Steam TrainJuvenile Deterrence |
SummaryFourteen-year-old Daniel is caught by the police vandalizing an old factory. Unfortunately for him, he lives in a very strict society that believes in making misbehaving juveniles serve the community as naked slaves for a court ordered period of time. This 'Juvenile Deterrence' program is deliberately designed to be such a totally embarrassing and humiliating experience that it usually results in very upright law abiding young citizens emerging from the scheme, with no desire to re-offend.
Publ. Dec 2005-Jun 2006 (Nifty & Nialos); this site Dec 2007
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CharactersDaniel (15yo), Eric (13½yo), Gary (15yo)Category & Story codesBoy-Slave story/futureMt tb tt tg – Mdom Fdom mast oral – humil med spank (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThis fantasy is an attempt on my behalf to combine some of the very common concepts and themes raised in the erotic writings of numerous writers. Themes such as 'Naked in School', 'Nudie Judie', the 'Police Strip Search' and not forgetting the 'Medical Examination'. Overriding all this of course is the concept of slavery, my favourite fantasy universe theme.I will acknowledge specific writers or groups of writers at the end of chapters where I have drawn on their work to formulate the base structure of the chapter. These are writers whose works I have enjoyed and admired. Enjoy. This story is the first of a sequel of (long) stories:
Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at steam_t2000(at)yahoo(dot)com or using this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line. © 2005 by Steam Train, all rights reserved. The story 'Alternative Deterrence' (link to Nifty) is a version of this original story 'Juvenile Deterrence'. It contains older characters (The Green children ar four years older: Daniel is 19yo) in a similar but not identical plot. |
Table of Contents |
PreambleThe economic reforms introduced many years ago by President Shelley had long ago bought about the return of a 'normal' life to the bulk of the population.For about fifteen percent of the population however it had meant a radical change in existence. The poor, long term unemployed and the criminally convicted were after the reforms mandatarily placed in servitude for life. Officially the acts that set up the reforms referred to the process as 'Servitude' however everyone referred to the participants as slaves. It was cheaper to provide adequate food and housing for slaves rather than for the poor and the long term unemployed who were previously on welfare or the criminals who had to be kept in prisons and of course enslavement made it easy to stop them continuing to breed and adding to the problem.
President Shelley had set up a system that clearly differentiated between the rights of those citizens who remained free and those who through enslavement lost their freedom. There was now a clear delineation in the status of a citizen and a slave. The laws that applied to citizens did not apply any longer to slaves. Slaves were now items of property just like livestock. The owners and masters were required by law to look after their property and ensure they were adequately watered and fed and that the slaves treatment not sadistic, but that was the limit of their responsibility. Free citizens no longer had to worry about set working hours, unions, holidays or wage demands as far as slaves were concerned. Major body modifications and alterations like castration or body piercing for slaves was allowed upon legal authorization, provided it could be shown that the modifications or alterations were required for the better performance of the slave. Slaves now did nearly all the 'blue collar' jobs that had been done previously by free citizens. Slaves worked the production lines, collected the garbage, kept the streets clean, delivered the mail, and when you saw delivery trucks coming and going you knew that slaves would unload the goods. The slave reforms of President Shelley had solved the problem of what to do with criminals and vagrants but it did not address the anti social behaviour of the youth of the community. The authorities soon realised this problem and President Shelley had legislation passed that authorised the states to sentence juveniles aged between ten and fifteen under a new initiative called the 'newdd' Program for Juvenile Deterrence. Many states had adopted President Shelley's juvenile solution after seeing the success of the Presidents slave reforms for adults aged sixteen and over. These newdd juvenile slaves could be seen like their older permanent counterparts working away in their spare time serving out their sentence performing community service projects. The only differences being that they were unlike their decently dressed permanent counterparts almost totally naked at all times, they were younger and there were legal limits on the sexual use and types of punishment applicable to the temporary juvenile slaves. newdd juvenile slaves were not broken in spirit to the same extent as adult slaves but their totally humiliating and embarrassing experiences in the temporary slavery of newdd juvenile deterrence usually resulted in very upright law abiding young citizens emerging from the scheme. 1 – CaughtIt was a sunny Saturday afternoon and Owen and Vicki Green and their three children Daniel, Eric and Melissa were cutting through Poulton Park to their car after watching a movie together.As they turned a corner of the shrub lined path that wound through the centre of the park they came across a coffled council work gang. It was comprised of six slaves watched over by their overseer. Eric the middle child upon seeing the gang of sweaty slaves immediately commented out loud, "No ones ever going to make me into a slave." His older brother Daniel looked across at him and replied "Well you better make sure then, that you obey the rules a lot more than you do or you never know what will happen to you." "Look who's talking," Eric retorted. "What do you mean by that squirt," Daniel teased. "I mean look at who's sneaking off and getting up to mischief with his closest friends and leaving the rest of the gang out of it. And in case your blind 'squirt', I'm taller than you now so shut your mouth," Eric replied. Though he didn't want to show that Eric had scored with that last comment, Daniel felt his face blushing. "Yeah well I'm more mature than you, who's the little eight grade middle schooler?" Daniel responded. "Mum, Daniel's being mean to me," whined Eric. "Daniel stop tormenting your brother," his Mum rebuked. "Yeah bossy boots," Melissa chipped in supporting Eric and poking her tongue out at her eldest brother Daniel. "Well it's true Mum, they are so immature, neither Eric or Mel do what they are told when I look after them when your at work. If they keep that up they will end up in trouble," Daniel replied. "Oh and you never break the rules?" Vicki Green asked. "I'm not like the pair of them, mum, I follow the rules; I am never going to end up as a slave that's for sure," Daniel replied. "Ok that's enough son," Owen Green interjected in a voice that told all the matter was closed. They walked on through the park in silence but just before they reached their parked car the family came across a group of naked youths picking up rubbish as part of their community service requirements as temporary slaves. The three children and even the parents couldn't help glancing at the naked bodies of the five miscreant youths who were serving their time in newdd Juvenile Deterrence or 'nudie', as it is called in the local community. newdd which stood for 'Notice of Exemption from Wearing Decent Dress' was a special form of temporary enslavement that enforced complete public nudity to humiliate and embarrass the offender that much that they would never progress to more habitual criminal activity. "Man that must be so embarrassing, I'm never going to end up like those kids, no one is ever going to make me go around naked in public," Daniel asserted. "Well then son you too had better be on your best behaviour," Dad responded. "I always am dad you know that," Daniel replied. "Hey isn't that nudie over there picking up rubbish Ryan Muller?" Melissa blurted out. Eric looked across and said, "Yeah sure is." Eric and Melissa ran across to where Ryan was working. When he noticed them approaching his face turned an instant shade of pink. twelve-year-old Ryan was in 7th grade with Melissa, though not in the same classes, nevertheless she knew of him, so did Eric who was one grade ahead. When they arrived in front of Ryan he stopped collecting pieces of rubbish and took up the display position. newdd juvenile slaves were required to comply with any reasonable requests from free citizens to display their naked bodies for posing or examination and to cooperate in those activities, providing that it did not interfere with the juvenile slave's schedule. Melissa giggled as she took a close look for the first time at Ryan's genitals, genitals that indicated that Ryan was in the very early stages of puberty. Standing naked in front of his two middle school companions Ryan displayed an erect 4" [10 cm] cock that surmounted a hairless ball sack that was beginning to hang down and had recently turned a darker red colour. He had a very small, sparse dusting of public hair extending about a half inch to either side and to the top of his penis. Pubic hair that was hard to see at any distance. Turning to the nudies overseer Melissa asked, "Can we examine him?" The rest of the Greens had followed the two children over to Ryan and when he arrived Daniel recognised the overseer as Blake Rivers, a junior from his High School who only last year when he was 15 had been a nudie himself. Blake replied, "Sorry Miss, but Ryan's work schedule does not allow him time for examinations today." "Oh what a pity, still I guess we will have plenty of time to examine you at school on Monday Ryan," Melissa responded. Ryan breathed a sigh of relief but still turned a deeper shade of pink. Daniel admired Ryan's maturing genitals but he was never gladder at that moment that he was a free citizen fully clothed in decent dress! Of course as a kid growing up especially once you turned ten years of age you had to be extra careful in your public and private behaviour, less you were sentenced under the 'newdd', 'Notice of Exemption from Wearing Decent Dress' Program for Juvenile Deterrence. None of Daniel's friends or family had ever served time in newdd. All of them were just too petrified of being placed into 'Nudie' to do anything wrong and that was the whole aim of the program. Public nudity enforced by a court order was a powerful tool in keeping kids always on their best behaviour. Good manners and being helpful to your parents around the house was now expected of all children still living at home. The newdd program ran until you turned sixteen, then you were sentenced under adult law, which often meant enslavement for life. Though the state had recently passed new public decency laws and slaves had to be kept 'decent' in public so as not to offend the decency of all the free citizens the law still allowed with authorisation the stripping of slaves in public as a means of specific punishment and humiliation. newdd juveniles were also exempted from the decency laws under the court-imposed conditions contained in the Notice of Exemption from Wearing Decent Dress. Apart from the nudies working on the community service projects like the family had just passed you would see kids at school or at the mall who were totally naked. They were the focus of much torment and ridicule apart from the embarrassment and humiliation of being seen totally naked. This of course was just what the newdd program set out to achieve. Daniel Green had grown up amongst this 'normal' life in a leafy tree lined street in suburban Eastbrook named Henson Avenue. His father Owen was employed in Real Estate sales and his mother Vicki was a Retail Store Manager. The Green family only had the one slave, Tom. He was elderly and did all the cooking and housecleaning. He had a small bed-sitter room in one corner of their house basement, next to the laundry. Tom kept to himself most of the time. In the Green household just because Tom was a slave did not mean that he was not shown the respect due to an adult. Daniel's parents had always taught the nearly 15- year-old Daniel, his 13½-year-old brother Eric and his twelve-year-old sister Melissa to be respectful to Tom. Daniel had never seen his parents punish Tom like he had seen some of his friend's parents punish their domestic slaves. Daniel had been shocked and a little aroused when he first saw grown adults forced to strip and be beaten with the tawse or cane on their bare buttocks. He had never witnessed a whipping and never wanted too! The Green household was an average middle class suburban family. The jobs that Owen and Vicki Green held down meant that they had to work on a rostered basis on the weekend. They tried to ensure that one of them was rostered off work to be at home with the children over the weekends but as the kids got older this became less of an issue. Recently they had entrusted Daniel being the eldest to be in charge of the household if they both had to be at work on the same day of the weekend. Both Eric and Melissa resented their older brother's newfound authority over them and as Daniel had complained tried to push their limits with him as far as possible. To make the sibling rivalries even worse Daniel was always laundering his superior status being a High School sophomore compared to his 8th and 7th grade Middle School siblings. Daniel was a popular kid. He excelled at sport and was a high academic achiever. These twin attributes gave him a high self confidence level and had by natural selection made him the leader of the local Henson street gang. To go with his academic and sporting prowess, Daniel was also a handsome boy. Even though he was below average height and weight for his age being 5 feet 4 inches [1.62m] and 105 pounds [47½kg] his slim build with his light blond hair, blue eyes and pale complexion attracted the attention of a lot of girls and unbeknown to Daniel quite a few boys as well. They all secretly wished to know him better. He was considered 'hot' even though he was also considered a shorty and a bit shy. Daniel was shy! He was too embarrassed to go out on dates with girls other than group type outings where one-on-one situations could not develop, not because he wasn't curious about girls, but rather because he feared what the consequences for his reputation might be if he was too successful with the girl. Daniel was the youngest boy in his grade and one of a handful of students who were not already fifteen years old when school resumed after the summer holidays in early August. He would turn fifteen years of age next Friday on the 1st of September, the last possible date for him to have entering Grade 10. If he had been born just an hour later on the 2nd of September he would have just started Grade 9. As they got into the family car Owen Green commented, "I hope the three of you noticed how embarrassed and humiliated that boy was. Let it be a warning and a lesson to all of you of the consequences of misbehaving." If it was a warning, Daniel he did not seem to head it.
The very next day after the family outing to the movies, both parents were working and so in the afternoon, Daniel ensured that both Eric and Melissa were at friend's houses and then with five members of his gang, he went over to the old Thompson's Foundry site. It was a great place to hang out, lots of old buildings with many nooks and crannies to explore. Daniel had formed a local street gang called the 'Henson Avenue Gang' during 7th grade when he was twelve years old, soon after he had returned from a long period in hospital recovering from injuries received when a car driven by runaway slaves hit the stationary car his Grandfather was driving. The subsequent hospitalisation and the trial and execution of the slaves had made Daniel quite a local celebrity at the time and catapulted him to the top of the local popularity stakes. After much pestering Eric had finally been admitted to the gang when he turned thirteen but in the gang meetings Eric felt his older brother always treated him like a little kid. In particular because to look at the two brothers Eric now actually looked the more mature. Daniel with his unbroken voice, pale complexion and boyish looks appeared to be younger than Eric. Even though Eric was only 13½ years old he was already the same weight and height as Daniel, being 105 lbs [47½kg] and 5 foot 4 inches [1.62m] tall and much to Eric's amusement his voice was already deeper than his older brothers. Eric really resented his little boy treatment by Daniel and had told his brother so on numerous occasions, often threatening Daniel with the words, "You wait bro, your time will come." Melissa was not a member of the gang. Girls were not allowed. She had recently reached the height of 5 foot [1.52m], and weighing 95lbs [43kg] had filled out where it mattered most to horney guys. Her very rapid breast development over the summer holidays hadn't gone unnoticed either by, lots of guys who saw her and even by Daniel and Eric. She never wanted to hang out with all those dorky guys in the gang, though in the last few months she had become a lot more interested in boys. She had her own group of girlfriends who were constantly sleeping over at the Greens house much to the annoyance of Daniel and to a lesser extent Eric who saw this as a great opportunity to chat up some girls. As the guys in the gang got older they became bolder in the activities that they undertook to keep themselves amused. This boldness was fuelled by the fact that none of them had ever been caught and placed in the newdd scheme. Daniel was the leader in planning a lot of these activities. It was becoming more and more important to Daniel that he maintains the respect of his peers at school and in the gang so he actively led and encouraged the gang's bolder escapades. On this occasion two of the guys had bought along some cans of spray paint and Daniel being the leader had insisted he start the first graffiti of the afternoon. "Michelangelo Green shall now commence his latest masterpiece," Daniel boasted. Like most things he undertook Daniel was a pretty good artist with the spray tin. He had not long started when Joey yelled out, "split, cops!" All the guys darted from the site in different directions, but Daniel in the middle of spray painting the graffiti on the wall hesitated just momentarily before dropping the can and bolting. The delay however was critical. Daniel was a good athlete and had he moved immediately he would have cleared the grasping hands of the police as they ran towards the wall where Daniel had been painting. Because he delayed those few seconds he felt a hand grasp the back of his tee shirt as he began to run away. "Oh shit," Daniel exclaimed. The next thing he knew he was grappled to the ground, his hands forced behind his back and hand cuffs applied. "Fuck off let me go," Daniel screamed to no avail. He was caught!
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AcknowledgementsPete Brown for originally creating this universe.This fantasy is written in the same universe as my story A Middle Class Slave Revisited. This was a sequel to Pete Browns original story. The term newdd, 'Notice of Exemption from Wearing Decent Dress' is a concept developed in Seven Naked Ambersons by Nap. |
2 – SearchedDaniel tried to struggle and break free of the hands that were pressing his face into the ground, but it was useless.He was eventually hauled to his feet and he saw that his captors were two uniformed police. Their dark blue uniforms one embellished with two gold chevrons on the sleeve and the shinny black boots sent a shiver of fright through young Daniel's heart. The older of the two officers who was wearing the gold chevrons and obviously in charge spoke, "Ok son now we can do this the hard way or the easy way. What's it to be are you going to co-operate with us son?" "Yes sir," Daniel replied in a shaky squeaky voice. "Good decision son, come along we have a trip to the station to make," the senior officer said to Daniel. All the while the second officer was looking about in case he could spy any of the other juvenile delinquents that had run away. They however were all long escaped. They took Daniel back to the patrol car and pushing his head against the car door spread his legs and the younger officer proceeded to frisk Daniel's body from head to toe. "All clear, feels like a wallet, keys and the usual stuff, no weapons," he informed his superior. "Ok son, what's your name?" the senior officer asked. "Daniel, Daniel Green sir." "And how old are you Daniel?" "Fifteen next Friday, sir." "Oh you're older than I thought Daniel but no matter your still a juvenile. We will need to contact your parents when we get back to the station, before we can formally charge you with 'Trespass', 'Vandalism' and 'Public Nuisance'. You're in a lot of trouble son, now here, let me help you, with those handcuffs on to get into the back seat so we can be going," said the senior officer. The drive to the Police station was terrible. To Daniel It felt like every eye on every person they drove past was looking at him. The younger officer drove and the senior officer sat next to Daniel. Neither of them spoke, the quite only broken by the police radio and the odd comment passed between the two officers. When the police car arrived at the Police station it drove around the back and into a secure basement. When Daniel heard the heavy roller shutters closing behind the car, locking him in, his dire situation really began to hit home. Daniel was led into a room where he was introduced to the duty Sergeant. Daniel noticed the three gold chevrons on his sleeve. Daniel's name, age and address details were all taken down by the Sergeant who then placed a call to Daniel's father informing him of his son's whereabouts and requesting that Owen Green attend the station as soon as possible along with the family's lawyer if possible so that Daniel could be interviewed and charged. Daniel could hear his father's reaction on the other end of the phone. He was going to cop it tonight when he got home; there was no doubt about that, but he was already beginning to realize that tonight's punishment was probably only the beginning of much more fearful punishments to come. Whilst waiting for Mr. Green to arrive the Sergeant ordered the senior officer to complete the preliminary processing procedures. 'Processing procedures, what processing procedures,' Daniel wondered? He didn't have long to wait to find out all about them. He was uncuffed to allow for fingerprinting, and then he was photographed for his mug shots. Being fingerprinted and photographed standing in various positions really made Daniel feel like an adult criminal. Daniel was then told to take everything out of the pockets of his jeans and turn them inside out. He produced a wallet, a used baseball ticket, handkerchief, rabbit's foot, small change, comb, and keys. The contents of Daniel's wallet, which included eight dollars in notes, his library card, school identification, a slip of paper with the contact phone numbers of his close friends and family and a family photo. All this was recorded by the younger officer and placed in a clear plastic bag. "Please remove your belt," the senior officer ordered. Hesitantly Daniel obeyed. Even though it was only a belt he had never undressed in front of anybody except doctors and nurses since he was ten and especially since the car accident when he was in 7th grade. The junior officer again patted down Daniel's body to make sure that Daniel hadn't forgotten anything when emptying his pockets. The senior officer then casually said, "Daniel, We are now going to take you into an interview room where with the Duty Sergeant as witness as required by juvenile law my partner and I will carry out a strip search of you." Daniel's heart missed a beat at this revelation. Strip he thought, no way was he going to strip in front of these guys even if they were Police. He didn't strip for anyone besides hadn't they already searched him twice when they patted him down? Daniel was escorted into a small interview room, which contained only a table, a small security cupboard and a couple chairs. "Have a seat son, I'll be back with the duty Sergeant as soon as possible so he can witness the search," the senior officer informed Daniel. Daniel was left alone in the room with the junior officer for more than ten minutes. Not a word passed between then during that time. This only added to the rising tensions within Daniel's body. Finally the door to the interview room swung open and the two senior policemen entered. The Sergeant appeared to be in his mid 50's about 20 years older, than the senior officer. The Sergeant looked across the small room at Daniel and thought to himself. Nice looking kid. He always found these strip searches arousing even after witnessing so many, however he had also leant to will himself not to show any emotion or arousal. He knew after thirty years of experience on the force how to keep the proceedings totally professional. "Alright officers lets get proceedings underway," the Sergeant instructed. The senior officer spoke, "Ok Daniel, stand up and remove your shoes and socks and place them on the table." "I want to wait till my dad arrives," Daniel asserted in desperation. "Sorry Daniel but rules are rules. To save time we are empowered by law to carry out the processing procedures before your parents or legal guardian arrives provided we have a senior officer of the rank of Sergeant or above present to witness the processing, besides do you really want your dad witnessing your strip search?" When Daniel made no answer the senior officer answered for him, "I didn't think so, now stop stalling and strip!" The three policemen all had similar thoughts at that moment in time. 'They were all the same, juveniles, petty criminals and the newly enslaved, they were all so modest, but such modesty would soon be overcome, after all embarrassment and humiliation was what the Juvenile Deterrence scheme was all about.' Very slowly Daniel did as he was told, what choice did he have? He undid his joggers then slowly removed his socks and neatly folded them. "Now your shirt please," the senior officer requested. Ever so slowly Daniel pulled his tee shirt off over his head to reveal a hairless smooth pale chest and flat stomach. Daniel's breathing was becoming labored as his nervousness grew. "Take off your jeans please Daniel." Daniel unsnapped his jeans and undid the zipper and slowly lowered them down his legs. "Hurry up son we don't have all day!" bellowed the Sergeant. The Sergeant knew that by bellowing at Daniel he was aiding and abetting the whole philosophy behind the juvenile deterrence policy, which was to maximize the embarrassment and humiliation of the offender so that in the future he would seriously consider his actions before ever breaking the law again. He felt compassion and sorrow sometimes for the juvenile offenders as they started their journey into embarrassment and humiliation, they reminded him of his eldest grandson who had just become a juvenile himself having recently celebrated his tenth birthday, he hoped he never saw his grandson here like this, however the Sergeant also knew that the policy worked. Slavery had reduced crime to almost non-existent levels and the juvenile deterrence program had had a similar effect on juvenile crime and behavior. This outburst spurred Daniel on and he quickly got out of them and neatly laid his jeans on the table with my other clothes. Daniel was now standing in just his underwear. He had never been this naked in front of anyone for a long time. Even when he went swimming his board shorts covered more than his boxers were currently covering. "Remove your underpants please Daniel," the senior officer ordered. Daniel hesitated at the words. No matter how he willed himself to remove his boxers he just couldn't. "I can't sir," Daniel stuttered out. "Can't or won't son? Now remove them," the Sergeant ordered in a firm voice. "Hurry up son," the senior officer urged but when Daniel still did not move, the Sergeant turned to the junior officer and ordered, "Hold his arms officer," and then turning to the senior officer he ordered, "Remove his underwear." Daniel felt the thumbs of the senior officer on the waistband of his boxers and in one swift movement the officer pulled them down and making Daniel step out of them, took them off and tossed them on the pile of clothes on the table. "Those too officer," the sergeant ordered as the Sergeant noticed that Daniel was wearing white briefs under the boxers. Since the accident in 7th grade Daniel had always worn briefs under his boxers as an added safeguard in case anyone tried to pants him. He was excessively modest about his body and humiliatingly embarrassed about what he feared was soon to be revealed. Again Daniel felt the thumbs of the officer, this time on the waistband of his white briefs. Daniel squirmed and fought hard to cover his soon to be exposed genitals but to no avail as the junior officer was far too strong and continued to hold Daniel's hands away from his body One firm tug from the senior officer and Daniel felt his genitals exposed to the cool air of the air conditioning. "Well, will you look at that," the Sergeant blurted out in amazement to the other two officers. Daniel's face had turned from pink to a definite bright red. His humiliating secret was exposed. Daniel had been badly injured when he was twelve years old when runaway slaves had slammed a stolen car into the passenger's side of Daniel's grandfather's car in which he was a passenger. He had had extensive surgery on his injuries, a broken leg and arm; internal bleeding and he had received a donor transplant liver, bladder and penis because his own were all too badly damaged to be saved. Daniel did not know the source of his donor organs, specifically if they had come from the slave organ bank or a citizen donor, though he did know the liver was from a different donor to his bladder and penis. He also knew that his donor penis had come from a boy seven years younger than himself. The doctors at the time had said this was not ideal but it was a case of what was available at the time that Daniel needed his emergency operation. The result was that he had received the penis of a five-year-old boy! Daniel often went back over in his mind the events at the hospital when the doctor had told his mum, dad and himself that his new penis was going to be very underdeveloped for a boy of his age. The Doctor had tried to reassure Daniel that over time his penis would grow when Daniel went through puberty, but the Doctor had also cautioned Daniel that as the transplanted penis was seven years younger than him and that as he only had six years at the most of growth left the doctor advised that in his opinion Daniel should come to terms with the fact that his new penis would never get more developed then a preteens penis." To make matters worse in the 2½ years since his hospitalisation, the onset of puberty had still not arrived. Slowly he watched his friends enter puberty by looking for the tell tale signs like voice, hairy legs and arm pits and facial hair, till he suspected he was the only one left who was still a little boy where it really mattered. Thankfully both his middle and high schools did not enforce naked showering after gym. He was able to wear swimmers in the showers but a few of the guys didn't and he was able to see in comparison to them exactly how far behind his body had slipped. The other two officers were surprised at the Sergeants comment but tried very hard not to show any reaction to it, but in their thoughts they agreed with his surprised exclamation. For a kid who was fifteen years old in a few days Daniel did have the smallest penis on someone his age either of them had ever seen in all of their body searches. The Sergeant stepped forward and said. "Son, I apologize for that comment, I was taken by surprise. After thirty years in the force you would have thought I had seen everything, obviously I hadn't. Now let's get on with this, stand with your feet well apart and keep your hands on your head while the officer conducts the search of your body cavities for any drugs or weapons." Daniel took a deep breath and swallowed hard at these words. The juvenile deterrence legislation mandated that to maximize the embarrassment and humiliation a full body cavity search was to be undertaken as would have been prescribed for someone suspected of carrying drugs in their body. The senior officer began by looking over Daniel's body for scars or birthmarks. "He's got some very faint scaring that looks like it's from an operation and one unusual body mark, a large freckle to the left hand side of his genitals," he reported aloud to the junior officer who was taking notes. The Sergeant went to the small cupboard and upon unlocking it returned with a digital camera. "Show me where officer, I will take some pictures in case they are needed for future identification." He then took some pictures of Daniel's scarring and freckle, which was so close to Daniel's groin that Daniel was sure the pictures showed his miniscule nude genitals as well. When the pictures were taken the senior officer took a pair of rubber gloves out of the cupboard and put them on. He began checking Daniel's ears before he turned his attention to his eyes, and he carefully rolled back both Daniel's upper and lower eyelids checking thoroughly. He then looked and felt through his hair before removing his penlight from his shirt pocket and shining it up Daniel's nose. Next he grabbed Daniel's jaw and pulled it open and then using his pen torch peered into Daniel's open my mouth. He used one hand to feel between Daniel's cheeks and teeth and all around and under his tongue. Crouching down the senior officer then inspected Daniel's penis and scrotum. Because his transplanted penis was circumcised there was no skin to roll back so he picked up a thin steel probe and a tube of lubricating jelly from the cabinet, and then grabbed Daniel's minute penis delicately in one hand. Daniel jerked back reflexively and his penis sprung to a full erection. "Sergeant should I proceed with the penile inspection, it's so small?" the senior officer asked. "We have too by law officer, just make sure the probe is well lubed and do it slowly and gently," the sergeant replied. The junior officer grabbed Daniel and held him firm whilst the senior officer took the probe, lubricated it with jelly and then slowly and with great care proceeded to insert it up Daniel's penis. The shock of the violation by the probe up his penis was nearly too much for Daniel he began to feel faint, first from the humiliation and then the pain as the senior officer twisted the probe around when he had it fully inserted. Feeling very faint and weak Daniel groaned and then began to loose control of himself. He was gasping for breath; his body broke out in a cold sweat, and began to shake. When the officer pulled the probe out of his penis, Daniel screamed out at the sudden burst of pain that coursed through him and then momentarily lost control of his bladder, a short stream of urine flowed out of his penis on to the interview room floor before Daniel could regain control. "Don't worry son that happens a lot, that's why the floor is covered in vinyl not carpet. I'll arrange to have it cleaned up as soon as we are finished," the Sergeant explained with compassion. Daniel just stood there totally embarrassment and humiliated at his lack of bodily control. Daniel wasn't allowed to wallow in his suffering as he was then turned around and told to bend over. The junior officer then spread Daniel's ass cheeks, exposing his anus to the other officers. The senior officer then lubricated Daniel's sphincter with jelly before he forced his gloved fingers all the way into Daniel's asshole stretching it open with the fingers of one hand so that he could get a clear view and determine there was nothing hiding up Daniel's ass. He shone the penlight around with his free hand and had a good look before he made several sweeping motions with his fingers around the walls of Daniel's rectum. Daniel gasped at the sensation of fingers entering him and his penis throbbed uncontrollably. The senior officer then pulled his fingers out and released his grip. "All finished Daniel," he said. He helped Daniel stand up and then the Sergeant informed Daniel, "Ok son you can get dressed again now, that ordeal is over but I caution you, it is unlikely to be your last!"
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AcknowledgementsThe penis transplant is a concept developed in The Accident (parts 1, 2, 3) by Maxx Apollyon. The structure of the police search is based on Matthew in Jail (parts 1, 2, 3, 4 ) by Wetdream. |
3 – ChargedOnce he was dressed Daniel was lead out by the junior officer into the office area of the station where he was held separate from the adult criminals.His formal charging with 'Trespass', 'Vandalism' and 'Public Nuisance' could not be done until his father and lawyer arrived. "Would you like a drink of water Daniel?" the junior officer enquired of Daniel. "Yes thank you sir," Daniel replied. After that brief exchange he just sat next to the junior officers desk watching all the activity of the office flow on around him. He had a feeling of unreality about the whole afternoon but deep down he knew his whole life was about to change this was no dream. Eventually the senior officer reappeared. "Ok Daniel come with me please," the officer instructed. They entered another interview room and Mr. Green and another man were already sitting at the table waiting. Upon seeing his father Daniel forgot his shame and nervousness and without thinking raced across the room to his dad and wrapping his arms and body around his seated father who was attempting to rise off his seat and bear hugged him. "Oh dad I'm so sorry," he blurted out with genuine sincerity before bursting into tears. Owen Green was extremely angry and annoyed at his son. Daniel's actions would bring great shame to his family and embarrassment and humiliation to his son but at that moment all his anger subsided and he hugged his distraught son tight. "I'm here for you son it's alright," Mr. Green responded. He glanced over at the senior officer whilst hugging his son and smiled briefly. The senior officer smiled and winked back. Officer Burns could tell by this opening scene that no matter what the court ruled in relation to Daniel's punishment, he was going to have family support throughout the ordeals ahead. So often the reaction of parents when confronted with their delinquent children was not so loving. Some almost disowned their child there and then, others the officer was hard pressed restraining from taking matters in their own hands there and then and inflicting instant punishment. Still others refused to believe their child was anything but an angel and accused the police of making a dreadful error and being vindictive. When Daniel had calmed down his father said to him, "This is Mr. Andrews, he is a lawyer I have dealings with through work. He will be advising us on the best course of action to take in relation to your serious misbehaviour." "Hello Daniel," Mr. Andrews greeted, "Looks like you have gotten yourself into a tight situation." 'Yes sir," Daniel replied sheepishly. "Well Daniel before you came in your father and I have reviewed the evidence supplied by Officer Burns about your actions and arrest. The evidence against you is overwhelming. My advice to your father and he agrees is that you plead guilty." "The courts always look favourably on juveniles that are sincere in their remorse. Pleading guilty will help build a case to lessen your sentence. There is no doubt in my opinion the court will issue a Notification of Exemption from Wearing Decent Dress against you." Daniel gasped! He had suspected that this would be the outcome of being caught, but actually hearing it confirmed by a lawyer sent a shiver of fear and humiliation right through his body. "Now Daniel, Officer Burns needs to ask you some questions about your activities at the old foundry. I strongly urge you to answer them honestly and with as much detail as you can provide. Your co-operation in this regard will assist me in arguing for a reduced sentence," Mr. Andrews continued. "Lying could result in the additional charge of 'Providing False Information' or non co-operation with the questions could bring a charge of 'Hindering Investigations', you face enough charges as it is don't make my job any harder," Mr. Andrews instructed. "I'll try sir," Daniel responded. The senior officer who Daniel now knew was called Officer Burns then preceded to ask him details of how he had entered the foundry site. Daniel answered this question honestly. However when Officer Burns asked how many people had entered with him Daniel hesitated. His father saw the hesitation and reminded Daniel of Mr. Andrews recent words. "Ummm 3; There were five other guys there sir, but I went alone I just met up with then and started hanging about with them," Daniel lied. "What were their names Daniel?" Officer Burns asked. "I don't know sir I had only just met them." "I see Daniel, so you went to the foundry alone but when you got there you met up with these other guys," Officer burns repeated disbelievingly. "Yes sir." "So you bought the spray cans with you?" "No sir Ro 3; I mean some of the other guys bought them," Daniel replied. "Why would strangers who had never met you before give you their spray paint cans Daniel?" Officer Burns asked. "Your lying Daniel and you were warned about the consequences of doing that." Turning to Mr. Andrews he said, "Looks like an additional charge sir." Turning to Daniel Officer Burns said, "Daniel we have confiscated all the spray cans and they will be checked for finger prints on Monday when the labs open. If we should find that there are prints on the cans that match any names on the contact list in your wallet, then you are in even deeper shit, Daniel. I will give you a minute to think things through before I ask you again." Daniel didn't know what to do. You never snitched on your mates. He would be ostracised immediately they found out he had told on them, but he didn't want to suffer any more punishment than he was already facing. "Well Daniel what's it to be," Officer Burns asked. Reluctantly Daniel gave in and provided the names of the five guys who were with him that afternoon. He felt like his whole life was ending before he was even fifteen. How could he have been so stupid to believe he would not get caught. His father made a comment to Officer Burns that all the names Daniel had given were neighbours living along Henson Avenue. All Daniel could think of was how he could face them. He had betrayed them to save his own butt from further punishment. He would be reduced to a loner at school, one of those losers who everyone treated with contempt. To make matters worse he suspected he would soon be a naked looser. When the interview was completed a copy was given to Mr. Andrews and the Duty Sergeant came in and formally charged Daniel with 'Trespass', 'Vandalism' and 'Public Nuisance'. As promised there was no charge of 'Providing False Information'. Daniel was released without bail in the custody of his father to appear at the Eastbrook Juvenile Court at 10 am the coming Tuesday. As they walked out of the police station Mr. Andrews asked Mr. Green to gather together copies of documentary evidence supporting Daniel's academic, sporting and community achievements. Mr. Andrews said as a parting comment that he was going to need all the help he could get to mount a defence for Daniel in the juvenile court on Tuesday It was a very sombre Daniel who sat next to his equally sombre father on the drive home. They didn't speak till just before reaching the turn off into Henson Avenue. Daniel could sense the disappointment his actions had caused his father. "When we get home go straight to your room, shower and get ready for bed. Your totally grounded till further notice young man," Mr. Green stated. "Yes dad" Then to let out his building frustration Mr. Green said, "Of all the people to do such a foolish thing and have a newdd issued against you. Your mum and I have tried to protect you from ridicule over your transplant, now you have set yourself up for the whole world to see your little problem. I would have thought that alone would have made you stop and think of the consequences of your actions." "It wasn't like that dad, it was because I felt somehow inferior that I wanted to impress them. I am the smallest guy in my grade and I suspect the only guy who hasn't started puberty yet," Daniel blurted out then stopping himself from saying anything more, blushed at the realisation of what he had just confessed to his dad. "I can understand that feeling son, that's why we have tried to protect you as much as we could from your brother and sister finding out about you and taunting and teasing you, but your lack of physical size and development is no excuse to justify breaking the law." "The law is so harsh these days. If you had done this in just over a year's time we could have lost you forever to a lifetime of slavery. I couldn't bare the thought of that." Mr. Green confessed his voice at breaking point. Daniel reached across and squeezed his dad's arm; "Thanks," was all he said as a tear rolled down his own cheek. As soon as the car drove into the drive Eric and Melissa came running out, followed by their mum. Even Tom the household slave came to the door of the house but kept a respectful distance. "What's going on Dad? 3; Daniel?" they screamed out. "Not now kids," Mr. Green rebuked them strongly. "Daniel off to your room 3; Now!" Mr. Green drew his wife close to him and they walked into the house, Eric and Melissa bringing up the rear, Daniel was soon out of sight speeding quickly past Tom and up to his bedroom and privacy from his curious brother and sister to suffer alone in all his misery. 4 – DisgracedThe next morning Tom had as usual prepared breakfast for the Green family.The morning conversation around the breakfast table was unusually quite. Flirting glances passed between Melissa and Eric and then back to their parents. Daniel kept his head down and his mouth firmly closed. He felt ashamed and disgraced. It was obvious his parents had told his brother and his sister all about his run in with the police. Daniel was even too embarrassed to look at Tom who was only a slave. Daniel reasoned that Tom had undoubtedly heard of his troubles as well and the thought crossed Daniel's mind that after tomorrow he might be a slave, albeit a temporary on, just like Tom The whole family seemed glad when they had finished eating and could get ready for work and school. The uneasiness and tension that was present was not pleasant. As Daniel was about to leave to catch the school bus at the end of Henson and Devine his mom stopped him and asked. "Got your lunch?" "Yes mum!" "Got your homework to hand in?" "Yes mum!!" "Got your wallet?" "Yes mum!!!" "Oh where are your house keys" "Yes mum!!!!" "What?" said Mrs. Green? Eric giggled in the background at his brother's mistake "Oh sorry, I mean I have them mum," replied a slightly embarrassed Daniel. "Well son you better let me have them," Mrs. Green replied. "Why mum?" a puzzled Daniel asked. "I am giving them to Eric. After your behaviour yesterday Eric will be taking over as the responsible child from you. He will let you in after school if Tom is not around untill further notice." "Mum you can't do that it's not fair." "Daniel it is very fair considering your behaviour yesterday. After you appear in court tomorrow I suspect you will have far worse punishments to contemplate than the loss of your house key privileges." Daniel took his keys out of his pocket and handed them to an eager Eric who was beaming with pride at his promotion in position over his brother. It was more a symbolic thing loosing key privileges than a practical punishment. Tom was nearly always at home and so Daniel had hardly ever used the keys, but the loss of status hurt. All the way to the bus stop Eric jingled the keys in front of Daniel till he could stand it no more. "Fuck off Eric," Daniel retorted. "I'm telling mum you swore," Melissa replied. "Don't worry about him Mel, he's just got the shits because he's been demoted from number one son. Wait till the court gets hold of you 'little' brother you wont just be demoted you'll be naked," Eric teased. Melissa and Eric burst into laughter at that thought. Daniel blushed profusely. Both were curious about what their brother would look like naked. Neither of them had seen him naked for like five years. When he arrived at school Daniel was the centre of attention from his friends as word quickly spread about his arrest and soon many more students gathered to hear his story. He was bombarded with questions about what happened. When he told them he was charged and had to appear in the juvenile court tomorrow there was a noticeable gasp. One of the guys from his grade who had been listening in asked, "So Green you going to be a nudie?" Daniel blushed at this comment but before he could answer the chant started. "Nudie 3; Nudie 3; Green's going to be a Nudie." Even his friends joined in the chant. Daniel suddenly felt so alone. No one associated with a 'nudie' after all they were a slave, albeit a temporary one but still you could never be friends with a slave! The realisation hit him then that he would be feeling even more alone if that was possible if his friends found out he had snitched on them. Once classes started the day progressed normally but during lunch break Daniel again had to field numerous questions from students. At lunch time between the questioning Daniel took particular notice of who at the high school was a nudie. The Senior and Junior students in Grades 12 and 11 were too old for the scheme unless finishing off a sentence imposed before they turned 16. Sometimes for very minor offences one of the over fifteen-year-olds would be indentured as a slave but allowed to complete their education. He noticed none of either type at the moment. The only nudies he found were ten 9th grade freshmen, seven males and three female and eight 10th grade sophomores, all males. The bulk of them had been naked since school recommenced. Daniel did not know any of them personally, West Eastbrook High was large so he didn't even know the guys in his own grade, though one of them Greg Pearson was in his English class. Daniel wondered about going up to him and asking advice. The trouble was 'free' students didn't speak to newdd slaves whilst they were in the program and besides he distinctly remembered making a request along with his friends to examine a very embarrassed Greg the second day back at school. Would Greg be willing to talk to him after that? Would Greg laugh at him knowing that he was about to become a nudie too? Daniel was glad when classes resumed and he could concentrate on other less depressing things. Daniel came home as quick as possible trying to avoid more questions. He was home in fact before his brother and sister, so seizing the opportunity he dropped his school bag in the hall for Tom to collect and put in his room later and went straight to the kitchen. Tom was there and asked, "Master Daniel would you like a drink?" "Yes thanks Tom," Daniel replied politely. As Tom poured out a glass of ice-cold coke, Daniel decided he needed to start learning about how slaves lived whilst his brother and sister were not around and before his parents came home. Tom had gone back to preparing the dinner and was standing on the opposite side of the kitchen. Daniel felt a momentary pang of embarrassment; he knew what he wanted to ask Tom, 'What was it like to be a slave'? He just didn't know how to start the conversation. It was the first time in his life he had ever felt any uneasiness around Tom. Finally Daniel built up the courage and simply asked, "What's it like to be a slave, Tom?" Tom was facing away from Daniel as he chopped away at some vegetables. Now he turned to face Daniel and looked him straight in the eye. A slave never looks a free citizen straight in the eye they kept their eyes lowered. "Master Daniel, I heard about your troubles, so I can guess why you're asking." Daniel blushed, something he was doing a lot lately. "What's it like being a slave?" "Well Master Daniel, it's worse than anything you can imagine. You're absolutely helpless as a slave; you have no control over anything in your life. I say that even though I know that with your parents as masters I am very lucky. I talk to other slaves at the shops and most are not as lucky as me. Many have to sleep in cages like animals and get very regular beatings, I get my own room and am only punished when I deserve it." "You're only going to be a temporary slave Master Daniel for a short time but still my advice to you is, do everything you are told, get your time over in as short a time as possible so you can be free again. Don't fight, submit and obey, that way you will not incur any additional sentences. Be very careful Master Daniel because once you're in the system even as a temporary juvenile slave, it's very easy to be trapped forever." Tom looked directly into Daniel's eyes with real genuine concern on his face. He had cared for Daniel since he was born and wished him no harm. In fact he loved the three children but that was something a slave would never admit too. "What do you mean, Tom?" Daniel asked. "Master Daniel, when I was sixteen, I was indentured for a year for traffic offences. When my time was nearly up my master went back to court and on some technicality had my term extended. I was not allowed to be present and my family had wiped me because of my reckless behavior so at the hearing their being no objections the application was granted." "When I found out my indenture had been extended I verbally abused my master and then I lost my temper totally and hit him. A slave cannot touch a free citizen Master Daniel without permission, so as a result of my actions I was enslaved for life, got forty lashes and had to spend two years hard labor in a rehabilitation camp." 'That's why Master Daniel I beg you to do everything you are told as soon as you are told, don't ruin your life like I did." For the first time Daniel saw Tom in a totally different light. He saw him as a human being just like his father who had feelings and emotions. Tom was a part of the Green household but he most defiantly was not part of the Green family. Daniel realized sitting there looking at Tom what very boring and repetitious life Tom was forced to lead faithfully serving his family. Unless Daniel's parents allowed it as his masters Tom was not allowed access to all those things to occupy his time that Daniel enjoyed like sport, music, TV, books and the movies. What Daniel learnt from Tom was very frightening for him but he was also glad he had asked. It would be a big help in getting him through the next days, weeks and months ahead.
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AcknowledgementsA Summer in Hell by L. T. Richards. |
5 – CourtTuesday, the day of Daniel's appearance in court arrived.Both Mr. and Mrs. Green had taken time off work to accompany their son to the juvenile court. Eric and Melissa over much protesting had been dispatched to school. They had wanted to attend, to support their brother they informed their parents but secretly both were desperate to see the moment of their brothers demise. Daniel had been instructed to present himself from ten am. His parents made sure they were there by nine thirty, which ensured they had a long wait. Daniel's case was not called till eleven thirty. The Juvenile Court at Eastbrook was in a separate annex of the main courthouse, with its own separate public access. Daniel and his parents waited in a large central waiting room outside the closed doors to the courtroom. Occasionally someone would come or go through those doors, their identity checked by the bailiff on duty outside the door. By law the general public could not attend most juvenile hearings and so to gain entry you had to provide reason and proof of identity to the bailiff at the door. Daniel was glad of this provision. His appearance in the courtroom was going to be embarrassing enough without strangers looking on. At ten o'clock a girl called Sarah Thompson was called into court. She had been sitting opposite the Greens. Sarah appeared to be about twelve or thirteen. Her parents accompanied her in along with a well dresses woman who Daniel took to be her lawyer. Nothing else happened till the doors to the court opened at ten forty five and a teary but still fully dressed Sarah emerged holding a brochure and accompanied by her flush faced parents. They hurried quickly out of the waiting room and away from the stares of those waiting to enter the court. David Sanders a boy from Daniel's high school was next called. He was a 9th grade freshman and Daniel had seen him around school these last few weeks since school had started back but he did not know him. From the comments passing between David and his parents as they pushed their reluctant son into the courtroom, this was a parental application for a newdd to be issued against their misbehaving and disrespectful son. Like the girl before him David emerged fully dressed but blushing profusely and holding a brochure after only twenty-five minutes. He too did not hang around but exited the waiting room quickly. There was a twenty-minute interlude before the bailiff called out "Daniel Green fourteen years old, a hearing on charges of Trespass, Vandalism and Public Nuisance." His parents and Mr. Andrews accompanied Daniel in to the courtroom. The bailiff on the door took down their details and relationship to Daniel then allowed them to enter. Upon entering the courtroom Daniel noticed his two arresting officers along with another well-dressed woman sitting at the desk adjacent to the one Mr. Andrews ushered them too sit at. They had no sooner sat and another court bailiff called out "All rise, Her Honour Judge Lucy Trevenian presiding." The Judge instructed the court to be seated and then welcomed the participants. She addressed her remarks especially at Daniel informing him that though this was a juvenile court it was still run on strict legal procedures. She explained to him how she would hear the charges, ask for his plea and then consider the evidence before dismissing the charges or imposing sentence. Judge Trevenian then asked Daniel to stand as the Clerk of the Court read out the charges. "How do you plead?" She asked. Daniel was about to speak and tell the Judge he pleaded guilty when Mr. Andrews rose from his seat and said, "Mam I represent the accused and on his behalf we plead guilty your honour." "A sensible decision Master Green, your guilty plea shall be noted." Mr. Andrews nodded to her honour and sat back down. "I will hear from the prosecution relating to sentencing," the Judge intoned. The well-dressed lady rose from her chair and related all the details of Daniel's crime. She ended her report by stating, " 3; that the arresting officers have advised that the accused has co-operated fully with all their investigations." "Thank you Miss Dwyer and another sensible decision to co-operate fully on your behalf Master Green," the Judge replied. "Mr. Andrews I will hear your arguments for sentencing now." Mr. Andrews rose and informed the court all about Daniel. He listed his high academic achievements, his prowess on the sporting field his strong family background and his lack of any prior involvement in criminal activity. The Judge then asked Daniel's parents if they wished to address the court on the matter of their son. Mrs. Green declined but Mr. Green rose and addressed the court. "Your honour we fully support the police in the actions they have taken. Daniel had broken the law and deserves to be punished. That having been said I want to publicly say to my son here in the court that my wife and I love him dearly and we want him to have every success in life. Son your punishment will be particularly hard on you, more so than other fifteen-year-old guys but we will support you through your punishment and try our hardest to ensure that you learn from this experience. Thank you Your Honour," Mr. Green said. "No thank you Mr. Green. Such a statement shows that Daniel comes from a loving caring home. We all make mistakes and provided we never see Daniel back in this courthouse then we have all succeeded in our desires to make Daniel life return to the straight and narrow." The Judge then spoke to the court. I will review the evidence submitted today and shall deliver my decision at the juvenile sentencing hearings on Friday. In the mean time Master Green upon dismissal please take a brochure on the Federal Juvenile Deterrence Program from the Clerk of the Court." "Master Green it is my intention on Friday to issue a 'Notification of Exemption from Wearing Decent Dress' under the Federal Juvenile Deterrence Act. You Master Green are strongly advised to read that brochure thoroughly before Friday so that you fully understand the requirements of the program." "I also order that Daniel Green undergoes a full medical examination as soon as possible prior to Friday by a court approved medical practitioner so that I may consider any medical issues relating to sentencing raised in the Doctors report. Clerk of the Court will you organise the authority for such please. I also notice Mr. and Mrs. Green from Mr. Andrews submission that Daniel has two not much younger siblings. I strongly recommend but do not order that they attend Friday's sentencing hearing as it may well act as a forceful deterrent to both of them from committing similar misbehaviour and save you much stress over time. Case adjourned till next Friday," Judge Trevenian concluded. Like the miscreant youths before him Daniel made a quick exit from the courthouse carrying the Federal Juvenile Deterrence Program brochure and contact details for a Doctor Geoffrey Bond, which he promptly gave to his mother. Outside the courthouse Mr. Andrews spoke to Owen and Vicki Green. "Well that went well. I think your speech helped greatly Owen and the fact that Daniel assisted police enquiries and pleaded guilty thus saving precious court time will all help in reducing Daniel's sentence." "How long do you think he will get?" Mrs. Green asked. The same thought had been on the tip of Daniel's tongue. "A difficult question, normally the court will not go past the offenders sixteenth birthday because any further infringement whilst still under sentence could result in enslavement. So I would think it safe to say Judge Trevenian will not impose a sentence more than twelve months hopefully less with Daniel's good record and co-operation," Mr. Andrews concluded. Daniel's heart sank further at the news that he could be a nudie for the next twelve months. Twelve months of being laughed at as having the smallest teenage dick in Eastbrook. Mr. Andrews then informed both Mr. and Mrs. Green that there was no point in him attending the sentence on Friday. "Unless you want to pay for my unnecessary attendance as all the legal submissions have been made there. All that remains is for Judge Trevenian to review the medical report and then pass sentence. I can have no further influence on those results," he informed the Greens. They said their thank you and goodbye to Mr. Andrews and the Greens walked silently to their car. Daniel's parents drove him to the High School and accompanied him in to the office so they could sign off for his late attendance. They also wanted to speak to the Principal about Daniel's impending sentence. When they entered the school office there seated against the sidewall was Daniel's five companions from the foundry. Eyes glared at him as he walked over to the reception desk. They had all been called up the see the Principal and were waiting on their parents to arrive. The Principal had a letter from the Police for each youth requesting the parents to bring their child down to the police station within forty eight hours for interviewing about Trespassing, Vandalism and creating a Public Nuisance at Thompson's Foundry. To make matters worse Daniel's dad turned to the five gang members and said, "Ah the other offenders, my guess is you will all be joining my son as nudies very soon." The five blushed noticeably at this news but their eyes spoke of betrayal and contempt. Daniel's dad's comments had just confirmed their suspicions. Daniel had snitched on them. The Greens only had to wait a few minutes before the Principal invited them into his office. Those few minutes however were far too long for Daniel. The look his friends gave him as he sat opposite them foretold of bad times ahead. Once in the Principals office Daniel sat and listened as his parents explained to the Principal Daniel's impending fate. He began blushing profusely as Mr. Green informed the Principal in great detail of his transplanted penis and possible bullying due to its size. Apart from the three police officers no one knew the current size of his dick. His dad and mum had deliberately given Daniel his privacy after he received his transplant. His brother and sister had never saw him naked since he entered 5th grade, well before the accident. Daniel noticed his father used only general terms to describe his penile size to the Principal. It occurred to Daniel as he sat there blushing that soon everyone including his father was going to know exactly how small he really was. By the time Daniel reached home that afternoon his mum had already arranged for an appointment after school the next day with Dr Bond. Daniel was again sent to his room in disgrace. He had homework to do, so this grounding time was a good opportunity to do it. After dinner he had determined that he would read the information brochure on the Federal Juvenile Deterrence Program before going to bed, so that he would know the specifics of just what he was in for once the Judge issued his 'Notification of Exemption from Wearing Decent Dress'. When Daniel was called downstairs for dinner he was initially glad to get out of his room but his thoughts soon changed. As he walked through the family room on the way to the kitchen Melissa greeted him and said, "hey nudie." "Fuck off," Daniel replied. "Soon you won't be able to talk to me like that; soon you will be a slave. A nudie slave," Melissa replied with glee. "Daniel's going to be a nudie, Daniel's going to be a nudie," Melissa continued taunting. "No I'm not," Daniel replied. "Yes you are on Friday, Mum told Eric and me all about it. We are even allowed to go to court and watch you sentenced," Melissa informed him. Blushing in front of his sister and feeling totally defeated, Daniel walked on into the kitchen eatery. Daniel had to sit through a painful dinner. A dinner where his father and mother elaborated in great detail to Eric and Melissa about the days happenings. How Daniel had a medical examination tomorrow. A fact that bought giggles from both Eric and Melissa before their mother shushed them up. How Daniel had done the right thing by pleading guilty and how the other offenders were being interviewed following Daniel's co-operation. The look of contempt on Eric's face when he heard that his older brother had snitched on his fellow gang members made Daniel look away in shame from his brother's stare. Daniel was glad when the dinner was over and he was sent back to his room to escape the obvious glee of his brother and sister at his imminent demise. A demise they were now allowed to witness. After his sisters comments about him soon not being able to talk to her like that; and that soon he would be a slave Daniel desperately wanted to read the information brochure on the Juvenile Deterrence Program he had been given and find out exactly what was in store for him.
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AcknowledgementsThe Legal Nudity concept from the Nudie Juvie stories by Nialos Leaning, Aldric, and other authors. Nudie Juvie concept and guidelines, Nudie Juvie story page, Aldric's Nudie Juvie stories. |
6 – RulesBack in his room Daniel flopped down onto his bed and picked up the information brochure he had received earlier that day in court and began to read 3;
Daniel lowered the information brochure and wiped the tears from his cheeks. If he ever had any doubts, he now had none that his life after the court issues his Notification of Exemption from Wearing Decent Dress was going to be hell.
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AcknowledgementsBased on the 'Naked in School' Brochure by Tenyari and on concepts from the various NIS authors. |