A girl stood at the ticket booth. She walked straight towards me. She was young, like me, but she carried her person with a confidence that I lacked. Her clothing was worn and maybe a little dirty, but within the fashion for our age. Her halter stopped below her developing bosom and showed her pierced navel just above the low rise of her ragged, faded jeans. Sandals exposed her ringed toes.
It was quiet, and few others were waiting. A number of seats to either side of me were empty of people. She sat to my right and dropped her bag to the empty seat next to her.
"The train will be here in another hour."
"Uh, thanks."
"I'm Lori."
I told her my name as I looked into her eyes. They were blue and shown like crystal. I looked away but found my gaze following her brown braid down to the opening of her top and the sight of her breasts where it parted from her body. I looked back into her face. She smiled.
"We've got time."
She stood with my hand in hers. I followed suite. With her leading, we walked away from the bench. Together, we went into a chamber crowded with machinery. She took me to a corner behind some boxes.
I shook as she lowered herself to her knees and began to undo my trousers. She pulled my sex out and into her mouth. It was warm and wet, nothing like my experiments with my hands in the dark of my room.
Her head began to bob into me. My penis disappeared and reappeared from her pretty face. I didn't hold back; I didn't know how. I released into her mouth. She stood and licked what had spilled from her lips. She kissed me.
© 2002 Kenny N Gamera