PZA Boy Stories


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Doctor Thomas' Good Little Boys and Girls Club

Christopher, a young boy of ten is taken by his mother to visit Dr. Thomas, an older pervert who runs a club which caters to adults who lust after young boys and girls. The children are taught to obey and perform sexually for and with the grown ups. In this first chapter Christopher is introduced to the good doctor, his young sadistic nurse. With his mother present and particpating the boy is striped, examined and abused by the three adults and admitted to the club for training.
Woman-boy story
"Other" story

Story codes: Mb Fb – coerc mast oral anal – first spank voy exhib incest

25,500 words (51 pages)

Link to story Work in Progress

Miriam's Dark Obsession

A frustrated housewife with a long standing obsession with young boys, relives a memory of lust fulfilled. The plot thickens when she brings her perversion into her present day life 3
Woman-boy story

Story codes: Fb – cons mast oral piv

4,500 words (9 pages)

Link to story Work in Progress

Zwarte Piet goes America

A beastly little boy, of unremembered Dutch heritage, behaves so badly that Zwarte Piet is forced to abduct the lad and teach him a valuable lesson: one must be good for goodness' sake.
Fantasy-Magic story

Story codes: Mb Fbnon-cons mast anal oral – magic

2,750 words (5½ pages)

Link to story Finished story

Finished story Finished story — Work in Progress Work in Progress — Story was never finished Story was never finished — Status unclear Status unclear