PZA Boy Stories
Full list of characters (in separate window)

J.O. Dickingson

The Gargoyle of Male Fecundity

Chapters 6-7

Chapter 6

"Aaron iph comin' opher afer phupper," Billy announced.

"How many times have you been told not to talk with your mouth full young man?" his mother reminded him for what seemed the hundredth time.

"Sorry," Billy apologized, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Besides, you know the rules about friends over on a school night."

"It's to do homework."


"Yeah. A 3; science project we're working on together."

"Science. Sometimes I think you don't think of anything else from the moment you get up until you go to bed," his mother said with a smile.

"Oh," said Billy wistfully, "I think about other stuff sometimes."

His mother smiled. "Well, as long as Aaron's coming over for school work, it's all right."

As Billy headed to his room after supper, he had an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of his stomach. He was only eight, but he knew it was guilt. He didn't like to lie, especially to his mum and dad, but he couldn't very well tell them that Aaron was coming over so they could talk about finding him a boylover like Bobby. That really sucked, because it was a good thing. Aaron really needed a boylover. Billy flopped down on his bed and stared up at the Space Shuttle Columbia model hanging from the ceiling.

What sucked even more was that he couldn't tell them about Bobby either. Bobby was another good thing that shouldn't have to be a secret. He was so much fun, and Billy loved him so much. It was a different kind of love, stronger than the type of love you felt for an uncle or a grandfather, but not as strong as the type of love you have for your parents. It was sort of like the love between best friends, or maybe between a husband and wife. The corner of Billy's mouth curled as he thought of that. He and Bobby were like husband and wife. They had a little son. And Billy had given birth to him, so he was sort of like a wife. A wife with a pickle, he thought as he reached down and fiddled with his little dick. That had been his word for it back when he was six, and even though he was going to be nine in less than two weeks, that was still what he liked to call it. That was what Billy Bob liked to call it too, Billy thought with a smile. He had taught his son that. That thought made him feel good inside.

He wished he could tell his mom and dad about Bobby, but he really wished even more that he could tell them about Billy Bob. Billy closed his eyes. Even better yet would be if he and Bobby and Billy Bob could all live together. That would be awesome, the three of them living next door to his mum and dad, or even living in the same house. Of course if they did live in the same house he and Bobby would have to sleep in the same bed, and then they could do sex every night. Billy smiled with that idea and reached down and squeezed his pickle through the thick cloth of his blue jeans, and then frowned. It was dumb that people thought that was wrong for adults and kids to do sex. It made him feel good, and it made Bobby feel good, and that was what love was all about, making each other feel good and being willing to do stuff for each other. So what was the big deal that he was only eight and Bobby was forty-two? It wasn't hurting nobody. The more Billy thought about it the less guilty he felt. It wasn't his fault he had to lie. If people weren't so dumb there wouldn't be any need for it to be secret and then it wouldn't have to be a secret.

"Billy! Aaron's here!" called his mother, interrupting his thoughts.

Billy welcomed the interruption. Whenever he thought about how people didn't understand how it was between Bobby and himself he got sad because it didn't have to be that way, and then he got mad that people could be so stupid, and then he got worried somebody might find out about it and make them stop. He always ended up feeling upset, and none of it was his fault. He went downstairs and took Aaron back up to his room.

"Oh wow, you got Jar Jar Binks!"

"Yeah," said Billy with a grin as he looked over at the Star War's toy. Another nice thing about Aaron was that he was just as interested in science and science fiction as Billy was. "But I got something even neater to show ya."

Removing some pocket books from his bookcase, he took out the object he'd hidden behind them and placed it on the bed between them. Aaron stared at the ochre coloured clay statue. It was fat and squat like a pregnant frog, with an extra pair of legs and a grotesquely large penis.

"What is it?"

"The gargoyle of male fuckundy or something."


"I don't know what the last word means, but it's something to do with sex or something," Billy said with a grin.

"Fuck is a bad word," Aaron whispered.

"But a lot of fun to do," said Billy with an impish grin.


"Oh yeah."

"I still think it sounds yucky for a guy to stick his thing in another guy's bum."

"Well, you'll just have to believe me that is ain't."

"It really has a big pee-er," Aaron observed, looking back at the statue.

"Yeah. Yours get hard and stick out like that when you play with it?"

"Yeah," Aaron said with a sheepish grin. Billy was the only one who knew he did that. They had shared the secret several months ago, shortly after he'd told Billy about how miserable he was with his new step dad.

"Well," said Billy. "This will help us find a boylover for you. That and these." He showed Aaron the four tan, three-quarter-inch [2 cm] long suppositories in his other hand.

"So, how does it work?"

"Well, when you and your boylover meet, its dick will grow pink, and the more you love each other the redder it gets. That's what Bobby said. I never seen it."

"And those things?"

"You got to stick one up your bum each week, and your boylover has to fuck your bum as often as you two can so you can get pregnant."

"What was it like, having a baby in you?"

"Way awesome. It was scarey cuz I didn't know what was going on, and nor did Bobby really. But you don't got to be scared cuz we'll know why you're getting fatter."

"You get way fat like women do?"

"Well, not quite as much. On account of it's up your bum and not your tummy I guess."

"The baby is up your bum?"

"Yeah. When its time to be born, you poop him out."

"No way! He'd have to be way tiny! Like Tom Thumb."

"He won't be tiny, not that tiny anyway, but you can do it. Believe me."

"It's got to hurt. When women have babies it hurts. I seen that on tv shows."

"Yeah, it hurts, but its way worth it. Besides, Bobby and me will be there to help you. We helped a boy give birth to his son this summer. It was way awesome!"

"Suppose it's a girl baby. I don't think I'd want a girl."

"He said it is always a boy."

"Who said?"

"The old guy who said I could borrow the gargoyle thing."

"You sure this is all for real?"

"Sure. All the guys talked about it at the campground this summer. The guy's gotta be the same guy as the others met. He looked just like they described him, way old and junk, and this stuff is just like what the others said he gave them."

"How come he just showed up and gave this to you?"

"Well, I think somehow he knows when someone really really wants to have a boylover. Like Bobby was really really wanting a boy when he met the guy. And besides, he didn't just give it to me. He says I got to pay for the pill things."


"Four hundred dollars."

"Four hundred dollars!" exclaimed Aaron, his big blue-green eyes popping open and his jaw dropping. "Where ya gonna get four hundred dollars?"

"He said not to worry. He said everything will work out."

"I don't got four dollars, never mind four hundred," he said, shaking his head.

"Don't worry."

Aaron looked at the squat frog, and at the four suppositories. "So tell me about you and Bobby when you first done it again."

"Sure. Then ya wanna play Star Wars?"

"Sure. Can I be Jar Jar?"

When Aaron left later that evening, he had the four suppositories in his jeans pocket and the gargoyle of male fecundity tucked away inside his shirt. That night he set the gargoyle on the night stand beside his bed so he could see it and changed into his pajamas. As he lay in his bed, he watched the gargoyle while he thought about his dad, and then some of his uncles, Billy, some other friends, and finally, the man he and Billy had thought would be a good boylover for him. The gargoyle's penis was still a dull ochre. He thought harder about the man he and Billy had been checking out. Nothing. He turned around in disappointment, and reaching down under the elastic band of his pajamas, he fiddled with his limp little noodle as he tried to imagine the man making him pregnant. He did not see the gargoyle's penis slowly turn pink and the smile slowly cross the gargoyle's large mouth.


Meanwhile, several hundred miles away in the sleeper of an eighteen-wheeler pulled over at a rest stop, a two-hundred and sixty-five pound [120 kg] trucker and his twenty-five-pound [11½ kg] two-year-old son were snuggled together, both stark naked. The six-foot-four [1.93 m] trucker was flat on his back, and his two-foot-ten [86 cm] son was laying on his side on top of him, his little curly-haired blond head on his daddy's big, hairy stomach and his tiny hip nesting in the thick brown hair covering Bobby's left breast. They had just crawled into the sleeper of the truck and gotten comfortable.

"Pickle!" said Billy Bob gleefully as his little hands reached out for the trucker's big, soft cock. The touch of those hot little hands about his limp organ immediately caused it to begin to swell. The little child beamed with delight and bent his head, his tiny lips eagerly slipping over the man's cock head. Bobby enjoyed the sight and the sensation as the boy slipped his mouth at least three-quarters of the way down his four-inch [10 cm] tube of cock meat and began to suck. As Bobby's cock continued to swell, the boy slowly eased his mouth back, unable to take the entire length of the big man's growing cock in his mouth. Bobby closed his eyes and sighed with the pleasure the little boy's hot, moist mouth was bringing him, and with the erotic pleasure of having a warm, naked twenty-five month old boy happily laying on top of him.

Bobby slowly caressed the boy's small, soft shoulders with his left hand, and then slowly massaged his smooth back with the big paw. His skin was so smooth, so velvety. Bobby's hand continued down, slowly caressing the boy as he continued to suck on Bobby's now rapidly growing member. He caressed the boy's soft, smooth buttocks, like tiny loaves about to be popped into the oven. He slipped his thick finger along the boy's little crack, and the moment he reached the boy's butthole the boy immediately opened his little anus. Bobby caressed the little pucker with his fingertip for a few moments and the baby boy squirmed with pleasure and pushed back against the finger, trying to impale his little butt on his daddy's probing digit.

Holding his little son by the hips, Bobby eased him around until his butt was in front of his face and he leaned forward and licked his little son's butthole. The boy giggled with pleasure and his daddy sighed with the unique aroma of the child's fresh, clean, recently powdered butt. He wormed his tongue against the little pucker and he felt it open eagerly as the little boy wiggled with the pleasure of being rimmed. Working up a mouth of spittle, Bobby pressed his lips against the little pucker and sucked in his cheeks, forcing his spittle up the child's hole.

As he eased Billy Bob back down, the child squirmed back into position and once again slipped his lips over his daddy's cockhead. Slipping his index finger in his mouth and coating it with spittle, Bobby placed his spit-slick fingertip against the boy's eager little hole and pushed gently. The tip entered easily. Bobby paused, being careful not to go too fast. He had to be even more careful his horny little son didn't try to take things in his own control. The first few times they had done this the boy had been so eager he'd pushed his butt back on Bobby's finger unexpectedly and had harmed himself.

By this time Bobby's cock had stiffened out to its full eight inches [20 cm] and his little son had his lips tightly clamped just below the fat knob, Bobby's cockhead completely filling the little child's mouth. As Bobby began to slip the tip of his finger in and out of his boy's hole, Billy Bob sucked harder on his cock. The big trucker sighed with pleasure. It wasn't just the eroticism of having a two-year-old sucking him off, or the eroticism of a son doing his dad, although both were certainly hot in themselves. The reality was that the boy was an expert cocksucker, giving him better head than those with twenty times his age. His hot little mouth worked Bobby's knob, squeezing and releasing it as his lungs created a vacuum and his tongue teased Bobby's cockhead, causing the big trucker's pre-cum to ooze out.

There could be no doubt little Billy Bob enjoyed sucking cock, and was enjoying the finger fucking he was receiving from his dad besides. His little cocklet, thinner than Bobby's smallest finger and half the length, was sticking straight out above his tiny marble-sized balls and Bobby hadn't even touched it. He reached over with his right hand now though and held the hot little pricklet between his thumb and index finger. He tugged on it gently, and rolled it between his two digits. Billy Bob sucked harder. Bobby paused, and as he expected, as soon as he stopped, Billy Bob began to work his hips to and fro to slide his little stiff dicky between his daddy's fingers. Bobby smiled. He did have a horny little son.

It was almost five minutes before Bobby felt his cock go numb and the twang deep in his groin that announced the release of his seed. He shivered with the sensation and warned his young son as he felt his cum begin to race up the core of his swollen cock for the fifth time that day. That was one reason it had taken him so long to cum. The other was that whenever Billy Bob did it, it just lasted a delightfully long time.

As the first squirt shot out of Bobby's cock Billy Bob swallowed it as eagerly as a baby drinking milk from his mom's tit. The boy sucked deeply on the throbbing tube of man meat and Bobby shot out a second thick squirt of cream for his son. Not only was the boy somehow able to delay his climax, but he was also able to slow down and prolong his ejaculation. Instead of the usual rapid machine gun fire of half a dozen squirts in ten seconds or even less, lately whenever Bobby came it was in slow motion, each squirt preceded by a long suck from his son, and it didn't last for seconds, it lasted for minutes.

Squirt after delightful squirt was sucked out of his cock and swallowed by his boy, and with each squirt the burning sensation spread through his cockhead and caused the big trucker's two-hundred-and-sixty-five pound [120 kg] body to quiver. Shot after delightful shot assaulted his mind, and by the time it ended more than two minutes later the trucker was delirious with ecstasy, and his young son's little cocklet was throbbing hotly in his fingers as the boy trembled with his own orgasm. Bobby closed his eyes, and as the beefy trucker heaved a deep sigh, he could sense his little son's pleasure, as if the boy was communicating to him mentally. As Billy Bob twisted around and curled up in the crook of Bobby's big arm, his long, silky hair damp with sweat from his sucking, Bobby wondered who looked forward the most to what had become five feedings of cum a day, Billy Bob or himself.


On the way home from school Tuesday, Billy and Aaron stopped at the construction site where workers had begun building a three-story apartment complex that summer. They studied the workers carefully until Billy spotted the man they were looking for on the top story. "There he is," he called out, pointing him out to Aaron. The man evidently had seen him and thought he was waving, because he waved back. Billy quickly opened up Aaron's backpack and looked inside, but the ochre gargoyle simply stared blankly back up at him.

"Concentrate harder."

"I'm concentrating as hard as I can," protested Aaron. "His dick turning colour or anything?"



"Maybe he has to be closer."

"Maybe," Aaron agreed hopefully.

The boys sat down across the street and stared up at the worker. The boys had spotted him a little over a month ago, just before Billy had gone on his holiday. He was a big man, like Bobby, two-hundred and ten pounds [95 kg] and six feet [1.80 m] tall. He had a thick, dark brown beard, closely trimmed, and kind looking soft brown eyes. The second thing the boys had noticed was that while the other construction workers whistled at women and made comments about them, he never did. His workers teased him about it, saying it was because he was a married man, or because he was thirty. What they didn't notice and the boys did, was that the man did watch boys, especially young boys their age, and the look in his eyes was the same look as the men had when they looked at girls.

So one day after work the boys had made a point of talking to him, asking about the apartment they were building and what it was like to be a construction worker, and the more they talked over the ensuing weeks the more they told each other about their lives and their likes and dislikes and the more certain they were that this was the man for Aaron. The clincher came when Aaron mentioned that just before they'd moved he'd gone from being a Beaver to being a Cub Scout, and their chosen boylover told them he was a Scoutmaster. One of the many things Aaron hated about moving was having to drop out of the Scout program, and just being able to talk to a Scoutmaster was a ray of light in a very long, cloudy year.

The boys waited until the quitting time whistle blew. The man walked across the street and joined them. "So how are you boys today?"

"Fine, Mr. Porter," said Billy, Aaron being so excited he was too tongue-tied to respond despite the daily meetings they'd been having.

"Saved you each a couple cookies again today," he said, opening up his lunch pail. Actually, after first sharing his cookies with them a couple weeks ago, he'd started packing extra cookies for them.

"Thanks," replied Billy.

"Yeah, thanks," repeated Aaron. It was chocolate chip, his favourite kind. He knew the man knew that and he wondered if he'd brought them in his lunch on purpose. He took a big bite. "So, had a hard day at work?"

"Yep. You have a hard day at school?"

"Yep," Aaron parroted.

The man smiled and tousled his golden brown hair. Deep in his chest Aaron's heart beat rapidly. In the dark of the backpack the gargoyle smiled and its penis turned a bright pink.

"You finish making that kite yet?"

"Yeah. But it don't fly no good."

"What's wrong?"

"I dunno," Aaron said with a shrug. "It won't stay up."

"Why don't you bring it by and I'll look at it?"




Billy slowly slipped his hand down and spreading apart his legs he scratched under his balls, being sure that the worker saw him. He eyed the man's crotch and was sure he saw a swelling inside his overalls.

There was a swelling. The boy's movement had been obvious, almost as if he had wanted to be seen. Over the past month both boys had on several occasions touched themselves, or accidentally touched him where the moral majority said boys and men should not be touching. He almost had the impression that they were teasing him, but had concluded that they were just being typical boys. When a boy had a scratch, he scratched, whether it is his armpit or his nuts. Boys didn't have to worry about the correctness of such things. Boys also didn't have the restrictions and guilt that society laid on the male members of society as they got older.

John Porter stared off into space as he thought back twenty years. In many ways it was great to be a boy. He had certainly enjoyed his boyhood. The man was lost in his thoughts, memories and fantasies for a few moments before forcing himself to stop thinking of things he could never regain and never realize.

"Well, I better head home. See you boys tomorrow?"

"Sure thing."

The boys headed down the street. "He likes you," observed Billy.

"He likes both of us."

"Yeah, but he's always looking at you."

"You think so?"

"I know so. And when he thinks we're not watching, he looks at you like he wants you. You know, like a man looks at a woman when he's hot for her. When a man is thinking about sex stuff."

"No, not really," said Aaron, his fine, long hair floating about his face as he shook his head. He was nowhere near as sophisticated in such things as his new found friend. "But I like him."


"So why don't that gargoyle thing do nothing?"

"I dunno. Maybe we gotta give it time."

"I guess," Aaron said with a frown.

That night Aaron dreamed about the big construction worker. They were flying his kite, and they were running and laughing, just like he and his dad used to do. The thought of his dad woke him up. Disappointed and saddened by the memory, he rolled over and the pale pink glow of the gargoyle's penis caught his eye. Aaron was suddenly wide awake. He stared at the glowing penis in surprise and undescribable happiness. For several seconds he even seriously considered sneaking down the hall and phoning Billy, but his fear of being caught by his step dad stopped him. Besides, it was ten o'clock. His buddy would be asleep.

The next morning Aaron was waiting outside of Billy's house when he stepped out the door.

"Guess what?" the eight-year-old said, jumping from foot to foot in his excitement.


"It happened?"

"What happened?"

"That gargoyle thing. Its dick turned pink!"

"That's great!" said Billy, breaking into a wide grin. "What were you thinking of? Do you remember?"

"Mr. Porter," Aaron said with a shy smile.

"I knew he was a boylover the minute I seen him! I knew it!" Billy's face glowed as his wide, open-mouthed grin stretched from ear to ear. "I see you brought your kite."

"Yeah," Aaron said with a wide, tooth-filled grin as only young boys can have.

"Cool," said Billy, narrowing his eyes. He didn't have to say anything else.

That evening as they waited for the end of day whistle at the construction site, the boys were in high spirits. They had discussed their plan, what they'd say, what they'd do. It was time.

"The problem is you don't have the cross bar centred," explained the unsuspecting man. "If you just move it up here a bit and tie it here, it should work."

"Wow, that's all it was?"


"You're sure smart."

"Well, when you've built as many kites as I have, you know what the problems are."

"You got a son?" asked Billy, initiating the plan.

"No," the big man replied sadly.

"But you're married," said Aaron, taking the plan the next step.

"How'd you know that?"

"We heard the other guys saying."

"You're pretty smart yourself," John said, giving Aaron's head a tousle.

That was a habit of his, and that simple act made Aaron feel so happy he could burst.

"So, you and your wife don't want kids?" asked Billy, delighted his plan was working out perfectly.

"We do."

"So," he persisted.

"Sometimes just wanting kids isn't enough."

The boys looked at him, not understanding. John Porter hesitated as he thought just how to explain the situation to two eight-year-olds.

"We can't have any kids."

"Oh," they replied together, glancing at each other. That could be a problem, a big problem. It certainly wasn't something they'd even thought about.

"How come?" asked Billy, being the more aggressive and being the first to rebound.

"Well, that is a little complex to explain," the man said with a smile.

"That's okay. We know all about making babies," observed Aaron.

"Oh, really?" said John, his smile widening.

"Sure," said Billy. "It cuz you can't make sperm?"

"Ah, no, my sperm count is fine," the man said, taken aback by the knowledge of a boy so young. He certainly didn't know anything of sperm when he was eight years old. He wondered if that was something they learned in school these days, or if Billy had picked it up from television. On soaps these days there was little an enterprising youngster couldn't learn.

"Good," Billy said, and he and Aaron exchanged smiles.

John Porter looked at them curiously. That was a strange comment for an eight-year-old to make. "Anyway, we have applied to adopt."

"Oh." That was also unexpected, but not necessarily a bad thing.

"But it takes years. Not many babies are being put up for adoption."

"That's too bad," Aaron consoled, although in his heart and in his mind he was thinking that was even better considering what he and Billy had planned.

"Yeah. I'd love to have a son like you."

Aaron smiled and his eyes glazed over as his mind went blank.

"And you'd like to have your own baby," continued Billy.

"Yeah, sure, but that's not going to happen."

"Oh, I don't know," said Billy with a knowing smile.

John Porter looked at him. Parts of this conversation were very strange, but then, that should not be surprising. He loved the way boys thought, and had forgotten that that world was sometimes very secretive, and very private, and very different from the world of adults.. "Well guys, I better be going."

Billy looked at Aaron, and when he didn't respond, he nudged him with his elbow. "Oh, ah, ya wanna come fly kites with us on Saturday?" Aaron suddenly asked.


"Great! Wanna meet us here?"

"That would be fine."

"Kay. See ya at one on Saturday, Mr. Porter."

"One on Saturday it is, and you boys can start calling me John."

"Okay John," said Aaron with a wide tooth-filled grin.

The two boys thought Saturday would never come, and unbeknownst to them, nor did John Porter. Right from the moment he'd spotted the two boys watching him he'd taken a liking to them, especially Aaron. Billy was outgoing and the more vocal of the two, a real bundle of energy and a smile that would make even the hardest old grump open up. If he ever did have a son, he'd hope that he had Billy's outlook and courage. Aaron, on the other hand, was the shy, quiet type, much more like John had been at his age. He was cute as a button and had a sweet, innocence about him that John found attractive in a boy. John could also sense an inner sadness in the eight-year-old, and that drew him all the closer to Aaron. There had been a time in his boyhood when he'd had a lot of inner sadness as a boy too. He didn't like to see any boy sad, and he knew from personal experience that if he could get Aaron to reveal the dark secret that was making him so sad, he'd feel a lot better.

John wanted very much to have a son, but his wife had been unable to get pregnant, even with fertility pills, and now with the unhappiness of not being able to get her pregnant, half the time he wasn't able to perform in bed. That didn't really matter to his wife since she had seen sex as only being for the purpose of procreation anyway. John, on the other hand, had always thought of sex as having both a functional and a recreational side and he missed it. Knowing sex only reminded his wife of her barrenness, he didn't push it. He simply hoped after they adopted a child the sexual side of their marriage would pick up. The unfortunate part of that was that it could take years.

Those had been the thoughts on his mind when he'd spotted the two little blond boys in the street watching the construction, like thousands of other boys across the country. Wishing he'd someday have a son, and knowing it could still be years, he'd taken a particular interest in them. Actually, even if he hadn't been thinking of raising a son, John would have taken an interest in them anyway. John had always been interested in boys. He loved just talking with them, doing things with them, and delighting in their discoveries as they explored the world. That was why he'd become a Scoutmaster.

John did have one problem, a very big problem, and it bothered him greatly. He also found boys sexually attractive. It wasn't the sort of thing where he would actually come on to a boy, and it certainly was not the type of thing where he would take advantage of a boy because of his authority or the trust he developed with boys, like in his position as Scoutmaster. He certainly would never force himself on a boy. He did, however, desire them.

John didn't know why, but he'd always felt that way. When he was a child, he found himself attracted to toddlers, always wanting to help diaper and toilet train them. As a teenager he'd found himself fantasizing bout five and six year olds instead of teenage girls, and as an adult he'd found whenever he saw an attractive young boy in his preteens or early teens, his thoughts sooner or later turned to fantasies of having sex with him. Why he never understood. He had never acted on any of those fantasies, and he wasn't gay. He didn't have any desires regarding other men.

So, that Saturday when he pulled up to the construction site and spotted just Aaron there, it was with mixed emotions. He was of course delighted to see the boy and looked forward to spending some time with him, just flying his kite and talking about boy stuff and having fun. That had been his only intention. Even so, Billy's absence bothered him. Although he would never take advantage of the boy, no matter what, there was safety in numbers, and having Billy there too would have ensured that nothing improper happened. Besides, there was something about Aaron that he found arousing. Of course he was particularly attractive with his long golden brown hair and blue-green eyes and his shy smile and quiet nature. It was more than his physical appearance, and more than his personality though. John could not put his finger on it, but there was something that caused a stirring in his loins and made him want to embrace the boy and make love to him. That feeling had been getting stronger with each day, especially this past week.

"Hi," he said, forcing a smile as he got out of the car.

"Hi, Mr. Porter."


"John," Aaron said with a smile and a sparkle in his eyes that showed his gratefulness at being according the simple pleasure of being on a first name basis.

"Where's Billy?"

"He couldn't make it."

"Oh, that's too bad," John said sincerely.

"Yeah," agreed Aaron, feeling guilty that he and Billy had planned for him to be alone all along.

"So, you ready to do some kite flying?"

"Sure thing," he said with a grin, welcoming anything to help him forget that he and Billy had planned all this. He didn't know it, but John was looking forward to being able to forget what was on his mind also.

It was easy for the two to forget. Not only did they have a lot in common despite their age difference, but kite-flying was always good medicine for boys and men. So, for the next half hour the two put aside their worries as they attempted to get the kite up in the air. There unfortunately wasn't enough of a wind to keep it up for any length of time. They finally gave up and sat down on the pile of lumber at the back of the construction site. John had brought cookies, chocolate chip, enough for a hungry construction worker and two hungry boys.

"Guess we just aren't going to get it up," observed Aaron.

"Yeah, guess not," agreed John, the phrase reminding him of something else he was having difficulty getting up. It seemed almost everything was reminding him of that lately. He scolded himself for having such a perverted mind to take a child's comment and twist it into something sexual.

"Well, it was fun just trying."

"Yes it was."

"Billy said it would be a lot of fun with you."

"It was a lot of fun," John said with a smile. Billy seemed to be quite the mentor.

"Bet when you have a son you and him will be doing this lots."

"Well, I hope so," said John, and then after thinking a moment, he dared to ask, "What about your dad? You and him fly kites?"

"My dad is dead."

"Oh, I'm sorry," John said, immediately regretting having brought the topic up. There were a lot of things he didn't know about the boy despite their daily visits for close to four weeks.

"That's okay," said Aaron, "it happened almost two and a half years ago. Two years and five months."

"It must have been tough," John consoled. If his dad had died when he had been eight he'd probably have kept track right down to the month too.

"Yeah. I got a step dad now, but we don't do nothing."

John put his arm about the boy. It was easy to tell there was tension between the boy and his step dad, and that the eight-year-old was on the verge of tears. "You can tell me about it if you want," he offered softly. "Sometimes it's good to just talk about it."

It was like opening a flood gate. Aaron hadn't had any intention of telling John anything about his real dad and about everything that had happened since he'd died. He had planned on getting the conversation around to having children, like he and Billy had earlier, and around to men and boys, and making a baby. That had been the plan. Instead, he found himself telling John how his father had died two years and five months ago, when he was six, and how much fun they used to have and how much he missed him. He told him how his mother had started to drink after that, and then to date again, and the arguments they had over both of those things, and how he'd cried on the day his mother remarried.

He told him how he'd told her the man just wanted the money from his dad's will, and she told him to stop worshipping his dad and that he was wrong about his new father. He had angrily retorted that he didn't want a new father, that nobody could replace his old one and he'd worship him if he darn well wanted to. He said the day his father had died was the saddest day of his life, and the day his mother remarried was the second saddest.

After the wedding they had moved here to live with his new dad and sixteen-year-old stepbrother. That was in January, nine months ago. That had meant many changes in his life. One of the hardest was not being able to continue in the Scout program.

"I think Jim hates me because the money they have to spend on me he can't spend on booze and himself. Jim and Mom are always drinking. He's lost his job and just hangs around with his friends, and Mom's sure to lose her job at the packing plant any day cuz she's always so tired."

"I'm really sorry to hear that. How are things with your stepbrother?"

"I never see him, and when I do he barely says two words and he never smiles or nothing when he's around me. If I walk in the room and he's already there, he gets up and goes to another room, like I stink or something. He hangs around with his best friend a lot. The two of them are real druggies."

"I'm real sorry to hear that too. You don't do any drugs do you, Aaron?"

"No way."

"That's good."

"You drink, John?"

"Well, the occasional beer."

"Oh," Aaron replied, and John could tell he was disappointed. "I'm never going to drink, ever."

"That's a good attitude."

"If you had a son would you still drink?"

"Not if it made him unhappy."

"Well, I wouldn't tell my dad not to, so long as he wouldn't get drunk and mean and stuff all the time."

"Your step dad ever hurt you, or your mom?"

"Oh no, nothing like that. He don't hit us or nothing."

"I'm glad."

"Sometimes just not being liked hurts more than hitting though," Aaron said softly.

John was amazed at the insightfulness of the boy, but when he thought about it, he realized he shouldn't have been surprised. That was one of the many things about being a boy that he remembered, and that he found delightful, and that he'd promised he'd remember when he became an adult. "Well, I like you. I like you a lot," John said softly, drawing him closer.


"Of course."

"Me and Billy figured so."

"Sounds like you and Billy have been doing a lot of talking about me," he said with a smile.

"Yeah, we've been looking for a boylover for me."

John snorted in his surprise. "Boylover?"


"And just why have you been looking for a boylover for you?" he asked, wondering just what the two boys had in mind, and what the word 'boylover' meant to them.

"Cuz I need a man who loves me and cares about me."

"Well, you've found one."

"That's what me and Billy figured."

"Oh did you now?" John asked with a smile. "And just what made you two figure that?"

"Cuz you act like a boylover."

"And just what do the two of you know about boylovers?"

"Billy has one."

"Oh?" John asked with even greater surprise, and a hint of concern. 'Boylover' was not a typical word you'd expect an eight-year-old to use to describe his relationship with a man, and Billy was the type of boy who would be daring enough to develop a friendship with a man that went beyond what society considered proper. One of a boylover's greatest fears was that his little friend would inadvertently disclose their relationship to someone who did not understand.

"He said I could tell you if you asked. Him and his boylover do all kinds of things together, and even go camping and stuff and are way happy. Him and me been looking for one for me for a long time."

"You two have really been scheming," John observed, in a way hoping that Aaron's description of the relation between Billy and his friend was nothing more than what he'd described, but also in a way, hoping that it involved more, much more.

"Just hoping," said Aaron honestly.

"Of course. I didn't mean scheming in a bad way."

"So, you really want to be friends, like boys and boylovers."

"Yes. If you do."

"Sure I do. You wanna have sex?"

"Whoa, wait a minute!" The conversation this afternoon was leaping from one surprise to the next like a jackhammer. "That's not what I meant."

"Billy says a real boylover is happy just being friends. That if a man just wants to have sex, he's not really a boylover."

"Your friend Billy sounds like he really knows a lot about this."

"Oh yeah. Him and his friend been together a long time, like two years."

"Well, Billy's right," John began, his nagging suspicion that the relationship Billy had with his boylover included intimacy growing with each comment Aaron made. "When I said I'd like to be friends, like a boy and a boylover, I meant being close friends, like buddies, except between a boy and an adult type of buddy." John knew he was not explaining things very well, but he had never expected to be having this type of conversation with a boy. "I mean doing things together, going places, talking, all the things a boy and his dad might do. Sex is something very serious and very special."

"I'd like to do sex," Aaron blurted, afraid that John might not want to, that John might not be an 'extra special boylover' as Billy called it. Having sex hadn't been something he'd ever thought about until Billy began talking about it back at Easter, and even then he hadn't really wanted to do sex, especially have someone stick his penis up his bum. But then Billy had said having sex was something extra special that boys and boylovers did if they specially loved each other, and then later he had shown him the gargoyle of fuckundy or whatever and he seemed to be so happy about having been made pregnant by his boylover. "I want to have sex with you," Aaron continued. "Actually I want to have a baby with you."

"Ah, well, that last part may prove difficult," John said, trying not to smile. The two boys might have been doing a lot of talking, but he was glad that they clearly had a lot to learn yet. He was beginning to think all the mystery and awe about sex had been ruined for the boy by a society overzealous about educating and protecting the youth of today by stuffing them with facts and brainwashing them with one segment of society's twist on how things should be.

"Unh-uhn," said Aaron. "I know how it can be done."

"Oh?" asked John. Despite the seriousness of the conversation, the sensitive topic, and the danger of an adult who was pretty much a stranger talking to an eight-year-old boy about such things, John found Aaron's confidence with which he made the last assertion humorous.

"You wanna do it with me?" asked Aaron, reaching down and placing his hand on John's crotch as he looked up at him.

John looked down into those big blue-green eyes. He knew what he should say. He also knew what he wanted to say.

"Please. Now," Aaron continued.

They went inside the apartment building, to a room with no windows. The place smelled of freshly cut wood. John's mind was in a turmoil as he turned and looked at the boy standing there expectantly. He was all of fifty-five pounds [25 kg] and four-foot-two [1.27 m] in height, with the sweet, innocent face of a trusting child, but the confidence and determination of an eight-year-old boy.

"Aaron, are you sure bout this?"

The eight-year-old looked up at him, his wide eyes pleading with him as he nodded.

"You know what having sex means? I mean, how two males ."

"Yeah," Aaron interrupted. "I got the Vaseline and everything," he said, reaching into the pocket of his cargo pants and pulling out the tube.

Another leap forward. John wondered how many more surprises were in store for him. At least there was no doubt that the boy knew what having sex between two males meant, John thought with a smile. One thing he could not be accused of was leading this boy astray. The big, muscular construction worker squatted down and slowly unbuttoned and removed Aaron's shirt. He ran his fingertips over the boy's tanned skin and caressed his soft, smooth chest.

"This alright?"

Aaron nodded, his heart racing too fast for him to find his voice.

"I'm going to take down your pants, and then your underwear. You want me to stop, you just say so. I don't mind."

Aaron stood there silently as John slowly eased down his cargo pants and helped him step out of them. Having baggy pants like that, he didn't have to remove his runners, an advantage John noticed compared to when he was a boy. John inhaled nervously, his body feeling tense as he admired the boy standing there now in just his Nike sneakers and his white jockey briefs. The boy was perfect, a sweet eight-year-old angel with shoulder long golden brown hair and blue-green eyes, with soft pink, flawless skin and tiny flesh-coloured nipples, a flat stomach and smooth slender legs. You could see the little bulge in the pocket of his briefs. Inhaling deeply again, John reached forward and slowly drew down the boy's briefs and helped him step out of them.

His pubes were hairless and his tiny little penis was cut. It was limp and the slightly bulging head was exposed. It was only a slightly darker pink than the rest of his penis. His little, hairless testicles looked so small. John took the boy's little penis in his fingers and fondled it, rolling the limp, soft sausage between his thumb and first two fingers and then gently squeezing it at the base and tugging on it. It quickly began to swell and John delighted in its reaction as much as did Aaron. He continued to fondle and tug on it until it was pointing up in the air stiffly. John stood and stepped back and looked at the boy again. Aaron stood there staring down at the three inches [7½ cm] of hard little boy cock, his hands at his sides, his long golden brown hair just touching his bare shoulders, his blue-green eyes sparkling with excitement. He slowly looked up at John and his mouth slowly curled into a boyish grin, a blend of pride and modesty. John's heart was pounding so hard he was sure it was about to burst.

Aaron watched as John unbuttoned his shirt and removed it, revealing a broad chest covered with a mat of chestnut brown hair. He untied his shoes and slid them off, his jeans being too tight to slip over them. John felt strange being watched by the eight-year-old boy as he unbuckled his pants and unzipped them and then lowered them and stepped out of them. Slipping his hands under the elastic band of his plaid coloured boxers, he could not remember ever feeling so self-conscious as he lowered them and stepped out of them. He stood there for a moment, debating if he should declare this show and tell as the limit to which he would go. Although there was a nagging voice telling him that he'd already gone too far, it was faint. He wanted to continue.

As John stepped up to the boy, Aaron reached out and took the man cock in his hands. Even though it was limp, it was still longer than his stiffie. The eight-year-old studied the cock in his hand closely, as he might examine a new specimen being passed around in science class. John was also circumcised and the boy was delighted that they were the same. He finally closed his fingers about it and slowly began to draw his loose fist up and down an inch in either direction as he did his to his own in the privacy of his bed. John's cock quickly responded, just as his always did. Aaron continued to stroke it. It was the first cock other than his own that he'd ever held, and it felt strange to be stroking it and feeling it swelling, so much different from doing it to himself. It wasn't as much the size as it was the strangeness of holding another male's thing, though size certainly made it different too.

Aaron continued to stroke until it was firm. The boy thought it particularly huge, having never seen a man's erection before, nor anyone else's for that matter. It stood out at almost a ninety-degree angle to his body instead of sticking straight up as his did. It was seven inches [18 cm] long and slender, and in its erect state the skin was totally pulled back off the knob.

Retrieving the suppository from his pants' pocket, the boy explained to John what it was for. Of course the man tried to explain that such a thing as impregnating a boy was impossible, but Aaron insisted it could be done and there was no way an adult was going to shake his faith in his best buddy. In the end, John assured the boy that if he was right he definitely would love to have a baby with him, and that when he was born, they would raise him together. He was not just humouring the boy. If such a thing were possible, he was willing to play his part.

Satisfied, Aaron took the tube of Vaseline, and applying a dab to his finger tips, he coated John's cock head with it. As he stood there watching the boy, John felt as if he was the child. Somewhere between disrobing and now, the boy had taken the lead over from him. It felt very strange to John for the boy to be taking the dominant role, but at the same time it also felt right. By being the aggressor the boy could control how far and how fast they went, and that was fine with John. As much as he wanted to see this proceed to its logical conclusion, he didn't want to influence the boy.

His cock jerked with arousal as Aaron's greasy fingertips applied more Vaseline to the shaft. It was strange watching the young boy wearing only his runners and socks greasing up his cock, and very erotic. The boy finally turned and bent over a saw horse and John knelt behind him. He spread apart the boy's small, compact cheeks with one hand and applied a dab of Vaseline to his bumhole with the other. It seemed so small. He stepped up behind the boy.

As Aaron felt John place the tip of his cock against his virgin hole and slowly push forward, the eight-year-old eagerly opened his sphincter muscle. As he felt John push a bit harder, wedging the tip of his cock in his hole, Aaron grunted and strained to accept the man's offering. Billy had warned him it would hurt at first, and that it would be difficult. As the man's thick, greased cock stretched open his anus, Aaron gasped for another breath and pushed outward as Billy had instructed. Ever so slowly he felt the man's cock penetrate his body, entering his asshole fraction by fraction. He was doing it! He was actually doing it! He was taking the man's cock up his ass! He couldn't believe it!

John was grunting and straining too, and with equal disbelief. He had inserted his cock in the young boy's asshole. He was slowly but surely now sinking it up the boy's hot, moist cavity. He had fantasized doing this, but never in his wildest dreams had he ever thought he would fulfil that fantasy. He had definitely known he would never make the first more, and that he had been as bold as he had been this afternoon was just as much a surprise as was Aaron's eagerness. Even now, with half his cock buried up the boy's hole, he did not know how it had exactly come about. He was glad that it had though. Of that there was no doubt.

Afraid he might hurt the boy, John stopped and slowly began to work his cock in and out of the tight, hot asshole. He was amazed at how great it felt. The boy's rectum squeezed around his solid bone as if it was shitting it out as he withdrew, and then it relaxed as he sank his cock back in. It was better than he had ever imagined. He went slowly, and checked repeatedly if the boy was alright.

Aaron was more than alright. He could not believe the pleasure of having a hot, thick cock working in and out of his body. It sent shivers up his spine, and his legs were trembling as the man slowly fucked him. That was it! He was actually being fucked! He and John were making a baby! Aaron took deep breaths as he concentrated on the feeling. It was far from yucky. It was totally awesome!

As John felt himself approaching his orgasm he tried to work slowly and tenderly, but as the need to shoot a load increased he could not help but increase his speed. He could not believe the immense pleasure of fucking a young boy's ass, and he was glad that he had waited for this particular young boy. It was the most fantastic experience of his life, even better than the night he'd lost his virginity. As he felt his orgasm approaching, he grasped Aaron's smooth hips tightly and worked his cock in and out of his hole with short rapid thrusts. As the first of his seed erupted out of his body, he rammed his cock in and squeezed the boy's butt until his knuckles turned white. Squirt after squirt erupted from his body and up the boy's rectum. It was fantastic. Suddenly the boy quivered and bucked his hips as he reached his own orgasm. It was more than fantastic. It was undescribable. He, John Porter, had caused the boy to have an orgasm.

They sat down there in the empty room afterwards and talked. They talked about Aaron's home life, and John's, and about what they had just done, and about boyloving. As they talked, they began to feel horny again, and Aaron finally asked if they could do it a second time. So they did it again, and before Aaron headed home, they did it a third time, with the promise to meet there at the construction site again on Sunday. When Aaron phoned Billy that night he was ecstatic.

Sunday Aaron and John met again at the construction site and they went directly to the empty, windowless room. This time John had brought a blanket and some pillows with him. They did it with Aaron laying on his stomach, and then a second time bent over the saw horse like the previous day, and a third time laying on his back on a pile of lumber with John standing and Aaron's thin, hairless legs supported against John's massive, furry chest. The second day was even better than the first.

They met each other after school on Monday and John took Aaron to a park he knew about with a lot of bushes and paths and that was used by the gay community for casual sex. Doing it there with their pants and underwear about their ankles in the fresh air with Aaron bent over a fallen tree was even better than at the apartment building site. They agreed to meet again on Tuesday, and then on Wednesday and Thursday. Billy no longer accompanied Aaron on those daily visits. His absence was obvious, but neither mentioned it.

The following Friday after he and John did it in the back seat of his car in a vacant construction site, Aaron had a sleep over at Billy's. While the two close friends were deep in discussion about what had happened during the week, and how great having a boylover was, and how great getting their asses fucked felt, they had no idea that Aaron's stepbrother and friend were rummaging about in Aaron's room.

"Hey lookit this."

"You find some change?" asked Jimmy.

"You didn't tell me your kid brother was a druggie."

"First of all he's my step brother, and second, no way is he into drugs."

"Then what's this?"

Jimmy stepped over to where his friend Calvin was standing and looked at the tan tablets. "Wicked looking pills. How the hell you swallow something that size?"

"They aren't for swallowing. They're for sticking up your butt."

"What ya talkin' 'bout man?"

"I mean they're what's known as analgesics."

Jimmy looked at his friend Calvin curiously. Calvin was two years older and knew a lot more about drugs than he did. He was a tall, skinny boy, five-foot-eleven [1.80 m] and a hundred and twenty pounds [55 kg], with long, straggly black hair at least six inches [15 cm] below his shoulders and which always looked greasy. He had dark circles about his eyes, which were usually bloodshot, and a mild acne problem. He was dressed in the typical teen uniform of the day, baggy cargo pants, oversize Guess T-shirt, Nike airwalks, and a Nike cap, worn backwards. He looked like the type of boy who did drugs.

He was quite a contrast to Jimmy who was the same height despite being two years younger, but weighted in at a hundred-and-forty pounds [64 kg], all solid, firm muscle. His dark black hair was cut short, and his green eyes bright and piercing. He played quarterback on the high school football team, and was good at it. He wasn't really into drugs, and had actually only begun around a year and a half ago. That had been shortly after his mother and father had split up. It was a way for the sixteen-year-old to forget what he was, and what he'd done, two very big secrets. It also made life with his alcoholic father a bit more bearable.

"So, what do they do? I've never heard of them."

"Much the same as pills you pop orally. They can be stimulants or depressants or hallucinogenic."

"So why are they made to stick up your butt?"

"They work faster. They're made to dissolve in your rectum, where they go right into the blood stream. No worries about the digestive juices or whatever getting them."


"Yeah. There's all kind of medicines they administer that way, specially sedatives. Morphine for one."

"Yeah? Well no way is Aaron taking morphine or anything like that."

"Well, he's sure the fuck taking something. So com'on man, lets try them."

"You think these are morphine or what?"

"No idea. Never seen nothing like these," Calvin replied, and then added with a grin as he handed one to Jimmy. "But there is one sure way to find out."

"Why not?" Jimmy responded with a shrug. He had to get high, and they weren't finding any money in the kid's room, which was why they were there. He hadn't expected to find any cash.

Returning to Jimmy's room, the two teens dropped their pants, and with some nervous giggling, inserted the suppositories and then lay back on Jimmy's bed and waited. The minutes ticked by.

"So, you feeling anything?" Jimmy asked almost half an hour later.

"Fuck no. Except my ass is itchy as hell."

"Yeah. Mine too."

"And my cock."

"That's always itchy," observed Jimmy.

The two of them had talked a lot about girls, and what they would do with them if they ever found girls who were willing, and how adults had it made, and how it was the pits being a teen. They had even taken a couple girls to the favourite make out spot in town and necked, Calvin in the front seat with a druggie blond and Jimmy in the back with a football groupie. The blond and Calvin got too stoned to do anything, and the groupie was a real ball-teaser, the type that got a guy hot and then refused to help him cool off.

"Yeah," Calvin grinned. "Fuck, I need a woman."

"Me too," lied Jimmy. That was his first secret. Jimmy played the role. He had to, he was a jock, but women did nothing for him.

"You know, I wonder if that's what those pills were."



Jimmy snorted. "What would my kid bro be doing with aphrodisiacs?"

"Who knows?"

"Yeah, the little shit never speaks. Who knows what secrets he has?"

"Oh fuck, I gotta get off a load," groaned Calvin as he groped himself.

"You and me both. I don't know what those were, but I'm so fucking horny even your ass is looking good." That was Jimmy's second lie, and his second secret. He did fancy ass, but the ass in his fantasies belonged to much younger boys.

"I'm horny enough to say go right ahead."

The two teenagers looked at each other, checking to see how serious the other was. From the look in Calvin's eyes, Jimmy figured he was feeling exactly the same way as he was. Calvin reached the same conclusion. The two boys didn't have to say anything. They practically tore their clothes off, and between their thoughts and the suppositories, by the time they had stripped they were both erect. As they dropped their underwear on the floor, they looked up at each other, purposefully staring each other in the eye to avoid looking where they wanted to look. Again they did not have to speak.

Calvin lay flat on his stomach and Jimmy got into position above him, his knees between Calvin's outspread legs and his forearms on either side of his chest. He nervously eased his hips down and forward, not really sure if this was the way but being too embarrassed and too proud to ask. His cock poked against the eager but tight hole. He reached down and held his dick as he tried a second and third time.

"Man, I think we're gonna need some lube."

"Fuck, I don't have anything," responded Jimmy.

"How about soap?"

"Sure. Wanna do it in the shower?"


The two naked, erect teens headed for the shower. Stepping inside, they turned on the tap and Jimmy wet and soaped up his cock as Calvin reached behind himself and soaped up his butthole, even slipping his index finger up his rectum. He then turned around and spread his legs and Jimmy soaped his index finger and pressed his fingertip against Calvin's pucker. As he slowly and carefully inserted his finger up Calvin's ass, Jimmy had never felt so tense, nor so horny. His entire body ached as he slowly worked his soapy finger in and out of his best buddy.

"Oh fuck, yeah man. That feels so hot. I can't wait for your cock!"

Jimmy couldn't wait any longer either. As his best buddy braced himself against the tiled wall, Jimmy placed the tip of his cock against his soapy hole and pushed. He easily penetrated him, his cock being rock hard and soapy, Calvin's hole being soaped up and eager, and the two boys being hotter than they had ever been in their young lives.

Jimmy could not believe it as he slowly began to work his hips to and fro, drawing his cock in and out of Calvin's rectum. He was humping his best buddy! How many jerk off sessions had he had thinking about that? Now he was doing it! For the first time in his life he was fucking! Even though he had barely begun, his breathing was heavy. He worked his cock in and out rapidly, as if making up for lost time. Actually he was desperate. The itch in his knob was like he'd stuck it in a poison ivy bush. The faster he worked his cock in and out of the hot, moist hole of his best buddy, the better it felt. He furiously slammed the eighteen-year-old boy against the showers. It did not take long before he came.

Withdrawing his still stiff cock, he exchanged positions with Calvin. He wanted to feel Calvin inside him as desperately as he'd wanted to fuck Calvin. His asshole itched like a hundred mosquito bites, a totally new experience for the boy. As Calvin soaped up his cock and then slipped his soapy finger up Jimmy's ass as Jimmy had done to him, Jimmy squirmed impatiently and wished Calvin would hurry up. He had to have the itch up his butt scratched, and the only way to do that was to have his best buddy shove his fuck pole up it. He had no idea what that pill that he'd shoved up his ass was, but it was having a fantastic effect on him, and evidently so was the one Calvin had shoved up his ass, and that was alright by him.

Calvin could not understand what was happening either. He'd always considered himself open minded, and he'd always said that gays had every right to express their sexuality, but he'd just mouthed that until now. He didn't actually know any gays, didn't think he ever would, and certainly hadn't expected he'd ever engage in a gay act himself. Oh sure, he'd thought about it, and had wondered what it might be like, and had even stuck his finger up his asshole while he jerked off a couple times, but he'd never considered that as being gay. It was just, well, sex. However, now as he was straining to stick his cock up his best buddy's ass while his own hole felt grossly stretched and open from having had its first fucking, what he had done and what he was doing was definitely gay. He also had to admit that he had thoroughly enjoyed getting his ass fucked, and was looking forward to doing it to his best buddy.

Jimmy strained to accept the boy's cock as he slowly pushed forward, and ever so slowly he finally felt it stretching apart his sphincter. He strained to open his anus and he felt the hard, hot organ slowly entering his rectum. He pushed out, allowing the boy to penetrate him more easily. Then he opened and closed his anus in time with the in and out motion of his buddy, working with him as Calvin fucked his ass in quick time. Being a top, he hadn't fantasized about this much, and he was surprised just how wonderful it felt.

It was not long before Calvin was grunting and groaning as his humping speeded up. Less than a minute later he grasped Jimmy's hips and thrust forward and Jimmy knew that Calvin was squirting his stuff up his hole. Although he could not actually feel Calvin's seed squirting into him, just the idea of his best buddy shooting his thick cum into his body was awesome.

The two boys returned to the bedroom, embarrassed by what they'd done, but feeling fantastic. They were also still feeling fantastically horny. About half an hour later, Calvin looked over at his friend.

"So, the drug worn off yet?"

"Don't know if it's the drug, but I'm still fucking horny."

"Me too."

"So, like, you wanna do it again?"

"Need to."

"Me too."

So the boys took each other there on Jimmy's bed, fucking hard and fucking fast. For a second time they filled each other's itching rectums with their teen cum. The second time was as fantastic as the first, but it still was not enough.

Several hours and another two humping sessions later, Calvin finally began to put on his clothes. "You know, man, this has been one fuckin' weird day."


"What we done, like, it's our secret, right?"

"Hey, of course it is."

"I mean, I don't mind. Sex is sex. I'm not hung up on that we did it or anything." Calvin might have always thought he had an open mind and was totally unprejudiced, but now having had sex with another guy, he was not prepared to announce it to the world. That he'd done it bothered him, and what bothered him even more was that he'd enjoyed it so much.

"Me neither. Hell, it felt good fucking your ass. And having you up mine," announced Jimmy, unlike his buddy speaking the truth and unafraid to say it.

"Same here," agreed Calvin tentatively, "but we don't have to tell anyone else."

"Course not."

"See ya tomorrow?"



Saturday when Aaron went to get the next suppository, he was surprised to find only one. He searched his drawer frantically, but could not find the other two. Being on his way to meet John, he decided to do a thorough search when he returned. Calvin was walking up the sidewalk as he was heading out.

"Hey little dude, what's up?"


"You heading somewhere?"

"Ah, yeah," he replied, thinking that was sort of a dumb question. "I'm going to a birthday party, a sleep over."


As Aaron headed up the sidewalk, he thought about the conversation. Calvin had sounded strange, as if he was hiding something. The eight-year-old boy shrugged. Probably he and Jimmy were taking off to meet some pusher.

"Just met your kid brother heading out."

"Yeah? Dude's been hangin' somewhere quite a bit lately."

"Said he had a sleep over birthday party, but he acted guilty. Maybe he's going to buy some more analgesics," Calvin chuckled, delighted that he'd found a way to bring up the topic.

"Yeah," laughed Jimmy, having been wondering all morning how he might bring up what they'd done the day before. "How you feeling after yesterday anyway?"

"Still fuckin' horny."

"Yeah? Me too," Jimmy commented hopefully.

"Course that's nothing new," hedged Calvin just in case Jimmy wasn't thinking what he was hoping he was thinking.

"No, this is different. I'm mean, I've been so horny all morning it's like I wanna rip my dick off."

"Yeah? Me too. And my ass has been itching like fuck," Calvin dared to confess, hoping it would be enough of a hint.

"Mine too!" quickly commented Jimmy, realizing too late how eager he'd sounded and hoping it would go by unnoticed.

"That shit your brother had must be way powerful stuff to still be working."

"Yeah, that's what I've been thinking too," Jimmy lied.

"Anyone home?"

"No, not at the moment."

The two boys looked at each other, smiled, and began to strip. They were fully erect by the time their underwear dropped on the floor. As the two horny teenagers lay on Jimmy's bed, a couple blocks away John opened the passenger door of his vehicle and Aaron climbed in.

"Glad to see you could get away."

"No sweat," said the preteen boy with a shrug. "Nobody cares where I go."

"I do."

"Cool," the boy replied cuddling up to the man. As John drove away, Aaron reached down and lay his hand on the man's crotch. It was warm. John wrapped his free arm about his little friend. They had an hour before Billy's birthday party, and both were eager to make full use of it.

When Aaron showed up at the door, his eyes were sparkling and his face was lit up with a bright smile. He was a very happy little boy. He'd just spent a tremendous hour with his boylover, and he was going to spend the rest of the day with his best buddy, who had introduced him to the secret delight of boy love.

Billy had invited six of his closest friends to his birthday. The party had a Star Wars theme of course, the family room being decorated with streamers and stars and balloons painted like the planets. They played board games and charades and Pictogram and then they went out to Chucky Cheezes for pizza and birthday cake. After the party Aaron stayed and the two of them played Star Wars, Billy being Anakin Skywalker and Aaron being Jar Jar. They had a late snack of ice cream and chocolate cake that had been cut into the shape of a space ship, and then they snuggled into bed and talked about space and science and how great it was to be a boy and nine years old and about boylovers and having babies.


The following week was tense. Aaron searched his room for the missing suppositories repeatedly to no avail. They could not be found. Billy had no idea how they could contact the mysterious ancient who had given them to him, and Bobby had no idea either. They had discovered that John was a boylover as they'd suspected and that was great, but after two weeks of furious fucking, which was great in itself too, Aaron had really gotten his heart set on getting pregnant. Despite all the great stuff that had happened, it was a crushing disappointment to the eight-year-old that he would not have a baby like Billy had.

As for Billy, he and Bobby had planned on having a belated birthday celebration the Saturday after the one he'd had with his parents, but his parents had suddenly started talking about him spending too much time with Bobby and although they hadn't said no, they were hinting strongly that they might not let him go for the overnight trip that Bobby had invited him on. With school and Bobby's travelling, they hadn't seen much of each other for the month, and Billy had really been looking forward to spending some time with Bobby and their little son.

Jimmy and Calvin had their own problems. Having also searched Aaron's room for more suppositories, they were desperate to get their hands on some more. The previous week of hot, repeated sex, the first either boy had ever had, had been too marvellous to just stop. Of course they knew that they did not need aphrodisiacs to continue, but without them they'd have to admit to each other that they had enjoyed having gay sex. Neither boy was prepared to do that, but they desperately wanted to continue having sex with each other.

"So, no luck?" asked Calvin, meeting up with Jimmy after Jimmy's Thursday football practice.

"Nope. I've searched everywhere."

"That's too bad. I don't know what the hell they were but they sure gave me a buzz."

"Yeah, me too. Really blew my mind," lied Jimmy.

"You talk to your kid bro about it?"

"No way. I don't want him suspecting we took his shit."

"Oh man, I need to experience that high again. Like, it totally wiped me out."

"We could ask Duran."

"Without knowing the name of what we want?"

"How many tan three-quarter inch [2 cm] analgesics you think there are?"

"Yeah, you're right."

"And if we have to we can say one of the side effects is it's an aphrodisiac."

"Yea, side effect."

"Right. Man, that stuff is so powerful. I gotta have another hit. Last weekend was so fuckin' hot."

"Okay, I'll give him a call."

A voice answered after the first ring, a thin papery voice. "Hello."

"Ah, I'd like to talk to Duran."

"He isn't here at the moment. Perhaps I can help you." The voice was almost a whisper.

"Ah, no, I doubt it. You know when Duran ."

"I have what you need."


"I know why you're phoning."

"You do?"


"You an associate of Duran's or something?"

"Or something. Meet me at O'Hara Park in half an hour."

"But you don't kno ."

The person at the other end had hung up before Calvin could finish.

The two teens showed up at the park promptly anyway. They had to get more stash. There were several mothers there with their children playing on the playground, and assorted other kids running around. In the corner was an old man, small, thin and frail. He looked oriental.

"You the dude we supposed to meet?"

"Yes," he said with a slight smile, and Calvin immediately recognized the voice as the one on the phone. The man handed the boys a package. Inside were eight suppositories. "Two to replace the two you took from your brother, and the other six for the two of you. Only take one a week. They are very powerful the effect will last up to seven days for a virile young male."

"Ah, right, virile," Jimmy said, looking at Calvin and smiling.

"How'd you know we took Jimmy's little snotnose's shit?"

"I know boys," the man said with a smile. "I know the power of male fecundity. I know many things, things mysterious, and things common."

"Ah, yeah," Calvin said. The dude had to be popping some very potent stuff himself from the nonsense he was spouting.

"How much?"

"They are a hundred dollars each. Your brother has not paid me yet for his four."

"That's step brother, and you think I'm going to pay for his?"

"If it had not been for him, you would not have found each other."

"What do you mean found each other? We've known each other for years."

"No, you've only truly known each other since last Friday, and you are about to get to know each other much better."

"Yeah, well, whatever. We don't have that type of money."

"You can earn it."

"Whatcha mean?"

"There are those who would pay handsomely for pictures of boys such as yourselves."

"Forget it."

"You are going to do it anyway. Why not commemorate it with photos? One picture is worth a thousand words it is said. One roll is worth surely four hundred dollars. And your brother need not know you took his shit, as you call it."

"That's blackmail."

"No. That's a small thank you for the blessings your two will be receiving."


"Many splendid."


The ancient was very confusing. He was also very convincing. The boys accompanied him to an old warehouse and soon in the ecstasy of fulfilling their lustful needs they totally forgot about the camcorder and camera. When Jimmy returned home in the wee hours of the morning, his legs sore from being spread apart for so long, he quietly hobbled into his kid brother's room and slipped the two suppositories in his drawer before retiring to his own bedroom. Had he been less weary and more observant, he would have seen a grotesque statue with a glowing, dripping penis leering at him in the dark.

Chapter 7

"But Mo-om!"


"Dad?" the nine-year-old boy asked desperately.

"You heard your mom."

"But it's tomorrow! Please, just this time."

"And if we say yes, then it will be just the next time, and the time after that."

"No it won't. I promise."

"No, Billy."

"But it's tomorrow! We made plans. And you know we did," the boy said angrily, his turquoise eyes flashing behind his long blond eyelashes.

"And we've thought about it and decided no."

"But why?"

"We've told you already. You and Bobby are seeing too much of each other. Your dad and I think you should be spending more time with children your age."

"But we haven't seen each other hardly at all all month. Bobby's been busying trucking."

"Still, you have seen a lot of each other."

"We love each other."

"Of course. And we are glad you are so close. But it isn't natural for a boy to spend so much time with adults. We just want you to have some friends your age."

"But I have friends my age! Lots of them!"

"Billy, stop arguing with us. Now that's final."

"It's not fair!" the boy protested, his face turning red.

"You want us to tell Bobby?"

"No! I'll tell him!" Billy shouted. Getting to his feet, he raced outside, slamming the door behind him.

As he headed up the street, he bit his lower lip trying to hold back the tears. He was nine now, as of six days ago. He had even grown another quarter of an inch [5 mm]. When you are nine years old and four-foot-three-and-a-quarter [1.30 m], you don't cry. He blinked the tears from his big, turquoise eyes but he could not hold back the flow and they trickled down his flushed cheeks. This was just not fair! He and Bobby hadn't seen much of each other all month because Bobby had been on the road and he was back in school, and he was really looking forward to the overnight camping trip. He had so much to tell his friend, and wanted so much to be with him. It wasn't fair, he thought angrily as he kicked the pebble in front of him. It just wasn't fair.

"Hey Billy!"

Billy turned and looked up the street. It was his new pal, Aaron. The eight-year-old had a grin on his face that Billy could see half a block away. Billy quickly wiped his eyes and his cheeks with the back of his hand.

"Guess what?" Aaron asked excitedly as he joined his best buddy.


"I found the other two pill things."

"Yeah? Great," Billy said, knowing immediately what he was referring to. "Where did you find them?"

"They were there in my drawer all along. It's way weird, cuz I emptied my drawer right out yesterday, but when I opened it this morning, there they were, right in plain sight."

"Maybe they got rolled up in a sock, or your underwear or something."

"Maybe, but I searched and double searched everything the night before."

"Well, you got them anyway."

"Yeah, and I put them in my desk this time for safe keeping."

"Good plan."

"So where ya headin'?"

"To Bobby's."

"Yeah? Way cool. I'll let ya go then."

"No, it's not way cool," Billy said as he stared down at the sidewalk.

Aaron had been so excited about finding the suppositories he hadn't noticed his friend's tear-stained cheeks until then. "What do you mean?"

"I can't go on the camping trip tomorrow."

"You can't? That's a bummer. Why not?"

"My mom and dad think I'm spending too much time with Bobby and should be spending more time with my friends."

"Wow! That's way bad."

"Yeah. I tried to tell them otherwise, but they wouldn't listen."

"Parents think they know everything sometimes."

"Yeah. And sometimes they don't know nothing," Billy said angrily. It was not typical for the usually cheerful tousled-haired blond to be so bitter, but this was a major disappointment.

"So whatcha gonna do?"

"Tell him I can't go I guess."

"That's too bad. I know you was really looking forward to it."

"Yeah. We haven't seen each other for like two weeks."

"Wow. Bet you're feeling way horny," Aaron said sympathetically. That was a new word for him, and a new concept, thanks to his best buddy.

"Oh yeah. That part I was really looking forward to," Billy said, exchanging a knowing grin with his new friend. "Hey, how's it going with you and John anyway?"

"Way awesome."

"Cool," Billy said with a smile as he thought back to his first two weeks with Bobby. That had been so hot.

"I wish we could spend the whole night together once, like you and Bobby do. That would be so way cool."

"Yeah, sleeping together is awesome, especially after fucking."

"You're way lucky."

"Was lucky."

"Oh, yeah."

"You know, you and John could spend a night together."


"You could tell your mom you was staying over at my place, and instead you and John could be together."

"You could do the same," Aaron observed, his face brightening with the thought. "You can say you are at my place, but instead you and Bobby could go camping."

"Yeah, I suppose."

"That way your mom and dad would think you were with guys your age too," Aaron added, his blue-green eyes sparkling as he thought more about the idea.

"Yeah, they would," Billy said, his face brightening as he considered the idea also. "Hey, you wanna come meet him?"


Bobby's wife wasn't home from work yet so he was able to entertain his two young guests freely, a problem Billy hadn't considered. Billy Bob was having his afternoon nap so they sat in the kitchen and talked softly. Bobby found some store-bought cookies and two tins of 7 Up. In the course of the conversation the young boy told his lover the plan they had come up with on the way over.

"You sure you want to do that?"

"Sure. Why not?" Billy asked with a shrug. It was a bluff. Deep down inside he didn't want to.

"I really want to spend the weekend with you, but are you sure you want to go camping that badly that you'd lie to your folks?"

"Yeah. I do want to go that badly," Billy announced firmly as he looked up at Bobby, his big turquoise eyes dead serious. That was the truth. "But I don't like lying," he added with a frown. That part was the truth too, and his voice quavered.

"I don't like to lie to my mom and dad neither," said Aaron in support of his buddy.

Bobby looked at the two boys sitting across the kitchen table from him. It would be wonderful if everyone could be so innocent and so honest. It was a rotten world that created situations like this, situations that forced decent children to lie. "Well, perhaps we have a way out of this," he said after thinking a few moments.


"Suppose I offer to take you and Aaron up to the cabin? That way you can spend time with each other, like your parents want, and neither of you would have to lie. And maybe John can come join us," he said, glancing over at Aaron with a knowing smile.

"Way awesome!" the two boys announced, happy grins replacing their serious faces.

"I don't like to lie," repeated Aaron.

"Told ya Bobby was way smart," Billy beamed.

He finished off his can of pop with a loud burp and the two boys laughed. At that moment Billy Bob woke up from his nap and came toddling in from his bedroom. Upon seeing his little father, he raced to him on his short, wobbly little legs and leaped up into his lap. Kissing each other on the lips, the two embraced tightly. As Aaron watched the two, he smiled. He could not wait to have his own baby boy to love.

So Bobby drove the boys home and approached Billy's parents. They were reluctant to change their minds, and apologetically but firmly stated their position. They said they understood how he could form a bond with their son, and they said they had appreciated the breaks while he had looked after him, but they did feel their son needed to be spending more time with children his age. Little did they realize just what the bond was between the man and boy or they would have been on the phone to the police having him arrested, not sitting in their living room being apologetic. After much persistence, and largely due to Billy's long, dejected look and sorrowful eyes besides the fact that his new friend would be joining them, they finally agreed to the modified weekend plan.

As soon as the problem was resolved, Billy phoned Aaron, and as Aaron had predicted, his parents didn't care if he went or not as long as it didn't cost them anything. Aaron immediately called John, and as Bobby had predicted, the boylover promised that he would find some way to join them. That night none of the four could sleep in anticipation of the next day.

Nine o'clock Saturday morning, Bobby's motorhome pulled up to Billy's. The nine-year-old boy had been packed and sitting by the window for forty-five minutes, and at the sight of the camper he gave his mom a quick hug, hollered goodbye to his dad, and raced down the walk. Aaron joined them seconds later, explaining as he handed his overnight bag to Bobby, that he was late because he'd forgotten something important and had to run back and get it. He gave Billy a sly look as Bobby turned to stow away the bag and he held his thumb and index finger three-quarters of an inch [2 cm] apart and the two boys grinned.

As they headed out to Bobby's cabin, he asked them how school was going, and for the rest of the trip the boys talked nonstop about their new teacher and the new things they were learning while Billy Bob played with his toys in the back of the motorhome. Both were good students, and although they moaned about having to get up to go to school and not having enough holidays like all boys their age, they both enjoyed school and learning. It was a rare opportunity to be honest and talk about the things they liked about school, and they took advantage of it.

Arriving at the cabin, they set to work cleaning up the yard and getting it ready for winter, which was the reason Bobby had given his wife for going away for the weekend, although it was a month earlier than they usually did that. Finding such preparations a chore, she was more than willing to let him go on his own. The two boys, on the other hand, found raking the leaves and helping Bobby fun, and they felt important helping out. For Bobby, just being with the boys made the time fly by, and seeing the pride and enjoyment they were getting out of helping made the routine chore actually fun for him too. So, it was a win-win situation for everyone.

At noon John arrived, and after cooking hot dogs for lunch, the five headed down to the lake. Aaron hadn't thought to bring his swim suit, but there being nobody else around, that did not prove to be a problem. The idea of going skinny dipping appealed to the two boys, and to their two lovers. While the boys romped in the water and played with Billy Bob, who would rather be out of his diapers than in them anyway, the men sat on the beach and watched and got acquainted. Mostly they talked about their jobs, and how warm it was for the end of September, and football. There were other things they wanted to talk about, and things that John especially wanted to ask about, but neither was brave enough to broach those topics. Eventually running out of things to talk about, they stripped and joined the boys in the water. For the three boys, the arrival of the two naked men was perfectly natural and didn't warrant more than an initial glance of curiosity at their privates. After an hour in the lake those privates were not much bigger than those of the boys anyway. What with tossing a beach ball to each other in the lake, dunking each other in a game of tag, and swimming with each other, the afternoon passed by quickly.

Leaving the boys building a space city on the beach, the men went up to the cabin and barbequed hamburgers for supper. Sitting there at the picnic table on the patio, the two men watched the three boys enjoy the simple supper as only young boys could. As Billy dipped a fry into the ketchup and stuck the end in his mouth and sucked on it Bobby felt an ache between his legs. Other than a quickie two weeks ago, it had been a month since they had been together, and he was aching to make love with the boy. As Billy took another fry, a dollop of ketchup dripped onto his chest. Bobby flipped it up with his finger and popped it in his mouth and the boy and his lover exchanged smiles.

John was watching Aaron just as intently. As the boy chewed happily on the burger, his cheeks stuffed out like a little chipmunk, John wanted to take him up in his arms and smother him with kisses and love. He had never felt so happy and blessed as he did that day. It was so wonderful just being with him, enjoying such simple things as having a burger together. Just seeing the sparkle in his eyes and the happy smile on his face made the trip out here worthwhile. He had been worried about meeting Bobby, and had almost cancelled out. At the beginning he'd felt uncomfortable, knowing the relationship Bobby had with Billy, and knowing that Bobby knew he and Aaron also had a sexual relationship. As the day had progressed, that part of their relationship just seemed to be a natural extension of their love.

None of them noticed Billy Bob sitting in his high chair and glancing at one and then the other. His turquoise eyes had a serious look in them, as if the two-year-old was deep in thought, and occasionally his eyes would narrow and the corner of his mouth would curl as if he were thinking some erotic thought. Then the next moment he happily smashed his little fist into his burger and raised the mashed mess to his face, which was already smeared with ketchup and hamburger relish along with his arms, curly blond hair, little chest, and chubby little legs.

After the meal they played catch and as it got darker, hide and seek, Bobby and Billy Bob acting as a team of course. Then they lit a fire in the fire pit and roasted marshmallows. It was a calm, clear night, with a full moon and the stars shining brightly in a night air scented with wood smoke.

"Well," said Bobby. "It has been a glorious day."

"Oh yeah, awesome," agreed Billy.

"A wonderful day," John commented as he stretched.

"A perfect day," observed Aaron.

"More?" asked Billy Bob, reaching for the marshmallows.

"One more, little guy," said Bobby. "That's all."

"Thath awl?" he asked with his big, turquoise eyes.

"Yes. We don't want you getting a little tummy ache."

"I'll roast it," offered Billy eagerly.

"Ah, Bobby?" said John softly as he stroked his beard, something he did when he was deep in thought.


"I wonder if we might talk a moment."

"Sure," the big man said with a shrug.

The two men walked across the lawn over to the patio and stood there leaning against the railing and looking out across the lake.

"You wanted to talk about something?" Bobby asked.

"Well, yes. I appreciate your offer to let Aaron and me sleep in your motorhome tonight."

"Hey, no problem."

"Well, the thing is, I don't have to tell you, well, sleeping probably won't be the only thing Aaron and I will be doing tonight," the man said uncomfortably.

"I expected not," Bobby said with a smile.

"You don't mind, us, well, in your bed, you know."

"There has been plenty of that type of exercise in that bed," Bobby said with a grin.

"I just wanted to be sure. I don't own a sleeping bag, and it was difficult enough to get away for overnight, without having to explain why I needed to bring my own linen."

"No problem. If you've been feeling the way I have today, I would imagine you can't wait to get into bed with Aaron, and if Aaron is anything like my Billy, I'm sure it will be many hours before you two do any sleeping."

John smiled and then looked over at the fire pit. "They're wonderful, aren't they," he said, making it more a statement than a question.


They stood there listening to the giggling and chatter of the three boys.

"No, Billy Bob, no more marshmallows," they heard Billy admonish.

"That's certainly a cute little tyke you have there."

"A real bundle of love," Bobby agreed. "And a bundle of energy," he added.

"Billy really seems devoted to him."

"Yeah. Wish there was some way he could spend more time with his son."

John looked at him with surprise. "His son?"

Bobby looked over at the younger man. He was certain Billy had told him the thirty-year-old construction worker and Aaron not only knew about their miracle child, but were in the middle of making their own. "You did know Billy Bob is our son."

"Yours and Billy's," John observed, humouring his host.

"Yes. Aaron has talked to you about you two having your own baby, hasn't he?"

"Yes, he certainly has," John said with a chuckle. "Has this notion that these haemorrhoid suppositories he got will make him pregnant."

"Those aren't for haemorrhoids."

"They aren't?" John asked, still humouring the big trucker.

Bobby looked at him blankly, not sure what his little friend had told him and how he should proceed.

"You have to be joking," John said with a smile. They had only known each other for a few hours, and he wasn't sure how to take this conversation.

"That two-year-old-boy look like a joke?" Bobby asked, nodding to the fire pit.

"But that can't be possible."

"Oh, but it is," Bobby assured him.

The two looked out at the boys on the lawn in silence.

"You're serious," John observed.

"Very," replied Bobby, continuing to look out at the two loves of his life. "How do you feel about that?" he asked when John didn't comment.

"How do I feel? If it's possible, there is nothing I'd like more," John replied, continuing to look over at the boys at the campfire also.

"You believe me?" Bobby asked as he turned and looked at John.

"A month ago I'd never have believed I'd have a day like today, or anything like the past two weeks," John admitted, turning and looking at the older man. "Impregnating an eight-year-old boy isn't that much more of a stretch."

Bobby laughed. He knew exactly how the younger man was feeling. The disbelief in the tone of his voice and the wishful thoughts in his soft brown eyes were painfully evident. Bobby thought back to the days where he'd tried to choose between the logic of his mind and the desire of his heart.

"If you don't mind putting out the fire, I think it's time Aaron and I retired for the night," John finally said, interrupting his thoughts.

"I think there's going to be a few fires ignited tonight," Bobby said with a grin as he stood up. He felt sorry for the confused thirty-year-old, and at the same time knowing what the future held for him, extremely happy for him.

As for John, the man struggled with the thoughts running through his mind as they headed back to the fire pit. His concern about having sex in a stranger's bed had been replaced with far more complex concerns. Bobby seemed like a decent sort of man, not the type to have delusions, but the man had to have some mental problems here. In his heart, John wanted what he'd just heard to be true, but in his mind he knew it was impossible. His real concern was not about Bobby, nor his own inner conflict of reason and emotion. His real concern was how disappointed Aaron would be when reality hit and the boy realized it was all wishful thinking.

By the time he'd walked across the lawn, John had decided he would have to start preparing the boy for that disappointment now, and this night was just as good as any. From the gleam in the eight-year-old's blue-green eyes when he suggested they call it a night, he knew what the boy was thinking, and even if it going to ruin a perfect day and prevent them from having a fantastic night, they had to have a serious discussion. The last thing he wanted to do was to have the boy get hurt.

"This is so way cool," Aaron gushed as he sat down on the bed in the motorhome and bounced.

"It is a nice motorhome."

"No, I mean today. It's been the best day of my life."

"Mine too," John said, feeling bad about what he was about to do as he sat down beside the agitated boy and put an arm around him. It would be so easy to avoid the issue.

"Really?" the boy asked, looking up at his adult friend with big blue-green eyes that made the adult putty in the boy's hands.

"You better believe it," John replied, drawing him close. Aaron slipped an arm around the two-hundred-and-ten pound [95 kg] boylover and gave him a tight hug. John inhaled deeply as he stroked his beard with his free hand. "I talked to Bobby tonight."


"About Billy Bob. About having a baby."

"Yeah?" Aaron asked apprehensively, sensing the man's discomfort.

"You sure you really want to have a baby?"

"Don't you?" Aaron asked even more apprehensively, his heart starting to pound.

"I'd like nothing better, but you know where babies come from. Men and boys don't make babies together."

"We can," Aaron said brightly. "I brought another one of those things we gotta put up my bum."

"You know, sometimes a couple try and try, but they can't have a baby. The same could happen to us," John said, unable to tell the boy flat out that it was going to be impossible.

"Maybe," said Aaron. He thought for a moment, and then added with a shy smile, "but it's fun trying."

"Yes, that it is," John chuckled, having to laugh at the boy's comment.

"So you want to make a baby with me?"

"I can't think of anything better in the whole world," John replied with a sincere grin.

"Way cool," the boy said, reaching out and unbuttoning the top button of his lover's shirt.

Opening it up, the eight-year-old boy began to run his fingers through the thick, chestnut brown hair of the two-hundred-and-ten pound [95 kg] construction worker. John, meanwhile, unbuttoned his young lover's shirt and eased it off and began to caress the boy's soft, smooth skin. He gently ran his hands up and down the boy's slender back and their lips met in a tender kiss of love. He caressed the soft flesh covering the boy's shoulder blades as their lips met a second time and the man's cock began to stir in his blue jeans.

Aaron fingered his lover's nipples, causing them to become hot and hard. He delighted in the way that he was able to make his lover's body respond to his caresses and his kisses. He gently caressed the man's hard teats and kissed him again, this time more hotly, and he felt the man unbuckle his belt and unsnap the top snap of his cargo pants. Pushing John down on his back, Aaron wrapped his arms about him and pressed his body against his hairy chest as he continued to kiss him. The young boy raised his hips, allowing his thirty-year-old lover to push his pants down over his hips and down his smooth, slender legs.

Curling up so John could remove them, Aaron then sat up beside his lover and undid his belt and drew down his fly. John helped him push the jeans down. The man's blue and green plaid boxers were tented out and as John shifted position his stiff cock poked its head out of the fly of his underwear. Aaron giggled as he spotted it and the boy reached down and squeezed it with his little, hot hand. While he stroked it gently, John eased down the boy's white briefs and then raised his hips so the boy could remove his boxers. Looking down at the man's cock with the unabashed and intense interest that only an eight-year-old can have, Aaron slowly lowered his head.

John shivered uncontrollably as he felt the boy's soft, moist lips touch the tip of his aching cock and give it a soft, tender kiss. The boy's shoulder-long, golden-brown hair brushed against the inside of his thighs, and John groaned as the first of his pre-cum oozed out of his warmly pulsating cock. He felt the boy's hot little tongue dart out and flip it up into his mouth. Damn, he never knew it was possible to feel so hot. He reached down and massaged the boy's smooth, slender back while the boy gleefully nibbled on his cockhead and licked the sensitive opening as his cock jerked and excitedly leaked more pre-cum. He allowed the boy to tease and play with him a few minutes longer, until he knew if they didn't stop he'd blow his load. That he wanted to do deep inside the boy, not in his mouth.

Reaching over to the case he'd brought to the bed with them, John took out the tube of KY jelly. Opening it up, he squeezed out a dab on the tip of his index finger. Having Aaron turn around, he placed the dab on his small, brown pucker and carefully pushed the lube into the boy's body. He squeezed out a second dab and did the same again, and then he slowly pushed his fingertip in, working the lube deeper into the boy's eager hole. Squeezing out another generous dab, he began to apply it to his cock head, coating it with the lube to make their union as easy and as painless as possible. While he greased up his stiff pole, Aaron slipped off the bed and retrieved the suppository from his overnight bag. Slipping his hand behind him, he eased the tan, three-quarter inch [2 cm] pill up his greased bum.

"You know," John observed huskily, "that might not really result in us having a baby."

"It will," the boy said firmly. His best buddy said it would, so it would.

John had done all he could do to warn the boy. Putting aside the tube of lube, he was about to get up but before he could do so Aaron slipped his legs over him and sat there on his broad but firm stomach, his legs bent like he was a young cowboy riding a bull. He grinned down at the bearded man as he placed his hot little hands on the man's chest for balance and slowly raised his hips and shuffled back. John understood his intentions immediately. They had never done it in this position, and he wondered where the boy got the idea, if it was from talking to his buddy Billy, if he cruised adult sites on the Internet, or if it was just the vivid imagination of an active youngster.

While the two lovers had been preparing for their evening exercise, Billy and Bobby had put out the campfire and had retired to the cabin with Billy Bob. The three of them had gone straight to the bedroom.

"So what did John want to talk to you about?" asked Billy.

"Wanted to make sure I didn't mind if he and Aaron used the bed in the motorhome for making love."

"What did you say?"

"Told him no way I wanted them getting the clean sheets all sweaty and sticky."

Billy looked up at him in surprise and dismay, once again wondering where adults got their dumb ideas, and then he slowly grinned as he realized the big trucker was joking with him. "You're a teaser," he said with a smile as he snuggled up to his lover. As Bobby wrapped an arm about him, their lips met. Billy Bob squirmed up along the other side of the big man and stuck his little face between theirs and gave each a slobbery, baby kiss.

"We also talked about making babies."

"Yeah?" Billy asked, his eyes bright.

"John is doubtful that such a thing can happen."

"Does he want it to?"

"Oh yes, very much."

"I'm glad," Billy said. "And I'm glad it can happen."

"Me too," Bobby agreed as he wrapped his other beefy arm about his son and drew the two boys close to him. "I can't imagine life without you two."

Billy began to undo the big trucker's shirt and Billy Bob quickly decided he would help. Bobby sat up and the two boys removed his shirt, and then Bobby and Billy Bob unbuttoned and removed Billy's. Billy Bob giggled as his two daddies pulled his shirt off over his head.

"Now we gotta take off Daddy's pants," Billy said with a grin as he looked at his little son.

"Kay," Billy Bob readily agreed with a serious look on his face. "'N 'illy 'ob's diapah."

The curly-headed rascal was already pushing down his diaper, and Bobby and Billy glanced at each other and smiled. Soon Bobby was down to his boxers, Billy to his bright blue Fruit of the Loom briefs and their little boy to his birthday suit. The three of them embraced and kissed and ran their hands over each other's bodies. Billy and Billy Bob snuggled up to their chubby, fuzzy bear and caressed his hairy chest and fingered his nipples until they were firm, and then each took one in his mouth and began to suck. Bobby reached down and caressed the smooth backs of each of his boys and enjoyed the unique and erotic sensation of the two boys, father and son, sucking on his teats.

Slowly slipping his hand inside Billy's briefs, the big trucker massaged the boy's small, tender bottom with a beefy hand while he kneaded his little baby's buttocks with the other. The two boys licked his hard, irritated teats and he squirmed with the pleasure. Slipping his big hand around to the front of Billy's briefs, he fingered the boy's limp little pickle while he gently took Billy Bob's tiny organ between his thumb and index finger and carefully tugged on it. The boys sucked on his hairy teats even harder and he felt their little organs begin to swell.

Feeling the two little pricklets swelling and growing firm between his fingers was, as far as Bobby was concerned, one of the most wonderful experiences a man could have. Nobody could have such an experience and then deny that children have sexual desires and needs. It was not long before he had both of his boys stiff and squirming with pleasure. He squeezed the two little boners gently and sighed. The pleasure of holding those two little erections in his fingers was even greater than the pleasure of having the boys sucking and tonguing his teats.

Finally Billy pushed down his lover's boxers, and following his little Daddy's lead, Billy Bob slipped a hand between Bobby's legs. The two boys began to fondle his large, sweaty balls, rolling them carefully in their sack. The touch of two hot little hands on his ball sac had Bobby's cock rising in no time. The two boys immediately turned their attention to it, there being enough there for both of them to enjoy. With their downy, blond-haired heads on his large outspread thighs, they lay there and licked his growing member, running their hot little tongues up and down the length. It did not take them long to get the big trucker hard.

Little Billy Bob got on his hands and knees and slipped his hot little mouth over the fat knob of his big Daddy's throbbing member. As the two-year-old boy began his unique blow job, blowing his little baby saliva into the urethra of the big man, Bobby's stiff cock jerked with the unique sensation, but his little son managed to keep his lips fastened to the head of the lashing snake.

While the little two-year-old forced his spittle up the core of the thick, pulsating cock in his mouth, Billy reached out and ran his index finger along the little boy's crack. Arriving at his butthole, Billy fingered it gently and the tiny pucker immediately opened. Spitting on his fingertip, Billy placed it again against the little boy's anus and slowly eased his fingertip in to the first knuckle. He slowly worked his fingertip in and out that quarter of an inch [5 mm], and as he gently finger fucked the rear opening of his little baby boy, he reached around and fiddled with his baby's stiff little cocklet. Withdrawing his finger a minute later, Billy eyed the little opening and wondered if he should do what had popped into his mind.

Meanwhile Aaron had gotten into position, and squatting there above his two-hundred-and-ten pound [95 kg] lover, he slowly began to lower his slender body. As he felt the hard, hot cockhead press against his butthole, he inhaled deeply and concentrating like he'd never concentrated before, he continued to press down. Ever so slowly he felt the hard, greased cockhead stretch apart his sphincter. He pushed out with his stomach muscles and slowly pressed down still harder. He'd had the big construction worker's massive cock up his asshole a dozen times over the past two weeks, but never this way, and it was awesome. Up until now he'd lain on his stomach or his back as his lover penetrated him. This time he was the one that was doing it, and John was the one laying there, and it was totally different.

John held his stiff cock by the base and the young boy grunted and panted as he slowly and carefully impaled his body on the man's thick pole. John could not believe the boy was doing this as he lay there, doing nothing but watching. Hearing his colleagues at the construction site tell someone to sit on it came to his mind. It was a common expression. Having the hot little eight-year-old now slowly sitting on his cock gave a whole new meaning to the phrase. He could not believe how different this was compared to the other times they'd had sex. The blond-haired moppet had total control over the speed and the depth to which he was being penetrated. This eager, fifty-five pound [25 kg], four-foot-two [1.27 m] eight-year-old was in charge, and that was so hot!

John sighed as he felt the hot, moist hole of the boy slowly and carefully descend and engulf his cock a fraction of an inch at a time. It was totally unbelievable. Even more delightful than feeling the hot depths of the boy enveloping his thick cock was the look of pleasure and of triumph on the eight-year-old's face as he concentrated on what he was doing. Finally the boy was sitting on his lap, his soft naked bum pressed against his coarse pubic hairs and his legs bent. He then began to work his hips up and down, slowly riding his lover's massive cock as he flexed his slender legs. John trembled with the new experience. He knew that Aaron enjoyed sex, but having him take the dominant role somehow seemed to magnify and to confirm the eight-year-old boy's sexuality.

Aaron gasped and grunted as he flexed his leg muscles to work his little body up and down above his lover. Having heard older boys tell others to sit on it in the playground and the hockey rink, he had imagined doing it this way, but he had never imagined it would feel so different. He certainly had never imagined it would feel so great. It had always been awesome to feel his lover's big dick deep inside him, but it was even more awesome being the one who decided how deep it went in, and how fast they did it. For the eight-year-old boy, that was even more awesome than the sensations rippling through his bumhole.

He worked his hips up and down slowly, delighting in the unique feeling of being the one in control, and he knew it had to be way different for John too as he watched his stiff little dick and his little balls sway above John's hairy stomach. He glanced up at the big man apprehensively, not sure what to expect, and as his bearded lover grinned up at him he broke into a huge smile. This was so fucking awesome!

Aaron was right. It was different for John, in a most wonderful way. The young boy's hot, moist hole squeezing and releasing his rod as the boy rode up and down on it was unbelievable. The pleasure of having the boy's hot, pulsating asshole surrounding his stiff cock, the eroticism of having a young boy riding his manhood, and the look of erotic pleasure on the young boy's face was too much for the thirty-year-old lover. He closed his eyes and fought back the urge to shoot his load, but he could not stop it. Grasping the boy's narrow hips, he groaned with pleasure as his cock fountained, shooting his cum out of his burning opening and into the hot, grasping hole pulsating about his dick. He grunted and gasped unabashedly and clasped the boy's hips tightly as his body shuddered with his powerful orgasm. At the same time the young boy froze and shuddered with his own orgasm.

Aaron closed his eyes and threw back his head with a whimper as his dry orgasm struck. His little cocklet jerked as spasms of pleasure rippled through it and on down into the depths of his groin where it met the ripples of pleasure pulsating out from his rectum. He knew that John had climaxed deep inside him, and as the boy jerked with his own orgasm his lover's thick, hard cock made a schlucking noise as it slid in and out of the man's slimy baby-making juice. The eight-year-old boy smiled with that thought, with the thought that his lover had filled him with his baby-making cum. He had no idea how this worked, but he knew at that moment that he'd conceived.

At the time his new friend was riding his lover, Billy had also made a decision. While Bobby was preoccupied with the blow job he was receiving from Billy Bob, the nine-year-old boy reached over for the tube of KY Bobby had left beside the bed and squeezed out a dollop on his fingertips. Being inexperienced, even after thoroughly greasing up his little two-inch [5 cm] bone from base to tip, the boy still had a generous amount left on his fingers. Kneeling behind Billy Bob, he wiped as much as he could around his anus and even managed to work a bit into the little boy's rectum.

His tiny son made no objection and even seemed to know what was happening. As his little daddy got into position behind him, he stopped sucking the big cock in his mouth and as Billy pressed his dick against his baby son's hole, the tiny boy opened it and pushed out. By the time Bobby realized what was going on, it was too late, Billy had sunk his stiff little cock up his son's butt. It was only slightly more than two inches [5 cm] long and thin, about the length and thickness of a man's pinkie. He pressed his body forward until his smooth pubes were pressed against his little two-year-old son's butt and then he began to fuck him.

It was the first time for the nine-year-old, and as he slowly eased his cock in and out of his two-year-old son, he was awed by the sensation. His entire cock was surrounded by moist, warm flesh, and as he worked his cock in and out his little son's asshole seemed to be sucking on it. That was exactly what Billy Bob was doing. Each time Billy drove his hips forward the baby clenched his sphincter and drew in with his muscles, causing Billy's little cock to be drawn deeper into his body. Each time he thrust forward he penetrated a little deeper, his miracle child's rectum stretching his boy cock half its length again. The engorged organ throbbed hotly. Billy could not believe the wonderful sensations passing through his swollen little pickle, and he wondered if Bobby felt as wonderful fucking him as he felt fucking Billy Bob, and if Billy Bob felt as wonderful being fucked has he felt when Bobby did him.

He soon had his answer. Billy Bob giggled and squirmed with pleasure as his little daddy's cock worked in and out of his body. It was of course the very first time his little bum had been fucked, and it was fitting that it be by the daddy who had born him. The little boy's bumhole burned pleasantly as Billy eased his boycock in and out of it, and his sphincter itched with arousal. It felt even better than when he filled his diaper. His turquoise eyes sparkling with pleasure, the tiny boy once again lowered his head and went back to sucking his big Daddy's cock. Two years and seven weeks old and he was bringing his two daddies off at the same time. He was indeed a miracle baby.

Bobby reached down and taking his baby son's little cocklet in his meaty fingers, he began to tug on it. The little noodle had softened but now it quickly responded and began to swell again until once more it was stiffly jutting out from his body. As Bobby fiddled with the little one-inch [2½ cm] boner he could feel the blood pulsating through it and his little son sucked even deeper on his cock. He felt the pressure mounting deep in his groin and he knew that the same feeling was occurring in the groin of his boy-wife, and he assumed, in the groin of his baby son. As the pressure increased his breathing grew deeper and more laboured, and the more difficult it was not to squirm with the ripples of sensation pulsating about his cockhead.

Little Billy was breathing deeply also, with the pleasure rippling through his little cocklet, and from the exertion of fucking his son. The building pressure in his groin was not something new, but this was a new way for it to be created, and that was awesome. He began to work his hips to and fro faster, knowing now why Bobby used to do that. The faster he pumped his hips the more awesome the feeling grew, and he grunted and sighed with pleasure rippling through his hot little cock.

Being the focus of both of his fathers, Billy Bob was being assaulted with stimuli from all sides. As always, sucking on his big Daddy's cock was bringing him immense pleasure, as the sucking reflex does for any baby. His little mouth tightly fastened about the fleshy knob, he sucked deeply for the man cream that he instinctively knew was soon to come. His hot little tongue ran over the sensitive opening, causing his daddy's cock to ooze out the first of its pre-cum, and the little boy eagerly swallowed it.

Behind him his little bumhole was throbbing with a different type of delight. Like all babies he found pleasure in the anal stimulation that accompanied a bowel movement, but this stimulation was far stronger than any pleasure derived from pooping his diaper. In addition to those two was a third pleasure, an itching pulsation that was making his little baby cocklet throb even more pleasantly than when taking a wee. What was most amazing of all was that the little miracle boy child melded all three pleasures and pleasured his two daddies at the same time without so much as a pause.

Bobby was the first to come. He groaned as he felt the first of his load shoot, and like the last time he'd been sucked off by Billy Bob, it was as if in slow motion. His little baby sucked on his cock and it squirted out a thick stream of cum. He swallowed and sucked again, and a second load squirted out. Suck, squirt, suck, squirt, suck, squirt. The two-hundred-and-sixty-five pound [120 kg] trucker gasped and squirmed uncontrollably as squirt after squirt of his cum was sucked out of his body.

Billy inhaled sharply as he felt the first wave of his dry orgasm ripple through his groin. It was a familiar feeling. He trembled like the last dry leaf hanging from the branch of an oak in a November wind Wave after wave of orgasm rippled through his slender, fifty-nine pound [27 kg] body and his stretched three-inch [7½ cm] penis felt like it had been stung by a bee. Intensely pleasant and painful at the same time, his hot little pickle felt so huge. He tightly grasped the hips of his little baby boy and humped so rapidly that he lifted his little son in the air with each thrust. Billy cried out with the ecstasy rippling out from their union. It was totally awesome.

With his big daddy's cock spurting his tart man cream into his mouth with each suck, and his little daddy's swollen cock jerking and throbbing up his hole, Billy Bob experienced his own dry orgasm. As the first spasm shot through his groin, he shrieked with pure physical pleasure. Spasm after spasm rocked his tiny twenty-five-pound [11½ cm] body. He trembled and oohed and shrieked with delight as the multiple pleasures assaulted his little mind. With his tiny body and mind racked with the most intense ecstasy possible, the miracle baby delighted in the assault with an understanding that no other baby would be capable of. In the midst of the physical and mental pleasure of their orgasms, Bobby and Billy suddenly felt a wave of a still deeper pleasure wash over them that infused them with the pure innocence and abandoned joy of babyhood.


At that moment, miles away from the summer cabin, Aaron's sixteen-year-old step brother was sprawled out on the bed in his bedroom, his naked five-foot-eleven [1.80 m] frame flushed with the glow of postclimatic bliss and his muscular, naked chest rising and falling rapidly as he sucked in the lust-laden air. His head rested on the heaving, sweat-damp chest of his best buddy, eighteen-year-old Calvin Bernstein, who was laying there naked on his bed with him.

"Oh man," groaned Calvin, his head still spinning and his loins feeling so weak. "I don't know what those suppositories are, but they're wicked."

"Oh yeah," sighed Jimmy. "That was so fucking hot. I've never felt anything like it in all my fuckin' life."

"Fuck, me neither," Calvin groaned as he glanced down his skinny, sweating, hundred-and-twenty pound [55 kg] body, stopping at his limp dick, sticky with his spent cum and from having been buried up his best buddy's butt.

The boy could not believe that for the past week he'd been engaging in a homosexual act, with his best buddy nonetheless, and had been unable to think of anything else. He had always thought of himself as being open minded. Although he personally didn't know anyone who was gay, and had never considered sex with another guy himself until the night they had stuffed Jimmy's kid brother's stash up their rears, he'd always felt if a guy wanted to have sex with another guy that was up to him. That was no longer just a philosophical opinion. Now it referred to him. That was different.

Calvin ran his fingers through Jimmy's short, dark black hair. If he was going to do it with another guy, he couldn't have picked a better partner. Jimmy was the same height as he was but twenty pounds [9 kg] heavier, all solid, firm muscle, the result of being on the high school football team. With his dark hair, great build, and bright, piercing green eyes, Jimmy was every high school girl's dream and could easily have his pick of any number of hot chicks.

He, on the other hand, didn't have any friends, male or female. To begin with, he was neither academic nor athletic. Actually, he was flunking everything, and he couldn't catch a ball if his life depended on it. Tall, skinny, with long, straggly black hair, blood shot eyes, and a mild case of acne, the only chicks he was able to attract were those who wanted to do drugs with him. Now that was one thing he knew a lot about. Drugs were his life. They were also his security blanket. He was not that smart, but he was not so dumb that he didn't know that.

"Whatcha thinkin'?" Jimmy asked, interrupting his thoughts.

"How great life is," Calvin responded, which was at least partially true. It had been great this past week. "How great it is having you as a friend." That was the total truth.

"You're not just saying that because I dropped my pants for you are you?" Jimmy half-joked.

It was a half joke. He was being funny, but at the same time he could not believe what had happened between him and Calvin. When he'd taken his kid brother's stash he'd had no idea that he was stuffing an aphrodisiac up his ass, and he was certain Calvin didn't. Everything had happened so fast, and so unexpectedly after that. While they'd been under the influence of the drug, it had been awesome. When he'd woken up the next morning, he'd been mortified by what they had done.

It wasn't because he'd had sex with another guy. He liked guys, and not just in the fraternal sense. He had been that way as far back as he could remember. That was one of the reasons his mother and father had split up. Everything his mother did his father found fault with, and his being gay was just one more thing his father could blame on her. 'Everyone knows it is a domineering, nagging mother that turns a boy gay,' he remembered his father shouting. Her response had been that if he spent half as much time with his son as he did with his drinking buddies maybe his son wouldn't be gay. Neither of them had asked him his opinion.

After the divorce he'd gone to live with his mother, but she couldn't handle what he was, and he could not change, so he ended back up with this father. His ol'man wanted him even less than his mother had, but it meant he didn't have to pay support payments so he went along with it. He'd made that fact perfectly clear to Jimmy the day he'd arrived.

So, Jimmy had had no problems about having had sex with Calvin when he woke up the next morning other than worrying how Calvin was feeling about it all. When Calvin had come over that day and had wanted to do it again, Jimmy had been surprised, and delighted. When Calvin had said he wanted them to get their hands on more of the drug, he'd concluded Calvin was intending on using the suppositories to give to some girl to get her horny. To his surprise when Calvin had come over this evening he'd taken one himself, knowing what the result would be. That of course had been fine with Jimmy. They had just finished fucking each other silly, and it had been fantastic. He knew in his case it was not because of any drugs, not totally anyway, but he could not figure out why Calvin had done it.

"No, I'm not saying it because you let me fuck you," replied Calvin with a grin, "though it was fantastic."

"Yeah, that it certainly was, as was fucking you."

Jimmy lay there on his bed and stared up at the ceiling as he thought about their relationship. He'd begun chumming with the straggly eighteen-year-old because he'd needed drugs, and he knew Calvin had connections. It wasn't that he was a druggie, and Calvin was in fact, his first and only connection. It was just that he'd figured getting high would be a way to help him forget, forget the shouting between his parents, forget the contempt in their eyes every time they looked at him, forget that he was gay, and to forget an even bigger secret, a secret he tried to bury so deep even he would not think of it.

Over the past year the two of them had done a lot of drugs, and he'd come to understand Calvin, understand how deep down he was a very sensitive and caring person. He was also insecure and had his own family difficulties. Not having the courage to be himself, he'd put on this fake act and turned to drugs. So over the months they'd become close buddies, but that was as far as it had gone. He hadn't thought of Calvin in sexual terms, not until last Friday. Nor had he realized just how much Calvin meant to him until now.

"Man, I love you," he said, propping himself up on an elbow and looking down at the gangly eighteen-year-old.

"Love me?"

"Yeah," Jimmy replied. There, it was out. Let whatever was going to happen, happen.

"Fuck man, nobody ever said they loved me before."

Jimmy looked at Calvin in surprise. The boy had tears in his eyes. "Com'on, man, lots of people love you."

"Yeah, sure," Calvin said, blinking the tears out of his eyes as he tried to pull himself together, just as surprised at his reaction as he'd been to hear Jimmy's claim. "But none of the others fuck me," he joked with a smile, trying to cover up his moment of weakness.



"How is it, the sex? Tell me truthfully."

"Fucking awesome."


"Dude, I have to tell you, the first time we done it I couldn't get over how fantastic it was, and I couldn't wait for us to do it again. You have no idea how much I'd hoped you'd want to do it again too when I got up the next morning."

"Oh I know, "Jimmy said with a grin. "I wanted it too, but not just because of the drugs," the sixteen-year-old admitted as he looked across at his buddy. What the hell, this was the night for truth. "I'm gay, man."

Calvin looked at him for a moment, and then stared up at the ceiling for a very long time. "Well, I don't know if I'm gay or what," he finally said as he looked over at Jimmy, "but I know I like doing it with you."


"Oh yeah," he said, reaching down and taking Jimmy's limp cock in his hand.

As he fiddled with it, Jimmy reached over and took Calvin's. The two friends lay there, stroking each other, gradually getting each other hard. The earlier times had been pure lust. This was different. Oh, they both felt a desire burning in their crotches, but this time their motivation was coming from the heart, not the balls. They loved each other, and it was love, not lust, that was causing their cocks to swell in each other's hand.

Coating his stiff dick with Vaseline for the second time that night, Jimmy was glad his parents went out boozing almost every night and that his stepbrother was spending so much time with his new friend. It left the house empty for him, and Calvin. As Calvin lay on his back and spread his legs, Jimmy positioned himself between his thighs. Placing the tip of his cock against Calvin's eager hole, he slowly pressed forward and easily penetrated his ass. Supporting himself on his elbows and knees above his buddy, he slowly began to ease his hips to and fro. As he worked his cock in and out of Calvin's tight ass, he closed his eyes and enjoyed the pleasure of having a hot, moist asshole enveloping his cock. He worked slowly, wanting the pleasure to last, not just for himself, but for Calvin too. They had done it in a frenzy the first time that night, but this time he wanted to fuck for as long as he could. He leaned forward and kissed Calvin's neck as he humped, and Calvin kissed his cheek.

Jimmy paused several times so they could enjoy the pleasure of being united, but each time it was more and more difficult to hold back. As he worked himself to still another peak, he knew this time he would not be able to stop. As his hot, stiff cock worked in and out of Calvin's slick hole, Jimmy closed his eyes and relished the sensations rippling through his rock-hard member. He gradually began working his hips faster and still faster, feeling the lust pumping through his veins like adrenaline before the game. Faster and faster he worked his hips, until at last he felt his cum rise up his cock. He thrust forward and grasped Calvin tightly as his seed shot out of his body and filled his buddy's rectum.

They did not wait to cool down. Calvin quickly coated his stiff cock with Vaseline and they reversed positions while their bodies were still flushed with arousal. Jimmy had always considered himself a top by nature, but something inside him ached for Calvin's penetration. As he felt the boy's slender cock enter him, he pushed out, eager to accept the hot, stiff dick. Feeling it ease into him until the head was deep in his bowels, he groaned with the unique pleasure of having his asshole stuffed with hard, pulsating cock. As Calvin began to ease it in and out of him, he groaned again. The physical pleasure of being fucked was awesome, but even more awesome was when it was your best buddy deep inside your body.

Calvin pressed his skinny body against Jimmy, his smooth, thin chest pressed against the younger boy's hairy pecs. He closed his eyes and delighted in the physical stimulation encircling his cockhead and the unique pleasure of having a hot, moist hole surrounding his cock. He felt Jimmy kissing his neck and returned the kisses, pecking and sucking at his neck as he worked his hips to and fro in that rhythmic motion of love. It was love, not sex. The strong, handsome football player beneath him was more than a hot body, he was a partner, an equal partner. Calvin worked his hips faster, knowing the pleasure he was feeling Jimmy had also felt, and knowing the pleasure Jimmy was presently feeling was the same as Jimmy had brought him only minutes ago.

Unable to hold back his climax, Calvin grasped Jimmy tightly and thrust his hips forward, driving his cock deep into his body. His cum shot out and he quivered with pure physical pleasure of ejaculation, and Jimmy quivered with the knowledge that his lover's hot cum was squirting deep inside him. Life could not be more wonderful.

© J.O. Dickingson

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