J.O. DickingsonThe Gargoyle of Male FecundityChapters 8-10Chapter 8"Hey, dude," greeted Calvin as he met Jimmy in the lockers."Hey, yourself, babe," grinned sixteen-year-old Jimmy. Opening his locker and drawing his best buddy close under cover of the open door, Jimmy gave him a quick kiss. "Mmm, what say we skip classes next period and find some place private," Calvin suggested. The tall, lanky grade twelve student spent more time in the mall, at the arcade and on the streets than he did in school. "Love to babe, but got gym class. Coach Myers will have my ass if he catches me skipping." The horny eighteen-year-old grinned. Jimmy had gotten into the habit of calling him babe lately, and secretly, he enjoyed the term of endearment. "He'll have to fight me for it first." "Think you and he have different things in mind for it." "Good thing for him too," said Calvin, "because I'm not sharing your ass for the reason I want it with nobody. What about period after next?" "Got English. Should be no problem. What about you?" "Hey, don't matter what class I skip out of," he said with a wide grin as he shrugged. "Meet ya here?" "Sure. Think you can get away without showering?" "We're gonna be doing volleyball. I'm going to be skunky." "I love the way you smell when you're hot and sweaty." "Myers is strict on cleanliness, but for you babe, I'll try to skip the showers without him noticing." For the next sixty minutes Calvin couldn't think of anything else except meeting up with Jimmy the next period. He didn't hear a word that the teacher was saying, not that he ever paid much attention anyway. He had failed so many times he knew he was never going to graduate. The only reason he was even in school was to be with Jimmy. When he'd enrolled back in September, he had figured he'd just put in some time until he found a job. That was before he and Jimmy had taken those suppositories of his kid brother's, and before they'd discovered their feelings for each other. Now he did what little homework and studying he had to in order to stop from being kicked out, and attended only so he could be near Jimmy. He couldn't see enough of the sixteen-year-old football player, and it had nothing to do with the drug they'd initially slipped up their butts. After they'd run out, they hadn't been able to find the strange dude that had sold them the stuff, and they didn't know how to approach Jimmy's stepbrother about it. Despite the cost, they needed another supply, not because it was addictive, but because fucking each other was, and they needed the suppositories as an excuse for continuing to do it. Unable to get any, at first they pretended it was the residual effect of the last suppository, and as the days passed into weeks, and weeks into months, they just kept doing it. Neither talked about it, though both knew they could no longer claim to be under the influence of an aphrodisiac. Not talking bothered Calvin sometimes, but no way was he going to speak up and maybe spoil one of the best things that had happened to him. Two other things had changed over the months. At first he'd rationalized having sex with a guy as the result of being a red-blooded, horny teenager. The only sex he'd had up until then had been the occasional time some broad had gotten spun out on drugs, and it really hadn't been that enjoyable. To be truthful, he had better experiences with his hand. Having sex almost on a daily basis had been awesome, and having great sex was unbelievable, so over the past four months he'd gradually gotten over any guilt feelings about having sex with another guy. Another change, and just as big a surprise, was that once he and Jimmy had begun messing around, he hadn't done any drugs. He simply had no desire to get high. His life used to be pretty meaningless. Now he had Jimmy. He was hooked on the hunky sixteen-year-old instead of drugs, and he would not trade that for the purest dope in the world. Jimmy's mind wasn't on his lesson either, but unfortunately, being in the middle of the gymnasium playing basketball, he couldn't hide the fact his attention was elsewhere like Calvin could. "Fields, where is your mind today?" "Sorry, coach. I don't know," Jimmy lied. "Well you had better find it, pronto. You're playing like a little old lady." His buddies all snickered, and he had to admit, he was playing poorly. How could he concentrate when all he could think about was Calvin? When he woke up in the morning, he had a wood and wished that Calvin was there to satisfy it. They used to meet before school for a quickie in the fall, but it was January now, and in the middle of winter it was not that easy for two teens to find a place where they could be alone to drop their pants and have some fun. During the day they met each other between breaks, and usually were able to find some place in the school where they could at least do some hot necking if not fuck. Fortunately after school they were able to go to his home or Calvin's for an hour of screwing, and if not, they could usually meet up at one or the other's later in the evening. "You been watching your diet like I told you?" "Yeah coach, I've been following it just like you said." "You've still got a stomach on you." "I've been watching, honest." "After school you'd better come in and we'll do some extra sit-ups. We got to get that gut off you. You're waddling like you're nine months pregnant." "Ah, after school." "You do want to stay on the football team?" "Yeah, of course." "Then after school." "Yes sir." After the class he quickly put on his clothes and slipped out of the lockers before the coach saw him. The coach was very particular about personal hygiene, and so was he under any other circumstances, but like Calvin, he found hot, sweaty sex a particular turn on. Calvin was waiting at the lockers. "Mmmm," he sighed as he inhaled deeply. "We gotta find a place quick before you cool off." "I have a feeling you'll get me hot again if I do, babe." "Oh, you got that right," Calvin replied with a wide grin. They waited until the next class had started and then slipped into the gym locker room. There was a risk of getting caught there, but it was minimal. The only reason someone from the class would return to the lockers would be if they got hurt, and there was no reason for any other student to come into the change room. They could have at least half an hour of uninterrupted loving and still have plenty of spare time. The two boys quickly embraced and began to kiss, and in the hot, stuffy air of the locker room, both were soon sweating. Quickly and eagerly removing their clothes, they kissed a few more times and then Calvin watched eagerly as Jimmy took the jar of Vaseline he kept in his gym locker and coated his stiff cock. The eighteen-year-old then turned and held onto the lockers while Jimmy stepped up behind him. The two boys grunted and inhaled deeply as Calvin strained to open his asshole and Jimmy strained to enter it. They were hot, eager, and accustomed to these midday quickies after four months of lovemaking, so it was not that difficult for Jimmy to wedge the greased knob of his cock in Calvin's hole. Calvin groaned as he felt his buddy ease up his chute. No matter how often they did it, that awesome feeling of initial penetration always blew his mind. He gripped the top of the locker tightly as Jimmy grasped his hips and began to pump his body. Feeling Jimmy's hot, hard cock sliding in and out of his rectum, and feeling his hot, moist breath panting against his neck, Calvin was in ecstasy. He inhaled the hot musky aroma of the high school locker room deeply as he closed his eyes. It was going to be difficult not to shoot his load all over the locker Jimmy was banging him against. Jimmy was feeling just as hot as he banged his body against Calvin's with the lust of a healthy, horny teenage boy. He found having sex with the eighteen-year-old senior student hot at any time, but doing it there in the lockers was one of his favourite and hottest places. He loved the smell of sweat and the musky manliness of a locker room, the steamy air filled with teen aromas and permeated with the smell of jock straps and underwear. Slipping his hands around Calvin to steady himself as he increased his tempo, he could not help being reminded that his buddy had developed quite a gut. It was particularly noticeable in that the five-foot-eleven [1.80 m] teenager otherwise had a boney chest and skinny arms and legs. He knew that Calvin had quit drugs almost four months ago. He had been quite proud that he had been able to quit cold turkey and justifiably so. Jimmy wondered if maybe Calvin had turned to alcohol instead. Of course there could be other reasons, and he had no room to talk. He had gotten quite a gut himself, and he certainly was not drinking beer or any other type of alcohol. It had just gradually happened. When they had first begun fucking he'd been able to press his body flat against Calvin when they did it front to back, and Calvin had commented how he enjoyed feeling his hairy chest pressing against his back. Now when he sank his cock up Calvin's asshole, his belly bumped up against his butt and he had to bend over for their upper torsos to meet. He was developing a middle-age spread at sixteen. There was nothing middle-aged about their sex. He furiously pumped his hips to and fro with the energy of an athlete, and with the lust of a teenager. His cock, just under seven inches [18 cm], was rock hard and his nuts, huge and pendant, were always full. Sex was great, whether it was long and tender in his bed or Calvin's, or quick and dirty like now. It was not long before he was shooting his cum up Calvin's butt. He grunted and sighed with the pleasure, and froze as he revelled with the awesome feeling of ejaculation. As he withdrew, he closed his eyes and swore there could be no better feeling on earth. His cock still stiff and with the last drop of his cum still clinging to the tip, Jimmy stepped up to the lockers and spread his legs while Calvin quickly greased up his stiff cock. Like Jimmy, Calvin effortlessly wedged his cockhead in his buddy's hole and began to ease his cock up his rectum. Like Calvin, the sixteen-year-old sighed with pleasure as he felt his buddy's hot, hard cock penetrate him. For four months now they had been going at it, each time being like it was the last time they would ever have sex, and the pleasure of the last time being just as powerful as the first time. It was totally awesome. The two horny high school students could not get enough of each other. Even more awesome was that it was just as fantastic being fucked as it was doing the fucking. Calvin was hot, and it was not long before he was shooting his load up Jimmy's hot hole. The two boys had a quick shower when they were done, and even though they'd both just shot off a load, they were both sporting erections. If they'd had time, they would have done each other in the school showers also, but they had to get out of the lockers before the class in the gym was dismissed. It wasn't until they were in the hall and well away from the lockers that Jimmy broke the news to his beloved that they would not be able to get together after school.
Jimmy's kid stepbrother, Aaron, was not so unfortunate. After classes he went down to the computer room for the computer club meeting. He had joined because he liked computers, but also because it gave him something to do after school until John was finished work. They had finished building the apartments where he and Billy had first seen him, and was now working on a different project in town. Each time he passed by those apartments, Aaron could not help but think of the hot fucking sessions he'd had with John in the unfinished rooms. Now with winter they couldn't usually use a construction site for sex. It really didn't matter to Aaron, and John had said it didn't matter to him either. After the frenzy of fucking continuously for the first four weeks while he'd been using the suppositories to get pregnant, he didn't mind that they didn't have sex every single time they met. Just being with John, talking about his day, and hearing John talk about his made him happy. He did not need to screw. Of course if they could, the day was that much better. Initially he'd done it so he could have a baby like Billy, but the pleasures it gave him, and the pleasure he knew he was giving John, were two other great reasons to want to keep having sex. That was so plain, he could not see why there was the dumb rule that kids and adults couldn't screw if they wanted to. As he waited outside the school, the nine-year-old thought about that and imagined how he'd change things if he ever became president. He'd change a lot of things. Already thinking happy thoughts, the young boy beamed when he saw the red Impala 2000 coming up the street. Tossing his backpack in the back, he jumped in the front and gave his lover a big kiss. "You know, we have to be careful doing that," John warned. "I know," Aaron said with a grin, tossing his long, golden-brown hair back. He had let it grow past his shoulders because John had said he liked it long, and now four months later it extended half way down his shoulder blades. "But we don't gotta worry on days like this. It's too darn cold out for anyone to be hanging around outside to see." "So, where to?" "Can we go somewhere for a snack?" "I swear, you've been eating more than a teenager lately. Are you sure you didn't go from eight to sixteen while I wasn't looking?" "Well, do I have to eat for two," Aaron giggled happily, his blue-green eyes sparkling with the thought. John smiled. The four-foot-two grade four student had been gaining weight, twenty-one pounds [9½ kg] over the past four months, and half of that just these past four weeks. He was now at seventy-six pounds [34½ cm] , and all of it was stomach. Despite that, the thirty-year-old construction worker still did not believe that the boy was pregnant, and that he was carrying their child. Even though he certainly looked like he was and behaved as if he was, that was simply impossible. John had heard of women who really wanted to become pregnant but couldn't having false pregnancies in which they had all the symptoms of being pregnant, including a swollen stomach. He'd never heard of a nine-year-old boy having a false pregnancy, but young Aaron certainly had all the symptoms, and it was the only logical explanation. "Kentucky Fry?" John asked, knowing that was Aaron's favourite fast food. "Way cool." The place was busy for being midweek. There were several families with noisy, fussing preschool age children, three boisterous groups of teens, and three elderly couples. As they sat there at a table for two, John had to smile at the way the boy devoured his meal. The woman had looked more than a bit surprised when he had said they wanted a nine-piece meal with two side orders of fries, and they were going to eat it there. Then she'd looked closer at the bearded, two-hundred-and-ten pound [95 kg] construction worker and the boy who was obviously the man's son from the size of his tummy, and decided perhaps it was not all that unusual. Now as the boy chomped down on the last piece of chicken, John wondered if they'd ordered enough. Aaron slipped his index finger in his mouth and sucked on it and John felt an ache between his legs as he watched. God, the boy looked so sexy sitting there with his big, pensive blue-green eyes, long eyelashes and long gorgeous golden-brown hair and! sucking on his finger. He was wearing the black polo shirt with the Star Wars emblem on the left breast he'd bought for him for his ninth birthday the end of November. John felt his cock begin swelling in his jeans as he watched the finger slid out of the boy's puckered lips. "What?" the boy asked innocently as he looked across the table at his lover. "You are so hot-looking," John whispered as he leaned over. Aaron blushed and flashed him a smile, a wide-mouthed, toothy smile as only a nine-year-old boy can smile. John's cock became fully erect. The boy raised his index and middle fingers and crossing them, he stuck out his tongue and slowly and seductively began licking them as he looked across the plastic table top at John with his big, innocent blue-green eyes. John's cock began to ache. "Tease," he said huskily. Aaron slowly put his fingers in his mouth and sucked on them, continuing to look at his lover. John shifted his weight in the small plastic bench and Aaron giggled. "You hard?" he asked in a whisper, placing his elbows on the table as he half sat on the bench and leaned across the table "You know I am." "Let's fuck." "Wish we had some place where we could." "Com'on," Aaron said impulsively, taking the big man by the hand and getting to his feet. Four months ago John would have pulled his hand away and looked around in fear, but by now he was accustomed to Aaron's impulsive action, and he delighted in holding the young boy's hand. Nobody found it suggestive when a man held a four-year-old's hand, so screw them if they had a problem with a thirty-year-old man holding a nine-year-old's. It was not a crime or a sin for a man and boy to hold hands at least. Aaron lead him to the washroom. It was small: one urinal, one cubicle and one sink. "Ah, this is dangerous," he cautioned as Aaron stepped into the cubicle and drew him in behind him. "I'll try not to moan too loudly," Aaron said with an impish grin as he reached over and drew down John's fly. The man could not resist. He was hard and horny and the boy was so hot. He knew they were taking a major chance, but he had to have the boy. Besides, being daring and carefree was part of the nine-year-old's charm and a major reason he enjoyed being with the boy. John dropped his pants and pushed down his boxers. "Damn," he whispered. "We don't have any lube." "I didn't lick my other hand," Aaron said with a smile. He hadn't, and his fingers were glistening from the fried chicken, almost as if he'd gotten them extra greasy on purpose. Loosely grasping John's aching cock by the base with his left hand, the boy drew his hand up, and then twisted John's fat knob in his palm, wiping the grease on his hand on John's spongy glans. He wiped the back of his hand on John's shaft. Then he turned and John quickly undid the boy's cargo pants and let them drop to the floor. "You're not wearing any underwear," John observed. "Can't," the boy responded. "They're all too tight." As it was, his polo shirt was riding up the top half of his stomach, and without his baggy cargo pants, John could see how distended the boy's belly really was. Bobby had told him this would happen, and he could see now why Bobby would have been concerned when he had seen Billy in this condition. He would have had the same conclusion as Bobby that he had to have somehow hurt the boy fucking him for the past four months. So he had been warned this would happen, and it had. He still could not accept that the boy was pregnant. Even though the logical side of his brain was telling him the boy was exhibiting all the symptoms, it was also telling him it was impossible. The illogical side of the big construction worker's brain, the side responsible for dreams and longings, could not help but wonder if the boy really was carrying their child, and hope that it was true. John was already hot, and that idea made his groin ache even more. That would be such a wonderful miracle. As Aaron reached up, John took him by the hips and raised him a foot and a half [45 cm] off the floor. Even with his extra weight, that was not difficult for the muscular construction worker. Positioning the boy on the tip of his greased knob, he slowly began to lower his body as the boy held onto the top of the cubicle. After four months of fucking, neither John nor Aaron needed that much lubrication. The boy's asshole was still tight, but it readily and instinctively stretched open upon feeling John's knob pressing against it. With gravity, their horniness, and their familiarity with each other, John easily lowered his young friend on his upright prod. The two of them sighed with pleasure as the hot, moist depths of the boy surrounded the thick, hard cock jutting up above the hefty worker's hairy balls. Holding the boy by his hips with his feet dangling a foot [30 cm] off the floor, and pressing his body against the cubicle wall while the youngster held himself up by grasping the top of the partition, John began to work his hips to and fro. The boy's hot, moist hole was always a welcome pleasure, and having sex with the horny, eager youngster was always hot, but doing it there in a public washroom was extra hot. It was not the novelty, nor the danger of being caught that turned John on. It was the impulsiveness of their decision, and the naturalness of satisfying their desires. It was the type of behaviour you might expect from a boy who'd turned nine just two months ago, and it was exhilarating. John worked his cock in and out of the boy with the lust of a teenager. Revelling in the pleasure, he humped his young friend faster and faster until he was slamming the nine-year-old's body against the cubicle wall. His breathing was laboured as he furiously fucked the boy's soft, tender butt, and Aaron sighed and moaned with the pleasure of having the hot, hard pole sliding in and out of his bottom and the pleasure that came from knowing how hot he'd gotten his lover. John could not believe how horny he felt. There he was, a married man, almost thirty-one-years-old, furiously fucking the smooth backside of a nine-year-old boy in the washroom of a Kentucky Fry outlet. It was fantastic. Hearing the door open, the two immediately froze as someone came in and stepped up to the urinal beside the cubicle. The man and boy tried to quieten their heavy breathing. Suddenly noticing Aaron's hands grasping the top of the cubicle wall, John nudged the back of his head with his chin. When Aaron didn't respond, he nudged more desperately, nodding upward at the same time. Realizing the problem, Aaron quickly let go of the top of the cubicle wall and slipped his hands back out of sight. The boy bounced as he stifled a giggle. John began to shake with the humour of it, his two-hundred-and-ten pound [95 kg] frame beginning to jiggle. Aaron's body bounced up and down on the solid plug holding him up and his body shook violently as he giggled, and John snorted as he unsuccessfully held back his laughter. If the person on the other side of the wall heard the noises, they had no way of knowing. Zipping up, he washed his hands and left. The moment the door closed John shifted Aaron back into position, the boy grabbed the top of the cubicle wall, and they began to fuck once again. Having almost been caught, and the possibility they still could, added an element of danger that both now found exciting and which replaced their initial lust. The two fucked furiously, not to get it over with, but because it was so hot. Once again John banged the young boy's body against the metal side of the cubicle, and Aaron's knuckles turned white as he gripped the top and hung on for dear life. As his lover slammed him into the wall his little cock became hard, and with each forward lunge his stiff little penis slid along the metal wall, sending shivers of arousal from his swollen dick head down to his swaying little nuts. Despite his promise, Aaron was panting and gasping and could not help but moan with the joy of having his backside being ravished by his lover. John had made no promises himself, and openly and unabashedly grunted and groaned with the pleasure pulsating between his legs. Over and over his massive seven-inch [18 cm] cock rammed into the boy until at last the man came, and as he did, the boy shivered with his own orgasm. John's hot, thick cum shot into the boy's rectum, and the boy's little cocklet jerked in the air as his dry orgasm caused his body to tremble. John finally stopped his thrusting and he just stood there holding the boy up as they caught their breath and relished their orgasms. He finally eased the nine-year-old boy off his cock and as John dried his limp organ off with several sheets of the coarse toilet paper, Aaron took several sheets and wiped his anus. As they emerged from the washroom, they looked around, wondering if the patron who had used the urinal was still there, and if he was, which one he was. Nobody paid any attention to them. Glancing at the young families and elderly couples and groups of teens, John wondered what they would say if they only knew what they'd just done. Strangely, he did not feel guilty. On the contrary, he felt elated, and sorry that the other males in the outlet would never know what had to be the ultimate pleasure. "Think we can stop at Dairy Queen for a sundae?" "As long as you don't eat it with your fingers," John said with a smile. It took a moment for the boy to realize what John was referring to, and he giggled with the thought. "That would be cold," he observed with a wide grin as he imagined wiping his fingers off on John's cock. He reached out and took his lover's hand and they headed for the door. "Thanks," he said later as John pulled up in front of his house. "And JB thanks you too." "You sure that is what you want to call him?" John asked, indulging in his fantasy, and wishing it could be true. "Uh-huh, John Billy Porter-Watson, after my two most favourite people in the world." "Well, I'm honoured." Aaron suddenly winced. "What's wrong?" John asked, immediately worried. "Nothing. JB just kicked. I think maybe he thinks the ice cream was too cold." John smiled. "You are okay?" he asked. "Sure," Aaron said with a reassuring smile as he slipped his hand in his trousers. "You wanna feel him?" John slid his hand under the elastic top of Aaron's cargo pants and along the boy's warm, swollen stomach. He could feel something move, but whether it was a baby or the boy's intestines filled with six pieces of chicken, a heap of fries and gravy, and an ice cream sundae, he was not prepared to say. As he watched the boy slowly shuffle up the sidewalk, he decided he'd better have another talk with Bobby.
"Let me in!" "Just a minute," came the muffled reply. "I can't wait a minute Goddamnit, I need in now, you hear!" "I'm busy!" "Well fuck you, this is an emergency!" Jimmy tried the door, and relieved to find it wasn't locked, pushed it open and rushed in. His kid stepbrother was kneeling there on the floor in front of the toilet. Glancing around desperately, Jimmy grabbed the sink and began to puke into it. "Ewwww," responded Aaron. In response, Jimmy heaved again. Aaron turned green, and bending over the toilet, also heaved. Having already emptied his stomach, he managed to bring up a meagre film of whitish phlegm. His head still hanging over the toilet, he reached over and tore off half a dozen sheets of toilet paper and wiped the pendant of puke dangling from his lips. "Pass me a handful, dude." Aaron ripped off a handful and handed it up to his sixteen-year-old step brother. Dry heaving one last time, Jimmy wiped his mouth off and dropped the wadded toilet paper into the bowl. Letting the hot water run full blast in the sink, he leaned back against the wall. He was as white as the porcelain sink. "Sorry, little dude. Didn't know you were being sick in here." "That's okay. Didn't know you was being sick out there." The two glanced at each other and grinned, one of the few times they'd ever smiled in each other's presence. "Lately it's been every morning," observed Jimmy. "Yeah?" Aaron asked, still sitting on the floor, feeling too weak to sit up. He looked up at his stepbrother as he flushed the toilet. Jimmy was just wearing his underwear, a pair of plaid Joe Boxers, which were way too small for him. His stepbrother had a great body, his shoulders broad and his chest muscular with the beginning of a spread of dark black hair. Aaron thought chest hair was very erotic. Jimmy's athletic involvement was evident from his solid biceps and his thick, muscular legs. He did have a big tummy though, something that Aaron really hadn't noticed before, but then he didn't have that much opportunity to see his stepbrother in his underwear and he normally wore baggy pants and oversize shirts like almost every other teenager. "Me too." "Yeah?" Jimmy asked, his voice rising with concern as he looked down at his kid brother. "For how long?" "I dunno, about a month." "Yeah, me too. Maybe we got the same bug." Aaron repressed a smile. There was no way they had the same thing, because he knew exactly what he had, a squirming eight-pound [3,600 g] baby bug in his tummy. "What's so funny squirt?" "Nothing." "Yeah, well, if you're done in here, I gotta get ready for school." "Don't take all morning admiring your pretty face, I gotta get ready too," Aaron replied with a grin as he grasped a hold of the toilet bowl and labouriously heaved himself to his feet. "Fuck you," Jimmy replied as he took a swat at his backside as he left the bathroom. As he reached for the soap, Jimmy looked at himself in the mirror. He looked like shit. From the way he was throwing up lately he had to have a hell of a case of flu. Lathering up, he thought about his kid stepbrother. Although the kid had wrapped a towel around his waist, and although he'd tried not to look at him, especially down there, he could not help but notice the kid had an abnormally large gut, like you see malnourished kids from Africa having in those charity ads. He wondered if the boy was eating properly. Neither Aaron's mother nor his father cared enough about either of them to worry about what and when they ate. Maybe the kid's problem was more than the flu. Wiping off his face, he thought of what else he'd seen, dangling there below the kid's bulging stomach and hairless pubes. He quickly put that image out of his mind. Forty-five minutes later Aaron headed out the door. His best buddy, Billy, was waiting to walk him to school. "So how are you this morning?" "I puked again." "Yeah. It happened to me too. A lot just before the end." "Jimmy upchucked too." "Yeah?" "Probably a reaction to some drugs he took or something." "So how you two getting along?" "Great," Aaron replied, and then added with a grin, "we avoid each other like totally." "Well, considering what's happening to you, maybe that's best you aren't seeing much of each other." "Yeah." "Anything else, besides puking?" "Oh yeah. I gotta be careful getting up or sitting down or I get way dizzy, not that I can get up and down very fast anyway with JB in me. And I got to pee like every half hour." "Yeah, that was the same for me. How's your back feel?" "Oh wow, is it sore!" "It really sucks being pregnant, but it's worth it," Billy said seriously. "Yeah," Aaron said. "I can't wait to have my baby. I hope he's like Billy Bob." "Nobody's noticed nothing about you getting fatter?" "Naw. Like I said, nobody at my house cares a shit about me." "Well, right now that's good." "Yeah," Aaron agreed with a grin. "How's John?" Aaron's grin widened. "He still don't believe I'm having a baby, but he says if it does happen it will be awesome." "Well, he's gonna be in for a surprise," Billy giggled and Aaron laughed with him. "Ohhh," he groaned as he stopped and placed his hands on his stomach. "I gotta be careful not to laugh. It makes JB bounce and that hurts." He stood there for a moment to catch his breath, his hands under his coat holding his stomach and his Adidas backpack strapped to his back. "When do you think I'll have JB?" "Well, it takes four and a half months, and you started to do it 3; two weeks before my birthday, right?" "Right." "So I guess if you got pregnant right the first time, it would be like now you could have a baby, and if it was the last week, then it would be the end of February." "You mean any day between right now and the end of next month?" "Yeah." "We can't tell what day?" "I don't think so," Billy said with a shrug. "Why?" "I want John to be there when it happens." "Oh yeah, the other dad's gotta be there. He's gotta fuck you to help the baby come out." "Tell me about that part again." "Well, that was how it was with me, and the boy at the camp," Billy began. He explained what had happened to the two of them. "I'm sure John would come right away when we knew it was gonna happen." "How much time does it take? You know, from when you know its gonna happen until it does?" "I dunno for sure. Me 'n Bobby never really knew what was going on until it happened." "I hope it don't happen while I'm at school." "Oh yeah, I never thought of that." "If it does I hope it's in language," Aaron observed. "I wouldn't mind missing language. I hate this stuff on verbs and tenses and stuff we're taking now." "Would sure surprise Mrs. Jacobson," Billy said with a grin, and the two boys giggled as the school bus pulled up. "I gotta stop that," Aaron observed once more as he put his hand on his distended stomach. He hoped he'd be having JB soon, it was getting almost impossible to step up into the school bus.
"Hey dude, you don't look so hot," observed Calvin as the two buddies met at their lockers that morning. "You driving the porcelain bus again this morning?" "Would have, but my kid brother was in the driver's seat." "What you mean?" "He was in the bathroom upchucking before me. I had to use the sink." "Yeah? He must have the same bug we have." "Yeah, must. You know any bug that makes you upchuck, and gain weight?" Calvin shook his head. "He gaining weight too?" "Yeah. Looks like a nine-year-old with a beer gut. Maybe it's something in our water or something." "Yeah. I been drinking a lot of water at your place. Like I'm always thirsty lately, and pissing." "Me too." "And I'm way tired. I could sleep all day 3; and eat. You know what I had last night? Peperoni pizza with black olives." "So?" "So, I had a whole pizza, like a regular, and you know I hate olives." "So why'd you order a pizza with olives?" "That's just it. I had this weird craving for them." "Know what you mean," Jimmy said, stretching his back. "Your back still sore?" "Yeah. Yours?" "Oh yeah." "I think its from this extra weight I'm packin'," Jimmy said, patting his protruding stomach. "Haven't been able to lose it, huh?" "Can't. I'm like always starving. Shit, Coach Myers is going to blow his stack. I'm sure I've gained another pound." "Well, at least I don't have to worry about phys ed classes." "Lucky you." "Wanna get together at noon, maybe have a quickie?" "I'd rather go to Subway and have a sub." "Me too. Loaded, with olives." "Let's do it." "Okay. See ya then." As Calvin headed down the hall he stumbled and grabbed a hold of the lockers. Jimmy hurried up to him. "You all right dude?" "Yeah. Just had a dizzy spell." "You know, maybe we better see the school nurse." "Naw, she'll just prescribe some Aspirin and say it's our hormones or some shit like that." "Yeah, you're probably right." Jimmy signed out before physical education classes and went home. He was exhausted, and he didn't feel up to another hassle with the coach. His step mom was working, and his dad was out with his boozing buddies. Jimmy went straight to bed. When he got up, it was eight. As he headed for the kitchen Aaron came home. "Hey." "Hey," Aaron responded. "You're coming home late for a school night." Aaron shrugged. "You felling better now?" "Yeah, a bit," Aaron sighed. "Don't sound better." "My feet hurt," he said as he slumped down in his chair and eased off his runners. "I think my sneakers are getting too tight." "Funny, so are mine," observed Jimmy. "That pizza?" he asked, nodding to the box Aaron had put on the table. "Yeah. You want some?" "What kind is it?" "Hawaiian." "Yeah, okay." He didn't like Hawaiian, but he suddenly had a craving for pineapple. The two ate in silence except for the occasional burp. "You know, you've been putting on a lot of weight lately," Jimmy observed "Yeah? So have you." "Yeah." "Jimmy?" "Yeah?" "You know about having babies?" Jimmy smiled. The kid was kind of young to be thinking of that topic, but then he hadn't been that much older himself when he'd begun wondering. The sixteen-year-old thought about the situation for a moment. This was a scene he'd fantasized dozens of times, one of his favourite jerk off fantasies back in the days before he and Calvin began fucking and when jerking off was his regular form of relief. He knew he should let the topic drop, but he was tired, and bored and figured he could handle it. "Sure," he said. "What you wanna know about making babies?" "Oh, I know all about making them," Aaron responded. "I wanna know about having them." "Oh," said Jimmy, surprised, and amused. He wondered just what his nine-year-old stepbrother's version of making babies was. He was tempted to pursue that, but decided not to. This conversation was risky enough without going there. "So what is it you want to know about having babies?" "Well, like how does a, well, a person know when it is going to happen? You know, when the baby is ready to come out." "A woman starts having contractions." "Contractions?" "You know, in her womb, or stomach or whatever," Jimmy responded, not exactly sure. "Her muscles start to constrict, to squeeze. That's what forces the baby out. I think it's something to do with special hormones her body makes when its time for the baby to be born." "Oh. But she has lots of time to get to the hospital and stuff." "Yeah, the contractions are like far apart at first and get closer as the time comes for her to have her baby," Jimmy responded, relying on a couple television shows he'd seen for his information along with what he'd learned in health. "Jimmy?" "Yeah?" "If I asked you to phone somebody and tell them to come right over, and it's real important, you would, wouldn't you?" "Yeah sure. Of course. Like phone who, and what do you mean real important?" "Like if I was having a baby." "Huh, yeah," Jimmy snorted with a chuckle. "If you were having a baby, I'd phone whoever you wanted, right after the National Inquirer." "I'm serious." "Little dude, I don't know what you think you know about making babies, but guys can't have kids." "I can." "Sure." "I took something so I could." "You took something," Jimmy repeated. "Like a magic potion." He tried not to smile. "Sortta." "Sure." "Honest, look," Aaron said, pulling up his shirt and rubbing his swollen stomach. Jimmy had to admit he did look like he was pregnant. "Really. I'm going to have a baby, soon, but I don't know exactly when. But when it does happen, I'll give a phone number of a guy and I want you to tell him what's happening." "Sure. Who is this guy, the father?" Jimmy joked with a half grin. "Yes," Aaron said solemnly. "I gotta take a pee." As he hoisted himself up and headed to the bathroom, Jimmy watched him. Christ,' he thought, even walks like a pregnant woman.' He hoped the kid would hurry. He had to take a hell of a leak himself. When Jimmy rushed to the bathroom the next morning, Aaron was just coming out, and from the odour, he evidently had been upchucking too. After heaving out his guts, he wearily sat down on the bowl. Looking down, he noticed something else very disturbing, something new. It was disturbing enough for him to go to the school nurse as soon as he got to school. "So, tell me those symptoms again," she said. "I got this like nauseous feeling in the mornings, and I'm tired all day and I keep getting dizzy spells. I've been getting wicked headaches. My feet ache, I have to urinate a lot, and well, I've been gaining weight, and now this morning, there's these marks," Jimmy said, indicating the black lines running down to his navel. "Your acne been getting worse?" "Yeah, actually it has." "Please don't tell me you've been getting back aches, and strange cravings, like for ice cream and pickles." "No, of course not," Jimmy lied, covering his lie with a chuckle. "Why?" "Because if you did, I'd say you have all the classical symptoms of pregnancy." "Huh!" Jimmy snorted, totally caught off guard. He immediately thought of his stepbrother. "So what is it, for real?" The nurse hesitated, and then across at the teenage boy. He was good-looking with dark, gelled hair, piercing green eyes, and a sexy smile, and he had a good build except for the gut he was developing. He was on the football team, another factor that attracted young, impressionable girls. Handsome, a good body, and athleticit all added up. "Tell your girl that it really sounds like pregnancy," she said. "And tell her she should come in and see me herself." "My girl? You think this is 3;" "I will hand it to you," the nurse said with a smile. "You have described her symptoms perfectly." "Bu-, bu-, well, what about these marks?" "You have gained weight, haven't you. And rather quickly." "Yes." "And you've been eating a lot of greasy junk food? Pizzas? Burgers and fries?" "Well, yeah, but." "Boys your age usually have bottomless stomachs, and an irregular metabolism. Looks like your body has given you the appetite but has decided to slow down the metabolism at the moment, hence the spare tire. Also explains the acne." "But the marks." "That is unusual," she admitted. "Your coach putting you through a lot of exercise lately? Maybe some additional stretching exercises because of the extra stomach?" "Well, yeah." "Here." "What's this?" "A note excusing you from gym class and football practice. I suspect those marks are your body's reaction to some over zealous exercising. Probably some ruptured blood vessels." Noticing the look of panic in the boy's eyes, she quickly added, "don't worry about that. Just some surface capillaries. Other than the stomach you look in good shape so your body should be able to repair the damage in quick order. Keep the exercises up, but don't overdo them, and stay away from the junk food for the next little while." "Ah, yeah, right." "To be on the safe side, I'd like to send a urine sample over to the lab." "No problem." If she wanted, he could easily provide a galleon. "And tell your girl to come see me. From what you've told me she's near the end of her third trimester." "Ah, right, third trimester." "I'm serious. Sounds like she should be expecting within the next month." "Yeah, okay," Jimmy said, slowly getting to his feet. "You want me to give you that sample now?" The rest of the day was a daze. Calvin hadn't shown up for school, and Jimmy had a pretty good suspicion that he was feeling even worse than he was considering Calvin wasn't as strong nor as healthy as he was to begin with. The next afternoon, he was called down to the nurse's office. "I was called down?" he observed, slipping his hands in the back of his cargo pants and straightening his back as he looked at the nurse. God it hurt! She looked serious, too serious. He shuffled nervously. "Your urine sample has come back from the hospital." "And?" "And you're pregnant." "What!" he snorted. "I really have to hand it to you. Of course those pants you're wearing at least made it easy." "Made what easy?" "Slipping your girl's sample in here, and leaving it as your own." Jimmy looked at her blankly. "A very elaborate plan, too," she said with a smile. "I would have expected you just to leave your own, or maybe slip me hers, but to mix both together, that really threw the technician." Jimmy knew his jaw was wide-open but he didn't care. "Tell your girl to come see me, and that not only is she in her last month, but with her testosterone level she should stock up on extra strong razor blades." Jimmy headed straight home and to bed. As usual his dad was out and at the end of the day, as usual, his step mom met him at some bar directly after she got off work. When he got up, he looked in the fridge, but for the first time in a long while he didn't feel much like eating. He went to his stepbrother's room. "Aaron?" "Yeah?" "About that conversation we had yesterday." "Yeah?" "You said something about taking something so you'd become pregnant." "Yeah." "What exactly did you take?" "Don't know the name of it." "Just tell me what it looked like, and how you took it," Jimmy said with a sinking feeling, and at the same time feeling foolish. What he was thinking was impossible. Aaron thought for a moment. He knew he was supposed to keep his relationship with John secret, and the whole business of having a baby, but if John or Billy weren't around when the time came, someone had to know what was going on. Besides, he was scared, and didn't know what to expect exactly. He had to talk to someone. "Well, I guess I should tell you about this statue thing first. Called fucking city or something, but it don't look like no city. It looks like a fat frog with a big dick and an extra pair of legs." Jimmy sat there and listened to the story about the frog-like statue called the gargle of fucking city, and the strange oriental ancient, and the tan three-quarter inch [2 cm] suppositories, and about boylovers. "So that's it," Aaron concluded. Jimmy grimaced and clutched his stomach. Christ, had he felt something kick inside him? "Guess you think it's all B.S. huh?" "How long you say this is supposed to be, from when you get pregnant, until you have the baby?" "Billy said four and a half months." Jimmy hoisted his body up off the bed and looked at the calendar above Aaron's desk. "Fuck," he said as he sat back down. His back really ached. "I just hope it don't happen at school." "Maybe it's best you stay home for a while." "Yeah. But I got a science test on Friday. I got to stay until then." "Sure," Jimmy said, not really listening. His mind was thinking of something else. "I feel better telling you my secret." "I think I'd better share one with you," Jimmy observed. "Several actually." "Yeah?" "Since you moved in here I've been, like, avoiding you." "That's no secret. I know you don't like me, but that's okay," Aaron said with a shrug. "It wasn't our idea for our parents to get married." "It hasn't been because I don't like you." "It hasn't?" "No," Jimmy said, staring at the Star War's poster above Aaron's bed. He thought before continuing, "I'm a boylover." "Huh?" Aaron responded, knitting his brow with confusion. "Three years ago, I done some stuff with a boy who lived in our apartment, a five-year-old boy." "Stuff?" "I played with his dick, and got him to play with mine. Sucked. I even fucked him a few times. We messed around for a couple months." "So what happened?" "I was dumb. I gave him stuff. Toys, candy. Too much stuff." "To get him to do things with you?" "Oh no! It wasn't bribery or nothing. I didn't have to bribe him. He wanted to do the stuff. Enjoyed it as much as I did. I just loved him, and wanted to make him happy, so I bought him stuff. I'd never bribe a kid to do stuff like that." "So?" "So his mother started to ask questions, about all the toys and stuff, and he told her what we'd done. Like he thought it was just normal, stuff guys did. Well all hell broke out. Next thing I know he's crying and hates me and they got him seeing a psychiatrist or some shit, and they are threatening to sue us and have me arrested. Mom stopped them somehow. I don't know how. Paid them or something. She never would tell me. Anyway they didn't make any charges, and didn't sue. My ol'man figured I should have been sent to jail I know. Mom and him had a big fight over it all. They weren't having much of a marriage anyway, and that was pretty much the end of it. Anyway, none of that's important. What I'm trying to explain, is when Dad told me about you, he told me to stay away from you, that he'd cut off my nuts if I so much as smiled at you." "Then, you don't hate me for moving here?" "Hate you? Hell, from the moment I saw you I had the hots for you, and as I got to know you and see that you had personality besides looks, it was pure hell being in the same house and not being able to even talk to you. But I knew I had to avoid being with you, even just talking, not because of my dad's threat, but because I knew if I got to know you at all there would be no way that I'd be able to stop from having sex with you. You have no idea how horny you've made me feel this past year. This John fellow is one lucky dude." "Yeah? I think I'm lucky to know him." "That's cool. And now that I know about him, I don't have to worry no more, and nor do you. I'd never do nothing to you now, not knowing you have a lover, except be the best stepbrother you could ever hope for." The two boys embraced and as they separated, they smiled at each other, the first genuine smile in a year. A heavy load had been removed from each of them, and the next several hours were nonstop talking as the two brothers finally got acquainted. Later that night Jimmy phoned Calvin and told him they had to talk, very soon.
The first week of February the two teenagers rented an apartment and moved in together. Their parents didn't question what they were up to, and actually were glad to have them out of the house. With Calvin's drug connections, getting the money for the apartment was easy, and pushing drugs was profitable enough for them to have money for the necessities. Calvin was about to be kicked out of school anyway, so dropping out so he could get more involved in the drug trade was no big deal. Both boys swore the drug dealing would be temporary, until they were able to support themselves in a better way. The second week of February, Aaron moved in with them. February fourteenth Jimmy received an urgent call at school to come home immediately. Upon arriving at their little two bedroom apartment, he found he was not the only one to have been called. Two men, one a burly two-hundred-and sixty-five pounds [120 kg] and standing at six-foot-four [1.93 m] and the other a beared two-hundred-and-ten pound [95 kg] six footer [1.80 m], took up their living room themselves. Besides Calvin, there was a little two-year-old that was racing around the house flying a paper air plane. "It's happening!" announced Calvin excitedly. "What?" "The baby! Aaron's having his baby!" "Where is he?" "In his bedroom, with his friend Billy." "Shouldn't we be doing something? Boiling water or something?" "Billy said he'd call when they needed us." As if on cue, Billy stuck his head out of the bedroom door. "I think it's time," he announced, his turquoise eyes bright with excitement. "Aaron wants John, and Jimmy." "You going to be all right?" asked Bobby worriedly as he stepped up to the young boy and put his hand on his shoulder. "Sure. Not the first baby I've seen born," Billy said brightly with a wide grin. Aaron was spread out on the roll-away bed and looked like hell. He and Billy had removed his pants, shoes and socks. John noticed that he was wearing his black Star Wars polo shirt, which had ridden up his distended belly. The boy grinned up at everyone as they entered the room. John immediately went to one side of the bed, and Jimmy to the other. "How are you?" they both asked together. "Got the worst stomachache I've ever felt, and feel like I gotta take the biggest poop in the world." Jimmy and John looked at Billy. "I think you'd better get your dick hard quick," he said with a twinkle in his eye as he looked up at John. Billy and Bobby had gone through this with him several times, but John still could not believe what he was doing as he quickly removed his pants and boxers and chucked them in the corner of the room. They should be taking Aaron to the hospital. As he began to fondle his limp cock, he was sure there was no way he was going to get an erection with nine-year-old Billy and the teenager there in the room and with Aaron laying there on his back grunting and gasping in evident agony. To his surprise, the thought of the young boy possibly about to give birth was extremely erotic, and seeing him laying there naked from the waist down and his legs spread gave him an erection in no time. He had been assured that this was what had to be done, and he would do anything for the nine-year-old spread out before him. "No way," observed Jimmy, shaking his head as Billy guided John into position. "This can't be right. This is 3; this is 3;" "The way I had my baby," Billy finished. "Your baby?" Jimmy asked in surprise. "Billy Bob, in the other room," the boy said proudly with a big grin. Jimmy watched as John, sitting on the edge of the bed with his legs spread wide, coated his stiff cock with Vaseline. The big construction worker then pushed down on it so it was parallel with the bed while Aaron wiggled down until his little bumhole was in line with it. Jimmy could not believe it as the thick, seven inch [18 cm] cock slowly spread open his stepbrother's anus and began to disappear inside his body. Holding the boy by his hips, John slowly began a rocking motion. Aaron grunted and groaned as the man slowly fucked him, whether in pain or in ecstasy Jimmy could not tell. Under Billy's directions, John reached over and began to play with Aaron's little stiff cocklet while he rocked back and forth. Aaron reached out and grabbed Jimmy's hand with his right and Billy's with his left. Soon John was grunting and puffing as he felt his climax approaching, and then he was filling his boy with his slippery, slimy juice. He carefully withdrew but continued to wank on Aaron's cocklet as he'd been instructed. Aaron thrust his hips up, lifting them off the bed, and grunted and gasped as his orgasm rippled through him. He constricted his anal muscles and stretched them wide and pushed down, and slowly, ever so slowly he felt his baby more into his rectum. His polo shirt had ridden right up so that it was bunched under his armpits. He grunted and squeezed the hands he was holding in a vicelike grip and pushed again. John called out encouragement as he watched the little pucker widen more and more, as he saw something beginning to stretch it. Wider and wider his anus opened as the hairy object pushed out. "By God, it's a head! It's a baby's head!" called out John. Aaron's face contorted and he screamed out in frustration and effort as he pushed extra hard. John reached down and held the baby's head gently as he was forced out of Aaron's rectum. Once the head had pushed out, the rest of his body followed quickly, much as when a constipated man forces out the first hard turd. John sat there staring at the tiny, frail bundle smeared with cum, shit and Vaseline and screaming its annoyance at being brought into the world. Aaron struggled up and propped on his elbows, glanced down between his legs at the red, howling object in John's big hands. "Guess it's a good thing I didn't have those pancakes and blueberry syrup for breakfast," he grinned. "That would have really made a mess." Having known what to expect, Bobby had gotten a wet face cloth and towels ready. Upon hearing the crying of the baby, he and Calvin had come in. Taking the baby from John, who was still sitting there naked with his legs spread and staring at the miracle that he could easily hold in one of his large hands, Bobby quickly wiped and dried off the squirming infant. Crouching down beside the little roll-away bed, Bobby gave Aaron the baby, now wrapped in a clean yellow towel to hold. The little boy, now propped up on pillows, beamed down at his infant son. "He's got your hair," he observed, looking down at his baby cradled in one arm as he gently caressed the fine, chestnut brown hair with his free hand. John had wiped off his hands and come around the other side of the cot where he'd crouched down beside Aaron. "And your blue-green eyes," the hefty construction worker said as he beamed down at his newborn son. Aaron looked in the blankets. "He sure got a little noodle." "It will grow," Billy assured him, and everyone in the room laughed. Laying there with his downy head on his little dad's chest, JB discovered his daddy's teat and instinctively fastened his mouth to it. Aaron quivered with the strange sensation and then grinned widely as the first spurt of milk squirted out of his teat. "I'm feeding him!" "Oh yeah," said Billy. "Forgot to mention that." "Miraculous," sighed John as he watched his little boy feeding their son. "It certainly is," agreed Bobby. "Yeah, way to go little dude," Jimmy said, tousling his stepbrother's hair. "That 3; that 3; we're going to 3; that's going to be happening to us soon," observed Calvin as he stared down at Aaron and JB. "That's right, babe," said Jimmy, stepping over to him and putting his arm about his waist. Calvin slipped his arm about his lover and the two pregnant teenagers stood there starting at the tiny, suckling baby with a mixture of wonder, anticipation, and anxiety. The thought of becoming parents of two little babies was as frightening as it was awesome for the young couple.
Chapter 9"Aaggghhh," Calvin cried out, grasping his distended stomach and contorting his face in agony.His sixteen-year-old lover, whose stomach was just as huge, immediately woke up and labourously drew himself into a sitting position and looked over at boy laying beside him worriedly. "Babe?" he asked, reaching out and wrapping his fingers about the pregnant boy's thin forearm. "Ah Christ," replied the eighteen-year-old, throwing back his head and clenching his eyes shut as another spasm of pain shot through his bloated stomach. The door to their bedroom opened and a slight boy, four-foot-two [1.27 m] in his furry slippers and Star Wars print pajamas, stuck his head into the room. "Is it happening?" "I dunno." "You gotta time the contractions," the boy advised as he stepped into the room. He was carrying a tiny, week-old baby who had found the boy's right teat in his open pajamas top and had fastened his little mouth about the nip and had begun to suck contentedly. "Okay babe, you heard the man. Tell me when the next–." "Aaaggghnoooow!" came the response. Jimmy and his stepbrother stared at the second hand of the clock beside the bed as the boy on his back gasped for breath like a wheezing man of eighty. It was nine-twenty-one am. "Aaaah," he moaned, announcing the second spasm. "Less than two minutes. It's time," pronounced the nine-year-old. "I don't know if we can do this," said Jimmy worriedly. "You know, with both our stomachs swollen like this. It's not the same as it was for you and John." "I can call him. He said he'd come right over. And Billy and Bobby said they would too. It's Sunday so they probably could get here fast," he observed as the little baby he was holding withdrew his mouth and looked over at the two teens laying in the bed, his little lips wet with a film of white breast milk. "No!" insisted Calvin. "We can do this on our own. Help me get on my feet." Jimmy drew back the sheet and blankets covering his legs and slowly turned and placed his feet on the floor as Aaron carefully lay JB on the floor. The week-old baby was swaddled in the bright blue baby blanket from Bobby and Billy, one of Aaron's treasured gifts. With the help of his nine-year-old stepbrother, the naked teenager hefted himself up off the bed. Drawing the covers off Calvin, the two of them eased the nude boy around ninety degrees so that he was laying flat on his back across the bed with his butt over the edge and his feet on the floor. Again with the help of his stepbrother, Jimmy slowly and carefully got down on his knees. Quickly grabbing the pillows off the bed and dropping them between Calvin's widespread legs, Aaron helped his sixteen-year-old stepbrother kneel down on them. The genitals of the two naked, pear-shaped teenagers looked so small dangling below their distended stomachs. "Are you really sure 3; this is necessary?" panted Jimmy, the simple movement causing the teenage football star to gasp for breath. "Billy said it was," Aaron replied, thinking back to the conversations he'd had with his nine-year-old buddy once they'd known for sure he was with child. If his best bud, the boy responsible for him finding a boylover, said it was necessary, then it had to be. "And you seen John and me do it." Although Aaron was almost half his age, that was good enough for Jimmy. Reaching down between his legs, he began to fondle himself, and to his surprise, he was erect in a matter of seconds. He wondered if that was because he hadn't had sex over the past month, or if it had something to do with his pregnancy. With morning sickness and back pains, he hadn't even felt like jerking off these past four weeks, and despite the lack of relief, he hadn't had any wet dreams either. Glancing down at Calvin's exposed butthole and shuffling closer to the bed, the sixteen-year-old felt self-conscious having his kid stepbrother there in the room watching, but relieved by his presence too. The kid had already gone through this, and had been far more prepared than he had been. His fat stomach pressed against Calvin's thin, outspread legs, and then against the eighteen-year-old's groin. He could feel Calvin's hot cock between their stomachs and as he wriggled into position he could feel his beloved's cock begin to swell. Damn, he suddenly realized he'd forgotten to lube up his dick. He was about to ease back when Aaron handed him the tube of KY. The kid did know what he was doing! Smiling gratefully, Jimmy squeezed out a generous dollop and greased up his stiff cock. Shuffling back into position, he eased forward until his lubed cockhead was pressed against his beloved's hole. As he pushed forward, he felt Calvin eagerly open up. "Oh yeah," sighed the eighteen-year-old youth as he felt his lover's cock push inside him. "Oh fuck yeah." Somehow having his lover's hard, hot dick entering his rectum eased the pain in his gut. He looked down his thin, hairless chest and up over his huge, curved stomach, as he'd done hundreds of times over the past month. It was still a sight that was so unreal it was unbelievable. The knob of his erection, just barely visible over the curvature of his distended stomach, was being pressed into his firm white flesh by the equally distended stomach of his sixteen-year-old lover kneeling on the floor between his spindly, outspread legs. Knowing in advance that what they were about to do was part of the whole weird situation of being pregnant, this was the only position the two rotund teenagers could come up with. Actually, it was quite ingenious, and even it only allowed Jimmy to insert the top two inches [5 cm] of his seven-inch [18 cm] cock into his buddy's love chute before their distended stomachs blocked any further advance. Grasping the older boy's hips, Jimmy began to rock on his knees, working his cock in and out of the eighteen-year-old's hot, grasping asshole. Each time he slowly eased forward his stomach slid up between Calvin's legs and pinned the boy's stiff cock between them. It was awkward, but in a way it was so erotic, their two stomachs distended as a result of the seed they'd deposited up each other's butts four and a half months earlier rubbing together now. Normally a hundred-and-forty pounds [64 kg], the muscular sixteen-year-old hunk had gained thirty pounds [14 kg], most of it over the last month, and the love of his life, normally a hundred-and-twenty [55 kg], had recently weighed in at a hundred and forty-four [65 kg]. Their chests had become a bit flabbier, but most of that weight had been below the waist. With their added weight and their sexual arousal, the two teens were soon gasping for breath and perspiring profusely. Sweat beaded on their foreheads and glistened on their pale pink skin. Calvin's hot, moist chute squeezed and seemed to suck on Jimmy's cockhead as the boy worked his anal and stomach muscles, and pumping just his knob in and out of his beloved's hole soon had his cock tingling and aching with anticipated climax. Jimmy noticed that rubbing Calvin's hot, narrow cock between their stomachs had caused it to begin leaking pre-cum. The sight of the clear droplet oozing out of his peehole and slowly slipping down the groove on the underside of the dickhead of his trapped cock was so erotic that it made Jimmy's groin ache. "I'm gonna cum, babe, anytime," he gasped. "Yessss,' replied his beloved. He inhaled sharply. "Oh fuck yes!" he sighed. Jimmy felt Calvin constrict his anal sphincter as the fucked boy clamped his eyes shut, squeezing Jimmy's cock so hard it was like being squeezed by a fist. As he rocked back and forth on his knees, working his stiff cock in and out of Calvin's hole as fast as a pregnant, overweight boy can, he felt a weight swaying in his stomach, rocking back and forth inside him. Oh God! That had to be his own baby! Being more athletic and stronger, he hadn't had quite the same difficulty as Calvin, but even so it had been far from easy carrying their child, and the closer they'd approached the end of their trimester the more aware of his pregnancy he'd become. The thought at that moment of their child inside him brought the sixteen-year-old football player over the edge. With a grunt and a shudder, he filled his beloved's rectum with his thick cum. After a month of abstinence, his load was copious and juicy. He shuddered with the release, and as squirt after squirt throbbed out of his cockhead and flooded his beloved's rectum he almost fainted with the ecstasy. As he felt Jimmy's cock easing out of his body, Calvin instinctively constricted his stomach muscles and pushed out. He felt the baby inside him slip down. He constricted again with all his force. "Suck me," he gasped. "Suck my dick." Calvin readily bent over and took his beloved's cockhead, slick with pre-cum, in his mouth. As he closed his lips about it and began to suck, he felt Calvin constrict his muscles and heave upward with a moan that was a combination of intense pleasure and intense pain. The boy's rotund stomach heaved up and sunk as the teenager inhaled and exhaled like a vacuum. Jimmy sucked on his beloved's cock, savouring the faintly sweet pre-cum. The texture of the thin, sticky love juice was undescribably, and so erotic. "Gnnnnhhhh," Calvin grunted as he forced down. "Oh fuuuuck, oh aggghhh. Oh yes!" Feeling the huge object inside his stomach slip into his rectum and push against his anus, Calvin pushed out with all his strength, as a constipated old man might try to force out his dry stools. He could feel his anus distending. He pushed hard, straining until his strength gave out, and then inhaling deeply, he pushed out again. His anus stretched still wider and he felt something ease ever so slightly through the straining muscle. "Yes!" called out Aaron excitedly. "Yes, the baby is coming!" His blue-green eyes wide with wonder, the nine-year-old grabbed one of the towels they had stacked beside the bed for this exact moment, and held it between the eighteen-year-old's outspread legs as he watched the slick, black-haired object slowly being forced out of the boy's body. Holding the towel under the slowly emerging head, he called out encouragement. Calvin stopped sucking on his beloved's dick and sat back, only to be ordered to continue sucking by the tortured teenager. He readily did, working his mouth up and down the boy's stiff cock, causing him to spasm and jerk with the approaching orgasm while at the same time constricting his stomach muscles and gasping with the strain as his sphincter stretched wider and wider. Sweat trickled down his ribs and beaded on his forehead as he grunted and gasped and pushed out repeatedly. Ever so slowly he felt his anus stretch until it felt like it was a gaping hole, wider than it ever had before, wider than he ever ima! gined possible, and ever so slowly he felt the child in his rectum easing out. "Yes! Yes!" called Aaron excitedly, his face flushed and his eyes sparkling. The baby's head slowly emerged out of the gaping anus, his dark black hair slick with anal mucous and KY and a flim of shit and cum. Holding the baby's head in the towel, he watched in excitement as the baby's shoulders followed. Gently tightening his hold, the nine-year-old pulled back on the slippery, little baby, helping to ease him out of his father. His little chest was streaked with his unique birth fluids, a mixture of brown, white and clear smears forming a pattern of swirls and streaks over its little body. The widest part of the baby having passed through, as Calvin pushed, the infant eased out of his rectum faster and easier, and like at the end of a difficult bowel moment, his body seemed to regain its strength and push outward with a renewed force. The passage of the baby's tiny legs out of his anus felt not unlike the tapered end of a thick turd, and Calvin's mind was flooded with the unique pleasure of having given anal birth, a feeling of relief and joy and apprehension. Noticing that the baby was not moving or breathing, Aaron excitedly held him up by his feet and smacked his little bottom as he'd once seen in a doctor show on television. The baby instantly let out a yelp and began to cry, much to his relief. Wiping off the slime and shit as best he could without a wet cloth, he finally stood and showed the naked little boy to his birth father, who was still laying on his back, his butt extended over the edge of the bed and his feet still on the floor. "Oh fuck, he's so small," Calvin observed, staring at his little son in wonder. Leaning against the bed for support, Jimmy slowly and labourously got to his feet and Calvin squirmed and inched back up onto the bed as Aaron picked up the pillows. Propping himself up with the pillows, the naked teenage father carefully accepted the little bundle and looked down at him. "He felt so fucking huge when he was coming out," Calvin observed. "Shit, I'm afraid I'm going to break him he's so tiny." "He's so cute, babe," said Jimmy as he lowered himself down beside Calvin and put his arm about him. "He has your green eyes," Calvin observed as he beamed down at the seven pound [3,200 g] bundle of love. The two fathers sat there and stared down at the little naked infant, the product of their loins, their eyes and hearts full of love and tenderness. Aaron picked up JB, who had lain there on the floor in silence through it all as if he was aware of what was going on. As the little baby instinctively sought out Aaron's nipple, the nine-year-old father looked at the two boys sitting on the bed and knew the awe and delight that they were experiencing. Two hours later it was Jimmy's turn to experience the pain and the beauty of labour. Assuming the same position as Calvin had, he spread apart his legs as Calvin, still weak from his own delivery but having the advantage of having lost his huge stomach, knelt between them. As Jimmy eagerly pushed out and accepted the knob of Calvin's lubed six-inch [15 cm] erection, Calvin knew just how eager the teen was to be penetrated, and how that penetration eased the pain in his bloated gut. Jimmy's distended stomach prevented him from sinking in his entire cock, but he knew also that it was not the depth that mattered, it was the stretching of his sphincter in preparation for a much wider object in a few minutes. As the eighteen-year-old slowly began to ease the top half of his six inches [15 cm] in and out of the love canal of his lover, he knew exactly how he was feeling. The unique combination of pleasure and pain of that moment was etched in his mind forever, and the little six pound [2,700 g] bundle he'd been holding for the past two hours was worth the months of discomfort and that final agony of giving birth a hundredfold. The mystery and marvel of conception and birth was so much more meaningful having experienced it, and gave a whole new meaning to the act he and his lover were engaged in. As he slowly worked his cock in and out of Jimmy's grasping love chute, the pleasure pulsating from his irritated cockhead was magnified by the knowledge of the pleasure Jimmy was feeling also at that moment. As his stomach brushed up against Jimmy's swollen belly with each forward thrust, Calvin thought about the little life that was waiting inside to be born, the little life that he and Jimmy had created four-and-a-half months ago. Fucking was an awesome act, but it was so much more awesome when you considered you were making a baby in the process. With that thought, Calvin shot his cum into his lover's canal with a sigh of pleasure, and the sixteen-year-old football player constricted his stomach muscles, working their baby down into his rectum. Easing his still stiff cock out of his lover, Calvin slipped out from between his legs and grasped Jimmy's hardon. As Calvin began to jack off the gasping, squirming youth, Aaron once again knelt between the expectant father's legs. Neither teen had been embarrassed having the nine-year-old witness their second birth fuck that day, nor assist in the delivery of their child. They were actually comforted by his presence, not just because he had already been through all this, but because of the bond that had formed between the three of them over these past few months. For Aaron, his acceptance by the two teens, after the painful loss of his father, and after having felt rejected and even hated for the past year, was wonderful. It was the third most wonderful thing that had ever happened to him. The first two had, of course, been finding his boylover, John, and giving birth to their own baby, JB, only a week earlier. He fell so happy as he watched the little black-haired head forcing its way out of his stepbrother's rectum, and so proud of the major role he was playing in the delivery of Jimmy's and Calvin's babies. Giving birth was totally awesome, and being a part of the miracle and sharing in the joy was just as awesome. It was not long before the prepubescent midwife was wiping the birth fluids off the second squirming infant, the combination of shit, cum and KY a fitting welcome to life in their all-male family. Handing his stepbrother his own little, ten-pound, eight-ounce [4,800 g] baby boy, and seeing the joy in his eyes and the love in the eyes of Jimmy's beloved, Aaron felt as if his heart was going to burst he was so happy.
The next five months flew by. Jimmy had wanted to quit school and find work so he could support Calvin and their two babies, but Calvin would not hear of it. Although both teens would have preferred other arrangements, Calvin's connections with the drug trade brought in more than enough money to provide not only for the four of them, but for Aaron and his little baby besides. With the money that John, Aaron's boylover, insisted on giving them, the six of them were not wanting for anything. So, Jimmy stayed in school, determined to do his best so he could eventually support their family. There was little doubt that the sixteen-year-old grade eleven student would be picked up by some football franchise, or at least would have a football scholarship if he chose to further his education. Being in good shape, it did not take him long to recover from his pregnancy, and his coach was delighted to see his star athlete return back to his former weight. Having a boy he loved and wanted to support and two babies, Jimmy tackled his studies with just as much enthusiasm as he tackled opponents on the football field, determined that unlike his father, he was going to make something out of his life, and provide for those he loved. With Calvin being able to look after the three babies, Aaron returned to school as soon as he recovered from his labour. Having a baby of his own, he became even closer friends with Billy, and he and Billy spent almost every weekend together. Billy's parents were particularly delighted that their little boy was finally spending his time with boys his age, and neither Billy nor Aaron were about to tell them that they were usually joined on the weekends by their two lovers. As spring turned into summer, the two of them spent their days in the park, Aaron discretely nursing his five-month old baby when nobody was looking and the two of them playing with Billy Bob, who was now almost three. The toddler was constantly on the go and it took the two of them to keep an eye on him. If they didn't, he was out of his training pants in the blink of an eye and charging about the park bare-butt, his little wiener and tiny hairless nuts bouncing joyfully in the air and his giggles heard from one end of the park to the other. Of course the two youngsters and their babies were joined by their boylovers as frequently as possible. Bobby and John doted over their boys and their sons, delighting in every little discovery their baby boys made, and delighting in the happiness of their two boymates. Jimmy and Calvin were discovering the joys and trials of parenthood also, the joys of bonding with their sons as they nursed them, and the drudgery of washing dirty diapers and waking up for three am feedings. As each day passed their love for their sons grew, as did their love for each other. Like newlyweds, they would stare into each other's eyes lost in thought, and would jump into bed for passionate sex at the slightest inclination. Unlike regular new parents, they did not hesitate to give their little baby boys a kiss on their freshly bathed little butts, or to fiddle with their tiny dicklets until they were giggling joyfully and their little dickies were sticking up stiffly in the air. That summer saw a number of new campers at the hide-away in the Teton mountains besides the friends made the previous year. Bobby had no sooner turned off the motorhome than Billy was out the door and knocking on the door of the Bowler beside them. Bobby had to admit that he was just as eager to visit with Kyle and see how the twenty-one year-old marine biology student and his nine-year-old boymate, Kevin, were doing. Being the first family they had met after the birth of Billy Bob, he and Billy felt a particular closeness to them. The same excitement and anticipation was seen as others pulled in, and one and all warmly welcomed the newcomers. It did not take long for them to become one happy family and to establish a pattern. In the afternoons most of the group gathered down at the beach for an afternoon of swimming, beach volleyball, and sand castle building or relaxation in the shade of the pines as their babies napped. Anyone coming upon the group would have thought them a strange assortment of individuals with interests too varied to become meaningful friends. When they teamed up to play volleyball, for example, on one team was the campground owner and all round outdoors man, rugged-looking fifty-three-year-old Ray, his handsome, darkly-tanned ten-year-old adopted son Michael, a mild-mannered, bespeckled, thirty-one year old married teacher, Tim, a quiet, gifted student also wearing glasses, seven-year-old Taylor, and a bachelor accountant and his street-wise delinquent lover, forty-one year old Tom and fifteen-year-old Derrick. On the opposing team was a two-hundred-and-sixty-five [120 kg] pound, six-foot-four [1.93 m] married truck driver boylover and his sixty pound [27 kg], four-foot-four [1.32 m] boy, forty-three-year old Bobby and nine-year-old Billy, a bearded, two-hundred-and-ten pound [95 kg] married construction worker, thirty-year-old John, Kyle and Kevin, and a visiting friend of Ray's from Poland, fifty-four-year-old Thaddeus. Six-year-old Klaus from Poland, who was obviously very pregnant, sat out and watched the game along with Calvin, Jimmy, and Aaron who kept an eye on Billy Bob, Korby, JB and the other couples' sons as they nursed their own four month old boys. Later while the men talked about sports, politics, the joys and trials of being boylovers and anything else of common interest, their babies napped and the boys, ranging in age from six to ten, went off into the forest to build forts and play imaginary games or to explore. Suppers and evenings were usually spent back at individual campsites or in small groups of close friends with the majority joining in for a marshmellow roast before retiring for bed, and inevitably sex. The evident love between men and boys, and between parents and sons, and the presence of seven babies ranging from four-month old JB to Billy Bob who was a month away from his third birthday and the pregnant six-year-old from Poland had an aphrodesiac effect on the group. Those who were night owls slept in in the mornings. Others spent time pursing their individual interests, hiking for Ray, Michael, Tom and Derrick and fishing and sightseeing for Thaddeus and Klaus. Bobby, Billy, John and Aaron spent much of their time discussing science and science fiction and building model rockets, and Tim and Taylor in reading, board games and computer programming. While Kyle, Calvin and Jimmy relaxed listening to CD's or tossed a football around, Kevin took out his sketch book and drew, something he and Billy often did together. Of course they all spent time with their sons, watching Barney the purple dinosaur cartoons, playing cars and trucks or building with blocks, changing diapers, and doing a lot of hugging and kissing. As to be expected, sex was a frequent topic of discussion amongst them all. Tim and Taylor, who had given birth to their son at the campground last summer, and Tom and Derrick, whose son was sixteen months old, were relieved to learn that the other couples had found their sons irresistible also, and that the others had fed their little babies a treat of cum along with their breast milk at that age also. Bobby and Billy were not surprised to find that Davey, the two-year-seven month old son of Ray and Michael, and two-year-two-month old Korby also enjoyed sucking their big daddy's cocks, and that their dads could cum up to five times a day and could squirt for up to two minutes. Michael also revealed that he too was enjoying the strange anal pleasures of his young son. Needless to say engaging in sex was not limited to the evenings either. Threesomes were regularly returning to their campsites and hanging up the do not disturb sign for an hour, or disappearing into the denser parts of the woods. The open attitude towards sex and the almost constant presence of at least one or two little naked baby boys certainly had a lot to do with that, but there was also something deeper and more subtle. The very air seemed to be saturated with the aroma of sex just as it was scented with pine, and it was as if there was a subconscious hunger for cock that throbbed in their minds, a basic instinct triggered by their coming together. Although they were warmly welcomed, Jimmy and Calvin felt self-conscious at first, not just because they were the only couple to be only two years apart, but also because they were the only couple who had each others' child. The second reason only lasted until the marshmellow roast the second evening. Tom and Derrick, who had surprised everyone the previous summer with the revelation that it had been fourteen-year-old Derrick who had impregnated the forty-year-old accountant instead of the other way around, had another surprise this summer. They were hoping for a second child, this time to be born by Derrick, and three days ago had inserted the third suppository up Derrick's rectum. Of all the couples there, they disappeared the most frequently, and every man and boy there knew why as they recalled their own four-week mating frenzy. The forty-one-year-old accountant felt like he was a randy teenager again. A quiet, shy average-looking man, with a hairy chest and balding along the temples, his colleagues back in the firm where he was in middle management would have been shocked to see his behaviour at the campground. He followed his lover, the father of their sixteen-month-old child, like a love-struck puppy, and when they were alone he was more like a sex-starved moose than a mild bookkeeper. Fifteen-year-old Derrick's happiness that summer was the complete opposite to his life two years earlier. He had commenced his teen years ashamed because he was turned on by boys, and in constant fear of being discovered. When his mom's boyfriend did discover he was gay, he'd been beaten and thrown out of the house, which was just as well since he couldn't have taken the look of contempt in his mom's eyes every day. For the next year he'd lived on the street, panhandling and selling his body to support his drug habit until he'd met Tom. That turned his life completely around. Now he was in love, and he wanted to conceive a baby just as desperately as Tom wanted him to bear his child. Under the influence of the suppository and the gargoyle of male fecundity, the two gave in to their basic drive whenever and where ever it kicked in, morning, afternoon, or evening, in their truck camper, a secluded alcove along the lake, or along a mountain trail. One of their passions was hiking, and no matter where they were, they always managed to find someplace where they could be alone. The day trip the two had taken to the Upper Mesa Falls their fourth day at the campground was a typical example. Leaving their sixteen-month old son with Tom and Michael, they'd headed up to Ashton and on to the Grandview campground to view the lower falls, and then farther north where they hiked to the impressive eleven story plunge of the upper falls. It was while watching the Henry's Fork of the Snake River plunging through the gorge and dropping into roaring white foam that the urge hit. Leaving the fishermen and sightseers behind, the two climbed up along a narrow path and then cut through the thick brush to find a secluded opening in the pine forest. There with the thunder of the falls behind them and the blue granite peaks of the Tetons before them, they embraced and kissed. Tom ran his fingers through the spiked, gelled hair of his teenage lover. He was a hot, attractive boy, with dark brown, piercing eyes, long, jet-black hair and a calculating look that seemed to be assessing your sexual prowess. The long crystal earring dangling from his right ear, the silver ring in the outer corner of his left eyebrow, and the pair of silver studs in the bridge of his nose and the one in his right nostril added to his sexuality and contrasted sharply with appearance of the forty-one-year-old accountant. Tom inhaled with a shudder of excitement as they kissed, and his teen lover slipped his tongue in his mouth. Tom's cock began to swell as he sucked on the boy's tongue, drawing it into this mouth. Derrick was not wearing his lip ring, the only adornment that disturbed Tom, not because he was turned off by it, but because he could not get use to feeling it when he kissed the boy. Tom unbuttoned the boy's short-sleeved shirt and slipped it off. He caressed his smooth, muscular back as he lowered his head and kissed his shoulder. He followed the boy's collar bone to the V of his neck, and then kissed his smooth, hairless chest, making his way to the boy's right nipple. He had worn his nipple rings today, and the silver circles contrasted with his rich brown tan. Tom found the sight of the pierced teats arousing, and had even given in to his lover's request and had his own done. He stuck out his tongue and licked the little brown nub and flicked the ring. Derrick unbuttoned and removed Tom's shirt and ran his fingers through the dense matt of dark brown hair. He caressed Tom's breast and flicked the accountant's nip rings until his teats became firm and burned with arousal. Fastening his lips about the irritated nub, he gently sucked on it as he reached down and unbuckled Tom's belt. The teenager was skilled, and his desire to please high. Unbuttoning and unzipping the forty-one-year-old's pants, he continued to suck on his nipple as his pants fell to his ankles. The man's boxers were tented out and the tent pole jerked in anticipation. As Derrick unzipped his tight, black denims and pushed them down, Tom knelt down and untied his hiking boots. Removing their boots, socks and pants together, the two lovers embraced once again and kissed passionately as they lay on the forest floor. Their hands caressed each other, working from their shoulders down their backs to their underwear. Together they pushed down each other's boxers, freeing their confined erections which immediately sprang up and duelled. Derrick inserted his tongue in Tom's mouth as they pressed their naked bodies together, the forty-one-year-old accountant and the fifteen-year-old street kid, their stiff cocks trapped between their stomachs and throbbing hotly against each other. Tom reached over for his jeans and took out the ever-ready tube of KY. Derrick took it from him and squeezing some of the lube out on the randy accountant's knob, spread it over the man's glans and down his shaft. Laying on his back and reaching between his legs, he wiped off his fingers by slipping them up his rectum and squeezing his sphincter tight as he withdrew them. Throwing his legs up in the air so his butt was raised, he wrapped his arms about them behind his knees as Tom knelt behind him. The man's greased cock easily entered the exposed hole after almost two years of experience. Even though they'd done this hundreds of times, each time was just as delightful as the first. This was not a selfish act as when Derrick had prostituted himself in the streets, nor was it based on physical need. It was an expression of their love for each other, the willingness of one to accept the other in his body and the knowledge that the roles would just as willingly be rever! sed, and usually were before they were done. Tom grasped the boy's thighs as he slowly sunk his greased pole up his rectum, in part to support himself, and in part to support his lover. Derrick planted his feet against the man's hairy chest, and as Tom began to work his cock in and out of his asshole, Derrick wiggled his toes in the man's thick chest hair, something that turned on both of them. Their sex was always hot and passionate, but this time, as it had been the past two weeks, it took on an extra lustiness. This time they were making a baby, and knowing that the seed that Tom would be depositing deep in his rectum could become their second child made the act all that more erotic. So the two lovers humped there in the heat of the July summer in the Tetons, the roar of the Upper Mesa falls blocking out their heavy breathing and moans of ecstasy. Their naked bodies glistened with sweat from the summer sun and the exertion of their thrusting, twisting bodies as Tom thrust his rock-hard cock in and out of the teenage boy. His love chute was hot and moist and clutched the older man's cock as it withdrew and readily accepted it as he drove it back in. As Tom's dickhead sunk into his body, it struck Derrick's prostate and caused his stiff teenage dick to jerk and pre-cum to ooze out of the slit and down the funnel of his dickhead. Derrick reached up and scooped up the droplet and fed it to his lover as he fucked his ass, and slipped his finger in his own mouth and sucked it clean before returning for the next drop already oozing out of his pipe. The blood roared through his veins and that of his lover like the raging Henry's Fork plunging a hundred-and-fourteen [35 m] feet into a spray of froth nearby. Finally throwing back his head, Tom uttered a cry of sweet pain as his cum raced up his burning cock and shot out of his body. As he felt his rectum being filled with baby-making seed, Derrick exploded and sprayed the two of them with his hot, creamy load, his stiff cock jerking and throbbing out his ropes of cum. Totally spent, the two collapsed there in the pine forest and stared up at the beauty of the blue granite spires of the Tetons as the beauty of making a baby flooded their minds and washed over their naked bodies. Meanwhile back at the campground, Bobby and Kyle had taken their boys for a picnic in a secluded meadow in the woods, one of several spots well known by all the campers and one that was approached with caution incase it was already occupied. They had packed all their favourites, both salami and hard-boiled egg sandwiches, wedges of cheddar cheese, dill pickles, bar-be-qu and dill pickle flavoured potato chips, and cans of Pepsi and Root Beer. After their lunch they sat and talked and played a game of catch while their babies chased each other around the meadow. Of course Billy Bob soon had scampered out of his clothes, and twenty-six-month-old Korby, nine months younger than Billy Bob, quickly followed his example, pushing off his diaper and running bare-butt after his friend. Chasing after and retrieving their two giggling children, Bobby and Kyle returned them to Kevin and Billy. As the two pair of fathers wrestled and played with their little naked boys on the outspread blankets, the wrestling soon turned into hugging and kissing, initiated by Billy Bob and Korby and quickly picked up by Kevin and Billy. The two boys, with the assistance – or hindrance depending on how you looked at it – of their two babies, unbuttoned and removed the shirts of the men, and then drew off their runners and socks. Their pants were soon added to the pile, and with growing excitement Billy and Billy Bob drew down Bobby's boxers while Kevin and Korby similarly drew down Kyle's Marky Mark boxer briefs. The two men then turned on the two boys, and again with the questionable assistance of their two babies, they proceeded to undress the youngsters. Stripping them down to their underwear, the two adults sat back for a moment to admire their two boys. Billy and Kevin, both nine years and ten months old, had smooth, slender bodies with thin chests and narrow hips. Their shoulder blades and collar bones could be clearly seen. Standing at four-foot-four [1.32 m] and weighing sixty pounds [27 kg], Billy was two inches [5 cm] taller and four pounds [2 kg] heavier than Kevin. Both were cute boys with large innocent eyes, Billy's blue and Kevin's dark brown, long eyelashes, and perfect white teeth. Their hair was long and curly, combed over their ears and in bangs across their foreheads, and full in the back, Billy's blond and Kevin's brunette. They were wearing dark blue jockey briefs. Slipping their hands under the elastic band of the boys' underwear, the two men drew their briefs down together. Billy and Kevin had developed cinnamon brown tans, contrasting with their flat pink stomachs and tight little round butts. Their hairless soft, uncut dicks, an inch [2½ cm] in length, hung down from their smooth, hairless pubes and over their slightly darker-coloured nut sacks. Billy Bob immediately stepped up to his little father and reached out for his dick. "Dada's pickle," he said happily as he reached out and took Billy's soft penis in his little hand. The child, standing now at three feet [90 cm], bent over and slipped his mouth over his young father's pickle. Korby, only two inches [5 cm] shorter, quickly copied him. The two little boys, with their long, silky curls, sun-bleached blond and brunette, and bodies softly curved with baby fat, looked like two little cherubs as they stood there sucking on their daddies' cocks. The two boys ran their fingers through their sons' long, uncut hair for a minute while they enjoyed the blow jobs they were receiving from their two infants, and then gently eased their heads away. Both boys were sporting little uncut two-inch [5 cm] boners. Laying down beside their lovers, the two nine-year-old boys reached over and took their limp organs in their hot young hands and holding them up like ice cream cones, they lowered their heads and began to lick them with as much eagerness as they would cones on a hot summer day. The big trucker and the university student, now finished his third year, lay back and enjoyed the attention of their young boys. As Billy and Korby licked the rapidly growing wieners of the two boylovers, their little sons once again found their wieners and were happily sucking on them as babies would suck on their mother's breasts. It was not long before Billy was licking the engorged eight-inch [20 cm] erection of his lover, and Korby the slender seven-inch [18 cm] dick of his. The two men were cut, and as the boys ran their hot tongues along the sensitive underside of their knobs their dicks oozed out the first droplet of pre-cum. The two nine-year-olds immediately lapped up the treat. Fully anticipating how the afternoon was going to proceed, both men had brought tubes of KY with them. Billy and Kevin squeezed out dabs on the tips of their fingers and smeared the lube over the knobs and down the shafts of their two lovers and then they bent over and lubed each other's holes, sticking their greasy fingers in each others tight butts. Then, having Bobby and Kyle lay on their backs and standing so they were facing them, the two boys straddled the two adults. The two men reached up and cupped the smooth cheeks of the boys to support and guide them as they lowered their bodies. Billy and Kevin reached behind them and taking the greased poles of the two boylovers, they held them perpendicular to their lovers' bodies and sat on the tips. The two boys relaxed and pushed out as they continued to slowly lower their bodies, and ever so gradually they sunk down on the greased poles. This was one of the many positions the boys had learned over the past two years, and one of their favourites. Not only was it comfortable, but they had control over the depth of their penetration and the speed with which they were about to be fucked. Control was not the best word, because the relationship between the boys and their boylovers was not one of control. What they enjoyed was that they were responsible for bringing pleasure to the two men beneath them, and bringing pleasure to their partner was the prime objective of all of them. Having sunk down on the greased poles of their two lovers until their smooth little butts were being tickled by their curly hairs, the two boys sighed with the pleasure, and as the two men held up their arms, the boys grasped them and using them for support, began to raise their bodies. Slowly raising and lowering their bodies, the two nine-year-old boys delighted in the wonderful and unique sensation of working their hot, itching holes up and down the solid shafts of their lovers. As they glanced up and the eyes of the boys and boylovers met, it was clear that the pleasure was mutual. Reaching down so their hands were flat against the hips of their adult lovers, the two boys supported themselves as they rose and fell in a regular rhythm. Bobby and Kyle sighed as they felt the hot, moist holes of the boys slide up and down their rigid, aching shafts. The physical sensation of having their hard cocks surrounded by pulsating flesh was one of the greatest pleasures a man can know, but that was exceeded by the fact that that flesh was of two hot, nine-year-old boys, and that the boys were eagerly and willingly sliding their bodies up and down their throbbing poles. Again, as they had done hundreds of time in the past, they thanked the gargoyle of male fecundity for delivering the boys to them, and they thanked whatever god it was that had made them boylovers. The two men reached up and as the boys bobbed up and down on their thick cocks, they grasped the boys' tiny dicks, their little boners being no more than three fingers long, and began to wank them. While their little fathers rode the swollen dicks of their big fathers and were being jacked off by them, the two baby boys wiggled between their big fathers' arms and sought out their teats. Billy smiled as he saw Billy Bob lay down on his furry bear and begin to suck on his hairy nipple. Bobby reached up with his idle hand and slipping his forefinger along the little baby boy's crack, he fingered the boy's little pucker. Billy Bob opened his little anus and sucked even harder as he felt his father's finger slip into his little hole up to the first knuckle. His little dickie quickly filled with blood until it was poking up in the air, his little boner being no more than an inch [2½ cm] in length. Korby had done likewise, laying down on Kyle and twisting his dark black chest hairs in his little fingers as he sucked on Kyle's teat, causing it to swell and throb with arousal. Like Bobby, Kyle could not resist reaching down and fingering his little son's still virgin butthole, causing the little baby to get an erection. The two little boys giggled and squirmed as their father's hairy chests heaved with their growing arousal. Slipping off between their two dads and wedged between their bodies, the two naked two-year-olds wrapped their arms about each other and hugged. Slipping their hands down, they found each other's tiny little pricklet, and as they began to fiddle with each other's tiny stiff weenie, they leaned forward and kissed. The sight of their two little baby boys kissing and tugging on each other's tiny one-inch [2½ cm] boners was too much for the two adults. Sighing simultaneously, Bobby and Kyle thrust their hips up as they felt their cum rise up their irritated cocks and squirt out of their bodies. They shuddered and sighed as each time their boys sunk down on their throbbing shafts another squirt erupted out of their bodies. Feeling their lovers squirting their stuff into their rectums, the two boys quivered with their own orgasms, ripples of pleasure causing their little dicklets to jerk and throb. At the same time Billy Bob and Korby squirmed and giggled as ripples of erotic pleas! ure caused their tiny dickies to throb with their own dry orgasms. Some time later the six of them returned to the campground, their little boys skipping happily in front of them, and the four fathers with happy, satisfied grins. At the same time Tom and Derrick returned from their afternoon hike. Everyone was going to have mighty appetites that evening. "It's great having a little baby, ain't it," observed Billy as he glanced over at Billy Bob curled up asleep in the little bed they had made for him. The little tyke had wriggled out of his blankets and pushed down his pajamas bottoms. "Yes, it is," agreed Bobby, reaching over and covering their little boy up. "Having a baby is truly a pleasure." Closing his eyes and thinking of their miracle baby and the wonderful boy sharing his bed and his life, the husky trucker began to drift off to sleep. ""If having one baby is this much pleasure, I bet having two would be double the pleasure," the nine-year-old observed wistfully as he looked out the window of the motorhome and over at the woods where he had gone exploring the last day of last summer's vacation.
Chapter 10Arriving back home was always an experience of mixed emotions for nine-year-old Billy. He loved being with Bobby and their little son more than anything in the world, and he wished that they could live together as a family. However, Billy had a family already, a mother and father and a four-year-old sister whom he also loved very much, and Bobby had a wife whom he also loved dearly. In spite of all that love, Billy's parents and Bobby's wife would never approve of the relationship the man and boy had. So, as Billy watched the motorhome pull away and little Billy Bob waving at him out the window, he felt a sadness and a longing that almost made him want to cry, but at the same time as he looked up at the smiling faces of his mom and dad standing beside him, he wanted to hug them with joy. Life was very complex for a boy who was nine going on ten."So, you really had a great time," his mom said, putting her hand on his shoulder. "Oh yeah, it was cool," Billy replied, thinking back to all the fun he'd had. It was great knowing others who were like him, and this summer had been even greater having his good friend Aaron and his boylover and new baby at the camp too. On top of that, he was able to introduce Aaron to his other good friend with whom he'd been emailing these past two years, Kevin, and the three had gotten along great. "You and Aaron have a lot of fun?" his dad asked as if reading his mind as he put his hand on his other shoulder. "Oh yeah, it was really great. And we met a lot of other guys at the campground too." "Well, we missed you," his mother said. "And I missed you both too," Billy replied, putting his arms about both parents. He had missed them, a lot, especially as he learned more and more just how rotten some parents were. He even missed his little sister, who was at their grandparents at the moment. "I think you've grown another inch [2½ cm]," his dad beamed as he tousled his son's long, blond hair and Billy grinned. Now four-foot-five [1.35 m] and sixty-four pounds [29 kg], he came half way up his dad's chest. "And we have some surprise news for you." "Yeah?" "Uncle Ted, Aunt Cheryl, and cousin Taylor are moving to town." "Not only that, they are going to be just a few blocks away, over on Elm Street." "Cool." Actually, his cousin being three years younger and living five hundred miles [800 km] away, he didn't really know him nor his aunt and uncle that well, but they seemed nice enough at family reunions and weddings and stuff. "Now, come help me barbeque. We thought we'd have your favourite for your first night home, cheese burgers and fries with mom's special gravy." "Way awesome," the nine-year-old said with a toothy grin. Nobody could barbeque hamburgers like his dad, or make gravy like his mom, and it felt so good when they let him help with things. The rest of August went by quickly with Billy showing his six-year-old cousin around and introducing him to his special friends. First on the list was his very best friend, Mark, and then Bobby and Billy Bob, both of whom he liked instantly, but especially Billy Bob who everyone seemed to take to instantly. Then there were Aaron and his boylover John and their little baby JB, and of course Jimmy and Calvin and their two boys. High on the list of things to see were, of course, the playgrounds, the parks, the recreation centre and pool, the abandoned house up on Beacon Hill that everyone said was haunted, and the school. "So those guys all live together?" Taylor asked as they biked down the street after visiting Aaron and his brother and boyfriend one day. "Yeah," Billy replied, pedalling slowly so Taylor could keep up. "No moms or girls or nothing," he observed. "Ah, right." "And three babies." "Ah, yeah," Billy replied. He knew that was strange, but he hadn't thought Taylor would notice. "They seemed way happy living together," Taylor observed after a few minutes. "Yeah, they are." "You're way lucky," Taylor said, again after thinking for a few minutes. "Why do you say that?" "Having an uncle like Bobby, and a little cousin to play with like Billy Bob. Mom's got no brothers or sisters, and Dad's just got your mom, so I got nobody else but you and Uncle William," he said, referring to Billy's dad. "Well, my dad will be a good uncle." "Yeah, he's neat. I'm glad we moved here." "And I'm glad you did." "Really?" Taylor asked, his face brightening. "Of course. And you can play with Billy Bob any time you want." "Neato!" "Wanna go to the school yard to play on the jungle gym?" "Sure." "We got a great school. I hope you get Miss Schneider. She was loads of fun when I had her." "I hope I do then," Taylor replied, his little legs pumping as fast as he could to keep up with his older cousin and feeling so happy at that moment his heart felt like bursting. It had been a long time since he had felt that good. September came and along with it routines. Taylor did get Miss Schneider, and Billy, Mark and Aaron all ended up in the same grade five room. The three became inseparable and their teachers and parents began to call them the three musketeers. Jimmy was in grade twelve and doing well, and Calvin was happy staying at home to look after the three babies and continuing with his drug dealing to help support them all. Bobby and John contributed what money they could without their wives questioning, and visited with their boys on the weekends, and when possible, during the week. Bobby took Billy-Bob with him on his overnight trucking trips, and enjoyed the company of his little three-year-old son during the day, and the sexual pleasures of the boy at night. After driving truck all day, there was nothing more delightful than to strip and stretch out in the sleeper of his eighteen-wheeler with his naked little boy laying in the opposite direction on his hairy stomach. While he gently massaged the boy's smooth, melon-like butt cheeks, Billy Bob fiddled with his cock and hairy nuts. His son's hot little hand twisting and tugging on his prick while the other fiddled with his big, hairy balls was so erotic that Bobby never failed to get erect no matter how tiring the day had been. The hefty truck driver could spend hours like that, just rubbing his infant son's tender butt and listening to him giggle when he slipped a forefinger along his velvet-smooth crack and massaged his little butthole. The horny little fuck always opened his little pucker instantly, eager for his big daddy's pinky to enter him. Bobby's pinky was, actually, about the same size as Billy's little dickie, which Billy Bob also enjoyed having up his little asshole. It was a strange feeling to have the youngster's ass eagerly envelop his finger, almost as if it was sucking it in, and wonderful to feel the youngster's hole tighten and relax about his little finger as he finger fucked the boy. He could imagine how great that would feel for Billy to have his little cocklet squeezed rhythmically like that by their son's ass, and he wished his son's rectum was big enough to accommodate him, not that he didn't find the blow jobs his three-year-old son gave him satisfying. Prior to getting married, Bobby had been active sexually with other young men his age, some of whom were gay, others bisexual like himself, and some straight and simply messing around because they were horny and not getting any. Compared to his partners as a young man, Billy Bob could teach the best of them a few things about giving blow jobs. It was fantastic, and the way he began was, if nothing else, unique. He actually blew, as the name would suggest, and he kept up the pressure by clamping his smooth little lips about the tip of the knob so that he actually forced his little boy drool down the pee channel. Bobby could actually feel the boy's spittle oozing down the core of his shaft, a feeling that was not unlike that when a man feels his urine rising up from his bladder, except the direction was reversed, and the flow was much slower, which made for a very strange and erotic sensation. At first he could just feel the spittle entering his peehole, and then he could feel it flowing through the centre of his knob, and then he could feel it slowly flow down the core of his shaft. Although he had no way of proving it, he was sure that it was Billy Bob's spittle that was the cause of the miracle in his sexual prowess. Although he'd never had any trouble getting erections, by the time he'd reached forty they no longer happened unless there was a reason. Since Billy Bob had started sucking him off a year ago, he'd begun popping woodies throughout the day, and without the slightest advance notice, like he was a randy teenager again. Not only that, but he could ejaculate five times a day, something which he had not been able to do since reaching thirty. The most awesome change of all though, was that when he came, it was fantastic. His orgasms had rarely lasted for more than ten seconds, but once Billy Bob had begun giving him blow jobs, his orgasms had begun to last longer and longer until now they took a full three minutes. When he came while Billy Bob was sucking him, his cum shot out each time Billy Bob sucked in, just as a woman's milk squirts out each time a baby sucks on her teat. So, instead of three or four violent squirts and then the rest oozing out, Billy Bob would suck and he'd shoot a quick, little squirt. The wonderful feeling that accompanied ejaculation would last for ten seconds and then just as it was about to fade, Billy Bob would suck a second time and he'd squirt out another little squirt, with exactly the same feeling. So, the pleasure he'd felt when he'd ejaculated his entire load in rapid succession in the first ten seconds, he now felt for three minutes. The same thing then began to happen when he fucked Billy. When he came, he squirted like a water pistol and the delight swept over him for ten seconds, and then he'd squirt again, and he'd keep it up for three solid minutes, by which time they were both wild with ecstasy. The strange thing was that sex with his wife had not changed, other than it was becoming less and less frequent. Otherwise, it was as it had always been, half an hour of foreplay to get her aroused, three minutes of fucking, and three squirts and a fifteen-second clinch and they were done. All was not roses however. As much as he enjoyed being with Billy Bob all day, and as much as he enjoyed their sexual encounters, which could be up to five times a day, he knew that the boy being alone with him from morning to night was not good. Just as Billy's parents felt that Billy should be spending more time with boys his own age, so Bobby felt that Billy Bob should be spending more time with other toddlers. Although the youngster got along with anyone of any age, Bobby knew children had to be with others their age so they could learn how to get along. He also knew it was important so he would develop the same interests and skills that other three-year-olds were developing, which, as far as Bobby was concerned, unfortunately did not include sucking their daddy's cocks. So it was that Billy Bob was enrolled in the Kiddyland Day Care and attended for those periods when Bobby had particularly long trips, spending the day there and being picked up by Calvin for the night. Billy Bob never made a fuss when his daddy left, and the youngster seemed to enjoy spending evenings with Calvin and the others just as much as being with Bobby or Billy. He, A.J., and the other two babies seemed to get along extraordinarily well, as if their unusual conception and birth had formed a bond between them.
On the twentieth of September, Billy celebrated his tenth birthday like most ten-year-olds, with an all guy party of activities and electronic games and cake and ice cream with five of his closest buddies from school plus his six-year-old cousin. On Friday night Bobby took him out and they had a hot fucking session in the sleeper of the truck before and after going to the Pizza Hut. Saturday, Taylor came over and they played with one of the new games Billy had gotten for his Gameboy, and then they played trucks in the backyard in Billy's sister's sand box. It did not take the observant ten-year-old long to notice that something was bothering his little cousin. "What's wrong?" "Huh?" "You look sad." "Oh." "Well?" "Your mom and dad fight?" Taylor asked after thinking for a moment. "Fight?" "You know, argue and holler at each other." "Well, sometimes they argue, but they hardly ever holler. If they do, they usually end up getting all kissy and then tell me to take my kid sister and go outside to play and they head to the bedroom," Billy said with a twinkle in his turquoise eyes and a knowing grin. "You're lucky." "Uncle Ted and Aunt Cheryl fight?" "All the time." "What about?" "I dunno. Most the time I don't understand. But I know one thing they fight about is about me having a brother or a sister." "You going to maybe have a brother?" Billy asked excitedly. "No, that's just it. Dad wants to have another baby, Mom doesn't. She says her job is very important right now and she don't want to take time off from work to have a baby." "Oh. That's too bad." "I hate it when they fight." "Yeah. It sucks when adults fight." "I'd really like to have a little brother to play with, just like you got Billy Bob. You're so lucky," he said with a sigh. "You got a little cousin to play with any time you want, and a super uncle like your Uncle Bobby." "Hmmm," Billy responded. He was lucky to have both, he knew. As he thought about it, he wished he could tell Taylor their real relationship, which was even closer than that of uncle and cousin, but he knew he could not. "Or like Aaron. He's way lucky he's got three little babies to play with and a brother." The mention of babies reminded Billy of the statue and four magic pills he'd brought back from camping with him. He loved his baby more than anything in the world, and that was one of the reasons he wanted another. He figured he had enough love for at least a dozen babies, and he knew that Bobby did too. The problem was that when he'd thought of the idea, he'd forgotten there was a period of time when he could not be around his parents so they would not notice his pregnancy. He knew he'd been particularly lucky the way things worked out time wise the first time. "Where did they come from anyway?" Taylor asked, interrupting his cousin's thoughts. "Where?" "Yeah. Like, how come there's no mothers and stuff?" "Well 3; it's sort of hard to explain where they've come from." "I know how babies are made," Taylor said earnestly. "You do?" "Dad told me that, the part about a dad putting his thing in a mommy and leaving a seed, when I asked him why he couldn't just go where babies were made and get one if Mommy didn't want a baby." "Mmmm," Billy responded, thinking back to when baby making was a mystery to him too. Looking over at his cousin and seeing how sad and how sincere he was, he could not help himself. "Taylor, you can keep a secret, can't you?" "Sure." "This is a big secret. You gotta swear not to tell nobody." "I swear," Taylor responded. "Cross my heart and hope to die." "Well, since you're going to be living here and everything, and you like babies and everything, I guess I can tell ya," he said, more to convince himself than anything. "Billy Bob isn't really my cousin, and Bobby isn't really my uncle." "They aren't?" "You see, it's like this," Billy said, moving closer to Taylor and lowering his voice. Taylor's eyes grew wider and wider while Billy talked. "Wow," said Taylor when he was done. "You won't tell nobody." "Heck no. I promised I wouldn't." "So what do you think?" "Neato," he replied, his big chocolate brown eyes bright with excitement. "Yeah," said Billy with a grin. The boys sat there in silence until Billy's mom called them in for cookies and Kool Aide. As they sat there at the kitchen table, she noticed they had far away looks in their eyes and she smiled, wondering what boy things they were dreaming about. She was glad they were getting along. Taylor seemed like such a sad boy much of the time, something she'd been meaning to ask her brother about. "You know, if Mom and Dad aren't ever going to have a baby, I could still have one," Taylor announced as they went back outside and sat in the shade of the large tree in the back yard. "Well, it isn't that easy." "I know. But you could get that statue thing and those baby seeds." "Yes," Billy responded, already having them hidden away in his drawer of bugs and other things his mother didn't like, the drawer she said he had to keep clean himself because she was not going to go into it. "But you need a boylover, and not just that, but one who would want to have a baby, and since you couldn't raise him, he'd have to be able to look after him." "We could let Calvin look after him, like he's looking after the others," Taylor suggested innocently. Billy thought back to when he'd been six, and how much fun it had been being with Bobby, and how he'd figured back then every kid should have a boylover. Those were great memories. Not one to take a lot of time mulling over problems, and motivated by his fond remembrances, he made his decision. "You sure that's what you want?" "Of course." "Then I'll help you." "Neato!" Taylor said, breaking into a wide grin and giving his cousin a hug. "Then let's go," Billy said as he stood up. He was not one to waste time either. Going first to his room, Billy took out the gargoyle and the suppositories and showed them to Taylor. Taylor giggled at the sight of the fat frog-like figure and especially at his very large penis. Then taking Billy's hand, Bobby lead him down the street to the park. They played on the swings and the slides and watched any men who came by. Billy knew from talking to other boys at the camp that playgrounds were one of the favourite places boylovers hung around. Most of the people there that afternoon were just kids, with a few moms with very little kids. Dads rarely came by, in Billy's experience, and if they did, they were usually very young with little babies, or they were grandfathers. If they were neither of those, then he'd been assured they were likely boylovers. "What about him?" Taylor asked, pointing to one of the grandfathers watching his little granddaughter on the slide. "That's probably his granddaughter, and he's sort of old." "That matter?" "No, I guess grandfathers can be boylovers, but if they are grandfathers they must like girls or they wouldn't have any kids," Billy reasoned. Taylor nodded, looking at his cousin in admiration and wishing he was as smart. "Anyway," Billy continued, "if you like a guy and he likes you, he can be any age." The boys looked over at the white-haired man. "Concentrate on him," Billy directed as he opened up the backpack. Taylor did, but the gargoyle did not change. "Darn. He looks nice." "Well, there's lots of places to look," Billy said encouragingly. There were, and over the next several weeks the two boys headed out on their bikes or hand in hand after school or after their evening meal to check out the parks, the playgrounds, the recreation centre, the video arcade in the mall, the pool, and the school yard, all places Billy had been told were likely places to meet boylovers. Billy told Taylor how he'd met Bobby, and the boys put together a simple plan where Taylor would spread apart his legs and pinch himself, like he had to pee, and if the man began watching him, he'd look at him and grin. If the man smiled back, then he'd fiddle with his pee-er and see how the man responded. The boys figured it was a good plan, but more often then not some woman would come over and tell him where the bathroom was, and usually tell him that it was bad to touch himself like that. Finally, after two weeks, a nineteen-year-old skater with an earring and lip ring noticed them outside of the arcade, and when their eyes met, he and Taylor exchanged smiles. When Taylor took the next step and openly fiddled with himself, the teenager came over and they talked, but he didn't say anything about sex, and the gargoyle's dick didn't change. The boys spotted what had to be a university student laying on the grass studying with his shirt off that same day and both boys felt he was really hot-looking, but he didn't pay them any attention. That weekend a fat office worker eating his lunch in the park offered them the cookies from his bag, which the boys accepted, but they were not particularly interested in him as a possible father although he was kind. The gargoyle didn't respond anyway. Undaunted, they kept trying. Spotting a man they both figured would make a good boylover one day at the mall after school, they commenced their plan. Neither boy noticed that a second man had been watching them. "You have to go pee?" he asked, suddenly appearing behind them. They looked up at him in surprise. He was about forty and bald in the front and top but had long hair in a ponytail in the back. He had an earring, and Billy noticed, dirty fingernails. "Yeah," Taylor replied, caught by surprise. "Come with me. I'll show you where the bathroom is." "That's okay mister. We know where it's at," Billy quickly responded. "That's no problem. I have to go take a leak myself." "Really, we can find it." "We could have a little fun." "No. Com'on Tay, let's get out of here," Billy said, grabbing his cousin by the hand and dragging him down the mall. "What's wrong?" asked Taylor as they stepped out the door and Billy stopped and looked back. "He was interested." "Would you have done something with him?" Taylor shrugged. "I think he wanted to do something. He said we could have a little fun." "Yeah, right," said Billy sarcastically. "He wanted to do something all right. For himself." "What do you mean?" "That was no boylover. He was a pedo." "A what?" "A pedo. A guy who wants to mess with boys." "But I thought a guy who wanted to mess with boys was called a boylover." "Well, yeah, but it's not the same." "What you mean?" "A boylover likes a boy because he's a boy. He wants to do boy stuff with him, like Bobby does with me and John does with Aaron. Like play ball, or make space models, and well, do guy stuff. He does sex stuff too, but just if a boy wants to, and he never does it just for himself. A pedo is a guy who gets all excited thinking about boys and he just wants to have sex with them and none of the other stuff. He don't really care bout boys. He just cares bout himself." "Yeah?" Taylor responded, his admiration for his cousin growing even more. "How can you tell if a guy's a boylover or a pedo then?" "Well, if a guy tries to trick you into going somewhere with him, or really insists like that guy was, then he's probably a pedo. Of course if he offers to give you something if you'll do stuff with him, money or candy or drugs and stuff, then you know for sure, and of course if they try to make you do stuff, then they are pedos for sure. A boylover would never do things that way." "Wow. Good thing I got you with me to splain stuff," Taylor said, looking up admiringly at his older cousin. "Yeah. A guy's got to be careful," Billy said, putting his arm about the six-year-old boy. They tried several teachers at the school that they figured would be good candidates, and they approached a couple older, white-haired men, and several married men, but none followed up on their openings, and the gargoyle sat there in the backpack totally unresponsive. A few days later a man in the park offered Taylor some candy and tried to get him to go for a little drive with him, but Taylor was wise to such tricks, and Billy was always sure to be nearby so he could make a lot of noise or run for help just in case. October came and went and the weather turned cold and they even began to have brief snow flurries, which made looking for a boylover a lot more difficult. The boys were getting dejected. They were sitting in Billy's room one Saturday after another unsuccessful attempt to find a boylover at the arcade. Billy was trying to think of who else they could approach and was wondering if they should ask one of the boylovers he knew if he'd make a baby with Taylor, when he suddenly noticed the gargoyle, which he hadn't gotten around to putting away yet. "Hey, who were you just thinking of?" "Huh?" "Who were you just thinking of to have a baby with?" "I wasn't thinking of nobody." "The dick on the statue of fucking just turned red." "It did?" Taylor said excitedly as he turned around and looked, but by then it had already faded. "Yeah! You got to have been thinking of someone." "Well, not really." "What do you mean not really?" "I was thinking of my Dad." "Think of him again, just like you were." "Well, I was thinking that he wants a baby, and I want a baby, and 3;" "See, look," Billy interrupted excitedly. "Neato!" Taylor said, seeing the gargoyle's dickhead glowing a pale red. He thought harder about his idea and the dickhead grew brighter. The two boys giggled and Taylor bounced on the bed excitedly. "Oh wow!" he shouted. "My dad!" "Now, we gotta figure out how to get your dad to do it with you," Billy announced. "You do want to do it with him, don't you?" he asked "Oh yeah! That would be so neat!" Their first idea was for Taylor to fiddle with himself like he'd been doing, but his father just told him to go to the bathroom, and when Taylor said he didn't have to pee, his father reprimanded him for touching himself. Their second idea was to have Taylor mention having babies, but that just got his dad all upset. They did not have a third idea. The following Saturday Bobby dropped Billy Bob off with Billy. He had a five day trucking job, Kevin was away on the weekend at a high school football tournament, and Calvin was off on a major drug deal, leaving the three babies alone with Aaron, so he had no other place to leave Billy Bob. That, of course, was fine with Billy. He headed right over to Aaron's to see if he needed a hand, but his buddy had evidently taken the babies to a playground or something because he wasn't home. Stopping at a playground on the way home, he pushed Billy Bob on the swings until lunch. It being an unusually sunny day, after lunch they went out to play trucks in the sand box. As they made roads and homes, Billy thought about Taylor's problem and wondered if he should phone him and invite him over to play with Billy Bob. He was deep in thought as Billy Bob drove his car across the sand, up over his leg, and up his thigh to his crotch. "Hey, you sneaky little guy," Billy laughed as the three-year-old drove his car back and forth over the lump in his jeans. "That's not a road bump." The youngster's blue eyes sparkled as he continued to drive the car over the bulge, which was quickly becoming larger and firmer. The touch of the little guy's hot little hand on his thigh caused Billy to begin to swell even faster. His young son immediately wrapped his fingers about the swelling flesh. "Hey, that's not a car," Billy teased, and the three-year-old giggled and squeezed harder. "Dat's 'illy's cock," the three-year-old announced with a large grin. "Ah, yeah," his ten-year-old father replied, reluctantly pushing his little son's hand away. The boy quickly reached back over to squeeze the now firm bulge with his hot hand. "Ah, no Billy Bob," Billy reprimanded, really wanting the boy to continue but knowing that he couldn't let him touch him like that out in the open where they could be seen. "Let's play cars." "No more play cars." "All right," Billy agreed, having become bored with the game long ago. The sky was beginning to cloud over anyway and the air was turning crisp. "What would you like to play?" "Wanna play fuck," the boy announced. Billy quickly looked around even though he knew his mom was in the house with his little sister and his dad was at work. "'illy play fuck?" "Billy Bob mustn't say that word," Billy cautioned, leaning over and whispering. His three-year-old son just looked at him. "Billy Bob mustn't say fuck," he said in an even louder whisper. "No say fuck?" the boy asked loudly, shaking his head to confirm what he'd heard. "No! If Billy Bob wants to play the fuck game, Billy Bob should say, ah, play, ah, play hide the pickle," Billy said, thinking quickly. "Play hide pickle," the youngster repeated. "Yeah. That's it! Then Billy will hide his pickle up Billy Bob's bum," he said with a smile as he looked down at his crotch and groped himself so Billy Bob would get the idea what he meant by pickle. Billy Bob giggled. "Now?" the boy asked, his big blue eyes so wide Billy could not possibly refuse. "Billy?" Billy jumped so high he caused his mother and Billy Bob to jump also. "My, I didn't mean to scare you like that," his mother said with a smile. "That's okay, I was just sortta concentrating listening to Billy Bob." "Well, I'm going to run downtown. I'll take Alisa with me. We should only be gone an hour. Will you be okay, or you want to come with us?" "Oh no, we'll be okay. It'd be more fun playing here." "I thought so," his mother agreed. "Okay. You know where the emergency phone numbers are. And it's turning cold. I think you'd better go in." "All right." Billy watched out the window excitedly as his mother got in the car and pulled out of the driveway. "Okay, wanna play hide the pickle?" he asked with a grin as he looked at Billy Bob. "Wanna play dat!" said Billy Bob excitedly, quickly scrambling to his feet. Taking the youngster by the hand, he lead him up to his room. "Now, I wonder where Billy's pickle is?" he said with a smile as they sat on the bed. "It dere," the boy said with a giggle as he reached over and grabbed him by the crotch. "And where should Billy hide his pickle?" "Up 'illy 'ob's 'um," the boy announced excitedly. "Wicked idea," Billy said as he unzipped his pants. "Uh-huh," Billy Bob agreed. Stripping off his clothes and dropping them on the floor, the naked ten-year-old unbuttoned his little son's shirt and removed it as the youngster stood patiently in front of him. Pushing down the boy's trousers he helped him out of them and removed his tiny socks, and then he pushed down the boy's little briefs. The two boys, now stark naked, jumped onto the bed and began to caress each other. Billy ran his hands in concentric circles over Billy Bob's shoulders, and the three-year-old rubbed his smooth, boyish chest with his two little hands. Billy kissed the little boy on the cheeks and the forehead, and as the boy puckered up, he kissed him on his tiny, slobbering mouth. "Kiss my dick and get it nice and slobbery," Billy directed as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "Kay," the boy said readily. The youngster immediately crawled over and began to kiss Billy's flaccid cock, generously coating it with saliva. "Now Billy will hide his pickle," Billy announced. "Kay," Billy Bob said happily. Having the boy lay on his stomach, Billy knelt behind him and easily slid his stiff dick up the youngster's eager hole. As he began to fuck his little son, he felt wonderful, physically and mentally, and he wished that all fathers and sons could enjoy that pleasure. It was the best feeling he'd ever felt, doing this with Billy Bob and doing it with Bobby, and he was sure if everyone could share in such an awesome experience there would be a lot less problems in the world. They settled into a routine, the ten-year-old slowly easing his stiff little cocklet in and out of this little three-year-old son as the boy clenched and relaxed his butthole muscle. Soon he was trembling with his dry orgasm, and to his surprise when he paused, Billy Bob began to work his hips to and fro rapidly, sliding his little inch [2½ cm] long dicklet across the blankets until the same ripples of orgasm washed through his rocking body. Knowing the little boy was coming made Billy feel just as good as when he had an orgasm himself. As they snuggled up afterward, Billy knew that he had to help his young cousin get pregnant so he could experience the same pleasure as he just had.
A week later Taylor's parents had another one of their spats. His dad ended up storming out of the house and heading to his car. "Dad! Can I come with you?" "No! Get back in damn house!" responded his father sharply. He was sorry the moment the words were out of his mouth. The look of imminent tears in his son's eyes made him regret it even more. "Sorry, Tay. I didn't mean to snap at you." "So I can come with you?" "I'm not going anywhere." "That's okay." "Not right now, son. I'm not in a very good mood for company." "You and Mom have another fight?" Ted was surprised his son knew. They tried not to have their arguments in his presence. "Actually, it was just a disagreement." Taylor looked at him blankly. "Oh, all right, com'on. We can go get an ice cream or something." "Neato." "So what were you and Mom fighting about?" Taylor persisted a few minutes later as they headed down the street. "Disagreeing," his father said with a fake smile. "Not fighting." "Was it about having a baby again?" Ted glanced over at his son in surprise a second time. How had he known? "Yes." "You really want to have another baby, don't you?" "Well, I don't think this is a conversation for you and me." "I'd really like to have a little brother." Ted smiled. He hadn't had a brother himself, and had often wished that he had. That was one reason he'd wanted a second child. The other reason was that having a son had been wonderful, and having two, he had surmised, had to be twice as great. "Or a baby son." "Well, I hate to disappoint you bud, but the first is very unlikely, and the second won't be for a long time yet." "Doesn't have to be." "Oh?" Ted said, not sure which of the two situations Taylor was referring to. "Uh-uh. You and me can make a baby." "Well, son, I'm afraid making babies doesn't work that way. Two guys can't make a baby." "Yes they can," Taylor responded. "I know how." "Oh?" said Ted, trying not to smile. "Where did you find this out?" "Billy," he responded. "Billy and his friend made a baby." "Oh, did they now?" Ted responded. "Must have been quite a miracle." "Yeah. Billy says they sometimes call Billy-Bob their miracle baby." "Billy Bob is Billy's baby?" "Un-huh." "And just how did that happen?" Ted asked, humouring the boy. "They put this baby making seed up Billy's bum, and then Bobby put his seed up Billy's bum, and four-and-a-half months later Billy pooped out a baby." "Oh really?" Ted said, trying to keep a straight face as he wondered just what his sister had told him about where babies came from. Evidently she'd used the same seed concept as he'd used when Taylor had asked him about babies a short time ago. "Uh-huh. And Billy said him and Bobby do it without the baby making seed too just cuz it's fun." "He and Bobby do what?" Ted asked, suddenly realizing this might not be all pure imagination. "Put Bobby's seed up his bum." "And did Billy explain how Bobby did that?" Ted asked, now very attentive to Taylor's comments. "Oh sure, just like you and mom, except a guy don't have a girl thing, so for two guys one has to put his seed up the other guy's bum." "And how exactly did Bobby do that? Did Billy explain?" "Oh sure. He put his penis up Billy's bum just like you said you put yours up Mom's thing." "He did," Ted said with a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach as his suspicion was confirmed. "Oh yeah. Billy said they done it three or four times every day until he got pregnant." "And Bobby is still doing it to him." "Oh yeah. Billy says it feels way awesome." "You better tell me all this again, right from the beginning." Ted listened again, this time more seriously. Despite the parts that had to be wild imagination, the bits about a frog statue and baby seeds, and having a baby up your bum for four and a half months and pooping it out, there were other details, about having an erection, and needing grease and doing it like two crazy people, that were just too close to the real thing to be imagination. His first concern, after he overcame his shock, was that the big, perverted trucker had also done something to his son, but Taylor assured him he hadn't done anything with him. Feeling a bit easier, Ted put that thought behind him and thought about his six-year-old son's tale. That Bobby was messing around with his nephew was a possibility, but the bit about making a baby was told in such earnest and such detail that it did raise suspicions that the rest of the story was fantasy too. So he probed, as dads do when they are trying to get at the truth, and he hoped, as dad's do, for the best. However, Taylor's story was too consistent and too accurate to be made up. "So, you and me don't need Mom," Taylor concluded. "We can have our own baby, and it will be a boy. Billy says it's always a boy." "Well, Mom might notice a baby around the house," Ted observed, trying to use humour for what was a very serious situation. "We could keep him with friends of Billy's. They already got three babies there, and Billy said he was sure they would take another baby, them being boylovers and everything." "Boylovers? What do you mean by that?" "You know, men who like boys, or teenagers who like boys, boys my age or Billy's. Guys who like being with boys, and making them happy, and who know and understand boys. Like you." Ted had been ready to phone the police with the mention of boylovers, but Taylor's last comment comparing boylovers to himself showed that he really didn't understand what he was saying. "How do you know about boylovers?" he asked, figuring he might get at the truth about Bobby from a different angle. As his young son explained how he and Billy had gotten on the topic, and told his father for one more time just what Billy had said, Ted slowly grew more and more angry. By the time Taylor had concluded his story one more time, Ted had reached boiling point and was ready to go right over to Bobby's house and punch him out, maybe even castrate the son of a bitch before reporting him to the authorities. As he began to calm down after that initial rage, he decided that going to his sister with this news was the better solution. After all, it was her son whom the pervert had abused. What happened to the filthy bastard should be up to her. The problem with that solution was how did a person tell a mother that some filthy pervert had raped her son, and if what Taylor was telling him was at all near the truth, had been sexually abusing the boy over the past three years, sometimes repeatedly throughout the day? He decided rather than go to his sister, it would be far better for him to go to the officials. They knew how to handle such things as this. He'd read a bit about that in the paper. They had professionals who would know how to break it to his sister, and how to corner the beast who'd defiled her son so he wouldn't get away. Of course there were the fanciful bits about the frog statue and the baby. What if this was all fantasy? With what kids can find on the net these days, and what kids knew compared to when he was their age, it could be this was all imagination. He'd really be in trouble if he went flying off and reported the guy and he was innocent. That was all he needed on top of everything else that was going on in his life right then, to be sued for false accusation. Ted decided before he did anything, he'd better be sure of his facts, and the best source of the facts had to be Bobby. He was the adult. So he'd gone complete circle. His best recourse was to do what he'd first concluded, to approach the man who'd been supposedly messing with his sister's boy, but now not to beat the crap out of him, but instead to find out what the truth was. Telling Taylor that he had to think about what the boy had just told him, he took his young son home. Dropping the boy off, he looked up Bobby's address, fortunately having remembered his last name from when his sister had introduced them, and headed straight to his house. He had to get to the bottom of this. If it was true, he had to put an end to it now, and if it was false, he had to know so he could sleep that night. By the time he got to Bobby's house, he'd worked himself up to a rage again. Bobby had only met the man twice, so when he showed up at his door, and from the look on his face, he knew that there was a problem. The only link between them being Billy, he feared his worst nightmare was about to begin. "Tay has been telling me some very fanciful stories," he began. "Oh?" Bobby responded cautiously. "About you and Billy." "Really," Bobby responded, his heart sinking fast. "About the two of you making a baby." "Making a baby," Bobby snorted, hoping that the pure absurdity and impossibility would, along with his bluff, convince the angry man that whatever his son told him it could not be true. "And about erections and lube and a lot of details that six and ten-year-old boys should not know about." "I see." "So I'll come right to it. Have you 3; have you been having sex with my nephew?" "Yes," Bobby replied, knowing that their secret had been discovered, and that lying would only make things worse and delay the inevitable. "Yes!" the man exploded. "You calmly stand there and admit it?" "There is little point in lying about it from what you've said." "You fuckin' son-of-a-bitchin' pervert!" he raged, his face turning red. "You fuckin' just stand there and admit you've been fuckin' my nephew up the ass!" That the man had confessed so readily had caught him totally by surprise, and his detailed plans on probing and confirming had gone out the window and had been replaced by raw anger. "I love your nephew. It is more than just 3;" "I love him too. A lot. But I don't fucking have sex with him! He's a fucking kid for fucksake!" "I love him, just like you do, or his dad. I love him because of who he is, just as you do. Sex is just one small part of that love 3;" "A small part! A small part," he sputtered. "Look, calm down and I'll explain." "You'll explain to the fucking cops." "No, please, don't do that." "Oh yeah, a little late to think of that." "For Billy's sake." "What the hell do you mean for Billy's sake?" "Think of what going to the police is going to do to him." "You should have thought of that before you touched him you stinking pervert." "Just, just 3; think for a moment. If you report it, there will be a trial, and the newspapers will pick up on it. You don't want this to get into the newspapers. Think what that will do to your sister, and Billy." "You're sick. You abuse the boy, and now you use him to try to protect yourself." "No! I'm not thinking of myself. I'll turn myself in, I'll 3; I'll do whatever. Just don't do anything that will hurt the boy." As the man turned and stormed down the sidewalk, Bobby knew he should try to stop him, to try to reason with him, but he also knew in the frame of mind the man was in, he'd have little success. He watched helplessly as the car tore down the street, and then he turned and slowly walked back up to his house. It was over. He'd always known someday it would end. He'd told himself that when it did, he'd be able to handle it. There he was wrong. When you love someone as he loved Billy, you can't just say it is over and walk away. He could not remember the drive over to Billy's, nor walking up the walk and ringing the doorbell. All he knew was that he'd noticed Ted's car was not there, and that there had not been time for him to have gone there and disclosed what he knew about him and Billy and had left again. He had no plan, and when Billy's parents answered the door, he had no idea what he was going to say. All he knew was that he had to speak to the boy. To his relief it was Billy who opened the door. The youngster knew immediately that there was serious trouble from the dark look on Bobby's face. He closed the door and they walked out to the curb. "Ted came by to see me," he said. Billy had a good idea what about, but was perplexed why Bobby would be mad about that. That should have been a good thing, something that would help Taylor. He said nothing. "He knows about us." Again Billy could not figure out why Bobby was mad about that. Then it slowly dawned on the ten-year-old boy. In his desire to help Taylor, and from the way the statue had responded, he had not considered the possible consequences of his revelation to Taylor. "He says you and Taylor have been talking." "Oh shit!" Billy said, his eyes becoming blurry as he realized what he'd done. "I'm sorry." "Whatever made you tell Taylor about us?" "Well, he wants to have a brother real bad, and his dad wants a baby, but Aunt Cheryl doesn't 3;" "You know how secret we said we had to keep our relationship." Billy nodded soulfully. "I was just trying to help. I didn't think 3;" "I know you meant well." "We're in big trouble ain't we?" "Not you. I won't let anything happen to you." "I'm sorry," Billy said, tears forming in his big blue eyes and flowing over his lower lid. "Hey, I should have known this would happen some day," Bobby said, putting his arm about him and drawing him close. "It's okay." "I just thought it would be like it had been for you and me, and for the others, when I saw the statue's cock turn red." "What?" "You know, that statue that looks like a fat frog." "You have the statue?" Billy nodded. "And four pills." "What are you doing with the gargoyle of male fecundity and four more suppositories?" "I wanted to have another baby." "You did?" "I just was waiting til the right time for you to get me pregnant again. You know, so we could be away so we could have the baby unnoticed like last time." "You really want another baby?" "Oh yeah. It was so awesome to have our baby inside me, and it's so great to have a little baby boy of our own. I'd like a dozen babies with you." Bobby squeezed him tighter. Another baby would have been nice, he thought, but that could not be now. They had a major problem before them, and he had no idea how they were going to solve it. The beefy, bearded truck driver leaned against his truck. Knowing the risky position he and Billy were in, he should have had a contingency plan. |