PZA Boy Stories

Larry Clayton

My Brother's Kids Are Now Mine

Chapters 16-19

Chapter Sixteen

Larry takes Billy to the hospital to visit with Joey, who finds out he's able to leave as soon as Larry can provide transportation. So when the two arrive and are told the same information, Billy wants to push Joey's wheelchair out 3; since it is hospital policy to have all patients leave in that fashion. On the way to the car, Joey asks Billy if he has been told about 'Mama', to which he answers 3;

"Yeah! No big Deal!"

"What the? 3; Little Brother? How in hell can you 3;"

"I just do, Joey 3; so drop it, OK?"

Larry hears this short but heart-stabbing interaction, and makes a call on his cell to the High School 3;

"Hi Sheila 3; will you please call in a sub for my classes today. I know it's short notice, but my classes don't start till second period, and Korey is there to help whoever comes to get music started for graduation. I always have back-up lesson plans in the top drawer of my desk in case of an emergency 3; yes 3; this is one! I have no choice but to take care of it right now 3; thanks! I owe you one! Tell Mr. Jacobs that I'll explain tomorrow."

Instead of driving toward the school area of town, Larry turns the car South on Highway 1, which of course makes both boys ask why 3;

"Guys, I've decided that you both need some time to think and share as brothers. I have called for a substitute today, and I am taking you to a spot down the coast where you two can talk or shout or just sit quietly 3; whatever! I will be nearby in case either of you needs anything, but there's no way you're going to school right now. Like it or not, right now, I'm in charge, and this is what I see as the best choice for the day."

"Mr.F., who gave you the boss hat? I don't need a fuckin' thing! Lemme out!"

"I'm sorry, Billy 3; but you DO need this, and it IS going to happen! I figure that I care a lot for both of you, and right now, both of you need someone who gives a shit about what happens to you. I'm hoping that later on I'll be thanked for it, but right now 3; it's my way because neither of you deserve the highway 3;got it?"

"Uh 3;uh 3;but 3;"

"Shut the fuck up, Billy! He's right! Bro 3; we got nobody! We're on our own! Who knows; we might get split up in foster homes 3;or worse! We gotta at least take time to be on the same page! God, Billy 3; I don't understand how you're reacting, Man!"

"But Joey 3; Mr. F. is just a cool teacher. He ain't never gonna be our father 3; Never! So why should I even start to depend on him? Maybe our real dad will show up again. He'd be better than nobody!"

"Damn it, you little shit! Mr.'s the most caring person we know! To me, he almost feels like family, not like that bastard that" (then Joey turns silent for a few moments, then continues) 3; "and besides, Larry sure let's you hang with his own kids a lot! That counts for a ton right now! We need his help! Hell, Dude, what's in your craw?"

"UH, Guys 3; do me a favor and save this for the quiet place. I don't want you so mad at each other that things can't be resolved sensibly. Sounds like I might have to play referee too, and I can't keep things on the level while I'm driving. Please sit back and be still until we get where we're headed. PLEASE!"

Both boys sit back and shut up. Joey looking worried, and Billy looking pissed. A few more minutes and Larry pulled off the coast highway into a small parking area way above the beach below Bixby Bridge. He told the boys to follow him to the waterfront, and they complied with little change in their expressions. There was a tiny walking path down to the base of the cliff, a creek flowing into the sea, and a very private cove out of site from anyone still on the road or even on the main beach area. Larry told the guys to sit on the sand, with their shoes off; he took his coat and tie off at the car, so he did the same as he asked them to do 3; and sat about 20 feet away from them to start. 3; but still close enough if he had to intervene for any reason.

Soon, Joey started the conversation 3; as quietly as he could so as not to get an angry response from Billy 3;

"Sorry, Man 3; I didn't mean to call you those names a while ago. Uh 3;"

"Forget it , Bro. I know you're shook up! I just don't feel that bad about all this like you do!"

"That's just it, Bill 3; It's our mom! She chose to commit suicide! We're all alone! I just don't get why you aren't upset about it 3; especially since you're younger and can't make it out there legally! Explain it to me, Man! I gotta know!"

Billy quietly stands up, unbuttons his shirt, yanks it off and tosses it across the sand 3; and turns so his back is facing Joey 3;

"Maybe this will tell you why the fuckin' hell I don't give a shit!"

"OMG 3; BILLY! How did that happen? Your back looks like hamburger! When 3; Who?"

"That Bitch you call Mother! She did this! She caught me and Mikey jerkin' off 3; just jerkin' off, mind you 3; nothing unusual for a couple teen guys just learning about their bodies, Man 3; and she kicked his ass out the door, and started in on me! She was a wild woman! All the time she beat the crap out'a me, she was yellin' 'You're not gonna turn out like Joey! I won't let you! I'll beat it out'a you first!' God, Joey 3; I want to be like you! I am like you! It's not wrong for me to be like you! She could'a killed me for bein' me! Somehow, I'm glad she's 3; I'm glad 3; I'm 3; (loud scream of painful emotion) 3; 3;.."

Billy fell to his knees as he screamed 3; then face down into the sand, pounding his fists. Joey sat there dazed by his reaction. Larry came to Billy's side and gently picked him up before the sand flew into the still raw stripes on his back 3; and cradled him in a fatherly embrace 3; and gently stroked his hair and forehead as Billy whimpered, shook, and quivered from finally letting go of all he was holding inside.

Joey remained frozen in position, with his mouth open in amazement. Larry decided it was now the right time for him to get into the conversation 3;

"Joey 3; look at me, son! What you heard from Billy was tainted by all his physical and emotional pain. Figuring that he's finally broken the dam, and his feelings are spilling out, he's going to get through this easier. But now, he needs you more than he ever has. First, you have to get over your feeling of being at fault for any of this. Your mother was wrong in expressing anger over Billy's desire to be like you. That's Billy's choice 3; and you are a good man to look up to. There is nothing wrong with you or with Billy wanting to be just like his older brother ... his role model 3; hell, his idol! Personal choices belong to the individual, not to the parent. There is no fault for being true to yourself."

"But Larry 3; it's my fault that Billy wants to become gay. I got him doing things with me! If I hadn't done that, he'd never 3;"

(Billy pipes up 3;) "That ain't true, Bro! You didn't start me 3; I started with school buddies way before I did it with you! And if you remember, I asked you 3; you didn't make me do nuthin' I didn't want or ask for! I already knew I was gay, and that I wanted to be with you sexually, way before you ever responded to my advances! So drop that guilt shit! I love you! I always have! Prove you got balls, Man and get a grip!"

Joey got off his butt and came over to Billy, taking him from Larry's arms, stood him up, faced him, and drew him close enough to land the most beautiful kiss and hug square on Billy's lips 3; being careful not to hurt the wounds on his back in the process. Larry knew right then that these two were now on the same page and that the worst was over in the battle to regain composure and set up their futures.

"Billy 3; I love you too, Guy! We got each other, no matter what else comes along. I have no idea how things will work out, but I know they will as long as we stick together as brothers. You OK with askin' Larry here to help us with all the legal crap?"

"Uh 3; Mr. F.? What I said earlier 3;about you never bein' a father 3; I'm sorry! I just didn't realize that a teacher could care so much for his students. It may be true that you'll never be 'Dad', but you sure act like one. Is that why so many of your students nickname you 'Papa'?

"I guess it is, Billy. And you're more than welcome to do the same, even though I don't have you in class yet. And I guess you get in on the family plan, so you can call me 'Papa Larry' instead of Mr. F. 3; away from school, that is! Well, supposing that you want to!"

"I'd like that 3; a lot! But, what about a place to live 3; and if I get to stay with Joey? Is there anything we can do to make sure that happens?"

"I'll tell you both this 3; if there's a way, we'll find it together. And if the social system won't allow it 3; then you have my word that I'll do all in my power to make sure you stay in close contact, even if you don't sleep under the same roof."

Then Joey asked 3;

"What's the first step, Lar?"

"I'll give Mrs. Gillis a call, and see if she might volunteer to let Billy stay there until things are decided by the system 3; a temporary foster care thing, since Billy is still thirteen. At least he won't have to get to know some other family or end up in a weird situation if she agrees, and the County accepts her application. The second thing that we have to do, want to or not, is to get a Dr. to take care of Billy's back. As a teacher and mandatory reporter of physical abuse, I can probably steer the Dr. and Social Services toward proper placement with Mrs. Gillis because I will vouch for her good character and the fact that she already knows about everything and is well prepared to deal with it positively. From there we can see to it that things move to better situation as time allows."

"Another question, Lar 3; what if Social Services finds our real father. Will they make us go live with him, even if we don't want to? I can tell you right now, from what I remember of him, that would suck big time!"

"I'll say this 3; that they will try to determine if he is still anywhere to be found. Unless there is a good legal reason to deny his rights, then, yes 3; they might push the issue. The way I figure it 3; he might refuse to accept the responsibility, and if he signs away his rights and responsibilities, then other options become needed. That's what I will work on, so we have good options.

"But, Joey 3; why don't you want him back? I don't remember much, but I don't know any reason to refuse to be with a real dad!"

"Billy 3; you were so young, and Mom always babied you like you were made out'a china. But I do remember 3; just trust me, Man. You don't want to know! Uh 3; Lar? You said something about me becoming emancipated 3; would that allow me to be Billy's caretaker?, especially if our dad never showed up again?"

"Not right Away! But it sure would open the door sooner than anything else. Legally, you would be considered an adult, and family too. But there's still the need to prove you could support Billy and give him all he needed to finish school and have a solid future. And of course, that means you'd finish school and have a job. Then there's housing 3; but that's simple. When Korey moves in with me, I could sell you my condo 3; at a price that would make it easy to be owned free and clear 3;say, for maybe 3; twenty bucks?"

"God 3; you'd do that for us?"

"Need you ask? Now, you two want to have a swim or a run on the beach before we get back to town and get things rolling?"

Billy answered that question immediately by dropping his pants and hitting the surf 3; only to let out a big OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW 3; when the salt water hit his open wounds. But he stayed in the water long enough for the salt to do some good, in spite of the temporary pain 3; which was actually what Larry wanted to happen when he suggested the swim. Soon, Joey was horsing around in the water with Billy, like two little kids with no worries. That alone was worth Larry taking the day off from classroom responsibilities, as far as he was concerned.

Meanwhile, Larry called Mrs. Gillis 3; explained the day's happenings and talks 3; and mentioned the idea of becoming a temporary foster parent for Billy 3; to which she answered a firm yes without a moment's hesitation. So the basis for the plan was already laid down. Larry was confident that with that being accomplished, and a few favors called in from some officials he knew 3; that the rest would fall into place.

Next, Larry called Korey's cell. It was between classes at the moment, so he knew it wouldn't cause a problem for Kor to chat a few minutes 3;

"Hey Kor 3;it's me, Larry 3;"

"Dang, Lar 3; where the hell are you? When you sent in a sub 3; I got all worried that something really bad happened."

"It almost did, Kor. But all's clear now. I took Joey and Billy to the cove on Highway 1 so that things could open up before they escalated to a full explosion. And we have come to a plan that seems to the best interest of both boys. I need your help, though."

"You know I'll do anything I can 3; for you, and for them. Just ask!"

"How about sharing a condo until graduation?"

"Uh 3; with 3;Joey?"

"Of course! It can't be me! And it sure would't look good if you move in with me yet, or even worse 3; if Joey were to move in with me. What'a'ya say?"

"I sure don't mind! But Lar 3; what about 3;?"

"I trust both of you enough not to worry about that! Just keep in your mind that you and I are as good as 'married', Dude. I've granted some leeway, but I am not going to give you up. Is that clear? If it isn't 3;now's the time to say it! I won't move my limits 3;even for you, my Love! It's time you decided if our vows meant all they were said to be!"

"I've been thinking about that! I really have! My heart says my vows still stand. It's just my cock that seems to have a brain of its own. I gotta grow up enough to not let the wrong brain rule me. Larry 3;my love for you is true and strong. I'll really try my hardest to 3;"

"Good enough for now! We'll work on it together! Now 3;is that a yes for having a room mate at the condo?"

"Yeah! It is! See ya tonight?"

"Yes 3;oh, by the way, please pick up Case and Eaton after school, and then we will all meet at my place, and finalize things 3; at least till the County sticks its finger in the pie. You better get to class before you're tardy. Thanks, Kor!" * click *

As Larry began to drive back toward Carmel and the Peninsula, he decided that the sooner he reported Billy's injured back the better. The salt water had done a lot to help, but if it wasn't treated officially, some hot-to-trot social worker might make a case that it was being hidden for other reasons. Call it self-preservation or just plain smarts, Larry took the turn toward Community Hospital walk-in services. He also chose to make a call to Janet Olson, the Department Head of Youth Protective Services of Monterey County 3; quite a good friend from his high school days when he was still trying to keep a very straight appearance on campus as a senior 3;

"Janet Olson? Larry Freeburg! Yes 3; long time! Me? Fourth year as Music and Drama Instructor 3; yes, right here in town. Why haven't I called 3; I heard you were married and had a couple children already, so I figured 3; well, right 3; friends always 3; but I figured I shouldn't until your husband 3; OK, so I flubbed it! 3; Janet, of course I'd love to get our families together for a BBQ sometime, however 3; I called for another reason today. I have one of my son's friends with me right now, and his older brother who is one of my band students. I'm headed for the Hospital walk-in because young Billy here has been 3; punished by an irate mother and needs to be looked at. I don't want the hospital staff to think I did the damage. Can you call them and clear it for me, please. I'll fill you in as soon as the Dr. starts to examine him. 3; thanks, I owe you! I'll call back in a few minutes!"

"Uh, Papa Larry? What was that all about?"

"It's for our own good, Billy. I just tuned Social Services into the situation by informing them I was taking you to the Dr. for your back. If we had just shown up first, the police would be called, and instead of me being able help you, they might assume that I did the damage 3;or worse, that Joey did it 3; and we'd be up a creek before we knew we had a canoe."

"But I'd tell 'em you two didn't do anything!"

"I know you would, Billy 3; but CPS doesn't think like others do, and they might think you were protecting us by telling a lie out of being scared or even threatened about squealing on us."

"You gotta be fuckin' kiddin'!"

"Unfortunately, I'm not! But with it being reported to the top person in charge already, I guarantee things will go smoother. Just tell the Dr. the truth about how it happened as calmly as you can. Meanwhile, I will call YPS back and explain the entire thing to them, names and all. That will also get things rolling for you being able to stay with Mrs. Gillis on an emergency basis for now."

"Yes, Sir 3; I'll do it because I trust ya like Joey does!"

Hey little Brother 3; one thing 3; don't say a word about how well you know Larry's boys or Mrs. Gillis's son. You can say you know them from school 3; but anything else, and that'd kibosh it so fast 3;!"

"Hell, Joey 3; I ain't that stupid! I know better to say anything about sex stuff to anyone with a power gig! How long have I known about scouts and just you and me doin' stuff, anyway! I'd fuck up all my own fun if I mentioned any of it!"

"Just had to mention it, Bro! That's all!"

When the guys arrived at the admitting desk, Larry was totally honest as to the reason for the visit, and even though there was no emergency need involved, the nurse took Billy directly in for an exam. Since Mrs. Olsen had already made her promised call, Larry and Joey were free to wait without threat of police showing up and improperly questioning them. The Dr. would of course ask Larry to verify what Billy said after the exam 3; but for now, all would proceed smoothly.

As he had promised to do, Larry called Janet back and explained everything as clearly as possible. Janet told him that the conversation was being taped. Larry acknowledged that fact and approved his voluntary statement being taken. As the details were being given, Janet mentioned she was aware of suicide report from earlier in the day, putting two and two together as to who Billy and Joey were, and what Larry was trying to do for his students. She agreed to call Mrs. Gillis and give a temporary placement order to allow Billy to stay there until proper home studies could be made and an extended license issued. Larry again thanked Janet for the expediting of red tape, and made sure she could get in touch with him at any time if other information was needed.

But then, the question of Joey's care came up in the discussion, since he was still under age. Larry mentioned Joey's desire to become emancipated, and offered the use of his condo as a temporary shelter until that detail could be handled in the proper fashion. Of course, Larry mentioned Korey was living there too, and he being eighteen 3; as well as the fact that Larry checked on the condo and the users on a daily basis, both as a teacher of both parties and an interested adult willing to be responsible until legalities were completed. Janet gave Larry the same temporary placement order that Mrs. Gillis would receive on the basis of knowing Larry so well previously, and the fact that he was so well thought of by the school system.

The Hospital Administrator and the Dr. making the examination were called by Janet, and instruction to release the young man to Larry was officially sanctioned without incident. So as soon as Larry confirmed Billy's story to the Dr's satisfaction, the trio was able to head back to Larry's house.

By this time, everyone else had also arrived, and Billy was stormed by Case and Eaton with all the sympathy and caring two little guys could give to a good friend going through such junk! Then realizing Joey was there too, turned their affections to him as well. Korey stood next to Larry, the two holding hands and simply watching the expressions of youthful love being shared between four sexy horn toads who still needed to be careful who was present while this kind of emotional support flowed so freely.

After a reasonable length of time being allowed for such communication, Larry called order, and asked everyone to have a seat n the living room, so the plans could be told regarding the next few days ahead 3;

"OK, guys 3; here's the plan for now 3; I know you little guys would like it if Billy stayed here, and probably want Joey to do the same, but that's not possible. Billy has to go stay with Mrs. Gillis under a County order for her to have an emergency bed placement house. Joey has been assigned to use the condo for now until he can start the emancipation process. They know he'd be sharing it with Korey, but as long as I supervise the situation closely 3; the County is satisfied about the arrangement. From this point, nothing is in cement 3; so we'll just have to go one step at a time for now. At least for now, we are all on the same page?"

"But Dad 3; that means Billy gets to stay with Mikey! Uh 3; does he have to sleep with Mikey too?"

"Eaton! Why should that matter to you, Son? On second thought, maybe you shouldn't answer that right now! We can talk about that alone later. But let this suffice for now 3; and Billy, I apologize for the insinuation that my son made, hopefully not intending to cast wrong ideas and all 3; Son, the County does require a separate bedroom for foster placements, even in an emergency house 3; and there is an extra room for Billy to use. So I think an apology might be in order from you, Eaton!"

"Uh, Billy 3; sorry I 3; but 3; well 3;!"

"That's OK, Eaton 3; if you were gonna be at Mikey's, I might be wondering something too 3; some situations kind'a show up in football practice shower rooms, don't they!"

Casey got a laugh out of that return dig. He whispered to Eaton 3;

"Gotch'a back, didn't he, Bro! Serves ya right for bein' jealous!"

Eaton slugs Case's arm and starts to pout, but Larry's glaring eyes put a stop to both kids' antics post-haste! Korey asked if he and Joey should drop Billy off at the Gillis's on their way to the condo, but Larry told them to go on without him, as it was Larry's responsibility to get Billy there and settled, by County edict. So the discussion being over, Korey and Joey left.

"Alright you two 3; I figure you both have some homework to do. I suggest you each go to your own room and get it done while I take Billy to the Gillis's. I won't be gone long, so make sure that little tait-t'-tait doesn't continue while I'm gone 3;got it?"

"Yes, Dad 3; but if I get into trouble for sayin' what I did 3; then Case wasn't very nice with what he said to me."

"But Daddy, all I said was the truth 3;"

"I said 3; it stops here and now. Go do your homework. I'll hear the rest later. Please do what I ask. Today's been a tough one. Let it rest! I'll be back real soon."

"Yes Sir" (in unison;)

And slowly, the boys headed upstairs to their own rooms 3; making sure not to let any negative vibes be seen 3; at least by Larry.

In the car now 3;

"Papa Larry? Don't get too mad at Eaton, please 3; as a favor to me. I know why Eaton said what he did. You see, that time I stayed at your place 3; I chose to sleep with Casey, 'cause me and Eaton were close friends from football already. Eaton got a little jealous that Casey got to share his bed that night. Well, I kind'a promised Eaton he'd get his turn on my next visit 3; and he was hopin' that maybe tonight 3; well, you know!"

"But, Billy 3; the rest of us didn't need to find out all that, at least not so openly and publicly. What if he had said that with a social worker present! I already knew that between scouts, football, and a sleep-over, some boyhood activities must have taken place. I know my boys, even if I didn't know about you and Joey already. But for it to be made an open shot from the hip 3; that's what I have to correct, for all of us to remain free to express ourselves. Oh, I won't really punish him, but I will make things clear as to proper thinking being done before saying anything that can hurt someone. I hope you're OK with that!"

"Yes Sir 3; but truthfully, I enjoyed finding out Eaton was a little jealous! I like him a lot, and wondered if he'd even want to 3; uh 3;"

"Say no more 3; some things I don't need to hear. Then I won't have to lie about them! Get my drift?"

"Dang, Papa Larry 3; you're even cooler than I thought! Thanks!"

About that time, they had reached Mrs. Gillis's place. Larry parked, and they walked to the door and rang the bell. Mrs. G. came to the door and welcomed them both into the house, and had Mikey show Billy to his own room, which just happened to be separated from Mikey's room by a shared bathroom between. Both doors of the bath were lockable, so the County approved of it as being private enough for the placement to be allowable.

Meanwhile, Larry went to the living room with Mrs. G., and discovered that Janet Olson was already there, supervising the placement. All seemed quite proper as far as the license requirements were concerned, so as she made known her approval and her thanks to Larry for being so helpful, she started for the front door. However, as she was about to leave, she turned to Larry and quietly asked for him to join her out by her car for a short discussion. Larry nodded, and offered to walk her out.

When they were both out of earshot of the house, Janet began to speak 3;

"I didn't want to say a word of this inside, but Larry 3; I think we have found Mr. Matthews, along with quite a story that may have a strong bearing on what we are doing here."

"Janet 3; you don't mean he will want to take the boys himself and cause more emotional hurt to them, do you?"

Chapter Seventeen

"Actually, Larry, he'd have a very difficult time trying to take the boys. He's a guest of the State at Atascadero 3; for at least the next ten years or so, and then a doctor has to certify him as recovered mentally before he can be released and register as a convicted sex offender."

"I'm not sure that I get the whole picture here, Janet. Are you telling me that he is in jail 3; as a mental patient under lock and key?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I am saying. He has no way of activating parental rights over the boys because of his legal position. But that's not the whole situation. If it was, we'd have no problem permanently placing the boys wherever things looked the best for them. But because the father has a long history of misusing boys, both for his own pleasure and for earning income by farming his stable out, we have to investigate the possibilities that our boys were either sexually abused by him 3; or worse, used for others' pleasures as well. If they have been, then further psychological testing and such would be needed to see if either of them has enough mental anguish that placement would be impossible, except for a group home of at-risk youth."

"My God, Janet! No way! I know those two boys almost as well as I know my own. I especially know Joey even better than I do Billy. I have worked with him at school for three years. He's going to be my student assistant in the Fall. He's no more unstable than I am! And from what I can tell, neither is Billy. If I didn't already have two young guys of my own, I'd take them both and keep them together as brothers 3; which I believe is a necessity, for that matter."

"If you will write your evaluation down, I will keep it in their files as a personal recommendation toward their placement hearing. But, Larry 3; you know I have to follow the book on this. I have no choice."

"This can't have a bearing on the emergency placement we've worked out already, can it?"

"Not at this juncture, no! But if we find that either young man was mistreated by his father, things will have to change drastically almost immediately. And Lar 3; even you couldn't change that in spite of your knowledge of their character or from being a teacher who has dealt with them for a good length of time. It would be in the hands of County Psychologists, and to be honest 3; they look for the worst, and barely take anything less as the real truth."

"Then how do we go about discovering if there is any basis for possible suspicions"

"Well 3; if you want to be appointed as first contact because you already have a rapport with them, I could use your position of teacher to persuade the department to allow you to see if off-the-cuff you could discover one way or the other 3; without them knowing why you asked. I mean, they can't even know that you have any idea about their father's history. It has to be just from an interested friend aspect that you just happen to be curious what they know."

"Well, I'll say this 3; if anyone has to do it, it better be me! They trust me, and I believe they'd share honestly with me. Anyone else would make them turn very defensive, or even quite inward, cutting off all possibility of getting at the truth. I just need time to figure how best to start off. How long do I have to get the ball rolling?"

"I think I could give you two weeks before someone in higher places will chop my neck if it doesn't show an investigation in progress. Can you do it within that time frame?"

"I can manage it 3; I have to 3; I won't allow them to be drilled by some impersonal system-oriented professional who wants a huge paycheck from welfare stickers to buy his boat and new Mercedes!"

"Larry 3; I'll pretend I didn't hear that! I may share some of that same opinion, but if I ever get caught mentioning it 3; let's just say right now that I have chosen the professional person I can trust to at least set the basis for the work to follow 3; and leave it there for now!"

Janet got into her car and drove off after those closing comments, and Larry stood in the driveway for several moments before going back into the house 3; trying to become able to face his friends inside without showing the turmoil he held within his spirit right now.

Billy and Mikey had already headed to their rooms for the time being, hopefully to get some needed rest 3; or at least to get Billy settled in. This gave time for Larry to give an abbreviated answer to Mrs. G's questioning for his little trip outside with Janet Olson 3;

"Look, Larry 3; I've been around Social Service people before, so when they take someone aside, there's always some kind of hidden agenda involved. I feel like if I am going to be the caregiver for Billy under her snoopervision, I ought to be aware of whatever it is she's looking for."

"I can't tell you everything, Phyllis, but what I can do is ask you to be on the look-out for any mention of historical comments about parents that Billy might tell Mikey in confidence. I don't mean that you become a spy 3; but if you do happen to simply overhear anything, please clue me in so I can be the best counselor possible as I try to help both brothers stay together."

"I'll tell you anything I discover, Larry 3; but you know boys 3; they sometimes make up things to impress each other. I could tell you lots of things that Mikey has made up for a friend's benefit that were way off the wall as far as truth is concerned."

"That's why I want you to tell me first, instead of Janet! At least I still operate on the principle of `innocent until proven guilty'. County workers are almost bound to figure the opposite as being their operative!"

That having been said, Larry made his farewells to the boys and started for home again. Part of the way home, however, he decided to stop by the condo to see if all was going well with Joey's moving in. Kor greeted him at the door, and walked him to Joey's room, where Joey was plugging in his computer and setting up his study desk 3;

"Hey, Mr. F., this is gonna be cool! I already feel like this is home 3; better'n what I had, and lots more private, too."

"And it will be even more like that when Kor comes to live with me. But for now, enjoy the place! Uh, Joey 3; can I chat with you for a few minutes alone together?"

"Sure, Mr. F., anything you want. You gonna tell me to keep hands off the hotel manager?" (Giggle*)

"If I didn't think you already knew that, you wouldn't be here as my guest! No 3; actually, Joey, it's a bit more serious than that! Uh, Kor 3; go keep an eye on the TV a while, OK?"

"Sure, Lar 3; just you keep your hands off the new motel resident!" (Laughing*)

Larry sits on the chair near the desk and tells Joey to sit on the bed across from him. Joey looses the partial grin still on his face when he sees Larry being probably the most serious he's been in a long time 3;

"God, Mr. F., you look like someone's been shot or something! What the fuck's up?"

"Joey 3; All I can tell you right now is that if you decide that emancipation is the way you want to go, we have to get it settled within the next two weeks. And if you'll listen to my wisdom, that will be the best choice ahead of you 3;believe me!"

"Why the rush? What's going on that I don't know yet?"

"First, if you aren't emancipated, I can't sell you the house after graduation. Secondly, living by yourself is still a problem for a 17-year-old who still needs a parental figure as far as CPS is concerned 3; and I believe that to be stupid for a guy as able as you are. Next, if you are considered a self-supporting adult, it might be a possibility that Billy can live with you instead of a different home. I can't promise you that, but it could enter the picture if I `m able to do what I have planned. Beyond that, it's a matter of you trusting me about my counseling 3; even if it seems a little vague at this point. Besides, didn't I tell you to call me Larry away from campus?"

"Yeah, you did! Sorry 3; habit, you know! But don't I have to have an income to support myself for the emancipation thing to work?"

"True 3; and I'll also help you with that. There are several job listings in the H.S. Student Body office on the notice board. Pick one you like, and I'll pull a few strings to get you hooked up as fast as possible. Most of them are summer jobs, but some could be extended into the next school year on a part-time student schedule. I know that if you do well during the summer, the extension will prove to be easily made, especially if a teacher stands behind you with strong recommendations."

"But what about the summer Drum Major camp thing?"

"Joey 3; if we have to skip that benefit, Kor and I can make sure you're ready to handle the position without it. You've already proven your ability to learn fast and you look great! But this other goal is far more important! Again 3; do you trust my counseling or not?"

"Larry 3; I'm sitting here, aren't I? That should answer your question! Besides, I have already begun to love you as more than just a teacher 3; uh, more like a father 3; no 3;lots better than I cared about my father! I wouldn't have trusted him this much if I 3;"

"Joey, you stopped rather fast there! Something bothering you about your real dad? I heard you tell Billy that he didn't remember things, but that you did. Is it any of my business what happened to sour you on that man?"

"He's fuckin' gone out'a all our lives, Lar 3; leave it at that! Please leave it at that!"

"I will for now, Joey 3; because you ask me to do so. But honestly, if you ever want to dump that load off your shoulders, you know I care enough to listen! And I would be proud to have a son like you. I already feel like we're a family of sorts! Not like dad/son, but well 3; you, me, Korey; even Billy and my two boys 3; we're all a unit. There are a lot of new definitions of family nowadays!"

"Lar? Can we start on the emancipation thing tomorrow? If it's that important, I'm ready to get it rolling! God 3; it feels so good to have someone I can finally trust! It's been almost Hell to keep an even keel and help protect Billy all by myself! I swear it's been since I was 10 that I took it all on from self defense. Dad left a couple years before that, so Billy was about 5 when that shit hit the fan. Fortunately he was young enough not to be 3; not to 3; (change of subject 3;) Anyway, it took 2 years before Mom went bananas and started to just plain give up being a mother. I knew then that if either I or Billy was gonna amount to anything, it was up to me. You know how fuckin' hard it is for a 10 year old to raise a 7 year old brother alone? I sure as hell felt alone! The only person I could talk to at all was my scout leader. I guess that's why my scouting became so important an outlet for me 3; and for Billy when he got old enough to join up."

"If you don't mind me asking 3; what got the two of you into sexual stuff at scouting events?"

"First, it was the fact that Billy and I needed to know we loved each other and would be there for each other no matter what! Holding, touching, kissing, and all the rest was the way we expressed that love to each other. Then, a few times, when we got sent to different events due to age groupings of the troop activities 3; and 3; uh 3;well, I guess we found friends to help us each feel good 3; you know! Most boys do that all the time 3;right?"

"I can say I found that to be true as a kid, myself. But Joey 3; something had to give you the idea how to show that love to Billy!"

(No Answer 3; just painful stares back!)

"Alright 3; I asked one too many questions! The answer to your question about emancipation 3; yes, we can start on it tomorrow if that's really what you want, and not just something you'll do to please me!"

"Lar 3; if I didn't want it, I've had lots of practice at refusing to do things I don't feel like doing! For the last seven years I haven't given a pig's ass about who I pleased 3; well, except for happily following your requests as my teacher. So when I say I `m ready 3; you can trust me as much as I trust you. Got it?"

"Well now, that's the kind of gutsy reply that tells me you're gonna make it as an adult! I'll head home now, and leave you to finish settling in. And one more thing 3; you used the word love a few minutes ago 3; well, I love you more than being just your teacher, too! See you tomorrow."

As Larry left the room and closed the door behind himself, he heard Joey begin to cry softly, and a phrase that sounded as if it was being almost ripped out of Joey's throat painfully between sobs 3;

"Oh God 3; why can't I 3; bring myself to tell Lar 3; I 3; I gotta tell somebody sometime 3; or I'll explode. I've hidden it 3; way too long! It hurts so bad!"

Larry stopped in the TV room long enough to spend a few minutes alone with Korey 3; some kissing, hugging, and reassuring his lover. Kor knew Larry had to get back to the boys, so there was no time for drawn out proof, which both desired. Upon his departure, Larry mentioned that Joey was pretty shaken up at the moment, but that it would be better that he be left alone 3; unless he came and asked for Korey's ear. Korey could tell this was no time to make a joke regarding something more than an ear being available 3; just because of the seriousness of Larry's instruction. With a very sensual kiss and a fervent grind of crotches, a proper good night was sealed 3; and out the door went Larry.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch 3; ( not seriously) when Larry got back home, the boys had finished their homework, had fixed dinner together, and were seated on the couch watching TV together as if nothing had been wrong earlier 3;

"Hey Dad 3; ready to eat? You gotta be hungry!"

"Yeah, Daddy 3; we fixed sketti and meatballs! It even tastes OK! Saved ya some, didn't we, Bro!"

"Well, I `m glad to see you're not mad at each other any more. I could use some nourishment by now! You two want some ice cream while I try the `sketti'?

All three made their way to the kitchen and got whatever each one wanted, and then Larry mentioned the basics of what all he had been up to while the boys had worked out their differences. He was careful not to reveal anything that might show a problem or struggle ahead because he didn't want the boys to even sense any negativity. Who knows what could slip out accidentally if too much was known by the little guys. Maybe that was Larry being overcautious, but hey 3; the DVD thing still lodged in the back of Larry's mind 3; does that surprise anyone? NOT!

After finishing dinner, Larry told the boys that he was beat! He also let them know that they showed signs of a need to get some real rest. So he told them that tonight they had to stay in their own rooms and really sleep. He assured them that it was in no way a punishment, but that if they were going to do well in school the next day, they absolutely needed to let the sandman at least have an honest chance. He rather expected an argument, but neither boy had the verve to raise one. They both dragged their tired little butts upstairs and into individual beds without a whimper.

Larry made his way to bed as well, more emotionally drained than physically fatigued. He lay there with his eyes closed, but almost too tired to fall asleep, and with a torrent of thoughts still running through his head that he wished could be shut off by some remote. Still awake thirty minutes later, Larry heard his door open slowly, and a quiet scuffle of bare feet through his carpet 3;

And in a whisper 3; "Dad? You asleep yet?"

"Not yet, Eaton 3; what's on your mind, Son?"

"Can I crawl in with you for a few minutes 3; and sort'a talk some?"

"Of course you can, Son 3; any time, you know that! C'mon!"

"Dad 3; it's about earlier 3; what happened between me and Casey. I lost my cool because he was making fun about how jealous I was over Billy. I couldn't help it! It hurt my feelings that Case would tease me about the same thing he felt. He got to sleep with Billy, and I was waiting for my turn! It didn't feel right that he'd joke about 3;"

(Holding Eaton close, and stroking his hair and cheek 3;) "Son 3; I do understand how it felt to you. Honest I do. I sometimes feel the same way, especially when I found out that Joey had a crush on Korey 3; and that they had already shared some time together 3; in bed. But what would it look like if I slugged Korey, or even Joey for that matter?"

"That's a no brainer 3; you'd never hurt Korey 3;you love him so much! And if you hit Joey 3; he's still a kid 3; and your student! Besides, if the school found out why it happened 3;"

"Right on all accounts, Son! So why is it any different with you and Casey? You hit his arm and just about started a heck of a verbal fight, except that I stopped it before it could escalate."

"Uh 3; no difference, I guess. And since I'm the older brother, it should'a been me that kept it from happening, too 3; huh!"

"Yes, Son, and I am happy that you said that before I had to! It shows that you can figure out the right stuff. That's all part of growing up and being a good role model for Casey to follow. Tell you what 3; as far as I'm concerned, we've had our little talk that I spoke about earlier, and it's all over. Can you get some sleep now?"

"I think so 3; but 3; uh 3; can I stay here next to you for a little while before I go back? I love you so much, Dad. Right now I need to feel you next to me, and the security of your arm holding me close 3;Please?"

"I don't see why not! Right now I can use the same from you. A good cuddle is good for dads as well as for sons, you know!"

Larry allowed Eaton to snuggle up, and wrapped his arm under Eaton's body and around his back 3; gently running his fingers across Eaton's back in a gentle massaging action. Eaton's head rested on Larry's upper pec and shoulder as he was cradled in. His hand was on Larry's breast bone, and his fingers slowly traced little paths through Larry's chest hair, brushing past the ever-present nipples tenderly as Eaton began to fall into a very much needed sleepy state. Larry didn't have the heart to wake him again and make him go to his own room, so Larry tried again to catch some zzzz's as well.

All remained fine for an hour or so, until this beautiful connection between father and son began by nature to turn slightly into a physical response that happened while they both were into the depths of slight unconsciousness and the world of dreams. Not often did Larry ever talk in his sleep, but he was so tired and so deeply submerged into brain activity that he began to mumble and speak a bit of his mind's thoughts 3;

"Oh Man 3; Kor, it's so nice to feel you close again 3; so warm 3; so mine again 3; I love 3;"

Eaton was sleeping pretty soundly, but his body was reacting as most 12-year-old horny male bodies would, being held close to another living being whose body heat and hand positions seemed to be so expressive. Yes 3; by now, Eaton's 4 ½ plus thickness was pressed into Larry's leg, and a bit of grinding its tip into the feel of body hair was making Eaton come out of his stupor back into the world of reality and awareness 3; just enough that he heard what Larry had just murmured. The problem, however, is that he had missed hearing the name `Kor' at the beginning of Larry's dream sequence.

Chapter Eighteen

"Oh how I've wanted 3; to get you back in bed again 3; it's been so hard to want you 3; and not be able to 3; MMMMmmmmmmmm."

Eaton's hand dropped from Larry's chest to his belly button, and into a small puddle of pre-cum forming at the end of Larry's rock hard 7½ incher [19 cm]. Eaton's finger twirled through the puddle, and then found its way to Eaton's mouth. He was finally tasting Dad's juices, and Dad seemed to be saying that he had really wanted Eaton all along! Now Eaton was totally awake and so wanting to please 3; by sharing his very soul with his Larry, his loving Dad!

"How hot your cock is 3; feels good against my leg 3; let me 3; wrap my fingers 3; already wet, huh? 3; so glad you're here 3;"

Eaton was so pleased that his Dad was finally giving in to his desires to share with his son, after so many times of being denied this privilege 3; so pleased, in fact, that he took Larry's dripping dick into his young mouth and began tonguing it almost in worship 3;

(Snort 3; gasp 3;) "Uh 3; Eaton 3;Son! What are you doing?"

Eaton lurched back off Larry's cock, looking as if he had been stabbed in the heart, and simply said 3;

"But Dad, you said you wanted it 3; you wanted me 3; I just 3;"

"God 3; I said what?"

Eaton quoted every word that he heard Larry say, and began to cry because he thought he was in trouble for giving Dad what Dad had asked for. Larry took Eaton in his arms again, wiped the tears from Eaton's eyes, kissed him, and explained that it had to have been a dream 3; that he may have been dreaming of Korey 3; that maybe that was what Eaton had heard 3; all the time remaining very erect and still leaking drops of compassion from his manly rod.

"But Dad 3; I know that inside, you do want me. I know you fight off the urges. I can tell! Even now, your dick is saying something different from your mouth! Tell me I'm wrong! I dare you to tell me that!"

After a long silent pause 3;

"Eaton 3; I can't tell you that, when 3; when I know it's 3; a lie 3; and so do you! It's so wrong! You're so young! You're my son, by God! Eaton 3; Eaton 3; and yet, I'm beginning to think I don't care about all that. But Son, Korey and I are like 3; almost married, and that is making this even tougher! How can I be committed to him and still 3;?"

"Dad 3; how can Korey be so committed to you 3; and still have Joey?"

"Damn! Damn! Damn! Two wrongs 3; on the other hand 3; a child shall 3; I just don't know how to answer you, Eaton 3; except 3;"

Larry draws Eaton up onto his chest, nestles the boy's groin into his own, and begins to kiss Eaton with all the same passion he has shared with Korey so far. Eaton relaxes into Larry's caress, and returns the kiss with such skill that Larry loses thought of the age factor immediately. Soon, moans and other sounds of pure pleasure begin to fill the room. As Eaton's perfectly smooth but sweaty body slips across Larry's soft body hair and more defined muscles, these two males begin to rise toward sexual bliss together. Cocks thicken, balls rise, bodies tense, and 3; and 3; at almost the same moment in time, boy-cum is forced out of its storage bag to be mixed with the even greater amount of man-juice between these quivering masses of entwined male flesh, while battling tongues continue exploring every inch of desirous mouths.

With both persons being totally drained and momentarily frozen in position, trying desperately to regain the ability to breathe, a mix of emotions began to stir in two separate minds. Eaton began to feel a sort of victory cry because he and his Dad were finally honest with feelings and the open expression of the same. He was elated and felt fulfilled. On the other hand, Larry 3; a realization that he had responded to a need of his son, yes 3; but also an admission that he could no longer deny his desire to love his boy! But with that 3; GUILT! 3; and maybe even shame! His thoughts took over his brain instantly 3;

"Now what? I've crossed the line I was never going to cross. I'm a dirt-bag 3; a perv 3; a boy lover? I've even joined in incest! I'm DEAD MEAT! I'm going to have to quit my job! OH GOD! OOOOHHHHHHH DAAAAAAAAAAAAMN!"

Eaton sensed his Dad's mental torment, and simply said 3;

"No one ever needs to know about this, Dad. I love you too much to tell a soul!"

"Son, I'll know! I may never forgive myself! But at the same time, I am not sorry that we shared our love so deeply."

"Dad 3; it isn't wrong! It's beautiful! I wanted it. You didn't make me do anything I didn't want. I want more 3; I want it often. As long as we keep things just in the family, just our secret 3; and all want to love each other 3; what business of anyone else is it anyway? Hell, you know that Casey wants to be with you as bad as I do! I love Case 3; I love you 3; you love Kor 3;you love me 3; Kor loves you and Joey 3; Joey loves me and Casey 3; plus any other way you look at it, we all understand each other's hearts. And none of it is wrong because we all want it to happen."

"Son 3;Eaton 3; if it was just that simple! Oh how I wish it was! If the rest of the world had your understanding, it would seem like heaven on earth. I promise you this 3; that I will dwell on what you just said, and try hard to believe that it is true in our situation. But you need to promise me that no one 3; not even Casey or Kor knows this happened tonight until I say it's OK 3;is that fair?"

"I'm not sure I think it's fair 3; but for you, Dad, I promise. Just so you know, though, I've never kept anything secret from Case 3; so this isn't gonna be easy. The kid seems to read my mind sometimes! He knew it the first time I came home from scouts with new experiences, and I never said a word! What if he 3;"

"Just do your best, Eaton 3; and if Case gets too nosy or too close to the truth 3; send him to me instead of trying to explain anything yourself. I might not do any better at it than you, but at least he'll hear it directly from me, and he and I can deal with it together."

"Dad 3; can you just hold me close again for a little longer?"

"Oh God, yes, my little love bug!"

After a half hour or so, Eaton kissed Larry one more time, and then told him that maybe the best thing was for him (Eaton, that is) to go back to his own room before Casey woke up to use the bathroom or something 3; just for safety sake of the secret being easier to keep if Case didn't notice a vacancy in E's bed. Larry agreed and let him leave, even if it was with a slight reluctance.

Fortunately for Larry, the next day at school was so occupied with preparation for graduation, scholarship paperwork for music and drama recipients in the Senior class, and of course, helping Joey to begin the process of emancipation 3; that Larry had no time to dwell on his emotions from the night before.

Korey never noticed a difference in Larry's countenance, or at least didn't mention it. If anything, Kor had a bit more radiance to his own facial expression as he worked more earnestly with Joey on leadership training. Maybe it was only the fact that summer camp might not be possible, so the two young men had to work more diligently to see results sooner 3; but something gave Kor a special lift.

And Joey? He seemed almost giddy! He couldn't thank Larry enough for his help 3; with the legal stuff 3; with the housing 3; with caring so much 3; whatever! (If you ask me, I'm wondering if Joey and Kor were able to share a house without 3;).

After school, having already asked Korey to pick up Casey and Eaton, Larry took Joey to the County Courthouse, and introduced him to a Judge friend, His Honor, Judge Ralph Thomas III, a fourth generation lawyer who had earned the great privilege of being elected to the bench by shear hard work for defending deserving clients over the past 12 years in Monterey County. His main area of expertise during his private practice happened to be in adoptions and other youth-related legalities 3; thus making him the perfect person for Larry to ask about Joey's needs now, and soon those of his younger brother, Billy.

"Well, Larry, my friend 3; what brings you to Salinas, and especially to my private chambers?"

"Your Honor 3; this young man is the cause of my invasion of your inner-sanctum! His name is Joey Matthews, and he has a pressing need that maybe you can handle 3; let's say, as a favor to an old school mate who got you out of some pretty rough situations before you got smart!"

"Larry 3;this young man doesn't need to know all the details! Otherwise, he might not think so highly of the office of this Court. So 3; `Splain it to meee, Reeky!"

Larry begins the discussion by explaining the possible directions available to Joey because of the short historical situation at hand. The Judge then asks Joey several questions to pick the youth's mind as to benefits and problems he understood to be a part of each choice 3; to which Joey responded very admirably. The Judge had all the answers he needed to satisfy the legal requirements of emancipation, but was not sure why Larry had suggested such rapidity be put into motion 3; until the topic of Billy was mentioned 3;

"Now, Master Matthews 3; tell me why you think Billy won't do as well in a foster placement such as Mrs. Gillis's home. Is there a good reason for him to be entrusted to you, that is, if I grant your emancipation before that bridge is crossed?"

"Your Honor 3;Sir 3; Billy might have a great person to be placed with in Mrs. Gillis, I won't deny that for a minute! But she isn't family! I am! I've been the only family Billy has been able to trust ever since he was 5 years old. I'm not saying he won't develop into a good man without me 3; but we're all we both have to hang personal security onto. Mom dead 3; Dad gone years ago 3; no other relatives of any kind! Personally, I do not believe it would be in Billy's best interest to tear him away from the only solid support system he's known. Besides, I feel responsible for him as my brother. I want to take care of him. What else can I say?"

"Nicely put, young man 3; and very decently mature I might add. Larry 3; do you agree with Joey's concept regarding Billy's future?"

"I most certainly do, Your Honor! If I didn't support all the things mentioned, I would not have brought him here, nor would I be suggesting that you assist in its coming to fruition. You of all people know me well enough to figure that out!"

"That I do, Larry 3; that I do! But it had to be said for the record. It is duly noted. I will take all this under advisement, and will have an answer back to you both, say 3;by Tuesday. Is that within your time frame of necessity?"

"You bet, Ralph! 3; Ahem, I mean Your Honor!"

Back in the car, Joey seemed rather quiet for having just finished such a positive session with the one person who would decide the rest of his future in a few days time. Larry couldn't help ask why 3;

"Uh, Lar 3; I'm worried that if the Judge ever finds out that Billy and I 3; you know 3; how close we really are and all 3; or even discovers my scouting habits 3;"

"Listen, Joey 3; Judge Thomas trusts me to the max. If I never mention anything to bring reason for him to research those details, then I am confident he won't even do any digging. It's practically in the bag already. Relax, Man!"

"After all, Lar 3; I've always been loving, even over-protective, and certainly careful never to hurt any of the boys like my 3;" (Deafening silence all of a sudden;)

"Like your father, Joey? Is that what you almost said?"

"YES! DAMN HIM TO HELL 3;YES! God, I have to tell someone! I almost told you the other night, Lar 3;but I was so afraid! I trust you to keep this just between us, Man! You just gotta! I was real young when I discovered my little pee wee felt nice when I rubbed it. I had no idea why, or that it was a dirty thing for a boy to use it as a toy back then. All I knew is that I liked how it made me feel all over. One night, that man came into my room, drunk as shit 3; saw me playing with myself, and yelled that if I was that interested 3; he'd give me something to really make it worthwhile. He literally tore his cock out'a his pants, grabbed my head, and forced his full length down my throat. I gagged, and couldn't breathe, but he had no mercy. `Get it wet, bitch', he said 3; and then yanked it out, turned me over, and thrust me onto it with all his strength. I yelled out from the pain, but mom never came in to save me. She just pretended not to hear anything. He ripped me open, and I bled 3; but he still raped my ass for probably thirty minutes, but if seemed more like all night long to me. When he finally pumped a huge load of cum deep inside me, he passed out 3; leaving me to leak blood and jizz all over my sheets. From then on, I hated that bastard."

"Then I don't understand why you began to do things with Billy."

"That took some time to start 3; I guess it was sort of a protective thing I did to spare him the hurt I had experienced. But first, that asshole of a dad-thing kept coming to my room night after night 3; because he wasn't getting any from mom. The more he did me, the less damage was being done. I guess I toughened up, or something. Soon 3; and I don't understand it even yet 3; I began to like it. I figure that even if it wasn't the best attention, I was at least getting some. And then there were the inner feelings that came from the sexual sensations 3; more intense and exciting as things continued. Billy walked in on us one night after dear daddy passed out, and asked me what all the noise was about. I told him that the old man was making me feel kind'a good inside. Of course, Billy wanted to be like big brother, and feel good too. That's when I took him under my wing 3; and gave him lots of tenderness as I showed him what he wanted to know. I had to make sure that drunken shithead never touched Billy 3; NEVER!"

"So 3; he was about 5 or 6, and you were about eight then? What happened that your father disappeared? Did your mom decide to throw him out because she finally wanted to protect you boys?"

"No 3; she never did find her backbone regarding Billy and me. What got her was the fact that `daddy-dearest' had also built a stable of other boys to keep his drinking partners satisfied when their wives cut them off. The school found out that several of the third grade through eighth grade boys were beginning to fail their classes because of being too tired or from losing interest in even trying 3; and traced it all to a combination of mental, emotional, and physical abusiveness. The kids were all so frightened that they didn't dare tell where, how, or by whom 3; but the seriousness of its extent was well known. Dad hit the road out of the blue in order to escape being found out! We never heard from him again!"

"But 3; how did you and Billy get into doing things with other boys? I understand how you two became so close and dependent on each other for both love and protection 3; but why the others?"

"Those other guys were our school mates! Their desires had been triggered just like ours had. They needed sex too. None of them trusted anyone but each other. They didn't know it was our father who ran the stable business, but they knew we were part of the same treatment. And it didn't take long for us to give them what they craved, but in a way that didn't hurt or make them feel dirty. Scouting seemed to be the easiest place for us all to fulfill our needed interaction without being discovered."

"But Joey 3; I don't understand how my boys got into the picture! They surely weren't part of the stable thing, were they?"

"No, Lar 3;they weren't. Be assured they weren't. But, Eaton came on his first camp-out, and he was assigned as Billy's tent buddy because they knew each other on the school team. Well, Eaton was rubbing himself inside his sleeping bag, and Billy noticed. Billy made a comment that he had seen Eaton in the shower room, and liked what he had seen. Then he started to play with himself along side Eaton. From there, hell, boys will be boys 3; they began to `compare' and then do each other 3; and well, as they say 3; the rest is history!"

"And you began protecting Eaton because he was Billy's friend?"

"Not quite. Eaton woke up in the middle of the second night, and found that Billy wasn't in the tent. So Eaton went looking for him. He heard sounds from my tent, and opened the flap to see what all the noise was about. Billy was so turned on from being fucked by me that Eaton decided he wanted to see why. Billy offered to make it a three-way, like a sandwich 3; and in spite of me trying to keep it from happening, Eaton chose to let Billy enter him while I was still in Billy. God, Lar 3; you know how much of a `hottie' Eaton is 3; in no time, he was begging for more. I honestly tried to keep him from getting so involved, but he wouldn't have it that way. He knew what he wanted, and that was that! So, yes 3;I took him under my wing like he was my own brother right then 3;to try to keep him from getting it somewhere else and getting hurt! What else could I do? I was still a kid just starting High School as a Freshman, myself. I didn't see any alternatives other than saving Eaton from someone bad!"

"I'm sure that there were alternatives, Joey 3; but I do understand why a guy at that age couldn't know them all under such pressure. I won't say it was the right thing to do, but I will say it was a better choice than to leave Eaton to the wolves. But what I want to know is 3; why didn't you come to me and ask for help in all that had gone on up till then? Didn't you know how much I cared for all my students? Didn't it show?"

"Uh 3; Lar 3; I was just a Freshman! You were a teacher! I hadn't been in your class long enough to figure out if you'd turn me in as a queer or if you'd kick me out as being a threat to other kids in the band. I had trust issues with all men! It wasn't until my Sophomore year that I learned how great you really were. But by then, I knew I was totally gay 3; and I had my eye on Korey, even though I figured he was straight as an arrow. I was afraid of myself by then. I found out that he was babysitting my Eaton and his little brother, Casey 3; and I had no idea that they were even connected to you. And I surely never even pictured you caring forKorey like you do."

"To be honest, Joey 3; at that time, even I didn't know I was in love with Korey. And the boys were my nephews, not my sons. I had no idea how strong a sex drive my nephews had already. My brother probably didn't either. He was so straight-laced in the first place. I doubt if he ever jacked off as a kid. I never saw him do it if he did. I think he figured he'd go crazy or that his dick would fall off if he touched it other than just to pee. I know that our dad would have threatened to `cut it off because it offended' 3; as he thought the Bible says 3;if he ever caught how often I did it in secret. And during my High School days, I had a few very close friends of my own from whom to learn by experimentation. I became an expert on hiding my true feelings and my relationships 3;even from my brother all these years. Unfortunately, it's quite obvious that Eaton didn't hide a thing from Casey, and that wasn't anything I influenced, for sure 3; and neither did you, as I see it. All I know is that things are so intertwined now, that if any of it leaks out, we're all screwed and tattooed. You can relax about me being a source for the Judge to discover any of this. But to be honest altogether 3; Janet Olson already has found out that your father had a stable, and is in a prison psych ward because of it. That's why I am pressing for your emancipation to be done so quickly 3; before the process gets involved in her investigation. I can't be to0 encouraging that Billy's placement with you won't be affected by it. I just don't know. All I can say is that if we can keep Janet's discovery limited to just your dad's situation 3; there's hope!"

"Billy and I have been pretty successful so far in keeping things quiet. And I know you're an expert in the field, Lar, like it or not! I'm not too worried about Eaton either 3; but Casey? He'd have no intention, I know that 3; but he did let the DVD slip out! Do you think?"

"I'm sure he felt so bad about that accident that he'll die trying to keep anything else under wraps. What I'm most concerned about now is that as soon as Korey moves in with me, and the school becomes aware of the personal reasons behind it 3; that even though the new laws of California allow two adult males to be married, I just might have to have less influence on `impressionable youth', if you get my drift. I just hope that you are emancipated and own your own house before any more is discovered, and you fall into the wake of my reputational fall in the eyes of this town!

Joey was so taken by Larry's last comment that he couldn't say a word in response. He just leaned over, took Larry's arm in his own, kissed Larry's cheek 3; and put his head on Larry's shoulder for the rest of the ride back home.

After dropping Joey off at the condo, and returning to his own place, Larry found the boys already in bed asleep 3; and Korey still waiting on the living room couch for Larry `s arrival 3;

"Hi, Lar 3; boys are asleep 3; but man, was Eaton in a weird mood! No matter how Casey tried to get him to say what was up, he kept trying to change the subject or get Case's mind into a video game or something. I wonder if I ever got in a mood like that when I was his age."

"Hey Kor 3; love ya' 3; don't worry about Eaton. He's almost a teen-ager 3; what else needs to be said!"

"Guess you're right! You sure look tired. Need a back rub or something?"

"I'd love one, Love! But it's so late, and we both have school in the morning. I need to get some shut-eye, so thanks a bunch for watching the boys for me. Oh yes, I think the Judge will go for Joey's emancipation. We got that pretty well sealed, I think. Gimme one of your wonderful hugs and kisses, and let's both call it a night! This week-end, we'll make every minute together count 3;OK?"

"Yeah 3;sure! Lar? Anything wrong?"

"Ahhh, you know me! I'm just pooped 3;drained; been giving out all day 3;that's all!"

A very in-depth kiss and hug later, Korey left for the condo, and Larry aimed for his bedroom and fell onto the bed still dressed 3; but found it almost impossible to fall asleep because of all the thoughts flooding his mind 3; last night with Eaton, and the story Joey told that included Eaton; the small but powerful kiss on the cheek from Joey just tonight in the car; Korey going home to where Joey was staying; the possibilities of Janet's investigation; the time coming soon when he and Korey would be living together in public view; Billy's future; Lar's head was about to explode! Finally, from complete exhaustion an hour or so later, everything went blank till sunrise.

Casey came into Larry's bedroom like a whirlwind to see why Daddy hadn't got up yet. It was getting so close to time to leave for school! Larry jumped to his feet like he was shot. But as soon as his mind cleared, he thanked Case for waking him, and hurried into the shower.

Larry resorted to using every iota of his acting abilities to get through the day's work without allowing anyone to see just how dragged out he was. He was able to proceed through all the day's required actions almost by rote, which was a good thing because of his hidden mental distress. But Korey noticed! Kor took Larry aside after his last class, and tried to get the truth about the situation 3; but Larry could only say that he was worried about a lot of things. So, Korey suggested that Lar visit a pastor or priest and get things off his chest, or something 3;anything to help! Lar took Kor's advice and called the only person he knew who might be able to give some relief 3;

"Hello 3; is this Reverend David Mueller, the Episcopal Minister? Are you free for an hour or so? 3; I need someone to talk to 3; fine 3;be there in 20 minutes 3; Thank you."

Larry arrived at St.Mary's-By-The-Sea complex on Central Avenue in just about the 20 minutes he figured on 3; and entered the church office, asking the receptionist where to find the Reverend Mueller. He was led to the Rectory, where the minister was waiting 3;

"My name is Larry Freeburg, and I teach at the local High School. I don't attend your services, but I needed someone to talk with, and I saw your church ad in the Tribune."

"Sit down, Mr. Freeburg 3; I do know who you are. I have enjoyed the quality of the programs at the school since you took over the Music and Drama departments. Our students are very fortunate to have you as their instructor, and as I understand 3; a friend as well. How may I help you today?"

"Please call me Larry 3; I don't feel too formal today."

"Fine! I suppose I brought you to the Rectory so we both could be less formal. I detected a great heaviness in your voice when you called, Larry. And you can skip the Reverend or Father thing as we speak. Call me David if you want to 3; or Pastor Dave if you'd rather. I have no preference! We're on the same level before The Lord, anyway!"

"Am I under the impression that your church has a similar policy of privacy of the confessional, Pastor Dave?"

"Larry 3; we do honor the privacy of those who share their hearts, but the difference between us and the Catholic Church as far as confessionals goes is that we believe that Jesus hears us each directly, and a priest simply helps expedite the mood of sharing by being a good listener as one bares his soul to God."

"That's good enough for me, then. Pastor Dave 3; I'm in love! In fact, as soon as the Summer hits, my lover will move in with me as if we are married. We are both adults, and we both know how we're committed to each other. What bothers me is how the school system will look upon the situation, with me being so influential on students and all."

"Larry 3; Maybe it's not for me to know everything yet, since you probably want to know if you can trust me with everything, but it seems that if you were really married, they'd see nothing wrong!"

"Dave 3; my lover is a man! My students have no idea at all, and certainly my personal choice does not include 3; well, my students are not threatened, if you get my meaning. But 3;"

"Larry, this is California, and the law allows gay marriages now. But I do see your predicament. Some work places say they cannot discriminate, but we both know it happens. You may be able to weather whatever they toss at you off the record, so-to-speak 3; but you don't impress me as the militant type who would make a scene for your own benefit. May I get you some tea or coffee while I make a couple of phone inquiries about a thought I just had?"

"No thanks, Pastor 3; mind telling me what calls? Will they be anonymous 3;"

"Larry, you came here in faith 3; don't let your fear pull you away from trusting. I'll be back in five minutes. I told you I honored your privacy. Now trust my word!"

"Of course, go ahead. I'll be fine right here!"

In a few minutes, Reverend Mueller returned, and began to explain what he had found out. First he mentioned that the states of New York and Illinois, and the country of Canada all allowed gay marriages, and better protection against prejudicial reaction by employers. He also mentioned that he found a few of the Episcopal colleges and universities had openings in professorships of Music and Drama, and if someone could cover both subjects well, the institutions would certainly be interested in the cost savings of such an arrangement 3;

"But, Pastor 3; these are religious schools, right? Wouldn't they hold positions that might be compromised by my choice of mate?"

"Larry 3; the Episcopal Church has within its pastoral ranks those ministers of gay persuasion. We minister to all human need regardless of age, etc; our colleges are open to gay students preparing for all calls of life's work. It seems that our professors would be afforded the same rights as our students! If you found it necessary to change places of employment to avoid conflicts for your family 3; it could be done discretely without reason given, and as readily as needed for the good of all involved. And I would certainly add my recommendation as to your ability to do an admirable job in any one of our colleges 3; if you wanted to make the move."

"But, Pastor Dave? Wouldn't I need a Masters Degree or a Doctorate to teach at a college or university?"

"For many years that was of course the norm. But lately, schools are becoming more and more concerned about ability and results than by papers with a lot of alphabet soup scribbled on the end. Our institutions, being private and church supported, can hire a person of quality, and then allow him or her to earn his letters while on the job."

"Well 3; I haven't yet signed a contract for next year. I earned tenure as of last year's end. I'm not really desirous of moving away from such a wonderful place or from the students I have already helped build into a reputable organization with a positive reputation. But I am also not willing to drag them all through anything that could ruin what I have established. I need to think about it, and consider the possibilities before things even start to develop. Pastor Dave 3; I do thank you for your input. I will be back in a few days and keep you informed as to what I and my family decide. You have been more of a blessing today than you may ever know."

As Larry was about to leave, Reverend Mueller prayed for God's will to be done, and then handed him a list of possible openings in the areas that would be more apt to work out positively:

Bard College — Annandale-on-Hudson, New York
Hobart College — Geneva, New York
St. Augustine's — Chicago, Illinois
Canterbury College — Windsor, Ontario
St. John's Univ. of Manitoba — Winnipeg
Trinity College — Toronto

Larry left with a much lighter heart than when he came to the church. The only concern he now had was how Korey and the others would take the thought of such a change in everything from housing to school friends, and possibly of even country. He knew he had to call a `family meeting' during the week-end to look at all sides of the question before any decision could be finalized. And then there was the problem of whether or not Billy became a ward of the State of California 3; if Joey wanted to remain in the `family' or stay here to graduate. The ramifications of all these different facets had to be clearly understood before any choice became eminent.

Chapter Nineteen

The week-end came and Larry called the meeting, holding it on the private beach down on Coast Hwy 1, where he knew no one else would be anywhere close enough to hear or interrupt it. He suggested that Korey bring Joey and Billy in their own vehicle, while Larry brought Eaton and Casey with him.

Upon the arrival of both vehicles, Larry directed the entire group down to the beach near the same cove where he had taken Billy and Joey for their discussion about their mother's suicide 3; (also where Billy confessed he was gay just like Joey and was glad about it 3; and began to call Larry "Papa" like the older students do, because Larry cared so much.) 3;

"Now, guys, this meeting is to make sure we all agree as to what's going on and what might become possible new plans for us all, whether or not we feel like making changes. I will not insist on anyone else's decisions, but I have to consider my options. Those may influence all of you in some way, but how you decide to react is strictly up to each of you."

"Dad 3; you know me and Case will do whatever you do! We're your sons now 3; we will let you decide for us because there's no way we wanna be separated from you 3;ever!"

"Eaton 3; Son 3; you're right that I'll take you with me if I go anywhere, but I want you to know all the details and help me make up my mind as to what my choice should be. You and Case have as much input to my decision as I do! I absolutely will not choose something that you two don't approve of 3; is that clear?"

(Both boys, almost in unison 3;) "We know that! You love us way too much to hurt us with a dumb choice!"

"Thanks, boys! Now, Korey 3; I know that we might as well be married as far as our relationship is concerned, but legally 3; there is nothing to bind us. So, if after I mention my choices, and what I have in mind to do, if you choose not to make the same decision 3; then I love you enough not to hold you to any ties."

"Lar 3;that's absurd! You know very well that I want to live with you as a real couple after graduation. Isn't there a song about 3; 'wither thou goest, I will go' 3; if we ever have a ceremony for real, I want that sung! I think that gives you the answer to what's in my heart already!"

"Then Joey and Billy 3; the rest is up to you two 3; to decide what's best for you both, no matter what our foursome decides. I surely don't expect an answer from you guys today. And I refuse to influence your decision."

"Look, Papa Lar 3; we can't even think about choices until you tell us what you're thinking! Besides, I have to become emancipated first 3; and then see if they'll let me keep Billy. Who knows how long that will take? But I can safely say that Billy and I both love you guys 3; all of you 3; and if there's any way we can keep in touch, or hang near 3; you can count on the fact that we'll sure consider a way to do that! Now 3; wanna fill us all in on what's crossing your mind. That's why we all came here 3; isn't it?"

"Uh 3; yes it is! So, here goes! First, we certainly know that all of us are gay 3; well maybe Case and Eaton might still grow up with other ideas, but the rest of us are pretty well set in our orientation. That means there's going to be a lot of difficulty keeping that fact a secret at school 3; with me being on staff while having a male spouse at home 3; Joey being my assistant and also loving my spouse, which I do permit 3; and our three younger guys all being so close, especially if Social Services ever discovers that fact!"

"Uh 3;Daddy? Are you saying we all gotta quit lovin'?"

"No, Case, I'm not saying that at all! What I am saying is that I am considering a change that might allow us to remain in our close relationships, and still not affect my job or future in such a negative way if we're discovered."

"But Papa Lar 3; you can't be thinking about leaving the High School! The band and drama departments need you! You've built the reputation to new heights! The kids love you and need you as a teacher. Hell, I need you to stay! I'll fall apart as a student leader if you aren't there to guide me and 3;"

"Not true, Joey! You have all the skill you need, and the students respect you as a leader now! Any new teacher would profit having you to rely on. No one would ever have to discover your personal desires. You'd never need to be dragged through any torment caused by some homophobic idiot who can't have the least bit of tolerance toward those who live out what they honestly feel instead of hiding behind a false face that conceals the truth of his own secret activity in the first place."

"So, Larry 3; are you saying that when I move in with you, that it's a foregone conclusion that you'll be persecuted or even fired for becoming a bad influence on the student body at the High School and maybe even to the younger children in the District?"

"Korey 3; you tell me! Why have you kept your own choices so private for three years already? Why haven't you moved in with me already, seeing that you are actually eighteen and legally an adult who can make his own decisions? The new laws in California may allow gay marriage now 3; but does the law change existing attitudes?"

"UH 3; point taken! DAMN! I know you're right, Love 3; but it angers me that the school would choose to lose a man with your talents instead of allowing you a private life away from campus."

The conversation continued as Larry explained the options he learned about from Rev. Mueller 3; teaching in a college sponsored by the Episcopal Church 3; being accepted as a gay teacher 3; etc; But then, the discussion turned to location, either in another state or in Canada as options. No one seemed happy with a move of that magnitude, especially the younger guys understanding the impact of losing good friends and certainly their scouting buddies. Of course, the explanation that new friends can be made anywhere, (among other comments), was tossed out, but not too well received.

After another hour or so, everyone had input, both positive and negative. Larry didn't ask for decisions 3; just that each person now had every detail in mind in order to be able to conclude whatever would be best for his own interest 3;

"Now guys 3; I will be very willing to spend time with each one of you individually, so you can be honest with me and not worry about what the others here might think about your concerns and feelings. I promise you that I will not make my own decision firm until I have all the input you have to give me. I hope you know how hard this is for me 3; to be so realistic about what I know of people around us 3; but I simply cannot allow you all to be persecuted on my account. I love you all so much! I can do no less on behalf of all of you."

Almost instantaneously, the entire group formed a huddle of hugs. Silence prevailed, but so much was said by embraces and kisses! After several minutes of shared tenderness, everyone headed back to the cars, and then back to their residences for contemplation. Larry had mentioned that no one should make up his mind until after Joey found out the Judge's decision on Tuesday because that one item would cause such a ripple effect to run through all the rest 3; especially regarding both Joey's and Billy's future so dramatically.

Tuesday arrived, and Larry took Joey back to the County Courthouse to see Judge Thomas. Larry chose to wait in the reception room, since what the Judge had decided would be such a private matter that Joey should have the opportunity to hear it and react to it in any way his own emotions dictated. The chambers door opened, and Judge Thomas, in his robes of office, invited Joey inside. The door closed again, and the little mouse in the corner hears 3;

"Now, Master Matthews 3; I have considered this matter in complete detail. I have thought about every possible turn of events that could affect the outcome of my decision, based on all that I know about your self, your brother, your education, and those who have had input as your friends. I have weighed it all in the light of my impression of you as a person of purpose. I hereby make it an order of this court 3; That you be declared emancipated as of this date. If you agree with my judgment, and to the fact that you will become a self-supporting adult male, please sign this document, and I will add my signature to finalize the order."

Joey sat rather stunned for a moment, looking at the document placed in front of him to see that it in fact was real and authoritative 3; and then with a huge grin on his face, took the pen from the Judge's hand and signed his full name on the appropriate line. Judge Thomas added his autograph to the order, and officially embossed the paper with the official seal of the County 3;

"Well, Mister Matthews, from this moment on, you are in fact recognized as a fully responsible adult male in this state and in this nation. You have all the rights and privileges of same 3; and may I also add, all the responsibilities that come from it as well. I wish you well, and offer whatever legal advice to assist you in your success."

"Thank you, Your Honor! I don't know what else to say 3; except that I will not let you down! I will succeed! I will seek advice from those around me that I respect when I am not sure that I have all the tools to make up my own mind about a situation that takes more wisdom 3; but I will endeavor to mature into a very responsible man that will give credit to your faith shown in me today."

"I believe you will, Joseph! Now as to the second matter 3;"

"Second matter, Sir?"

"Your brother 3; Billy 3; and his placement; I believe I need to set up an order regarding him as well, so that no one else can damage what I believe to be necessary in his regard. I do not always agree with CPS when it comes to the welfare of individual children based on personal need verses the handbook regulations."

"I'm sorry if I don't quite understand 3; uh 3; you mean that your order can supersede those of the CPS department?"

"Joseph 3; my position can change any County policy as long as it is not one that requires a citizen vote to modify. So, here is my written decision regarding William Matthews, County CPS case # 2975389 3; He will remain in the custody and care of Mrs. P. Gillis, temporary foster placement, only until which time his older brother, Joseph Matthews has procured employment and established a proper means of support. At the time this court sees appropriate proof of same, the total responsibility for William's care and protection will be transferred from the County back to his family, in the person of Joseph Matthews as the responsible adult carrying all rights and responsibilities for the remaining years of this young person's development into full adulthood."

"OMG 3;OMG 3; Judge 3; I mean, Your Honor 3; I couldn't have hoped for better! I'm flabbergasted! I mean 3; no one's ever trusted me this much!"

"I beg to differ with you, Joseph! If Larry hadn't backed you like he did, I probably would have never placed my name behind you so firmly. It's his belief and trust in you that convinced me to do the same. You have a real friend in him, young man 3; don't ever sell that short 3; or yourself either! Now, if you'll excuse me, I am due in the courtroom for another case that isn't as easy for me to give my support."

Joey was beaming when he came out of Chambers to meet Larry again. For a moment or two, he was like a kid in a candy store, hugging Larry and almost jumping for joy 3; but soon tried to calm back down into the now declared adult his paperwork presented him to be. The two men left the courthouse and returned to the car in a mature fashion visible by anyone nearby 3; but inside the closed car doors, Joey let out a very loud and excited scream of joy that assured Larry that all was well ... even before Joey explained both aspects in great detail.

The ride back home included Larry's comments about the possibilities allowed when Billy was no longer a ward of the state and in full custody of Joey. Larry asked Joey if he had $20.00 in his pocket 3;to which Joey said, "yes". Larry asked for it, and Joey gave it without even asking why 3; forgetting the fact that Larry had promised to sell the condo to him for that sum. Larry realized that Joey had forgotten the deal, so he didn't say a word about it, but just thanked Joey for the cash 3; as if it was for dinner or something in celebration of the judgments made. Of course, he had in mind surprising Joey with a Deed of Trust as soon as it could be drawn up by Larry's attorney.

Larry used his cell phone to call Korey 3; telling Kor to gather up the 3 boys and meet him and Joey at DiMaggio's Dinner House on Fisherman's Wharf for a celebratory feast 3; not to worry about formality of dress, but to come as soon as possible 3; and that Larry would already have a table for six near the window, away from the crowd for convenience of some privacy as the newest information was to be shared.

Dinner was great! Larry had mentioned the celebration to the manager prior to the others' arrival, so a special surprise dessert was presented to Joey and Billy by the wait staff. Casey asked if it was a birthday that he had forgotten, but Larry asked Joey to explain the details of his time with the Judge 3; even to Billy, who until now had no idea what was going on. As soon as Billy heard the part that he was going to be living with Joey for good, he let out a whoop that surely got the attention of all the restaurant patrons. Joey almost crawled under the table from embarrassment. Of course, everyone else laughed.

Following the dinner party, Joey drove Billy back to Mrs. Gillis's place, and headed back to the condo with Korey 3; where the two of them had a celebration of their own as two consenting adults in the sight of the law! (Don't worry! We'll soon have a full description of their session, but right now 3; we have to get over to Larry's place to witness the little guys discussing what's on their hearts before they let Larry know how they feel!)

"Uh, Dad 3; me and Case are gonna head to our rooms! We need to think things over. There's just so much to 3;"

"Eaton, my boy 3; I understand! You two take all the time you want before you tell me what you think. I sure don't expect you to blindly tell me it's all OK, whatever I decide. Be totally honest! I'm not rushing you. I'm tired too, so I'm going to bed myself! G'night! I love you both so very much!"

"Uh 3; Eaton? I don't wanna go to my room. I wanna go with you so we can talk and stuff!"

"Course, Case! I knew that anyway! C'mon, Little Bro 3; the 'and stuff' can happen while we talk! Hell, dude 3; you're so boned up just standin' there, I can read ya' like a book! Besides, somethin' has to make us both feel good. Otherwise, we might just cry ourselves to sleep!"

"I knew I could count on you, Bro! You already got a wet spot showin'! (Giggle*) I'm so glad we understand each other so well."

It didn't take very long before both gorgeous hunks of boy flesh were standing face to face as naked as the day they were born. The funny part of the scene, however, was the fact that Casey's nose was all scrunched up and he was holding his breath.

"Why the funny face, Little Man? You step in some dog poop or somethin'?"

"Uh 3;.NOPE!"

"Then what? 3; Damn it!"

"You must'a done real hard in P.E. today 3; or in wrestling practice! You smell like a rotten gym sock tied to a never-washed jockstrap, Bro! I almost said so at the restaurant, but I decided that if I made a scene there, someone'd figure out where the stink was coming from, and maybe barf. (Hee hee*) 'Course, I sort's get turned on by your raunchy fragrance 3; but a shower might make our conversation easier!"

"Why you little horn toad! When did body odor start to excite you? At least mine is legitimate teen-age funk! Yours is pure little gutter rat playground smell mixed with old tennis shoe rot! (Giggles*) Talk about gaggin'a maggot!"

"Well, maggot nose 3; you sure love smellin' me every chance you get!"

(Both laughing now 3; and so stiff they can hardly walk to the bathroom as they playfully sniff and lick each other on-route.)

As the shower water was warming up, Casey reached into the towel cupboard and pulled out a bottle of blue shower gel. Eaton asked him where that came from, and Case answered that he had grabbed it from Billy's back pack the last time he visited. Evidently, this is what Joey had given Billy to use, so he'd smell better in bed. It didn't have a feminine fragrance. It was more like an aftershave or cologne for guys 3; "one that might turn a nice girl into a wild rabbit sexually!" 3; as Billy had jokingly mentioned to Casey that night!

"God, Case 3; if we both use this, we may never get to our discussion!"

"But we'd be guaranteed that we'd feel real good, huh!"

"Shit, Kid 3; what the fuck you gonna be like when you get to be a teen-ager?"

"You'll be the first to know, Big Brother! Till then, just dream and drool!"

"Right now, I'd settle for you washing my back and I'll wash yours. Gimme that super gel and turn around!"

The next several minutes pressed forward rapidly but unnoticed as far as the boys were concerned. Soapy hands sent electric charges through both bodies as the gel's scent super-charged nasal passages and triggered mental euphoria. As index fingers cleansed anal rosebuds and the massaging of suds into boy pits caused sounds of extreme pleasure, at almost the same precise moment 3; two engorged boy cocks began to tighten and swell as wet excited bodies began to spasm and jerk while the sets of legs trying to support the quivering structures are turning to boneless rubber under the strain. The next moment finds Case melting to the floor as Eaton's cum flies around the shower stall in rapid fire fashion 3; coating the wall space as well as Case's face, chest, and collapsed limbs. And shortly after that, Eaton begins to sink and wilt until he is plopped next to Casey, and the two are gasping for air as they try to recover from orgasmic glory.

"Damn, Bro 3; that was fantastic!"

"But Case 3; you're still as hard as ever! You gotta be the horniest little shit I know!"

"Fuck, Eaton 3; in two minutes, you'll be ready to start all over again, too. The best part of it is that in bed, we can make the next time last a whole lot longer! So, as soon as we can move 3; let's rinse ourselves and get dried off so we can really have fun!"

"Say 3; is what I think I notice actually happening?"

"What do you think you notice?"

"Uh 3; it looks to me like you're stiffy is getting thicker and a little longer, Case! It almost looks like you've gained enough that you look more like an eleven year old down there, Dude! What the 3;"

"Uh 3;(Giggle*) 3; somethin' else I swiped out's Billy's pack! Well 3; borrowed anyway! He offered to loan it to me, and I took it just to see if it really works. Guess it did!"

"Tell me, dang it! If it works for you, it'd surely do a number for me too!"

"I wanna catch up to you first 3;then I'll 3;"

"Stop messin' with me, Bro! Spill it!"

"I don't know what it's really called, but it's a plastic tube with a suction ring on the open end 3; and a squeeze bulb and tube attached to a small nipple on the closed end. I put it over my dick, and squeeze the bulb till it sucks the air out. Then my boner gets stretched longer and wider because of the 3;uh 3; oh yeah, a vacuum like feeling of the tube. Billy said it turned his 4" into 5.5" in three months."

"It sure as hell made a difference in yours already! Lemme measure you when we get back to the room. I'm sure curious."

"It shows even more when I 'm about ready to have the feeling, Bro! Measure me then!"

"Sure! I'm gonna make you pull out'a my ass long enough to wrap a tape measure around it while it's shakin' like an earthquake! That's a dumb idea!"

"Oh 3; so now I know what you want me to do when we get between the sheets tonight! You got it, Man 3; and you'll like it more now that it's getting' some extra length and width! God, I gotta send Billy a thank-you note! Besides 3; I've already measured! It's twice around what it used to be 3; and a full 4" long when I'm at the very edge!"

"It took me a full two years to reach 4.5" 3; and you done it in a few weeks? If you don't let me use it too 3; I might have to hurt you 3;bad!"

"Don't get your undies in an uproar, Eaton my sweet 3; Don't I always share good things with you? Hell 3; if I like Billy's 5.5" rod in me 3; I'm gonna do my best to make you bigger 'n better than him 3; 'cause I love yours up there!"

With that having been said, and understood as a solemn promise between loving brothers, it took less than a minute for the two boys to be side-by-side in the bed, kissing, grinding, and exciting each other back to full erection as a mixture of the gel's fragrant residue, male hormone smell and pure boy sweat filled the room. (Oh yes 3; I forgot to mention that when Eaton did measure Casey's growth, and discovered that it was truthfully a full 4" now, Casey did a little checking of his own 3; and showed Eaton that his 4.5" had grown on its own to a new length of at least 4 ¾" and maybe to almost 5" since last measurement. That pleased Eaton a lot!)

It didn't take long for a change of position to take place 3; to a 69 position with Casey on top of Eaton instead of the side-by-side they had so often used before. Case wanted to feel the full length of Eaton's football player's body against his own to get even more pleasure from the blow job's effect. Besides, now that he had a longer dick, it was easier to poke it deeper into Eaton's throat from this angle. It took all of 45 seconds for Eaton to get used to the new size and swallow it whole, still being able to breathe successfully in the process.

If there was one thing that both boys had become expert at, it was the art of sucking cock. Tongue action, lip coverage, stimulation of every possible hot spot on each other's entire package had become an achieved goal of perfection to meet the needs of the other brother's sensual heights. Each knew every bump, vein, and crevice to trace and excite 3; as well as when to back off to avoid early triggering, thus allowing a second or third build-up to enhance the results yet to cum (I meant come!)

But this time, Casey had another thought and desire. So after the second back-off, he wiggled off of Eaton's body, moved between Eaton's spread legs, lifted them toward Eaton's chest, and began to tongue the exposed tunnel opening that he had helped clean so thoroughly in the shower. Eaton had to grab a pillow and cover his mouth to muffle the amount of noise that lunged out of his throat as Case continued to increase his attack on the target in his sights. The sphincter opened by itself, and almost dragged Case's tongue inside the cave 3; which in turn caused Casey to begin a wild tongue-fucking action 3; out and then back in deeper with each poke until he could reach no further into the depths of Eaton's most private self.

Having made the inner walls so well lubed with saliva, Case added a finger to the action 3;then two 3;stretching and spreading the opening slowly and painlessly until he knew his boy cock could please Eaton instead of hurting him. By this time, Eaton was begging for it, pleading for Casey to fuck the entire 4" as deep and as hard as possible. He knew that Case could now use his hot poker to rub against his prostate and double the pleasure 3; like Billy had done when Eaton broke into Joey's room and asked to feel it the first time. God, how he wanted his little brother to give him even greater thrills than Billy had!

Casey enjoyed making Eaton wait and beg! He felt so much 'in control' for a change! But he also had loving compassion 3; and decided he'd teased Eaton long enough! So he removed his fingers, spread Eaton's cheeks with both hands, aimed his swollen mushroom at the target, and slowly pushed forward until the head passed the ring of fire with a plop! Then he held still just in case Eaton needed a moment to adjust to the new sized weapon 3; and then steadily pressed forward until his pubic bone rested on Eaton's hot ass. It just so happened that Case's cock head brushed past Eaton's prostate just before full length penetration took place. Eaton let out a gasp when that happened, as if to say 3;

"Finally, Bro 3; you can do it for me better than ever! Go for it!"

But no verbal communication was necessary! These two were so much in synch now; each reading the other's mind and heart. Passion and nature took over, and for the next several minutes turned into an episode almost equaling that of experiencing a bit of Heaven being shared together as if they had become one being. By now, Casey was becoming as noisy as was Eaton. The pillow that once covered Eaton's mouth had dropped to the floor because of the action involved in this union. Neither boy cared one iota whether Larry heard the noises 3; in fact, they had no concept of the volume and quantity of sound being evoked!

(I'm sure Larry heard it all, but had promised not to bother them as they discussed matters alone 3; and kept to his word! He must have known how much the boys needed to share every emotion they had before any decision could be reached!) At any rate, this union was like no other shared up till this time between Casey and Eaton! It was so filled with love, compassion, fulfillment, pleasure, and just plain hot blooded boy sex 3; that even people who make a living out of such attempts at perfection couldn't match these guys' height of brotherly glory together.

But then 3; suddenly the moment of truth arrived for both young men! Casey made one last huge thrust deep into Eaton's love chute 3; pressing ruthlessly against Eaton's prostate as if to force its contents to erupt 3; which of course it did, instantly 3; sending the hugest amount of hot spewing boy cum of Eaton's sexual experience so far through his expanded penis tube to be released like hot lava heading high into the atmosphere before landing anywhere and everywhere it had a desire to flow. Eaton's shooting of this molten mass of fluid numbered at least six full eruptions and then a couple smaller oozings as the blasts subsided. All of this action caused the love chute covering Case's fire poker to grab hold and milk it in a way Case never felt before in his life. In fact, the affect was so powerful that Casey yelled out 3;

"God, Bro 3; something new is happening to me! Fuck 3; it feels like I'm peeing or something 3; I think I'm actually shooting stuff! Oh, Shit, Eaton 3; I think you actually made me do my first cum! AAAAAAAAAHhhhhhhhhhhhh."

Case almost totally collapsed onto Eaton's front-side and just about passed out as he became motionless against Eaton's now exhausted body. All Eaton could do is reach his arms around Casey, and hold him close enough so that the little guy wouldn't fall off until he returned to reality. As the two continued to come down from the greatest high ever shared, their chests and abs seemed to work together to bring breath back into both boys as if someone else was giving them artificial respiration until they could inhale by themselves.

When both guys had returned to normalcy, and Casey used his underwear to wipe Eaton clean of all the expended cum he still wore 3; Eaton felt something leak out of his still slightly opened anus. Reaching back to wipe it onto his finger, Eaton brought it to his own nose and smelled it 3; looked at it intensely 3; and touched his tongue with the stuff 3;

"Sure enough, Little Brother 3; it's heck-a early for most guys 3; but this is boy cum, not pee! Dang, you lucky little fucker! You've started to become a man for real! It's a bit watery yet, and still clear 3; and there's not too large of a load, but you must'a done so much action already that your body decided you deserved to get things movin'. Next batch 3; promise me to shoot it into my mouth, and then we'll share it with a kiss! God, I love you, Casey Freeburg!"

"Uh 3;Eaton?"

"What, Babe?"

"Do you think that Daddy will love me more now 'cause I'm squirtin'?"

"That's a dumb question 3; Dad loves you as much as any man can possibly love his sons! What the cob brought that on?"

"Truthfully? Uh 3; maybe I shouldn'ta asked! But 3; the other night, there was a lot of noise coming from his room, and it woke me up. So 3; (very sheepishly) 3; I peeked through that hole in my closet wall, and 3; and 3;"

As tears began forming in Case's eyes, and his lip began to quiver, it dawned on Eaton what Case had seen! 3;

"Aw, Shit! Case! You mean you saw Dad and me? Uh 3; did you hear the conversation too? I mean the part about if it was OK for Joey to be under 18, why not me 3; and all that?"

"Yeah 3;(sniff) 3; and also how you were gonna keep it a secret from me too! That part hurts the most! Well 3; except for the fact that he must love you more than he does me! It's not fair!"