Larry ClaytonMy Brother's Kids Are Now MineChapters 14-16Chapter FourteenJoey arrives at the condo and notices Larry's car parked a block away, just out of immediate sight of the place so as to avoid suspicion at this late hour. If it had been earlier, no one would think badly about a teacher and his student assistant working on a final program for graduation 3; especially since Larry owned the condo. But now, after 10 PM 3; just a tad beyond regular visiting hours, if you get the drift; so Larry left his car a distance away for the sake of safety. The problem though 3; Joey recognized the car and the license number, and now knew the secret that Korey had been keeping for so long. Joey parked a few houses away and sat there watching until Larry left for home. The entire time Joey sat there, his anger grew, almost to an explosive level. His nerves were raw 3; his muscles tensed and flexed in mock punches, and his eyes burned with salty tears caused by a combination of fear, hatred and frustrated love. He actually began talking to himself as he seethed in a pool of emotion 3; "God 3;how can I be so screwed up? I love Korey 3; but I also hate him right now! And Mr.F. ? He's my competition! But, shit! I can sure understand why Kor loves him too! He's a great teacher and has so much compassion for all of his students 3; for me too! FUCK! I feel like killing him 3; but I 3; I 3; DAMN, I may love him too! He chose me to take Kor's place at school 3; is it possible he wants me for other reasons too? He knows about me and his kids, and he's been so cool about it! CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAP! He's a teacher 3; this isn't right 3;any way I look at it! He and Kor 3; well, Kor's 18! I'm not! Oh God, brain 3; turn off! TURN OFF!" Larry finally leaves the premises around midnight, and calls home to check on the boys 3; because he rather expects that Joey having taken the boys home would automatically stay with them until Larry got home. Eaton answers the phone 3; "Hello? Mr. F. is busy right now, may I help you?" "Eaton 3; it's Dad! You guys OK? Is Joey still there with you?" "UH 3;uh, No he isn't, Dad. He 3; uh 3; stayed a while, but left in kind of a hurry! We're fine 3; I guess!" "I guess??? I don't like that sound! I'll be there in about five minutes. What's going on?" "Dad 3; don't speed or nuthin' 3; it's just that Case feels kind'a sick to his stomach. We'll be fine till you get here 3; honest!" "Alright 3; tell Case I'm on the way!" **click** Meanwhile, Joey gets out of his car and heads for Kor's front door 3; trying to decide whether to break in and attack Korey, or start quietly to confront him and see what happens before letting loose with pent up anger. He rings the doorbell, and waits for Korey to open the door, but stands there like a statue when he sees Kor facing him ... "Hey, Joey! What brings you here this late, Man? We got school tomorrow! Uh, you look upset. Come in, lemme help you!" Joey walks in slowly, staring into Kor's eyes, and remaining silent 3; having no idea how to start a conversation. He stands there inside the door as if he wants to slug the shit out of Korey, and yet 3; also trying to hold back from doing it. Then, almost collapses from all the tension he was feeling, and begins to weep bitterly. Kor grabs him, keeping him from falling to the floor, and gets him to the couch 3; makes him sit down, and then sits next to him, holding him closely 3; trying to comfort Joey and let him calm down so he could explain what was wrong 3; "Fuck you, Dude! Let go of me!" "What the ? It's me 3; Korey 3; I'm here for you, Joey!" "Hell you are! You S.O.B.! How could you! Why didn't you tell me! I gotta work with him all next year! Shit!" "What are you talking about, Joey? How could I what? Work with who?" "You fucker! You know who! He just left here!" "You mean Mr.F.? He owns the place! He has a right to come by to check on things. Besides, we were working on a project together a little later than usual. I don't understand what you mean!" "Yeah! What project? C'mon 3; tell me what project! Was it anything like a new video?" "Video? You lost me! I 3; I 3;" "Fancy cabin 3; upstairs bedroom overlooking a lake 3; looked a hell of a lot like a honeymoon suite to me! So that's who you felt bad about two-timing! God, Kor 3; you said it was another guy 3; you never said it was HIM!" "Joey 3; uh 3; uh 3; how the 3; there really is a video? FUCK! I thought they were kidding! OMG 3; " "They who??? What do you mean?" "Joey, listen to me 3;carefully! Never mind how mad you are at me 3; we gotta think more about Larry right now 3; both of us! The boys, Joey 3; the boys! They secretly took a video of that night, and kidded us about it. We actually thought they were joking about the whole thing! They didn't want to hurt anyone. They're not like that! I bet they thought they had erased it or recorded over it when we started to film a family outing and the trip to Yosemite." "Yeah 3; they did invite me to see the Yosemite trip, and when the film started, the bedroom scene came on instead. They almost panicked and shut it off fast, probably thinking or at least hoping I didn't see enough to figure things out. I'd say they had no desire to hurt Mr. F's reputation. They love him too much for that!" "Joey 3; answer me one thing 3; it's critical! Do you want to hurt Larry?" "Shit, Kor 3; at first I did, and I came here to knock you to hell, too! But, now 3; somehow, I can't hate either one of you. Mr. F. means a lot to me, Kor 3; and actually, so do you! Maybe even more that you want to mean! So do those boys! If I turned on Mr. F., he could lose his job. I just can't do that to him or the little guys. As far as you're concerned, I can't help it 3; I think I 'm in love with you, too! I don't care if you're attached to him 3; I still want you! Just tell me if you have any feelings for me 3; please tell me!" "Joey 3; I love Larry with all my heart, and always will. But 3; but 3; I have to admit that if there was a way for me to have both of you 3; I'd jump at the chance! But right now, I can't think about that! I have to figure out how to keep Larry's butt out'a the frying pan! And if you want me to even consider you and me 3; you'll agree to help me save him!" Meanwhile 3; Larry gets home and finds Casey laying on the couch in fetal position, shaking and crying 3; Eaton rubbing his back and trying to settle him down. Larry almost runs to the couch and picks up Case, holding him to his chest, and whispering into his little ear 3; "Case 3;Case 3; easy now! Talk to me, Son 3; what's the matter my sweet boy!" "Daddy 3;Daddy 3;I didn't mean it! I didn't!" "Mean what? What do you think you did?" "Oh, Daddy 3; I thought it was all gone!" "Dad 3; maybe I should tell you. Case is so upset! Well, so am I, actually, but I'll try!" "Someone tell me! Please! I can't help if I don't know what this is all about!" "Well, Dad 3; Joey brought us home, right? You asked him to, so he did it. We asked him if he was gonna wait till you got here, and he said he would. So we thought we could watch the film of Yosemite while he waited." "That was a good thing. So what's wrong. Joey's never hurt you before. Did he this time?" "No, Dad 3; we accidentally hurt you. Remember the kidding we did at the lake cabin 3; you know 3; 'film at eleven thing'! Uh 3; uh 3; well 3; we sort'a thought we'd taken it off the camera when we made a DVD of it 3; and then we decided to destroy the DVD too 3; 'cause we just couldn't take a chance that anyone would see it by accident." "Eaton 3; are you trying to tell me 3; that 3; making the DVD didn't automatically remove the stuff from the camera?" "I guess! We don't know why it didn't! But when we started to show Yosemite, there was the bedroom scene! We shut it off as soon as we 3;" "But Joey saw enough to tell what was really happening, and that it was Korey and I doing it?" "UH 3;yeah! Dad, we're so sorry! We didn't mean 3; We'd never do that to you in a million years 3; it was really an accident!" "I believe you, Eaton. And Case 3; I know you didn't mean it to happen either. I have to call Korey, right now! As soon as I talk to him, I'll have an idea what we all can do now to keep this in the family. God, I have no idea what to do about Joey!" Larry calls Korey, hoping that he's still awake 3; "Kor? Sorry if I woke you up! But we have to talk! I got home to find Casey all upset, and Eaton told me something really shocking." "Lar 3; I think I know already! Joey's over here 3; and we probably just had the same discussion. Is it about the cabin thing?" "Yes, Kor 3; exactly! You say Joey's there with you now?" "Yes he is! And I gotta tell ya, he's so messed up over the whole thing. He's torn between killin' us both and lovin' us both. I'm not sure just what to do at this point." "Well, why don't the two of you come over here right now. I'll put the boys to bed so we three can talk it all out. We have to decide what has to be done before we all show up at school tomorrow. It's better for us to lose sleep than to let things go uncontrolled tomorrow." "It's fine with me, Lar 3; but I'll ask Joey if he'll come too 3; just a sec 3; Joey? Lar wants us both to come to his place 3;now. Will you join us 3; for his sake 3;please? 3; Yeah I know it's hard 3; it's tough for me to face him right now too 3; but we gotta settle things now! 3; Say you will 3; say you'll do it for the boys! 3; OK, I'm sure you won't be sorry you said yes 3; Uh, Lar 3;we're on our way." "OK, Boys 3; I'm putting you two in bed. You both need some sleep! I want you to realize that I believe you that this was all an accident! I am not mad at you! I am upset that the situation exists, but I surely don't hate you guys. I want you to get your rest. I'll take care of it. Upstairs and get ready 3; I'll tuck you in in a couple minutes." "Daddy 3; can me and Eaton sleep together tonight? I need him to be with me. I couldn't sleep alone tonight! I know I couldn't" "Of course, Case. Head on up! And 3; remember, I love you both! I will forever! No matter what!" Then Larry prays 3; "Oh God, I know You've given me these boys and Korey too. Right now I need some strength and guidance. Please help me not to be angry with my sons! I know my choices may not be your greatest plan for all of us, but if You didn't bless us so much already, I might not think that You loved us even in our current relationships. I also know You gave me my job! And I know You've blessed the results I have in it daily. Give me some direction! And if You decide I have to quit 3; I'll obey. I just can't believe You'd change Your mind about us all being together. I don't know what else to ask 3; right now, I need help with the boys! After that 3;well, AMEN!" And upstairs Larry went, hoping to still show deep love for the little guys that just turned his total world upside down. As he arrives in Eaton's bedroom, he certainly finds Case cuddled close to Eaton in the bed. Case is still looking sad, and not yet settled that all is well 3; "Daddy 3; It really was an accident. You gotta believe that! At first, when I told Eaton I took the pictures, I thought maybe we could use it to make you play games with us 3; but Eaton made me see that was kind'a like blackmail or somthin'. So we both decided we couldn't do that to you. We wanted you to love us because you wanted to 3;not because we made you! I cut up the DVD with scissors. I thought it was all gone! Honest I did! Daddy 3;forgive me 3;please!" "Casey 3; I told you it was over! I am not angry with you. I know it was an accident. I know you didn't mean to hurt me! Please forgive yourself. I have!" "Uh 3; Daddy? Can Korey come up so I can tell him too! I gotta say sorry to him too 3;or I still won't sleep!" "OK, Kiddo! That will let me talk to Joey alone as well. I'll send Kor up to see both of you 3; but not for long. You both have to get some rest!" After hugs and kisses, Larry tucked both boys in and left the room. Returning downstairs, he found Korey and Joey both sitting in the living room 3; on two different chairs, across from each other 3; rather than on the couch. He could feel the tension, but he decided that he could not react to it if he was going to remain the catalyst for a solution to the problem they all faced together ... "Hey guys 3; thanks for coming over. I know this won't be easy for any of us, but I do believe we can come to an agreement that will help us all. Uh 3; Kor? Before we three start, the boys want to see you upstairs for a few minutes. Let me chat with Joey alone while you go see what they want. Is that OK?" "Yeah 3; guess I can do that! Call me when you're ready for me to join in down here again!" He goes to the boys' room, and sits on the edge of the bed. Both Case and Eaton share their hearts with him. Then Eaton asks for a hug from Kor to let them know that he's not mad at them. He responds with hugs and kisses for both boys. Still not having heard Larry call him back downstairs, he lays back on the bed between the boys 3; not to sleep, but just to give them more assurance that he had no malice toward them for their accidental 'outing' of him and Larry as being lovers. During this same time downstairs 3; "Well, Joey 3; I suppose I don't have to give any details. You've seen the truth, and you know the boys well enough to believe this was all an accident. So, what I need to know is what you are feeling right now!" "God, Mr. F., I wish I knew! I am so messed up in my head! But 3; I'll try!" "First, Joey 3; forget the Mr. F. thing here! Right now, I'm not your teacher, but a friend who cares a lot about you and your feelings. Call me Larry! I am not your superior tonight 3; I am your equal, and we share the need to get things settled for all our sakes." "Like I said, Mr. 3; uh Larry 3; I'll try! 3; (Deep breath) 3; To start with, I know you've known all the things I've been teaching your boys and you've never got mad at me or told me to stop! That's hard for me to understand, but I have been real pleased with your attitude about it all. Then, when you chose me to be the new Student Assistant after Korey 3; it flabbergasted me, but I can't tell you how it made me feel. I mean, it put me on top of a mountain 3; sort'a 3; because no one has ever made me feel as important as you did by choosing me! Before that, I liked you as a teacher, but when you did that 3; I added respect to my feelings 3; almost like your nickname 'Papa' meant a lot more to me than to the other kids in class." "But now 3;?" "Please 3;let me continue before I chicken out! And the longer I spent time with you, the more I began to feel stronger toward you. Do you have any idea how a gay guy like me starts to think things that aren't really there? And of course, I couldn't say anything 3; no one else knew I was gay! Not even you! I couldn't take a chance on losing what you had given me in order to try for something else I wanted. But then 3; as Kor spent time with me, it kind'a became noticeable that he and I had more in common than just Drum Major stuff 3;know what I mean? And sparks started to fly between us. It bothered him a lot that he had a lover the whole time he and I got closer 3; and eventually, he told me he couldn't be unfaithful. I told him that his girl friend never needed to know 3; but then, he told me it wasn't a girl! Man, I wanted to win him over so bad! And God knows 3;I still want him! But, Larry 3; when I discovered it was you I wanted to steal him from 3; I went bananas!" "Joey 3; Joey 3; I know exactly what you're going through. I've already told Korey I understood because of my own teen-aged years. That's not important right now, but I do feel your pain. I would have never allowed this to hurt you if it had been in my control to keep you from it all. Believe me 3; you are important to me and to my boys! So whatever we work out 3; it must help you as much as it does me, or I won't be satisfied with the solution. Can you believe that enough for us to get busy on the problem as a team?" "I guess so! You have always treated me fairly and caringly. But it seems crazy that you'd even talk to me with me liking Korey so much!" "We can handle that part later 3;with Korey here too. Right now, can we put our minds on what will help us both instead of our differences?" "Uh 3;Yeah 3; Larry. I guess since you listened to me, I feel better 3; I think we can now!" "Good! Good! Let me call Korey back down then 3; KOR 3; 3; 3; 3;" Korey hears his name, and gets up off the bed, giving the boys one more kiss and heading back downstairs 3; "Sit down, Kor 3; I think Joey's ready for all of us to put our heads together for a while." Kor sits in the same chair as before, so the three are in a triangle, easily able to communicate by eye and by word. But he begins by looking directly into Larry's eyes and trying to get a few words out 3; "Lar 3; I gotta get something off my chest too, before we all get into it. Joey 3; uh, I gotta tell him all about us first 3; to clear the air of anything that might shoot us in the foot later. You OK with that?" "If you think it'll help instead of making things worse, I guess I don't mind!" "Thanks, Joey 3; that means a lot to me right now! Uh, Lar 3; I told you that Joey and I had one time together, and that it bothered me that I wasn't pure to you 3; and you already forgave me, and told me to do it no more. But 3;" "Kor 3; I know what you're about to say, at least I think I do 3; so if you really don't want to tell me right now, it's OK." "Damn it, Lar 3; I gotta! You know that too! And so does Joey! If we're all not honest tonight, we'll never solve anything! I allowed Joey and me to have another night together 3;all night 3; a real affair! I was horny as hell, and besides, I discovered that I loved him too. 3; maybe not as deeply as I love you 3; but no excuses! He and I are so much alike! I cheated on you again, Lar 3; and I feel like shit about it, but I won't say I disliked it. Damn it 3; I love you both! You as my committed lover, and Joey as 3; as 3; a close companion that I don't want to lose. I'm not asking for forgiveness this time 3; just understanding and compassion 3; that is if you both don't tell me to go to hell and get lost!" "Alright then 3; if it's honesty you want, honesty you'll get! Look at me, both of you! You take me for some stupid innocent teacher who can't see the forest for the trees? Well, I'm not! I could read you both like a book from the first day you each came into my classroom. You've heard about gaydar? Well, it's a real thing. And I have cultivated mine for years! Kor 3; I knew the day you fell for me over two years ago, and I also knew I couldn't let you know that by responding until you were 18. It wasn't easy, because I wanted to make things happen for us both since that first day. I just couldn't. Then, I noticed the same thing in Joey last year. Yes, Joey 3; you did a great job of keeping it covered up to everyone else, but I could pick up your vibes. I knew you had a crush on Korey. It was none of my business when I first detected it. I knew what you were feeling inside 3; the need to appear straight 3; the battle raging to be with him 3; all of it. Somehow it became part of my plan to get you two together, in case nothing ever came from my love for Kor." "You mean 3; you planned that we 3;" "Now who's interrupting? Yes, I planned for Joey to take over, so that you, Kor, would have time with him, and things could evolve, if they were going to. But that was months before you and I discovered our love and things became legal age-wise for it to happen freely. And Joey 3; tell me I'm wrong if I am, but just about four months ago 3; you began to think of me more than just a caring teacher as well 3; am I right?" "DAMN, Mr. 3; I mean, Larry 3; was it that obvious?" "Not to anyone else, Joey, so relax! It was my gaydar again! SOMETIMES I WISH IT WASN'T SO DAMN ACCURATE. But that being beside the point 3; with you still being underage, I had to ignore it just like I did with Kor the year before. And if it has to be a confessional night before it's a solution night 3; yes, I had feelings toward you too. So my struggle began all over again when Kor and I became committed as a couple. The only difference between Korey and me is that I didn't follow through with acting on my guts. But that comes with age and possible weight of consequences to a guy in my position." "So that's why you didn't expose me doing things with your kids, Larry?" "You were meeting my boys' needs, and I knew they wanted it 3;all of it 3; so yes, it was for you as well as for them. Well, for me too, I suppose. I figured that if they had you, and all of you were under-aged, they'd not be so interested in keeping Korey actively involved with them 3; putting him in a legal problem. And it got me off the hook, too 3; because they had made it clear that they wanted to be in a relationship with me too 3; out of the purity of their love for me. And if you want to know, that too was a struggle for me. But I've handled it so far!" "Uh, Lar? Are you telling me that if you hadn't controlled yourself to the max, you might have added Joey and the boys to 3;" "Yes, Kor 3; that's exactly what I'm saying. The key is that I didn't 3; not that I never had the desires! Sometimes I almost cry at night in bed because I want to give my little guys all they want from me. That's why I can understand you so well. So 3; now 3; can we get to the business at hand?" "Well, as far as I'm concerned, you can count on me not to expose you two on campus or anywhere else, Larry. For one reason, of you two were discovered, I'd lose both of you and I'd probably be 'outed' because of my reaction to what happened to you." "That's good to know, Joey 3; especially since you and I will be working together all year when school starts up again in the Fall." "But Lar 3; when I move in with you after graduation 3; what about me and Joey?" "Well 3; since I got you two started into whatever, and I realize that I won't always be free and available because of my responsibilities 3; I suppose I could live with two of my best friends helping each other out occasionally 3; as long as there was no threat to the heart of my relationship with you, Kor! That part would be up to you! I can't control that. You're the only one that can make it work or not." "But Larry 3; that makes it harder for me to even think of doing things with Kor. You have so much love for him that you'd let him be with me If either I or he needed it, and that screws with my head! How can I do that to you 3; uh 3; maybe if I just keep your boys happy so you two can 3;" "Joey 3; that took guts to say! I'm going to leave those details for you two to work out between you. As long as none of this gets to campus personnel, I'm good with trusting your judgment abilities 3; both of you." Total silence for several minutes, and then both young men stood, walked to Larry, reached out their arms, and pulled him into a huge hug. Then, just as unplanned as the hug 3; each person kissed the other two, and sighed a sign of relief that all agreed to the direction to be followed. It was well after two thirty in the morning, so Larry suggested that at least a couple hours of sleep was in order, or the day ahead might not have a chance of seeming normal. Korey suggested he use the couch. Joey suggested he use Casey's bed since Case was sleeping with Eaton, and Larry headed for his own bed. The alarm went off at 6:00 AM, and five bodies began to float around in a semi-daze. The word, 'tired', wasn't strong enough, but there was no way it could be allowed to affect the school day 3; so Korey drove Joey back to his car, and headed into the condo to get dressed for the day. Joey hot-footed it back to his own house for the same reason, but found his front door locked, and the spare key taken from its hiding place in the planter out front. A note was taped above the door handle 3; "Joey 3; since you must have found another bed to sleep in, I hope you enjoy it! Because I'm through hiding your secrets for you. I've ignored the truth too long! Since I'm so unimportant that you can't even call to let me know you're safe 3;then you're on your own! I give up! I can't help because your father left me for another woman! I knew you always held me responsible for his leaving when you were so young 3;and that you always sought other male figures in your life to replace him. But I was hoping I meant enough to you that I wouldn't lose you too. Now I can see that someone else is more important to you than I am. Good-bye! 3; 3; 3;.. Mother!" Joey sat on the porch and completely crashed emotionally!
Chapter FifteenNeedless to say, Joey felt like someone just plunged a knife into his belly! Up until this moment, he had no idea that his mother knew his inner secret. He really thought he had hidden it quite well from her. Now, to find out she knew, and that she had kept it hidden from others on his behalf literally floored him. To add to that, she figured out that Joey blamed her for his dad's disappearance and lack of interest in keeping contact with him as a son.But 3; Joey's head was swimming with thoughts and questions 3; Now what? She threw me out! The bitch! I'm not eighteen yet 3; How the fuck can she do that to me? It ain't legal 3; is it? Maybe I can ask Mr. F 3; uh, Larry. Oh God 3; what if he can't or won't help me, because I love Korey? Shit 3; I don't wanna be a part of all that Social Services crap! DAMN! What am I saying 3; Larry isn't that uncaring 3; I gotta at least ask him! All Joey's clean clothes were locked inside the house, and somehow he had left his cell phone at Larry's place when he headed to his own house. He knew he had to talk to Larry somehow, but his clothes smelled too bad to wear them to school, and there was no way for Joey to call him for immediate help. So, he headed to the park to wait out the school day before walking back to Larry's house in the early evening 3; hoping to find Lar as soon as he came home from the day's work. Larry arrived around 5:30 PM, and found Joey sitting on the back porch steps 3; "Hey, Joey 3; missed you in classes today! What on earth happened to you? I knew you weren't ill, since you left my house in good health." "Mr. F 3; shit 3; sorry! Larry 3; I gotta ask you a few things. I'm in trouble, and I hid back here till you got home because I didn't want to be seen by anyone at school or whatever. I need some real help!" "Come on inside, Joey. I'll do whatever I can to help 3; you know that I will! Have you seen Eaton or Casey yet?" "Uh 3; I saw them leave the house about an hour ago. Don't know where they went. Didn't want them to see me either!" "That's strange, Guy! I would have thought you'd want them to see you and let you in to wait for me. Oh well 3; so talk to me 3; what's all this about?" Joey handed Larry the note that was stuck to the door earlier, and sat there staring into space and shaking from nerves while Larry read it. Larry finished reading and then drew Joey's quivering body close to his own 3; "Listen to me, Joey! First of all, you being still a minor, she can't just throw you out on the street, whether or not she feels that way right now. She is still legally responsible for your welfare. As far as the rest of her feelings, I'll be glad to go with you to work out differences and help restore some bonds that will help allow things to be on the level till you're old enough to leave on your own. I'm sure she still loves you as her son 3; even if she is in a shock mode right now. But first, you need to clean up. Go shower while I find you a sweat suit or something that you can put on, and then I'll go with you to your place and see if I can get her to let us in. OK?" "Yeah! Guess that's a good idea. But Larry 3; what if I don't want to live with her any more? Is there any alternative if she still wants me out on my ass?" "There are only three possibilities that I'm aware of, Joey. First, the obvious 3; being a foster kid in the system, which I don't really recommend for a guy your age. Secondly, some other adult might volunteer to be responsible for your welfare for the year left before you're old enough to be on your own 3; someone well known and respected who would be approved by your mother to act in her stead. And thirdly 3; emancipation comes to mind. That's when a young man can prove himself able to support himself and wise enough to be considered as an adult before his chronological age is such that the law recognizes his coming of age. I suppose that after we chat with your mother, we can follow any one of the three directions that seems best for you to pursue." "Well, Larry 3; you know who I'd ask my mom to approve! That is 3;if you'd be willing to 3; uh 3; unless it'd be too much to ask with Korey and all 3; uh 3;" "We'll cross that bridge when the time comes, Joey. Personally, I'd be more than glad to be responsible for you, but I still need to figure out my limits about you and Korey, plus I'd have to ask the school 3; and you might already figured what they'll say as soon as Korey moves in here with me this summer. I don't think I'll be able to hide that fact from them. Who knows, maybe they'll never get the idea that Kor and I 3; especially knowing I have two young sons now. But I won't even guess at this point. So, let's see your mother before we worry what comes next." Larry and Joey hopped into Lar's car and headed to Joey's house. Upon their arrival, Larry knocked on the door, hoping that Joey's mother would see him through the glass, and answer the doorbell. No answer 3; two, three, four attempts 3; and still nothing! Not a sound 3; but wait! There was a certain smell coming through the cracks in the door 3; yes it was 3; GAS! Larry immediately got on his cell and called 911 3; mentioned the smell, and asked for the fire department to get there fast. Three minutes later, the engine pulled up and a couple firemen jumped out and ran to the front steps 3; took one sniff 3; and ordered Larry and Joey to stand back as they chopped their way into the house. Sure enough, the stove knobs were turned to high, but the pilots had blown out. They began opening windows to air out the fumes 3; front and back windows 3; and any exit door they could find. It didn't take too long to make the rounds, until 3; "Mr. Freeburg 3; will you please follow me into this room, sir 3; not you, son, just Mr. Freeburg right now." Larry followed the fireman into the master bedroom, and suddenly stopped in his tracks. Although he had never met Joey's mother, he knew immediately! He turned away and headed back to the living room where Joey was waiting, as asked to do 3; "Joey 3; sit down, son! I'm afraid I have something to tell you." "AWWWWWWW FUUUCKKKKKK 3; you don't mean 3;?" Grabbing Joey into his arms, and holding him tight, so as to not allow him to jump up and run to the bedroom 3; "Yes, Joey 3; I am so sorry 3; but 3;" "MMMMAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaa! NOoooooooooooooo! You didn't! 3; 3; 3; You couldn't! 3; 3;. That's not the good-bye I thought you meant! God, Larry 3; it's all my fault! I did that to her! Mama 3;I'm SORRY!" Then Joey passed out on the couch 3; fainted! The fireman asked Larry if he ought to call an ambulance and transport Joey to the ER to make sure he was still OK, and Larry approved. The ambulance came, and Joey was placed on a gurney and whisked off to Carmel Community as a precaution. Of course, Larry rode there with Joey and the EMT as the siren pierced the air along the Old Holman Highway. Meanwhile, the firemen called The Paul Mortuary about making the removal of the mother's body, but were told that since it was an apparent suicide, The County ME needed to take her first. The fireman seemed a bit embarrassed that he hadn't thought of that himself, but after all, this was his first month in the field, and had not yet experienced a death situation on his job. By the time the ambulance made it to the Hospital, Joey revived from his fainting spell and had become very agitated over it being his fault that his mother had killed herself. Larry tried to calm him, to little avail. The ER nurse called for permission to sedate Joey so that the ER team could more easily examine him. Larry left the room and called Korey while the team did their work-up 3; "Kor 3; I need you to go to my place and make sure the boys are OK 3; and then stay there till I get home. It's an emergency 3; but no, I'll tell you all about it when I get there. No 3; I'm fine. Kor 3; don't ask, please wait till I get there! Just go 3; thanks!" Larry hated to keep things so secret, knowing Kor would be extra curious, and upset by the facts 3; but since another person coming to ER would cause more grief than being of help 3; and that the boys needed to have someone there with them as a safety item 3; it was his best choice of the moment. It took about two hours for the sedation to wear off enough that Joey was able to talk and listen coherently. When he came to 3; Larry was right beside him, holding his hand and assuring him that things were under control. Larry also expressed the fact that it was not Joey's fault that this happened 3; that actually, she made her choice because of her own desire to be free from everything 3; Joey hadn't pushed her to it 3; she chose on her own to feel release 3; that even if Joey had never caused a single worry, she felt imprisoned from so many other things that she would have done the same thing. "God, Larry 3; if I could only believe that 3; but her note 3;" "Joey, I read it too, remember 3; and as I see it, she was trying to spare you of even seeing it all. She wanted you with someone else so you wouldn't have to find out what she had decided to do. In her own way, she loved you enough to allow you to have freedom that she couldn't have 3; probably feeling her bondage and pain since the day your father left. She wasn't saying that it was your fault 3; she was trying to spare you." "What now, Larry? What am I gonna do now?" "Well 3; for tonight, the Dr. has asked to keep you here for observation. I need to go check on the boys, but I'll come back in an hour or so, and spend the night in your room so you won't be left alone. Can you handle an hour or so?" "I guess I can if I know you're coming back. Don't fail me, Larry 3;don't leave me alone all night 3;please!" "Have I ever promised you or any of my students anything I haven't done? I will be back! Count on it! Try to relax enough so the nurse doesn't need to put you under again 3; I'll trust you to do that for me, and you trust that I'll be back! Got that?" "Yes, Sir! And Larry 3;.. thanks for being here for me!" Larry notified the nurse that he was leaving for an hour or so, but that he'd return as close to that as possible. He asked if a recliner might be brought into the room so that he could stay the night comfortably. The nurse asked him if he was family to the young man, to which he replied 3; "I'm the only family he has. Let that be enough reason to have the chair for the night!" 3; And out the door he went, calling a cab because his car was still at Joey's house. During the cab ride home, it suddenly dawned on Larry that no one had yet even thought of Joey's younger brother Billy. Where is he? Has he been home yet and discovered a broken front door and no one there? OMG 3; He's just a thirteen year-old kid! What will happen to him? 3; "Cab driver, we need to go past 310 Grove Acres Avenue before we pick up my car 3;hurry, please." "Yes sir 3; we're close to there anyway!" The cab pulled up to Joey's place, and Larry jumped out 3; "Wait here 3; I'll be back in a moment or two!" Larry got to the door, and it was put back in place, covered with a temporary wooden sheet, and a police tape blocking entrance 3; and no sign of Billy. So back to the cab 3; "To my car 3; oh crap! Sorry! My car is parked right across the street. Here's an extra $20 for your patience. Thanks for sticking around." Larry could hardly believe he was so upset over Billy that he forgot where his car was parked. But with no sign of Billy yet, he still was quite concerned. So Lar called home to ask Korey if any of the boys had heard from Billy in the last hour or so 3; just hoping maybe Billy might think of Eaton and Case being trained in scouting by Joey occasionally, and call to speak to Joey. Korey asked Eaton, who said nope 3; but that he saw Billy at the team meeting right after school, and that he said something about going over to Mikey's for dinner and maybe some MII game play. By the time Larry got that part of the answer, he was home already and heading inside. So he found Eaton and asked 3; "Mikey who 3; for goodness sake?" "Oh 3; uh, Mikey Gillis I think. He's the center on our team, Dad! Why?" "Because I have to find Billy right away!" (Looking in phone book 3;) " Gillis 3;Gillis 3;uh, on Pine Avenue?" "Yeah, Dad 3;he lives on Pine." Larry calls the Gillis residence 3; "Hello, Mrs. Gillis? Larry Freeburg here 3; yes, the High School Music teacher, is Billy there with Mikey? 3; He is? Great! I need to talk to him 3; May I come over, please? No 3;don't call him to the phone 3; I have to talk to him face to face. Please don't interrupt his fun till I get there. I don't want to upset him. I'll explain when I arrive, Mrs. Gillis 3; Thanks a lot!" Mrs. Gillis meets Larry at her front door, and invites him to the family room at the other side of the house from where the boys are. She seems worried about Billy, since she is aware of a few things Larry doesn't yet know 3; "Mr. Freeburg, before I even tell Billy you're here 3; may I ask what it is that seems so important that his time with my son, Mikey needs to be interrupted?" "Please call me Larry, Mrs. Gillis. The situation is this 3; his brother, Joey is in the hospital for the night, and there's no one at home right now. So I came by to tell him why." "Call me Phyllis, Larry 3; and he is more than welcome to stay here tonight, if you can see your way to waiting till tomorrow to bring up the bad news of his brother. Billy came over this afternoon because he was upset and needed to feel like someone cared about him. I really think it better not to overload him with more negative input tonight. Can you understand that?" "Yes I can, Phyllis 3; but I'll share with you what needs to be told, and then let's decide the where and when part. Fair enough?" "That's reasonable! Please explain!" "Evidently, Joey spent the night away from the house and didn't call his mom to keep her informed. So, when he did get home to get ready for school 3; the front door was locked, and a note was on the door. Long story short 3; Joey came to me for help after school. We went to his place to see if I could get his mom to let him in, only to discover she had passed away in her bed from gas inhalation 3; still being investigated as to being on purpose or accidental. Joey freaked and passed out; thus, the trip to the hospital for the night. I was so concerned for Billy that I had to find him before he went home and discovered an empty house and the reasons behind that fact." "His mother is dead? OMG! Larry, you're right, he has to know 3; but if it can wait till tomorrow morning, I feel it's to his best benefit. He was so worked up when he arrived here today 3; something about being beaten and so angry over it 3; that if he can have a peaceful night of enjoyment and rest 3;" "Alright, Phyllis. I will trust your judgment. Do you want me to come by in the morning and help, or do you want to handle it alone?" I certainly don't want the issue to be handled at school. There's no telling how he might react there." "Let me see what his mood is in the morning, and may I call you if I think it might take two of us to handle it then?" "Of course! My cell number is 408.555-9811, and I keep it on 24/7. I'll make sure I'm ready early just in case you call before school. Thank you for allowing me to come over tonight. At least I know Billy is safe for the night." Meanwhile 3; upstairs in Mikey's bedroom 3; (( Maybe even before we join the boys there, it might be important for you to know a little about Mikey! Mikey Gillis – Billy's classmate; also on football team as Center; knows Eaton as well, but one grade ahead of him. 14½, be 15 in a month or so; even though he's in 8th grade, he started a year late because of his b'date not allowing him to begin K until he was 6; also large for Jr. Higher – looks more like a HS football player; 5'11" [1.80 m] tall, weighing 220 lbs [100 kg]; blonde hair in military cut, light blue eyes; built like a tackle, rather than like a runner; has full 7" [18 cm] cut cock, medium thickness, entire length;)) "Dang, Mikey, your mom is so cool! If she hadn't said I could spend the night here tonight, I don't know what I would have done! I'm so pissed at Mom right now! She's been a bitch for a long time, but to beat me raw just because she found you and me playin' more than just puter games in my room! She had no fuckin' right to barge in like that!" "You got that right, Billy! My mom at least knocks first! Fortunately she does, or she'd know just how good buddies we really are! Hell 3; you can take my whole 7" [18 cm] better'n anyone else on the team! And you're sure the best at hittin' that spot inside me! Your mom totally freaked at simply catching us jerkin' together! You sure didn't deserve those welts and open wounds! Did that ointment I put on you make it feel better?" "Helped a lot, thanks! But what helped more is to know someone gives a shit about me and my feelings 3; well, of course Joey does, but 3; I shouldn't say this, but sometimes I wish Mom wasn't around any more and all I had was Joey! All I can think about right now is her yelling as she beat the snot out'a me: 'Little bastard! I won't have you turning out like Joey or your asshole of a Dad! Why are all the males in my life gay! I won't let you become that way too! I'll beat it out of you before it's too late!' Too late, hell 3; already is, and has been for at least three years! Joey knows that, and he's fine with it 3; and so are you, Mikey! Why can't Mom accept me for who I am!" "Easy Billy! You're accepted here. I'd tackle the world to have you stay here if you ever had to run away from home to keep from getting' beat! I'd hope my mother would take you in at a moment's notice. If she knew how bad your back looks right now, she'd go to court on your behalf 3;I know she would! Now, cuddle up and let's get some sleep 3; unless of course, you feel like letting some of your tension off first! We haven't spooned in a while!" "God, I'd love that! On your side, Mikey! I need to plug you from behind! I need to have a little shot of being in charge after bein' so deflated by Mom's tirade!" "Anything you need tonight, Billy. Just don't take out your anger on my ass! You know I can take it rough, but I like the way you treat me when we're both in a tender mood! And remember 3; I may not get mad, but I can sure get even!" Both guys laugh over that comment, which got Billy to relax a bit and let some steam off before the main event began. Even at the tender age of not quite 14, Billy was no stranger to foreplay. Joey had taught him several techniques in the art of readying a partner that made the other beg for cock 3; and he knew just which ones worked best on Mikey! And tonight was now going to put to use every item in Billy's bag of tricks for the benefit of both parties 3; for Mikey because of his compassion and acceptance of Billy, and for Billy's own good for venting and restoration of self esteem. Billy spent at least twenty minutes bringing Mikey to the point of demanding to have his butt entered. Hands caressed and excited 3; tongue licked and mouth kissed 3; bodies touched and grinded 3; fingers prepped the doorway 3; leakage moistened 3; teeth teased earlobes and bit into shoulders 3; a pillow muffled some very strange sounds coming from the big guy's most inner being 3; and then, the time was right for 5.5" [14 cm] of the stiffest, hottest, and wettest shaft of life to creep into the most desired lair of choice 3; but certainly not to simply rest for the night! Once Billy's mushroom passed through Mikey's anal opening, and the vocal recognition of the entry made its way into the silencing pillow 3; the tenderness previously requested began to manifest itself as lovingly as Billy knew how! Carefully and smoothly, he inched forward into the awaiting tunnel 3; searching for that spot that would turn Mikey into Jello and cause him to push backwards to get more and more of the invading shaft. AAHhhhhhhh 3;there it is! Right on target! Now to move just right 3;back and forth 3; pressing, massaging, stimulating 3;so artistically that 3; that Mikey shot off his first power wash clear to the bedroom wall he was facing. Billy snickered because he knew that Mikey could recover in a very short time and continue to at least two more expulsions of his seminal glory before Billy would blast his own juices deep inside Mikey's guts! And as Mikey kept unloading his first round of bullets, his ass kept pulling and sucking Billy's cock deeper and deeper until pubic hairs prickled ass cheeks, and balls pressed against hot flesh. A few moments of recovery time were allowed before the real action began with slow long strokes out and back in 3; out 3; in 3; each pass contacting the prostate gland with precision and expected results. Joey had trained Billy well 3; not to mention the few practice sessions Billy had with Eaton on camp-outs or school trips in recent weeks. ( I'm not sure if Mikey has had the privilege yet to get to know Eaton this well, but one could bet it will happen soon, if it already hasn't! Away games next football season will tell!) Needless to say, Mikey was not passive in his efforts to aid Billy's release of tension. Mikey's ability to receive never took second place to his skill as a giver! I don't know where he learned his techniques, but they were taught well and used to the greatest advantage. He was able to bring Billy right to the edge several times without allowing things to go too far too soon. And yes, before he allowed Billy to let fly, he had two more fantastic orgasms of his own 3; one caused by Billy's mastery, and one from his own causes 3; still no hands! But that third series of spasms milked the very toenails out of Billy's body and sucked every drop of fluids as deep into Mikey's intestinal track as physically possible. Grunts, gasps of air, muffled screams and moans filled the room almost as much as the tell-tale smells of teen sex before both boys became frozen in the final moments of ecstasy. Time stood still for both boys until their tense bodies finally relaxed and breathing returned to normal. Billy was so drained that his dick seemed to melt and flow back outside its protective shield of boy flesh almost as if it had been forced to move by a river of hot white lava which followed it through the gaping eye of Mikey's orifice. Then, Mikey turned toward Billy, pulling the smaller younger boy onto his chest in a bear hug, and welcoming the now-sleepy body to stretch out and doze off into a blissful rest 3; leg-on-leg, nose into neck, and groin to groin to emphasize the safety of Mikey's strength given to Billy in close companionship. From outside the room, there was heard a faint sound of slippers slapping heels as hallway boards creaked slightly from someone walking away from the boys' doorway. As planned the night before, Phyllis called Larry and asked for him to join her for breakfast, so that when the boys came down fresh for the day at school, the news could be shared in a more relaxed atmosphere than if Larry had not arrived until Billy was ready to shoot out the front door 3; "Hey, Billy 3; Sleep well? Joey wanted me to check on you since he was unable to get back home early enough to be there for you. I did tell him you were in good hands with Mrs. Gillis here, and not to be concerned about your well-being." "Gee, Mr. F., how'd you know I was here?" "Eaton told me you said something about it before you left campus yesterday, so I just called and asked 3; and found it to be true. So I asked if I could come by on my way to school, and give you guys a ride." "Is Eaton with you 3; and Case too?" "Nope! Korey took them to campus with him this morning. Uh, Billy 3; mind if I take a couple minutes to share something with you?" "Don't mind at all, Mr. F. You're a cool guy! I'm glad you've let me be a friend to your boys, especially since Joey brought me to your place by surprise the first time. What's up?" Larry explains as easily as possible that Joey was in the hospital overnight, and that he wasn't hurt by a car crash or anything like that. However, when the real reason for his being there was told, Billy just stared and said nothing! As things began to sink in a little, Billy asked Mrs. Gillis for a glass of water, and almost stumbled to the kitchen chair closest to where he was standing. Then he looked at Mikey 3; lip quivering 3; eyes watery 3; "Mikey, what I said last night 3; you know, about hoping she'd go away 3; uh 3; it's happened! She's gone! I 3; uh 3;" (then silence again!) Mikey was petrified by Billy's lack of reaction and silence. Larry reached for Billy, but it was evident that Billy wanted no hug, no response from anyone at this point, so Larry sat close by but made no further effort to comfort until he saw an indication that it was welcomed. Phyllis made one statement 3; "Billy 3; if you need a place for a while, you know this home is yours if you want it." "Thanks, Mrs. Gillis 3; I'll let you know. Mikey said you'd say that if 3; if 3;" Then, after two minutes of pure agonizing silence 3; "Mr. F., Can I see Joey before we go to school? I wanna talk with him, please!" "Of course, Billy. We have time to make a visit. And after we do that, if you don't feel like going to school, we can figure out what to do then." "I'm ready 3; car out front?" "Sure thing! Mikey 3; you go with him. I'll be out in a sec." "Y 3;es 3; Sirrrrrrr 3;" When the boys headed out the door, Larry and Phyllis tried to figure out what to make of Billy's reaction. Surely the young man had deep feelings about what had happened. He's never been so quiet and reserved with his feelings before now. The question was raised about a delayed reaction if he went to school. Larry said that he'd get back to Phyllis if anything rose to the surface as Billy chatted with Joey. Right now, it seemed as if limbo was his state of mind 3; that worried both adults a great deal! Chapter SixteenLarry takes Billy to the hospital to visit with Joey, who finds out he's able to leave as soon as Larry can provide transportation. So when the two arrive and are told the same information, Billy wants to push Joey's wheelchair out 3; since it is hospital policy to have all patients leave in that fashion. On the way to the car, Joey asks Billy if he has been told about 'Mama', to which he answers 3; "Yeah! No big Deal!" "What the? 3; Little Brother? How in hell can you 3;" "I just do, Joey 3; so drop it, OK?" Larry hears this short but heart-stabbing interaction, and makes a call on his cell to the High School 3; "Hi Sheila 3; will you please call in a sub for my classes today. I know it's short notice, but my classes don't start till second period, and Korey is there to help whoever comes to get music started for graduation. I always have back-up lesson plans in the top drawer of my desk in case of an emergency 3; yes 3; this is one! I have no choice but to take care of it right now 3; thanks! I owe you one! Tell Mr. Jacobs that I'll explain tomorrow." Instead of driving toward the school area of town, Larry turns the car South on Highway 1, which of course makes both boys ask why 3; "Guys, I've decided that you both need some time to think and share as brothers. I have called for a substitute today, and I am taking you to a spot down the coast where you two can talk or shout or just sit quietly 3; whatever! I will be nearby in case either of you needs anything, but there's no way you're going to school right now. Like it or not, right now, I'm in charge, and this is what I see as the best choice for the day." "Mr.F., who gave you the boss hat? I don't need a fuckin' thing! Lemme out!" "I'm sorry, Billy 3; but you DO need this, and it IS going to happen! I figure that I care a lot for both of you, and right now, both of you need someone who gives a shit about what happens to you. I'm hoping that later on I'll be thanked for it, but right now 3; it's my way because neither of you deserve the highway 3;got it?" "Uh 3;uh 3;but 3;" "Shut the fuck up, Billy! He's right! Bro 3; we got nobody! We're on our own! Who knows; we might get split up in foster homes 3;or worse! We gotta at least take time to be on the same page! God, Billy 3; I don't understand how you're reacting, Man!" "But Joey 3; Mr. F. is just a cool teacher. He ain't never gonna be our father 3; Never! So why should I even start to depend on him? Maybe our real dad will show up again. He'd be better than nobody!" "Damn it, you little shit! Mr.'s the most caring person we know! To me, he almost feels like family, not like that bastard that" (then Joey turns silent for a few moments, then continues) 3; "and besides, Larry sure let's you hang with his own kids a lot! That counts for a ton right now! We need his help! Hell, Dude, what's in your craw?" "UH, Guys 3; do me a favor and save this for the quiet place. I don't want you so mad at each other that things can't be resolved sensibly. Sounds like I might have to play referee too, and I can't keep things on the level while I'm driving. Please sit back and be still until we get where we're headed. PLEASE!" Both boys sit back and shut up. Joey looking worried, and Billy looking pissed. A few more minutes and Larry pulled off the coast highway into a small parking area way above the beach below Bixby Bridge. He told the boys to follow him to the waterfront, and they complied with little change in their expressions. There was a tiny walking path down to the base of the cliff, a creek flowing into the sea, and a very private cove out of site from anyone still on the road or even on the main beach area. Larry told the guys to sit on the sand, with their shoes off; he took his coat and tie off at the car, so he did the same as he asked them to do 3; and sat about 20 feet away from them to start. 3; but still close enough if he had to intervene for any reason. Soon, Joey started the conversation 3; as quietly as he could so as not to get an angry response from Billy 3; "Sorry, Man 3; I didn't mean to call you those names a while ago. Uh 3;" "Forget it , Bro. I know you're shook up! I just don't feel that bad about all this like you do!" "That's just it, Bill 3; It's our mom! She chose to commit suicide! We're all alone! I just don't get why you aren't upset about it 3; especially since you're younger and can't make it out there legally! Explain it to me, Man! I gotta know!" Billy quietly stands up, unbuttons his shirt, yanks it off and tosses it across the sand 3; and turns so his back is facing Joey 3; "Maybe this will tell you why the fuckin' hell I don't give a shit!" "OMG 3; BILLY! How did that happen? Your back looks like hamburger! When 3; Who?" "That Bitch you call Mother! She did this! She caught me and Mikey jerkin' off 3; just jerkin' off, mind you 3; nothing unusual for a couple teen guys just learning about their bodies, Man 3; and she kicked his ass out the door, and started in on me! She was a wild woman! All the time she beat the crap out'a me, she was yellin' 'You're not gonna turn out like Joey! I won't let you! I'll beat it out'a you first!' God, Joey 3; I want to be like you! I am like you! It's not wrong for me to be like you! She could'a killed me for bein' me! Somehow, I'm glad she's 3; I'm glad 3; I'm 3; (loud scream of painful emotion) 3; 3;.." Billy fell to his knees as he screamed 3; then face down into the sand, pounding his fists. Joey sat there dazed by his reaction. Larry came to Billy's side and gently picked him up before the sand flew into the still raw stripes on his back 3; and cradled him in a fatherly embrace 3; and gently stroked his hair and forehead as Billy whimpered, shook, and quivered from finally letting go of all he was holding inside. Joey remained frozen in position, with his mouth open in amazement. Larry decided it was now the right time for him to get into the conversation 3; "Joey 3; look at me, son! What you heard from Billy was tainted by all his physical and emotional pain. Figuring that he's finally broken the dam, and his feelings are spilling out, he's going to get through this easier. But now, he needs you more than he ever has. First, you have to get over your feeling of being at fault for any of this. Your mother was wrong in expressing anger over Billy's desire to be like you. That's Billy's choice 3; and you are a good man to look up to. There is nothing wrong with you or with Billy wanting to be just like his older brother ... his role model 3; hell, his idol! Personal choices belong to the individual, not to the parent. There is no fault for being true to yourself." "But Larry 3; it's my fault that Billy wants to become gay. I got him doing things with me! If I hadn't done that, he'd never 3;" (Billy pipes up 3;) "That ain't true, Bro! You didn't start me 3; I started with school buddies way before I did it with you! And if you remember, I asked you 3; you didn't make me do nuthin' I didn't want or ask for! I already knew I was gay, and that I wanted to be with you sexually, way before you ever responded to my advances! So drop that guilt shit! I love you! I always have! Prove you got balls, Man and get a grip!" Joey got off his butt and came over to Billy, taking him from Larry's arms, stood him up, faced him, and drew him close enough to land the most beautiful kiss and hug square on Billy's lips 3; being careful not to hurt the wounds on his back in the process. Larry knew right then that these two were now on the same page and that the worst was over in the battle to regain composure and set up their futures. "Billy 3; I love you too, Guy! We got each other, no matter what else comes along. I have no idea how things will work out, but I know they will as long as we stick together as brothers. You OK with askin' Larry here to help us with all the legal crap?" "Uh 3; Mr. F.? What I said earlier 3;about you never bein' a father 3; I'm sorry! I just didn't realize that a teacher could care so much for his students. It may be true that you'll never be 'Dad', but you sure act like one. Is that why so many of your students nickname you 'Papa'? "I guess it is, Billy. And you're more than welcome to do the same, even though I don't have you in class yet. And I guess you get in on the family plan, so you can call me 'Papa Larry' instead of Mr. F. 3; away from school, that is! Well, supposing that you want to!" "I'd like that 3; a lot! But, what about a place to live 3; and if I get to stay with Joey? Is there anything we can do to make sure that happens?" "I'll tell you both this 3; if there's a way, we'll find it together. And if the social system won't allow it 3; then you have my word that I'll do all in my power to make sure you stay in close contact, even if you don't sleep under the same roof." Then Joey asked 3; "What's the first step, Lar?" "I'll give Mrs. Gillis a call, and see if she might volunteer to let Billy stay there until things are decided by the system 3; a temporary foster care thing, since Billy is still thirteen. At least he won't have to get to know some other family or end up in a weird situation if she agrees, and the County accepts her application. The second thing that we have to do, want to or not, is to get a Dr. to take care of Billy's back. As a teacher and mandatory reporter of physical abuse, I can probably steer the Dr. and Social Services toward proper placement with Mrs. Gillis because I will vouch for her good character and the fact that she already knows about everything and is well prepared to deal with it positively. From there we can see to it that things move to better situation as time allows." "Another question, Lar 3; what if Social Services finds our real father. Will they make us go live with him, even if we don't want to? I can tell you right now, from what I remember of him, that would suck big time!" "I'll say this 3; that they will try to determine if he is still anywhere to be found. Unless there is a good legal reason to deny his rights, then, yes 3; they might push the issue. The way I figure it 3; he might refuse to accept the responsibility, and if he signs away his rights and responsibilities, then other options become needed. That's what I will work on, so we have good options. "But, Joey 3; why don't you want him back? I don't remember much, but I don't know any reason to refuse to be with a real dad!" "Billy 3; you were so young, and Mom always babied you like you were made out'a china. But I do remember 3; just trust me, Man. You don't want to know! Uh 3; Lar? You said something about me becoming emancipated 3; would that allow me to be Billy's caretaker?, especially if our dad never showed up again?" "Not right Away! But it sure would open the door sooner than anything else. Legally, you would be considered an adult, and family too. But there's still the need to prove you could support Billy and give him all he needed to finish school and have a solid future. And of course, that means you'd finish school and have a job. Then there's housing 3; but that's simple. When Korey moves in with me, I could sell you my condo 3; at a price that would make it easy to be owned free and clear 3;say, for maybe 3; twenty bucks?" "God 3; you'd do that for us?" "Need you ask? Now, you two want to have a swim or a run on the beach before we get back to town and get things rolling?" Billy answered that question immediately by dropping his pants and hitting the surf 3; only to let out a big OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW 3; when the salt water hit his open wounds. But he stayed in the water long enough for the salt to do some good, in spite of the temporary pain 3; which was actually what Larry wanted to happen when he suggested the swim. Soon, Joey was horsing around in the water with Billy, like two little kids with no worries. That alone was worth Larry taking the day off from classroom responsibilities, as far as he was concerned. Meanwhile, Larry called Mrs. Gillis 3; explained the day's happenings and talks 3; and mentioned the idea of becoming a temporary foster parent for Billy 3; to which she answered a firm yes without a moment's hesitation. So the basis for the plan was already laid down. Larry was confident that with that being accomplished, and a few favors called in from some officials he knew 3; that the rest would fall into place. Next, Larry called Korey's cell. It was between classes at the moment, so he knew it wouldn't cause a problem for Kor to chat a few minutes 3; "Hey Kor 3;it's me, Larry 3;" "Dang, Lar 3; where the hell are you? When you sent in a sub 3; I got all worried that something really bad happened." "It almost did, Kor. But all's clear now. I took Joey and Billy to the cove on Highway 1 so that things could open up before they escalated to a full explosion. And we have come to a plan that seems to the best interest of both boys. I need your help, though." "You know I'll do anything I can 3; for you, and for them. Just ask!" "How about sharing a condo until graduation?" "Uh 3; with 3;Joey?" "Of course! It can't be me! And it sure would't look good if you move in with me yet, or even worse 3; if Joey were to move in with me. What'a'ya say?" "I sure don't mind! But Lar 3; what about 3;?" "I trust both of you enough not to worry about that! Just keep in your mind that you and I are as good as 'married', Dude. I've granted some leeway, but I am not going to give you up. Is that clear? If it isn't 3;now's the time to say it! I won't move my limits 3;even for you, my Love! It's time you decided if our vows meant all they were said to be!" "I've been thinking about that! I really have! My heart says my vows still stand. It's just my cock that seems to have a brain of its own. I gotta grow up enough to not let the wrong brain rule me. Larry 3;my love for you is true and strong. I'll really try my hardest to 3;" "Good enough for now! We'll work on it together! Now 3;is that a yes for having a room mate at the condo?" "Yeah! It is! See ya tonight?" "Yes 3;oh, by the way, please pick up Case and Eaton after school, and then we will all meet at my place, and finalize things 3; at least till the County sticks its finger in the pie. You better get to class before you're tardy. Thanks, Kor!" * click * As Larry began to drive back toward Carmel and the Peninsula, he decided that the sooner he reported Billy's injured back the better. The salt water had done a lot to help, but if it wasn't treated officially, some hot-to-trot social worker might make a case that it was being hidden for other reasons. Call it self-preservation or just plain smarts, Larry took the turn toward Community Hospital walk-in services. He also chose to make a call to Janet Olson, the Department Head of Youth Protective Services of Monterey County 3; quite a good friend from his high school days when he was still trying to keep a very straight appearance on campus as a senior 3; "Janet Olson? Larry Freeburg! Yes 3; long time! Me? Fourth year as Music and Drama Instructor 3; yes, right here in town. Why haven't I called 3; I heard you were married and had a couple children already, so I figured 3; well, right 3; friends always 3; but I figured I shouldn't until your husband 3; OK, so I flubbed it! 3; Janet, of course I'd love to get our families together for a BBQ sometime, however 3; I called for another reason today. I have one of my son's friends with me right now, and his older brother who is one of my band students. I'm headed for the Hospital walk-in because young Billy here has been 3; punished by an irate mother and needs to be looked at. I don't want the hospital staff to think I did the damage. Can you call them and clear it for me, please. I'll fill you in as soon as the Dr. starts to examine him. 3; thanks, I owe you! I'll call back in a few minutes!" "Uh, Papa Larry? What was that all about?" "It's for our own good, Billy. I just tuned Social Services into the situation by informing them I was taking you to the Dr. for your back. If we had just shown up first, the police would be called, and instead of me being able help you, they might assume that I did the damage 3;or worse, that Joey did it 3; and we'd be up a creek before we knew we had a canoe." "But I'd tell 'em you two didn't do anything!" "I know you would, Billy 3; but CPS doesn't think like others do, and they might think you were protecting us by telling a lie out of being scared or even threatened about squealing on us." "You gotta be fuckin' kiddin'!" "Unfortunately, I'm not! But with it being reported to the top person in charge already, I guarantee things will go smoother. Just tell the Dr. the truth about how it happened as calmly as you can. Meanwhile, I will call YPS back and explain the entire thing to them, names and all. That will also get things rolling for you being able to stay with Mrs. Gillis on an emergency basis for now." "Yes, Sir 3; I'll do it because I trust ya like Joey does!" Hey little Brother 3; one thing 3; don't say a word about how well you know Larry's boys or Mrs. Gillis's son. You can say you know them from school 3; but anything else, and that'd kibosh it so fast 3;!" "Hell, Joey 3; I ain't that stupid! I know better to say anything about sex stuff to anyone with a power gig! How long have I known about scouts and just you and me doin' stuff, anyway! I'd fuck up all my own fun if I mentioned any of it!" "Just had to mention it, Bro! That's all!" When the guys arrived at the admitting desk, Larry was totally honest as to the reason for the visit, and even though there was no emergency need involved, the nurse took Billy directly in for an exam. Since Mrs. Olsen had already made her promised call, Larry and Joey were free to wait without threat of police showing up and improperly questioning them. The Dr. would of course ask Larry to verify what Billy said after the exam 3; but for now, all would proceed smoothly. As he had promised to do, Larry called Janet back and explained everything as clearly as possible. Janet told him that the conversation was being taped. Larry acknowledged that fact and approved his voluntary statement being taken. As the details were being given, Janet mentioned she was aware of suicide report from earlier in the day, putting two and two together as to who Billy and Joey were, and what Larry was trying to do for his students. She agreed to call Mrs. Gillis and give a temporary placement order to allow Billy to stay there until proper home studies could be made and an extended license issued. Larry again thanked Janet for the expediting of red tape, and made sure she could get in touch with him at any time if other information was needed. But then, the question of Joey's care came up in the discussion, since he was still under age. Larry mentioned Joey's desire to become emancipated, and offered the use of his condo as a temporary shelter until that detail could be handled in the proper fashion. Of course, Larry mentioned Korey was living there too, and he being eighteen 3; as well as the fact that Larry checked on the condo and the users on a daily basis, both as a teacher of both parties and an interested adult willing to be responsible until legalities were completed. Janet gave Larry the same temporary placement order that Mrs. Gillis would receive on the basis of knowing Larry so well previously, and the fact that he was so well thought of by the school system. The Hospital Administrator and the Dr. making the examination were called by Janet, and instruction to release the young man to Larry was officially sanctioned without incident. So as soon as Larry confirmed Billy's story to the Dr's satisfaction, the trio was able to head back to Larry's house. By this time, everyone else had also arrived, and Billy was stormed by Case and Eaton with all the sympathy and caring two little guys could give to a good friend going through such junk! Then realizing Joey was there too, turned their affections to him as well. Korey stood next to Larry, the two holding hands and simply watching the expressions of youthful love being shared between four sexy horn toads who still needed to be careful who was present while this kind of emotional support flowed so freely. After a reasonable length of time being allowed for such communication, Larry called order, and asked everyone to have a seat n the living room, so the plans could be told regarding the next few days ahead 3; "OK, guys 3; here's the plan for now 3; I know you little guys would like it if Billy stayed here, and probably want Joey to do the same, but that's not possible. Billy has to go stay with Mrs. Gillis under a County order for her to have an emergency bed placement house. Joey has been assigned to use the condo for now until he can start the emancipation process. They know he'd be sharing it with Korey, but as long as I supervise the situation closely 3; the County is satisfied about the arrangement. From this point, nothing is in cement 3; so we'll just have to go one step at a time for now. At least for now, we are all on the same page?" "But Dad 3; that means Billy gets to stay with Mikey! Uh 3; does he have to sleep with Mikey too?" "Eaton! Why should that matter to you, Son? On second thought, maybe you shouldn't answer that right now! We can talk about that alone later. But let this suffice for now 3; and Billy, I apologize for the insinuation that my son made, hopefully not intending to cast wrong ideas and all 3; Son, the County does require a separate bedroom for foster placements, even in an emergency house 3; and there is an extra room for Billy to use. So I think an apology might be in order from you, Eaton!" "Uh, Billy 3; sorry I 3; but 3; well 3;!" "That's OK, Eaton 3; if you were gonna be at Mikey's, I might be wondering something too 3; some situations kind'a show up in football practice shower rooms, don't they!" Casey got a laugh out of that return dig. He whispered to Eaton 3; "Gotch'a back, didn't he, Bro! Serves ya right for bein' jealous!" Eaton slugs Case's arm and starts to pout, but Larry's glaring eyes put a stop to both kids' antics post-haste! Korey asked if he and Joey should drop Billy off at the Gillis's on their way to the condo, but Larry told them to go on without him, as it was Larry's responsibility to get Billy there and settled, by County edict. So the discussion being over, Korey and Joey left. "Alright you two 3; I figure you both have some homework to do. I suggest you each go to your own room and get it done while I take Billy to the Gillis's. I won't be gone long, so make sure that little tait-t'-tait doesn't continue while I'm gone 3;got it?" "Yes, Dad 3; but if I get into trouble for sayin' what I did 3; then Case wasn't very nice with what he said to me." "But Daddy, all I said was the truth 3;" "I said 3; it stops here and now. Go do your homework. I'll hear the rest later. Please do what I ask. Today's been a tough one. Let it rest! I'll be back real soon." "Yes Sir" (in unison;) And slowly, the boys headed upstairs to their own rooms 3; making sure not to let any negative vibes be seen 3; at least by Larry. In the car now 3; "Papa Larry? Don't get too mad at Eaton, please 3; as a favor to me. I know why Eaton said what he did. You see, that time I stayed at your place 3; I chose to sleep with Casey, 'cause me and Eaton were close friends from football already. Eaton got a little jealous that Casey got to share his bed that night. Well, I kind'a promised Eaton he'd get his turn on my next visit 3; and he was hopin' that maybe tonight 3; well, you know!" "But, Billy 3; the rest of us didn't need to find out all that, at least not so openly and publicly. What if he had said that with a social worker present! I already knew that between scouts, football, and a sleep-over, some boyhood activities must have taken place. I know my boys, even if I didn't know about you and Joey already. But for it to be made an open shot from the hip 3; that's what I have to correct, for all of us to remain free to express ourselves. Oh, I won't really punish him, but I will make things clear as to proper thinking being done before saying anything that can hurt someone. I hope you're OK with that!" "Yes Sir 3; but truthfully, I enjoyed finding out Eaton was a little jealous! I like him a lot, and wondered if he'd even want to 3; uh 3;" "Say no more 3; some things I don't need to hear. Then I won't have to lie about them! Get my drift?" "Dang, Papa Larry 3; you're even cooler than I thought! Thanks!" About that time, they had reached Mrs. Gillis's place. Larry parked, and they walked to the door and rang the bell. Mrs. G. came to the door and welcomed them both into the house, and had Mikey show Billy to his own room, which just happened to be separated from Mikey's room by a shared bathroom between. Both doors of the bath were lockable, so the County approved of it as being private enough for the placement to be allowable. Meanwhile, Larry went to the living room with Mrs. G., and discovered that Janet Olson was already there, supervising the placement. All seemed quite proper as far as the license requirements were concerned, so as she made known her approval and her thanks to Larry for being so helpful, she started for the front door. However, as she was about to leave, she turned to Larry and quietly asked for him to join her out by her car for a short discussion. Larry nodded, and offered to walk her out. When they were both out of earshot of the house, Janet began to speak 3; "I didn't want to say a word of this inside, but Larry 3; I think we have found Mr. Matthews, along with quite a story that may have a strong bearing on what we are doing here." "Janet 3; you don't mean he will want to take the boys himself and cause more emotional hurt to them, do you?" |