The Server

A 2001 Second Server Aniversary Story

Kenny N Gamera
Karen wanted to cry. Prof. Erwin could see that, and he felt that it was a good sign. If they weren't angry at this point or playing dumb but were instead crying, that meant that they both understood what was about to happen to them and they were going to do it. Yes, he thought, crying meant that they had given up.

Karen knew it as well. Part of her still fought, but most of her realized that it was over for her. Prof. Erwin may not have said what she needed to do to save her academic career; still, it was clear where this was heading. Karen just tried to delay things long enough to get used to the idea.

Prof. Erwin stood up and walked around his desk. He didn't hide the fact that he was checking Karen out. He made with the elevator eyes and even moved his head up and down as he scanned the seated girl. Then he leaned against the desk and crossed his arms.

"Karen, I want you to explain exactly what it was that you did to bring yourself here." His voice was firm and practiced, copied from the type of voice a TV father would use in the fifties.

"I cheated, Prof. Erwin," answered Karen looking down into her lap, her eyes focused on her hands. She just wanted this over with in the worst way, but Prof. Erwin kept prolonging the torture. He wouldn't come out and say it and it was driving her mad.

"Karen, I said exactly. `I cheated' is hardly very exact now is it, young lady." It was not a question and Karen realized it. She shook her head no. "Tell me exactly what you did."

"During the mid-term, I help my roommate on the lecture mid- term. She was failing the class, and they were going to throw her out of school at the end of the term and..."

"Instead she got thrown out in the middle of the term." She couldn't be made to understand the alternative. Karen was much brighter and very willing, as well. "And how did you help her, Karen?"

"I let her see my test."

"Let's see," commented Prof. Erwin. "You exposed your exam to a fellow student with the express purpose of allowing this student to copy your answers. You both were caught and the other student has already been expelled..." Karen winced at that new information. "...We have a strict code of conduct here at Mason University, and YOU have violated it. Now, Karen explain why we shouldn't expel you as well."

"I...I...," Karen just sputtered. He wanted her to say it first. She fidgeted in the hard chair. He was making it so damn hard.

"Out with it, girl," Prof. Erwin ordered with a knowing smile.

"I'll...I'll do anything," came at last from her lips. She lowered her head in shame. It sounded so much like something from one of the cheap novels that her father had hidden in his closet. She never imagined that she herself would say such a thing to anyone let alone her college philosophy professor. She wanted to die.

He could see her break; she was now his to use and he would. "Do you know what can be meant by `anything,' Karen?"


"I doubt it, but I think you have a clue, which will help" replied the professor. he moved back behind his desk and took a note pad and began writing. "Have you ever waited tables, Karen?"

Shocked by the very sudden and unexpected change of subject, Karen only mumbled a quick "yes".

"Good! That will help you." He handed her a slip of paper with a name and the address of the faculty club. "If you are not aware of it, I am president of the faculty club. We at Mason University have one of the best faculty clubs in the country and one of the few that is not running in red ink.

"Report to this address tomorrow and see Mrs. Baker. She will be expecting you."

Karen got up to leave. Just as she got to the door, she heard Prof. Erwin call her back. She closed her eyes and shuttered as she heard the sound of a lowering zipper. She just held the door handle.

"Karen, I think I deserve a down payment on `anything.' It's just to prove that you understand, mind you."

Karen lowered her book bag, and went over to the professor's desk. It was wooden, very old but still wooden. Her other professors had steel desks, but only Prof. Erwin had a wooden desk in his office. There was also plenty of room, she found, between the two sets of desk drawers.

She got down to her knees and crawled under the desk as she had been told. After Prof. Erwin had pulled his chair forward and trapped her in that dark space, Karen reached into his already opened trousers and pulled his semi-flaccid tool from his boxers. With being told , she closed her mouth around it.

He grew quickly after that and Karen soon was able to begin doing her best at giving her professor a good blowjob. After her head had hit the bottom of the pencil drawer a few times she quit trying to fuck his dick with her mouth. She held her head still and stimulated his glans with her mouth and tongue while she used one hand to jack on the shaft and the other to fondle his testicles.

Prof. Erwin picked up the phone and hit a button on the speed dial. After one ring it was answered.

"Hello, Karen?" said Prof. Erwin before the person on the other end could speak.

"Hello, Sammy. Is this about those two girls?"

"Yep, the bimbo couldn't catch on. I would have had to spell it out, so, she's gone. Probably off campus by now."

"How about the other one?"

"She's under my desk right now."

"Any good?"

"Not bad, Karen. Oh, and her name is Karen, too."

"Hmm! Karen2, that'll be fun."

"She'll be over tomorrow. She's waitressed before and so you should be able to use her right away."

"Well, Sammy, I've got to go. After you feed her, get her sizes and get them to my assistant so we can have a uniform ready for her."

"Will do."

As she listened to Prof. Erwin finish his half of the call, Karen decided to end her humiliation and finish off him off. He apparently agreed for he lowered his hands to her hand and began to encourage her with caresses and a little dirty talk. He began to force her head up and down just after she felt him tense. With just a few of the short movements, he began to fill her mouth with cum.

Just before she could swallow; however, he pulled away allowing his jism to flow from her mouth and down her chin. Then the next pulse of semen shot at her face hitting her in the eye and cheek. Another shot landed on her nose. That was the last, anymore that came out merely flowed from the head, down his shaft, and over her fingers.


She looked up. A flash blinded her. The sound of an electric motor followed. She merely heard the pop of the next flash as she recovered from the first. She cringed at the thought of pictures of this. A desk draw opened and closed.

"Get up, Karen," the professor ordered.

As she used tissue to clean her face, she told him that her pants were about a seven and that she wore a medium top. Her shoe size was a tiny four. She was then excused. The last thing she saw of the office was Prof. Erwin reaching for the phone.

Karen ran quickly to her dorm, her previously well done makeup now smeared noticeably around her face. Her eye shadow and mascara streaked down her face with tears that welled in her eyes. Fortunately, everyone who saw her thought that it her appearance was the result of her crying. No one suspected that the young co-ed had just given one of her professors a blowjob under his desk and had received a facial for her efforts.

As a result, she made her way to her room unmolested by any of her acquaintances or friends. She felt glad that she wouldn't need to share that secret shame with anyone. She would die if she did. She had sex before, not always on her terms, but never had she been forced into the act. Badgered of course, what girl had never given in to the pleading of a guy who seemed to have genuine feelings towards her. Prof. Erwin, however, had complete control over her in his office. She had been left with little choice except to follow his will.

She entered her room to find it literally half-empty. Everything of her roommate had been cleaned out, so that the half of the room nearest the door stood as desolate as a desert. Only suddenly at the mid-line of the room, did it appear to be lived in. Karen plopped down on the bare mattress of the lower bunk. She sighed, thinking that it was now hers. It felt like a very small reward for her shameful act.

Karen thought about the justice of her situation. Her departed roommate still had her daddy to take care of her. In a year, she would be married or in another school. Karen had only this scholarship to fall back on. After this she could only go home and become the sort of baby machine her mother had been and had died from being. Leaving Karen with a generally kind but often drunken father and a second stepmother only a few years older than she was. Mason was her only chance out of that sort of life; she could not afford to lose it.

She dropped to her side on the bed. Though her ear landed on one of the buttons, she did not move to a more comfortable position. The trading sex she could deal with. Women did that sort of thing all the time, for a lot less, where she had come from. Her current step-mom just slept with her father because it kept her close to Karen's older sister, who was also her lesbian lover. Her father knew it, too. As long as he got his and they stayed quiet about it, they could do what they want.

Karen was more disturbed by how she had felt by the situation of being under his desk and under his control. Her hand moved to the front of her jeans where she could almost feel the moisture of her pussy through the denim. She moved her hand to the top button and undid it. In the next moment, she had her zipper lowered and began to lower her jeans enough to expose her panties.

She thought about the taste of Prof. Erwin's dick as her fingers went under the elastic of her panties and into her soaked cunt. With just a bit of pressure, two fingers slid into her. She effortless pulled them out and then shoved three fingers in. That felt good and Karen moaned out loud.

She wondered how it would have felt to have Prof. Erwin's dick in her pussy instead of her fingers. It had been a nice one. Oh, one of her High School had a bigger cock, but she had only given him a few hand jobs before she had caught him with another girl. After that, they had broken up. She had been disappointed because she had been looking forward to trying to fit that piece of meat into her tight pussy; now, she hoped that Prof. Erwin would break her into the horse cock club as she and her friends called it.

As she thought about the long pole of her professor impaling her, she began to fist herself gently with her hand as the fingers of the other began to play with her clit. Soon, the sensations of her masturbation caused her to lose the thread of her fantasy. Lost in the feeling, her hand began to pump in and out at a very rapid rate and at last she screamed in orgasm and collapsed into a deep sleep.

She woke late the next morning still in her clothes. She went through the day like a zombie. Only routine kept her moving until it was time for her to go to her appointment with the director at the faculty club. It was housed in one of the oldest and most historic buildings on the campus, which was almost in the center of the "old campus" area. She walked up the worn granite steps with a growing fear in her heart that she was about to get in way over her young head.

Her first look at her new boss only confirmed this. She was a short woman with short blond hair that was teased up in a slightly punkish look. Her eyes were blue and looked at her in much of the same way as Prof. Erwin had. Otherwise, she leaned against her desk motionless and silent. Her arms were crossed and so were her shapely, plump legs beneath a conservative shirt.

All in all, Karen was reminded of one of the girls on her old high school's softball team.

As the woman studied her, Karen grew increasingly nervous. And there was another feeling as well. It was the now familiar feeling that she had gotten while Prof. Erwin gave her his ultimatum, yesterday. She squirmed as she stood in front of this woman, getting uncomfortably hot in the wrong places.

After an eternity of seconds, the woman spoke in a strong and sure voice, "So you are Karen. Sam Erwin has many nice things to say about you, Karen"

And I see that at least a few of them are correct, thought the woman to herself before she continued. "My name is Karen Hunter, and I am the manager here at the faculty club. Normally, a server such as you will be will work under the headwaiter. But you will be working directly under me for the most part and will fill in the dinning room only as necessary. Your main responsibilities will be working special parties that our members take part in.

"I hope that you have gotten an understanding about some of the duties expected from you at these events from your interview with Prof. Erwin, Karen."

Karen swallowed and answered Ms. Hunter's statement with a quiet mumble at her feet.

"What was that, dear?"

Karen looked up and repeated, "yes, ma'am."

"Good! We shouldn't have to play games then." Ms. Hunter moved to a chair next to her desk and sat down. "Please take off your blouse and skirt, Karen."

With trembling fingers, Karen began to undo the buttons to her shirt and pulled its tails from her plaid skirt. With a nervous shrug of her shoulders she let it fall to the floor. She moved her hands behind her back and began to release the clasp to her bra, but Ms. Hunter stopped her.

"Leave that be," Ms Hunter said, "Just slip out of your skirt."

With her thumbs in the waistband, Karen shimmied out of her shirt and it fell to the floor around her ankles. After a step forward, she stood before the woman in nothing but her shoes and underwear. The air conditioning in the room gave her a chill, but Karen resisted the urge to hug herself for even that little warmth. The look in Ms. Hunter's eyes warned against it.

Ms. Hunter rose from her chair and began to wander around Karen. She carried out the inspection of the young girl's body from just a few feet away. As always, Prof. Erwin's tastes impressed her. He had a good eye for women, and Karen was up to his usual high standards. She may even surpass it by a small margin. With this thought, Ms. Hunter stopped behind Karen pleasant frame.

First one and then the other of the older woman's hands found a resting-place on Karen's round shoulders. Without a word from either of the women, those hands began to caress the soft, pale skin beneath them. Karen's breathing became erratic, as did her tormentor's.

"Karen, tell me what you believe will be expected of you at your new job."

"I will have to have sex."

"With whom, Karen?"

"I," the flustered student stammered, "I don't know."

Ms. Hunter's hands worked down to Karen's bra and the clasp became released. The older woman returned to Karen's shoulders and began to slide the straps down Karen's loosely hanging arms.

"We have a special membership package for some of our best and most discreet faculty members." Karen felt as Ms. Hunter's hands moved to her chest and began to tweak at her now hardening nipples. "You and others on our team of special servers will take care of some of their more basic needs. Most often this will be at the parties that I mentioned before. Sometimes, you will be asked to work at an event at a member's home."

Karen had closed her eyes. She also bit down on her lower lip to hold back moan as her new manager massaged her tits. With the rest of her mind, she fought to concentrate on what he was being told.

"Karen, you are aware that not all of the college's professors are men?" With this question, Ms. Hunter pulled back the girl's head and gave her a passionate kiss.

Karen no longer resisted. She let loose a loud moan into her new lover's mouth as the woman forced her tongue inside. They stood there for many moments sharing that kiss with Karen's bare back against Ms. Hunter's body until at last Ms. Hunter broke it.

"You kiss well, Karen." She blushed at the praise from Ms. Hunter, who forcefully turned the girl to face her. "Have you ever made love to a woman, Karen?"

Again, Karen blushed. She looked down at the floor and answered with a hushed voice. "No, ma'am."

"Well, now you get to learn."

Ms. Hunter lowered her hands to Karen's underpants and with well-practiced confidence lowered them to her young charge's shapely ankles. She lowered herself to her knees and lifted each of the girl's legs to remove the last of the clothing separating her from her final goal.

Karen's exposed cunt shined from the light reflecting off of the wetness she had leaked during her interview/seduction. Her panties had absorbed some of that moisture and had transferred it to the thick mound of her pubic hair, leaving it matted. Ms. Hunter rubbed her hands through the tangle. She received a reward of several damp fingers in exchange.

"You will need to take care of this before tonight, my dear," Ms. Hunter commented softly as she continued to stroke at her bush. "You won't need to shave it off, but I will expect that it will be neatly trimmed. You will need to look your best for your guests."

Karen mumbled an affirmative reply to her order, as the woman shifted her attention lower. With a light touch, a finger passed over her clit. Again, Karen bit her lip to hold back a moan. A harder bite followed as Ms. Hunter placed her index finger against the student's soaked lower lips.

"Hmmm! Nice and wet already," said Ms. Hunter to no one in particular. Then, she addressed Karen, "I see that you like this sort of thing. Let me give you a little more of a sample, so that you will know what you will need to know if the occasion should arise."

With that preamble, the shorthaired head of the lesbian sank into Karen's pussy. With her knowing tongue, Ms. Hunter attacked the now puffy and swollen lips. She lovingly licked away the accumulated nectar of her new plaything's secretions. Karen quit trying to hide her pleasure from the woman's talented sex play. Her moans and gasps alternated with each other to fill the room.

Ms. Hunter looked up to look at the flushed face of her young lover. The attractive face of the closed-eyed beauty increased her desire for the girl. She decided that her apprentice was now ready to start with a little practice session; so her tongue moved from the sweet lips of Karen's pussy to the now invitingly large target of the girl's extended clit.

It took just a few hard sucks on Karen's clit to send her over the edge. She felt nothing like it before. As the orgasm took her over, she could now see why her sister and step-mom enjoyed their games. The sensations came close to overloading her mind.

Ms. Hunter continued to tickle at her clit as she slowly fucked at her pussy with first one and then two fingers. This brought her two smaller, yet satisfying orgasms as she came down from her incredible high.

At last, she began to breathe normally. Ms. Hunter removed her fingers and held them up for Karen to lick. Karen did not hesitate. She quickly sucked them into her mouth to taste her own juices.

Ms. Hunter looked at her and smiled.

"Karen, if you could show me what you have just learned, I will explain your new duties as a server here at the faculty club."

Ms Hunter went to a plush chair in the corner and loosened her skirt. She easily pulled it away and carefully draped it over the back of the chair. Once it was gone, Karen could now see that the pleasantly muscular woman wore suspenders and stockings without any panties beneath these. The woman was shaved bare allowing her (or anyone else) complete access to her privates.

She knelt down in front of her employer's open legs, which were now anchored to the arms of the chair. This made Karen's target complete exposed and open to her attack. Her tongue bravely moved out of her mouth and began to taste for the first time the sex of a woman.

"Yum! That feels great, Karen," complimented Ms. Hunter. "Prof. Erwin was correct; you have a true talent. And that talent will be put to good use here."

Ms Hunter began to stroke at Karen's hair. "You will join our staff of special servers here at the club. You see...oh! Yes!...some of our staff are really not interested in some of the young sluts that go to this school. Instead,...yeah, right there, Karen...they want girls like you. Nice, sweet, bright, and who love sex.

"You must understand that just because you love sex and have sex, you aren't necessarily a slut. A girl like you knows that sex is part of life and is something to be enjoyed and share. A slut turns sex into her life and twists it into something it shouldn't be.

As Karen began to explore Ms. Hunter's erect clit, she was told, "tonight, you will wear our standard server's uniform except you will be without a bra and panties. There will be a number of gentlemen that you and one of your new co- workers will serve in the lounge. Each man pays the club a fee for this plus a fifteen-percent service charge. You will receive minimum wage plus your share of the pooled service charges."

Suddenly, Ms Hunter lost her professionalism and began to call out her pleasure quite loudly. Karen began to lick at the sweetness flowing from the woman. She recovered much faster than Karen had earlier.

"Do you understand what is expected of you, Karen."

Karen looked up at the woman, still cleaning around her mouth with her tongue. "Yes, Ms. Hunter. I think that I do."

© 2001 Kenny N Gamera