erotica by Kenny N Gamera

Officer Sherry on Patrol

My favourite character (of those I write) is the tough dominatrix girlfriend of Kimmy from "Beggars Can't Be...," Officer Sherry Michaels. Sherry is a tall, natural blonde, who rides motorcycles and delights in pushing people around. Naturally, I see some humour in that.

Thank You and Good Day,
Kenny N Gamera


Sherry vs. AleicaD - The first appeareance of this character was at the summer solstice event at ASSD in 2000. She might be my favourite character of all those I write. Her opponent is AleicaD, a hardcore BDSM writer of some note. I did this one twice.The first time I had typed it, the computer ate it when I went to post and I hadn't saved the @#$%&* thing. I was late for work and had to rush out what I did post. Sigh! A nice exchange between Jenny and Kimmy got the axe.

Sherry vs. the Slightly Chunky Roommate - This story is part of the plot line for "Beggars Can't Be..." I wrote it to help explain part of the story line. It isn't part of the novel because of point of view issues. If you need to know, it falls just after Sherry leaves in Part 10, "Warm and Fuzzy, Black and Blue." I wrote it following the rules for a Story Quickly Written in Hotmail, and I think it is one of the most successful of these pieces. Unfortunately, I couldn't go back and add an important bit of information that I meant to mention but forgot.

Enjoy Your Youth While You Still Have It - Another Story Quickly written in Hotmail, this was less successful in my opinion. The bit about the power router was particularly disappointing.

Last of the Moe Peek-ins - I started this in my first year of writing for ASSM and it took me a year to finish it and another to type it. The characters in this story tie the Beggars universe with the universe of Judge Parker High and Gil Thrope Junior High. This is Moe's first appearence, but Stacey Isaac was in "Cheerleaders Need New Uniforms."
The story started with the title and an old spam story I had just read "Horny Peeping Sister" by some poor uncredited writer. I decided to make Sherry the Cop just before introducing her. Can you guess what comedy troupe I got part of her dialoge from?

Officer Sherry, USMCR - For those of you who didn't know, Sherry is an officer in the Marine Corp Reserves. Like many patriotic americans, she has been called up for Operation Iraqi Oil-whoops-I mean Iraqi Freedom. While standing guard at a checkpoint, Sherry and her lovely sargeant run into a shady character, with whom they have some fun.

Variation on a Old and Bad Joke - There was a thread declared to be about the "Worst Fuck." Well, this brought to mind a joke. The joke is old. The joke is bad. But I have Sherry in this version, so you might like it. No real sex though.