PZA Boy Stories



John Thornton

After a carrier in accountancy, boy-lover John Thornton becomes a school teacher. His school believes in corporal punishment. John's house near the school has a secret rooms.
Non-consensual Story

Story codes: Mbnon-cons anal – humil bd spank

17,500 words (35 pages)

Link to story Finished story

Little Peter

A boy is kidnapped and is told that he has to stay in a 'Boy Centre' for some time.
Non-consensual Story

Story codes: MbMdom mast – bd spank toys

15,500 words (31 pages)

Link to story Story was never finished

Master and His Little Slaveboys

Lord Sutton gets his first 10yo slaveboy, and soon gets a second one to care for. He trains them to become obedient slaves and sextoys.
Tommy's original story is called Mistress and Her Little Slaveboys. With his consent, I "transgendered" his Fdom-story into a Mdom. The original is also in this archive, click here.
Boy-slave Story

Story codes: Mb – Mdom mast anal oral – humil spank toys

27,500 words (55 pages)

Link to story Finished story

Mistress and Her Little Slaveboys

Lady Susan gets her first 10yo slaveboy, and soon gets a second one to care for. She trains them to become obedient slaves and sextoys.
With Tommy's I "transgendered" this Fdom-story into a Mdom, you'll find it here.
Woman-boy story

Story codes: Fb – Fdom mast anal oral – humil spanking toys

27,500 words (55 pages)

Link to story Finished story

Training Ben

Ten year old Ben, causing havoc at school and at home, is kidnapped by a Senior Medical Consultant. He trains him to be an obedient sextoy.
"Other" story

Story codes: Mb Mdom nc anal oral – bd cbt tort spank

30,000 words (60 pages)

Link to story Finished story

Finished story Finished story — Work in Progress Work in Progress — Story was never finished Story was never finished — Status unclear Status unclear