.  I handed her the towel and she dried me, lovingly making sure my cock was dry.  I turned and walked naked to my room, Kathy following like a puppy dog.  I laid down on my bed, and she immediately straddled me in the cowgirl position, sinking down until we were completely merged.