PZA Boy Stories

Eithan Cole

Cole's Adventures

Discovering William

Chapters 11-12

Chapter eleven
Coming together

Author's note

This chapter introduces four new young characters as Cole experienes his first pleasures the 'Group' has to offer. Again, special thanks to 'Harry' for the inspiration, feedback and suggestions as I write each new page. You are the first to read anything I do and my writing is so much better for it.


Cole (28yo), Josh (9yo), William (7yo), Harry (43yo), Kieran (45yo) and his sons Zane (8yo) and Alex (10yo); Introducing Justice (6yo), Cory (6yo), Thomas (6yo), Jacob (6yo)

"Welcome friends and trusted colleagues. Today we celebrate the arrival of a potential new member into our fold, and the promotion of one of our own. You already know Harry, who just recently discovered his true potential and delivered unto us that which has until now remained elusive. From the very beginning we saw his worth, and his value, but he himself didn't realise it and because of this, he remained content with his lot in life.

"We cannot force people to change. They must do it for themselves and believe that they can achieve. Until they discover this, there is little else we can do but watch and wait, and encourage them to become the men that we know they could be if they only tried. And today, Harry did just that.

"Today, in front of all of you gathered here, I would like to extend my most profound gratitude to Harry for giving me the most precious gift imaginable; my son."

There was a rapturous applause from the thirteen men sat around the large dining table, all looking at Harry with approving smiles on their faces except one. Marcus sat stony faced and politely clapped his hands as was expected, but the thought kept returning to his mind that there was no way Harry could have convinced that little shit Zane to give it up for him. And NOW! Now, Harry was his equal instead of the whimpering little dog that begged at his heels.

As the applause died down and Harry's red face began to fade, a stream of boys entered the large room from the kitchen each carrying serving platters filled with canapés or bottles of expensive spirits to refill the men's glasses. Every head in the room turned toward them as they approached and stared at the dozen naked young boys that would serve them during the evening. Josh and William fell silent with sentences left unfinished between them and a couple of the men sat at the table who were obviously interested in much more than just idle chit chat. Cole gaped at the stunning display of naked beauties as they threaded their way into the large room, ranging in ages from Rory at only five years old to the oldest who looked no more than nine. Most however looked around six or seven, and they were spectacular.

During the week, Cole had spoken to Marcus numerous times on the phone and had gathered some insight into what this weekend would entail. He knew that all the boys selected to join the men would be the most beautiful and sexy the Group had to offer out of the nearly 30 they had to choose from. But that didn't prepare Cole for the sight before him now. Each one would easily be any boy lover's first pick with perfectly flawless and smooth skin, flat and toned chests and stomachs with a range of hair colors from dark brown to sandy blonde. Their bodies were exquisite in their youthfulness and appeared to be soft and tender in all the right places. Cole could see now what Marcus had meant when he had told him that the boys were conceived using the very best in genetic selection. It was plainly obvious that this was no ordinary group of random boys. They were bred for a single purpose and each one was as beautiful and sexy as any boy he had ever set eyes on.

As he watched, the boys split up and circulated the table to offer whatever they had on their silver platters, as well as anything else the men wanted. One or two of the group helped themselves to a light touch or caress, while others openly fondled the boy's small organs. Totally at ease in their nakedness and the groping men's hands, they moved from one man to the next until an angelic looking blonde boy of perhaps six or seven years old was standing beside him. Cole reached out and took a canapé feeling far too nervous and self conscious to touch the lad. He quickly glanced around the table at the other men and boys, having never before seen such a sight of a dozen naked boys, some soft and flaccid while others were as hard as nails serving a group of boy hungry men.

"Go on Cole," Marcus said from his side. "Sample the goods. Josh and William don't seem to mind."

Cole looked around the boy standing next to him to see another, younger dark haired boy between Josh and William willingly letting them feel and stroke his hard little pecker. They, it seemed, had no such reservations in helping themselves to whatever they liked. As he watched, Josh pushed his head forward to take the boy into his mouth but was denied as the lad moved back and whispered a quiet 'No' and shook his head. It seemed that while touching was allowed, anything more than that was not – at least not for now.

Putting the canapé down onto his plate, Cole slowly ran his hands down the boy's smooth and soft skin over his hips and traced his fingertips down the crease of the 'V' towards his groin. The boy was of course completely hairless and his cut little cock was semi-hard, pointing down and out about two inches [5 cm]. Cole lightly ran his fingers down the boy's length and held him between his thumb and fingers, gently stroking him back and forth. The boy stood there with his head just above Cole's and pushed his hips out, offering himself to Cole for a few moments before stepping back and moving down the table.

As the naked boys slowly worked their way around the table, Kieran, the host and company CFO continued after his own son Zane had refilled his glass up at the podium.

"We also have with us here tonight, thanks to Marcus and Rory, three very special guests." Kieran nodded his head towards Cole and the two boys.

"Please stand." He said with a smile.

Rather uncomfortably, due to a tightening of his trousers, Cole, Josh and William stood at the table. He noted that all eyes were locked exclusively on Josh and William rather than himself, including the dozen boys serving which he was grateful of since being the centre of attention wasn't something he particularly enjoyed.

"As you know," Kieran continued. "It's been some time since we've had a member with certain physical characteristics to help initiate our newest boys. I'd like to introduce you to Cole, who has also been so kind as to bring along his little friends, Josh and William, and hope that you welcome them and make them feel at home here with us. It is our most sincere wish that you decide to join us Cole and I hope we can persuade you with what we have to offer."

Kieran raised his glass and looked over the assembled group of men. "To Cole, Josh and William; may you enjoy this weekend and many more to come."

Shouts of "Here here!" echoed throughout the room as each man raised his glass in agreement.

Cole and the two boys sat back down as a quiet bell rang, signalling the naked serving boys back into the kitchen to prepare for the main course. Both Josh and William watched them go, as did many of the men around the table including Cole.

"Can we go with them and help serve?" Josh asked looking at Cole hopefully.

Could they? Cole wasn't sure. He turned to Marcus looking for an answer and received a slight nod in return.

"I think that would be an excellent idea" Marcus said. "I'm sure it would be very much appreciated if they did."

Before Cole had turned back to Josh, both boys had jumped up from their seats hurrying to catch up with the other naked boys just leaving the dining hall into the kitchen. A few moments later, an older woman dressed in an old style maids uniform came out and cleared away the place settings the two boys had left and disappeared again into the kitchen. Cole was listening to Marcus as he told him about what to expect throughout the evening, the rules about what he could and couldn't do with the boys as they served which basically boiled down to touching and fondling only during dinner. Later, when they had retired to the lounge area to chat informally with the rest of the men while drinking expensive liquor and smoked cigars if they wanted, they could openly sample the boy's treasures and select which one they would take to their bedroom for the evening according to their position or status. As an honoured guest, Cole would be allowed first choice from those not already spoken for that night. Zane and Rory were removed from selection, but there were eleven other beautiful and sexy boys ranging in ages from six to nine years old on offer, and Cole very much longed to spend a great deal of time with each of them.

As Cole chatted amiably with Marcos about the history of the corporation and the Group, he noticed that one man kept stealing glances at him from across the table. Being a new comer, he didn't think a lot of it until he saw the look of distain on his face every time he looked at Marcus and wondered why he seemed to resent the man. That was, of course, until the doors to the kitchen opened and the naked boys emerged once again with the men's main courses held closely to their chests. Josh and William were among the first to come out, looking around themselves nervously in their nakedness as they approached the head of the table and set their burdens down. They were both as hard as nails and were rewarded by a brief fondling of their smooth prepubescent cocks and sacks by both Kieran and the CEO of the corporation. The two men looked approvingly down at Cole as the boys retreated and stood back, following the lead of the other boys. Every so often, one of the men would signal for a refill of his glass, and one of them would hurriedly fetch a new glass and pour whatever the man was drinking. They made a couple small mistakes, spilt a glass of wine, dropped a fork or whispered something to another lad standing next to them. Each time, Kieran smiled and shook his head or glanced at another boy to silently instruct the new comers on the etiquette that was expected of them during dinner.

"Gentlemen, please forgive Josh and William tonight as they master their new roles. Unfortunately they've not had years of training as our own sons, so be kind." Kieran said to the group. "But you will agree, I'm sure, that they're doing a superb job and I for one can barely keep my eyes off them."

There was laughter and cheers of agreement from the men as they all looked back over at Josh and William, admiring their sexy slim bodies and salivating at their hard little cocks and asses.

The conversation during diner was loud and centred on the sexual exploits that each man had had since their last gathering. Cole seemed to be the focus of many conversations as well as both Josh and William as the men looked on with eager anticipation. He was asked everything about them from how he knew them, when had he started having sex with them both and what they had done together. Cole knew that both boys would be chosen by the men sat around him to share their beds this night, to offer themselves willingly and to be fucked as he himself desired to fuck all the others.

It was hard for Cole to imagine that all these boys were bred for sex and that each one had been trained to do whatever the men asked of them. Although Cole didn't know it, Alex, Kieran's oldest son was noticeably missing after being driven to the lake house an hour before dinner. Kieran and the corporations CEO had spent a couple hours with their Japanese guest in private, signing their latest deal before he was invited to spend the evening alone with the willing and sexy ten year old boy at the lake front property. Alex was the added bonus awarded to the foreign visitor for investing tens of millions of dollars into the corporation's research and he'd ensure the boy hungry man went away thirsty for more.

As he jealously watched one man gently fondling William's small three inch [7½ cm] cock as he refilled the man's glass, memories of picking up both Josh and William from the station the day before flooded Cole's mind; driving them back to his apartment for the very first time and walking through the front door with eager anticipation and desire. Night and day he had dreamed of them being there with him until it seemed that they merged into one, his every waking moment spent in fantasy and at night fulfilling those desires. Cole had barely closed the door behind him before the overwhelming urge to take the two boys' took hold. There was absolutely no way in hell he could resist the two boys alone in his apartment, his to do with as he wished at long last.

The short drive to Cole's place had been full of sexual innuendo between him and the two boys. They'd been eagerly awaiting their stay with Cole just as much as the man had, and as soon as Cole pulled up into his park and shut off the engine, they jumped out with their small backpacks and followed Cole into the elevator with knowing grins plastered all over their faces. Now that they were safely inside and far too horny to keep up the game of innuendo, Cole pulled William along by the hand while holding onto Josh's shoulder and pushing him towards his bedroom.

"I've missed you both this week and thought about you two every second since I was at your house." he said. "You wanna have a little fun?"

In answer, both boys had raced ahead into his bedroom. Josh jumped up onto the bed while William went to the double doors leading to the balcony looking out over the city from the fourteenth floor. "Your house is so cool!" William shouted.

Despite his lust, Cole stood leaning into the doorway just watching them for a few seconds with his heart racing. Josh lay back on the bed looking back at Cole in expectation and Cole smiled at the nine year old boy. He was barefoot, as they both were, and wore a pair of loose fitting blue jeans that hung low on his hips showing off the top of his Joe Boxers and white buttoned shirt with the lower two buttons undone. His shirt was pulled open where the buttons were unfastened so that his flat waist and belly button were plainly visible. He knew the effect he had on Cole and that he was staring at him with undisguised longing and desire. Josh had seen that look on countless men's faces, not just Cole and his father, but also on complete strangers on the street as they stared at him just a little longer than others. He knew that there were many men out there that found small little boys like himself sexually attractive and he loved to tease them with it. If he knew he was being checked out by a man, he'd often stretch to show off his crotch or waist or brush his hand over his groin and grope himself for a few seconds before looking the guy in the eyes. The men would usually always look away but every so often, one would stare back and Josh would give those men a seductive and sexy smile before they eventually turning away.

"Can I look outside?" William asked looking back at Cole.

"Yeah baby, just don't get up on the ledge. I'd hate for you to fall." Cole replied looking William over before he shot outside.

William, the younger of the two, was in knee length shorts and NY Yankies shirt along with a baseball cap covering his thick mousey blonde hair. He was slim and sexy and had the most perfectly flawless skin that glowed with a natural tan after countless hours spent topless outdoors on the farm helping Myles. He was too young to know just how sexy and fuckable he really was and that Cole had fallen for him the instant he'd set eyes on him even though he had been only four years old at the time.

With his eyes wondering back over to Josh, he watched as the lad spread his legs apart and slowly ran his hand up under his shirt and back down to the top of his jeans and slipped it under his boxers.

"God you're so hot Josh." Cole said still standing in the doorway.

"Yeah?" Josh said. "How hot?"

"Fucking hot."

"Sexy too?" The boy asked.

"Like you wouldn't believe." Cole said catching onto the new game. "Hot, sexy and so young and smooth and tasty."

"You wanna taste me?" Josh said smiling as he grabbed his hardening little hairless cock in his hand and squeezed it underneath his jeans.

"Uh huh." Cole grunted as he watched the moving hand under the boy's jeans.

"You wanna do me too?"

Cole looked up to Josh's eyes and saw the excitement in his face. His own blood was boiling and the front of his summer trousers were stretched tight around his hard cock.


"Come on then," Josh said. "Fuck me."

Cole's thoughts and memories of the previous day and Josh's unexpected but provocative language were interrupted as Kieran came and sat next to him in one of the empty seats vacated by Josh and William.

"So Cole, how are you enjoying your first evening here?" Kieran asked as he sipped his drink and looked over Cole's shoulder at William, eyeing the young boy up and wondering if he should share his first night with his son and lavish in the bodies of two boys instead of just one.

"It's almost too good to be true." Cole said. "I can't believe how beautiful these boys are and that you manage to keep what you do so secret."

Kieran leaned back in his chair and smiled. "It's not as easy as it looks. There's a lot of work that goes into these boys to make sure that they enjoy the sex and will never let it slip to anyone outside the group. They rarely meet anyone from outside until they're five or six and by then are so integrated to our way of life that they would never even consider telling anyone what goes on here. We run our own schools, have our own medical facilities and best of all, can afford to pay anyone whatever they want to ensure the authorities don't look too closely."

Raising his eyes in amazement, Cole still couldn't grasp what he was hearing. "Even so, I still find it hard to believe."

"Anyway," Kieran said. "I didn't come here to talk about business. I just wanted to let you know that tonight you can choose any boy here to spend the night with, except Zane of course since he'll be spending the night with me."

"Really?" Cole asked with a lust filled voice.

"Yes really." Kieran said laughing. "As a sign of our gratitude and in the hopes that you'll decide to join us. But there is one catch 3;"

"What's that?" Cole asked.

"Our CEO has taken a liking to young Josh and would very much like to take him for the night, and if it's okay by you, I was wondering if William would like to join Zane and myself."

Ahh, so that's it, Cole thought. I can only get what I want by letting them have Josh and William. But, it wasn't like he didn't expect it. In fact he had assumed as much from the very beginning so he hesitated only a second before answering.

"I'm sure they wouldn't mind, but you'll have to ask them." Cole said.

"Excellent," Kieran smiled. "As for the catch, there wasn't really one. You still get first choice whether they do or not. You finished?"

Cole looked down at his half empty plate and decided that he was. "Yeah."

"Good. I've got someone I'd like you to meet. Let's go sit and get a drink."

They got up from the dining table and passed into the spacious lounge rooms by one of the open fire places where a few of the other men were gathered. As he expected, there were a half dozen naked boys attending to the men's every need or want, standing by to pour drinks or letting one or more of the men openly caress their bare skin and fondle the preteen sized hairless organs. Cole was shocked to see an older man, probably in his sixties, leaning forward into one of the boy's crotch and sucking him out in the open for all to see. The boy couldn't have been any older than six and had straight dark hair that fell over his forehead from one side and partially covered his eyes. He was a gorgeous boy; obviously of half Latino decent with luscious full lips curved downward at the top, soft smooth skin, a rounded nose and big expressive brown eyes under the mop of dark hair. His naked body was slender with a defined chest, dark brown nipples and a stomach that rippled over an immature six-pack as the man devoured his hard, tiny little cock.

As Cole watched, the boy pushed his hips forward into the man's mouth and stroked his hand through his hair, thrusting his cock back and forth as he was sucked to orgasm standing there in front of everyone. Amazingly, apart from Cole and the man sat in a chair alone, nobody else was paying them any attention.

"Harry!" Kieran said as they approached the man sat alone. "I'd like you to meet Cole, our guest for the weekend."

Kieran turned to Cole and whispered loud enough for Harry to hear, "I owe Harry a debt of gratitude for finally convincing my son Zach to enjoy what all the other boys here give without a moment's thought." Kieran nodded his head in the direction of the Latino boy as if to prove his point.

"Hi," Harry said to Cole as he stood and held out his hand. Cole took it and felt a firm grasp as he looked into the man's eyes and knew without a doubt that they'd get along very well indeed.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Harry said and indicated the chair next to his for Cole to sit.

"You too." Cole sat and was at a loss of what to say as he took a quick glance around the large room and the men and boys.

"I'll leave you to it." Kieran said. "I'll send over one of the lad's to get you a drink. Make him feel welcome Harry and help him choose which of the boy's he'll entertain tonight."

Kieran left them and walked over to a young boy around William's age with thick sandy blonde hair and a face that looked as though it belonged on an angle. Cole stared at the boy as he approached and stood beside them waiting for the men to tell him what they wanted. His skin was milky white with a few freckles dotted over his nose and cheeks and his eyes were a deep hazel with a bit of green mixed in. His body was perfectly shaped; thin shoulders and arms with a flattish chest and prominent line running down between his breasts and a tapered waist that curved down into rounded hips. Cole knew without a doubt that this was the boy he longed to be with.

"Sir?" the lad asked looking down at him. "Would you like a drink?"

His voice was sweet; slightly high pitched and sang with a melody that Cole fell in love with. He tore his gaze away from the boy's naked body and looked up into his face and back down to his soft and hairless one and a half inch [4 cm] cock. I would die for such a boy Cole thought. He realised then that Josh and William seemed plain and unattractive compared to this boy. Maybe it was simply being here, surrounded by the most beautiful boys he'd ever seen in his life that dulled his feelings towards them, or that he'd taken from them what he most wanted and was eager to satisfy his lust with as many boys as he could. Both Kieran and the CEO of the corporation had seemed interested enough in Josh and William, enough to want to spend the night with them at least. Whether that was just the thrill of tasting fresh boys or that they really did find them attractive Cole didn't know. And right then, he didn't care.

"Uh, a whisky please." Cole said tearing his eyes away from the lad's crotch and up to his beautiful angelic face.

"Straight or with ice?"

"With ice." Cole couldn't help but smile at the boy, amazed that they had such knowledge to even think of asking. My God, they really have been bred for this.

After the boy took Harry's order, he headed away towards the bar and Cole turned to his new friend. "What's his name?"

"That's Justice." Harry answered still letting his gaze linger on the boy. "He's absolutely stunning isn't he? He's only six too 3;"

Younger than William. Older than Rory. "Six is good." Cole smiled. "And yes, he certainly is stunning" he said. "Is he 3; you know 3; God, sorry. I'm so new to this. It feels strange to be talking about them like this knowing that I can have just about any one of them here."

"It's okay Cole. We were all where you are now at one time of another." Harry assured him. "If you're asking if you can pick him then yes, you can. And yes you can do anything you like with him. He's well trained apparently and he's one of the favourites here – although his father is pretty careful not to let him be 3; 'over used' shall we say?"

"Have you?" Cole asked.

"Me? Hell no," Harry said. Cole thought he saw a fleeting look of resentment flash across the man's face before he continued. "I've never been important enough until today so I haven't been 3; offered any of the boy's here tonight except Zane and Alex."

"Which ones are they?" Cole asked.

"Alex isn't here and Zane is still in the other room. He's Kieran's youngest. You saw him today when you arrived."

"Oh, right." Cole said remembering the small and sexy boy he'd stared at and who Josh had taken a fancy to right away. So had Cole for that matter. "He's a gorgeous boy."

"Ain't he just?" Harry said smiling. "The best one here in my opinion. He's fantastic in the sack too. I fucked him four times today." Harry couldn't help but boast since he'd been unable to tell anyone, and letting the new guy know felt good.

"Four times! Holly shit mate." Cole spluttered. "I really can't believe this place. It seems almost too good to be true."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. I have to pinch myself every now and again, like today, to remind me it's real."

Their conversation died for a few moments and Cole's thoughts drifted back to the night he'd spent with Josh and William in his apartment. Josh had been laying on his bed waiting for Cole to fuck him with his white shirt undone at the bottom and his hand under his jeans playing with himself. It had been a dream come true for Cole; a nine year old boy on his bed in lustful expectation of being used and fucked like a cheap whore. It was perhaps the most profound sexual experience Cole had ever had. It wasn't that he'd fuck him, because there was no doubt about that, but that he had a young preteen boy practically begging for it in his apartment. And not just one, but two, that would willingly give their bodies to Cole.

Cole casually pushed himself off from the doorway and slowly walked the few steps to the bed. He wanted to run to Josh and pounce on him, but he fought the temptation and pulled off his shirt before climbing onto the bed with the young boy. It had been a long few days since he'd last felt his hands running up and down either of the boy's bodies and tasted their skin on his lips and he wanted this to last as long as possible. He'd survived on watching over and over again the video he'd shot of the boys at the fun park hotel, and had found the recording of Marcus fucking William in his drunken sleep. Cole had been shocked at first at the almost brutal way in which Marcus had driven his huge thick cock into William's tight little seven year old ass, but within a few minutes, he'd been vigorously jacking himself until he came over his own naked chest as he sat in front of his flat screen in his lounge. That had been his stable diet of boys over the last five days, jacking himself two or three times a day dreaming about and longing for the boys to arrive.

Crawling over Josh's legs and hips, Cole had slid his hands under Josh's shirt and up the boy's waist feeling the soft skin under his palms once again. Josh pulled his hand out from underneath his jeans and lifted both arms to rest his head on his hands, silently inviting Cole to caress and explore his body in away way he wanted. In a display of unbridled lust, Cole grabbed Josh's shirt and pulled it apart, sending buttons flying in all directions as his smooth boyish chest was revealed.

"Cole!" Josh shouted, although his mouth was open in a smile. "Mom will freak out."

"I'll buy you a new one." Cole said as he massaged his hands up under Josh's armpits and stoked his chest. He lent down and kissed one of the boy's nipples, running his tongue over the hard tip, savouring the taste of him as though this were the first time he'd made love to the nine year old boy.

Hearing Josh's shout, William came sauntering back in from the balcony and stopped, looking at his brother laying on his back with his shirt wide open and Cole on his hands and knees over him kissing and licking at his chest. His soft little one inch [2½ cm] cock instantly began to grow as Josh turned his head to look at him and smiled, pulling one hand from under his head and wiggled a finger for him to get up on the bed and join them. William swiftly moved in and lent over the edge of the bed where Cole's head was snaking its way around Josh's supple chest making the mattress bounce a little as he dropped his weight down onto it. Cole looked over at the seven year old at his side and smiled, knowing that he wanted to make love to the younger boy, more so than with Josh, and feel his hot fleshy tunnel squeezing down on his rock solid man cock again.

"You wanna join in?" Cole asked and heard a whispered 'Yeah' escape William's mouth.

"Hop up here then baby and kiss your brother while I undress him." Cole said and patted the bed beside Josh's head.

As William hopped onto the bed with them, Cole pulled Josh up by his arms so he was sitting with his legs still tucked beneath Cole's and pulled his shirt down off his arms and threw it to the floor. He rested one hand on Josh's defined chest and slowly played with a hard nipple between his fingers as he gazed at the lad in all his beauty. If not for the younger brother William and the memories of the five year old Rory he would fuck for the first time, Cole would have thought there could be no other boy that rivalled his sexual magnificence. But there was; a dozen boys of equal splendour all trained and willing to give themselves up for their own, and the men's desires and sexual gratification.

Cole lent in and kissed Josh on the lips, tasting his saliva and thrusting his tongue deep inside the boy's mouth as he traced his hand down over his stomach to grope at his hard cock hidden beneath his jeans. The blood lust surged in Cole's loins and he longed to fuck the boy as soon as possible. It had been far too long since he'd felt his cock buried deep inside either of the boy's ass and spray his seed over their bowels. He pushed Josh back onto the bed and slid down his legs, his fingers unsnapping the fly buttons at the boy's crotch and pulling his jeans down along with his Joe Boxers. Josh lifted his hips letting Cole slip them down over his exposed cock and pull them off one leg at a time.

William watched as his brother was stripped naked and then shifted around so that he was laying next to him on his stomach and kissed him with one hand stroking his soft smooth chest. Their small tongues darted out to fill the void between their lips and they kissed passionately, interrupted only for a few seconds as Cole pulled Josh back by the ankles towards the edge of the bed and settled down on his knees between the boy's legs. Josh's hard nine year old cock was poking up with his swollen head exposed and Cole wasted no time in devouring it into his mouth. He went down on the boy and sucked in all four inches [10 cm] of him until his nose pressed against the soft skin of his smooth prepubescent mound and delighted in the taste and feel of his hard cock in his mouth and on his tongue. Josh squirmed under him in pleasure as Cole slowly caressed the boy's hairless cock with his lips sucked tight around his small shaft and tongue flicking over his sensitive head while the two boys made out and thrust their tongues into each other's mouths.

With his eyes wide open, Cole longingly stared at Josh's flat, smooth stomach as he devoured the kid's cock and watched as Josh plunged his hand down William's loose knee length shorts and grabbed his seven year old brother's cock in his fist to jack him back and forth. William began pulling at his shorts to undo his button and fly and Cole longed to help. He pulled of Josh's hard cock and sat up, grabbing William by the arm and lifting him into a sitting position beside him.

"Let me do that baby." Cole said and helped him straddle Josh's prone body to face him. He looked down William's slim body and imagined his soft skin hidden away underneath the loose fitting Yankees shirt and knee length shorts. Repeating what he'd done with Josh, Cole slipped his hands under William's shirt and felt his bare skin around his waist and up under his armpits as he lent in and kissed the seven year old boy lightly on his soft and tender lips.

"I missed you." Cole said. "I've wanted to do this all week and thought about you every day."

"Me too." William answered with a smile. "Me and Josh slept in his bed almost every night and when he did it with me I pretended it was you, didn't I Josh?"

"Yep." Josh said from underneath his younger brother and looked around his ass sat on top of his stomach. "He kept closing his eyes and was saying your name!"

Cole didn't know what to say at that. To think of William dreaming and wishing for Cole to be in Josh's place as his brother fucked him was indescribable.

"Really?" Cole asked looking at William. The boy nodded his head with a smile and his eyes sparkled.

"Well, it looks to me like Josh is ready to do you again." Cole said and wrapped a finger around Josh's hard little four inch [10 cm] and stroked it. "What say we get you out of these clothes, huh baby?"

Unlike Josh's shirt, William's had domed press-in buttons that snapped open as Cole ripped his shirt apart and pulled the young preteen boy against his body, groping a hand down the lad's front and grasping his small cock and balls in his palm and fingers revelling in the absolute smallness of him through the thick material of his shorts. More than anything, even fucking a young preteen hairless boy, Cole loved the foreplay; the fondling, kissing, caressing, touching and undressing of a boy. It was what drove him wild and filled his heart with desire and lust.

William's own cock came alive at Cole's rough handling as his mouth was filled with the man's tongue and his head was bent back with his body held tightly to Cole's. Josh helped pull his shirt off his shoulders from behind him and Cole deftly unbuttoned his shorts and unzipped his fly, mashing his hands inside to fondle and grope at his now hard little three inch [7½ cm] boy cock. Cole needed William stripped naked, his lust overpowering his sense of intimacy and longing to enjoy the two brothers. He pushed William back so that he had to hold himself up by his arms held behind him around Josh's shoulders as Cole pulled his legs from under him and yanked his shorts and boxers off both together. He was sat naked on top of Josh with his small marble sized nuts held tightly under wrinkled and hairless skin with his cock pointing straight up hard as a nail.

Standing, Cole could hardly tear his gaze away for more than a few seconds as he flung open a drawer and pulled out his small bottle of lube as he unfastened his own trousers around his bulging cock and let them drop to the floor. Both boys immediately looked down at his hard and throbbing five and a half inch [14 cm] cock above Cole's neatly trimmed pubic hair and grinned from ear to ear, eager to be fucked again by the man after five days of sucking and fucking each other.

Looking down at them both, Cole knew that he wouldn't last but a few minutes inside either one of them and decided that he wanted William second, when he could take his time and enjoy it once he'd satisfied his carnal desires to fuck first and cum deep inside Josh's hot and inviting ass.

Neither of them had moved and seeing them like that gave Cole an idea. William's ass was sat on Josh's stomach and navel, just inches away from the older boy's cut and red mushroomed head and Cole wanted to watch Josh fuck his younger seven year old brother.

"Hey baby?" Cole asked William. "Sit forward a little and let Josh fuck you first so I can watch okay? If you want I'll suck you at the same time."

"Yeah okay." William said and scooted forward until he felt Josh's cock press against his tight little hole.

Cole knelt down between Josh and William's legs and ran his hands up both boys' thighs and grabbed their hard and hairless little organs in his fists and jacked them both up and down with quick flicks of his wrists. William's sack tightened and within a few seconds was a single round globe the size of a walnut. Cole crouched down and dove his head snugly between William's thighs; he took in a deep breath of the intoxicating aroma from both boys' crotches before opening his mouth and sucking in the small globe of William's hairless sack and miniature balls. Fuck it was fantastic. Cole mashed his face hard into William's crotch with his lips wrapped tightly around the boy's little sack and his tongue licking at the root of his thin three inch hairless cock. The taste and feeling of the seven year olds sweaty preteen crotch drove Cole wild with unadulterated desire for the little boys.

Just below his chin, Josh felt around William's ass trying to get a grip and pull his cheeks apart to expose his brothers tight little rose bud for him to fuck as he slowly thrust his hips up and down as Cole fondled his hard little cock and loose balls in his palm and fingers.

Letting go of both boys and lifting his head up from between William's crotch, Cole rested on his elbows as he popped the lid on the lube and squeezed out a large helping onto his fingers and dropped the bottle back onto the bed as he hurriedly massaged the slippery goo around Josh's cock. Cole dove back down into William's crotch and devoured his sweet little cock into his mouth as he moved his hand from Josh's slimy cock to William's puckered little rose-bud between his spread legs and ass and finding the his hot little hole with his fingers. Cole hungrily sucked in his preteen cock and suctioned his lips tightly around the root of his thin shaft and pulled up on it with his tongue gliding over the sensitive head as he quickly pushed his fingers inside William's hot hole. It took only a few strokes to smear the lube inside him and around his ass lips ready for his brother to fuck him right in front of Cole who planned on sucking the young seven year old boy until he orgasmed, while being fucked by his older brother.

Why the fuck didn't I set up the camera to record this! Cole screamed at himself in remorse at the lost opportunity as William looked down his flat and smooth chest at him devouring his miniature little boy cock. Cole's hunger for the young boy's body and perfectly sized smooth hairless crotch was almost overpowering, but the desire to fulfil his every pleasure and show him just how much Cole loved him was equally as strong.

Holding only William's small head between his lips, Cole twirled his tongue around the sensitive tip and continuously flicked it along his piss slit as he slid his fingers from the boy's ass and grabbed Josh's hard four inch [10 cm] cock. Both boys moaned in ecstasy; one at the lips and tongue working his preteen little cock, and the other at Cole's touch and the expectant thrill to have his nine year old cock shoved up his brothers tight little hot ass and fucking him from beneath.

Cole directed Josh's eager cock to William's gloriously hot chute even though he couldn't see a thing with his face pressed into William's navel. His legs were spread wide with his feet planted either side of Josh's legs and Cole's body snuggled in-between sucking on his cock. Josh pulled the younger boy's ass cheeks apart and lifting his hips up to push his raging hard head up against his brother's waiting ass lips as Cole used a single finger to glide it home. All too easily, Cole felt the older boy's small and slippery head strain against William's entrance and slip inside; sinking down into the depths of his hot fleshy tunnel as Josh pulled his hands back to William's hips and pushed the seven year old boy down onto his cock and buried himself to the hilt.

"Josh 3;" William whispered in a dreamy barely heard voice as he let Josh lift and forcefully push his hips back down onto his cock as he was fucked by his nine year old brother and closed his eyes in absolute sexual desire and longing. It took only a few moments for the two boys to get a rhythm going with Josh thrusting his cock up into William's ass and William gyrating his hips and practically fucking himself twice over; once onto Josh hard preteen cock, and then again into Cole's hot vacuumed mouth as he was sucked dry. He couldn't tell which felt better but he hardly cared. He loved every second and kept the tempo going, thrusting up into Cole's mouth and then down again onto Josh cock and pushed down until he felt his brother's pelvic bone pressing painfully into his ass cheeks. Each time he did, Josh moaned out load and William felt his cock straining to reach further into him. He wanted to be fucked and could hardly wait until Cole did him again. He wanted to feel the man's cock deep in his ass and fuck him like he'd done the last time in his own bedroom.

For Cole, the scene was unbelievably hot and had his rock solid cock dripping with pre-cum as he feasted on William's magnificently small and smooth thin hairless seven year old preteen shaft and licked at his tight rounded silky sack. With each thrust Josh grunted and dug his fingers harder and harder into the soft skin of William's hips, pushing the boy down onto his preteen cock as he fervently fucked his younger brother's ass harder than he ever had before. Pumping in and out faster and faster between the tight sheath of hot flesh that gripped his small four inch [10 cm] shaft, Josh stabbed his cock into William's ass over and over again so hard that the younger boy's crotch bounced up and down into Cole's face.

With a small, high pitched young boy's voice, Josh moaned in blissful rapture as he pushed William down hard onto his hard preteen cock, thrusting deep inside his brother's slippery and sexy hole as he shuddered and orgasmed in dry heaving pulses of sexual ecstasy. William felt his brothers cock spasm inside him and clenched down on it as hard as he could as Josh thrust it up further into his ass and held it there as the intense orgasm slowly faded.

Having just witnessed Josh fuck his young seven year old brothers ass, Cole was filled with an unimaginably urgent desire to ram his cock into the preteen's hot tunnel and fuck him like Josh had. Cole sucked William's three inch [7½ cm] cock into his mouth and vacuumed his lips around the boy's thin shaft one last time before licking his tongue up and flicking it over his small head. William's body shuddered as Josh pulled out of him, letting his still semi hard boy cock flop down onto his navel as Cole grabbed it in his hand and squeezed and massaged it making the older nine year old boy moan in delight.

Cole looked from William's soaked preteen and smooth hairless cock up over his beautifully sexy body and face and back down again to stare at the gaping hole that he longed to fuck.

"William," Cole said softly. The boy opened his eyes and looked down between his bent knees at Cole. "I need you so badly baby. Turn over and let Josh suck you so I can do you too."

"Okay." William said as he hopped up and turned. "Should l close the curtains?"

Shit! Cole thought. It was highly unlikely anyone had been watching from any adjacent buildings, not when they were on the fourteenth floor, but Cole berated himself for not remembering to close the bloody curtains.

"Yeah baby." Cole said in a calm voice and watched him dance to the window with his oh so fuckable bubble butt wiggling as he went. As William struggled to pull the curtains closed, his whole naked body and hard cock were on display for anyone watching to see. Cole cringed at the thought as he turned back to Josh and lent in over the boy to seductively kiss his soft stomach and cute little 'inny' belly button and crept up his body to straddle the lad over his legs.

"You like fucking your brother huh Josh?" Cole asked as he licked at the older nine year old's sensitive nipples. "I think you must have been getting a lot of practice."

Josh smiled and took a deep breath enjoying the touch and sensations of Cole's mouth and tongue on his chest.

"Every night 3;" He said blissfully just as Cole reached down between their bodies and curled his fingers around Josh's softening cock, thick with lube and the hot juice from William's ass, and slowly started to massage him back and forth.

"Oh yeah, that's good 3;" Josh moaned as Cole slid further up to nuzzle into his neck and kiss him there and then moved up to his soft juicy mouth and pushed his tongue in past his lips. Josh responded in kind as Cole reached down the boy's arms with his full weight on top of him and entwined his fingers between Josh's and lifted his arms up above his head. The taste of Josh's mouth overpowered Cole's senses and he hungrily thrust his tongue deep into the young boy's mouth savouring the hot moist cavern and the feel of their tongues sliding over each other. Cole could feel Josh's semi hard cock once again filling with blood and he humped his hips up into Cole's stomach as the room darkened.

William had finally worked out the curtains pulling them closed and turned back around to see Cole and Josh making out on the bed together.

"Hey," He complained. "It's my turn!"

Cole lifted his head and looked over at William as Josh caught his breath beneath him. "Well, don't just stand there baby." Cole said to the sexy little seven year old. "Come get it!"

William grinned from ear to ear and jumped back up onto the bed as Cole sat up on top of Josh with his legs straddling the boy across his waist.

"Here, like this." Cole said as he grabbed William by the waist and helped him lift a leg over Josh's head and getting a fantastic view of the small boy's fucked and open hole. "On your hands and knees so Josh can suck you."

Cole could hardly take his eyes off William's flawlessly creamy white ass cheeks and the tight little sack held snugly underneath as he positioned himself over Josh's mouth letting his older brother pull his cock down and devour it in one breath.

Aching for release, Cole knew that he'd last only minutes before he blew his load deep inside the seven year olds ass but didn't hesitate a single second. Stretching William's cheeks apart and shuffling forward, Cole pressed the wet and sticky head of his engorged five and a half inch [14 cm] cock between William's wide open ass lips. Quickly, Cole reached down between his own legs and grabbed Josh's cock to smear leftover lube onto his hand and slid his fingers between William's hot lips and pushed his thumb into the boy's ass. God he was so fucking hot inside!

This was the part that Cole loved the most; pushing his hot man cock into a young preteen boy that wanted it as badly as he did before fucking him and feeling the warm tunnel of flesh surrounding him. Holding onto William's ass cheeks and stretching his ring open as wide as he could, Cole pushed forward and with only a little resistance, easily slipped his head in past the tight lips of William's entrance. Without stopping or even slowing, Cole sank his cock deep into the boy's hot little hole and grunted as his navel squashed up against William's cheeks. He almost came right then but he held still for a few seconds staring down at William's arched back and the thin sheen of damp sweat that glistened in the overhead lights.

Fuck he was beautiful, Cole thought as he concentrated on not spewing his load even though his cock was buried to the hilt inside a sexy and horny as hell little seven year old boy. It was a lost cause and he knew it. William turned and looked over his shoulder at Cole as his brother slurped and sucked on his hard little preteen cock, bringing him closer to orgasm. He gave Cole a barely noticeable nod to tell him to hurry the fuck up and FUCK him already and pushed his ass back into Cole forcing the man further into himself.

Fuck yeah William. You're getting more and more like your brother. You fucking love this.

Cole slowly withdrew and pushed his cock back inside William's tight chute rocking the boy's body over Josh's face. He slowly fucked in and out of the seven year olds ass as he held on tightly around his hips and watched as his cock slid out and pounded back in, slapping his shaved balls against the boy's cheeks. William moaned in ecstasy with his head resting on the mattress and his eyes locked on Josh's mouth devouring his small shaft as he felt the familiar burning of Cole's cock thrusting in and out of his ass. But it was a good feeling; the brief moment as Cole switched directions from sliding out to pushing back in that stung as his ass lips folded back in on themselves, the sensation of Cole's cock filling him and delving into the depths of his narrow passage, his fingertips digging into the soft skin of his hips pulling and pushing him back and forth as the man fucked him. Far from the pain he'd felt when Cole had fucked him the first time only a week ago, William now longed for it and his little cock would get as hard as it had ever done before even just thinking about it. More than once in the last week, he'd almost been caught with a hard-on at school as he fantasized about Cole fucking him. It was hard enough trying to control his little cock after PE in the showers and having a dozen naked boys his own age to gawk at and dream about sucking them and being fucked by one after the other until they'd all had a go at doing him.

That single fleeting thought was enough to ignite the pent up desire he felt and he cried out as he came in a huge dry pulsating orgasm with his cock rammed hard into Josh's mouth and Cole's cock shoved deeply up his ass. His whole body clenched and shuddered as the powerful orgasm rocked through him like a locomotive and he arched his back up and lifted his head, holding himself up by his fingertips on the bed before Cole grabbed him around the chest and pulled him up to squash his back into the man's body. His hands were everywhere, over his chest, sliding down his stomach and around the soft skin of his mound and cock buried in his nine year old brother's mouth as his orgasm continued and his cock spasmed wildly between Josh's tongue and cheeks.

With a forceful thrust, Cole rammed his cock upwards into William's clenched ass with him held tightly against Cole's body, sucking and kissing at the smooth soft skin of his neck and throat from over the boy's shoulder feeling the muscles of his ass gripping his cock like a vice and came deep inside him. His cock gushed strands of thick hot milk as it expanded inside the confined space of William's ass and Cole pushed in hard not caring if it hurt the boy or not. He bit down with his teeth into William's shoulder and moaned with unrestrained lust and desire as he continued to fuck the boy and caress his chest and lower navel wishing his orgasm would last for a lot longer than it was going to. If his body had been able, he would have started all over and happily fucked him over and over again all day until he bled and his cock was rubbed raw.

"Cole!" Harry said in a raised voice and waved his hands in front of Cole's face.

With a start, Cole came to and realised that he'd been staring at the wall across the room and hadn't noticed that Justice was now standing beside him with drink in hand waiting for him to take it. Slightly embarrassed, Cole took the glass of whisky from Justice's hand and noticed just how young and small they were, so soft and perfect and even though he'd been reliving in his mind the arrival of Josh and William at his apartment, he wondered how he couldn't have been watching Justice the whole time. The kid was stunning! Not just beautiful or handsome, but stunning like he'd been created in the image of perfection.

Justice was grinning as Cole stared at him and rather shyly Cole looked down and realised why. The front of his dress trousers were tended up and a wet patch was seeping through forming a circle of pre-cum around his hardening cock.

"Looks like these guys have an effect on you mate." Harry commented. "Have you decided which one you want first?"

"Yeah, I think I have." Cole said as he admired the boy standing beside him. "But I was thinking about them." He said and pointed to Josh and William as they entered the room, followed closely by Zane after cleaning up in the dining room. They both spied Cole almost immediately and grinned from ear to ear as all eyes turned on them in their nakedness and sexy little boy splendour. They gave Cole a little wave and followed Zane as he led them towards the group of men with Kieran, Marcus and the CEO huddled in a corner talking in hushed voices. As soon as they approached, their faces changed and Cole saw all of them look Josh and William over.

It was an odd feeling to know that he alone had had what the other men coveted. He'd fucked them both so many times in the last week and had enjoyed their bodies in ways that every man here desired. Tonight, that would all change; they'd be with other men and share themselves willingly, but in return, Cole would have his pick of the most gorgeous boys he'd ever seen in his entire life starting with Justice, a young six year old Goddess of exquisite beauty by anybodies reckoning. He was, simply put, an angle.

"You're a lucky son of a bitch mate," Harry said. "I wish I were in your position right now because Justice would be my first pick too."

"Yeah? Who'd be your second?' Cole asked with sincere interest.

"Definitely Cory over there," Harry said as he nodded over to one of the boy's Cole had noticed earlier being fondled and sucked by an older man.

Cole smiled and nodded his head in agreement. "Yeah, absolutely. He's sexy as fuck isn't he?"

"Sure is," Harry said with undisguised longing. "I probably shouldn't tell you this, but until today I wasn't exactly considered someone who got to pick and choose which of the boys I got to be with."

"Really? Kieran seemed to think a lot of you." Cole said. "I got the impression you were someone he wanted me to meet."

"Yeah, well, I'm sure you more than anyone understands how quickly things can change. It was only by chance that I was alone with Zane today and he finally decided to give up his cherry. So Kieran's grateful for that, now that he can fuck his son's ass."

"You did Zane?" Justice blurted out in surprise as he stood beside the men discussing which of the boys they'd pick tonight. His small cock twitched and grew involuntary as his blood surged at the thought of Zane finally becoming one of them. He'd seen Zane naked and had unconsciously coveted the thought of being with him, a boy a couple years older than himself but the only one he knew that wasn't one of them, those that gave themselves freely to the men and sucked off their huge cocks and had cum sprayed over their faces and bodies and their asses fucked over and over again. Would Zane want to fuck him now and let him fuck him in return?

Harry looked over at the boy standing across from Cole and wished with all his heart that Cole wouldn't pick him tonight. Of all the boys here tonight, Justice was one of only two or three other boys he'd longed to be with almost as much as he did Zane.

It didn't surprise Harry that at the mention of Zane, Justice's little hairless organ grew from its flaccid state and began to stretch out pulling the thin sheath of skin of his un-cut one and a half inch [4 cm] soft cock down around his blossoming head.

"Yeah, I did. Four times!" Harry laughed, unable to hide his euphoria at achieving the impossible. Reading the mind of the young six year old boy waiting patiently beside Cole, Harry quietened his voice and lent over Cole.

"I'm sure he'd love it if you did him too."

On instinct, Cole glanced at the perfect form of Justice's body and knew it to be true. But was he the one? Out of all the boys here, would he be his first pick? Looking around, he knew that Josh and William would be fulfilling their roles with the elites, thus granting Cole access to any of the boys here. He knew they were being traded for his own gains but that didn't bother him at all, they'd enjoy it as much as the men who got to fuck them tonight.

Rory was the only other boy in the room he knew, and he too was off limits for tonight. His sexy little body and virgin ass was something he'd have tomorrow assuming he accepted the offer made to him to join the Group. That was a foregone conclusion since he'd already made up his mind. How could he not? If not Rory, then which of the boys would he want most? Cory was a strong contender with his half Latino heritage and young sexy brown body. Definitely in Cole's top three.

Who the fuck am I kidding? They're all in my top three!

Which others then? Cole looked around Justice at the dozen naked boys scattered like prized trophies serving the men and engaged in various sexual acts and noticed, rather surprisingly, that with the exception of only Justice, Cory and two other boys he didn't know, all the other boys were doing a lot more than just serving. He'd been so caught up in staring at Justice's body and his conversation with Harry about which of the boys he'd pick, he hadn't noticed the subtle change of atmosphere in the room as the chatter died down to be replaced by low moans and occasional grunts as the men seduced and took pleasure in the bodies of the sexy preteen boys on offer. On instinct, his eyes darted to where Josh and William were and saw to his amazement that Josh was bent over the arm of a hard leather chair and Marcus was fucking him with his hands wrapped around the boy's waist as another man knelt in front of him and was shoving his big cock into Josh's mouth. William was sat on the other chair next to his brother with his knees up and feet planted on the leather cushion and the company's CEO had his face buried between his legs sucking the seven year old off. The look in William's face was one of exhilaration as he watched the man suck his hard tiny little three inch [7½ cm] cock.

Tearing his eyes off Josh and William, his gaze lingered on each of the boys for a few seconds before settling on one in particular. He turned back to Harry with a smile.

"You know, I think Justice here will do just fine." He said.

"Bugger!" Harry laughed. "I was hoping you wouldn't."

"Why?" Cole asked somewhat confused.

"Because I wanted him, that's why." Harry explained without any hint of resentment.

"Well, why couldn't we share?" Cole asked in a hushed voice not knowing if it was allowed or not. "I mean you know, swap in the middle of the night with whichever one you choose? I know I don't plan on getting any sleep tonight."

"You'd do that?" Harry asked. "You wouldn't mind?" He still wasn't used to being treated with such respect and it hadn't occurred to him that Cole would think of his needs being equally as important as his own.

"Why wouldn't I? We're allowed to do that then? Swap I mean?" Cole asked.

"Sure." Harry said looking up at Justice as his heart raced at the realisation that he'd get to fuck the little boy at long last.

"Is that okay with you Justice?" Harry asked the sexy boy still standing beside them.

"Yep." He said with a cheeky grin and pursed lips as he looked from Harry to Cole and back again.

"So who's your pick then?" Cole asked his new friend as Justice retreated to the back of the room to refill his tray and joined another group of men, but he kept stealing glances at Harry and the new guest, thrilled to have been chosen by him. It was considered a great honour.

"Cory of course!" Harry said looking around to where the sexy young boy was standing with one of the members sucking him off. "He's a sexy little fuck don't you think?"

"Fuck yeah." Cole agreed, elated that he'd not only get to fuck Justice, but also the cute as hell little Cory that he'd first seen and his second choice of all the boys here.

Harry turned at some movement seen from the corner of his eye and was just in time to see Kieran leading Zane by the hand out of the room, but not before both Zane and his father glanced in his direction. Zane smiled and waved and Kieran mouthed a 'Thank you' before the door closed behind them. He felt a stab of jealously watching them go, wishing that he'd have been able to take Zane up to his room for the night, but all things considered, he'd have his pick of the boys here and he was sure he'd get to fuck Zane again very soon, so the feeling was only fleeting. His mind, however, was on more immediate interests.

"You do realise we're the only one's not enjoying any of the pleasures these boys can offer don't you." Harry said. "I don't know about you but I kinda need to take the edge off so I can enjoy our two little men for as long as possible tonight. Why don't you pick us a little snack?"

A little snack! Cole fucking loved it. The way Harry talked about picking a boy to play with and probably fuck in front of a room full of men like it was nothing out of the ordinary. I love this place. He thought silently to himself.

He again scanned the room and found his number three pick; a young light brown haired boy with creamy white skin that looked to be around six years old standing with another boy about the same age looking around for any of the men not already with one of their friends.

"Him." Cole said and nodded his head in the boy's direction. "The brown haired one on the left."

"Ah, yes. That's Thomas. Very good choice." Harry said with appreciation. It seemed that both he and Cole had very similar tastes in boys as the three that Cole had pointed out were exactly the same three that he himself would have chosen given the fact that Zane, Josh and William were otherwise taken.

"He's only just turned six, and the other one's Jacob who's just a few months older." Harry explained. "Both very fuckable."

Cole didn't say anything in response. He couldn't. This was it; could he do this in front of the other men? Fuck a six year old boy right next to another man doing the same thing with another equally as young boy? God he wanted to, but shit, he was nervous as hell and his hands were shaking!

When Cole didn't say anything, Harry looked around at him and saw the apprehension etched all over his face and he chuckled quietly. "Mate, it's okay. Just go with it. Everyone's too interested in what they're doing to pay you any attention. Besides you may as well get used to the idea of these men watching you if you're going to bust Rory's cherry tomorrow night. Some of these men will want to watch."

Harry waved both boys over and the lads eagerly trotted up to stand beside them. Cole took a last huge gulp of his drink and set it down on the side table beside decretive bowls filled with a clear liquid.

"Yeah, what the fuck right?" He said smiling at Harry and then down at Thomas's growing penis and small sack. The six year old was a gorgeous boy and Cole drank in every inch of his body as he lent forward in his chair towards the lad standing in front of him.

"I'm Cole." He said to Thomas as he gently touched his hands to the boy's soft skin just above his waist and ran his fingers down his side. "What's your name?" He asked even though he already knew it.

"Thomas." The boy said. His voice was even higher than Cole had thought, but just as sweet as he'd imagined it would be.

"Thomas." Cole said looking up at the boy standing in front of him. "You are beautiful." He said more to himself than he did the six year old lad.

"Can I?" Cole asked as he traced his fingers down one ridge of the 'V' leading to Thomas's smooth and hairless un-cut cock that pointed straight out as hard as a nail with the skin stretched back revealing his small mushroomed head.

In answer, the young six year old boy simply thrust his hips forward and nodded his head with a smile. Holding his hips in both hands, he offered himself to Cole and felt the warmth of the man's mouth envelope him.

The experience for Cole was like none other he'd had before with Josh or William when they were alone in private, making love to each other in a way that only a man and boy can experience. This was something entirely different to have his lips wrapped around a small six year old boy's smooth and hairless cock in the company of so many other men doing exactly the same thing and more to boys Cole had only dreamt of. He was vaguely aware that Josh was now being fucked by a second man as he was held down over the chair but he didn't care in the least. The taste of Thomas's young cock in his mouth and the soft skin of his body was far too overpowering to care what else went on in the room.

Unable to remember how it happened, Cole found himself leaning into the high backed leather chair with Thomas straddling over him with his knees either side of his waist as he sucked the boy off, twirling his tongue around the short shaft and burying his face into his stomach. He could feel Thomas's attempts to undo his trousers with his hands stretching down between his legs and fumbling with the button. He pried his hands away from Thomas's ass and cock to snap open his button fly and release some of the strain on his engorged cock. In a few moments he would be for the first time exposed for the world to see, even though no one was paying him any attention, least of all Harry beside him.

His new friend had somehow managed to stand and had Jacob' naked body bent over the chair with his legs spread wide apart and was riding the young six year old boy's ass hard; shoving his man cock deep inside him and pulling out again only to thrust back in with a grunt of satisfaction. Jacob rocked back and forth with each inward drive and held himself up with his arms and hands clenched around the leather backed chair. The expression on Harry's face was one of pure lust and desire as he fucked his second boy of the day knowing that he'd have Cory and Justice later that night. Jacob was a desirable and sexy little boy with a body that would have turned any boy lovers head, and Harry would have settled for far less, but tonight, he'd get to fuck two of the most treasured boy's the Group had to offer and all because he'd taken the chance and raped little Zane and had somehow gotten away with it. Everyone believed he'd managed to pull off the impossible and convinced the little bugger to finally give himself up when in fact he'd forced himself on Zane, tied him up and fucked his ass until the kid was practically begging for more.

And here he was now, riding the ass of another six year old boy in the company of the elites and other favoured men with only the best and sexiest of the boys. None were older than nine and there was a distinct flavour tonight for the younger boys, most being only six or seven and even a couple small five year olds including Rory with his virgin ass and tiny little boy cock. After tomorrow night, when Cole would inevitably take his sweet little cherry for the first time, Harry was sure he'd be fair game and that he'd have an opportunity to taste and feel Rory's tight ass lips wrapped around his cock as each man took their turn in fucking him. Marcus wouldn't be able to deny him the pleasure, not now that he was one of the them at the top of the food chain.

He almost lost it at that moment thinking of fucking Rory and slowed his thrusts in and out of Jacob as he looked over at Cole and Thomas struggling to pull the man's trousers down far enough to release his hard cock. But finally, with Thomas taking charge and lifting himself up, Cole's cock came free and Harry could see why he'd been chosen to take the virginity of the five year old boys that were about to begin the life that they were bred for. Cole's cock wasn't small by any means but it was thinner than average, and only slightly shorter than most men which meant it was perfect for sliding into the tight, and sometimes unwilling, warm little holes of small boys and opening them up for larger men to fuck.

Like Harry, Cole didn't bother trying to remove his trousers completely. He was content just having his cock and upper thighs exposed as Thomas climbed back on top of his lap with his legs spread either side of Cole's and sat down on top of him. They both looked down at each other's cocks and with his hand, Thomas gently began rubbing his hard little two and a half inch [6½ cm] cock against Cole's throbbing shaft and smeared the pre-cum that leaked out of Cole's head down his shaft and over his own tiny little rod and small tightly packed ball sack. For a long minute they simply enjoyed the sensation as both man and boy gently humped their hard organs together as Cole slowly caressed and stroked Thomas's young six year old body, kissing his chest and swirled his tongue around the boy's nipples as their cocks slid up and down between Thomas's expert hands.

Thomas's weight sifted on top of Cole and he turned his head away from the boy's chest and small light brown nipples to see him reaching over to a bowl on the side table and dip his fingers into the clear liquid. With the realisation dawning on him, Cole now saw they weren't just decorative bowls as he'd first thought but were filled with lube. There was a bowl on each table and of course they were necessary considering what was expected to happen in this room.

He flinched at the cold liqid as Thomas smeared it over Cole's hard cock, but within seconds the friction and warmth of Thomas's hands had his manhood hot and aching for release.

"Are you going to put your penis inside my bottom now?" Thomas asked in his sweet high pitched little boy voice.

"Yeah, I am." Cole said. "If you want me to."

If he wants me to? Fuck, what if he says no? Cole chided himself. Why didn't I just say 'Yes'?

Thomas looked over at his friend Jacob as Harry fucked him and wanted to feel the new man inside him, but he'd been told not to appear too eager. Their teachers taught them that that's what the men called 'sluts' and that they were not those kinds of boys. They were loved and the men showed them that by making love to them as often as possible. But it still didn't change the fact that Thomas wanted it 3; badly.

He grinned and nodded his head at Cole and lent over to pick up the bowl and offered it to Cole.

"You do it." Thomas said as he pushed the back of the chair down into its reclining position. Unlike other reclining chairs, instead of leg rests lifting up, these ones lowered the armrests giving the occupants much more room in which to move.

As he dipped his fingers into the bowl, Cole noted that his hands had stopped shaking and he was far more at ease now than he had been just a few minutes ago. Maybe it was Thomas, or the alcohol or a combination of both or simply that he'd accepted the fact that he could do this without fear or embarrassment, but either way, he was in it now and there was no going back - not that Cole had any intensions of stopping now.

With his fingers wet and dripping with lube, Cole reached around Thomas's tiny little body and slid them between the boy's mounds and over the hot entrance of his hole. The six year old pushed his ass back and spread his legs wider as he continued to massage Cole's hard cock and rub his own against it in his hands, offering his ass to Cole's fingers and felt the man slip them inside him. As Cole slowly fucked his fingers in and out of the little boy's ass and then pull out, Thomas sat up and shuffled forward while still holding onto Cole's rock hard cock until his ass hovered over it. He gave Cole a flirtatious grin and gyrated his hips in a circle, lightly rubbing the man's bulbous head against his lips and then pushed down on it. Cole helped and pulled the boy's cheeks apart as his head easily penetrated Thomas's ring and his ass lips circled Cole's cock underneath the ridge of his helmet.

A soft moan of delight escaped Cole's mouth as Thomas sank his body down and took Cole's shaft deep into his ass until he was sat on the man's navel with his cock buried to the hilt inside him. His own short little hairless rod felt as though it was on fire as Cole played with it and jerked it back and forth while holding onto his thin waist with the other hand and started to thrust his hips up into Thomas in slow rhythmic motions. They moved together, each delighting in the feel of their bodies joined and the build up of sexual desires soon to be released. Cole watched, spellbound by Thomas as the boy sensuously rocked over him with his eyes closed, opening briefly just a little, with his long lashes obscuring his eyes before closing again.

Unlike the frantic groping and urgent love making he'd had with Josh and William, this was something entirely different. Thomas had been bred for sex and trained from a very young age to give as much pleasure as he could, as well as taking it in return. He could feel Cole inside him, sliding in and out and straining to reach deep inside and stretching his ass lips as he felt Cole's cock bury itself to the root. He'd been fucked by a great many men in his short life, but because they were thicker, none had been able to probe as deep as Cole. They'd all been far too big for his young and narrow passage, but Cole was able to reach further into him with his thinner shaft and Thomas willed the muscles in his ass to relax and accept the probing organ. Cole's gentle touch and caressing hand pushed down on his hips, slowly forcing his way deeper into his bowels. He had his other hand on Thomas's hard little cock and massaged it back and forth as Thomas slowly ground his ass into Cole's crotch.

Through half closed eyes, Thomas could see Cole staring at him and he purposefully arched his back letting the man have a full unobstructed view of his body from his velvety thighs, smooth hairless pubic mound and his slender and soft torso as he lent back and held himself up by his hands on the man's legs behind him. The build up of sensations from the tip of his small cock and deep within his loins as Cole jacked him was soon to explode. He could already feel the tingling in his tiny balls and he moaned quietly as Cole ran his hand over Thomas's stomach and up to his chest and back down again.

He knew, after almost a year of having sex with men almost every day and sometimes more, that as soon as he orgasmed, his ass muscles would clench down on Cole's cock inside him and the man would cum, shooting his milk deep into his bowels and sometimes they would cry out or push themselves in harder. Cole did both.

Just as Thomas felt his orgasm shoot through his body, he opened his eyes to watch Cole as his little cock spasmed in the man's hand and he whimpered in ecstasy and as expected, he felt his ass muscles grip Cole's cock like a vice as his body convulsed in pleasure. For a second, the whole room became quiet and every set of eyes were on them, each man and boy staring at their newest member as he made love to one of the Group's boys for the very first time. Although Thomas knew Cole had chosen Justice to spend the night with, he'd been the first one that Cole had made love to which had been, up until now, something he'd been far too young to have had before.

Harry was sat back in his chair with Jacob nestled in his arms after having spent his load in the six year old's hot and fleshy ass. He'd ridden and fucked him from behind thinking of Zane and had pounded his ass in stark contrast to the gentle love making he saw in front of him now. The boys were trained to respond to the men's moods and desires and Harry knew that Thomas would have reacted and performed as required whatever Cole's wishes had been; whether that be the sensual slow dance he played now, or a vigorous and passionate encounter that he himself preferred. He saw the moment that Cole came inside the boy's ass and the muffled cry of nirvana as he pushed Thomas down onto his cock and dig his fingers into the soft skin of the boy's hips. Harry saw the regret in Cole's eyes as his orgasm faded and he looked the boy over from head to crotch, knowing exactly what his new friend was thinking; anything for just a few more seconds.

I know that feeling. In that instant, I'd sell my soul for just a few more seconds. Harry silently thought to himself as he absently fondled Jacob's flaccid penis with his head resting over the boy's shoulder and watched Cole visibly relax. Thomas lent forward to lay his head on Cole's chest just as the men watching around the room began clapping their hands together in appreciation.

Startled by the clapping, Cole looked around himself and his face turned a deep red as the realisation that they'd all been watching dawned on him. He glanced at Harry and smiled weakly with his hands still stroking the damp back of the sexy six year old laying on top of him.

"Welcome to the club mate." Harry said in way of recognition of Cole's first induction. "You looked like you enjoyed that."

"I did." Cole said as he kissed Thomas's head through his hair and smelt the sweet aroma of a little boy after sex.

Both Thomas and Jacob lifted themselves up as the two men fastened their trousers and sat up in their chairs.

"Go get cleaned up lads." Harry told them and winked at Jacob. "Ah, sorry 3; hang on. Another drink Cole?" Harry asked.

"Sure." Cole said still looking at Thomas as he stood there waiting for permission to leave. Even with his small wilting little boy cock he was an amazing sight and Cole marvelled at the thought that he'd just fucked the lad.

"Two whiskies please Jacob. Just ice."

Jacob nodded and turned to leave and Thomas followed suit, but turned back to Cole briefly and smiled.

"Thank you Cole." Thomas said.

"Thank you, Thomas." Cole said even though the words sounded insignificant compared to what the little six year old boy had given him.

Cole watched them go and saw that most of the other men had already left with whatever boy they were taking for the night, but that both Josh and William were still present and were now both being fucked. Josh was still bent over the armchair and a third man was now ramming his cock into him while William was bent double with his knees up around his ears with the CEO of the company thrusting his hips back and forth stabbing William's ass with his hard prick. For a moment, Cole felt a rush of shame and guilt for allowing them to be used like that, but then he saw both their faces and realised that they were enjoying it. What would Myles and Claire think if they knew how he'd introduced their two boys to a group of boy hungry men and had let them be fucked over and over again by any number of men? They'd fucking murder him, that's what 3; Well, Claire might, Myles he wasn't so sure about.

"I might just have to give little Thomas a ride after watching you two." Harry said after Jacob had given them their drinks and hurried out of the room. "It looked like he enjoyed it as much as you did."

Cole laughed. "Maybe 3; but, not likely." he said. Looking around the half empty room, Cole searched for Justice and Cory but couldn't see them.

"Where'd Justice and Cory go? Did you see?" Cole asked Harry.

"Oh, they'll have just gone to clean up and prepare before coming to get us I imagine."

"Clean up?" Cole asked.

"Yeah." Harry said and saw some confusion on Coles face so he explained. "They get an enema so they're clean and fresh each night in case whatever man they're with has a thing for eating them out, which I do." He smiled. "By the way, they didn't get a chance to ask you earlier how you wanted your boy dressed or if you had any 'special' request for tonight, so we just told them casual bur 'sexy' clothing. Hope that's okay."

"Oh." Cole answered, not really sure what else to say. "Sure." Of course Harry couldn't have known but it was the sensual undressing that turned Cole on, the feeling of a boy's body over his clothes and the slow revealing of the hidden treasure below. Not that he hadn't already see Justice's goods, but it was still something to look forward to.

There was a moment of silence before Harry spoke up again, looking over Cole's shoulder. "Shit 3;" He said quietly. "Here comes Mr. Mogan."

Cole resisted the urge to look, but not knowing who 'Mr. Morgan was, he didn't know who to expect. The man rounded the chair and sat down beside Cole with a friendly smile on his face. Surprised, Cole recognised him as the Company's CEO and founder, and the man who just a few minutes ago had been fucking William.

"Cole, I'm Sheridan." The man said as he extended his hand to Cole and glanced at Harry.

"Harry. Welcome into the fold at last. Took you long enough didn't it? Has Kieran talked to you about a new position yet?"

"No Sir." Harry said. "And thank you."

"Don't thank me Harry, I didn't do anything." Sheridan said. "But talk to Kieran tomorrow, I'm sure he'll want to discuss your future with you."

Sheridan turned back to Cole once more. "That was quite a performance you put on for us with Thomas. I'm sure you'll have no problems with Rory tomorrow night, which we're all very grateful to you for, and for bringing along two such wonderful boys for us to share."

"It was the least I could do." Cole said noting that both Josh and William had left the room now. "I'm kinda at a loss for words though. I'd never imagined a boy like Thomas could be so 3; good at what he does."

"They all are Cole. They've been trained from a very young age and trust me, they enjoy it just as much as you do." Sheridan said. "I hear you've picked Justice for the night? He's an excellent choice and by God, does he have a body on him! You'll find him a little more experienced that Thomas so don't be surprised if he tries to take the lead. You may need to press upon him you're in charge, unless you want him to of course."

Cole nodded and smiled, not really sure what he was expected to say to that. "Thank you. I will."

"Well gentlemen, I'll leave you to it. I just wanted to say hi and welcome to the Group." Sheridan stood and Cole and Harry did the same and they shook hands again.

Just as Sheridan was about to leave, he leant in to Cole and in a quieter voice said, "Justice loves it when you tickle his scrotum and juicy little ass lips with your tongue. It drives him nuts."

And then he was gone, heading back out through the large double doors leading to the foyer and stairs to the first floor, obviously eager to prepare for William's arrival into his bedroom.

At least that's what Cole assumed, since it was what he was feeling right now. The brief encounter with Thomas hadn't staved off his lust; in fact it had only heightened it and made it even more powerful. The only thought he had was of being alone with Justice and tasting the boy's flesh, feeling the soft and tender skin under his hands and sucking his tiny little hairless cock. Sheridan's parting words had fuelled his desires and he so desperately wanted to probe his tongue into the depths of the small six year old boy's orifice and breathe in that musky preteen boy smell. It was like an unquenchable thirst that only got stronger the more he drank, and here, he could drink as much as he wanted.

"Looks like you're in with the big man himself," Harry said. "That guy's had more boy ass than I've had hot meals. Feel like a walk?"

A walk was the last thing on Cole's mind, but since it seemed it was going to be a while before Justice would come back, Cole decided it probably wasn't a bad idea to clear his head and is soften his cock.

"Sure." He said. "But not too long though okay?" Cole added with a smile.

"What, you got something else you want to do?"

"Yeah, I do." Cole laughed.

"Don't worry mate, I'll get you back in plenty of time for that." Harry told Cole as they made their way past the last couple of men and boys left in the room.

Chapter twelve
Delivered as promised

Author's note

This chapter involves some rape fantasy. If you don't like that, don't read.


Cole (28yo), Harry (43yo), William (7yo), Zane (8yo), Justice (6yo), and Cory (6yo)

A cooling breeze swept over the estate's expansive grounds as Harry and Cole took a late night stroll to settle their minds and appetite for the young boys waiting for them back in their rooms. Just fifteen minutes ago, Cole had experienced his very first sexual encounter in public with a six year old boy in full view of a half dozen other men. The image of young Thomas straddling his body and impaling himself on Cole's rock hard cock was forever burnt into his memory. For a boy so young, Cole had been amazed by his sensual lovemaking and his hot preteen body. Thomas was a boy he knew that he simply had to have again, and soon.

Harry too had finally breached the gap and had been granted the privilege of fucking young Jacob, another six year old blonde boy that simply dripped of sex. From the little that Cole had seen, being so focused on his own little love child, the boys were adapt to any form of sexual pleasure their current partner desired. Harry hadn't been as gentle on Jacob as Cole might have been which awakened a deep rooted desire within Cole to act out a secret fantasy of bondage with a young and smooth hairless preteen boy.

They walked in silence for a while around the perimeter of the garden, both men lost in their own thoughts until Harry finally spoke up.

"You're not sure that what you just did was real are you?" Harry said, reading Cole's thoughts.

"Are you kidding me?" Cole half laughed. "I thought I was in heaven last week when I discovered William was being sexed up by his Dad, and then finding out he was doing Josh too. There I was thinking I'd hit the jackpot when they both came on to me and wanted to have sex, but now it seems I have any number of 'em to choose from. And they're all so God damn sexy!"

"Yeah they are that." Harry agreed. "I take it you've decided to stay then?"

"My mind was made up as soon as I got here mate. Coming through that front door today and seeing you with Zane 3; Wow! I thought if the boys here were all like him then I'd never leave. I think anyone would have to be insane to say no to this." Cole said and looked back around at the lighted cottage which wasn't really a cottage at all, more like a small six star hotel with benefits. Inside were the sexiest and most desirable young boys he'd ever set eyes on and one of the hottest of them all was right now getting ready to spend the night in his bed, or perhaps he was already there waiting for him.

"I'm afraid I'm probably a little biased as far as Zane goes." Harry said. "I've had my eye on him for months and finally got to live a life long fantasy today."

"Yeah?" Cole asked as he looked sideways at his newfound friend. "What was that?"

Harry kept walking in silence for a few seconds as he contemplated whether to tell Cole what had actually happened with Zane. He could lose everything he'd gained today and even more, not even being thrown the least of the boys and left to rot in forgotten oblivion. But he needed to tell someone, to describe what it was like to fuck a boy against his will and bust his virgin ass as he struggled under him. For a reason Harry couldn't quite put his finger on, he felt he could trust Cole even though he'd known him only a couple hours. Picking two boys together from those on offer and then fucking them only five feet apart built up a mutual trust, but it went further than that; he trusted Cole without knowing why and decided to tell him about raping Zane that afternoon.

"Well, I've always wondered what it would be like to fuck one of these boys when it wasn't exactly 3; consensual, if you know what I mean." Harry said.

It took a moment for the pieces to fall into place before Cole realised what Harry had just told him. "You raped Zane?" Cole whispered. "But I thought 3; Aren't they all 3; I mean, I thought they did this willingly."

"Of course they do.." Harry said. "But not Zane, at least not until today. He'd refused to let any of us, even his own father touch him so he's been left alone all this time. Untouched."

"And so you raped him?" Cole asked again as his heart started to race at the thought.

"Well, yeah. I didn't exactly plan it," Harry said even though he knew it wasn't exactly the truth. He'd gone to the lake house with a plan in mind and had taken with him the things he'd need to restrain Zane, but he didn't know he'd go through with it.

"But I couldn't stop myself once I had him alone and he was half naked and gagging for it. I was ready to throw everything away just for one go at him but it turned out okay in the end. He actually started to enjoy it and now 3;" Harry smiled a little at the thought. "Right now in fact, Kieran is enjoying the pleasures of his youngest son thanks to me."

"Wow." Cole said. "I can't imagine how fucking awesome that must have been."

"To rape him? Fuck yeah 3; It was the best sexual experience of my life and I'd never felt so alive. I take it raping a boy turns you on too?"

Cole gave a little nervous laugh. It was a big enough step in fucking young Thomas in front of Harry and the other men, but to admit his deepest and darkest secret was a little more difficult. But why should it be? He'd just fucked Thomas in front of the man for God's sake, and that alone would secure him a special place in prison if he'd done it in front of anyone else.

"Yeah, a little more than I'd care to admit." Cole said as they rounded the lawn and started making their way back towards the cottage with just about every window glowing with light. He imagined the sexual acts being performed behind each one by the men and little preteen boys they'd picked for the nights entertainment. He'd sure as hell be leaving the lights on as he devoured Justice's tiny little hairless cock and fucked him up his deliciously tight ass.

God, he was getting hard again just thinking about it. How long until they got back inside? A couple minutes? More?

"I think you'll find that a lot of men who love little boys share that desire Cole. Even if most only get to act out their fantasies and pretend to force themselves on the boys, it's still a powerful and very erotic experience." Harry said. "You should try it tonight with Justice if that's what you want. I know he'd be more than receptive to the idea."

"You can do that?" Cole asked. "Act out any fantasy or desire you wanted?"

"Pretty much, so long as it doesn't cause any permanent harm and if the boys agree to it you can do anything you want with them." Harry Smiled. "This is a place to taste the forbidden fruit without fear of what others may think after all, and besides, anything you can think up I'm sure these boys have already done it and even more."

"I think I may have to take your advice there mate." Cole said as his cock grew painfully inside his trousers. "A little rape fantasy is just what I need right now."

By the time the two men stepped onto the pebbled driveway and headed up the steps to the porch, they were walking at a brisk pace, both eager to get back inside and up to their rooms to the two little six year old boys waiting for them.

"I don't know about you Cole, but I'm as hard as a rock and ready for some boy fucking!" Harry whispered quietly to Cole as he opened the front door and they stepped inside.

Almost as soon as the door closed behind them, they were approached by one of the female stewards who acted as surrogate mothers to the boys and helped run the estate. These women were handpicked and paid extremely well for what they did, as well as being offered the same pleasures as the men they served. Cole didn't know it, but every woman there also had a taste for young hairless preteen boys and took whatever opportunity was afforded them – after the men had first had their share of course.

"Sirs?" A short petite woman in her mid 20's stepped in front of them blocking their route up the stairs. "I'm sorry I didn't catch you before you went out. I didn't get a chance to ask how you'd like Justice and Cory presented tonight."

Presented? Fuck, Harry really wasn't exaggerating. Cole thought as he tried desperately to hide the lust and desire that must be so obvious to anyone who looked at him.

"Of course," Harry said to the woman. "Completely our fault, sorry about that."

He turned to Cole and held out his hand. "Well Cole? Guests first. Any special 'fantasies' or preference in what Justice is wearing… or not wearing?" Harry winked at Cole knowing without a doubt what the man wanted after he'd just told how he'd raped Zane. He knew Cole wanted to act out that particular fantasy as much as he did.

"Ummm 3;" Cole stammered feeling uncomfortable at telling this woman he wanted to pretend to rape the little six year old. "I'm not sure."

"Aw, c'om mate. Weren't you just telling me how you'd love to rape one of these little beauties?" Harry said without a trace of embarrassment or shame.

Cole looked briefly at the woman and felt his face flush, wondering what she must think of him. Instead, she took in a deep breath and closed her eyes for a second.

"One of my favourite fantasies too." She said. "Is that your choice Sir? I highly recommend it."

"I guess, sure." Cole said, utterly confused now at her response and finally getting an inkling of just how fucking totally insane this place was. The women too?

"God you're hopeless Cole," Harry laughed. He turned to the woman and gave her his instructions.

"Why don't you have Justice tied by his hands to the bedposts, in a preppy school uniform with tie and all and tell him to pretend he's just been kidnapped."

"Of course." She said. "And for you?"

"Have Cory dragged into my room wearing tight blue jeans, white buttoned shirt and a cowboy blazer with a sheriff's badge and a gun in a holster. Make sure he's tied with his hands in front and gagged too." Harry ordered.

"Yes Sir." The woman nodded her head. "I assume he's to act as though he's just been kidnapped too?"

"Can you think of anything better Sally?"

"No, not really Sir." She said with a smile and turned to go.

Cole stood there stunned at what he'd just witnessed. Harry had ordered them up two very sexy little six year old preteen boys with the hottest God damned bodies on Earth and told them what he wanted them to wear and to act as though they'd just been kidnapped. Wholly fucking shit!

"I guess we've got time for a drink then. " Harry said and saw the look on Cole's face. "You'll get used to it mate."

It would be another agonising wait that Cole knew would have to be endured. His lust for a soft and tender boy burned within him hotter than ever before despite having satisfied the craving with Thomas just a short while ago. And yet, he sat back down on the very same leather chair in which he'd fucked the young six year old and tried to still his mind as he talked with Harry. But everywhere he looked reminded him of what this place was and why he was here. Even with the room deserted except for himself and Harry, he could still see in his mind the men and boys grouped together engaged in various sexual acts. He glanced over to where Josh had been fucked at least three times by as many men one after the other and where William had been sucked and fucked by Sheridan, the CEO of the corporation. Even the small bowls of lube that Cole had at first thought were nothing more than decretive ornaments reminded him of how fantastically great it felt to smear it all over and inside Thomas's hot little ass.

Sally brought them their drinks and told them it would only be a few minutes until they were called and the two men looked at each other with eager anticipation.

"So Cole, tell me how you met Marcus." Harry asked. "I hear it was in a swimming pool at some resort and you both had a little fun with the three boys?"

Cole begun to tell Harry about his life and work and how he visited his friend Myles every opportunity he got, solely for the chance to see William again and again and how he'd sucked the little guy off in the bathroom just a few meters away from his parents. He told him about William's revelation that his father enjoyed the love of his two sons and how they'd both conned Cole into having sex with them the next time he visited, just before he'd met Marcus and Harry wanted every detail described about what he did with them and where. Cole finished up telling Harry about their trip to the fun park and how he'd met Marcus and the deal they'd struck to share the boys for one night before Marcus had invited Cole to join them his weekend.

"God mate, you sure as hell took a risk doing that but it seems to have paid off very nicely huh?" Harry said once Cole finished.

"I know, and I still can't believe it." Cole said as he shifted in his seat to relieve the pressure on his aching cock. He thought about how Josh and William were probably right now being sucked or fucked by Sheridan and Marcus with little five year old Rory and again wondered if he'd done the right thing by bringing them here.

"What about you? How'd you end up here?" Cole asked.

"Not so different than you, except for the fact I'd never actually had a boy before joining. I used to be a social worker for a small city education board. It was my job to work with the schools in the area to assess the kids and the schools as well as provide counselling. So you can imagine I was surrounded by boys pretty much all the time." Harry told Cole.

"Part of my job was to look out for signs of abuse and talk to those that had been, and I gotta say that during the years I was so amazed at just how many kids, especially boys, were sexually abused.

"I hate that word by the way. 'Abused'. Is it abuse if the kid actually enjoys it and encourages it to happen? So many of the boys I 'counselled' told me they didn't want to it to stop and asked if the guy was going to get into trouble. Some refused to testify after I told them they would and in fact I actually started telling them on purpose so they wouldn't testify. I was a little biased you could say.

"But anyway, God, if only they'd known that I'd have loved to get inside the pants of so many of the boys I knew that had been played around with. Made me laugh sometimes but it was also so fucking frustrating. I never had the courage to act on it though, not until I met Stan, the guy you're replacing."

Harry told Cole about many of the boy's he'd worked with and how they were so screwed up, not because of the so called abuse, but because of how the system worked that made them believe what had happened was dirty and wrong.

"I saw it over and over again, a young boy perfectly happy and at ease with his sexuality and then he's told it was wrong and dirty so he thinks because he enjoyed it that there must be something wrong with him! And then the questioning and everything else 3; God I hated it.

"But then I met Stan and he took me away from all that and brought me here." Harry finished.

"He was an expert child psychologist that came in and right from the start, he saw my interest in the boys. It didn't take long for him to invite me here," Harry said as he swept his arm around the room and chuckled.

"But he didn't tell me what this place was until I got here. Up until I went to bed that night I had no idea, I think it was all a huge practical joke that they played on me. They sent up what I thought at the time was a very young eight year old boy. Fuck, he'd been having sex with men for three years already but I thought he was very young. He got into my bed and started kissing and touching me. I didn't know what the fuck was going on but for the first time in my life I let go and did what I'd wanted to all my life.

"That was three years ago." Harry said.

"Shit mate," Cole said quietly, hardly able to breathe and yet not wanting to interrupt. "Is he still here? The one from that first night?"

"Yeah he's still one of the boys who come along to these things but he's not here this weekend. He's 11 now and in a year or two he'll be going to college. He'll come back for vacations but he'll be gone pretty much until he's 18 and then he'll get a job with the corporation and he'll be one of us rather than one of the boys."

"Sir's?" Sally called from a few feet away. "When you're ready you can head up to your rooms now."

Cole's heart thumped in his chest and he practically dropped his drink onto the table. So engrossed in Harry's story he'd barely noticed the time slipping by and he could already imagine Justice tied up on his bed, waiting for him dressed in his sexy private school uniform. Fuck this was going to be the ultimate fantasy.

But how good of a performance will Justice put on? Cole thought to himself. Will it be just a small taste of what it'd be like to rape a boy or will it seem like the real thing? And how the fuck would I know what the real thing is like anyway?

"You ready Cole?" Harry asked with a glint in his eye.

"Yeah," Cole said. "You've done this before though right? I mean, you've had the boy's act as though they were being forced?"

"Of course. But not with any of the favoured boys." Harry said. "The others are pretty good at it but I think Cory and Justice will be a lot better. They know what they're doing."

Cole laughed nervously. "They may be, but I'm not." He said as he made to stand up. "Hey Harry?" Cole asked as they stood.


"I know we said we'd swap tonight but do you mind if we don't? I'd like to spend the whole night with Justice."

"Sure mate." Harry said smiling. "You do realise we have them for both nights right? We can swap tomorrow."

"Oh," Cole said. "Okay."

The two men left the spacious dining hall and climbed the ornate rounded staircase in the foyer to the upper level, Cole with his hands in his pockets in apprehensive excitement and Harry with a spring in his step. Their rooms were adjourning and only a few steps down the hall. Harry slapped Cole on the shoulder when they'd reached his door and continued down to his own.

"Have fun mate. I know I will." He said as he turned the handle and opened his door to disappear inside. Cole took a deep breath before opening his own door and closed it behind him.

What greeted him inside was the most awe inspiring erotic fantasy come true; Justice was laying on his back on the bed with both hands tied above his head by blood red silk ribbons to the bed posts, his arms outstretched and wearing dark grey cotton trousers, a thin white buttoned shirt and a deep blue blazer with matching tie fastened around his collar. But what Cole saw first was the wide eyed expression on his face and the look of fear that he knew was an act. Not that long ago, this boy was stood naked in front of him as he served Cole his drinks and listened to them as he and Harry picked out their boys for the night. This was definitely an act but fuck he looked the part.

Justice lay sill as a board looking at Cole waiting for him to make the first move, but after a few seconds when the only thing Cole did was to look him over from head to toe, the six year old boy provocatively spread his legs apart and shifted his ass around on the bed before closing them again.

"What are you going to do Mr.? Why am I tied up?" he said in a frightened voice masterfully delivered and believable to the extreme.

"You're tied up for me," Cole said as he stepped up to the bed and sat on the edge with his hand going to Justice's hip. "And I'll do whatever I want with you."

Cole was rock hard and all he wanted to do was rip the clothes off Justice's young and tender body and drink in his nakedness. The six year old boy was everything he'd ever dreamed of, absolutely gorgeous and sexy as fuck with an angelic face, blonde hair and hazel eyes. Cole had already seen him naked downstairs and knew him to be slender and soft with a light full bodied tan and a small uncut cock. And best of all, there wasn't a single hair on his sexy little body.

He slowly slid his hand down the outside of Justice's leg and back up again over the boy's belt, underneath the bright blue blazer and up his chest as he lent in over the lad's body holding himself up with his other hand under Justice's arm. His stomach was flat and hard and Cole was amazed that at such a young age he had a body most men would die for. His body was toned and sculptured with a waist that tapered in, obviously the result of outdoor exercise or because he was encouraged to work out in a gym for hours a day.

"God you feel fantastic Justice, how'd you get such an amazing body?" Cole said completely out of character and Justice looked at him as though he didn't know if he should answer or not.

"What are you doing?" Justice pleaded as his stomach clenched at Cole's touch. He'd always been very ticklish around his stomach and no amount of acting could stop it, but it fitted in with the part he was supposed to be playing.

"What do you think I'm doing? " Ever so slowly Cole pulled his hand back and turned it with his fingers pointing down towards the boy's crotch and slid his palm over the small bulge under his school trousers. Justice was hard already, no acting could cover up the fact that he was just as horny as Cole and that he wanted this as much as his adult partner.

"Stop it! Please Mr." Justice said while at the same time pushing his hips up into Cole's hand letting the man grope and fondle him and rub his palm back and forth over his short two and a half inch [6.3 cm] length.

Cole did stop and looked down at his boy for a second. I don't want this, Cole thought. I want him, not some act. I want to caress his body and make love to this boy and have him enjoy it, not pretending he doesn't!

"Justice," Cole said and pulled his hand away from his crotch to reach up to the silk ties around the boy's hands to undo them. "I don't want to pretend."

"You don't?" Justice asked in his sweet little boy voice.

"No, I don't. You're one of the sexiest boys I've ever seen and I want you to be yourself. Will you do that for me?" Cole said as he pulled the restraints off and Justice lowered his arms. Cole then reached over and turned the overhead lights off, leaving only the bedside lamps on that cast a warm yellow light over them both.

Justice smiled and sat up on the bed showing off his white baby teeth and his tongue poking out slightly between them. He leant back on his arms with his legs stretched out down the bed as he looked up at the man sat beside him. He loved it when the men touched him and went down on him and even when they had sex with him, putting their big cocks up his bum and sometimes pushing into him so hard it hurt a little. But he didn't mind that so much because it always felt so good when he got the tingling feeling and the men seemed to like it more when he pretended to not want it. So it was unusual when Cole told him he didn't want to pretend, but he'd just called him the sexiest boy he'd ever seen and that was something the other men rarely did. Without being modest, Justice knew him and the other boys were good looking and that a lot of men found them sexually attractive, not just the ones here in the group, but out on the streets too. Adults always fawned over them wherever they went and sometimes the boys shared knowing looks when they recognised one of the men had other thoughts going on in his head. They'd sometimes flirt their looks and purposefully strut around, unbuttoning their shirts if it was hot out and even touch the man looking them over if they could. It was a fun game knowing they had that power of complete strangers.

But here, it was Cole's right to do whatever he wanted with Justice and yet it was as if he was asking his permission. He shifted his hips into a more comfortable position since his hard little cock was straining at the trousers he thought would have been off by now. He wanted them off so badly and for Cole to suck him and make him feel good.

"Yes!" Justice said a little impatiently.

Cole smiled at the boy laying on the bed beside him leaning back on his arms. He was beautiful, with a perfectly smooth and tanned six year old body and an innocent face that he longed to touch and lips that he wanted to kiss more than anything in this world.

"Good boy." Cole said as he reached one arm over the other side of Justice's small body and leant his head down to kiss him. With his head turned, Cole touched his lips to Justice's and felt the boy open his mouth invitingly as they pressed together. Cole's mind swirled as Justice's hot breath filled his mouth and their saliva mixed together over their tongues as they entwined. Tasting Justice's hot mouth for the first time was exquisite. Nothing bet the sensation of passionately kissing a young six year old boy open mouthed and thrusting your tongue deep into him. Justice didn't disappoint either; he responded in kind and moaned in delight, wrapping his arms around his lover's body and pulling himself into the man to press his face and mouth into him.

With a rush, Cole was possessed with lust and desire for the young six year old boy. He pulled the lad up and swung him onto his lap with his legs spread wide around his waist as he thrust his tongue deep inside Justice's hot mouth. His hands stroked the boy's back and held onto him at the back of the neck, moving his mouth around Justice's lips and swallowing his saliva as they shared in each other's taste.

By the time they broke their passionate embrace, both Cole and Justice were panting and were flushed with excitement. Cole reached under Justice's bright blue blazer and pulled at his white school shirt to free it from his trousers. At the same time Justice had his hands down between their legs and was fumbling with Cole's belt trying to pull it free from its clasp. As he popped the buckle free, Cole pulled Justice's shirt up and slipped his hands under to at last feel the soft smooth skin of the boy's waist and flat stomach.

"Stand up buddy." Cole said as he lightly pushed the lad back with a palm on the boy's stomach. Justice shifted back and stood in front of Cole to let the man reach up and push his blazer off his shoulders and drop to the floor in a heap behind him.

"My turn!" Justice exclaimed and took a step forward between Cole's legs. He reached out and started to undo the top button of Cole's dress shirt.

"You take something off me, and I get to take something off you okay."

"That sounds like a great idea" Cole said and kissed the boy's arm as Justice worked his way down Cole's chest. His small fingers fumbled with the buttons lower down and Cole helped undo the last couple before Justice yanked it off him. The boy looked down at Cole's naked chest and reached a hand out to touch him gently and run his fingertips over Cole's hard nipple.

"You look nice." He said as he inched his way down Cole's stomach and reached out to his belt.

Cole gently took the boy's wrist in his hand and pulled it away, glad that Justice liked what he saw.

"I think it's my turn kiddo." He said with a smile. Justice's body was silhouetted in the dim light and Cole marvelled that he was here with such a young and sexy six year old boy, stripping him slowly in an erotic dance of forbidden love. Unable to keep his hands off the boy, Cole held him close with his hands flat on Justice's hips and traced his thumbs down the 'V' of his abdomen to rest either side of the sweet little package hidden beneath his trousers. With Justice looking down at him and smiling encouragement, Cole again cupped his small cock and balls through the thin material of his trousers and felt the thrill of fondling a six year old boy's crotch rush through him. Cole's other hand swept back over Justice's shapely butt and he massaged his fingers into the soft mound as he caressed the lad's front and salivated at the absolute tenderness and feel of him.

Justice unbuttoned his own shirt as Cole's hands roamed over his smooth and young little body from his crotch and up under his shirt to stroke and caress his flat tummy until it hung open as if to invite Cole in. With a hand still rubbing Justice's little boy two and a half inch [6.3 cm] hard-on, Cole opened his mouth and sensuously brushed his lips over the silky smooth skin of the boy's chest and tasted the innocence and purity of the young six year old. Cole lifted his hand from Justice's ass and tugged on his shirt to pull it off his back and let it fall from Justice's thin shoulders leaving the boy topless. Finding a small nipple with his mouth, Cole circled his tongue around it before pulling back and looked up at Justice's young angelic face.

"God your body is hot Justice," Cole said. "And it tastes so fucking great. I want to lick you all over."

"Okay!" Justice said giggling a little and pulled back as Cole made a grab for him again. "But it's my turn to take your pants off now. Stand up!" The boy ordered.

Cole reluctantly took his hand away from Justice's hard little cock and felt the loss like a stab to the heart. He was so hot and horny for the preteen boy and wanted to strip him naked and suck his immature little boy cock in his mouth and breathe in the sweet musky aroma of his crotch. But he did as the young six year old boy ordered and stood up with his raging cock tenting the front of his trousers. Cole felt completely at ease with none of the apprehension he'd suffered leading up to this moment as Justice gently brushed his baby hands over Cole's hard cock and pulled down on his fly unzipping it very slowly as if to tease him. Each snap of the slider as it glided over the teeth pounded in Cole's ears.

Each moment seemed to last a lifetime but still it didn't go slow enough. Cole ran a hand through Justice's hair and with the other he traced his fingers from the young boy's silky smooth shoulder down his arm completely in awe of him. For a boy so young he was an expert in the art of love making and knew that anticipation was a powerful thing to wield.

"Can I see you naked?" Justice asked from in front of Cole's stomach with his head turned up to look at him.

"Of course." Cole answered as he moved his hand from Justice's hair and held his face in his palm and traced his thumb over the boy's lips. "I want to feel these around me too."

Justice smiled and opened his mouth slightly letting Cole slide his thumb in. He felt the hot warmth of the boy's mouth and his tongue wrap around his thumb as his pants dropped to the floor. Without needing to look and with his head still turned upwards at Cole and sucking on the man's thumb, Justice hooked his fingers into the waistband of Cole's briefs and pushed them down, slowly letting his body drop until he was on his knees with his head and mouth a few inches below Cole's hard cock.

Justice reached out with his small hand and wrapped his fingers around Cole, trying to stretch his body up so his mouth was level with the man's cock. He was so close he could smell the sticky clear liquid leaking from Cole's dripping cock and pulled down on it, aiming the wet and hard purple head at his mouth and looked up at the man above him. Cole gritted his teeth with discomfort at having his cock painfully pulled down but, wanting to feel Justice's hot lips and mouth sucking on his cock he willed himself to ignore it.

With the tip of his tongue, Justice licked Cole's oozing head and tasted the man's pre-cum as he strained to reach up to offer his mouth to him but was just an inch too low. He knew if he tried he'd only end up scraping Cole's cock along his top teeth and he'd been told often enough that wasn't a good thing. Besides, it wasn't really that comfortable for him either and he'd do a lot better job if the man was laying down.

"Can you lay down Cole?" Justice asked as he pulled back and let up on pulling Cole's cock down. "It'll be easier."

"Sure buddy."

Just as Cole was sitting down and laying back with Justice shuffling forward between his legs, there was a sound from Harry's room that was loud enough to be heard through the double thick walls. To Cole it sounded like the low whine of rope being pulled through a pulley and for the first time, as he laid back he noticed hanging from the ceiling exactly that; a round wheel set into the ceiling with a bar hanging from it with padded cuffs in the centre of the room. Cole could only imagine what Harry was doing next door with the sexy little dark haired Latino boy and how fucking exciting it would be to have him strung up on that thing.

Next time, Cole thought. Next time I'll go through with it and fuck one of these boys and pretend I'm raping him.

As Cole was looking up at the contraption hanging from the ceiling and fantasizing yet again at raping a hot little boy, he felt a warmness envelope his cock and looked back down to see Justice with his eyes closed and his lips wrapped around the ridge of his throbbing cock. Fuck it felt fantastic. His narrow face and jaw stretched out as he went down on the man, sucking his cock into his hot mouth and sliding his lips down the length of his shaft before pulling back up again leaving a wet smear of his spit behind.

Cole watched with longing as the six year old boy descended on him again and again and felt every hair on his body rise up as a shiver went through him. The velvety smoothness of Justice's lips and tongue were beyond description and he let out a low throaty moan of pleasure.

Justice opened his eyes and looked up at Cole as he worked the man's cock over. He had no intention of getting the guy off just yet and avoided his most sensitive areas. He knew from what he'd been taught and his experiences that going down on a man and taking his entire length into his mouth was a very erotic sight, but added little to the stimulation and was unlikely to make him cum. Using his lips and tongue on the man's throbbing head would set him off and full his mouth with hot sticky milk, but they'd only just started and he knew Cole wanted to fuck his tiny ass. Besides, he wanted his own little doodle sucked and to get the tingly feeling.

After a few more strokes, Justice pulled off Cole and started to run his lips up and down the underside of his cock and stuck his tongue out to flick at the man's slit every time he got to the top. When he did, he gave Cole a smile before opening his mouth again and taking him in, all the while his eyes turned upward watching the desire on the man's face. He didn't spend too much time sucking him; instead his lips and mouth were constantly moving and never lingered in one place for too long. His training had taught him that this would keep Cole hard and extremely horny and give maximum pleasure while extending their encounter out for as long as possible.

When Cole started to move his hips up and down and pushed his cock in and out of Justice's mouth as he moaned, Justice knew it was time to stop and let Cole finish stripping him. He pulled back and closed his lips around Cole's head before letting his cock fall from his mouth and smiled with a devilish grin.

"It's your turn now." He said to Cole and stood up between the man's legs and wiped the salty pre-cum off his lips.

"You betcha buddy." Cole said and pulled himself up into a sitting position on the edge of the bed as he heard the whine from next door again, followed by a muffled high pitched cry and then silence.

"Sounds like Harry and Cory are having fun." Cole said to the six year old boy with a smile and looked down at his tapered waist with his super soft and delicate skin that he longed to caress and feel under his hand.

"Yeah," the six year old boy said as Cole reached out to hold him and run his hands up his side from his waist up to his chest. "I think they're playing tie-up games."

"Maybe we'll do that later." Cole said. "If you wanted." Justice nodded and smiled, wanting to do whatever Cole asked of him.

Cole brushed his lips across Justice's chest and licked at the boy's nipple as he dropped his hand down to feel his hard little cock through the school trousers he still had on. The feel of the small little boy standing between his open legs was wonderful. His perfectly small package fit snuggly in his palm as he fondled the young six year old and massaged him back and forth. The slight indent between his pubic mound and his thighs was obvious even through the material of his trousers and Cole hungered to rip them off him, but didn't. He wanted this moment to last for as long as possible and he concentrated on the feel of the boy as he traced his fingers up his short little hard cock and back down again.

Justice waited until Cole looked up at him and saw the desire and lust etched over his face. He lent forward and kissed Cole on the lips as the man caressed and groped at his package, pushing his tongue into Cole's mouth and opening his as wide as he could. Almost as soon as he did that, he felt Cole's hands move to the buttons on his trousers and snap them open one at a time and then slide his hands around to his ass cheeks and pushed his trousers down over his narrow hips.

For once Justice was glad he wasn't wearing any underwear. Sometimes he got a boner in the middle of the day and there was no hiding it without briefs on, but now it meant he was completely naked with his trousers in a heap at his feet as Cole brushed his palm over the soft skin of his immature pubic mound and spread his fingers around the base of Justice's cock. He stretched his fingers down into the warm depths between the boy's small sack and his thighs and marvelled at the softness and complete smoothness of him. He was so young and so absolutely sexy and desirable; Cole couldn't believe that he was his for the night. Justice moaned into Cole's mouth at his touch and pushed his little member into the man's hand wanting him to stroke him and make the good feeling come.

Breaking their kiss and swallowing Justice's sweet saliva, Cole crouched his body down and stroked his free hand down the side of the boy's waist and pointed his hard two and a half inch [6.3 cm] little boy cock down with his thumb towards his open mouth. The end of his miniature cock was almost completely free of the thin sheath of skin of his un-cut cock and Cole pulled back on it until it slid under the ridge of his small mushroomed head before flicking his tongue over the tip and around his tiny slit.

His first taste of the young six year old boy was exquisite in every way. The simple fact that he was so young and soft and small turned Cole on until he thought he'd explode, but the taste of him was divine. Nothing compared to the taste of a preteen boy's cock and it only got better the younger they were. He wrapped his lips around the boy and sucked in his short length with his nose pressed against the lad's navel and ran his tongue up and down the hot little stick in his mouth. His mouth salivated and soaked the boy's cock in his spit as he vacuumed his cheeks in and pulled back, and was rewarded with a low little boy moan of blissful pleasure from above.

Cole bobbed his head in and out from Justice's crotch with the boy's small cock stabbing his mouth and his hands on his head as his hips began to sway back and forth, fucking his immature preteen boy cock into the man's mouth. Unlike Justice, Cole had no intention of stopping or delaying his orgasm since boys his age were ready to go again in just a few short minutes. Fuck knows he'd already experienced that with both Josh and William.

Instead, Cole savoured the moment and lavished in the smooth back and forth movement of Justice's young and supple body, the way his short hairless cock slid smoothly in and out of his mouth with increasing speed as Justice neared his apex. Fuelled on by his lust and desire, Cole sucked the little boy's small and tasty cock with his head bent down into the lad's crotch and dug his fingers into Justice's soft flesh, pulling him deeper into his mouth and felt him tense as his hard little cock twitched. Justice let out a gasp and took in a deep quivering breath through gritted teeth as waves of orgasmic pleasure flowed through him. But rather than hold the six year old boy's cock still in his mouth, Cole kept on sucking him in and out, stimulating his sensitive young head almost beyond endurance and forced the boy to keep fucking his mouth. Cole could feel his tiny cock spasm on his tongue and with his eyes wide open, watched his flat and sexy as fuck stomach ripple and tighten around his muscles as his orgasm coursed through the boy like a whirlwind of fluttering leaves.

If anything, Cole was even more aroused and turned on by the boy's young and firm tender body and longed to get his cock deep inside him and fuck his ass and to feel the tightness of him envelop him. Yet he held onto Justice and let the boy relax as he came in his dry orgasm, his short two and a half inch [6.3 cm] hairless cock gradually slowing it's twitching before pulling back and letting it spring from his mouth.

He wasn't surprised to see Justice was still completely hard and tore his eyes away from the sweet tasting young boy cock to roam them up and over his lithe and stunningly sexy body with downy blonde hairs that were only visible in the light shining from behind him. What a fucking hot little boy he was.

Cole reached around Justice's slender body and pulled him into a bear hug and kissed his shoulder, spinning him around and dropping him onto the bed on his back. Justice squealed and giggled as Cole descended on top of him and wrapped his open legs around the man's waist as Cole grabbed his hands and held them above his head. With most of his weight on the boy, Cole felt every inch of Justice's chest squashing against his own and his blood boiled with desire. His face was so close to Justice's that he breathed in the same air the little boy had just exhaled and enveloped his open mouth, plunging his tongue deep into the hot void and swirled it around the young six year olds mouth. They both moaned and attacked each other's mouths as their bodies entwined with Cole on top of the small prepubescent boy who had his legs circled around his lover's masculine body and began to gyrate his hips into his stomach.

The boy was hard as a nail again and felt dizzy with such an intense longing it was though he was floating. He'd experienced it before and it was no different this time; he loved how sex made him feel and ground his little cock into Cole's tummy as he thrust his tongue out and mashed his face into Cole's, feeling their saliva mix and churn inside their mouths as they feasted on one another.

Their breath came in raged gasps against each other's cheeks and their skin became slippery with perspiration. Cole let go of Justice's arms and ran a hand down his body to stroke it along the smooth skin of his hip and the back of his leg wrapped around his waist as he savoured the taste of the boy's warm mouth. Justice took advantage of the freedom and used his free hand to push back on Cole's chest, slowly easing the man up and lifting his own body until they rolled over and he was on top of him. They broke their passionate kiss and panted with undisguised lust for each other.

"God I want to do you so bad," Cole breathed into Justice's young and beautiful angelic face and pulled the boy's ass cheeks apart with his hands as he lay on top of him. He ran a fingertip between the valley of Justice's crack and found his magnificently small and puckered little boy hole.

"Fuck you right here." He said as he circled his finger around Justice's lips.

"Do it with your finger first." Justice said looking down at him and lifted himself up until he was sat on Cole's navel with his hard man cock squashed down between his ass cheeks. Cole had a fantasic view of the lad's hard two and a half inch [6.3 cm] cock and round marble sized nuts inside his taut wrinkled sack. Fuck he was magnificent. His thighs were so silky smooth and even in a sitting position, there wasn't an ounce of fat on the boy around his tummy.

"Anything you want." Cole answered, willing to be told what to do. Justice practically leapt off him and crawled over to the bedside table pulling a small squeezy tube from the drawer and then laying back down on his back beside Cole.

"Here," He said holding the lube out to Cole. "Use this."

Cole took it from Justice and put it down beside the boy's feet before he lay on his side next to the six year old. "In a minute," He said. "Did you wash down there just before?"

Justice nodded his head hoping he knew what Cole was going to do. Not all the men liked to do what they called 'eat him out', but Justice sure as hell loved it when they did.

"Good." Cole said and slipped his hand down Justice's chest and stomach to grab his hard little cock in his palm and began to stroke him back and forth again. Cole shuffled his way down Justice's body, kissing him every couple inches and then climbed between his legs, forcing him to spread them wide open.

"How many men have fucked you Justice?" Cole asked looking up at the kid's prone body and imagining how many men must have gone fucking bonkers over this boy and sprayed their cum on him or up his sweet little ass.

"Five!" Justice cried out and held up his hand proudly with his fingers splayed apart.

"Only five? Wow. You must be special." Cole said as he continued to stroke Justice's short cock up and down. "Who were they?"

"My Dad, Uncle Sheridan, Uncle Kieran, Uncle Marcus and Chris." Justice answered and lowered a finger for each of his lover's names.

Cole noted the 'Uncle' and wondered why Chris didn't get one. He hadn't met anyone named Chris yet but he was probably one of the few men he hadn't been introduced to yet.

"Who's Chris?" He asked. "Why isn't he an 'Uncle'?"

"Chris is the photo man that takes pictures of us," Justice explained. "He's coming here tomorrow but he's not one of you so we don't call him 'Uncle'. We're not allowed to."

"Oh." Cole said. They have someone from outside take pictures of the boys? he thought silently to himself.

"Will he fuck you tomorrow then?" Cole asked getting back to talking dirty with the little six year old.

Justice grinned and his eyes flashed. "Yeah…" he whispered.

"Yeah? You liked being fucked Justice?" He asked as his cock throbbed, aching to be buried deep in the kid's ass.

"Uh-huh." Justice nodded. "It feels good."

"Do you want me to eat your ass and then fuck you too?"

"Yes… please." The boy said.

Cole buried his face between Justice's thighs and sucked the boy's tiny sack into his mouth with his nose stroking the base of the kid's immature cock as Justice looked on, lifting his legs up and holding onto them by his knees. His delicately soft sack shrivelled up in response to Cole's tongue roaming over the wrinkled skin and Cole felt the boy shudder as he lightly licked the sensitive smooth patch of silky skin below. Ever so slowly, Cole pushed Justice's legs back toward his chest and inched his way down at last getting his first hint of the sexy and intoxicating aroma of a young little boy's asshole. Nothing set him off more than the smell of a preteen boy in heat with his ass up in the air and gagging to be fucked.

With his legs held back and his knees bent in the crock of his elbows, Justice offered his sweet and juicy little boy hole to the man. Cole descended on him and plunged his tongue between the soft mounds and assaulted the young lad's puckered anus. With a hand on each cheek, Cole stretched the boy apart and dived in, thrusting his tongue down between the valley of his ass and past his open lips. It was plainly obvious the kid had been fucked as he felt around Justice's gaping lips with the tip of his tongue, not as tight as William was when Cole had first fucked him but more like Josh, just a few years younger and much, much sexier.

As he ate the six year old boy's ass out he felt around the bed and found the tube by his side. He popped the cap one handed and squirted a trail of lube down from Justice's mouth-watering sack over the smooth skin above his crack and into the valley between his ass cheeks. He pulled off the kid's hole and slid a finger down the trail of clear sticky liquid and immediately smeared it around his open lips before sinking a finger into the boy up to his knuckle. Justice gasped at the sudden intrusion and clenched his ass around Cole's probing finger before relaxing and pushing out a little to let the man finger him.

Cole lent over Justice's crotch and with his finger working back and forth inside the boy, took his tiny cock back into his mouth and sucked him in until his face pressed against his navel and his cheeks vacuumed in around it. Justice laid back and moaned in pleasure at the sensations assaulting his hot young body and cried out in blissful rapture when Cole found the spot in is ass and flicked his finger over it. Easing in a second, Cole continued to finger the boy while sucking and tonguing his cock and rubbed the tips of both fingers along the inside of Justice's warm moist hole, stimulating the boy almost beyond endurance until he thrashed around and came in a second powerful orgasm. His ass lips constricted around Cole's fingers as his small cock spasmed wildly in his mouth and Justice grabbed Cole's head and pushed down while lifting his body up to curl his torso around him.

Simply unable to hold off any longer, Cole pulled his fingers from the boy's ass and let his cock go even though he was still in the throes of sexual pleasure and pushed him back onto the bed.

"My turn." Cole said in a deep throaty voice.

Justice lay there for a second in blissful ignorance of the urgency in Cole's tone before opening his eyes and feeling the last of his orgasm sweep through him. Cole was getting back up onto the bed on his knees and reached out to Justice to lift his legs back up.

"On my back?" Justice asked. "Like this?" He lifted his legs up again and held onto them as he had before except this time Cole was kneeling over him and lent over his body.

"Perfect. I want to watch you when I fuck your ass Justice. I want to see how much you like it."

Fuck it was awesome to talk like that to a hot as hell six year old boy, telling him you're going to fuck his ass and to know that he fucking loves it! Cole was so hard and ready to fuck him he could already feel the cum building up in his balls ready to explode into the boy's ass. He willed himself to calm down and take his time but it was a pointless cause.

Before Justice's orgasm had even faded, Cole held his perfectly sized boy fucking cock to Justice's stretched hole and pushed his head into the kid, sinking his shaft down into the hot tunnel of flesh and watched his face chance into a look of ecstasy as Cole buried himself almost to the hilt in a single thrust. All over again, Justice felt his cock harden only seconds after his dry pulsating orgasm was over and only now starting to fade as Cole plunged deep into him. His mouth opened and his eyes closed at the sudden intrusion but he made no sound except an intake of breath.

Cole certainly wasn't as big as the other men but it still took a few moments for him to adjust to a man sized cock being forced into him. It was different with the other boys; when they fucked him it was much easier, but he liked it more when the men did him and he could feel their cocks stretching his ass, so he willed himself to relax and pushed out to let Cole slide in another inch.

Unable to tear his eyes off Justice's hot young body as he fucked the boy, Cole held onto him around his hips and pushed further into his ass. He stared at the upside down 'V' of his ass cheeks stretched wide around his shaft and pulled back until the ridge of his head popped free and then pushed back into the six year old eliciting a gasp from the young boy. The copious amount of lube worked its magic around Cole's cock and greased Justice's hot chute to a slick and slippery mess, able to be fucked back and forth and Cole began a steady back and forth thrusting in and out of the boy's ass as he fell into an abyss of ecstasy.

Their two bodies rocked back and forth with Justice laying on his back, his legs held wide apart and knees by his chest with Cole holding him down and thrusting his perfectly sized boy fucking stick into the kid, picking up speed as he grew more and more fervent and his desire topped boiling point. The boy was so fucking hot and sexy and young that he couldn't stop himself from sinking his cock deeper and deeper into him with each stroke and watching Justice's face as the kid's body shook every time Cole pounded into him. A sudden cry of pain or pleasure emanated from next door and Cole only imagined what Harry was doing to the young six year old Cory.

Justice grimaced, biting his lower lip and grunted with each thrust but kept his eyes focused on Cole as the man fucked him harder and harder knowing that it drove him wild with lust. The man's weight shifted above him and Cole lent over the boy, holding himself up with one arm and forcing his legs down around his chest with his body and sank his cock so deep into Justice's hot little six year old boy hole that he tensed up at the sharp pain and clenched his ass down around Cole's invading cock. The result was instantaneous; Justice felt Cole's cock expand inside him and his own groin tingled with yet another orgasm at the root of his short shaft. Cole continued to plough into Justice's ass and spewed his hot sticky cum deep into the boy as he whimpered in sexual ecstasy, his tight little sack constricting to the size of a single walnut as Cole dug his fingers to the soft flesh of his thighs and shuddered in the last moment of orgasm.

Sweat dripped off them both as they caught their breaths, still joined together and entangle in their positions with Cole's cock still buried deep into Justice's hot little boy hole. Neither man nor boy moved for long seconds as they looked at each other smiling, knowing that both longed for more. Justice lifted a hand and pulled Cole's head down to his own and let the man kiss him again before he rolled off him, his cock slipped out of Justice's gaping ass and warm sticky cum dripped down his cheek and onto the bed covers.

"That was amazing Justice." Cole said. "I didn't hurt you did I?"

Justice held up his thumb and finger half inch apart. "Only a little, but its okay. I liked it." He said and rolled over onto his side with his small body pressed into Cole's and rested his head on the man's chest. He draped an arm over Cole and lightly tickled a nipple as Cole pressed his face into the boy's hair and took in a deep breath of his sweet boy aroma. He'd just made love this small and sexy little six year old boy who was as eager to be screwed as Cole was to fuck him and he wanted to do it all over again.

They lay there in silence simply enjoying the feel of their bodies pressing together and listening to each other breathe. Minutes went by in complete silence and Cole eventually closed his eyes with his arm around the young boy at his side and felt his heart beat inside his sexy little chest. There was a slight breeze coming through an open window letting in the warm summer night and he heard the crickets off in the distance and the sound of leaves in the trees.

This is what it should be like, he thought. Being able to lay here with a young preteen boy you've just fucked and not having to worry about who may walk in and see you laying naked with him. For the millionth time in his life Cole raged at the unjustness of the world that forbid sex between men and boys.

"Cole?" Justice asked quietly from his side. "Are you going to go to sleep now?"

"No buddy, just thinking."

"Oh, okay." He said. "Did you want to do that again?"

Cole smiled and laughed a little as he opened his eyes again. "Yes, I do." He said to the boy and pushed him over onto his back and lent over Justice's prone body to gobble his soft little hairless cock into his mouth and felt it sprout.


The atmosphere in Harry's room was as far from Cole's as night was to day. He paced back and forth between the door and his bed over and over again waiting for Cory to be brought to him with thoughts of wicked and perverse sexual acts racing through his mind. Having been denied all but the least of the boys for years, he'd finally secured his position as one of the men who got to be with the best of them. And all because he'd raped and fucked Zane for real and acted out his most desired fantasy and they praised him for it! Now he was about to act it out all over again with Cory, an even younger boy of just six years old.

The door swung open and two figures in black hooded robes threw in the diminutive form of a small boy dressed in a cowboy outfit with faded tight blue jeans and black belt, a white buttoned shirt hanging lose around his waist and a light brown sleeveless vest. Hanging from the boy's slim waist was a holster and gun and he even had on a bright red bandanna tied around his neck with the knot at the back and hanging loose around his throat.

Cory dropped to the floor as he was thrown into the room and looked up at Harry with a frightened expression on his face that was so believable Harry almost forgot it was an act. He held himself up by his hands at his front and Harry saw that his instructions had been followed to the letter. He was bound and tied and a large rubber ball was clasped between his teeth by a thick leather strap around his head.

Fuck did he look good. Like sex on a stick!

Harry strode over to the lad and grabbed a handful of his thick dark brown hair and yanked him to his feet. Acting or not, he couldn't hide the pain of his hair being ripped from his scalp and croaked out a muffled cry of agony. Real tears swelled up in the boy's eyes and spilt down his cheeks and seeped under the leather strap holding the ball in his mouth.

At only six years old, the top of Cory's head stood level with Harry's stomach and his sexy little Latino body was firm and dark underneath the cowboy outfit he had on and Harry longed to strip the little fucker naked and enjoy the body he'd so long been denied. But boy was he going to have some fun with him first.

"My my, aren't you a sexy little one huh?" Harry said leeringly as he held Cory's head back by his hair. "I love the cowboy look. Did they take you on your way back from a party? I bet all the other Dads there were imagining what you'd look like naked."

Cory tried to take a step back away from Harry but the man grabbed him by the arm and held him tight, pulling him back towards him by his hair. "Where the fuck do you think you're trying to go huh? Do you know what I'm going to do to you?"

Of course the boy couldn't answer, not with the rubber ball held in his mouth, so he tentatively shook his head from side to side not wanting to rip anymore of his hair out. Cory knew that he was to play the part of a kidnapped boy that would have no idea what Harry wanted of him, but he couldn't wait for it to get started. He'd finally had his dick sucked by one of the men after diner but he hadn't made him orgasm and it had been almost two days since his last one. His Dad never touched him for a couple days before he stayed away with the other men and made him promise not to do himself either because his Dad wanted him to be 'primed'. The truth was that Cory's Dad knew his son was extremely hot and sexy and that more than a few of the men favoured him above the others, and that those men would reward him with promotions, a bigger house, greater prestige and hopefully another son. He was using Cory for his own advancement and Harry knew this. When you were overlooked for so long there are things people say in front of you that they don't even think matter, so over the years Harry got to know all the lewd details about the men he kept company with. Even which of them the boys preferred over the others and which ones they didn't like. Well, he was going to make sure he was one of the ones they liked.

"You don't?" Harry asked the boy in mock sympathy. "Well, let me tell you then. First I'm going to rip your top off and then tie you up to that bar."

He looked up and Cory followed with his head held back. Before the boy could even react as his role demanded, Harry lent down to his ear and continued. "Then I'm going to feel your small little cock and strip you naked and lick your whole body from head to toe and hang you from your hands."

Cory again struggled in Harry's grip and tried to cry out from around the ball in his mouth but he was spun around so quickly that he lost his balance and fell backward into the man. Harry had his arms around him in an instant and mashed his crotch into the boy's back between his shoulder blades, feeling the heat rise up within him at the thought of fucking this hot little boy while re-inacting what he'd done with Zane earlier that day.

"And then my little cowboy, I'm going to play with your body and suck your cock and eat your juicy ass, and then you're gonna taste mine before I fuck you.

"Do you know what I'm taking about there Sheriff? Do you know what 'fucking your ass' means?" He taunted the lad who was so turned on by what Harry was saying but couldn't show it. "It means I'm gonna shove my huge cock up your sweet little ass and it's gonna be the best ride of your short life."

Instead of just acting as though he wanted to get away from the man, Cory actually tried his best to escape Harry's embrace and pull away from him. Oh, he'd eventually let Harry do whatever he liked with him but really trying to get away was so much better than just acting. He didn't know it, but that's why he was such a hit with the men who loved a good rape fantasy; he was so good at it and it was as close to the real thing that any of them would get.

Harry slowly walked backward towards the bed and pulled his little champion with him until he eased down onto the hard mattress and held Cory's wrists from around his waist. Fuck this kid's got a sexy ass! Harry thought as he pulled the struggling boy back between his open legs and gazed at his perfectly shaped bubble butt underneath his tight Levi jeans.

With his head now level with the young six year old's, Harry could smell Cory's fresh soapy scent hidden beneath the musky aroma of the cowboy vest and his sexy fragrance. Nothing compared to the smell of a ripe young boy; especially one that you were about to enjoy and fuck for the very first time.

He couldn't resist feeling the boy a second longer and groped his hand around to cup Cory's small package in his hand. Even through the thick material of his jeans, Harry could tell he was still very small even though he was as hard as a nail. He rubbed his fingers up and down the kids short length and tucked a hand underneath his lose buttoned shirt to caress his smooth firm stomach.

"You like this don't you boy! You're nothing but a fucking slut; I can feel how hard you are." Harry groaned into Cory's back as he felt the boy's silky soft skin slide under his hand. He twisted his feet around Cory's legs and forced them apart as he roughly fondled the boy and squeezed his small cock and balls in his hand.

Cory stopped struggling as soon as the man squeezed him down there knowing it was probably the exact opposite to what he should do, but it felt so good he didn't want it to stop. He let Harry feel him and explore his hot young body under his shirt for a few seconds before he again started to squirm and play his part.

"I bet your Daddy never did this did he?" Harry asked the gagged boy. "Never touched you like this and felt how soft and sexy you are or how much men like me love smooth hairless little boys like you."

Harry wanted so badly to delve into Cory's jeans and feel his hard little cock in his hand but they were so damned tight around his hips he could barely get a finger in, let alone his whole hand. His mind turned to stripping the boy and he realised that the kid couldn't stay tied like he was with his hands bound in front, not if he wanted to strip him completely naked. He'd have to undo the binds around his wrist first and knew that if he did, Cory would put up a struggle when he tried to tie them again. That only fuelled his lust even more and he eagerly turned the boy to face him.

The look in his face was that of a frightened young boy, his mouth wide open with the black rubber ball stretching his lips around it and Harry could already imagine watching his thick cock slide in and out and spraying the six year olds throat with cum.

He removed both hands from Cory's supple body and reached up to pull the strap up over his head and released the ball gag.

"Make a sound you little fuck and I'll belt you so hard you won't be able to sit down for a month." Harry snarled. "Do you understand?"

Cory nodded his head in hopeless submission. "I want to go home." He said in a small high pitched voice.

"You will," Harry replied. "But not before I have a little fun with you and fuck your ass a few times over."

Even as Cory pretended to struggle, Harry pulled the single loose string on his binds and freed the boy's hands while holding him tightly by his hair. Having him so close was like a heroin addict trying to resist the needle sat on the table in front of him. He pulled Cory closer to him and kissed his exposed throat, licked and sucked the soft smooth skin of his neck and finally bit down on him causing the boy to yelp out in surprised pain. Harry only held onto him tighter and snaked his way up with his tongue licking his cheek until reaching his small juicy red lips. Harry pressed his open mouth into the kid's lips and thrust his tongue out trying to force his way inside.

"Open your God damned mouth you little slut!" Harry ordered and clenched the boy's hair in his fist and roughly pulled back on it.

Slowly the boy did as he was ordered and Harry dove his tongue deep into his hot little mouth, exploring the warm wet cavern he'd longed to taste and flicked it over his sexy little preteen captive's organ. As he devoured the boy's mouth, Harry roamed his hands over his body from his thin little shoulders and down his back until he dug his fingers into Cory's hot as fuck rounded ass cheeks. He pulled his hand around to Cory's front and stroked his upper leg before slipping his palm back over his small bulging cock and groped the lad as his deep throated him. All the while Harry was fully aware that he hadn't removed a single piece of clothing off the boy's sexy little six year old body and that that was something he was about to remedy.

He twisted around and flung Cory onto the bed and reached up to pull the hanging bar from the ceiling. As he descended on the boy the whirring sound of the thin metal rope echoed around the room and ended as Harry sat over Cory's waist and held him down. With the bar resting above Cory's head, Harry held the lad's arms down and kissed him again on the lips and pushed the brown cowboy vest apart and grappled with the buttons running down the boy's small chest.

Harry probed his tongue deep into Cory's mouth for a long minute, not allowing the boy to breathe and forcing him to inhale through his noise as he held his arms down with one hand and ripped his shirt open with the other exposing the soft smooth skin of his undeveloped preteen chest.

"Fuck I'm gonna have some fun with you," Harry said as he finally broke their kiss. Looking down between the ripped open folds of Cory's cowboy shirt, Harry marvelled at his absolutely divine little boy chest and small pecs and the tiny rings of his nipples. Before Zane and Jacob, and unlike the other four boys of the group that he'd had, Cory was much younger with a body far less developed or mature. His olive skin was darker and softer than anything he'd experienced before and even as he lightly ran his fingertips down the line between the boy's breasts, a cold shiver shot up his spine and every hair on the back of his neck stood up.

The other boys were handsome and cute and any boy loving man would sell his soul to fuck each and every one of them, but those were the lesser of the boys that the group bred for sex. Even the best gene selection had its limitations and out of the almost 30 boys the group had, about half of them were stunners; gorgeous boys that oozed of sex that were trained to be fucked and had sleek and slim sexy bodies that were so soft and smooth and Cory was no exception.

"Have you been a naughty boy Cory?" Harry asked the frightened looking boy beneath him as he tweaked a small nipple.

"No," He answered. "I've been good."

"Aww, that's no fun." Harry said with a grin. "But we're gonna change that. You and I are going to do some very naughty things together now, and I'll have to punish you. Some of the things I'm going to do will hurt, especially when I fuck your ass with this."

Harry pulled one of Cory's hands to his crotch and forced the boy to feel his hard throbbing cock through the thin material of his trousers.

"But first you're going to get a taste of it in your mouth." Harry lifted his weight off Cory's body and shiffled back, sliding his hands down the boy's stomach and over his small bulge under his jeans.

Cory waited until Harry stood and then rolled over the side of the bed and bolted for the door, shucking his cowboy vest off his shoulders and letting it drop to the floor. His white cotton shirt flapped open as he covered the short distance in a second and made a grab for the door handle. He knew it was locked, but the game never intended for him to escape and just as quickly he felt Harry's hands on him and whip him around to throw him to the floor.

"You want to go back to Mommy do you?" Harry shouted at the boy now laying on the floor with his legs splayed apart and his shirts twisted in clumps behind his back showing off his narrow waist and slim flat stomach and chest.

"Or maybe you want your Daddy, huh Cory?" Harry stripped off his own shirt with one foot pressing down on Cory's chest and holding him to the ground. "Well, I'm your Daddy now boy and you're gonna pay for trying to get away."

He snapped open his fly and stood over Cory, letting his trousers and briefs fall over the six year olds body. "Ready to taste cock? You'd better not disappoint me or I'll have to whip your ass with a belt."

Harry's hard cock stood out in its full seven inch [18 cm] length and dripped with a steady stream of sticky pre-cum. He grabbed his cock in his hand and stroked it back and forth as he kicked his discarded trousers to one side and slowly knelt down over Cory's chest with his knees snuggling under the boy's armpits and his feet over is arms holding them down.

For Cory, even though he was acting the part of an innocent and captive boy, he knew how to suck man cock and loved the salty taste of cum. He'd swallowed enough of his Dad's and other men's milk to enjoy it and eagerly waited for Harry to shove his hard cock into his mouth. But he couldn't seem to like it. Instead he had to fight Harry and pretend to only let him fuck his face after he'd been slapped or tormented in some way.

"Please don't hurt me." Cory whimpered. "I don't want to…" He said as he looked up over the man's muscled torso and salt and pepper chest. In response Harry simply grinned down at him and pulled his head up with a hand and rubbed his leaking head over Cory's wet lips and smeared his sticky pre-cum around his mouth.

"Only if you make me boy," Harry warned. "Now open your mouth and taste my cock."

Cory shook his head from side to side and clamped his mouth shut. He squeezed his eyes closed and prepared himself for whatever punishment Harry would deliver, which came in the form of a sudden shooting pain caused by the nub of one of his nipple being pinched between Harry's fingers. He sucked in a deep breath through his gritted teeth, quietly enjoying the painful sensation and whimpered in lustful desire. He took great pleasure in experiencing pain and it turned his hot little body on so much that he was already close to his first preteen dry orgasm and was unable to resist the tempting man cock pressed up against his lips.

He opened his lips and took Harry's head into his mouth and savoured the first taste of his salty pre-cum on his velvety soft tongue. Harry moaned in pleasure and pushed his rock hard cock into the boy's mouth and felt his thick shaft slide over the kid's tongue and down his throat.

"Fuck yeah Cory," He groaned as the feeling of the boy's hot wet mouth enveloped him. "Suck my cock…"

Harry held Cory's head in both hands and slowly pushed himself back and forth into the boy, watching his face and his lips stretch around his thick shaft leaving a glistening ring of saliva around his meat. Fuck this boy is so God damned hot, Harry thought to himself and realised that he had been wrong in wanting Justice first. Cory, with his half Latino looks and dark olive skin, big brown eyes and thick wavy brown hair was a stunning example of boy perfection and he screamed of sex. It oozed out of every pore and every movement of his body was like the sweetest apple torn from the Garden of Eden.

No longer resisting Harry, Cory let the man slowly glide his cock over his tongue and push down into his throat, forcing him to open wide and take in almost his entire length. Cory was a practiced cock sucker and even at his young age could pleasure all but the biggest of the men and swallow whatever they gave him. Now and then one would rather plough his ass, or do both; but he loved it either way, and he was known as a sex hungry cock-hound between the men of the group, albeit one that the men had limited access to.

As Cory sucked on Harry's cock, he expertly slithered his tongue around the man's shaft and when only the bulbous head was in his mouth, he'd flick the tip of his tongue over the small slit before taking him back in again. Harry couldn't help but lick his own lips and close his eyes at the excruciating sensations of a hot young six year old boy's mouth working its magic on his cock and could already feel the heat rise in side him. All the anticipation and waiting for this moment, to be with one of the favoured boys with one of the hottest young bodies he'd ever seen, Harry lost his will to delay and blasted Cory's mouth with cum.

Taken by surprise at the sudden eruption, Cory's eyes widened and his cheeks bulged before he could swallow, and a small stream of hot sticky cum rolled down his chin. He gulped down each pulsating jet of milk as Harry strayed his throat and groaned in orgasmic pleasure above him and roughly thrust his cock deep into his mouth.

"Yeah Cory… drink it. Drink it all you little slut." Harry moaned in the throes of ecstasy and pushed his hairy navel into Cory's angelic face forcing his cock further down the young boy's throat and making him gag.

Far from losing interest, his desire sored when Cory opened his eyes and looked up at Harry with his mouth stretched wide around his thick cock and the look in his face begged for more. As Harry pulled his cock from the boy's mouth and shifted his weight, Cory freed a hand from under Harry's leg and rubbed his own small hard cocklett through his jeans in a frenzied attempt to pleasure himself. He wanted to be sucked and fucked so desperately he couldn't wait any longer.

"My, aren't you a horny little cowboy," Harry said as he reached around and pushed Cory's hand away. "I think this isn't the first time you've sucked cock is it?" Harry asked playing his role again as captor of a kidnapped little boy.

"Does your Dad come visit you in the night and play with your cock and fuck you up the ass? 'Cos that's what I'm gonna do little boy. I'm gonna suck your tiny cock and fuck you and I don't care if it hurts."

God he loved talking like that to little boys. Telling them exactly what he was going to do and then doing it.

Cory nodded his head and scooped up the cum dribbling down his chin and sucked his finger into his mouth. "No, not my Dad…" Cory said, catching onto the idea that he was now to be a kidnapped boy who'd already been fucked. "My teacher."

"Yeah? Your teacher? Has he fucked you?"

"No." Cory said sheepishly. "He tried but he couldn't get it in."

"Yeah well, I will. Don't you worry about that." Harry said. "I bet he'd love to see you dressed like a cowboy though." Harry said as he shuffled back over Cory's waist and pulled him up into a sitting position. "So he could strip you like this and then try and fuck you again on your desk."

Harry reached forward and pulled the bottom of his shirt open, ripping the last button off and pushed it off the boy's thin shoulders before grabbing his hands together again and pulled him to his feet.

"Owwww…" Cory cried as Harry roughly pushed him back onto the bed and pressed a knee into his chest.

"Shut up," Harry spat. "When I fuck you it's gonna hurt a lot more than that." He pulled Cory's hands together and picked up the restraints and tied the boy back up with his hands above his head and attached them to the bar still laying on the bed with the metal rope snaking up into the ceiling.

"I don't want to be fucked. Please don't." Cory said, acting his part once again knowing that it was what Harry wanted to hear.

Yeah, that's it Cory, Harry thought. You know what I like. Hearing Cory swear for the first time and begging not to be fucked sent images flashing through his mind of Zane tied to the post and on the couch as he raped him for real earlier that afternoon. His cock twitched at the thought and he hit the button on the remote beside the bed and the motor kicked in, winding in the metal rope and pulling the much younger Cory with it. He stopped it just as Cory's body was stretched out with his arms held high above his head and standing on tippy-toes in the centre of the room.

"I don't care what you want Cory." Harry said. "You shouldn't go around dressing up like a cowboy and looking so God damned sexy so then people like me wouldn't kidnap you."

Harry stood close to the young six year old and stroked a hand over the boy's smooth chest and down his sides, feeling the bumps of his ribs with his fingertips with his back arched inward pushing them out and admired the sleek curve of his narrow waist. He lent in and licked one of Cory's musky armpits and breathed in deeply as he bit the boy's skin and played with a hard little nipple with his hand. Cory was helpless to resist; he was strung up and could barely keep his toes on the floor as Harry explored his body and eventually cupped his hand over his small cock and squeezed him tightly.

"You've been a very naughty boy haven't you Cory." Harry said in a whisper. "Sucking your teacher's cock so he wouldn't tell your Dad how bad you are. You need to be punished for that."

"No! I couldn't help it!" Cory cried. "He made me."

"Yeah, but you liked it didn't you? You're a tease and a whore." Harry again squashed his small balls in his hand and pinched Cory's nipple as he sucked and bit down on the soft skin of his pit.

Cory flinched and cried out in pain; real pain. He gasped for breath and moaned as Harry tweaked his nipple and mashed his small nuts in his hand. Suddenly the small motor above his head started up again and he was hoisted up off his toes to dangle in mid-air, his weight pulling on the straps around his thin wrists. His head was level with Harry's and he felt the man tugging at his jeans, finally stripping him naked and hanging with his little hairless pecker sticking out straight as an arrow. As his jeans dropped to the floor below him, Harry bit down on his neck and sucked at the soft tender skin of his throat, purposefully avoiding kissing the boy on his mouth since his own cum would still be lingering and that was something he definitely did not want to taste.

With a determined effort Harry pulled away from his mouth-watering captive and spun Cory around by the waist so that he twisted in mid-air and went to the chest of drawers. He'd promised the young lad he'd be punished and that's what he intended to do. Harry took out a short black handled twelve inch [30 cm] studded steal paddle and a small one pound ball attached to a short rubber string with a loop at the end. Both would do very nicely to inflict a measured dose of pain and stimulation to an already overly excited young little six year old boy. As he turned back to Cory he reached out to stop him from turning and showed the lad what he had.

Cory's eyes widened and he wasn't able to hide the slight grin on his face before Harry wound his arm back and slapped the paddle across his inner thigh. The loud smack reverberated in the room and Cory yelped out in surprise.

"That's for being a teachers pet." Harry said and slapped the studded paddle hard across the boy's ass cheek.

"That's for trying to get away."

Smack! This time Harry landed a blow on the other cheek and was hard enough to leave a pink glow on his ass with little round dots from the metal studs. "And that's for making me cum in your mouth! And this one's because I enjoy it."

He took careful aim as he struck the paddle high up on Cory's inner thigh again and watched the kid wince in pain as a tear rolled down his cheek, but he was still smiling and his tiny little two and a half inch [6.3 cm] was still as hard as a nail.

"Tell me you want me to fuck your ass Cory." Harry ordered.

Cory shook his head in defiance and waited for the inevitable slap of the paddle but it never came. Instead Harry held up the ball and swung it from his finger in front of Cory's face.

"See this?" Harry asked. "This goes around your balls and hangs down. It's heavy so it stretches them and it hurts! You want me to put this on you?"

Again the boy shook his head from side to side but didn't say a word. The stinging pain of yet another smack across his inner thigh in the same spot as the one before was enough to make him answer.

"No!" He cried.

"No, what?"

"No, please don't fuck me." The boy said in a whisper even though he wanted it more than anything.

"Don't fuck you?" Harry laughed. "Don't you get it Cory? I am going to fuck you whether you want me to or not."

Another slap to his thigh. "That one was for being too fucking stupid to understand."

By now Cory's thighs were a bright pink under his olive skin and Harry decided he'd had enough for now so he dropped the paddle onto the bed and pressed the remote once again to lift the boy until his head was high up in the air and his waist was level with Harry's head.

He stared at the prone boy, now completely naked and suspended. He was completely helpless and under normal circumstances, Harry would have felt a little pity for the small child for being so vulnerable and at the mercy of a grown man with nasty intent. But all he felt was a deep seated lust to devour the young boy and take what he most wanted from him.

With Cory's thin and small little cock poking out at his face from his soft and hairless pubic mound, Harry held him by his hips and gazed at his little boy beauty. He was cut and his little cock was perfectly formed with his small mushroomed head a deep purple color above a tight red ringed thin shaft. His balls were compact and formed a single globe underneath and the skin around his crotch was flawless in every way. As Harry moved in to take the boy into his mouth, he lifted his hand up to hold his small sack and slipped the rubber loop around them and pulled tight just as he circled his lips around Cory's preteen head and sucked the little guy into his mouth.

He couldn't tell whether it was from the weight of the ball now hanging from his scrotum or Harry's sucking mouth wrapped around the boy's tiny cock, but Cory was moaning and breathing hard as Harry went down on the lad and lapped at his cock. Driven by desire and lustful cravings, Harry lifted Cory's legs up and rested them on his shoulder so that the boy was practically sitting on him as he hung from the ceiling with Harry's head buried between his thighs. Cory lent his body back and humped his groin into Harry's face, lost in sexual bliss as is tiny cock was engulfed in Harry's mouth. The swaying of the heavy ball hanging from his sack only added to the stimulation attacking Cory's cock and it took just a few strokes before his body convulsed in mid-air and his cock spasmed in Harry's mouth in a thunderous frenzy.

The pent up desires and frustration over the last two days at being denied the glorious sensations of orgasm exploded in Cory's groin and shot through his small preteen body. Even the pain of his wrists and the raw pink areas on his thighs and ass were forgotten as tried to thrust his crotch deeper into Harry's mouth. For a moment he forgot his part and luxuriated in absolute satisfaction as he slowly came down off his six year old orgasm, wishing with all his heart that he could feel that good every moment of the day.

To Harry, the look on the young boy's face was pure heaven with his eyes half closed and his sweet little mouth open as he moaned in delight. He was as hard as a rock again and wanted to fuck the little tyke's ass so badly he almost hit the release button to let him down, but he'd promised himself he'd enjoy the fantasy and re-inact the thrill of raping Zane all over again. Cory's ass would be his soon enough, but before then he wanted to taste the boy's hole and eat him out for as long as he could before losing the battle and burying his cock deep into the boy's hot as fuck ass.

Harry reached back and pushed Cory's legs off his shoulders and let the boy swing down wildly in the air and caught him again on his return and twisted him around. The ball hanging from Cory's small scrotum arced and stretched his tiny little sack out in a painful sweep but the tyke didn't mutter a sound as Harry lifted him back into the air and pushed his legs back over his shoulders, this time facing down and his ass just an inch away from Harry's watering mouth.

Cory felt the pull on his wrists as Harry drew him closer and bit down on the soft skin of his thigh between his legs, his body curved downward as he stared at the floor from his lofty height. His shoulders screamed in agony with the unnatural position but Harry moved forward a little, easing the weight on his slender frame, and suddenly felt his small cock squashed between the man's groping fingers as his ass cheeks were ripped apart and a hot slick tongue slip over his rubbery little boy-hole.

FUCK! Harry screamed inside his own head. Cory's ass tasted so sweet and pure and so fucking delicious it drove Harry insane with lust and desire. He pulled Cory's cheeks wide apart and dove his face down into the depths of the boy's valley and savoured the feeling of his puckered ring as he tongued the preteen little six year olds ass. He couldn't delve deep enough into Cory's decadent ass as he thrust the tip of his tongue into the boy and felt him clamp down as he squirmed in his hands, both man and boy lost in the throes of sexual gratification. All thoughts of their rape fantasy were forgotten as Harry mashed his hands into the soft mounds of Cory's cheeks and feasted on his ripe and juicy ring and pulled on his hard and tiny little cock hanging from below.

Cory was on the verge of orgasm again after only a minute and squealed in a high pitched little boy voice as Harry rammed his tongue inside him and pulled out again to swallow the tangy juices of his ass. Cory had never in all his life felt so much pain and pleasure at the same time that he came in a dry preteen orgasm in Harry's fingers, his ass clenching down on the man's tongue probing inside him and hung his head down in surrender, watching as Harry stroked his hard little prong in unforgiving jerks as the ball attached to his sack swung unmercifully back and forth.

With a sex driven lust, Harry mashed the button to release his love child and he dropped like a rock into his arms. He caught his tiny little six year old body and held him firmly to his chest.

"I'm gonna fuck you so God damned hard boy." Harry said into the child's ear as he turned and dropped him over the high wooden foot end of the bed. Cory felt the impact as a blow to the guts and couldn't breathe for a second with his ass high in the air and his balls painfully mashed into the solid frame and the heavy weight on the other side pulling them down.

The six year old boy's back was drenched in sweat and Harry slid his hands down his smooth and sexy skin, in awe of the young body he was about to fuck for the first time and hurried to the drawer again to grab a huge nine inch [23 cm] thick black dildo and lube.

"No!" Cory wailed, seeing the obscene size of the fake cock that was about to be shoved up him. He was back in the game and knew without a doubt he could take it, but the crying was all part of the fun and Harry would love every second of it.

Pouring a vast amount of lube down Cory's ass cheeks, Harry didn't even bother with smearing it around before holding the bulbous head of the huge dildo to his ass and slid it in in an easy thrust. He sank it in almost half way before Cory moaned in a soft muffled cry of pain as the thick shaft stretched his ring wide and lifted his slim waist into the air as Harry ploughed the dildo into him.

The sight of Cory's small six year old little ass bent over the hard wooden frame of the bed with his cheeks stretched wide open with the dildo stabbing into him excited Harry's desires. He pulled his arm back to swing his hand down hard onto the boy's ripe melons. The slap of his bare hand striking the boy reverberated around the room and Cory cried out in a surprised yelp as a dark red imprint of Harry's hand blossomed on his cheek.

Over and over again Harry spanked the boy while working the dildo deep inside his hot little ass and loosened his tight ring. Cory kept trying to shift his hips and to reach his feet down to the floor to take the weight of his body but he was too high up. His legs dangled down the wooden end of the bed and his arms were stretched out above his head still tied to the bar as Harry pushed down on him and drove the thick dildo in and out of his ass. Truth be told, he loved the feeling of being filled so completely and the sensation of a man's cock sliding out of him only to push back in again, but he cried out and whimpered as though he didn't and kept telling Harry to stop.

"No fucking way," Harry said as he again slapped the boy's ass and shoved the dildo so deep into him he had to push his fingers down between Cory's cheeks. "You're mine and I'm going to fuck you so hard boy."

The dildo was almost completely inside the young six year old boy's ass with only the very end viable between his stretched and wide open lips circled around it. Harry found it incredible such a small boy could take so much cock and absolutely could not wait to bury his own hard prick balls deep into the lad.

He kicked Cory's legs apart and slithered his body between them until his rock hard cock was resting between the boy's cheeks and over the end of the dildo inside his hot little hole. Harry lent his body down over Cory's sweat soaked back and felt the soft tenderness of his skin on his chest and the heat of his little body rising up into him. He gently slid his raging hard-on up and down the tight valley of Cory's cheeks and humped his ass as he kissed the boy's neck and shoulders, knowing that his weight pushing down onto the lad's ass would dig his navel into the hard wooden corner of the bed end. The sound of the heavy ball hanging from Cory's little sack as it bounced back and forth on the board only drove Cory to new heights of pain and pleasure. He could feel the end of the dildo mashing up against his insides as Harry pushed it in deeper with his cock sliding up and down his ass and the continuous pressure on his small nuts from the loop around his sack as it pulled down on him was almost too much to bear.

"Time you had a real cock in you now sheriff." Harry whispered into Cory's ear and pushed himself back up.

He dug his fingers between Cory's ample cheeks and slowly pulled the huge dildo from his little six year old ass with a sucking sound and a light pop as it came free. The dildo was so slicked up with the lube and juices from Cory's fresh ass that it slipped from Harry's hand and bounced on the floor. As Harry reached down to get it, his face came within inches of the kid's ass and he watched as Cory's stretched lips opened and closed with the beat of his heart. He couldn't help himself; Harry lent in and licked his sweet little hole and ran his tongue over the lad's quivering lips before pushing inside him once again. His little boy hole tasted so hot and Harry's mouth watered, soaking the bright pink rings of his puckered little hole as Harry ate the boy's ass and licked down over the soft and hairless smooth patch of skin between his legs. Every inch of him oozed of pure sex and his wrinkled little sack held within the tight loop of the hanging ball was obscenely stretched, his small balls protruding in a single globe the size of a walnut that Harry squeezed between his fingers. He pulled Cory's hard little cock straight down and stroked the young boy back and forth as he went back to his ass and feasted on his open hole and tasted the juices of his ass.

But with his own cock throbbing and aching for release, Harry pulled his tongue out of his ass and stood, forgetting the dildo left laying on the floor beside his feet. Harry was on fire with lust for Cory's hot preteen fuck hole and revelled in the fantasy of raping the young boy. Unlike Zane, Cory was a mere six years old and riding his ass was going to be so fucking hot and Harry's cock dripped with excitement as he imagined ploughing into the boy and pounding his ass as he screamed and whimpered under him.

Harry rubbed the end of his thick cock around Cory's wide open boy hole and smeared the flowing pre-cum over his puckered bud while holding his cheeks apart and dug his nails into the boy's soft flesh. He pushed his thick cock out straight and aimed it down to the boy's inviting fuck hole and pushed forward, easing the tip of his slick head between the gloriously small and supple lips of the six year olds ass.

"Fuck yeah Cory," Harry moaned as the bulbous head pushed against the boy's ring. "Let me rape your ass!"

Harry watched in awe as Cory's slick and rubbery ass lips rolled inwards as they yielded to his invading prink and granted passage into his hot moist boy hole. He held onto the lad's narrow waist as he sunk his cock deep into the boy feeling every ridge and ripple of the warm flesh enveloping him until his big hairy balls tickled Cory's smooth and hairless scrotum.

Never had he had his cock buried so deep into a boy so young and Harry almost couldn't believe that this boy, only six years old could take his entire length or that his ring could stretch so wide to circle his cock so tightly. It felt like having an elastic band squeezing his cock as he slowly pulled out and thrust back inside Cory's fleshy tunnel. He cried out and moaned as Harry sank into him with his navel rubbing painfully into the corner of the wooden bed end, but the felling of once again being filled with man cock was so good he didn't want to move.

Harder and harder Harry thrust into Cory's young hole and took longer and longer strokes as he fucked the boy, holding him around the waist and stabbed roughly into him with ever increasing speeds. Each time his balls slapped the lad's ass cheeks, Harry would pull Cory down and thrust his cock further into his bowels causing the boy to grunt in pain. In and out he fucked him, roaming his hands over the boy's waist and back but always keeping one hand on his hip to hold him in place and pull the boy's lithe body back with each thrust until he felt the tingling in his balls begin to rise.

He pulled out of Cory's hot ass and lifted his light little body over the end of the bed and threw him down on his back on the other side. Harry strode around with his wet cock sticking out as hard as a rock and pulled Cory by the ankles until his ass was teetering over the edge and lifted his legs up in the air. He wanted to watch Cory's face as he fucked him and spray his cum over the boy's tiny little cock and hot olive skinned chest.

Unable to hold his own legs up with his hands still tied to the bar above his head, Cory could only watch as Harry roughly pushed his legs up and apart and rammed his cock back inside his ass in a single stroke. The sensation for Cory was like a sudden rush of adrenilan and pain all rolled up into one. He grimaced and bit his lip as Harry fucked him harder and harder, lifting his ass up off the bed with each thrust and the boy felt his small cock spasm just a few seconds after Harry grabbed it in his fist and massaged his hard little tool.

As Cory came again in another dry orgasm, Harry felt the muscles of his hot ass clench and grip his cock so tightly he almost came inside the boy. But as he relaxed, Harry pulled his pulsating cock from Cory's warm and moist tunnel just as the first surge of electrifying orgasm racked his body. A long jet of cum flew over Cory's stomach and splashed down on his chest as pulse after pulse shot ropy strands of milk over the boy's body and dripped down his smooth and hairless mound and onto his small cock and sack. There was no better sight than a very young and helpless boy covered in cum after having been fucked and Harry looked on, still in the throes of sexual bliss, and admired the prone boy under him. He was so God damned sexy and young with not a single hair on him and he wanted to start all over again and fuck him again and again all night long.

Of course, that's exactly what he was going to do.

"My God Cory, that was fantastic." Harry said, no longer acting out the rape fantasy. "You're one hot little fucker you know that?"

"Yes!" Cory shouted and nodded his head as he pulled his hands free from the lose straps attached to the bar above his head. He smeared the warm sticky cum around on his chest and stomach and then down between his legs as Harry shuffled to his side and lay down next to him. He laughed at the boy's confidence and watched as he rubbed himself back and forth with Harry's cum acting as a lubricant before helping the lad out and removing the ball from his sack and then removing his small hand and taking over.

"I hope you liked that as much as I did Cory." Harry said as he worked his hard little two and a half inch [6.3 cm] cock back and forth yet again.

"Uh-huh," The boy said as he lay back again and spread his legs wide letting Harry stroke him and play with his tight little balls.

"How about we get a shower and clean up?" Harry suggested. "Then we can do that again, but this time why don't we pretend you're the son of a rich land owner like in the olden times and I'm your slave?

"Yeah!" Cory shouted and opened his eyes in excitement. "Can we? And you have to do as I say!"

"Absolutely." Harry said and let go of Cory's small cock. "How about we leave that for later okay?"

"Okay." Cory said and smiled up at him.

He stood and pulled Cory up off the bed and lifted him into his arms. The lad wrapped his legs around Harry's waist and he turned and took the boy to the bathroom to clean themselves up ready for round two.

Fuck, this is going to be a great night, Harry thought silently, loving the feel of the young six year old body pressed against his own and his hard little pecker poking him in the stomach. He idly wondered what Cory's fantasy would be and what the young boy would have him do, but more than anything, Harry wanted to screw the little fella's brains out all night long and explore every inch of his hairless young body.

For a day that started the same as any other, Harry would never have imagined he'd rape Zane and get to fuck two of the other favoured boys, let alone to spend the night with such a sexual and young boy as Cory.

Before the night was out and Harry finally drifted off to sleep with Cory snuggled in his arms, Harry filled the boy's ass so full of cum after fucking him twice over as well as sucking his tiny cock so much his jaw ached. The lad had insisted on making Harry wear a collar and dragged him around the room begging for a blowjob from the six year old and was made to bark like a dog before the boy would go down on him. In return, Cory had ordered Harry on his back and then impaled himself on the man's cock and rode him hard, sitting down on Harry's waist and fucking himself on his man stick which Harry was more than willing to let him do.

He couldn't have planned a better night of boy fucking than this.