PZA Boy Stories

Steam Train

Juvenile Deterrence

Chapters 7-11

7 – Medical Embarrassment

Daniel Green had been sitting in the waiting room of Pediatrician Dr. Geoffrey Bond, M.D. along with his mother for ages. It was a late afternoon appointment after school and the doctor was obviously running behind schedule.

The waiting did not help calm Daniel's nerves.

Daniel's mum Vicki Green was waiting patiently reading a book she had bought with her. She knew what doctors were like in keeping their appointments. Daniel had read all of the magazines that interested him and still he had not been called to undergo his medical examination.

When they had first arrived Mrs. Green and Daniel had advised the receptionist who they were and when Mrs. Green mentioned that her son Daniel was there for a newdd Examination the Receptionist smiled a very strange smile at Daniel and then handed Mrs. Green a substantial file of forms that needed to be filled out detailing Daniel's medical history.

For Daniel this was not his first medical examination.

After his accident and subsequent operation he had received a lot of medical attention and even after he was released he had for a while returned to his doctor for a regular check up.

Because of this exposure to medical procedures Daniel didn't normally hate seeing doctors, but his brother and sister had also read the information brochure on the Federal Juvenile Deterrence Program and had tormented him this morning at the bus stop about what the Doctor might do in a newdd examination.

In fact the day had only continued on down hill from that time at the bus stop and Daniel had a nervous feeling that the medical would not make his day any better.

At school some of his friends from the Henson Gang who had been at Thompson's Foundry on Sunday with him had already gone to the police station and had been charged with Trespass and Public Nuisance, the others were going after school today and now knew what was in store for them too.

They would all be appearing in the juvenile court next Tuesday to have their cases heard.

Daniel had already noted that he seemed to be the only one charged with Vandalism.

Word soon spread through his grade then the whole school that he had snitched on his mates and that they were being charged.

He spent a very lonely lunch hour totally ostracised from his former buddies. They had told him to his face that they were not his friends any more. "You never snitch on your mates," they had told him.

Daniel was brought back out of his thoughts by the sound of voices talking.

A young boy accompanied by his mother were the ones talking as they walked down the hallway from the examination rooms.

Whilst they were finalising their account with the receptionist a nurse came into view along the same hallway and standing near the entrance to the waiting room looked at Mrs. Green and Daniel. They were the only ones left in the waiting room.

"You must be Mrs. Green and Daniel?" the nurse said.

"Yes we are," Daniel's mum replied.

"Would you both follow me, please?" the nurse requested.

"Me too?" Mrs. Green questioned.

"Yes please Mrs. Green the doctor needs to talk to you before he commenced Daniel's newdd examination."

Daniel thought to himself, 'I hope mum does not stay for the examination that would just add to the embarrassment'.

They both followed the Nurse down the hallway.

"The doctor will see you in this examination room today," the nurse told them leading them into examination room one.

"Daniel would you please take a seat up on the examination table, the doctor will be with you in a few minutes." The nurse instructed.

The nurse noticing Mrs. Green looking around the examination room for a seat directed her to sit on a chair near the wall at the bottom of the examination table.

The nurse then left them alone and after about five minutes of unnatural silence between Daniel and his mum the door opened and in walked a dark haired man of medium height and fair complexion aged in his early thirties.

'Hello I am Dr Bond," the doctor introduced himself.

"Hello doctor," both Mrs. Green and Daniel replied in unison.

"You must be Mrs. Green?" the doctor asked extending his hand. Mrs. Greens shook the offered hand.

"And this must be Daniel"

"Yes sir," Daniel replied.

Facing Mrs. Green the Doctor asked, "Well Mrs. Green I believe Daniel is here today on a court order to undergo a Notice of Exemption from Wearing Decent Dress Medical Examination?"

"Yes unfortunately doctor," Mrs. Green responded.

"Yes I read all the details on the court request. Trespass Vandalism and Public Nuisance! Quite a list Daniel!"

Daniel didn't know what to say in response so he kept silent.

Ignoring Daniel Dr Bond spoke to Mrs. Green. "Mrs. Green today's medical examination will be carried out exactly as stipulated in the Federal Juvenile Deterrence Act. The act requires that Daniel undergo a thorough and comprehensive examination."

"Now before we start I want to make it clear to both you Mrs. Green and to Daniel that this examination whilst essential to the court in the accurate formation of Daniel's sentence is also designed to enhance the embarrassment and humiliation of Daniel's whilst he is serving his sentence in the juvenile deterrence program."

"I am one of 27 doctors in this state who are currently accredited to perform the newdd Medical examination. I have received special training on the procedures required to conduct this newdd Examination in accordance with the Federal Juvenile Deterrence Act."

"Now Mrs. Green I would like to take a few minutes and go through Daniel's medical history as there are some important issues that I need to clarify about Daniel's previous operations," the doctor requested.

For the next minutes Dr Bond and Mrs. Green went over the history of Daniel's operations, his transplants and after effects. Mrs. Green informed Dr Bond of the transplant doctors opinion in regard to the growth of Daniel's transplanted penis, but added that she herself had never actually seen Daniel naked since the operation to be able to confirm this.

Dr Bond thanked Mrs. Green for her information and assistance and then asked, "Do either of you have any questions before we get started?"

"You don't require my presence during the examination do you doctor? I'm sure Daniel would prefer it if I didn't stay," Mrs. Green asked.

Daniel smiled at his mum and nodded his head in agreement.

"Well actually Mrs. Green it is normal practice for an adult witness to be present when a newdd medical examination is being undertaken, it protects me and as well the authorities believe it adds to the embarrassment and humiliation. Besides Daniel needs to start getting used to being naked around people."

"As a newdd participant Daniel will be that way 24/7 till the end of his sentence, so I would prefer that you stayed Mrs. Green, that way I don't have to pull the nurse away for her end of day duties," the doctor replied.

"Oh, I see. Well put that way of course I will stay," Mrs. Green replied.

Daniel blushed at this news. Even during his hospitalisation Daniel's mum had not seen him naked. He couldn't remember the last time she had seen him naked in fact, but it must have been when he was nine or ten years old.

"Doctor Bond sir I have a question, do I have to get totally naked for this examination?" a still blushing Daniel asked

"Of course Daniel, I'm afraid it's a requirement of the act to conduct the examination naked," the doctor replied.

"Oh," was all the now profusely blushing Daniel could bring himself to reply.

Mrs. Green tried to conceal the smirk on her face at her son's reaction. Deep down in she admitted to herself that she was just a bit curious to see what her eldest son looked like naked these days. Since he was ten she had allowed him his privacy. Still she felt really sorry for his impending humiliation.

"No other questions Daniel?" the doctor asked, "Then I need you to take everything off including your underwear and place them in that plastic tub under the examination table then we can get started."

Very slowly Daniel took off his shoes, socks, and t-shirt. Then he unbuckled his jeans and pulled them off. He was wearing his only pair of blue checked Calvin Klein boxers that he had put on right after his shower this afternoon after coming home from school. Daniel then pulled down his boxers to reveal a pair of white briefs.

Mrs. Green smiled at her son's excess modesty that was quickly being stripped away. Now she knew why there were always so much of Daniel's underwear in the washes Tom did.

Finally with noting left to stall time Daniel gripped the waistband of his briefs and pulled them slowly down and took them off. He was now standing totally naked in front of the Doctor and his mother revealing a little penis head that popped straight out of his totally hairless groin. There was no shaft to be seen at all!

Mrs. Green couldn't help staring at what was revealed in front of her. She knew that her son's transplanted donor penis had come from a boy seven years younger than Daniel. At that time when Daniel was twelve and a half he had received the penis of a five-year-old boy

Daniel never gave anyone a chance to see him naked it was just too embarrassing. Two days short of his fifteenth birthday he was bordering on delayed puberty. Daniel was still a hairless little boy down there where it really mattered to a boy. Even his scrotum and testicles, which were his own, were no bigger than a ten or eleven-year-olds.

Taking a totally professional attitude Dr Bond then asked "Right Daniel please stand up on the scale so we can measure your height and weight."

Dr. Bond called out the readings, 5 feet 4 inches [1.62 m] and 105 pounds [47½ kg] and wrote them on Daniel's examination form.

Dr Bond then proceeded to measure his neck, chest, and waist size. The distance from his neck to his fingertips and then Daniel's inner leg dimensions. Whilst doing this Daniel blushed when the doctor brushed against the head of his penis.

Next Dr Bond passed Daniel a large plastic jar with a tube like end. Daniel blushed again as he saw it, knowing from previous experience that he would be required to give a urine sample. He looked around for where to go and the doctor noticed.

"You are supposed to give the urine sample in front of me but nerves make that difficult and results in much wasted time so go through that door there Daniel," the doctor pointed to the toilet "but to conform to the act as this is a newdd examination leave the door open please."

It took Daniel a few minutes to overcome his nervousness and deposit a urine sample. He returned the jar to the doctor who promptly caped and labeled it.

"Right now Daniel please sit back up on the examination table and I'll test your blood pressure and heart rate."

Dr. Bond performed the tests and again wrote the results onto Daniel's examination report.

"Now please stand and I'm going to listen to your heart and lungs."

Dr. Bond put the stethoscope on Daniel's chest.

"Breathe in."

Daniel breathed in.

"And out."

Daniel breathed out.

The doctor moved the stethoscope over Daniel's heart and listened.

When he had finished listening Dr Bond then checked Daniel's ears, nose, and throat, and examined his posture and spine.

Next he tested Daniel's abdomen by pressing all over it and then did a hernia test. Dr. Bond put his hand on the teen's groin, right next to Daniel's tight ball sack.

Daniel could feel the nerves building with the doctors hands so close to his genitals.

"Turn your head and cough," the doctor instructed Daniel

Daniel turned his head and coughed.

"And again please," the doctor requested.

Daniel coughed again.

Dr. Bond then withdrew his hand from Daniel's groin and made some notes on the examination form.

As he did so he commented to Mrs. Green, "It never ceases to amaze me how modern surgery techniques leave such little scaring. You have to look very carefully to see Daniel's surgical scars.

"Ok then Daniel next we will check the amount of pubic hair you have?"

Dr. Bond bent over Daniel's naked body to get a closer look at area surrounding Daniel's penis. He placed his hand above Daniel's penis and felt the smooth lily-white skin above and at the sides of Daniel's penis before running his fingers over his tight scrotum.

At the doctor's touch Daniel's penis started to erect, a little shaft began to appear from behind the protruding penis head.

"No pubic or scrotal hair," the doctor said out aloud and then wrote onto the examination form.

"Ok lets check the amount of underarm hair? Please lift your arms Daniel."

A blushing Daniel lifted his arms up in the air. His armpits were totally hairless.

"'None," the doctor noted on the form.

"Ok now Daniel I am going to check the amount of hair around your anus? Could you please turn away from me and touch your toes?"

A profusely blushing Daniel Green turned his back to the doctor, bent over, and touched his toes. As he did this, he exposed his anus the most private part of his body for Dr. Bond's inspection.

"No hairs around your anus. You can stand back up now Daniel."

Daniel stood and turned back to face the doctor still blushing from that last inspection.

"I know being a late developer and having no pubic or body hair at your age is an added embarrassment Daniel," Dr Bond said "but if there is a bright side to that fact it is that there is nothing to shave off for the examinations I have yet to perform."

'Examinations!' Daniel thought 'what examinations are they?'

Whilst all this was going on Mrs. Green just sat quietly observing her naked son's total embarrassment as Dr Bond slowly revealed all of Daniel's previously most private secrets. She felt sorry for his ordeal but admitted only to herself that she found the whole procedure very fascinating and arousing.


The structure of the medical exam is based on The Puberty Study by LizardGuy.

8 – Medical Humiliation

Dr Bond looked at his examination form and then very casually asked Daniel "On average, how many times a week do you masturbate?"

Daniel glanced at the doctor then at his mum then back at the doctor again blushing profusely.

"Ummm 3; about once a week, I guess," Daniel informed the doctor

Dr Bond noted down Daniel's answer.

Daniel wasn't game to look at his mother. Had he done so he would have seen her trying to suppress a smile.

"Have you ever have sexual intercourse with a male or a female?" Dr Bond asked.

"No." Daniel replied most definitely.

"Have you ever performed oral sex on a male or a female?"

"No way!"

"Did a male or female ever perform oral sex on you?"

"No never doctor," Daniel replied.

"Is this line of questioning really necessary doctor," Mrs. Green interjected.

"Yes I can assure you it is Mrs. Green. First it's prescribed in the act and secondly oral sex is a punishment option within the courts discretion for repeat and serious offenders so I need to consider this aspect of Daniel's sexuality."

"Oh really, I must read that brochure you picked up from the court Daniel," Mrs. Green replied.

"Now Daniel I am going to conduct some examinations prior to which the juvenile deterrence act requires that I shave off your pubic, scrotal and anal hair. In your case it seems your later development will save you that added embarrassment." Dr Bond informed Daniel.

Daniel's face turned a deeper shade of pink at the doctor's comment about his lack of manliness.

The doctor proceeded to inspect Daniel's body for any signs of pubic, underarm or anal hair and finding absolutely none said, "Now Daniel I am going to measure your flaccid penis."

The already furiously blushing Daniel turned and even darker shade of red.

The doctor took a ruler from the medical cabinet and placed the ruler along the top of Daniel's almost non-existent penis and pressed it gently against his belly. He looked at the measurements on the ruler.

"¾ inch [19 mm]. I know you think that is a very small size Daniel but actually for an eight-year-olds penis which yours now is according to the information your mother and you have given me it is within the lower range of size for that age," Dr Bond told Daniel hoping to ease his shame just slightly.

The doctor wrote the measurement onto the examination form.

"Now I am going to measure the circumference of your penis."

Doctor Bond took a tape measure from the cabinet and wrapped it around the almost hidden shaft of Daniel's very small penis.

"2 inches [5 cm]." Dr Bond noted down on the examination form.

"Now Daniel I need you to give yourself an erection, then I'll take your erect measurements.

Daniel could not believe what he had just heard.

'Here in front of you and mum?" Daniel asked in desperation.

"Yes Daniel, there is no such thing as privacy in this examination," Dr Bond replied.

Daniel looked down at his penis. He was already at this news semi erect and a small shaft was beginning to be exposed behind his penis head.

Daniel thought for a moment about how he was going to make it fully erect?

Daniel reached down and began to massage his penis.

Mrs. Green watched with intense interest as her eldest son placed his thumb on the top of his shaft and the rest of his fingers on the bottom.

Daniel's penis slowly began to erect fully until his penis was standing he felt rock hard.

Dr. Bond had stood back watching as Daniel made his penis erect.

"Looks like you're just about fully erect Daniel."

"I think so doctor," a totally embarrassed Daniel replied.

"Daniel the examination procedure required by the act requires that I ensure you are fully erect before I measure your erection. I am therefore required to masturbate you using a specific technique to assuring accuracy in measurement."

"You're going to masturbate me? Mum tell him he can't!" Daniel asked in alarm.

"I'm sorry son but I can't stop this. I think it's a part of the examination procedure that is designed to embarrass you," Mrs. Green replied

"Yes you're correct Mrs. Green," replied Dr Bond but remember Daniel, this isn't sexual contact it's a medical procedure mandated by the Juvenile Prevention Act."

Daniel just blushed, something he was doing a lot of today, which of course was precisely the aim of the program.

"Sit on the edge of the examination table please Daniel."

Daniel did as the doctor ordered.

Dr. Bond went over to the medical cabinet and pulled out a tube of lubricant.

He then aimed the tube of lubricant at the tip of Daniel's penis and squeezed some of the gel-like substance over Daniel's penis head and shaft.

Dr. Bond then put on a pair of rubber gloves and took his index finger and coming in contact with Daniel's penis head rubbed the slippery lube all over the head of Daniel's penis. Then he slid his finger down the underside of Daniel's little shaft. This made Daniel's little boy penis pulse.

Dr. Bond then cupped Daniel's tight scrotum in his left hand and with the index finger of his right hand placed on the underside of Daniel's penis, and his thumb on top Dr Bond slowly began moving his hand up and down Daniel's nearly erect penis.

Mrs. Green stared at her naked son's penis, mouth open in amazement at the scene that was unfolding in front of her as Dr Bond proceeded to masturbate her son.

Soon, Daniel's penis began to throb with pleasure under the gentle stroking of Dr Bond fingers. Daniel's penis was now very, very erect.

"It looks like your penis is fully erect Daniel. I am now going to measure it." Dr Bond said.

The doctor picked up the ruler and again placed the ruler along the top of Daniel's penis and pressed it gently against his belly. He looked at the measurements on the ruler.

"1¾ inches [4.5 cm]."

The doctor recorded the measurement.

"Now I will measure the circumference of your erect penis."

Doctor Bond again wrapped the tape measure around the shaft of Daniel's very small penis, which was still very erect and pointing straight out.

"2¾ inches [7 cm]." Dr Bond noted down on the examination form.

Dr Bond then took an orchidometer from the medical cabinet. It was a string of 12 wooden, egg-shaped beads with numbers written on them.

I am now going to measure the volume of your testicles. The doctor reached down to Daniel's tight little boy scrotum and gently rolled Daniel's left testicle between his fingers until he determined which of the wooden eggs was the same size as Daniel's.

"4 cc's volume in millilitres," he recorded.

"Now Daniel I have to measure the other one, too. Sometimes the left and right testicles have slightly different volumes."

Doctor Bond felt the size of Daniel's other testicle and after consideration declared "It's closer to 3cc's volume in millilitres."

"Right, now Daniel I need to know whether you can produce semen?"

"Ummm no doctor," a blushing Daniel replied.

I suspected that was the case, as you are only just on the verge of puberty. Your left testicle at 4cc's is at a size that is taken to indicate the onset of puberty, your right testicle has a little catching up to do," Dr Bond informed Daniel.

For Daniel this was really great news, finally he was entering puberty but not quick enough for him to minimise his eminent embarrassment on Friday.

"Daniel I am still required by the Juvenile Deterrence Act to test for seminal fluid regardless of your answer or my opinion"

"I will just go get the seminal collection container just in case we are both proved wrong." Dr Bond went over to the medical cupboard and returned with a plastic container that had numbers and tic marks written on the side so the volume of semen could be measured.

"I am going to masturbate your penis in a specific way that maximizes the chance of ejaculation," Dr Bond informed Daniel.

"Remember Daniel this is just a standard medical procedure used for the collection of seminal fluid. The masturbation technique involves repeated starting and stopping. This technique has been found in medical studies to give a more intense orgasm thus maximising the chance of ejaculation of seminal fluid."

"Daniel please come stand in front of the table."

Daniel took up his position at the front of the table, and Dr. Bond cupped Daniel's scrotum in his left hand and started fondling Daniel's testicles.

At the same time Dr Bond started stroking his finger up and down the underside of Daniel's little boy penis restoring his erection it to it's maximum size of nearly 2 inches [5 cm].

Once fully erect Dr Bond grabbed Daniel's tiny penis with two of his fingers and his thumb and started masturbating it.

Daniel started to move about unable to stand still in the one place whilst the pleasure of the doctor's actions pulsed through his body.

"Try to keep steady please Daniel," Dr Bond asked.

Daniel thought to himself 'You try standing still while you're jerked off'.

Dr Bond gave Daniel's penis a few more strokes and then stopped. Daniel's lubricant covered penis was erect and throbbing.

Dr. Bond waited ten seconds and then started up again. Dr Bond repeated this process for three more times, masturbating then pausing.

One last time Dr Bond grabbed Daniel's cock in his right fist and again started masturbating.

Daniel's body began to pulse with convulsions. His legs buckled as his purple tinted penis head built up to intense pleasure.

Dr Bond resumed slowly stroking Daniel's unbearably aroused penis.

This time he continued his relentless masturbation, up and down 3; up and down 3; the seemingly endless stimulation continued until Daniel's penis was throbbing and so very, very hard.

Closely monitoring Daniel's penis Dr. Bond picked up the semen collection bottle just in case as he knew Daniel wasn't going to be able to last much longer.

As if on cue Daniel shuddered and bucked his hips in an intense but totally dry orgasm that caused him to cry out in ecstasy.

"Yes as you said and I suspected," Dr Bond commented as Daniel heaved heavy breaths and tried to recover from having an orgasm in front of his mum and the doctor.

The doctor noted down the result and then handed Daniel a tissue to clean off the lube.

"Now Daniel I want you to sit on the end of the examination table and then lay back." Dr Bond requested.

Dr Bond reached under the examination table and swung out and up a gynecological stirrup set.

He lifted Daniel's legs and spread them wide open as he placed them in the stirrups that were now positioned for the next part of the examination.

Dr Bond lifted Daniel's bottom completely off the bed and placed a pad under the small of his back, which supported him and elevated his bottom even further away from the examination table.

In this position Mrs. Green had a totally unobstructed view of her son's anus and sphincter.

Dr Bond wheeled across a trolley from the other side of the room, filled with a variety of instruments. On the trolley there was a stand that had an enema bag held high with tubing trailing down.

Dr Bond put on a clean pair of rubber gloves from the trolley then greased his gloved fingers with lubricant. "Now keep still Daniel I am going to slide my finger up into you and lubricate you a bit before I put the enema nozzle in.

Daniel groaned and writhed as first one finger then two were forced through his sphincter and slid up into his rectum to lubricate him. Then with his buttocks spread wide by the stirrups Dr Bond gently inserted the pre-greased nozzle right up into his rectum. Daniel grunted as the lower part of the nozzle was inflated with deft squeezes of the rubber bulb.

Daniel groaned audibly as the water began to fill up inside him.

Dr Bond then removed Daniel's legs from the stirrups and guided him across the room and through the door back into the toilet.

The doctor then reached between Daniel's legs and deflated the nozzle before instructing Daniel to sit over the toilet.

Finally Daniel had to stand there naked and ashamed after he had expelled the water into the toilet so that Dr Bond could examine the contents of the toilet bowl.

Dr Bond handed Daniel some paper towels and in front of the doctor he was forced to wipe his bottom dry.

"Right Daniel back onto the examination table," Dr Bond instructed.

Daniel re-entered the examination room and climbed back onto the examination table under his mother's watchful eyes.

Dr Bond lifted Daniel's legs back into the syrups before taking another pair of rubber gloves and covering his hands.

Dr Bond again lubricated some fingers and immediately inserted his hand between Daniel's widely buttocks which allowed him easy and full access to Daniel's sphincter.

Dr Bond pressed his forefinger against the tight entrance to Daniel's anus. "Just try to relax Daniel; I am just going to slide a finger up inside you."

Daniel turned his head to the side in embarrassment only to see that his mum had a very good view of his exposed anus and was intently watching everything that the doctor was doing to him.

Daniel groaned as he felt the doctor's finger push past the constricting muscle of his sphincter and suddenly felt an acute sensation as Dr Bond located his prostate.

Daniel groaned even intensely as he felt the doctor's finger, which now seemed to be deep inside of him, stimulate his prostate gland. Daniel felt an answering throb in the tip of his penis.

Daniel wriggled his hips, trying to escape the acute sensation he felt deep inside him.

"Be still Daniel, I need to check you're prostrate for enlargement," the doctor warned.

Daniel's penis was now fully erect.

The sensation as Dr Bond inspected Daniel's prostrate gland had Daniel gasping for breath and every muscle on his body seemed like it was tingling.

Daniel could stand the sensations no more. For the second time in short succession he produced a dry ejaculation in a wail of anguish, which seemed to go on forever.

Daniel's head was thrown back and his mouth was wide open gasping for air as his chest heaved for breath, and his penis throbbed away uncontrollably as his body spasmed.

As Dr Bond slowly and gently slid his fingers from Daniel's anus he commented, "His prostate is still very small for a boy his age and that's probably why he's not making seminal fluid," he informed Mrs. Green as he made a note.

"Ok Daniel, you have done very well. I am going to let you rest for a while now." Dr Bond informed Daniel as he removed his feet from the stirrups.

Daniel sucked in the air. His mind and body were in turmoil. He had never imagined that he could have experienced such intense feelings. He could feel his heart beating within his chest. He could, feel tingling along every inch of his skin.

Above all of these feelings was the utter embarrassment and humiliation he felt.

He knew that his face was as red as a beetroot. This of course was exactly what the officials who set up the Juvenile Deterrence Programme hope would happen.

Turning to Mrs. Green Dr bond informed her, "Well Mrs. Green you have a perfectly healthy son. He is verging on delayed puberty but the size of his testicles indicates that he is on the threshold of entering puberty. I guess if there is anything you positive you can take away from Daniel's sorry situation it is that you got a free medical examination out of it!"

"When you have recovered Daniel you can get dressed. You are all finished," Dr Bond informed Daniel.


The structure of the medical exam is based on The Puberty Study by LizardGuy.

9 – Punishment

Daniel suffered throughout dinner that night as Mrs. Green recounted to her husband the medical examination in great detail. Eric and Melissa listened in ruptured concentration to every word. Tom also took in the conversation as he stood discreetly at the back of the dining room whilst the Green family ate the dinner he had prepared.

Thankfully Mrs. Green did not recount the physical attributes that Daniel had revealed to the doctor and his mum during the examination, only the procedures.

Daniel made a quick exit to his room after dinner avoiding his brother and sister. Being exhausted from the day he was soon sleeping soundly.

The next morning after breakfast the walk to the bus stop was equally as unpleasant as dinner the previous evening. He could not avoid his brother and sister. Eric and Melissa pestered him for even more detail than his mum had provided the night before.

At school his 'former' friends kept well away from him.

Unfortunately for them they were already being ostracised by the other students themselves. 'You can't be friends with a slave' was already being put into place for them as well as Daniel but at least the four of them had each others company. Daniel was all alone.

Daniel's thoughts strayed to Joey the fifth member of the gang he had snitched on to the police. Joey would be suffering the same isolation treatment but he was in 8th Grade along with Eric at West Eastbrook Middle School and Daniel thought briefly how he would be all-alone like himself.

Daniel was not used to being a loner. He hated the way the students immediately moved table away from him in the cafeteria when he saw a spare seat and went to sit at it.

One 11th grade girl even called him a 'slave' and almost spat the word out at him as she got up and moved. Her friend made the comment loudly back to her friend that at least once Daniel was properly made a slave they wouldn't be forced to move. Slaves had to sit at their own table away from 'free citizens'.

Whilst eating all alone Daniel looked around the canteen and sure enough in the far left back corner all the naked newdd participants had gathered to eat.

He overcame his pride, picked up his tray and made the long walk over to that corner. Eyes followed him and voices murmured. Daniel tried to ignore the taunts and comments and with his head bowed went all the way over to the corner and asked could he join them.

'You have to be a nudie to sit here Green," Greg Pearson one of the 10th grade males stated.

"Leave him alone Greg, come sit here," Todd Riddell another 10th grade student responded.

"Ewwwww," went up a smirking cheer from the rest of the table.

"Got a new boyfriend Todd?" Greg asked.

Daniel blushed. He knew his gang always thought of Todd as being gay, obviously they were not the only ones.

"Lay off Greg we are all in this together and from what I hear Daniel's about to join us. We have got to stick together," Todd replied.

"Yeah well Green here and his former friends before he snitched on them made me submit to an examination, a very thorough examination. The way Green felt me up you two will make a lovely pair. It's poetic justice then if Greens about to become a nudie, that's all I can say." Greg replied.

Daniel sat nervously next to Todd.

"Hi I'm Todd Riddell, I've seen you around last year and again this year but we've never shared a class. It's Daniel right?'

'Yeah, Daniel Green."

Todd offered his hand and Daniel though hesitant at catching gay germs gingerly took hold of it and shook.

'Don't worry Daniel you wont catch anything," Todd joked sensing Daniel's reluctance.

"Oh no I know that," a blushing Daniel replied.

"Sure Daniel, nah, it's ok I get that reaction a lot."

"Well I mean, well umm it's just that some of the guys, well umm think your gay, but not me, no not me, I don't," Daniel blurted out.

"Oh don't you Daniel, that hand shake kind of said otherwise?"

The others at the table listened intently as the conversation unfolded.

"Sorry, I'm really sorry, I shouldn't listen to what others say about you and I really appreciate it that you stood up for me and let me join you here, it really sucks being all alone."

"No probs, besides they are right I am gay!"

Daniel choked on the piece of food he had in his mouth.

Todd had to pat his back as the others at the table burst out laughing.

"Yeah he likes you too Green look at his cock," Greg commented.

It was Todd's turn to blush but he was quickly joined by Daniel who without thinking glanced into Todd's lap and saw his uncut penis fully erect and his penis head pocking out of the skin at the top of his penis.

Todd had a well-proportioned penis and in the sitting position his ball sack looked very impressive squeezed outwards from his groin. There was a small but thick patch of dark brown pubic hairs surmounting his erection.

Daniel was feeling very uneasy about Todd's obvious reaction and it obviously showed.

"Take it as a compliment Daniel," Todd said with a laugh and then went quickly back to eating his lunch.

This caused Daniel to have another choking fit.

Daniel was just glad to be able to sit with a group of people, even if they were all nude. He didn't even mind having to explain his situation to the group.

After that discussion turned to his medical examination yesterday. The difference here was that they had all undergone a similar experience, so there was much great sympathy and understanding.

He listened as various people around the table talked about their day and how many 'reasonable requests' had been made to them. After that the conversation turned to their Sunday Community Service. Most were on litter patrols which they were all now used to doing in public, but both Greg and Todd just commented that "they would be so lucky," and received nodding and murmurs of sympathy from the other nudies, but before Daniel could ask what they did the bell went and everyone started moving away to class.

After school Daniel came home quickly again. He didn't really want to be caught with Todd after school and he really wanted to talk to Tom again. There was one thing that Tom had said that had played on Daniel's mind since their talk on Monday.

Daniel dropped his bag as usual inside the door, there were no other bags so he had beat his brother and sister home.

Tom was not in the kitchen though there were signs he had recently been there preparing food.

Daniel poured himself a drink and then went searching.

The children were not allowed down into the basement. Of course putting such a restriction in place had only served to built up Daniel's curiosity as to what exactly was down there.

He had explored there a few times when no one was around and knew the laundry was down there and that Tom's bedroom was also located down there.

Slowly he opened the door and saw a well-lit stairway descending down below. Daniel took a deep breath and went down. Before he reached the bottom of the stairs he saw Tom loading dirty clothes into a washing machine.

Tom heard Daniel's feet on the timber stairs and turned.

"Master Daniel, your father does not allow you down here, you know that!"

'I know Tom but after our talk the other day I need to ask you something," Daniel replied.

"Yes master Daniel what is it, ask quickly and then be back off upstairs, your in enough trouble without adding to it," Tom repostponed.

"Tom the other day you said my parents were good masters, they only punished you when you deserved it?"

"Yes Master Daniel I did say that."

"Tom I have never seen you punished what did you mean by that comment? How do my parents punish you?

"Master Daniel I am punished in the usual ways very fairly by Master. He only punishes me when I deserve it."

"Tom come on, your holding back, how does dad punish you?

"The paddle tawse or cane Master Daniel depending on how severe my misbehaviour has been.

"Dad canes you Tom? No never, I don't believe it, he doesn't even smack any of us!" Daniel responded in disbelief.

"Yes Master Daniel I know he does not but it is different for a slave. He is a good master he only punishes me when I deserve it and that is the correct way to train me Master Daniel."

"Prove it Tom, prove to me he punishes you, I don't believe you," Daniel asserted.

"I would not normally do so Master Daniel but as you are likely to be placed into servitude yourself tomorrow I think maybe I should let you see this. Come over here Master Daniel," Tom requested.

He went to a cupboard on the laundry wall and glancing around to see no one was watching he opened it.

'Don't tell Master that I showed you this please Master Daniel," Tom begged.

There neatly laid out in the cupboard were two canes a tawse and a paddle.

Tom quickly closed the door again.

"Those are your fathers Master Daniel. As I warned you, be on your best behaviour. You don't want to find out any more than necessary how much they hurt."

"Oh dad wouldn't punish me Tom I'm nor a slav 3; Ummm I mean, oh I'm sorry Tom I didn't mean it to sound like that!"

"It is alright Master Daniel but remember from tomorrow you may be a slave and the rules are different for slaves and people are different to slaves than they are to free citizens, even your parents may seem different, mine were all those years ago towards me when I was first indentured.

"Master Daniel I don't know how your father will deal with you after tomorrow, all I can tell you is to be careful, be so very careful please Daniel. I have helped care for you and I do not want to see anything happen to you," Tom pleaded.

"I will be careful Tom," Daniel replied.

"Master Daniel if you think your fathers punishment cabinet is bad, it can produce nothing like what I experienced when I was whipped for striking my first master. You can't imagine what it is like to be whipped. A whipping cuts through to the brain's inner sanctum where we have our being. Once the pain and trauma of the whipping reaches the core of our being, there is no further hiding place."

"The authorities know this and thus ensure that whippings being the ultimate physical punishment are usually severe, designed to facilitate a life long change in a slaves attitude."

"At first Daniel when they whipped me I fought the pain refusing to be cowered, then when I could suffer no more I begged for mercy, but the whipping did not stop until finally Daniel, I abandoned all hope. And yet they continued whipping me. Finally that whipping forced me to surrender my inner being, totally accepting absolute unquestioning servitude and obedience."

"So Master Daniel they whipped any decent out of me, I still have resentment deep within my soul but I have ever since that eventful day accepted my role unquestioningly. You must learn to bear your punishment just as stoically."

"Tom why does dad punish you and treat us so differently?" Tom asked.

"Why Master Daniel?" Tom replied with a bitter edge to his words, "because you are free and I am a slave! It is as simple as that People are bought up and taught at school that slaves like me have no rights, have no feelings, that we are a piece of property, an item, nothing better than an animal, no one is alive now that remembers anything different."

"Tom your not, you're a human being just like the rest of us."

"Yes Master Daniel what ever you say sir!" Tom replied real resentment in his voice.


"Master Daniel I am sorry I know you meant what you said but after all these years of servitude I still have resentment for what I once had and have lost, my freedom," said Tom.

"Look Master Daniel I should not be telling you all this but I want to prepare you for tomorrow and the days and weeks ahead. You are lucky you are still a juvenile there are special laws that protect you. I was only just sixteen years old when I was first indentured. I was stripped in court in front of my friends and family. I went from the lifestyle of the free in High School to a training facility shackled and mercilessly beaten. I was kept naked and I was trained how to be a good slave."

"Do you know what that means master Daniel?"

"No," Daniel replied.

"It means not just how to cook, iron and clean it means learning how to sexually satisfy your masters. I was a virgin master Daniel. That added to my sale price and my appeal to the buyers. I didn't stay a virgin for long. I am used to doing it now but I still hate being forced to do it. You are lucky in the newdd programme there are laws to protect you from penetration and even oral sex is tightly controlled. Just be very careful you don't re-offend after you turn 16 master Daniel, your parents would be distraught to loose you, so would I," Tom concluded.

"Tom what did you mean when you said 'I am used to doing it now but I still hate being forced to do it'?"

"Oh nothing master Daniel it was just a phrase," Tom replied quickly realising his error.

"Tom you are not a good liar, what did you mean?" Daniel asserted.

"Umm well Master Daniel your father uses me for what I have been trained. Your mother has never bothered but she could, it's her right. I am here to be of service in whatever way I can to my masters. But please master Daniel don't let on that you know this. It is something your father must tell you," Tom replied somewhat abashed.

"You mean Dad is a fag?"

"No master Daniel nearly all free men use their male slaves like that. It has saved a lot of marriages, the husband gets his sexual relief and he does not need to go outside the house to get it," Tom told Daniel.

"That's disgusting, I can't believe dad does that with you. Your old and well he's only middle aged, yuck I feel like puking," Daniel responded.

"Master Daniel I am only 50 years of age is that old? Well you are still young, stay as innocent as you are for as long as you can. I lost my innocence to the system, I just pray you don't come out of all this so hardened that that you are for ever changed for the worse not the better."

"But Tom dad has sex with you and mum knows?" a flabbergasted Daniel asked still trying to comprehend what he had just learnt.

"Yes Master Daniel, that's the way it has developed, the way it is and the way it will continue."

Daniel was going to ask more questions about his dad and Tom but he heard the front door open and close loudly as Eric and Melissa came home from school so Daniel hurried out the laundry door into the back yard so as not to get Tom or himself into trouble.

As Daniel hurried away Tom heaved a sigh of relief that they had been interrupted. He had a gut feeling that he had been saved from Daniel asking a series of very embarrassing questions.

Dinner that night was a family celebration of Daniel's 15th birthday, which was tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. Green had decided to celebrate it that night seeing tomorrow it seemed likely Daniel would spend his actual 15th birthday as a nudie.

Tom had prepared a special meal of all Daniel's favourites but unfortunately the nervous dyspepsia about tomorrow's proceedings meant that Daniel didn't enjoy the meal as much as he normally would have.

He opened his presents after dinner, which turned out to be nearly all clothes. The irony of this was not lost on him!

Throughout dinner Daniel couldn't help staring at his father and again at breakfast on the Friday morning. He still couldn't believe that his dad did that!

Owen Green obviously felt the cold eyes of his eldest son perusing him. Half way through breakfast he admonished his son "Daniel it's rude to stare, what's up with you! Anyone would think your blaming me for the situation you find yourself in today. I don't want you acting like this in court understand young man."

Turning to Tom he stated, "Attitude gets a slave nothing but a longer sentence, does it Tom? You learnt all about attitude when you were young didn't you Tom?"

"Yes Master," Tom quickly replied.

"Yes you sure did. Oh by the way I want to see you in my study before we go to court please Tom, there are a few loose ends I need to tie up depending on the courts decision," Mr. Green informed Tom.

"Daniel it would do you well if your enslaved today to have a long talk with Tom tonight and learn from his mistakes."

"Right everyone," Mrs. Green broke in "It's getting late and we all have to dress for court. Tom make sure the children all dress in their Sunday best. I want us to create the right impression and I don't want us to be late!

"Yes mam," Tom replied.

In unison Eric and Melissa replied, "Awww mum our Sunday best, we will look like dorks."

"That's enough you two. Think yourself lucky you're wearing clothes; I suspect your brother would be very glad to still be wearing his Sunday best after his court sentencing. Now quickly off you go," Mrs. Green replied!

10 – Waiting

The Green family arrived at the courthouse just on a quarter to ten. Mr. and Mrs. Green looked nervous and were glad when they got inside the building. It was not good form to be seen at court. Eric and Melissa were excited. They got the day off school and they felt sure they were about to witness their older brothers total demise into servitude. Both 'cool' acts as far as they were concerned. Daniel felt sick. His stomach was so churned up from nervous dyspepsia that he felt like he was going to puke up his breakfast.

The court list had Daniel's case down as the fifth, so they would have to wait. No one was happy with this delay but for totally different reasons.

To everyone's surprise the waiting room was very full. Judge Trevenian made it a firm practise not to rush into a decision. She always referred all applications before her to sentencing on the Friday so that she could fully review each case. She had a reputation amongst the legal profession and her fellow judges of being hard but very fair and rarely make a bad decision.

When the Greens found somewhere to sit Vicki Green recognised the lady sitting next to her family as a mother from the Middle School P.T.A.

At the same time Melissa recognised Terri Walker the ladies daughter. Terri was one of the 'hottest' girls in the 7th grade at her school. She was tall and very slim for her twelve years of age with shoulder length blonde hair and long legs that came with her height. She was dressed in a white mini skirt and an expensive looking tight fitting hot pink sweater. She also had on white designer sneakers.

Terri like Melissa was one of the first girls in the 7th grade to get breasts and she made sure they were highlighted by what she wore. She deliberately used them to tease and drive all the 7th and 8th grade guys horney with desire.

Terri's 'in group' at school was besotted with boys. Melissa didn't particularly like Terri or most of that group. They treated her with disdain like she was a little girl and as her body shape now revealed she was no longer a little girl she resented their attitude towards her.

Maybe, Melissa thought here is my chance to get one up on the 'bitch'!

"Oh hi Terri, what are you doing here," Melissa asked?

"Melissa Green, well I never would have thought you would be here at the courthouse, your such a goody, goody!" Terri replied.

"Oh I am only here to watch my brother Daniel be sentenced. What about you?" Melissa asked.

"Mum made me come, the old hag, she filed a disposition to the court claiming I was persistently misbehaving and disrespectful to her. However when we went before the judge on Wednesday the judge said she felt the evidence presented did not warrant making me a 'nudie'. The school report said I was an excellent student, which shot mum down in flames," said Terri.

"So why are you here?" Melissa asked.

"Oh the judge said she never rushed a decision and would hand down her decision today, so I had to turn back up," responded Terri.

Both Eric and Daniel were listening with interest but their eyes were taking in the body before them, the short white skirt, the tight fitting pink sweater, and the protruding firm breasts.

"Yes well I bet your glad the judge looks like she will rule that way, I would hate to be made a nudie," said Melissa.

"Oh Melissa maybe you would hate it but then your titties are still so small compared to mine. I bet all the guys in school would have loved to see me a nudie," Terri bragged.

"Yeah I bet," Melissa replied ending the conversation, but under her breath she whispered, "bitch!"

The Greens then sat quietly waiting Daniel's appointment with his doom.

The first case was called at exactly 10am. "Joshua Fleming aged 14. Judgement on a disposition to the court based upon persistent misbehaviour and disrespect at St Josephs High School Eastbrook," the bailiff called out across the waiting room.

A family group rose from the other side of the room and followed Joshua into the courtroom. Daniel thought the boy looked as bad as Daniel felt. The knots in Daniel's stomach were terrible; now that he was here all he wanted was for it to be over.

Mrs. Walker and Mrs. Green started up a conversation soon after.

"We've met at the PTA meetings right?" Mrs. Walker asked.

"Yes, I think we have. I'm Vicki Green," Mrs. Green replied.

"Liz Walker," Terri's mum replied. "I do like the way your daughters dressed. Look at Terri she just won't wear or do as I say. I don't think what she is wearing is appropriate for attending court but Terri says I have no sense of style. I was hoping the court would give her some time as a nudie and bring her back into line but the judge didn't sound too hopeful the other day. Is it your daughter you're here for too?"

"Oh no my eldest son Daniel, got himself caught trespassing in a derelict factory and spraying graffiti. I don't think there is much doubt he will be a nudie after his sentencing," Mrs. Green nervously replied not really wanting to disclose her families shame.

"Well he will quickly learn the errors of his ways once he is stripped and exposed for all to see and feel," Mrs. Walker chuckled.

Daniel blushed and Melissa, Eric and Terri all giggled. Mr. Green just sat there stone-faced, showing no emotion.

After fifteen minutes the courtroom door opened and after the bailiff there emerged a totally naked Joshua Fleming his hands resting upon his head preventing him from covering up anything.

The waiting room fell deathly silent and all eyes fixed on the naked juvenile.

Joshua's face was burning beet red with humiliation. Because he had not had a pre-sentencing medical examination Joshua's fully erect 4-inch [10 cm] penis was topped with a patch of brown pubic hair about an inch long and covering a triangular area above his genitals of roughly 2 by 2 inches [5x5 cm]. There were no other visible signs of body hair.

"Follow me boy," the bailiff ordered as Joshua was led to the other end of the waiting room and through a door marked 'Induction Room'.

The family group followed solemnly behind into the other room, though Daniel couldn't help noticing the smirk on a younger girl of 10 or eleven years who seemed to be trying to suppress her glee at what had just unfolded.

Daniel bet himself she was a younger sister and then thought that his sister would probably soon be carrying on the same especially as he had a far greater secret than Joshua to reveal.

"David Sanders aged 14. Judgement on a disposition to the court based upon persistent misbehaviour and disrespect by the parents of the said David Sanders."

The 9th grade freshman from Daniel's High School who had been at court last Tuesday with Daniel rose with his parents prodding and was almost dragged into the courtroom, the doors closed ominously behind them.

Whilst David was still in court the door to the Induction room opened and a crying, blushing totally naked Joshua Fleming emerged back into the public gaze.

He had been transformed during his fifteen minutes in the room. He now wore the pink plastic coated chain metal newdd servant's collar and his head hair and pubic hair had been trimmed to a number two cut. His buttocks showed the results of an obvious caning. He looked a far cry from the average teenage guy that had entered the courtroom some thirty odd minutes ago.

"Keep those hands by your sides," his father ordered, "you heard what the bailiff said in there if you try to cover up or rub your red behind."

Soon after the doors to the court opened again and out walked an equally blushing David Sanders. He too was totally naked and had his hands placed on his head, but his erect penis was longer and thicker than Joshua's being closer to 4½ inches [11.5 cm] long. Like Joshua before him he had not had a pre-sentencing medical examination so his genitals were topped with a thick bush of pubic hair and a 'happy trail' could be seen developing along the length of his belly from his pubic bush to his naval. There was a small patch of pit hair exposed in his arm pits as his arms were raised onto his head.

Like Joshua, David was ushered quickly into the Induction Room.

"Terri Walker aged 12. Judgement on a disposition to the court based upon persistent misbehaviour and disrespect by the parents of the said Terri Walker," the bailiff announced.

"Good," said Terri to her mum "let's get this over with and then I am so out of here."

Liz Walker sighed at Mrs. Green and said "This is only going to make her worse if she gets away with no sentence."

"Best of luck," Mrs. Green said in reply. A comment that bought a piercing stare from Terri.

As she got up Terri adjusted her clothing and even adjusted her tight fitting pink sweater over her breasts in front of Eric and Daniel before turning to show off her endowments to Melissa then walking off into the courtroom leaving her mother to rush off to catch her.

The procedure repeated itself. Whilst Terri was in the courtroom David emerged crying and collared, his head hair trimmed his buttocks red from a firm caning and a very noticeable trimming of his bushy pubic hair, which now was neatly transformed into a trimmed patch that highlighted his still erect 4½ inch [11.5 cm] penis. There was no longer any sign of his happy trail and it appeared to Daniel his pit hair had vanished completely as well.

There was some delay till again the courtroom doors opened and the bailiff stepped out.

Melissa gasped followed by the boys as a totally naked and profusely blushing Terri Walker emerged into view escorted by two bailiffs ensuring her hands were on her head preventing even a skerrick of modesty being covered.

Not that there was much to cover really. Melissa burst out laughing and Eric said, "Fuck look at that."

"Eric watch your mouth," Mr. Green rebuked as his eyes too took in the naked 7th grader.

Terri was revealing a very different body to the one Eric and the other boys had lusted over at school and recently watched flaunted in front of them.

She had just the bumpy beginnings of breasts on her flat chest. At the top of Terri's long and shapely legs as she had not had a pre sentencing medical examination, there resided a few thin wispy blonde pubic hairs surrounding her vagina. Not enough to hide her lips, just enough to show that she had only just started puberty.

If Daniel, Eric or Melissa had been in the courtroom they would have witnessed the reason for the delay in Terri emerging.

When Judge Trevenian had granted Mrs. Walkers disposition and issued Terri with a Notice of Exemption from Wearing Decent Dress and ordered Terri to undress there and then, Terri had outright refused. Profanities flowed from her mouth and she had to be restrained by three burly bailiffs.

Judge Trevenian was used to such outbursts and calmly ordered the Bailiffs to remove her clothes. With the consummate ease of a person who has done it many times one of the Bailiffs took out the traditional hooked knife used on such occasions and began slitting Terri's clothes.

Terri screamed and tried to break loose but to no avail she was firmly held.

First he cut off the buttons on the front of her hot pink sweater causing it to fly open revealing her frilly pink bra. He could have pulled it off her then but instead to highlight her predicament he instead slit the sweater up the sides and sleeves and it fell to the floor. Next he slit up the side of her mini skirt and it too quickly joined the tattered sweater on the floor revealing matching frilly pink panties. He bent down slit through the laces on her designer sneakers and with them now loose, pulled them off her feet revealing Terri's bare feet which had pink painted toe nails.

Standing back up a few strokes with the hooked knife at Terri's bra straps and her pink frilly bra gave way. Terri at this point cried out "Nooooooooooooo," but it was a useless plea as the secret of a padded bra with large wads of tissues stuffed inside was revealed to the court.

Finally her panties were cut away from the still struggling girl and all her rings and other jewellery removed.

Like the boys before her Terri was led across the waiting room and into the Induction Room followed by a now very satisfied looking Liz Walker.

"Sarah Thompson, aged 12 for sentencing on a conviction of shoplifting," the bailiff announced.

The girl who like David Sanders had been at court on Tuesday with Daniel took her mothers hand and entered the courtroom. Again the door closed ominously behind her.

When Terri exited the Induction Room she was crying her eyes out. Her shoulder length hair had been shorn all the way back to a number two cut. With her flat chest and now totally shaved vagina she looked every bit the 'tom boy' and bore no resemblance to her former 'hot girl' looks. Her bottom was clearly marked with red welts from the recently inflicted caning.

Mrs. Walker made Terri come over to the Greens and said to Mrs. Green. "I have to tell you this one Vicki, it's just so ironic. If Terri had listened to me and worn more decent clothing she would be standing here now fully dressed. The judge took exception to her dress as not appropriate for a court appearance and when she asked me why she was dressed so and I explained that I had wanted her to wear a nice modest dress but she had refused, the judge ordered a one week Notification of Exemption from Wearing Decent Dress. After all her carry on at that sentence it was extended to two weeks and with the full nudie induction treatment as you can see. So Terri really caught herself out."

"And look at what that exemption revealed, little miss was exposed as an impostor, a little girl is what she really still is, so I had the official in the Induction room shave off her only sign of maturity, her few feeble wisps of pussy hair. Wait till everyone sees the true Terri at home and school. I don't think Terri will be giving us any trouble in the future," Mrs. Walker concluded.

Both Eric and Melissa were just sitting there staring, mouths wide open in shock when Mrs. Walker turned to them and said "Would you like to be the first to inspect her?"

They looked at their father then their mother and when their mother just smiled and nodded to signify 'ok' they thought all their Christmas's had come at once.

"No mum you can't let them," Terri squealed.

"Oh yes I can, but in fact they don't even have to have my permission, they can ask you themselves that would be a reasonable request and you cannot deny reasonable requests," Mrs. Walker replied.

At first very nervously Melissa ran her fingers over and around Terri's little bumps of breasts while Eric fingered her now totally bald but very moist vagina. Terri immediately began to gasp, she was already aroused despite herself from the humiliations in the Induction room and the fingers now exploring her body were too much. After only a short period she yelled out in ecstasy as she reached her first ever orgasm which to her total humiliation was viewed by her fellow school mates and the eagerly watching crowd in the waiting room.

Eric had read the newdd rules and thought he was in trouble as he knew you were not allowed to masturbate a participant to orgasm without their approval except as an authorised punishment. "I'm sorry Mrs. Walker I didn't mean to do that," he pleaded.

"Oh no problems it's allowed if it occurred accidentally as part of a reasonable request."

"Oh yeah that's right," a relieved Eric replied now remembering that part of the rules.

Traci was still standing there panting from her orgasm as Melissa whispered in her ear, "Your titties are so small compared to mine Terri. I bet you wish you had big girl tits like mine little girl."

Melissa thought to herself 'payback time bitch'.

"Right my little girl, time we were heading home I want to do some shopping on the way," Mrs. Walker informed her daughter.

"No not the shops please mum. I want to go home please," Terri begged.

"Terri haven't you realised it yet, I am now in total control of you, you're a slave, and have no say in what you do."

Mrs. Walker after saying her goodbyes hurried her profusely embarrassed, totally naked daughter out of the courthouse and into the view of the outside world.

When Sarah Thompson emerged she too was naked and holding her hands on her head revealing little breasts, firm and pointed with prominent, dark pink nipples and around her vaginal slit between her thighs there was no sign of the once fine fringe of curly brown pubic hairs that had started to grow. They had been denuded in her pre-sentencing medical examination.

"Nice," Eric whispered to Daniel who had to agree.

"Stop that you two," an embarrassed Melissa said to her brothers about their obvious gawking.

"We're allowed to stare sis, she is now a nudie, and besides those are a nice pair, right Daniel," Eric replied.

"Umm yeah," replied Daniel, who though appreciating the sight was thinking to himself that the sight of the two naked males earlier was what really aroused him. Daniel was beginning to wonder seriously about his own sexual preferences for the first time.

The conversation and Daniel's thoughts were broken by the bailiff who announced, "Daniel Green, aged 15 for sentencing on a conviction of Trespass, Vandalism and Public Nuisance."

Daniel glanced at his parents as if in a last desperate plea for clemency.

"Don't look at me like that Daniel you bought this on yourself now you have to face the consequences like a man," his father replied.

Daniel slowly rose from his seat and the Green family followed him through the open door and into the courtroom.

The door closed ominously behind him!


Children Of The Church by Nap. The I Hate Boys Clubby Mozzy 24.

11 – Sentencing

In the courtroom Miss Dwyer the well-dressed female prosecutor was seated just where she had been during Daniel's first court appearance but this time she was sitting alone.

Daniel and his family had not been seated adjacent to her for long before a court bailiff called out "All rise, Her Honour Judge Lucy Trevenian presiding."

Everyone stood.

A Bailiff then announced, "Daniel Green, aged 15 for sentencing on a conviction of Trespass, Vandalism and Public Nuisance."

Judge Trevenian announced, "Apart from the defendant please all be seated. Daniel Green please approach the bench and stand on the yellow marker."

Daniel edged his way past his father who was sitting next to him at the table and walked the few paces to the mark indicated. Thoughts and events from Daniel's fifteen years of memory raced though his mind at an incredible speed.

Time seemed to stand still for Daniel during that short walk.

Judge Trevenian looked over to the Green family seated behind Daniel and asked the question, "I notice the two younger juveniles, am I right in presuming that they are Daniel's brother and sister?"

"Yes your honour, Eric and Melissa," Mr. Green replied.

"Good," the judge responded.

"I am sorry for dragging you two in here but I suggested to your parents that it would be a good idea for you to attend today as it will reinforce in your minds the consequences of breaking the law and hopefully deter you from even contemplating such an action as unfortunately your brother has already done."

The two Green children both had a similar thought, 'Drag us in, I wouldn't miss this for anything!'

Turning her attention back to Daniel the Judge began, "Daniel Green you have pleaded guilty to the charges of Trespass, Vandalism and Public Nuisance. I have considered the evidence submitted by the prosecution and your attorney Mr. Andrews as well I have received a detailed medical report from Paediatrician Dr. Geoffrey Bond. He finds no medical impediment to me imposing a sentence of Community Servitude upon you and the issuing a Notification of Exemption from Wearing Decent Dress, however he has bought one matter to my attention for consideration when formulating my sentence."

"Daniel Green the newdd Juvenile Deterrence scheme is specifically designed to be totally humiliating and embarrassing so that your experiences as a temporary community servant result in you never wanting to experience this treatment ever again and thus you become a very upright, law abiding young citizen of worth to the community," the judge intoned.

"Dr Bond has drawn to my notice the fact that the small size of your penis which he reports is only ¾ inch [19 mm] flaccid and 1¾ inches [45 mm] erect should be considered as a mitigating factor. He has submitted that in his opinion you will suffer additional embarrassment and humiliation over and above what might normally be expected by a male of your age."

Daniel blushed ever so profusely at the public revelation of the most private secret he had.

Eric glanced at Melissa who had at the same time glanced at him; both were smiling and trying hard not to burst out laughing at their brothers newly revealed shame.

The judge continued, "I originally intended taking into account that you pleaded guilty and that you had no prior conviction, a sentence of six months of Juvenile Community Servitude, two months for each charge."

Daniel gasped and so did his mother behind him.

"However having taken Dr Bonds recommendation into consideration I have decided to reduce you're sentence to four months," the Judge informed.

"Daniel Green I find the charges of Trespass, Vandalism and Public Nuisance proven and I do thus by the power authorised to me by the Federal Juvenile Deterrence Act suspend you from all the rights and privileges accorded a free citizen except those imposed by the act for a period of approximately four months as of now, 11.57am, September 1st till 12 midnight December 31st."

"Daniel Green during your time as a Temporary Community Servant I sentence you to perform Community Service at a place or places as determined by your Program Supervisor in consultation with your parents, every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon immediately after school till 6.00pm and on Sundays from 11am to 6.00pm."

"I further sentence you to attend the Community Discipline Centre established at the Outdoor Music Bowl in Poulton Park Eastbrook, every Saturday from 10am till released to receive corporal and other punishment appropriate to your behaviour the preceding week as determined by your Program Supervisor after reviewing your Punishment Register. In conjunction with this sentence I order that the minimum weekly punishment that can be administered due to an unblemished weekly record shall be one stroke of the cane or equivalent."

"Further to emphasise your new status I order that during your induction processing immediately after leaving this court you shall receive six strokes of the cane and the standard Community Servants hair style."

Again Daniel let out an audible gasp. He was fighting hard to suppress the tears welling up in his eyes.

"I do not propose to make any court orders regarding curfews, the allocation of quarters or masturbation punishments, this I will leave to the discretion of your parents. Oral sex and the fitting of chastity devises is not authorised and shall be subject to the further approval of this court if deemed necessary during the tenure of this sentence," the judge continued.

"Daniel Green you are now a Temporary Juvenile Community Servant. Pursuant to the Federal Juvenile Deterrence Act I authorise the immediate issuing of a 'Notification of Exemption from Wearing Decent Dress' so that you can remain naked upon leaving this court. All Community Servants regardless of age appear before a court naked to emphasise their status and in the case of juvenile offenders to maximise their embarrassment and humiliation."

"You will now remove all your clothing and place them in the receptacle provided," Judge Trevenian announced.

Melissa sat forward in anticipation of what her brother was about to reveal, in doing this she had joined her brother Eric who had earlier already crouched forward in an attempt to hide his billowing erection from view.

Owen Green sat passively showing no signs of any reaction to the proceedings before him but the same could not be said for Vicki Green. Her motherly instincts were fighting for supremacy with a personally embarrassing arousal that she was fighting desperately to suppress.

Daniel knew since Tuesday that this moment was coming but now that it had arrived he was petrified with fear and humiliation. A Bailiff stood next to him holding a cardboard box for him to deposit his clothes within but he was incapable of moving, fear totally gripped every muscle within his body.

Daniel just stood there shaking in fear, tears now gently rolling down his cheeks and when it was obvious that he was not going to undress himself Judge Trevenian ordered, "Bailiff's remove the servants clothes!"

Two additional Bailiffs appeared from the side of the court and took hold of Daniel's arms whilst the Bailiff holding the clothes box put it down and removed his traditional hooked knife that was used on occasions such as this from it's scabbard and began moving towards Daniel's clothes.

Poor Daniel just stood there frozen, sobbing softly offering no resistance.

It was Vicki Green who broke the spell of the unfolding scene when she called out, "Please your honour don't ruin his good clothes."

Daniel at that moment though to himself, 'stuff the clothes what about me?'

"Bailiff please remove the servants coat and trousers without slitting them," the judge commanded.

The Bailiff placing his knife back in it's scabbard grabbed Daniel's coat by its collar and slid it off his back, the other two Bailiffs momentarily releasing their grip to allow the sleaves to pass unobstructed along Daniel's arms. He then undid Daniel's belt, released the button at the trousers waist and lowered the zipper causing Daniel's best trousers to fall around his ankles exposing Daniel's black silk boxers.

Taking his hook bladed knife the Bailiff then bent down and slit the laces on Daniel's black leather shoes, before removing Daniel's shoes, socks and trousers.

Standing back up the Bailiff slit through the tie around Daniel's neck just above the knot causing the dark red and navy blue striped tie to fall to the ground.

The white business shirt was next, the Bailiff cutting off all the buttons on Daniel's chest and wrists and slit along the arms and across the chest till the shirt too joined the pile of clothing on the floor.

Vicki and Melissa Green were very aroused and wet between their legs and Eric was fully erect as they witnessed the erotic scene unfolding before them. It did not matter to them that it was their son or brother, all three had experienced nothing like this before.

Owen Green however maintained a cool aloof demeanour.

Deep within his heart he felt a burning desire to hug and console his son. He loved Daniel dearly but he was ashamed of Daniel's actions and was determined that he would show no outwardly compassionate emotions towards his son.

He had already decided despite his wife's reservations that his duty as a father under these circumstances was to ensure that Daniel's time in Temporary Community Service as a newdd Juvenile Deterrent would be authentic, harsh and leave such an impression that it would be life changing.

Standing there before the court and his family in just his black silk boxers Daniel felt the cool air from the air conditioning circulate around and over his hairless arms, chest and legs, sending a shiver through his body.

Daniel felt the bailiff lift the waistband of his boxers and the hooked knife slit through the elastic waist band and down the leg, till his boxers slid to a crumpled pile around his ankles.

The Bailiff bending down cut through the other leg and pulled the tattered remains away from Daniel's legs. As he always did Daniel was wearing white briefs under his boxers.

Standing back up the hooked knife went immediately back to work. Daniel felt the Bailiffs hands on the waistband of his briefs and the cold steel of the blade brush against his naked skin. The sound of the elastic waistband then the cotton fabric being slashed was very audible in the totally hushed courtroom.

Daniel's moment of infamy had arrived!

Daniel's cotton briefs, slashed apart, fell to the floor and for the first time Daniel was totally naked in front of his family and the court.

The humiliation of his public stripping had had its effect on Daniel. His penis reacting to the humiliation and cold air had had exactly the opposite reaction to the two juvenile males that had preceded him that day. Daniel's penis had shrunk to it's most humiliatingly flaccid state again just revealing a little penis head that popped straight out of his totally hairless groin. No shaft could be seen at all!

Glancing at the sight before her, Judge Trevenian like the Police before her admitted to herself that in all her years of ordering convicted juveniles to strip she had never seen such a small appendage on any fifteen-year-old brought before her. In fact she couldn't remember seeing a penis this small on any ten-year-old juvenile bought before her for sentencing.

Snapping out of her thoughts the judge ordered, "Bailiffs escort the servant to the Induction Room. Case closed!"

"All rise," the third Bailiff called out as the judge rose and exited the courtroom. As soon as she had left the two Bailiffs holding Daniel's hands let go and one of them ordered, "Hands on your head boy."

When Daniel was not instantaneous in his reaction the other Bailiff quickly removed a thin whippy cane from its sheaf on the side of his belt and gave Daniel's bare bottom a solid slash.

The unsuspecting Daniel yelled out as pain flushed through him as for the first time in his life he felt the effects of corporal punishment.

Eric smirked at his brother's pain and reaction. Then when Daniel quickly placed his hands on his head and was turned to exit the courtroom Eric and Melissa saw for the first time their brother's pathetic excuse for manhood. Apart from the size of Daniel's penis it was his total lack of any body hair on his fifteen-year-old body that instantly got Eric and Melissa's surprised attention.

"Well, well," said Melissa to Eric, "Looks like our big brother is actually much more our little brother." Both Eric and Melissa could no longer contain their reaction upon seeing Daniel totally revealed for the first time. They both burst out laughing almost simultaneously.

Vicki Green tried to stop them saying, "Eric, Melissa stop that this instant", but to her surprise Owen Green said, "Leave them be, it's supposed to be humiliating, let the boy suffer their ridicule, he has bought this upon himself."

Before Daniel had time to react the door to the courtroom was swung open and Daniel heard the chatter in the waiting room fall to the same deathly silence that had occurred when the earlier juveniles had emerged from the courtroom.

However in his case the silence did not remain like before, for as soon as Daniel was pushed out into the waiting room by one of the Bailiffs someone with a high-pitched unbroken voice called out "Look that boys got no cock." This was followed by an audible "shhhhh," but the ice had been broken, murmurs of suppressed laughter and giggling could now be heard.

Mrs. Green went over and collected the box full of Daniel's clothes from one of the Bailiffs and followed her family out of the courtroom.

Daniel moved into the waiting room exposed to all the curious eyes of the waiting hoard. Those same eyes relentlessly followed his slow tortured progress across the waiting room taking in the unbelievable scene revealed before them.

As he entered the Induction Room followed by his family Daniel was sure he heard uncontrolled laughter burst out from behind him.

The flushed sensation Daniel felt at this moment, as the blood raced to his face was the worst he could ever remember. His face felt like it could fry an egg it was burning that much with embarrassment and humiliation.

The Bailiff closed the door to the Induction Room behind Daniel and his family and returned to the courtroom, but they were not alone.

Sitting at a desk at the far side of the room was a middle-aged clerk looking very important and solemn in his dark suit and conservative shirt and tie. Standing beside him were two slaves. They exhibited clear plastic coated shinny bright silver collars and they were dressed in standard slave issue sandals, khaki shirts and shorts but with the words 'Eastbrook Juvenile Court' embroidered across the left breast.

Soon after another Bailiff entered from a side door and presented the clerk with a folder. After taking some time reading the contents the clerk looked up and said, "Boy front and centre and stand on the yellow feet markers. Would the rest of you please be so kind as to take a seat along the back of the room whilst we process this 'boy'," the clerk said.

Without looking at his slave assistants he ordered, "Number two cut all over, though apart from his head it looks like there is little that needs attention."

Melissa could be heard in the background giggling at that comment!

The slaves moved instantly from their position next to the clerk and grabbing Daniel pulled him over to his left and sat him in a barber's chair that was positioned for this procedure. From a table next to chair the closest slave picked up an electric hair trimmer turned it on and immediately began buzzing Daniel's slightly long light blond hair. With the skill of many such cuts the slave soon had Daniel's hair falling in long strands to the floor surrounding his naked body. In no time at all Daniel's head was trimmed all over to a very short number two cut.

The other slave ordered Daniel to stand and conducted a detailed examination of Daniel's naked body. Daniel had very little body hair, he had no pubic, anal or arm pit hair, his chest was hairless as primarily were his arms and his legs were only covered in a very sparse scattering of downy blond hairs. The slave finding no other traces of hair that needed trimming declared to his master, "Sir, all done."

"Right boy every new Temporary Community Servant needs a good caning to begin with, it will help you accept your new status. I am sure your parents know that as well as I do, even though you might not at this stage, so let's get it over with," the clerk said.

"Escort him to the punishment frame," the clerk ordered his slaves.

The slaves tightly grabbed Daniel's upper arms and pulled him over to the side of the room where the punishment frame stood ominously awaiting its next victim.

It consisted of two parallel vertical metal poles, supported by trussed legs front and back with a height adjustable padded horizontal bar running between the two vertical poles. Near floor level, set further out in front of the line of the main horizontal bar was a padded kneeling frame joined by adjustable arms back to the main vertical poles. On the vertical poles and the kneeling frame there were Velcro straps that would be used to secure Daniel's hands and legs in place and prevent him from moving.

Daniel was made to kneel on the padded frame and the main horizontal bar was adjusted in hight so that when he leant well forward exposing is bottom for caning, his chest rested against it. His hands and legs were secured with the Velcro tabs then the slaves again informed their master that all was prepared.

"Six strokes of the cane," the clerk ordered.

Daniel was facing back into the room where he could see his family sitting off to his right but he could not see the slave behind him select carefully from the wall rack a long, thick but flexible cane which would cause great pain but not cut the skin. Daniel heard the slave slash through the air several times behind him in trial practise.

Then upon a nod from the clerk the slave lashed out at Daniel's bare bottom. This was no mild token stroke, it was a fully-fledged blow wielded with maximum force and expert precision and style. Daniel screamed and cried out with the first strike, and continued screaming non-stop as stoke after stroke impacted upon his increasingly sore, increasingly hot, increasingly red bare behind till all six strokes had been administered.

As the strokes rained down Daniel's penis reacted. Facing the Green family they all saw the shaft of Daniel's penis come into view behind his penis head and stick straight out at it's full erection of 1¾ inches [4.5 cm].

The other slave released Daniel from his bindings and he sprung up to his feet. Daniel was so desperate to ease the pain and burning in his bottom, that he could not stop himself and ignoring the embarrassment and humiliation of his actions in front of his family and the court official, began doing the dance of the spanked in front of them, his erect penis flopping rigidly up and down as he furiously rubbed his stinging behind.

Eric and Melissa burst out laughing at the sight of their fifteen-year-old brother dancing away in front of them.

"Stop that rubbing and movement immediately," the clerk ordered.

When he didn't act immediately the slave with the cane flicked it at Daniel's bottom striking the knuckles of Daniel's right hand as it was still rubbing his welted, bright red and purple bruised arse.

Daniel cried out again in pain but immediately responded to the request and placed his hands by his sides.

Melissa giggled and Eric smirked at their brother's reaction to his caning. They were even more amused when Daniel was lead back to his position in front of the clerk moving in a slow duck like waddle which Daniel had quickly discovered was the least painful method of movement that prevented his sore bottom cheeks from rubbing together.

"Measure his neck," the clerk ordered.

A fabric tape was run around Daniel's neck by the second slave and his neck size taken.

"Prepare his collar and bring it to me," the clerk ordered.

Both slaves went to the opposite side of the room to the punishment frame and soon returned with the new servant's collar. The collar was made of a metal chain coated in a bright pink plastic and metal mesh.

They handed the collar to the clerk who pressed some buttons on the computer located at his desk and soon produced a microchip, from a drive on the same computer and placed it in the lock of the new servants collar. The microchip would contain all of Daniel's sentencing details including his new temporary community service number and could be easily scanned by anyone in authority who had the means to quickly check out Daniel's bona fifes. It also acted as a tracking device enabling Daniel's movements to be monitored.

The clerk handed the collar to the second slave who walked over to Daniel and with just a soft click attached it easily around Daniel's neck. Daniel immediately noticed it's rough texture plus how heavy it felt, and how tight. The feel of the collar around Daniel's neck made him feel different and immediately inferior.

It was a psychological thing; the collar unconsciously registered the fact that Daniel the wearer was now a slave and need be shown no respect, and was without freeman rights other than those of being a juvenile community servant.

The clerk returned to his computer and after some more typing printed out a document.

"Ok boy, that concludes your induction. Give this to your parents. It contains all the details of your Programme Supervisor, Community Service and Punishment orders," the clerk informed Daniel as he handed Daniel the envelope.

"Thank you," Daniel replied.

He was immediately struck by one of the servants with a hand slap across his tender bottom.

"That's thank you sir," the clerk responded. "You better learn quick boy how a Community Servant responds to his masters.

The Green family rose from their seats and Mr. Green immediately took control. "Right Daniel you lead the way and no covering up, the rest of you follow and remember Daniel's now a temporary slave, I expect everyone to treat him as such till his sentenced is served."

Even Eric and Melissa were taken aback by their father's statement and it was a very subdued Green family that walked back into the waiting room and then out into the street.

Daniel didn't really take in the significance of his fathers comment, all he was concerned about was that he was now about to walk totally naked out in public for the first time in his young life and that soon the whole community would know his secret shame.

As he walked out the front door of the courthouse into the early afternoon heat he felt the fresh air on his exposed balls and cock, which instantly shrivelled back to its tiny knob like appearance causing him to blush profusely again.


Taking Back Control by Nialos Learning. That Others May Serve By Richard Davies.