erotica by Kenny N Gamera

The Wonderful World of ASS*

I am a regular contributor to the meandering at ASSD where I have met a number of wonderful people. Naturally, there is the real person and the "avatar." These avatars come in differant shades and flavours, but they are some great characters and a good chance to do a little play acting. These characters are also a source of some great ideas for me. The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction refers to this as recursive fiction. Fiction that reflects the insiders of a genera. I enjoy writing it.

What follows are some of my mental images of my follow writers, editors, fans of internet erotica, and very dear friends.

Thank You and Good Day,
Kenny N Gamera


Double Celeb Meeting - Warning! Adults having sex with very a minor minor! If you might get upset with this as a theme, please skip this story.
I know that nine year-old girls do not seduce adult men. And you know it. And Uncle Sky and Frank McCoy know it. But some adults like to read stories about nine year-old girls seducing adult men. Some adults like to have their significant others dress as nine year-old girls and seduce them. And some adults like to write stories about nine year-old girls seducing adult men. And when I see these same guys complaining on ASSD about the lack of groupies, wellllllll...
Also, during a conversation with Ray earlier that day, I mentioned the chance of a celeb being a secret fan of a sex writer. The two ideas went 'round and 'round and came out...not quite jazz, but...

Free Minor Repair - Ideas for stories can come from anywhere at all. This one was born after seeing a sign outside a dry cleaners. Katie McN's Katie R series is amoung the funniest on the web in my opinion and Claudette of the North is a way cool character. Then again, Katie McN is a way cool character.

Kenny's Ticket to Austrailia - Katie McN is 1) one of my favourite people in the world, 2) the major reason that I continued to do write past the first few segments of "Beggars" 3) a lovely person, and 4) pretty damn cool.
Shortly after I started writing, she went into the hospital for a significant period of time. When she came back, I wrote and posted this in celibration. She was SUPPOSED to get angry, and then I would write and post a story about my adventures as an ausie street walker during the summer Olympics. She loved it instead; though she claims not to actually sell people into white slavery, that it is Katie R who does that. Surrrrrrrrre.

lagadum, lagadum, scoobiedoobie - I started this one during my first year of writing and finally finish it during my fourth year. Go figure. This story has its roots in a Limelighter's song called "Madeira, My Dear" that Denny Wheeler (curmudgeon and editor) was quoting on ASSD a lot at the time. Naturally, with Denny being a dirty old man and all, I casted him in the lead role.

Sherry vs. AleicaD - The first appeareance of Officer Sherry was at the summer solstice event at ASSD in 2000. She might be my favourite character of all those I write. Her opponent is AleicaD, a hardcore BDSM writer of some note. I did this one twice.The first time I had typed it, the computer ate it when I went to post and I hadn't saved the @#$%&* thing. I was late for work and had to rush out what I did post. Sigh! A nice exchange between Jenny and Kimmy got the axe.

The Video Camera - Somehow, Katie McN challenged me into writing a story about me, her, and my lover/editor suzee. Not really, she challenged me to come up with a way to do a video camera. This scene is the best I could do. Sorry.