Combined, ASSTR, ASSM, and ASSD are the sources of a number of writing games, contests, challenges, and festivals. I haven't really jumped into them all by any rate. In fact, I've been pretty much of a non-joiner because of time commitments to other projects and the dreaded and despised real world. Yet, I have dragged my ass out of its shell on occassion to take part in some events and these are the stories that have resulted.
Thank You and Good Day,
Kenny N Gamera
"The Boxer" Suite
- These are five flashes based on the Simon and Garfunkle's The Boxer. I originally wrote "Asking OnlyWorkman's Wages," for the Summer Solstice Rom Festival, but thought better of it and didn't post it at that time. When the Anniversary Song Fest was announced, I thought to post it and complete the series with one flash for each stanza of the song. The flashes are meant to recreate the feelings I get from the stanza and are not connected. Each scene is individual sharing nothing beyond maybe the theme.
I Am Just a Poor Boy
When I Left my Home and My Family
Asking Only Workman's Wages
Laying out My Winter Clothes
In the Clearing Stands a Boxer
Bradley Stokes Flash Stroke Festival
- Blame the following stories on Mat Twassel. He came up with the idea for a festival of stroke flash stories based on a post at ASSD by Bradley Stokes. So from the ASSTR anniversary festival to 27 November 2003, us twisted writers were invited to come up with stroke stories that would only fill a computer screen. This was defined as a text file with eighteen lines of no more than seventy characters (including blank lines and spaces). It was only after the first three I wrote that I learned this included the title line.
All of the stories are on one page, but the following links will take you to an individual story.
Getting What She Asked For
I wiggled a finger at her
College Bar Party Time
Officer Sherry vs the Shoplifting Porn Writer
Work Cocktail Party
A Thank You to the Moderators
The Double-Bradley: How to Be a Pain in the Ass
Sausage Stuffing
The Chocolate Shoppe
- I wrote this in honour of Gary Jordon's twelfth fiftith birthday. Also, it is in and thanks for his service for ASSD, ASS*, ASSTR, and his country. Plus, a special thanks for the whole "Who killed Kenny" thing which brought suzee into my life
Fred Flintbone and the French Tickler
- About the time I started posting
to ASSM, a competive urge spread the group. From this both Iron Writers and Fight Club were born. I was one of the writers selected for the second contest. I was paired with Stacia T Canine. We had two weeks to write a story about a school for sex writers. I did this little rom-like thing as my contribution most of it written in the first night. The sex scene between Fred and Jordon actually had me kinda turned on while I wrote it.
The Old Man and the Porch
- This was written as part of Anoninsac's 2004
Curmudgeon Story Festival to honour both Denny Wheeler (ASSM moderator, editor, curmudgeon, ASSD gadfly, and all around all round guy) and National Curmudgeon Day. At the time Anoninsac started to recruit for the festival, I was heavily rereading my collection of Patrick McManus and had just purchased his book, The Deer on a Bicycle, which is exactly what it is subtitled to be Excursions into the Writing of Humor. The story is a tribute to many of his curmudgeons and to his habit of borrowing from Hemingway. I was trying to write in bad Hemingway. As always with any effect that I attempt, I'm not sure that it completely worked.
Prize Money
- In 2003, Desdmona of fishtank fame opened a new site and announced a flash fiction contest. The entries needed to be 300 words or less. I thought about entering. I thought about winning. I thought about spending the prize money.
I lost.
The Server
- This was my contribution to the ASSM Server Festival, a celebration of the aniversary of ASSTR's second server. I tried to keep the humour from this one and write a pure stroke story. It is one of my more successful attempts at writing and should be a series and will be if I can find the gumption to start typing what I got written already.
She Giggled
- This is the second of my Write Club duels. It was against the talented and lovely celia batau, who is one of the best writers on the web, let alone ASSM. I started out stuck for an idea and just started typing. I got inspired by "timewarp" (one of ms. batau's words), but was worried about actually fitting it into the story. I sneaked it in at the end. This is my favorites from amoung the stories I've written. It might be the only one I'd re-read.
Ski Trip
- Souvie moderated the 2003 Secret Santa program. The rules were simple: the reader gave three items for the writer to weave a story around. Towards the start date, Souvie needed just one more writer. I raised my hand even though I was busy trying to complete "An X-mas Tale" at the same time.
I was the Secret Santa to a newcomer, Lazlo Zalezac, who was in the middle of a series called Glen Wiseman (which I would recomend in a minute). He requested a story involving "A Christmas Theme, Midwinter's Theme, or New Years Theme." I also noted that his stories tended towards rom. There was also the odd bisexaul male. The story just came together from that. Thankfully, Lazlo enjoyed it.
My Santa was A Kitten, who had to find a way to work a cornbeef sandwich into a sexaul slavery story. He did it and did it quite well indeed, as you can see in "For Kenny."
Sweet Julie Brown Eyes
- This was the third sex story I started. I quit working on it just days before I wrote the first bits of "Beggars Can't Be..." in April of 2000. There was a thread in ASSD at the time where a number of the lesbian contributors were complaining about (FF) written by men. I forget who, but someone made the comment that such stories felt as if "there was a man in the closet." This got me wondering if I could write a story about a lesbian relationship that felt right. To get it right, I based it loosely on the beginning of my relationship with my ex-fiancee and our first kiss. I finished it for the Summer Solstice Rom Festival of 2002. Peaches and Cream gave it 2 and 1.5 kisses.
Untitled Gangbang
- This was my first Write Club contribution, and my opponent was Mr. Slot, one of the best humour writers at the time on ASSM. The judge was Hecate, one of the best Write Club judges in my opinion. She likes big words and extra rules for the writers. For this story, she wanted a romance without humour, hoping to force each of us to stretch ourselves. Slottie did very well writing one of the best tragic stories I've read. I lost because I couldn't write something not funny.
Welcome to the Future
- This is a Write Club duel that never happened. I was rushed, because I needed to catch a bus to visit Sgt. and Mrs. Gamera. I just got out of work. I was tired. The story wouldn't go where I wanted.
It isn't very good. I still have this general theme in mind for a story (colony planet, isolated and under attack). It will be a sex story, and I hope a better one. Still, my cyber "friend" at the time liked it inspite of the typos and misspellings.