PZA Boy Stories


Slaveboys From Moscow & New York

(Slaveboy series 3)


For the Nialos website Pueros combined the 5-part story Slaveboy From New York with the unfinished story Slaveboy From Moscow, which was continued. Slaveboy From New York is adapted partly and set in 1999 instead of 2001 as the original.
Publ. 2006 (Nialos); this site Jun 2007
Unfinished; 37,500 words (75 pages)


Sergei (14yo), Yuri (14yo), Sasha (14yo), Viktor (14yo) / Robert (13yo), Nsikak (13yo) [David, John and Michael (all 13yo)]

Category & Story codes

Boy-Slave story/now
Mt Mdom anal oral mast chast – hist.fact bd enema humil interr spank tort toys


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.
If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?
This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.
It is just a story, ok?

Archivist's note

You can read this story in two ways:
(1) As two stories, Slaveboy From Moscow and Slaveboy From New York (first version) respectively.
(2) Here as a single story, Slaveboys From Moscow & New York. Both versions are cross-linked.

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line.

Table of Contents

  1. Noël
    1. Moscow
    2. New York
    3. St. Petersburg
    4. Niger
    5. Ténéré du Tafassasset
    6. Tuaregs
  2. Esclaves
    1. Enslavement
    2. Nightmare
    3. Recovery
    4. Arabia
  3. Allaitant
    1. Torture
    2. Plateau de Tchigaï
    3. Snow
    4. Games
    5. Whore
  4. Prostitué
    1. Surrealism
    2. Nsikak
    3. Orders
  5. Circoncision
    1. Wood
    2. Cuts
  6. Charité (not yet published)

Part One - Noël

'Being your slave, what should I do but tend Upon the hours and times of your desire?'
- William Shakespeare (Sonnet 57)

Moscow 1a

Chapter 1 - Moscow

(A large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to Moscow, Christmas 1999)

After his excruciating experience on the wheel, 14 year-old Sergei had been too distressed and damaged to return immediately with his Master to the dacha near St. Petersburg. The boy had instead been afforded a spare cell in the basement of the similar country residence near his home city of Moscow at which the most recent auction of new young slaves had just been held.

Sergei's back, buttocks and the rear of his legs had been agonisingly indented with a morass of bloody spike marks. Fortunately, all of these injuries would eventually completely heal and not leave any permanent scars. The young Muscovite had, despite his acute anguish, been sensible enough not to wriggle too much as the wheel was slowly mechanically revolved over several hours, under the initial cruel supervision of the host, and so he had not made his wounds more serious by radical movement.

Nevertheless, the pain induced when Sergei had revolved upwards, causing the full weight of his body to press against the spikes on the rim of the wheel, to which his wrists and ankles were chained so that he was stretched taut in an uncomfortable curve, had been immense. The relief accrued when the boy subsequently moved downwards had also initially been lessened by the fact that he at first believed in horror that the gap between the lower edge of the wicked device and the black concrete floor of the torture chamber was insufficient to allow him passage.

The petrified Sergei only accepted that the gap was just sufficient for most of his slim body after he had been revolved several times through 360°. However, the boy also discovered that his flaccid cock did brush the polished floor on each revolution. This phenomenon became more noticeable, both physically and visibly, with time, as the unruly penis reacted by gradually becoming hard.

The host of the auction and the many guests, who had accompanied him to watch him hurt Sergei, and who included the boy's own Master, noticed this penile reaction, which was common because the wheel had been set up partly to induce such a phenomenon when torturing young males. The spectators naturally stayed to see the equally customary denouement.

Despite Sergei's excruciation and his earlier ejaculation when the butler had sodomised him, his raging young teenage hormones, boosted by previous enforced celibacy and unknowing consumption of strong aphrodisiacs, needed only two dozen revolutions of the wheel to make him cum again. The boy's ecstatic erection was still shamefully spurting semen when he was once more temporarily uplifted to face the ceiling instead of the floor, causing some of the ejaculate to fall back onto his genitals and belly.

When Sergei was subsequently again moving downwards and he was in the relevant inverted position, some of the residual cum even dripped onto his chest and face, thereby completing his humiliation, to the utter delight of the many spectators crowded into the torture chamber. Having watched this pleasant spectacle, the latter throng subsequently departed to leave the boy to enjoy his torture on his own, as the wheel was allowed automatically to turn slowly for a few more hours.

During this generally agonising period, Sergei somehow managed to enjoy two more brief ecstatic intervals, as he orgasmed twice more.

New York 1

Chapter 2 - New York

(New York, USA, same time)

The Twin Towers were still standing when the exceptionally attractive, fair-haired blue-eyed boy, who lived in a luxurious apartment near to New York's World Trade Center, began to fill a small suitcase for his trip to Africa with his widower father. The man had advised his only child, whose personality everyone considered to be extremely charming, that they should both travel light and so the 13 year-old was only packing what he thought were essentials.

The son had been Christened 'Robert' after both of his grandfathers, who coincidentally shared the same forename. However, the appellation was pronounced somewhat differently in the respective countries of which the elderly men were nationals.

In contrast to the French element of the boy's family, his American relations and friends made use of the English sound of the letter 't' when pronouncing his full name. However, on the western side of the Atlantic Ocean, he was most commonly addressed as 'Rob', whilst on the other he was often alternatively and affectionately called 'Petite Pomme', or 'Little Apple', which was a wordplay connected to his home city's nickname.

Despite the fact that the word 'pomme' was feminine in gender, Robert did not mind being called such a nickname because he was proud of his home city of New York, or the 'Big Apple'. However, the boy was subsequently to be acutely ashamed when he eventually earned another far less pleasant French title. The derogative was 'Allaitant', a translation of and explanation for which will be provided later.

Robert was the product of a marriage between a father who was a native New Yorker and a mother who was from Nîmes in France. The boy's parents had met when they were both rather impecunious young post-graduate students at the Sorbonne in Paris.

Robert's father, quietly but significantly helped and supported by his new spouse, had gone on from the Sorbonne to become an immensely successful multi-millionaire businessman in the high-technology sector back in New York, where he and his wife had established their main home and where their only child was born. The boy therefore happily considered himself to be an American and New Yorker like his male parent. This attitude existed despite being fluent in French and having both dual nationality and a great affection for his mother's homeland and relatives, whom he often visited and who adored their 'Petite Pomme'.

Robert attended one of New York's most prestigious and expensive private schools, where he was very popular with both staff and fellow pupils. The boy also proved to be gifted academically and in sports, being as able with an American football in his hands as with a soccer ball at his feet. He could also out-run and out-swim anyone of his own age.

Robert had needed the comfort of his extended family and large number of close friends after his mother died of breast cancer tragically young when he was only a 10 year- old. The boy's father had subsequently immediately sold all of his lucrative business interests to concentrate on his only son's upbringing, as well as on charitable works, which had previously been his wife's biggest pastime.

Robert's father, rather naturally in the circumstances, gave significant help to breast cancer research. However, the man also fatefully spent a lot of time and money on African charities, which had been the main causes supported by his late wife.

The history of Robert's maternal family indicated that certain forebears had once been involved in the establishment and administration of French colonies in northwest Africa. They were especially associated with what are now the vast but impoverished Islamic Republics of Mauritania, Mali, Niger and Chad, on the southern fringes of the Sahara Desert.

Perhaps because of a guilty conscience about France's past colonial exploitation of the region, and familial involvement in such deeds, Robert's mother had directed most of her charitable efforts towards these countries, particularly at the eradication there of a certain still extant social evil. She had even set up her own organisation for the purpose, with the acronym of 'Amasiaf' for short and for which she had used her artistic talents to design a distinctive logo.

The social evil concerned was actually at the forefront of Robert's bright mind, as he excitedly packed his suitcase during his school's Christmas and New Year holidays. The boy's father was travelling to Africa on a brief fact- finding trip and his son had fatefully successfully begged to go with him.

Moscow 1b

Chapter 3 - St. Petersburg

(A large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to Moscow, several days later)

After spending several days lying on his front on the bed of a tiny basement cell in a dacha near Moscow, whilst the rear of his body healed with the aid of a corrupt doctor's expert attention, Sergei was returned to the similar country residence of his own Master near St. Petersburg. Two limousines and a private jet aircraft provided the boy's transport and, during the journey, he had been able to judge from the snowy and seasonally decorated scenes through the windows that Christmas was imminent.

Sergei was now continuing his recuperation in a more familiar tiny basement cell. As the boy did so, he was excused the generally unpleasant daily exercise sessions.

Such pardon from the daily exercise sessions, however, made the common monotony of Sergei's current existence even more acute. The boy was therefore unsure whether he should be displeased or happy about the situation.

Sergei had discovered that lengthy periods of suffering at his Master's cruel hands in the basement of the dacha, such as that endured on the day of his induction, were actually quite rare, as were the man's perverse parties. Despite his clear cruel lust for his four slaveboys, the multi- millionaire simply did not appear to be present at his country residence with them very often.

Sergei would have known if he was being left alone whilst one of the other three slaveboys suffered nearby because the walls in the basement did not seem to be too thick. The sound of music coming from the entertainment room or of screams from the torture chamber could readily be heard.

Sergei judged correctly that his Master remained a working multi-millionaire, who committed himself to a very hectic business schedule, as well as social life. The boy therefore rightly presumed that the allures of making more money and of enjoying events elsewhere were somehow often greater for the man than the attractions offered by his four exceptionally beautiful young slaves in the basement of his country dacha.

Sergei by now knew that his Master compensated for his absence from his dacha by frequently being accompanied by one of his young slaves on his business and other excursions. The selected boy would act in public places as a valet, just as Yuri had done during the man's recent trip to New York.

Sergei himself had so far not yet been chosen for the privilege, apart from his recent horrible and injurious trip to Moscow for a fraternity event. However, the boy's failure to be selected for another trip would soon end and again he would not enjoy the experience.

Given his Master's frequent absences, much of Sergei's first three months of service for the sadist had therefore actually largely been filled with immense monotony. Such boredom was interspersed with only occasional bouts of humiliation and suffering of varying length and cruelty at the hands of the man or his staff.

The staff tended not to overplay their employer's generosity in being willing to share his young slaves' sexual services. They were keen not to damage the boys in some way through overuse, which might engender their boss' anger and so endanger their lucrative jobs.

Consequently, Sergei found that most of his time was spent alone in his tiny cell, naked apart from the cruel transparent chastity cage encasing his genitals. At such times, the daily routine was always monotonously the same.

The boring schedule did, though, provide Sergei with the only way in which he could guess the approximate time. The boy would not otherwise have been able to make a decent judgement because his tiny accommodation was windowless and the cell's fluorescent light was never switched off to indicate day or night

The usual routine would begin with an order, which normally woke Sergei and was conveyed over the intercom, for the boy to cleanse and groom himself in readiness for the doctor's daily visit. The physician would be calling to perform the customary health and welfare checks and supervise the usual enemas. He also now caused the young slave a lot of pain as well as shame by applying the stinging depilatory solution to appropriate areas on the 14 year-old's perfect body.

The doctor would invariably temporarily remove Sergei's transparent perspex genital chastity cage for the purpose of applying the stinging solution to the boy's smooth sexual organs. The young slave's frustrated cock inevitably celebrated the brief freedom from tight restriction in spiked plastic by immediately rising to full erection, aided by his generally recently unsatisfied raging teenage hormones, which were further stimulated by the aphrodisiacs that continued to be furtively included in his diet.

Such penile hardness, however, never lasted for long, even when the doctor next began gently rubbing Sergei's genitals, using hands protected by rubber gloves. Normally such attention would be humiliating but nevertheless stimulating but not when the action signalled the smearing onto the boy's sexual organs of the stinging depilatory solution.

Despite attempting to brace himself as best he could for the resultant genital anguish, Sergei invariably uttered a low pained groan as the shiny viscous fluid, which resembled baby lotion in appearance but not effect, was applied and his sexual organs felt like they were on fire. The boy's cock would also immediately shrink to agonised flaccidity, thereby enabling the doctor subsequently to refit the chastity cage with speedy efficiency.

Afterwards, Sergei could usually not resist looking down at his freshly smeared and re-caged genitals. The boy would be rewarded by the sight of his sexual organs encased in tight- fitting plastic and now shining back at him. The fluid rubbed onto them would be reflecting the light of his cell's two main constantly switched-on sources of illumination, namely the fluorescent tube on the ceiling above and the television screen on a high corner shelf by the door.

From experience, because he had not been informed of the fact, Sergei appreciated that he would not be given any solid sustenance after the doctor finally departed if he was required for sexual service, whilst water from the tap in his cell would be his only drink. The efficiency of the enemas to which the boy had just been embarrassingly subjected was not to be marred by other consumption until his duties had been fulfilled.

Sergei could therefore now always tell whether his Master was resident or expected in the dacha. Food would quickly arrive after the doctor's daily visit if the multi- millionaire was not present or coming. Otherwise, the boy would have to wait to be fed and the delay was invariably prolonged until the man had satisfied his perverted sadistic lusts for the day.

The Master was often inconsistent and erratic in his sexual activity. The man frequently changed his mind about which slaveboys to use, in singles or multiples, and how in order to sate his lusts, and he might also require several deviant sessions before he was fully satisfied.

Consequently, confirmation that the Master had finally sated his perverted appetites for the day could arrive late and only then would an unused boy be stood down from waiting to be summoned. Whether any appetites, for food rather than sex, possessed by the young slaves, used or not, would then be met depended on two factors.

One was the lateness of the hour, as the domestic staff usually could not be bothered to feed the boys beyond the early evening. The other related to the physical condition of those young slaves upon whom the Master had vented his generally cruel sexual desires, as they were often now too pained to be worried about food.

Boys, even those not summoned for sexual service by the Master, could therefore often pass the day without any sustenance whatsoever, apart from the water provided by the taps in their cells. However, the resultant feeling of starvation would be psychological rather than real. The doctor was accurately kept informed about what the young slaves did consume because he controlled their diets carefully in order to ensure their health and welfare, albeit not out of kind concern for them. His consideration was for his employer, who did not want sickly sex toys but rather pristinely lively ones.

The first indication that the Master was not resident or expected was the arrival, shortly after the departure of the doctor, of cereal in milk contained in a light plastic dish, accompanied by a spoon and a cup of the same material, with the latter filled with orange juice. Sergei correctly presumed that such fare, which would be pushed on a tray through the narrow flap at the bottom of his cell door, represented breakfast and meant that another morning had come to the outside world.

After consuming the breakfast, and returning on top of the tray a now empty plastic dish and cup and used spoon back through the narrow flap, Sergei would then have little to do other than contemplate his own thoughts whilst lying on his bed. Viewing or reading pornography by either watching the television or perusing the illustrated literature stored on the little bookshelf next to him tended to be unattractive, although not because the consistent theme was pederasty. The boy was instead reluctant to do anything that might stimulate his caged cock to want to grow and, despite still considering himself to be basically heterosexual, he now knew that the relevant scenes and words did indeed somehow induce such a reaction.

The deeply bored Sergei would wait like this for hours until the daily summons came to frequent the dacha's large well- equipped gymnasium. In addition to the boys' food and for the same reasons, the doctor also monitored the young slaves' exercise regime, as spending whole days lazily lying on beds was not good for their bodies.

On days when the young slaves were required by their Master, the boys would, of course, have no need for physical exertions other than those imposed on them by the multi- millionaire. However, when the man was away, rigorous daily exercise sessions in the dacha's gymnasium were prescribed for all expect those needing rest to help them recover from recently inflicted injuries, as Sergei was now requiring.

The large well-equipped windowless gymnasium was actually inside one of the metal doors in the sinister corridor outside the boys' cells. There, the young slaves, naked apart from their genital chastity cages, would exercise in a group under the supervision of one of the domestic staff, a big muscular brutal-looking man in his mid-50s who had once been a Red Army physical education instructor.

The exercise routine was always the same. The boys would initially have to sprint several circuits of the gymnasium, with the one coming last literally earning a black mark. Their instructor used a rubber stamp coated with indelible ink to impress a little ebony circle onto the young miscreant's right arm.

The boys subsequently practised some gymnastics. They attempted to use a horizontal bar and then rings to pull themselves up from the floor, which was covered in cushioned matting, and also indulged in rope-climbing, walking along a narrow beam, which required good balance, and vaulting over a wooden horse. The associated energetic floor exercises, conducted to the instructor's accompanying shouted orders, included handstands and summersaults.

Fortunately, most healthy Russian boys are accustomed to performing such gymnastics at school and so the four young slaves all proved at least competent at these exercises, thereby earning few further black marks for errors. However, when they first practised in their current states, they also felt rather peculiar doing so wearing their leather slave collars, wristlets and anklets, plus their genital chastity cages, silver nipple and cock rings and little frenum barbells of the same precious metal on the underside of their penises.

This impression of peculiarity was exacerbated when, due to their energetic movements, particularly whilst inverting themselves for a handstand or summersault, the boys' nipple- rings also flipped around, sometimes uncomfortably so. However, they eventually became accustomed to exercising whilst so adorned with the regalia that their Master had deemed appropriate for his young slaves.

After the gymnastics, further sprinting was required, this time on the moving platforms of running machines, which was followed by ones simulating cycling and rowing. In each new session, the instructor would establish slightly higher targets for the boys to accomplish on this equipment, in terms of distance achieved in a fixed time. He also set similarly increasing goals for the subsequent lifting of weights.

Further sprinting of circuits around the gymnasium was immediately followed by four now sweaty and tired bodies, all usually displaying at least one black mark on their right arms, literally making a splash. An adjacent basement chamber, directly accessed through a broad door-less arched entrance, contained a swimming pool, about 15 yards long by 10 wide, which was full of very cold water, whose temperature was deliberately kept low by special refrigeration equipment. The Master did not want to spoil his slaveboys by providing fun amenities.

All of the boys loved swimming but not in this freezing water, into which they, however, did not dare to hesitate to dive and which was perfumed to make unnecessary any subsequent need for a shower to restore their bodies to sweat-less sweet-smelling perfection after their rigorous exercises. The performance of the chilling breaststroke over several lengths of the pool concluded the session's formal components and so the young slaves were naturally happy for two reasons to finish their race as quickly as possible.

First, the boys could then haul themselves out of the cold water. Second, the young slaves could begin to recover from their inevitable exhaustion without having to face other tiring physical challenges.

Unfortunately, one of the boys tended to be less happy than the others at the conclusion of the session. He was, of course, the one displaying the most black marks on his right arm.

The instructor liked to vary the suffering now to be endured by the worst performer during the day's exercise session, whose identity would be determined by another tie-breaking length swum in the freezing pool if there had been a draw. The cruel man also proved to be quite inventive in using the gymnasium equipment for the purpose.

One example of such cruel ingenuity was demonstrated on the sole occasion so far that the naturally very fit and athletic Sergei had earned most black marks. The boy had done so mainly because he had hurt an ankle during one of the vigorous exercises. The injury was only slight and did not linger too long in the wake of the session, especially after the doctor had treated it with liniment and massage, but it had hindered his capabilities at the time.

Whilst the other boys watched, the instructor removed Sergei's genital chastity cage and padlocked his leather wristlets to the gymnastics rings, adjusted so that the 14 year-old was uncomfortably suspended above the floor. The man then fixed a little but strong metal clip, located at the end of a length of sturdy cord, to his young victim's cockring.

This cord was usually utilised to tie the thicker climbing ropes out of the way to the walls when they were not in use. However, on this occasion, the instructor found another use and began to pull.

Sergei's naked body, on which his released penis had as usual become erect to celebrate its temporary freedom, was consequently drawn by his genitals in the direction in which the cord was being pulled. In response, acute agony immediately overwhelmed the groin of the boy, who began to believe that either his sexual organs would be ripped off him or the cockring would be. He did not think that the latter option would be much better, as the circumference was so narrow that surely his balls would in the process be crushed or torn away too.

In the event, none of these threats actually materialised. By the time that the sadistic instructor had pulled Sergei's naked form by the boy's genitals to an angle of about 45° to the floor, and tied the cord to the study horizontal bar apparatus to keep the young slave there, the 14 year-old's sexual organs were still in place, albeit excruciatingly so.

Before removing the black marks on the boys' arms with special solvent, the instructor normally concluded the exercise sessions by requiring the young slave who had earned the most to offer his orifices either for sodomy or fellatio. However, Sergei's anus and mouth had at the time still been his Master's exclusive preserve and so the man had required the second worst athlete on the day to fulfil the function.

Whilst a tearful Sergei, who somehow avoided begging for mercy because of the proscriptions against talking without permission and exhibiting cowardice, breaking either of which would only incur further punishment, remained agonising stretched in the air by his genitals, Sasha was therefore being sodomised. The instructor again found use for a piece of gymnastics equipment for the purpose. The sex act proceeded whilst the boy was resting facedown over the vaulting horse.

After eventually returning to their cells very tired and possibly also still very hurt after the daily exercise session, a midday luncheon of cold sandwiches would be delivered to the boys. However, a hot evening dinner was later supplied, after a long afternoon boringly spent lying on the bed, unless a salad had been deemed more appropriate according to the careful dietary calculations of the doctor. This final meal of the day would be provided on a plastic tray, with multiple compartments to house the various ingredients, and be eaten with cutlery and be washed down with juice in a cup made of the same cheap material.

Sergei did not believe that his multi-millionaire Master was being parsimonious by providing only plastic utensils. The boy instead thought that safety was a more likely reason, including ensuring that the young slaves did not attempt any self-harm, given the miserable nature of their existences.

Sleep, frequently fitful and often induced not only by tiredness but also by the utter monotony of such a life, would subsequently eventually overwhelm the boys until the whole daily cycle restarted. Given this routine, there should be little surprise that the young slaves were often unsure whether they were displeased or happy at being excused the exercise sessions in order to assist their recuperation from injuries.

Sergei was now in such a dilemma, not knowing whether recuperating from injuries in such a boring manner was better than being subjected to the daily gymnastics sessions or even his Master's perversions, either of which at least broke the monotony. The boy's associated melancholy about his present circumstances was made worse by the fact that he knew that many people in the outside world were celebrating and enjoying Christmas.

New York 2

Chapter 4 - Niger

(Agadez Départment, Niger, Africa, same time)

Robert, who had been comprehensively inoculated in New York against African diseases, and his father spent several pre- Christmas days in Niger's capital, Niamey. This city was in the relatively fertile and agricultural southwest of the country, which was watered by the river after which the nation had been named and its tributaries.

Currently being winter in the Northern Hemisphere and close to Christmas did not really affect the prevailing climate in Niger. The country being situated on the southern fringes of the Sahara Desert ensured that the weather was extremely hot.

In Niamey, Robert's father had vociferously and publicly criticised local politicians for being ineffective about a certain social evil still extant in their country. The man's views were later reported in the 'New York Times' and other distinguished media throughout the world.

Robert and his father had then relocated, via a locally hired four-seat private light aircraft, to the dusty ramshackle town of Agadez in the eponymous desert-like northern region, or 'départment', of Niger. In doing so, they had flown over the vast country's central zone of pasturage.

Robert and his father subsequently flew from Agadez's rundown airstrip, heading for the far northeast of Niger and the remote town of Madama, which was located on a plateau fringing the southern Sahara. They proposed to use the place as a base from which to locate nomadic Tuareg tribesmen and check firsthand on the continued existence of a certain social evil. Unfortunately, their light aircraft never completed the journey.

The first time that the shocked pilot realised that he was out of fuel was when the aircraft's single engine began to splutter, whilst they flew over the Ténéré du Tafassasset Desert. The relevant storage tank had been deliberately under-filled and the associated gauge sabotaged to provide a false reading. Some of Niger's politicians had not liked criticism from such an important man as Robert's father, which threatened their international aid, much of which actually corruptly went into their own pockets.

"I'm going to have to make a crash landing," the pilot had then announced, whilst desperately searching the arid rocky terrain below for a suitable spot on which to do so. He had already found that the radio was also no longer working and so no distress call could be made.

Unfortunately, nowhere below appeared ideal for the crash landing. Consequently, the pilot was eventually forced to glide towards an area that he knew meant trouble, although hopefully less than if he made an alternative choice. As the aircraft descended, Robert's father climbed from the front double-seat to his son's similar sitting position behind and covered the boy with his own body, completing his action just as the aircraft hit the ground.

New York 3

Chapter 5 - Ténéré du Tafassasset

(Ténéré du Tafassasset Desert, Agadez Départment, Niger, Africa, 1 hour later)

When Robert finally regained consciousness, about an hour after the crash, he instantly knew from the chill on his father's face and hands that his parent was dead. Sight of the man's still-open but lifeless eyes had then confirmed the boy's deeply distressing diagnosis.

The greatly grieving and copiously tearful Robert had, apart from receiving a knock on the head that had rendered him temporarily unconscious, miraculously survived the crash unharmed, thanks to the selfless protection of his father's body. However, the boy realised that he was still in grave danger when he next discovered that the pilot too was dead and that the now roofless aircraft was a complete wreck in the middle of a virtually uninhabited desert.

Despite this realisation, Robert was for a while in the immediate aftermath of the crash incapable of doing anything other than cry whilst hugging his dead father. However, the boy's bright mind eventually recovered sufficiently from his acute anguish to enable him to decide that he could not remain where he was presently located.

The usual extremely cold desert night would soon descend and Robert therefore reckoned that he had to seek better shelter and preferably help before he froze to death. The immensely sad boy actually would not have minded to exit life at that moment, having now just lost his beloved father to become an orphan. However, he knew that his late parents would not want him to die so young in such circumstances and so he motivated himself at least to attempt to save himself for their sake. He was helped by the thought that they would want him eventually to carry on with their charitable causes, which he now pledged to do in their honour and memory.

Collecting the aircraft's rather small, light and inadequately equipped emergency supply case, Robert therefore set off to walk across the surrounding rocky desert plain, guessing the best direction to take and reluctantly leaving the dead bodies of his father and the pilot behind. The boy, copious tears falling onto the sandy surface at his feet, had previously done his best to cover the corpses with loosened panelling in order to try to protect them from the various scavengers that undoubtedly roamed this arid environment. However, the young American was unsure how effective his efforts would prove to be when challenged by voracious carrion-eaters.

At the time of the crash, Robert had been wearing only a thin red t-shirt and a pair of light blue jeans, with black briefs underneath, plus brown sandals without socks. However, the boy wisely supplemented this attire by carrying some items retrieved from his suitcase before he began to traverse the surrounding desert. He thought that he would need to wear the extra garments to protect him from the overnight cold if he could find no quick assistance.

Robert's most immediate worry, however, was the fact that the aircraft's emergency water container had split during the crash, wastefully spilling the contents. Apart from that contained in a little bottle in the small supply case the boy was also carrying, he therefore had no supply of the precious liquid to save him from rapidly dying of thirst.

Consequently, the need for Robert to find speedy help was urgent.

New York 4

Chapter 6 - Tuaregs

(Ténéré du Tafassasset Desert, Agadez Départment, Niger, Africa, 2 days later, Christmas Day 1999)

Robert had needed his spare clothing, as he had just spent his second freezing night, which happened to be Christmas Eve, under the cloudless starry African sky, with only a shallow rock crevice sheltering him from the chilling sandy wind. However, the boy, as he fitfully attempted to sleep in such circumstances, considered the howls and other sounds of sinister animals to be the most disturbing elements of his current distressful plight, especially as he appeared to be the only human to share their habitat.

Nevertheless, as a rather bedraggled Robert awoke at dawn on Christmas Day, not to the prospect of opening presents but to resume his northerly walk through a desert, he did appreciate that his main worry for the daytime was his now complete lack of water. The staggering struggling boy, who was plagued by flies and was accompanied by vultures circling him overhead and the likes of hyenas tracking him at a respectful distance, correctly doubted that he would survive long without a taste of the precious liquid.

The best Christmas Day presents that Robert could now obtain for himself were water and safety. Unfortunately, the boy was only to secure one of these desires.

The relentless sun was later high in the cloudless sky when the now very slow and comprehensively sweat-covered Robert experienced his first mirage. After the hopeful boy eventually staggered to the scene where he expected to discover tents located near to a little green oasis, he instead disappointingly found nothing but dry rock and sand.

Robert's confusion and distress then caused him to begin unthinkingly to drop the items he was carrying. The delusional boy also eventually encountered three more mirages during the course of the long hot afternoon.

Robert had therefore decided to ignore the latest tents that appeared before his tormented eyes, believing them to be a mirage too, until a brown-skinned man, attired in a blue indigo-dyed Arab-like robe with veiled head-dress, and mounted on an ornate saddle on a camel, came riding out to meet him. As the adult did so, the white boy was just beginning to collapse to his knees.

After apparently asking some unanswered queries in an indecipherable language, which Robert was later to discover was called 'Temajeg', the mounted man, armed with a sheathed sword in a scabbard, eventually gave up his questions in favour of dragging Robert onto his camel. He then rode with his young prize back to the local assembly of goatskin tents.

Some subsequent shouts resulted in the appearance from inside a tent of an older similarly dressed and armed man. Robert was later to discover that this adult was the leader of the inter-related ninety-strong Tuareg tribal group, which was currently encamped close to a waterhole and some oasis animal pasturage.

The older man, whose sole visible feature on his veiled face was his eyes, was accompanied by a rather pretty black boy of Robert's own age, who was attired only in a skimpy brown one-piece camel-hide loincloth. However, the 13 year-old also strangely displayed around his neck a broad silver- coloured steel collar, with four affixed rings at the front, back and sides, and similar smaller adornments on his wrists and ankles.

The boy's collar, wristlets and anklets were all clearly engraved with the outline of a scorpion. He also exhibited what looked like a portrayal of the same arachnid in dark paint on the middle of his chest, although the precise nature of the mark was difficult to discern because of his black skin.

The dishevelled and parched Robert was dismounted from the camel to be presented to the family elder, who began to address the white boy in disjointed French, which was the official language of Niger and which the young bilingual American could understand. In reply, the 13 year-old tried to explain his background and current distressing circumstances to the man, who rather incongruously then started to smile.

Meanwhile, the rest of the tribal family group, comprising other veiled men and unveiled women, some with headscarves, plus their offspring, gathered to surround their elder. They wanted to see the dirty white boy in a grubby t-shirt and soiled pairs of jeans and sandals, who had suddenly appeared in the midst of their encampment. As this crowd gathered, Robert noticed that other much less well-dressed adult women with blacker skin, also sporting brass wristlets and anklets, plus some similarly adorned young children continued nearby to attend to menial chores.

After hearing Robert's tale without comment, the family elder asked the boy, in his apparently very poor French, whether he would like some water. The young American naturally accepted the offer with intense enthusiasm.

The black boy in the loincloth and with the strange body ornamentation was subsequently seemingly commanded in the local tongue to run to collect a large pottery beaker full of water, with which he quickly returned. However, he did not then give the cup to Robert but instead handed it to the family elder.

The family elder proffered the beaker to the desperate Robert but only after initially addressing the white boy in the man's own Temajeg language and finally strangely concluding his brief discourse with a question in French. The latter enquired "Do you agree?"

Robert was, of course, confused by the latest exchange of words but was too desperate for the water to query the situation. The boy therefore simply replied "Oui" to whatever the man was asking, which he believed could not be of great significance. His young throat was soon rewarded for his positive answer with the delightful pleasure of receiving the much-needed refreshing contents of the cup.

Meanwhile, the black boy collected a chair for the family elder to sit on. The tribesman did so just as Robert finished his drink.

"So, American," the now sitting family elder subsequently advised Robert, in accented but suddenly surprisingly articulate French, which indicated that he had once received an excellent education somewhere, "by your own agreement and later symbolic acceptance of my life-saving water, you have pledged yourself to be my slave for life." "You may serve alongside this young Hausa," the man went on to inform, whilst referring to the black boy and simultaneously licking his lips under his veil at the thought of also being attended by the young white beauty, "as my intimate personal servant."

"Remove your clothes," the tribal elder next proceeded to command of the tricked and aghast Robert, "as you'll no longer need such garments. In future, you'll only wear, if anything, a loincloth like the young Hausa here, as well as an identical but ebony slave neck collar and similar wristlets and anklets, which will be without linking chains only when you can be trusted not to attempt to run away."

"Also like the young Hausa and my other male slaves," the tribal elder continued, "your genitals will additionally be tightly ringed and your chest will be branded with my mark, as permanent reminders of your servile status!"

The tribal elder finally concluded his shocking announcement, whilst simultaneously indicating his awareness of what day it was in the Christian calendar, by wishing the appalled Robert "Joyeux Noël!"

Part Two - Esclaves

'Tis not the balm, the sceptre and the ball, The sword, the mace, the crown imperial, The intertissued robe of gold and pearl, The farced title running 'fore the king, The throne he sits on, nor the tide of pomp That beats upon the high shore of the world, No, not all these, thrice-gorgeous ceremony, Not all these, laid in bed majestical, Can sleep so soundly as the wretched slave, Who with a body fill'd and vacant mind Gets him to rest, cramm'd with distressful bread; Never sees horrid night, the child of hell, But, like a lackey, from the rise to set Sweats in the eye of Phoebus, and all night Sleeps in Elysium.'
- William Shakespeare ('Henry V', IV.i.280)

New York 5

Chapter 7 - Enslavement

(Ténéré du Tafassasset Desert, Agadez Départment, Niger, Africa, Christmas Day 1999)

Much of Niger is basically a vast land-locked expanse of semi-desert. The country is mainly inhabited by black Hausa, Songhai, Djerma, Fulani and Beriberi-Manga peoples, with a small minority in the northern wastes of lighter-skinned Tuareg nomads, whose male adults are nicknamed 'blue men of the desert' because of their traditional indigo-dyed attire. They are descendants of North African Berbers displaced southwards by Arab invaders in the 7th century.

It is also estimated that today there are about 45,000 slaves, or 'esclaves' in French', in Niger, mainly belonging to the roughly 300,000 transient Tuaregs. This situation persists despite the fact that slavery was finally made illegal in the country in May 2004.

The new law, which makes slave ownership liable to a punishment of up to 30 years in prison, is, however, really only a sham. The legislation was introduced primarily to ease the way for Niger to receive international aid, much of which is corruptly intercepted by politicians.

In order to help boost such aid after a period of serious drought, one important Tuareg chieftain even announced in March 2005 freedom for the 7,000 slaves belonging to his tribal confederation. However, no one turned up for the emancipation ceremony.

The law continues to be ignored by the largely nomadic Tuareg slave-owners, who live, disregarding international frontiers, in the most remote, barren and sparsely populated northern area of Niger, plus adjacent similar terrain in neighbouring countries. They appreciate that the legislation is virtually unenforceable against tribes roaming such vast desolation in very poor countries, which possess relatively puny, and anyway unenthusiastic and easily bribed, police and military resources.

The Islamic Tuareg tribesmen have brown skin colours and consider themselves superior to the black Africans, whom they have as slaves. They also ignore the tenets of their religion, which normally forbids the enslavement of fellow Muslims but which they have adapted to suit their lifestyle. They instead propound the idea that their darker menials can achieve paradise by serving their masters well.

Slavery in Niger also extends amongst the local nomadic tribes to the neighbouring countries of Mauritania, Mali and Chad, and dates back to pre-colonial times, when major trade routes traversed the lands from sub-Saharan Africa to important Arab commercial centres, such as Cairo and Tripoli. There were huge slave markets in these northern cities, where large numbers of black-skinned captives from the south were the main commodities. The Tuaregs were the principal middlemen in this appalling but ancient business.

The slaves of today, frequently identified by their enforced wearing of brass wristlets and anklets, were mainly born into their servitude, being primarily the descendants of people captured during past and now largely forgotten regional conflicts or simply kidnapped for the purpose. Children are generally separated from their parents at an early age to break family bonds and, as well as being traded, are sometimes passed on to other owners as gifts, including forming parts of dowries.

The slaves usually live in makeshift shelters alongside their masters' superior goatskin tents and their main purpose in life is to allow their owners an existence of relative ease. The men look after the herds of cattle, sheep and goats, whilst the women perform domestic chores, including cooking and washing.

The women also care for their masters' offspring, chickens and camels and move their owners' tents four times per day so that they are always in the shade. Slave children work as well, including helping the females collect water, which, in such an arid and hot environment, where this precious liquid is very scarce, can take up half of the day.

Physical and sexual abuse of both slave adults and children is common. Punishments for misdemeanours can be very severe. For example, one Niger newspaper reported that a boy was badly mutilated for being disobedient, an incident about which this story will later provide greater detail.

Young girls are also frequently given to men, both to satisfy adult lusts and to make the young victims become regularly pregnant from an early age in order to help produce the next servile generation. Some male owners additionally believe that possession of personal boy slaves increases their social standing. Use of such youngsters by their masters as sex-toys, often shared with guests, is also not unusual, despite Islamic proscription of homosexuality and pederasty. Tuareg culture instead makes them relatively carefree about openly exhibiting such inclinations.

Robert naturally protested vociferously at the Tuareg elder's suggestion that the boy was now the man's slave. "I'm both an American and a French citizen," he advised in desperation, "so you can't enslave me. People will also be searching for me and you'll be in serious trouble if you abuse me rather than provide me with appropriate hospitality!"

"But, boy," the family elder calmly replied, "you are not in America or France but in the remote lands of the Tuareg people, who have no real nationality and respect no borders or the customs or laws of others. You are under our jurisdiction, and as you have accepted my life-saving water in return for agreeing to become my slave, I am fully entitled to expect you to fulfil your pledge. Meanwhile, people might indeed be looking for a missing aircraft at this moment. They might even discover the crash site and two bodies. However, I don't believe that they'll spend long looking for the third person involved, given the time lapse and the obvious evidence that you had little water. They'll instead presume that you wandered off to die somewhere else, where your flesh was quickly devoured by carrion-eaters and your skeleton scattered as the scavengers fought over your bones. I'm sure that they won't waste much energy on trying to find evidence for their belief and so, as far as the rest of the world will soon be concerned, you'll be as dead as your father and the pilot. Nevertheless, just in case, I'll take the precaution of moving our encampment far to the east, towards the border with Chad, where you'll never be suspected of being!"

Robert immediately thought of his father's brother, whom he had always disliked because of his selfishness and meanness, and who would inherit his sibling's millions if the son was pronounced dead. The boy believed that his avaricious uncle would undoubtedly seek a quick end to any search for his nephew and instead try to obtain a rapid legal presumption of his demise in order to acquire the huge monetary bequest. Such an uncomfortable conviction only reinforced the family elder's disturbing suggestion that, as far as the rest of the world was concerned, he would soon be considered dead.

"But I didn't know what I was agreeing to when I accepted your water," Robert next desperately protested, whilst tears of fear and frustration formed in his sensuous blue eyes. Both the statement and the ocular dampness immediately indicated to the perceptive and happy family elder that the boy had reluctantly accepted what the tribesman had just said and that he was at the mercy of Tuaregs.

"That's not my fault," the family elder now responded, "as you had the opportunity to query what I was asking of you at the time. However, you did not do so but instead just agreed 'oui' to my offer of water and life in return for serving forever as my personal slave."

"But what would you have done if I had queried the words, which I couldn't understand because you were speaking in your own tribal language, and then answered 'non' to your offer?" Robert asked amidst mounting panic. "I'd have refused you water," the family elder bluntly replied, "until you decided to agree to my proposal, which I believe you would have eventually done in preference to dying of thirst!"

"So," Robert next commented forlornly, "I was, from the first moment I arrived here, going either to become your slave or to die of thirst." "No," the family elder responded, "as your fate was decided only after you told me your story. I then realised that I could do what I wanted with you because no one outside this encampment would expect you to be still alive or to find any trace of you."

"I therefore recommend that you comply with my order to strip," the Tuareg elder subsequently suggested, "because disobedient slaves are severely punished. See those two wooden stakes over there."

The distraught Robert, now devoid of any further protestations to make, followed the family elder's outstretched right arm and forefinger to the place where two sturdy wooden posts, about a metre apart and to which metal rings were fixed at the tops and bottoms, appeared to be firmly embedded into the ground. Noticing that the boy's gorgeous but currently damp blue eyes had focused on the vertical objects, the tribesman then advised "We take the stakes everywhere we go. They terrify our slaves, be they men, women or children, as they know that they'll be chained naked between them to be punished for any misdemeanours. Their presence aids discipline and I recommend that you take heed of their existence. Become a good obedient white servant alongside the menial blacks or find yourself bound there, receiving just severe penance!"

"Now strip, boy," the family elder commanded, "or I'll have your clothes forcibly removed and then your naked body tied between the stakes and whipped until you're ready to obey my commands!" Several tears then began to drip down Robert's beautiful face, as he realised that he had little choice but to comply with the Tuareg tribesman's order, which was made worse because there were so many spectators, including females.

Robert was brave but also sensible. The boy appreciated that a show of resistance might temporarily boost his pride. However, he also realised that this would soon prove to be futile, as his honour was subsequently destroyed by being forcibly stripped and then publicly flogged until he eventually capitulated, as he undoubtedly would, to the will of the family elder. He also recognised that suffering unnecessary injury might harm the last plan for salvation that he believed remained to him, namely eventual escape from this nightmare. He was determined that he would somehow achieve this feat, if only to fulfil his pledge to his dead parents to survive in order sometime to carry on their charitable works, of which the major aim was ironically the elimination of slavery.

The acronym of his mother's 'Amasiaf' organisation stood for 'Americans Against Slavery In Africa'. However, neither Robert's late parents nor their son had ever imagined in their worst nightmares that the boy himself would someday become a victim of the evil practice.

In view of the threats made, Robert finally accepted that he would have to obey the family elder and remove his clothes. As the boy reluctantly began to do so, he also realised that he would soon be demeaning himself further, as he planned to beg the tribesman not to have him subsequently branded and adorned with metalwork like the young black slave.

Robert knelt to unbuckle his dusty brown sandals in order to remove them from his otherwise bare feet. All of the watching Tuaregs immediately grinned at the young American's sudden submission to the will of their smirking leader, although the smiles on the unveiled faces of the females quickly disappeared when a shouted command from the tribal elder dismissed them back to their tents.

As Robert subsequently stood to remove his red t-shirt, he was glad to notice the clearly disappointed females departing, which meant that the shame of his imminent public nudity would be lessened, although about forty males of all ages remained. The boy correctly surmised that his nakedness before the Tuareg women and girls in such circumstances would be against a tenet of their particular version of Islam.

Robert's red designer t-shirt soon rested on top of his shed sandals on the sandy ground and so his trembling fingers now reluctantly ventured to the waist-button of his equally expensive light blue jeans. This was quickly unfastened to allow the boy to unzip his fly, after which his hands reached to the sides of the tight trousers in order to push the garment slowly downwards.

As Robert began to push his jeans downwards, he noticed a movement in the Tuareg elder's veil that suggested that he was licking his lips. The highly intelligent boy was not sexually ignorant and therefore began to recognise in horror what some of his duties as a personal slave for the tribesman was likely to include. However, his reaction to this terrible realisation was both incongruous and embarrassing, as he felt his own suddenly unruly cock twitch with guilty excitement.

Robert, as he completed his passage through puberty, had appreciated that he was physically attractive to others because he had often seen the signs in their expressions when they looked at him. Whilst recently productively masturbating in the privacy of his bed at night, he had also often fantasised about indulging in sex with another, guiltily usually with other beautiful boys rather than gorgeous young women. It now appeared that at least some of his fancy might come true but in circumstances that were more nightmarish than dreamlike, and that involved a probably old and ugly man, although such a supposition was difficult to confirm, given the family elder's comprehensively covered body and veiled face.

Tuareg men wear blue turbans, or 'sheshes', with veils, or 'tidjelmousts', on their head, with similarly coloured flowing robes covering and various types of amulet adorning their bodies. Unlike with other Islamic peoples, only the males cover their faces. Females go bareheaded if unmarried or sport a headscarf if wed.

The feel of Robert's cock hardening now caused him to pause the descent to the ground of his jeans. The boy wanted the ill-disciplined penis to soften before completing this particular element of his disrobing, as otherwise the tight and skimpy black briefs, which represented his last cover, would exhibit to all clear evidence of his shameful arousal. However, he was dissuaded from dallying when the family elder then impatiently advised "If you delay any longer, I'll order my multi-stranded whip fetched and your now bare back will receive undoubtedly excruciating blows from the implement's hard leather thongs!"

As a consequence of this further threat, Robert's jeans were soon at his ankles and not long afterwards on top of the previously discarded t-shirt and sandals. However, the boy's subsequent attempt to hide behind his hands the obvious excited bulge in his briefs was too late to prevent many of the watching forty or so Tuareg males, including children, from laughing at his visible embarrassment.

Robert's belated effort to avoid humiliation was also short- lived, as the family elder next insisted "Now remove your briefs and stand with your hands on your head. Once you do so, the young Hausa here will remove your discarded clothing for later resale and fetch some water to wash your grimy body in readiness for the formal enslavement ritual."

Robert now reluctantly reached for the sides of his skimpy black briefs. However, before the boy pushed downwards, he asked desperately of the family elder "Do you really, Sir, have to brand me and attach to me the metal ornaments the young Hausa possesses? I instead beg you not to do so."

The family elder was happy to hear Robert use the respectful title of 'Sir' in respect of him but nevertheless felt obliged to correct the boy about the proper term to use. "You will call me and all fellow Tuaregs 'master' in future, regardless of age or gender," the tribesman suggested, "or be punished. Do you understand, young American?"

"Yes….master," Robert answered, for the first but certainly not the last time. "That's better," commented the Islamic family elder, who, like his fellow watching Tuaregs, was relishing the humiliation of a young Christian representative of the most powerful nation on the planet.

The family elder then proceeded to advise Robert "The steel neck collar, wristlets and anklets are tribal customs. As a Tuareg slave, you therefore cannot be spared wearing them. However, the genital ring and brand are traditional only to me and I shall reconsider their use if you now conclude your undressing in the manner ordered and are subsequently obedient to all my wishes."

On hearing this glimmer of hope, Robert took a deep breath and finally reluctantly lowered his skimpy briefs to his ankles, allowing his completely smooth genitals to be publicly viewed by forty or so male Tuaregs for the first time. After placing the latest discarded garment on top of his previously shed attire, the boy then stood up straight and placed his hands on the silky straight fair hair of his sublime head. His action allowed the spectators full view of his currently grubby but nevertheless inherently gorgeous, perfectly proportioned naked body, which now embarrassingly publicly revealed in all of its glory his slender fulsome uncircumcised erection.

Further laughter emerged from the surrounding crowd, which was amused at the obvious shame of the blushing and humiliatingly aroused white boy. Their hilarity increased when their elder said something to them in their native tongue before considerately providing a translation in French for Robert.

"I've told my fellow Tuaregs," the family elder declared, "that I look forward to making a good Muslim of you and having that shameless penis of yours circumcised in accordance with religious doctrine!" Robert's facial blush immediately intensified at the thought that his cock might lose its copious foreskin. However, the miscreant erect member concerned reacted differently to the idea, masochistically beginning to rise from the horizontal to point vertically towards the boy's cute navel, whilst visibly throbbing.

"I'd much prefer to remain a Christian," Robert then lied, believing that he had to try to tempt any notions of his conversion to Islam from the family elder's mind, if only to save his foreskin. However, now having tragically lost both of his parents and finding himself in his present dire circumstances, the boy was, in fact, currently an atheist. He believed that there could not possibly be a God, for surely no benevolent deity could inflict such cruelty on him.

"There is no possibility of that," the family elder sinisterly retorted, in respect of Robert's supposed desire to remain Christian, "as Islam will be beaten into you if necessary. I assure you that you will convert and that you will actually eventually welcome your circumcision as confirmation of your acceptance of the true faith, if only to stop the beatings!"

"You will also be beaten," the family elder continued, "if you ever again speak to me or any other Tuareg without receiving permission or having a good reason to do so. I do not consider that either advising me of your religious preference or your obvious concern for the future of your foreskin is sufficient excuse for talking to me without authority. Do you understand, young American?"

"Yes….master," Robert again answered. Meanwhile, obeying more instructions from the Tuareg elder, the black slaveboy had gathered up the young American's discarded clothes and collected a leather bucket containing clean cool soapy water.

The black slaveboy then used a cloth to wash the accumulated grime carefully off Robert's divine nude form, on which the cock remained determinedly hard. In fact, the unruly penis was almost brought to disgraceful climax when the erection and the delightfully spherical scrotum dangling underneath momentarily became the attention of the Hausa's delicate cleansing technique.

The family elder's hidden grin, plus the similar smiles of the other tribal males watching, now broadened as Robert's full array of paler skin gradually emerged from under the grime to confirm a white boy of delectable physical perfection. Many adult Tuareg cocks, including that of their leader, also simultaneously grew in size at the cleaner vision of their new slave and prospective sex-toy.

After the Hausa slaveboy had concluded his chore, another command in the local language saw him scurrying off with the bucket. The abashed and blushing Robert then received an order of his own in French.

"Turn round very slowly, young American," the family elder commanded, "so that we can all examine your naked body from all angles." Robert, now wishing that the Earth would open up and swallow him, reluctantly complied. However, as he did so, the shocked boy realised that he was actually experiencing several simultaneous intense and sometimes conflicting emotions.

Robert was acutely afraid and ashamed, as was evidenced by his bodily trembling and maintained facial blush. However, the boy had also never previously experienced sexual excitement of such intensity, as was exemplified by his vertical vibrating erection.

Robert's sexual excitement even surpassed that experienced during his most pleasurable acts of masturbation, which he had proudly noted had recently begun to culminate in not only delicious orgasm but also the ejaculation of some semen. The boy now knew that his form was attractive to many of the watching Tuaregs and part of him was currently somehow shamelessly delighted to be exhibiting his nude white body to the brown-skinned tribesmen surrounding him.

Robert's humiliating but also strangely exciting exhibition of his naked form was temporarily halted halfway towards completion, when his back was now turned towards the family elder. Whilst in this position, the boy was ordered by the tribesman to stop, spread his legs and bend over to grasp his ankles.

Robert's upturned still-reddened face, peering backwards through his splayed legs, just below his resolutely erect cock, then saw the family elder stand up from his chair and approach the boy's vulnerable bare bottom. The young American then emitted a low gasp of surprise when the tribesman gently spread the 13 year-old's buttocks apart to examine carefully and apparently expertly the child's subsequently exposed pink sphincter.

The family elder subsequently again shouted something in his native tongue to his fellow Tuaregs, who all cheered as a result. Releasing Robert's buttocks, the tribesman then patted the boy on the bottom and advised him that "I've just announced that you're still an anal virgin!" The young American was somehow not impressed with this information, as he suspected that such a status would not now last for much longer.

Robert was then instructed to stand again, replace his hands on his head and resume his earlier debasing slow turning of his naked body, whilst the family elder returned to his seat. As the boy complied, his cock shamefully not only seemed harder and more vertical than ever but also began to dribble a little clear precum. The red facial hue of the young American intensified as a consequence but he nevertheless eventually concluded his degrading task.

By the time that Robert had finally finished showing off his sublime naked and aroused body from all angles to the delighted Tuaregs, the black slaveboy had returned with a square wooden box, each side of which measured about 60 centimetres or 24 inches. The container was handed to the still sitting, family elder, who opened the lid and placed the receptacle on the ground beside his chair.

The black slaveboy then approached Robert, who obediently still had his hands on his head, and began to measure his fellow 13 year-old's waist and loin area with a long piece of knotted string. "The Hausa is establishing how big your new loincloth, which will be made immediately by a slave woman, needs to be to fit perfectly," the watching family elder informatively advised the young American.

After the black slaveboy subsequently departed with his measurements, Robert next saw that the box adjacent to the family elder contained, amidst chains, variously sized steel collars and other rings. Most of these were silvery in colour, like those attached to the young Hausa, although some were ebony.

The purpose of the steel adornments was confirmed when Robert received his next commands. "Approach me and kneel in front of me, young American," the family elder ordered, "so that you are in a position to kiss both of my boots as ritual acceptance of your enslavement and symbol of your complete subservience to the will of your new master. I shall then reward you by attaching the appropriately sized metal collar, wristlets and anklets of enslavement to your body. Meanwhile, please remember that your subjection to genital ringing and branding remain under my consideration and any failure to fulfil my instructions obediently and quickly might prove unfortunate for you!"

Hearing this threat, Robert rapidly found himself embarrassingly on his knees and kissing the family elder's leather boots, whilst cheers of approval were heard from the watching Tuaregs. The boy was then rewarded for his humiliating action by feeling his slim neck being engulfed by a wide and cool heavy steel collar, which had been carefully selected for size and had originally opened jaw- like at a hinge but now snapped firmly shut into place.

Unlike the similar silvery collar worn by the black slaveboy, the steel of Robert's new heavy neck adornment was ebony in colour. The boy correctly presumed that the difference in hues was meant to help highlight the presence of such degrading ornamentation against contrasting skin shades.

Robert had noticed that, like the collar worn by the black slaveboy, his own possessed four sturdy metal rings, immovably affixed to the sides, back and front, where there was also the engraved outline of a scorpion. The young American had momentarily shivered at sight of the insignia, as he remembered that he had also seen the motif branded onto the chest of the similarly aged Hausa.

"I bartered these," the family elder advised Robert, referring to the metal devices that he was beginning to attach to the boy, "from an Arab trader in return for a young slave girl. They cleverly lock automatically when closed shut. However, to be reopened, they need keys, which I have long since thrown away to ensure that there's no possibility of easily shedding the steel adornments because they now need serious tools to secure removal. You'll therefore have to hope that the slight room I've left to allow for your future bodily growth when choosing the sizes will be sufficient to prevent eventual discomfort and even injury!"

As the family elder informed Robert about the disposal of the keys, he kept another fact from the boy. The tribesman appreciated that he could also sometime barter the young white American to Arab traders for far greater reward that he had once secured for a black slave girl.

The family elder knew that certain wealthy Arabs delighted in secretly possessing young pretty American children as slaves and he realised that he could command a very high price for Robert. However, the tribesman was in no rush to trade the boy, whom he would instead first use as his new sex-toy until he tired of him.

"Now hold out your hands, young American," the family elder next commanded of the still kneeling Robert, "to receive your wristlets!" The boy meekly complied and soon his wrists were engulfed by similar but smaller versions of the ebony collar, also carefully selected for size by the tribesman and both displaying the engraved scorpion motif.

"You may now stand, young American," the family elder subsequently ordered, "to receive your anklets!" Robert was then compelled to rest one foot on the sitting tribesman's lap whilst the first ornament was attached to the still shamefully naked and publicly aroused boy.

The substitution of Robert's other leg on the family elder's lap later resulted in the attachment of the second anklet. As the boy subsequently returned his foot to the sandy ground, he could now fully appreciate the significant weight, as well as the symbolic degradation, of his new bodily ornamentation and sincerely hoped that he would receive no more.

Unfortunately, Robert's fervent hope was now immediately dashed. On some further commands from the family elder, four other younger and stronger tribesmen stepped forward and grabbed hold of the shocked white boy and dragged him towards the two wooden stakes to which their leader had earlier referred.

"What are you planning" a rightly extremely worried Robert subsequently loudly asked, as chains were produced by the black slaveboy, who had just returned from his latest mission, involving passing on the necessary measurements for the manufacture of a new small loincloth to a slave woman. The purpose of these restraints then became quickly evident.

The chains were used to attach the Robert's wristlets and anklets to the matching rings on the sturdy stakes so that his arms and legs were firmly splayed between the posts. The naked boy's bondage was rapidly achieved with little trouble because he had been too shocked to struggle much.

The family elder now appeared before the vertically spreadeagled Robert to answer the boy's desperate query. "I have, as promised," the tribesman announced, whilst holding a little black steel circlet in his right hand, "considered your entreaty, young American, not to have your genitals ringed and your form branded. My decision is to deny your plea."

"Your enslavement ritual," the family elder continued, "will therefore be concluded forthwith with such further adornment of your naked body. I shall also whip you for talking without permission and with irreverence. You asked a question that not only was unauthorised but also insultingly failed to use the term 'master' whilst addressing me!"

Robert's jaw dropped on hearing the family elder's appalling announcement and whilst the horrified boy was momentarily lost for words. However, any subsequent idea he might have developed to beg further was then instantly thwarted when his conveniently open mouth was efficiently gagged by a strip of folded cloth tied round his lovely head.

The family elder then condescended to kneel before Robert. However, the tribesman's action was not of reverence but was a prerequisite for ringing the genitals of the boy, whose cock had considerately suddenly returned to flaccidity because of the shock induced by the latest alarming developments in his life.

Robert now glanced down to observe that his softened cock had been encased by the little steel circlet held by the family elder, who was now manipulating the nice scrotum below in order also to try to coerce the boy's balls, one by one, through the ring. The young American next felt pain, as the attempt to force the first testicle to comply with the tribesman's wish proceeded.

Robert's gag prevented him from screaming the suggestion that his testicle was simply too big to pass through the steel circlet. The now tearful boy's suspicion was also proved incorrect when the ball concerned suddenly protruded through the ring and the family elder then began to try to achieve the same success with the other small reproductive organ, whilst inflicting even greater pain on his young American victim.

Robert's face was soon awash with tears, as his genital torture relentlessly continued. The boy believed that his second testicle would surely be crushed or at least badly damaged if the family elder succeeded in forcing the ball through the ring. However, another of the young American's assumptions was disproved when the tribesman, with one last excruciating push, concluded his task whilst causing much pain but no permanent harm.

The Tuareg elder had ringed many slaveboys and was expert at not only perpetrating the deed successfully but also correctly judging the diameter of circlet to be used. Robert should perhaps have been grateful for the tribesman's expertise but, as his damp eyes glanced down to his hurting genitals, now degradingly tightly encased by slim but strong black steel, he found difficulty in conjuring up such thankfulness. His thoughts instead concentrated on the fact that his new demeaning adornment encouraged his sexual organs to be more noticeable in two ways.

First, the black colour of the steel nicely highlighted his encased white genitals. Second, the circlet encouraged his sexual organs to stand out from his groin more prominently than previously. Robert was later also to discover that the ring helped to concentrate rather than diminish local blood- flow, a phenomenon that was to result in easier susceptibility to erection and more intensive orgasm.

As Robert contemplated the changed display format of his genitals, the family elder stood up to address the boy again, advising "I suggest that you never attempt to remove the ring. Such action will cause you to suffer not only pain and possible damage in the attempt but also severe punishment at my hands. Permanent harm will also soon become inevitable, as your sexual organs grow and your balls become too big to be squeezed through without serious injury!"

When Robert then looked up from his ringed genitals and cast his damp blue eyes on the family elder again, he saw that the smiling tribesman now held a short multi-stranded whip in his hand. "I'll flog your bare buttocks once," the Tuareg leader next declared, "as punishment for speaking without permission and with irreverence, and to give you a brief taste of what further disobedience will mean. Naturally, any future chastisement will be far more comprehensive than what you are now about to endure before I personally brand you!"

The family elder then relocated to Robert's rear, whilst the boy's current anguish was intensified by not only the thought of receiving one lash of the nasty-looking whip across his curvaceous bottom but also the reminder that he was to be imminently branded. However, the young American did not have much time to contemplate his awful predicament because suddenly his sublime buttocks felt as if they were on fire.

Robert had earlier detected the loud whoosh and strong draught of the rapidly approaching whip, just before the many cruel and hard leather thongs struck his bare white flesh. The boy also heard his own scream, muted by his effective gag, as the extreme agony induced on his bottom seared through his vulnerable naked body, whilst laughter erupted around him.

Robert could not, of course, observe the development but his bottom subsequently began to bruise quickly, with about a dozen initially scarlet but rapidly darkening stripes becoming visible on the delightful curvature. The boy was anyway soon too preoccupied by another matter to bother about the anguish felt by his buttocks, as the smirking family elder had reappeared in front of him, now holding a glowing red-hot branding iron.

Robert recognised the scorpion outline, which formed the red-hot tip of the iron. The boy then tried uselessly to struggle against the chains that resolutely restrained him, as the carrier of the branding tool slowly advanced towards his helpless naked form.

Robert's bladder began to discharge all stored urine, whilst the boy shook his lovely head vigorously from side to side in an effort to plead 'no' to what the family elder now clearly proposed to do to him. However, the tribesman's response disappointed the boy, as the Tuareg simply advised the young American not to show such cowardice and to be still instead, or he might suffer far more bodily damage than just a brandmark.

Robert, bladder now emptied, eventually appreciated the wisdom of the family elder's advice. The boy had finally reluctantly realised that the branding of his form was unavoidable. The young American also did not want to demonstrate cowardice or to cause more serious damage to himself through his desperate struggles.

Robert therefore bravely calmed his body and mind to accept the inevitable, which continued to advance slowly towards him until the boy could feel the heat of the branding iron, as the red-hot tip hovered just above the centre of his chest, midway between his rosy nipples. The young American was then rewarded for his revised attitude by further acute agony and the sudden smell of his own roasting flesh, as the sign of the scorpion was permanently burnt onto his beautiful bare body.

Blackness then thankfully overwhelmed Robert's tearful eyes and distraught mind when the boy fainted, just as his amazingly re-aroused cock erupted a stream of creamy white ejaculate.

Moscow 1c

Chapter 8 - Nightmare

(A basement cell of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, same time)

Sergei had been slumbering fitfully in his cell but suddenly woke up in terror. The boy had just experienced an awful nightmare that would also inflict him on many other occasions in the immediate future.

Sergei had never discovered the ultimate fate of the 15 year-old who had been subjected to the dreaded codicil at the recent quarterly slaveboy auction near Moscow. He had been too busy in the basement below, attached to the wheel, to find out at the time and the host and his guests, when they had finally arrived to torture him, had provided no clue.

Sergei's Master would not lower himself to speak to Sergei other than when issuing commands. The boy also appreciated that asking a question about the matter would be punishable for talking without permission.

Sergei therefore did not know whether the 15 year-old had lost his genitals. The issue was frighteningly important to him because he too had agreed to the dreaded codicil and news of the boy's fate might have provided him with a clue regarding the future destiny of his own sexual organs.

The recent nightmare had depicted a beautiful 14 year-old, very much like Sergei in terms of features, failing the challenges of the codicil. The boy's genitals had subsequently paid horribly for his lack of success.

Having in his nightmare witnessed the 14 year-old's failure and the tragic consequences, Sergei now firmly believed that he too was destined to suffer a similar fate. He had originally hoped that he would either not have to face the relevant challenge or, if he did, he would succeed. However, he now believed differently.

Sergei now wished that he had never agreed to the irrevocable codicil.

New York 6

Chapter 9 - Recovery

(Ténéré du Tafassasset Desert, Agadez Départment, Niger, Africa, ½ hour later)

When Robert awoke from his faint, he found himself alone on some bedding inside one of the goatskin tents. The boy then looked down his body to confirm the source of his current primary pain, which was the small outline of a scorpion, freshly expertly burnt onto the middle of his chest, precisely midway between his nipples, and apparently currently covered by some transparent ointment.

Robert was currently also adorned with his new heavy neck collar, plus his weighty wristlets and anklets, all of black steel, with his metal leg ornaments connected by some chain. The boy would later discover that the cunning length of the latter would enable him to walk easily but not to run, thereby hindering any attempt at escape.

Robert also experienced some residual pain on his genitals and bottom, undoubtedly resulting respectively from their recent ringing and flogging. However, the boy could not immediately inspect his groin or buttocks to check because he was now wearing his new very skimpy brown camel-hide loincloth, which had been attached to him whilst he was unconscious.

Robert therefore decided to check first his new solitary sparse one-piece garment. The boy discovered that the small square front flap, matched by another covering his bottom, barely hid an integral underlying minuscule back-less thong, which in turn just about screened the shapely bulge that represented his now ringed genitals.

Robert traced a narrow hide cord that ran from the bottom end of the genital under-covering, from the area of his perineum, up his bumcrack to join another similar thin band, to which the thong and front and rear loincloth flaps were stitched. This leather strap was tied in a bow on the boy's right side and tightly traversed his slim waist to retain the whole skimpy garment in place, at least until the knot was unfastened.

Robert then again felt a strange mix of conflicting sensations. His current disturbing circumstances and debasing bodily attire and ornamentation genuinely distressed him, especially when he recalled that not long previously he had been a privileged, expensively dressed schoolboy son of a multi-millionaire American father, living in a luxury apartment in New York.

Nevertheless, despite the pains inflicting his form, Robert also found his situation and skimpy garb, slave accoutrements and scorpion brandmark somehow sexually stimulating. This strange masochistic phenomenon was evidenced by an immediate increase in the size of the bulge in his thong.

Robert eventually returned his lovely head to the soft bedding in order to think through his predicament to decide what to do. The boy eventually concluded that in the desolate wilderness in which he now found himself he had no choice but to act as a compliant slave for the Tuaregs until the chance arose for him to escape.

Robert finally determined on this necessity for survival, just before the various pains experienced by his gorgeous body dulled sufficiently to allow him to drift into deep sleep.

Moscow 1d

Chapter 10 - Arabia

(Eastern Nejd Plateau, central Saudi Arabia, 1 month later, January 2000)

Sergei had finally been chosen by his Master to accompany him on a business trip. On this occasion, the excursion was to Saudi Arabia, where the multi-millionaire had oil and other interests, as well as a certain friend who shared his passion for hurting beautiful boys.

For his current role of valet, Sergei wore the customary smart uniform of black Russian-style round-collared buttoned shirt, with the inevitable double-headed eagle logo on his left breast, plus, of the same hue, shoes and tight trousers, which highlighted the lovely curvature of his buttocks nicely. The boy's usual slave accoutrements had been temporarily dispensed with, apart from his hidden genital chastity cage and silver cockring. The former adornment was invisible to airport scanners, whereas the latter was not. However, this inconvenience did not matter, as the multi-millionaire used his own private jet for travelling significant distances and only frequented private terminals where important people like him, plus his entourage, were not subjected to such security scrutiny.

Sergei attended his Master virtually wherever the man went, performing menial tasks and errands as needed. The boy also satisfied the man's lusts on a hotel bed at night and frequently in the mornings too, although then the bathroom shower was often an alternative venue.

During such business trips, the Master's inherent cruelty rarely inspired his desires. The man instead generally confined satisfaction of his sexual needs to plain sodomy or fellatio. Unfortunately for Sergei, a visit to the new isolated desert residence of his Arabian friend was to trigger his sadism.

As the Master, accompanied by Sergei, was shown round the sinister basement amenities of the Arab Sheikh's desert retreat, which had not yet been supplied with four young Americans, he asked his friend if he would like to practise the use of some of his new equipment on his slaveboy. The host was naturally delighted to accept the kind offer.

Sergei was, on the other hand, appalled and terrified, as he was next ordered to take his uniform off.

(To be continued in part 3 - Allaitant)