PZA Boy Stories

Shakey Psyche


Chapters 26-

Chapter Twenty-Six

The rest of the week, Jennifer and I kept talking about my relationship with Master Sloan. I don't think she really got it until that Wednesday. It wasn't really anything that I said specifically that made her finally catch on to everything, but it just seemed to click.

"Wish I could see another one, Trae," she said, prompting me on Friday. I smiled back at her.

"If you were having sex with your boyfriend, would you want me there to watch?"

"Uh, no, I guess not," she conceded.

"Monday was special in that I wanted you to see that I'm not being abused for the sake of abuse. Also, to see that it really can be fun when it's done right. Don't ask for another one, please."

She nodded and that was the absolute last time she was ever included in my games with my master. It was extremely private what he and I did, and a girl being thrown into the mix of it would not sit well with either one of us. Now that she saw, she understood, and that was all she needed to know and see.

The following Sunday was the first service Jennifer and I attended since the incident with Alan Davis. She was sitting to my left with her family on her left while mine was on my right. The pastor got up to preach and began with something that had me concerned right off the bat.

"In this world of violence," he began, and I started to get a little apprehensive, "it's important for us as Christians to restrain ourselves from adding to it."

My leg began vibrating as it does sometimes when I get start getting agitated.

"Jesus told us to turn the other cheek and refute violence in all forms. His was a message of peace and understanding."

The pastor droned on about how Jesus preached love and joy. I listened intently, getting more and more hot under the collar the farther it progressed. It wasn't until he got to the verse concerning the commandment "You shall not kill" that things reached its boiling point with me.

I got up and slipped out into the aisle. I walked heavily back to the back door and threw it open to the outside world. I had just begun to deal with the issue of killing someone and I certainly didn't need a pastor telling me how wrong I was for doing it. I was sick of hearing it from all angles. I just wanted it to be over and done with. The problem was that school hadn't even started yet, and I knew that I'd get it from the kids there, also.

Jennifer came out to keep me company while the rest of the assembly finished the message. That was also the last time I ever set foot in that church. My parents and Jennifer's parents both agreed to move churches. It took us till the end of September before we found one that we could call home, but we liked it.


When school started right after Labor Day, it was more of the same. As Brad and I made our way to school, Jenn joined us for the walk. She slipped up beside me and held my hand.

"Whatever happens, we'll get through it together, Trae," she said and smiled.

I was thankful for her friendship right then. I knew that it was because of my friendship with her that I was in this mess in the first place, but I wasn't keeping score on that account.

"Awww; ain't that sweet," Brad chided. I backhanded him and he scampered away giggling.

"Awfully brave now that you're allowed out of the house, aren't you, Brad?" I shot back to him.

He blew a raspberry at me and took off running while giggling to himself. During those weeks of captivity for both of us, we had pretty much come to an understanding. We both decided to lay the bickering aside and actually become brothers.

As Jenn and I walked onto the school grounds, both of us got some serious looks from a lot of people. They came from both teachers and students. As we got to the doors, Mr. Hastings was there waiting.

"Now how did I know that you'd be here waiting for me, sir?" I asked, looking up at him.

He chuckled back. I asked Jenn to give us a few minutes and she did.

"I just wanted to make sure that you're okay, Daniel." I noticed the used of my given name.

"Unlike Mr. Davis, sir, I'll live," I commented.

"And unlike him, you are a caring, gentle person, Daniel," he said, kneeling down as my master does. He took my elbows in his hands to make sure I looked at him. "Don't let this incident destroy you. You have a life to live."

"Thank you, Master David," I said, with a quieter voice. No one was anywhere near us; either out of fear or respect. He smirked and stood back up to leave.

"What was that all about?" Jennifer asked, walking back over to me.

"Nothing I can talk about," I said, looking at her in a piercing way.

"Never mind; I don't wanna know," she said, waving her hands in front of her.

"Smart girl," I said simply and we both shared a small laugh before class.

Class started with me being in the first group and Jennifer being in group two. As I sat down for the first class, no one sat anywhere near me until the last few stragglers walked in. I was in a corner, and so there were only three empty seats left. The last person in the room had to sit in one of them. He took the seat beside me.

"Alright, class," the teacher, Mrs. West, began, "let's start with the roll call."

When she got to my name, she stopped and looked.

"Do you still prefer 'Trae'?"

"I'll take it over 'Dipshit'," I said as calmly as I could.

The whole class erupted into laughter. Even she found it difficult not to smile.

"Okay, everyone, settle down," she said, calming the others down significantly. "And Mr. Bowman, that's the last time I want to hear anything like that. Understood?"

"Yes, Ma'am," I answered.

The joke did allow the class to behave a little more normally now. I think they then realized that I was still a kid like them, but I was thrown into a difficult circumstance. The rest of the morning passed easier, with some of them actually talking to me. They didn't ask about the incident, but at least they didn't shun me.

I've never been a 'crowd' person; that's Brad. But, it was nice to be able to talk to more than just one or two other people. I saw Jenn between classes and we talked a little bit. Brian made an ass of himself, as usual, but I stayed out of it. Harry was utterly miserable by himself. I wasn't so angry with him anymore, though. I guess the summer's events knocked it out of me.

At lunch, Jenn and I were eating together and I saw Harry walk by. I got his attention by calling his name. He looked like a scared rabbit caught in the headlights of a car.

"Join us?" I asked, motioning to the chair beside Jennifer. She knew of my previous problems with him; I told her before the previous school year was done.

He looked at us and I made a friendly wave to the chair again. She pulled it out for him to sit down.

"Unless you like to eat alone?" I asked him simply.

He wasn't too sure of things yet, but accepted my invitation to sit down. I introduced the two of them and they nodded in return. It was awkward going to begin with, but soon enough, we were getting along better. About halfway through the meal, a shadow rested on my shoulder.

"Heard you're pretty tough," it said.

I turned and saw a kid that wasn't at our school the previous year. His parents must've transferred in over the summer. The kid was a little larger than me and looked like he must've been held back a grade. At least once.

"I am," I said, getting up and grabbing my bag, "but if you use a little tenderizer on me, I might cook up nicely."

In spite of the obvious seriousness of the threat, both Jenn and Harry sort of snorted under their breath. I turned away and walked off. He pushed me from behind on the shoulder blade and I dropped my bag in frustration. I slowly turned back around to face him. For the first time I could ever recall, the room was about a silent as a tomb.

"You really want to start a fight with me here in the cafeteria?"

"Alright; the empty lot just off the school grounds." I knew the place. Most fights are settled there.

"Fine," I said, shrugging my shoulders.

I turned to Harry and Jenn and we walked off together.

"You gonna show?" Harry asked as we got to the recess grounds.

"Why bother? I've got nothing to prove."

"Yeah, but he'll think you're scared of him if you don't show up," Harry suggested.

"You think I care what he thinks?"

To me, I'd just won a fight without fighting. The rest of the day passed without much interest. As the day closed, I left with both Harry and Jenn. We headed off in another direction other than the field the kid alluded to. The crowd followed the other kid going that path, while the three of us headed off in another. Brad caught up to us and asked us about the fight. Of course he saw the direction we were going, and knew I wasn't going to fight. He couldn't understand it, but that didn't surprise me very much.

"How was school?" Master Sloan asked once I made it to his house. I got undressed and dressed in bindings only for the evening. The harness I loved, but it was too much of a hassle to wear on school evenings. The tail I held in reserve for special events, like someone coming to the house for dinner.

"Not near as exciting as having you fuck my brains out, Master," I countered and jumped into his arms.

"Little slut," he said, sneering at me. I grinned back and held onto him with my arms around his neck. I closed in and held him tighter.

"Make me yours again," I whispered again.

"Oh God, yes," I was screaming less than five minutes later on his bed.

He was plowing me as hard as I could take it. His cock rode me harder with each thrust of his hips. I was feeling every single inch of his being inside me once again. I wanted him more than ever before.

My arms were clipped behind my back with my elbows secured to the opposite wrists. My ankles were spread apart and tied to the posts of the bed at the foot. He was holding on to my arms and using them as reigns for more thrust power.

"Harder, Master," I urged him onward. He didn't disappoint; he never did when it came to fucking me.

It seemed to take an eternity before he seeded my insides. I was severely reamed out when he was finally through with me. After recovering, he unclipped my bindings and I cleaned him up as usual. We were lying on the bed looking at each other when I told him about trying to make friends with Harry.

"I think it's a great idea, Daniel," he said, casually.

"He could cause trouble for us, Master."

"I'm not worried," he said with a shrug.

"Do you worry about anything?"

"Not really," he said after chuckling for a moment.

As I was climbing off the bed, I noticed a slight bruise on his leg. When I asked him about it, he said that he got it by accidentally hitting a drawer. I frowned at him.

"You're a martial arts sensei, but still can't watch where you're going?"

"No one's perfect, Daniel," he said with a smile. "At least I didn't fall off a bed."

I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Put that away before I make you use that the way it should be used," he threatened.

"Oh no, sir, not that again," I mockingly begged him.

He may have been older, but he was still as fast as an adder. My arm was snatched and I was hauled back onto his bed with me kicking and screaming for freedom. My head was pulled by my hair to his crotch again.

"Lick it, boy!" he growled at me. I shook my head, no. "Do it or you'll never see your parents again!"

"Where's the threat in that?" I asked his cock.

A swat to my ass brought me back into the scene. I licked his cock as I knew he liked it and then swallowed it whole. My smaller hands massaged his balls and I could tell he was getting seriously back into this.

Two fingers began working their way inside me and I opened my legs wider to allow entry. I groaned as they broke the barrier, but didn't stop pumping my mouth along his manhood. His fingers worked my asshole for some time before he pulled them out and lifted me up from enjoying his cock.

"Hey, I was enjoying that," I complained to him.

"Then you're going to enjoy this even better," he sneered at me. I gave a smirk back to him.

I was turned over and thrown down onto my stomach. He was on top of me in a heartbeat. He was feeding me his magnificent cock and I turned towards him.

"I wanna cum like I did in the whirlpool, Master," I said, reminding him of that little encounter.

Without telling me what he wanted, he brought his fingers of his right hand to my mouth. I opened dutifully and he inserted them. I could taste what was once me on them and it turned me on even hotter. He flipped both of us back over quickly. He pulled me up by those same fingers. It was like being pulled by my teeth.

We leaned back until he fell onto the bed again. I cocked my legs backward to straddle his pelvic area with his cock buried inside me. He placed his left hand against the middle of my back while keeping his fingers stuffed inside my mouth.

My legs were used to ride his manhood while his hands kept me in place. He pulled back on his right hand slightly, to arch my back while I pistoned along his cock. I was so turned on, I reached up and began pulling on my nipple rings; not hard, just enough to send some pain through me.

We fucked like that for I don't know how long. He released my mouth after a while, and I slumped over his bent knees and now I was using those to ride with. His hands took the place of my own at my chest some time later. I couldn't stop fucking myself on his cock; it felt so damned good.

I worked myself over so hard, that sweat began running off my face and onto his legs. I wasn't going to let that slow me down, though. He was magnificent in giving his all to me. It wasn't enough, though; close, but no banana. He came just as I was getting close and I took the liberty of finishing myself off with one touch of my own cock.

The whole thing finished me off, though. My body crashed heavily into his legs. We remained that way for some time. Both of us needed the rest. I rose up, taking my hole from around his weakening staff and slid off the bed. My rubbery legs gave out and I hit the floor in a heap.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Ask me when I'm released from the hospital," I told him.

"Yeah, well, you wore me out, too, you know," he chuckled.

I groaned as I pulled my body onto all fours. It was fighting me, but I forced it to obey me as I do my cock when it's being difficult. I made my way to the bathroom for an agonizing cleansing. My legs were still a little shaky as I made my way back to the bed with a wet cloth.

"I'll be walking funny tomorrow, sir, if I'm even walking at all," I told him with a smile while I cleaned him up thoroughly.

"I know the feeling."

I smiled and we kissed and cuddled until it was time for me to leave for the night. I was right; I was walking funny the next day. I was so sore, that I didn't bother with my workout. I had to be careful and not walk too off around my mother or there'd be questions to answer for sure.

Jennifer and Harry met up with me and Brad at our parting point from the previous day. By then, I didn't have to worry about how I walked or looked.

"You okay?" Harry asked as the two of us walked up to them.

"Yeah, Master Sloan and I got a little too carried away last night with our workout. I'm just a little sore, that's all."

As they turned to walk with us, Jennifer caught my eye and I flicked my eyebrow at her. She knew right then what had really happened and had to turn away before making a spectacle of her laughing. It would've been difficult to answer all the questions Harry would probably have asked.

We talked about mundane things till we began walking over the field close to school.

"Hey!" we heard a shout, and I knew the voice. All four of us turned to the jerk from the day before.

"What do you want, now?" I asked him, tiredly.

He didn't say, he just answered with a fist to my face. As tired as I was, I was unprepared. It sent me flying backwards. I rolled over in the dirt and wound up lying on my stomach. My friends stepped in his way as he came at me again. As big as he was, they didn't stand a chance against his brute strength.

Jennifer was shoved one way while Harry was tossed the other. Brad knew enough to stay out of it. I threw my bag over to him and while I was trying to get back on my feet, he landed a kick to my ribs. I rolled away from him, but he didn't let up.

"You made me look stupid yesterday, asshole," he screamed. That shouldn't have been too difficult to do.

Another kick landed on my unprotected groin and I screamed holy hell. As I bent forward to protect my nuts, a second kick caught my face right at the cheekbone. Out of nowhere, Jennifer rushed him and pushed him aside to the ground. He backhanded her trying to get up and get to me. I had fought adults and teenagers and won; I wasn't going to let a little fucking sixth-grader do me in. Driving myself to ignore the pain, I got up, ready to face him again.

"Your problem's with me, stupid," I told him as I turned.

"You got that right, asshole," he said and came towards me.

But instead of bum-rushing me, he reared back and swung. I may have been a little off my game, but I wasn't so slow as to not see this coming. I ducked and his fist flew over my head. I did an uppercut to his diaphragm, stealing his breath from him. I turned around and then over to nail the side of his head with a punch from my left hand. He reeled from that one and landed on his side. I didn't stop. I jumped and came down with my knee to his ribs, breaking at least three of them.

It was his turn to scream. I still didn't let it stop me. I landed a fist across his jaw as hard as I could. He was now trying to protect himself with his hands, but my fists knocked them out of the way as I swung towards my target.

"What's the matter, asswipe? Can't win when you can't cheat? Huh?!" Another three hits accentuated each sentence.

As crazed as I was sounding, I had learned a lesson with Alan Davis; never, ever lose total control. And I didn't lose it with this idiot. One more punch and he was out for the count. I had lost a lot of energy doing this and I felt lightheaded.

I rolled off his unconscious body and onto the ground. I was totally drained; totally spent. I had given everything I had to make sure my friends and brother were safe and I had nothing left. As I was lying there, a shadow in the shape of Harry came to me and tried to lift me up from the ground. I waved my battered hands at him.

"No," I gasped, "let me stay here." My whole body was in severe pain, as well as sapped of energy.

"You need help, Trae," he said, sounding like it was coming from miles away.

"I'm not moving."

"But 3;"

"Just let me die, Master," I remember saying to no one.

To this day, I distinctly remember all of what took place next. I felt like I was floating, but not floating. It was like being lifted higher than ever before. I wasn't tired anymore. I actually felt reenergized. I looked around and saw my own body lying on the grass with Harry bent over me. Jennifer crawled up next to him. The asshole was off to the side of Jennifer. Brad was nowhere in sight.

Harry knew enough to check for a pulse on my neck. I felt that on my new neck. His hand shot back as if electrocuted. He turned to Jennifer with a shocked look on his face.

"NO!" she screamed and I heard her sobbing generously. Her hand went to the side of my face and lovingly ran down it. Harry put his arm over her as she cried for me.

That new cheek felt it also. It felt warm, caring, to the touch.

"If this is actually dying; it's not so bad," I thought.

I turned away from them for a second and looked to the sun. It looked so inviting to be there. I longed for it intently. A voice came from the sun as I moved towards it.

"Not yet, Rutilus," it said.

Within seconds, I was feeling her hand on my real cheek and I was taking in air again. Her hand jolted away from my face as if burned. I coughed, trying to bring life back to my body. Jennifer had her hands to her mouth and eyes wide in shock. Harry looked just as white.

"Just lay still, Trae," a voice above me was saying. It was the school's nurse.

"I will if you kiss me," I said with a smile and another cough.

Instantly, I was assaulted by Jennifer hugging me and crying her heart out.

Chapter Twenty-Seven
Moving On

"Ready to go?" my father was asking as I grabbed my pack.

"Am I ever," I returned.

Being cooped up in a hospital for three days will turn anyone stir crazy, not to mention an eleven year old martial arts student. I was ready to leave an hour after arriving there, but they wanted to hold me over for 'observation'; whatever the fuck that meant. I can be observed very well at my own home, thanks.

They told me to take it easy over the next few weeks. I thanked the doctors and nurses and everyone and left the building. I had actually become somewhat of a small celebrity over the course of those three days. I was always cracking a joke on someone or something if given the opportunity. It made them want to help me all the more.

I was definitely grateful when the one doctor that examined me the last time was there this time as well. He called in a favor to have my secret kept. I did have to tell him a few things when the initial crisis and circus was over with. And my nipple rings were a little difficult to explain away, but it was done.

My master came and visited me daily for several hours at a time. My principal and former science teacher also paid two visits each. Both Jennifer and Harry came to see me every day as well. My parents never left my side, pretty much.

I learned that the asshole's name was Todd Sewell, and he had been getting into trouble since the day he was born. Mr. Hastings expelled him immediately from school when he finally regained consciousness. I guess they still couldn't use a firing squad.

My parents wheeled me out to the car and I climbed inside, feeling like an invalid. We went to lunch at an IHOP and I had some real eggs for the first time in days. Master Sloan, Harry, and Jennifer were all waiting for me when I got home that afternoon. They sort of made it a party for me. They stayed until dark. Jenn and Harry had school the next day, and my master had a client to see.

I was restless the next day as well, because my parents didn't want me to push myself too hard too fast, I stayed home from school. It used to be that they would have to force me in some way to go to school, now they were keeping me from it. Weird how a near-death experience can change things going on around a person.

As far as that was concerned, I told no one yet about what I saw or felt. Harry told me that I was dead. He said that there was absolutely no pulse. I'd have to take his word for it, of course. Neither one of them asked about it, either.

Ever since the beginning of August of that year, and the ruckus had died down from the Davis incident, Master had been trying to teach me a technique of meditation. It was just simple concentration and centering myself. Even the Bible talks about meditating on The Word. That Monday afternoon, I tried to put it to good use.

I took two chairs from the kitchen and set them in my room. I closed the door for some privacy. The blinds were closed and the light turned off. I lit a candle then placed it on my dresser in front of me. The chairs were set apart wide enough for me to put both of my feet on while doing 'the splits' with my legs.

I stripped down to only my collar, but thought better of it. My mother still had the nasty habit of entering my room unannounced. I thought about how I could cover my groin area, but leave room for movement as well. My gi was over at my master's house and I couldn't get it right then. An idea hit me.

After slipping my shorts back on, I blew out the candle real quick and then ran to my mother's sewing room. There was some white silk material there that would be perfect. I cut two strips off and then ran back to my room. The shorts were ditched immediately along with the collar.

I laid one strip out on my bed paralleling the edge of it. The second strip ran perpendicular to it, making a sort of cross. I sat on the second strip then lay back down on the bed. The end of that strip hanging off the bed was brought up over my groin to lay on my chest. The free ends of the first strip of silk was wrapped around my waist and then tied off in the front. I stood up and the second strip of cloth fell. I had made a sort of long hanging loincloth.

I smiled at my own genius and then relit the candle. I placed my feet on the chairs and with nothing between them but air, I had to rely on my own groin and leg muscles to keep me levitated. My hands went in front of me, straight out, making a diamond with my forefingers and thumbs. The flame of the candle was in my line of sight through the diamond.

"Only the light exists, Daniel," I heard his voice speak in my head.

"Yes, Master," I answered back to it.

I concentrated on only the light. Nothing around it. My focus became clearer as a year of constant discipline and training worked with me. One heartbeat after another passed and only the flame mattered. Time didn't matter, only the light. Only the sun. Only–

A knock at the door.

"Trae?" It was Jennifer and Harry.

I tried to ignore them and get my focus back, but it was impossible. They entered the room unbidden.

"This is your idea of taking it easy?" Jenn asked.

"Man, that hurts me just looking at you," Harry added. Ugh!

I gave up. I put my hands on the ground and raised both legs up off the chairs then to the floor. I blew out the candle and then sat on the bed. We discussed school and the homework she turned in for me. They also gave me the assignments for the day, due the next day.

"What were you doing when we walked in?" Jenn asked.

"It was a meditation technique of trying to center my mind. I was trying to find some kind of way of dealing with what all has happened." I mean, in the span of a couple of months, I had killed and almost died.

"Why do you still wear that thing?" Harry asked as I donned my collar.

"I guess I've just gotten used to it, Harry," I told him. Jennifer and I smirked knowingly at each other.

"I do love those rings, though, Trae," he said, sort of chuckling as I stood to get dressed.

"Say that again, and I'll get a pair for you," I shot back at him. Not another word was spoken about them that day.

I didn't bother asking them to leave, but got dressed and we left for a walk. Harry sort of commented on that fact, but Jenn and I didn't make a big deal out of it. It was good to get out of the house for a while and stretch my legs. It was a nothing walk, but it was good to leave.

The kids at school wanted to hear all about it the next day. One of them actually asked what it felt like to die, no doubt hearing Harry's version of the events.

"Ask me that again, and you'll find out," I said, smirking.

He stuttered backwards, but others caught the joke and light laughter broke out. No one asked me again, though.

Classes were as normal as they could be for the week, but I was itching to get back to my training and time with my master. The three of us began studying together in the afternoons. I began to see something between them during that week. I had a feeling something was up, but didn't mention it unless they did.

Due to make up studies, that Friday was the first day I was able to get back over to my master's for another workout with him. When I had arrived, there were no bindings or harness waiting for me, so as I stripped, it was leaving me in only my collar. For the workout, we took it kind of easy for that first one.

"How are you doing, really?" he asked after we finished with the staffs.

"Fine, Master," I said, and meant it.

"You sure?"

"Why do I have to answer that question twice all the time?" I asked, getting a little frustrated over it all.

"Okay, fair enough, little slave," he said smiling to me.

He sat down on the couch and I relaxed into his lap. We sat like that for a while, with my back to his chest. I was just enjoying the warmth of his body; I'd missed it a lot over that time. I took my gi top off to get closer to him, but he stopped me.

"You need some more time, Daniel," he said.

"I agree, sir," I answered nodding. "I just want to feel your body is all."

"So do I," he said, slipping his hands around and helping me undress.

"Yeah, but you're around it all the time, sir," I said, giggling.

A quick pinch to my right nipple brought that to a sudden halt. I hissed and arched my back in pleasure of the stimulation.

"The little slave likes this, eh?" he soothingly asked.

"Yes, Master, he does," I answered, closing my eyes. I leaned back farther and wrapped my hands behind his neck. It was my one clear sign to him I was his to do with as he pleased. I was also hoping he gave me a chance to work on him as well.

I scooted closer to him, to give him easier access to my body parts. He kissed my shoulder and then moved to my cheek and then ear. I turned towards him with a kiss in return. We tongue-wrestled for a few minutes then he worked over my nipple again. I moaned in pleasing feelings again.

"What about this?" he asked, squeezing both.

"Yes, sir," I hissed back, long and lustful. I was way past making my cock obey me by now. We were here for mutual pleasure; not just his.

I let go of his neck and reached down for the belt for his gi. It was loosened and he worked himself out of it. As I slipped my gi bottom down, I turned around and straddled his legs facing him. He fell to the side as we kissed heavily again. It was not meant to be a hot and rough fuck, but a caring and tender lovemaking.

After kissing him for a while, I worked downward to his nipples and tongued them both a couple of times each. He put his hands behind his head as I had once done and we both understood I needed to do this.

His semi-hairy chest was munched on all the way to the navel. I tickled the button there as he chuckled and then I moved onward. As I got to his manhood, I didn't go instantly right to it. I kissed the tip, but then worked around it first. Tender kisses were laid all around the area that his cock rested, but I didn't touch it.

With my shoulders only, I pushed his legs open to give me more room and he accommodated me. Like anyone in their right mind would refuse. My tongue and lips continued to gently make love to his most private of areas. Each testicle was tenderly licked and kissed, eliciting pleasure moans from my master.

"Does this slave's master like this?" I asked, turning the tables on him.

"Um hm," he hummed in the affirmative.

I carefully cupped his balls in my hands as I continued to work them with my tongue and mouth. I sucked one inside while still playing with the other. He moaned even louder. That one was slowly spewed out and the other got the same treatment, getting the same response from my owner. Slowly, cautiously, I worked a finger over his slightly furry taint.

"Master?" I asked, implying if I should continue. He nodded and opened his legs a little wider for me.

I took the invitation and worked the finger closer. I warm spot of skin told me I had arrived. I worked it around his barrier, sort of knocking without asking. I never neglected his nuts as I felt around his hole. The other hand and my mouth were both keeping up with them.

"In, please, Daniel," he moaned out. Well, my finger had been in worse places than this.

I pushed gently and the barrier gave way. He groaned out in bliss as it slipped inside him. I had to push harder to get it inside farther, but it wasn't too hard. It went farther into him as he enjoyed it more.

I moved upward to his stiff cock and with a kiss of announcement, I looked up him in question. He nodded with a gentle, loving smile and I sank my mouth down over the one part of him that was made for me.

One hand continued to molest his masculine glands while the other began slipping along his rear opening. In one slow, gentle move, my throat took all of him into me.

"UUHH!" he let out as my throat muscles tightened around him.

With all the build up I had done so far, I had a feeling he wasn't going to last very long. Instead of quickly bobbing my head along his shaft, I did it slowly and deliberately until he stiffened into the throws of orgasmic feelings. I took a quick breath and held on as his seed coated the tube leading to my stomach. I consumed all that he gave me.

He calmed down and then motioned for me. I smiled, slipped my finger out of him and then crawled up his chest to him. I was lying fully on top of him as he kissed me with his whole being. I gave in to him yet again.

He then began working my body back downward. As we parted, I looked at him, wondering what he was doing. When he put my pelvic area between his legs, I got the clue. His hand was aiming my cock for his backside. I quickly pushed off and scrambled to the other side of the couch away from him.

I was looking at him, wondering how he could want me to do that to him.

"It's okay if you're scared, Daniel," he said, soothingly.

"I'm not scared, Master," I said, still looking at him the same way.

"Then what?"

"I just can't do that to you, sir."

"Why not?" That one question again.

"Because 3;," I said, taking a second to get the right words, "I'm a slave. Slaves get 'sexed', not the masters." I didn't want to use 'fucked' for this conversation.

"Some slaves do it to their masters," he suggested.

"I can't be that kind of slave, sir." I'd been a slave now for pretty much a year, and I knew what I was. I knew what I wanted and pretty much needed. 'Topping' my master was not in either of those two lists.

He motioned me to come to him and I did while sliding off the couch. I stood by him while he took my smaller hands in his powerful ones.

"You can be any kind of slave you want to be, Daniel," he told me reassuringly.

"I know, Master. You've told me more than once that even though some slaves don't have a choice how they serve because of their personalities, I'm not one of them. I can choose what type of slave to be and I have; yours. However you need me to be, I'll be."

"But, sir, I love you with everything I am," I said, misting up, "but more than that, I respect you and to do that to my master isn't respectful."

With tears gathering in his own eyes, he reached over and grabbed me for a fierce hug. I did the same around his neck and we stayed like that for a time. I don't know how long it was that we hugged, but I felt like neither of us cared about the time. I knew I didn't.

He picked me up in his strong arms and I was gingerly, caringly, taken to the bedroom. I was laid down with the utmost care on his bed, as if I were a delicate flower that needed nurturing back to health. He moved my legs apart and I continued to do so as he dove into my small boyhood.

"Mmmm," I commented as I worked my hands around his head of hair.

I lowered my body over his as he began expertly sucking my preteen rod. I moved my legs again and hissed at the pain. He stopped.

"I'm fine, sir," I said before he could ask. "I'm just a little out of practice with my stretches. Please continue."

We shared a short giggle and then he went back to work on me. I had been horned up for over an hour now, and knew I was going to be as quick as he was. A finger of his was slipped under me and I rolled back to allow it entry. I would've fallen all the way back, but I wanted to stay up close to him, so I held on as he inserted his finger.

Once the invading digit was all the way buried, he just kept it there. He found my prostate in a matter of seconds.

"UUHHM!" I groaned out when it was initially touched.

One final swipe of his tongue along my cock in his mouth, and I was finished. My own sperm shot out of me and down his warm gullet. I spazmed hard as I held onto him tightly. Once I finished cumming, I flopped down backwards, needing a second's rest.

"What 3;," I gasped, then restarted, "what was that?"

"That, little slave, was your prostate. Your plug should've been stimulating it all along, though."

"That's why I my dick leaks when I run with that thing in," I said, suddenly realizing it.

"You got it."

"I thought there was something wrong with me for a while."

"Well, there is, but it's in the other head."

We both sniggered. I moved my leg out of the way as he climbed up beside me on the bed. We laid side by side for some time, recovering. I was worn out from this one.

"You know, I'm not going to miss that sense of humor when you get rid of me, sir," I scolded him.

"Who says I'm getting rid of you?"

This had been on my mind off and on since the retreat.

"I figured you'd get tired of me sooner or later, Master," I said, looking into the bedcover.

He pulled me back to look at him in the face.

"Daniel, I will never get tired of you. Sometimes you're the only thing that gets me up in the mornings. Thinking of you gets me through the day and gives me something to look forward to in the afternoons."

"I love you too, sir," I said with a light, tender kiss to his lips.

I was able to stay the night with him and slept in his bed. It was the most peaceful night's sleep I'd had in weeks. He always made me feel safe and loved.

I woke the next morning and after inserting my tail and getting my harness on, I began making breakfast. It was scrambled eggs, sausage and toast. I had to be careful frying the sausage or my dick would get the hot grease as it popped. He joined me in the kitchen as the eggs were cooking.

"It was the sausage that woke you, right?"

"It smelled too good to just lie there any longer." He smiled and gave me a hug from behind. A quick kiss and he was off to let me finish.

He poured the juice and got everything else ready while I finished with the eggs. Once serving him, I knelt down and ate off the floor by his side.

"You can sit up here, you know," he suggested.

"I have my tail in, sir," I answered. He knew I wanted it to last, and this was sort of an important day.

"Then take it out."

"I like it in."

"UH!" he cried in mock frustration. "You are the most frustrating slave; you know that?"

I quickly stood up and got into his face.

"Yes, I know," I repeated his words back to him with a smile. I was wrapping my arms around him when the doorbell rang. We both froze. "You're not expecting anyone, are you?" He shook his head, no.

I slyly moved to where I can see out the front door without anyone seeing me. I saw Jennifer standing there by herself. I breathed a lot easier. Keeping the door between myself and the outside, I opened it to let her in.

"So much for taking it easy," she chided. I stuck my tongue out at her in retaliation.

"We were having breakfast. Want some?"

"Sure," she said, shrugging her shoulders.

She and Master Sloan said good morning to each other and then she sat down at the table. I made another plate real quick, served her, and then resumed my place on the floor by his side. She just shook her head in disbelief and dug into her eggs and sausage. I finished in lightning speed and took the dishes to the dishwasher for cleaning.

"Can I talk to you, Daniel?" she asked as I was finishing up the dishes.

I looked to my master and he nodded. She and I slipped out back to walk around a bit while we talked. It was normal stuff for a while, but I got the feeling there was something more.

"What's the real reason you're here, Jenn?" I asked when we'd exhausted all other conversations.

"What do you think of Harry?"

"In what way?"

"As a boyfriend," she said quickly.

"Well, he's not really my type, Jenn," I said with a smirk and got a punch on the arm for my troubles.

"For me, you idiot," she shot back with a sneer of her own.

"Why do you ask?" I inquired after the laughing died down.

"He's asked me to go with him."

"Well, of course it's up to you, Jenn. How did all this happen?" I knew something had been going on, of course, but I let on differently to hear her side of things.

"We sort of got close while you were in the hospital, but it started at the fight. While you were on the ground 3;"

" 3;he put his arm around you," I finished for her.

"How 3;?"

"Never mind, it's not important." I was trying to deflect her from that line of questioning. I was now regretting saying anything. "Go on."

"Anyway, he and I've had a lot of time to talk and we've just sort of gotten closer."

I turned and looked at her in the face. I placed a hand on her shoulder, fondly.

"If it's what you want, then I'm happy for you."

The sliding door to the back opened and my master stuck his head out.

"A Harry Mason's here for you, Daniel," he said. I slapped my forehead and covered my face with my hand.

"Why does my life have to be this complicated?"

"Because you're an eleven year old slave?" she said, rhetorically.

"I suppose," I said, conceding to her. I looked to my master in question. He shrugged back so I told him that Harry might as well come on through. "Let's get this over with."

As Master turned back to the front door to get Harry, Jennifer and I made our way to stand beside the sliding door at the wall. He couldn't see either of us as he exited. Once he was outside, I came around with a hand to his throat so fast he never had a chance to see it coming. He was pulled to the side and backed against the wall. Jennifer knew from experience not to interfere.

"You're not going to say anything until I've had my say, Harry. If I get the feeling you're even thinking about screaming or running, I'll make good on the threat I made back in January. Got it?" My voice never rose above the same level I always use; I didn't need it to.

The whole thing surprised him into shock, but he nodded. Jennifer was standing quietly beside me and he looked to her for help.

"She's not going to help, Harry. Jennifer knows all about this and how necessary it is that I do have to say it this way.

"I'm going to let go of you, but don't even think about raising your voice above a normal talking voice."

I let him down and released his neck. I may have been a little worn out, but I was still strong enough to kick Harry's ass if I had to. I took a deep breath and began telling him everything. There were points along the way that I knew would repulse him, and it did happen, but he stuck with it until I was finished talking. Jennifer helped along the way with her points of view as well. It took hours before we were done.

"How is everything?" my master asked as we were wrapping things up.

"Fine, Master," I said, not looking in his direction yet, but still looking at Harry. "Can you give us a few more minutes, sir?"

"Sure thing. I just came to tell you that it's getting close to lunchtime, Daniel."

"Understood, sir."

He left and I began speaking to Harry and only Harry.

"It comes down to one thing, Harry. I like you. You were there in the field with me at the fight and didn't leave or run away. You also showed up at the hospital all three days to see me. All of that shows loyalty.

"You don't have to like this. And you don't have to agree with this. But, if anything happens to Master Sloan, I will come for you. And nothing this side of hell will stop me. Understand?" He nodded, but that didn't satisfy me. "Say it, Harry."

"I got it, Trae," he said, nodding again. My countenance changed to a slightly softer demeanor after that.

"Lunch?" I turned to Jenn and asked. She nodded. "Bring your boyfriend, too." She giggled and Harry got a wide-eyed look on his face. "Yes, I know about that, too."

I turned and was leading them inside when Harry asked about my tail.

"Where'd you get that thing?"

"Yeah, where did you get that thing?" Jennifer added.

"Do you remember the weekend I was gone back in June?" I asked her and she nodded. "It was to a sort of retreat for people in this kind of lifestyle. When I got there, I went through an initiation called a hunt. It was a fox hunt, sort of."

"You killed a fox?" she asked, shocked that I would do such a thing. I just had to laugh.

"I was the fox, Jenn," I told her as we entered the kitchen.

"You have got to be kidding," Harry threw in.

"Nope. Have a seat." We were at the kitchen table and I motioned for them to sit there. They sat and I got them their meals. "About fifteen of them hunted me with nets and ropes and things."

After getting their meals and my master's meal, I assumed my place on the floor next to him. Harry was shocked while Jennifer took it in stride, although she hadn't seen this before that morning. Master Sloan finished telling them about the hunt that weekend.

"And Daniel was the first in the history of 'the hunt' to get back to the pavilion without being caught," my master concluded with a great source of pride in his voice. He ran his hand through my hair, affectionately as I knelt by him, eating.

"Why are you on the floor?" Harry just had to ask.

"Because slaves don't sit at their masters' tables," Master Sloan answered for me. "If it were just the two of us, then he would, but since we have guests, he assumes his rightful place." Another tender stroke of his hand and I moved my shoulder to let him know it was appreciated. "It's also considered rude to talk to a slave without getting his master's permission first, Harry."

"This all seems a little much," Harry commented. I looked to him real quick with a growl. He was starting to tick me off a little.

"Settle down, boy," my master said, stroking me again. "Harry, is there something you like to do for the simple pleasure of it?"

"Well, yeah," he agreed.

"Well, Daniel's doing something that he enjoys also."

"But he's being treated like a dog, Mister Carpenter," he sort of pressed on.

"Master, may I?" I asked and he nodded. "Describe a dog, Harry," I said, turning towards him.

"What kind of dog?"

"Any kind."

"I don't understand." I'm not surprised.

"How does a dog act? What're the personalities of one?"

"I don't get what you mean." Talk about thick.

"Then let me clear it up for you. A dog's loyal, devoted, territorial, dependent, but also independent, protective of his own, and most of them are smart and caring animals. So, what's so bad about being treated like a dog? Excluding how they mark their territory."

Jennifer and my master sort of snickered at the last comment. Harry wasn't amused. I shook my head in frustration. Breaking the rules this once, I crawled over to him and then put my forearms on his thighs as I had done to Jennifer once. I looked straight up into his eyes.

"Harry, I already told you that I like you, and I do want you as a friend, but you're going to have to understand something about me. I need Sloan Carpenter in my life as my master. He gives me more than you could ever possibly imagine. It's more than the martial arts, more than the discipline.

"If you still want to be a friend of mine, then you're going to have to accept this part of me, whether you like it or not, or understand it or not. If you don't want to, then I can live with that, but you will keep my secret. If there's one thing you don't want to do, it's attack or threaten a dog's master. They tend to get vicious. And you've seen just how vicious I can be."

Again, I used the same even keeled voice, never wavering one bit. When I was done, I simply stood, took all the plates and put them in the dishwasher. All eyes were on me and no one said a word.

"Who else knows about this, Trae?" he asked finally as we walked into the family room.

"Out of the ones that matter, only the four of us, Harry. And you're still being rude to my master."

I looked hard at him. He seemed lost. Jennifer whispered into his ear and he nodded.

"I'm sorry, sir," he acquiesced to my master's authority over me.

"Apology accepted, Harry," he said with a nod, then turned to me.

"Now, you up for a workout, kid?"

"Only if you're up for getting your butt whipped, old man," I came back with.

"What just happened here?" Harry asked and the two of us laughed as we made our way to the dojo.

Author's Note

I am working on some future chapters of this story. In them, Daniel is going through a series of events similar to Istari's Worldwide Boy Gladiators. I don't want to copy him, although I have used an idea or two of his, so I need ideas. I have about fifteen or so ideas so far, but I need about ten more or so. They can be sexual or painful in nature or both. If there's some idea that's unique or different in some way, please send it to me.

You may use the feedback form (with Rutilus as subject) of this website and the webmaster will get it to me. Thanks in advance. Shakey.