Summer Camp

By Ivan the Terror

Chapter 1: The Plan

My sister and I were playing a game of cards as we are wont to do after school, when my mom came into my room and announced, "Your father and I are going on a trip this summer, we will be gone three weeks."  I, being 16 years old, immediately starting thinking about the great summer we would be having, parties and staying out all night!  Looking over at my 13-year-old sister, I could see the same thoughts dancing in her eyes.

"I will take good care of Alice, and I hope that you and dad will enjoy the trip", I said.

"We are sending you two to summer camp over at camp Wantahoochie", she replied.

I felt really disappointed and asked, "Don't you trust us"?

"Yeah, don't you trust us?" echoed my kid sister.

"You must be nuts to think that I would leave two teenagers alone in house for three weeks", she replied, "here are the applications, please fill them out."  With that, she stomped out of the room.

"Chris, I don't wanna go to camp!" whined my sister....

I guess that I should explain why my sister was talking to me about this.  Our father works for the government, and is away from home almost all of the time.  And since he gets government pay, our mother needs to work as well, so no one is around the house very often, and I have sorta raised Alice on my own.

...anyways, I replied, "I guess we don't have any choice.  Maybe we can find some way to have fun at camp.  Let's see what these applications say."  Looking over the applications we could see that there wasn't much to them, the name, gender, and a check box on the bottom stating, "Check here if you are over age 15, and would like to be a Cabin Leader.  You would be responsible for taking care of a cabin, maintaining discipline, and would get paid a small wage".  Alice got a far away look in her eyes.

"What are you thinking?" I asked, knowing that look.

"What if you were my Cabin Leader?" she said thoughtfully.

"I can't.  I'm a guy and you are a girl, I can't be a counselor for a cabin of girls, it wouldn't be allowed."

"Spell your name K-r-i-s instead of C-h-r-i-s and check the box for female", she stated, "I bet that they don't even check."  I still looked doubtful, so she added, "I will help you, and you can wear one of my bras, padded, of course!"

"No way sis," I exclaimed!  "There is no way that you are going to get me to wear a bra!"

However, she knows me very well, so she then added, "And you will be in charge of and living with 5 girls for six weeks."  That decided me.

I ran downstairs and asked mom if I could be a counselor.  I mentioned that I would get paid.  Being very money oriented, she loved the idea.  I didn't mention that it would be for a girl's cabin!  I ran back upstairs where Alice and I filled in the forms, sealed them in an envelope, and gave it back to mom.  She didn't even read it, just stuck it in her purse to be mailed.

Chapter 2: Off to Camp

It was the day before leaving for camp.  I had been growing my hair for the last two months so that it was down over my ears, kinda like the haircuts tomboys wear.  My sister had lent me some of her bras and helped me try them on with some Kleenexes for padding.  She had fun playing dress up with them on me, she kept running her hands over my biceps and big shoulders (from swimming) and giving me funny looks. I have to admit that it was kinda sexy to be wearing girl's underwear!  Turning, I looked in the mirror and couldn't believe what I saw!  Looking back at me was a girl, albeit very muscular and tomboyish!

The next morning mom drove us to the parking lot of Sears where the buses were picking us up.  She dropped us off, giving the usual, "Have fun, I love You!" with hugs and a kiss on the cheek.  After she drove off, and before anybody saw us, we quickly headed inside the department store to the bathroom.  Making sure that nobody was looking, Alice dragged me into the girl's room.  I went into a stall and put on my outfit.  I came out of the stall and looked in the bathroom mirror (nice and clean - Men's rooms are never like that!).  I saw myself and started having second thoughts.

At that point two girls came in to the bathroom.  They looked like they were about 13, like my sister who was waiting outside.  "This sweatshirt is way to hot!" one of the girls exclaimed.  She was blonde and pretty, with a near perfect figure.  Her friend was brunette, with that sexy catlike look some girls have, the skimpy tank top that she was wearing certainly didn't hide anything!  The blonde tossed her bag down on the diaper-changing table.  Then her brunette friend noticed me standing there in front of the mirror.

"Hi!  My name is Sandy."


"I'm Tammy," the sexy blonde said, "are you heading to camp Wantahoochie?"

"Yes, I am leader for the Muskrat cabin", I stammered, as Tammy was taking off her sweatshirt!  Talk about a perfect body!  Nice flat belly, and as she lifted up her sweatshirt, I noticed that she didn't have a bra on!  Not that she needed one with those perfect conical breasts, not sagging or drooping at all, just tight and firm like young tits should be!  I decided then and there that I was actually going to go through with this.

"We're in the Muskrat cabin!" exclaimed Sandy, as Tammy rummaged around in her bag.  Nice back too!

"Really!" I said, "We are going to have such fun!"  Thinking, if only they knew!  Unfortunately, Tammy found a halter-top and put it on.  Fortunately, it was tight across the front.

My sister then came into the bathroom.  "I'd like you to meet my sister, Alice", I said, "She is also going to be in Muskrat cabin."

"Cool."  "Narly."

"Nice meetin' ya", my sister said, "Let's go get on the bus."  And as they walked out, sexy asses wiggling, Alice whispered in my ear, giggling, "You'd better take care of that!", and pointed down.  I then noticed that I had a raging hardon.  Fortunately the girls hadn't noticed.  Alice followed the girls out, smirking behind her hand, while I dived for the stall to rearrange myself.

Chapter 3: Arrival

We arrived at camp about 12:30.  What a miserable day, it was raining cats and dogs.  The buses pulled in and one of the camp counselors climbed in and said, "Because of the weather, orientation will have to wait until tomorrow.  Please just go to your cabin, and dinner will be brought to you."

Alice and I dashed to where our soggy map said the Muskrat cabin was.  It was a small cabin, at the edge of the camp, with a nice porch over the water.  We quickly ran inside.  The other 4 girls were already there.  Besides Sandy and Tammy, there was a familiar looking cute redhead with large tits who looked older (but couldn’t be), and another blonde girl who looked like she was 11.  The cabin had five beds laid out next to each other, with one by itself in a small space by the door.

Pulling out my checklist that the counselor had given me on the bus, I went down the list.  "Okay girls, for those of you I haven't met, my name is Kris."

"And I'm Tammy", said Tammy.

"I'm Alice, Kris' sister," said Alice.

"I'm Peggy," said the cute blonde 11 year old.

"I'm Candi," said the redhead.

"Well, I'm supposed to be in charge here, so let's see what we have to do," I said.

The first thing was that I had to have the bed by the door.  No problem, I thought, since I needed a little privacy anyway.

The next thing mentioned was the lights out at 10:00.  There was some whining at that, but I quickly gave them the impression that I wouldn’t be too stringent about that.

We quickly went down the list, just a bunch of standard stuff, the last thing was the daily schedule, it said that the dinner wouldn't be served until 6:00.

"That's over 5 hours away," exclaimed Candi!

"I'm sure that we can come up with something to do here," I said.  "How about a nice game?"

"What do you have in mind?" asked my sister, knowing me.

"How about a nice game of cards?"

"Some cribbage?" asked Tammy, hauling out a board from her backpack.

"How 'bout Truth or Dare?" suggested Peggy, surprising us all.  We looked at each other slowly, and with a few grins, agreed.

After moving the beds around the room to leave an open space in the middle, we sat down in a circle.  Candi said that Peggy would go first since it was her idea.  She giggled and glanced around the circle, and settled on Alice.

"Alice, Truth or Dare?"


"Have you ever kissed a boy?" Peggy asked.

"Yes." said Alice, "My turn."  She immediately looked at me and asked, "Truth or Dare?"

Not wanting to wait forever, I decided to get this game going.  "Dare."

"Nobody picks dare on the second turn!" said Sandy.  The girls debated this for a few minutes and decided to allow it.

Alice then dared, "I dare you to kiss Tammy on the lips."  She gave me a look while she said this, since she knew that the other girls thought that I was a girl as well, and would think that this was a normal dare.  Tammy protested, "But I wasn't dared!", but all of the girls agreed that she would have to do it.  I got up and went over to Tammy.  Thinking of her great body as observed earlier in the restroom, I leaned down and kissed her quickly on the lips.  The other girls giggled as I returned to my spot.

"Candi, truth or dare?"


Wanting to get a look at her big bust I said, "I dare you to take off your top and hug Peggy, topless."  She thought about this for a moment, then pulled off her tube top.  Talk about nice tits!  Firm and upthrust, her aureoles were the size of old fashioned silver dollars.  She went over to Peggy and hugged her, then went back to her spot.

The girls decided at this point that only dares would be allowed.

"Tammy, I dare you to moon us," said Candi.  I immediately got uncomfortable as I got a big boner.  Fortunately I had arranged myself earlier and it didn't show much.  Tammy got up, turned around, and pulled down her pants.  She then pulled down her panties for a second and pulled them back up.  She turned and sat down wearing only a T-shirt and her panties.  When she sat down I could see a dark outline in her panties.  I had trouble dragging my eyes away from her.  I looked around and saw Candi, who hadn't put her top back on.  Oh, decisions, decisions.

Tammy thought for a second, then asked Peggy to front moon us.  Peggy got up and pulled down her shorts, then flashed down the front of her panties.  She didn't have much hair yet, but she had a huge clit, I could see the lips protruding from her crack.  Peggy sat down and looked at me.  "Kris, I dare you rub your butt with Alice's butt."

Alice and I looked at each other.  Alice was really pretty, she looked like a miniature Kathy Ireland.  Thinking about it, I had no problems with doing that, even though she was my sister, so I stood up.  Alice stood up and took off her shorts and panties.  I turned my back to her, pulled down the back of my pants and stuck my butt out.  We rubbed butts, while the rest of the girls giggled.  Alice didn't say anything, she just looked thoughtful.  Alice sat down, but didn't put her panties again.  I hadn't realized what a nice bush my sister had, having last seen her nude when she was 9.

Looking around, I noticed that Sandy hadn't had a dare yet.  She had been kinda hiding off to the side.  "Sandy, you haven't had a dare yet!  I'm going to have to think of a good one."  I sat and thought for a minute, trying to decide how much I could get away with.  Sandy sat up straight as all of the girls looked at her, thrusting her great curvaceous tits against her loose tank top.  This gave me an idea.  "I dare you to do a strip tease!"

Sandy flushed, and Alice jabbed me in the side with her elbow.  "Okay..." Sandy muttered and stood up.  Slowly gyrating, she started pulling her tank top up.  She, unlike most of the girls, was wearing a bra.  She then unbuttoned her skirt at the side and removed it.  I was starting to have trouble breathing.  As she turned her back to me and unsnapped her bra and pulled it off, then turned in my direction, I actually stopped breathing for a minute.  She easily had the most perfect pair of tits that I had ever seen.  Hard and upthrust, with tiny aureoles, and long pointy nipples.  She then reached down and started pulling down her panties.  About this time I heard the other girls, "Go Sandy!", "Remove it Sandy!" with some cheering.

Sandy pulled down her panties, and gyrated a few times.  By now I think that she was having fun.  I certainly was.  As she walked back to her seat, still completely nude, she glanced over in my direction and gave a little start.  She went back to her spot and sat down.

At this point, I said that I had to go to the bathroom and got up, carefully facing the opposite direction from the girls and quickly headed for the latrine.  My hard-on had gotten so big that it couldn't be hidden anymore.  I got into the latrine and pulled down my pants and started stroking myself, knowing that it wouldn't take long.

"I thought so!" said a voice behind me.  I quickly pulled my pants up and looked over my shoulder.  Sandy stood in the doorway, hands on her hips, with a determined look on her face.

"H-Hi Sandy," I stuttered, hoping she hadn't seen anything (or everything).

"You're a guy, aren't you?" she said.  And reached over and yanked down my shorts before I could stop her.  "Wow!" she exclaimed.  By this point I was easily at 9 inches.  "You certainly are!  What are you doing as a cabin leader on a girl's cabin?"

I explained that my sister didn't want to be alone, and so we had come up with the idea of my playing a girl.  Sandy started to look thoughtful.  "I won't tell, if you will help me out."

Not wanting to sound desperate, I said, "With what?"

She went on to explain that she had been feeling left out in school, not knowing much about boys.  As she was saying this, she was staring at my hard on.

"I believe I can help you with that," I said, trying hard not to show my eagerness.  "Come over here."

Sandy slowly walked over to me, still staring at my cock.  I took her hand and placed it on my penis.  Just having her hand there practically made me cum! Her eyes were huge, and she slowly said, "Man, your cock is hard!  What do I do now?"

I gently took her chin and turned her head up towards me.  I kissed her for a moment, then kissed her harder and started using my tongue.  A soft "moan!" erupted from her lips.  She was squeezing my cock slowly all the while.  I reached over and tweaked her large erect nipple, and she practically fell over, moaning.

Suddenly from the house came a yell, "The food is coming!"

I hugged her, squeezed her ass, and whispered in her ear, "Later."

"You had better believe it!" she whispered back, giving my cock a final pull as she turned and headed back towards the cabin, her fantastic rear end outlined under her skirt.  I pulled up my pants and followed, after thinking about quadratic equations for a minute to get my cock to relax.

Chapter 4: The First Night

After an unappetizing meal of soggy grilled cheese, since it was already dark outside, the girls decided to hit the sack.  I had a moment of panic, trying to figure out what I was going to sleep in (I normally sleep in the buff), and how I was going to change inconspicuously.  Alice came to the rescue, saying that she and I would take the latrine first.  She surreptitiously handed me one of her nightshirts, and a pair of panties.

Out in the latrine we changed clothes.  Fortunately the nightshirt was one of those which goes down to the knees.  As Alice was changing I noticed that she had a great pair of tits, just the perfect size for cupping in my palms.  By this point, I was so horny that I was getting excited at everything.  Alice was giving me looks while we were changing as well.

After everybody was in the sack, I turned out the lights and went into my cubical.  I climbed under the covers and took off the panties since they were a bit tight.

I was just drifting off when I felt something on my shoulder.  I reached over and grabbed it - it was somebody's hand!  I heard a little "yelp!" and then a whisper in my ear, "Kris, it's me, Sandy."  Instant boner time.  "I am getting cold, mind if I climb in with you?"

"Sure," I whispered quickly.

I couldn't believe it!  She climbed in, and I could feel her bare tit on my arm!  She was completely in the buff!  I was so excited that I didn't know what to do.  Fortunately, my hormones did.  I quickly pulled off my nightshirt, then pulled her to me.  I had never held a nude girl before, what a wonderful feeling!  I could feel her pointy nips pressing into my chest, and I could feel her bush against the top of my cock.  Her smooth teenage legs were wrapped around my legs, and her gorgeous face was only an inch from mine.  I quickly rectified that situation with a long french kiss.

Unable to wait any longer, I slowly kissed down her neck towards her stiff erect breasts.  She was moaning slightly, and as I suddenly licked her luscious large right nipple, she screamed!

"Wha...?" "Who yelled?" "Ungh?" were the comments that came from the main room.  Before Sandy and I could do anything, the light came on and the rest of the girls were standing over the bed.  Sandy pulled the covers over her head in embarrassment, which, unfortunately, uncovered my raging hard-on.

A collective shriek went up.  "You're a boy?" asked Tammy.  I was a little to embarrassed and busy trying to cover myself up to answer.

Alice had no such problems.  "Yes, he's my brother.  I asked him to be in my cabin because I didn't know anybody."

Tammy was all for turning me in immediately.  Alice begged them not to.  Sandy joined in begging Tammy not to turn me, worrying about how much trouble she would be in, after all, she was found in bed with me!  I wisely stayed quiet and let them hash it out.  Candi and Peggy whispered to each other for a minute, then joined Sandy and Alice.  I don't think that Tammy really wanted to turn me in, it was just her indoctrinated sense of propriety that wanted to, so she was easily convinced, with a thoughtful look on her pretty face.  "Ok."

At that point everybody went back to bed, Sandy whispering "Tomorrow" in my ear and streaking back to bed, her great ass twinkling.  Now that everybody was aware that I was a guy this would be an even more interesting summer camp vacation!

Chapter 5: Nothing to do

The girls really went to helping me maintain my masquerade with a passion.  I survived the next few days without incident.  Sandy wasn't able to find a time to visit me alone in all of this time, and I was getting a real case of blue balls from frustration.  Having five semi naked sexy girls around me all of the time wasn't helping either.

I was trying to relieve the pressure a little in the cabin while all of the girls were off swimming.  I obviously couldn't go swimming wearing a girls swimsuit, so Tammy forged a doctor's slip to get me out of it (her dad was a general practitioner).  I had my eyes shut dreaming of the time with Sandy.  Then I head a slight grunt, right in front of me!

I snapped my eyes open, and there stood Alice.  She had her eyes glued to my hard-on, and was rubbing her left tit and had her right hand down the front of her jeans!  "Alice!" I exclaimed.

"Wow!" was all she said, and suddenly reached out and grabbed my cock!  It felt so good, and I was so shocked that I didn't do anything!  She knelt on the edge of the bed and started stroking up and down.  I guess that she had watched me before and so knew how.  She stroked for a minute or two, and started muttering, "Yes, yes, YES!"

All of a sudden I came!  Gobs of cum landed all over her face and front.  She looked a bit startled.  "Sis, that was wonderful!"

She knelt there for a minute, then got up, trying to think of something to say.  "Well.... I had to do something," she said brightly.  "You were going to expose everything!"

"Give me a break.  You enjoyed that almost as much as I did," I replied.

"Well, yes."

"But you didn't cum."


"Do you want some help?" I asked hopefully.

She looked at me in shock for a minute, and then whispered, "Yes."

"Come here."

She came over and I pulled her face to mine and kissed her, hard.  She froze for a second, then started giving as much as she got.  I reached out and unbuttoned her white blouse.  Shoving the blouse back I exposed her great young breasts, firm and conical.  The nipples where large and puffy from the excitement and from her earlier rubbing.  Slowly, as to not frighten her away like a skittish colt, I licked my way down to her right tit.  Using my tongue, I lightly licked in circles around the nipple as her areola shrank and her nipple got even larger.  Alice was moaning and making kind-of a hiccupping sound.

I positioned my tongue under the highly erect nipple and slowly drew it upwards.

“Arragh!” she exclaimed, arching her back and pounding her fists on the bed under us as she came, massively.  I reached over and pinched the other nipple as I started to suck on the one.  She started jumping around the bed like she was having a seizure, cumming again and again.  Not wanting to overdo it, I stopped after about the sixth cum.

All she could say was “Wow!” then she fell immediately asleep.  I went and got a washcloth and cleaned up her front (a fun job altogether), then covered her up with the blanket and then went out to watch the girls swimming.

Chapter 6: Camp Activities

Being a summer camp, there were all the usual activities, swimming, volleyball, tennis, and, of course, the summer hike.  Each of the cabins took turns going on the hike so we were alone way out in the woods for several days.  Fortunately the hike was laid out and the campsite was prepared so we didn’t have to do much work except to set up the tent.  This tent was huge and could sleep 8-10 people, so we had only one.  I was looking forward to this!

After leaving the main camp and starting the hike, we stopped at the first open spot and I removed my girl outfit.  Since they all knew I was a guy, I was going to take a break from acting for a few days.  All of the girls watched me as I pulled off my shirt and removed the padded bra.  I had been a little shy and this was the first time they had really been around me (except Alice of course) since the incident with Sandy.  I saw that each and every one of them were grinning as I removed my accoutrements, so I grinned back making eye contact with each of them as I pulled my shirt back on.

Continuing up the trail, I let Alice lead (she was actually better at reading maps than I was), and I took up the tail of the column.  Immediately in front of me was Sandy, who was wearing a pair of shorts like the ones popular in the late 80s, with the cheeks cut high.  Now that was fun to watch!  I spent all morning just following that fine ass!  Sandy knew it too, she deliberately wiggled it several times.

I couldn’t take it any more, so I pulled up close to her, hugged her from behind, making sure she could feel my hard cock pressing into her buns, and whispered, “We have unfinished business, you and I.”

She pressed her butt back at my cock and whispered back, “Tit for tat, later.”  And moved ahead.

At lunch we had the prepared trail mix.  The girls gathered in a group on the other side of the meadow and whispered and giggled for a good 45 minutes, sneaking glances at me all the while.  I finally had to rouse them and get them going so that we would make camp by dark.

We got to the campsite at around 4:00.  Setting up the tent with 5 giggling girls was fun but time consuming, we had the tent up and logs for the campfire by 6:30.

As we sat around the fire roasting marshmallows, Peggy surprised me by suggesting another game of Truth or Dare.  All of the other girls immediately agreed, making me wonder exactly what they were discussing that afternoon.  I, of course, agreed to play as well.  Tammy then piped in, “Same rules as last time!”  Which meant that only dares would be allowed.   Ok.

Since she had suggested the game, Peggy went first.  â€œCandi, I dare you to remove your shirt.”  My kinda game!  Without argument, Candi pulled off her top, exposing her large breasts (for a 13 year old) enclosed in a petite little bra that looked like it would break under the strain any time.  She then turned to Sandy and dared her to do the same.  This was obviously planned.  I didn’t mind since the only one with a bra was Candi.  In two minutes all of the girls were topless and it was Peggy’s turn again.  She turned to me and dared me to remove my top.  No problem.  But it was now my turn!

Knowing that topless was what they had planned, I decided to go a step further.  Alice was the most raunchy of the bunch (probably because I had raised her), so I turned to her and dared, “Alice, I dare you to remove all of your clothes!”

She looked at me for a minute, then grinned and removed her shorts and panties.  She had a nice light down above her slit, and a hairless pussy, beautiful!  She then turned to Tammy and dared her to go nude.  Tammy protested (being the conservative), but the other girls piped up and convinced her.  I had the feeling that the plan was that what one girl did, the others would have to do too.  I think that they were all curious and a little horny.  I know I sure was!  Tammy slowly stripped then sat down next to Alice.  They looked like a pair of twins – same age, same peach fuzz.  Tammy then turned to Sandy and dared her.

Sandy started a striptease like none I had ever seen before (not that I had seen too many), wiggling her hips, puckering her derrière, slowly sliding her shorts then her undies down while the other girls cheered.  She had more hair than Alice and Tammy, but still had a nude pussy!  Nice!  With a flourish, she sat down and dared Candi.

Without fanfare, Candi reached up and removed her bra.  Perfect upthrust C cup tits with puffies.  I could see some of the other girls eyeing her enviously.  She then pulled down her shorts and undies simultaneously showing the hairiest bush I had ever seen.  Flaming red to match her hair, it covered so much it looked like she was wearing red panties!  I heard a couple of “Wows!” from the girls when they saw this.  Candi sat down with a knowing grin and then turned to Peggy.

For some reason, I was most interested in watching Peggy.  Maybe it was the totally innocent look of hers.  Or maybe it was that gigantic clit I remembered from the first game.  Anyway, I watched with fascination as Peggy pulled off her shorts and undies.  Yup, she still had that huge clit protruding from her hairless lips.  I should have been expecting what happened next, because she turned to me and dared me!

Thinking of the directions the game could go after this, I rapidly shed my shorts and underwear.  All of the girls were staring with fascination at my hard cock, all 9½ inches.  After staring for a minutes, they realized that I was staring back, and it was my turn!  Tammy looked a little scared, but the other girls looked eager to continue.

Chapter 7: Outing

Sandy owed me one, so she got the next dare.  â€œI dare you to come over here, climb in my lap, and French kiss me for 1 minute.”  She eagerly got up, ran over, straddled my lap so that my cock was rubbing against her slit, wrapped her arms around me, and sank into a nice French kiss.  As our tongues dueled, I reached around her and grabbed her fantastic ass.  A faint “Oh!” escaped from her lips as they were sealed to mine, and she snuggled even closer.

Exactly at one minute, Alice said, “Times up!”  I think that she was a little jealous remembering our nice kiss two days before.  She jumped into my lap just as Sandy got up, and rubbing her cunt on my hard cock, started a nice French kiss.  I could feel the cock head hitting her clitoris on every down swing and she started moaning like crazy.

All too soon, Peggy said, “Times up!” and scrambled into my lap.  She rubbed that huge clit of hers all over my cock while grunting.

Rapidly Candi jumped in after shouting “Times up”.  She lowered herself onto my lap, and to my surprise, when my cock hit her slit, she kept going!  She continued to lower herself until I was in her to the hilt.  I was so surprised that I couldn’t do anything except feel that wonderful warm pussy engulf my cock as she took my virginity.  I could vaguely hear the other girls going “Wow!” and “Holy…!” in the background, but wasn’t paying attention.  Candi obviously wasn’t a virgin, as she leaned forward and started the French kiss.

After the minute, she suddenly stood up.  â€œGah” was about all I could say.  â€œYour turn,” she said to Tammy who was standing there with her jaw dropped.  Tammy didn’t move so Candi gave her a little shove.  Tammy walked over like a robot and climbed in my lap, not taking her eyes off of my erect wet cock.  She positioned herself so that her pussy was rubbing my cock, then started French kissing me.

By this time I wanted more, so I started rubbing my cock up and down her slit, pressing in a bit whenever I was directly under her hole.  Tammy started muttering; “Yes, yes, yes…” while the other girls started cheering her on.  Suddenly she stopped moving, opened her eyes, looked into my eyes, and then let all of her weight come down.  She bit her lip as I felt my cock slowly enter her tight sheath.  For an instant I felt resistance, then with a slight “Ow!” from Tammy she suddenly sunk down to the hilt.  She started moving up and down, moaning and clenching her fists.  She started to speed up, and I couldn’t hold it any longer.  I began to cum like crazy, pumping what felt like a quart of cum into her clasping pussy.  She felt me cumming and came herself, letting out a silent scream, arching her back, then collapsing against me.

Everybody, including Candi, sat there with their jaws hanging open for a good five minutes.

“My turn!” I said.  This raised an immediate protest.

“You went last!”

“But, you then dared each other!”

The girls got together and started whispering amongst themselves, all except for Tammy who just sat in my lap half asleep with a big satisfied grin on her face.  They finally decided to let me take another turn.

“I dare all of you girls to dress as you are now for the rest of the campout!”  I had thought about this and hoped they would go for it.

They started whispering amongst themselves again, finally Alice looked over and said, “Only if you do it too!” with a big grin on her face.

Three days with 5 beautiful naked girls?  Of course I would!  â€œSure!”

Chapter 8: Bedtime

It was getting dark, so I said, “Time for bed.”  I gently nudged Tammy off of my lap, poured sand on the fire to dampen it, and then went into the tent.  Candi followed me in and said, “I need a little help here,” gesturing toward her pussy, which was making her bush soaking wet.  Always glad to oblige, I told her to turn around.  â€œWhat?”

“Turn around.”  She turned around.

“Get on your hands and knees.”  She did so.  I came up behind her with my hard-on sticking out, positioned myself, and then rammed forward up to the hilt.

She screeched and clasped the sleeping bag under her in her fists.  I then heard cheering.  Looking up I saw the other girls watching from the tent flap.  I grinned at them and started ramming, Candi screeching with every ram.  Suddenly her pussy clamped down on my cock and she froze, letting out a scream that was so loud and high pitched that I could see the camp lantern vibrating with it.  The other girls started clapping.

“Get in here and get to bed,” I told them.  I went back and sat on my bag while the girls came in, taking stock again.  I was enjoying sitting there with my hard-on while the girls came into the tent with big eyes.

The girls settled down fairly quickly, Tammy and Candi falling asleep almost immediately, the rest of the girls soon afterwards.

I awoke the next morning to the feel of a girl snuggling up to me.  I was curled up and some girl was curled up against me with her back to my chest.  What really interested me was my hard cock pressing in-between her cheeks.  Looking down I saw the blond hair and realized Tammy must have come back for some more.  I wasn’t complaining.

I reached around and started tweaking her right tit, while I slid down then back up, placing my hard cock against her warm wet pussy.  She reached back and grabbed my leg, pulling me closer.  Again, I wasn’t complaining.  I hunched forward, shoving my cock head into her pussy.  Damn, was that tight!  You don’t fuck a girl for a few hours, and she tightens right back up!

Tammy let out a startled, “Oh!” and froze for a second.  Then she started pulling at my leg, trying to push me up further.  I leaned forward, slowly pushing my 9” boner into her tight pussy.  After each inch or so, I would pull back about a ½” and then forward the next inch.  I slowly stroked my way in until I could feel my balls against her pussy lips.  She was tighter, but took me much deeper than last night.

I pulled back a bit and started a small thrust, 3 or 4 inches.  I could feel the churning in my balls and knew it would be soon.  Then her pussy spasmed around my cock!  It felt like every square inch of my cock was being licked simultaneously!  I immediately rammed home in her and started cumming like there was no tomorrow.  Her pussy continued to spasm, and I realized she was cumming as well.  I must have dumped a liter of spunk in her spasming cunt.  Every time I thought that I was done, her cunt would spasm again and I would dump another squirt or two.  It had to be the most massive cum of my life.

After I came to my senses I realized that this couldn’t be Tammy.  Tammy’s cunt, while nice, didn’t have the spasming.  Who could it be?  With the blond hair there were only two choices.  It couldn’t be Peggy because I was still playing with her right tit, and Peggy didn’t have tits yet.  So it could only be Alice – my sister!  Sure enough, looking down I saw the red streaks on my cock, proving that the girl had been a virgin, which Tammy wasn’t (not after last night).  Then she rolled over and I saw that it was Alice.

“Thank you, Chris,” she murmured, then kissed me quickly and then got up and went back over to her sleeping bag.

This was a beautiful start for the day, I decided.

Chapter 9: Morning

Getting up, I stepped over the sleeping girls, pausing to admire each one.  Next to me was Peggy.  She was curled up with her thumb in her unbelievably innocent looking mouth.  What spoiled, or enhanced, the effect was the other hand between her legs with a finger buried in her cunt, her huge clit pulsing.  Every few minutes she would twitch the finger in her pussy and when she did so she would whimper and slurp her thumb a few times.

After Peggy came Alice, lying on her side with one leg pulled up.  I could see my spunk still dribbling out of her pussy.  She had a big smile on her face as she slept.

Next was Tammy.  She really did look a lot like Alice.  She was lying on her stomach with her beautiful fanny up in the air.  Every few seconds she would groan and rotate it a little.  I stood there admiring the view for a good ten minutes.

Candi was next.  Lying face down, spread-eagled.  I could see a little of the dried spunk from last night matting her abundant pussy hair.  She just lay there with a big smile, quivering every few minutes.

Last came Sandy.  Apparently her body language was catlike as well, as she lay there in a kind of crawling position.  She was hot, looking like Natassja Kinski when she was a teenager and starred in those Czech schoolgirl porn flicks.  By this time I had a boner that wouldn’t quit and couldn’t resist.  I leaned over and sniffed her quim.  God! It smelled great!  The sweet combined with the light musky odor of girl.  I drew my tongue across her pussy lips.

 â€œRowlerrr…” she purred, rolling more over on her stomach, thrusting her ass upwards. I fell to licking with a passion, her small growls and purrs driving me on.  Suddenly she rolled over onto her back, while I jumped out of the way.  Spreading her legs like she was in stirrups, she reached down and started frigging herself, pussy juice literally pouring out of her cunt.  Not wanting to miss out, I gently lifted her hand and started eating pussy.  Her growling got a little louder, interspaced with the occasional grunt when she came.  After a few minutes of this I decided that enough was enough, and started licking and kissing my way upwards.

As I approached those gorgeous tits, I started frigging her with my finger.  She started moving her ass around.   I moved upwards, licking her long catlike neck, and stuck my tongue in her ear.

“Rowrrer!” she exclaimed loudly and came, hard.  I moved forward and positioned myself at the entrance to the dripping hole.  Moving forward sliding into her juicy cunt she wrapped her arms and legs around me and started pulling, scratching my back like the feline she was.  Thrusting upwards to meet me.  Unable to hold out any longer I came as well, dumping a large load of spunk in her cunt.

Looking at her face, I realized that she was still asleep!  I worked my way clear and stood up, my cock still large, but satisfied for now.  With a contented sigh Sandy rolled over again to her original position and continued sleeping.

I left the tent and started to make breakfast.

Chapter 10: Candi’s story

According to the planner sheets sent with us, we were supposed to:

 10:00 Breakfast and cleanup

 12:00 Nature lesson

 14:00 Swim

 17:00 Dinner

Not a heavily packed schedule.  As I boiled the water to make the oatmeal, Candi wandered out of the tent.  I watched her come over to the fire, the morning sunrise making her bright red hair (all of it!) seem even redder.  In spite of myself I started to get hard again.

Candi saw my hard-on and smiled, but just sat down across from me and said, “Good morning.”


“What’s for breakfast?”


“Yuck.” Candi commented.

We sat there for a while, Candi gazing thoughtfully at the fire for a while, then at me, then back again to the fire.  I just sat there and admired her spectacular tits.  After a while I had to ask, “I couldn’t help but notice last night that you weren’t a virgin.  Care to tell me about it?”

Candi looked at the fire for a moment, and then said, “Can you keep a secret?”

“Of course, you can tell me anything.”

“It started when I was little.  Because my family is poor, my brother and I shared the same room from when I was 8 and he was 10.

“When I was 9, my brother asked me one night if he could sleep with me, because he was cold.  Being very naive, I agreed.  He climbed into bed with me and cuddled up behind me.  I didn’t mind because it was a little cold and he was nice and warm.

“A few hours later I woke up feeling his cock pressing between my legs.  Suddenly he grunted and I could feel his cum all over my butt and legs.  He noticed that I was awake and immediately started apologizing.  I was upset because now I had to go clean up.  I said something to this effect, and he looked thoughtful for a minute, and then pleaded, ‘Can I still sleep with you if I don’t mess up the bed?’

“Since it was still cold, especially after having to get up and clean myself, I agreed.  A few hours later he woke me up again, except this time he pressed his cock so that the head was in my pussy.  He grunted again and I could feel my cunt filling.  It felt really good, nice and warm, and not a drop got on to the bed, so I decided that this was ok.

“The next night he asked to sleep with me again, and the next and the next.  Soon he was sleeping with me every night and leaving a nice deposit or two in my cunt.  It got so that I have trouble sleeping without a nice cunt full of cum.  Over the next four years his cock grew (although it isn’t as nice as yours!) and he broke my cherry when I was 11.

“Last night after you fucked me was the first good nights sleep I have had since I got to camp.  Thank you.”  Candi smiled and glanced at me.

I had gotten very hard listening to her story.  She noticed my condition and said, “You look like you could use some help there, and I owe you one.”  She got up and came over.  She sat in my lap facing me, positioned herself, and then lowered her pussy over my raging cock.  â€œI love doing it this way.  My unimaginative brother always takes me from behind.  I like being able to see everything.”

As she bounced on my hard-on, I gasped, “Well, anytime you need help getting to sleep…”

“I will take you up on that offer.” She replied breathlessly, and then started grunting as she came.  I also came, but, having just fucked two other girls, only had an average amount of spunk to offer.  It was still more than enough.

As she collapsed against me, I cupped her great ass-cheeks, and commented, “I can see why your brother likes your ass, though.”

Candi just giggled.

Chapter 10: The last virgin

Candi sat next to me as I finished making the oatmeal.  We discussed normal things and waited for the water to boil.  It wasn’t instant oatmeal, but it was fun to cook it with Candi there anyway.

When it was done, Candi went back into the tent to wake up the other girls while I dished it out.  Soon they wandered out of the tent like Candi had done earlier.  Sandy and Alice heading for the river to wash themselves up.  Candi’s practice at holding in spunk seemed to keep her fairly clean.

During breakfast we didn’t talk much, although Sandy was whispering to Candi.

I showed them the schedule for the day, and asked them if there was anything else they wanted to do.

Peggy spoke up, “I am the only one you haven’t fucked yet!  What’s the matter, am I too young or something?”  She looked hurt.


“Well prove it!”  She exclaimed, came over and bent over in front of me.  Her hairless crack was already dripping juices!  I could see them flowing down her long legs.  The other girls looked interested, but unconcerned.  So I might as well.

I leaned over and took a lick of that big clit of hers.  As she shuddered, I stood up, picked her up in the air, (only 70 lbs) and positioned her over my now rock hard cock.  I then dropped her so she impaled herself on my cock.  She only went about an inch down, she was so tight.  She bit her lower lip and hugged her knees, managing to get another half inch, and then she hit her cherry.  No matter how hard she thrust, she couldn’t break it.  After a few minutes of trying, she suddenly started crying, exclaiming, “I am just too small!”

Candi and Alice, with looks of sympathy, started suggesting different ways to get it in.  â€œTry bouncing!” suggested Alice.  Peggy began to bounce, but that didn’t do anything except maybe make me a little sore.

“Lie down on your stomach and let him take you from behind,” suggested Candi.  So we leaned forward until Peggy was on the ground with me above her, then I slowly started applying my weight.  Suddenly I sank in three more inches!  â€œYouch!” exclaimed Peggy as her cherry broke.  All of the other girls broke out cheering.

“Deeper! I want it deeper!” exclaimed Peggy suddenly and she started pushing back against me.  Not one to refuse a pretty girl, I tried to oblige.  I pressed as hard as I could, until we hit her cervix.  Peggy looked down and saw that there was still four inches of my cock showing, and shrieked, “No!  I want more!  Deeper!” and suddenly she started feverishly pressing back, trying to get deeper.

The other girls were watching with open mouths at this point as Peggy went wild trying to get my cock deeper in her quim.  I felt her cervix opening and my cock sinking straight into her womb.  â€œYes! Yes! Yes!” cried Peggy.  It was so tight that I was worried about cutting off circulation.  I hit bottom with my balls resting against her enormous clit.  I slowly pulled back a little and thrust forward again.  All Peggy could say was “Yes, Yes, Yes!” over and over.  I felt suction starting, pulling me in further, somehow her cunt was pulling me in!  What a feeling.

We started ramming each other until my balls rammed into that impossibly tight cunt as well, and Peggy came, boy did she cum.  Her pussy clenched so tight that I thought it was going to pinch my cock and balls off, she ached her back so much her head was almost touching her butt, she clenched her fists and started this delicious quivering.  Her wide innocent eyes were bulging, and her mouth opened in a silent scream.  This was enough for me as I pumped her waiting womb full of jism.

Chapter 11: Nature lesson

After a moment I pulled out and went down to the stream to clean myself off.  Four cherries in 12 hours!  Wow!  The big boy would never have a treat this nice again.  I just stood there basking in my memories for a while.  Then I thought, what is this? Am I getting old?  Why bask in memories when there are more to be made right now?  I headed back to camp.

Peggy was still lying there with a silly grin on her face and the other girls stared.  Peggy sat up and exclaimed, “Let’s see you guys beat that!”  Because her cunt was all stretched she was leaking all over, so she went down to the stream to clean up as well.

By mutual unspoken consent, we all decided to tone it down for a while.  At noon, we had the scheduled nature lesson.  I was supposed to show the girls basic survival techniques.  This is long and dull, pointing out that the moss grows on the north side of the trees, what were bird berries and which were safe to eat, etc.

After this I let the girls do what they wanted until the scheduled swim at two o’clock.  A few of the girls hinted that they would like some more fun, but I said to wait until swim time.  I was surprised when Candi came over, sat down next to me, and started a conversation.  Reaching over I took her hand and intertwined my fingers with hers.  It was almost as erotic as making love!  We talked for over an hour until the rest of the girls came and got us exclaiming, “Swim time!”  Candi and I just looked at each other, smiled, and then let the girls drag me to the stream.

Chapter 12: Swimming

Somehow the girls communicated as to who I had fucked and when.  I could have sworn that everyone was asleep when I took Sandy, Alice, and Candi.  When we got to the swimming hole, Tammy announced that it was her turn again, and nobody argued.  All of the girls jumped in except for Tammy, who came over to me.  I was supposed to be a lifeguard and stay out and watch the girls.  I was sitting on a log, and Tammy climbed into my lap, facing me.

“Hi’ya beautiful,” I said, trying to be gallant, which is hard to do when you are poking a nine inch pecker at a beautiful blond cunt.  She started to reach down to insert me when I said, “We have already done it this way, want to try some other ways?”

“Sure!” she exclaimed, a little curious.

I had really enjoyed the way I did Candi last night, so I had her get on her hands and knees, and positioned myself behind her.  Grabbing her perfect hips, I pulled her back at the same time I thrust forward.  The whole nine inches sank into her juicy cunt with a squelching noise.

“Arragh!”  She exclaimed loudly.  The other girls stopped splashing around and started watching.  I grinned at them and started ramming.  The other girls started cheering us on, saying things like, “Go for it Chris!” and “Take it hard Tammy!” and my favorite, “Ram it to the hilt!”

Tammy, who obviously loved an audience, got more and more energetic and started moving faster and faster.  Faintly at first, then louder and louder she started making yelping noises until she sounded like a little dog.  The rapid squeezing of my cock in her young pussy quickly had me to the boiling point.  I couldn’t hold back any longer and came, dumping a nice load in her pussy.  She felt me cumming and came herself, her pussy clenching while she froze, quivering slightly, and howled.

Turning, I dived into the stream coming up halfway across behind all of the girls.  Nice view.  Four perfect asses, no waiting.  I was definitely deciding that I was an ass man.  Although the rest wasn’t bad either.  Grabbing Alice, who was closest to me, I picked her up and threw her.  â€œScreech!” she exclaimed while flying through the air.

“Let’s get him!” exclaimed Peggy.  I was instantly wrestling with five wet beautiful nude girls.  Every boy’s fantasy.  I spent the next hour copping feels, stroking cunts and squeezing butts and tits.  Finally we decided that we were getting too shriveled (except for specific items) and got out.

Last in line heading back to camp Alice turned to me and commented, “Not bad Chris.  Any left for me?”   With that she reached out and grabbed my boner.

“Anything for you, sis.”

With that she jumped up, wrapped her arms around my neck, her legs around my middle, and rammed herself home on my cock.  It was completely unexpected and I almost fell over.  I caught my balance and Alice started frenching me.  We must have been quite a funny sight as I staggered back to the camp while Alice bounced on my equipment.

Because I was so hard from the swim playtime, I didn’t last long.  Halfway back to the camp I had to stop and lean back on a tree as I started splashing her innards with cum.  Her snapping pussy didn’t help much either in holding me back.

As soon as she felt me cumming, Alice came herself, biting my shoulder and squeezing me so tight I could hardly breath.  When she was done I lowered her to her feet and giving her beautiful ass a swat chased her back to camp.

Chapter 13: Evening plans

After a quick meal of reconstituted chicken and noodles, the girls started whispering among themselves again.  I wondered what they were planning, but being as the most wonderful evening of my life resulted from the last bout of whispering I didn’t interfere.

Suddenly Peggy looked up and asked, “Chris, we are trying to decide how to share you this evening.  Any ideas?”

“Well, I already promised Candi that I would take care of her tonight in the tent, otherwise I don’t have any ideas.”

The girls went back to whispering for a while.  Then it was decided.  Candi came over and said, “Well, since we have previous plans, I get to sit with you and be a judge in a beauty contest.  The winner gets you until bedtime.  You and I get to think up the contests.  If I think up the contest, you judge it, and visa versa.”

I had absolutely no problem with this.  It sounded like fun.  â€œOk, Candi, you get to pick the first contest.”

She looked thoughtful for a minute then, “How about navels?  Who has the cutest belly button?”

The girls giggled as they lined up, thrusting their bellies out.  I started with Sandy.  It was a long belly button, narrow and catlike, just like the rest of her.  Not bad.  â€œ8” I wrote.

Next was Alice.  Hers was pretty generic, nice but nothing special.  â€œ6” was her score.  Tammy’s was identical to Alice’s.  She also got a “6”.  Peggy’s was interesting.  While it looked normal at first glance, it was very deep.  I stuck my finger in it and went to the second digit, a good two inches.  It didn’t help that Peggy was giggling the whole time.  It was a cool and sexy navel and I gave her a “9”.  Candi looked at the scores and raised an eyebrow, then said, “Your turn.”

I immediately said, “Juiciness.  Whoever has the juiciest cunt.  You all have 10 minutes to get nice and juicy, and the one with the most juices wins.”  This caused a few surprised looks, but they agreed.

They all immediately sat down and started playing with their clits.  What a wonderful sight.  The sound of heavy breathing got very loud in the camp.  Tammy suddenly got up and came over to me, “Chris, could you help me here?”

Immediately several of the girls protested.  Tammy replied that since it was Candi’s turn to judge, that I could help her.  Candi, as the judge, agreed.  I think that they were upset that Tammy thought of it first.

“What do you want me to do?” I asked her.

“Fuck me, but don’t cum.” She asked.

I turned her around so that her beautiful ass was in my face, and then sat her down, pushing into her to the hilt.  â€œAhhhh,” she sighed as the other girls gave her envious glances.  She bounced slowly until Candi called “Time!”

Immediately the girls scrambled over to the line and sat down with their legs spread.  Candi went down the line, poking her finger in each girl’s cunt and feeling how much juice there was.  I could see that some of the girls were a bit nervous about this, allowing another girl to poke and prod their privates, but no one protested.  After fucking Tammy for 10 minutes and then watching this I was hornier than hell.  I looked at Candi’s scores, Sandy, 7; Alice, 8; Tammy, 9; and Peggy, 8.

Candi could tell that I was getting a little hard up, so she called, “Last contest, who can be the most adventurous?  Since you girls could cheat on this one, you will sit in the tent until called, and I will watch to make sure nobody peeks out.”  With that she shooed them into the tent.

First was Sandy.  She came over, pushed me on my back, straddled me and began to ride.  Candi called over from the entrance to the tent, “Chris, remember you can’t cum, you need to save it for the winner!”

I gasped back, “I’ll try not to, but I’m not promising anything!”

Sandy rode me for a few minutes and came.  It took tremendous effort, but I held back.  Pretty generic fuck, I gave her a “6”.  I think that she just needed to get off and wasn’t worrying about winning.

As Sandy went over and sat on a log, Candi sent out Alice, the next contestant.  â€œI know want you want, bro!”  She exclaimed.  I was still lying where Sandy had tossed me.  Alice got down on her hands and knees, straddled my head pressing her pussy to my face, then I felt wonderful wet warmth on my cock.  I realized that she was giving me a blow job!  Wow!  That felt good.  I didn’t last long and came almost right away.  Not a drop was spilt!  Alice swallowed the whole batch of spunk.

“Don’t worry Candi!” I called, “There is still plenty left for the winner!”

Alice went to sit next to Sandy and observe.  I wondered where she learned to give such good blow jobs.  That was definitely an “8”, close to a “9”.

Tammy came out and matched Sandy with a common everyday fuck (I never thought I would be thinking that).  Another “6”.

Peggy came out with a grin on her face.  She came over and straddled me like Tammy and Sandy, positioned by cock and started applying her weight.  She grunted, and I sank in an inch.  Man was she tight,  I felt like she was going to pinch me off.   Then I realized that the angle was a little off.  Looking down, I noticed that she was sitting there with my rod up her ass!  She bit her lower lip then lifted her legs so that all of her weight was on the one point of my cock.  Suddenly it sank in to the hilt.  â€œAhhhh.”  She sighed.  Not complaining about being ass fucked at all.  She then started pulling in and out.  It was so tight that it took a whole minute to pull out to the head then ram back down.  She started her “Yes, Yes, Yes!” routine as she loosened up and started bouncing faster and faster.  I reached over and started rubbing her clit as she bounced.   “Oh, Shit!” she exclaimed, and came.  Her pulsing pussy dumped a gallon of juice on my chest, while her sphincter practically squeezed my dick to nothing.  She quivered for a minute then collapsed against me.  A definite “10”.  I held back, barely.

Candi and I compared our scores, Sandy-7; Alice-7.3; Tammy-7; Peggy-9.  Candi announced that Peggy was the winner.  I saw a few jealous looks from the other girls, but they readily agreed that she certainly won the adventurous category.

It turned out that Peggy was still full of energy.  But all she wanted though was to sit on my lap while we all sat around the campfire telling the obligatory ghost stories.  Of course she had me buried to the balls in her pussy the whole time.  Every ten minutes or so she would start bouncing frantically and cum.  She must of cum at least 20 times before bedtime.  I held back from cumming, knowing that I had to save it for Candi.  When she finally climbed off of me two hours later, I had an enormous case of blue balls, and she could hardly walk as far as the tent.

Chapter 14: Bedtime again

As we all went into the tent, Candi moved her sleeping bag over next to mine.  She whispered, “That looked like fun with Peggy.  I want you to fuck my ass tonight!”  She got on her hands and knees and thrust her butt in the air.  While she had a dense red fur everyplace else, her asshole was nice and bare.  She had a cute little pink puckered butt-hole, and since I had been holding back for hours, I couldn’t resist it (and she knew that).  I immediately moved forward and putting my weight into it started sinking into that tight beautiful ass.  Candi let out one of her cute screams and shoved back at me.  Before I knew it I had all 9½ inches buried.  We rested there for a second then I pulled back a little and started ramming.  She shoved back just as hard as I was shoving forward.  I came after only 10-15 rams, filling her bowels with my spunk.  She let out one of her glass shattering screams and collapsed.  Sandy called over, “Good one Candi!” and then we turned out the light and settled down.

Candi had asked me to help her sleep so I positioned her on her side, and slid up into her inviting pussy.  After a few strokes I came and pumped a load into her waiting cunt.  I left myself in her and wrapped my arms around her, intertwining her hands and arms with mine as we drifted off to sleep.  Several times during the night I left another deposit in her waiting pussy, and she just smiled and snuggled closer, not even waking up most of the time.

The next morning I left another deposit in Candi, then got up.  After the last two days, it seemed that I was permanently hard.  Seeing the five sleeping girls didn’t help either.  I figured it was Sandy’s turn again, and so went over and started fingering her pussy.  She groaned and rolled over, spreading her legs again.  I could see that she was already pretty wet, so I just climbed on and slid home.  â€œRowlerer…” she growled just like yesterday.

She wrapped her arms and legs around me and started scratching again too, pulling me in tighter and deeper.  Like yesterday I stuck my tongue in her ear and she came, thrashing her ass around and actually drawing some blood from my back.

Another start to a wonderful day, I thought.

Chapter 15: Back to camp

I made some more oatmeal for breakfast.  Candi wandered out of the tent again, snuggled up next to me, and whispered, “Thank You.”  I was instantly hard as a rock again.  She said, “Let me help you now.”

With that she bent over and took me in the mouth!  She started bobbing up and down, occasionally stopping to lick up and down the shaft, then taking it in the mouth again.  She could only get about 3-4 inches but it felt so wonderful that I came in no time.  Like Alice, Candi swallowed everything.

She stayed snuggled up next to me while I rescued the oatmeal, and then went to get the rest of the girls.  I kind of wondered what was developing between Candi and me.  I liked it.

After breakfast, everybody got dressed, although I noticed that no one was wearing panties or bras, and we packed up the tent and headed back to the main camp.  It was an uneventful trip, at the clearing before we got back I donned my disguise with much assistance in tucking me in.  I was a little worried since I was so hard that it kind of showed, but Sandy came up with a fanny pack to hide my condition.

When we got back to the cabin we were surprised to find two girls there, a cute 10-year-old brown haired girl named Becky and an Asian 11-year-old named Tia.  Apparently their cabin leader had a family emergency and had to go home that morning.  The girls from that cabin were redistributed among the others.  Since we were actually normally one person short, we got two girls.

I could tell the girls were upset.  I gathered the original group together and asked them what the problem was.

“Now we have to be all proper and prim again!” complained Tammy.

“What a pain!” said Peggy.

Alice looked thoughtful and said, “Why don’t we just add them to our group?”


“Good idea!”

Being more pragmatic, Sandy asked, “How?”

The girls went into their decision circle for a few minutes, then broke, telling me that they had a plan, but, like usual, not telling me what it was.

Chapter 16: New sheep into the fold

The plan was for that evening after the meal delivery, they at least told me that much.  I was having another problem.  After having constant pussy for 2½ days, I was getting painfully horny.  I think that the girls knew this, so Tammy took my hand and led me back to the latrine.  Putting the lid down, she yanked down my shorts and underwear, pulled down hers, and bent over the sink.  â€œTake me, hot stuff, I’m yours.” She said in a Marilyn Monroe imitation.  I don’t need to be told twice.  Bending my knees, I leaned forward and rammed myself into the waiting wet pussy.  A quick fuck-fuck, grunt-grunt  ball drain later, we emerged from the latrine.

The girls obviously decided that I needed to be taken care of.  An hour later Alice led me to the latrine, then an hour after that Peggy took care of me.  Just before the dinner Sandy pole sat.  Very satisfying.  She wasn’t as nicely noisy as when she slept, but not bad.  Apparently Candi decided that since I was hers for the night, the rest of the girls could have me for the day.  No complaints here.

After a dinner of Macaroni and Cheese, the girls started their plan.  They called together a game of Truth or Dare, “Campfire Rules”.  That meant that everyone started naked, and only dares were allowed.  I guess the girls figured that if it worked once, it would work again.  Becky and Tia were sworn to secrecy then everyone got undressed.  When Tia saw my equipment she shrieked and tried to cover herself up.  Becky just stared at my hard-on.  The other girls chided Tia until she calmed down.

Becky was nicely built.  She had a figure that was better than Peggy’s, even though she was two years younger.  She even had small tits.  The best part was a full ass, second only to Candi’s.

Like most Asian girls, Tia was petite for her age.  She was completely hairless, and looked like a 9 year old.

This was going to be an interesting game.

To start the game easily, the girls decided not to scare the new girls.  Tammy dared Peggy to french me.  She jumped up and sat in my lap, rubbing her huge clit on my erect cock while she frenched me.  After a minute, noticing that Peggy was about to go too far, Tammy called “Time!”  Peggy reluctantly got up and went back to her seat.  Becky and Tia literally dropped their jaws.

Peggy turned to Sandy and dared her to french me as well.  This was turning out like the last game.  I liked it!  Sandy rubbed herself all over me and allowed my cock head to penetrate a little.  Candi called “Time!” and Alice hopped onto my lap.  Battling tongues with me, she rubbed all over my cock, positioning herself so the head slid in and out in time to her tongue.  Tammy called “Time!” again and hopped into my lap.  I whispered in her ear, “Are you planning to do this like last time?”  She just grinned and dropped all of her weight in my lap, burying my cock all of the way to the balls.  She bounced in my lap for a minute before pulling off and turning to Tia, “Your turn!”

Tia just sat there, her mouth wide open, staring.  Candi, sitting next to her, gave her a nudge with her elbow.  She slowly got up and came over towards me.  Peer pressure can be a wonderful thing.  She hesitatingly sat in my lap, wrapped her arms around me and started kissing.  She was so small that as I kissed her only the tip of my cock was touching her little cunt.  In spite of herself she started kissing more fervently and then a good frenching.  I noticed that my lap was getting a bit damp.  Looking down I commented, “Good thing she wasn’t here for the juicy contest – she has you all beat!”  Her cunt juices were flowing like a faucet.  Her pussy was so slippery that my cock had slipped in a whole inch before she noticed it.

“Oh!” she exclaimed.  â€œThat feels neat!”  She leaned back and put all of her weight on her pussy.  It was so juicy that she sank down to the hilt with a squelching noise.  Her eyes went big and she exclaimed, “Wow!”  She pulled up and dropped again to repeat the feeling.  â€œThis is great!” and she started bouncing faster and faster sounding like a wet squeegee.  She started to get more and more excited, exclaiming, “Oh! Oh, Oh!”  Suddenly she stopped, her eyes wide, fists clenched, with a loud, “Ohhhh!” came.  As is always with a new virgin to break in, I came too, dumping a huge load of cum that mixed with all of her pussy juice.

Becky exclaimed, “Is it my turn yet?”

After just screwing Tia, I wanted something different, and I liked what I saw of her ass, so I told her to get on her hands and knees.  She quickly obliged.  I came up behind her and started rubbing my cock along her slit, letting it catch on her clit which was almost as big as Peggy’s.  Probably figuring that she should instigate things like the other girls, she shoved backwards and buried two inches in her cunt.  â€œYes!” she exclaimed while trying to shove back further.  Bad angle though.  I grabbed her hips and pulled her up and back, breaking her cherry and ramming to the hilt.  â€œYes, yes, YES!” she exclaimed again.

I looked over at Peggy and grinned, “You have a partner here!”  Referring to the similar reactions between the two girls.  She just grinned back.  Meanwhile Becky was speeding up, I wasn’t moving, but she was moving so fast that I could hear the slosh, slosh, slosh sound of her ass hitting the base of my cock.  With a final “Yessssssss,” she collapsed on the floor.

Tammy was still standing next to me, and noticed that I hadn’t cum, so she got down next to Becky and thrust her ass in the air asking, “Could you finish me off, please?”

Not one to refuse a lady, especially one with a fine naked bod like hers, I eagerly rammed in to the hilt and started slowly withdrawing and ramming.  Soon we both came, her with a screech, and me with a grunt and another giant load of spunk.

Then we heard the loudspeaker saying, “Ten minutes to lights out!”  I had the girls go get the bucket and rags from the shed next to the latrine (after getting something on) and clean up the puddle from Becky, Tia, and Tammy.  Then they all brushed their teeth and went to bed.

Chapter 17: Girlfriend

As I got to my bunk, I noticed that Candi was waiting there for her evening fuck.  I was already hard waiting for her, but I decided that I wanted to get to know her better.  I whispered, “Stay with me tonight?”

“Sure!” she whispered back.

We climbed into the bunk, she shoved her backside into my crotch and I obligingly inserted my rod.  After a few strokes we both came, then lay there, cock still inserted.  We began to talk.  It turns out that she only lived a block from me.

“Of course, the O’Malleys!”  I exclaimed.  I knew her brother a little, he was a punk and was always getting in trouble.  I didn’t associate with him much since I was one grade higher than he was.  I asked her, “How could I have missed a fantastically gorgeous girl like you though?”

She squeezed her cunt around my cock as a thank you for the compliment, then replied, “I am too young, you don’t normally notice little girls, do you?”

“You are hardly little.”

“Well, it wouldn’t be good for you to be seen with me, would it?”

I thought for a minute about what the guys in school would think about me hanging around a 13-year-old girl.  Then I realized how stupid I would be if I let her go now!  â€œLet me worry about that.  I want to be with you as much as possible.”  I kissed the nape of her neck and asked, “Would you be my girlfriend?”

“Really?  Of course!”  And she started squeezing and bouncing back on my cock again.  I came in no time.  I wrapped my arms around her and we drifted off asleep together.

Chapter 18: The end of camp

For the next six days, there was not more than three waking hours in a row that I did not have my cock buried in some poontang.  I must have fucked all of the girls numerous times in every orifice, and they all wanted more!  Good thing I was 16 or I would never have survived.

I spent most of the time with Candi, just talking and kissing with the occasional fuck when we were alone.  She spent every night in my bunk.  She didn’t have any trouble sleeping.


It was time to go, all of the girls swore to secrecy and also swore that they would be back next year.  I heartedly agreed with this.  In the parking lot of Sears there was a lot of crying before I went and removed my girl outfit and Alice and I met our parents.  I swore that I would be back next year for another summer camp adventure.

Chapter 19: After camp

After I escaped from my parents, I headed down the street towards Candi’s house.  She had agreed to meet me across the street from her house in the park.  We ran into each other’s arms and with a big french kiss demonstrated to each other how much we missed being apart.  I wanted to do a lot more, I had been without pussy for over 7 hours, and wasn’t used to it.

“I have to tell you something!” Candi said, “My brother got in trouble a few days after we left for camp, and is now in a military school in North Carolina!”

I was flabbergasted to say the least, but a little relieved, I didn’t want to share my girl with anybody.  â€œDoes this mean that you will need help evenings?”  I whispered to her with a lecherous look.

“Well yes.  But that was already planned.  Alice and I had a nice long talk on the bus and decided that we need to take care of you.”

Take care of me?  I liked the sound of that.  â€œI need a little taking care of right now,” I said with a grin.

With a matching grin she pulled me into the bushes, yanked down my shorts and started a nice blowjob.  She kept it up until I came down her throat.  I don’t know how she drank it all, it was a considerable amount since I was so pent up.  Afterwards she stayed squatting there with her eyes shut and I could see her cum a few times.  Wow! Was that hot!  Then she got up and said that she had to go, but that she’d meet me at 10:00 in the shed behind our house.  I watched her delicious ass as she ran back towards her house.

As I wandered back home I asked myself, how could I be so lucky?  How much better could it get?   I found out soon enough.  When I got home Alice took my up to her room for a quick screw.  Just after we had finished Mom called up, “Could you two come down here please?”

We quickly got dressed and ran downstairs.

“Do you two know the O’Malleys?  They live a few houses over?”

We told her that Candi had been at camp.

“Well, it appears that her brother was sent off to military school, and that Mr. O’Malley left them.  I know Teri (Mrs. O’Malley) pretty well, and was wondering if you two would object if she and Candi moved in here as borders.  Teri can’t afford to pay the rent on that big house they live in.”

We had no objection, so they came over for dinner, to see if they fit in.  When I saw Candi’s mother, I could see where she got her looks, Candi and her mother looked like twins.  Later Candi told me that her mother was 14 when her brother was born, that made her mom only 29!  The two of them fit in like a custom glove.

Candi and I met in the shed at 10:00, and we talked about the move.  â€œI can sleep with you every night!” she said, eager as a beaver.

“Sounds like a plan to me!” I replied as I played with her right breast.

“Let’s celebrate!” she said, “Take me in the ass again!”

I picked her up and flipped her over, yanked down her pants, and rammed in her ass to the hilt.  Good thing that the shed was close to soundproof, with that scream she could have waked the dead!  After a few good rams I came, filling up her bowels.  She whispered, “Thank you.”

I said, “See you tomorrow morning, babe.”  And left.

When I got up to my room, Alice was in my bed, “I know how you will miss Candi tonight, so I thought I could help.”

I wasted no time undressing and jumping into bed.  Pulling her close I buried myself in her pussy.  After a few interactive rams, we came and snuggled up together.  â€œI can see why Candi likes to sleep like this,” Alice commented, her cunt clenching my cock a few times as I played with her tit.  â€œIt is a nice, warm, and safe feeling.”

“Good night, you sexy thing, you are always safe with me.” I murmured back.

Chapter 20: Move in day

The next day Alice and I enjoyed a leisurely morning screw; then we got up and prepared to help the O’Malleys move.  The plan was for Candi to officially share Alice’s room, and Teri got the spare room at the end of the hall that had its own bathroom.  We three kids would share the other upstairs bathroom.  We spent most of the day helping move stuff.  Most of it went into our attic because there wasn’t room for all of the couches and other things.

Because there already was a bed in Teri’s room, her old one went into the attic.  After dropping it off Candi, Alice, and I decided to celebrate.  Our mothers were over at the other house cleaning so we quickly stripped down and climbed on top of the old queen bed.  Alice commented, “I heard that you gave Candi an ass fuck last night.  I need one too.”  With that she turned around on all fours and thrust her ass in the air.  I moved over a slowly buried my pud in her ass.  Candi straddled Alice as I slowly stroked and we french kissed while I played with her tits.

I was getting better practiced so I lasted a good 20 minutes before I came.  Alice had cum at least 5 times.  I was still hard so I gave Candi a good old-fashioned fuck doggie style while I frenched Alice.  Candi got off a few times before I came again.

Figuring that we had initiated the bed to it’s new home; we got dressed and moved more stuff.  We had all of Candi’s stuff and a lot of the furniture moved by dinner.  Candi and Alice moved Candi’s bed into Alice’s room, but we all knew that she wouldn’t be using it much.

At dinner Mom said that we would get the rest of the stuff tomorrow.  She asked us if we had had any problems during the day.  We assured her that we didn’t have any.  As our parents talked we went into the living room to watch a movie and relax.  The evening was chilly so Alice went and got a blanket.  I sat on the couch with Candi on one side and Alice on the other.  We wrapped the blanket around us and cuddled on the couch.  After the long day both girls were fast asleep against my shoulders.  It was a wonderful feeling, of warmth and trust.

I just sat there with a hand down each of their panties fingering their pussies.  Fortunately we were under the blankets because Mom walked in a minute later.  She smiled when she saw the girls asleep on my shoulders.  To keep up appearances I looked up at her and gave a little shrug.  She smiled at the sight of a big brother putting up with his sister and left us.

Both Alice and Candi were getting a little juicy and starting to fidget in their sleep.  Soon they were moaning.  First I pinched Alice’s clit and she came, waking up as she did.  Then I pinched Candi’s clit making her cum and wake up as well.  â€œTime for bed girls.” I announced, patting their cute butts.

We went into the kitchen where our parents were sitting and said good night then headed upstairs.  We padded Alice and Candi’s beds so that someone checking on them would think that they were there, then headed to my room (since I had the double bed).

 We needed to celebrate, this being our first night officially living together.  Alice loved giving blowjobs so she started by swallowing my entire 9 inches!  You could tell that she had been practicing.  While Alice deep throated me Candi sat on my face and I slurped her clit, her delicious juices filling my mouth.  What a great dessert.

After a while they switched places, Alice sitting on my face while Candi sat on my cock.  As I slurped Alice’s clit, Candi began to bounce up and down.  She and Alice looked each other in the face, then leaned forward and kissed.  It was so hot that I must have grown another inch.  Candi must have felt it because she suddenly sat up straight with a startled “Oh!”  Then she grinned and leaned forward and kissed Alice again.  The two of them were really getting into it, with some pretty hot french kisses, when I couldn’t take it anymore.  Reaching out I shoved my forefingers into each of their asses.  We all came at the same time.  What a wonderful way to get ready for bed.

Candi flipped around and curled up ass against me in the spoon position, my cock still buried in her cunt, her favorite way to sleep.  Alice curled up in front of Candi where I could play with her cute tits while she slept.  Pulling the blanket up over us, we slept.

Chapter 21: Teri

Candi’s mom, Teri was starting to get to me.  She was such a beautiful woman, and was alone.  I heard her cry herself to sleep every night.  It didn’t help that she slept in a nightshirt that was too small for her, usually on top of the covers with her door open.

Alice and Candi were worried as well.  One day, about a month after Teri and Candi had moved in, Alice and Candi came to me.  â€œWe are worried about my Mom.”  Said Candi.

“I am too,” I replied.  â€œIt is hard to see her crying like that all of the time.  What do you think we should do about it?”

Alice replied, “To put it bluntly, we think that she needs a good fuck.  Any volunteers?”

“With Candi’s permission I have no problems with that, any ideas on how?”

“Of course you have my permission!  This was my idea!  She’s my mom!  Anyway, Alice and I think that she is so bad off right now that you should just go in and talk to her tonight then make love to her.”

I was a little doubtful, but “If you two say so.”

That night, the two conniving girls put a robe on me and shoed me down the hall.  We could hear Teri crying softly into her pillow.  I closed the door behind me as I walked into the room quietly.  Teri was lying face down on the bed, her face buried in her pillow, sobbing softly.  She wore a nightshirt that was too small for her; it was up over her buttocks.  She didn’t wear panties so I could see all of her perfect ass.

I stood there for a minute just admiring her beautiful ass.  Then I walked over to the bed and sat down next to her, laying my hand in the middle of her back.  â€œAre you all right, Teri?”

Without even looking up she turned to me and hugged me tightly.  She sobbed into my shoulder.  I just sat there and held her for a while.  After about 15 minutes she slowed down a little and sat up.  â€œThank you, I needed that.”

“Are you all right, Teri?” I asked again.

She must have been really broken down emotionally because she answered.  â€œEverything is the pits.  I have a crap job, my husband left me, and nobody wants to be around me!  I am so lonely.”  And she started crying softly again.

“Teri, listen to me, I want to be around you.  You are a wonderful and very beautiful woman.  Your husband was a stupid asshole.”  I lifted her chin and looked straight into her eyes.  â€œI would give anything for a woman such as you.”  I then leaned forward and kissed her lightly.

I noticed that she had a slight smile on her lips and her eyes were closed; so I leaned forward again and gave her a more robust kiss.  She kissed back with passion.  Soon we were frenching strongly.  Sliding my hands up her perfect thighs I cupped her gorgeous ass.  She moaned into my mouth as I squeezed.

I pulled off her nightshirt as she opened my robe.  Her eyes widened as she saw my 9½” of man meat.  As I reached out and cupped her C cup tits and stroked her nips, she grabbed my pole and started stroking expertly.  As much as I liked that, she needed it more than me; so I pushed her back on the bed, gave her a big french kiss, and then started kissing down her neck.  As I reached her tits I licked around the areolas as she moaned and entwined her hands in my hair.  I slowly ran my tongue over her nipple then started sucking on it.  She screeched, “Yes!” Arched her back, and came, practically pulling my hair out.

As she lay there panting, I started to lick my way downward, pausing at her cute navel to take a lick or two, then moved on down.  She had a light red bush and a large clit like her daughter.  I slurped up and down her pussy, and then sucked in her clit.  Another screech, incomprehensible this time, and she came again.  I rapidly kissed my way upwards, and gave her a french kiss as I slid my manhood into her waiting pussy.  A very nice pussy too.  Not as tight as her daughter’s, but nice.

We slowly made love.  All the practice with her daughter helped me to keep going for a long time.  Teri came at least 3 times before I peaked and we had a nice massive cum together, filling her pussy with spunk.  She collapsed back panting and gasped, “Wow!”

I whispered, “Good night beautiful.” And then got up and went back to my bedroom.

Candi and Alice shanghaied me the second I got in the door.  â€œDid it work?” “Is she feeling better?”  â€œWhat happened?”

“She is resting quietly now.”  Was all I would say.  Looking at Candi I commented, “You and your mom are more alike than you know.”

Still hard, I needed some relief.  I reached out, spun Alice around, bent her over, and rammed to the hilt.  â€œUgh!” she exclaimed as her pussy clenched my rock hard manhood.  Only a couple of thrusts and I came, filling her cunt with cum.  As usual she came when she felt her belly fill with warm spunk, collapsing against the bed.  I was so turned on that I turned to Candi, threw her down on the bed, held her legs apart and rammed home in her as well.  As I fucked her hard, I repeated to her, “You and your mother are more alike than you know.”  Apparently this thought was very erotic to her because she came, and came hard.  Her cunt clenched me so hard that it almost hurt.  I dumped another load in her pussy as a reward.

Chapter 22: Consequences

Every night I started in Teri’s room, then came back to mine for Alice and Candi.  I fucked Alice and Candi like there was no tomorrow, but always made slow love to Teri.

Around December Teri was sitting in her room crying again.

“What is wrong?”  I asked.

“Oh God, what am I going to do?”

“What is wrong?” I asked again (I seem to always have to repeat that question to her).

“I’m pregnant.”

I went into shock.  I had been screwing the three girls constantly for five months and I had never thought about one of them getting pregnant.  I was going to be a father!  Looking at Teri I said, “That’s wonderful!  But what are we going to do?”

“We can’t tell anybody.  You are underage, and I would go to jail.  I am just going to have to have this baby on my own.”  And she started crying again.

“You aren’t on your own, no matter what.  We may not be able to tell anybody that I am the father, but there is no problem with me being there, is there?”  I said as I swept her into a big hug.  That night we slowly made love twice.

When I got back to my room, Candi asked me, “What took you so long?”  I sat on the bed and told her.  She sat down next to me and said, “Well…I’m pregnant too.”

I turned to her, astonished.  â€œWhat?”  At that point Alice came in to the room.  I looked at her and said, “I suppose you are pregnant too, right?  Everybody else is.”

Alice looked at Candi and exclaimed, “You’re pregnant?  Wow!  Cool!” and ran over to Candi.  Then stopped and looked at me, “who is ‘everybody else’?”

“Both Candi and her mom.” I replied.  â€œWhat am I going to do?  Teri can have a kid without a dad, but Candi can’t.”

Alice sat down and said, “He’s right.  What are we going to do?”

Candi said, “I hadn’t really thought about it.  Maybe we should talk to my mom.  She was 16 when I was born.”

The three of us got up and went down the hall.  Teri was lying there staring at the ceiling.  â€œWe have a problem,” began Candi, “we are both in the same boat.  I am pregnant too.”

Tami’s eyes went wide and she stared at her daughter for a second.  Then she held out her arms and said, “Come here baby”.  Candi went over and hugged her mom.

“What are we going to do?” bawled Candi into her mother’s shoulder similar to the way her mother had bawled into mine earlier.

“The answer is simple, my dear.  You will take off school this spring when you begin to show.  When our kids are born we will claim that they are both mine, ok?”

“You aren’t mad?”  Exclaimed Candi.

“How could I be?  I am pregnant too, aren’t I?  After all, I had your brother when I was your age.  I can’t be a hypocrite, can I?  You couldn’t have picked a better father either.”

I felt good at this last comment, so I went over and joined the hug.  Alice looked left out so I gestured her over to join us.

Chapter 23: Epilogue

There weren’t any secrets between us after that night.  The three of us joined Teri in her big bed.  Teri and Candi delivered two healthy baby girls in May.  We did home birthing and claimed that both Jasmine and Sunny were Teri’s.  We put Teri’s missing husband on the birth certificates.

Alice managed not to get herself pregnant.  She went away to college when she was 17, met a man that she said was almost as good as me in bed, and married him.  They have three wonderful girls.

I married Candi when she was 16.  Teri lived with us.  I used my computer skills to land a nice high paying job so we could get a house of our own for Candi, Teri, Peggy, Tammy, and our seven daughters.  Life was never dull again.