PZA Boy Stories

Shakey Psyche


Chapters 16-20

Chapter Sixteen

To my amazement, our first stop was to my house. I looked curiously to him and he smiled in response.

"Trust me," he said, ruffling my hair.

"I always have, sir," I answered. It wasn't totally true; I wasn't too sure about things with the lightning storm, but I think he got the implication.

"Everyone decent?" I asked as the two of us walked in the front door.

"We're back here, Trae," my mother called from the kitchen.

I looked around the corner and saw that both of them were fully dressed. Brad was nowhere in sight. Fine with me. Master Sloan walked with me to the side of the wall. They saw him and invited him into the kitchen. My dad asked him if he would like some coffee and Master Sloan accepted. I watched how it was brewed, so that the next time I was there, I could do it for him. He took it black.

"So, tired of him already, eh?" my dad asked, humorously. I growled while my master snickered.

"Well, I'm kind of getting there, Dan," he said.

"Hey!" I piped in again, as was expected, I'm sure. The three adults had another little laugh at my expense.

"Actually, Dan, I want to talk to you and Susan about something Daniel and I have discussed. There are a few things that he has expressed an interest in."

"Like what?" my mother asked.

"Like a martial arts retreat in June," he started with right off the bat.

I was sitting next to Master Sloan to his left. My dad was still standing while my mother was sitting in front of him as he talked. I was able to see both of them without either looking suspicious.

Both of my parents looked at each other and then back to Master Sloan.

"A retreat?" my mother finally asked.

"Yes. It brings together all the young students of different disciplines (ain't that the truth) for a four day retreat. As far as the cost is concerned; it's minimal and I can take care of that, if you're worried about that."

Yeah, I could just see my parents paying to have sadistic men chase me around with nets to see which of them would get to fuck my brains out. How Christian of them.

"It's not the money, Sloan, I think it's just that Trae's never been away from us for more than a night."

"I believe he can handle it, Susan. You've both seen how much he's matured over these few months. And I believe that over the next four months or so, he'll be ready for it."

My left leg was vibrating like Thumper in that Disney flick. It was almost shaking the drinks off the table. My master's stare brought a real quick end to that. I was just so nervous about this.

"Well, we have some time to make that decision, but right now, I don't see any reason why not," my dad threw in.

I wanted to jump out of my seat and hug him right there. But, I remained composed. Barely.

"Also, something else that has come up," my master added. Here's the biggie. "There's a competition that's held every three years called a Kumite. They just held one this past summer and so the next one's not for another two and a half years."

"A Kumite?" my mother asked.

"Yes. It's held this time in Tokyo."


Do you know any other, Mom? Intelligence at its finest.

"Yes, Japan," my master commented graciously. A lot more gracious than I would've been. "Now, let me say a few things about it, so that you'll get the full picture. It's secret; very secret. Those who are a part of it will deny it to their dying breath."

"Why so secretive?" Here it comes.

"It's illegal."

I thought both of my parents were about to have a conniption fit of some sort. My mom looked at Master Sloan as if he was telling them he had just fucked me in the ass. My dad sort of just raised an eyebrow, but a vein was bulging a little bit more; he was the one I was counting on.

"I get the feeling there's more to it." Dear old dad.

"Yes, there is. The adult version of it is significantly more brutal that the one for the youths. The best fighters come from all over the world to participate. For centuries, it was only for those in the Orient, but lately, it's been opened to everyone. And it's by invite only."

"Is it a fight to the death, or something?"

"No, but people have died in it. But not in the one for the youths. I know of no deaths that have ever occurred in that arena."

"Then the one for the kids isn't illegal?" my mom finally rejoined the conversation.

"Oh, it's illegal, Susan, but not for that reason. It's illegal because the same rules apply."

"What are the rules?" my dad got back in.

"There are none," I finally spoke up, trying not to grin.

"You were just waiting for that question, weren't you?" Master Sloan asked with a smirk. I nodded and grinned. He knew me so well.

"What do you mean by, 'no rules'?" my dad asked my master.

Master Sloan and I filled my parents in on the particulars of both of the fights and what was at stake. They took it all in pretty well, all things considered. Master Sloan did reiterate that I had a full two and a half years before the contest, so there was plenty of time to train and grow.

He also told them that it was my decision to go or not. I thought that they would throw him out of the house right then and there, but it didn't happen. I guess that was a sign in our favor. My master told them of my interest in going and that I would need to be at his house every Friday night and pretty much all day on Saturday for training.

They asked if I was actually serious and I said that I was. But my master did warn them that my increased training would have to begin right away if I had any chance at the fight.

"Well, what could a little more training hurt?" my dad rhetorically asked. So, that was settled. They didn't say I could go to the Kumite, but they didn't say I couldn't either.

We left the house two hours after we initially entered. I know that an argument was already brewing about what was said. It started before I even closed the door.

"Your father seems in favor of it," he said as I was buckling my seatbelt.

"Well, let's just say that I'm not his son; I used to be more my mother's son than his. Brad's his."

"How'd that happen?"

"Beats me, Master," I said with a shrug. "But for once, I'm glad it did."

He drove us to a local mall in downtown San Antonio, and he told me what he wanted me to do as we walked inside.

"The whole time we're walking around the mall, I want you to keep a part of you touching me at all times."

I smiled devilishly at him.

"Not like that, Daniel," he said, getting my intent. "Now, this is serious."

"May I ask why, Master?" I asked, turning serious.

"This is practice for the retreat. When we go there, I'll want you to do that at all times."

I opened the door and we walked inside. I instantly put a finger through the belt loop of his jeans. I understood the reason for the exercise; it was to make it automatic when we go there in June. I also knew why I had to do it. He knew what some of those men were like there, and I had to trust that he knew what he was talking about.

We walked around for over two hours while I held on to the belt loop, or touched the side of his leg, or his arm. I knew this was important, so I made an effort to follow his lead. A few times I had to laugh to myself as people saw me with my collar. One kid begged his father to buy him one.

"If he only knew what this was for," I smirked. Master Sloan chuckled back at me.

"Have a seat, Daniel," he told me at one point.

We sat down next to each other on a seat close to a store. He wasn't moving and I thought something might be wrong. I asked him.

"Nothing's wrong, Daniel," he said. I figured he was teaching me another lesson on patience, so I sat. And I sat. And sat some more. After another three hours of sitting, he turned to me.

"Describe everyone that used that pay phone for me, Daniel," he said out of the clear blue.

"Do what, Master?"

"Describe all the people that used that pay phone."

"You're kidding," I said in shock. I knew he wasn't, but there was no way I could do what he asked.

"What've you been doing while we've been sitting here?" He wasn't angry, but it was like he was more insistent.

"Nothing, Master," I said, feeling I had failed another test.


"I thought you were teaching me another lesson on patience or meditating or something like that."

"Sort of, but just because you're just sitting there, doesn't mean you turn your brain off. During the meals with Nathan, do you just zone out, or listen to the conversation?"

"I listen," I said and he knew that was true.

"Yes. Now tell me why you do that."

"Because you might need me to do something for you, so I listen. But, Master, that was different."

"True, but you still needed to pay attention. And at this retreat, you need to constantly pay attention at everything and everyone. It is vital that you do so. I may be able to see some things, but I can't see everything. You'll need to look out for yourself as well."

I nodded that I understood. I was kind of disappointed in myself that I hadn't picked up on what he was actually trying to teach me. We went home from there. My first time out was sort of a successful failure. I succeeded at keeping with him, but failed at the more important lesson of watching.

I went to sleep that night thinking that this was going to be harder than I thought. I was going to have to start doing this on my own. And I made the effort starting the very next day. At church, I watched everyone as they came and went. And I noticed a few things about some of the people there in church; some of them there gave me the shivers.

There was one man in particular that bothered me. He didn't seem interested in me, so he never really saw me. It was the girls he liked watching, and it wasn't in a nice way. I had seen that look before. Every preteen girl that walked by or was sitting down, he leered at lasciviously. I had seen him before, but never picked up on it. Now it stood out like a beacon. I kept my suspicions to myself for the time being. I did ask the pastor what the man's name was and he told me it was Alan Davis.

That Friday, Cody was there at the house when I arrived. I smiled and he helped me with my bindings once I was naked. We took care of Master Sloan for the evening meal and turned in for the night. He went to the master bedroom and we headed for the guest room.

"Wanna have some fun?" he asked as we lay facing each other.

"Gee, I don't know, it sounds kind of dangerous," I teased him a little. I got a clip on the arm for my troubles.

He disappeared out the door and back again with some clips, locks and a few chains. My cock began growing instantly.

"Put your arms behind your back," he said, picking out a couple of locks from the set.

I did as he asked and the wrist bonds on one arm were locked to the elbow bonds on the other. Snaps were added to secure the elbow bonds to my waist band. Then he took two chains and clipped them to both ankle bonds. My legs were pulled apart to stretch the whole width of the bed at the foot. I had been able to do "the splits" of course, but this pulled my groin muscle out even farther. It actually felt good.

"Damn, you are limber, Daniel," he said, impressed. "You okay?"

"Yeah," I said, sort of feeling the tightness of it.

"How's it feel?"

"Kind of hurts, but in a good way," I said.

I felt him hook the other chain to both of my elbow bindings and then it was attached to the bar above us. The crank was inserted and I was raised off the bed about a foot [30 cm]. I figured he would climb onto the bed and have me suck him off, but he didn't. He walked around behind me and began playing with my groin area.

"What's it feel like?"

"I already told you that it feels good," I said.

"No, I mean 3; getting 3; you know 3;," he said, not really knowing how to put it.

"Getting fucked?" I finished for him.

"Yeah," he said, circling around to sit in front of me.

"Can we have this conversation later when I'm not hanging by the bedposts?"

He giggled.

"I might keep you up there all night," he said with a wicked grin.

"You wouldn't," I said, not getting worried, because I wasn't in any real pain, but hanging there all night would definitely make me sore the next day.

"I could 3;," he hinted. I got the gist.

"It hurts the first few times," I acquiesced, "but after that it begins to kind of feel good. I guess it's kind like the same thing for a girl getting it for the first few times."

"Maybe I should get my uncle to get you a dress and lipstick," he chided.

"Oh, very funny, but I'm not the one with the long hair," I came back with. As he didn't really have a comeback for that, he just stuck his tongue out at me. "Careful or I might find another use for that, you know."

"Not in your current condition," he informed me. Not much to argue about that.

"Did he do it hard the first time?" he asked when our giggles died down.

"He had to," I said, shrugging my shoulders somewhat defensively. "I was too tight and too scared to do it myself."

"And now?"

"Why do you want to know all this?"

"I dunno," he shrugged back.

"That's not an answer, Cody."

"Yeah, but I don't have to answer; I'm not the one tied up."

"You gonna do this every time I'm tied up?"

"Yeah, probably," he said with a smile. We giggled again.

"Come on, Cody; why do you want to know?" I asked again.

"I was just curious, that's all."

"Curiosity leads to experimenting, you know," I said with another raised eyebrow.

He mumbled something that I didn't catch. I asked him to repeat that.

"Maybe I want to," he said, getting his voice a little louder.

"Well, maybe we can later on when you get me down from here, but right now, is there something you want from me?"

"Yeah; suck me, boy," he said, getting into a kneeling position where I can suck his cock.

I opened my mouth and he slipped his dick inside. I closed and sucked like I was slurping up a spaghetti noodle. He groaned at the sensation. It felt good that I could bring that much pleasure to him. He began rocking back and forth, building up a good steady rhythm.

His moaning increased, but I heard something else and had to smile. The smile released the vacuum I had on his cock and he stopped. He pulled out and looked down.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Care to join us, Master?" I asked to an otherwise empty room.

Cody whipped his head to the doorway and Master moved into the arch, sniggering.

"How 3;?" Cody asked, looking down at me. I snickered.

"He was there the last time we were having fun and the floor creaked slightly a second ago," I said, shrugging.

My master pulled his shirt over his head and walked in to stand behind me. I heard him place a small stool behind me at the foot of the bed and then he mounted it; I was next. Cody was watching his movements without doing anything. I got slightly miffed at him.

"You wanna gimme your dick back, or what?" I chided him.

Cody giggled and put it back to my lips while I dutifully opened again. Just as he fit it inside my mouth, Master Sloan put his at my backdoor. I could tell that Cody was more interested in what was going on at the foot of the bed than what I was doing for him. Since it was something that interested him, it didn't bother me so much.

"Uuuuhhh 3;," I gasped as my master's cock penetrated me yet again.

The neatest part of this scene was that my master didn't need to do anything other than plow into me. The way I was strung up made me swing naturally back and forth without veering any sideways. I was able to slide my mouth along Cody's cock while my master gave me the business end of his at the same time.

I figured that my master had been standing at the door for quite some time playing with himself, as it didn't take too long for him to shoot his jizm into me. I felt Cody's dick jump and he spazmed out his own climax into my oral cavity. I let him go as he slumped back onto the pillows.

"Looks like we're going to have to take your training up a notch," Master told me as he pulled his cock out. Wonderful; can't wait.

I felt him glide his finger over my nuts and then run it along the length of my stiffy. Precum had been leaking out severely the whole time I was hanging, so a copious amount had gathered beneath me.

"Cody, reach into the nightstand and get me out the buttplug inside there, please," Master Sloan said as my cock was being stroked.

Buttplug?! What the hell's a buttplug??!

"It's high time you got acquainted with one of these, Daniel," he said plainly.

Cody nodded and obeyed. I looked to see just exactly what a buttplug was. It was bulbous in shape, but about the same width of my master's cock. It had a smaller tip, graduating into a round ball-like shape and then back to a smaller size at the end before a small platform finished it off.

Using his own seed as lubricant, Master fit the tip of the plug inside the opening to my asshole. He twisted it a couple of times while pumping it along my sphincter. As the widest part began to fill me up, I realized that it was slightly larger in girth that Master Sloan's cock. I grimaced in discomfort as it slipped inside, then only the feeling that something was breaching my inner being. I felt my hole slurp it into place and I sighed at the somewhat lessened volume of it now.

"You'll wear that at all times from now on, Daniel," he said and left the room after I acknowledged his command.

"Wow," Cody commented with wide opened eyes. "How does that feel?"

"Weird," I said simply.

"You want down?"

After thinking about it for half a minute or so, I nodded. He gently let me down and untied my ankles and arms. Instinctively, I reached back to feel the plug at my rear barrier. It felt weird, alright, but not too bad. I flicked it with my finger, but then left it alone. I slipped off the bed and stretched out like I did the last time Cody and I played. It felt kind of strange to move around with something sticking out of my ass.

Cody was looking at me kind of pleadingly as I slid back onto the bed.

"What is it?" I asked, reaching up and stroking his arm.

"Will you do that to me?" he asked shyly.

"Do what to you?" I had a feeling what he was asking, but I wanted him to ask outright.

"You know 3;," he stalled, "do what Uncle Sloan did to you."

"Well, lemme see if there's another buttplug around here somewhere," I said, turning over.

"No, I mean the other thing." I rolled back over and stroked his face with my hand.

"If you can't ask for it correctly, you're not ready, Cody," I informed him lovingly. I had asked for it correctly from my master and yet I still wasn't ready. I only thought I was.

"Okay, will you have sex with me?" he asked, looking down at the comforter on the bed.

"Come here," I said, smiling. I wasn't going to make light of this after he placed his trust in me.

I kissed him full on the lips when he got close to me. I reached over again and gently stroked the side of his face with the back of my hand. I kissed him again, but with a little more passion. He wasn't opening his mouth, though.

"Open your mouth the next time; I wanna show you something," I said with a smile. He nodded.

We kissed and I felt his jaw drop a bit and my tongue slipped inside easily. It surprised him as much as it did me the first time. I showed by example how to properly French kiss and he responded. I pushed him backwards to lie on his back. I followed him to lie on top of him.

We kept making out for a while, to get him more into it. He began mimicking my movements as we felt each others' bodies. I felt his hand move downwards and over the globes of my ass. His fingers moved over the top of the plug and after playing with it momentarily, moved onward.

"Do it, Daniel," he said upon breaking our kiss. We looked into each others' eyes and I could see nothing but genuine affection in there. I nodded and kissed him again.

After breaking our liplock, I began heading south, moving my body with me as I went; kissing his chin, Adam's apple, chest, each nipple, sternum, xiphoid process, navel and then to his stiff prick. I licked it from tip down to its base. His hands went to the sides of my head, pulling my face up to look at him.

"No, not that," he said, almost disappointedly.

"Trust me," I said with a smile and returned to my work.

He let me go and I ran my tongue along his cock again, all the way to his almond-sized balls. He groaned a little as I sucked both testicles into my warm mouth. I worked a finger up to his backside's doorway. I worked it around a few times before I spit his balls out to move onward.

"Gimme a pillow," I told him and he threw one down to me. I bent his knees and pulled his feet up to rest them just outside my shoulders. I had him raise his butt up for me to put the pillow underneath him.

Once his anal flower was in the right position, I had to sit back a little to take a look at it. I smiled a little at the pink barrier. I sighed and lowered my face back down to his private area. After one swipe of my tongue to his balls, I moved over his taint and then to the main corridor of the area.

My hands worked their way around his hips to continue playing with his stiffy while I rimmed his hole. He moaned at the dual assault on his boyhood. I saw him reach his hands down to try and reach me.

"Put them behind your head," I suggested, remembering the times Master had done this for me. He nodded and gripped the back of his neck.

I worked my tongue up to his virginal flower again and instead of simply rimming him, I began pushing into it. He moaned as I broke through. It was an interesting sensation for me as well, to have my tongue where it wasn't intended to be. I pushed harder, spreading his backdoor open a little wider and I saw him wince a little. I knew that feeling all too well. I snaked my tongue around a few times and then while I pulled my legs up and got my body into position, I pulled my tongue out of him.

He opened his eyes as I rose up to get ready. I lifted his legs up by his knees. It put his boy-hole in prime position.

"Hold these, will ya?" I asked, attempting a little levity. He didn't respond, so I didn't continue down that road. He did reach up and hold his legs back by his knees.

I aimed my cock at his sphincter and gently pushed into him. It wasn't as forgiving as I thought it would be, so I had to push a little harder. It started to give way, but he winced.

"Easy, now, Cody," I whispered to him. I knew how difficult this would be for him. He nodded, but I could see tears forming in his eyes. I stopped a second. "We don't have to do this, you know."

"No, it's okay," he said with a nod.

"You sure?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. Now I know how my master felt all along; the conflict inside of caring for someone, yet about to cause intentional pain to them.

"Yeah," he said while nodding.

I went back to what I was doing before and began pressing my three-incher [7½ cm] into him. He winced again, but I knew what not to do; stop. Withdrawing wouldn't help anything if he was determined to do this. With a great deal of inner strength, I shoved my hips forward, impaling him on my short rod. His wincing graduated to grimacing in that very second.

He let his knees go and I caught them. His hands reached over for another pillow and he groaned into it. I waited with bated breath for it to finish. I wrapped one arm around both of his legs that were now straightened out and pressing against my body. The other hand reached down and stroked his chest, trying to sooth out his pain anyway I could.

I let him settle down before moving forward. Finally, he relaxed his frame and the pillow fell away. I leaned forward a little and my cock slipped inside a little more. It wasn't intentional, but it happened. He winced again and I stopped.

"Sorry," I said, really meaning it.

"It's okay," he smiled back, wiping his eyes clear.

His legs widened and I was able to get to his mouth again. We kissed some to alleviate some tension and he relaxed more. I pushed a little more into him and he accepted me a little better. Another push and I was fully buried inside my fellow servant.

I had mixed feelings about the encounter. It felt great to my cock, but I've learned that my cock's feelings are not always the correct ones. I was also feeling guilty about putting him through the pain of being penetrated for the first time. I knew I wasn't as big as my master, thank God for small (shameless pun, I know) favors, but it was still the invasive act of violating a personal area of someone I cared about.

"You okay?" I asked, making sure.

"It hurts a little, but, yeah, I guess so. What about you?" Now, there's an odd question.

"Me? Oh, I'm just peachy," I replied and we both had a little chuckle together.

I leaned down for another kiss and then I looked him in the eye. I raised my eyebrows as if to ask him if he was ready. He slowly blinked his eyes and then nodded. I pulled my hips backward, sliding my cock out a little. He winced slightly, but otherwise made no other sound. I shoved back into him and he let out a grunt.

I ran my hand down to his prick to find it a little bit soft. A few strokes of my hand changed that quickly. I began stroking him in time with my hips' movements. His cock responded agreeably to everything that was happening around it. A few strokes later, and he was cumming hard with a loud audible groan.

I shoved one hard time to make him feel it while cumming, and then waited for him to calm down. Even though he came, it wasn't enough to finish me off, just yet. When he opened his eyes, I was smiling down at him.

"You haven't done that yet, have you?"

"Nope," I said, shaking my head. "Can you go on?"

"Do I have a choice?" he asked with a slight smirk.

"Not really," I replied with one of my own and a shrug.

"Well, in that case, how can I help?"

I smiled and leaned down for another kiss.

"Just being my friend is more than enough," I whispered, while lovingly stroking his cheek.

He smiled back up at me and then gave me another kiss. He sat up a little straighter and wrapped his arms around my waist. We stayed like that for a few seconds before going on. I reached back and moved his hands downward to my butt. Using only my hands, I showed him what I liked and what felt good to me.

"Mmmm, that feels good," I sighed, getting excited again.

I leaned forward and laid us back down on the sheets. While his hands roamed around on my butt, I began pumping his boy-pussy again. His legs were out about as far as they were going to go and it gave me the room I needed for my body to lay on his. I had to be mindful of his nuts as they were right under me, but otherwise I had all the room I needed. At one point, his hand brushed over the rubber that was plugging up my own hole, and I shivered. That was a pleasant surprise.

"Oo! Do that again," I told him.

He did as I asked and it thrilled me again when his fingers twitched it. My cock also seemed to like it. I thrust into him harder as lustful feelings washed over my body. I hit my climax just as he made one more swipe of his hand over the plug. I groaned at the release and shivered from head to toe.

Panting, I collapsed onto his body. He hissed as I had forgotten about his jewels being caught between us. I quickly moved to my right and my cock slipped out of his rectum. I sighed and flopped onto the bed on my back. I twitched ever so slightly, but soon relaxed completely.

"Whew," he commented. I snickered.

"I know what you mean," I answered and gently rolled to face him. "How do you feel?"

He gave it a moment's thought before answering.

"I'm actually okay," he said with a comfortable smile. His brown eyes shown clear through. "So, what do we do now?" he asked with a big sigh.

"Traditionally, I think we're supposed to smoke a cigarette," I said with a smirk.

"That'll go over real well with my uncle," he said after we finished giggling about it.

We ended up falling blissfully asleep in each other's arms.

Chapter Seventeen
A Simple Valentine's Day

February soon arrived. In years past, I hated it, due to the stupid holiday of Valentine's Day. I always hated the idea of a day devoted to love when there wasn't much to love in my life. This year was something totally different. Someone was now in my life that I had devoted all of me to. Love was no longer a foreign concept.

The only question now, was; what was I going to do to show him how much I cared? I thought of all the idiotic things people do on that day and rejected all of them. Candy, flowers, and singing telegrams were not something that either of us were in to. I had to come up with something original. Something worthy of our relationship.

I came up with something the weekend before the day itself. It was on a Tuesday that year, and so what I was going to do had to be done at school. Master Sloan told me that the blond guy that was there at the end of Christmas was also going to be there that day; perfect. I would need his, James's, help if this was going to work as I'd hoped.

I went to school that day with a hard-on from hell. I just couldn't make it go down for the life of me, but I also wasn't going to even think about stroking it. I had to wait till later for any of that.

I got to my first class and as I walked in, the teacher handed me a card with the name "Trae" on it. I looked questioningly at him, wondering who this could be from. I took it and opened the envelope. The outside of the card read, "To someone special who's always in my thoughts." I flipped it open and it was a blank card with a personal note that read, "I wish we could be together today. Love, Cody."

I hadn't even thought of getting him anything. My sole thought was for my master, but Cody's was on me. I wondered if I was being selfish in giving all of my time and attention to Master Sloan and leaving him none. Master hadn't told me when he would be coming back over to the house. I hoped it would be soon.

Daring others to make fun of me, I kissed the card and slipped it onto my pack for the day. He deserved that much from me, at least.

For the rest of the morning, I wrestled with my feelings for my master and for Cody. Both were equally strong, but for Master Sloan, they were more powerful and intense. But the ones I had for Cody were softer and friendlier. I wasn't paying a bit of attention to my studies that day. Mr. Dithers called me on it, and I told him I was fine.

"There's just a lot going on upstairs, sir," I said and turned from the room. This time, I knew he had looked at my ass, but I let it go. Other things of greater significance were on my mind at the time.

At lunch, I tried studying, as usual, but it became obvious after a while that it just wasn't going to happen. I slammed the book closed with a roar of frustration. I needed some focus and I wasn't going to get it here in a noisy cafeteria full of kids. I left the room, and the others moved out of my way as I stalked outside. Any other time, I would've enjoyed that, but right then it was lost on me.

I headed to the baseball field and the absent wire fencing that was supposed to protect the audience behind home plate. The poles were up, but the wire mesh that went with it was gone. I dropped my bag and jumped to the first rung. I swung upwards to it, placing my feet on the bar into a crouched position. From there, I jumped up to the next bar and did a pull up to my waist.

I began doing loops around the pole when someone walked up to the poles.

"Are you okay, Trae?"

"Yes, Mr. Hastings, I'm fine. No worries."

"Well, I can tell that you're fine physically, but mentally was what I was wondering about."

I was now doing a one-armed handstand on the top pole, balancing my body perfectly.

"I don't know what you're talking about, sir," I said, trying to maintain concentration on holding my position.

"Trae, you're punishing yourself. Anyone can see that."

I swung down and dropped to the next bar down for a crouched rest. I looked him in the eye.

"It's just something personal, sir, and that's all I can say. Please don't ask me any more about it."

"Alright," he said as I totally dismounted, landing in front of him. "But I hope you know that you can come to me and at any time to talk if you need it."

"Thank you, sir, and I will if I need to," I said with a smile.

Totally uncharacteristically of a school's principal, he ran his finger down my jaw line with a smile. He then seemed to realize what he just did, made a fist as if to catch himself, and then walked off. I sort of watched him walk away, wondering what that was all about.

I shook my head of it, deciding that I would have to deal with that later also. I knuckled down the rest of the day so that I didn't have too much homework for the next day. About fifteen minutes before the end of the last class, I excused myself to go to the bathroom. I took a marker that I had bought that previous weekend with me.

Once inside the stall, I lowered my pants down to my ankles and thought about what I had in mind. I turned around and began writing a message on the back of my legs in the ink. Thankfully, I was able to find washable ink. I just had to be careful on my walk to my master's house. I had a little bit of Saran wrap with me and wrapped my legs in it to protect the writing better.

The bell rang as I was leaving the bathroom. I got my pack and headed out for the house. When I got there, the car was in the parking lot as planned. I walked inside the door and heard the sound of a lash hitting human skin. A muffled scream followed shortly there after. I smiled and began getting undressed.

The Saran wrap was removed as I slid my pants down my legs so that my master wouldn't see it. All of my bindings were applied to the specified areas and I walked into the family room and waited.

"About time, boy," Master Sloan stated as he lashed James's backside again.

"Yes, sir; a teacher held me up."

"Anything I should know about?"

"No, sir."

"Very well. Go ahead and get the water and soap for this one ready. He seems ready to cum any time." He lashed out again and the victim screamed into the ball gag for another time.

I made sure he was facing James on the wall as I walked into the kitchen. As I was bending down to get the bucket, I reached back and slipped my buttplug out of my ass. I was going to do it at the wall, but I decided that it would work better beforehand. I heard three quick lashes in a row and a groan in ecstasy from the room behind me. I filled the bucket and walked back inside the room. Cum was dripping down the wall between the young man's legs.

"Get this mess cleaned up, boy," he said to him as he untied his wrists from the ropes.

"Yes, sir," was the reply when the ball gag was removed.

"Make sure he cleans it well, Daniel," he said.

"Yes, Master," I replied and he left the room for upstairs. Sometimes Master Sloan needs a piss after working someone over. I knew he never jacked off, as he had me there for sexual release whenever he wanted.

I moved fast because we didn't have much time to do this. I went to James's side and shook my head, no. He looked at me in question.

"We don't have time for explanations, James; just do what I want you to do."

He didn't know what I was asking, but nodded anyway. I moved him away from the wall and took his place with my back against it. I raised my arms and spread them out. He took the hint. I had to use a stool that was beside us to get into proper position, but it was enough.

He tied the ropes to my wrist bindings as tight as he could. I nodded after testing each one. I raised one leg up as high as I could, indicating him to tie it to that same eyebolt. He smirked, but did as I wanted. When it was tied off, he looked to the other leg and I nodded. He took it and raised it up also to the opposite eyebolt as well.

Both my right arm and right leg were tied to one bolt while the same was true of my left. My boy-pussy was showing itself off splendidly to anyone and everyone in the room. He smiled and shook his head in disbelief.

My cock was angrily pointing straight at me. I just wished I could've sucked myself off. Now, that would've been a neat trick.

"Now the blindfold and gag, then the pins," I whispered.

He nodded and got a rag for my mouth first. I wasn't quite ready for a ball gag yet. The cloth was wrung into a rope, fit around my head, and tied off to the side. Another was prepared the same way and then fit over my eyes.

I then felt him rub my right nipple to get it hard. I almost hyperventilated in anticipation to what came next. A clothes pin was put over it and let go. I squinted in pain as it closed on top of it, but didn't utter a sound. I did have to bite down hard on the gag, though. One more to go, and when it clamped down, I had to bite again. Good God, did that hurt.

Both of us heard a toilet flush and we sort of panicked. I was exactly where I wanted to be, so I motioned with my head for him to leave me. He ran his hand down my jaw line and left the immediate area. I held on tightly as I heard Master Sloan walk down the steps.

"Well, that took some --," all of a sudden he stopped. I knew what he saw.

It was a boy all trussed up on his wall with the words, "PROPERTY OF" going vertically down one leg and "MASTER SLOAN" going down the other.

"Leave us, boy," was all he said.

"Yes, sir," James said and quickly got dressed. Once the door was opened and closed quickly, I knew I was either in trouble, or in for a hell of a good time. One way or the other, I was going to leave with a red ass.

"Just what are you doing?" he asked, untying the gag.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Master," I said, hoping he'd appreciate the effort.

I felt him lean forward and kiss me hard on the mouth. I returned his kiss as best as I could in the predicament I had put myself into before he pulled away. The gag was retied and he backed off.

"I thought I had told you to clean this wall, boy," he said, angrily, and I knew it was on.

SWAT! I groaned out as the first lash punished my smooth skin.

SWAT! That one actually tagged my tight nutsack and I screamed into the gag.

"Ooo, I know that one hurt," he said with a certain amount of delight to his voice.

SWAT! Another one that landed on my bare nuts. I didn't think I could handle another one there as I screamed and bounced my head off the wall. The pain from the crop on my nuts was causing the pain in my nipples to go by the wayside.

SWAT! Again against the butt and nuts!

"Rutilus!" I screamed out as best as I could into the gag. I just knew my nuts couldn't take any more battering at the time.

I heard the crop drop to the floor. He was by my side in an instant. He reached up and began untying my legs from the eyebolt. I shook my head and sort of thrashed around, trying to get his attention.

"What is it, Daniel?" he asked, removing the gag from my mouth.

"Don't take it down, sir," I said, catching my breath.

"But you used your safeword," he commented.

"Yes, sir, but I did it because I couldn't handle the abuse on my nuts. I'm okay with everything else."

"Are you sure?" he asked, and I could tell the concern in his voice.

"Yes, sir, just please don't hit my nuts again."

"Okay," he said, and I could tell he was smiling from his tone.

The gag was replaced and I felt him step away from me. I heard the crop being picked up and another SWAT landed on my ass, but lower down, missing my nuts completely. He was a little more gentle with that one, but not by much. It still counted.

SWAT! Right below the last one. SWAT! Right below that one as well. Another one connected crossing some of the others and I bellowed out at that. He waited a few seconds and landed the next one, making an "X" of the last two strikes.

I heard him move to stand more in front of me and I knew what was about to happen. The next one landed vertically down my left leg and buttcheek. The tenth one was on its twin.

"Well, that was for not cleaning my wall as I told you to do, but you still owe me another ten for removing your buttplug without asking," he said, clarifying my other mistake.

I shook my head violently, not looking forward to another ten from that thing. I shook at the sheer thought of it. I knew already that the next day it was going to be difficult at best to sit still in class. Ten more was going to make it damn near impossible.

"You brought this on yourself, boy. Don't go trying to get out of it by pleading for mercy now." As if he had any.

SWAT! It landed vertically again, right next to the ninth swat. I was in for the duration of this torment. A twelfth one was on the other leg. I screamed at both.

"Please, no more," I begged through the gag.

"Sorry," he said. Yeah, I bet.

With that confirmation, the next one was right back at the other leg. And its successor struck the right leg again. He wasn't letting up on me for a second.

He was then back to swinging horizontally, striking just one cheek at a time, but no less ruthless. From the right to the left; back and forth for the remaining six strikes of my punishment, the crop dished them out.

"Now, that the punishment's over with, aren't you going to thank me?" he asked.

"Thank you," I replied through the gag again.

SWAT!! Against both cheeks again. I yipped at the surprise strike and realized my mistake.

"Thank you for my punishment," I said, not really all that understandable, but it was close enough.

"You're welcome," he said, close. "And thank you for my gift, Daniel," he added softly.

I nodded tiredly in return. I heard his gi bottom drop to the floor and I began thrashing around in my bonds again, knowing what was coming next.

"Don't be doing that, boy; you knew this had to come next," he said, slipping back into the scene.

He walked up and I felt a fleshy piece of meat at my opened backdoor. I groaned as it invaded me once again. It felt good to be penetrated by him like this; tied up and helpless. He could do whatever he wanted with me in this position and I wouldn't be able to prevent it.

When his pelvis flattened itself against my ass, I hissed at the sting of his touch. Then a touch to the clothespin on my right nipple, made me panic slightly. As he pulled out and shoved back inside again, the nipple was squeezed harder and I groaned out in pain again. Another pump of his hips and the other nipple got a similar treatment. I groaned yet again, but was beginning to really love it.

I guess "masochist" really fit me to a 'T'.

A quick swipe of his hand and I came all over my belly and chest. I didn't know how much, but it was enough to leave me wet. It took him a few more pumps of his hips before seeding my insides. We both grunted at his release and he relaxed into me.

Both of us were spent afterward and after he drew his cock from my insides, I heard him sit down on the couch. I moaned out a little as I adjusted myself in the bonds. I didn't hurt, really, just needed to move around a little. I was beginning to wonder if he was going to let me down or not.

He was next to me again, and I had a fleeting thought that he was going to let me down now that our fun was over. That thought was very fleeting. He reached in and undid the gag from my mouth. Then I felt two of his fingers at my nuts, massaging them. The same nuts I just protected by using my safeword.

"You trust me?" he asked. Now, there was a stupid question for the ages. I hoped that questions like that weren't contagious.

"Yes, sir," I said, nodding.

His fingers made like flesh covered scissors to capture them. A light tapping on them of leather had me moaning again. I was worried a little that he would hit them too hard with that crop, but I still had my safeword incase things did get too much. So, I let him continue, as I trusted him completely, now more than ever.

It was used lightly and then got heavier with the hits, but it was just the leather. The pole was still out of reach from my nuts. He hit them with light then heavy then light taps with the leather part. My dick got hard just thinking of the possibility of him getting out of control with that thing.

"Does boy like this?" he asked.

"Yes, sir," I confessed quietly. I shivered as I knew the full truth of it all. My innocent confession brought all of it out in me.

"Should I do it harder, then?"

"Oh God, yes, sir," I begged him. And he did. The leather tapping slipped up a notch to a light beating. I groaned at the pain/pleasure it was giving me.


I reached around with my wrists and gripped the ropes tighter as I nodded my head. The light beating on my nuts became a light whipping with the leather. I thrashed my head around at it all.

"Dear God, yes, Master!" His tempo increased slightly with the harshness of it. Just the steady beating caused me to want to explode. "Will you please fuck me, sir?!!" I growled at him, wanting more.

"No." What?!

"Oh please, sir. I gotta have you inside me. Please."

"No. You'll have to wait." Wait??! Wait for what? The world to end? As far as I was concerned, it was ending right then and there.

The rhythm of strikes didn't waver in the least. I was still having to hold on as best as I could during the whole torturous affair. Strike after light strike assaulted my preteen jewels. I ached for him to take me again. I wanted it. No, I needed it and he was denying it from me. The sadistic prick was withholding his cock from me when I needed it the most.

I waited longer than I thought was fair. I held out as long as I thought was humanly possible. And still he was denying it.

In one swift move, he let go of my nuts and swiped his hand up my over-stimulated cock. One swipe down and I released my pent up emotion all over myself again. I twisted and rocked through one of the most euphoric highs of my limited experience to date.

It was then that my fuzzy brain realized that by denying me his manhood, he was setting a boundary; he was in charge of it all. Not me. There would be times he would give me what I wanted, but I would have to earn them. I was back to that plane of loving and hating him again.

He released my ankles from the eyebolts and they flopped down to hang under me. He held on to me as best as he could while untying my wrists, but I still sank under his body to the floor. As I hit the floor, I felt something wet against my back. I had forgotten about James's jizm that was still clinging to the wall.

I groaned yet again as my ass hit the floor. I raised the blindfold up and over my head. He gently removed the clothespins and I hissed as the blood returned to the area.

"You okay?" he asked with a smile.

"Ask me that tomorrow, sir," I said, smiling back at him.

He smiled again and helped me sit up a little better. We took a second and got the area cleaned of cum before heading to the couch. We sat down with my head in his lap. I remembered the card Cody had given me. I sort of got a little thoughtful about it and he saw it. I told him about the card.

"Is there any way you could get him here on Friday or Saturday, sir? I'd really like to see him and thank him personally."

"I'm sure you would," he said with a knowing smile. I snickered back at him. "I'll see what I can do, Daniel."

"Thank you, sir," I said. I began thinking about all of what had just happened on the wall. "I'm sorry for using my safeword, sir."

"Don't be; that's what it's there for. And you should never be ashamed of using it, either."

"I'm just sorry I had to use it for that small thing. Is there a way we could set up a signal where we could maybe stop what we're doing, but not put a complete stop to it?"

"Now, that's an idea. Maybe a 'rest' word, or something like that."

I nodded and thought about it. I'd have to hit the Latin book again.

"Were you really surprised, Master?" I asked, smiling.

"More than ever. That was clever, you know, but it was also dangerous."

"Because of James?" I asked and he nodded. "I thought of that, but I figured if you trusted him to see me here nude and with my leather bindings on, then he could be trusted with this.

"Besides, I needed him to tie me up there like that," I finished off with a smirk.

He flicked my nipples in response to that and I snickered. I reached over and felt his cock. It was semi-interested in what was going on. I turned and looked at him, inquiringly. He nodded; who wouldn't? I turned over and licked his manhood fully.

I motioned for him to lie down and let me take care of him. When he was fully on his back, I continued worshiping his hard idol. Now, I was back to lying down between his legs again. I took my time, making sure it lasted a while. The smell of my insides was still on him, but I didn't care. I wanted to take care of him again.

It was more than simple service; it was genuine love for all of him. Whatever he needed, I was there to make sure it happened. After him respecting my safeword, it became automatic for me to totally trust him.

His cock became extremely interested in me again after only a handful of licks. I slurped up one final time and then sucked it into my mouth again. Swallowing the saliva in my oral cavity, I slipped him down my throat. He groaned at the pleasure. I bobbed my head along his staff several times before I felt a tap on my shoulder.

He curled his finger to me and I smiled.

"Yes, Master?"

"Come here, boy," he growled slightly.

"I don't cum on a finger, sir," I told him. That was all it took for him to grab me and pull me to him, giggling. A fast tickle all over my ribs assaulted my mind before he wrapped his arms around me tight.

I opened my legs to straddle his main body. His cock was pressed impatiently to my backdoor. But still he waited. I scooted down, but he pulled me back up.

"What is it, Master?"

"Nothing, Daniel, I just want to enjoy some more time with you and it not be about sex or martial arts."

I nodded that I understood. I guess I was getting so wrapped up in it all that I hadn't considered that part of it. I was always trying to go too fast and he was there to slow things down when it needed. Master Nathan was right; I was lucky to have him as my master. I came to appreciate that part of him; patience.

We let his cock deflate as we just lay there, feeling each other's bodies. It actually felt good to just lay there for a while. I got up and got the cream he needed to help my butt heal, and resumed my previous position while he rubbed it into me.

Chapter Eighteen
Marching Through

February continued to pass through not really noticed. Cody wasn't able to come over to the house that Friday, but I guess I couldn't get everything I wanted. My master gave me his address, and I sent him a card back, though. I found a perfect 'slow word', as we called it. It was in my Latin translation book; 'quies', and it means 'resting place'. I told Master Sloan about it and he loved it instantly. I used it whenever we're doing something and I either need a break or to stop abusing one area of my body. It sort of became a useless word by the end of the year, but in the beginning, it was useful.

It was the beginning of March when someone new came into my life. A new girl was transferred in from another school, which was common due to our location to the airbase.

I was sitting down studying when I saw a commotion brewing. My normal rule at school is to live and let live, but I figured that since I was ahead of my studies, I would check it out. I got there and Brian and his gang were picking on a girl I hadn't seen before. I shook my head in disbelief. These people never learn.

"Don't you have something better to do, Brian?" I asked. No one had seen me walk up to take in the festivities, but when I spoke up, everyone moved aside. Now I know how Moses felt as the Red Sea was parted.

Brian got a scared look on his face and stepped back a little.

"We ain't bothering you, Trae," he said, getting worried.

"Yeah, but the problem is that you seem to enjoy bullying others. Can't you stop being an asshole for once in your life? Maybe have a little respect for others? Hm?"

He looked at the girl, and then at the others watching, and then back to me. With a resigned look, he turned and walked away. As was the usual case, William and Tommy followed close behind him.

"You okay?" I asked as the party broke up now that there was nothing else to see.

"Yeah," she said, taking a deep breath. "Thanks."

"No problem. They've been a pain in my ass all year."

She snickered and smiled at me.

"I'm Jennifer Thompson."

"Daniel, but most people call me 'Trae'."

She asked why, and I explained it all to her. We talked for a while and I got to know her pretty well. It wasn't any type of sexual attraction, but more of a friendship bonding. After all, Mr. Hastings did tell me that I shouldn't go through life without friends.

"I can't believe that they backed down so easily, though," she said as we were walking around the recess area.

"Well, let's just say that we have an understanding," I said sort of nonchalantly.

"What's that?"

"They don't mess with me and I'll let them live," I answered.

The bell rang as she giggled.

She walked with me that afternoon on the way home and asked if I wanted to come over to her house. I told her that I couldn't due to my training with Master Sloan.

"Master?" she asked, with her eyebrows raised.

"Martial arts master," I countered. She understood.

"Are you any good?"

"No, not really, but I'm getting better everyday," I said back to her.

We said our good-byes and I headed off to training. We continued to see each other during the week. It was that Sunday that things became weird.

I was heading to my Sunday School class when I heard my name being called. I looked over my shoulder and Jennifer ran up to me.

"I didn't know you go to church also," she said with a smile.

"I could say the same thing about you, you know," I said with a smirk back.

We laughed and headed to class. The two of us sat together and afterwards, we walked to the sanctuary together. As we passed through the doors, Mr. Davis was there and she got a leery glance from him. She missed it but I didn't and scowled back at the man.

"Look somewhere else, Mr. Davis," I said as I walked up to him.

"What're you talking about, kid?"

"I saw the way you looked at my friend. Keep those looks to yourself, please."

"Don't tell me what I can and can't do, kid," he growled at me. Apparently, he thought that intimidation was going to work on me.

"I will tell you what to do when it comes to my friends, sir," I said plainly.

We had begun to draw a small crowd of onlookers, but he was oblivious to it. Without warning, he grabbed me by my neck and threw me against the wall. He was holding me up by the neck against it and closed in to talk to me.

"Kid, you don't know just how dangerous I can be," he seethed into my face.

Without giving him any chances, I swung my leg forward and, thanks to all those miles of running, I landed pretty hard against his nuts. When he bowled over, he dropped me to the floor. I backed off to get some space. I readied myself for another round.

Growling like a dog, he lunged at me. I was already moving. I jumped, kicked him in the back of the head with both feet, flipped over and landed on my feet behind him. I turned around for a second go, and when he did the same, a quick round-house sent him into the wall. I drove a punch, fist and complete arm, into his face. Always follow through, my master told me, and I did. He was out before he felt the pain from it.

Not bad for a ten year old kid. I straightened my shirt and turned back to Jennifer.

"You okay?" I asked her.

"Am I okay?! You're kidding, right?" she was almost hysterical in shock. "I thought you said that you weren't any good at that stuff?"

I snickered as her parents showed up and asked what happened. So did the pastor, music leader, associate pastor, my parents, pretty much everyone in the church. I told them what happened; straight forward, no embellishments. Mr. Davis was not allowed back in the church again and the other churches of the area were informed about him as well.

My master was proud of me over what happened and how I handled myself. I actually got a blowjob out of it. Of course he did fuck me pretty hard that evening also, but who's counting?

That whole week, Jennifer stayed so close to me that I began to think we were attached at the hip. Thankfully we were in different groups and didn't have class together. I liked her as a friend, but that was it. She asked me to be her boyfriend later on that week and I had to decline.

"Jennifer, I like you as a friend, but it can't be anything more than that," I told her after she asked. "I have a lot of things going on right now, and can't afford to have any type friendship like that."

"Like what things going on?" she asked, tears gathering in her eyes. I began to wonder why I even bothered.

"I've got homework and training so much so that I'm already going full tilt from five-thirty in the morning till eleven at night. If you want to be friends, I can do that, but anything else is just not going to happen. Can you understand that?"

"Yeah, I guess so. But what about the weekends?" Oh jeeze. Is it no wonder I liked to be alone?

"I've got more training, so I'm busy then, too."

She didn't want to, but she accepted it. But it was that Saturday that the shit hit the fan, so to speak. I got to Master Sloan's house on time and noticed something different about the bindings on the chair. The wrist and ankle bindings were larger; significantly larger.

"How do I put these on, Master?" I asked as he walked in the room.

He was carrying my gi bottoms and handed them to me as he spoke.

"Today's lesson is out back, Daniel," he said.

He took the wrist straps and put them on me. They were wide enough to wrap around both my wrist and hand. At the tips, which extended along the length of my hands, they had d-rings. I was still able to wrap my fingers around the extension and have the d-ring protrude through. The ankle bindings were similar, but it only fastened to my ankles, and with the extended portion going to the outside.

I slipped my gi bottoms on and we walked to the back of the house.

Outside was a contraption that took my breath away. Where the hell does he hide these things?

On the bottom was a metal platform in the shape of a circle. At the top was another circle about the same thickness. Supporting the top circle were four poles with wire leading out of them towards the bottom. A sort of control panel with four small wheels was placed on the side closest to us.

He led me to the middle of the device and had me lay down, with my extremities going towards each of the poles. The wires were clipped onto the new wrist and ankle bindings and I understood then the reason for them. He walked back over and sat down Indian-style and looked over the control panel.

Two wheels were turned and all four wires began disappearing into the hollow poles. Before long, the slack was totally taken out of all four wires and my body began rising from the ground. I had to pull my muscles as tightly as I could to keep from having it tear the limbs off my body. I groaned at the pain of it, but it felt good for some reason or other. Once I became perfectly horizontal, Master began to turn the other two wheels.

Both sets of poles began to move together around the circle of the device. At first, they were moving towards pulling my limbs together, but once they were touched, my master began turning the other direction. Slowly, I began to spread apart and before I knew it, my legs were being pulled straight apart. I think anyone can handle the arms being done that way, but having the legs being split apart isn't for everyone.

I groaned at the stress it was putting my body under, but I handled it. One of the wheels was turned again and my arms were pulled tighter. It was extremely painful now, but again, I was dealing with it.

Before either of us could do or say anything about it, a voice was heard from the other side of the gate. He turned and headed over to the gate as it opened.

"Hello," I heard Jennifer's voice say, and I had a shit-fit right there. "I was looking for 3;" She saw me. I could only imagine the look on her face.

I heard a choking noise and the gate was closed. Then I heard my master's voice.

"Before you go screaming, girl, you will listen to what we have to say," he was telling her. "Or life will be very difficult for you and your family."

Now, that threw me for a small loop. I wasn't sure if he was saying that to get her attention, to protect himself or to protect me. I wasn't too keen on him threatening her like that. To me it wasn't necessary.

"Master, let me down to talk to her, please," I told him through gritted teeth.

"You still have a few more minutes before I let you down, Daniel. You can talk to her from the position you're in now." Oh, that'll be a nice, comfortable chat.

He brought her over to the contraption with his hand at her throat. I glared at him; that certainly wasn't necessary.

"You don't need to do that, Master," I told him.

"We'll see," he said and then turned to her. "You make a move towards that gate without hearing Daniel out and you won't make it. I guarantee you, that."

She was scared, I could tell, but she nodded as well. Master left her standing next to my head. I did have it lying backwards and all I could see was the world upside-down. But now that Jennifer was here, I had to lift it up and try and keep it raised so we could talk.

"Are you okay?" she asked, apprehensively.

"I'm fine," I said, gritting my teeth a little.

"Doesn't this hurt?"

"A little, but it stretches me out and builds up my muscles. You know, 'no pain, no gain' kind of thing." I'm sure my master had other ideas in mind when this was built, but at the time, it was the only thing I could come up with.


"Look, why don't you sit down? You're making me tired just watching you stand there."

Master Sloan sniggered from the other side of the control panel. She flinched, getting away from him a little, but sat down anyway. I relaxed my neck muscles and allowed my head to drop down backwards. She was sitting down right in front of me now; sort of.

"What are you doing here, anyway?" It wasn't asked in any malicious manner, just out of curiosity.

"I was looking for you to see if you wanted to do something this afternoon."

"Like what?" I was still gritting my teeth, but the pain had lessened somewhat since she had sat down.

"I don't know; maybe see a movie or something."

"Jennifer 3;," I began.

"I know, I know, but I was just thinking maybe as friends."

"Well, I am kind of busy right now," I said, sort of sneering.

She giggled a little.

"I can see that, but maybe later on?"

"If you want to go, Daniel, it's not a big deal to miss one afternoon," my master chimed in. Thanks, sir, I was thinking sarcastically.

"Well, you want to stick around for the rest of the morning's training? We could go after that." Then I added to Master, "that okay with you, sir?"

"Fine with me, Daniel," he came back with casually.

"Sure," she answered when I looked back up/down to her. I didn't realize just how much women can complicate things. This day will be something to write into the diary.

Jennifer and I actually talked a little bit while I was still strung up on Master's stretching device. She even commented on it.

"It looks like a torture device out of the middle ages," she said while looking around it.

"I'm sure that was where someone got the idea for it," I said, sort of growling.

My master sniggered again. I got the idea from the initial encounter that Jennifer didn't care for Master Sloan. I understood why he did it; I just didn't think it was needed.

Finally, he let me down from that thing and unclipped my bindings from the machine. I pulled my arms and legs in to me to stretch out my back muscles and pull my arms back into their sockets. Master disappeared into the house and brought out the staffs while I was recovering. This was something he had been teaching me for the past month or so.

As the staff was pretty much an extension of my arm and hand, I took to it fairly easily. Over the past week, we'd been sparring every night. I learned more from the sparring than the lessons anyway.

"Let's see if you can do just as good with an audience, kid," he said and threw me a stick.

"You're going down, old man," I said, getting into my starting position.

"You haven't beaten me yet, brat," he countered.

"Every dog has his day, old timer."

We bowed to each other and it was on. He always lets me get one beginning shot in, but then the rest are usually his. But today, it wasn't going to happen. I was a bit sore from the machine earlier, but I still felt good.

I made my beginning move, but didn't show everything. Back and forth, we battled; neither one winning. I wasn't trying to win because Jennifer was here; I was trying to win for myself. He taught me a lesson early on; keep your mind on your opponent. Nothing else matters.

He left me an opening and I took it; nailing his side with the staff. He leaned to the side and my next move swept his legs out from under him. I won the first round. Both of us were winded, but we set up for round two. It was always the best of three rounds.

The first move was mine again and he countered easily. I ducked and as I swung the staff, he blocked again, but I spun around and feigned to strike for his legs again, but took it north for his head and connected. It spun him around and I was able to get him in the back of the legs. He went to the ground, but not out. I came down with the staff and he blocked it while kicked upwards, nailing me in the face. I fell backwards, but rolled up to brace for another attack. I felt my nose was bleeding, but paid it no mind. I had a master to beat.

The rest of the round took another fifteen minutes before I got the better of him again and he landed on his back. Two points; Daniel.

"Well done, artist," he said, admirably.

I bowed my thanks and helped him up. We went inside to clean up and for me to get dressed. He handed me a twenty as I was leaving.

"Have fun, Daniel, you deserve it," he said with a smile.

I hugged him around his neck.

"I love you, Master," I whispered low enough so Jennifer couldn't hear.

"And I, you, kiddo," he answered.

Jennifer and I had a blast at the movies. I let her know that she couldn't do that again. Master Sloan and I work best alone, I told her and she understood. Not completely, of course, but got the gist of it. I was glad that she did get it. Neither of us wanted or needed anyone sniffing around too closely.

"Why do you wear that collar, Daniel?" she asked as we were leaving the theater.

"At the beginning, it was to help me remember my homework. But by the time my grades had improved, I had gotten used to it, so I kept wearing it."

I liked talking to her, but I had to keep in mind that she wasn't Cody and always stayed on my guard. We continued our friendship throughout the month. Some thought that she was my girlfriend, but we knew different. I think she suspected something was amiss, but didn't confront me about it.

Cody and Master Nathan paid another visit towards the end of the month. I spent the entire evening tied up and suspended over the bed. Cody also found the supply of clothes pins and put two of them on my nipples for a while. It hurt, but my cock was never harder.

In April, towards my birthday at the end of the month, something happened as she and I were walking home one day from school. I heard Brad's voice from around a corner of a fence.

"Look, you know who my brother is, George," he was saying.

I peeked around the corner while holding Jennifer back behind me. I made the hand signal to be quiet and she nodded. I wanted to hear this.

"I don't care who your brother is, Brad, I ain't doing it," this George was answering.

George was about my size while Brad was significantly shorter and smaller. But also, George had a gang of three others around him. Four against one is something I hated with a passion, but I still didn't show myself, yet.

"Fine; I'll just tell him you were picking on me and he'll beat the shit out of you for me," he was saying.

Oh really?! News to me.

"Well, he ain't here now, is he?" George stated.

"Actually, he is," I said, coming around the corner finally.

All five of them were stunned, but Brad recovered the quickest.

"He's messing with me, Trae," he started, but I stopped him.

"Shut up, Brad," I said, raising my hand. I turned to George. "What is it that he wants you to do?" George may have been slow, but he noticed that things might have changed a bit.

"He wants all of us to pay him a dollar, or he'll get you to beat us up," George said, with a little fear in his voice. My reputation was preceding me.

"So that's it, eh?" I turned to Brad with a cold, icy stare. The fear in his eyes was delicious. Payback's a bitch, ain't it? "Do what you want to him, George. I didn't see anything."

I turned to Jennifer and she was shocked. George grabbed Brad's shirt and a fist was planted to his stomach. I told Jennifer about Brad's attitude and how many times he had screwed with me over the years. Just desserts, I believe they're called. I didn't actually enjoy watching my younger brother get the shit kicked out of him, but it had been a long time coming. She and I sat down and watched the four of them go at the brat.

When he was down on the ground after several blows to his face, midribs, hips and side, I called a halt to it. I didn't want them to kill him, after all.

"I think he's learned his lesson, gentlemen," I said, getting up and walking over to them. They stopped and backed off. I headed to George first.

"Don't think that this will get you any favors from me, George. This was a one-time thing. Got it?"

"Yeah, I got it, but it was worth it," he said with a little delight to his voice.

"For me, too," I told him.

The four were sent away with my blessings and I picked Brad up from the ground. He had been worked over pretty good. It was going to be a long time before he tried any shit with anyone again. I wondered how many others he extorted money from, but that was a problem for our parents.

Brad let out a small whimper as I helped him to his feet. I got right in his face before helping him back to the house.

"I think that this'll be the end of this little enterprise of yours, especially when I tell Mom and Dad about it." He moaned at that realization, making me believe there were others. Made me sick to think we were even related.

I turned to Jennifer and asked if she could help me get him home and she nodded. I hated to miss my training, and possible fuck from my master, but this was a bit more important. We got him home and my mom freaked out. She ran around the house like a chicken with its head cut off finding things to doctor him up with. When she went to the phone to call the police, I stopped her.

"Trae, the police need to be told," she said, dialing. I put my hand on the receiver.

"No, they don't," I said with a knowing look. "Brad brought this on himself."

"What 3;?"

I told her what I had heard and what happened. Jennifer backed me up. Now Mom was really pissed, and for once it wasn't at me. If he wasn't so battered from the assault, he would've spent the whole night in pain from a beating from her. I have never seen her so pissed off in my whole life.

She took him to his room and I called Master Sloan.

"I was wondering what had happened to you, Daniel," he said after I told him everything. I was so wanting to be adventurous and offer myself up for punishment, but with Jennifer there, it was not a good idea.

He told me it was no big deal and that he would see me the next day. I hung up with him and I took Jennifer home. Later, when Dad got home, all hell broke loose when he heard about it. I listened quietly from my bedroom, but inside I was screaming to the top of my lungs. Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Clause. The only thing that would've made it better was that if it happened the following week on my birthday. But, we can't get everything we want, can we?

Brad was grounded for the rest of the school year and the summer by my parents. They found out that he had made over fifty dollars with that little enterprise. My parents paid the money back to the kids and he had to pay them back. Actually, he was damned lucky he didn't get expelled for it. The rest of the school year, though, he couldn't talk to any other student. He couldn't even say "hi" to anyone and if he did, then expulsion. After that, I firmly believed that God does exist.

"I wish he were raped for that, Master," I said that Friday night in his bed. He had just given me my "birthday fuck" and we were recovering.

He pulled me up to look me in the face. The look scared me.

"Don't even think that, Daniel," he said forcefully.

"I'm sorry, Master; you're right. I just think that he should of gotten punished more."

"That may be, Daniel, but never think that someone should ever be raped as a form of punishment. You remember how it was for you on your first time, and I was as gentle as I could be. Imagine going through that without someone caring about what they would do to you."

I nodded to his wisdom and set back down to the side of his body. I knew he was right, but I still couldn't help thinking that Brad got off easy. After all the bullshit I've had to deal with from him over the previous years, he got off real easy.

My birthday was real cool. I had Master Sloan, my parents, Jennifer, Cody, and, unfortunately, Brad there for it. It was a normal eleven-year-old's birthday party. I didn't want a big crowd; just my closest friends. My master tied me spread-eagled to his bed the next night and fucked me silly for almost an hour. It was a great birthday.

Brad came in to see me one Sunday evening in May.

"I'm sorry, Trae," he said quietly.

"For what?" I asked, looking up from my history book to look at him.

"For all the bad things I've done to you," he said and he seemed to mean it. I motioned for him to come to me as I swung my legs over the edge of the bed. I grabbed him lovingly by the wrists and looked at him fully in the eye. I had to raise his chin for him to look at me.

"Master Sloan always says not to apologize because it means nothing if behavior isn't changed. I agree. Don't say you're sorry and then go and do it again."

"I won't," he said, with a few tears gathering. I stood up and hugged him tightly.

"As much of a pain in the ass that you've been, Brad, I still love you. Okay?"

He nodded as he hugged me back. We stayed like that for a few minutes before he turned and left the room. I smiled as I watched him leave. I was hoping Brad had learned his lesson from this.

May came and went like nothing else. The school year ended with another set of straight A's from me. Brad was lucky he got the bare minimum for passing. I was getting restless for the retreat to hurry and arrive. Every day it seemed like it wasn't short enough to elapse. But it finally ended. Summer was here.

Chapter Nineteen
Revealing Retreat

After many months of speculation and worry and conditioning and worry and exercise and much more worry, the Friday night arrived that I was supposed to spend with Master Sloan and we were leaving the next day for our retreat. I felt that I was fairly ready for it, but I didn't have a clue what was ahead of me at this place.

My master and I packed our bags that night so we could leave first thing in the morning. It was a five hour drive to get there and we had to get going as soon as possible. We didn't play at all that night, as he thought I would need as much rest as possible for the weekend.

"You're sure you want to go, Daniel?" he asked as we were lying in his bed.

"Of course I'm not sure, Master," I said while smirking, "but I still want to go. I mean, how can I be sure of something that I've never experienced before?"

"You're getting smarter by the day. You know that?"

"Only from your lessons, sir," I said, trying to butter him up a little. He saw right through that, though. A slap on my ass told me that. We turned in for the night, but it wasn't easy for me to fall asleep. I eventually did, though.

I remember having a nightmare that night about being at the retreat. Others were touching me, as Master said they would, but then more and more kept doing it. Master Sloan had turned his back to talk to someone and didn't know I was being practically swallowed up by these strange men. I reached for him and called, but he didn't turn around. I panicked and woke up calling his name.

"You okay?" he asked as I had woken him up as well.

"Yes, sir," I said, nodding. "It was just a nightmare."

I curled up next to him and held on tight to him as I fell back to sleep.

The next day, I hit the streets running and did my now five miles [8 km] barefooted. I came back and showered while my master made us breakfast. As I got dressed, he had me don all my normal bonds with my servant's collar. I loaded the luggage into the trunk of the car and we headed out. Destination; Bondage Weekend.

An hour into the drive, he pulled over and put the top down. I asked if I could take my shoes and socks off for the drive.

"Why don't you go ahead and get undressed all the way?" he asked.

I got a stunned look on my face as I turned to him quickly.

"No one out here but us freaks, kiddo," he said, pointing to the open road. He had a good point.

I took my clothes completely off. Now, this was the life! No one around for miles and miles and I was fully naked (excluding leather bonds) outdoors. I just had to lie back and enjoy the sun.

"You got your plug in?" he asked needlessly.

"Of course, Master, I always do as I'm told," I said, with a smile. I remembered that it took a full two weeks to get used to that thing inside me. Two weeks of wiggling around in class. Two weeks of my dick leaking as I did my morning runs. It was torture in itself, but I finally managed it. It was worth it.

"Oh, this outta be interesting," he said and I opened my eyes again.

An eighteen-wheeler was just up ahead and we were closing in on it fast. I snickered and almost covered up, but got a wicked notion.

"Should I give him a show, Master?"

"Oh, why not?" he snorted back to me.

With one hand, I reached behind me and pulled my plug out. It was put into its bag and the bag was placed under the seat. The other one reached down and began stroking my now eleven year old boy-cock. I picked up one of my socks and ran it out from under me, between my legs to catch the semen when it shot out. I was fully ready to give a nice show to the driver, now. We crept up at a slower pace as I stroked my stiffy.

"You're slowing down on purpose, aren't you, Master?" I asked as I beat off slowly.

"If we're going to give him a show, then let's give him one." Sounded reasonable to me.

I was going at it pretty well when we got even with the cab of the semi truck. My legs were spread wide open and my hand was working myself furiously. I opened my eyes slightly to see an older man with a salt-n-pepper beard looking down at me. Talk about a priceless look.

I know Master slowed the car down enough to drive along side his truck, but to make sure he did, I heard him shift gears and speed up. I licked my lips lasciviously at him, and I knew it was turning him on like nothing else would. My other hand reached up and tweaked each of my nipples in turn. I arched my back in pleasure/pain at each turn. The scene was also beginning to turn me on as well. I wondered if he was jacking his dick with me.

My free hand snaked down over my stomach and down to my nuts. I arched my back again as I gave them a squeeze as I had been taught. It was something that had begun to turn me on since Valentine's Day; per Master Sloan's instructions, of course. I winced at the pain, but hummed at the feelings of pleasure it gave me.

I leaned the chair back and pulled my feet up to rest on the seat. I restarted jacking my preteen cock for our audience and stuck my finger in my mouth for some saliva. After spending the past five months getting my brains fucked out of me, I certainly didn't need saliva for my finger, but it gave the driver something else to watch. My wet finger began working its way back down to my crotch again and then past it.

It found my boy-hole and I groaned in pleasure as I sunk it in as deep as it could go. I winced at the supposed pain, but kept jacking off as furiously as possible for him. I felt it coming moments before it happened and I stroked even harder; slamming my hand along its length. I moaned in pure ecstasy as waves of euphoria washed over my young body.

Semen shot out and coated my sock quite liberally. It wasn't like gallons of the stuff, but a fair amount for a boy of eleven. I looked up to the driver and he was smiling one of the biggest grins I have ever seen. I wasn't quite finished yet. I picked up the sock and after sticking my tongue out, I ran it along the pale liquid's track and into my mouth. I closed my lips and swallowed my own juices to the delight of the two men watching the show.

"You are definitely going to be the hit of the place, Daniel," my master said, rearranging his familiar cock in his pants.

"Do you want me to take care of that for you, Master?" I asked, still smiling with cum on my breath.

"Better not push it," he said, shaking his head.

"Spoilsport," I chided.

"Besides, there'll be plenty of time for that at the retreat," another smile while chuckling.

I looked up at our guest and blew him a kiss. He blew the truck's air horn as my master sped the car back up to cruising speed.

"Now, that was fun."

"Certainly made his day, I think," Master shot back with.

The rest of the drive was uneventful, but I liked being out in the open and nude. I was going to hate coming back to civilization after this weekend. I had a small snack just before noon and as I finished eating, the car slowed and he turned off the main highway onto a smaller side road. We took that for about fifteen minutes until it dead ended to a barred gate with two men standing guard.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Carpenter," one of them said. Both of them were checking out the nude seat cover in the passenger's chair. I just sat there, proud, but not boastful; respectful, but not subdued. I was anxious, but also containing it.

I could see both of them look at each other in the side-view mirror as we drove off. It looks like we've made two more people's day better. Master Sloan drove the car up the drive and parked it close, but not too close, to the house. I opened my door and got out and then waited for him to come around to me.

"You're ready for this, Daniel," he said, kneeling down to me. He had his hands on my upper arms and looking at me with both pride and love. "Just remember everything you've been taught."

"I will, Master," I said and hugged him tightly around his neck again. "I love you, Sloan. Thank you for everything." I knew it was an extreme breech in protocol, but it was probably the last private moment I was going to have with him all weekend and I wanted to express my sincere gratitude to him.

"I love you, too, Daniel. Never forget that."

I shook my head, no, and backed off. We dried our eyes and got the luggage. All we had to do was take it to the front porch of the front house. The slave belonging to our host would take them from there. Once we arrived on the porch and set our bags down, he turned to me and attached a leash to my collar with a lock on it. Then, upon standing, he motioned to the bell.

"If you're ready, ring the bell," he said simply.

I walked over and with a nervous hand, pushed the button for the doorbell. A few seconds later, a tall teenager answered the door. He had blond hair, but wavy while mine was straight. Blue eyes lit up as he saw my master and a smile spread his face wider. He had on a traditional slave's dress; black wrist and ankle cuffs, collar, and a black leather Speedo-type suit around the midriff.

"Master Sloan, good to see you," he said, bowing slightly. He ignored me completely at the beginning, as proper etiquette demanded. He bowed us inside and Master took the invitation.

"Jon, good to see you, too. Jon, this is Daniel," he said, introducing him to me.

His eyes bugged out of their sockets when he turned. He returned to his proper stance immediately, but the initial effect was evident.

"Welcome, Daniel," he said, bowing to me.

"Thank you, sir," I said back.

"Can you tell me where your master is, Jon?" Master Sloan asked him quickly. It was probably to remove his eyes from my body.

"This way, sir," he said and finally turned away.

Master Sloan took my leash and slipped his hand through the loop at the end. I walked up and put my finger through his belt loop as practiced over a hundred times. I stared straight ahead as we walked through the house. There were others there and the conversation died out as we passed through. I found it difficult not to smirk, but I managed.

We made it outside and I could hear a few people from the house almost fight to get to the door and follow us. The others on the grounds also turned when they saw what was padding next to Master Sloan Carpenter. I mostly saw men that could only be masters and very few slaves so far. That kind of bothered me a little, but I had enough to be anxious about without adding to it, so I put it out of my mind.

Jon led us to a pavilion-type of building a short walk behind the front house. I saw a building to the left of the pavilion and another to the right. Both of the other buildings looked identical. Once we got to the pavilion, Jon walked us right up to two men having a conversation. When we stopped, I got into my relaxed stance.

"Master," Jon said, interrupting the banter. "Master Sloan is here."

"Sloan!" the older man said, turning with a grin and a hand out. "Damn good to see you, ole' boy!" He had gray hair and goatee. He was probably in his mid-fifties, maybe late fifties, but still in pretty good shape for a man his age.

"Good to see you, too, William," my master said, returning the handshake. "William, this is Daniel. Daniel, this is Master William."

"Good God, Sloan, he's gorgeous," Master William commented. Now, where have I heard that before?

"Good afternoon, Master William," I said, bowing slightly at the waist and returning.

"He's so cute, adorable, even," he said, seemingly wanting to tear into me right then and there. He turned to my master and asked, "May I?" while motioning to me.

"Of course," Master said, nodding. Then to me he barked, "Stand!" Here we go 3;

My hands whipped behind my head and I stood in perfect stance. Master Sloan let the leash go and backed off from me. I just stood there, looking dead ahead while this Master William looked me over like he was looking over a prized calf.

He walked around me once, then closed in and ran his hands all over my body. I made sure to keep my cock soft, as expected. He went down my right side all the way to my toes and then back up on the left. My chest was gone over and then he went back down for a closer inspection of my pubis and buttocks areas. The buttplug was played with briefly and then he went onward. My nuts were mulled over a little and then back up to my face. His hand went along my jaw line and then a thumb to my lips.

"Open, boy," he said simply. I opened my mouth; thank God we stopped for a rest before we arrived so I could get the smell of cum off my breath. His thumb slipped inside and all over my teeth and tongue and then back out again. My nipples were played with momentarily, but that was it. His hand went back down to my cock again and squeezed.

"Have you learned to control this, boy?" he asked while squeezing. I looked to my master and he nodded.

"Yes, sir," I said. For the most part.

"You don't have to look to me, Daniel," he said, giving me permission to circumvent that procedure.

"Yes, sir."

"How old are you, boy?" he asked, releasing my cock finally.

"Eleven, sir."

"And how long have you been Sloan's slave?"

"Eight months, sir."

"And do you find it fulfilling?"

"Yes, sir."

"Why?" I hate that question.

"Because this slave enjoys pleasing his master, sir." I knew the exact thing to say and not to say. At my master's house, I could get away with quite a bit more than here. This was important, and I was not about to flub this up for him. Pronouns like "I" and "me" are not allowed in this setting from a slave.

"Has he fucked you yet?" Why does everyone want to know that?

"Yes, sir!"

"Did it feel good?"

"Not at the time, sir."

A few snickers broke out around us. I knew we were surrounded by just about everyone.

"I'm sure. But then that means you've just lied to me, boy."

It took me a second to realize what had just happened and it took another second to recover and to tap dance out of it. I'd embellished and I shouldn't have, but now was not the time for self-chastisement.

"No, sir!"


"No, sir!"

"You just said that you enjoy pleasing your master. Now, I'm sure that it hurt you, so you either enjoy getting hurt or you lied. Which is it?"

"This slave did not enjoy that, sir!"

"Then you lied to me," he said again.

"No, sir, this slave did not lie to you, sir!"

"Explain that, then, boy."

"Sir! May this slave speak freely, sir?" I saw Master Sloan cover his mouth, knowing where this was probably going.

"Oh, please do, little slave," he said and I stuttered at that. Sudden realization slammed into me like a tornado. I put it out of my mind for the time being.

"Sir, Master William asked why this slave finds this life fulfilling and he answered in the present tense that he 'enjoys', not 'enjoyed'. At that time, this slave did not enjoy it, but Master needed it and it was done to please him. Sir!"

More than a few snickers broke out amongst the crowd at my answer.

"Oh, this kid's precious, Sloan," he said, turning to my master. After that, he turned back to me for continued banter. "And what do you think of getting fucked now, boy?"

"Thoroughly enjoyable, sir!" A huge round of laughter broke out at that one. Once it settled back down, he went on.

"Do you play with yourself?"

"Only if Master Sloan gives this slave permission, sir!" It might have been an embellishment, but it was the correct answer.

"What if he orders you to do it?!"

"Then this slave will obey his master, sir."

"When was the last time you did, boy?"

"This morning, sir."


"Because Master Sloan thought it would be a good idea to show off his slave to a truck driver, sir."

Quite a few guffaws and cackles followed on the heels there. Even Master William laughed.

"Okay, Daniel, relax," he said, but I didn't move yet.

I looked to my master and he nodded and I moved my hands down behind my back and relaxed. He put his hand behind my head and while bending down, pulled me to him.

"Sloan must be very proud of you, Daniel," he said, smiling to me.

"I can only hope that he is, sir," I answered quietly.

Reaching up, he kissed me lightly on the forehead and turned back to my master. Keeping in mind the setting, I followed him over to stand with him and Master Sloan. Some of the men in the crowd made their way over to us. My master reached down and grabbing the leash, held on to it as the other men passed by us.

The two masters talked while I kept an eye on the gawkers passing by us. Most of them were just simply curious, but more than a few glances made me apprehensive. I always kept a part of me touching my master, as instructed. I'm sure many of them knew there'd be time later to touch and feel every part of my body.

Master William led us down the length of the pavilion and past seven slaves in their late teens and early twenties setting up the stage for the evening's festivities. A master was standing watch over them with a wicked bullwhip in his hands. I shivered at the thought of that thing lancing my perfectly smooth skin.

We walked to the building to the left of the pavilion and inside. A whip lashed out and a scream sounded from the room we just entered. A slave was secured spread-eagled to the farthest wall and had taken a lash from a whip. Two other slaves were tied up and taking beatings as well. One was inverted on an "X" cross while the other was stretched out on his stomach on a rack.

The master with the slave on the rack saw me first and stopped immediately what he was doing. The other two looked in the same direction and saw me as well. Others were on the side of the wall next to the door we just entered and all other conversation stopped from them also. Talk about a showstopper.

Master William led us by the men on the wall and one of them reached out to feel my leg. I moved deftly aside to walk away from him. He totally missed me.

"Stop, boy!" he cried. The three of us stopped and turned back to him.

"Is there a problem, Nicholas?" Master William asked the man.

"Yeah, there's a problem, Will. This slaveboy deliberately sidestepped to avoid me touching him."

"Is this true?" Master William asked me and I looked to my master for permission. He nodded to me.

"Yes, sir, Master William."

"Why did you do that?" he asked.

"Because the master did not get permission from Master Sloan to touch his property, sir." I knew my protocols well.

"The boy is right, Nicholas," Master William told him, looking away from me and to him. "Get permission first; you know the rules."

The man was pissed, but acquiesced to him. We walked onward, leaving him behind in our wake. I was pretty proud of myself on that one.

"Well handled, Daniel," Master William commented once we were inside the room.

I looked to my master in question and he nodded.

"We're in private now, Daniel," he said.

"Yes, sir." I turned to Master William. "Thank you, sir. But may I ask a question, sir?"

"Go on," he said, slightly amused.

"Is he one of the ones that I hope doesn't catch me tonight?"

Both men had to chuckle a little at that one.

"Let's just say that you do now. If you had just let him touch you, I doubt there would've been a problem."

"But he was the one violating the rules, sir."

"True, but would there've been any harm to it?"

"Only to my master, sir."

"Oh, you are just too good, Daniel," he said giving me another kiss on the forehead.

Our luggage was brought in by Jon and then Master William and Jon left the room to us. I put our suitcases into the bedroom and took out some things that needed air. Master walked in and gave me a hug.

"I am extremely proud of you, you know that?"

"Thank you, sir," I said with a smile. But what I had concluded earlier hit home and my face showed it.

"What's wrong, Daniel?" he asked, taking me by my hands and leading me to the bed. He sat down and looked me in the eye. I fidgeted again for the first time in months. "Spit it out."

"I don't want to make you mad again, Master," I said, pleadingly.

"Right now, nothing you are going to tell me will make me mad. I promise." I took him at his word.

"Master William used to be your master, wasn't he?" I closed my eyes waiting for the explosion, but it never came. I carefully opened one eye then the other.

"Why am I even surprised?" he asked himself and then gave me a hug. I hugged him back and we stayed like that for a while. Finally, he broke away from me to look me in the eye again. "What gave it away?"

"Well, the main thing was when he called me 'little slave', but as we were walking to this building, I remembered that he called you 'boy'. It may have been 'ole' boy', but still it was there."

"You are just too damn smart for your own good, boy," he said, but smiling.

We put our things away and then left the room for downstairs. I made it a point to walk to my master's right and away from the one called Nicholas. I think he would've scared me even without the confrontation. As we cleared the building's door, I saw something that made me cringe.

"Oh shit," I quietly exclaimed. I quickly got behind my master to make him hide me.

He heard the comment and turned around. I put him between myself and what I saw. I was back to fidgeting again.

"What is it?" he asked, genuinely concerned. Nothing short of this would make me this panicked.

"Those two men over there talking to Master William, sir," I said, nodding in their direction.

"That's David and Karl, Daniel, so what?" Then it clicked with him. "You know them, don't you?"

"Yes, sir; they're my principal and science teacher!" God, I was so damn scared for him.

He smiled though. That was the last reaction I would've thought.

"Don't worry, Daniel, I know enough about them to put them away for a long time if they talk. Believe me on that."

I nodded, but I wasn't liking this at all. He turned around and we walked towards them again. I was still behind my master, but back to my position off to the right. We walked up to the three men and one teenager finishing their conversation. Master William nodded and walked off with Jon to attend to a problem.

"Sloan!" both men cried to him. Hands were shaken around and then Mr. Hastings turned to me.

"You couldn't have found a better master, Daniel," he said, smiling.

I looked up to him in shock, but didn't answer. My master turned and nodded to me, but I still wasn't sure I wanted to say anything yet. But he took the initiative again.

"I know a slave's collar when I see one, Daniel," he said, still smiling.

"You've known all along, Mr. Hastings?" I asked, forgetting where we were for a moment. He knelt down to look at me square as my master does.

"Yes, Trae, I've known all this time that you were a slave, but who your master was, I was unsure of. I knew Sloan was in our area, but I didn't know you two had met. I'm glad you found each other."

"So am I, sir," I said, remembering my place and location.

"I suppose introductions are moot here, huh?" he asked, rising back up. I allowed myself a snicker at him.

"Where's Roger?" my master asked Master David.

"He's moved on, Sloan. We'll miss him, for sure, but it was time." He seemed to have a wistful look about him.

My master nodded in understanding and the four of us walked off together.

"Too bad I won't have you in my class any more, Daniel," Master Karl said as we were walking off. I looked up to my master and he nodded once again.

"I agree, sir. I liked your class. Especially you looking at my butt everyday."

The four of us walked around for a while. They decided to stop and talk close to the main house on the outside porch. Master Nathan arrived about an hour later with Derrick in tow. Derrick was in his late teens and very well built. I guess Master Nathan likes us that way. The other masters were informed of my interview with Master William and all of them laughed at all the right parts.

"I knew the boy was smart, but that was clever of you, Daniel," Master Karl commented. I smiled my thanks.

The telling of the story took some time as Master Sloan had to frequently stop and give permission to someone to touch me. I never went from my resting pose to my standing one and back again so many times in my life. My buttplug and cock were toyed with at least once by each of them. Not once did I complain or gripe about so many men touching me. Such was my place in the world at the time.

Later that afternoon, a class was being held in the pavilion. All of the masters sat in chairs around a stadium seating arrangement while us slaves knelt by their sides. As I looked around at all of them, not moving my head, of course, I saw how each of them sat and carried themselves. They were different, but still had a sort of similarity about them. Each was submissive, but also proud of who they were and who they served. It made me want to make Master Sloan even more proud of me. I was determined more than ever not to embarrass him.

The class that was being held dealt with piercings. I watched in fascination as a slave of about sixteen was led to the stage. He already had his nipples and both testicles pierced with earrings in all four places. This was going to be something new. He called it a "Prince Albert".

I watched in horror as the master pierced the boy's cock right below the head and up through the urethra. The boy never made a sound or uttered a response in protest to this new addition. I made sure not to make a reaction, but my insides were churning for him.

"Don't even think about it, Daniel," Master said, leaning down to me.

"Furthest thing from my mind, sir," I shot back. He snickered but I did look up to him in question. He nodded for me to proceed. "Would it be a big deal to get my nipples done, though, sir?"

He sat back with his hand over his face. I thought maybe I had crossed a line with the request.

"What am I going to do with you?" I heard a snicker come from his hand and I relaxed. "I tell you what, if you make it through the hunt without being captured, we'll do it before going to bed. If you get captured, you'll have to wait till later. Deal?"

"Deal, sir," I smiled.

Chapter Twenty

The masters had an evening meal while we slaves served them to perfection. Masters Karl, William, David, and Nathan ate their meal with my master. The three of us served them all while they enjoyed a conversation together. I took in the conversation easily now, but made no comments of my own. When they didn't need us any more, the three of us served ourselves a plate of food.

"You might want to keep it light, Daniel," Jon suggested as we got our plates.

"I was already thinking that, Jon," I said, smiling. It was true; I knew I would be running my ass off that evening and I didn't need a big meal slowing me down or giving me cramps.

The three of us knelt down with our plates on the ground in front of us. I had my drink to my side and as I reached for it once, someone kicked it over. I looked up to see Nicholas walking by. I didn't bother challenging him there; I just got up and got another drink from the table. It was just a drink after all.

As we assembled in the pavilion for the evening's festivities, Master Sloan took me forward and we sat down in the first row. Before I knelt down by his side, he removed all of my bindings and put them in his bag. My collar was left on with its leash attached. I removed the buttplug with an audible "thwock" as it came out and it was placed into the bag reserved only for it. I knelt down beside him and we waited for the proceedings to begin. Master William began the festivities after about fifteen minutes of us sitting there.

"Good evening, gentlemen, and welcome to our annual showcasing. Many of you are looking for new slaves and if you'll see me tomorrow, I can provide you some information that will help in your search. But for now, we have a hunt to proceed with."

With that, he turned to my master and motioned for him to come on stage. I was to follow. As he rose, I took a deep breath and stood as well. I turned to see a mass of men staring at us (probably more me than the other two) as we took the stage.

"Many of you know Master Sloan Carpenter. Well, he is going to introduce his slave to you tonight, who will play the part of the fox in our little game."

Many cheered for a few minutes, but went silent as Master took the microphone.

"Gentlemen, may I present our 'fox' to you; Daniel," he said with a wave of his hand to me.

Nervous, but wanting to make him proud of me, I stepped forward and bowed slightly and back to my resting pose. Applause broke out all over the building with a few whistles thrown in for good measure. I tried to put them out of my mind as I stood there on display.

"Stand!" he barked at me and my hands instantly went behind my neck to present all of me to them. Another round of applause and some more whistles filled the air of the place. He turned back to them again. "I believe that you'll find this 'fox' up to the challenge of tonight's hunt."

My master moved away from the microphone and stood behind me, but not directly there. Master William stood up to it again while Master Sloan removed the leash from my collar.

"May I ask him some questions, Sloan?" he asked, motioning to me.

"Of course."

"Daniel, how old are you?"

"Eleven, sir!" A few "oooes" came from them at that. The sadistic perverts.

"And how long have you been a slave?"

"Eight months, sir!"

I was answering all the questions that I did before, but now it was for everyone's benefit. I barked them out loud and clear, and I got the feeling that my master was proud of me.

"Do you have a safeword?"

"Yes, sir!"

"What is it?"

"Rutilus, sir!"

"Do what?!" It was the first time he stuttered since I'd met him earlier that day. I choked down a snick and stood stock-still.

"Rutilus, sir!" I wasn't embellishing, and wasn't going to answer until the question was asked.

"And where did you get that one?" he asked, after recovering finally.

"Out of a book, sir!" If he wanted to play games, so could I.

A lot of chuckling from the crowd accompanied that one.

"What does it mean, boy?" he asked, trying to control his own snickers.

"It's Latin for 'red', sir!" I figured they could get the implications on their own from there. I was going to inform him of my "slow word", but thought better of it. Right then was not the time.

"Oh, you are a treasure, boy. I wish I was going on this hunt, but such is not the case, though." He turned back to the crowd. "Now that we've heard his safeword, would the fifteen masters that have been chosen for this hunt step forward?"

Fifteen men walked down the aisles and stood there. Some of them had nets, while others had ropes, hooks and a few poles. I got the feeling this was a lynching; not a hunt. I saw to my horror that Nicholas was one of the men standing there. I put him out of my mind and controlled my fear. I needed to stay sharp, not mindless. But I also noticed that both Masters David and Karl were in the group as well. I breathed a little easier knowing that. If I was going to get caught, I was hoping it would be by either of them.

"Let's get our 'prey' ready, shall we?"

A buttplug was carried onto the stage and handed to my master behind me. It was slightly larger than what I was used to, but it also had a fox's tail about a foot and a half [45 cm] long attached to it. He slipped up behind me and told me to get into my punishment position and I obeyed. It was inserted, much to the chagrin of its victim, but not too painful.

I stood back up at his command and had the idea to sashay my ass once to feel the fur across the back of my legs. It was a breech of protocol, but I thought I could get away with it. It arched upward for an inch [2½ cm] or so, but then reached all the way down to my knees. I heard more than just a few snickers from the crowd and a few leery looks from those about to hunt me.

"Okay, now that our prey is prepared, bring out the hounds!" he cried and four brown bloodhounds were brought out from the side and onto the stage. All of them padded over to me and sniffed every part of my body. I kept still, but wanted to giggle when one hit my underarms.

"Daniel," he said and I turned towards him. He told me to relax and I did before he continued. "You have one minute to run before we turn the dogs loose. Don't worry; they've been trained not to bite." I nodded to him that I understood. "There are two rules; make it back here to your master, you win and will be safe for the evening. However, if you're caught by one of the masters here, you'll spend the rest of the night with him. Understand?"

"Yes, sir!" I stated firmly.

"Okay. GO!"

I bolted to the right and did a forward, twisting somersault off the deck of the stage and onto the floor; it kept my momentum moving forward. I also wanted to give them a taste of what their "prey" could do. I heard Master William snigger as I left the building and turned right for the back "gaming area" as they called it. It was a somewhat open field with sparse vegetation, but it was enough for an eleven-year-old to use.

"Oh, this is going to be fun," were the last words I heard as I hit the field running. I was now thankful for the training that my master had given me by making me wear that buttplug. I was used to running with it by this time.

I needed to put as much distance between myself and the others in the next sixty seconds before those dogs were turned loose. While running in stride, I grabbed a branch that was lying on the ground and took it with me. I brushed the leaves all over my body as I ran, getting my smell on them as much as possible. At one point, I threw the branch to the right and I jumped as hard as I could to the left.

I heard a shot go off behind me and mad barking ensued. Someone let the dogs out. I put on a burst of speed, knowing that that little diversion wasn't going to hold them for long. While running, I heard something coming from up ahead and it was running water. I smiled and kicked it into a higher gear.

I ran as hard as I could for the stream and vaulted over it, landing hard and tumbling into a bush. It scraped my back, but I put the pain out of my mind for now. I wiped up my tracks with another branch and headed off to my right. I heard the hounds taking their time with my first little diversion with the branch and had to smile to myself again.

"This is fun," I told myself, twisting my head back towards the area that the men were gathered, trying to get the dogs to pick up my scent again.

The "fun" stopped being fun a moment later, when I tripped over a root and hit the ground, face-first. I heard something ominous when I hit and stopped dead in my tracks. It was a rattle coming from just above my head. I slowly moved to look towards it and a huge rattlesnake was coiled up, ready to strike.

My master had taught me to aim where a thing is going to be; not where it is. It aids in anticipating an opponent's hit. If the snake was going to strike, I needed to anticipate where it was going.

I gently pulled back, but it seemed determined to come at me. I got my hand ready, and hopefully predicting where it was heading with its fangs, I grabbed. To my shock, I had snatched it right behind its head and held on tight. I closed my eyes as it spit its venom at me. Carefully, I stood up and wiped my face off. I was about to throw it away, but had a thought.

"You, my little friend, are going to help me," I said to it as it angrily hissed.

The snake coiled its body around my arm, but that was not really a concern. It actually helped as it didn't get caught on anything. I saw a small set of hills in the distance and headed towards them. I thought about sneaking over the hill, but reconsidered and allowed myself to be seen. It worked. I heard more than one of them shout that they had seen me.

As I got over the hill, I waited until I heard the dogs coming closer. While I waited, I got the snake's body uncoiled from my arm and ready. At the last possible second, I threw the snake back over the hill and in direct line of my path. The shouting changed to screaming and the running went in another direction. I simpered to myself and headed to my left. It took me farther away from my ultimate goal, but I thought that it would look a little too obvious if I tried heading back to the pavilion immediately.

One of my favorite stories when I was younger was Ransom of Red Chief. Now I knew how the boy felt as he took charge of the two kidnappers. It felt great to beat these guys at their own game.

I continued running in that same general direction until I came to a lake. My feet had made tracks to the lake, but instead of wiping them out, I used them and backtracked several steps and jumped to my left to go around it. I wiped off my new tracks and took a few steps away. I saw a large rock and threw it into the water with a resounding splash. I bolted to the left again and off towards the pavilion.

It was way off to my left and still a long way to run to get there, but I was confident that I could make it. The sun was down now, and I could see the flashlights going towards the lake behind me. I turned back around and ran smack-dab into a cactus. I have got to learn to watch where I was going. Hitting the ground, I rolled over in some severe pain. But I had to get past it fast; I had hunters on my tail. Literally. I stood up and after picking out two of the worse thorns, I started running again.

As I got close to the pavilion, I stopped. It seemed too easy. I know that sounds cheesy, but it didn't seem right that everyone of them were out there hunting me on the grounds. I grabbed a rock and threw it as hard as I could in that direction and then quickly dropped back down to the ground. A silhouette stood up at the sound of that rock hitting a fence. It was Nicholas.

I grabbed another rock and threw it hard to the left and took off running towards the pavilion. He stood up to see what made the sound again and looked in that direction. When he saw me, I figured it was too late for him to do anything about it. I just didn't know how fast he could move that large bulk of his. But I wasn't out of my bag of tricks just yet.

As he blocked my path to my master, I used my hands as a springboard to vault upside down and into his face with my feet. It was always one of my favorite moves my master had taught me. If there was one of them that I was not going to be caught by, it was him. It was mainly his attitude that I hated the most; thinking that he "mastered" the world, or something.

I tumbled over him as he laid on the ground screaming about his nose and hauled ass to the building that held my safety. No one was in my way now. I saw my master standing there talking with Master Nathan and Master William and I ran even faster. When I was about four feet [1.2 m] from him, I launched myself at him. He saw me in time and braced for the impact. It wasn't enough and we landed on the ground anyways.

My arms were wrapped around his neck in a death-grip while my legs were around his torso and I was shaking from top to bottom. I wasn't letting go of him for all the gold in the world. I had been brave out there because I had to be. Now that I was back in my master's arms, I let it all go; the fear, isolation, and trepidation of being caught. Being hunted by fifteen men that only want to torment an eleven year old boy for their pleasure was cause enough to send anyone into fits like this; much less than the said boy himself. The main thing that caused me to quiver so much was the man I had just nailed. Out of all of them, he scared me to death.

"That boy assaulted me," I heard from behind me. I didn't turn. I knew who it was. "I want his ass! Now!" I gripped my master's neck even tighter.

"Don't make me go with him, Master. Please!" I cried into his ear as he stood with me still attached to him like some cancerous growth.

"Hush, little slave," he whispered in my ear.

"He made it back to his master, Nicholas," Master William told him. "That was the rule. If you have a problem with how he did it, then that is your issue. Now, take your seat, or leave!"

Master William was pretty much putting the man in his place. I hadn't broken any rules by doing what I did, so he supported me on that. I was grateful; eternally grateful for that. I heard him scream and later my master told me he punched the air in frustration as he stalked back to his chair and slave beside it. I felt sorry for the teenager that belonged to him.

All the months of work and preparation had paid off and it was finally over with. I had made it through another fire intact. I was still shaking when my master sat down with me still clinging to him. I felt him lovingly stroke my back, trying to calm me down and get me back to some semblance of normal. It took a long time for that to occur.

Meanwhile, all the ones that were still in the field returned and walked past me. My master told me that each one of them had a look of either disappointment or respect on their faces. Master William dismissed the assembly after all of them returned. I felt two men lovingly touch the back of my head as they walked back by; Masters Karl and David.

Once the assembly was gone, I was finally calmed down enough to look at Master Sloan in the face. I wiped my face off and tried to smile at him.

"What did you do to Nicholas?" Master William asked as he sat down next to us. I choked out a small laugh.

"One of my favorite moves Master Sloan taught me, sir," I said, smiling a little better.

Master told him what it was and we shared a knowing laugh together. He picked out the rest of the cactus thorns from my body and the three of us headed off to our suite. My master laid me out on the couch and Master William asked me what had happened during the hunt.

"One of them told me to ask you about the snake?" he asked.

"Snake?" my master asked from the other side of the bar. He was getting drinks for the two of them and cream for me. I had offered to get it, but he told me to stay where I was.

I sheepishly sniggered, remembering the rattler. And then I started from the beginning. Both of them laughed during the telling of all of it. They were impressed how I threw off the dogs' tracking my scent. My master was a little concerned when I told them about the snake.

"That was reckless, Daniel," he said, scolding me while putting the cream all over my body.

"Not really, sir. I figured that the snake was going to attack me no matter what I did. It was the only chance I had to escape this or use my safeword."

They both nodded and then laughed when I told them what I did with the snake. I rounded off the story when there was a knock at the door. Both of my educators walked in as Master William opened it.

"We just came to check on our young star," Master Karl said, sitting down in the chair behind me.

My master told them that I was fine; just a little beaten up by my experience. They laughed as the story was retold from my perspective. Everyone finally got relaxed after a while, including me.

"Master William?"

"Yes, Daniel?"

"Can I keep 'my tail', sir? I kind of like it." They laughed again and he nodded that I could. He would have it replaced before next summer.

Master Sloan sat down again at my head and I inched forward to lay my head down on his leg. I was feeling infinitely better by this time and kind of frisky. It had been a couple of days since we'd played, so I figured that it was as good a time as any.

I reached over his leg and began massaging his cock through his jeans. It responded instantly. I smiled to myself as I continued to work it. My master continued his conversation with his former one and all the while, I made it increasingly difficult for him to concentrate on it.

"One more stroke, and you'll have to finish what you've started, little slave," he said, in warning tone.

"Was that meant as a threat, Master?" I asked while giggling. I made one more pass over the bulge in his jeans, daring him to make good on his threat.

"Fish it out, boy," he growled at me.

I smiled and tended to his pants. With some help from him, I had his jeans on the floor and my mouth over his manhood. He moved his leg closest to me onto the sofa and I was able to get to his crotch a little easier. My mouth sank all the way down, forcing him into the narrow passage of my throat.

I snaked my hand up to gingerly cup his balls. I worked them both as I glided my mouth along his stiff tool. I knew how he liked it and I set to work diligently. I saw Master William rise from his seat and then he was beside me, working my tail out of my asshole. I got the impression that he had my master's permission to do so, so I didn't stop him.

Upon removal, the plug made the same sound as my other one. It was replaced by his tongue tracing the outline of my ass. I opened my legs to let him into me if he wanted. He wanted. His finger slipped up the whole line of my ass's crack and then back down again to my boy-hole. I moaned as it fit its way inside me.

Master William did a strange move, then. He lifted me up by my hole and moved me off the couch to kneel on the floor. Neither my master nor Master Nathan had ever lifted me up by my hole before. It hurt a little, but felt oddly different; not good or bad, just different. When his finger was taken out and replaced with something significantly larger, I froze.

I looked up to my master and he nodded that it was okay. I shrugged and returned to blowing him. I guess if he said it was okay, then it was. There was only one problem; he was a bit thicker than my master's cock and I groaned as he began splitting me apart with it.

"The kid's a little tight, Sloan," Master William needlessly commented.

"It's been a while since we've had a chance to play, and you're a little larger than I am."

Now, that was a surreal conversation; my master discussing cock size with his former master while fucking me at both ends. Another entry for the diary.

I held on to my master's legs as Master William sliced into me. It hurt, of course, but not near as bad as my first time. I made sure not to bite down on the cock I worshiped daily. It took a long time for him to fully cleave into my body, but he finally made it. Giving my master the lead, he held out on fuck me properly until I was finished sucking him off.

Master Sloan's cock was by no means ignored while his former master was feeding me his cock. I built up speed swallowing his full grown cock and let it out again until he came. I pulled my mouth off him as his man-juices shot all over my face. Ever since I got my first facial, I began to enjoy it. It always made me feel slightly nasty that a man's semen was on my face.

Once my master's cock was taken care of, Master William began really fucking me with his. I grabbed Master Sloan's legs and prepared for a rough one. Master William wasn't brutal while he sawed me in half, but he was larger than I was used to, so it was slightly painful. It hurt so good to have something so large inside me again.

As he was laying into me, another knock came from the door. And Jon entered as Master David answered it. He saw the scene and snickered.

"Having fun, Master?" he asked of his owner.

"What do you think?" he asked, mimicking my own thoughts.

"Can I take a turn, sir?"

Now this was something new again; a teenager joining the mix.

My master looked down at me and I nodded. I liked Jon and saw no problem with it. He nodded as well to Master William.

"Yes, but after Masters David and Karl have their fun with him," he told his slave. Great; I was a towel to be passed around.

"You okay with that?"

"I 3; was 3; going 3; to 3; to 3; ask about 3; that 3;, sir," I said in between getting my ass laid into by a well endowed cock. Well, now that that's settled 3;

I got the acute fucking I had been searching for when I started this and it lasted for over fifteen minutes. Master William was indeed a master at handling a boy's asshole. Mine was well worked over when he was finished. He came and shot his cum onto my back as Master Sloan suggested him to do.

I turned around and dutifully cleaned his cock before he put it away. After that, I made my way over to my former science teacher and began licking him like I knew men liked to be licked. My cum-covered face was soon buried deep into his crotch and his cock made it down my throat. He was about the same size as Master Nathan; longer but also slimmer in girth. My throat accommodated him nicely.

While attending to him, I felt another cock at my used backdoor's hole. It slipped inside with very little resistance. I was a little embarrassed at the ease of it. It was something that didn't go unnoticed by Master David, either.

"Jesus, Will, did you have to ruin the kid for everyone else?" he joked and the others snickered. I was a little incensed at the comment, so I tightened my gluttial muscles down hard on his invading cock. "WHOA!" he bellowed out and my master chuckled at my principal's predicament.

"Alright, kid, you've made your point, now lemme go," he said with a slap to my side. I relaxed. All those workouts had more than just one fringe benefit.

Master Karl came and sprayed my face with his seed and afterward, bent down and kissed me on the mouth. I smiled and kissed him back. My tongue tasted him as I pulled it back inside after the kiss. He tasted a little saltier than my master's cum.

Jon took up his place in front of me as I turned away from my old science teacher. His cock was also presented to me. I dutifully opened my mouth and vacuumed him inside. He was thicker and I had a more difficult time getting him down my throat, but I managed.

Master David apparently wanted something different and sat back, pulling me with him. He lay down on his back and I was made to straddle him while still taking care of Jon's dick. This was not something I wasn't used to; Master Nathan and my own did this with me that previous spring. I found it a highly erotic encounter at the time, and still did.

I gripped Jon by the outside of the legs and used them to ride Master David's cock while still sucking on his. I milked Master David's member with each stride until he groaned in pleasure and I sat up far enough to let him slip out of me. His cum mixed with Master William's on my back and I began to pay more attention to Jon.

When the master was done cumming, Jon suddenly pulled out of my mouth and grabbed me by my hair. I was thrown roughly to the vacant sofa and he harshly shoved his teenage cock into me. I winced at his viciousness, but my cock responded by drawing blood to it. He pushed my head down into the cushions and pummeled my ass for all he was worth. He drove his cock into me like nothing else mattered.

I guess he had been horned up for quite some time, because it only took but a few pumps into me and he was hosing my back down with his jizm.

"Thanks for the shag, kid," he said with a slap to my ass. And with that, he walked out of the room without so much as a backward glance.

Now, I like to be used like that most of the time, but what I didn't like was the way he treated me afterward. I had gotten used to being manhandled by both Masters Sloan and Nathan, but they always made me feel wanted afterwards. I had liked Jon before then, but afterward was another story. I shed a quick tear and wiped it off real quick before anyone saw it.

"You okay?" my master asked suddenly behind me.

I nodded, but it wasn't the total truth.

"Let's get you cleaned up, little slave," he said and I nodded again.

"That was uncalled for, Daniel, and I will make sure he understands that," Master William said as I passed him. I nodded again, but had a second thought. I looked to my master for his permission and he gave it.

"Master William, is there a way I can handle it myself, sir?" I asked him, respectfully.

"Actually, yes, there is. When two slaves have a disagreement, a challenge is issued by one of them to the other. With their masters' permission, it is settled in the pavilion."

"Settled how, sir?"

"A simple fight; the first person unconscious loses the challenge."

"Then I'd like to do that, sir, with your permission, of course," I told him simply.

"You have it, little slave," he said with a smile.

I smiled back and my master led me to the Jacuzzi in the bathroom.