PZA Boy Stories


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New story
An Argumentative Day

Two friends buy a pleasure slave.
Boy-slave Story
Story codes
Mb tb slave oral analbond interr
7,000 words (14 pages)

The Christmas Present

Darren gets a slaveboy for Christmas
Boy-slave Story
Story codes
bb – slav nosex – spank bond
4,500 words (9 pages)

A Day in the Life of a Dog, A Birthday Story

The daughter of a wealthy Russian gets a young slave boy for her birthday. The boy saves her life.
Boy-slave Story
Story codes
Fbslave nosex – tort
4,000 words (8 pages)

The Hostages

Two twelve-year-old boys are abducted by The Liberation and Freedom Fighters Army. After chapter one, we go back in time ten days: when a sixteen year old lad was taken by the same terrorist group and spend some chapters on his experience.
We then move forward the ten days until all three youngsters are together. They are photographed and the ransom note is submitted to the American Government, demanding cash and release of prisoners in exchange.
Non-consensual Story
Story codes
Mb Mt b-dog – nc mast anal oral – bond spank chast interr body-modification
55,500 words (111 pages)

Links to chapters

1-23  24-34  Finished story

The Pleasure Slave

A young boy is kidnapped while part of a diplomatic mission with his father. Abused and enslaved, he is trained as a Pleasure Slave and sold to an African dictator. Years later, the boy's father learns where he is being held, but the outcome is unclear.
Boy-slave Story
Story codes
Mb tb slave oral analbond interr
12,500 words (25 pages)

Finished story Finished story — Work in Progress Work in Progress — Story was never finished Story was never finished — Status unclear Status unclear