Steam TrainJuvenile DeterrenceChapters 12-1612 – SlaveAs Daniel walked the considerable distance from the courthouse back to the car park he felt like every eye on every passer-by was staring at his shame.Ever since the accident in 7th grade he had made it his number one priority to keep his secret just that, now he was walking through the downtown streets of Eastbrook forced to expose his most private secret to the whole community. Daniel was fighting hard to stop himself from breaking down totally and crying, such was his shame and humiliation. Of course embarrassment and humiliation was precisely the cornerstone that underpinned the entire Juvenile Deterrence Scheme. Juvenile Deterrence rarely failed to work and by Daniel's reaction he was not going to be an exception. As the Green family waited at a set of traffic lights things got even worse for Daniel. A young girl about ten or eleven standing with her mother and father waiting for the lights to change kept looking at his hairless naked genitals. The lights didn't change quick enough to save Daniel from the scrutiny of the girl and then to Daniel's total horror she reached out and felt his groin. With out thinking he rebuked her "Fuck off you pervert," he called out. Well almost before Daniel could blink all hell broke loose. Daniel's father yelled out, "Daniel!" The girl's father angrily yelled at Daniel, "How dare you talk to my daughter you foul mouthed slave." Mr. and Mrs. Green both tried to sooth things by explaining that Daniel had just come from court where he had been made a 'nudie'. The father of the girl though was incensed and demanded that Daniel be punished there and then, "I know the Juvenile Deterrence rules, how old is this slave, show me your punishment register, I demand he be spanked here and now for such disrespect to my daughter who is a free citizen." Mr. Green thought over the father's demands for a second then said to the father "He's fifteen today sir," then turning to Daniel said, "Daniel you heard the gentlemen, present yourself for punishment." Daniel looked at his dad in shock and disbelief, this could not be happening he thought, surly things cannot get any worse than they already were! The father on hearing Daniel's age said, "15 hey, well I'll be blowed. I was expecting eleven or maybe twelve by the size of his bald 'pin dick', I've never seen a dick that small on a fifteen-year-old, still being fifteen years old means he is authorised to receive more punishment than I at first thought would be possible." Again Daniel blushed at the comment and innuendo about his penile size. Mr. Green asked his wife for the court envelope and opened it and rummaged through its contents before his hand emerged with the pink covered punishment register. He handed it to the father who opened it to the first page and read the court order and the only entry it contained the six stokes of the cane recently administered in the Induction Room. The irate father bellowed out, "He has nine more possible cane strokes left today but unfortunately I am not carrying any punishment instrument on me, except my bare hands. Nine cane strokes equates to 36 spanks, I think twelve spanks will do to remind this 'boy' about his new place in life. Do you agree," the father asked Mr. Green. "Yes, twelve sounds fine and it leaves another 24 hanging as a threat if he misbehaves again," Mr. Green replied supporting the father over his son. Daniel's thought to himself 'Sounds fine to you, your not the one receiving them! Why are you allowing this dad?' Pointing to a bus seat just up the sidewalk the father ordered Daniel to follow him. There in broad daylight in the middle of Downtown Eastbrook Daniel was made to lie over the father's lap and receive twelve very firm spanks. His buttocks were already very tender from the caning and when the fathers heavy blows began reigning down Daniel could not stop himself from screaming out and kicking his legs madly around in the air as tears streamed down his cheeks and his penis again began to erect. Oh the utter humiliation and shame that Daniel was experiencing at that moment, little did he realise that it could get even worse! Eric found the sight of his brothers kicking, screaming and arousal quite amusing but Melissa was shocked by this public humiliation of her brother and feeling herself blushing for his embarrassment turned her head and looked in an adjacent shop window. When the spanking had concluded Daniel was desperate to rub his burning behind but feared the consequences, so he kept his hands by his sides. Daniel was left standing there red faced and again doing the dance of the spanked with his transplanted eight-year-olds 1¾ inch [4.5 cm] boner bouncing in rhythm to his movement. As he danced around he noticed that a large crowd of onlookers had formed to watch his humiliation. He heard comments especially from the more elderly like "Just what the youth of today needs", "A good bit of firm discipline never hurt anyone," and "Good to see an adult taking back control and letting these juveniles know who is boss." The father noticing Daniel's erect state yelled out to Daniel, "You disgusting animal, can't you control your erections in front of free citizens? Get rid of that erection now boy, you have five masturbation left according you your punishment register." Turning to Mr. Green he asked, "Are you ok with using one of the masturbation punishments now to get rid of that disgusting erection?" Mr. Green looked a bit shocked but felt he had to support his fellow free citizen in setting a high discipline standard so he agreed somewhat reluctantly to the spectacle of his son jerking off in front of all the bystanders. Daniel could not believe this was happening to him. His most private intimate activity which because he had not started puberty yet he only did occasionally was now being forced on him to perform in public. "Hurry up boy get moving, we all want to see you pumping away," the father stated. This comment bought a laugh from the gathered crowd but only caused Daniel to blush beet red. "And if you shoot, which that pin dick of your does not look like it can do, make sure you catch everything in your hands, we don't want the footpath soiled," the father extolled. "Please don't make me do this, please?" Daniel begged anyone who would listen. "Get on with your punishment Daniel, you should have thought of all the consequences before you broke the law," Mr. Green replied. Slowly Daniel bought his thumb and forefinger to work on his shrunken almost non existent penis and began stroking. It took some time for the inevitable erection to occur the thought of all the people watching his actions made it hard initially for him to get an erection. It didn't take that much longer after Daniel achieved a full erection for him to start groaning and then for his body to start shuddering as Daniel gave his first public dry cum. Eric smirked at his brothers public revelation of his lack of sexual maturity. It didn't end there though for poor Daniel as the father then addressed his daughter and said, "Now Kim though there is no excuse for a slave behaving like this 'boy' did, you should know that you just can't walk up and touch a nudie like you did. What you must do is ask the slave for permission to touch first. It is called a reasonable request and provided it does not stop the slave from carrying out his duties the slave has to agree to your request. So lets see you ask properly." Shyly Kim asked, "Umm I would like to inspect you please?" "Yes Darling that's a good girl that's the proper way to do it," the father commended his daughter. Daniel glanced at his dad the horror in his eyes pleading for his father to save him. Mr. Green being in charge of Daniel at this time looked straight as his son and said, "We are in no hurry, go ahead young lady he's all yours." Daniel couldn't help himself he pleaded, "No please dad no don't allow this please." Mr. Green stepped over to Daniel and slapped his bare bottom; causing Daniel to yelp, "Learn your place 'boy' you're a slave now and slaves don't speak unless ordered to do so by their master." Kim came over to Daniel and though initially hesitant and shy in her examination of Daniel soon warmed to the task and quickly had Daniel squirming and moaning in distress and humiliation at the results caused by the blatant molestation of his naked body. Both sets of parents plus Eric and a few remaining onlookers stood by smiling at Kim's antics but Melissa was very sombre. She was beginning to have major reservations about the whole treatment of her brother. Daniel was ever so relieved when Kim's father told her to stop, as they had to be getting along. He could feel the tension in his groin growing again with every touch and was beginning to think that he was heading for another public orgasm. The father took the punishment book and recorded and signed off his twelve spanks and the public masturbation then handed the book back to Mr. Green saying, "Good luck I don't envy you one bit." As the Green family approached the family car Daniel began to feel relief. There would be a skerrick of privacy in the back seat of the car. Only his brother and sister would have a good view of his nakedness. When Mr. Green unlocked the car Daniel went to get in but was stopped by his dad's voice. "What do you think your doing 'boy'?" Mr. Green asked. "Getting in the car dad, what else?" Daniel replied. "Boy watch your tongue till your sentence is over its Master not dad ok! Slaves ride in the back like Tom does when I take him in the car. Go round the back and hop in." Depressed and feeling totally defeated Daniel surrendered and started to move off, it was his sister who came to his support. "No dad don't treat him like this in the privacy of the family please, can't you see he's suffering too much already," Melissa pleaded to her dad. "Darling I commend you for your feelings but Daniel has to learn from this experience. It is no good taking it easy on him as that will only encourage him to think he can get away with things. No your brother is a newdd Community Servant for the next four months and during that time he must learn the hard way what its like to be a slave. I want his time in servitude to be so realistic that he will not ever contemplate breaking the law again," Mr. Green replied. "But dad," Melissa pleaded one last time having no real answer but her own gut feeling to her dads edict. "That's enough, no more Mel!" Mr. Green affirmed. Daniel opened the back and climbed into the rear compartment and closed the door behind him. Having glass on three sides of him made Daniel again very conscious of his nudity and riding in the back bought home to him just like his father hoped how radically his life had changed. As they neared home he found himself crouching down as they passed guys and girls he knew from school and sport. The humiliation of being driven around as a naked slave was intense. 13 – HomeThankfully Mr. Green drove straight into the open garage when they got home and Daniel was able to alight from the car in relative privacy though the back of the car was facing the street through the open garage door, no one was passing bye to see his nakedness revealed.Daniel immediately hurried off into the house to withdraw to the security and sanctuary of his own room to suffer alone. Mr. Green did not notice his son's quick departure as he was helping Vicki Green out of the car. When Daniel reached his room upstairs his progress was halted. There before him was his bedroom door securely shot bolted and padlocked shut. It was all too much for Daniel. He crumpled to the floor in front of his door and in the foetal position began to uncontrollably wail and cry. The first to hear him was his sister who was coming up the stairs. She turned the corner of the upstairs hall and saw her distraught brother bundled against his door. She ran to him and put her arm around him. She didn't know what to do or say. Daniel looked up momentarily and seeing his sister cuddling him smiled the briefest of forced smiles before burying his head in his chest again. Mr. Green came looking for his son and finding him in such a distressed state really wanted to join his daughter in hugging him. He knew however that he couldn't show compassion, not now. This was the all-important moment when Daniel would be bought to the total realisation of the consequences of his action, so instead he turned and went back down stairs and fetched Tom. When Mr. Green and Tom returned Daniel and Melissa had not moved. "Mel thank you for comforting your brother, Tom will look after him now. Come with me," Mr. Green, informed his daughter. He held out his hand but she made no effort to move. "Come on darling leave Tom to do this. Daniel needs another slave at this time, come leave them alone." Reluctantly Melissa released her grip on her brother and taking her dads hand stood up and they walked hugging each other down stairs leaving Tom alone with the totally distraught Daniel. "Come on lets get you down to the basement where I can look after you," Tom said to Daniel and reaching down used his considerable strength to pick Daniel totally up and carried him still sobbing down the stairs into the main hall. Mrs. Green looked on concerned from the lounge room as Tom walked past carrying Daniel but Mr. Green put a restraining hand out to comfort her and said, "Leave it to Tom it will be alright, it's all part of coming to terms with his new status." Melissa and this time even Eric sat adjacent to their parents looking equally concerned for their brother. Tom did not stop as Daniel was a considerable weight and continued to the basement door and carefully descended the timber stairs and across the laundry to the storeroom next to his small bed-sitter. It had until this morning been a storeroom but in fact it was build as a bed-sitter for a second slave but had never been used for that purpose till now. Tom had on his masters instructions cleaned it out totally this morning. He had laboured long and hard to ensure the room was clean for it's new occupant. Tom had even blown up one of his masters camping air mattresses so that Daniel would not have to sleep on the hard floor. He lowered Daniel onto the mattress and covered him with an old blanket he had salvaged and washed from the garage. Daniel felt the warmth of the rough textured blanket against his smooth skin but it did little to ease his total distress and depression. Tom knew just how Daniel was feeling he had been there himself when not much older than Daniel. He also had very specific instructions from his Master who had foreseen the possibility of Daniel's depressed state this morning and instructed Tom to sit with him all night if necessary to ensure his sons safety. There would be time for talking tomorrow. For now, Tom slowly lay on top of the blanket next to the boy he had watched grow up and who he loved like his own son and lying on his side placed his left hand over Daniel's sobbing body and pulled it close to his. The sobbing eased ever so slightly as Tom said, "I'm here Daniel, I'm here, everything will be alright, I promise 3; I promise 3;"
The early morning of the second day of Fall shone forth bright and sunny but it did little to lighten Daniel's depressed state. He had awoken in strange surroundings, which he could not recognise, except that his family servant Tom was lying next to him cuddling him tightly. The strange new room the closeness and intimacy of Tom startled Daniel and he jumped up discarding an old blanket he had found draped over him. As he did so he realised he was naked. He covered his genitals as it all came flooding back to him. The humiliation of his sentencing and the utter humiliation of being treated like a slave on his way home. Tom who had been sleeping was aroused by the sudden movement and soon stood up next to Daniel who was looking confused and disorientated. "You new room master Daniel, umm I mean Daniel, umm 3; errr 3; ummm, well yes your new room till your sentence is over Daniel right next to my room. I spent all day yesterday making sure it was properly clean for you master 3; errr I mean Daniel," said Tom "You brought me here Tom?" Daniel asked. "Yes mast 3; Daniel. Your father left me specific orders that I was to ensure you were safe all night. He loves you very much and your enslavement is breaking his heart mast 3; err I mean Daniel," Tom said. "Well he has a fucking strange way of showing it Tom. He let me be sexually molested in the middle of downtown Eastbrook, then he makes me ride in the back of the car like a slave and then he locks me out of my room. Loves me? Yeah sure!" Daniel replied bitterly. "But you are a slave now Daniel, what did you expect? That life would be the same. A slave's life is totally different to a free citizens, you learnt that lesson quickly yesterday. I told you when we talked the other day, a slave's life is not good but at least for you it has an end and your dad told me last night when he fetched me to come and collect you that, that end is only four months away. Make sure it stays no more than that Daniel, don't get trapped like I did and have no way out," Tom replied. "The Master will want to see us as soon as your feeling up to it. Go shower you'll find it in the corner of the laundry, it will make you feel better, I laid out a spare towel for you, mine is the blue one. Whilst your doing that I will go upstairs and get breakfast started. Daniel felt a strange resentment at Tom calling him just Daniel not master Daniel, but he knew it was wrong to feel so superior to Tom. It was just another way his life was changing and he had no control over it. Tom had cared for Daniel for as long as Daniel could remember. Daniel realised he had taken Tom for granted in the past, he was now beginning to see him in a totally new and different way. Daniel washed his body and was relieved to find that Tom's shower had both hot and cold water and was inside. Daniel knew a lot of his friends slave facilities were just cold-water outdoor showers, if that! Feeling totally unnatural being stark naked except for his collar Daniel ascended the stairs from the basement and was again back into familiar territory. He heard Tom scuttling about in the kitchen and went in and pulled out his chair and sat making sure he was tucked as tight as possible under the table to give him a modest amount of privacy. Tom turned on hearing him enter and said, "You're a slave now Daniel, you cant sit there like lord muck expecting to be served. No me boy, up you get, put on that apron I have put over there for you and you can help me cook the family's breakfast." Daniel again blushed, something he had done more in the last twenty-four hours than in his whole previous life combined. He was now the lowest of the low within the house! As he rose to follow Tom's gentle order he covered his genitals. Tom smiled and said, "I saw what you have last night Daniel, I'm afraid you will need both hands to help me and it's not good hygiene to be fondling your genitals then preparing food. You could ruin my cooking reputation!" Tom laughed at his own joke and was glad when it bought a smile on Daniel's face as well. Daniel slowly removed his hand exposing his hairless little boy genitals and his shamefully small penis. "It's not size that matters Daniel it's how you use it, your dad's always telling me that," Tom laughed. Daniel blushed some more, and desperately wanted to ask Tom why his dad would say that to him but stopped himself. Tom obviously seeing Daniel's intention said with a laugh , "I'm not that well endowed my self me boy, about 4¾ inches [12 cm] erect but it satisfies your dad totally." "Oh," was all Daniel could bring himself to reply. "Talking out of school Tom," a voice from behind them caused both Tom and Daniel to jump. Now it was Tom's turn to blush. "Master I am sorry, I was just trying to put things at ease, please master I meant no disrespect," Tom said. "None taken Tom," Mr. Green replied. You could hear Tom breath out in relief. "I did say for Daniel to talk to you all about servitude, I guess I have to expect a warts and all review but just go light on the specific details of the relationship between a master and his slave," Mr. Green winked at Tom who smiled briefly and then returned to his preparations ordering Daniel around kindly as Mr. Green sat and watched.. "Dad umm I mean master, may I ask you something before the family appears?" " 3; 3; 3; 3; 3; Yes, what is it?" "Ummm well sir you talk like it's just a natural thing what happens between you and Tom, but it's not is it sir, I mean I didn't know about this till I spoke to Tom the other 3; um this morning. I am sure Eric and Mel don't know anything, it's a big secret." "Well it's natural, legal and normal for a master or mistress to use their slaves in any way to assist them. A slave is there to serve his or her masters every wish and desire. Sex is just one aspect of that service. I intended introducing you to this side of servitude when you turned sixteen, the same with your brother and sister when they get to that age, however I think Tom is a little old for you to learn on," said Mr. Green. Daniel looked surprised but said nothing. Mr. Green sensing he needed to say more said, "Your protected from the worst aspects of servitude whilst a newdd. You can't be forced to have full sex and at the moment to can't be forced to have oral sex either. Don't do anything to bring that on, I'm sure Tom will agree with that." Tom replied, "Yes Master I sure do. I made too many mistakes when I was young and now I'm stuck as a slave with you for life." Daniel glanced between Tom who surprisingly had a smile on his face and his father wondering how his father would take that comment. Mr. Green saw the worried look on Daniel's face and smiling too said, "Ok son, yes I am going to call you son just this once during your servitude." "I would have set Tom free years ago if I could and he knows that. He deserves more out of life than servitude till his dieing breath but unfortunately his court conviction for assaulting his original master is a life sentence of servitude. Tom has told you I presume about how he came to us?" Mr. Green asked. "Yes dad!" Daniel replied with awe as a new realisation was dawning on him that Tom and his dad's relationship was in fact a lot more than just Master and slave though they had played a very good game up to this point of keeping this aspect well and truly hidden. After a long pause Daniel just had to ask, "Dad, um I mean Master, I've seen the canes and things down in the basement. How can you do that to Tom if you feel he should be set free?" Tom interjected at this point, "Allow me please Master?" "Yes Tom go ahead," Mr. Green said. "I told you the other day I was lucky to have your parents as Master." Daniel gasped as the truth of his previous visits was exposed. Daniel again blushed. "Ha ha, don't worry, your dad already knows about that. As I was saying I am very lucky to have ended up in this family but the best laid plans sometimes fall apart. Your mum and dad agreed years ago with me that I need to keep a 'slave feeling'. If I slacked off that would not be fair to them or to the family but even more important it would not be fair to me." "If and I pray it never happens I should find myself sold to new masters due to circumstances beyond your parent's control then for my own safety and existence I need to maintain that 'slave feeling' so that I can fit in anywhere as a slave, because that is the only life I can by law now look forward too." "I told you the other day that I was only punished when I deserved it. That's was the truth. What I didn't elaborate on was that I choose the punishment nearly always. Your dad has never fully got used to punishing me, but he does it as he knows it's his duty and that it helps me keep my slave training standards up. Helps your dad keep other things up too!" Tom finished with a huge smile. "All right Tom that's enough," Mr. Green replied in mock anger. Daniel looked blank for a few seconds then a huge smile appeared on his face, "Ohhhhh," was all he could utter. Mr. Green looked at Daniel and opened his arms wide. Daniel immediately moved over and embraced his dad something he had not done for the last few years. Whist still holding his son tight Mr. Green said, "Son the next four months is going to be hard on you. You need to live those months as a slave. I love you dearly, never doubt that, but you have to learn from this experience. I could not live through you being fully enslaved." "I firmly believe it is no good taking it easy on you as that will only lessen the impact of this scheme. Son you are now a newdd Community Servant for the next four months and during that time I want you to learn the hard way what it's like to be a slave. I want your time in servitude to be so realistic that you will not ever contemplate breaking the law again. But always remember through your darkest moments that your loved and that you can trust Tom emphatically. He will keep me posted on your progress and I will intervene if he feels it necessary, but I hope that I don't have too and that after four months we will be back as a family," Mr. Green replied. Owen Green released his son ruffled up his short cut head hair and said, "Right boy your back on duty, behave like the slave you are for the next four months." Daniel was feeling far more calmed after that talk and quickly relied, "Yes Master." Tom could be heard chuckling in the background.
AcknowledgementsA Change of Status by Richard Davies. |
14 – InspectionEric tried hard over breakfast to convince his father that he and Melissa should be given the job of escorting Daniel to his first discipline session at the Disciplinary Centre in Poulton Park in Downtown Eastbrook.To Eric this would be the ultimate humiliation for his brother and life time high for him. He the younger brother would now be in total command of his once bossy and superior talking older brother. Eric admitted to himself that he had enjoyed watching Daniel squirm and cry like a baby yesterday when he received his first punishments in the Induction Room at the courthouse. Sure he had been a bit concerned last night at his brother's depressed state, but hey he thought, trying to push any sympathy out of his mind, served him right for breaking the law. Eric had little sympathy for his brother and a lot of pent up revenge for what he saw as his brother's dismissive treatment of him over the years. Melissa sat at the breakfast table uncertain of just where her feelings lay. She too had a certain desire to see her brother up on the stage receiving his punishment. A secret desire to see her brother's humiliation and have him bought down a few pegs. What made her think twice was that unlike Eric she hadn't actually enjoyed seeing her brother publicly humiliated. Sure she wanted to get back at her brother but all she wanted was to see him having to answer to her every wish here at home, to be her 'slave'. That's what she thought would happen, but instead much more eventuated. She didn't like or want to see the wholesale humiliation of her brother that had occurred yesterday. In the end despite Eric's pleas it was Tom that Mr. and Mrs. Green selected to escort Daniel later that morning on the bus to his first session at the Community Discipline Centre in Eastbrook. Eric looked miffed at his parent's decision and Daniel didn't like Eric's parting comment to him, "Enjoy your morning bro and keep an eye out, you never know who you might see at the inspection tent!" Tom was not keen on this duty whereas Eric had been just the opposite. The Community Discipline Centre was used for disciplining juveniles in the morning but also for disciplining fully indentured adult community servants in the afternoon. He felt a certain nervousness in his stomach, which he knew, was of his own dread of this place, not his feelings for his charge, Daniel. Owen and Vicki Green were amongst the definite minority when it came to the Discipline centre. Attending the Saturday Spectacular was a real family event but it had never been for the Green family. Both Mr. and Mrs. Green found the spectacle of all the raucous people picnicking on the lawns in front of the music bowl an unpleasant spectacle and had consistently banned their family's attendance. The bus ride was a new humiliating experience for Daniel. He was now a slave and so had to ride in the rear section of the bus in the 'Slaves Only' section with its hard wooden seats. When Tom and Daniel arrived it was still fairly early in the morning. They discovered that marquee's had been erected to the east and west of the Music Bowl and Daniel escorted by Tom reported to a small tent standing separate to the larger marquee that was clearly sign posted 'Registrations'. The official in the registration desk checked Daniel's Punishment register details against their records then directed him to his Programme Supervisor who's desk was located half way down the second marquee on the east side. When he located the correct desk he joined a line of three other naked juveniles as Tom stood aside and also away from any free citizens who had escorted their children to this area. When Daniel reached the front of the line he was brashly ordered to present his punishment register by Ms Kim Dean the mid twenties aged female who had been assigned as his programme supervisor. She didn't glance up at Daniel till she read his court sentencing details attached to the inside cover of the book plus the administered punishments of the induction centre and the father from hell he had met in the street on the way home from court. Looking up slowly Ms Dean exclaimed "In view of your behaviour to a free citizen 3;. Oh my god!" She stopped mid sentence and burst out laughing. "You call that a cock, you are fifteen years old, right?" she managed to exclaim through boisterous laughter. Her colleagues at other tables began to look over to see what had amused her and when they saw her pointing at Daniel's shrivelled up little knob they too began to chuckle. Daniel just wanted to find somewhere to hide; he could feel his face blushing so profusely. Bringing herself under control Ms Dean continued, "Well Juvenile Deterrence is all about Embarrassment and Humiliation and with a cock that size that won't be hard to achieve. In view of your behaviour to a free citizen, for which I note you have already been punished, I further order fifteen hand spanks, ten strokes with the paddle, three strokes with the cane, followed by five public masturbations to be administered continuously in one session." Daniel gasped. "Firm discipline is what a slave needs especially a new newdd Juvenile slave!" Ms Dean intoned. She then attached a pink piece of paper to a small spring clamp and clipped it to Daniel's left nipple and ordered him to move to inspection tent one. Tom pointed the way to a marquee clearly signposted on the other side of the music bowl. It was easy to move over to the other side of the area at this early hour. The crowds that flocked each Saturday for the free entertainment provided by all the punished slaves had only just started to arrive, setting up picnic rugs and preparing for the days spectacular. Daniel was not at all happy about his starring role in the days show. Once over the other side outside inspection tent one another official dressed in an official looking uniform read the paper attached to Daniel's nipple. As he twisted the paper to read it Daniel's nipple really began to hurt. "Please sir my nipple hurts could you remove the clip?" Daniel begged politely. The official withdrew a thin cane from his belt and threatened Daniel, "Boy, slaves only speak when asked too. I don't want to hear another complaint form you understand, that includes when you're being inspected by any of our good free citizens of Eastbrook," he snickered. "Yes sir," Daniel winced. "Besides boy if you think that nipple of yours is sore wait till were finished with your bottom. Right take up position B13 and present yourself for inspection till you are called up to the main stage for your punishment," the official instructed Daniel. Turning expecting to see Daniel's parents the official noticed the slave collar on Tom. "You in charge of this slave, boy?" the official asked disparagingly of Tom. "Yes Master Sir," Tom replied. "Ok, guess his parents can't be bothered with this Juveniles behaviour, sending a slave to do their duty. Can't blame them really. Stand behind him till he is dismissed," the official ordered. Tom and Daniel both felt like correcting the official. Both his parents had to work today, they had taken yesterday off work, they could not afford another day off. However both of them knew better than to argue the detail with the official and just let his comment ride. Tom had been hoping to rest up the back behind the crowd of free citizen spectators who always flocked to witness the Saturday showcase of punishment. Now he felt half on punishment duty himself being made to stand at ease behind the naked Daniel. As they walked over to position B13 Daniel noticed this Marquee was arranged so there were three rows of boys along one side, rows B, C and D with row B being closest to the centre aisle and only one row of Girls on the other side of the aisle in row A facing the boys. It was a proven fact that girls were much less prone to suffer the consequences of Juvenile Deterrence than boys. By the number of rows it would seem the ratio was 4:1. Only two places along from Daniel in B11 Daniel noticed a stoic faced Greg Pearson already standing in the inspection position, trying to mentally brace himself for the onslaught of marauding fingers that he knew from previous Saturday experience would soon be feeling every inch of his naked flesh. He didn't instantly recognise Daniel as he walked bye but when his eyes drifted down to Daniel's pathetic excuse for manhood a huge grin erupted across his face. At that very moment Daniel was glad that Greg was prevented by the rules of the Discipline Centre from making any comments about his lack of size or development. Over the next half hour the crown slowly built up and many of the crowd began flocking into the marquee and around the displayed juveniles. At the Discipline Centre there was no need to even undertake the formality of asking a 'reasonable request'. The thronging crowd just inspected all the displayed naked juveniles including Daniel's body at their leisure. Daniel had his right nipple tweaked to see how it reacted. He knew already from his sensitive left nipple that had his details clipped to it that he was pretty sensitive there. One man who was inspecting him started to roll his right nipples between his thumb and forefinger, Daniel almost yelled with the pain as he did this too him. He lost count of the number of pairs of hands that ran all over his body. Some reached down and cupping his bottom cheeks dug in their fingers to get a good feel. Another man and his wife commented also on Daniel's bottom,"Nice butt, well rounded cheeks and I like those dimples at the base of his spine, they always look good. Pity he's so poorly hung." The husband then cupped Daniel's tight balls in the palm of his hand and as he felt his balls being separated as he continued "Very small size for a boy of his age." Another group of girls from Daniel's High School managed to bring Daniel to complete humiliation as they took turns feeling his penis. When he squirmed at their contact one of them said, "Don't like having your little dick handled boy!" As she said this, she started to massage Daniel's penis, rubbing the skin up and down the little shaft so that, in spite of himself, Daniel started to have a full erection. "Ah, that's better," the girl said, "Now at least we can see something!" and laughed with her friends at Daniel's obvious humiliation. The girls knew their rules. They stopped their stroking of Daniel's penis well before he could orgasm. "Come on lets find a good looking guy with more to offer than this 'little' boy," the leading girl commented and the group moved away giggling at her 'little' comment. No sooner had they left and with his penis still erect three girls from his very own grade, appeared in front of him. Seeing these girls who he knew very well standing eyes fixed on his lower regions he broke the rules and begged, "Please, leave me alone, I don't want you touching me." "Well, I don't think you have any say about that," said one girl, glad too see Daniel standing naked and defenseless before her and her friends. Revenge would be sweet she thought on this boy who had been a nuisance to all three girls in the past year. "That's why they call it an inspection tent," said another of the girls. The third girl merely giggled and grabbed Daniel's penis. The second girl then took to feeling Daniel's bare bottom, whilst the other not so gently fondled his balls. "How do you feel, Daniel having us know what a little boy you still are?" "I don't know!" Daniel replied sheepishly. "Well I can't wait till school on Monday and everyone sees that hairless baby dick of your, It is going to be priceless," the girl replied with a giggle. The girls accompanying parents just stood around smiling, content to simply observe their daughters tormenting and humiliating Daniel for some time before suggesting to them that they move on to inspect the other juveniles. Daniel was watching the three girls and their parents depart and didn't at first notice the group of guys who had moved to stand in front of him. "Well look who we have here guys." It was Eric and all of the Henson Street gang. "Fuck man you were right," Marco called out to Eric, "He is still a little boy. Man it's that small it's almost cute," then realizing what he had said in public company he blushed. Marco had a crush on Daniel but he never let on about that fantasy. He was only too aware of what all the gang thought of gays! Still the sights of his most private desires for the past three years standing naked before him lead to an instant erection and he quickly moved to the back of the group to hide his bulging groin. "Hello Tom," Eric said acknowledging their family slave. He was hoping Tom would not be here but then decided what did it matter he was only a slave nothing for him to worry about! "Hello master Eric," Tom replied politely but to himself thought, 'your dad's not going to be too impressed about this visit.' Eric noticing his brother's huge body blush at his naked exposure to all the gang, Eric reached over and touched his brother bare skin. Daniel's entire body went tense. He made a stuttered protest still taken back by the presence of his brother and the gang, "I don't think 3; you should be 3; feeling me like this 3; does dad know you're here?" Eric ignored him and moved his hand down to his brother's penis and used his thumb and-two fingers to hold on Daniel's little erection. This was the first time Eric had felt a penis, he liked it's rubbery, silky smooth texture. Eric had only began to move his fingers up and down the erect shaft and over Daniel's penis head when Daniel suddenly flinched forward, then lifted his knees in turn, and let out a cry as he began a dry ejaculation. Eric's two fingers on the underside of his brother's penis felt the first surge of his brother's orgasm. Daniel held his breath for a prolonged moment as he desperately tried to suppress the unstoppable orgasm but then let out an anguished grunt. He tried to will it to stop. He squeezed his eyes shut hooked his toes and clenched his fists but the more he tried to force his straining young body to be still the more the orgasm built. At fifteen his pre pubescent orgasm shook him with terrible force. His public humiliation in front of his brother and the gang seemed only to increase the force of the orgasm as Daniel continued buck his hips and make groans of ecstasy. Daniel was breathing in short breaths and looked almost on the verge of tears. Eric was so surprised that his brother had reacted to his touch so soon, not realizing the sexual torment and arousal his brother had suffered prior to his arrival. Eric knew that accidental masturbation was allowed and he honestly had not intended to 'jerk' his brother off, still at that point he was glad his brother was a dry cummer and left no evidence. Deciding they better not draw anymore attention to themselves Eric said, "Come on guys lets go find a spot to watch. See you, little prick, and your little prick, in a few minutes when your performing on stage for us." From the time the clock struck ten the public address system sprung to life and began to call different juveniles up to centre stage. Daniel could not see the stage from his position but he could see the audience and observe their festive reaction as a constant string of juveniles were publicly disciplined much to the entertainment and enjoyment of the picnicking crowd. Occasionally when no one was in earshot Daniel would hear Tom's encouraging voice whispering for him to be strong willed that he was doing well. 15 – DisciplineFinally the public address system announced "Daniel Green location B13 to the centre stage for disciplining."Two older teen guards who earnt good casual money each Saturday working the Discipline Centre appeared in crisply manicured uniforms and escorted Daniel out of the marquee and over to and up the side steps of the music bowl till he was standing on centre stage in front of the picnicking throng that had assembled to enjoy the day's free entertainment. As he ascended the stage Daniel tried to look around to see what awaited him on stage but was quickly yanked back around to face the front by one of the young guards who snarling told Daniel to "face the front and keep still and quiet." He did get a quick glance though enough to see that there were two pieces of equipment set up on small platforms to the left and right of the stage. He thought he saw a girl being removed from the right platform equipment but he didn't really have time to take in the scene. With nowhere else to look but at the crowd out in front of him Daniel scanned the front rows of the audience for any faces he knew. To his relief he saw none but of course there were many groups further back that he could not really make out clearly. Some where out there he knew were his brother, the gang and the girls from his class. The public address system burst into voice and the announcer gave the audience all of Daniel's details, his name, age and conviction details. There were boos when his crimes were reported. There were cheers when his allocated punishment was announced. To add to his embarrassment the announcer commented on Daniel's small penile size, which at that moment with the shame of standing on stage in front of the large audience was shrunk back to its little knob penile head only visible size! The announcer said, "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls the Eastbrook Discipline Centre would like to apologise for the small size of the current juveniles appendages. We will try to have the camera zoom in for you so that you can be compensated." There was a roar from the crowd at the announcers comment. Guess what? Daniel blushed! To the sides of the centre stage were two large screen monitors that gave the audience a close up view of the discipline proceedings and as if on queue the camera zoomed in on Daniel's shame which bought further laughter and crude comments about his size from all parts of the audience. He was not left standing there in front of the audience for long. The two guards soon grabbed his hands and escorted him over to the punishment frame which was placed right stage behind him. It was either the one from the induction room at the courthouse or its identical twin. This time however it was placed on a wide rotating platform that would give the audience a multi dimensional view of Daniel as he was punished. Daniel was soon strapped in tight by the Velcro straps. He was facing the audience to start with but before the first stroke of his punishment began he felt the slight jerk as the rotation of the platform began. Almost unexpectantly as he could not see behind him the first of the fifteen hand spanks reigned down on his bare bottom. Daniel jerked instinctively. The crowd roared as the action began. These were no mere amateur hand spanks; the slave who was giving them to Daniel knew what he was doing. He was one of the County Whip Masters assistants and had been trained by his master in techniques that maximised pain. By the end of the fifteen hand spanks Daniel was already crying out in pain and had tears running down his face. To add to the spectacle his penis had risen again to a full erection. The camera zoomed in to catch all this detail for the audience a lot of whom were on their feet jumping up and down, some cheering others yelling taunts. Daniel was in shock; he couldn't believe this was happening to him. How could people be so cruel and callous about his suffering? He knew the answer of course, he was a slave and slave's feelings didn't matter. By this time Daniel had done slightly more than one complete circuit on the platform. Now the ten much harder strokes with the paddle began. Daniel yelled at each stroke the pain was so extreme. The crowd was going wild at his obvious distress, and when he managed to focus on the audience through his pain and tears Daniel saw that they were obviously enjoying the show. All Daniel wanted to do was to die, so that the pain and humiliation would end. It was not over for poor Daniel after the ten strokes with the paddle, the worst was yet to come. Daniel was rotated to such a position that he could see the slave pick up a long flexible cane from the storage rack, which contained a wide choice of sizes and thicknesses. The slave moved into position, took a step back before stepping back in with the cane flying through the air heading for it's already very red target with all this added momentum. This was a full adult force caning, much more severe than the caning Daniel had experienced the day before in the Induction Room. As the cane rained down Daniel's mind tried to find a place away from the unbelievable pain that was enveloping all his senses. As the second of the three cane stokes flashed across Daniel's swollen and bruised bottom he tried to focus his mind on Tom's comments the previous day about his own whipping and in these thoughts Daniel found some respite from the pain that was searing its way into his very being. He remembered Toms comment 3; "You can't imagine what it is like to be whipped. A whipping cuts through to the brain's inner sanctum where we have our being. Once the pain and trauma of the whipping reaches the core of our being, there is no further hiding place." "The authorities know this and thus ensure that whippings being the ultimate physical punishment are usually severe, designed to facilitate a life long change in a slave's attitude." "At first when they whipped me I fought the pain refusing to be cowered, then when I could suffer no more I begged for mercy, but the whipping did not stop until finally, I abandoned all hope. And yet they continued whipping me. Finally that whipping forced me to surrender my inner being, totally accepting absolute unquestioning servitude and obedience." "So they whipped any decent out of me." Daniel only received three stroke of the cane not the whip and he had remained at the first stage of fighting the pain but he knew that like Tom he would, had the strokes continued, given in and begged for mercy, he was desperately close to begging right now after three strokes and he could now comprehend the third phase where in utter desperation to avoid the pain you would open your soul allowing complete surrender. The Guards released Daniel from the punishment frame and he immediately slumped to the floor, his legs weak from the torture he had just received. He needed assistance as the guards moved him over to the left platform. As this was being done the crowd rose to a new crescendo of excitement with much yelling and screaming. What were they so excited about Daniel worried as he was helped across the stage. After his spankings Daniel had a raging erection as he was led to the other platform which contained a chair that was surrounded by framework and lots of tubes and other frightening equipment. On top of the framework was a sign, "Sponsored by Eastbrook Dairy Co-operative." The chair was one of those plastic moulded types but apart from that it was no ordinary chair. Positioned strategically sticking up where he would soon be sitting was a sparkling clean removable dildo. The guards positioned Daniel near the chair and then made him bend over and spread his legs so his anus and sphincter faced the audience. At this sight the audience went mad with cat calls and hoots. A third older guard wearing rubber gloves approached and lubricated Daniel's sphincter. The cool gel felt good next to his still burning bottom cheeks. The two guards then slowly positioned Daniel over the chair and pushed him down over the dildo. Even though they did it slowly the pain was intense and he screamed and screamed as he was violated. The audience of course cheered. This was just the type of performance they had come to see. Daniel's hands were raised above his head, and cuffed to a horizontal bar that was part of the framework he had noticed and ran above the chair His legs were pulled wide, and his ankles secured to cuffs and chains. The effect was to show off to the audience Daniel's hairless but throbbing little boy penis to the best advantage. One of the guards reached around behind the chair and pulled out a long, clear plastic flexible tubing with a wider sleeve at the end, inside of which was an articulated inner sleeve. He proceeded to fit this device securely over Daniel's erect penis. The outer sleeve attached to Daniel's penis created a vacuum seal, and the lubricated inner sleeve was designed to move up and down Daniel's penis, in effect, masturbating and milking him before the assembled masses. Daniel now realised the significance of the local dairies sponsorship of this device. He was going to be milked like a 'cow' in front of everyone. The third guard flipped a switch on the control panel mounted on the rear of the chair, and a humming sound was heard. The platform began to rotate but this time there was more, much more movement. Daniel began to murmur, then gasp, as the dildo that was now residing inside him began to vibrate, humming away deep in Daniel's now highly aroused rectum. The guard then turned another switch, and a hissing sound issued forth. All the air was sucked out of the tube attached to Daniel's penis and the inner sleeves began its relentless up-and-down journey. It didn't take long for Daniel to begin moaning and groaning. "Oh my god!" he cried out, arching his back and feeling his anal muscles clench frantically as his balls and prostate approached a dry orgasm. He wailed and shook as his penis throbbed into the teasing sleeve, which continued to suck away relentlessly causing such sensations within Daniel's already super sensitive orgasming penis head that Daniel thought he was about to die! Daniel screamed out again and again as the machine continued its relentless sucking "Oh! ooh! OHHH!!!! Help me! Stop the machine please! Stop! STOP!" No one stopped the machine and Daniel continued to scream as the machine continued relentlessly on massaging his little red penis and massaging his terribly stimulated prostrate. One shattering public dry orgasm after another followed in quick succession for the defenceless Daniel. Through all these Daniel's penis stayed hard as again and again he felt the wonderful but yet terrible sensation of having an orgasm raped from him. Finally, after five dry orgasms, sweat-drenched, with aching penis and balls and a well-ravished bottom, Daniel was released and led meekly by the guards back to the stage exit to the wild cheers of the audience and then returned to position B13. Tom looked on with concern as he saw the guards return Daniel to his place. He noticed Daniel's dishevelled sweaty state; tear streaked cheeks, snotty nose, erect red penis and a bluish purple bruised bottom with prominent red welts. The Whip Masters assistant knew what he was doing however as the skin had not been broken leaving any permanent damage or blood. Daniel stood there stark naked sobbing slowly as Tom from time to time whispered encouragement to him again saying, "I know what your suffering but it will be alright, I promise." Daniel thought back on those words 3; 'I promise,' some how they seemed to comfort him even more than he expected, it was like he had heard them whispered in his ear over and over, but he couldn't remember when or how! Daniel had to wait nearly another hour standing on exhibition his tender bottom crying out for a gentle soothing massage but that was not to be. There was to his great relief hardly anyone coming around inspecting the juveniles. They were all too intent on watching the main spectacular up on stage. So Daniel was taken by surprise when about twenty minutes after he has returned he found his friend Marco standing before him. He was not supposed to speak but Marco said nothing either and there was this strange silence that built and built between the two of them. Marco just stood there looking at Daniel's naked body his eyes roaming every inch of Daniel's totally exposed naked flesh. Finally after what seemed minutes but still without a word Marco reached out and gently stroked Daniel's sore red penis. Daniel winched and let out a small gasp. "Sorry I don't want to cause you any pain Daniel," Marco finally spoke. "I think your beautiful, absolutely beautiful even your little penis," Marco quickly blurted out then with a blushing face quickly turned and rushed away, leaving Daniel totally perplexed and confused. He saw no more of his brother, Marco or the rest of the gang at the Discipline Centre and when his exhibition time was up Daniel was ordered by a guard to report back to Ms Dean his Supervisor. Tom accompanied Daniel as they wound their way through the picnicking audience who were by coincidence watching a shrieking Terri Walker receive her first public discipline session up on centre stage. Daniel had heard earlier the announcer make disparaging comments about Terri's totally flat little girl tits. He obviously enjoyed his role of adding to the juvenile's embarrassment and humiliation. As they continued their way through the picnicking audience they were greeted with a general hubbub of jeering and insults. Daniel was assaulted with slaps to his ass and suffered as his genitals were fondled by boys, girls, men and women of all ages who reached out to grab at him. The taunting of his pathetic size and the groping seemed to get even worse as the first part of Terri's punishment ended and the crowd decided that Daniel provided fresh sport. Daniel had never imagined anything like this could happen to him. He began to panic and loose all control of his emotions again. Tom could see the panic raising in Daniel's face and body actions and taking his hand said, "Come on you'll be ok, I'm here for you." Daniel resorted over the last section of the audience to begging everyone to leave him alone, which of course only attracted more attention. What saved Daniel from totally breaking down was that Terri Walker had begun the second phase of her punishment and that distracted the crowd sufficiently to allow him through. Daniel was too worried by all the groping hands to pay too much attention to Terri's punishment but he was sure his brother and his friends would be observing every detail of her torment at the hands of the mechanical masturbator that was at that very moment relentlessly rubbing not milking Terri to the first of many public orgasms. Still by the time Daniel reached his Supervisors marquee he was crying, and crying hard. Making his way into the marquee he stood in front of Ms Dean and waited. She looked up at Daniel and snarled, "Put a collar on a formerly free citizen and its marvellous how quickly a person looses their uppity nature, looks like your little visit here has been quite the experience we hoped it would be for you" It was a rhetorical question but not wanting to get into more trouble Daniel replied "Mam, yes mam." "Very good boy, you're learning fast," Ms Dean responded with a smirk. She handed Daniel an envelope and said, "Your punishment register is all signed off in there plus all the details of your community service work. I have spoken to your father by phone and he has signed off on it. Report as detailed tomorrow for your first session. Dismissed." "Mam," responded Daniel and Tom who also responded out of instinct and training. As they walked to the bus stop for the trip home Daniel's mind kept going back not to all his embarrassment and humiliation, not to all his pain and suffering. No it kept going back to Marco and his actions and comments. What did Marco mean by "I think your beautiful absolutely beautiful"? On the bus home they went as required to the rear slave's area with its hard wood seats as opposed to the padded 'free' citizens seats further up the bus. Daniel stood up, his bum too sore to sit and with difficulty opened the envelope and read it's contents. "Shit Tom," Daniel exclaimed "They have sent me all the way across town to 'Piney Hills Fair'. That's two bus trips from home. One to Downtown, then one to Piney Hills, I'll have to leave home early so I am not late when I report in. Means I won't get home till late either." Piney Hills was the most exclusive suburb of Eastbrook. Situated to the south west of town Piney Hills looked back over the river and suburban Eastbrook. Here the wealthy and influential of the community resided, many in gated communities which added to their status and prestige. Piney Hills Fair was a very upmarket shopping complex full of designer label stores that were frequented by the well to do and the status conscious of the community. Reading on he discovered his Tuesdays and Thursday afternoons were to be spent in the same area at the exclusive Piney Hills Golf Club. "Fuck all this travelling sucks and I'll be surrounded by posh voiced snobs who will probably have even less time for a slave than the locals here do. Little did Daniel know the unique peculiarities of the Piney Hills Community when it came to the use of slaves, even newdd juvenile slaves! There was no doubt that they certainly would have little time for him. Daniel was going to the Mall tomorrow but not he knew to shop. He was going on Tuesday and Thursday to the Golf Club but again it was not going to be for pleasure and relaxation. He knew it would be embarrassing and humiliating, what he didn't realise was just how embarrassing and humiliating Piney Hills would be!
AcknowledgementsThe Milk Farm by Blackdog. |
16 – Change of StatusBy the time Tom and Daniel arrived back home it was early afternoon.Daniel was exhausted from the morning's activities but another lesson was soon learnt. Tom informed Daniel that they would need to start immediately in preparing dinner, making up their masters bedrooms and tidying up the rest of the house. Tom and Daniel had left soon after breakfast and the only work that had been achieved before leaving was washing up the breakfast dishes. "I'm tired and sore Tom you can't be serious about me helping you. Besides I don't know what to do," said Daniel. "Well there is only one way you will learn what to do and that is by doing these things. You're a slave for the next four months and your father expects you to perform all slave duties required of a permanent slave during that time. I'll start preparing the dinner you go upstairs and make up the bedrooms. Start with the Master and Mistresses room then master Eric's and finally miss Melissa's room." "Tom I can't do my brother and sisters room, no way," asserted Daniel. "Why not?" Tom asked. "Because, well ummm, well because I'm their brother and I don't do that kind of thing for them," Daniel informed Tom. "Daniel, Daniel you're a slave, a slave does whatever is requested of him, I've told you that already. For the next four months they are not your brother and sister they are your master and mistress. If they ask you to do something you do it, no questions asked provided it's legal, understand?" Tom asked. Daniel blushed but made no reply. "I asked do you understand," Tom asserted in a voice far more forceful than he had ever spoken to Daniel with before! 'Yes Tom, I understand," Daniel finally replied head bowed another strip of his pride and self esteem stripped away. "Good then lets have no more of this uppity attitude. Free people do not like uppity slaves and it will lead you into more trouble than you want or deserve. Now upstairs and start on the rooms. I will be upstairs to check on your work as soon as I have dinner underway, so make it a perfect job, master likes it done right the first time, I don't want there to be a reason why I have to nominate punishment for you or me to Master because we house slaves have not done our job properly," Tom asserted. His parent's room was empty as both his parents were still at work. Daniel pulled up the bedclothes and attempted to make the bed. He quickly realised how pathetic he was at this task. In all his years on earth he had been waited on by Tom. He had never once made his bed. He didn't really know what to do! Daniel tried; he really did but after the first attempt the bed looked little better than it did before he started. The second attempt was little better but by the fifth attempt Daniel was so frustrated that he burst out crying and slumped onto the bed. He was still there when Tom entered. "Get off Masters bed you lazy boy," Tom yelled at Daniel when he first saw him lying there doing nothing, but he soon realised there was more to this than just laziness. Daniel jumped up in fright at Tom's command and said, "Tom it's not what you think, I tried to make the bed, I really did, but I can't Tom, I am useless, I can't do it look at the bed that's the fifth attempt." Tom looked over to the bed. Of course Daniel had just been slumped across it and the ruffled sheets added to the unmade look. Still it was obvious that Daniel had tried and Tom knew that up until yesterday Daniel would never have been expected to do anything like this. "It's ok Daniel, I should not have yelled at you before checking things out properly, here let me show you how it's done," Tom offered. "Thanks Tom you're the greatest, but now I feel guilty, I'm making work for you," Daniel apologised. "I'll show you once how it's done, I expect you to learn quickly, that's not wasting my time. It's only wasting my time if I have to keep showing you how it's done ok? "Ok," Daniel replied a smile breaking out on his face for one of the few times that day and an audible sigh of relief could also be heard. Together they made up his parents bed then Tom directed him around the bedroom instructing him on emptying the dirty clothes bin, what had to be cleaned in the ensuite and general tidying tips. They then moved to his brother Eric's room, which was in a much greater state of disorder than his parent's room. Clean clothes had been flung out of the chest of drawers onto the floor and mixed with the dirty clothes Eric had worn yesterday. No attempt had been made to place the dirty clothes in the bin provided. Tom could see the look on Daniel's face and said, "It's always like this, so you better get used to it. Mind you it's not much worse than an adjoining room used to be like, which is not being used at the moment. Daniel looked over at Tom and was about to bite at the bait thrown at him when he saw a huge smile on Tom's face. Daniel just smiled back. "Ahhh Daniel it's so good to see that after everything you've been through today you can still smile. Keep smiling and you'll make it through this and just look at the domestic skills you are going to learn from this experience. When you get your own slaves they won't be able to pull the wool over your eyes," said Tom. Daniel reached over and gave Tom a small gentle hug and said, "I'm glad you're here for me Tom." That one little comment made Tom's day, made his week, probably made his year. He loved Daniel, Eric and Melissa as if they were his own, but especially Daniel as he was the first born and Daniel's birth into Tom's slave life had been the first shining ray of hope and pleasure that had bought him in the fullness of time to a special relationship with the whole family, especially his beloved Master. Tom and Daniel were working in the kitchen when Daniel's mother and father returned home. Melissa came in soon after from a friend's house and finally just before dinnertime Eric arrived. Eric was no sooner inside the house than he began informing Melissa of all the details of what he had witnessed at the Discipline Centre that day. He started with all the embarrassing details of Daniel's spankings, paddling and caning. Then Eric gave a detailed and animated description of the masturbating machine and Daniel's screaming and begging reaction to its labours, as Daniel was tortured through his five successive orgasms. In the kitchen Daniel was feeling totally embarrassed as he listened in to all the details of his discipline session being recounted, but his attention was aroused even further when Eric moved on to giving Melissa vivid descriptions of Terri Walker's screaming tearful spankings and her torturous orgasmic reactions to the masturbating machine. Daniel was not the only one who overheard Eric's boasts about the Eastbrook Discipline Centre because in the middle of a detailed description to Melissa of how the machine was masturbating Terri, Mr. Green's voice rang out, "Eric, in the study, NOW!" Daniel heard his father talking in the study delivering stern words to his brother about his lateness and Daniel hoped his attendance at the Discipline Centre today. He desperately wanted to hear more but Tom taped him on the shoulder and said, "No business of a slave, stop trying to listen in." "Yes Tom," Daniel replied disappointment thick within his voice. The voices faded away soon after that, not because his father was calming down, just the opposite, both Owen Green and Eric were raising their voices as Eric attempted to justify his breaking of his parent's edict on attending the Discipline Centre. No the voices faded away because someone closed the study door obviously aware the discussion was becoming heated. That night Daniel had to stand next to Tom at the side of the dining room and watch his family eat their dinner. It was a further humiliating experience for Daniel but the look on Melissa's face said it all, she was enjoying this aspect of her brother's loss of status! Eric was very sullen through dinner, Melissa picked up the vibes and so little other family discussion took place. When dinner was finished Daniel began clearing the table to the snickers of both Eric and Melissa who were enjoying his continued domestic humiliation caused by his change of status. On Daniel's second trip back to collect dirty dishes Melissa halted him and requested, "When your done with your cleaning duties, run me a bath and prepare my bed please, slave." Daniel glared at his sister, how dare she ask him to do this! Before he could say anything Tom's voice came from over his shoulder, "Of course Miss Melissa I will send him up to prepare these things for you as soon as he is finished. Please go relax and he will call you when your bath is prepared," Tom courteously replied on Daniel's behalf. Mr. Green smiled at his daughter's use of her new position of power over her brother. Unlike Eric's disregard of his strict ruling on attending the Discipline Centre he wasn't upset at this attitude of Melissa's shown at home. It would do Daniel good to experience another dimension to his loss of status. When he had finished the dishwashing, turned down his sister's bed and run her hot bath Daniel returned to the rumpus room and found his mother and his brother and sister sitting watching the television. He informed his sister, "Mam your bath and bed are prepared, do you wish me to bathe you mam?" Melissa glared at him, realising he was being sarcastic and getting one back at her, however Daniel had asked in such a totally correct and slave like manner that she was forced to answer his question. Mrs. Green was struggling to hold in her laughter at her son's cleverness but for her daughters sake she desperately contained her laughter to herself. "No slave that will be all," Melissa replied and exited the room quickly hoping no one observed her blushing cheeks. She instantly determined at that moment to ensure that she made Daniel prepare her bath and bed every night from now on. His little joke at her expense would soon loose its effectiveness. It was a very tired, sore and exhausted Daniel Green that late that night finally sat at the little table in the laundry with Tom and ate some dinner. Tom was allowed leftovers from the main dinner but the fact that it had been kept heated for a couple of hours spoilt the taste somewhat. Daniel didn't care he hadn't eaten since breakfast and though he was dead tired he needed sustenance. Tom made him shower before bed and the water stung something savage on his bruised and still tender backside. When Daniel finally crawled into his makeshift bed he lay on his stomach to ease the pain in his throbbing behind but the pain didn't affect his sleep. Tom checked on his charge no more than five minutes after he went to bed and by then Daniel was already sleeping like a baby. It seemed like no time at all for poor Daniel and Tom was standing over him and rousing him from his sleep. It was still basically dark outside but Tom was dressed and ready for another days toil. This was the life of a slave. You went to bed after your Masters and you rose before them. Time was not yours, you were there to serve and serve you did throughout the waking hours and beyond of your masters till all the chores had been done. Daniel was quickly learning a lot of respect for all the unseen labour that Tom put in that was never seen or as far as Daniel was concerned never appreciated until now. Tom insisted Daniel make his bed after his morning ablutions and when it was not up to Tom's standard, Daniel stood there in shock as his bed was stripped by Tom and he was ordered to remake it properly this time around! By the time the first of the Green family appeared on that Sunday morning Daniel had with the assistance of Tom packed his back pack and was about to depart for the bus stop to catch a bus to Downtown Eastbrook and then a second bus to Piney Hills. Owen Green was by far the earliest of the Greens to appear but said little as he sat at the kitchen table sipping a coffee, watching Tom fuss over Daniel like a doting father. Tom was ensuring Daniel knew which bus to catch to Piney Hills and where and whom he had to report in to when he arrived. Mr. Green had great difficulty hiding his mirth from Tom and Daniel over the scene occurring before him in the kitchen. Finally Mr. Green spoke, "Daniel, you're sure you want to travel to Piney hills alone? I will send Tom with you if you wish for this first trip." "Thanks dad 3; um I mean Master, but Tom is behind in his work from accompanying me yesterday. I don't want to cause him problems because of my needs." "Ok fair enough but be careful. Remember being newdd does not give strangers the right to totally sexually molest you, only inspect you. If you get into trouble ask for help." "Ok will do dad 3; Master," Daniel replied. Daniel was nervous, he was very nervous still just about appearing nude in public but already he was noticing his excessive modesty was beginning to disappear just slightly. "Bye Tom," Daniel said as he went to leave, then not sure how to handle his father he said, "Bye Master" "Bye Daniel," said both Tom and Owen Green almost simultaneously. The cheeky side in Daniel reared its head at that moment and as he moved out the kitchen door he called back, "Love you dad," and closed the door quickly before his father could react. He was not there to see it but a huge grin raced across his fathers face and Tom's too. Daniel sat by himself in the slave section of the local bus as it took him into Downtown Eastbrook. It was still early and being a Sunday not many people were yet up and about. When Daniel arrived at the main bus interchange he took out of his backpack the instructions Tom had written out and went looking for bay 11 where he would catch the bus to Piney Hills. There were a few more people around the interchange but it was not busy. As he walked the thought occurred to him how public nudity was just accepted by so many adults. Children and teenagers; well that was another matter! He got some extra stares because of his small package but most people he passed just walked by reacting little differently than if he had been clothed. The public decency laws forced on the community by the right wing fundamentalist religious groups had removed most naked indentured slaves from being seen in public except for special circumstances like punishment sessions, but it was well known that a large number of the slave population were kept naked on private property. The principal reason was not that the masters wanted to gawk at their property though admiration of the beauty of a well formed naked body was part of it, no, it was an economic decision, it was cheaper if you kept slaves naked. There were minimal clothing bills and little in the way of laundry costs. Thinking a bit more about this Daniel was sure those who were naked didn't accept this state of affairs anywhere near as casually as the free citizens did. Daniel had never thought he would be a newdd, he was sure most citizens never thought that they would be enslaved either. Daniel had already learnt his first newdd lesson, the misapprehension that 'It can't happen to me' was now supplanted by the absolute realisation that 'yes it can'! He had heard some time ago from a friend that there were naked slaves at the Piney Hills Golf Club, which was a private 'members only' course. This was where he was scheduled to do Community Service on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so he was hoping that his nakedness would not be so obvious if all the slaves were kept naked. As he approached bay eleven he was relieved to see he was not the only newdd who would be catching the bus when it arrived. There were about six newdd's already waiting. As he approached he recognised Greg Pearson and Todd Riddell from his school. He could feel himself blushing, even though Greg had seen him naked at the Discipline Centre and Todd must have been there too, though Daniel could not recall seeing him there. "Hey Daniel," Todd happily said in greeting, "Hows it hanging," he said causing Daniel to blush some more. "Man that's a small pecker ya got there, I caught a glimpse of it yesterday at Poulton Park but now that I can have a nice close look, it's just such a cute 'pin' dick," exclaimed Todd! Daniel didn't know what to say. In the back of his mind the similar comment by Marco at the Discipline Centre yesterday flashed back into his consciousness. "What are you on about Todd, that pathetic excuse of manhood is embarrassing not cute! At least I got something to show unlike this little boy," Greg asserted giving his well developed cock and balls a good shake in front of Daniel. "Leave him alone Greg, where all in this together and he will need our help just like we were helped to get through the utter humiliation of the Community Service at the Piney Hills Fair!" Todd responded. "He'll need more than our help with a cock that small, the good free citizens of Piney Hills wont have anything to grab onto," said Greg with a smile. Even Todd saw the joke in that comment and laughed. "What's so funny, what did you mean anything to grab onto?" Daniel asked. Daniel was no fool and he thought he already knew the answer to his question but he wanted to have his worst fears confirmed. "They didn't explain your Community Service at the Mall did they?" Todd asked. "No, why?" Daniel asked. Greg interrupted with bitterness in his voice and said, "Cause they fucking make us walk around with these fucking stupid metal bins on our backs all day serving as naked shopping trolleys for the pleasure of the upstanding free customers of Piney Hills Fair. These shoppers, complete strangers will pull you around the Mall all day by your cock. That's what I meant!" Todd came into the conversation and added, "It's one of the worst community service tasks you could have been allocated, from what I have heard only the Piney Hills Golf Club is worse. If you had been lucky you would have got litter patrol or tree planting, but they tend to allocate those jobs primarily to the parental and school disposition newdd's and send those of us convicted under the juvenile criminal code to more harsh and demeaning Community Service. At the Mall you will find almost none of the shoppers will ever consider speaking to you; I am sure now after having done this now for quite a while, that in their minds we are nothing more than mere dumb animals or items of property." Daniel was too shocked to speak. Being naked in a shopping Mall was bad enough but being dragged around by your penis was already sounding like it was horrendously humiliating and maybe even painful. Even worse he was being sent to the golf course on Tuesdays and Thursdays. "What's up with the golf course?" Daniel asked his face turning white with a newfound fear. Both the guys noticed Daniel's reaction. "You didn't get the course as well did you?" Greg asked. "Yeah, on Tuesdays and Thursdays but why?" Daniel asked again. "Shit I'm sorry Daniel, if I'd known I wouldn't have said anything," Todd apologised. "Well now you've said that Todd we better tell him. Better he knows," Greg said this time showing real compassion in his voice. "I guess so," said Todd, "you tell him you're the one who had the friend who was told about this ." "Daniel I only got this second hand from a friend ok, so I don't know for sure it's true, sounds so off that it might just be true, anyways, my friend was told by his friend who was sent there to do Community Service that he was made to stand in a special enclosure near the tenth tee and 3; and well 3; he was 3; he was the 3;" Greg stuttered not being able to break the horrifying information to Daniel. "Go on! What was he?" Daniel begged, not wanting to know but dearly needing to know. Todd relieved Greg of his misery and said, "He was the players half way urinal!" The conversation just sort of died at that point, everyone obviously no longer felt like saying anything. Meanwhile back at the Green household the conversation between Tom and Owen Green had continued as soon as Daniel had left for his community service. "Master you look worried. Do you want me to follow Daniel?" Tom asked Mr. Green. "No Tom, that wont be necessary. I want Daniel to find his own way like he requested last night and confirmed again this morning. It's an important opportunity for him to gain some independence and I can't be driving him over there every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday as I will be at work a lot of those times. Nor can I afford your time to go with him as your duties here would not be done. Still I worry about him being out alone in the community stark naked. There are still a few perverts around, even with the strict laws we live under," Owen Green replied. "He'll make it ok, I'm sure of it Master, he's a sensible kid with one noticeable exception most of the time, and a really good and nice kid to boot," Tom said letting out a hint of his true feelings for Owen's son. "Yes he is isn't he Tom, still I think that just for today I am going to drive over early to Piney Hills Fair so I am there to check out that the boy is ok when he arrives." Owen Green stated. "A wise and loving move Master," Tom said relieved himself that a check on Daniel's progress was going to be made "You know Master," Tom said "Daniel went up in my already high estimation the way he took his punishment and helped me till he was about to fall asleep standing up at the end of yesterday. I can't say the same about Eric's behaviour yesterday. I gather Master from your conversation with master Eric that you know about his excursion into Eastbrook yesterday to watch Daniel's discipline session?" "Yes, Tom that's what all the yelling was about when he came home. The boy couldn't see where the problem was! I decided to let things cool off. I was very heated and emotional over his actions last night, I decided for the benefit of all that I would consider my options in the cool light of a new day. As much as I want Daniel to feel the pain, suffering, embarrassment and humiliation of his enslavement, Eric I get the feeling, is overdosing on lauding his new found status over Daniel. Melissa is handling it much better, just the right mix of sibling compassion and dominance," said Mr. Green. "A wise decision Master to wait, I know you'll come to the right decision with clear unemotional reasoning once you have considered all the options for and against a disposition to the court based upon Eric's persistent misbehaviour and disrespect towards you Master," Tom replied. "Oh, I wasn't thinking of anything quite as severe as a disposition 3; 3; ohhhhhhhh Tom!" "Really Tom, you're such a naughty slave, I think such suggestive thoughts may well deserve to be punished, what do you think Tom?" Mr. Green said trying to suppress a laugh. "I'm sure Master that you'll make a clear unemotional decision on that too Master," Tom said. "Too right I will Tom. Downstairs now before the family get going, you're far too uppity this morning," Owen Green replied with a longing in his eyes and a smile on his face. "Oh please Master I don't deserve this," Tom said tongue in cheek. "No you don't deserve this or me! Your right, we won't do it!" "You don't get out of it that easy Master," Tom said with a laugh and with that comment Tom gently grabbed his Masters hand, a totally forbidden taboo for a slave to do and pulled his Master up from his chair at the kitchen table. Was Owen Green concerned at his slave's actions and behaviour, well if the tent in his trousers was any indication, no he wasn't! Tom and Owen with lust and desire in their eyes quickly moved to the door of the basement, locking the door from the inside when they entered so they could not be disturbed. There was just enough time for a quickie before Owen Green would have to leave to check on his son's safe arrival.