Chapter 48: gg Mg — Chapter 49: gg
Daemon WayTeacherChapter Forty-Eight— gg Mg —
Thanks to Caroline for suggesting the plot and action in this story (which continues in parts 49, 50 and 51) Molly's blouse was cut so low a person could not help but stare at her boobs in the hope that one or the other would slip out, which was exactly how she wanted it. As for her skirt, with the mid-thigh hem even the slightest and most casual movement allowed her to flash her naked pussy or her young ass with no effort at all. Trang's parents, adhering to the strict decency codes of their homeland for young girls, would never allow their daughter to go out in public so indecently dressed. That just meant she had a more difficult time exposing herself. Whereas Molly left the house without a bra or panties, Trang had to slip into the alley or the women's washroom to remove hers, and she had to unbutton her blouse to the button above her navel to reveal her young, budding breasts. As for her ankle-length skirt, even after pinning up the hem as high as she could she still had to find ingenious ways to hike it the rest of the way up to reveal the assets below her waist. They were two good looking girls, Molly with her long, curly tresses and doe-like eyes and Trang with her smooth, butterscotch complexion and straight, raven hair reaching almost to the middle of her back. Between their sweet, innocent school-girl looks and flashing their private parts, the two of them had over half the male customers at Westbank Mall walking around with erections. They themselves were flushed and itching with arousal so bad they could not stand still. As an elderly man of eighty walked by and, despite his efforts to be inconspicuous, clearly ogled the two girls, they gave him an eyeful. "That's like the third time that old codger has walked past us," whispered Trang. "Don't think you need whisper," observed Molly. "At his age he's probably like totally deaf." "Well, his ears might not be working, but his dink sure is," giggled Trang. "That is like so funny. An old man like that popping a boner!" "If he didn't have that cane I bet he'd topple forward!" The two girls giggled hysterically. "Did you see how that last guy was drooling when he looked at us?" "Oh yeah, and did you see the daggers in his wife's eyes?" "Probably jealous cuz she can't turn guys on anymore with her body." "Or angry that her husband has the hots for us." "As if a skanky old man like that would have a chance with us." "It's so pathetic that they all think they might." "That's the fun part about flashing losers who don't have a hope of making it with girls like us." It had been over three and a half months since the two had begun flashing their charms, first flashing their male teachers and the nerds and other losers at Lincoln Junior High School, and then homely men at the Seven-Eleven at noon and after school, and finally extending their fun to the malls. Westbank Mall was their favourite. Being one of the largest malls in Riverside, it offered them the greatest number and variety of guys to flash besides having a large number of trendy stores geared to the teenage set that they could check out when not flashing. Of course they occasionally ran into their classmates who caught them at their game, but having an audience and others to join them in laughing at the losers they were turning on made the game all the more fun. Then there was the Sixteenth Street Strip Mall. They had not been there since their brutal and totally unexpected rape by the two cops at the Economy Inn almost three weeks ago. Trang had been relieved when Molly had stopped suggesting they go there, having never felt comfortable hanging out there despite the fact there was a black man there who looked about twice their age and who'd for some reason told the whores and druggies not to bother them. He hung around the Seven-Eleven near Lincoln Junior High also and she figured maybe he was planning on having them sell his drugs at the school for him in return for his protection, but for the month or so that she'd hung out there with Molly he'd never even talked to them, though whenever he was around he and Molly exchanged smiles. She and Molly shared all their secrets, and that Molly never said anything about him had angered her at first, but then she figured perhaps Molly hadn't said anything because whatever they'd agreed between them was too wicked for her to share, and Trang was just as happy not learning about anything like that. Molly hadn't said anything because she didn't know anything. He'd just walked over to her the second day she'd begun hanging around the Strip Mall and had told her he'd told his friends to keep an eye on her and to report to him if anyone hassled her. There was no explanation or anything, though he gave her this look like he knew more than he was telling, or that he understood why she was doing what she was doing whenever they saw each other. If he did know, she wished he'd tell her. She had no idea why she'd suddenly begun flashing her teachers and the losers at Lincoln Junior High, and then the skankiest guys she could find, nor why doing so got her so aroused and why the more repulsive the person she flashed the hotter she got. Actually, flashing herself had become an addiction, and like all addictions, she needed bigger and bigger doses as time went on. Flashing her teachers and classmates had become commonplace, and though she still enjoyed it and found it arousing, she had to find someone and some place skankier to get the same high she used to get. The skankiest place she knew was Sixteenth Street, and unlike Trang, she'd loved going there. The risk of running into the two cops again had kept her away for the past three weeks, but the need to return was growing stronger each day. "So 3; you feeling 3; you know?" Molly finally asked. Trang nodded. "Me too. Let's go to the can and freshen up." The two thirteen-year-old girls inspected themselves in the mirror. They looked like two child whores the way they were dressed. Trang didn't have much of a figure, but she had that pretty, innocent look and smooth, butterscotch complexion that young Cambodian girls have, and a tight, compact butt. Molly's curly, brunette hair was gorgeous, and she had nice, early teen tits, and an even nicer ass, round and firm, and awesome legs, which she knew and used to her advantage. Already feeling hot, their images fuelled their passions. Along with their lust, was a feeling of revulsion and guilt that they usually felt when they returned home from the mall or returned to school after their noon escapades and faced the reality of their lives and what they'd done, feelings that tormented them until the next day when they repeated it all over again, the rush of exposing themselves being too enjoyable to resist. They looked at their images seductively. As Molly brushed her skirt flat she could not resist pressing her fingertips against her hot, aching pussy, and as Trang adjusted her blouse to best reveal her young, budding breasts she felt an ache between her legs that made her bite her lower lip. "When you're feeling, like, you know, extra hot, do you, you know, sometimes, like rub yourself?" Molly asked. "Sometimes," Trang admitted. "When I'm extra hot." "Me too." The two girls stood there in awkward silence. Molly glanced over at the washroom stalls. "I'm sortta feeling that way now." "So am I." Molly glanced at the stalls again, and then at Trang. It wasn't as comfortable or clean or as safe as her bedroom, but she doubted if she could wait that long. It all came from not having her Sixteenth Street fix. From the look in Trang's eyes she was feeling the same way. "Shall we?" It was filthy doing it in a public bathroom, and risky, but like Molly, she was feeling randy. "Sure," she replied with a shrug. As they headed over to the stalls an idea came to Molly. "You do it by yourself?" "Yeah," Trang replied, surprised Molly would ask something like that. "Wanna do it together?" Molly asked, glancing at the handicap stall and back at Trang. "Sure." She, Molly and Ashley had sworn to do everything together. They were best buddies, the three musketeers. It wouldn't seem quite so dirty doing it together. Latching the door, Molly immediately raised her skirt and ran her fingertips along the lips of her aching pussy, sending thrills of pleasure through the tender, sensitive flesh. She was hot, and doing it there in front of Trang made it seem ever hotter. As Trang drew up her skirt and similarly ran the tips of her fingers along her cunt lips, Molly trembled with arousal. She'd seen other girls in the showers of course, and when she, Trang and Ashley had sleep overs, but she'd never really looked at another girl's closely. After all, all girls were pretty much built the same down there, and she was no lez. Keeping her eyes on Trang's crotch, she pressed her fingers harder against her labia and inhaled deeply with the pleasure. She rubbed them firmly, causing them to swell rapidly. She ran a finger along the slit, fingering the moist, sensitive folds beyond her lips. She fingered her clit, sending shocks of pleasure through her cunt and causing her clit to swell and become firm. He cunt began to burn hotly as it filled with juice. Trang was inhaling and exhaling deeply as she similarly caressed her pussy while keeping her eyes on Molly's crotch. It was so hot doing it in the presence of another girl, and such a relief. Girls seldom talked about it and when they did they all denied doing it, which had added to the thirteen-year-old Cambodian's girl's guilt. Guys said that Asians were hotter than other girls, and she was beginning to seriously wonder if she was the only girl at Lincoln Junior High School who masturbated. Their cunts throbbing with arousal and dripping with cunt juice, the two girls could not help but recall how they'd felt when they'd been penetrated by a man. Ever since she'd lost her virginity to Eli Dean just over three months ago, Molly had inserted her finger up her pussy when she masturbated and thought about how it felt having his thick, black cock up her vagina even though she despised the man and felt dirty and used whenever she had sex with him. Sex was dirty and filthy, and felt great. Since the rape by Eric O'Malley she'd sometimes thought about how it had felt having him inside her too, and though she hated him for forcing himself on her, and even more so him being a cop, she could not deny that having his cock pumping in and out of her pussy had felt good too. Trang had felt guilty and dirty every time she'd returned home from flashing men with Molly, but like her, she'd found flashing men and boys who had no chance with her highly erotic also, and she couldn't help recalling the looks of lust in their eyes and sometimes the vulgar things she overheard them say to others about her, which overpowered any reservations she had about what she was doing and got her hot all over again, so hot she, like Molly, sought satisfaction in that solitary act that no decent girl would admit doing, and probably most girls didn't do. The brutal rape and humiliation at the Economy Inn at the hands of the cop Mike Polanski had been frightening and the worst thing that had ever happened to her, but had also been a relief. Having thought the two cops were going to arrest them and that her mother and father were going to find out what she'd been doing, getting raped was nowhere near as bad. Sure, that was not how she'd expected to lose her virginity, and for the past three weeks she'd never felt so used and dirty. It was an hour of pain and humiliation she'd never forget for the rest of her life, but it had also been her first sexual experience, and she'd never forget the feeling of a man deep inside her body either. Though not as eagerly nor as frequently, like Molly she could not resist the temptation to insert her finger up her pussy in an attempt to re-experience the awesome feeling of having a man's hot, hard cock up her vagina. With the two girls so caught up in their memories and in the arousal pulsating through their legs, it was not surprising they didn't hear the outer door of the washroom open and close. Even if they had, they would have had a difficult time stopping and at the most they would have tried to be a bit more quiet about it. From their heavy breathing and the wet, schlucking noise of their fingers slipping in and out of their hot, dripping pussies, one would have to be very naive and innocent not to know what was going on behind the closed door of the handicap stall. The person who'd entered, was far from naive or innocent. Having seen the two girls flashing men in the mall, Elijah had followed them to the women's rest room and had waited outside for them. He knew it took women a much longer time than it took men, but when the two girls had not come out even with that extra allowance of time, he'd gotten suspicious. Hanging up his washroom being cleaned sign and blocking the doorway with his cleaning cart, he slowly and carefully opened the door and peaked inside. Seeing nobody at the wash basins, he quietly slipped inside, and hearing the whimpering and heavy breathing coming from the handicapped stall, he knew what was not happening. Quietly making his way to the stall beside them, he ever so slowly and cautiously climbed up on the toilet seat, not an easy task for an out-of-shape fifty-nine-year-old smoker weighing two hundred and twenty pounds [100kg], and glanced over the partition between the stalls. The sight that met his eyes was worth the effort. There stood Molly and Trang, their middle fingers up their pussies and the two girls gasping and squirming with the pleasure of their self-abuse. They were living proof of what Eli had known for fifty years and to his total amazement most otherwise intelligent and reasonable men totally denied. Thirteen-year-old girls were sexual beings, with sexual needs and drives like any normal, healthy adult, and left to their own devices, they found ways to satisfy those needs. He knew from personal experience, and from hundreds of videos he'd seen, that girls, and boys, a lot younger than thirteen had those feelings too, and that it was only a twisted, perverted society that prevented them from exploring and satisfying those needs. As Molly and Trang pumped their fingers rapidly in and out of their hot, swollen pussies and squirmed and twisted in evident ecstasy, no reasonable man could deny that they feeling great and aching for a good fucking. Nor could any reasonable man not help but get aroused himself. Their flushed, sweet faces, glowing with arousal, their rosy lips parted as they moaned and licked their lips seductively, the cunt juice glistening on their middle fingers and in their soft, curly hairs and trickling down their smooth, shapely legs, how could any healthy man not become erect. Totally mad with arousal, Molly glanced over at Trang and down at her swollen, wet pussy. "Have you ever had another girl do that to you?" she asked huskily. "No," panted Trang, her budding breasts rising and falling rapidly as she gasped for breath. "Me neither," confessed Molly. "Would you like to try doing each other?" "Sure." She was feeling hot, and even with the pleasure she'd created between her legs with her finger, Trang was not certain she'd be able to satisfy the ache deep up her vagina. The idea of Molly doing it to her send a new thrill of pleasure up her throbbing, aching vagina, and the thought that just maybe that was what it was going to take to satisfy her this time. Molly was thinking exactly the same thing as she slipped her fingers out of her hot, dripping pussy and stepped up in front of Trang. Slipping her fingers along Trang's swollen, wet lips sent a thrill up her spine, and the thought of slipping her finger, already slimed from tip to knuckle with her own juice, up Trang's hot, juicy hole caused a quiver to shoot up her cunt and for another flow of juice to ooze out from between her gaping lips. The thought of their juices combining was just too hot, and she eagerly ran her fingertip along Trang's juice-filled crack and then slowly inserted her finger up Trang's hot, pulsating cunt. It felt so awesome and so wicked having her cunt muscles clamp about her finger, just as it must have clamped about that cop's cock that had fucked her. Molly trembled with arousal at that thought, and as she watched Trang's slender, butterscotch finger slip along her crack and then ever so slowly disappear up her body her cunt quivered and throbbed as her slimy juice flooded her vagina and oozed out of the crack. This was just too fucking hot! She clamped her cunt muscles about Trang's finger just as she clamped them about Eli's cock and she'd clamped them about the cop's cock, and at the same time she felt Trang's cunt tighten about her finger, just as Trang must have tightened it about the cock of the cop who had raped her. Ever so slowly she eased her finger out of Trang's hot, grasping pussy and she was surprised just how tightly Trang could clasp her cunt about about her finger. She of course did the same thing as Trang slowly eased her finger out of her cunt, and then slowly inserted it again. As Trang accidentally brushed her finger against Molly's clit, Molly flinched and whimpered with the sharp pleasure that shot up her throbbing pussy. "Sorry." "No! Do it again!" Trang did, and Molly flinched again. "Oh God! Keep rubbing me there!" Trang did so eagerly, and as she worked her finger in and out of Molly's hot, throbbing pussy she inhaled sharply as she felt Molly's finger brush against her clit. "Oh you've found my spot too!" she shrieked. "Oh my God that feels so good!" Eli was feeling good too. His cock was throbbing hotly in his boxers and thanks to its size was even managing to tent out his coveralls. He loved young girls and had seen plenty of kiddy vids of thirteen-year-old girls finger fucking each other, but nothing could compare to watching them doing it in the flesh. From the sounds the two of them were making they had to be close to having an orgasm, and from the way his cock was throbbing, he was close to having one too, which was going to result in a terrible sticky mess. It was a shame he was not going to be able to replay this scene again! There was no reason why he couldn't he thought as a smile slowly crossed his lips. As he ever so slowly stepped down from his porcelain perch and quickly but silently headed for the door, he was disappointed he'd not be able to watch the conclusion of their little finger fucking session, but the thought that had come to his mind made up it. Quietly slipping into the corridor and slowly closing the door to the rest room so it did not click, he locked it in case the girls tried to leave before he could get back and hung an out of order sign on it. He'd been fucking Molly's young pussy now for three months and a week, and as delightful as it was, he was growing tired of it and now was as good a time as any to make the change. Hurrying to his office, which was just down the hall from the public washrooms, he picked up the few things he needed and hurried back to the ladies rest room. From the lack of commotion on the other side of the door, the two girls had evidently not yet discovered they'd been locked in, much to his relief. If they'd attracted a crowd his plan would have been ruined. Unlocking the door, he knocked on it loudly and announced that he needed to clean the rest room and would be waiting outside until any ladies inside left. Almost immediately he heard water running and then the air drier turn on. As the two girls emerged from the rest room, Trang glanced at him demurely and then glanced at Molly with a knowing smile and a twinkle in her eyes. If he only knew what the two of them had just finished doing! Actually, he was old and ugly and black, the perfect object for their little flashing game, and as they headed back up the corridor she was about to say so to Molly, but she never had a chance. Molly was not the first young piece of pussy Eli had fucked. He loved young girls and boys and his job at the mall made it easy for him to find those that were willing to engage in a bit of fun with him, and being an equal opportunity sort of guy, those that were unwilling also. For the unwilling, he had all the necessary items in his security office to make them become willing, or at least to render them unconscious and tie them up until he had the time to bend them to his will. That included the two rags he'd doused with chloroform back in his office and stuck in a plastic bag, and that he'd held over the mouths and noses of the two unsuspecting girls as they'd turned their backs on him and he'd stepped up behind them and looped his burly arms about their necks. It was so unexpected that they hardly had time to put up a struggle before the chloroform had knocked them unconscious. Dragging them back into the bathroom locking the door behind him, he quickly bound their wrists and their ankles with duct tape. The image of the two of them in the handicapped stall finger fucking each other, and the thoughts of what the two of them were going to end up doing, got his cock rock hard once again. As he looked down at the two fresh-faced young girls in their flashing outfits, he just had to get off. Lifting the girls' skirts and spreading apart their legs to expose their fresh young pussies, he undid Trang's blouse and spread it open to reveal her pert young breasts and pushed Molly's up about her neck. Kneeling down between the two girls, he played with their naked cunts and young titties. He loved young girls at that age. They looked so young and innocent lying there, their little titties so firm and not even the size of baseballs yet, the slant-eyed girl's more the size of golf balls. Their pussies were slender and tight too, even Molly's despite the number of times he'd had his salami up it. Slipping the straps of his coverall over his shoulders and pushing his coveralls down, he pulled down his fly and extracted his thick, black, erect cock. He slowly stroked it as he knelt there, admiring the two naked, unconscious cherubs. Running his fingers over their warm, flaccid labia, he delighted in their sparse hairs and in the furry feel of their pubic hairs. He carefully and gently slipped a finger up each cunt and began to work his digits in and out of them. Even though they were unconscious their bodies responded to his touch, and the two cunts slowly began to swell until their lips were turgid and the girls' cunt muscles were gripping his finger. As he eased his fingers in and out their cunts they began to breath more deeply and he leaned over and mouthed their little titties, working his lips over them and sucking on their little nipples until they were firm. He stuck out his tongue and darted it against their firm little nipples, sending shocks of pleasure through the swollen flesh and through their little titty mounds. Their young little cunts were dripping with juice and throbbing with heat. Even unconscious they were two hot little fucks. Unable to hold back, Eli straightened up and began to empty his balls. Rope after rope of hot, slimy cum spurted out of his massive cock and laced the faces of the two unconscious girls. Shuffling forward and holding his black sausage above Molly's face, he slowly milked it, squeezing out his thick, white cum and dribbling it over her parted lips. Turning to face Trang, he sighed with pleasure as he pumped his swollen cock, milking out the last of his cum that hung in a long pendant from the tip of his black cock to the Cambodian girl's smooth lips. Finally standing and tucking his cock back in his pants and pulling up his coveralls, he dragged the two girls into the last stall. Taking out the two pair of cum-stained underwear he'd grabbed from his office and stuck in his back pocket, two pair of underwear from his collection of children's underwear belonging to the kids he'd had sex with, he stuffed them in the girls' mouths and bound them with duct tape in case they work up before he got back. Stepping back into the corridor and locking the rest room door once again and leaving the out of order sign in place, he headed back to his office. Leaning back in his chair and lighting up a cigarette, he placed his call. "Yeah, this is Eli. Give me a call. I got a pair of sweet presents for ya."
Chapter Forty-Nine— gg —
Thanks to Caroline for suggesting Eli contact his nephew who forces the girls to make a porno video and for the background for Callie Dean. This story arc continues in Parts 50 and 51. Billy chuckled as he pulled out of the mall parking lot and headed for his house, or rather, the house he'd lived in up until four days ago. His uncle Eli was one wicked dude, and a horny bastard besides. It had been close to three months ago that he'd pointed out the thirteen-year-old brunette and her Cambodian friend flashing married men and old geezers at the Westbank Mall where his uncle was a security guard. He of course immediately recognized them as being two of three girls he'd seen hanging around the Seven-Eleven over by Lincoln Junior High and William Cleaver High School where he did a lot of business and where he'd seen the two cock-teases in action himself. When his uncle told him he was banging the brunette regularly under threat that he'd tell her parents about her exposing herself at the mall if she didn't put out, he hadn't been surprised. His uncle liked them young, girls and boys, and if they were unwilling so much the better. He'd done some checking with his man Cory, and found out the three girls were good friends with each other and considered to be in the in-crowd and were very popular. Cory had also told him that the three delighted in teasing and putting down anyone who was not part of their crowd. Molly Vickers was definitely not the type of girl to be putting out to his uncle willingly, which explained why he found the thirteen-year-old vixen so hot, and why he'd been banging her for such a long time. After a month or two at the most his uncle was normally looking for fresh meat. As for her cock-teasing, he'd even discovered her and her friend over at Sixteenth Street Strip Mall, no place for thirteen-year-olds of either sex. In that she was being banged by his uncle he didn't want to see any harm come to her, or anyone else get between her legs who might give her a disease that she might pass on to his uncle, whom he knew preferred his sex bareback, so he'd spread the word that the whores and druggies were not to hassle her, and if anyone did see she was in trouble, they were to phone him immediately, and he'd told her himself if she ever did find herself in trouble, she was to let anyone working the street know and they'd get in touch with him. Of course he didn't tell her he knew about her being his uncle's current kiddy fuck nor why he was protecting her. As for the cock teasing, he had the impression his pal Cory knew more about that than he was letting on, and likely even had something to do with it. That little dude was one enterprising little thirteen-year-old cocksman and there was a lot more to him than was meeting the eye. Anyway, both he and his uncle knew that she'd make one hot young porn star, and he'd told his uncle that when he tired of his latest fuck, to let him know and he'd be happy to take her off his hands. He hadn't expected her to keep his uncle's interest as long as she had, and even when his uncle had phoned him that evening and told him he had two sweet gifts for him, he hadn't expected it to be Molly and her friend. Nor had he expected to find them in the handicapped stall in the women's rest room gagged and bound with duct tape with their young titties and cunts exposed and their faces spattered with his uncle's cum. Reaching down and squeezing the erection that had popped up between his legs, an erection he'd gotten the moment he'd seen the two of them on the rest room floor and that he'd been tempted to whip out and jerk off as his uncle had described how he'd watched the two of them finger fucking themselves, he could identify with his uncle's lack of control. He could just imagine the two girls getting each other off in the handicapped stall, and he knew one of the porn videos he'd be making would be the two of them in a hot lesbian scene. With his uncle being in charge of security, it was an easy matter to get their hands on one of the janitor's motorized trolleys and to load up the two girls and take them out to his car behind the building and out of range of the security cameras. Pulling into the back alley behind his mother's house, where he'd been living up until he'd moved in with the Gilles's on Monday, he packed the two girls into the house. "Just what do you have there child?" "Two sweet gifts from Uncle Eli." "From Eli?" his mother asked, raising an eyebrow. She looked at the bundle he was carrying more closely. "I suppose that slime on her face is Eli's idea of gift wrapping too." "That it is." "That brother of mine," Callie Dean said with a chuckle as she shook her head. "So what you going to do with them?" "I figured they'd make two hot young porn stars, Momma. Eli said he found the two of them fingering each other in the handicapped stall in the ladies rest room, which is why he couldn't control himself." "Hmmph, that man couldn't control himself if he saw two dogs fucking in the street," his sister observed. "Fingering each other you say. They would make a hot lesbian flick." "Just what I and Eli figured." "Well, you two might think more with that thing dangling between your legs than the thing perched on your shoulders, but you do have good common sense." Taking the girls to one of the rooms fitted with a wall-length two-way mirror, he'd just layed them down on the bed when they began to wake up. Giving them time to come to their senses and to realize the vulnerable position they were in, he pulled out a large, shinny knife from the leg scabbard where he kept it and held the point under their chins as he told them that he would not hurt them, provided they did exactly as he said. Of course he would never use the knife on them, but they did not know that, and he looked like the type of guy who would and not have any qualms about it. When they nodded that they understood and agreed, he cut the duct tape binding their ankles and wrists, and holding their soiled underwear gags in place. Handing them his cell phone, he told them to call their parents and tell them that they were spending the weekend at each other's houses. Warning them not to try to escape, he locked them in the room and after making a couple phone calls headed off to visit with his mother with whom he'd been living with up until four days ago. Shortly before seven Eli showed up with Cory and Ben, having picked up the two boys after work. The five of them went down to the room beside the one Molly and Trang were in and Eli described how he'd watched them flashing men at the mall as they did most Fridays after school and usually on weekends, and then caught them fingering each other in the handicapped stall in the ladies rest room. Callie noted with a smile that he didn't go on to tell the boys what he'd done to them. "Fingering each other?" asked Ben in surprise. That he would never have suspected from the two seemingly straight girls. "So, you think your two classmates are lesbians?" Billy asked, addressing both boys but Cory in particular. Cory was the most intuitive person he'd ever met, having an uncanny insight into the thoughts and desires of others as if he were able to read their minds, which was one of the reasons he'd phoned him and invited him to come over and watch his two classmates' initiation into the world of kiddy porn. Reading their minds was exactly what Cory was doing at the moment. In their agitated state of worry and fear, and with their feelings of guilt over what the two of them had done earlier that afternoon, combined with the ability to see them through the mirror, it was relatively easy even with their thoughts being broadcast through the glass. "No, that was their first time. They're one hundred percent straight." Their guilt and revulsion as they thought about what they'd done in the stall was practically nauseating. "You sure could have fooled me the way they was going at it," observed Eli. "They're feeling totally sick over what they did actually." "Now how can you know that boy?" "Trust me, Uncle Eli, my hommie Cory knows what he's talking about." "That would make making them do a lesbian vid all the hotter," observed Ben, Eli's earlier description having given the thirteen-year-old a raging boner, and the thought of them doing a video of something they found disgusting causing his young cock to throb hotly in his jeans. Billy smiled. Cory had told him how the two girls put their classmates down, and especially his friend Ben, and knowing how the two boys had to feel about that had been the second reason he'd invited Cory over and had suggested he bring his buddy with him to watch their two tormentors getting what was coming to them. "The only problem with that is that if them two girls don't know nothing about lesbian love it's going to be hard to do a convincing video of them as lovers, unless you're planning on making a video of them being forced to have sex with each other," observed Eli. He was fully aware of his nephew's directing skills, and had been taped introducing some of his young partners to the joys of sex himself. "Either would be hot, but I'm leaning more to the sweet love story of two budding lesbians myself." "Oh yes, honey child, they would be perfect for that," sighed Callie, also fully aware of her son's filming projects, and other business ventures, and not only fully supporting him in them, but having a mother's pride in his achievements. "But they're not going to know what to do," Eli pointed out. "Don't think that's going to be a problem. We got the world's expert and master teacher right here in this room," Billy said, wrapping an arm about his mother and giving her a knowing grin. "You were there watching through the crack in the door the night Gramma taught me how women can do what no man can, little pervert that you were," Callie said, smiling at her older brother. "Me a little pervert? What you talking about, girl? Eight years old and you dove into Gramma's honey pot like a queen bee lapping nectar from a flower." Having met Gramma Dean, that she and her daughter had gotten it on didn't come as a surprise to Cory, and he felt his cock begin to swell in his jeans. "Well, if those two in there aren't into that sort of thing, why'd they do each other in the can?" "Because they'd gotten too horny from flashing men to be satisfied just doing themselves," Cory explained. He knew enough about sex and about Molly and Trang to know that was what had happened without having to read their minds. "Well, flashing men sure did get them horny," Eli observed. "So all we gotta do is have Momma teach them the ways of lesbian love and then get them all hot and bothered again." "And just how do you plan on doing that?" The five of them studied the girls in the other room. "Have Kenny Ballard deliver them a pizza," observed Cory. "And one for Ben and me." Billy smiled again. That was the third reason he'd invited Cory over. The little dude had a devious, filthy thirteen-year-old mind, and when he was around, things just seemed to happen. He'd taped the party at Cory's house, and saw what happened when the pizza boy delivered, in more ways than one. So, while Cory ordered them all pizzas and phoned Kenny and told him to be sure he was the one that delivered them, Callie put on her consoling, motherly face and went in to talk to the two girls, and Eli and Billy set up the cameras. Half an hour later, Kenneth Ballard approached the Dean house with more than a little trepidation. He remembered well the pizza he'd delivered to Cory's house three months ago and the crazy, totally humiliating orgy he'd ended up engaging in, an event that also resulted in him finding the love of his life, the boy that he dreamt about twenty-four seven and filled his heart with joy, and his jeans with throbbing desire. He would be forever grateful to Cory for that, and it was for that reason he readily swapped deliveries with Raul Martinez who normally delivered in the Latin District. Although he'd never been to the Latin District himself, he knew of the Dean House. Mike Kowalski's older brother Paul had been there, and had told them that going there was a common freshman initiation at college. Every college student and their younger brothers knew what went on behind those ornate wooden doors, or thought they did. He'd never been there, but as he walked up the walk and spotted those doors, he couldn't believe there'd be two houses with the same doors and wrought iron patio. It wasn't much of a surprise to be greeted on the patio by a balding wrestler-type with the face of an ape and garlic breath that he assumed was a bouncer, nor to have the guy take three of the four pizzas and tell him to open up his shirt and stuff the roll of quarters down the right leg of his jeans beside his cock, which the guy took the opportunity to squeeze, and to put on his sexiest smile. Even being greeted at the door by two thirteen-year-old girls who looked like kiddy hookers and that he recognized as being two students who went to Dominic's school, and the bright lights of a cam recorder and the same black man as had filmed him at Cory's, didn't come as a major surprise. Getting a twenty-dollar tip was, and a pleasant one. "That was Kenneth Ballard," observed Trang as she and Molly returned to the bedroom and sat down on the bed to eat their pizza. "Isn't he a hunk!" "Dominic Halder's sister is sooo lucky!" "Did you see his chest hair? I wonder what it would be like to run your fingers through it?" "Yeah. Though I sortta prefer boys with smooth chests myself." "Like Jesse McCartney?" "Oh yeah! I loved it when they had pictures of him bare chested on TV." "It's stupid they cancelled Summerland." "Yeah." "And did you see the way his jeans were bulging out?" "Jesse's?" "No, Kenneth Ballard's silly." "Oh yeah. Can you imagine how big it must be when he's excited?" "Oh my God yeah! His is bigger normal than most of the skanky old men's when they're erect." "Certainly bigger than any of the nerds at our school." "It's so funny when they get aroused and all embarrassed." "It must be awkward walking when that happens to a boy." "Nick says it's especially embarrassing when a guy's like that and a teacher calls him up to the blackboard." The girls giggled with the thought. "Nick told you that?" "Yeah," Molly said proudly. "We share all kinds of secrets with each other." "You do?" "Yeah. It's you know, sort of, well, a lover's thing, sharing our most intimate secrets." "Cool. So tell me one of his secrets." "I can't. We promised not to reveal them to anyone else. Sides, they're really, really intimate." "Com'on. Just one. We said we wouldn't keep secrets from each other either." "Well, you got to promise not to tell anyone. Not anybody, not even Ashley." "I promise." "He said that sometimes when you, you know, like masturbates, he catches, you know, his stuff, in his hand." "Ewww," responded Trang. Cory and Ben glanced at each other. "He told you he like masturbates?" "Yeah. But he didn't call it that. He calls it jacking off." "And what secret did you tell him?" "That I masturbate too," Molly said coyly, "and sometimes think about him when I do." "Do you really?" "Sure. Besides Jesse McCartney and Aaron Carter and a dozen other hot boys." The girls giggled. "Who do you think about?" "Well, definitely Jesse. And Adam Brodie from O.C." "Oh yeah. He's a real hottie." "And 3;" "Yeah?" Molly asked with a wide grin. "Chouan Chakroth." "He a singer or actor?" "No," Trang said with a blush. "Chakroth's a boy in grade nine. He and his family have just recently arrived from Cambodia." "You'll have to introduce me." The two girls reached for another slice of pizza. "So, not Ben Hanson?" Molly teased. "Ewww! That pudgy little mouse? Not!" Cory glanced over at Ben and could only imagine how he must have been hurt by that comment. "Actually, I think it's time I pulled his string again," Trang continued before Cory could intervene. "I can't believe that geek falls for your 'Oh Ben, I'm so sorry. I'd really like to be your friend' line," Molly observed, mimicking Trang's voice perfectly and batting her eyelashes. "The poor geek's just desperate for attention." "He's so, like totally forgettable." "Oh yeah." "You know, a couple years ago I was showing someone our class picture and naming off all our classmates, and when I came to his picture I honestly couldn't remember his name." "Not surprising. He like so never speaks. And always looking down at his feet. What's to notice?" "Unless you want to know something about a computer program." "Or your name is Nick and you need someone to push around to impress your girlfriend," giggled Trang and they both laughed. Boys were so simple and predictable. "At least he knows something worth while. Not like Peter Manchester. Now there is a real geek. Did I ever tell you one day he was telling me all about this model sailing ship he was building, from like the medieval days or whatever, as if I cared? He's like so into this group where they dress up like knights and stuff, SCA whatever that is. I think he even knows more about medieval history than Wilbur Thornton." "Well, it's easy to see why they're the best of friends. You know they actually like take on these roles of wizards and stuff and play this game Dungeons and Dragons? I don't know how anyone can be so smart in math and science and so totally clueless when it comes to a social life. I don't think that nerd even knows why there's two sexes!" The two girls giggled. "Not like Fats Fortillini. Now he knows why, not that it's ever going to do him any good. Every time I give him a glance at my breasts his eyes pop out like squished frog's." "Fats looks like frog. You know, the ones that blow up their necks." "Oh yeah," Molly giggled. "Can you imagine what that dork must look like with no shirt on?" "Gag me. Bet he has bigger breasts than both of us combined," Trang observed and the two giggled again. "Now he's got to be Lincoln Junior High's number one top dork." "I dunno. I think Jerome Eisenstein ranks right up there." "Oh yeah! What a pair. One built like an elephant and the other with ears as big as one." "And a nose like a hawk." "Oh yeah. Now can you imagine having sex with a dork like that?" "He's so skinny if I spread my legs he'd probably disappear right inside," chortled Molly. "Remember in elementary P.E. when we used to pick teams. They were always the last two ever picked." "What losers." "Speaking of losers, what about Dylan Ingles?" "Now that is a shame, with such beautiful, curly hair and those long eyelashes. How can anyone so cute be such a total nerd?" "He sort of looks like those cartoon boys he's always drawing. You know he has a whole book of pictures with each just a little different from the next so when you flip the pages it looks like they are moving." "What a waste of time." "Talking about a waste of time, how about a date with Dwayne Hainsworth?" "That dweeb? Totally boring! By the way, did you know that dweeb is actually an abbreviation?" "It is?" "Yeah. Nick told me. It's short for dick with eyebrows." "Now that's Dwayne!" The girls laughed again. "Well at least all these losers are good for a laugh anyway." "And for flashing." "Oh yeah." Molly paused. "It's so hot when they look at you like they're starving and you can see in their eyes they're hoping they just might make out with you and inside you're thinking no way is such a sick, pathetic, obnoxious misfit even going to have a chance to touch you." "It's a rush getting all hot and aroused getting hopeless losers like that horny." The two girls thought about how hot they'd gotten that afternoon at the mall after school, and the things the woman who'd come in to talk to them that evening had said. Now that had been a strange conversation. She'd come in and told them that they didn't have to worry and that nothing bad was going to happen to them, if they did just what her son told them to, which was pretty much what he'd said before he'd locked them in the room. Then she went on about how sweet and innocent they looked and how she understood what it was like to be a thirteen-year-old girl, which was dumb considering she was as old as their mothers, maybe older, and black besides. What was really weird was when she said they shouldn't be ashamed about messing around with each other and that it was a beautiful thing when two girls brought each other pleasure. How could she have known what they'd done in the handicapped stall? And then she went on about how a girl can bring another pleasures that no boy or man could ever bring and went on to describe, in detail, just what she meant. "You 3; you, you know, like feeling aroused now?" Molly asked. "Yeah. A bit." It was more than just a bit. "It did feel good. What we did before." "It did." "You thinking about what that woman said?" "Yeah." "Me too." "She's probably right." "What do you mean?" "Only girls can really bring real pleasure to girls. Girls know how girls feel and stuff." "Yeah. Like she said, we're romantic and want to make love. Boys just want to have sex to please themselves." "You want to try some of the things she said?" "Sure. We are best friends. We can try some of the stuff." "Yeah. Some of it. The kissing and stuff. Not some of that gross stuff." "No, course not. Just the romance stuff." As the two girls moved closer together and awkwardly and hesitantly put their arms about each other, as a boy and girl do on their very first date and very first kiss, Callie smiled on the other side of the two-way mirror. Young love was so sweet and innocent, and so exciting and mysterious. She remembered her first time, with her mother, and how strange and wonderful it was, and later her first time with her best friend, and how warm and loving it was, and how hot it got. They had thought they'd just try the romance stuff too. The girls would find out different, just as she and her best friend had. She'd meant every word of her talk to the girls. She wasn't just making things easier for Billy or helping him make his movie. She believed what she'd told them about sex between girls. Billy and Eli of course knew that, and as they watched the two girls as they wrapped their arms about each other and shared that very first kiss, and as they saw the looks in their eyes as their lips parted, their cocks throbbing hotly in their pants. Cory and Ben felt a stirring between their legs also as they watched their first live lesbian performance. It was a lot different watching two people in the flesh doing it compared to a video on a computer screen, and a lot different when you knew the two girls who were kissing and caressing each other. As Molly unbuttoned Trang's blouse and Trang pulled Molly's over her head and the two girls began to fondle each other's small, budding breast, it was especially erotic seeing the two girls engaging in the taboo act after listening to their derogatory comments about their classmates. As Molly pushed down Trang's skirt and her fingers slipped inside Trang's panties, he thought it was especially deserving and after all the teasing she'd done with him his only regret was that she didn't know he was watching her. As Billy zoomed in on their faces and then down to Molly's hand as she pushed Trang's panties down, revealing her best friend's pussy to his camera, he began planning how he might reward Cory. Once again things were happening. He'd been ecstatic about his romantic evening with Antoinette Gilles, and about his night with Juan's kid brother Ramon. Maybe he should arrange for another two such evenings in thanks for this night. The sight of the brunette kissing the Cambodian girl while she massaged her pussy and the Cambodian girl's butterscotch brown fingers wrapping about the brunette's little budding tit and squeezing it had his cock dripping pre-cum. This movie was going to make him thousands. Cory reached down and squeezed his swollen cock. The sight of Molly and Trang totally making out was fucking hot, and the best part of it all was that he had to do nothing. He'd been prepared to use his headband to read their thoughts and send back messages to direct their behaviour, but other than the little bit of reading about what they were thinking and how they were feeling about what Eli had said he'd seen them doing in the ladies rest room, he hadn't had to do any mind reading whatsoever. And he hadn't had to send them any suggested ideas what to do or what to say either. He'd figured Kenneth would get them thinking sex and that he'd plant some things to say in their minds, but they'd said exactly what he was thinking without him having to broadcast his ideas. Not only that, their whole conversation about their classmates, and their thoughts about what Callie had said, had all been on their own without any prompting from him as he'd intended on doing. Their thoughts and comments about Ben and the others had gotten them hot all on their own also, the result of course of his original implanted ideas months ago. It just went to show that with that little nudge way back then the two were acting like the natural horny sluts that they were. Totally unaware of their audience and giving in to their desires, the two precocious girls were doing just that. Callie Dean had been right. Girls knew how to be tender and how to make love, not make out like boys saw it. To their surprise the kissing had gotten them even hotter, and having someone else's hand doing what they normally did make it different, and much better. Molly frequently played with her breasts while she masturbated, and having Trang's fingers squeezing her breast and her fingers caressing her nipple had it harder than it had ever been before, and her breast pulsating with arousal like she'd never been able to create. And having Molly's fingers caressing her labia instead of her own made all the difference in the world, and her pussy was swelling rapidly under Molly's gentle caresses. No boy could ever caress her so softly and gently, not having the same equipment as she had. If Callie had been right about the kissing and caressing, maybe she had been right about the other too. The question became how to suggest they try it after having said it sounded gross. With Trang already playing with her breast and caressing her nipple, and from the way her teat was sticking up it being evident that she was enjoying it, it wasn't that big a step for Molly to lean down and kiss Trang's tit. It was just a kiss, and they had already kissed each other on the lips. It sent a thrill through her groin as she pressed her lips against Trang's firm breast and she could only imagine if kissing her there was so hot how Trang must be feeling having her kiss her like that. Encouraged, she kissed her breast a few more times, working her lips over to her teat, and finally kissing her teat. Trang shuddered with the sensation and pressed her groin against Molly's caressing fingers. Encouraged still further, Molly pressed her lips against Trang's nipple and sucked on her tit like Callie had described, causing her own groin to throb with arousal. Glad that Molly had gone that far, Trang slipped her hands down her slim body and pushed down her panties. She massaged Molly's firm buttocks and arched her body as Molly sucked deeply on her breast, pushing her groin against Molly's. Feeling each other's furry muff and heat against their own send new thrills of desire through the body of the two thirteen-year-old girls. Trang gyrated her hips against Molly, rubbing her pussy against Molly's as the two girls caressed each other's backsides and kissed passionately and eagerly. Trang wiggled down and kissed Molly's breasts as Molly had kissed hers, and then ran her tongue over her nipple, causing it to send sharp tingles of arousal through the firm, budding tits. Breathing heavily now, they caressed each other's body firmly, making love, pleasing each other. Trang kissed Molly's heaving breasts and then dared to continue down, down to her waist and her belly button. Her pussy was so near. Dare she go farther? Molly solved the problem for her, suddenly twisting around so that they were facing each other but in opposite directions. As she felt Molly's hot breath against her pussy, and then her hot, wet tongue run along her labia, Trang quickly pressed her lips against Molly's cunt and kissed her before she chickened out. The eroticism of Trang's lips pressed against her hot, pulsating cunt drove Molly on. She ran her tongue over Trang's now swollen labia, and finding her clit as Callie had told them, she ran her tongue over it, sending shards of sweet pain through Trang's cunt like she'd never believed possible. She immediately slipped her lips up along Molly's hot cunt and over her clit and darted her tongue against it, wanting to bring Molly the same pleasure as Molly was bringing her. They were the best of friends, and what better thing for two friends to do than to bring each other such sweet pleasure. Molly's response was proof that she'd succeeded, and she darted her tongue against her clit again. Callie smiled as she watched the two thirteen-year-old girls engaged in their first sixty-nine. She'd known that once started the girls would not be able to resist giving in to their curiosity, and she knew from experience that once they gave in to their curiosity they would have to give in to their new found pleasure. She had started them on a delightful new path. Eli and Billy of course were throbbing with desire as they watched the two girls lapping at each other's muff, and Ben and Cory were squirming and adjusting their swollen flesh so it was not so awkward and painful as they watched their two snobbish classmates hungrily eating each other out. What was even more delightful, was knowing that tomorrow they would be as filled with guilt and shame as at the moment they were filled with pleasure and lust. Girls were dumb that way, not seeing sex for the pleasure it brought and being thankful for that. The two girls had been reluctant and had approached their love making with disgust and embarrassment, but the hot, wet, throbbing pleasure between their legs and the tingling arousal of their teats had easily overpowered those feelings. Now all they wanted was to please each other, and to be pleased. As the throbbing of their cunts grew, they eagerly began eating each other out, pressing their lips against each other's labia and sucking their hot, slimy cunt juice into their mouths as they had been dying of thirst. The rammed their hot, wet tongues inside each other's vagina, trying to reach the itch beyond the tips of their tongues. They darted their tongues relentlessly against each other's swollen, irritated clit, sending shards of sweet pain through their cunts and causing the flow of their cunt juice to double. Closer and closer they came to that ultimate pleasure that until then they'd only reached by their own hand. Knowing from the snorting and panting of the other and from the way their cunt was being attacked that the other was feeling the same pleasure and approaching the same peak drove them on with even greater eagerness and delight. Reaching that peak was delightful, but it was even more delightful when it was your best friend who was bringing you to that peak of ecstasy, and when you were bringing your best friend to the same point. Their cheeks smeared with cunt juice and flushed with arousal, the two girls fastened their lips to each other's hot, throbbing cunt and thrust their hips forward in desperation. Molly arched her back and dug her fingers into Trang's buttocks as the first wave of her orgasm hit her, and Trang almost simultaneously clutched Molly's ass as that electric shock ripped up her vagina. Gasping and jerking as if they were holding onto live wires, the two girls thrashed there on the bed in total delight. Never had they had such an explosive orgasm, and it took several minutes for it to pass, and much longer for their breathing to return to normal. When at last they released their grip on the other's body, they twisted around so they were facing the same direction. Their lips automatically went to each other and they kissed long and deeply as they embraced. Nobody could ever possibly make them feel so good. Forgotten for the moment was the fact that they'd been kidnapped at the mall and that they were being held captive. Their fears about what was going to happen to them momentarily forgotten, they looked dreamily into each other's eyes and kissed again, their lips tasting of each other's cunt juice and their breaths smelling of each other's pussy.