PZA Boy Stories


Secrets & Lies

Chapters 11-20

Chapter Eleven
Baby Rick & Liam

"You two behave now, no parties and no friends staying over night either. " the Derek parents told both their sons, as they set off for an overnight stay, even though initially it would only be Rick staying home alone, as Matt was going to friend's house with every expectation of staying the night there.

Rick was back in his room before his parent's car had reached the end of the road, going straight to where he was keeping his secret things, a locked 'school' bag hidden in the space underneath his wardrobe.

A small padlock held the bag closed just in case someone came across it who shouldn't have, even though that was unlikely since his mum had determined he was old enough to keep his own room in order, especially since he'd been doing that for some time already.

Opening the bag Rick pulled out the first item he found, that being the multi-coloured dummy which he stuffed straight into his mouth only to spit it directly back out again, as it was in need of a wash. That though could wait as in the meantime he had the terry towels to take out of the bag, which along with the large safety pins had come from the secret nursery, during his last visit there. The pins were special as they had large brightly coloured tops that could be pushed down over the pin itself, as if almost locking them into place.

For a few moments Ricky sat on the floor of his room playing with the pins in a very childlike way, once more wondering just how people managed nappies in the days before disposables and pull ups had been invented. That was the theme of his new adventure to use old fashioned cloth nappies but there was a reason he was doing this at home and not in the safety of the secret nursery. He didn't have a clue how to put them on. Thankfully he'd found somewhere that did, which is why he had his lap top with him.

The lap top was open beside him, and it didn't take the fourteen year old long to find what he was looking for, flicking quickly through the folder options, to ensure the folders he normally kept both hidden and encrypted was clearly visible. Then with the passwords entered he found the file he wanted and opened it to show just how to fold a cloth nappy in the correct way.

Even following the instructions carefully, Rick's first attempt at making a cloth nappy was pathetic, not even looking the slightest bit like the displayed triangle he was aiming for. Thankfully the third attempt did work, so that when Rick sat in the middle of it there was enough to pull up between his legs. Now he just had to get ready.

A quick rush to the bathroom, secured the teenager some talc – not baby talc but the closest he could get away with his mum buying – Rick sprinkled a good amount on what would become the inside of the nappy before finally removing his clothes and attempting to put it on himself.

With his normal clothes out of the way, a naked Rick sat back down on the towel to pull the final protruding part up between his legs. This he soon discovered he couldn't do as tightly as he had previously been able to do with the modern disposable nappies, at least not without a second pair of hands to help him but that wasn't likely to happen so he just had to make the best of what he had.

Putting the first pin in place, he fastened himself along the join where the front flap met with the rest of the nappy over his hips, pulling it as tightly as he could before fixing it in place, and fastening the pin. Now it was time for the big test.

Standing up slowly, in front of the mirror, Ricky looked at his reflection which wasn't quite as impressive as he'd imagined it would be as, it looked pretty much as if he'd done little more than wrap a towel around his middle, like he did when he came out of the shower, which wasn't quite the image he was looking for. However as he moved back to look at himself more fully he was a little pleased to see he'd developed a slight waddle, as his legs were pushed further apart by the thickness of the towels between his legs.

Still it was only the first try, so Rick wasn't totally disheartened yet, as he took out a second towel and folded that the same way he had the first, and then sitting on the middle of that one as well. He then continued to pin that one around himself not just over the top of the first one, but also pinning the two of them together.

The second time Rick moved the mirror he was a lot happier with what he saw. The bulkiness around and between his legs, looked a lot more like a nappy now, especially the way his rear was now so fully padded out. Not to mention the total waddle that now replaced any teenage strut he may have once had. But then that wasn't right either, was it.

"Babies don't walk." He said to himself as if he'd just thought of it, sliding down onto all fours he then proceeded to crawl across the carpet to his bag to get more of the things for his adventure.

Still kneeling, Ricky picked up the dummy once more, used a baby wipe to clean if off, before plopping it into his mouth. He then crawled back to the mirror to have a look at how that looked. It being when he turned back that he heard a whir-click sound from the doorway, where he was more than a little surprised to see Liam Marshall with a digital camera.

"What are you doing here?" Rick demanded to know. Then he repeated the words without the dummy in his mouth, so they'd make more sense.

Liam continued taking pictures while he laughed, "Looks like I'm babysitting. Coochy coo!"

"Stop it." Rick attempted to launch himself at the camera but his nappy worked against him so although he was both taller and more agile than Liam, the large bulk between his legs prevent him from reaching the door before Liam had backed out into the doorway, and slipped into the bathroom where he locked himself in.

Liam couldn't help laughing. This was better than he'd dared dream. When he'd heard that Mr and Mrs. Derek were going away leaving Rick home alone – something his own parents were against even though they left their own sons alone far more often – Liam had guessed Rick would get up to something, but nothing like what he'd just seen. He'd thought the nappy thing was just a game but having seen the trouble Rick had gone to in order to make his own cloth nappy, not to mention all the things displayed on the computer, Liam knew there was more to this than that. He even had the photos to prove it, recording just what his friend had been up to. Photos he was now emailing his own computer back at his house for safe keeping.

On the other side of the door, Rick's surprise had changed first to anger but even that was now lowering slightly to be replaced by worry about the photos. He had to know what Liam was going to do with them. So he asked.

"Do you want copies," Liam replied with a half suppressed giggle, "For your baby book perhaps."

The old boy blushed at the mention as he actually had one, filled with images, both photos and drawings of himself in various baby outfits from the secret room, including nappies, of course. However, Liam couldn't know about that. Could he?

"Tell you what." Pet shouted through the closed door, "I'll give you the photos if you'll do something for me first?"


"Basically anything I say!"

"Like what?"

"Well first you can crawl back into your room and get out the rest of your stuff, or you can sit there while I email the photos too, oh I don't know, how about Andy but who knows who he'll send them to."

It was a bluff of course, as Liam had more than enough incriminating evidence on Andy Madding, to get him to do whatever he wanted, not least of which was a written and signed agreement to that effect. However, Rick didn't know this, so even though he assumed Liam would be bluffing – the younger boy not being known for his scheming – he couldn't be sure. Still, given that Liam already knew he wore nappies from time to time, and had even changed him more than once, he knew Liam could keep a secret.

A few seconds later Liam peered out of the bathroom door to see Rick was doing as he asked. The older boy having gone back into his room and was now opening up an old exercise mat onto the floor. The plastic backed mat was heavily padded to prevent injury the few times Mrs Derek had used it, but as Rick had noticed the bright colours and slightly raised edges made it look somewhat like an oversized baby changing mat. That though wasn't the most babyish of the items he had most of which he hadn't show anyone else before, not even his little brother Matt who knew something of what Rick liked to do.

"Right then," Liam re-entered the bedroom, with the camera still in his hand, "Firstly I think you should show me all the stuff you've got, but don't forget your dummy."

The brightly coloured dummy was laying on the floor where Rick had spat it out. Liam nudging it with the tip of his trainer before he picked it up. "And don't forget to crawl as, like you said, babies can't walk."

For a moment Rick thought about complaining but then just shrugged his shoulders, slipped off the side of his bed where he'd been sitting, down onto all fours and crawled across the carpet to the feet of his friend. There he remained on his hunches while the bulb end of the dummy was offered to his mouth, which opened to allow it in. The moment it was he started to suck on it.

"There's a good baby." Laughed Liam, "Now tell me where you got all this stuff."

Rick did the best he could without giving too much away. Talking around the dummy in his mouth he explained the cloth nappy was just a couple of towels and that the changing mat was his mothers. The near locking safety pins he said he'd 'found' without giving away anymore detail, although as luck would have it, Liam was focused on something else.

"Were you intending to use the nappies then, as you've got a changing mat?"

"No!" came the answer that they both knew was a lie.

"Well in any case give me those locking pins, just to make sure your nappy doesn't fall off."

Picking up the special pins Rick turned back to where Liam was standing. The younger boy, sticking his hand down inside the front of the double towels, without hesitation, so he could the side fold through which he pushed the first of the metal pins, before turning the heads so they clicked into place.

"they don't really lock you know. I can still remove them." Pointed out Rick, with some confidence.

"Yeah, I know, but you won't." the threat was as simple as it was implied. Still it was enough. "Okay what else have you got?"

Returning to show Rick held up the baby bottle, the baby wipes and a few other things before Liam noticed he was avoiding something in the bag. "What's that in the corner?"

"It's nothing."

"Show it to me."

Realising that he was going to have to at some time or other, if Liam didn't just look for himself, Rick pulled out the clear plastic pants.

"Oh wow," Liam exclaimed, "Now those are real baby pants."

A blush rose quickly in Rick face as that was the exact phrase he liked to use for the garment, but the term sounded so much more babyish when another boy said it.

"Still a good job you've got them as it doesn't look like those towels are going to be too waterproof."

Looking down at himself Rick was momentarily worried that he'd leaked, "What do you mean?"

"You should put the plastic pants on. No wait, I should probably do that for you, don't you think?"

A voice inside Rick's head told him to tell his friend not to be so stupid. That there would be no way he'd let another boy put a pair of clear plastic pants on him but, there was also another, louder voice, that reminded him that this was the sort of thing that he'd been dreaming about. Naturally it was that second voice that won out.

"Lay down on the mat." Liam instructed him when it was obvious that he was getting his way even though his friend wasn't saying anything. Yet actions spoke louder than words, and soon Rick way laid out on his back on the impromptu changing mat, wearing nothing but what appeared to be an old fashioned cloth nappy.

Taking up the plastic pants – the first time he'd actually touched anything like them despite all the years he'd been changing his little brother – Liam, reached down to scope up both of Rick's legs which he raised high in the air. Holding them there, against his body, he slipped the bare feet into the leg holes in the clear plastic. Proceeding to slide the pants down Rick's legs, Liam then pushed his friend's legs over his shoulders, further lifting Rick's body from the mat, until he was resting just on the small of his back, which allowed him to work the plastic pants up over the doubled nappy.

When he was finished Liam instructed Rick to stand up so he could tuck all the stray pieces of the nappy under the tight elastic that now surrounded not only Rick's waist but also the upper part of this thighs too.

"Okay, now you won't leak, show me what you were looking at on your computer."

It was a short crawl over to where the lap top still sat, but that was more than long enough for Liam to get to admire his handy work, as Rick's rear was completely encased in the totally babyish plastic pants, that now gave his every movement a slight crinkle sound.

Sitting on his hunches on the floor, with Liam standing over him, Rick once more launched into a sanitized version of what he'd got up to on line until Liam started to get impatient and just started to point at various files and folders, asking to see them.

The first of these happened to be a set of pictures Rick had used on an Auto CAD site, to re-design his bedroom from its current teenage state into something very similar to the secret nursery, complete with the words "Baby Ricky" painted onto most of the furniture.

Most of the rest of the files were rather more standard pictures of pubertal and teenage boys in nappies and other babyish clothing, all of them looking happy, if a little bit weird.

"What's in that one?" asked Liam pointing at a file marked XP.

"Nothing." Ricky said just that little too quickly to be believed.

"In that case it won't matter if I open it then." Liam double clicked on the file, which opened up in compression software, to show hundreds of files, none of which had names that meant anything, but Liam just knew there was more to them than met the eye, so he recorded them by date and extracted the most recent one.

"My day as a baby," read Liam from the title, followed by a list of the items that were either laid out on the floor around him, or wrapped around his friend's middle.

"Hey you left out one thing." Smiled Liam when he'd finished reading it all, "There's no mention of a baby sitter anywhere on here, so you're lucky I came along then aren't you."

Conflicting emotions rose up inside Rick. To have a proper baby sitter was something he'd thought about having, but he'd always considered it to be a pipe dream that would never come true, but now someone he knew well, and trusted, was actually offering to do it, plus he was sort of being blackmailed into it so it wasn't like it was entirely his idea, or even his fault. But just to make sure he asked, somewhat ashamedly, that if he didn't would Liam show the photos he'd taken to everyone.

"Might do." Came the reply that they both knew was probably a lie, but which fitted perfectly into the situation although it was followed by something that was very much the truth. "It's something you want anyway, isn't it Ricky. It says so right here."

"I guess."

Liam got up from where he'd been peering at the computer, "Well in that case, here's the rules. You're the baby and I'm the babysitter, so what I say goes, right?"


"So now all we have to do is work out what age you're going to be."

"How do you mean?"

"Well if you're a really little baby, then you won't be able to walk, talk or do pretty much anything which is going to be kind of dull."

"I'll be a toddler." Ricky said once more being a touch too fast to admit that this was something he'd already thought about. "So I can talk a bit, and walk a bit."

"That'll do but you should still crawl some times, and talk like a baby."


"Right then, first things first. Have you wet your nappy yet?"


"Good cos I don't fancy washing those things out every time you do so we're going to have to get you some disposables so we can just throw away anything that you use."

Suddenly thinking his friend knew about the throw-away nappies he had stashed near by, Ricky was a little worried when he asked where they'd get them from.

"Don't worry we can go to the place where mum gets Bobby's. It's a special place that sells them bigger than most shops and they know me there from when I pick up Bobby's, plus it isn't that far."

This was all new information to Ricky who listen so intently that he almost missed the next question: "What have you got that will cover up the nappy you've got on."

"You want me to go out with a nappy on?" Shocked Ricky looked down at the bloated packaging around his middle, wondering what could possibly hid that.

"Of course, babies can't go out without a nappy on can they, although it would probably be better if we lost some of it so it wasn't quite so obvious."

It took a few minutes for the plastic pants to be pulled down and the outer towel to be unpinned and removed from the makeshift nappy, before the rubber pants were pulled back up again. This significantly reduced the bulk around Ricky's middle and gave him an idea.

"There's some overalls in my cupboard that might work." Ricky directed his friend to the blue denim full length overalls that he had intended to get his brother Matt, to cut down into shortalls, but as yet the chance hadn't come up for that to happen so they were still as they had been when Ricky had found them in the thrift store.

Remaining laying down, Ricky waited until Liam had unfastened all the buttons and the chest straps, before raising his legs so the overalls could be put on. Then, when instructed he stood up allowing Liam to pull the overalls up, over his nappy. The shoulder straps flicked over from the back, and fastened to the chest part. A few adjustments were then called for until they were the correct length. Only then did Liam do up the hip buttons.

"There, that'll do." Liam announced packing up the rest of the things back into the lockable bag which he then put on his shoulder. "Let's go and buy you some nappies."

When they got downstairs, Ricky started to wonder if this was such a good idea. Admittedly he'd worn nappies outside of the house before, on several occasions, as Liam well knew, but those had been slim-line disposables that were barely bigger than standard underwear. What he had on now, even though it was half the size it had been, was considerable bigger. However, before Ricky got to act on his doubts he found himself being bundled out of the door which was then locked behind him, by Liam, who then pocketed the only keys.

The journey to the medical supply store went off without a hitch, with Ricky in particular being surprised at just how close to his house what turned out to be a glory hole of items. The single clerk behind the desk looked up in surprise when the two boys entered and was clearly about to say something until he recognised Liam, who nodded at him.

Following that exchange the younger boy ushered his older friend down into the isles, past the regular baby nappies, on through the toddler ones, and down deeper, through the 'Junior' section to where the 'teen' ones were kept. It wasn't a part of the store Liam had been in before, except by accident so he was a little at a loss where to look but that was nothing to how Ricky was feeling as he'd never seen so many nappies in his size. "These are all a bit plain." He mumbled under his breath until he caught sight of some on the end. "Here what about these Liam?"

The ones Ricky was pointing to were a lot more babyish than all the others as they were designed of teenager who's brain hadn't developed as well as it should have so they still liked babyish things. Of course that was also true for Ricky, at least some of the time. Therefore he was in seventh heaven when Liam suggested they have a look further down that particular isle.

Suddenly Rick found himself once more surrounded by all sorts of out sized baby items, including clothes, reins, and harnesses, that reminded him instantly of the secret nursery, and for a moment he was worried that those memories would be triggered in Liam's head as well, but the younger boy was already looking at something that gave rise to a question of his own. "Are you a large child or small adult, do you think?"

"Large child!" came the reply.

"That's what I thought. Right lets grab those nappies and get out of here. Get a trolley will you?"

Ricky did as he was told finding one of the few shallow trolleys down by the door, which he then pushed around, looking at the small seat built into the front, which clearly he wouldn't fit into no matter how much he wanted to try it.

"Up at the counter, Ricky was told to stand back while Liam went through the business of placing the items he'd selected onto the counter, and then packing them, into bags on the other side.

The journey home went as smoothly as the original journey had, but with both boys in a hurry to get back to the house albeit for different reasons.

"Right then," Liam announced once the front door of the Derek house was locked, with them this time on the inside of it, "Let's get you upstairs and out of your big boy clothes."

However when Ricky took a step towards the stairs, his friend stopped him, reminding him that he could only walk, sometimes, and certainly not up the somewhat steep steps. He'd have to crawl.

It wasn't easy to do as the overalls didn't give a good amount of movement, especially as his rear was still somewhat bulky, so Ricky had to put quite a bit of effort into crawling up the steps on his hands and knees, barely notice how many new digital photos Liam was taking of him as he did it.

Eventually back in his bedroom Ricky was a little winded, so was pleased to sit on the padded surface of the changing mat, while he watched Liam unpack the shopping they'd just bought, including the large package of teen nappies that rolled out to sit in the middle of the floor.

Ricky was asked to open his mouth which he didn't need to do as his mouth was already open just by looking at the nappy packaging, featuring a boy of around his age, sitting in just a nappy, and smiling. The drawing didn't have a dummy in his mouth, but Ricky soon found that he did. And that he was sucking on it.

"Put your arms out sideways." Ricky was instructed, allowing his friend to unsnapped the shoulder straps and unsnap the buttons on his sides.

Next Ricky was told to lay on his back which he did so the overalls could be pulled off him once more followed by the plastic pants and finally the towelling that he'd be wearing now for over and hour. This naturally, left the teenager naked.

Ricky remained naked for the next few minutes while Liam fumbled about to get the nappy packaging open. However when he had done so , and removed one of the nappies he then paused, looked over at where Ricky was still waiting on his back with his legs slightly spread, then got up. "Dam, forgot something. Hang on. Back in a minute."

It was little more than a minute when Liam eventually returned holding something behind his back, but with some talcum powder in his exposed hand which is what Ricky focused on, allowing his head to drop only for it to jump back up again when he heard a buzzing noise.

"What? What are you doing?" he asked even though he could plainly see the hair clipper in his friend's hand.

"Babies don't have hair down here, plus it will make things easier when you mess yourself. Now, you'll want to keep still for this." Liam warned.

Sure enough by the time Ricky's body could have made an attempt to get out of the way the soft buzzing wasn't just being heard, but also felt as the triple moving blades of his mum's hair trimmer was moving around his loins removing the last sign that Rick Derek was normally maturing fourteen year old.

"Right that's better." Liam said, "Bald like a baby should be. Now let's get your nappy on, shall we."

Finally picking up the new crinkling nappy, Liam placed it between his friend's legs which he noticed were also hairless. Using one hand to support the nappy he opened the sticky tabs on either side. He then urged Ricky to lift his middle so the nappy could be slipped under his bottom, and the tapes then tightened, starting from the top set, though the middle ones and then the bottoms ones. Before making final adjustments, and pressing down on the tapes so they'd stay in place and, more importantly the nappy would stay on Ricky.

"Right then that should do." Liam started to clear up, "Why don't you have a look in the mirror and see what you look like. Oh and you can stand up if you want, as I want to get some more pictures anyway."

Ricky choose to crawl over, immediately loving what he saw. The nappies he had on now were slightly more revealing than any he'd worn before as they were literally nothing more than a big pad that ran down from the waist at the front, under and between his legs, and then up at the back. Everything else was so see through that he could see the skin on his hips almost all the way around from the sides of his groin around to nearly half his buttocks.

While Ricky was admiring himself, twisting and turning in front of the mirror, Liam was doing much the same but he was using a camera to do it. Snapping away from every angel, trying to make sure that he got Ricky's face in as many shots as he could so there would be no denying who it was that was wearing the nappy and, still sucking on the dummy.

When he had enough shots in his camera, Liam told Ricky to sit back down on the floor again but to do so like a toddler would, bum first.

The results made both boys laugh, as Ricky spread his legs, and bending his knees until he toppled over backwards to land not to lightly on his rear which was, thankfully well padded.

"Right then let's go and get a drink, and remember no talking with your dummy and no walking either."

Obediently the now Baby Ricky crawled after his friend, arriving instantly at the first problem the stairs. Quickly it was established that to crawl down them forwards would be too dangerous, and going down backwards wouldn't work, so in the end Ricky ended up going down on his bottom. Shuffling to the edge of each step and the dropping down to the next one, before repeating the entire process a total of thirteen times until he was able to continue crawling into the living room, where he was told to stay on the rub.

Leaving Ricky on the rug, Liam went into the kitchen only to reappear a few seconds later when the phone rang. "It's your mum!" he whispered, reading the display, as he bought the handset over to the teenage baby while he dashed upstairs for something.

Ricky was just finishing the most surreal phone call of his fourteen years – there was something so oddly wrong and yet exciting about talking to his mother while sitting in the middle of the living room in nothing but a nappy – when Liam returned carrying not just the expected baby bottle of milk but another of his purchases from the medical store.

"Time to see if this fits." The thirteen year old said opening up the hardness packaging.

It was a lot more basic than the harnesses Ricky had seen, and even tried on, in the secret nursery, as this one, made of bright blue webbing about an inch or so wide, was little more than a single chest strap, with two horizontal straps, that both went up to a large double v shaped neck part. Both the neck and chest part were fully adjustable and Liam made sure they were good and snug before he clipped them both together. At the bottom of the back strap was a single d-ring to which a leash could be attached, and sure enough Liam made sure to attach one to it.

When it was all done, and fastened tight enough so that although Ricky would be very aware of the harness he was wearing, it would rub or cause him any problems, Liam picked up the bottle once more, and handed it over. "Do you want to drink this yourself or do I need to give you a hand?"

The older boy didn't answer, just took the bottle, removed the dummy from his mouth and replaced it with the rubber nipple on the bottle, which he started to suck on. It was one thing to be dressed as a baby and be baby sat but Rick wasn't sure he was ready to be fed like a baby just yet even if the thought of it was making him a little hard inside his nappy.

When the bottle was finished, nap time was called, so once more Ricky had to crawl back up the stairs which although it was now easier he was just wearing a smaller nappy, he still found to be rather tiring so it was something of a relief to be able to get up onto his bed this time, rather than having to sit on the floor.

"Let's make sure you don't fall out of bed." Liam took hold of the leash coming out from the middle of Ricky's back and looped through the metal bed head, but instead of tying it in a knot he used a plastic cable tie to fasten it there, effectively locking Ricky on his bed especially as the cable tie was down beneath the level of the mattress which, once the bed was pushed back against the wall, Ricky would never be able to reach.

Immediately Ricky sat bolt upright and felt the harness tighten around his chest telling him that this was the furthest he was going to be able to get until he was released.

"Lie down like a good baby." Liam instructed him pulling up the covering quilt Rick's mother insisted his bed had but which he never used. Only now he clearly was going to, as once he was flat on his back – the length of the leash was just long enough to allow this – Liam pulled it up over him and proceeded to tuck it in, really tightly all the way around.

"Right one more thing." From seemingly out of nowhere produced another bottle which, once he'd removed the dummy from Ricky's mouth he replaced it with the bottle which he insisted Ricky finish before he left the room, and allowed him to sleep. Not that Ricky thought he was actually sleepy until he was asleep.

Meanwhile Liam took Rick's laptop downstairs so he could not only work on finding where Matt Derek was, but to make a start on something he had planned for the following weekend, which involved sending an email to Andy Madding, from Rick's anonymous email account.

Chapter Twelve
Andy & the Hooks

Andy Madding wasn't so sure about this. He'd said he'd do everything Liam had told him to do, but didn't realise it would involve other people, although that was better than people he knew, which offered some sort of consultation. It was also on the other side of town, well away from people he knew, and Liam had said Andy could trust his cousins, so what could go wrong. He was, after all, only child minding a couple of younger boys.

The door, when Andy knocked was answered by two boys who he knew were called Mark and Pat Hook and were also the boys he'd been told to play with in place of Liam who claimed to have more important things to do than hang out with the ten year old twins.

"About time you got here, we've been waiting for ages." Stated the longer haired of the two.

"It's nearly lunch time too." Completed the other who hadn't refused the haircuts his brother had. The length of their hair being about the only difference between them.

That was about as much of an introduction as the three boys got as once they'd had their say the twins just told Andy that he was 'it' and then took off deeper into the house leaving the fourteen year old with little option but to chase them.

And so it continued for nearly an hour with Andy chasing the smaller boys only for whenever he managed to catch one of them the other would appear as if by major to free his brother and the chase would be on all over again.

It was during one of these ever more rough tussles that Andy bus pass toppled out of his shirt pocket onto the carpet where it was immediately snatched up by Mark.

"Hey give that back!", demanded Andy trying to snatch it back but the small hands were quick and the pass was with Pat before he was even close to getting it.

"What's it worth." The second brother teased before it was back where it started again.

Andy soon became frustrated that he couldn't get it and eventually gave up trying. "Come on, I need that to get home."

"So what's it worth then?" Pat asked waving the pass out of the window.

"I haven't got anything." Pointed out Andy, indicating that he only had the clothes he was wearing which turned out to be something of a mistake.

"In that case, how about we trade your trousers for the bus pass then."

"My trousers?"

At this apparent refusal, Pat piped up with a somewhat typical ten-year-old argument. "Well if you're chicken and don't want to show us your underpants."

Andy wasn't ashamed of the briefs he was wearing although a few short months ago he would have been, but at least he had jeans on, which gave him more confidence than the shorts Liam insisted on him wearing but it wasn't like he was going to travel right the way across town looking like a little kid was it. Still now he'd been called a chicken he couldn't go back on it, and it wasn't like these boys actually knew him so what could it hurt.

Acting as casually as he could, Andy slipped his jeans down to his ankles and stepped out of them.

Mark walked over and picked up the trousers before returning to stand beside his brother and openly gawk as the half naked teenager in front of them for a few minutes before he just turned and walked out of the room with them, leaving Andy with just Pat until he too walked out of the room.

For a few minutes Andy was left wondering what to do, until one of the boys – Andy couldn't tell which from the voice – shouted upstairs to say that lunch was ready, and that he was to come down.

The twins waited downstairs with baited breath to see if the first part of their cousin's plan would actually work as they both had their doubts given they considered being seen in their underwear as embarrassing beyond belief, but sure enough after a few minutes down the stairs came Andy, walking as confidently as he could right up to the table where he got the one surprise he wasn't expecting in the shape of Karl Hook.

"Where are your trousers?" was a fairly obvious question but coming from the well built sixteen year old, older brother of the twins, it sounded rather scary to Andy. Thankfully the twins where there with ready made excuses.

"He split something on them, and they were too wet to wear." Started Mark with Pat completing by stating that all their clothes were too small for Andy, and Karl's would be too large.

Karl looked with some disbelief at his brothers but then shrugged and said, "Little kids, always getting in a mess," before he returned to putting down the various things he'd microwave on the table.

A blush set into Andy's face but it wasn't due to his lack of lower clothing but rather embarrassment that the youth had instantly thought of him as a youngster.

The meal went without anything else odd happening right until the end when the twins spoke up again, "Hey Karl we're going to play cowboys and Indians later, can you do the war paint stuff like you did before.

"Sure, why else do I go to art collage." The youth shrugged.

"Great we'll go and get ready then. Come on Andy."

Even though he'd relaxed getting used to his lack of clothing while he was seated, Andy now became self conscious again as he felt Karl was watching him as he stood up so he used his hands to try and hide the more obvious parts of his body that the tight briefs did little to conceal, although it wasn't until he got back up stairs that he realised that as he'd been seated, the seat of the briefs had ridden up to show off a fair amount of his buttocks.

Before returning to the room where he'd lost his shorts, Andy took a slight side trip to the bathroom which gave him enough time to relieve his bladder and for the twins to change into their costumes for the upcoming game. Both now sporting along with their jeans a pair of boots each and a denim waistcoat with a fun belt around their waists.

"We've got a costume for you too." Mark announced pulling out what was very obviously a loin cloth consisting of a leather belt with two bits of cloth hanging from it. One in front and one behind.

"I'm not wearing that?"

"Why not, Liam said you'd play with us, so he wouldn't get into trouble for not coming."

"Do you want Liam to get in trouble?" added Pat.

Given how Liam had told him that nothing could possibly get back to Liam's parents that he wasn't there himself, and what that would mean for Andy, the teenager quickly changed his mind and took the tiny costume.

"You'll have to take your pants and shirt off first, or it won't look right!" Mark pointed out.

Without further question Andy agreed although he wasn't so sure the moment he took hold of the skimpy thing, turned his back, pulled down his briefs and pulled the loin cloth up in its place with the front flap hanging down over his privates and the back one covering some, but not all of his buttocks.

"Here, now these." Pat handed over a headband, and finally a leg scabbard that strapped onto Andy's left shin, along with a pair of beach flip flops for his feet. Naturally to get this on Andy had to remove his shoes and socks, and with his shirt already gone, that left him even more naked than before, when Karl appeared in the doorway with a packed of paints and a smile.

"Well that's an interesting look!" the youth smiled, before turning to sort out the paints, during which time Andy took a look at himself in the mirror, realising a little too late that his exposure was somewhat more than he'd expected. Not only did the front of the loin cloth only come down around two inches [5 cm] below the end of his hanging privates, but the entire sides of his body were left exposed as what all but the central part of his buttocks.

"Okay over here kid," Karl reached out for Andy's arm pulling him towards him. A motion that caused the light loin cloth fly sideways as Andy's body went in the other direction, causing his privates to be momentarily exposed. Of course, it was such a quick flash that all those present may have missed it but judging by the sniggers of the twins, that wasn't the case.

For the next few moments Andy attempted to stand still while the taller youth started to draw on his body. Starting with red lines on his cheeks and then jagged ones around his upper arms, and then down around his chest and stomach. All of which caused Andy's loin cloth to start to stir.

"You like playing Indian then do you?" Karl joked, once the loin cloth was almost standing directly out but was, still thankfully just about covering what lay underneath. At least if anyone was looking down.

"Well that's me done. I'm off to my mates." Karl packed away his paints. "You little kids have fun."

The use of the word "little" wasn't lost on Andy especially as it came from someone only a little bit older than himself but there was nothing he could do about it, as no sooner was Karl gone than Mark and Pat were busy explaining the rules of the game.

"We'll go put into the woods behind the house us at one end and you at the other. The first to get to the other's base without being caught or captured wins. Got it."

"Yeah, but aren't we going to play in your garden?" Andy looked out of the window behind him, only to discover there really wasn't much of a back garden to the house at all. More a small yard with a washing line set up in. Beyond that, was a small wood though, which is clearly where he was going to be shortly running around mostly naked. Still as he'd been totally naked in other woods before that wasn't quite as daunting as it could have been. So he agreed.

Once out in the woods Andy was relieved to see that there was clearly no one else around so took off running in the direction he was told, only to slow down once he realised that that s he did so his loin cloth would fly up to show what it should have been covering both at the front and the back. So it was at a steady walk that Andy started looking for somewhere to hide, quickly discounting climbing trees after the first attempt proved the flip flops were totally useless for the purpose as were most of the bushes which were more thorns, and nettles than leaves which is why Andy was still standing on the path when the twins found him.

"You're surrounded." Mark exclaimed confidently from behind his toy gun.

In mock defeat Andy put his hands up, "I surrender. What do we do now?"

"You're our prisoner. Put your hands behind your back."

It was a moment of truth for the twins as whenever they got to this part of the game before whoever was playing the Indian usually bulked and refused so they'd sort of assumed an older boy would do the same as after all Liam always did, but, just as their cousin had promised, Andy didn't. He actually went along with it. Turning around and putting his hands behind his back ready to be tied up.

Hardly believing their luck each of the twins produced a piece of rope from their pockets with Mark tying Andy's hands together while Pat used his to tie a big loop around Andy's neck to act as a leash.

Being led around by the neck wasn't a totally new experience for Andy either, but he was relieved when they didn't head deeper into the woods but back towards the twins home and into the back yard to a position beneath the washing line.

"Okay when we untie your hands put them up in the air." He was instructed and again complied, noting with a faint smile that Mark had to stand on an upturned bucket in order to reach high enough to tie his hands way up above his head to the low hanging washing line. However, the washing line wasn't quite so low hanging a moment or two later, once Pat had turned the handle at the end, tightening it, and in the process raising Andy's arms even higher.

"Now we can interrogate you."

"Bring it on!" laughed Andy, thinking they couldn't do any worse then Liam had with his bunch of little kids. He was wrong.

"Okay then where is your camp."

"Don't have one." He answered honestly.

"Rubbish you Indians always have a camp. Where is it?"

"Don't know."

"You'd better say, or else we have ways of making you talk. Bring the truth-maker, Mark!"

Pat looked towards the shed at the end of the garden from where his brother now emerged carrying with him a ping pong bat. Naturally Andy looked that way too, and in doing so totally missed Pat going around behind him, and yanking his loin cloth to the ground.

The twins once more got together to stare at their visitor, openly staring at him in a way that made Andy's penis start to twitch.

"Hey he hasn't got any hair down there, yet. Even Liam has some hair don't he Pat." Mark pointed out, much to Andy's embarrassment although he wasn't about to explain about how he had to keep his pubes shaved off these days at their cousin's orders. Mind you the comparisons didn't end there.

"He's not as big as Liam either."

"He ain't bigger than we are."

"Yeah he looks like he's NINE or something not fourteen, don't he."

"Sure does."

The twins had a good laugh about this until they remembered what they were meant to be doing and, for the first time could probably get away with doing. Just as Liam had promised.

"So, anyway, where's your camp?"

"Don't know!"

The paddle flew to plant a loud WHAP on Andy's rear changing the teenager's mind.

"Okay, okay, it's over there." He nodded towards the woods, but if did little to stop a second WHAP from landing across his buttocks, with enough force to get his penis to flap up and down.

"This doesn't seem to be working." Mark said when it was his turn for the paddle, "Let's try the tug of war."

"Go on then." Urged his brother with a nudge.

Andy of course had no idea what this was but he found out soon enough, when Mark's small hand wrapped itself around his penis in a very tight grip and started to pull.

The sudden tugging on his privates had two effects for Andy. The first was to make him cry out, the second was to send a lot blood flowing in that direction until he was very, very hard, and starting to drip.

By the time the experience was over Andy was breathing rather hard, from the combination of pleasure and pain, until he wasn't sure if he wanted it to stop or not although stop it did when the twins, with typical little kid attention spans, suddenly decided they needed a drink. Thankfully they realised they couldn't leave Andy how he was, although if the older boy thought that meant he was about to be released he was soon put right.

Mark bent down to remove the ankle sheath from Andy's shin, but then he removed the belt part from it, and unfolding it, made it longer until it could go all the way around both of the teenager's ankles, where he quickly buckled it. Trapping Andy's legs together.

Meanwhile, as this was going on, Pat removed the cloths from the loin cloth the teenager had been wearing, balled the front one up which he then pushed into Andy's already opened mouth before using the belt that had once held it up, to go twice around Andy's head, ensuring that he couldn't spit it out.

"There," they said when they were done, "See if you can get out of that." And then they headed into the house.

For the first time since this had been done, Andy allowed himself to totally relax. This naturally meant that his erection came back but that didn't worry him as the Hook's yard was totally fenced in, and there was no one else about so he could enjoy the bondage he found himself in without someone noticing. Or so he thought anyway.

The ropes holding his hands above his head, over the washing line, weren't really that tight, and were just about in reach of his fingers if he went up onto the tips of his toes so he wasn't worried about being stuck, as although the gag was really effective once his hands were free that wouldn't matter in the slightest.

So it was that fourteen year old Andy Madding was standing naked, in the yard, enjoying the sensation of being tied up, when a shadow passed around behind him. However before he could react in any way to it a small bag was pulled down over his head plunging him into darkness. Naturally Andy attempted to complain but the gag was in much too tightly for that and he couldn't get a word, so instead he went up onto tip toe to attempt to untie himself which didn't go unnoticed.

Strangely no actual attempt was made to prevent him from untying the boyish knots that held him, instead the entire operation was rendered pointless by the addition of handcuffs to his already tied wrists. The chain from the cuffs also passing over the washing line rendering him totally stuck.

With no sight, and unable to either move or make a sound, Andy eventually stopped his struggles so he could at least hear what was going on which didn't seem to be very much at all. At least not until he found his penis being engulfed in a warm wet embrace.

Being fourteen Andy wasn't totally naïve in the ways of sex so it didn't take him long to realise that someone had put their mouth over his penis, although the way it was then sucked further in did rather give that way, especially once his now erect penis was being moved in and out in a repeated manner that soon turned his head to jelly, and his balls to boil.

However the moment Andy felt like he was about to come, the mouth removed itself from his erection until the feeling had subsided some more. Then just as he was in danger of going limp once more, the mouth returned and started work on him all over again.

This pattern continued for some time – just how long Andy has completely no idea – right until the owner of the mouth totally misjudge it and was soon swallowing everything the blind and bound fourteen year old could give him.

Once it was all over, Andy was in such a dazed state due to what had happened, that he didn't even notice the handcuffs being removed, and was only barely aware of the bag being removed from his head. Not that this actually improved his vision any, as the sun continued to blind him for a few seconds meaning that by the time he had his eyesight back there was nothing and no one to see. Something which wouldn't change for another twenty minutes.

It was Karl who finally appeared out of the house carrying some washing in a big basket. "How are you doing?" he asked as if it was every day he found a bound, gagged, naked fourteen year old hanging from his washing line. "I think my brothers have forgotten about you."

Andy did his best to answer but of course the gag made sure that nothing actually came out.

"Still from the looks of it you aren't doing so bad and seem to have enjoyed yourself anyway." It was only as he spoke that Andy became aware of just where the youth was looking down at. At first he was relieved that it wasn't his still saliva slick private parts, although when he saw the small pool that had formed between his feet off pre-cum from his penis, he wasn't so sure.

"You know," Karl continued talking, "Lots of little kids like you seem to like these sorts of games and I guess you're no different after all. Don't worry though I'll send the boys out to let you go shortly."

Chapter Thirteen
Baby Ricky, Liam & Matt too

Rick awake from his slight doze barely remembering where he was, at yet, at first anyway, relieved to find himself in his own bed, although it didn't take long for the feel of the harness straps around his chest, to remind him just how had put him to bed, and made sure he would stay there.

Once Rick became as comfortable as he was going to be with being Baby Ricky once more, he needed to wee, and wee badly. Of course it wouldn't be the first time he'd wet a nappy but it would be the first time that he'd done it without the option of changing himself, which given he was harnessed to the bed, was something he clearly couldn't do. But there again, Liam had changed him, not just once before but several times, and, if the truth were to be told, Rick rather like being changed by someone else, as it added to the feeling of being a helpless baby that he was starting to like so much. Just why did it have to be one of his mates.

With this in mind Ricky decided that he could probably hold his wee for a bit longer, as it still wasn't really that late, but then wasn't the point of wearing a nappy that he could wee any time he wanted to.

All the time the pressure continued to build inside him, until Ricky realised that he really needed some relief and soon he was flooding his nappy just as if he were the big baby that he looked like.

Throwing off the bed clothes Ricky looked down at himself the whiteness of the nappy mocking him around his loins. His hand going down, initially checking for leaks but soon just rubbing the material of the nappy because he liked doing so. The feeling of the babyish material reinforcing the sensation that he was a baby, which was added to by the wetness he could feel inside the nappy but not, thankfully, outside of it. "I wet my nappy!" he said to himself, at first inside his head but then out loud in his own voice and then, almost subconsciously in a younger version of his own voice. And loud too. So loud it could be heard downstairs. But Liam didn't appear.

It was another fifteen minutes before Ricky got see anyone, and during that time there was nothing he could do but watch the minutes click by on his bed side clock as his nappy cooled down.

It was a strange sensation for the teenager for other than that time in the school he'd always changed his nappy as soon as he could after wetting it, and had yet to go past the initial excitement stage of wetting himself. Yet as the time passed, his nappy cooled down, and started to itch but then started to get comfortable again, until it was almost as if he hadn't wet himself in the first place, which made him realise that perhaps he'd been a bit too much in a hurry to have changed himself before.

Meanwhile, as Ricky lay upstairs in his wet nappy, Liam finished setting the seeds to get Andy Madding naked and tied up in the woods, next to his little brothers' outing, and waited for the surprise guest to arrive. Not that it should have been either a surprise or a guest as, after all Matt Derek lived there. He just wasn't expected to return.

"Hi, Matt," Liam opened the front door before Matt could use his key. "Glad you could make it back."

Looking at the older boy in an odd way, Matt shrugged, "No problem, what's this thing that Rick wants to show me?"

"You'll see. He's upstairs at the moment, you just have a seat and I'll go get him, okay."

"Sure!" Matt shrugged again, a little annoyed that his big brother's mate was ordering him around in his own home, even though it wasn't all that unusual.

Quick as a flash, so as to avoid any questions, Liam raced upstairs, to get his friend making sure that he looked all panicked when he entered the bedroom. "Quick," he said to the slightly started Ricky, "Matt's come back. You've got to get downstairs before he comes up here and finds you like this."

"What? He can't have. He's meant to be gone all day."

"Well he has." Liam went to the head of the bed to unfasten the baby harness from the frame. "Where are your clothes?"

"All over!" came the answer which was honest as just like any teenager's room, Rick's was scattered in various sorts of clothes.

"Right you put the stuff away and I'll find you something fitting."

"Fitting!" Ricky mumbled to himself as he gave a little stretch to get the stiffness out of his body from laying on his bed for so long, before he started hiding the baby items once more. Or at least the ones that his brother hadn't yet seen.

"Here these will do put them on." Liam handed over a pair of white nylon shorts and a sleeveless blue t-shirt. "They'll cover up your nappy."

"Cover it up, can't I change out of it."

"there's no time. Come on hurry up."

Rick did think to question all of this but decided that he really wasn't in the position to do so, so just pulled the shorts over the nappy and the t-shirt on across the harness, hiding both even though there was a slight bulge in the back and front of the shorts from his nappy, and perhaps some of the harness straps could be seen through the shirt, but it wasn't as if Matt hadn't seen him in odd clothing before. However he was at the top of the stairs before he remembered the dummy he'd been talking around, and removed it.

Downstairs they found Matt was in the living room, waiting for them holding the item that Liam had 'accidentally' left sitting on the table right in front of where the younger boy was sitting. Yet for some reason, instead of laughing about it, Matt appeared to be hiding it in his hand. At least he was until Liam asked what he had.

"It's a baby's dummy. Don't know what it's doing here!" he added giving his brother a reassuring look that was about to be completely undermined

"Oh that," Liam spoke, extra loud, "That's Ricky's spare one, isn't it Baby."

The eleven year old brother's mouth dropped open in shock, just not the shock Liam had expected, as he looked in confirmation from his sibling, before turning back to Liam and saying: "Oh you know about Rick's nappies then?"

"What?" it was Liam's turned to be shocked, "You know about them?"

"Sure. He wears them all the time when we're home alone."

"Does he wet them too?"

"Sure, that's what they're for isn't it." Matt pointed out matter of fatly.

Liam thought for a moment, as he reworked his plan to deal with the latest revelations, "In that case there's no need for these then is there." And with that he pulled down Ricky's shorts to reveal the nappy beneath.

All three boys stared at the nappy sagging around Ricky's waist. The wetness indicators clearly indicated that he was wet, and along with it most of his dignity.

"I think it's time we changed him don't you Matt?"

Matt's face instantly screwed up. "I don't do that."

"Well, I do. Would you like to watch?"

Matt's head started to shake but then he changed his mind as, he had wondered in the past what it would be like to change his brother, he'd just never thought it okay to ask. Now though he was being offered the chance. However, remembering he was amongst older boys – even if one of them looked considerably younger than him – he acted as cool as any eleven year old could, and shrugged as he said, "I guess."

Back upstairs in his bed room, Ricky pulled out the exercise mat he used as a changing base, before laying down on it, staring at the ceiling trying not to think of what his little brother was about to see.

Carefully with experienced fingers, Liam peeled open the tapes holding the nappy in place, and pulled it off before reaching for a baby wipe which he then used to clean up his friend's once private areas, even though the nappy had done a really good job in absorbing everything.

Finished with the cleaning Liam reached for the baby powder, and after lifting up the front of Rick's t-shirt, applied it with such vigour that small clouds of it floated up into the air, to ensure Rick's room would smell babyish for some time to come.

Finally Liam reached for a new nappy which he pulled into place while being careful not to disturb any of the white powder that was dotted all over Ricky's thighs.

"Why so much powder?" asked Matt.

"For the smell." Came the answer, "and to make sure that baby Ricky here doesn't sit on any of the good furniture without us noticing. But we'd best get his shirt off so it doesn't get ruined. Arms up."

Rick did as he was told sitting up and raising his arms so he could be undressed by his friend to reveal the harness.

"What's that for?" Matt asked.

"Well we don't want baby running around getting into trouble do we."

"Guess not." The younger boy laughed, adding, "What he needs is a play pen."

"Don't think they sell a teen sized one of those at the nappy story?"

"No," continued Matt ignoring the older boy's sarcasm as always, "But we could make one."


"Well, we could have a mat that he has to stay on. Like the rug downstairs, he likes sitting on that in his nappy and shortalls before."

"His what? Shortalls. What are they?"

Matt jumped up, happy to have got something over on the older boy, "Oh you've not seen them. Ricky where are they?"

With no option, Ricky pointed to where his baby clothes were hidden and soon his little brother was holding up cut down overalls and explaining how he'd made them out of a full sized pair so Rick would feel more babyish in them. This was followed by a short demonstration of the rest of the clothes Rick had with him from the secret nursery although, thankfully no one asked just where he'd got them or, for that matter asked him to put them on but from the look in Liam's eye he realised those two things wouldn't be too long in coming. For the meantime though he was to stay in just a nappy and sucking on the dummy that his brother put back in his mouth as they headed for the stairs.

It was at the bottom of the stairs, that Liam played what he thought was another trump card, when he reminded Ricky how hold he was meant to be, and that he couldn't walk but had to crawl across to the rub that was to double as his play mat. However, this too wasn't anything knew to the younger sibling, so instantly Liam started to think about other things he could do in order to put himself back in charge of the operation.

Finally allowed to sit on the rug, Rick had to wait while some cushions were placed at one end to make a 'nap area' while some of his baby toys from his secret bag upstairs were placed at the other to make a play area. These he then had to play with while Liam took some more photos which he then promised to send to Matt.

And that's how the three boys remained for the next hour or so. Ricky remained on his baby mat playing with the toys while pretending not to listen as one of his best friends and his little brother, talked about him and his interesting in nappies and all things babyish. Taking it in turns the other two boys told of all the experiences they'd had first discovering Ricky was wearing nappies and then going on to all the various times they'd helped or turned a blind eye to the babyish things that he got up to while he was dressed like an infant.

"He makes a good baby though don't you think Matt?" Liam joked

"Yeah I guess, but then I don't have to change him like you do."

"You should do as the older brother it's your job to look after the baby."

Matt looked at him funny, "But Rick's older than me."

"Not when he's wearing a nappy he's not. Then he's your little brother and you get to boss him around." At this point Liam guessed it was time to start working his own ideas into whatever it was that the brothers had going on between them, "In fact, if he wants to go on being treated like a little kid then its your duty as his big brother to help him out."

"How so? You mean changing him and stuff like that cos I already do a bit of that with getting him out of his sleeper."

Liam had hardly believe that when he'd first heard it but now it worked exactly with what he was trying to do. "Yes that sort of thing. You should also be in charge or everything he wears to make sure he always looks his age."

"Like nappies and the shortalls you mean?"

"Exactly. Make sure he only wears clothes that suit his age, even when he's not wearing a nappy."

Matt didn't really understand this as to him it was the nappies that made his brother look as young as he did now, but Liam was about to put him right on that, by asking him that what Ricky wore the shortalls could you see his nappy.

"Not really?" Matt confessed to which lead him to conclude that it was the shortalls that made him look like an oversized toddler and they would do even if he wasn't wearing a nappy underneath them. However he could also see a problem with wearing the shortalls as they just didn't look like something a teenage boy would wear.

"Well that's part of the point, but he doesn't have to wear things that are actually babyish, instead he could wear things that just make him look younger."

"Like what?"

"Shorts!" Liam pitched his previous stated idea. "He'd look much younger if he wore shorts all the time, wouldn't he as that's what little kids have to wear until they are old enough to say what they want to wear. Do you get the idea?"

"Yeah I think so."

"Great. But there's also something else that you have to do in order to look after him."

"What's that?"

"You need to make sure he behaves himself all the time, and punish him when he doesn't, just like I do with Bobby."

Matt's somewhat bushy eyebrows raised. "You punish Bobby? How?"

"Like all naughty boys get punished. With a spanking?"

"A spanking?" both the Derek brothers repeated, although in Ricky's case the dummy in his mouth muffled the sound so no one else got to hear it.

"Yeah, it's the only thing that puts him right is to have him drop his trousers and then get over my knee."

Matt's eyes travelled slowly to the play mat as he pondered, "But I couldn't put Rick over my knee?"

"Why not he's just a baby after all."

"Of course you can and if you are in charge then it's what you have to do. It's part of your duty when you're looking after kids."

Again Matt thought for a moment before coming up with the question Liam had been hoping he'd be asked: "Have you spanked Rick then?"

"No, not yet, but I would if he deserved it." Liam said this without his usual conviction, not because he believed it – he'd spanked Andy Madding enough times to know he could do it, and did indeed spank his little brother – but because he wanted Matt to doubt him. It worked.

"Show me."

"What?" the shock on Liam's face was real. He hadn't expected Matt to call his bluff so easily. "You want me to spank Rick now?"


"But he hasn't done anything wrong?"

"Yes he has. Mum told him not to have any mates over and you're here so clearly he didn't do as he was told."

"Good point." Conceded Liam, not mentioning that he hadn't actually been invited. All the same he turned towards the rug where, not surprisingly Ricky was looking back at him.

"Baby Ricky," Liam said slowly, "Come here for your spanking."

Ricky's mouth fell open but the dummy stayed in place, and remained in place as forgetting his instructions to crawl he stood up and took the needed steps over until he was standing between where his friend and his brother were sitting.

"You've been a bad baby," the thirteen year old said in a slow monotonous voice that had surprising authority. "Get over my knees for a spanking."

As a teenager Rick should have refused but dressed like a toddler with a dummy in his mouth and having listened to the others go on about how he was so young and should do as he was told, Ricky just did as he was told, laying across his friend's lap, just like a naughty little boy.

Once more Liam was a little shocked as not even Bobby was this cooperative when he was about to get a spanking so it took him a few seconds before he started to get himself together enough to make the needed adjustments to the position Rick had put himself in, to make up for the extra weight of the teenager over his six year old brother.

Eventually Ricky ended laying over Liam's knees, with his face nearly touching the carpet with his bottom raised up high in the air, just inside Liam's right thigh. It was a humiliating position especially as he could look up right into the smirking face of his little brother, but all the same he felt himself hardening inside his nappy as Liam's hand came to rest on his nappy covered bottom while Liam's over hand wrapped itself around Rick's waist to hold him still as the spanking started.


There was no slow build up, Liam just got right on with what he was doing, knowing that the padding of the nappy would offer some protecting but doing his best to work through it.


He worked down the centre of the padding but then moved to either side, working on one cheek at a time, ensuring as he did so that at least some of the time his hand would make contact with the parts of Rick's rear that weren't totally protected by the padding he wore which would get him the results he wanted.

It was at this stage that Rick made his first sound of discomfort inadvertently telling Liam that he was on the right path.


Now Liam moved to alternate from one check to the other in single, slow, but very hard slaps knowing that Rick would hold out as long as he could so as not to appear weak in front of his little brother – which was odd given what he was wearing – but Liam was determined to break that resolve just as had done with Andy Madding.


For Rick it was beginning to sting and then to hurt and along with that change he couldn't take it any more and cried out in pain, but this just seemed to encourage Liam all the more.


After just these few more strokes and Ricky had broken down until tears started to run down his face, along with occasional gasps and cries for the spanking to stop. It didn't.

One hard SMACK! Landed after another, in a rhythm that had a strange hypnotic sound about them. Each blow now followed by a short pause that was longer than it took Liam to raise his hand for another blow, but short enough so that it would induce maximum results which although this proved to be the beginning of the end, that was little consolation for Ricky as what followed was a really blistering.

Slowly but surely Liam built up the momentum of what he was doing, until he was really spanking Rick with all his might, laying down spank after spank until the teenager was kicking his bare legs and even shouting for mercy. It was only at that point that he stopped the spanking.

His bottom was on fire, he was whimpering and crying but Ricky was pleased it was all over. Only it wasn't, as even though Rick was allowed to stand up, Liam had other ideas.

"Hey Matt, do want to try spanking him too."

"Sure!" the smaller boy said, quickly swapping places with Liam. "What do I have to do?"

"First get him over you lap and comfortable. That is comfortable for you, not really for him."

The two boys laughed, while totally ignoring whatever complaints the oldest amongst them might have been making as they manoeuvred Rick back into place across another boy's lap. This time though Matt was shown a couple of extra things he could do in order to control the larger boy. Placing his right leg over both of Rick's and then holding onto his brother's wrist so that he was completely restrained, unable to get up.

For a moment Rick was able to catch Matt's eye, hoping that would be enough to urge him to be gentle but that clearly wasn't in Liam's mind as, he reached down to release the tapes on Rick's nappy and then to pull down the back part, before dragging it out from between his legs to leave him naked.


The sound echoed around the living room as eleven year old Matt delivered his first spanking ever and it was a good one too as he'd clearly learned a lot from just watching what had gone on before, picking up all the tricks of moving his hand around so that the entire area of Rick's buttocks were covered although for obvious reasons he choose to mostly concentrate on the less pink area that, up until this moment had been protected by his brother's nappy.


There was no build up. No routing. No rhythm. Not much of anything. Just spanking but a lot of it that lead to Rick kicking his legs in seconds rather than minutes, while more fresh tears joined those that had barely been allowed to dry on his face from his first spanking.


It can't have lasted for more than five minutes before Matt started to tire, during which time more than three dozen spanks had been delivered, every single one of them having added to the fire that now raged in Rick's bottom.

Once the spanking was finished, Rick was once more told to go to his play rug only this time he wasn't allowed to actually play but had to kneel on it, with his hands on his head, with his very red bottom on display while the other two boys discussed other ways in which he could, and should, be punished, none of which Rick liked the sound of, but judging by the way his friend and brother's jeans were swollen clearly they did.

Chapter Fourteen
Andy, Liam & Bobby's kids club

Andy read the email for the third time, that morning. "I know what you do and so will everyone else unless you follow exactly the directions below."

After reading through the instructions, he once more used his somewhat limited knowledge of computers to try and found out who had sent it, but as before, the tracing route back to the source was totally anonymous so there was no way of knowing who else had seen him doing something he couldn't. The problem made worse by the fact Andy didn't know which of his secrets had been found out, let alone by who. Of course Liam Marshall knew everything, so there was no reason for him to make Andy do anything as after all, Andy would already do anything for him, and enjoy doing it to. So who was it? The Hook brothers? No they didn't know where he lived, and anyway, they wouldn't want to own up to sucking Andy off assuming it was one of them that had done that.

Once more Andy was left weighing up the options of following the note's instructions – which it had to be said he did find slightly exciting – or just ignoring the email, and risking having at least one of his private activities exposed for everyone to see.

Realistically Andy knew he had no choice at all really. He would have to find out who was behind all of this and see if he could talk his way out of it somehow. Perhaps he could convince them that whatever they saw, or thought they saw, was a prank, or a dare, or just something that he hadn't really wanted to do himself but had had little option in doing. Yes, that would be what he would do. He could only hope that it would work, as the alternative wasn't worth thinking about.

The appointed morning dawned, the fourteen year old putting on the oldest t-shirt and jeans he could find as there was little point wearing anything good given what he was going to do to them later. In his pockets he placed the book of matches and the tin of lighter fuel, he'd borrowed from his dad's bar-b-q stocks, without once wondering just how the writer of the note knew they'd be there.

The teenager left his house with more than enough time to get to the designated spot, which he was told was only forty minutes away, but he still used most of the hour he allowed as the instructions turned out not to be all that accurate. Still once he'd arrived he knew it was the right place even though there was no one else there, as everything he'd been told to expect was there. The large over hanging tree, the large rock, and the hole where a long lost tree had been uprooted.

After a quick look around Andy pulled the printout of the email from his pocket and read the next instruction even though he already knew it by heart. "Put ALL your clothes in the pit." It said with the ALL in capitols so there would be no mistaking just what it meant. He had another look around and then complied.

His trainers were toed off, as the laces weren't all that tight, these though he placed to the side as they weren't really 'clothes' in his mind, unlike his socks which went directly into the pit, just as he realised he could have worn his shoes without them. Still it was too late now, just as it was for horrible old t-shirt that once pulled over his head, followed the socks into the pit. His jeans were next, unbuttoned – he hadn't worn a belt for the same reason he shouldn't have worn socks – pushed down his legs, rolled into a ball and then tossed into the pit.

Suddenly Andy had a thought, of how difficult it would be to get his clothes back out of the pit, if his trainers had gone down there and he was left with bare feet. Thankfully, that wasn't going to happen.

Another check to see if there was anyone around followed – there wasn't – before his thumbs went into the waistband of his boxers, and down they went to his ankles. His left foot stepping out of them before his right sent them down into the pit.

Standing naked in woodland wasn't as unusually situation for Andy Madding as it should have been, all the same that didn't stop him from shivering as the light summer breeze touched parts of his body that didn't normally get exposed, while he, for the last time, read the email, before crumpling it up, and tossing that too into the pit. The instruction, like all the others already deep in his mind "Pour the lighter fluid onto your clothes and set them on fire with the match book."

Picking up the can, Andy opened up the nozzle aimed it into the pit and squeezed until the small can was empty. He then picked up the matches, opened the book, ripped two out. One of these he placed sideways through all those remaining attached to the book. This he then lit with the loose match, before tossing it so the book landed on top of his jeans where it simmered for a second, until the flame reached the rest of the matches. At that point, not only did the book catch fire but so did the lighter fluid and Andy's clothes.

It took just a few minutes for the clothes to be turned to ash, so fast in fact that Andy made a mental note to check the clothes he had remaining were a bit more fire retardant as he'd assumed he'd have some more time before he had to carry out the remainder of the note "You'll like the next bit," the note had stated giving Andy a hint as to which parts of his secret the writer had known, "From a free you will see hanging a pair of handcuffs. Put them on."

Moving over to the tree, Andy looked up and sure enough there was a glint of metal that he could barely touch without going onto the tips of his toes, as they were tied to a much higher up branch. Going onto the tips of his toes was the only way Andy was able to get first one, and then the second of the metal rings around his wrists and to them click them closed.

Suddenly Andy realised what he'd done and where he was. Totally naked, all but hanging by his wrists from a tree branch, with every inch of his body from the soles of his feet to the top of his head on complete display to anyone who could happen upon him. The cuffs were well secured to the tree, and he had no idea where the key was, or even if there was a key come to that. And that was when he heard the footsteps followed by a young voice.

"Hey I hear you come out ready of not!"

"No. Don't!" answered Andy before he could think any better of it.

"Why not?" came the same voice, noticeably closer this time.

"I'm..." finally Andy got the better of himself, and didn't finish the sentence, although by then it was already too late, as a small figure stepped out of the undergrowth to his side.

"Bobby. Bobby Marshall." Andy couldn't believe it was someone he knew.

The small boy came closer before asking the obvious question: "Why are you naked?"

"I burned my clothes."

Bobby's head tilted to one side, as he processed that statement yet didn't follow it up, going on to the second most obvious question instead, "Who tied you up?"

"No one I did it myself?"

"Oh!, so you made fire with your clothes and than got tied up by yourself to a tree?"

Andy nodded, allowing the small boy to drop his bombshell. "Just like Liam said you would."


It was the small boy's turn to nod, although he choose to speak as well, "Liam said you'd do it, and you did."

"Is he here? Liam? Is he here?" Spinning on the tips of his toes so he could look around, Andy inadvertently made his genitals swing and bounce around between his legs, which gave the little boy the giggles, leaving him incapable of answering, so it was at this point that the person who'd been watching, and filming the entire events made himself known.

"I'm here Andy." Liam announced as he marched into the clearing, holding up his digital camera to take some close ups to add to the mid shot video that was still filming from the bird hide on the other side of the clearing. "Hold still a minute will you."

In a moment that shocked Andy more than just about anything else that had happened, he watched as his slightly younger friend, came all the way over to him, grabbed his penis and gave it a slight rub, that instantly made it start to stir.

"That's better." Taking his hand away, Liam raised the camera and took several more shots of the naked boy strung up helplessly by his wrists, and clearly on the way to getting an erection. "It looks so much more humiliating if it looks like you're enjoying it, doesn't it Andy?" he laughed.

"You can't show that to anyone?"

"Why not it's a good one, with both your erection and your face clear and anyway, I don't follow your orders, you're meant to follow mine?"

Andy looked up helplessly at where his hands were held, "But I did."

"Today you did, but you haven't since we last met have you."

"What? What do you mean?" the older boy blushed, not wanting to talk about the other things they'd been up to with the small boy present, even if Bobby wasn't paying the slightest bit of attention.

"Well I seem to remember tell you not to wear long trousers unless you're at school for starters, and not only did you wear jeans today, but you've been wearing them all the time at home, haven't you?"

It was true, and although Andy could have denied the second part, he had the correct idea that this would be pointless, especially as the first part was obviously true. But that wasn't all.

"There's also the matter of the thing you're not wearing that wouldn't have allowed that?"

It was only when Liam gave Andy's erection a flick that made it bounce – and Bobby giggle – that Andy caught on and remembered the chastity device that he'd worn for most of the previous weeks since Liam had made him his slave, up in his bathroom, but which had been removed due to an scheduled doctor's appointment which would require a sample. That though was several days ago, and since then, Andy hadn't been able to get over to Liam's in order to have the cage fitted once more over his genitals.

"Still there's a way for you to redeem yourself, if you just repeat these words after me. "I'm Andy and I'm a naughty little boy who doesn't do what he's told so I need a spanking. Please being something to spank me with'"

"I can't say that." Was Andy's first protested followed by, "Who's going to see that?"

"Only one way to find out." Was Liam's replay, "or I could just leave you here, and hope someone else finds you before the snakes and creepy crawlies do. Or maybe something worse!"

"What's worse than creepy crawlies?" asked Bobby his little face screwed up in disgust.

The reply came not from his brother but from the naked teenager albeit the answer to a different question. "I'll do it."

"Knew you would, now wait while I get ready." Liam moved back to get a good shot, and then told Andy to go ahead.

"Hello, I'm naughty little boy Andy, and I need a spanking. Please bring something to spank me with."

"Brilliant. Not quite right but near enough. Now we'll just have to wait and see who turns up."

Andy started to protest that Liam couldn't really send that video to anyone they knew, but it soon became clear that he didn't have too as no sooner had it been filmed that people started to appear. Not people that Andy knew, but who clearly knew Liam, and especially his little brother, as most of them went to the same day care centre as Bobby. Not that they paid that much attention to the six year old as they had more interesting things to look at, like the naked teenager hanging from a tree.

"Wow!" cried one, "He's naked and nude."

"Is he tied up good so he can't get us?" asked another, while a third wondered where Andy's clothes were.

"He burnt them," Liam answered, "And don't worry he's not going anywhere?"

The sixth boy into the clearing had a personal question: "Can we touch him?" to which Liam's answer was "Don't see why not!"

The small boys – Andy was slightly relieved to notice that they were all boys at least – crowded around him, and started rubbing their hands over him, starting by the one who'd asked the question, but soon followed by all the others. They took turns in a strangely orderly fashion, standing back to watch him squirm, as he was unable to prevent them from touching him everywhere, including his most private places until Liam called them all to order.

"Okay everyone get into a big circle around the naughty boy. You'll each get a minute of spanking each. Did you all remember to bring something?"

As if they were being asked about a school project in class, the boys raised the hairbrushes, rulers and slippers they'd been instructed to bring with them much to Andy's dread and Liam's pleasure.

"Right the circle will move around once each boy has had his turn, so you'll all get to not only have a go but have a good view of everything that goes on but before we start I think it's only fair that the naughty little boy gets to say something."

There was a pause before this could happen though, as before he could speak, Andy had to be told what to say, and although he didn't like it one bit he still went ahead and repeated the words to his little audience. "Please spank my bum until it is as red as a post box."

Andy then asked who wanted to go first, but although everyone present put their hand up Andy gave that honour to his own little brother, who was now holding a ping pong paddle that he'd got from somewhere.

The small bat landed hard on Andy's bottom, making him yelp although he did manage to keep a little quieter during the rest of the sixty seconds the small boy had to paddle his bottom.

A hairbrush was used by the second boy in the circle and although smaller it was no less of a weapon, as it caused Andy's body to swing slightly, so that every whack made his privates bounce around, much to the amusement of those waiting their turn in front of him.

Tears were already in Andy's eyes by the time the third boy took his place with an old flip flop that he used surprisingly effectively never hitting the same place twice which did ease some of the pain of the blows, but greatly enhanced the reddening that Andy's rear was undergoing.

"I've practised." Announced the fourth in the queue, holding a piece of leather that could have once been a belt. "So I bet this is going to make him really cry, like a baby."

"Tell you what Andy, if you want him to stop then all you have to do is say you're a baby after thirty seconds and we'll move on."

Even though Andy clearly no option but to agree he was quietly a little bit confident as despite the spanking he'd already been given the boy with the strap was by far the smallest and thinnest of all the small boys, with thin arms that looked like match sticks, that surely couldn't do much damage. Andy was wrong.

The strap smacked into Andy's bottom with an unimaginable sharp sting, that rose an instant red mark almost right across the teenager's rear. It was quickly followed by nearly a dozen more as clearly the boy had not only practise how hard to spank, but how fast he could do it too. And he could do it both very hard and very fast. So much so that when Andy was given the chance he just had to swallow his pride, so that he'd been able to sit down in the future.

"I'm a big baby. Please stop." He cried through tears that trickled down his face.

Instantly the audience burst into laughter, with the realisation that the smallest amongst their number had broken this big boy and made him not only cry, but call himself a baby which, to small boys was just about the worse thing any boy could call himself.

"Okay," Liam said when the laughter started to die down. "How many of you are left to go?"

Three boys put their hands up.

"Right then, let's get on with it."

The first of the remaining four, got quickly into position and let fly with the six inch [15 cm] ruler he'd bought along. Unfortunately, this proved to be rather ineffectual, as it was too short to get any real impact, although the same couldn't be said for the large slipper that followed it. That at least would have produced some real damage had the boy holding not had hands that were too small to grip it properly greatly reducing the impact it too had.

The final boy also had a ruler but this one was a foot long [30 cm], and fit comfortably into the small hand holding it leading to a sharp crack echoing around the small clearing whenever it made contact with Andy's burning rear, followed by a cry from the boy himself.

By the time it was all over Andy was openly sobbing and yet the erection Liam's hand had enticed out of him, hadn't fully vanished. Not only that, during the teenager's humiliating spanking, several drops of clear liquid had dripped out of the end.

"Okay I think the naughty boy has had enough now, you lot head back to the playground and I'll get him down so he can get dressed. Don't forget to hide your spanking things as you never know when you're going to be needing them again."

Andy waited until all the small boys had left which gave him just enough time to get himself back together, before pointing out a flaw in Liam's plan. "I haven't got any clothes to wear, I burnt them."

"I know." The thirteen year old said, "But don't worry I've got you something. Hold still while I put it on you."

The small metal cage with the thick rubber back band, and the tiny padlock was pulled from the backpack Liam had hidden in the bushes, and soon applied to the hanging naked boy with the bright red bottom, although Liam did have to pause a couple of times to wipe his hand on his shirt, to remove the sticky substances that seemed to coat the other boy's groin.

"That's more like it." He said as he snapped the lock in place on the chastity device, "Maybe next time I have to take it off you'll remember to ask me to put it back on you again."

Andy nodded not wanting to go through what he'd just gone through again, despite the desperate urge he was currently feeling to masturbate. First though he had to get out of the handcuffs that were now making his arms hurt. Thankfully, he soon saw Liam was holding a small key.

"If I leave you this will you make sure you bring it back to me?"

Andy nodded only to find that Liam wasn't going to release him but instead just put the key to the handcuffs into one of Andy's hands, before he walked off into the undergrowth leaving the teenager there.

For a few minutes Andy wasn't sure if he dared try to un-cuff himself as the danger of dropping the key and his not being able to retrieve it was very real, but on the other hand, he could hardly stay where he was, hanging naked in the middle of the woods, with a chastity device locked on his privates and a bum that was, so red, it could have caused a bull fight.

Of course, Liam hadn't left him there, but had instead returned to his video camera to ensure it captured the final act of the situation he'd created for his masochistic mate, complete with close ups of the trapped genitals that were constantly trying to harden, as the youth, struggled to free himself from the cuffs that, it turned out, didn't even need a key to be opened, as Andy discovered the moment he attempted to get the key in, only to find the bracelets popping open.

Chapter Fifteen
Baby Ricky, Matt & Liam

Rick couldn't quite believe he was letting his brother do this. Sure it was similar to the things he'd not only done himself, but had allowed Liam Marshall do to him, but this was different in so many ways, not least of which being that it was Matt's idea.

"It'll be fun to see what you look like," Matt had said adding, "And after all the things I've done for you, keeping it secret that you wear nappies and want to behave like a baby. Plus it's not like its all that much different from what you've been doing on your own is it?"

There was some truth in that of course, which is why Rick couldn't argue with it. It was similar. So similar in fact that for the most part it was the exactly the same. It was just that last bit that he wasn't so sure about. Still, if he wanted his brother's help the next time he got stuck in his sleeper then he'd best go along with him now and keep him sweet. He even offered to use on of his precious stock of disposable nappies, but Mat had other ideas.

"It won't look right unless it's a real nappy, like you were wore last time."

Rick shrugged, "Okay I'll go put one on then."

"Can I do it?"

The request rather surprised Rick as he'd always assumed his little brother wouldn't want to be quite so involved in his baby double life, and indeed he'd never shown any interest in doing that before always leaving Rick to change in and out of his nappies on his own. That said, he had helped Rick put on some of his other clothing so, after seeing Liam put a nappy on Rick several times now, it probably seems rather more natural to him now.

In the end Rick had to give his little brother some instructions on just how to put a cloth nappy on a teenager, but not nearly as many as he would have expected to do but then Matt always was a fast learner, as he demonstrated once he'd finished pinning the nappy in place around his brother's powdered loins, by not letting him up.

"Hang on I've not finished yet." He said, pushing Rick back down firmly onto the changing mat, while he pulled out the plastic pants which he then proceeded to thread onto Rick's legs and then up over his nappy until the elastic snapped closed around his waist and the tops of his legs.

Rick was then told to stay where he was while Mat popped into their parents room to get the clothing Rick was going to be wearing that day. However as soon as Rick saw the costume, his shoulders sagged as he once more had second thoughts about this. After all it was one thing to want to dress as a toddler, but it was totally another one to dress like a toddler girl in a dress.

The dress was, it has to be said, completely hideous in just about every way imaginable so it was no surprise to Rick that it had been left behind at a recent charity sale as there was no girl on earth who would have been seen dead in it, let alone a boy. That though is why Matt had suggested he try it on, just to see how bad it did look.

It looked like it had been made from all the left over bits of pastel cloth that left it in a mixture of light blues, greens and reds, with the occasional bits of purple mixed in. If that wasn't bad enough, the dress maker had then tried to 'improve' it by adding in a overly fussy white neck line, that didn't even follow the neck line of the dress but just laid over the top of it, where a neck line would have been. The same trim then used around the hems of the very short sleeves, in such a way as to cause the shoulders to puff out as if the wearer's shoulders were wider than their body. It zipped up the back and was also rather short although Rick wasn't aware of this until he put it on.

The brothers had a little trouble getting the dress on as after all neither of them were used to wearing them, but in the end they figured Rick should put it on line a t-shirt which then allowed Matt to zip it up at the back.

When it was all done, Rick had time to look at himself only to find himself blushing and laughing at the same time at just how completely ridiculous he looked but it wasn't finished yet.

"Oh wait I forgot something."

A moment later Matt was back with what at first look appeared to be a pair of white underpants but just as he was about to step into them Rick caught sight of the pink trim around the edges, and the bow on the front that singled them out for what they were, a pair of girl's knickers. For some reason though he didn't complain about this just allowed his feet to be guided into the leg holes and for the panties to by pulled up his legs and over the nappy and plastic pants he was already wearing.

"Right then finishing touches, sit on the side of the bed."

Rick did as he was told, allowing his brother to put a pair of white socks on his feet which were pulled up to just under his knees where they were folded down to reveal pink tops. A pair of shoes were then added to his look. These at least looked fairly normal as they were black, but in a t-bar style that no one had worn for years still at least they could have passed for boy's shoes, even if nothing else the teenager was wearing could.

Funny thing was Rick couldn't actually see either his shoes or socks when he was sitting down due to the way the short dress ballooned out over the hefty cloth nappy he was wearing. It not being until he was standing up, and could bend forward that he could actually see them and the frilly lace on his socks. Mind you that was nothing to the amount of lace he was inadvertently showing off as the dress rode up at the back to show his girlish underwear.

"One last thing, and then I'll get the camera." Matt produced a dummy which now hung from a pink ribbon that was placed over his head, so that the dummy hung down on his chest when it wasn't actually in his mouth.

When the makeover was complete, Rick was allowed to look at himself in the mirror and sure enough, just as he'd suspected he looked just like a baby girl with thighs left almost entirely bare from his knees right up to the top where the bottom hem of the dress only just about covered the over sized nappy that was also forcing his legs to remain slightly apart.

Turning around, the view was no better. In fact it was probably worse, as the dress seemed even shorted at the rear, so that even when he was standing straight the bottom row of pink lace of the knickers was clearly visible.

"Sit in the chair while I get the camera." Matt pointed to the small chair in the corner before disappearing for a second.

Moving over to it, Rick wonder what the best way to sit was without exposing too much of his underwear but couldn't think how girls did it so just sat down allowing the dress to billow out around him before he realised that if he pulled his knees together and sat slightly to one side, he could at least retain some dignity with his knees pressed together.

"Oh that's great," returning with the camera, Matt instantly started taking pictures from every angle he could manage, pausing only to tell his brother to put the dummy in his mouth.

And so it continued for the next half hour with Matt taking photos of his older brother in the sissy clothes and nappy while all the time giving him orders about how to sit, or stand, or walk or do whatever it was that Matt had in mind for his photos which included amongst others the fourteen year old, playing with toddler toys, while visibly sucking on his dummy.

"So what do you think then?" Matt asked when he finally put the camera down. "Do you like being a baby girl as much as being a baby boy?"

Rick didn't actually know how to answer this as, if the day had taught him anything it was that other than the clothes there really wasn't that much difference between the two. Which is why he shrugged rather than actually giving an answer.

"So it's true then what Liam says then, you want to be a baby all the time?"

Again Rick shrugged. It was true in some ways but not in others. There were times he enjoyed being a teenager, like when he was at school and with his mates, but at home, he liked being the baby he pretended to be which is how he'd explained it Matt before.

"Do you want to be a baby on your own, like you were before me and Liam found out, or do you want to be more like a real baby and have someone look after you, is that it?"

This time the shrug was accompanied by some mumbled words from behind the dummy that translated as "I guess."

"Okay then, give me your hand."

Expecting his brother wanted to shake his hand on their apparent new deal, Rick was slightly surprised when instead of taking his palm, Matt held his hand by the wrist while he pulled a mitten on over his hand, which was then tied off at the wrist. The process then repeated with Rick's other hand.

"Those will make you more babyish!" Matt said when he was done and his brother was examining the mittens that had now rendered his fingers as useless in the exact same way the ones on his sleeper did.

"Right then follow me and remember to crawl like a baby."

The moment Rick went down onto his knees he knew the back of his dress had ridden up to expose his entire nappy, plastic pant and panty covered rear for the entire journey down to the living room where the play pen had once more been set up on the rug, explaining just why it had taken Matt so long to get all the things he'd been constantly fetching.

"Sit there until Liam gets here to help me sort some stuff out."

"Liam's coming?" the teenage baby asked, remembering this time to pull the dummy out before he spoke, only for his little brother to push it back into his mouth with a reminder that he shouldn't be able to talk yet.

Despite the toys that were spread around him in the makeshift play pen, Rick just sat and waited for his friend to arrive which Liam duly did in such a short time that suggested he had been on his way all along. Still his waiting wasn't even over then as Liam didn't even come in to see him, but was met at the door by Matt before the pair of them started moving things around the house, travelling up and downs stairs several times. It being nearly a hour before the finally came back into the living room.

By now, Rick was getting a little tired so just remained where he was waiting to see what was going to happen next assuming correctly that it would have something to do with the baby reigns his friend was carrying.

"What a pretty dress." The sarcasm in Liam's voice was obvious and get given he wasn't at all surprised to see Rick was wearing it, he confirmed that he'd had a hand in how things had gone and had probably planned it all along, which of course is just what he'd done, and the reason he was carrying the reigns in the first place. Reigns that he wasted no time in pulling on over Rick's arms, and puffy shoulders, before buckling them closed behind his back where history had proved he'd never be able to reach them.

"Come on then Baby, let's go and see your room shall we?" Liam, hoisted up the reigns forcing Rick to not only stand up but to then lead the way, walking, towards the stairs and then up to his room, where there were more than a few surprises in store for him.

The first of these was his bed which had been stripped of its bedclothes so a rubber sheet could be placed over it which Liam explained was for bedwetters like him.

"We wanted to get you a proper cot, but mum think mum would have noticed that." Laughed Matt, as his brother was lead over and sat down on the now cold smooth surface of his bed, with his back against the metal headboard, through which his harness was fastened so he couldn't fall out and hurt himself.

The dummy was still in his mouth and from now on it was going to stay there as while Liam was behind the headboard fastening the harness in place, he made some adjustments to the ribbon that had previous just prevented the dummy from falling to the floor, so that it now prevented Rick from being able to remove it from his mouth.

Once the baby was safely out of the way the two younger boys got to work on Rick's wardrobe. Matt holding a black bin liner while Liam removed all the shirts inside out into the bag, followed by jumpers. Naturally Rick was somewhat alarmed at the sight of all his clothes being thrown away but he couldn't make any sounds through the dummy, and couldn't move from sitting on his bed. His hands now totally useless inside their mittens. Yet all the same he got an answer to the question he was clearly trying to ask.

"You want to be a baby at home don't you, so you're not going to need all these big boy clothes are you."

The answer didn't help the panic Rick was feeling, but he still didn't make any sense, although once more his question was still answered by Liam just as the last of his long trousers disappeared into the bag.

"When you do need big boy clothes Matt will get them for you but even then you won't be needing any long trousers except for school just so you remember that you are now Matt's little brother," Liam stopped what he was doing to look over towards the rubber covered bed, "Or sometimes his sister."

When the first of the bin bags was full, Liam tied it up while Matt removed all of Rick's previous secret supplies and restocked the wardrobe with the far more childish clothing that the teenager had taken to wearing at home.

A second bin bag was then produced while Rick continued to strain against his harness, as his underwear and sock drawers were emptied out to be replaced with a few pair of little boy briefs, and socks with matching childish cartoon characters on them which it was explained would be all he was allowed to wear even if he was in big boy clothes, just so he remembered he was really a little boy. Of course, most of the time he'd be in nappies which made up the rest of the clothes in his drawers.

Once all the clothes had been removed to a safe place the two boys returned moving a large table on wheels with them. It was something Rick recognised at once, as he'd seen one very much like it in the secret nursery that had started all this, only there in the babyish surroundings the changing table had been an exciting object of his fantasies. To see one now in his own bedroom was another matter although it did explain what the boys had been doing while he'd been stuck on the play pen downstairs.

"It's got everything," the boys told each other, obviously for Ricky's benefit, "Baby powder, anti nappy rash cream, baby wipes everything a good baby could need. Oh and this..."

Reaching behind the changing table, Matt produced the same paddle with which he'd spanked his brother for the first time and which he'd been thinking about doing again, ever since that time. That though wasn't the only thing he wanted to do now that Liam Marshall had explained to him all the privileges that being an elder brother to a little kid could bring and which Matt thought more than made up for having to deal with the occasional stinky nappy.

"Time for baby's dinner." The eleven year old announced, before vanishing once more to fetch the baby bottled he'd previous filled with a purple liquid and while he did that Liam prepared Ricky for his meal by tying a terry cloth bib around the teen baby's neck while asking Rick if he was going to take his bottle like a good baby or did they need to use paddle.

The dummy was untied from behind Rick's head, and allowed to drop down onto his chest, where it remained while the teat of the bottle was pushed into his mouth, so he could start sucking the contents out, making him wince at the first taste.

"It's good for you baby." Matt told him giving the bottle a slight squeeze to help the liquid which he continued to do while Ricky worked his way through the bottle until he was about half way through when he was told to hold the bottle himself which he could just about do if he used both his mitten covered hands.

A few more pictures were taken of the somewhat over grown baby girl sucking on his own bottle until the bottle was totally empty and Rick was allowed to move onto solid food.

His meal came in a small plastic bowl with a matching spoon that there was no way he was going to be able to hold without the use of his fingers but that didn't matter as he never got the chance to hold is as instead his little brother insisted on feeding him what turned out to pureed vegetables of some sort. This of course, Ricky wouldn't normally eat but then he was hardly in a 'normal' situation so he took a deep breath and swallowed it. A process he had to follow several dozen more times until the bowl was completely empty.

Even before the meal was over, Rick started to feel the pressure mounting in his bladder along with the realisation that it wouldn't be long before he wet the oversized nappy he had on. And it wasn't.

While Matt took the lunch things downstairs to wash them Liam reached between Rick's legs and around the tops of his legs. "Good the plastic pants are holding all your piss... or should I say wee-wee, so there's no need to change you yet is there."

Rick wasn't so sure about this but as the dummy was back in his mouth there was nothing he could say about it or do, other than to sit there feeling his urine move about inside his nappy whenever he moved on the bed. Yet that didn't stop him from wetting himself a just as his brother returned to the room.

"Is it time to change him yet Liam?"

Liam clearly wanted to wait but on seeing the younger boy's enthusiasm, decided that it was time so Ricky was unfastened from the bed and transferred for the first time – or so the younger boys thought – to a proper changing table.

"Raise your bum up," Matt took charge, pulling down his brother's frilly panties and then somewhat more carefully the top of the plastic pants so he could remove the pins in the nappy before removing both at once and dropping them into the nappy pail that was kept in the underside of the table.

His dress was rolled up leaving him totally exposed yet as this was becoming a familiar sensation for Rick, he didn't think that much off it, although he did have some concerns when Matt picked up the baby wipes and started to clean him up around the front, the back and especially around his privates but there was a shock to come when he saw Matt had a battery clipper in his hand.

"Babies don't have hair down there as it would make them sore." The eleven year old recited what he'd been told before he set to work, very carefully Rick was pleased to note, and still under Liam's guidance, to trim away what little hair had managed to grow back since the last time Rick had had his groin shaved.

When he was done with the shaving, Matt put the clippers away before returning with a lotion which he applied a little too carefully to Rick's groin until he got the desired effect.

"Baby likes that doesn't she." He laughed, running his hand along the length of his brother's erection in a way he wouldn't have even dreamed about doing before he'd been promoted to Rick's carer. Now though, it was okay to touch his brother intimately like that. Liam had even said as much, so it must be as he was the expert on these things.

A new nappy was produced from the drawers beneath the changing table. A disposable this time, that Matt proved quite adapt at putting onto his brother, although he still pulled a pair of plastic pants over them, even though they weren't really needed but no one stopped him.

"Time for baby's afternoon nap," Liam announced before Rick could get down from the changing table, "Let's get your pyjamas on and that dress off."

It was only a little after midday yet Rick found himself rather sleepy for some reason even though he couldn't remember ever having an afternoon nap in his life.

"Matt did you get his pyjamas?" Liam asked as he unclipped the harness so he could unzip the dress.

"Nope, don't need them. I've got something much better." Reaching under the bed where he'd earlier hidden it Matt removed the blue and white stripped footed sleeper Rick had taken from the secret nursery. "You can take his mittens off too, cos this has them built in!"

For the first time in several weeks Liam was actually surprised by something. The sleeper was just like one his little brother wore, only more so as even Bobby wouldn't wear one with built in feet, let alone coverings over his hands. Plus Bobby's zipped up the front so he could remove it himself while this one the fastening was on the back and could clearly be covered over making it impossible for the wearer to remove. "Where'd you get that?" he asked.

"Don't know." Matt shrugged looking at his brother, "Rick found it someplace."

Liam asked where but of course Rick couldn't answer as the dummy had never been removed from his mouth which was a good thing as he didn't want to explain about the secret nursery although from the look in his friend's eye he had the idea that Liam was working it out for himself.

What had become a slightly uncomfortable moment between the two older boys was broken when Matt told his brother to jump down from the changing table which Rick did allowing the sleeper into which his feet had already been placed to be pulled up to his body so his arms could be put into the sleeves, where they were fed all the way to the end and into the closed off mitten ends.

It was Liam who, intrigued by the sleeper, zipper up the back impressed at the way that although it covered Rick's body from neck to toes, it still clearly bulged around the disposable nappy despite it being a lot smaller than the cloth nappy the teenager had been earlier wearing. This was made even more obvious once the harness was put back on. The various straps pulling in the slightly looser upper parts of the sleeper to make the bulkiness of the waste even more obvious.

By now both the younger boys had questions they wanted to ask each other with Liam wanting to know more about the origins of the sleeper while Matt was suddenly curious about just why Liam wanted to take the dress home with him. What possible use could he have for it. Meanwhile, Rick was forced to lay down on his now bare mattress, his harness locking in him place, and left in a room that was no where near dark, to ponder just how far his life had come since he and his friends had stumbled into those secret rooms on that rainy day that now seemed an entire lifetime ago.

Chapter Sixteen
Andy & Karl

The route had all been planned out in advance, which was just as well as it wasn't a place Andy Madding knew well as he'd only been to the district once and then had ended up tied up in a tiny loin cloth by Liam Marshall's cousin. They were also the reason he would be there this time. Not that he would be seeing them, as Liam had been apparently unable to get out of doing that himself this time but Liam had convinced his dad that Andy had some business over there too, so the second boy had got a lift. Thankfully Mr. Marshall had never asked what Andy was going to do.

What Andy was going to do was simple. He was going to walk into the woods around the Hook's house wearing nothing by an old pair of shorts, and some well padded socks to protect his feet. Following the directions he'd been given he'd then travel along the flowing creek, across a meadow, past an old factory, over a main road and then back to where he'd started. That wasn't all he was going to do but it was all he knew about, at least for now, as further instructions were awaiting him along his route, and he didn't even want to think about what those were. But although the journey filled him with trepidation yet he knew what would happen to him if he didn't carry out the orders of his younger friend.

The two boys were dropped off at the end of the road the Hook's lived on so that Mr. Marshall wouldn't have to have to turn his car around. As soon as he was gone Liam once more went over the orders he had carefully written out for his friend before telling him to take off his clothes.

It was a warm summer's day, so it wouldn't have been unusual to see a fourteen year old boy wearing just a pair of shorts, although perhaps the old, tight and rather short shorts Andy had may have been a little strange should anyone have seen them, but the road was remarkable quiet as he handed over the t-shirt, shoes, and larger shorts he'd worn for the journey down to Liam.

"You'll get these back when we're ready to go home and not before." He was told, not doubting it for a moment.

Walking slowly and carefully on his almost bare feet, Andy made it to the end of the creek without any real trouble and sure enough as he'd been told tucked away between two branches was an envelope inside a plastic Ziploc bag.

Inside the envelope Andy found two things, one expected and one not so. The first was a note with further instructions that involved the second item, a razor blade with which he was to slice his shorts into tiny pieces.

After his last experience stripping naked in the woods, Andy was a little cautious to say the least so before he did anything else he had a good look around to see if there was any possibility of anyone watching him. Then, only when he was totally convinced he was totally alone did he slip his shorts off finally understanding why he'd been told to wear such an old pair from the lost property at school.

Strangely Andy actually felt a little better now he was almost nude apart from his socks. The shorts hadn't actually been all the comfortable as was shown by the slowly fading red marks around his lower stomach caused by the tight elastics grip on his flesh. Yet that hadn't been the most comfortable part, or where the shorts had been their tightest. That had been across the front where the small cage still encased his genitals in anti-masturbation prison. This had been pressed uncomfortably tightly into his body, causing a very obvious bulge in the front of the shorts that was hard to miss, even if it did make Andy seem rather more endowed than he actually was.

Andy was in no mood to enjoy the odd sense of freedom he now felt as he was almost completely naked in the middle of the woods, miles from home, with no recourse but to carry on with the quest his friend had set for him which, the note had promised him, would give him enough covering to make the journey back to where he'd started.

His hormones under check from the cage, Andy set off towards the bridge that would take him to where he had to go, walking carefully still, but with some comfort that the path he was on was, at least covered in trees on both sides. But that was the least of his worries.

Rounding a tight bend, he suddenly heard the sounds of voices up ahead, but still had plenty of time to duck into the thick undergrowth before two young lands came tearing down the path on bikes making enough noise to scare anyone away, let alone the nearly naked teenager hiding in a bush.

The scare gave Andy time to consider what he was doing. Liam had more or less promised that the woods were private property and therefore he shouldn't come across anyone, but then clearly the two boys probably weren't meant to be there anymore than Andy was. This then gave thought to what would they have done if they'd actually seen Andy. Would they have run away? Would they tell everyone what they'd seen? Or would they have hurt him? He was older, and bigger than them, but there was two of them, and they were dressed so Andy wasn't sure if he could have won in a fight. And if that was the case, what would they have done to him?

These thoughts caused Andy's chastity device to become uncomfortable once more, even though he was fairly sure the boys were now heading up to the road at the end of the woods that lead out onto the main road, so they probably only used the woods as a short cut. Meaning it was safe to move on.

Andy moved on a lot more carefully this time. Keeping to the side of the path, forever looking for somewhere he could duck into cover should he need to until, almost by surprise he came into the small clearing where his disguise would be waiting for him.

Once more Andy had a good look around the edges of the clearing, even throwing a few small stones into any clumps he couldn't get into in his naked state, to ensure there was no one there before he went to the old tree in the corner of the clearing beneath which he found the Ziploc bag that contained his costume.

Through the plastic Andy could see the mixed pastel colours but that was little preparation for when he was what they belonged to just had to be the most hideous dress he'd ever seen in his life, with big puffy sleeves, and a white neck line that had been clearly sewn on afterwards. If that wasn't pad enough there was also a tiny pair of girl's knickers, trimmed in pink, with matching socks along with some t-bar shoes.

For a few moments Andy could just stare at the dress laid out on the ground, wondering if being naked was better or worse for a boy then wearing a dress, especially THAT dress, but in the end the midges that were starting to feast on his body made up his mind and he picked up the knickers.

The girl's underwear soon showed the obvious design flew over boy's pants. They weren't made in the same way, so didn't have the space at the front Andy needed so once more his chastity device became squashed tight into his body, but at least this time it made a much lesser bulge than it had in the shorts.

Pulling off his boyish socks, Andy pulled on the thin, almost see through white, with pink trim ones. He didn't know it but it was a good job his shins were now hairless from the hair removal lotion Liam made him wore, as the socks would have been ruined otherwise. Yet as it was, once pulled up to just below his knees they added to his overall feminine look as did the shoes. A look that would be finished off with a dress.

The dress was a bit of a challenge to get on as the zip ran up the back, in a place that wasn't too easy to get to for the wearer, but eventually Andy managed it and by walking towards the water was able to get an idea of what he looked like in it. One thing he didn't need to see was that the dress was still hideous, and was rather short, especially with the way it flared out around his middle as if it had been packed out. Still even if it hung straight down it would have barely covered the pink knickers, but as it was, it didn't. It was, he quickly decided, indeed worse to be seen like this rather than naked and he couldn't wait to get back into the shorts he worn in the car.

Checking his surroundings one last time to ensure he hadn't left anything behind, Andy hid the socks he'd worn down, before he started back down the hard packed narrow, trail, now able to walk that little bit faster with real shoes on, even if those shoes did pinch his toes and rub on his heels.

Occasionally as Andy walked along a light gust of wind lifted his skirt up, showing even more of his knickers both at the front and around the back, which at first embarrassed him but then, started to turn him on with the humiliation of it all. Yet still he would smooth the skirt back down again whenever it happened, not so much to cover his modesty but to ensure that it would happen again.

All of a sudden, Andy heard a wolf whistle from behind him. The boys were back, and they were now heading directly for him, so he did the only thing he could. He ran.

For ten solid minutes Andy ran as fast as he could to get away from the shouts from behind him. Shouts that got louder whenever he was forced to jump over something causing his skirt to fly up and expose more of his underwear to the giggling viewers behind him, which were gaining on him.

Coming to the end of the wooded trail, Andy made a swift decision, taking a sharp turn to the right, to leave the path and head instead into the open field where he was able to run between the rows of crops but which he rightly guessed the boys on bikes wouldn't be able to follow. All the same he didn't stop running until he was right the way across the field, with a clear view of nothing but crops behind him. Only then did he allow himself to rest.

"What are you doing here?"

The voice started Andy, coming as it did from not only directly behind him but very close too.

Slowly the boy dressed as a girl turned to see he was actually standing right next to a track on which a battered old farm truck was parked, with the youthful driver peering out of the window, a backwards baseball cap on his head. "Those boys bothering you?"

"Not really." He said, quickly looking over his head to see if the other boys were there, but they weren't.

"Yeah well you're probably not safe out here dressed like that, get in the truck and I'll take you home."

At once Andy's brain kicked into gear, "Sorry but I'm not allowed to get into cars with strangers."

"But I'm not a stranger." The youth said, "I've seen you before."

"You have!" Andy was a little surprised to say the least given what he was wearing.

"Yeah I'd recognise those legs anywhere, you're our Liam's mate that played with my little brothers the other week."

"Karl Hook," Andy said before he could stop himself, recognising the sixteen year old only when he took his hat off, which then made him blush about what he was wearing.

"Heck it ain't like I ain't see you naked before is it, kid." The youth laughed before repeating his invitation for Andy to get in the truck, instead of walking home, right past the place where the other boys were no doubt waiting for him.

Being discovered by one person was bad enough for one day, Andy decided, especially as it was something he hoped he could trust not to say anything – as after all he clearly hadn't about their last encounter to his uncle, Liam's Dad.

"So I guess you didn't mind dressing up with my brothers all that much after all then," Karl laughed once Andy was inside the truck and fighting a loosing battle to keep the front of his skirt covering the lump in his knickers until Karl told him not to be worried about it.

It was at that moment that the younger boy happened to glance across to where Karl was now holding up the bottom of the loose t-shirt he was wearing to show not just his taut, firm stomach, but the big brown belt he had on, over the very swollen front of his tight jeans.

"You know," Karl continued talking as if another boy wasn't staring at his expanding groin, "When our Liam said you would be up for games, I thought he just meant the sort Pat and Mark play but now I see he meant more than that."

Andy didn't say anything.

"Still you should be carefully running around here dressed like that, especially this far from the house cos of those kids you ran into. They're always giving Pat and Mark a hard time when they catch them playing their little games, but the won't come any closer to the house as they're trespassing if they do and they'll get in trouble if anyone finds out. Speaking of which, I guess you'll want me to keep what you're wearing quiet, don't you."

"Yes. I'd do anything.." Andy stopped speaking the moment he realised what he was saying and how it could be taken. How it was taken.

"Well funny you should say that as there is something you could take care off for me." Karl slid over from behind the wheel to the centre of the truck's seat, where he sat right next to Andy. This enabled him to take the other boy's hand and place it on the thigh of his tight denim jeans where he left it, leaving it up to Andy to go that one stage further. He didn't have long to wait.

Feeling the warmth of the youth's leg through his jeans, Andy watched as his hand, as if operating on it's own, moved slowly up the leg until it came to rest directly on the bulge between Karl's legs.

"Yeah I thought you'd be up for it when you got all hot and bothered being tied up and spanked by the twins." Moaned Karl, as he pulled his belt free and unsnapped the top of his jeans. Once more leaving it to Andy to finish the job which the younger boy soon did.

His fingers shaking slightly as he flicked up the tab of Karl's zipper, Andy pulled it down, allowing the jeans to part and exposed what they had been doing so little to hide. The sixteen year old's erection that had already worked it's own way free from Karl's boxer shorts.

It wasn't the first erection Andy had ever seen of course, as he and Rick Derek had done the usual small boy trick of comparing, and of course there was his own, which he'd seen plenty of times before it had become encased in it's little cage, but it was probably the biggest and, it seemed the most exciting and excited one he'd ever come across.

Slowly Andy closed his hand around it, until he had a full grasp of the youth's organ, making Karl gasp slightly and then more as he started to move his hand up and down the rapidly leaking shaft.

"Don't you think," gasped Karl a few minutes later, "That it's time you repaid me for what I did for you in our back yard."

At first Andy didn't understand, but as soon as the youth's large hand came to the back of his neck, and started to pull his head down towards the large organ protruding from his jeans, he suddenly realised just who it was that had given him his first ever blow job.

By the time this though had seeped right into the cross dressed boy's brain, the head of the huge gyrating prick was approaching his lips, so he did the only thing he could think off to do. He kissed it.

The kissing soon turned to licking, allowing Andy to get the weird sensation of just how something so hard can also be so soft and sponge like, before licking turned into something else.

Andy didn't even hesitate when Karl told him to put his prick in his mouth, he just opened wide and plunged the head right into his mouth where he suddenly found he didn't know what to do next. Thankfully Karl did.

Still holding he younger boy by the back of the neck, Karl started to guide Andy to move up and down on the rampant organ, until it was brushing against the back of his throat. This caused a slight gagging sensation, but as Andy was used to having his mouth gagged with various objects he was able to not only cope with this but to get a strange sense of very sexual feeling about doing this seemingly against his well, even if he was right in assuming Karl would have allowed him to stop, had he made some sign that he wanted to. The thing was he didn't.

Reaching over the top of the bending boy, Karl's hand started to wonder over Andy's body, reaching down to the bottom of the skirt that he pulled up so he could feel and touch the firm roundness of the younger teenager's buttocks, and previously exposed thighs before heading between his legs.

Only too aware of the cage preventing the erection he was desperate to have from appearing, Andy knew he had to distract Karl before he came into contact with it. Naturally he was unable to say anything as he had a mouthful of prime teenage meat but that was also something he could use to his advantage. And he did.

Working his mouth as fast and as good as he could over Karl's privates, Andy left nothing to chance bring in his hand to reach down inside the youth's jeans to haul out his heavy and yet hairless testicles, so he could stroke and caress them in what he hopped was a sexual way.

Faster and faster Andy went, occasionally actually managing to control his gag reflex enough to go far enough down the expansive shaft until his nose came into close proximity to the youth's heavy pubic bush.

It worked. Just as they were getting closer to discovering the one last secret Andy was able to hide, Karl's hands flew up from caressing his inner thigh to land on the back of the younger teenager's head, which they then proceeded to hold tight as his orgasm overtook him.

Although he had been expecting it all along, Andy was still taken by some surprise when Karl came in his mouth. Well not so much in his mouth as directly into his throat. So much so that he didn't even taste the substance that he was quickly swallowing and wouldn't taste until a short while later. Yet, he did his duty and kept his mouth in place over the squirting organ until it was finished, and started to shrink back to a size that although smaller was still larger than Andy's own.

When it was all over, Karl did just as he'd said he would, he drove Andy back to the end of the woods where, a short while later Liam came out to him, carrying a bag containing his regular boy clothes which he was allowed to put on, just as Mr. Marshall came to pick them both up.

Chapter Seventeen
Baby Rick & Bobby Marshall's Party

Rick wasn't sure this was the best idea to be letting his friend do this to him even though the initial part wasn't all that different to what they had done many times before.

The fourteen year old was laying on his back, on the large work bench in his friend's garage. He was also completely naked having just removed the clothes he'd worn on the journey over, which Liam Marshall was now folding up and putting in a box in the corner. A box that had a large padlock on the front, which would soon seal Rick away from one set of slightly embarrassing clothes, while he was dressed in an even more embarrassing set.

The journey to the Marshall house in the red and white checked shortalls his little brother had made for him had been bad enough but was coming up was certainly going to be worse as he would soon be attending a birthday part of one of Bobby Marshall's little friends, and he was going as someone even younger than all those who'd been invited.

"It's a fancy dress party," Liam had told him, "everyone there will be dressed like a nurse, a cowboy or whatever, so everyone will just think you're dressed up to. No one will know that's how you like to dress all the time."

That was how the idea had been sold to Rick when he'd agreed to come but he'd just thought he'd been dressed as a baby just as he liked to do at home. He didn't know he would be going as a nursery school girl.

"We'll do you a cloth nappy," Liam shook out a large section of towel, "As that will look funnier."

Rick said nothing, he knew exactly what it would look like as he'd worn the bulkier version of the nappies more and more often these days, even though he still preferred the tight snugness of the pull ups or disposables himself. Plus they were easier to deal with afterwards, still he knew he didn't want to look too comfortable in the nappy, not in front of other people, so that no one would guess it was his fetish rather than a prank.

Once the nappy was placed under his bottom, Liam pulled it up between his legs before using twice as many pins as were needed to fasten it closed. The plastic pants came next, just as Rick thought they might. These pulled up his legs, until the elastic at the waist and legs was tight to his skin with all of the nappy neatly tucked up inside it.

That much Rick had been expected but the next thing that happened he hadn't been as a pair of mittens were slipped onto his hands, followed by a dummy. This thought wasn't the usual dummy he was used to as instead of a real one it was a comically large adult sized one, that was somewhat pink, and a bright pink at that, but Liam knew there was little point in complaining about it so instead he just opened his mouth and allowed his friend to push it inside. Thankfully once more that there would be not only no one he knew but no adults either as officially he and Liam were in charge of the party.

The next item that appeared was the main part of the costume which shocked Rick somewhat as he hadn't seen anything like it since he'd been surrounded by them some ten years earlier. A simple pink and white strips with faint white trim around the collar and the arms, it was the exact uniform worn by the girls in the nursery / reception class at the school they had both gone to. It was only worn by those too young or two small to wear the normal school uniform, and now Rick, a fourteen year old boy was going to wear it. That couldn't be right.

He tried to protest but the dummy filling his mouth made that impossible but when he put his hand up to remove the dummy from his mouth he found he couldn't. There was no ring on the front, that he could get hold off, and with the mittens on he couldn't grip anything anyway.

While Rick was trying to remove his dummy Liam had bunched up the dress and plopped it down over the older boy's head and then started on working his arms thought the arms holes, before he pulled the zip up at the back sealing Rick into it.

Jumping up, Rick tried to get out of the embarrassing dress but was completely unable to. His hands just couldn't reach behind himself enough to get to the zip and even if they had he wouldn't have been able to work it, as Liam had already taken the precaution of removing the tab from zip. Pulling the dress up turned out to be just as fruitless as Rick couldn't even grip the hem of it and in the end had to give up.

"Just wait until you see everything," Liam suggested taking more items from the bag he'd bought with him. "Once you've got everything on no one will recognise you for sure, we'll even hide your nappy if that's what you want?"

It was what Rick wanted just not in the way Liam was going to do it with a large pair of pink knickers that had rows of white lace across the seat. However, when Rick tried to get up again from the bench he'd only just sat back down on, Liam was quick to push him back down onto his back so the knickers could be pulled up his legs and over the plastic pants.

"Nearly done now." Was Liam's only comment to the complaints coming from behind the comedy dummy, as he once more returned to the bag to pick up the long white socks Rick had worn the last time he'd been dressed like a baby girl, followed by the familiar shoes that had gone with them.

Finally Rick was allowed up from the bench and got to look down at himself at the dress that was tight around his chest and waist but then flared out drastically from his middle, over the bulky nappy.

There was a mirror in the garage for some reason, but Rick's reflection did little to make him think this was a good idea, as the little girl dress was so short on him that, as he probably should have been able to guess, not only did it show off all of his long teenager thighs, but a fair bit of the pink knickers, stretched tightly across the obvious bulge of his nappy.

The one plus side, at least as far as Rick could see was that the large dummy covered a fair bit of his face, making it slightly harder to work out he was a boy and, if you could ignore the fact he was somewhat tall to be in the reception class, he did look like a toddler girl on her first day at school.

There was no way he was going out like this but as he couldn't tell Liam this he was just going to have to show him by taking off the ridiculous costume himself, starting with the mittens. All the time he'd been having his shoes and socks fitted Rick had been working out how the mittens worked. His fingers and thumbs had slipped into what felt like finger sleeves on regular gloves inside the mittens, but these were clearly stitched together inside the mittens that covered them. This meant, as he already knew, that he had no grip with his fingers but there were other ways of doing things, which is why he put his hand under his arm and attempted to remove the mittens that way. It didn't work.

Meanwhile Liam just stood back and watched, making no attempt to intervene as his friend finally got around to looking closely at the wrist part of the mittens and the Velcro straps that held them on forcing Rick to move on to other ways of removing his clothing but pulling on the dress just showed more of his knickers and nappy, while those were both too tightly elasticated to be pulled down by a smooth handed motion. He couldn't even use one foot to get the shoe off the other one, as the T-bar sandals were just buckled too tightly to allow that to happen.

"Okay, so I guess you'll be keeping your costume on then," Liam's voice was heavy with sarcasm, as he spoke knowing full well that he had his friend trapped once more.

"Like I said, if you play up then you're only going to draw attention to yourself, but if you go along with it, like it's some sort of joke and you're being a good sport people won't even notice you."

It was something Liam had said before but then Rick hadn't believed him, now though he had too as the alternative didn't bear thinking about, especially as there was no way he could get the short dress down far enough to hide the bugle of his nappy.

"Right then, guess we'd best get to the party then," Liam suggested, putting everything into the lock box which he then locked, placing the key deliberately slowly into the pocket of his jeans where it was fairly obvious a fingerless person would never be able to get it. Then, with Rick left with no other option the pair of them headed up the garden path towards the house.

Approaching the house they could hear faint sounds of laughter from inside, along with music, that got louder as Liam opened the door to go inside, where they were greeted with a room that seemed full of small children even though there were only really a handful there, but they were, Rick was pleased to see, dressed up as doctors, firemen, cowboys and the like. All were busy too, at least until they saw what was coming in the door.

Within seconds of the teenager's arrival the entire house seemed to be consumed by an awkward silence with the small boys all not knowing what to say having never seen anything like this. All but one of them that is. Bobby Marshall, had been aware that his brother was going to do something to make his party special and was determined to make the most of it, he just had to pick his moment which happened to be once Rick had been marched into the centre of the room when he asked, in his loudest voice; "Is he wearing a nappy?"

There was giggles from some of the boys, who thought the question stupid as they knew big boys didn't wear either nappies or little girl dresses but then, as they looked first one of those things was proved and then the other one was too. And there was more too as they were soon pointing out to each other.

"He's got frilly knickers on too."

The laughter grew until Rick found himself surrounded by small children wearing costumes of adults, looking at laughing at him, a teenager, wearing one of a toddler. Small fingers pointed at his girlish socks, the old fashioned shoes and even attempted to lift the hem of his dress a couple of times, even though they could already plainly see what he was wearing underneath it.

"Do you want a drink?" Bobby suddenly piped up when his six year old mind, worked out that he wasn't getting all the attention.

It was cue Liam had been waiting for, reaching into his holdall he pulled out an oversized novelty baby bottle that was a good three times bigger than the ones Rick actually liked to use at home, and passed it to his little brother, "Perhaps you can put some juice into this for him."

"For him?" one of the little boys picked up, "You mean he's a boy not a girl."

"Of course it's a boy, no girl would wear stuff like that." Bobby pointed out, rather correctly, before he popped over to where the drinks were, quickly filled the big baby bottle up and then returned it to his brother.

Rick was aware that everyone was watching him but he couldn't make a fuss without making everything worse, so just allowed Liam to remove the dummy from his mouth and then for the nipple of the bottle to replace it in his mouth. He then started to suck on it, as there was nothing else to do especially as it was more a prop than a real bottle so leaked into his mouth.

Pleased with the way everything was going Liam was none the less careful not to over play what he was doing, and despite the ridiculousness of it all, treated the baby that was actually bigger than himself as if it was a real one. So occasionally he'd removed the bottle from Rick's mouth so the teen baby could get his breath back before the feeding continued until the bottle was all gone.

"What about some food?" Bobby asked, immediately the bottle was being put away, "There's some ice cream that baby's like."

The little kids laughed again at that, continuing to watch the strangeness going on, but accepting it like only little kids can this though nearly disappeared when having agreed that Rick could have some of the ice cream, Liam reached back into his back to bring out an over sized bib, that he wasted no time in tying on around Rick's next, urging the over sized baby to have a seat.

When the ice cream came out, Liam did what any self respecting baby sitter would do, he fed his 'baby' one spoonful at a time until the bowl was empty although he often did so with little warning so Rick had no chance to open his mouth, so he would end up with quite a bit of the chocolate ice cream smeared around his upper lip and across his nose, much to the great amusement of his small audience.

By the time the bowl was empty, not only was most of Rick's face covered in chocolate but the contents of the large bottle were starting to make themselves felt and Rick realised that this would be his one chance to do something about it before the dummy was released which is why he blurted out "I need to go!" in a rather louder voice than he'd intended.

"Go where?" Liam asked, pausing until all the small eyes were looking at him, before adding, "Do you need to go to the toilet?"

Rick looked around suddenly shy, and nodded.

"Just go in your nappy," announced Liam to the audience, "Don't worry about leaking the plastic pants will hold it all in and I've got a clean nappy with me. Just let me know when you're done."

Rick tried to laugh it off like it was some sort of joke, holding his mitten covered hands up so Liam could unfastened them, but the thirteen year old had already walked off to busy himself with the job he should have been doing of ensuring his little brother's party went with a bang, which it was about to do.

"He's going to have to wet his nappy!" someone whispered, in a louder than normal voice that only little kids have. The phrase soon going viral around the room until everyone had at least heard it, if not actually said it themselves.

Through all of this Rick remained where he was sitting on the couch, growing increasingly terrified of moving as the pressure on his bladder increased. He still hoped it was a joke but as the small boys continued to stare at him as intently as Liam was ignoring him, it was obvious that it wasn't.

"Can't he take the gloves off?" asked a boy.

"They're not gloves, they're mittens cos they've got no fingers." Bobby pointed out, "and they're tied on his wrists."

Another boy quickly grasped what that meant: "So he can't get them off?"

"If he can't get the gloves, mittens off then how can he get the dress off?"

"He can't, he's going to have to wet himself."

"Oh wow!" several of the boys chorused as they settled themselves down into a story time semi-circle around Rick waiting for the moment when the teenager was going to have to wet himself.

It didn't take look. Try as he could to stop it, Rick just couldn't prevent the pressure on his bladder from converting itself into a warm wet flood that came out in his groin before spreading itself out and around his bottom.

"He's wetting himself." One boy said, somehow being able to tell even though nothing could actually be seen. The words spreading once more around the room, until all the small boys were shouting it loud enough to get Liam's attention.

"Are you going to change him here?" Bobby asked his brother.

"In a minute," came the reply, "once we're sure he's finished."

A further few minutes passed until Rick was finally able to lift up his head to look directly at Liam, he nodded.

"Are you done?" his friend confirmed before pushing things that one more time, "Or do you need to do a number two."

The small children giggled at that, as only small children could, which just made Ricky blush all the more as he was told to stand up. However, instead of being taken away to be changed as he expected instead Liam reached under the primary school dress, to pull down the outside knickers he was wearing. "Good these are all dry." He said, before handing them over to his little brother for safe keeping, which in reality meant that all the small kids were shown just what it was that Rick had been wearing.

"He's really wet." Said the first of the little ones to look away from the knickers to the teenager who'd been wearing over his plastic pants and nappy. A nappy that was now undoubtedly yellow and soggy. There was even a little pool of pee right at the bottom of the plastic pants for all to see, in case any of those gathered around him were in any doubt that he'd wet himself.

"Guess I'd best get him changed then. Bobby bring my bag will you." Liam reached for, and took Rick's hand, to lead the older boy through the small party goers, towards the garage built onto the side of the house, where a work bench was able to double as a changing table for the teenage baby.

Laying back on the table, Rick half wanted to yell abuse at his friend for putting him through this, while at the same time, wanted to be alone so he could enjoy the sensations that were going rushing through him, of having a soggy nappy. As it was, with his hands in mittens and his mouth gagged with the outsized dummy there was nothing he could realistically do but lay there and wait to be changed.

Slowly and carefully Liam set to work, removing first the plastic pants and then the wet nappy itself. However, once he'd done that he took his time disposing off it, placing it in a carrier bag which he then carried out to the bin, on the outside of the house, but only after he'd made sure the small children knew what he was doing. Therefore he wasn't overly surprised, but was pleased, when he found them crowding around the door to the garage, staring, pointing and giggling at the half naked boy laying on the table, with his damp private parts exposed.

Pushing through the small audience – and making sure to push them into the garage rather than out of it – Liam, collected up the things he would need to clean his friend up, and started to do just that.

Liam worked with his back to the door, knowing full well that he was blocking the view of those trying to see what he was doing, and that, they would then in turn have to come further into the garage in order to continue to watch, which is just what they did. Silently at first, creeping inch by inch closer to what was going on, but as is the nature of small children this didn't last, and it wasn't long before even Rick became aware that his audience had returned.

By the time Liam had finished wiping Ricky down, the small audience, was opening talking, looking, staring and, of course, talking about what they could see. At first most of these comments were just about the wetness around Rick's groin but eventually the more knowing of the group, Bobby Marshall especially, noticed something else. Or rather he remembered it.

"He hasn't got any hair round his thing?"

"Only big boys do." Liam replied without missing a beat, "Babies don't."

"He's only got a little one too."

"As babies do." The older brother laughed, knowing for a fact, that despite how shrivelled his friend's penis was under the current circumstances, it was still somewhat bigger than anything his little brother had. However his enjoyment of the situation was about to stop.

"He looks like the big kid we spanked."

The words came from one of the little ones, standing behind Bobby, who clearly hadn't got the idea that they weren't meant to talk about the things Liam showed them, even to each other, and especially not in front of others, which included the half naked teenage baby laying in front of them.

"Well never mind all that now," Liam hushed them as quickly as he could, "You lot get back to the party while I finish up here."

A new nappy was already out, and before the small kids could say anything else, Rick's legs went up in the air as the nappy went under him, and then back up over his front, hiding his nakedness if not exactly ending his embarrassment.

The party was back in order when the two teenagers returned to the main room, the small kids apparently accepting the over grown toddler in their mists, so much so that Rick wasn't even allowed to sit out the games on the couch but was press ganged into joining in with, passing the parcel, even though he had no chance of ever winning given his fingers were rendered useless by the mittens he wore.

When the parcel had been successful unwrapped by small fingers, other games followed all of them of a lot more childish nature than Rick would have ever joined in with had he had any say in the matter but which, after a short time, and despite the limitations of his appearance he started to enjoy. Some were of course easier than others, as he couldn't hold anything, and he couldn't really run with the thickness between his legs, but all the same he became 'it' on more than one occasion, helped out by his height and extra reach.

For the next hour or so the games continued until they were interrupted by the doorbell, at which point, Liam made sure to hustle his over grown baby back into the garden out of sight of the parents coming to pick up their children from the party so kindly hosted by Bobby's big brother.

Chapter Eighteen
Andy's Pet

Andy Madding sat at the desk, in a scene that wouldn't have gone amiss if he'd been wearing his school uniform in class room, or even his own room. But, as it happened he was in neither of those places, and he was wearing not his school uniform but one from the junior school he'd left some three years earlier, as he perched on a wooden arm chair in front of the desk looking over a set of instruction books he'd recently found.

The first had been the one for the automated spanker that he'd already tried, and even now he knew what it could do, he wasn't so keen on trying again any time soon. The other books though had been much more informative as they gave detailed accounts of how the rest of the equipment that filled the second floor dungeon he'd discovered with his friends all those weeks ago.

For the last half an hour he'd been reading through the next section of scenarios looking for one that he could carry out, and at last he'd thought he'd found one. It wasn't one he could do right there and then, as it would require a little planning on his part, but that was okay, as he was just going to read about how to turn himself into a human pet. But first he had to get comfortable.

Slowly, Andy pushed the desk away from the stool he was sat on, and then by bracing himself on the arms of the chair, slowly, very slowly, stood up, easing himself up from the chair while keeping his back as straight as he possibly could.

It would have looked strange if anyone had been watching him do it, but there was a very good reason why he needed to practise this motion, as once his reading was over, he would be doing it for real for the first time. Before that, however, Andy stretched, loosening up his limbs from being seated on the hard chair for so long with only the thin corduroy shorts covering his buttocks.

Andy had by now grown used to have his legs bare, as he no longer wore long trousers except when he went to school, and even that had started to feel strange, but those were Liam Marshall's rules and he was going to follow them and not just due to the fear of being punished, but because he'd grown to like it.

Before he'd found the secret room, or rather before Liam had found out about the things he'd started to do since he'd found it, Andy had been a fairly scruffy looking teenager along with most of his mates. In recent weeks though this had changed so much that even his parents had noticed. They'd put it down to his growing up, which somewhat over looked that the clothes that were making him look so smart actually made him look younger but then, his parents had yet to notice the lack of long trousers.

Today Andy had left the house dressed in his prep school uniform. His parents, thankfully hadn't been home, as even they may have found that unusual in a way they didn't his just wearing shorts and a shirt, but the small, tight corduroy shorts, with the matching grey shirt, tie, v-neck jumper and socks, pulled up and then folded down, just below the knee, looked as out of place as the brown t-bar sandals on the teenager's feet did.

Naturally Andy wouldn't have gone anywhere where he would know someone dressed quite this outrageously but it did seem the perfect attire to be studying things in the surroundings of an old house, whilst seated at the old style desk and chair. He'd even removed the gel from his hair – not that he even wore that all that much any more – so he could comb it into a style more fitting for his clothing.

There was, however, one thing Andy was wearing that neither went with the rest of his clothing, and which his parents certainly wouldn't approve, even though he'd worn something similar in their company on many occasions. It's just the butt plug was hidden beneath his clothing.

Ever since those first times trying the plug out at home, Andy had grown more and more accustomed to having one inserted inside himself whenever he was at home, or at some other place where it wouldn't be discovered. This, naturally, ruled out wearing one at any time he was likely to run into Liam Marshall, but still gave him a lot of options to have that great sensation of having his bottom completely plugged up. And that wasn't all he did either, as he was about to prove.

Soon the reason Andy had been practising standing from the chair was obvious as the plain wooden seat was no longer empty, as instead of wear some people may have placed a cushion, the masochistic teenager had placed a large, yet life like dildo that came complete with a set of rubber balls, and a suction cup which had been used to stick it firmly onto the seat still warmed by the boy's own buttocks.

Still dressed in his school uniform, Andy used the contains of a newly purchased jar, to lubricate the head and top part of the dildo, knowing that this would make it a lot easier to go inside him, from the previous experiments that he'd undergone before this one. The jar itself was third he'd had to buy, as he'd long since worked through all the lubricants that had been left in the secret dungeon.

At first this had greatly embarrassed him, as he was sure the assistants in the chemists would know just what he wanted it for, but if they did, then they said nothing, and as his method of dressing changed, they became more and more helpful, to a point they actually congratulated him for being a 'good boy' and 'helping his mother out'. It not being until this happened that Andy realised the only reason they didn't think he wanted the Vaseline for his own pleasure was that they thought him too young to being doing that sort of thing. Clearly, looking like a little kid had it's advantages, beyond getting into the cinema cheaper which he'd also done.

Andy smiled to himself as having finished lubricating the large dildo he started to strip off his clothes.

Again, where as once, Andy would have ripped his clothes from his body, and thrown them around in his haste, now he took great care with what he was doing, removing each item at a time. Neatly folding it, before placing it on a small pile. The reasons for this being two fold. The first being that the better care he took of his clothes then the longer they would last before he had to wash them – thankfully he'd taught himself to use the washing machine, and event he iron – but also it just seemed like the right thing to do.

However, even though Andy had removed all his clothes he still wasn't naked, as between his legs the chastity device was firmly locked over his private parts, denying him access to them for anything other than urinating – which he had to do sitting down so as to avoid making a mess. It like the butt plug he was more comfortable with these days, but that didn't mean there weren't times when he didn't wish he was there and he could have a wank like any other boy his age. He had though, found other ways to get himself off, which is where the dildo was to enter – almost literally – the game.

Andy stood in front of the chair, slowly starting to sit until he remember the one thing he'd forgotten to do.

Standing up again, the teenager moved to the side, crouched down slightly, reached under himself, took hold of the small base plate covering his anus, and gave it a sharp tug. He let out a slight gasp as the butt plug came out of his rear, but wasted no time before he was once more in front of the chair, and aiming to put something larger right back in the hole the plug had just voided.

Anyone watching, would have drawn the correct conclusion that this wasn't the first time Andy had impaled himself upon the large dildo. He was, it has to be said, very well practised in doing what he was now doing, first guiding the crown to his hole, as he hovered over the chair, then taking a deep breath as he eased himself down until the crown popped inside his already stretched opening.

There he paused for a second bracing himself on the arms of the chair before slowly, and steadily lowering himself the rest of the way down until the dildo was fully imbedded inside him, and his buttocks were once more just about resting on the seat.

After another pause to get used to the feeling, before he pulled the desk back over the chair, so that it would appear he was just another boy studying his work, even if he was nude, and sitting somewhat more bulk upright than most would.

The guide to being a human pet was open before him, so it didn't take Andy long to reach the parts that made him start to squirm a little on the chair, that in turn caused his cock cage to become even tighter around his loins.

At this stage in the proceedings a teenage boy whose privates weren't padlocked in a small chastity device would have been masturbating as fast and as furious as he could do, but as Andy didn't have that option he had to make do with what he could do, which involved bouncing up and down on the seat.

Within seconds of starting, Andy could no longer concentrate on what he was reading, but that didn't matter as he already had a good mental picture of what a human pet would look like, or more particularly what he would look like as one, and that was all it took for his head to fall back on his shoulders, as his back attempted to arch forwards only to find it couldn't given the way the dildo was anchored to the chair. That though wasn't enough to stop the one thing that Andy wanted more than anything else at that precise moment, and which soon happened.

His trapped genitals, throbbing yet still soft inside their metal cage, gave spasmodic jerks that pulled the cage tight against it's securing band, before the insides of it were flooded with several days of pent up teenager cum.

Like a balloon that had been pricked, Andy collapsed on the chair, with his arms draped over the sides, his legs splayed out in front of him, and his head tilted back behind, panting for breath, as thick, creamy white, liquid trickled out from the sides of his cock cage, down onto the floor beneath him.

It would be another full five minutes before Andy was able to bring his legs back underneath him, restore his hands to the arms of the chair and then to finally lift himself up from the dildo in that way he'd earlier practised, and with a new plan in mind.

Andy planned his pet time for the weekend so he would have more time than usual to carry out everything he'd planned. His parents thought he was at Liam's again, while the thirteen year old had been told he couldn't come over as he was doing something with his parents. Just what that was, Liam never actually asked, unusually.

Dressed once more in his school boy uniform, Andy made as if he was heading towards the Marshall house before veering off at the last moment, to take the back route around the old house, totally unaware that he'd been spotted before he turned off the road and into the cover of the woods.

The journey was taking longer than usual as he was having trouble sitting on the saddle of his bike, due to the large inflatable butt plug he'd placed in his bottom shortly before leaving home.

The plug had then been blown up via the little hand pump until it was at the maximum size Andy could take, and still be able to move, although he hadn't really taken into account he different way his legs would move when cycling rather than walking. Still there was nothing he could do about it now, as once the plug had been inflated he'd unscrewed the pump, to leave it under his bed, where it would remain until the following day when he'd return to deflate himself.

There was an emergency release built into the plug so that even without the pump attached it could be deflated, which Andy knew about and had, in face used in the past, so he knew that all he had to do was press down on the valve inside the base of the plug which acted like a similar one would on a bike tyre to release the air. However, his thinking that there was no way to do that, was rather more exciting to him, even if that excitement would mean the chastity device he also wore beneath his clothing would become about as uncomfortable as the plug could be.

The teenager put up with the no sitting way of riding his bike until he reached the other sides of the woods, and the entrance way up to the deserted house that contained the secret room, that was to be his home for the night. He intended to walk the rest of the way, with his bike along with his clothes remaining hidden in the woods, where they would be less likely to be spotted. Or so he thought anyway.

Dismounting, Andy pushed his bike down into the slight ditch where he was able to chain it up to out crop of tree roots, before covering it over with some loose ferns and branches, until it became invisible to the naked eye. Then he set about making sure it was safe for him to strip off

He had a quick look around first, as was his way. Standing at the edge of the woods, and walking a little bit in either direction to check that the house was just as unused as when he and his mates had first come across it. From there he would be able to see down track leading out to a country track that in turn went on to a minor and little used road. Or it would if the track itself was not still blocked by a set of gates that could never be opened without totally destroying them.

Satisfied that no vehicle had entered his sanctuary, Andy continued his visual checks of the house, looking at all the windows he could see, as well as the main doors which were as always locked and sealed by hefty planks crisscrossing them to prevent entry.

By the time all these checks were done, Andy was already removing junior school uniform that he'd not only become accustomed to wearing but which his family had got used to seeing him in. The tie rolled up into the pocket of the shorts, where it would be joined by the socks. The V-neck jumper removed and laid on the ground to act as a catch all for the rest of the clothes. the shirt, and shorts being placed inside it along with the old fashioned T-bar sandals, before the jumper was rolled up into a neat package, and placed into a plastic bag, which itself was then inverted into a second bag to ensure a dry seal before the entire thing was hidden beneath his bike, under the forest camouflage.

Taking a moment to stretch, Andy stood in just the tight black shorts he'd worn beneath the uniform. His original plan had been to do this part totally naked, but even though he'd already checked there was no one around, and figured that if someone did see him, they would be less likely to be interested in a boy in shorts, rather than a boy with a cage on his privates. As it was the chastity device, swelled out the front of the slightly elasticated shorts, in a way that made Andy proud. Still he fully intended to remove the underwear the moment he was inside the house, and to leave it there, by the unofficial entrance and only to collect it again when it was time to leave, sometime the following day.

True to his word, Andy was indeed naked by the time he made it up to the second floor and the secret dungeon that lay hidden behind the moveable bookcase. Inside he wasted no time in getting things set up for his current adventure starting with giving himself a tail.

The three foot long [90 cm] rubber tail, had been in the box with the inflatable butt plug, as one of several attachments but when Andy had first seen it he hadn't really realised what it was. It not being until he was reading the instructions about how to become a human pet that he remembered it and on closed examination realised that the screw thread on the narrow end, matched the one used to attach the pump to the butt plug. Which is what he did next.

It was a little awkward as he obviously couldn't see what he was doing but after a few attempts Andy managed to screw the rubber tail into the base of the butt plug so that it would remain in place, not hanging down as he'd expected but protruding slightly, from between his buttocks in a way that looked remarkable realistic and felt even better.

For a few moments Andy allowed himself to get used to the feel of the tail as it swung back and forth every time he took a step, or made any sort of movement at all. Each of these sways would transferred themselves directly back to the butt plug buried in his bottom, to provide a sensation that was highly erotic. Still with the cock cage very much in place, there was little he could do about that at the moment, so was soon collecting the rest of the toys he would need to turn himself in a dog boy.

Most of the stuff Andy would be using was a collection of leather straps, and small chains that he'd worked out during his previous visit, so he starts by putting these on the various parts of his body where they will be needed. The two smallest ones go around his ankles, while another set of much the same size got around his upper arms, as near to the shoulder as he can get them without them hampering his movement too much. A set in a larger size was buckled around each of Andy's thighs about mid way from his bottom to his knees, and then finally, a set went around his wrists.

There was still some leather work left by the time all the cuffs were put on but these were the larger items, and were left until the end on purpose especially as one of them was something Andy had never worn the head harness before.

This harness was a variation on the normal ball gag that Andy had worn on more than one occasion, only it had changeable parts for the mouth piece and even had small leather flaps fitted to the sides to act as dog ears which is the reason Andy was going to wear it this time, as it just seemed so suitable.

The actual gag part of the harness was a sold rubber ring that fitted into the mouth acting as a gateway into which a variety of actual gag's could be placed, including a ball, a sold stick and a penis shaped item. None of these, however, Andy was intending to use because of the time he would have to have it in place, meaning he wouldn't be able to drink. As it was his drinking would be limited to licking up from the small steel bowl he'd bought along and would soon be filling with bottle water, but he figured, just having the ring in his mouth would be enough to give the correct impression.

The straps on the harness, which ran around Andy's head in two different places, as well as underneath his chin, and around his neck in a thick dog like collar, could all be locked but before Andy did that, he spent a few minutes to fill up the water bowl with the ring in his mouth, so he could get used to it, while he still had the option of switching back to a more standard gag. As it was, other than some drooling, the ring wasn't overly uncomfortable, so Andy continued turning himself into a helpless human dog.

Getting down on his hands and knees, Andy sorts through the lengths of short chains he has handy. All of them could have been locked with tiny padlocks but given what Andy was going to do with his hands, this was overkill, so he made do with spring loaded clips instead, especially as these proved to be somewhat tricky to attach as it was.

The first chain ran from the back of his right ankle, up to the read of the right thigh. A similar chain did the same thing to the left leg. Both chains being so short that there was no way Andy would be able to straighten his legs and therefore would be unable to stand up although he could, at a pinch kneel up but the rubber tail protruding from his bottom made that rather uncomfortable to do for any length of time. He just couldn't straighten his legs in anyway, so would have to remain on all fours.

Two more chains remained. Both of them for his arms. One connected the two upper arm straps to each other to prevent him from being able to spread his arms any further apart than a dog would be able to do, while the final one performed a similar task, on his wrists.

There was only two more things to do now. The first would prevent Andy from wondering – not that this was likely – while the second would stop him from being able to undo anything he had on until the time was right.

Just what this time would be was to be determined by Andy's latest variation on the old key in a cup of ice trick where the key was only obtainable once the ice had melted. However, on this occasion, a few hours wasn't going to be long enough so instead of a cup, Andy had frozen the choice key inside an old ice cream tub which he'd carried all the way to the house in a rucksack. The block was shiny and slippery as he'd unpacked it upon his arrival, but it was still several inches thick and there was no visible sign of the key itself due to the slight colouring in the water which just added to the tension Andy would undergo waiting for freedom.

So far though there was nothing actually locking the boy into his bondage but that's where the final items came into the equation. The first of these was a sturdy chain that was fastened with a heavy padlock to one of the many anchor points scattered around the dungeon. The other end was then locked to the collar around the boy's neck, with the lock that matched the ice bound key.

The restrictions imposed by the chain were actually quite limited, with only the far corners of the room being beyond the boy's reach, while naturally the water bowl, the cushion he was going to try to sleep on, and especially the ice block were all well within his reach. Not that he'd actually be able to touch anything. Not once he'd got the mittens on.

These were made from a thick canvas material, that not only had no spaces for his individual fingers, but had no thumb either. They just fitted over the entire hand in such a tight way that the fingers had to be curled into a ball inside them where, once the mittens were fastened they were going to have to say. Naturally putting one of these one was fairly easy while Andy had one hand free. It was putting the second one in place that took the skill, and practise.

Moving the wrist cuffs a short distance up his wrists, so they weren't in the way, Andy made short work of feeding his feeding his left hand fingers through the Velcro fastened ring around the wrist of the mitten which he was then able to tighten up a little once his hand was inside. That was the easy one done.

In order to get the right hand mitten on Andy had discovered a way of propping it up so that he could just push his right hand down inside. Once his fingers got to a certain point, and if Andy pushed hard enough, then the glove would move over his hand, and the elastic built into the opening would then tighten around his wrist to hold it in place. Naturally without the use of his other hand, he couldn't tighten the Velcro and would still be able to remove the glove via clamping it between his knees and pulling his hand out.

The moment the final piece was in place, a shiver ran right through Andy's body from his harnessed head, all the way down to the tip of his wagging doggy tail.

Slowly he started to test out the complete effect of the bondage he'd put himself in. Trapped on all fours, he found the padding of the mittens was surprisingly comfortable on his hands, and that he probably should have used the knee pads he'd considered as the floor was a little rough on his knees especially as he had to keep his feet up from the floor due to the shortness of the chains connecting his ankles to his thighs.

Meanwhile, with ever step that Andy did take, the rubber doggy tail sent such wonderful feelings right through his body via the highly inflated butt plug, that he was already dribbling his excitement through the small cage that kept his private parts from showing their full excitement at the situation he'd gotten himself into.

Looking back along his body Andy can see the tail that had been protruding outwards from his rear when he'd been standing up was now itself standing straight up in the air, now that he was on all fours, and waving around like a flag as he crawled along the floor of the abandoned dungeon. The flaps on the side of the harness did a similar thing to every time he moved his head, which he now had to do from time to time in order to clear the drool from his mouth caused by the open ring gag that was strapped into his mouth.

IN order to help prevent this latter thing, Andy crawled over to where the steel water bowl was, where after quite a bit of practise he was able to successfully lap up enough water to satisfy his thirst by poking his tongue through the ring opening.

Eventually, after checking to see just how far the chain would allow him to travel around the room, Andy's knees were starting to get a little sore so he returned to the large flat cushion he would be using as a bed, so he could have a lie down for a moment before he had another go around the room in the other direction. Not for the first time Andy was slightly saddened that he couldn't do this outside, but the risks were just too great but even so, a glance over to over to the ice block showed that he still had a long time to go yet as the block didn't look any smaller than it had been when he'd put that last glove on, even though he knew it must be given the heat in the enclosed secret room. All the same it was clear he was going to be stuck as a boy dog for some time to come, so may as well make the most of it and try and get some sleep.

Chapter Nineteen
Baby Rick's Outing with Karl

Fourteen year old teenage baby Rick Derek, had spent the last week thinking about what he was going to do this day, as he'd finally been able to work out a way he could spend an entire night at the secret nursery. It wasn't even a tricky plan. All he had to do was tell his parents he was arrange to spend the night at Liam's house, then, when the respective parents had done their thing, let Liam know that he couldn't make it, but without, of course, telling his own parents leaving him free to do what he wanted in secret.

Before then, Rick was going to put another of his fantasies into action. He was going to go baby shopping and not just for nappies either. That had become almost second nature to him now, so it was time to up the challenge a bit by buying something else, and not from a chemist but from a regular kid's clothes shop. The sort of shop someone of his age wouldn't normally be seen dead in. A shop that had been recommended to him by Liam as a place he could get babyish clothes in his size.

In order to carry this off Rick knew he couldn't look fourteen, but then that wasn't really a problem anymore as he didn't. If he met someone who didn't know him then they usually took from for two or three years younger than he actually was, and that was before he started to dress like an over grown toddler. Still he didn't want to over do it, as he had to look old enough to be out on his own. So eight would be just about right. Unfortunately this would mean he'd have to leave his beloved shortalls at home but he did still have a full length pair in standard denim blue that would do, especially as they would also hide the fact he was wearing nappies.

Yes, Rick was going to go out in public wearing nappies under his clothes. Of course, this really wasn't anything new to him any more but this would be one of the first times that he'd do so on purpose, which gave him all the more thrill especially as he wasn't really trying to hide the fact all that hard either.

The children's clothes store Rick had in mind was on the outside of the main town, nearby which would make it an easy detour on the way to the house, and would also cut down on the chances of meeting someone he knew.

Putting on a disposable nappy with extra tape, so it wouldn't leak, he then pulled on a slightly too short t-shirt, before the heavy denim overalls went over the top. The straps, he adjusted so they were just a touch too short to ensure they pulled up nicely between his legs so the bulge of the nappy wouldn't be entirely hidden. He also left undone the top button on each of his hips, so if anyone happened to look closely they could just about see the top edge of his nappy, whenever his shirt rode up.

Entering the shop Rick realised that he didn't really know what he was looking for as there really wasn't anything that he actually needed, given that the secret nursery had more teenaged sized toddler clothes then he could possible ever need, still there was bound to be something if he looked hard enough. At least he hoped so.

To his dismay however, not only were most of the clothes in the pre-teen section weren't nearly childish enough for him, which in when the shop assistant decided to step in.

"Can I help you kid?" the voice asked from directly behind the curly headed boy in the dungarees.

"No, no thank you!" replied Rick before he turned around which was just as well as once he had done, he found his voice failed him as the shop assistant wasn't anything like what he was expecting.

Instead of the usual little old lady who tended to help out at these sorts of shops, before Rick was a teenage boy, in tight jeans, held up by a wide leather belt, into which he'd tucked his T-shirt while around his neck, along with his shop ID, were several gold chains that agreed with the official tag, that his name was Karl.

"Your mum not with you kid?" the youth asked.

"No she said I could buy something on my own." The response was automated as Rick had pre-prepared it, for just this occasion, he just hadn't been expecting to deliver it to someone just a bit older than himself.

The youth sighed, clearly bored, but realising that he had to help out the boy who he'd clearly taken to be no more than eight or nine at the most. "What are you looking for?"

"Just something to go out and play in." It was another pre-rehearsed phrase but appeared to work fine, as no sooner had Rick said it than the youth had turned around and started rummaging through a rack of clothes behind the counter, until he found what he was looking for which turned out to be a bright yellow set of elasticated waist shorts, a t-shirt and even socks to match.

"DO you want to try them on to see if they fit?"

Stunned by the question, Rick was lost for words, and could only stand there as the shorts were detached from the set and held up against him by the youth.

"You should try them on you know as we don't do refunds and I can't tell if these are going to fit through your overalls."

"I.. I... I..." Rick stammered until the youth made the decision for him.

"Don't worry if you need help as I've got two little brother just a little bit older than you so I know what I'm doing."

Clearly Karl did know what he was doing as while he spoke his hands just went out and with a flick of the wrist unsnapped the buckles holding the shoulder straps of Rick's overalls onto the bib of his overalls. Normally, the overalls would have been able to stay up around his waist but as he'd already unbutton the top button on the side, there was nothing to stop them doing what they did next.

Almost as if it were a film shot in slow motion, Rick was powerless to stop first the bib of his overalls from flapping down, while the straps went back over his shoulders. Then pulled down by the wait of those, and with no other support, his overalls ended up in a puddle around his feet so he was stood there in nothing but a too short t-shirt that did nothing to cover the nappy that was tapped around his middle.

At first Rick was just too stunned to speak, but by the time he found is voice he was already standing on one leg as the youth picked the other one up by the back of the knee, plucking it right out of the puddle of his clothes so he could guide it into the leg of the bright yellow shorts. What's worse he was no longer alone in the shop.

Any argument Rick might have had left him the moment he saw the other child that had entered the store. They'd arrived with a women, presumably his mother, but had soon split from her as she headed away into the female section to come directly towards where Rick and the shop assistant were at the back of the children's section. What's worse the boy looked to be about the very age, Rick had been taken to be.

Naturally Rick wasn't too keen on being discovered in a nappy, so figured it would just be easier to allow the youth to finish dressing him, and he even helped to get the strangely tight waist elastic of the shorts up over his nappy and allow it to snap against his skin.

The shirt soon followed the shorts, pulled down over his head, but when the youth turned his back to get the socks, Rick took his chance and made a break for it. Snatching up his overalls, he made a bee line for the front door.

"Hey you've not paid!" the youth shouted after him, but he was stuck behind a display case so there was no way he could catch Rick up. The same, however, couldn't be said for the little boy.

"No you don't kid!" the lad grabbed Rick's arm in a vice like grip, with strength that seemed beyond someone who couldn't even close his fingers around the forearm he was holding of a boy that was a good head taller than he was.

Knowing he was caught even though he could have fought of the younger kid but not without creating a scene, and doubtfully before the shop assistant had caught up with him which was true enough as Karl was already coming towards him saying he was naughty.

"If your mum found out what you were doing, what would she say?"

"She'd give him a spanking." The little lad piped up.

"Indeed, and he'd probably deserve it too."

At this the little boy had another idea: "You could spank him instead."

"I could." The youth thought about it for a moment, before coming to his senses, when the little boy's mother re-appeared "but I don't think he'd feel it."

The little boy's face screwed up in a mixture of disappointment and confusion. "Why not?"

Instead of explaining the youth just reached down and gave the rear of Rick's yellow play suit a couple of light pats. Neither of which were anywhere near hard enough to actually hurt, or indeed for Rick to feel them, but they did make the nappy underneath crackle in a very obvious way.

Suddenly the small boy's face brighten up: "He's wearing a nappy? Why?"

"Probably because he wets himself."

Even though it wasn't true, the words made Rick blush, so much that he couldn't wait to get out of the shop and away from the sniggering of the little boy and the pity of the youth. Unfortunately, in his haste to get his money out of the pocket of his overalls where he'd left it Rick managed to drop everything he was carrying and then had to bend over which the little boy was delighted to inform him, exposed the nappy taped tightly around his buttocks "Like a little baby!".

The small boy continued to giggle as Rick scrambled to retrieve his dropped clothes, extract the money, hand it over, and then wait for change. It was only after all that was done that Rick was finally able to leave the shop to beat a hasty retreat back towards the apparent safety of the secret nursery.

Rick entered the house taking less precautions then he had almost every other time he'd been there, discounting the first. Ironically this was largely down to the same reason he'd and his mates had happened upon the house in the first place. It had started to rain. However, by the time Rick was heading up the stairs to the second floor, the rain had already moved on, meaning his haste had not only been unwise but unwarranted.

Moving straight passed the first floor without checking out the empty rooms older teenagers had turned into toilets, Rick arrived on the second floor slightly out of breath, having jogged most of the way from the Young Persons Shop. He'd become a little sweaty during the journey but had discovered that the yellow short and shirt he was now wearing was surprisingly comfortable and light, so was extremely pleased with his purchase, without realising just how correct Karl Hook had been in picking it out for him.

Quickly Rick made his way through the moveable bookcase and into the nursery, without even noticing the soft noises coming from the room across the corridor, although even if he had noticed them he'd probably have just put them down to the sorts of sounds a house of that age made nearly all of the time.

Everything was naturally just how he'd left if the last time he'd been there, just as it was every time he returned. So much so that he'd given up putting things away, or leaving them 'just so' to see if they would move by his return. Now though, he was so confident that no one else was coming into the house, or the nursery that he didn't even do that. Not that the nursery was a mess or anything, as Rick was nothing if not a neat baby, it's just that everything wasn't where he'd found it. For example some of the baby clothes weren't in the wardrobe as he some at home, or others were waiting to be washed, while the piles of nappies were mostly gone, having been used, and the crib now had restraints fitted.

Ricky had only found the leather restraints by accident a few days earlier, when he'd dropped something that had then rolled under the crib. There, while reaching for the lost item, he'd found the thin drawer fitted beneath the bass of the crib which contained the restraints. Initially he'd assumed they were another harness, so he'd wasted half an hour trying to figure out how to wear them, as they came in so many pieces, until the penny had dropped, when he'd spotted the eyelet's set around the baseboard of the crib. From there it was easy to work out what went where.

The restraints came in five main pieces. These all went across the crib's mattress from one side to the other, and came fitted with eyelets that fitted over the catches built into the baseboard on either side. Once in place they could then be tightened by an adjustable buckles at either end to ensure they were as tight as possible.

Fitted into the restraining straps were different sized cuffs that could be moved along the straps length, to ensure they went where you wanted them. Three of the straps had these in twin pairs (two smaller than the others) , while the other three had single straps, two large and one smaller one, although it took a while for Rick to work out which was for where.

Starting out with the obvious one, Rick had worked in a process of elimination until he had all the straps in the correct order lined up down the mattress where they still were. The first at the foot of the bed, had two cuffs set far apart for the ankles while the next one up had a large set of cuffs nearer together for the thighs. Next came another small pair, set right to the edges of the mattress which were for the wrists. Just above that was the largest single cuff set on it's own strap. This went around the stomach, with another one, a several inches higher to go around the upper chest. The final strap, near the top of the bed didn't have a cuff but rather a collar, which naturally went around the neck. All the cuffs, and the collar were fur lined, and closed with a buckle system although there was, Rick noted, a place were a padlock could have been used to ensure the wearer didn't remove them until it was time to leave the crib. Rick though wasn't going to use locks, even though he was fairly sure there would have been enough in the dungeon across the hall, as he didn't think it was worth the extra risk as, after all, he'd been in a time locked crib, so wouldn't be getting up before morning anyway.

Of course, babies, not even teenaged ones like Rick, went to bed in their day time play clothes. They had pyjamas for that, and Rick had found another pair that would be perfect, as he'd quickly realised the usual ones he wore with the mittens wouldn't work, as he'd be unable to do up the straps once he had it on. The new one he'd found didn't have mittens but it did have something else. Instant nappy access as the inside seem from the top of one ankle around to the other, was made up off poppers, that when fastened looked pretty normal, but once opened provided full access to the wearer's nappy, without the bother of having to take the rest of the garment off.

The new pyjamas were hanging up on the outside of the wardrobe, so Rick wasted no time in getting changed, pulling off his yellow play suit, folding it up neatly, and placing it to one side.

Standing now in just his disposable nappy, felt so normal to him now that Rick didn't give it a second thought other to check that he hadn't actually wet himself, before taking the pyjamas down from their hanger.

There was no zip up the back to struggle with, which gave these another advantage over the others but all the same they weren't all that easy to get on as Rick un-pop the inner seem of the legs and then feed himself, head first into the hole, so he was putting the pyjamas on like a shirt or more accurately like a onesie only this onesie had legs attached which tended to get tangled whenever Rick couldn't see what he was doing.

Eventually Rick managed to get his head out of the white collared neck of the pyjamas, and to thread his hands through the arms and out of the similarly marked sleeves. From there the rest of the job was relatively easy. Just a matter of rolling the body of the pyjamas down his front, then feeding his toes into the slipper like built in feet at the end of the legs. Then once that was done, to bring the cloth of the legs together, and refasten the poppers up the inside of his knees, thighs, and across the gap between his legs, until he was totally sealed inside the warm, comforting cloth.

The pyjamas were, perhaps a little tight once they were on, but that only added to the sense of sensual confinement that Rick was feeling as they pulled the nappy he'd been wearing for most of the day up tight against his buttocks and across his groin. His body heat, which was already raised from the experience in the junior shop, continued to climb, as turned his attention to the crib itself.

His walking diminished to tiny, almost faltering steps by the slightly short pyjama legs, made the journey across the nursery slow but then he wouldn't have been able to rush as the light was already starting to fade, leaving parts of the secret room encased in a growing gloom although the crib itself would remain lit as it was directly beneath the sky lights.

The side lowered, Rick found he couldn't get his knee up onto the mattress so instead had to turn around, sit down, and then swing himself into the crib in a way not to dissimilar to how a real toddler would have had to do it. A fact that wasn't entirely lost on him either.

Once he'd swung his legs up, Rick stayed in a as near a crouch as he could get while he pulled up the side rail, until it clicked into place and then, slide the top of the crib across to meet it. The metal gave a loud click as the two parts came together, that made the contents of Rick's nappy swell in excitement, but he wasn't done yet, as he still had to attach the time delayed padlock to the now lined up eye holes of both the side and the top, that would ensure he wouldn't be getting out of the crib for at least six hours. Rick had wanted it to be longer but the timed locks only went up to that far but even so he was sure he'd wet himself enough times to make it interesting, especially once he had the restraints on.

Now sitting in the middle of the mattress, Rick fed his right ankle into the waiting jaws of the cuff set near the bottom corner of the crib. For a moment he was sorry he couldn't feel the fur lining against the bare flesh of his ankle, but as it was, when he tightened the cuff around his leg, he got to feel the cloth of the pyjamas tightening on him instead.

Rick repeated the operation with his left leg, until his feet were forced wide apart, almost to either side of the closed in crib, and already helpless, even though he was far from finished with them yet.

The next part of the operation entailed Rick laying back which wasn't as easy as it should have been as he had to ensure all the remaining cuffs were open before he started. Still once that was done, he fastened the next set of cuffs around the middle of his thighs, to ensure his legs were held in twin dead straight lines.

Finally, Rick was able to fully lay down, but he only got to relax for the briefest of moments, before he was pulling the waist strap around his middle and buckling it in place.

The chest strap followed, with Rick taking care, not to fasten it too tight, so that it wouldn't restrict his breathing. This thought hadn't occurred to him on it's own but came from when he'd spotted the device built into the neck strap that prevented the wearer from being strangled. That not being the only thing the collar did either, as it was wide enough to ensure that not only was his neck held down firmly to the mattress but that he was unable to raise his head up, even though his head was actually unrestrained itself.

Only Rick's hands were remaining free at this point, so it was now that he choose to pick up the inflatable, locking dummy from where he'd left it in the corner of the crib, and place it in his mouth, until the base plate was tight against his lips. Then, slowly he turned the large ring in the front, until the dummy's bulb had expanded to completely fill his mouth whilst still allowing him to breath. This also meaning that he would be unable to spit it out once his hands were restrained which is what came next, of course.

Naturally Rick wouldn't be able to fasten his wrists as tightly as he had his ankles, thighs, waist, chest and neck, as that was impossible to do, and even if it were, then his self release would also have been impossible, so instead he had to make do with just fastening the wrist cuffs loosely without his hands inside, and then, inserting his hands through the pre-fastened loops of fur lined leather, and to then pretend that he couldn't just release himself by doing the same thing in reverse.

The feelings Rick felt when the entire operation was complete were wonderful. He pulled at the restraints, forgetting that he could release himself, but he couldn't get loose. In fact he could barely move at all other than to roll his head from side to side, and to just about touch the sides of his hips with his finger tips.

There was however, one part of Rick's body that was more than a little active, and that was his penis. Half erect most of the time he was wearing a nappy, it had stiffened more as it had become encased in the pyjamas, and had become completely stiffened while Rick was fastening himself into the restraints. Now it was about as hard as it was ever going to be, so much so that it actually managed to create a small tent in both the nappy and the pyjamas that covered it in such a way that the tip could stimulate itself against the inner lining of the nappy.

Not for the first time Rick was away that he would be able to masturbate without using his hands, with just a wriggle of his hips – about the only movement from the neck down he had anyway – with his organ being stimulated by the nappy itself. So this is what he did.

Ricky took his time, moving as slowly as he could, or was allowed, thus letting is already tortured penis absorb as much stimulation as he could until the point came where he just couldn't take it anymore and in a frantic few seconds, he pushed himself so far over the edge that his body attempted to arch upwards against the restraints, as he ejaculated into the absorbent nappy.

Chapter Twenty
Liam with Rick & Andy

Like most teenagers it took Ricky several minutes to recover from the orgasm he'd just driven himself too, during which time he was completely unaware of anything or anyone around him, safe in the knowledge that he wouldn't have to worry about staining his sheets, when he was wearing a nappy. In fact he probably would have remained in that state as he moved from post orgasmic bliss into sleep, had it not been for the feeling of the right hand wrist cuff, becoming tighter.

Adrenalin kicking in caused Rick's eyes to flick open just as a shadow moved over the cot. The shadow of Liam Marshall.

"Well who's been a naughty little baby then," the younger boy said with a chuckle, "Telling your parents you were coming to mine, and then coming here and playing all by yourself. Good job you weren't the only one who fancied a bit of a camp out."

Liam nodded his head towards where his own backpack was sitting against the wall of the nursery, topped off by a sleeping bag that implied he fully intended to stay the night himself.

"Still it looks like you're all bedded down for the night, so I guess once I've put the dog out I'll go to bed soon, and I'll see you in the morning."

Smiling so widely that he nearly lit up the entire room, Liam backed up to his backpack only to return a few seconds later with a camera to record the scene he'd found – and which had somewhat ruined the plans he'd had himself – before he slipped back out of the nursery door, leaving Rick wondering what he'd meant by a dog, until such time as he had something more pressing to think about.

The pressure on Rick's bladder seemed to come on all of a sudden but then that wasn't all that unusual following ejaculation, he'd just had his mind on other things and wasn't quite expecting it so soon.

Suddenly Rick realised just how stiff his body had become from the tension of first his orgasm and then being discovered but, of course, he could no more change his position than he could itch the scratch behind his left hear, or pick the scab on his right knee. The only thing he could do to make himself feel better was empty his bladder so that's what he concentrated on doing.

Despite all that he'd been through before it still took a bit of thought before Rick got to feel the first dribble coming from the end of his penis, not that it stayed as a dribble for long. Once the valves were opened, the flood well and truly started. The hot pee, flowing up onto the lowest part of his stomach, before running down the sides of his hips, while yet more, made a cascade down between his legs, while the thirsty cotton of the nappy struggled to absorb it all.

It felt good as the nappy warmed up and then swelled up making the all in one pyjamas all the tighter against Rick's body, until they seemed to cause itches and scratches all over his body, none of which he could get too, or do the slightest thing about.

And yet as the nappy started to cool down, and the room got steadily darker and darker, Rick found himself becoming more and more sleepy, until finally the day's events totally caught up with him and he drifted off to sleep.

Andy wasn't sure how much time passed before the strange noise woke him up. It wasn't the first strange noise he'd heard as the house often made those, as did the various chains that held him, whenever he moved. Yet despite all of those sounds, he was sure he'd never heard the sound of laughter before.

Automatically Andy raised his hands up to eyes to clear the sleep from them but they were, of course, rendered hopeless by the mittens he was wearing on them, so in the end he had to blink rapidly in order to clear the sleep from his eyes but there was nothing there. At least in front of him.

Standing behind where the dog boy had taken his nap, Liam carefully lifted the tail protruding from between his friend's buttocks to have a better look at the butt plug that held it in place. Not surprisingly this gave Andy something of a start.

Bare boy limbs that had been previous strapped and chained together, scrambled to get away from the shadowy figure standing above the fourteen year old, but there just wasn't enough co-ordination left in Andy's body to make that work, not to mention the small point of the figure holding the tail attached to the highly inflated butt plug that couldn't be pulled from his anus without serious damage being done.

"Bad dog!" Liam laughed, reaching down to give the nearest bare buttock a heft slap, that stops Andy in his tracks.

Turning his head around as far as the collar would allow, Andy finally sees who it is that has discovered him pretending to be a dog. The initial impression given by the familiar voice confirmed.

"Well then little doggy," Liam crouched down beside the boy on all fours. "looks like you're having fun, but how were you going to get out of this, oh I see."

Turning his head to look around the room, until he spotted the partly melted ice cream tub with the keys still inside it which he goes over to examine in more detail.

"Seems like you're going to be here for some time to come but, so you'd probably better get a drink while I figure out what we're going to do for the rest of the night?"

As much as Andy didn't like the sound of that it did fit in rather well with a plan of his own that he'd rapidly formed, but to carry t out he would have to make it look like he was following his friend's instructions, so he started to make his way over to the silver dog bowl moving slowly on his hands and knees so as not to appear too eager.

Peering over his shoulder, Andy could see Liam was caught between watching him, and looking over the various devices and bits and bobs, that had been left over from the dog boy bondage. Then he realised just what a sight he was probably giving from that angle, with his buttocks raised high in the air, emphasising, the tail that wagged from side to side, jutting out of his completely plugged anus, while at the same time, his caged penis had started to drip pre-cum down his thighs.

Having made it over to the water bowl Andy started drinking as best he could with the with the mouth spreader harness still strapped into his mouth. However that wasn't all he was doing.

The water bowl had been placed at the side of the dungeon, seemingly out of the way, beside a cupboard that was in some need of repair. The most obvious problem with it being the nail that protruded from the side. This though had nothing to do with the disrepair of the furniture as Andy had placed it there himself to serve the purpose that he now hoped to use it for, without Liam noticing.

There were several nails like this one, around the dungeon, with them all having been placed, at just the right angle to allow Andy to slip the cuff at the top of the thick mittens he was wearing over it, and then, by pulling back he would be able to release the Velcro that held them on. However before he could do that, first he had to work the straps that joined his wrists together, up, out of the way, which took a bit of doing without the use of his hands even if it turned out to be to no avail.

The sharp sting across his bare buttocks caught Andy totally unawares, as did the "Bad doggy," that followed it.

His head jumped up from the bowl, dribbling water onto the floor, as he spun around to see Liam now standing directly behind him, having clearly spotted what he was doing, and having used a thin riding crop to inflict the stinging blow onto Andy's rear.

"I see what you're up to." The younger teenager warned, "Come here!"

The riding crop flicked through the air but Andy was expecting it so moved out of the way just in time to prevent him getting a second red strip across his rear.

Back at the mat where he'd fallen asleep, and allowed his friend to creep up on him, Andy was told to stand still while Liam fiddle with one of the many chains that hung down from the wall at that point.

Carefully the thirteen year old measured it out until it was exactly the length he wanted it to be, before he padlocked it first to one of the restraining bolts in the wall, and then to the large ring on the back of Andy's collar.

"There that will stop you from wondering off again. See how far you can get."

Andy did as he was told crawling forwards until the chain tightened, noticing that he was a good two feet [60 cm] from the water bowl and the release nail, but what was worse, was that the ice block with his release keys was well beyond his reach meaning that Liam would have to release him from this leash if he stood the slightest chance of getting out of this.

"Right I'll move your water bowl nearer to you in a minute, but first you'd probably better have a wee."

The harness head shot around once more, with what would have been a mocking look had Andy's face not being forced into a certain shape to start with. All the same it wasn't that difficult for Liam to work out what he meant.

"Yes you can, just cock your leg up like any normal dog," he laughed, "Just be sure to do it over there, as you don't want to sleep in it do you."

The place the dressed boy indicated happen to contain a large bowl that was just within the reach allowed by the leash Andy had been locked into so in theory the operation should have been fairly easy to carry out, however, the cross chains connecting Andy's ankles and thighs made it somewhat more tricky as he couldn't raise either leg quite high enough. Then there was the issue of the cock cage, which didn't allow for the faucet it contained to point anywhere but down between Andy's legs.

The result was a bit of a mess, even though most of the pee managed to go into the bowl being aimed at, a fair bit also went on the floor, as well as a noticeable amount running down Andy's thighs, and over his feet.

"Well that didn't work too good did it. Looks like you're going to need a lot more training in the future." Announced Liam as Andy made his way back to his basket. "Still that's for another day, or perhaps the morning."

And with that Liam picked up his back pack from where he'd left it near the door, and went looking for somewhere that he himself could spend the night, in somewhat more comfort than his two friends.

The End

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