PZA Boy Stories

The Devil's Advocate

School of Humility

Chapters 9-13

Chapter 9

I wake to find myself still chained to the bed. Danielle is no longer sucking me though. Instead, he is cuddled up next to me with his head on the side of my chest. I glance over and see it is 5 p.m.

I can't tell if Danielle is asleep or not. I hold very still in hopes of not disturbing him. Not that I can move far anyway.

As I lay there I get flashes of what happened earlier. I clearly remember Danielle forming a fist deep inside my ass. Everything is a bit sketchy after that. The main thing that sticks out is the discomfort from all the climaxes that occur as he fists me. I never knew something so pleasurable could be turned into something so unpleasant. By the end I was climaxing but nothing was actually coming out. I lost track of how many times I came but I know I shattered my personal record.

"Welcome back, sugar," Danielle says when he notices I'm awake.

I pray that he doesn't plan to start up again. I think something is already broken inside my dick and balls. All I know for sure is that I never want to cum again for the rest of my life.

Danielle pulls himself up to face level with me and then runs his fingers through my hair a few times. He then leans in and gives me a short kiss on the lips.

I'm repulsed by the kiss. Not only is he a boy but I know where those lips have been recently. As he backs away I focus on his lips to make sure they aren't still covered with cum. They look clean but I do notice they are a little puffier than before. His lips are clearly swollen from all the cock sucking 3; serves the bastard right.

"Should we start again?" he purrs.

"Please, no!" I quickly respond.

"Are you sure?" he says as though in deep thought. "I think I can still get a little more out of you."

"No more, please!" I beg.

"I tell you what," he says after a pause. "I will let you choose. I can make you cum a few more times or you can make me cum once."

"Wh 3;what would I have to do?" I manage to ask after several seconds.

I feel like I will die if he makes me cum any more. Yet, there are many things worse than death. Danielle is pretty and all but no way would I suck his dick or do anything disgusting like that.

"How about this," he says after a moment. "We will make it a game. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do. However, you only get 20 minutes to make me cum. If you win then I won't make you cum any more today."

Danielle seems to cum at the drop of a hat so I'm pretty sure there must be a catch. Yet, I'm just not seeing what it might be. Besides, what choice do I have? Any deal is better than no deal.

"How about I sweeten the pot," he says when I don't reply right away. "If you win then you also get to choose whatever food you want to eat. However, if you lose then it is dog food and at least four more climaxes."

I get a tinge of affection for Danielle when he offers this. He had me already with the prior bet and he knew it. He could have easily forced me into doing something later in order to avoid the dog food but he tossed it into this deal to make it easier on me. Having him as a friend is really paying off. I know it seems like a small victory, but it's still a victory.

"Okay," I whisper.

Danielle gets on his knees and bounces up and down on the bed a couple times in celebration. Then he calms down and looks over at the clock.

"Alright, time starts 3; now!" he says.

I wait for him to let me loose but he just kneels there.

"No fair!" I protest.

"I never said I would let you lose," he giggles.

I just look up at him in anger. I just knew there had to be a catch. How could I not see this coming?

"Okay, I'll give you a chance," he finally says. "If my little girl asks me nicely then I will rub my cock on her belly."

Danielle emphasizes the title 'little girl' when he says it. I know how he wants me to respond but I'm not sure I can bring myself to do it. Then I remember the consequences of losing this bet.

"Please rub yourself on your little girl's tummy," I whisper with a blush.

"Close," Danielle grins. "Remember, you are my little girl. What does that make me?"

"Mommy?" I ask, confused.

"Closer," he giggles.

I blush. Of course 3; I'm sure Danielle would prefer the title of "mommy" but that is not the standard around here.

"D 3;daddy, please rub yourself on my belly," I whisper.

"A little louder," Danielle says a little more seriously. "So the cameras can hear you."

"Or anyone that might be in the observation room," he adds with a whisper.

I look at Danielle in shock when he says this. I then glance at the wall near the foot of the bed where an observation window would normally be. I see the now muted large screen TV which is still playing the BluRay. There is a mirror to one side of the TV but it is significantly smaller than the ones in the other rooms. It is maybe 2 feet wide and three feet [60 x 90 cm] tall. It even has a normal frame around it. That's just a normal mirror, right? It can't be an observation mirror can it?

I stare at it for a few seconds and then notice something odd. There is a rolled up dark cloth attached to the wall at the top of the mirror's frame. Why would that be there? The answer suddenly hits me like a ton of bricks. The cloth is for privacy. If a guest wants privacy then they can just untie the cloth and it will unroll over the top of the mirror. They can then reach up and unplug the camera as well.

"No one is in there, right?" I whisper.

"Tic Toc," Danielle giggles.

Who could be in there? Is the Dean in there? My dad? God, please tell me no one is actually in there. I reason that everything is being recorded anyway and therefore it shouldn't matter if anyone is in the observation room. But it does matter!

"D 3;daddy, please rub yourself on my belly," I say louder this time and begin to cry.

I blush as Danielle straddles my hips and leans over me. He has a serious look on his face and stares me directly in the eyes as he starts grinding his cock and balls against my lower belly.

"Oh, daddy likes this," Danielle purrs above me.

I expect Danielle to cum right away but he doesn't. He just slowly grinds back and forth and up and down against my belly.

"You know, daddy really gets turned on when he kisses his little girl," Danielle whispers after a minute.

I expect him to lean in and start kissing me but he doesn't. Then I remember I have to ask for everything first. Otherwise he risks voiding the bet.

"Pl 3; please kiss me, daddy," I finally request.

Danielle leans in until his perky little breasts are touching my flat chest. He rubs his hard nipples against my own a few times and then leans further in and begins kissing me.

The kisses start out small but it isn't long and his tongue is making its way into my mouth. I'm disgusted but it's not like I haven't done this before. Granted, I'm not high like I was last time.

He's really a girl. He's really a girl. I keep trying to trick myself into thinking this is true but I know it isn't. I'm tongue kissing a guy! AND, someone might be in the next room watching!

It takes all my willpower not to be sick as we share each other's spit. It takes just as much willpower to get myself to actually participate in the kiss. I don't want to participate in it but I know Danielle will have a harder time cumming if I just lay here like a dead fish.

We kiss like that for what seems an eternity. At one point he lifts his head and looks at the clock.

"Does my little girl like kissing daddy?" he asks.

"Yes," I reply with a blush.

Danielle then dives back in and we are tonguing again. Please cum, Danielle! Please cum! I keep screaming it in my head but the kiss continues.

"Daddy is getting close," Danielle says as he looks at the clock again. "We only have two minutes left though."

God! Only two minutes left! I raise my head up but I can't reach his lips. I know he won't cum just hovering like that.

"I think I know what will make daddy cum," Danielle says after several seconds. "Daddy will probably cum real fast if you promise to eat his cum."

"I'll do it!" I reply.

I'm so close to the deadline that I don't take the time to analyze what I'm agreeing too. Yes, I've eaten his cum before but I was drugged at the time. If I took a few more seconds to think about it then I'm sure I would change my mind. But I don't. I'm too focused on getting this over with.

"Say it right," Danielle says with a grin.

"Please let me eat your cum, daddy!" I beg in frustration.

It only takes Danielle two more strokes and his climax begins.

"Oh! Daddy's cumming on his little girl!" Danielle screams.

A second later I feel a hot stream of cum hit my belly and lower chest. It is quickly followed by three more splashes in the same area.

I let out a sigh of relief. Not only did I win the bet but he didn't have time to move so he could cum into my mouth.

My relief is short lived. After he stops cumming he reaches down and scoops some of the cum up with his fingers and brings it to my mouth. I close my mouth and turn my head. His fingers follow my mouth so I turn my head the other direction.

"Does the little girl want her real daddy to come in and spank her?" Danielle growls.

My eyes get wide. Did Danielle just confirm that my father is in the observation room? Or, did he mean my father would come in from home to punish me? I want to ask but I'm scared of what the answer might be.

Regardless of where my father actually is, I don't want a spanking from him. Plus, I've gone this far to win this bet, I might as well finish. Otherwise all of that was for nothing.

"Good girl," Danielle coos as I open my mouth.

Danielle's cum is sweet and a little tart, just like yesterday. I gag and my stomach tries to reject it, but I manage to get myself under control. I suck the fingers clean and he removes them so he can gather some more. He feeds me six more scoops and I gag six more times. The only thing that keeps me from being sick is the fact that my stomach is pretty empty right now.

"We are almost done," he informs me. "I just need you to lay here for about ten more minutes and think about what we just did. When I come back then all you have to do is give me a one minute deep kiss and this lesson will be over."

At that, Danielle turns the TV off and then leaves the room, shutting the door behind him. At first I don't see much point in this ten minute wait. However, I quickly realize it is probably the most important part of the lesson 3; whatever the lesson might be.

Had he just untied me then I could have easily distracted myself so I wouldn't have to face what just happened. However, tied down like this and left alone I have no choice but to think about it. It also forces me to think about the long kiss that is yet to come. It takes only a minute before my face is flush and I'm crying in both humiliation and shame.

I cry for myself for several minutes. Then I start crying in sadness for Danielle. He plays the mean role well, but I doubt he wants to do any of this. I'm his friend now, he shouldn't have to do these things to me.

The ten minutes turns out to be more like 15. It's fine though. The extra time gives me a chance to get my crying under control.

Finally, Danielle enters the room again. He climbs up on the bed and leans over me. He comes in for the dreaded kiss but stops about 3 inches [7 cm] short. I know what he wants so I lean up and make the contact myself. When he applies pressure I slowly lower my head and his lips follow.

His lips are closed at the start but I open my mouth. I know he will soon demand that anyway. This way he will maybe end the disgusting kiss sooner.

As he slowly opens his mouth I feel his spit slide into my mouth. It seems a lot more than normal. I guess he is just testing my resolve so I force myself to accept it. However, as the spit hits my taste buds I realize it's not spit at all. It's cum!

I try to turn my head in order to break the kiss but he has a firm grip with both of his hands. I close my lips but most of the cum is already in my mouth. I wait for Danielle to back away so I can spit the cum out. However, he just hovers there with his lips spread wide over my own.

My first thought is that Danielle saved up some of my cum from earlier. Or, he went out of the room and jacked off into his hand and then sucked it into his mouth. However, as I wait there I start analyzing the flavor. It was strong and bitter. It was far different than Danielle's sweet taste. It was also twice as bitter as my own.

This was someone else's cum!

I quickly part my lips a little and spit as much as I can back into Danielle's mouth. God, who's cum is that!? It could be my own father's for all I know. The thought makes my stomach turn.

I try to struggle again when Danielle pinches my nose. I almost escape his grip but he uses his other hand to get a tight grip on my hair. For a very brief instant I actually get upset that he is messing up my curls. I chastise myself for worrying about something so trivial at a time like this.

I finally have to open my mouth to try to breath and he spits the cum back inside. He lets go of my nose but I'm still struggling to get air into my lungs. As a result I involuntarily leave my mouth open and he drains even more of the juices inside.

I want to spit it out again but Danielle has already demonstrated that this would do me no good. So, I close my mouth and swallow my pride 3; along with the cum.

Danielle tries to enter my mouth with his tongue again. I see no point in struggling anymore so I open my lips and allow entry. The kiss seems to last much longer than the predetermined minute. By the time our lips part the flavor of the cum is long gone.

Danielle releases my wrists and I roll to my side in a semi fetal position. I think about the training session we just had and I cry. Danielle doesn't tell me who's cum was in his mouth and I don't ask. I just pray it wasn't my father's. The only thing that keeps me from losing my mind is the knowledge that there were a great number of men that might have access to this area. For that matter, Danielle could have gone out of this area to collect the sperm. There were various instructors that did weekend work and at least two or three guards.

Danielle lets me lay there in silence for several minutes before he tells me to follow him. When I start to walk I realize my plug is back in place. Danielle must have put it in while I was asleep earlier. I can't believe I didn't notice its return until now.

As we go out the door, for an instant I fear that Danielle is going to take me to the observation room so I can meet my mystery sperm donor. However, he takes me on into my room. I'm pleased to find the room is still empty.

He sits me in the makeup chair and touches my face up. It takes about 15 minutes but we are silent the whole time. We don't chat and play around like we normally do here. I'm not really that angry with Danielle. I'm just too embarrassed to say anything right now.

Next we go to the bathroom where the pile of clothes is still waiting. I put the pink shirt and the bluish hand woven skirt on first.

"Do you like the skirt?" Danielle says, breaking the long silence. "I made it just for you."

"It's great," I mumble.

I feel like a heel after I say it. It was pretty good craftsmanship and I'm sure it must have taken Danielle a very long time to make. I should have sounded more enthusiastic.

I slip the white knitted pantyhose on next. These are too intricate and delicate to be hand done. Or at least I hope Danielle didn't go to all that trouble. It takes me a bit of work to get them on. They fit well but I'm scared that if I hurry I might rip them.

I don't know anything about panty hose but I'm certain you are supposed to wear panties with this particular kind. My semi hard dick is clearly visible through the knitting. Everything hides well under the skirt though.

I blush as I put the black high heels on. As they go on, they make me feel twice as girly. Which I didn't think was possible considering the clothes, the hair, the makeup, the nail polish, etc.

Speaking of nail polish 3; we did all that fucking work on my feet and now they are completely hidden under the panty hose and inside the shoes!

"Wow! You look hot!" Danielle says once I have the second heel on.

"Thanks," I try to say more enthusiastically this time.

Danielle walks out of the bathroom and I follow. Or at least I try. The heels are about 2 to 3 inches [5-7 cm] high and are a ton harder to walk in than they look. They feel so delicate that I'm afraid I'm going to break them. Plus, every so often I step down a little croaked and the shoe in question wants to turn onto its side. It doesn't help that I have this damn plug up my ass.

Danielle laughs as he watches me walk into the room.

"Practice, practice, practice," Danielle giggles.

For the next 30 minutes that's exactly what I do. Danielle has me walk back and forth in the room until I'm doing a half way decent job.

Finally we go back to the guest room to eat. Again, I make sure I select only packaged items. I also fill my glass up with tap water instead of the bottled stuff in the fridge. The plastic bottles have a protective seal but I suspect someone could easily get drugs into it if they really wanted too.

"How do you know they don't put it in the tap water," Danielle giggles.

I'm not happy that he has figured out what I'm trying to do. However, his comment does make me giggle as well. I don't know why though after all I've been through today. I guess it is just preferable to crying. I am relieved though that Danielle doesn't seem angry about me trying to avoid the estrogen. He doesn't even give me a friendly warning. This tells me he understands my plight. More importantly, it also tells me he probably won't report the incident.

I drank some tap water while I was showering but otherwise haven't put anything in my stomach all day. Well, other than cum. I eat my selection of food in a matter of minutes. I follow it with two glasses of water. I go for more food but Danielle stops me. I'm disappointed that I can't have more but he is right in that I've had plenty for one meal. I was just hoping to store up a little extra to carry me through tomorrow.

I drink a third glass of water as I wait for Danielle to finish his meal. By the time he is done we are chatting and giggling together like normal.

After our meal I practice walking again for 30 more minutes. Then we both undress, remove our plugs and hop into the guest bed in order to watch TV 3; real TV, not the BluRay. Yes, I said REAL TV! It is so awesome! It is just like being in my bedroom at home, only with a MUCH better TV. Well, that and the fact that there is another naked boy in the bed with me.

Danielle cuddles up to me the entire night. He also gives me several brief kisses on the lips every half hour or so. It still feels disgusting and awkward but it isn't anything I can't live with. Especially considering it comes with cable TV.

"You did very well this weekend," Danielle whispers to me as it is getting late.

When it is finally time to sleep, Danielle gives me a kiss, sits up in bed and then runs his fingers through my hair until I slip away.

Chapter 10

I wake to the sound of the clock radio buzzing. I turn it off and then realize I'm alone in the bed. I check the bathroom and find it empty also. I'm not sure why but I'm a little disappointed that I didn't get to say goodbye to Danielle.

I'm thankful that he thought to set the alarm for me. It gives me a chance to start the week off good by impressing my trainers. The clock says 5:07 a.m. I'm assuming I have until at least 6 a.m. to get ready.

I grab my plug and all my clothes and go to run out. I then realize that the room is a bit of a mess. Since it is not my room, I'm not sure if I will get into trouble for leaving it a mess. However, Danielle might. I put all my stuff down and quickly make the bed and tidy things up a little. It's not as good as I first seen it but it looks decent enough.

I'm glad I tidied up though because I find my #1 plug. I take it and my other stuff back into my room. I wash the #1 off and put it back into its place. I pray that Drew or Casey notice it is back and decides to downgrade me to it. I don't plan to hold my breath.

I give myself two enemas using the same recipe Drew had me use the past two days. I even try to take a full half gallon each time. I remember to be extra careful as I kneel on the floor. The last thing I want to do is scratch or chip my toenail polish. It's not something that can be fixed quickly.

My makeup and hair surprisingly looks half way decent so I decide to just shower from the neck down.

As I shower I start to wonder what would happen if someone used the shock collar on me right now. Would the shock be worse? I debate this for a couple minutes and come to the conclusion that most of the electricity would just shoot through the water covering my body and ground out in the drain below. Electricity does take the path of less resistance. It's a good theory but not one I want to try to prove any time soon.

I'm out of the shower, dried off and dressed in no time. I'm delighted when I leave the bathroom and find neither of my trainers are there yet. I take advantage of this time in order to touch up my hair and makeup.

With my trainers still not there, I decide to clean my room up a little. The makeup area is about the only place that needs touching up.

What time are they going to get here? I've run out of things to do. I'm not in a rush to start my week but it would be nice to know when to expect them.

I think about cleaning up Danielle's room some more but I'm afraid they won't be as impressed with me if they come in and find me in there. I might even get into trouble.

I end up pacing back and forth in my room. It helps pass the time and allows me to practice the high heels at the same time.

"Well, aren't you a pretty thing," Dean Miller says as he suddenly walks in.

"Thanks you, Dean Miller," I say with a blush.

It suddenly dawns on me that I don't know what I'm supposed to do. Am I supposed to just stand here? Am I supposed to bow or something? I then remember the clips from the BluRay. I was near my matt at the center of the room so I quickly went to it, got on my knees and sat back on my heels. This is the pose all of the girls being tested were in prior to the Dean arriving.

I blush when I realize I might have just assumed a waiting position that is only used for blowjobs. Man, I wish I would have thought of more questions like this for Danielle or at least paid more attention to stuff like this when I was a janitor 3; instead of just looking at the girls' asses and tits.

The Dean smiles and walks over to me. He stands right in front of me. I blush as I realize this is exactly what he did in the video clips. The only difference is that there was a couch nearby where the second half of the evaluation always took place.

As he stands there I can see the outline of his huge cock through his suit pants. He isn't hard yet but he is getting there. For a moment I fear he is going to order me to pull his dick out and suck it. He doesn't though. He just stands there for a minute. I can only guess that he is testing whether I'm obedient enough yet to volunteer to perform the act. That will be a cold day in hell when that happens.

As it is now, I would bite his dick off if he tried to force it on me. That is the plan anyway. I already know I'm full of it. There is no way I would ever bite the Dean's dick. The punishment I would get would probably be unlike anything ever given in the school's history. Yeah, I don't have the balls to temp that kind of fate. I've learned at least that much about myself in the past few days.

"Breakfast time," the Dean announces as he heads for the kitchenette.

"I'm 3; I'm not hungry, sir," I quickly inform him. "I had plenty to eat last night."

"Oh, really?" the Dean says as he stops and looks my way.

Shit! I hope I didn't just get Danielle in trouble. More importantly, I hope I haven't ruined our little food/training arrangement. Not that I'm completely sure our arrangements are better than eating dog food.

No, our arrangements are better, the voice in my head says when I see the Dean turn and continue to the kitchenette.

The sexual training arrangements with Danielle seemed worse when we were doing them. However, the dog food seems significantly worse as I hear the Dean pouring it into my bowl. He pours some water into my other bowl and then walks over with both of them.

He puts them in front of me and then glares at me. His stare completely scares away my will to resist.

"No hands!" he growls as I'm about to reach for a chunk of dog food.

His commanding voice shakes me to my core. I swear I almost pissed myself just then. I quickly lean in and gather several dry food pellets in my mouth. The crunching sound echoes in the room as I chew it into little bits. I gag as I swallow the disgusting mess. I then rush in and sip some water. I'm sure it probably has estrogen in it but right now washing that nasty shit down is my priority.

As I go in for my next mouth full I notice the Dean rubbing his dick through his pants. I blush and try to ignore it.

As I go in for a third mouth full the Dean unzips his pants and pulls his dick out. It looks even bigger in person than it did in the videos. Not that I stared at it. Okay, maybe just briefly. Trust me, you would have also. The thing is unreal.

So far, the Dean has allowed me to stay fully clothed. While that is a good sign, it is obvious he still has something nasty planned. It doesn't take long for me to find out what it is.

"You need more protein," he informs me as I'm sipping up some water. "You can eat it from your bowl or you can take it directly from the source."

I blush profusely and tears form in the corners of my eyes. I promised myself I wouldn't cry today. It was a foolish promise.

There is no way I'm going to let him cum in my mouth. So, I push my food bowl toward him.

"Pick your bowl up and kneel in front of me," he commands.

I do as he orders.

"Higher," he corrects me. "Put your chin right against the side of the bowl with your lips just above the top."

The tears are streaking down my cheeks as I obey.

"Good girl," he praises. "Now open your mouth real wide and stick out your tongue."

I want to protest. He gave me a choice and I clearly choose the food bowl and not my mouth for his deposit. I resist for a second then open my mouth. I feel like such a pussy. Just a few seconds ago I told myself I would never let him cum into my mouth. Yet here I am like a baby bird waiting for its supper.

"Oh, daddy's going to give you plenty of protein," Dean Miller says as he jacks harder on his dick. "Oh! Here it comes!"

I look on in shock as a huge blast of white cum fires out of the end of his dick and hits the dog food just inches from my face. Some of it splashes off the food and sprinkles my tongue and lips but not much. He fires four more equally impressive blasts that do the same. By the time he is done the dog food is absolutely soaked. Amazingly, less than a half teaspoon seems to have gotten into my mouth.

"Good girl," he praises again. "You can finish your breakfast now. Don't stop until that bowl is spotless."

He leaves the room and for an instant I debate going into the bathroom and flushing it all down the toilet. However, I know that's exactly what he wants. It would give him an excuse to punish me.

I put the bowl on the floor and lean down. Before digging in though I close my mouth in order to taste the small fresh sample he provided me. It is strong and bitter but there isn't quite enough of it to tell if it is the same flavor as the cum Danielle had in his mouth yesterday. I swish it around with my tongue a little but still can't make a conclusive determination.

I know cum on the food is already too contaminated for analysis. So, I search around the edge of the bowl. I find a few drops and lick them off. The verdict is still indecisive. Finally I give up and continue on with my task.

The only nice thing is that all of the cum prevents me from having to drink as much water.

I have the bowl licked clean several minutes before he returns. Surprisingly he doesn't make me finish the water. He just orders me to follow him.

He leads me to the guest room. For a moment I fear he is upset that I didn't clean it better. Or worse, he plans to do something sexual with me in there.

I sigh in relief when we go inside and Dr. Stanford is standing there holding a clipboard. Dr. Stanford is an actual medical doctor. He is the main doctor for the school. There are two other people that work with him but I'm not sure if they are actual doctors. I think they are medical technicians or something like that. All I know is that Dr. Stanford is the one in charge.

"This must be Jack," Dr. Stanford says when he sees me.

"Janice," Dean Miller corrects.

"Yes, of course," Dr. Stanford says as he crosses my old name off the sheet clipped to the board and writes my new one next to it. "How are you feeling Janice?"

I blush, but at the same time I feel an immediate liking to this man. He is the first one to call me by my real name since this whole ordeal started. It isn't the first time I've met him though. He had to give me a full check up and take blood samples from me before I could start working here. It wouldn't be good if I had AIDS or something and spread it to half the kids in school.

"Good, sir," I reply.

What else did he expect me to say with the Dean standing right there?

"Okay sugar, we need to give you a full check up again," he informs me. "Please take off all your clothes and then get up on the bed."

I blush but do as he says. He is one of the few adults in this school that I've never seen do anything sexual to the kids. I haven't even heard rumors about him in this regard. Still, I can't help but worry that the reason I never seen or heard about it is because it all takes place in this secure area.

I'm shivering in fear and anxiety by the time I climb onto the bed. I blush further when I notice my dick is semi hard. It's embarrassing and also a bit surprising. After yesterday I thought it would never get hard again.

The doctor starts out with some basic tests. As he does them I note that his dick doesn't seem to be hard. This is a good sign. Yet, at the same time I wonder why not. Even I have to admit that I'm pretty hot looking when I'm all dolled up like this. I chastise myself for being so stupid. Of course not everyone here is hot for boys. Hell, I'm certainly not.

"You know, I think I remember you from a few weeks back," Dr. Stanford says as he shines a light into my left eye. "Your dad is the headmaster, right?"

"Yes, sir," I whisper.

"Wow, you looked a lot different during my last check up," he says.

No shit! I looked a hell of a lot different less than a week ago. His observation angers me but I know he meant no harm by it. If anything, it was probably just his way of complimenting me on how good I now look. I guess I should feel flattered.

"Present," Dr. Stanford says as he finally backs away.

I'm confused and just stare at him. He looks down at his clipboard and realizes how new I am.

"Oh, sorry," he says. "Stand at the side of the bed with your legs spread. Good, now bend over and use your hands to spread your ass cheeks. Very good."

I blush as I follow his instructions. I wait in dread as I hear him putting some rubber gloves on.

"Oh!" I grunt when I feel him pull my plug out.

I hear him put the plug down. The next thing I know he has a couple fingers up my asshole.

"Oh 3; oh," I groan when he pushes a speculum inside and spreads my hole wide.

"Jeez Charles, you really have this one on the fast track," he says as he continues to prod and poke around back there. "It looks like maybe a little too fast. I see some bruising and swelling."

I'm surprised to hear the doctor refer to the Dean by his first name. It's the first time I've even heard the Dean's first name. I can only guess they have known each other for a long time in order to be on a first name basis.

I'm not too surprised about the anal damage. I went from virgin back there to being anally fisted in less than four days. Granted, it was only Danielle's small fist but it was still a fist.

The doctor leaves the speculum in place but steps away for a second. He walks back and lays a metal tray to the right of me. I swallow hard when he removes the towel covering it. Underneath are several different hypodermic needles, vials, and other not so friendly devices.

"Wait 3; wait!" I say when I see him grab one of the hypodermic needles. "What are you going to do?"

He doesn't say anything. He just takes the needle back behind me. Scared, I let go of my cheeks and start to turn.

"Present!" the doctor commands.

"Please!" I beg. "I'm fine. I don't need a shot back there."

"Janice!" Dean Miller growls.

I start crying and my legs begin to shake, but I manage to bend over again.

"Good girl," Dr. Stanford says as I reach back and spread my cheeks again.

I pray that he is only going to give the shot into one of my ass cheeks. However, my worst fears are realized when I hear the hypodermic needle clicking against the inside of the speculum.

"Okay, you will feel a small pinch," he warns me.

"Ow," I groan when I feel the needle puncture me deep inside.

I feel the needle dig in deep and then inject something inside. It seems very close if not right on my ass clit. He removes the needle and stands back. A few seconds later I feel a slight stinging sensation. The stinging grows and grows until I can't stand still any longer.

"Ow 3; ow 3; ow!" I cry as I dance around next to the bed.

I expect the Dean to yell at me to get back into position. However, all I hear from him are a few giggles.

"Sorry sweetheart," the doctor says. "I had to give you that. Don't worry, the pain will be gone shortly. After that you will feel better than ever."

Sure enough, the stinging dies down within a minute and I'm able to get back into position.

"Just a couple more to go," he informs me.

"No, please!" I beg.

"Present!" he says as I start to break position again.

This time I obey right away. I don't want to give the Dean any more reason to yell at me.

The next two shots feel just as bad, only in different spots. One is way deeper inside and the other is into my outer ass ring. My dancing gets more chuckles from the Dean.

I have to admit though that after all the stinging went away my ass actually started to feel better. I blush though when the doctor makes note that my dick got hard as a result of the pain.

"That's a good sign," he assures me.

He explains why but I don't understand most of it. He does say something about making note of it so it can be used in my future training. I don't know what he meant by that but I sure as hell hope he didn't mean getting more shots like those.

"Doesn't she need testicle shots?" the Dean asks as the doctor is removing the metal tray.

"Maybe next time," the doctor replies.

I look back at him in shock. I look for signs that they are just playing a joke on me. I see no indication though.

"Okay, you can lie on the bed and relax," the doctor says as he removes the speculum.

I lay on the bed thankful that the shots seem to be over. I suspect the checkup is over also. The doctor walks over to the Dean and they seem to just be talking about future treatments.

They speak back and forth and the doctor takes various notes. I try to keep up but most of what they are saying seems to be in code. I can only assume it is so patients such as myself are left in the dark.

"I have some stuff I want you to do right away," the Dean finally says.

This comment grabs my attention.

"I want a PT, BS and an ET," the Dean informs him. "Oh, and cage him also."

I find their code very frustrating.

"A PT?" the doctor asks in confusion. "Are you sure? We haven't done one of those around here for years."

"I'm well aware of that," the Dean growls. "If you remember, I was the one that ordered that PT as well. You will also remember it was for my own daughter. So please don't think I haven't given this serious thought."

I'm getting extremely concerned as I listen to their conversation. It is not a good sign that the doctor is hesitant to perform the task. It is an even worse sign that the Dean is being defensive about it. Considering his position and dominant nature, I doubt he feels the need to explain himself that often.

"This one is a special case," the Dean says after a moment. "She is a natural. She just needs a little extra humiliation and discipline."

"You're the boss," the doctor finally replies. "I'll do the PT right away. However, he will need to be very closely monitored. If everything goes well then we will do the BS and ET maybe next week."

The Dean looks like he is listening but he's also dialing someone on his cell phone. I hear him ask someone to send one of my trainers and a PT kit to my room immediately. I can only guess he is talking to his personal assistant.

"The cage?" the Dean asks after getting off the phone.

I shiver as the doctor leans down next to me. I blush when I realize he is looking at my privates. I'm embarrassed to admit that my cock is almost fully hard despite how scared I am. The doctor reaches down with his gloved hand and strokes my dick gently. It takes only two strokes before I'm rock hard.

"I can see why you want him caged," the doctor giggles. "Okay, you have permission to cage him but only for the standard duration."

The doctor walks to my plug drawer and opens it. I swallow hard. The number 2 plug is still in the other room and the number 3 plug is at least 2 inches [5 cm] wide. I almost smile when I see him pull out the smaller number one plug.

"Nothing beyond this for the rest of the week," Dr. Stanford says as he hands it to the Dean.

The Dean doesn't look happy but doesn't argue. He just tosses it my direction. I barely catch it. He gives me a nod to let me know I should put it in. I get it part way in but start to have trouble because it is so dry. The prior times I had lube available to me.

"He's going to hurt himself some more that way," the doctor chastises the Dean as he walks my way.

The doctor holds out his gloved hand and I give him the plug. He grabs onto the base of it and then brings the tip toward my face. I start to back away but a growl from the Dean stops me in my tracks.

"Lick," the doctor orders. "You need to get lots of saliva on it before trying to put it in. It's no wonder your asshole is in such bad shape."

I want to point out that lube was used all weekend, that the real reason for the swelling and bruising was because of everyone's rough treatment of me. I feel this is information the doctor needs to know, but I'm scared to say it in front of the Dean.

I also want to point out that part of that plug was just up my ass a second ago. However, I know he is already aware of this. I scrunch my nose up in disgust as I stick my tongue out and give the plug a lick.

I bring my tongue back into my mouth to gather more saliva. As I do I realize there isn't much taste. It only makes sense considering how clean I am back there thanks to the enemas. The thought of what I'm licking is still disgusting though.

Once the plug is sufficiently wet, the doctor hands it back to me and I slide it into place. It slid in pretty easily this time but it still hurt; especially as it squeezed past my recently medicated anal ring.

"Here you go sugar," the doctor says as he pulls a small plastic bag from his pocket.

He hands it to me and pats me on the head like he is giving me a lollipop or some other kind of treat. When I see what's in it I realize that a treat is exactly what he gave me. It's floss, a toothbrush and some toothpaste! Thank God!

I've always hated brushing my teeth. However, right now this is the best present anyone could ever give me. The flavors my mouth has been subjected to in the past few days have been horrible. What makes them even worse is that those flavors often linger in my mouth. Plus, there is always the knowledge that residue is probably still stuck to my teeth and stuff. Even now I can still taste some of the dog food and feel bits of it caked between my teeth.

"I want you to use this every morning and every night," he informs me. "Now go brush real fast and then meet us back here."

I can't tell you how happy I feel when he tells me this. I can't help but smile as I get up and practically skip to the bathroom with joy. I hate myself for showing them how happy I am with the gift, but I just can't help myself. I get to clean my teeth! Not just right now but every day from now on!

I brush as fast as I can, but at the same time make sure I get my teeth thoroughly clean. I also brush my tongue to make sure I get all the flavor off it as well. I want to floss but I'm not sure I have permission to do that right now. Plus, the doctor indicated that I should hurry.

I put everything back in the plastic bag once I'm done and place it next to the sink. As I walk out of the bathroom I hear the school bell ring announcing that the first class is over.

When I get to the hall I see the Dean and the doctor chatting in the next room. They don't see me yet and for a moment I think about attempting an escape. I can already tell that what they have planned for me is going to be very horrible.

I know the shock collar will bring me to my knees almost immediately. However, when will it go off? Will it go off the second I head down this long hall or will it wait until I get to the door at the end? It makes a huge difference.

The halls are full of kids right now. All I would have to do is make it out that door and start screaming. Most of the kids will probably ignore me but at least one or two will take note. They of course won't help me directly, but if they see that I'm really a boy then the school's dirty little secret will quickly spread.

It's a good plan, but I'm scared of what will happen to me if I fail. Besides, I'm positive they must have already thought about this scenario.

Stop being such a pussy! the voice in my head screams. You can't escape if you never try!

It takes a few seconds but I finally get the courage up to try. However, I notice something right before I'm about to bolt down the hall. There is a card scanner and keypad next to the door. Just like on the other side. FUCK! The door is locked from the inside as well!

I feel disappointed and a tinge of hopelessness but I'm also extremely glad that I noticed the keypad and scanner now and not after I dashed down the hall. I hold back a tear as I turn and continue on into the guest room.

When I enter I discover that the Dean and doctor are not the only people in the room. Drew is there and so is one of the male medical technicians. The medical technician is just standing next to the bed holding a gag of some kind. It doesn't take a genius to know who the gag is for.

I focus for a moment on the gag and then note that Drew is preparing something next to the fridge. She has a large pitcher of what appears to be water and is pouring a powder in it. The water turns reddish as she stirs it up.

She sees me standing at the entrance and motions for me to come to her. She pours me a glass of the fluid and tells me to have a seat on the bed. I sit but don't drink from the glass. The last time one of my trainers gave me an unknown drink I lost control of my bowels. Plus, there is a good chance there is estrogen in the drink.

Drew giggles when she sees my hesitance.

"It's perfectly fine," she says as she takes the glass from me and takes a large swallow. "Now drink the rest down."

Convinced that it is safe, I quickly drink it down. It was cherry flavor and actually tasted pretty good. I give Drew a smile as I hand the cup back. I'm not really that happy right now but Drew seems to be acting very nice to me and I don't want to spoil it.

She fills the glass again and hands it back. I drink about half of it before I have my fill.

"Finish it," she tells me.

I'm not thirsty anymore but I manage to get it down no problem. I get confused though when I hand it back and she fills it again.

"I'm not thirsty anymore," I inform her.

"Drink it," she says in a stern voice.

It's now that I realize something is going on. I just can't figure out what that something might be.

It takes a lot of effort but I manage to get the glass empty. Drew goes to fill it again but the medical technician informs her that three glasses is sufficient.

"Lie in the center of the bed and put your arms out," the technician orders as he lays the gag down.

Whatever they have planned it is about to happen. I'm so scared that I feel a little like peeing. All that cool aid doesn't help matters any. I do as he says though. My head is back on one of the pillows but the technician grabs a second one in order to elevate my head and shoulders a little. It's comfortable but doesn't overcome how nervous I am.

The technician reaches down toward the floor and then comes back up holding the leather wrist cuff and chain restraint Danielle used on me yesterday. I pull my hand away when he grabs for it. He looks toward the Dean and then back to me. Slowly I reach back out and surrender my hand to him. He cuffs the wrist and then goes around the bed and does the same to the other wrist.

I get really concerned when he goes to the foot of the bed and reaches down and comes up with a third restraint. My arms are already immobilized so there is no point is struggling at this point.

"I have to pee," I inform him as he is shackling my left ankle.

"I know," he says as he continues on to the next foot.

Well, then let me the fuck up so I can pee! The urge to pee isn't extremely dire, but I know I can't hold it forever. The last time I had the arm restraints on I laid here for hours. They are going to have a very wet bed if they plan to keep me tied up anywhere near that long this time.

Once the final restraint is in place, the technician picks up a tube of something. He leans over the bed with the tube and applies something sticky and gooey all around the outside of my mouth. He backs away just long enough to put the tube down and pick up the gag. He then brings the gag toward my face.

During the search of my room I found a cabinet full of gags. This looks like one of the gags I found there. It is one of the weirder ones also. Not that they weren't all pretty weird.

At first glance it looks just like most of the other gags. There is a black round piece of rubber connected to a leather strap. What makes this gag odd is that there is a hole going through it. My best guess is that it allows you to breathe easier.

I hesitate for only a second before opening my mouth so he can put the gag inside. He motions for me to lift my head further so he can strap the gag in place. I obey.

As he tightens the strap I feel it press into the goo he put around my mouth. Once he is done he steps back and starts talking to Drew. I can't make out everything but it appears he is giving instructions on how to unstick the gag from my face. Yeah, I didn't believe it when I heard it either.

He explains that it works like a glue but never gets fully hard. As such it can be yanked away from my face in an emergency. However, there is still a little risk of injury to the skin if you yank it off. Therefore, all other times she should use a solvent he was providing her.

My brain was going a mile a minute as he explains all of this. I'm not only trying to understand what he is saying but also trying to figure out why the gooey stuff is there in the first place. Why do they need to 'glue' this thing to my face?

I try to breath around the gag and quickly discover that it is 100 percent air proof. I get a little air through the hole but not much. I panic a little and find myself huffing and puffing through my nose. Something tells me that maybe this is the point of the gooey stuff 3; to make it harder for me to breath.

I then get a much worse thought. All they would have to do is plug the hole and pinch my nose and I wouldn't be able to breathe at all.

This last thought scares the shit out of me. It is something I just know the Dean would probably do just for laughs. I struggle to push the plug out of my mouth but the strap is way too tight.

"Everything is ready, doctor," the technician says once he is done talking to Drew.

"Your excused," the doctor informs the technician.

The technician looks like he is a little disappointed to miss what they have planned next, but he obeys and leaves. I expect to hear him go into the observation room but he doesn't. It makes me wonder if there might be someone in there already and he knows it. Or, maybe he wasn't upset about not watching but actually wanted to perform the procedure himself.

"Wait across the hall," the Dean says to Drew.

Drew obeys but I notice her give me a concern look before exiting. The Dean closes the door behind her.

"How's my little girl doing?" the Dean says as he sits on the bed just below my outstretched left arm.

I'm trying my best not to cry as I look up at him. I manage to hold the tears back but it isn't easy. The Dean is a very intimidating man and I'm currently extremely vulnerable. He could literally kill me right now with just two fingers. All he would have to do is pinch my nose.

I'm pretty positive he doesn't plan to kill me 3; that would be too merciful.

My eyes get big as his right hand comes toward my face. He doesn't go for my nose though. Instead he just combs his fingers through my hair like he is trying to sooth me. It seems an odd move for the evil man. It takes me a moment to realize that he appears to be admiring me 3; or at least Janice.

As far as I know, today is the first time he has seen me with my hair done and makeup on. It is hard to tell if he is just studying the change or if he actually finds me attractive.

I'm not sure how I feel about the idea of the man maybe being attracted to me. He is a very powerful man in the school and all it would take is a word from him to set me free. If I managed to seduce him then he might actually do that. However, such a seduction might also just encourage him to keep me here longer.

My attention goes to the doctor as he sits a box down between my outspread legs. The box is about a foot and a half [45 cm] square and about 6 inches [15 cm] tall. It is covered by a kind of medical cloth. The doctor carefully unfolds the cloth to reveal the plastic box underneath.

Sitting on top of the box is a fresh pair of gloves. He removes the ones he has on and carefully puts the new ones on. He then removes the plastic lid, turns it upside down and places it to the side. Next he pulls out several cotton swabs and puts them on the lid. He then pours what looks to be some kind of iodine on the swabs.

I get extremely concerned when he next brings out a fresh cloth, unfolds it and places it between my legs just below my cock and balls.

The doctor walks to the right side of the bed and then climbs up, making sure his hands never touch anything. He looks a little awkward as he shuffles to my side on his knees. He then straddles my right leg with one knee on either side. It's a little uncomfortable when he sits down on my leg but it isn't too bad.

"Are you sure his trainers aren't giving him stimulants?" the doctor asks as he grabs hold of my hard dick with his left hand. "I've never seen a student this 3; um, responsive before; especially under conditions like this."

I'm scared to death right now but I can't help but blush in embarrassment. The Dean replies that they are not giving me anything but I actually pray he is lying. If he is telling the truth then that means all these hard ons are my own doing. I just can't believe that to be true.

The doctor picks up a medical clamp with his free hand and uses it to grab one of the iodine cotton swabs.

"Mmmm!" I yell into the gag as he rubs the swab on the end of my dick.

It stings but that is not the only reason I'm complaining. If they are swabbing my dick then that means they plan to do something to it. I suspected this already but now it has been confirmed. Needless to say, I don't want to have anything to do with it.

I squirm but the doctor just lowers his left forearm to my hips and stomach to hold me still. He disposes of the swab and then repeats the process two more times with fresh swabs.

He then reaches into the box and pulls out a long and thin clear plastic hose. I start protesting again when I see him bringing one end of it toward my dick.

"Shhh," the Dean says as he looks down at me and runs his fingers through my hair again. "The doctor has to do this so daddy can potty train you."

I now know what PT stands for. However, I still have no clue what it is. Drew mentioned 'Potty' yesterday but she was referring to my enemas. This tube was headed for my dick, not my plug/asshole!

"MMMM!" I yell when I feel the rounded tip of the tube push into my urethra.

The doctor just keeps feeding more and more of it inside. He feeds it very deep and it hurts the whole way in. I see some yellow start to come up the tube but the doctor pinches something that makes it stop. It takes me only a second to realize that the yellow is urine. The tube was painful but I still feel embarrassed for peeing myself.

A foot or so up the plastic tube there is another small tube coming off it. The doctor attaches some kind of syringe and attaches it to that tube. He then injects a clear fluid. When he does this I feel pressure in my bladder. It is then that I realize where this hose actually leads to inside me. It goes to my bladder. That is why the pee came out earlier. I don't feel as embarrassed now, but I'm still pretty fucking concerned.

"Don't worry, it's just a small balloon at the end of the hose," the doctor tells me. "It won't hurt you. I just have to inflate it so the hose won't come out."

Oh, that's all?! Yeah, we wouldn't want that hose to come out of my dick! Is he insane?

The doctor wipes the iodine away and then starts cleaning his mess up. After all the trash is back in the box he slides off the bed. He then tosses the Dean what looks to be some medical tape.

A minute later the doctor has gathered all his things and heads to the door.

"You might want to cage him now," the doctor says before leaving. "While he is still soft."

The doctor giggles then walks out, closing the door behind him. I blush again but my main concern is still the tube coming out of my dick. I also have a very urgent need to pee.

The Dean must know this because he smiles down at me. He then reaches over and puts his hand on the skin above my bladder. He presses a little and I pee myself. Or at least I thought I did. My muscles feel like I'm going to pee but nothing happens. Tears form as I realize I can't pee unless they allow me too. Is this what potty training is?

All I know is that it is horrible. I feel like something inside me will explode soon if I don't get to pee.

The Dean finally stands up and walks to a cabinet. A moment later he turns holding some small pieces of shiny metal. He gets back on the bed and lays his shoulder and arm against my stomach. He is a big man and the pressure on my bladder is very painful. I breathe shallow in order to relieve some of the discomfort.

I get goose bumps when I feel the cold steel touching my privates. First he puts something around the base of my dick and ball sack. Next I feel my dick encased in the cold steel. He fiddles with it for a minute and then sits up.

As he sits up I get my first view of his handy work. He has fastened two pieces of metal together to form a kind of round tube. That tube is encasing my dick! The metal tube is about 3 to 4 inches [8-10 cm] long and slightly curved downward. The end of the tube is rounded with only a small hole. Extending out of that hole is the plastic tube the doctor inserted earlier.

The whole thing is secured in place by a metal band running behind my balls and the base of my dick. The Dean holds up a weird looking screwdriver of sorts and teasingly wiggles it back and forth a few times. It becomes clear to me that this is the cage they spoke of earlier and that I can't get my dick out of it without that special screwdriver.

I now know what a cage looks like, but I still don't understand its purpose. Now is not the time to worry about it though. My bladder is my number one concern right now.

"Does my little girl need to peepee?" the Dean asks.

I vigorously nod my head up and down and groan into the gag. He knows damn well I have to pee but just wants to make me beg.

"Okay, let's start your potty training then," he says as he grabs for the plastic tubing.

I look on in confusion as he takes the other end of the long tube and brings it up toward my head.

"Nhmmm!" I scream when I remember the hole in my gag.

That's insane! He wouldn't do that! He couldn't! Yet, he does.

The end of the tube has some kind of valve on it. He presses it against the hole in my gag and there is a clicking sound. He backs away and the tube stays connected. He then uses several pieces of tape to secure the tube to my stomach and chest. I can only guess they don't want it accidentally getting pinched off.

He then reaches down and removes the clamp that is pinching the tube. The yellow piss starts racing up the tube again. I try blowing into the hole at the back of the gag but it has no effect. Right before the piss reaches the gag though the Dean pinches the hose again with his fingers.

The Dean just looks down into my eyes. I know he can easily read my fear and disgust. I pray that he is just playing a game. That he won't actually make me drink my own piss. However, I can tell by the look in his eyes that he is going to make me do it. He is just delaying so that he can savor the moment.

"Daddy's little girl is going to love the taste of piss when I'm done with her," Dean Miller whispers to me.

The Dean releases the hose for a second and then pinches it again. He stops the flow but not before a couple tablespoons shoot into my mouth. I scrunch up my nose in disgust as I taste the salty bitter flavor.

I don't want to swallow but it is better than keeping the nasty tasting stuff in my mouth. I gag a little as I force the putrid fluid down my throat. It turns my stomach but I don't get sick. Then it suddenly dawns on me that the puke would have nowhere to go if I did get sick.

"Good girl," the Dean says.

The Dean just looks into my eyes for another minute. While he does this he uses his free hand to kind of toy with one of my nipples. Even in my current situation, his manipulation of my nipples still sends bolts of pleasure down my body and into my dick.

It is then that I discover the purpose of my little cock cage. My body sends the signals for my dick to get hard but it can't because of the enclosure! It's not painful really, just a weird feeling of frustration.

Part of me is thankful for the cage. I would be mortified if the Dean seen my dick hard right now considering what is taking place. Yet, this frustration feeling isn't that delightful either. I hope they don't plan to leave this cage on me for too long.

The Dean releases another jet of piss into my mouth. This time he doesn't pinch the tube until my cheeks are bloated with piss.

No 3; no 3; no, the voice in my head yells. I can't allow myself to swallow this much!

A couple teaspoons is one thing. This is a whole gaping mouth full. It's just too utterly disgusting.

"Come on sugar," the Dean whispers. "Be a good girl for daddy."

All he has to do is let more piss through the hose and I will be forced to swallow. However, I can tell this isn't good enough for him. He wants to see me swallow it on my own.

I tell myself I should resist, that I should force him to make me drink the piss. However, I'm smart enough to know that the more resistant I am the more piss they will make me drink. I scrunch my nose up again and allow myself to swallow. It takes three swallows to get it all.

"Good girl," the Dean praises again.

It takes me a good minute to get my stomach under control. It especially becomes difficult when I realize the piss is mixing in my stomach with a bunch of dog food and a side order of the Dean's sperm. Something tells me that all the cool aid is already in my bladder.

"Please, no!" I try to scream behind the gag as he releases the tube again.

I hold the piss in my mouth only 30 seconds this time before swallowing it down.

I realize that he isn't going to stop until my bladder is empty. So, the next time he releases the hose I just start swallowing immediately.

"Very good girl," he praises as my throat tries to keep up with the flow.

I feel utter shame as I guzzle the rest of my piss down. This is by far the most disgusting and humiliating thing I could ever imagine. Yet, I gave in so easily. The Dean is very pleased with me but I'm far from it.

As the stream dies down the Dean grabs the clamp and pinches the hose off again. He then sits there running his fingers through my hair and telling me how proud he is of me. How I'm such a good girl. How he plans to take good care of me. I'm not sure but I think this is my first report card or at least my first progress report. He even goes into a few details. He praises me on how quickly I've taken to eating cum; how much my ass has stretched; etc. He even tells me he has never seen anyone milk so easily 3; whatever that means.

I want to close my eyes and block him out, but I'm scared he will just unclamp the tube again. My bladder is pretty empty, but not completely.

The Dean continues with the praise for several minutes. I question how sincere he is though. The whole time he is playing with my nipples and I'm sure he must know how frustrating it feels considering my dick is caged.

I also suspect that he might just be trying to distract me so that I'm less likely to get sick. The less I think about what I just drank, the better.

After about ten minutes he finally leans over and gives me a kiss on the forehead. Then he gets up and walks out.

Drew comes in a minute later to check on me. She checks to make sure the hose is clamped off correctly. She then pulls a cord out from behind the bed. There is a button at the end of it. She pulls it over to my right hand and tapes the end of the cord to my index finger.

"Press the button if you get sick or have to potty," she instructs me.

She then turns the TV on. The video that comes on appears to be a recording or possibly a live feed of one of the classrooms.

"Pay attention," she tells me as she turns the volume up. "The Dean might decide to quiz you later."

Drew then leaves the room, shutting the door behind her.

After she leaves I think about forcing myself to throw up. Heavens knows it wouldn't be hard. It would probably be a horrible and painful death 3; but all of this would be over. As horrible as they are treating me and as hopeless as escape seems to be, I'm just too scared of death. So, I just lay there and watch the TV.

About an hour later I hear the bell ring, indicating it is time to change classes. I hear the sound on the TV at the same time. This confirms that it is indeed a live feed. It's weird but this actually comforts me. It makes me feel a little less of a prisoner somehow. It's almost like I'm actually out there in the classrooms with everyone else.

Drew enters the room shortly after the bell rings. She grabs the TV remote and changes to a different classroom. Apparently this is my next class for the day.

She sits on the bed next to me and runs her fingers through my hair like the Dean did earlier. It seems much more affectionate coming from Drew. She looks into my eyes and I can tell she feels sorry for me. I can also tell that she wants to tell me this but isn't allowed too.

"Do you have to potty?" she whispers after a minute.

The truth is that I do have to pee pretty bad again already. I was just trying to hold out a little longer. Maybe another 20 to 30 minutes at least. Now that Drew has asked, I'm afraid she will be upset if I say 'no' and then hit the button only 20 minutes later.

I close my eyes and force myself to nod. A couple seconds later and I feel the piss rushing into my mouth. The piss seems stronger and bitterer this time. I then realize that this is probably because it is the second time it has passed through my system.

Drew feeds me the piss just like the Dean did earlier. She lets the piss flow until my cheeks bulge out. Then she clamps it off and waits for me to swallow. She even plays with my nipples and gives me similar praise when I do swallow.

I know there is no point in delaying anymore, so when she unclamps the tube again I just start swallowing as fast as I can. This seems to make Drew very happy. Just like the Dean was when I chugged the piss for him. She even gives me the same kiss on the forehead before leaving.

Drew returns every hour like this throughout the school day. Each time she changes the channel so I can watch my next class. I don't have to potty every hour but I still end up doing so three more times before the end of the school day.

As I watch the classes I'm surprised at how little sex takes place. I always thought the classes were just one long ongoing orgy. The classes I got pulled in to sure seemed that way. I guess those were just special occasions 3; or possibly specialized classes.

That said, the teachers do seem to do something sexual for at least half the class. The routine seems to be about 30 minutes of lecturing followed by 30 minutes of sex. However, the teacher only involves one to four kids in the sex games. All the rest seldom even have to watch. The rest are usually working on projects, reading their books or doing some other academic assignment.

Believe it or not, I actually find the lectures more interesting than the sex. It is nice to think of something other than sex for a change. Yeah, I can't believe I said that either. But it is true. Besides, when I watch the sex I find it extremely frustrating that I can't get hard.

Around 4 p.m. Drew comes in like normal and asks if I have to potty. I blush and then nod. However, she surprises me by removing the hose from my gag. She grabs a small bucket at the side of the bed and puts the end of the hose in it. She then releases the clamp and lets all my piss run into the bucket.

I wait for her to remove my gag but she doesn't. Instead, she goes to the fridge and brings out an enema syringe. The syringe is full of some disgusting brown junk. She sits next to me on the bed and presses the end of the syringe to the hole in my gag.

I want to struggle but see no point. To my surprise, the liquid that enters my mouth doesn't taste as bad as it looks. It tastes like a variety of vegetable and other juices. It is humiliating to be fed this way, but I swallow it all down.

After the food is gone she gives me a full syringe full of cool aid. I feel bloated by the time I finish it all. I feel much better though.

"No!" I try to beg when I see her reattach my piss tube to my gag.

Drew then changes the channel again and leaves. As my next class begins I quickly discover this class is a lot more like what I remember seeing when I was janitor. It is dedicated almost solely to sex. By sex, I mean the study of sex. Sure, there is a lot more actual sex going on but it isn't just sex for the sake of sex. It is more like they are studying the subject using a hands on type approach.

I know that sounds funny but I'm serious. The instructor is actually teaching the kids some interesting stuff. Like how you can tell when you are giving just the right suction during a blowjob. Okay, I'm not interested in knowing that but it is cool they teach it to the girls. They of course teach them a lot more technical stuff than that but you get the gist.

I have to pee badly by the time this class is over. I have to go so bad that I almost hit the emergency button this time. I managed to hold off. I'm nodding my head up and down though before Drew even gets in the door. She giggles and rushes over and undoes the clamp. This time I start guzzling right away. I still gag a little but it is no were near as bad as earlier this morning.

"I won't get angry if you press the button," Drew whispers.

I feel my heart flutter when she says this. I'm not sure why. I guess it just feels like she actually cares. All day long she acted like she cared but just now it truly felt like she did.

The next two classes are sex related as well. It quickly becomes clear to me why I thought all of the classes were like this. It is because I only worked here during the late afternoons when these types of classes were in session.

One of these two classes does turn out a little different. In addition to sex it also focuses a lot on seduction. I know the concept of seduction but it is not something I thought you could actually teach. I also didn't realize it was something girls would need to learn. Seriously, just tell a guy you want to fuck him and 3; well, he'll fuck you. It's really not rocket science.

As I watch the class I quickly discover girls really put a lot of thought into this whole seduction thing. It is like a science all in itself. Most of it doesn't even involve words. There is a way to look at a guy; a way to pretend not to look; a way to fiddle with your hair; a way to walk when you know a certain someone is watching you 3; the list goes on and on.

This class turns out to be a lot more interesting than I thought it would be. As the instructor goes over the different aspects of seduction I get these memory flashes of all the girls that have done similar things to me. I have to wonder if they were actually trying to seduce me at the time or if it was just unknowing actions on their part.

I blush when I remember my sisters performing some of these seduction techniques on me. The more I think about it the more instances I remember. I'm sure they were just practicing. I highly doubt they wanted to have sex with me.

Something then occurs to me. Normally they performed these techniques when they wanted something from me 3; like doing one of their chores for them. Damn! I normally gave in and did the chores too! I can't believe I let them manipulate me like that!

That said, this does make me take this class a lot more seriously. I have no intention of seducing someone. However, this knowledge will help me determine when someone else is trying to do it to me.

Unfortunately, many of these seduction techniques are just a refresher for the kids and the teacher goes over them very quickly with little to no explanation. I still learn a lot but it would have been nice if I had a way to record it all.

As the last class of the day finally ends, it dawns on me that all day long every single class had consisted of 10 or 11 year olds. I guess it makes sense. This school is much more advanced than the high school I attend 3; or attended anyway. Starting me out with the 10 and 11 year olds is actually a compliment.

But wait, does that mean they plan to pass me off as an 11 year old? I look up at the ceiling mirror and study Janice. I'm pretty small for a boy my age but as a girl I feel I look at least 12.

I swallow hard. If they set me up in the school as an 11-year-old then that means it will be an extra two years before I graduate! Does that mean the Dean now plans to keep me here for seven years instead of the five he promised my father?!

This worries me for a minute. Then I remember I plan to run away anyway once they let me out of this confinement. With luck I will escape much sooner than that even.

When the last class ends I expect Drew to give me my potty break, but it is Casey that walks in instead. I blush at the knowledge that yet another person is seeing me like this.

"You are going to be a heart breaker," Casey says as she approaches the bed.

It takes me a moment to realize this is the first time she has seen me dolled up. The comment embarrasses me but at the same time is flattering.

"Do you have to potty?" she says as she sits next to me.

I feel like crying when I realize that my ordeal with my piss tube is probably far from over. Drew had to come in on the weekend and apparently Casey is taking the night shift tonight in return.

Chapter 11

As I suspected, Casey makes hourly visits late into the evening. It is basically a repeat of what took place all day with Drew. Only instead of watching classes on the TV I watch porn. Well, technically it is 'advanced sex training'. But yeah, it's porn.

These are all tapes though. Even Humbled Girls don't usually train at the school past 7 p.m. And of course all of the videos didn't even have real girls in them. They are all of boy students dressed up like girls. They have sex with each other and various instructors.

It is disgusting to watch but I'm scared to admit that I did feel my cock trying to get hard several times. I think it is because it has been caged up all day.

I don't like watching these videos but my only other alternative is to stare at the mirror above me. At least by watching the boys in the videos I'm able to compare makeup and hair and stuff. You know, get ideas on how I can doll myself up better. Just to impress my trainers of course. Not like I like doing it.

Casey finally turns the TV off at 10 p.m. She also removes the hose from my gag and lets my piss pour into the bucket like Drew did earlier in the day. Only this time Casey doesn't feed me anything. She just gives me the equivalent of a few sips of cool aid. She then reattaches the hose to my gag. Only this time she removes the clamp before she leaves.

I scream into the plug to remind her it is supposed to be clamped but she ignores me. Thankfully, my bladder is already empty and nothing shoots up the hose.

Being tied up like this is very uncomfortable. My piss is constantly dripping into my mouth as well. However, I've had a hard day and manage to fall asleep pretty fast. Like my prior nights here, I have constant nightmares. However, I manage to sleep through most of them.

My worst nightmare comes around 3 a.m. I dream that the Dean comes into my room and pees into my mouth. I lay there and gulp his piss as fast as I can. I wake in a start and realize that I'm wetting the bed. Only instead of the pee wetting the sheets it is traveling up the tube and into my mouth.

It takes me a few seconds to get my bladder under control. I get two more swallows of piss before I settle down. The only good outcome of this incident is that my bladder is extra empty now and the drips don't start back up until after I'm asleep again.


"Is daddy's little girl potty trained yet?"

I open my eyes and see the Dean standing over me. For a second I think I'm having the same nightmare again. In fact, for an instant I think everything that happened yesterday was just a bad dream. But then I realize it did happen and this is the real Dean standing over me.

"Does my little girl like the taste of pee yet?" the Dean asks.

I know the answer he wants but I can't bring myself give it. In an unprecedented act of defiance I shake my head 'no'. I feel proud that I actually had the balls to deny the Dean his glory. My celebration is short lived.

"Maybe she will tomorrow," he says and then turns and walks out.

It takes all my willpower not to scream into the gag for him to come back. Something tells me though that he planned to leave the gag on regardless of my answer. If I had said 'yes' then he probably would have said something like, "Good then you will enjoy today as much as yesterday". Or something stupid like that.

I'm surprised when I see Casey walk in a minute later. Did she watch over me all night or did she go home and come back just seven or eight hours later?

"How's our little girl doing this morning?" Casey asks.

I just look down at my piss tube. I doubt she will take it out but I'm hoping she will at least clamp it off again. The constant drip and little spurts are driving me insane. It is also very humiliating that every time I swallow someone watching knows I just drank some more piss 3; like I'm nursing on my piss tube or something. Which, I guess I technically am.

"It's time for your morning enema," Casey informs me. "I'm going to uncuff you now. If you even touch your catheter I swear to God I will inject your butt plug with water and then run a tub from your plug to your gag! Are we clear?"

I nod. Had she said this a couple days ago I would have taken it as an empty threat 3; after yesterday, not so much. The thought of drinking my own enema makes me feel ill. That first enema is never that clean.

Casey removes the restraints and I groan in pain as I try to loosen my sore muscles. My arms are very stiff from being immobilized for so long. As I move them this way and that I make sure they never get close to my piss tube.

Casey tells me to follow her into my room. However, when I go to get out of bed the movement causes pressure on my bladder and I'm rewarded with a long spray of piss into my mouth. Casey is patient as she quietly waits for me to gulp it all down.

I walk as tenderly as possible, but each step still sends tiny squirts of piss into my mouth.

The enema process turns out to be the worst. The large enemas cause internal pressure which in return pushes more urine into my tube. Releasing the enemas is just as bad since I have to cramp down in order to force the last of each enema out of my guts.

"Do you like the taste of your pee?" Casey says once my insides are clean.

This is basically the same question the Dean asked me earlier. It takes me longer to shake my head 'no' this time. However, I'm proud to say that I at least didn't nod 'yes'.

"Do you think you would like the taste of my pee better?" she asks. "I could take your gag off so you could try it. We could maybe even leave your gag off for a couple hours so you could eat, brush your teeth and stuff."

Too humiliated to look her in the eye, I close my own and nod. I would rather drink a girl's piss over my own any day. Wait, what did I just say? Okay, that didn't sound right. What I mean 3; well, I'm sure you know what I mean.

Besides, my mouth is pretty sore from having the gag in so long. It's not a huge gag but it limits how much I can move my jaws; especially with that damn glue stuff under it.

"Are you sure you want to drink my pee?" she asks.

I blush as I nod again.

The gag comes off a lot easier than I expected. Casey has some fluid she pours on the gooey stuff but it doesn't require much.

As the gag comes off I look over at the toilet a few feet away. I want to run over and throw up; anything to get some of this piss out of my stomach. However, I find that my stomach really isn't that upset about it. Go figure. I spend all day yesterday begging my stomach to settle down and now that I want to get sick it decides not to.

I brush my teeth and tongue vigorously. Casey giggles a little as she watches me clean my mouth out. I probably would have spent a full hour brushing had she not ordered me to the shower.

Showering is odd with my pee tube still attached. Casey lets me untape most of it from my chest and stomach, but I have to be very careful not to let it hang too low. If I trip over it and pull it out I'm pretty sure it would be painful. The really nice thing is that Casey didn't clamp it. That allows me to empty my bladder down the shower drain.

Casey tells me to spend at least 20 minutes in the shower. It's an odd order but I'm not going to complain. God does this shower feel good. It makes me feel much cleaner 3; even though technically the outside of my body was already rather spotless.

I'm reaching about the 15 minute mark when I get a huge surprise. I look off to my side and find Casey staring at me. This is the first time that anyone has watched me take a shower. That I know of anyway. The real surprise, however, is that Casey is naked.

Damn, she is hot! I already noticed this days ago of course. However, I expected at least one or two minor imperfections under her clothes. But no, she is absolutely perfect. My dick tries to get hard but I'm quickly reminded of the cock cage.

I look at Casey and then down at my cage. I can tell she understands what I want.

"Sorry sugar," Casey says. "I don't have the tool to remove your cage. Besides, what good would it do? Can you imagine how painful it would feel to climax with that tube still in there?"

Casey makes an exaggerated shiver as she says this. I almost do so myself. I hadn't thought about that. Maybe the cage isn't as bad as I thought.

Still, the cage is just so frustrating. I get turned on, yet I don't. Without the cage when I got aroused all my desire, emotions and such all kind of got stored in my hard on and then shot out of me when I climaxed. Now all of that stuff has nowhere to go. It just floats around in my belly and chest and keeps building and building.

I think it might be making me more emotional and stuff also. Like all of that built up desire and emotions are overflowing into other things I do. I don't know, maybe I'm just imagining it.

"Have you ever eaten pussy before?" Casey whispers as she steps into the shower.

I shake my head 'no'. I also involuntarily look down at her pubic area. It is mostly bald but with a neatly trimmed landing strip on top.

"You can speak," she giggles.

It isn't until then that I realize I've been a lot more quiet than normal.

"No, ma'am," I reply.

Casey gives me this shocked look like I'm a virgin or something. Hey, I've fucked plenty of pussy. Especially in the last four weeks. I've just never had the need to eat pussy is all. Seriously, why would I bother eating a girl's smelly pussy if I can just make her suck my dick instead?

"Would you like too?" she whispers.

I nod.

"Yes, ma'am," I say when I remember she wants me to speak and not just nod.

Eating a girl's pussy has never been high on my to-do list. However, right now I really want to do it. I want to please Casey but I also want 3; no need to do anything to make me feel like a man again. Well, as manly as a 13-year-old boy can be.

Casey snaps her fingers and points to the ground in front of her. A second ago it sounded almost like she was asking me for a favor. Now it seems more like an order. I'm only stunned for a few seconds before I kneel down in front of her.

As I get to my knees, Casey reaches over and turns the shower off. She then places her right leg over my left shoulder. She gives a nudge with her right foot and I move in closer.

I stick my tongue out and slowly close in. I give her slit a small lick and then analyze the flavor. It's not as bad as I expected. I wouldn't say it was tasty though.

I think she realizes I don't know what I'm doing so she starts giving me pointers. She tells me how to lick her clit, nibble on your lips, etc.

"You know what I really like?" she says as though she is about to give away a secret. "I like to have my hole sucked and tongued. Spread me wide with your fingers and seal your lips tight against my vagina. Oh, good girl! Now lap inside it with your tongue and suck hard on it like you are trying to get all the juices out of me."

Casey's instructions seem weird and a bit 3; well, disgusting. However, it doesn't sound all that bad. Especially compared to all the other things I've done recently. Plus, I'm actually having sex with a woman! Not a little girl but a woman! It doesn't get any manlier than that.

With my lips sealed to her hole I stick my tongue deep inside. When I lap my tongue back out, however, my mouth is rewarded with an odd flavor. It tastes like the rest of her pussy, only with something kind of bitter added. I assume that is what it is supposed to taste like and dive in for more. This time I get at least a half teaspoon of the added flavor.

It's definitely strong and bitter, just like 3; Oh, God! Suddenly I realize what the flavor is and try to pull my mouth away from her sex. Casey won't have it though and holds me tight.

"Stay in there bitch!" she growls. "Suck all of daddy's sperm out for me!"

I'm amazed at how strong Casey is. I think for sure that I can escape her grip. However, she easily holds me in place like I'm a little girl or something. I struggle for about 20 seconds and then give in. After all of the piss I have drunk you would think cum would taste yummy. It doesn't. I would be lying though if I said it still disgusts me just as much. I mean, it's still disgusting, but after drinking pee for a day it's hard to get grossed out drinking 3; well, about anything else.

I lap and tongue her hole several times before she insists I suck on it as well. When I do I get a large quantity of semen. I can tell from the taste that it is very fresh. Whoever deposited it must have done so in the short time I was alone in the shower.

As I nurse on her hole I try to convince myself that what I'm doing isn't gay. How can anything I'm doing with a woman be considered gay? It's a good argument but it doesn't hold much water when you have a mouth full of semen.

"Good girl," Casey says as she pulls my head away. "Daddy will be proud when he hears how good of a job you did."

I blush and feel like crying. This is twice she has mentioned 'daddy'. I pray she means the Dean or some other man and not my actual father. I'm not sure what would be worse, my dad knowing I just ate a man's load out of Casey's cunt or that it might have been his? God, I hope neither is true.

"Time to wash it down," Casey says as she stares down into my eyes.

I start crying when I realize what is coming next. Haven't I been through enough?

"Spread me wide again," she commands. "Good girl. That's my pee hole right there. Put your mouth over it and get a good seal. Oh, good girl! Here it comes baby!"

A second later and I'm rewarded with a strong hot stream of tart piss. I quickly discover that drinking a girl's piss is no better than drinking my own. Taste wise anyway.

I chug as fast as I can but some still runs out of my mouth and down my body. Her stream is very strong for about 20 seconds and then tapers off. She feeds me three more quick strong spurts before finally pulling away. I just kneel there and cry.

"I don't give my piss to just anyone," Casey says in a stern voice. "What do good girls say when someone gives them a gift?"

"Th 3;thank you, ma'am," I manage to say in-between sobs.

As the shower comes back on and we wash off, I can't believe how pathetic I am. I couldn't even struggle against a woman. I begin to cry harder when it dawns on me that I wasn't even man enough to make Casey cum.

Once the shower is over, Casey clamps my piss tube off and we dry off. To my surprise, she has me dress in my school uniform. She even takes me into the next room and has me do my hair and makeup.

"Good girl," she praises when I finish. "I'm very impressed."

My heart flutters when I hear this high praise. I smile knowing that all of my practice in this area is appreciated. It's just praise right now but it could help yield much bigger rewards down the road. Early release, for example.

Casey orders me away from the makeup area sooner than I wish. My makeup and hair was good, but I know I could get it better.

"She's all yours," Casey says when Drew walks in.

I'm a little hurt when Casey just walks out without even looking my way again. I don't know what I expected 3; maybe a hug goodbye or something. I mean, we did share a pretty intimate moment today in the shower. Yet, she just walks out without even saying goodbye. She didn't even tell Drew how good of a girl I've been.

I guess I can understand her hurry. If she stayed here all night then that means she worked a 12-hour shift probably. I would be in a hurry to get home also.

"Do you have to potty?" Drew asks as she walks over to me.

"No, ma'am," I quickly reply.

The truth is that I did have to pee. I drank a ton of Casey's pee and it has been slowly filling my bladder in that last 40 minutes or so. However, I fear that if I say 'yes' that Drew will make me drink it.

"Are you sure?" Drew asks again.

"Maybe a little, ma'am," I whisper, scared that she could sense I was lying earlier. "I can hold it though."

Drew doesn't say anything. She just turns and goes to the kitchenette area. I feel like crying again when I see her grab my food and water bowl and start prepping my breakfast. I don't want to risk my mascara running so I manage to hold the tears back.

Sad or not, I still rush to my matt in the center of the room and kneel down.

"Good girl," Drew says as she walks over with the two bowls.

I blush but I'm happy that I'm starting off on the right foot with Drew this morning.

I hesitate only a second before leaning over and getting a mouth full of the dog food. My instinct is still to grab the food with my hands or at least pick the bowl up. However, I make sure my hands stay on the floor, just like the Dean taught me.

When I go to wash it down I notice the water bowl is half empty. I'm not disappointed. I'm certain there is estrogen in it. As I sip, I can't help but wonder if maybe the doctor has determined I was getting plenty of estrogen already. Of course, it is also possible Drew just didn't want to risk spilling it as she carried it over.

"You have been progressing very quickly," Drew says as I get another mouth full of the food. "I'm thinking of recommending to the Dean that we stop feeding you this."

I look up at Drew for signs that she might be playing a cruel joke on me. It is clear from her face that she is serious. I can't help but smile, despite my mouth full of dog food.

Thank you 3; thank you 3; thank you! the voice in my head screams.

The dog food isn't as bad as drinking my pee but it is still pretty awful.

Drew kneels down next to me and lightly rubs her fingers back and forth across my back. She also fiddles with my collar a little. For an instant I think she might actually remove the collar. But I quickly realize she is just making sure it is in good order.

I blush a little at the knowledge that she is watching me eat so closely. I can't imagine how she manages to watch without getting sick.

I stop mid chew when I see her reach for my piss hose. I get a sinking feeling when she moves the end of the hose toward my water bowl.

"I might talk to him tomorrow afternoon if you are a good girl today," she says as she puts the end of the hose over my dish and released the clamp.

My piss quickly shoots out and starts filling the rest of the dish. I just freeze there and stare. The piss fills at least another quarter of the bowl before it drips to a stop and Drew clamps the hose off again. She doesn't say anything but I'm sure she noticed that it was a lot of piss for someone that claimed not to have to go that bad.

I slowly chew as I look down at the water dish. I know Drew wants me to drink it but she hasn't actually said that I have to. I could man up and just finish the rest of the dog food without washing it down. It would be hard to do but I could do it. However, Drew made it clear that I need to be a good girl if I want off this dog food diet.

"Good girl," Drew praises as I lean over and slowly sip my diluted piss.

The whole meal is very humiliating but even with the piss it isn't nearly as bad as when the Dean feeds me. God, I still can't believe I ate his cum last time.

Once I finish the meal, Drew gives me permission to brush my teeth. I practically skip to the bathroom with joy. I brush then floss 3; then brush again. I don't think a dentist could get my teeth any cleaner.

I'm puzzled when I walk out of the bathroom and find Drew setting up an expensive looking still camera on a tripod. I then see that the wall she is pointing it at has a long sheet of blue cloth hanging off it. The cloth starts up the wall about two feet higher than I am and runs all the way to the floor and then about five feet out from the wall. It doesn't take me long to put two and two together. She is going to take photos of me.

I slowly walk over to her, not sure how I feel about this. When she sees me she digs in her pocket and then tosses me a roll of tape. I recognize the roll as the same one the Dean used in the guest room yesterday 3; or one similar anyway.

"Use that to hide your catheter," she says as she finishes setting up.

I wrap my piss hose around my upper thigh several times and then tape it in place. I drop my skirt back down and find that I did a decent job.

"Okay, do you plan to keep your hair short or let it grow out?" she asks as she faces me again.

"What? I don't understand, ma'am," I reply.

"If you prefer having short hair then we can just take photos like you are," she explains. "If you plan to wear a wig to classes until your hair grows out then we should put that wig on you for the photos."

It takes me a second but I work out that these photos have something to do with my enrollment in the school. I'm guessing a student ID or something.

"What do you think I should do, ma'am?" I ask.

"It's your hair," Drew says with a giggle.

Yeah, right. If it was really my hair then it wouldn't be in curls right now.

"Short, I guess," I reply.

Then I realize people are less likely to recognize who I really am if I have long hair.

"No, long, ma'am," I quickly correct. "Definitely long."

Drew giggles as I correct myself. I think she knows what I was thinking.

At first I chastise myself for making the correction. It's not like I plan to hang around once they release me. However, then I realize that my concern for concealment might give Drew the impression that I actually plan to stick around.

"Go grab a wig," Drew says with a backward wave of her hand.

The cabinet with the wigs is big and there are plenty to choose from. I know exactly which one I want though. It is the black one that Danielle liked. It takes me only a second to get it in place. I can tell that it would look even better with a ribbon or barrette in it but those aren't available.

I'm nervous as I get on the blue cloth and Drew starts focusing the camera on me. The first few photos are just me standing there looking straight at the camera. I'm pretty sure these are just head and shoulder shots for my ID.

The next few aren't much different. Drew just has me turn to the side for a profile. I'm guessing that, along with one of the first shots, will be put in my school file.

After this the shots became a lot more playful. Drew even starts chatting with me a little. She even makes me laugh a couple times. It is nice to see this side of her. While we are kidding around she tells me I should probably give the Dean a silly pose. Without thinking I turn my back to the camera, flip the back of my skirt up and then turn my head to the camera and stick my tongue out.

"Ma'am!" I let out in surprise when she actually takes the photo.

She laughs it off but I get a sinking feeling she might actually give the Dean the shot. After that I make sure I'm better behaved in the shots.

"That should be enough of those," she informs me. "Now take off your clothes. The wig also."

At first I think she is making a joke. However, the smile is now gone from her face.

Drew continues to take photos as I undress. My blush is a deep red by the time my clothes are all folded neatly on the floor. As I take my wig off and add it to the pile, I tell myself this really isn't any different than being filmed by the video cameras in the room. In fact, those video cameras have caught me doing a lot worse than this.

I tell myself this but I can't convince myself of it. There is always the hope that no one will watch this or that on the video recordings. However, Drew wouldn't be taking these photos if she didn't plan to show them to people.

I can barely hold back my tears as Drew has me turn this way and that. The poses really aren't that bad, it's just the thought of someone seeing me with the cage, catheter and makeup on.

"See, that wasn't so bad," Drew says as she walks out from behind the camera. "Okay, let's go to the bathroom and put your gag back in."

I'm happy to get out from in front of the camera. However, I'm not looking forward to having that gag back in my mouth. I frown further when I see Drew pick up the familiar tube of glue. A few minutes later and my gag is glued in place again. Drew connects my piss tube but at least doesn't undo the clamp.

She starts walking me back to the guest room, but stops when we reach the camera.

"Just a few more shots," she informs me.

I back away and hold my ground for a moment. She can't possibly want shots of me like this. It only takes a stern look from her to get me to move back to the blue cloth. I blush profusely as she takes several shots.

"Okay, unclip your hose," she orders.

I look to her with pleading eyes but she just stares back. I can tell by her expression that I will be in serious trouble if I don't act soon. My hand is shaking as I reach for the clamp and loosen it. Piss rushes through the tube and into my mouth. I scrunch up my nose up in disgust and close my eyes tight as I gulp it down.


"Yep, that one's gonna be a keeper," Drew says. "I'll make sure I print a couple wallet size for your daddy."

Chapter 12

The rest of the day is a repeat of the prior. Only today I'm not restrained. Plus, Drew leaves my piss tube unclamped all day.

Having the tube unclamped has its advantages and disadvantages. With it unclamped I still get a few bursts here and there but for the most part I don't have to do a lot of guzzling like I did yesterday. However, there is a constant slow oozing of piss into my mouth. Therefore, I get a constant strong taste of the foul liquid all day long.

It is hard to decide which is worse. If I had to choose though I guess I would want it unclamped. With it unclamped I at least don't have that building pressure and dreaded wait for my next potty break. I also don't have to deal with the humiliation of someone watching over me while I potty. In fact, Drew only checks on me a few times the whole day. She even let me change the channels myself.

It is tempting to switch to regular TV. However, Drew gave me a schedule of channels to watch and made it clear I was not to deviate. Not even during the short break between classes.

As I follow the schedule I quickly realize I'm following the exact same schedule as yesterday. It becomes clear that these 10 to 11-year-old students are slated to become my classmates.

One nice thing is that I got three breaks from my piss tube. I get a break during lunch, another at about 6 p.m. and then the last right before bed. During each break the tube is unhooked from my gag and allowed to drip into a bucket for about 40 minutes. I'm also fed through the gag during two of these breaks. It is just more of the brown gunk but it makes me feel stronger.

The only bad part about these breaks is that I'm required to reconnect the piss hose myself once my time is up. It is physically easy to do. However, it is very emotionally difficult. You have no idea how hard it is emotionally to hook that tube back up when there is no one there standing over you.

I know someone might be in the observation room or watching on the monitors, but it just isn't the same as when someone is glaring down at you. When you are alone in the room the temptation to delay is overwhelming. Just like the temptation to clamp the hose once it is hooked up.

Like yesterday, the normal classes end around 4 p.m. Then there are the three specialty sex classes. I find it physically and emotionally uncomfortable to view the sex acts.

It's this damn cage I'm wearing! All day long I've felt horny. Well, emotionally horny anyway 3; though even that isn't the best description. It's a very persistent feeling also. The worst part is that I can't even stop the feelings when I'm drinking my pee. It makes me feel like I'm getting turned on by drinking the pee, even though I know I couldn't possibly be.

I'm not stupid. I know it is just my body being forced to store up all these feelings because of the cage. Then those feelings are slowly bleeding off all the time 3; no matter what I'm doing.

Watching the sex classes are the worst though because they reenergize all those emotions and stuff. I try not to watch but I just can't help myself. Of course watching just makes me want to pull my hair out in frustration. A few times I even fiddle with my cage to see if I can get it off. If I could just cum one time I'm sure I would go back to normal. Not that I could cum anyway with this damn tube in.

The cage is hopelessly locked in place though. All I manage to do is stimulate myself more. I'm also sure the Dean won't be too happy if he sees the footage of me toying with it.

My late night 'gay porn' is an even worse experience. These videos are a whirlwind of emotions for me. There is the clear disgust I have while watching the boys have sex together. However, the emotional lust still burns inside me. Many times I even have thoughts of what it would feel like to be in this or that boy's place in the videos.

Sometimes these little fantasies last five minutes or more before I realize what I'm doing and stop myself. I feel so ashamed of myself each time this happens, yet a few minutes later I have yet another fantasy.

These fantasies are not just of what I'm watching on the TV. In fact, most are of Danielle. More specifically, I feed on the memory of Sunday when Danielle secured me to the bed and then made me cum over and over again. At the time it had seemed horrible but right now I would give about anything to relive it 3; anything to release this frustration.

I know what you are probably thinking 3; that Janice, I mean Jack, is gay now. I'm not! Just because I'm having fantasies about guys does not mean I'm gay. Okay, normally it might. However, these clearly aren't normal circumstances. I would take a girl over a guy any day. Hell, even if a guy came into the room right now and offered to make me cum I would refuse him. These little unwanted fantasies are one thing, reality is another.

Okay, maybe I'm not being completely truthful. Maybe I would let a guy get me off right now. I might even beg him to do so. However, it would only be because I have to choice. Not because I really want too.

Tonight I get very little sleep. Casey, who has the night shift again, gives me extra water before tucking me in for the night. This results in me drinking lots of pee throughout the night. As bad as this is, the nightmares I have are even worse. They are almost all of men and boys having sex with me. Almost all of them pee in my mouth at one time or another.

The only dream that deviates from this theme any is one I have of Danielle. We still have sex in the dream but in it Danielle isn't a boy anymore. He is a girl and we make love like God intended. It is very intimate and enjoyable for both of us. However, it does get a little disturbing when at some point Danielle turns back into a boy and I become the girl. It is only disturbing for a minute though. After that the female version of me begins to feel this is perfectly normal.

I orgasm in the dream, but it is more of an emotional orgasm if that makes any sense. Kind of what I imagine a real female orgasm might feel like. Not that I really have a clue 3; just what my dream state female version of me imagines it would be like.

Mid climax I wake in a start. The dream was so vivid that it takes me almost a minute to convince myself that I'm not really a girl. Seriously, for about a minute I'm absolutely convinced I'm a girl. The image of Janice looking down from the mirror helps fuel the illusion. However, as my head clears reality comes crashing back down on me.

I cry for 20 minutes following the dream. At first I actually cry because I'm not a real girl. Then I get disgusted when I realize I'm crying about that. I don't want to be a girl! All of this just makes me cry more. I don't fall asleep again until I finally manage to convince myself that I was only sad about not being a girl because I was still recovering from the illusion.

I wake Wednesday morning to find the Dean staring down at me again. I blush when the memories of last night's dreams come rushing back to me. God, the things I did with the Dean in those dreams!

I chastise myself when I realize I'm looking at the Dean and comparing his height and size to the version of him that was in my dreams. I even glance down at his crotch looking for that familiar bulge.

I quickly look away, but not before the Dean notices.

"I think my little girl is feeling the effects of her cage," the Dean says with a laugh. "It won't be long and she will be begging for daddy's cock."

That will be a cold day in hell! It was just a quick glance as a result of some stupid dreams. That is a far cry from me actually wanting to touch another guy's dick.

To embarrass me further, the Dean reaches down and lightly rubs my balls. It feels good but hurts at the same time. I noticed them aching yesterday a little but they seem much more sensitive this morning. Maybe the cage is bunching them up too tight? I pray there isn't anything wrong with them.

The Dean plays with my balls more and more aggressively. I struggle not to give in but eventually the pain gets too great and I scream behind my gag. The outburst causes my muscles to contract and the scream is quickly drowned with a long burst of piss. The Dean smiles at his victory. I'm upset that he won this little battle, but at least he stops tormenting my balls and pulls his hand away.

"Does my little girl love the taste of pee yet?" he asks.

I knew this question is coming. I've known it since he asked yesterday. Since then I have been telling myself I would deny him his victory. That I would rather stay hooked up to my piss tube for the rest of my life before I give in to him. However, now that the time has come to answer I can't find the will power to actually follow through.

I blush, close my eyes in shame and then nod. He has won.

"We will see," he says and then turns and leaves.

I'm happy that the Dean kept his visit short again. However, I'm also very curious what he meant by his comment. Am I getting this fucking thing off me or not?! Please don't tell me I gave in to him for nothing.

Casey appears about five minutes later. I'm delighted when I see she has the fluid needed to help remove the gag. Once free, my jaws make little popping sounds as I move them back and forth. Man it feels good to have that gag off.

I blush deeply when she orders me to suck on my piss tube for our walk to my bathroom. The walk sends several swallows full of piss into my mouth. She doesn't clamp the tube off until we get inside the bathroom. I expect to get my enema next but she takes me into the shower instead.

"We have some urgent business to take care of," she informs me. "Do exactly like I taught you."

She pulls the tube from my mouth and lets it drop to the floor. She looks down and I immediately go to my knees.

"Daddy left a big load in there today," she says as she puts her right leg over my shoulder.

Until she said this, I thought she just wanted me to drink her piss. Now I realize she wants a complete repeat of yesterday. I tell myself that I should refuse. However, I also realize this is probably a test. If I obey then they may not put my gag back in. There is no evidence to support this theory; I just get a feeling this is the case.

I lick at her beautiful, yet sloppy, pussy for a minute before she tells me to spread her. I do as ordered. I then take a deep breath and force myself to push my face forward. The next thing I know I am lapping and sucking at her hole. I am not surprised when I taste the cum this time.

I can tell by the taste and consistency that this cum is just as fresh as yesterday's had been. I can also tell from the flavor that it most likely came from the same man.

I have almost all of it in my tummy before it dawns on me that this can't be the Dean's cum. There was only a five minute gap between the time the Dean left my room and Casey showed up. Factor in cloths removal/replacement and such and that five minutes just isn't enough time.

Like yesterday, Casey is constantly talking about daddy this and daddy that. However, today I'm not so sure she is just role playing. God, is this really my dad's cum? I freeze for an instant but then finish my task. The bulk is already in my tummy, I might as well finish.

As I suck the last of it down I try to convince myself that the Dean could have cum in Casey prior to entering the guest room. It would make the cum only maybe 15 minutes or so older. It could still taste pretty fresh after that much time, right? It was being stored inside her warm body after all. Yeah, that must have been what happened. I tell myself this but I still have some doubts.

I'm almost pleased when it comes time to drink Casey's piss. It is nice to wash the flavor of this cum out of my mouth. Piss tastes much worse than cum but this particular cum might be my father's. It's enough to make me gag.

My enemas come next. As I finish we get a visitor. It's Dr. Stanford! I feel giddy and almost jump up and down with joy. I just know this means he has come to remove my piss tube.

He waits patiently as I expel my final enema. He even gives me a couple pointers on ways I can rub my tummy in order to help get all the water out. It's embarrassing to have yet another person watching this process but it isn't that bad. He is a doctor after all. Besides, his advice really does help a lot. I am able to finish much faster and don't have to sit there and groan and push with my insides as much.

After I'm done the doctor has me stand and then tells me to 'present'. I remember from last time and quickly part my legs and bend forward. There is no bed of course so I grab hold of the nearby sink instead.

I hear the snap of latex gloves going on and then feel the doctor probing my asshole. I'm shocked at how many delightful tingles his fingers cause as they slide around inside me. I blush when I catch myself pushing back against his fingers. The plug gives me tingles back there, especially ever since I got this cage on me. However, there is just something about having real flesh and blood moving around in there that seems to be amplifying the feeling.

"Easy girl," the doctor says as my hips start moving on their own again.

I hear Casey giggle and my humiliation is complete.

"Looks good," he announces as he removes his fingers. "Keep him on a number one for the rest of the school week, then you can start stretching him again."

I'm glad I am okay back there but I'm not so happy they have permission to soon start 'stretching' me again. I'm assuming that means they will have me on a number two plug next week. Or at least I hope they don't jump all the way to number three. That one has to be 2 inches [5 cm] thick. Can you imagine wearing that all day?

"Turn around sugar," the doctor orders.

I quickly obey. Time to get this piss tube out 3; yay!

"I'm going to take your catheter out sweetie," he announces. "We have to make sure you are empty inside first though."

At that he hands me the other end of the tube. The sink is nearby so I reach over to it with the hose.

"No sugar," he tells me. "We need lots of suction so we can make sure we get it all."

I blush. He wants me to suck on my piss tube. I only hesitate for a second. What's another cup of piss after all? If it means getting this thing out of me then it is well worth it.

I put the tube into my mouth and unclamp it. I get a ten second burst of piss before it tapers off.

"Good 3; good," the doctor says. "Keep going sugar."

There is something weird about the way he says this. It is like he is evaluating my willingness to drink the piss and not just the fact that I'm emptying my bladder like he asked.

"I think the treatment worked," he says to Casey as I continue to suck on my tube.

I guess this means I'm potty trained now. As I eagerly suck on my piss tube I wonder what exactly has been accomplished by this training. I don't feel any different or anything.

Despite my efforts, all of this sucking doesn't seem to get any real results. It drips into my mouth about the same speed as when I don't suck. The doctor helps me out though by pressing above my bladder. A lot comes out when he does that and I quickly gulp it down.

"Do you think you got it all?" he asks.

I smile and nod my head up and down.

He has a doctor's bag with him and reaches in it and fishes out a pair of scissors. He uses them to cut my tube shorter. He leaves about a foot or so hanging out 3; along with the second smaller tube I have. He then pulls out a large syringe with something clear inside it.

"This will help keep you from getting an infection," he tells me.

He puts the end of it to my hose and then quickly injects it inside and then clamps the end of my tube off.

"Oh!" I let out as a result of the quick refilling of my bladder.

I feel my bladder quickly warm up and have to bite my lower lip to keep from crying out again. It hurts a lot but isn't unbearable. I still moan in pain though.

As I struggle through this I see the doctor pull out a much smaller syringe and aim it at my second tube. I know from last time that this is the tube he used to inflate the small balloon inside me.

"Do you have to deflate it?" Casey asks. "The Dean would prefer you didn't."

"He can 'prefer' all he wants," the doctor growls.

The doctor then proceeds to use the syringe to suck out whatever was injected into my little balloon. He then moves me to the shower stall.

"This will sting a little sugar," he warns me.

"Oh! It hurts!" I scream as the doctor slowly pulls my piss tube out.

He gets the last of it out and quickly stands back.

"Owie! Owie! Owie!" I scream as the medicine comes squirting out of my pee hole.

I can hear Casey giggling as I dance around and grab at my cock cage. It stings so bad that I even try ripping my cage off, not caring what damage it might do. The cage doesn't budge of course. Not that I know what I would have done once I got it off.

The stream stops but the insane stinging goes on for at least another two minutes. The doctor uses this time to reach over and turn the shower on. I'm well rinsed off by the time I settle down.

"Is it better now?" he asks as he wraps a large towel around my shoulders and body.

I'm still crying but I manage to nod my head. I think the doctor feels sorry for me because he leans in and gives me a hug. I hate to admit it but that is exactly what I need. Or at least it feels that way once the hug starts. I feel so warm and safe in his arms. The hug provides me a nice, yet all too short escape from the reality of my situation.

After the hug is over the doctor focuses his attention on my cock cage. He is inspecting all around it and stuff so I'm already pretty sure he doesn't plan to take it off.

"Have you had any itching?" he asks.

I want to lie and say 'yes'. It might convince him to remove the damn thing. However, I fear he won't remove it and instead just put some kind of stinging medicine on it. Or, he might remove it and find no signs of rashes or what have you. Then I would get punished for lying.

I reluctantly shake my head.

"Any other discomfort?" he asks.

I quickly nod. This device is nothing but 'discomfort'.

"My 3; my balls hurt a little, sir," I whisper and then blush. "It also makes me feel 3;weird inside."

Casey giggles but the doctor just smiles and pats me on the head.

"It's supposed to do that sugar," he assures me. "It's perfectly normal."

Perfectly normal my ass! This feels anything but normal!

The doctor chats briefly with Casey and then leaves. As he walks away I realize I still haven't decided if this is a good or bad man. He seems to care about my health, yet has caused me lots of discomfort. He doesn't gloat about it though like I know the Dean would. Nor have I seen him get hard while working on me. Plus, that hug was pretty yummy 3; I mean nice. Yeah, I guess he is a good man.

I do my hair and makeup a little better today. I'm happy when Casey notices the improvement. I can't tell for sure but I think I made her proud today. She even gives me a hug before turning me over to Drew.

Drew makes me eat dog food again but renews her promise to talk to the Dean about it later. She sounds sincere. The removal of the piss tube and now the possibility of no more dog food 3; this could turn out to be the best week ever. For the first time since all of this started, I actually feel a small spark of hope.

The dog food isn't yummy, but doesn't seem as bad as yesterday. I think it is because there is no pee in my water when I wash it down. There is also the fact that I'm still gleeful about not having to drink from the piss tube anymore.

After brushing my teeth, my happiness is tarnished a little when Drew presents me with a huge 16X20 framed picture from yesterday's photo shoot. I blush and put my hand over my mouth in shock as she reveals the image to me. It is the shot of me lifting the back of my skirt and sticking my tongue out at the camera. You can clearly see the back end of my plug. You can also see the piss tube wrapped around my thigh. The worst part is that I actually look happy in the photo.

Drew goes to the makeup area and finds a nail already sticking out of the wall. She then hangs the picture on it. I look on in horror as she does this. Everyone that walks in won't be able to help but see this. Worse yet, I'm sure Drew will joke to everyone about how this is the pose I provided for the Dean. I'm sure everyone will find it funny 3; except the Dean!

"Hurry on to class," Drew tells me once the picture is in place.

I know what she means and quickly walk to the guest room. My first class is already underway when I turn the TV on. This first class is English. I hate English but still find watching the footage to be a good escape. The teacher is actually pretty good at explaining everything and I'm able to follow most of it.

When the bell rings for class to change I switch channels and wait for my next class to begin. Less than 30 seconds goes by though and my door suddenly opens. It's the Dean!

"Hurry up and take your clothes off," he commands as he shuts the door behind him.

I'm caught completely off guard and just stare at him in shock. He hasn't spent much time with me in the past couple days so I guess I should have known I was overdue.

"Hurry!" he growls.

I constantly tell myself that I will defy the Dean the next time I see him. Yet, almost every time I find myself quickly bending to his will.

This is no exception. I find myself quickly disrobing before I even realize I'm doing it. I tell myself there are certain things I would never do even if the Dean ordered me too. However, I'm starting to seriously doubt my resolve in these things. The Dean just has this kind of command in his voice that quickly chips at my defenses.

My panties are last to go. I'm trembling as I pull them off.

"Get in the bathroom," he orders. "It's potty time."

I walk toward the toilet but the Dean snaps his fingers and points at the bathtub. I think I know what is coming but I push the thought out of my head.

Once I'm standing in the tub the Dean snaps his fingers again and points down. I understand his order and slowly kneel.

"Time for you to prove how well potty trained you are," he says as he unzips his pants. "Open wide."

I open my mouth wide and wait for the inevitable. Tears streak down my cheeks as I watch him pull his huge cock out and point it at me. He is only semi hard but his cock is still an impressive sight.

"Be a good girl now and drink all of daddy's piss," he says as a hot stream of piss hits my chin.

Oh my God! This is my nightmare from the other night coming true! The Dean is standing over me and pissing on me!

Feeling his hot putrid piss splashing against my body is the worst thing I could ever imagine. Then, he corrects his aim and the piss shoots into my mouth. No, THIS is the worst possible thing!

The taste seems much worse than my own piss. I tell myself to spit it out but my body is already instinctively guzzling it down 3; just like it has been taught to do during the past couple days. Even when I realize that I'm chugging the piss I can't bring myself to give the order to stop.

"Good job," the Dean says as his piss tapers off. "Daddy's little girl is a good toilet."

I'm utterly humiliated and ashamed as I close my mouth and swallow the remainder of his piss.

"I'm very proud of you," he praises again. "I want all of daddy's friends to know how good of a toilet his little girl is. I'm going to send one of them in at the end of every class. So, as each class ends I want you to rush into the toilet, kneel down, close your eyes and open your mouth.

"I want you to keep your eyes shut tight until after Daddy's friends have gone potty and left the room. Understand?"

"Y 3;yes, sir," I manage to say between sobs.

"Good, now shower off real fast before your next class starts," he says as he walks out of the bathroom.

I can't stop crying as I wash off. Plus, no matter how hard I scrub I still feel soiled. I know I don't have much time left so I finally pull myself from the tub. When I go to get dressed though I find my clothes are missing. It's just as well, I would have to take them right back off in about an hour anyway.

The next hour is one of the longest of my life. I don't even remember the subject of the class. I just keep thinking about what is going to happen once the class is over. I try to be strong but as the minutes count down I start crying again.

When the bell does finally ring I rush into the bathroom and get into position. I'm not eager to comply but I know what will probably happen if I don't. When I hear the outer door open I close my eyes tight and open my mouth wide.

Please don't let it be daddy! Please don't let it be daddy! the voice in my head keeps repeating.

I just know the Dean is cruel enough to send my actual dad in here to use me as a toilet. I just know it. It is tempting to peek in order to verify that it isn't my father. However, I'm too scared it might actually be him. I think my mind would snap if I saw my father standing there. Oh God, what if he seen me peeking? That would be a hundred times worse. With just one of us knowing we can at least still pretend it never happened.

I hear a zipper and then feel the hot piss. This time it hits my mouth dead center. I guzzled as fast as I could in hopes that I could keep the piss from pouring out onto my body. You would think that the more piss that doesn't go down my throat the better. However, somehow the feel of the piss on my body made the experience with the Dean much worse. I guess I'm just not as used to it as I am drinking it.

Whoever this is, they have excellent aim. A little bit splashes onto my face but most goes into my mouth and down my throat.

"Good girl," a voice praises me.

Victor! I would know that voice anywhere. I blush bright red in embarrassment and humiliation. Why did he have to speak?! Why did he have to let me know it was him?! He could have just walked out and went back to being just my honorary Uncle Victor. Now I will never be able to face him again.

Not much pee got on me but I still feel the need to wash thoroughly. As I spray myself off I realize how bloated I feel. My stomach wants to reject all the piss but it is too well trained now to do so. I fear what I will feel like after getting my next deposit.

To make matters worse, my bladder is full also. It dawns on me that this is the first time I've had to piss since my piss hose was taken out. Unless you count that nasty medicine the doctor injected into my bladder.

I debate what I should do. Am I supposed to drink it still? Am I supposed to piss on myself in the bathtub? I obviously don't want to do either of these things. I'm sure as hell not going to ask either. It then dawns on me that sitting in the bathtub like I am I could pee and they would never know it. So I do.

"Awwww!" I yell out as burning lava comes shooting out of my dick. "Owie! Owie! Owie!"

The pee burns the inside of my dick as it rushes out. The real pain though occurs right at the tip as the pee exits. I can't help but grab for my dick. I wrestle with the cock cage again but accomplish nothing but causing more pain to my balls.

Finally my pee is over and the pain settles down. I finish showering and dry off quickly.

Drew walks in right when I'm finishing. At first I'm scared she heard me yelling earlier. That she figured out that I peed without permission. Not that I'm sure yet I actually need permission. If she knows anything she doesn't say. She just hands me a tiny cup of smelly fluid.

"Drink this sugar and follow it with a half glass of water," she tells me.

It smells disgusting and I don't want to drink it. However, Drew watches until I do. The taste is horrible. It is a lot worse than the piss. I shut my eyes tight and scrunch my nose. The taste lingers and I do a little dance and wave my arms up and down.

When I finally settle down and open my eyes I find Drew is gone. I remember the instructions about the water and rush to the sink and take in several gulps. Whatever the nasty stuff is, it doesn't seem to get along with the piss in my tummy. Everything threatens to come back up but I keep it down. Then it tries to come up again. Before I know it I'm on my knees in front of the toilet expelling 3; well, everything. I think I even seen a lung pop out. Okay, maybe not everything 3; but it feels that way. It's disgusting but I do feel a ton better once it is over.

Finally I clean up and go back to the bed to attend my class.

This process repeats all day long. I get used as a toilet over and over again. And Drew brings the nasty medicine in every other visitor. I drink it and clean my stomach out. Needless to say, it is a very horrible day.

The worst of the day, however, comes at the end of my last class. I'm not sure if the Dean is going to send someone in so I get in the tub just in case. Sure enough, I hear the door open. I close my eyes and open my mouth wide again.

The pee is hot and strong but I just took the medicine the prior hour so there is plenty of room right now. At first the person's aim is pretty good. It goes into my mouth and down my throat. However, about mid-way they move the stream. At first I try to follow it with my mouth but they just keep moving it so it hits everywhere on my body except my mouth. They even soak my hair in the putrid stuff. I can do nothing but kneel there and accept it.

Something much worse happens after this though. Instead of walking out they just stand there. At first I think it might be the Dean and he is testing to see how long I wait until I open my eyes. However, I notice a kind of flapping sound. I almost jump up in protest when I realize the person is jacking off.

You have no idea how hard it is to just kneel there with my mouth open while some guy masturbates inches away. I hold my ground though. I also keep my eyes shut tight. I'm now pretty sure this is the Dean and this is my final test of the day. Or at least I hope so.

The first shot of cum takes me by surprise. The person doesn't even grunt. They are perfectly silent as they climax. Every drop lands in my mouth. When it is clear he is done I reluctantly close my mouth and swallow. My mouth is coated with piss still so it is hard to judge the flavor. All I can tell for sure is that it tastes 3; well, manly. Not sweet like Danielle's does.

As bad as all of this is, the really horrible part comes five minutes after the man leaves. It is then that it dawns on me that every 'visitor' I got that day had praised me or at least grunted. Yet, this last visitor hadn't made a peep. If the Dean did send my father in today then that means it had to be this last visitor. That would mean I just ate my own father's cum!

"It's just mind games! It really wasn't him!" I tell myself over and over.

This whole daddy thing is just their way of humiliating me and breaking my spirit down. They wouldn't actually make me drink my own father's piss and eat his cum. I mean, if they were really that sick then why wouldn't they just confirm it was him? Unless it is him and they are just drawing my humiliation out.

My mind goes in one continuous logic loop until I finally manage to calm down.

Chapter 13

I wait for Drew or Casey to bring me the foul tasting medicine so I can expel this last man's piss and cum. She never comes though. So, I sit through my nightly porn thinking about whose cum might be swimming around in my belly.

I feel horrible thinking about the fact that it might have been my father. If it was him then he knows how low I have fallen. I was supposed to follow in his footsteps, not kneel before him and swallow his piss and cum. I can only imagine his disappointment.

If it was him then I don't really blame him for pissing and cumming on me. I deserve much worse. If I was a real son I would fight all of this much harder. I would accept the whip over and over again until they gave up or I was dead. But no, all it took from them was snapping that whip against the floor once and I bent to their will.

As I think about all of this I realize it is too late to turn back now. Even if that wasn't my father, word of what I did today will surely get back to him. There were just too many people involved for it not too. I can just imagine his embarrassment as his possible friends and coworkers joke about me.

There is no way for me to take back what I've done. However, I could go forward. I could accept my new role and become one of the best Humbled Girls ever. I could even go on to become an instructor here one day just like my father pointed out. I just know that would make him proud.

Wait! Wait! Wait! the voice yells.

I can't believe what I'm thinking. I want to make my father proud but the price I would have to pay is just too high. I don't even have to imagine what that price might be. I'm looking at it right now on the TV. I will be expected to have sex with men and boys on a regular basis. I'm not gay! I just couldn't do that!

Yet, as I tell myself this I can't help but wonder what it would be like to play with another boy; especially the cute little blonde that is performing on the TV this very second. He looks to be about 11 years old and is cute as a button with his makeup and long curls. He's kneeling before a 14 or 15 year old and is sucking vigorously on his dick. God, how good would that feel right now. I would kill to be able to cum right now.

Wait! Wait! Wait! the voice yells again.

Fuck! It's this damn cock cage and the estrogen they are giving me. I'm not gay! I've already had another boy suck my dick. Danielle did it just a few days back and I hated it. Well, I enjoyed the climaxes 3; but I hated it 3; but I liked it 3; man it is hard for me to think straight lately.

As the final gay video comes to an end I realize I haven't seen Casey yet tonight. The last I saw Drew was about an hour prior to the last man's visit. Not sure what I should do, I think back to what I've been told to do in the past.

I'm under standing orders to brush and floss every morning and night, so I get up my courage and open the door leading to the hallway. It is quiet as I walk across to my room. When I get inside I find the room is empty. I frown when I catch sight of my picture again.

I brush my teeth and floss and head back to the guest room. Going back to the guest room might be a mistake. They might be expecting me to sleep on my mat tonight. However, they never said so. Plus, they never gave me permission to leave the guest room. I can easily defend temporarily leaving the room to brush, but not to stay all night.

Okay, maybe I'm twisting my logic a bit to serve my needs. However, that bed is just so much more comfortable than my mat.

I take my plug out and clean it in the sink. Then I jump under the covers. I can still sense the piss and sperm in my belly but I have no problem falling asleep. The nightmares I have tonight are the worst I've ever had. The things I do in them 3; God, I just can't tell you 3; it's just too humiliating.

Despite the horrible nightmares, I wake the next morning feeling much better than when I went to bed. I yawn and stretch wide. The feel of the soft covers sends tingles through my body and makes my toes curl up in delight.

Shit! What time is it!

I quickly glance at the clock and find it is only 5 a.m. Thank goodness.

I make the bed and ensure everything is tidied up. Then I grab my plug and head back to the other room. I find my school uniform folded neatly on a bench in the bathroom. I lay my plug next to it for later.

After last night's nightmares I feel the need to brush my teeth right away. I know they were only dreams but I can still taste the various flavors 3; in my head anyway.

My enema goes smoothly and then it is on to the shower. I've had to pee since I woke up. However, I'm scared it will be painful again like yesterday. The warm shower increases the urge though.

"Maybe it won't hurt this time," I try to convince myself.

"Owie! Owie! Owie!" I scream.

It hurts! It hurts! The pain is almost as bad as last night. I dance around in the shower as the lava squirts out my dick. Is my dick raw from the piss tube or is there something more serious going on?

I finish showering, put my plug in and then dress and do my makeup and hair. Neither trainer has shown up yet and I'm becoming certain this is a test of some kind. So far I'm pretty sure I've done well.

Let's see: enema, shower, plug, dress, makeup, hair 3; what do I normally do next?

"Oh 3;" I groan when I realize food is normally next.

I go to the kitchenette and search around. I find nothing but the dog food in the cabinet and water in the fridge. I know the proper thing to do is prepare my food and water bowls. However, instead I just walk to my mat and kneel.

I still haven't failed the test. I still have at least 30 minutes before my classes start. There is still a chance Casey or Drew will come in carrying some 'real' food.

Drew promised she would talk to the Dean about getting me off this dog food diet, the voice in my head keeps reasoning. She promised!

I wait and wait but no one comes. With about 15 minutes before classes start I realize I can't wait anymore. Not if I want to pass this test. So, I reluctantly go to the kitchenette and fill my bowls. I bring them back to the mat and put them in their proper place. I then kneel down and start eating.

The dog food doesn't seem all that bad today. Maybe I'm getting used to it. Or, maybe it is just because I'm extra hungry this morning.

The first bell rings while I am mid meal. However, I have ten minutes yet before classes start. I finish eating, brush my teeth and then go back to the guest room. I make it with two minutes to spare.

I wait for someone to come in and tell me I passed my test, but no one does. I feel a little cheated, but at the same time I realize all of it had to be done anyway. At least this way no one is standing over my shoulder the whole time embarrassing me. Still, it would have been nice to know for sure if I had to eat that damn dog food or not.

I find it extremely hard to concentrate on my class. No one has told me whether I will be drinking piss in between classes again today. While this dreaded thought is distracting, I have a much bigger problem 3; this damn cock cage!

My nuts are really aching now. They also look a little swollen with a tinge of blue. I've heard of blue balls before but I thought it was just a myth. I'm starting to wonder if this is what is causing me my discomfort. The doctor did say these pains were to be expected. I just pray that it doesn't cause any real damage.

The frustration I feel is almost as bad as my balls. I'm filled with so much desire that I find it hard to sit still. I try to focus on the lecture but my mind keeps focusing on all the little girls and the things I would like to do to them. Of course, my little fantasies serve no purpose but to drive my desires and frustrations higher.

I find myself constantly grabbing at my cage. This of course just causes more pain for my balls.

I'm still tugging at my cage when the class ends. I hesitate only a second before I strip down and rush into the bathroom. I guess I should have stripped earlier because the outer door opens while I'm stepping into the tub. I cut that way too close.

"Keep your eyes open today," I hear the Dean say above me.

I don't know what bothers me more. That I'm going to be a toilet again today or the fact that I will have to see the faces of those using me as such.

"Take my dick out and hold it in front of your mouth," the Dean commands.

God, it is going to be even worse than I expected! There is no way I can do as he says! He wants me to take their dicks out and hold it while they piss in my mouth? It is unthinkable. I won't do it!

Yet, two seconds after telling myself this I find my fingers fiddling with his zipper.

It really isn't any different than yesterday, the voice in my head tries to convince me.

The voice isn't that convincing. This IS very different!

I blush bright red as I get the Dean's zipper down. His cock is so huge that I expect it to just jump out at me. However, his boxers hold it back. I feel ill to my stomach as I reach forward again. I note that his underwear is the same tartan pattern as my skirt is. It's of a much thinner material though. They look expensive so I'm guessing it is probably silk.

I've always worn briefs. Well, panties now. So, it takes me a few seconds to figure out that the hole in the front of the boxers is much bigger than what I'm used to. My hand trembles as I slowly reach into the hole. I feel even more ill when I touch his huge warm dick for the first time.

The Dean's dick feels so hot. It is much hotter than I remember mine ever feeling. It also feels a lot spongier. I'm extremely gentle as I fish his dick out. The last thing I want to do is scrape or pinch it somehow. God, I can only imagine what he would do to me if I damaged it somehow.

Finally the huge tool pops out into the open, touching my left cheek briefly. I back away, not aware I had leaned in so close. The monster of a dick seems even bigger now that I'm holding it. My fingers can't even reach all the way around it. It seems impossible that Danielle can actually swallow most of it. Yet, I seen videos showing him do exactly that.

I have to admit that the dick is beautiful in its own way. It has a nice big glossy smooth mushroom head on top. The shaft itself is so incredibly thick and long. I can just feel the power of it as it hardens below my fingers. Wait! What the fuck am I thinking? Damn this cock cage. It has me thinking about sex all of the time now, even when thinking about the Dean's vile cock. But 3; it is kind of pretty 3; DAMN! Focus Janice, focus! Shit, I mean Jack!

"Put your lips on the head and get ready to swallow," the Dean commands.

This command grabs my attention again. I can't believe he wants me to actually put my lips on his dick. I know I have done much worse than this, but somehow it doesn't feel that way. I can feel my stomach turn as I bend forward and part my lips.

God, I can't believe I'm doing this! the voice in my head screams. This has to be one of my nightmares. Please let me wake up!

It's not a dream though. I feel like crying as my lips finally press against the huge mushroom head of his dick. The Dean puts his right hand on the back of my head and I fear he plans to push his cock down my throat. However, he doesn't.

"Good girl," the Dean praises. "Look daddy in the eye. A good toilet always looks her user in the eye. Good girl. Now start sucking on daddy's pee hole. Don't stop until you get every drop out."

I can't hold my tears back any longer as I start suckling on the tip of the Dean's dick. I'm rewarded with a half teaspoon of fluid. It's salty and slippery substance. My stomach turns when I realize it is precum. The Dean must have been able to see my analysis in my eyes because he just smiles back down at me.

As I'm coming to terms with what I just swallowed a hot strong burst of piss shoots into my mouth. My instinct is to back away but the Dean's hand holds me in place. Luckily, my throat is well trained by now and starts guzzling the piss on its own. The stream is so strong that I really don't 'swallow' per se. It's more like I open up my throat and just let it shoot straight into my belly. Or at least it feels that way.

"Eyes!" the Dean growls when I close mine.

I quickly open them back up and stare up at the Dean through my tears. I can't believe how cruel this man is. I've done a few nasty things to the girls in the school when I was janitor. Some even cried when I did it. However, you could tell they actually got off on it. Why else would they stick around if they didn't? It's not like they were wearing shock collars like I am. Well, most weren't anyway.

Somehow I manage to keep up with the Dean's piss. I don't even feel a single drop run down my chin. His flow only lasts about 25 seconds but it feels like an eternity.

"Good girl," the Dean praises as his piss tapers off. "Now massage my dick and suck on the tip so you can make sure you get every drop. When you think you have it all you can put my dick away and zip me up. I warn you though, I better not see a single wet spot in my boxers or there will be hell to pay."

I think the Dean read my mind just then. I planned to rush the process. The last thing I want to do was suckle on his dick longer. However, I know he isn't bluffing. So, I suck hard on his pee hole and massage his dick for a full minute. I planned to massage his dick even longer than this but I suddenly realize what I'm actually doing. I'm jacking him off! I quickly pull away.

I'm surprised when he actually lets me put his dick away. I thought for sure he would require me to finish what I started.

"I think my little girl is fully potty trained now," the Dean says as I zip him up. "I will send one or two more people in today to make sure."

The Dean leaves but I just kneel there and cry for another couple minutes. Finally, I pull myself out of the tub. I have to pee so I reluctantly go to the toilet.

"Owie! Owie! Owie!" I groan as I dance in front of the toilet.

When I leave the bathroom I find my cloths still in a neat pile. I put them on just in case.

I spend most of the next class lecture thinking about what I just did with the Dean. Was that sex? He didn't cum, but I did put my lips on his dick and touched it with my hands. Am I gay now? For that matter, did I become gay days ago when I licked my own cum off the floor? Now that I think about it there are lots of things I've done that might make me gay. But then, am I really gay if I didn't like doing those things? Could I even suck someone off and still not be gay as long as I don't like doing it?

The questions go on and on. Unfortunately, I have no real answers.

Like normal, the lecture ends half way through the class. The teacher gives out an assignment and everyone starts working on it. This used to be my favorite part of the classes because the teacher almost always pulls one or two kids aside and molests them. I'm not liking this part today though. Not with this damn cock cage on me still. It seems that now whenever I think about something naughty my balls start aching even more.

That said, I still can't bring myself to look away. The girl the teacher picks is just too cute. However, right when he starts undressing her someone walks into my (guest) room. The sudden entry almost makes jump out of my skin. I'm not used to people walking into the room mid class. Even Drew and Casey have never really interrupted my class time.

It turns out to be Dr. Stanford. I'm not sure if I'm happy or sad to see him. It is good to know he is looking out for my health. However, all of his treatments so far have been far from enjoyable.

"Hello, Jack," he says.

"Janice, sir," I correct before I realize it.

"Right 3; right," he says as he pencils the change on his paperwork 3; again.

It is nice hearing my old name but this is twice now that he has had to pencil my new name onto his paperwork. Get your shit together already, man. You are supposed to be taking care of my health and you can't even get my name right.

I don't know why this upsets me so much. Danielle warned me that the estrogen would make me moody. I think he is right. My emotions have been all over the chart. Though, lately I've felt a lot more affectionate for people. I guess the frustration from the cock cage and the ache in my balls has shifted my mood a little. It is making me a little testy 3; blah, bad choice of words.

"So, how is our little girl doing?" he asks.

"Sir, it hurts when I 3; um, pee," I reply. "It hurts a lot!"

I can tell he finds this comical, but he manages to keep from laughing. He does give a slight grin though.

"My balls are hurting a lot more also," I quickly add.

This second comment gets a much bigger grin from him. I can't imagine why he would find this so fucking hilarious. A doctor isn't supposed to do harm, right?

Dr. Stanford puts his medical bag down and opens it up. He pulls out some latex gloves and snaps them on.

"Get on the bed on your hands and knees and turn away from me," he orders.

It was a polite order, but an order nonetheless. I obey it right away.

He flips the back of my skirt up and then I feel my cotton panties being pulled down.

First he feels around my cock cage. I'm guessing he is looking for rashes and suc. The worst part comes after that.

He grabs my nuts and starts tugging them this way and that. I can tell he is being gentle but it still hurts. They are already tight in their pouch thanks to the cage grabbing onto them. This causes even the slightest touch to be amplified a hundred fold.

"These are coming along nicely," he informs me. "Color and size look to be right where they should be. On a scale of one to ten, how much do they hurt?"

"Ten, sir!" I quickly respond. "Definitely a ten!"

"Hmm," he says as he continues to fiddle with my balls. "Looking at these I'm thinking we can get them to about a twenty at least."

A twenty! I want to yell and scream at him but I know better. I've already noticed that he seems to have a lot of power in the school. He might even have more power than the Dean in some respects. I would rather have this man as a friend than an enemy. He literally has my balls in his hands.

"Just to be safe, I better give you a couple injections," he informs me. "I recommend that you grab one of those pillows and bend down and burry your face in it."

I look back toward him and see that he is already preparing a needle. I get a very bad feeling where he plans to give these shots.

"They don't hurt that bad!" I beg as he thumps the syringe and then ejects a little fluid into the air. "They are only maybe a three! Please don't, Dr. Stanford! Please! I won't complain anymore! I promise!"

"Shush now and do as I said," he calmly replies. "Or am I going to have to call Dean Miller in here? I know he enjoys seeing me give little girls their testicle shots."

"Please, don't give me that shot, sir!" I continue to beg. "I'll do whatever you want! I swear! I'll be a good girl for you, Dr. Stanford! I'll be a really good girl!"

I see him reach into his bag with his free hand and pull out a cell phone.

"I'm doing it, sir!" I say as I grab for a pillow. "I'm doing what you said!"

I'm a lot more scared of the shots than I am of the Dean. However, I would rather have the shots than the shots and the Dean at the same time. I bend forward and burry my face into the pillow and bite down. God, this is going to hurt!

I jerk when I feel the doctor's fingers touch my balls again. At first I think he is just getting a good grip and finding the right injection spot. However, he fiddles with them for over a minute.

"Well, it would be a shame to make them swell up and turn all red," he finally says. "I guess I could give you this shot in your taint instead. You would owe me a huge favor though."

"Anything, Dr. Stanford!" I quickly reply. "Anything!"

I'm so happy that my balls are spared that I almost cry. I'm so glad he is going to give the shot in my taint instead. What is a taint anyw 3;

"Ah!" I yell as the needle digs deep at a spot between my balls and asshole.

Fuck that hurt! So that's where my taint is! I'm sure it's way better than my balls but it still wasn't pleasant.

The doctor continues to fiddle with my nuts for several minutes.

"Do they feel better now?" he finally asks.

"Yes, sir!" I quickly reply. "Much better. Thank you."

The truth is that they don't feel any better at all. Not even a little bit. However, I'm scared of what he will do with that needle if I confess this.

"Okay, turn over and let's take a look at that urethra of yours," he says.

I turn over as fast as my sore balls will let me. I'm so happy to be past my ball 'treatment'. As I do though I notice the syringe sitting on a piece of cloth at the side of the bed. It looks full still, like he never injected anything into me. Was it all a cruel joke? Or did he refill it real fast or something?

As I get into position and flip my skirt up out of the way, I see the doctor holding the most wonderful thing in the world. The special screwdriver for my cock cage!

"Oh 3; oh 3; oh," I moan as he unscrews the device.

The damned thing is held in place by my balls and he keeps rattling it back and forth. At one point he even grasps my balls for leverage. God that hurt so bad I almost puked. I don't complain though. I even try to suppress my moans the best I can. The last thing I want is for him to figure out that my nuts are still in pain and give me that other shot. Of course, if he never gave it to me in the first place then that means he already knows my nuts still hurt. I'm seriously starting to think this man isn't as nice as I originally thought he was.

It takes the doctor a couple minutes but he finally gets the evil device off. My cock immediately becomes rock hard.

"Oh my, you certainly are a randy one," the doctor says with a chuckle. "Don't you dare cum! The Dean will be extremely displeased if you empty those blue balls of yours."

You have absolutely no idea how hard it is for me to obey this order. I'm certain that I could grab my dick and make it cum in 30 seconds or less. I just know I would feel so much better if I could cum just once. I want to beg the doctor for permission to play with myself, but I'm just too ashamed.

"Mmm," I moan with pleasure as the doctor grabs hold of my cock.

"Ah! Don't you dare!" he growls as he gives my balls a swat.

He just barely taps my balls but it feels like someone just kicked me. God my nuts are tender! I was so fucking close to cumming also. I don't know if I should hate him for denying me my climax or if I should be thanking him for saving me from whatever punishment the Dean may have given me.

The temptation to grab my dick is so great that I have to get a fist full of covers in each hand to control myself. My mind is a whirlwind of erotic visions. Even when I look at the doctor I get sexual thoughts. That's saying something considering he is at least 50 years old and balding. Granted, he doesn't look that overweight or anything. I bet he has a nice size dick also. Wait! Get a hold of yourself!

The doctor waits a moment and then grabs my dick again. Fuck that feels good! I don't want my balls slapped again so I make sure I keep quiet. To make matters worse, my dick is slobbering all over the place and lubricating his fingers. This causes his fingers to slide this way and that.

The doctor seems less than pleased with all my dick slobber. He looks up at me with this kind of "you should be ashamed of yourself" look. Finally he squeezes the base of my dick with his thumb and forefinger and then kind of squeegees up the length of my dick, gathering all the dick slobber. A good amount also pours out the tip of my dick and gathers on his fingers as well. This maneuver is embarrassing. It is also very painful thanks to my sore urethra. Yet, I feel a surge of pleasure at the same time.

The only thing that keeps me from cumming is the pain and the fact that I see his fingers coming toward my face. The next thing I know his fingers are in my mouth and I'm sucking my juices off them. He didn't tell me to do it but the unspoken order was pretty obvious.

"Does it taste normal?" he asks.

How the fuck should I know?! Does he think I sit around all day eating my precum or something? Oh, actually he probably does think that. It certainly sounds like something the Dean would order me to do.

"I guess, sir," I reply.

The truth is that I really don't taste much other than slight flavor of latex from his gloves. Flavor or not, the slippery substance is still disgusting. Unfortunately, it is far from being the worst thing I've had in my mouth in the past few days.

"I think you might need another good flushing," he tells me.

I tense up when I see him pull out some tubing. This tube looks a little different from my piss tube, but it is way too similar to not have a similar purpose.

"Wh 3; what's that for?" I ask, already certain I know the answer.

"We are just going to inject some more medicine into your bladder," he informs me. "This should kill any infections you might have in there."

God, please wake me up from this nightmare! My dick hurts too much to have a tube stuck in it again. I want to jump up and run away. However, even if I could escape this place I know I couldn't escape my burning dick. If it had an infection it would probably sting more and more each day.

While I know this has to be done I can't help but back away when I see the doctor preparing the tube. By the time he is ready to start the procedure my back is up against the head board and I'm sitting fully upright.

"You know what to do," he says as he puts one end of the tube into my mouth. I blush. Yeah, I know what to do.

"Ahhhh!!" I scream around the tube as the catheter pushes into my dick.

He has only a couple inches inside and it already feels like someone has lit my dick on fire. The pain is unlike anything I could have ever imagined.

I hold out for another half inch before I can't control myself anymore and I grab hold of his hand and try to push it away. In response, the doctor uses one of his hands to give my balls another swat. It hurts but is nothing compared to that fucking tube.

"Be a good girl!" he growls.

I keep struggling though. The doctor finally gets frustrated and yanks the tube from my dick and steps back for a second. He then grabs my feet and pulls me back down the bed until I'm laying on my back again. He then gets on the bed himself and lays across my stomach on his left side.

It takes me only a second to realize he is trying to pin me so I can't resist the tube anymore. I see him pick the tube back up and then clamp it off on the end that was previously in my mouth. Then the tube disappears out of my sight as he lines it up with my dick.

"Ahhh! Please stop!" I beg as he starts feeding it in again.

I struggle to get out from under him but he is too heavy. I can't even reach around him enough to get hold of the tube again. He just keeps feeding more and more of it until I think I'm going to die.

"See, that wasn't so bad was it?" he says after a couple minutes.

YES! Yes it was that fucking bad! Holly shit that hurt!

The doctor gets off my stomach and I see the tube sticking out the tip of my dick. This one doesn't appear to have a balloon on the end of it and I suspect I could yank it out if I wanted. The doctor just stares at me like he is daring me to pull the tube out. It's a little tempting but I know it would hurt to do so. Plus, he would just stick it right back in.

"Be a good girl," he says sternly as he hands me the clamped end of the hose.

I give him an angry look but take it from him. I then remove the clamp and quickly stick the tube into my mouth. A second later I'm guzzling piss 3; yet again. As I swallow it I realize that technically I'm probably drinking the Dean's piss for the second time as well.

"I've never seen a girl stay so excited during a procedure like this," the doctor says.

I blush. He is right. My dick is still rock hard. This bothers me, but not as much as the doctor's voice just now. He sounds just a little too pleased with this observation. Like me staying excited during painful procedures is a good thing somehow.

I'm shocked when I see the doctor pull a very large syringe out of his bag. It is a lot bigger than the one he used yesterday to inject the medicine into my bladder. This syringe looks to have a similar medicine in it though. God he can't seriously be planning to inject that much into my bladder! Just the thought of it sends a fresh squirt of piss into my mouth.

The doctor takes the tube from my mouth and connects it to the syringe. I want to beg and even struggle, but I know this procedure has to take place. And it will take place regardless of what I do. The only question is whether I want it to happen the hard way or the very hard way.

I look on in horror as the doctor slowly presses the plunger down on the syringe. I immediately feel the burning sensation deep inside me. Around the half way mark the pressure in my bladder starts forcing the tube out. The tube slides out about 2 inches [5 cm] before the doctor grabs it and pushes it back in.

"Oh! It's too much!" I say as the plunger reaches the 3/4ths mark.

"Shhh 3; be a good girl now," he whispers. "If I had given you this much yesterday then we probably wouldn't be here having to do it all over again. Or do you prefer we repeat this procedure for another three or four days?"

"Hmm, maybe you do," he adds as he glances down at my hard dick again.

I'm in too much pain to be embarrassed right now.

The pressure and heat becomes overwhelming. I grab the doctor's hand and try to pull it away. He is way too strong though and just continues the injection. I'm amazed at how strong the man is. He must work out more than he appears.

"Ah!" I scream as the last of the fluid forces itself inside.

I take quick shallow breaths in an effort to cope with the pain. The doctor patiently waits until I calm down.

"Man, I hope you pick me," I barely hear the doctor mumble as he inspects my still hard dick.

Pick him for what? I'm in too much pain to really give it much thought.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" I groan as the doctor squeezes the base of my cock tight against the tube inside me.

The doctor then starts pulling the tube out of my dick.

"AH!" I yell as it inches its way out.

The burning medicine follows behind the end of the tube until it reaches the doctor's pinching fingers at the base of my dick. There it stops dead in its tracks. A minute later and the end of the hose finally pops out of my dick.

"Pinch the end of your dick so none of the liquid comes out," he commands. "If you spill any on the bed or floor then the Dean will be informed."

He doesn't have to convince me. My insides are burning and cramping in pain, but I know that pissing this shit out is going to hurt ten times worse. I pinch the end of my dick hard and the doctor pulls his fingers away. The liquid suddenly inflates the remainder of my urethra.

"AH!" I scream as the internal length of my dick catches fire.

Fuck this stings! It hurts just as bad as if the medicine were coming out. Only the very tip of my dick is spared the pain.

"You can go into the bathroom and expel it now," he informs me as he removes my panties.

My bladder hurts even more as I climb out of the bed. I'm certain that I will never make it all the way to the toilet. The need to piss this stuff out is too great. The stinging in my dick doesn't help matters either.

Each step is agony as I slowly make my way toward the toilet. With six feet [1½ m] left to go I know I can't hold it anymore. I force myself to sprint the final distance. The sprint is absolute agony but it pays off. The medicine starts pissing out of me just as I reach the rim.

"AHHHHH!!" I scream as the seemingly never ending flow of lava squirts out.

As the last of it finally drips out I fall to my knees. How I managed to stay standing this long I have no idea. I roll to my side and hold my cock in agony.

"Come on girl, we are running out of time," the doctor says as he helps me stand.

Once I'm standing he reaches down and inspects my cock again.

"Hmm," he says.

It isn't much of a comment but I can tell he is referring to the fact that I'm still hard. I don't understand why he keeps making note of my hard dick. Wear that fucking cock cage for several days and see if the same thing doesn't happen to you!

I blush as he uses my dick as a leash to lead me back to the main room. I feel so humiliated as I shuffle behind him. He is gentle but my dick still hurts a lot. Once we are out of the bathroom he finally lets go and tells me to get back on the bed on my hands and knees.

"We have to get you back into your little cage," he informs me.

Yeah, good luck with that buddy. My dick is harder than a diamond. No way are you going to be able to squeeze it back into that little cage. This tells me that he must plan to masturbate me or something. Thank God! I need to cum so bad! I would prefer it wasn't him doing it but beggars can't be choosers.

I'm barely into position when he grabs my nuts again.

"Oh 3;" I groan in discomfort.

"We just need to give you one more shot," he informs me.

I quickly look back and see him grabbing the syringe he laid on the cloth earlier. I want to point out to the idiot that I'm pretty sure he never injected anything into me the first time. Yeah, I didn't let him know that. The last thing I want is for him to give me additional shots.

"This one should really go into one of your nuts," he informs me. "However, since you promised me a favor I will give it to you in your taint again."

"Thank you, sir," I whisper.

I'm thankful 3; I guess. I would prefer no shot at all. However, the taint is much better tha 3;

"Ah!" I groan as the needle digs deep again.

This time I definitely feel something being injected. It burns a little at first but then settles down. In fact, the burning in my penis slowly disappears as well. Holy crap! He actually did something to relieve the pain. Maybe he is a good man after all.

"Okay, turn over so we can get that cage on," he orders.

Yeah, like I said earlier, good luck with th 3; What the fuck!? My dick is soft.

The shot caused my hard on to go away. It must have been some kind of Novocain or something. I can't even feel his fingers as he works my dick back into the cage. As he uses the special screwdriver to tighten everything up I pray that my dick isn't being pinched in the seams anywhere. That would be insanely painful once the Novocain wore off.

I'm thankful for the Novocain, or whatever it is, but I'm also rather disappointed that I didn't get to cum. I'm also a bit puzzled as to why he felt the shot should have been given to my nuts. The more I think about it the more I realize that he never intended to give my nuts an injection. It was just his way of getting me to promise him a favor.

I think about withdrawing that favor but I then realize that he could still come back with that needle. I'm sure he could find something to safely inject there if he really wanted. Of course, I don't know what kind of favor he plans to ask for.

Whatever the favor is, he doesn't hint at it. Nor do I dare ask about it. He just packs his stuff up and leaves. I look to the screen and see that the next class is already underway. I was in so much pain that I didn't even notice the bells go off earlier. At least I didn't have to drink any piss during this intermission. Well, other than my own.

I change the channel to my next class. I then look around for my panties. They are nowhere to be found. The doctor must have accidentally packed them away with his other stuff.