PZA Boy Stories


Profile: Platypus has been writing boy-oriented stories for many years, of many types and for many audiences. His pen-name is one of thirty-four different appelatives used to date. His real name may be Gronert D. Palladium. He is a death merchant by trade and likes to hide underneath elephants. The author is almost certainly ticklish.
Contact: plupy1(at)verizon(dot)net or feedback form (please type Platypus in the subject line).


44 Days

with Sam T. Sleaze

Thirteen-year-old Rio is faced with enduring 44 days of torment to repay a gambling debt that threatens his family to their very core.

"Other" story
Story codes
Mt Ft – mast oral – humil bdsm cbt ws (foot & needle torture)
22,000 words (44 pages)

Birthday Interrogations

Two thirteen year old boys endure a coming-of-age 'birthday' ordeal that seems to have no rhyme or reason.
"Other" story
Story codes
Mtnon-cons nosex – torture
1,400 words (3 pages)

The Boy Punisher

At the Racine Reformatory for Boys, the old Dean of Discipline is fair but firm. Although known as "The Boy Punisher" he is respected if not feared by the young inmates, aged 12-14. But his replacement is feared, an emotion that soon overrides all other considerations.
School or Camp Story
Story codes
Mtb – nosex – spank tort
6,000 words (12 pages)

The Delacorte School

Timothy is sent to a reform school in which boys must be punished..
School or Camp Story
Story codes
Mb Mdom mast – humil tort (burning, needles)
10,000 words (20 pages)

Mr. Needles

Gideon's drug dealing step-dad was bad news for the kid. When a drug deal soured, 12-year-old Gideon's life became a whole lot more dreadful as Gideon was sent to Mr. Needles as collateral.
Non-consensual Story
Story codes
Mbnc anal bdsm cbt (extreme needle torture)
19,000 words (38 pages)

My Baboobaba

There was a reason why a strange disheveled man lived in young Timothy and Stefan's basement apartment and didn't pay rent.
Consensual Love story
Story codes
Mbcons implied sex
2,600 words (5¼ pages)

Nathan's Tale

Fourteen-year-old Nathan is sent to a program of discipline and humiliation for boys, because he was considered defiant, at the suggestion of his grandmother. The consequences for Nathan are life-changing.
Boy-slave Story
Story codes
Mt tt Mdom mast – tort humil
9,000 words (18 pages)

Nathans Verhaal

(Dutch translation of Nathan's Tale).
De veertienjarige Nathan moet een programma volgen van vernedering en discipline voor jongens, omdat hij beschouwd wordt als ongehoorzaam, op aanraden van zijn grootmoeder. De gevolgen voor Nathan veranderen zijn leven.
Boy-slave Story
Story codes
Mt tt Mdom mast – tort humil
9,000 words (18 pages)

Self-Serve Punishing Huts

13-year-old Jimmy set out to anger his step-dad Andy but ended up with more than he'd bargained for. A new form of techno-punishment was being tried throughout 'Bama with painful and terrifying results as a way of controlling the behavior of ill-mannered boys. This is the story of a boy and his step-dad and how their experience in a hut changed both of their lives forever
Non-consensual Story
Story codes
Mtnc nosex – tort electr spank pierce tattoo
10,000 words (20 pages)

Finished story Finished story — Work in Progress Work in Progress — Story was never finished Story was never finished — Status unclear Status unclear