PZA Boy Stories


Taking Austin

Chapters 16-..

Chapter 16

Through the corridors of the Institute, Austin was again being led to yet another mysterious ordeal. Like his other experiences, it most likely involved some sort of sexual arrangement. Now that Austin knew that the food and drugs being fed to him was causing his sexual drive to accelerate, there was no telling how he would react. His silver stretch pants that he had been wearing for some time had been ditched for a pair of blue Speedos.

Austin was guided down the dreary same dreary halls, but with a different attitude. Where normally he was have an almost zombie like complexion, he was now at peace for once. He took solace in the fact that he was able to find not only a friend at this Institution, but someone who cared of his existence. It made the situation a bit more bearable. He wasn't sure if it was the drugs in the food or the feelings in his heart, but something kept pulling Austin closer to Brian; who just a few moments ago had expressed his love for Austin. Austin now looked forward to his time in his room; not only for Brian, but also for the things they did together.

So many mixed emotions ran through his mind, for these walks were his only time to think alone. The same things always circled his thoughts. The things he and Brian do together, and how similar they are to the things that the Institution people do to him, the thought of caring for another boy like that, all of the poking and prodding that had been done to his body, and the thought of what might be to come. Austin had many times come to the conclusion to just make the best of a horrible situation, and enjoy the things that he feels like enjoying, despite his moral or emotional protests.

The guard and Austin finally came to a large door with the marking "TANK17" labeled at the top. The guard hit a switch to the right of the door and it opened with a bellow. The inside of the room was much like the rest of the facility. It was big, cold, and intimidating. On one side of the room laid a row of computers and other machines. It looked like a lot of monitoring equipment. Towards the back of the room, in the middle, was a large glass cylinder. It looked like something out of Star Wars. The cylinder reminded Austin of his shower experience and his former captive's place, where he was trapped in a sex-cleaning device. Every man in the room besides the guard was wearing a lab coat and testing equipment, except for one man who stood in front of the cylinder. It was the man I charge of the Institution, whom to Austin had no name.

He was wearing a blue suit as usual, with a red and white striped tie. His silvery hair was reflecting the many overhead lights. His smile made Austin forget any pleasure or peace of mind that he may have had about this place. It was a smile that put fear in the hearts of many boys. The guard led Austin right up to the man, so close that man's aura made Austin cringe.

"It's a pleasure to see you again number 32. You're looking as cute as ever. Today we're going to use you for a little test. It's going to be a bit enduring, but I couldn't think of anyone as capable as you. Actually, I have to admit; it's probably because I like watching your little body struggle. I get a kick out of watching you and your little blonde friend have a fun time in the room."

Austin didn't even think to realize that someone would be watching him while he and Brian were playing tie up, or when Austin fucked him. It was nice to think that they had some privacy, but now it seemed like just another part of the old man's games. Lost in thought, Austin didn't see the suited man grab a syringe from his pocket. Without warning he shoved it into Austin's bicep. Austin gasped and grabbed his arm as a green liquid was injected into him.

"Wha, what did you do?"

"Oh just a special aphrodisiac. Don't worry you'll see soon enough. Mr. Reynolds, prep number 32 for the experiment."

"Yes Mr. Soocher."

One of the lab coat men took Austin by his bicep and dragged him over to the machine. Austin's breath shortened as he thought of being thrown into such a device. At points his feet would stop moving as to delay his torture, but it wasn't doing very much. The glass cylinder had a metal frame in the front, which acted as a door that could only be opened remotely. After reaching the door the man grabbed some loose wires from the tube and suction cupped them to Austin's chest. While the man prepped him, Mr. Shooter walked over.

"You know boy, you and the others here should be a little more grateful. Where else would a boy your age, with all of the flowing hormones, get to experience so much pleasure. We give you such great supplements so you can stay at this stage of puberty for as long as we see fit, so you'll never be bored. You get to enjoy having sessions with interesting people, and you even get to fuck your roommate on the side. What more could a little faggot ask for. Although I guess that's to be expected when you put two hormonal boys in a room with no television. So instead of fighting it, you should learn to accept fate. Besides, when you are eventually sold, your master won't tolerate such ignorance I'm sure."

Austin couldn't believe the things he was hearing. Remaining fourteen forever, being sold, and being told to be grateful for it all.

The structure was just being enough for him to fit in, with only a couple inches left on each side of him before he would be touching glass. The thought of being in such a small place was making Austin get a bit aroused. What was even more exciting was the fact that he had no idea what was going to be done to him. Through the tube Austin couldn't make out objects as well because of the curve of the glass, but he noticed a lot of people hitting switches and walking around.

"All done Mr. Soocher, commencing test now."

With that being said, several noises were now coming from around Austin. It sounded as though a generator started up. Underneath him, Austin could here what sounded like pipes creaking. Austin's fear got the better of him and he started to hyperventilate, trying to do anything he could to escape. His smooth pale chest was throbbing in and out as though he had just run a mile. He began hitting on the glass in front of him, trying to open the door. He slammed on the glass over and over again in any way possible. Meanwhile, like always, the aphrodisiac was taking effect, and Austin's Speedo became tighter with the ever-expanding member poking into the lycra type fabric.

A compartment opened up underneath him and a cufflink popped out and snagged itself tightly on Austin's ankle. Austin was now immobilized even if the chamber did open. He tugged on his foot but was unable to break free. Austin's penis was fully erected through his Speedo, which was making Mr. Soocher a bit horny himself. His cotton pants were spouting a 6-inch [15 cm] tent from his erection. Shooter watched the boy closely as he tried to escape his torture. It was an amazing thing for him to watch, and it made him want to jump in the tube and fuck Austin himself.

Something fell from the top end of the cylinder. Austin could barely make out some sort of mask, but it was 2 to 3 feet [60-90 cm] above him. It looked almost like something a scuba diver would breathe into. Austin stopped for a moment and realized that the men were going to fill the cylinder with water, while Austin was inside. As soon as his thought ended, vents underneath him opened up and the water began to flow upwards at an alarming rate.

"Wait please no!!! Let me out please."

Austin again started banging on the glass but nothing budged. Looking down at his feet he noticed that the water was now at his knees and was continuing to rise, Austin brought his hands down to his ankle and tried to pull off the shackle, but it was too secure. Going back to the glass around him, Austin continued to push and bang as hard as he could on the glass to get through. The water was now reaching Austin's hip. Austin tried everything he could to break free. His leg was beginning to left up a bit off the ground, but was stopped by the chain.

Austin didn't stop thrashing. He continued to move around as best he could, even though the water was now at his chest. Meanwhile, down below, Austin's penis was sticking straight up at a full 7 inches [18 cm]. He started to notice that the sensation was getting to him, and couldn't help putting one of his hands down there. The feeling of being trapped in the cylinder was making him horny. Austin was attracted to being helpless, like in the other scenarios.

Soocher was watching as the 14-year-old boy was slowly entrapped in water. He was slowly massaging is own cock as he watched the young boy flail for dear mercy. The water level was now up to Austin's shoulders. He was now floating in the water as high as he would go thanks to the shackle. One of his hands underwater massaged his penis while the other tried to claw upwards at the mask that he assumed would help him breathe, but it was still a foot and a half [50 cm] above him. Austin began to forget the intensity of the situation as fear began to mold into intense pleasure.

Austin was feeling the now well-known effects of the aphrodisiac. Surges of energy ran through the boy's slender body. His cock, now 2 inches [5 cm] larger, was wriggling in his tight swimsuit. Austin tried his hardest to keep his mind on the water filling up around him, but could only think of grabbing his cock and wanking it in every which way.

The thought of drowning underwater combined with the drug was giving the boy a feeling of euphoria. That feeling went a way for a moment as the water ran above Austin's face. He quickly tilted his face upwards to gasp for a last deep breath of air whilst screaming for his captives to stop. It was too late however, and Austin was fully submerged. Austin's hair flowed everywhere as he tried to bob his head up for more air, but it was too late. It was quite a site for Soocher to see the young boy twist and turn around in the water, trying to claw his way out of the glass.

Austin was frantically trying to figure out what to do. It wouldn't be long until he was out of oxygen. He knew he couldn't hold his breath for more than a minute, but the urges were too great. In the confusion, Austin began to thrust his hips into the glass, causing his boner to move up and down the side. His free leg then began to sprawl up the glass, as he tried to brace himself for an orgasm. Austin was having trouble conjuring up his energy without being able to breathe, but his penis was persistent. Austin could feel the material of the Speedo grinding on his member, while pressing on the glass.

Soocher watched the boy closely. It was quite a site to see; a teenage boy ignoring his own doom for pleasure. Soocher continued to stroke his own cock through his pants, watching the boy's intense sexual tendencies. The boy's extended prick squished against the glass, moving up and down, trying to break free. Now the boy was beginning to look uncomfortable. Though he continued to hump the glass, he needed some air.

"Alright. Move on to phase 2 and give the little prick some air."

One of the technicians pulled a lever, and the breathing mask suddenly began to drop towards Austin's face. The mask reached Austin's mouth, and when he realized this he bit on to it for dear life. The boy was happy, not only to be able to live, but to continue to exert his sexual frustration. What he didn't know, was that Soocher had other plans. From below Austin's free foot opened another compartment, where another shackle grabbed onto his foot. Meanwhile above, two bars were lowered, both with wrist cuffs, and grabbed onto Austin's wrists, pulling them upwards above his head. Austin was now being stretched, and unable to touch his boy hood, or press it against the glass.

"Now lets have some fun."

Chapter 17

Once again Austin found himself in an intense situation. With air rushing back into his body, after nearly suffocating to death, the boy began to see things a bit more clear. However, his judgment was still cloudy. The more he tried to asses what was happening around him, the more his little snake ached to be set free. It was a small yet sudden realization that the drugs being used on him day after day affected more then his body and sexual nature, but also dubbed down his sense of fear. There was no escaping his urge to stroke himself, to experience intense pleasure, to release his baby batter wherever he was, despite the danger he may be in.

Austin was spread from head to toe; metal cuffs holding his legs in place and his arms above his head. He was completely submerged in water, which would have killed him in a matter of minutes had it not been for the breathing apparatus dropped down for him to use. He wore nothing but a pair of blue speedo shorts. The rest of his body tinged and wiggled. Energy was moving throughout his body, looking to be released. He breathed as deep as possible, given the little amount of air he had at his disposal. He looked around at his surroundings, barely able to make out anything except the 7-inch [18 cm] cock that was surging through his speedo, making a massive tent in front of him. The boy cold do nothing except tighten his muscles, which made the cock move ever so slightly.

The speedo looked as if it wanted to pop off, but was reluctant. At that moment Austin would give anything to stroke himself just once or twice, but there was nothing he could do. In front of the cylinder tank of water in which he embodied stood a man known as Mr. Soocher, peering at the boy, waiting to proceed with his experiment, and ready to see the boy struggle until his load was shot. One of the lab technicians walked up to him carrying a clipboard and some type of remote. He handed the remote to Soocher.

"We're ready to proceed with phase 2 sir."

"Excellent. Did you hear that you little prick? The fun part is happening, and I'm going to watch every minute if your torment. I can't wait to watch you're little body squirm in pain until little dick has it's climax."

Austin couldn't hear Soocher very well, not that he's be able to comprehend. The only thing he seemed to be able to fixate on was his oversized cock pulsing up and down, trying to rub against the friction of his speedo, too much disappointment. The boy had also forgotten about the few suction cups placed on his chest. He though like previous times they were simply for monitoring heart rate and such, but they had a separate function. Soocher flipped one of the switches on the remote, and started moving on the dials. This started to loosen the tension on Austin's foot cuffs, letting him get a bit of range and motion.

The moment Austin could feel the tension loosen he began flailing his legs a bit, trying to move around as best he could. It was enough to bend his knees and move his legs upward, but not enough to reach them up to his cock. Unfortunately his pleasure was just out of reach. This frustrated the boy and he started to flail his whole body around as best he could, trying to hump towards the wall of the cylinder. He was able to reach enough to touch the head of his penis to the wall, which was enough to make him groan.

Austin did this a few times before Soocher hit another switch, which was linked to the suction cups on Austin's chest. This sent an electrical pulse surging through his body. This was not as harsh as previous time Austin had been shocked. It was more like a pulsating massage, but it hit his sweet spots just enough to make him agitated. His skinny 7-inch [18 cm] circumcised cock, which was continually tapping the edge of the cylinder, and ready to explode, now had electric waves passing through it. Austin thought he was going to have a hands free orgasm from sheer will power.

Socher turned another knob all the way to 0. This time it completely released the tension on Austin's handcuffs. Austin quickly grabbed his cock with both hands, one on top of another, stroking it through the speedo. He didn't even waste time taking off the garment. Touching himself never felt so good, and the electric pulses began to intensify. Just then, the breathing apparatus retracted, taking away Austin's ability to breathe. Austin's mind was elsewhere however.

Austin was unable to breathe, and tried screaming under water. His penis was finally feeling fulfilled, and he could feel an orgasm approaching, and he continued to stroke himself furiously. Austin's back arched, and his feet curled up, as if someone had just let him taste heaven. The electric pulses continued, sometimes making Austin flail out of control or loose sight of everything. Soocher wasn't ready to see the young lad get off, and turned the knobs back up and made Austin go back into a spread eagle position.

Austin couldn't take it anymore. He again tried to scream, but realized he had little to no air left, and was again starting to black out. He moved as best he could trying to find some sort of friction to let his penis feel pleasure again, but it was no use. Austin was getting worried because they hasn't given him any air yet. His chest was caving in, trying to gasp for air.

The suction cups were also monitoring his lung and heart, he was going to either pass out or breathe in water at any moment. Soocher noticed this and signaled one of the technicians to let down the breathing apparatus again, but also flipped the remaining switch on the remote he had. From out of the bottom of the water tank came a pole positioned towards the front of Austin. The pole had a device at the end witch had three heads. It was like a tripod. One head was shaved like a little tea cup, while the other two were just spherical ovals. Austin saw the breathing device and instantly clamped onto it, breathing fiercely into the tube. He didn't notice the thing approaching his man hood.

As the head on the pole reached his penis, the small tea cup shaped one attached itself to Austin's penis head, through the speedo, while the other two clamped onto each side. Austin noticed this and tried to look down at what was happening, but was sent flying back an instant later from the surprise the new device brought. This new thing attached to his penis was a vibrating, electrifying, masturbator. All three heads vibrated at high speeds while a current of electricity still ran through his body. Austin couldn't believe the feeling.

The boy tilted his head back, letting go of his only air supply. His while body wiggled and gyrated, as this thing gave his swollen cock everything it could ask for. Austin could feel an orgasm building inside of him, but didn't want to stop feeling the pleasure. The device was vibrating every inch of his penis, almost like someone was sucking on it with an electric mouth. Austin's eyes went behind his head, and he started bobing his head from side to side, as if he had been possessed.

Soocher noticed the boy's stomach tense up and his feet once again curled up. He could tell the boy was about to experience his orgasm. At that time, using his remote, he decided to double the intensity of the vibration. This caused Austin to arch his back as best he could and scream as loud as the water would allow. Austin felt his penis pulse out, and felt his cum moving through. It was more than he had ever felt, and a warm sensation went through his body. Just then, strands of Austin's cum shot out of the confines of the speedo, floating in all directions.

The boy grabbed onto the air tube again and was able to resuscitate and gather himself. The device clamped down on his penis retracted and Austin went limp, which was now just a bulge in his speedo. Austin tilted his head forward in exhaustion. The cuffs around his limbs broke off and also retracted into their separate stations. Austin just floated there, almost in a coma, and dazed from the intense orgasm.

"What now sir?"

"Let him sulk in the tank for a little bit and then escort him back to his quarters."

Soocher handed the remote to one of the technicians and walked away from the boy and out of the room. Another man whom Soocher had referred to as Mr. Reynolds followed him. The man wore a pair of fogged glasses and had black, slicked back hair. After ditching his lab coat it was notable that he also wore a suit, similar to Mr. Soocher's.

"So what is all of this exactly?"

"What is what? We needed a boy to experiment on and that little prick was begging for it. Mr. Price has seen him and expressed interest, meaning our time is limited."

"Why can't we just use some other boy?"

"There's something about him. He obviously enjoys the pleasure but still fears it. It's almost as if he still hasn't been broken, or is and loves it. He's a perfect candidate for the experiment process. We will finally be able to see what these drugs are capable of, and how they affect boys in intense sexual or torture-like situations. This boy, number 32, is already 87% infected now. He won't be making it much past 14.8 months, and he'll stay in mid pubescence forever. Not only that, but his hormonal state has been intensified 3 by 3 times thanks to the heavy doses he has been given. So far he is the only boy to show these kinds of results. "

"I see. That's pretty sick and twisted. I just love seeing them get fucked."

"It's not twisted, it's just good science, and good business."

"So what's next for him then?"

"Mr. Price has given us two weeks until he is ready. In that time I want to push his limits. I want him in the full deal on level 2, and see how far he can be pushed. Then have him fitted with that new thing your boys have been working on. You know the control piece."

"Sounds fitting. Should be enjoyable to watch."

With that the two parted ways. Little to Austin's knowledge, his fate had just been sealed, and any hope of him returning to his old life was diminished. Back in the test chamber, Austin's restraints had been unclenched and the water was slowly draining. Austin had a look of complete shock, and had no emotion to him what so ever. As the last of the water fell through the cracks the boy fell backwards, leaning on the tube, which wasn't even big enough for him to sit down in. Looking down he noticed that some of his load got caught on the drain. It was more than he had ever seen come out of him.

Austin's skin was shiny from being wet, and his breathing was finally returning to normal. With his right hand he gently rubbed his speedo around his groin, remembering the amazing pleasure he just had. Suddenly there were some noises from above, and the glass tube surrounding him lifted up and into a compartment in the ceiling. As soon as it lifted up Austin fell backwards onto the cold metal floor, detaching from the suction cups on his way down.

The same man who had led him to the room earlier came buy and grabbed Austin by the wrist, hoisting him up to his feet. Austin instantly sank back to his knees, not having the strength to move. The guard had no patience, and simply handcuffed the boy and threw him over his shoulders, and proceeded to walk away. The boy had no speak in him. Exhaustion and gotten the better of him. The only thing that escaped him was a grunt from being tossed over someone's color bone. Austin lazily looked up, the opposite direction he was headed, and noticed the technicians going over some papers. One was even gathering semen out of the tank. The sight worried him, but was quickly put to the back of his mind.

Austin for now put his troubles behind him and looked forward to what he felt was a reward for his trauma. The only person he had any connection with was waiting for him to return. He ignored his confused thoughts and looked at the positives. He imagined Brian typing Austin up and playing with him, talking through the night, and a warm face to go home to. The Austin remembered fucking him, and how wrong it felt, but his boyhood had other ideas.


The guard was furious, and tossed Austin into the nearest room and locked them in. Austin hit the floor hard, to the point where his breath was knocked out, and sat up as best he could.

"Ple ::caugh:: please Mr. I'm sorry."

"So you like getting boners huh?! I know what you want."

The man unzipped his pants, letting out his flaccid 5 inch [12½ cm] dick, which almost immediately grew to around 8 inches [20 cm]. The man pulled down and took off his pants, walking over to the boy. Austin panicked, but had no energy or time to react. The man grabbed Austin by his shoulder length wet hair.

"If you like boners so much, you're gonna suck mine dry."

Austin opened his mouth to protest, but the guard was too quick and shoved his shaft into Austin's mouth. He was only able to get it 3 inches [7½ cm] down the boy's mouth before Austin started to gag. The guard's penis was much larger than he was used to, not only in length, but girth as well. Austin couldn't do anything to stop this, which seemed to be a running theme for his stay at the institute. His hands were cuffed behind him, and could only wiggle up and down with the movement of his arms. Because the guard was holding his hair tightly, he could not get up from his kneeled position. That is when the guard started to thrust in and out.

"Come on you little queer! Move you're tongue around and start sucking, or I'll jam this hard on all the way down you're throat!"

Austin moaned from frustration and began to use his tongue to swirl around the man's giant cock. It tasted very foal, like a musky shoe. Tears began to run down Austin's eyes as the cock was shoved a bit further down his throat, and then back out. The guard tilted his head back in pleasure. The man now moved Austin's head in and out with momentum. Austin could feel the head of The man's penis hit the back of his throat, but continued to suck on the penis, despite his disgust.

"Yeah I bet you like that huh you little shit? Well you're going to like this even more. What's a big gun without a bang?"

Austin didn't realize what he meant until the guard's penis stared to spasm, and he knew that a shot of load would soon follow. The boy tried desperately to gain some footing to he could pull away but his feet and legs just kept slipping on the floor. A loud whimper came from his mouth, but it was no use. Soon the man shot his gallons of loud into the boy's mouth. Austin felt a very warm liquid sensation enter his mouth and start to go down his throat.

"Swallow it all you little faggot! Spill one drop and I'll jam that bed post over there all the way up your ass."

Austin got the message and leaned back, trying not to gag all over the floor. The man let go of Austin's head and the boy fell sideways on the ground, coughing profusely. Austin was still tearing up and moaning from being fucked in the mouth. The man zipped up and grabbed Austin's right foot, dragging him across the room and out the door. Austin didn't know where he was being taken, but could still barely move or speak even.

Luckily for him, the guard dragged him to his normal room and threw the boy in, closing the door on his way out. Austin lied there, on his bedroom floor, traumatized, exhausted, and eager to see Brian. Austin fell asleep before he could speak to Brian, but knew that when he awoke, Brian would be there to comfort him.

Later the next day Austin opened his eyes to find himself in bed. He was still wearing his handcuffs, which the guard was reluctant to remove. He awoke very dazed and confused. He hadn't had any food for quite some time, and he was given a larger amount of aphrodisiacs and pheromones than he was used to. Austin pushed him self onto his side, gazing at the other end of the room where he saw what looked to be Brian taking a piss in the toilet. Austin's eyes were blurry and unadjusted, perhaps from the tank of water he was in. Brian walked over to the bed and stared at Austin's helpless body.

"So you're that kid everyone has been mumbling about. You don't look so special to me."

Austin was startled at the voice. It was much deeper than Brian's, and sounded like an older teenager.

"Wh… who are you? Where's Brian"

"Not hear no more. Is he your love buddy, cause I've been looking for a new one anyways. Your ass looks ripe, I guess you're my new toy."

Chapter 18

- A bit down the road -

"The building was completely filled that night. It's a wonder how I was able to pull it off. It was the first time in six months I didn't feel bound."

"At a hotel in Manhattan, thousands gathered for a seasonal party. This party was not to celebrate a birthday, or any type of holiday; just a gathering of the rich and eccentric. A meeting of people who share similar interests and each have a wad in their pocket. Everyone was dressed in formal wear and not a champagne glass was empty. In the ball room, there were many speeches to celebrate good wealth and to advertise some minor charities. On one side was a buffet, for all of the fat cats, and on the other, some mach gambling stations, for the penny pinchers.

Throughout the night they all rambled on about good fortune and blissful living. Behind the ballroom however, in a small room, the real show was taking place. Inn this back room there were six men smoking cards and discussing finances. One of them was a bit flamboyant looking. He was wearing a dark grey suit with a pink shirt underneath. He also had a pink satin handkerchief in his jacket pocket. He had bright white hair and thick black glasses. He was not physically special by any means. He was 5'8 [1.70 m] and was of medium build. A very wealthy looking man.

He was talking to a much larger man in both weight in height. He had a reseeding hairline and porous skin. He also wore a grey suit, and did not look like someone you'd want to talk to. He grabbed a photo frame from the white haired man, and gave a chuckle, and a lick over his upper lip.

"So. What are the measurements?"

"5 foot nothing [1.50 m] by 8 inches [20 cm]."

"8 inches [20 cm]? This little thing?"

"I got her special ordered. And trust me, it's an accurate accoun. You get what you pay for. Everything in the picture that you see right there, for exactly two hours. No cuts, or bruises. Go up to room 915. Knock twice and then say the word 'Price'. Then the door will open."

"I give. What are the strings."

"This is the 12th annual 'Greater Manhattan Ball' Mr. Dubard. If there were any strings, they would have been tripped by now."

"Hook line and sinker. The money will be waiting in your account when you get home. It'll be from Dubard bank in form of a generous donation."

"But of course."

The white haired man handed the larger man, whom was mentioned to be Mr. Dubard, a little black remote with a red and green button on it. The two men exchanged nods and he left the room, and proceeded to the elevator. Dubard took the elevator to the 9th floor where he proceeded to walk down the hall to room 915. The man, now sweating a but from nervousness, looked down both sides of the hall, and then knocked on the door two times, as requested.

"Um 3; Price."

There was a long pause, and then he heard something hit the door, and he then noticed that the inside lock was prying the door open. He was a bit taken back by this. For something so secretive, he was unsure of why the door would be so conspicuous. Dubard opened the door slowly and walked down the tiny hallway and into the hotel room, locking the door behind him. There was a large bath, kitchen, and a king size bed. On the bed, under the covers, was a large mound. Dipping over the bed, coming out from under the comforter, was what looked like part of a pink-laced skirt.

"Oh my. You don't have to hide from me. I think you just want to have fun tonight, and I do too. Unless you don't like having fun. Maybe you like to be punished instead."

The man approached the bed with his clawed hands up in the air, ready to pounce. He could feel the pressure inside his pants building. Little did he know, very close by someone watched his every move. Through the closet door that was open just enough to peer through lurked an observer of this man's sins. Without warning, he was struck on the head from behind, and blacked out.

"I could see the look in his eyes. That clouded stare with no morals through the fog. So many people had that same look. Mike, John, Soocher, Price, and even ones as young as Derrick 3;"

- Three months earlier -

"I said Derrick you little twerp. Actually master sounds about right too. From now on, til your time is up, You're gonna be reffered to as 'bitch'. Got it?!"

Austin was stunned. There he laid in his bed, but was looking at the complete opposite of what he had hoped to see. Derrick was 17 years old. He had short brown curly hair, and had a patch on his chest as well. He had a bit of a muscular build, and wore the standard silver spandex shorts required of everyone else. He stared directly into Austin's eyes, as if he had been purged of a soul. Austin was reminded of gazing at Mike, before he was abused. Austin was still wearing a speedo from his recent excursion in a lab down the hall, but could see his silver shorts on the ground near the door. He also was still handcuffed behind his back, except he now found himself chained around the bars of the headboard.

"I don't get it. Please tell me where Brian is. I want to see him."

"He's sold. Just like you'll be in just two weeks. Or so they told me."

"Sold?! No he couldn't have been. To who?"

"None of your business bitch. Not that I give a shit anyways. All I know is you're the one. The f***ing prodigy they've been harking about. You here it every so often. All of the coats talk about certain boy's libidos or some shit, and how they are the perfect sex slave, and then the suits talk about all of the money they can make. Meanwhile I'm forced to stay here in this crap factory, while little bitches like you get to leave. Well I don't really think that's fair! So here's how this is going to work. I'm going to do whatever I want to you, whenever I want, and you're gonna take it. If I have to live in hell, you're going to live in the devil's basement."

Austin was having trouble taking all of this in. He had but just woken up, and already everything was different. Brian was gone; Derrick was going to do things, and something about perfect slave boy. Austin couldn't comprehend everything, but was able to give an off handed opinion.

"It's not like I want to be sold, I just wanna go home."

"OH what!! So you're too good for that too?!"

Derrick dashed onto the bed, grabbing Austin's speedos right off and chucking them aside.


"Damn straight you're sorry! I'm gonna f*** your brains out!"

Austin screamed at the top pf his lungs with his prepubescent, girlish voice, but that didn't even make Derrick flinch. The older boy grabbed Austin's ankles and pulled the younger boy towards him, spreading them far apart. Derrick wasted no time pulling down his shorts and shoving his hard 7-inch [18 cm] cock right into Austin's hole. The boy gave out a shriek in pain, but the sobbing only encouraged Derrick to thrust harder and faster.


With no lubricant, this was very painful for Austin. He was not feeling any pleasure from it, but that didn't stop his dick from getting another boner, as if he had no choice in the matter anymore. Derrick smiled while watching the torment in the boys face, and enjoyed every pulse of his cock inside the tight sphincter of Austin. Tears ran down Austin's face like faucets, and he continued to yell and struggle. Derrick tilted his head back as he felt his orgasm coming, and creamed all inside the little asshole.

"Oooh yeah. You like that bitch? I bet you do. Don't feel so special anymore do ya?"

Derrick thrust in a few more times to make sure he was high and dry, and then pulled out quick, noticing the distress in the boy's face has he exited. Derrick dropped Austin's feet on the bed. He limped like some sort of sex doll, still sobbing and crying.

"Remember how this felt next time you open your f***in mouth. Of course, I'll be doing it five times a day anyways. I'm always horny for little bitches that need to learn a lesson."

Austin didn't look at the older boy, or even respond. But instead barried his face in the bed and kept crying. Derrick was still enraged at the disobediance and took a paddle out from under the bed, where Brian and Austin's stash was, and wacked him hard on the ass, which made him scream again.

"You answer me when I talk to you bitch!"



"Say yes master!"


"AAAAH. Yeees Master!"




Austin's ass was beat red from the hits, and he again berried his head.

"That's better, but I don't like your crying."

Derrick un-cuffed the boy with a key that the guard has left with him earlier, and grabbed Austin by his hand and tossed him against the wall. Austin hit the wall and fell on his ass, letting out a yelp from the pain.

"Put on your shorts. NOW!"

"::sniff:: yeees master."

Austin did as he was told and crawled over to wear his shorts were. After spending a few minutes fighting the pain, he finally slipped his spandex shorts back on and crawled back to the wall. Derrick walked over to him with a rope and secured his hands behind his back again. Austin didn't struggle at all, and just accepted his fate. Austin had no emotion in his face. It was almost as if he were possessed, but in reality he had finally been broken. Derrick finished with the ropes and turned his attention to one of Austin's feet, where he attached an ankle cuff that he secured to a ring on the wall.

"There. Now you stay there until you're needed."

"Yes 3; master."

"Aw, why so glum little bitch. I know what you need."

Derrick kneeled down and cupped his hand on Austin's penis, which again began to grow. Derrick gently rubbed his hand up and down Austin's region as he a gasp of air and closed his eyes. Derrick grew a devilish smile, but Austin didn't notice. Derrick grabbed Austin's 6 inch [15 cm] member through the fabric of the shorts and started jerking it up and down very slowly. Austin could feel that his penis was not as erect as when he was in the tank of water, but ignored it. Feeling someone's hand on his boyhood rather than a machine felt good for a change.

Austin was letting out little whimpers of pleasure as Derrick continued to stroke him. He moved his hand up to the head, stopping to rub it between his thumb and index fingers, and the back down to the base. Derrick noticed that Austin was beginning to pulse a bit, and Austin was panting louder. Just when Austin looked like he was about to have his orgasm, Derrick stopped. Austin didn't know what was going on, and opened his eyes to see Derrick's smile. Derrick leaned into Austin's ear and whispered.

"Oops, I forgot. They told me to make sure you didn't pleasure yourself. They want you ripe when they start your 'final procedures', what ever that means."

Austin didn't know what to do. His throbbing member wouldn't stop. It was eating him up inside that he couldn't release himself. This was unusual for him to feel this way. He had never felt this pressure to release before. He started to hyperventilate at the pressure building up, and he fell to the ground. Derrick watched with amusement as the boy squirmed and moaned. This soon turned into frustration.

"The suits will be here in the next few days to make sure you can't touch yourself at all. Until then I need to make sure that you don't splooge."

"Please jerk me off! It hurts!"

"Oh no. I'm having too much fun."

Derrick then went over and cuffed Austin's other foot to another ring on the wall, leaving him on his back and unable to turn over or touch his throbbing boyhood. Austin struggled to touch himself but was unable. Derrick walked over, bent down, and kissed Austin's boner.

"See you tonight, bitch."

Derrick walked away, leaving the immobilized boy to suffer in his constant 'near pleasure'. The boy moaned and groaned, but Derrick left the room. The boy kept breathing and buckling his back, trying to release himself, but it was no use. He tried his best to think about anything else at all to get his mind off of it, but then he could think of nothing but his sad state.

Brian was gone, and Austin had no idea where. He was leaving this place soon to be sold, and was going to go through some probably excruciating tests to be 'perfected' into a slave boy. Today alone he spent time drowning in a tank, was forced to suck a man's cock, and was raped by an older boy. Austin's faith had finally been broken. The realization that this was his permanent life had finally sunk in. Brian, his last beam of light, was gone. He had no more friends.

There he laid, bound and immobilized. Still squirming from his raging boner, that was still pulsing. This was due largely to the amount of drugs that had been given too him. His face was emotionless. His eyes were sagging and lifeless. The fight was gone from them. He was nothing but a fourteen-year-old meat bag, full of aphrodisiacs and pheromones, who no longer had an identity of his own. From now on he was a lab rat and a slave. He no longer looked to a day when he would be a normal teen again.

- Until one day -

"No matter how many times I've seen that look, I've always survived. And this man was no different. So I took my only chance."

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