PZA Boy Stories

Chapter 46: bb Mb — Chapter 47: Ft

Daemon Way


Chapter Forty-Six

— bb Mb —

Thanks to Terry for suggesting Jonah learn about fisting and become Anton's master.

Jacob Schuller stroked his upper lip, first the right side and then the left, running the tip of his index finger along his stiff, narrow moustache. It was a nervous habit he'd developed while studying for his Master's degree in Berlin a couple years ago. At the moment, Jacob Schuller was very nervous. This had really been Cory Wilson's idea, not his, and he was having serious second thoughts as he glanced around the school yard and at the main doors of the school once again. Cory could be very convincing. He had also said the boy would be waiting for him. Only a minute had passed by since he'd pulled up, but he was not a patient man at the best of times, and this was dangerous. As the big doors opened, he tensed, fearing it might be the school principal or a teacher coming to ask him why he was loitering at the Clarence Daw Elementary School.

It was a boy fitting the description Cory had given him, average height and weight for a grade two student, about four feet tall [1.20m] and fifty pounds [23kg], but with gorgeous blond hair, curly, thick and long, extending down to his collar and over his ears and in a bang over his forehead, and with beautiful, deep blue eyes. He was the type of boy whose looks instantly melted women's hearts and stiffened boylover's cocks. The boy glanced around, as if looking for someone, and then looking straight at him, he dashed over. Boys at that age never walked, or even just ran, they dashed.

"You Mister Schuller?" the boy asked, poking his head in the open window on the passenger side.

"Yes, I am."

"Kewel!" the boy responded, his bright face growing even brighter as he broke into a wide smile. He had large, beautiful white teeth.

"You must be Jonah. Throw your backpack in the back seat." Even in Grade Two students had begun carrying their school work in huge backpacks. Doctors were reporting more and more cases of back problems among students. Mind you the boy's was not that huge. One of those gaudy coloured little kid ones, orange and yellow and red, with one of those cartoon characters from Saturday morning TV or Saturday afternoon matinees. Being a bachelor he had no idea which, nor the name of the character or even what the character was supposed to be. Throwing his backpack in the back seat, the boy climbed into the front and did up his seatbelt. He could barely see over the dash.

As he pulled out away from the curb and headed down the street, Jacob glanced at the boy, his heart pounding high in his chest, and he inhaled deeply. He'd never felt so nervous in all his life, not even when he'd prepared for his oral exams for his master's degree. The boy was as cute as a button with that sweet, innocent face, gorgeous blond hair and blue eyes, and smooth, plump cheeks. A cherub Cory had said as he and his friend Anthony had thumbed through some of his kiddy porn pictures and Cory had said he knew a boy who would be perfect if he was looking for a boy to take pictures of.

Cory and his friend had dropped by the school last Thursday to watch the soccer practice, and catch a ride to his house for 'some fooling around' as Cory put it. Jacob being a man of routine and schedules, Cory's spur of the moment impulsiveness and total lack of the concept of advance warning was upsetting, but it was also so characteristic of youth, especially youth of today, and especially here in America. It was Jacob Schuller's admiration of just such spontaneity in youth that had made him become a teacher.

"You know, you shouldn't just jump in the car of any stranger," Jacob felt he had to advise. There were so many molesters out there, and young Jonah Winthrop was a molester magnet if he'd ever seen one. This was the first time he'd ever picked up a child himself, but Jacob Schuller had been dealing in porn long enough to know what he was talking about.

"But you're not just any stranger. You're Mister Schuller," Jonah replied with his grade two logic. His father had warned him hundreds of times that he was not to go with strangers or get in strange cars. But Cory Wilson had described Mister Schuller and his car to him and Cory knew him so it wasn't like he was a total stranger or anything. If he was a friend of Cory's, he had to be all right, and besides, Cory said that after last Sunday his father wasn't the boss of him anymore.

Jacob Schuller could not argue with his reasoning. "So, how was school today?"

"It was awesome," the boy replied, his eyes brightening up.

It was so sad that delight and enthusiasm were lost as students grew older, and it seemed like it was getting lost at a younger and younger age, even as young as in Grade Two, and not just in the public school system where, in his opinion, teachers and teaching was inferior. It was in the private school system too, many students there because of their parents' wishes and pressure, not because they wanted to be there. It was only because it was easier to find employment as a German teacher in the private schools than the public that Jacob had chosen the private school route to teach when he had immigrated to the United States actually. He had little respect for the typically arrogant and condescending parents who chose to send their children to private schools for all the wrong reasons. "And what made it so awesome?"

"Miss Ellis learned us this stuff about how they made soap in the old days and then we tried making some like they did. It was so way kewel," Jonah responded. "And you know today is Valentine's Day?"

"Yes," Jacob responded with a smile. It was so delightful the way children soaked up information at that age, and how since everything was a big mystery to be discovered they thought it was so for everyone. As for it being Valentine's Day, not having anyone special in his life, it could have easily gone by unnoticed if it were not for the tendency of schools to focus their activities on the calendar.

"Well, we learned all about Saint Valentine, and I got a whole bunch of Valentines." Jonah babbled on, having taken a liking to Jacob Schuller immediately. The man smiled a lot, and listened when a kid talked. Most adults didn't. His father never. Cory had said Mister Schuller would though, and that he was nice, and Cory knew stuff like that. He was smart.

Jacob was smiling, Jonah's smile being contagious, as was his enthusiasm for learning. Feeling much more at ease, he drove over to the Sixteenth Street Mall. Anton was standing there, as he had been the last four Saturdays, and who knows how many Saturdays before that, and what other days besides, just as Cory said he would be. It had been four Saturdays ago that Jacob had first spotted him. Sixteenth Street was not a street he travelled frequently, but his sideline of selling European porn sometimes took him to the area surrounding the mall. He never felt safe there, and always felt filthy when he left even if he stayed in his car the whole time. He thankfully normally did his business elsewhere, usually in the Industrial Park since that was where the bigger dealers did their business, and he was not normally one to be working at the street level of distribution.

At first he had not recognized Anton, having seen him only in his prim rgab school uniform and without all the makeup, and despite his sideline, not really expecting a boy Anton's age to be selling his body. Curious, he'd returned the following Saturday and the one after that, at the same time, and Anton was there all three times. It was last Thursday, after that third Saturday, that he'd asked Cory as he and Anthony had looked through some of his pictures if he knew anything about it, and Cory had confirmed that Anton was selling his body to guys, and suggested that the two of them, Jacob and Anton, could have some hot fun and maybe make some hot porn videos on the side, Anton being very skilled at what he did, and that if he liked the idea, he just had to say so and Cory could make it happen. It was a thought once planted he could not get out of his mind, especially since he saw Anton every day, though as Anton sat there in his German class the next day, it was difficult to imagine the clean-cut boy sitting in the front row in his school uniform was the spike-haired, multi pierced b-boy selling his body on Sixteenth Street.

After Cory's suggestion, he had to check out Anton again, and for the fourth Saturday in a row he'd been there flaunting his stuff. Jacob could think of nothing else all the rest of the weekend, and had finally phoned Cory Sunday night and told him he'd decided to give Cory's idea of making a video a try, thinking maybe Anton playing with himself and maybe using a dildo or something. He was also thinking perhaps the following Saturday or something and not really thinking how they'd even get started, so he was surprised to get a call back in fifteen minutes saying everything was already set up for Monday night for not just Anton but Jonah too, and what he had to do! Cory had hung up before he could say no.

Anton of course did not know that he knew Anton's other life, and as he drove up to the strip mall he wasn't sure just how he was going to approach the boy. It would be a surprise for the youngster to see a teacher in a seedy neighbourhood like Sixteenth Street, and especially to have a teacher from his school find him standing there blatantly selling his body. It was going to be even more difficult explaining that he wanted him to come with him, and why. Was he to offer him money? That seemed so crass. And it was illegal. He was thirty. The boy was thirteen. With all those thoughts in his mind and still not knowing how he was going to do it, he pulled up to the Acme Adult Video and Book Store where Anton was leaning against the wall in a suggestive pose. His heart had speeded up and risen in his chest again. He was not cut out for this sort of thing. He did not have to worry about what he was going to say. Cory had really meant it when he said everything was set up.

"Hey! Anton!" called Jonah, sticking his head out the window and waving wildly.

Anton looked over at Jonah in surprise. The previous evening Cory had phoned and told him that as his future whatever relative, being the father of Anton's mother's baby and all, he had a special Valentine's gift for him, and for him to put on his usual outfit that he wore to the Sixteenth Street Strip Mall and go to his usual spot and that two people he knew would pick him up at five the next day and give him his present. Of course Anton knew Cory knew he had a standing jogging date at six, but Cory told him that had also been taken care of, and he didn't have to go.

"Jonah?" He'd been curious just who it was that was going to meet him, and had several guesses, but Jonah Winthrop was not one of them. He walked over and looked into the car. "Mister Schuller?" His German teacher he definitely had not expected! He immediately turned a bright red and began desperately trying to think of an explanation why he was there on Sixteenth Street, and why he was dressed as he was. A costume Valentine's party? A junior high school prank? Maybe some type of hazing or initiation or something?

"That a real ring in your eyebrow?" Jonah asked, looking up at Anton in wonder.

"Ah, yeah."

"Kewel." He turned and looked at Jacob Schuller excitedly, waiting for him to tell Anton to join them.

"Ah, did Cory Wilson tell you to expect us?" Jacob asked hesitantly.

"Yeah. Well, sortta. He said to expect someone. He didn't exactly say who."

"Well, we're it," Jonah said cheerfully. He glanced over at Jacob again. Faced with the reality of the situation, Jacob was beginning to think perhaps this was not such a good idea after all, but how was he going to get out of it? "Cory said we're going to your house," Jonah observed when the teacher didn't say anything. Why adults took so long to do stuff he didn't understand.

"Ah. Yeah."

"He says you got all kinds of kewel toys."


"Special toys," Jonah replied, his deep blue eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Oh. Ah, yes, I guess." Cory had told him which of the items in his collection to set out as props for the video. He evidently had told Jonah about them also, though a seven-year-old boy could not possibly have any concept what they were or their purpose. He looked across at Anton and wondered just how much Cory had told him. Surely he hadn't told him about the things he did with Cory and Anthony. It was Jacob Schuller's turn to turn red. "So, ah, do you want to come with us?"

Anton shrugged and got in. He was as uncertain about this as Jacob Schuller was, and even more in the dark, but if it was Cory's idea 3; As Jacob Schuller pulled out of the parking lot and headed up the street, Anton thought about some of Cory's other ideas, like the strip tease at their pool with his father that seemed so long ago now, the party he and Jason had gone to where Dominic had lost his prune and where he'd first met Jonah, and the party Cory had thrown at his house just before his parents had come home where he and Jonah had some major sex with each other and he'd come to realize just how much he liked getting other guys off. It would be fun to do something with Jonah again, and with Mister Schuller actually. He was not a bad looking guy. Better than a lot of the guys who picked up him up at the Sixteenth Street Mall. By the time they arrived at Jacob Schuller's house in Falconridge Anton had a raging boner.

Jacob took the two boys directly to his study, a small room off the library that looked out through two large French doors to the patio and flower garden in the back yard. A large, padded black leather chair and a large highly polished mahogany desk dominated the room. Some of his favourite pictures, like the Dutch print of the 'Blue Boy' hung from the wood-panelled walls, and some of his favourite things, like the marble statue of David he'd picked up in Florence, were found on the shelves. Anton and Jonah were just as impressed with his home as Cory and Anthony had been. Among many other things, Jacob Schuller had great taste and a love of expensive things.

"Kewel," said Jonah appreciatively. "So this where we're gonna shoot the movie?"

"Yes," Jacob replied. He'd set up the lights and camera as Cory had told him.

"Movie?" asked Anton. Jacob Schuller's heart gave a flip. How was he supposed to tell his student he wanted to make a porno movie of him and a seven-year-old boy? Cory evidently had not explained that part.

"Oh, yeah. I'm supposed to give this to you two guys," Jonah suddenly remembered. Removing his backpack, he opened it up and took out two envelopes.

"Hope you like my two Valentine's gifts, Jonah and Anton," began Cory's Valentine's card to Jacob, one of the personalized gay cards he'd run off on his computer. There followed a five-sentence outline of a story/video plot including what he was supposed to do and say. It actually didn't say much of anything at all. Jacob Schuller rubbed his thin moustache nervously.

"I've learned my lines," Jonah said proudly. There were not many. Most of the note Cory had dropped off at his house Sunday along with the two for Mister Schuller and Jason were suggestions what he could do.

Anton didn't really have any lines, his role not being a speaking one. His note, which was another gay card printed off from the Internet, just said that being the star in the video was part of his Valentine's gift and the rest was that he could keep what Mister Schuller would give him to wear, and that his role in the video was to be a virgin slave boy and to do whatever his master, Jonah, told him to.

"So 3; you two boys want to do this? You don't have to if you don't want to."

"I do!" Jonah replied eagerly. "It's gonna be fun!"

"Sure," Anton replied with a shrug. He wasn't sure what exactly he was going to be told to do, but he was sure he could handle it, and being a slave wasn't that bad of a thing.

After showing Jonah the basics of operating the video camera, Jacob and Anton stepped into the library to put on their costumes. Anton's face lit up when Jacob confirmed that Anton could keep his afterward. In the box he was handed was a studded leather and chain harness from Jacob's collection even better than the one in the picture Cory had shown him and promised he could get for him, and he wasn't even going to have to pay for it! Changing into their costumes, Jacob asked if Jonah was ready, and getting the affirmative, he knocked on the door.

"Come in," came Jonah's response.

He opened the door and stepped back into the study, dressed now in the bow tie and black tails of a butler. He wondered how Cory had known he owned a tuxedo.

"Yes, Jacob, what is it?" Jonah asked, standing behind the video camera and training it on Jacob as Cory had told him.

"A gift for you, Master Jonah," Jacob said, addressing the chair as if Jonah was sitting at it, "from Master Cory."

"Kewel, bring it in," Jonah adlibbed after a moment's hesitation.

Jacob left and lead in Anton, a leash now connected to his dog collar. He was wearing his new harness instead of his beater T shirt, and in place of his faded, tattered blue jeans a sexy black mesh thong which he could also keep and tied to which was a large red heart-shaped box with a red ribbon. His wrists were handcuffed behind his back and he was barefoot. Handing Jonah the key to the handcuffs and then stepping back and out of view of the camera, Jacob took over the camera duties as his note had told him to and Jonah took his place at the desk still out of view of the camera. Jacob zoomed in on Anton, beginning with his gelled, spiked hair, black lipstick and eyeliner, nail earrings, and the rings in his lip and right eyebrow, then moving down to focus on his bell bar nipple piercing and then the heart-shaped box, and slowly moving down to his bare feet. He panned over to Jonah who was sitting at the desk grinning like a seven-year-old about to open his Christmas presents.

"Thank you, Jacob," he said, addressing Jacob as if he was standing behind Anton as he put the key down on the desk. "That will be all. If I need you, I'll ring for you."

"Very good, sir," Jacob replied, adlibbing, Cory having given him only two lines to memorize, his opening line and a second for later in the movie.

Getting up and moving out from behind the desk, Jonah untied the box, giggling with amusement when he found it was also tied to Anton's balls and penis. Of course Jacob got a close-up. Opening up the box, he took out one of the chocolates and popped it in his mouth and gobbled it down. That didn't take any acting. The second he dropped on the floor. "Oh fuck! Well, that one you can have." Dropping the chocolate and having Anton eat it was one of the ideas Cory had suggested he might do. Swearing was something he added himself. Anton hesitated and began to crouch. At least the carpet looked clean. "You didn't say thank you," Jonah said, jerking on his leash, again as Cory had suggested.

"Ah, thank you."

"I'll have to punish you."

The line sounded stiff and rehearsed, but that only added to the eroticism of the video. Viewers could lose themselves in the fantasy of a rich seven-year-old with a sex slave, or view it as a porn video staring two children.

Jonah looked about the room and not seeing what he was looking for was about to look at Jacob when he spotted what he was looking for leaning up against the wall. Tying Anton's leash to the leg of the table so that he was bent over, Jonah picked up the whip and stood behind him. The first lash caused Anton to jerk and to yelp with pain. There was a long red welt across his backside. The whip cut a lot deeper than the willow Jonathan Winthrop used on his son and Jonah hesitated uncertainly in surprise, staring at the red slash and knowing how painful it must feel, but Jacob didn't catch it on film, having focussed on Anton's white backside with the red slash instead. Well, the show had to go on, and Cory had said Anton wouldn't mind, and in fact would like it. Though Jonah could not see how anyone could like it, he whipped his slave five more times, the strokes much lighter than the first time but each one still causing a red lash across Anton's pale buttocks. One thing Jonah knew about was getting a whipping.

"And you'll call me sir, or Master Jonah, understand slave?" he asked gruffly, imitating his father's voice when he was angry. That he order Anton to do so was another one of Cory's suggestions.

"Yes sir," Anton said meekly. His backside was burning but to his surprise, he found himself enjoying his role being ordered around like a slave.

"Okay, you can eat your chocolate now."

Anton was about to crouch down when he suddenly stopped. "Yes, Master Jonah. Thank you, Master Jonah."

Jonah smiled, and it was not an act. This was fun, especially being able to boss someone older than himself. He'd never been able to do that before. It had always been his father and his older brothers who bossed him around. He watched Anton stick out his teeth and pick up the chocolate like he did when he was forced to eat broccoli and then chew it. At least it didn't taste yucky like broccoli. That reminded him of another thing Cory said he could make Anton do.

"While you're down there, untie my shoes." Anton looked at his runners, and then up at him. "Use your teeth."

Anton did as he was told, taking too long for a video movie but that could be edited. To Anton's surprise, he found the odour of the boy's runners, and the humiliation of untying them with his teeth, arousing. Rolling the chair out from behind the desk, Jonah sat on it and removed his runners. His legs were too short to touch the floor.

"Okay, now you can remove my socks," he giggled, too much like a seven-year-old than a slave owner. Having had a bath the night before and having put them on clean that morning, they did not smell that bad, but they had picked up the odour of his sneakers and his feet. Reluctantly gripping the toes with his teeth, he drew off first one, and then the other. Jonah suspected perhaps his socks tasted more like broccoli. He then ordered Anton to lick his feet, and he sat there in delight as only a seven-year-old can and munched on the chocolates as the twelve-year-old boy knelt before him and licked his feet and wormed his tongue between his toes. As Jacob zoomed in on Jonah's face and then Anton's, he felt his cock begin swelling in his jeans. He'd seldom watched any of the porn that he picked up in Europe and brought back to sell, kiddy or otherwise, not really having an interest in that sort of thing, but filming two boys live was a much different matter.

"Would you like another chocolate?" Jonah asked, holding out a chocolate.

"Yes, Master Jonah."

"You didn't say please and thank you," Jonah said with a grin, his deep blue eyes gleaming impishly. "I think I'll use the belt this time."

That was his own idea. Sometimes his father used a belt instead of the willow branch. As he removed his belt and began to swat the older boy's now tender backside, he noticed to his surprise that Anton was getting a boner.

"You really like getting a licking, don't you?" he asked in amazement, walking around in front of Anton and reaching down and running a forefinger along Anton's stiff little cock tenting out his mesh thong. That was not part of the script.

"Yes. Yes, sir." Anton had no idea why getting his ass strapped had gotten him erect, but he could not deny that it had. As Jonah pulled his thong out away from his body and pulled it down over his hips, Anton's little stiff cocklet jutted straight up in the air and jerked, causing Jonah to giggle in amusement. Jacob of course zoomed in on Anton's crotch and then Jonah's delighted face. Jonah had been looking forward to the sex part, which Cory had said should be the main part of the movie, and he quickly pushed down and stepped out of his blue jeans and his jockey briefs. Jacob zoomed in on his genitals also, as did Anton's eyes.

"I like my bum getting a licking too," Jonah said with a giggle, his eyes gleaming impishly. Picking out a chocolate, he reached behind himself and as Jacob zoomed in, unable to believe what he was witnessing, Jonah pushed it into his rectum.

"So, okay, eat your chocolate," he said, turning his back to Anton and bending over and wiggling his backside. That had been all his idea, the putting the chocolate up his bum, and the words. Wait until he told Cory!

"Thank you, Master Jonah."

Jacob noted that Anton's voice sounded very sincere. What the teacher did not realize at the time was that the boy was not acting. The idea of sucking the chocolate out of the seven-year-old's butt was highly erotic to the twelve-year-old bottom boy, and Anton's stiff cocklet twitched with arousal as he dropped to his knees and pressed his lips against Jonah's anus. Jacob's own cock was throbbing hotly in his trousers as he zoomed in on the action. He could not believe this, what the two boys were doing, nor how hot he was feeling. The things he'd done with Cory and Anthony had been out of duress, and the exception. He was not a boylover.

After sucking out the chocolate, which didn't taste foul at all, Anton licked Jonah's butthole clean as Jonah ordered, and then as Jonah turned to face him he licked his tiny, hairless balls and his now erect little penis which was no longer and no wider than his smallest finger. Slipping his lips about the slender little woody, he sucked on it and bobbed his head to and fro, working his lips up and down the length. His cocklet jerked wildly as he felt Jonah's throbbing between his lips.

"Wait a minute," Jonah said as he suddenly drew his hips back. Looking on the desk, he immediately spotted what he was looking for, a leather strap with two loops that Cory said Mister Schuller would have out for him. Slipping the one loop over Anton's stiff little cock, which was only slightly longer and thicker than his own, looking more like his thumb than his little finger, and the other about his swollen balls, he drew the loops as tight as he could. Cory had told him how to do it and had said that one would stop Anton from going soft, and the other would stop him from cumming. "We don't want you making a sticky mess all over my nice clean carpet," he said, quoting one of the few lines he'd been given to memorize. It sounded stilted and memorized, but those caught up in the fantasy could assume he was quoting a line from a porno he'd seen.

He was about to resume getting his little boy cock sucked when he suddenly remembered something else Cory had said they might do, and returning to the desk, he found the dildo and lube that Jacob had also left on the desk. Until yesterday he'd never heard of a dildo, and he examined the fake cock with wide-eyed interest. As the blond-haired cherub smeared the silicon cock with lube, Jacob was about to cream his boxers. He zoomed in as Jonah stepped up behind Anton, and although he'd never done anything like it before, he easily inserted the lubed dildo up Anton's eager ass. As he guided Anton's fingers to the end and told the bound boy to fuck himself with it, Jacob was leaking pre-cum big time. He was the one who should have been fitted with the cock strap!

It was a bit awkward with his hands cuffed behind his back, but the dildo was extra long and Anton, besides being small and on the skinny side, was flexible as all twelve-year-old boys are. Jonah stepped up in front of him again, and Anton eagerly resumed sucking him. There was no questioning the pleasure he was feeling from the look in his eyes as he pumped the lubed silicon cock in and out of his ass and worked his lips up and down the seven-year-old's stiff cocklet. Nor could there be any question of Jonah's pleasure from the smile on his parted lips and the glaze in his eyes. From the way the two boys were gasping and squirming, even the staunchest opponent to kiddy videos would be hard pressed to claim the two boys were being abused and that seven and twelve-year-old boys didn't have sexual desires.

Jonah was not acting when he ran his fingers through Anton's gelled, spiked hair and began jerking uncontrollably like a rag puppet, his little cocket burning and throbbing with his dry orgasm. The seven-year-old had no idea what it was that made his dicky feel that way, but it was delightful, and he'd be forever grateful to Cory for having introduced him to that sensation. Anton was bucking his hips to and fro also in a desperate attempt to empty his balls, which of course with the leather strap about his tight, swollen balls he was unable to do. He tensed his entire body and shuddered with his dry orgasm, his balls constricting futilely and his groin aching for release.

Jacob Schuller could not believe how hot he'd gotten nor how much pre-cum he'd drooled as he reached down and squeezed his stiff cock. Cory had said the teacher would get super horny watching them, and Jonah, from his past experiences with Goosey Gilles and his father and Father Henry, was not surprised. He stood there for a moment delighting in his orgasm, and then backed off and stared over at the door to the library. That was Jacob's cue according to Cory, but dazed by what he'd witnessed and with his own arousal, it took him a moment to pick up on it. Pausing the video, he took up his position on the other side of the door and Jonah took over his camera duties. Calling that he was ready, Jonah started the video and Jacob pushed the door open. Jonah zoomed the camera over to where he was kneeling.

"Jacob, what are you doing there?" Jonah asked as if surprised.

"I was, ah, polishing the door knobs, Master Jonah," Jacob replied, reciting his second and only other line he'd been given to memorize. With the video almost at the end, he had to admire Cory's imagination and how he'd put it all together. There was not that much of a plot, but mind you there seldom was in a porn video. Actually, unbeknownst to him, Cory had gotten some advice from Billy, though the thirteen-year-old's imagination hadn't needed much supplement from the experienced porn maker.

"Come over here," Jonah ordered, copying his father's stern voice. Jacob got to his feet and awkwardly approached, finding it difficult to walk with his wet boxers and stiff cock tenting out the front of his trousers.

"Looks like the knob fell off the door and into your pants," Jonah observed with a giggle as he zoomed in on Jacob's fly. When Cory had described what he envisioned happening and the line Jonah had doubled over with laughter, and it was even funnier now. "Were you planning on stealing it?"

"Ah, no, Master Jonah," Jacob replied awkwardly, not having been given a script and not knowing what else to say, besides being particularly self-conscious with the two young boys zeroing in on his crotch. He'd just assumed from the five-sentence sketch Cory had given him that getting caught watching them was a way for him to appear and take the slave boy away and end the video. That was sort of confirmed when Jonah told him to unlock the slave's handcuffs.

"Open his fly and see what he has hidden in there," Jonah ordered Anton much to Jacob's surprise. That he had not expected. As he glanced over at Jonah, Jonah smiled. This was fun ordering people around, and especially telling them to do the things he was telling them to do.

Jacob didn't know what he should do as Anton, still on his knees and with the dildo still up his ass, shuffled over to him and reached up and pulled down his fly. Shooting the boys having sex was one thing, but having himself on the video was quite another. Cory had suggested he and Anton might 'fool around' but he really had not given that much thought or consideration, and certainly not as part of the video. Caught off guard and struggling between feelings of guilt and shame and being hornier than he'd ever felt in his life, he didn't know whether to proceed or call a halt to what was going on. He could let Anton continue and just stop the filming and have the boys enact a different scenario later, or he could stop Anton and edit this last section out and just have Jonah have him take the slave boy out as he'd thought he was going to do, or he could just let the camera run as it was. Before he could decide Anton had his fingers in his fly and was extracting his stiff cock for both boys and the camera to see. The feel of the twelve-year-old's warm, slender fingers caused his cock to ooze out a thick dollop of pre-cum.

Standing there in his tuxedo with his stiff, pre-cum soaked cock jutting out of his fly and in the hands of a twelve-year-old boy, Jacob was in a total panic. He was feeling horny as fuck and just the thought of the spike-haired, harness-clad bottom boy with his black lipstick and dark eyeliner sucking his cock had him on the verge of shooting, but he was not really a boylover, his interest in kiddy porn being purely academic, and because it was one of the better moneymakers. Personally, in his studies of abnormal sexual practices, he could not fathom how men would prefer men over women, and how any man could prefer a boy over someone his own age. Besides, this particular boy was one of his students whom he'd be seeing tomorrow in class.

Anton, while eager for cock of any size and having no qualms about sex with adults, wasn't so sure about sucking off one of his teachers. He would be seeing him every day, five days a week for almost three months yet of this school year, and for five more years yet. Besides, Mister Schuller looked terribly embarrassed and hesitant himself. But he was hard, and his cock was slimy with pre-cum, and he was not that bad looking, and he was horny too, and his cock was right there in his hand.

Jacob saw the look in Anton's eyes, the desire and the hesitancy, and he knew he had to put a stop to what was happening no matter how badly he was aching to get off a load. He glanced over at Jonah standing behind the camera and opened his mouth to tell him to shut off the camera. The look of excitement and joy, and the look of innocence and wonder why they weren't doing anything caused him to hesitate. It was clear that in Jonah's seven-year-old mind there was nothing wrong with what they were doing at all, and that it was adults who perverted and twisted things and made them dirty and taboo. That was something he'd never considered.

"Looks like you spilt the polish all over your dicky," Jonah said, figuring the teacher was waiting for him to say something and not knowing what else to say. "You'd better lick it off," he told Anton.

That didn't exactly sound like an order to a slave, but it was enough to overcome Anton's hesitancy. Hell, why not? The man had picked him up and was making a porno video of him. He evidently knew the score so why should he worry about sucking him off just because he was in his class? Holding his stiff cock by the base, he leaned forward and ran his tongue up the length of his shaft and up over the knob, lapping up a smear of sticky pre-cum. A clear strand connected his tongue and Jacob's blood-engorged knob as he drew his head away, finally breaking and drooping down to hang from his chin. He drew his tongue in his mouth and savoured the sweet, clear dew, and then leaned forward again and swirled his tongue over his slimy knob, licking up more of his pre-cum and drawing it back into his mouth. It was so totally delicious. His little cocklet, bound tight in the leather strap, jerked excitedly and he felt an ache deep in his groin.

Jacob stood there helplessly and let the boy lick his pre-cum drenched cock. The boy sold himself on the street after all, and he had just sucked off Jonah with evident delight. Why not let him give him a blow job? It was not as if it was something new to the boy, and there was no question the boy was enjoying it. As Anton licked his glistening knob again, another dollop of pre-cum oozed out of the tip, leaving no doubt Jacob was enjoying it also. Anton immediately flicked it up with the tip of his tongue and savoured it. Eager now, the horny twelve-year-old slipped his lips over the man's swollen knob and sucked on it, causing Jacob to quiver with his pending ejaculation. Anton clamped his lips tightly about his stiff, straining cock just below the knob, knowing from experience the man was about to shoot and knowing his action would cut off that impulse. He'd just started to suck his cock, and he wanted to enjoy it for a little while.

Enjoy it he did. Forgotten was the fact he was being filmed and that the man he was sucking off was his teacher. He loved cock. He loved how it looked. He loved how it smelled. He loved how it tasted. He especially loved bringing other men off. That was perfectly clear from the way he was sucking on his teacher's thick organ and slipping his lips up and down the shaft, his cheeks sunk in and his eyes closed with delight. Jacob was enjoying it as much as he was. Forgotten was his reservation about having sex with a pre-adolescent boy, that the boy was a student of his, and that they were being filmed by a seven-year-old child. All he knew was his cock was throbbing with a pleasure like he could not believe, and that the boy on his knees before him was delighting just as much in sucking his cock as he was enjoying having him suck it.

Reaching up and unbuckling Jacob's belt, Anton let his trousers drop to his ankles and then reached up and pulled down his boxers, the front clearly stained and soaked with his pre-cum. The man had nice, low-hung balls, and he nuzzled them and kissed them and then took one and then the other in his mouth and sucked on them. Jacob's stomach was rapidly rising and falling with his arousal and his long, thick cock, slick with Anton's spittle, jerked impatiently for attention.

Jonah was shuffling from one foot to the other with the typical impatience of a seven-year-old. He couldn't just stand there and watch. Putting the camera on automatic, he stepped out in front of it, and as Anton once again slipped his lips over Jacob's knob, he knelt behind the boy and pulling out the dildo, he placed the tip of his still erect cocklet against Anton's well lubed and worked over asshole. His little cocklet easily entered the boy and as he began to hump him, Anton began to work his lips up and down Jacob's cock. Jacob could not believe it. There he was getting sucked off by his twelve-year-old student while he was getting his ass fucked by a blond-haired seven-year-old cherub. Even more unbelievable was that he had never felt so hot in all his life.

All three were supercharged and it was not that long before Jacob was once again panting and snorting with desire as he felt his orgasm approaching. Little Jonah was also as he grasped Anton's hips and worked his hips to and fro furiously, banging his naked pubes against Anton's naked buttocks. His little dicky was itching like a thousand mosquito bites and he rammed it in and out of Anton's hot, moist rectum furiously in an attempt to satisfy the itch, which of course just made it itch all the more. The seven-year-old's tongue slipped out between his lips as he pounded away and concentrated on the throbbing pleasure of his swollen dicky.

Anton's balls were drawn up tight under his stiff cock, and as he felt Jonah's little cocklet pumping in and out of his asshole he sucked savagely on the thick cock in his mouth and grimaced with the sharp, sweet-pain causing his entire little cocklet to feel like it was being skinned. As Jonah grasped his hips and suddenly trembled and gasped with his second after-school orgasm, he too trembled and tensed and futilely bucked his hips as once again the tight leather band about his balls thwarted him in getting off a load. Aware the two boys had reached their climaxes, Jacob inhaled deeply and closed his eyes in ecstasy as he felt his hot, thick cum gushing up his cock, and he whimpered with pleasure as he felt it blast out of his opening. He came with such force and such volume even with his experience Anton could not possibly swallow it all. The boy eased his lips up the hot, throbbing cock and began swallowing as Jacob's hot, thick load quickly filled his mouth and began to ooze out of the corners of his lips and down around his chin.

Easing his still stiff cock out of Anton's asshole, Jonah picked up the lube where he'd left it on the floor and generously coating his fingers, he squatted down and began to ease them into Anton's asshole, not just the middle one, not just two fingers, but all five, telling Anton, as Cory had suggested, that for being such a good slave boy he was going to give him a special reward. Forming a wedge with his middle finger above the adjoining two and his little finger and thumb folded in under them as Cory had shown him, he slowly eased them into Anton's already well-lubed and loose asshole. Feeling Jonah's fingers entering him, Anton instinctively pushed out, straining to open his anus, unaware of course of how many fingers Jonah was attempting to insert. Adding more lube between his middle and last knuckles, Jonah continued to slowly ease his fingers up Anton's hot, moist rectum.

When Cory had first explained fisting to him Jonah could not believe such a thing was possible, but Cory had shown him a picture of a guy having it done to him that he said he'd gotten from Mister Schuller. Now as his fingers ever so slowly sank up Anton's anus, he was encouraged that he just might be able to do it. If he could, that was going to be so totally wicked. Anton of course did not know what his intention was and only knew that Jonah was sticking his fingers up his ass, and that his asshole was being stretched wider than it had ever been before. He also knew it was feeling great. Accustomed to having Bob Moser's monster cock stretching open his sphincter, this was not all that much different, and he was accustomed to a little initial pain for a whole lot of later pleasure.

Jacob, standing there in his tuxedo with his still stiff cock in Anton's mouth and still oozing cum and his trousers and boxers about his ankles was himself not aware what Jonah was attempting to do at first. As it slowly dawned on him, he could not believe it. He of course had seen pictures of fisting, and a short promo clip of two men engaging in it, but those had been huge, muscular bears and scat lovers. These were two young boys. Jonah's hand was slender mind you, the boy himself only being fifty pounds [23kg] and four feet [1.20m] tall, and it really was not that much wider than some cockheads he'd seen pictures of. Of course that did not mean Anton would be able to take it, and besides, he was only twelve and Jonah only seven.

His balls now totally spent, he finally eased his cock out of Anton's mouth. Shuffling over to the camera, he zoomed in on Anton's anus and Jonah's hand. Ever so slowly, a fraction of an inch at a time, he saw the lubed fingers easing up Anton's rectum until finally Jonah's entire hand disappeared up Anton's asshole and Anton's sphincter closed in on the young boy's wrist. Anton, still unaware Jonah's entire hand had been stuffed up his ass, could not believe how stuffed his rectum felt. As Jonah slowly twisted his wrist, Anton shrieked with pleasure. Constricting his sphincter, he could feel Jonah's fingers pressing against his prostate and he quivered uncontrollably with the pleasure.

Slipping his other hand around under Anton, Jonah struggled with the two leather straps, finally releasing them. As the blood once again began to flow through his swollen balls and his aching little cocklet, his numb flesh tingled as if he'd stuck his cocklet and balls in a glass of fizzing soda pop. Anton's mind jumped from the numb, tingling pleasure of his released genitals to his stretched, burning sphincter, and the weird sensation of feeling Jonah's slender fingers probing deep up his hot, moist rectum. The cum from his previous two ejaculations no longer having its escape route cut off began to ooze out his peehole in a steady seemingly endless flow, forming a long, opaque ribbon from the tip of his cock down to the champaign-coloured pile carpet where it was forming a thick pool of watery, translucent twelve-year-old cum.

As Jonah's fingers brushed against Anton's prostate, it sent electrifying jolts through the pre-adolescent's groin and up his stiff, numbed cock. Anton focussed on the pleasure, wishing he could develop the pressure deep in this groin a third time and experience the ejaculation of his semen that had been twice denied him. Suddenly, without warning, he felt that familiar spasm he was aching for deep in his groin. He automatically clenched his asshole tight about Jonah's wrist and his cum flew out of his cock, shooting through the air and striking the highly polished mahogany desk and dripping down onto the expensive pile carpet. He gasped and gobbled as if he was choking as his thin body was wracked with unbelievable pleasure bursting up from his loins. His eyes glazed over and his lips, wet with Jacob's cum, parted as if he was having an epileptic fit.

Jonah, amazed and delighted by what he had done, slowly drew his hand back out and wiped the ass slime and lube off on the carpet. He knelt there almost in as much of a daze as Anton. It was awesome the way a guy spurted out his stuff, and it was awesome knowing that he'd been the cause. Remembering the ending Cory had suggested, he slowly got to his feet and pushing the chair back over behind the desk, he sat down and searched for a pen and sheet of paper. Jacob rolled the camera over behind him and zoomed in on his thank you note to Master Cory for the 'fuckin awsum Valentine's prezunt,' neatly printed in his best grade-two printing with his seven-year-old spelling. His gift sat there on the plush pile carpet in dazed delight overcome by the most powerful orgasm and the wildest experience he'd yet had and wondering how he was ever going to thank the person responsible for arranging it.

Shutting off the camera, Jacob Schuller stood there in his tux, his trousers and boxers still about his ankles, his cock now semi-erect and glistening with spittle and cum, and his mind spinning with feelings and thoughts he'd never had before, and had never dreamed of having as he stared at the two young boys. A whole new chapter on his study of abnormal sexual behaviour had just been opened.

Chapter Forty-Seven

— Ft —

Thanks to Billy for suggesting Cory take Antoinette out for a romantic evening

"So, ah, wouldja like a pre-dinner drink or something?" Cory asked as he opened the mini bar in the back of the stretch limo. "They got all kindsa stuff in here."

"Why, yes. A little aperitif to stimulate the appetite would be nice, thank you."

"I hope they got it," Cory observed as his eyes scanned the bottles for aperitif.

Antoinette smiled. He was trying so hard to be so sophisticated, and so far he was doing an admirable job. When he'd said he'd like to take her out for a Valentine's dinner she'd offered to make them one at home, but he'd insisted that he wanted to take her out for a romantic evening. What that meant to a thirteen-year-old she wasn't sure, but she was flattered and didn't really care where he was going to take her. Figuring they would likely go to some place like Taco Bell or a pizza place, she wasn't sure what she should wear. She didn't want to overdress, but she wanted to wear something special. It was after all their first date. She decided on her black, apricot and gold silk paisley dress with the bell sleeves. It was one of her favourites. It went well with her blue-green eyes and long, red hair and made her look slimmer, and she hadn't worn it in along time. Julius felt it was too showy, and the neckline too low. It did show off her cleavage, and she did have a lot to show, but Cory liked her breasts. Besides, it was one of the few dresses she knew she could get into with her gain in weight.

After trying several necklaces and earrings, she decided that would be too formal so she opted to go with none, and she kept the makeup to a minimum, a bit of lipstick and a little eye shadow and liner. When Cory had shown up in a sharp two-button, double-breasted, light grey suit with a pale lilac shirt and a matching silk tie with a pearl tie pin and pearl cufflinks, she was glad she'd chosen what she had, and before going out she slipped back to the bedroom to put on her pearl necklace and pearl earrings, Christmas gifts from Julius. She hoped wherever Cory was taking her that they wouldn't laugh at him for such formal attire. He'd certainly impressed her, and from the looks on the faces of her family, he'd certainly impressed them.

"Apricot brandy would be good," she suggested helpfully, spotting it in the bar.

"They got that," he said happily, having been unable to spot a bottle of aperitif. "You want pop to go with that?" He didn't know anything about liquor, but he knew adults usually took pop or water with their drinks.

"Just ice," she said with a smile. His sweet innocence and honesty were two of the many things that she loved about him. That and being great in bed, she thought with a smile. Her hand went to her belly swollen with their child and rubbed it, unaware of her action.

"Oh yeah, they got ice," he said happily. Things were going very well. This was just like in the movie he'd watched on television. Well, he didn't exactly watch much of it. It was black and white and sortta boring, but it was a famous romantic movie with this smooth guy called Clarke something who had a moustache sort of like Mister Schuller, and his mom had liked it a lot, so he figured he should sortta watch some of it for ideas since he wanted to do something special for Antoinette for Valentine's and he knew she liked that romantic stuff. Plunking in the ice, he handed the glass to Antoinette, and then after thinking a moment, he opened a second of the little bottles and poured himself one too. "Here's to us, and the day heaven smiled down upon me and I met you," he said raising his glass and clicking hers just like in the movie. Or maybe that was one of the things he'd read in Anthony's mother's romance novels the two of them occasionally browsed through to see if they had any "good stuff."

Tipping the glass back, he took a long draught as he would a glass of soda. His eyes popped open in surprise as he opened his mouth wide and began sucking in air as he tried not to make a face or cough or anything. His mouth was so totally on fire and the brandy had burnt all the way down his oesophagus to his stomach like nothing he'd ever drank before. He could still feel the path it had taken. As tears welled up in his eyes he widened them even more in an attempt to keep the tears in. Raising the glass to his lips again, he anxiously worked an ice cube into his mouth. "Mmm, mmm," he observed throatily as if in appreciation, trying to clear his throat which just made the burning all the stronger. He sucked desperately on the ice cube.

"Yes, it's very nice," Antoinette said, taking another sip and pretending not to notice his distress.

So, you were only supposed to take little sips. He'd remember that next time, if his throat wasn't totally destroyed. This romance stuff wasn't as easy as it looked. While Cory recovered, Antoinette wondered where he'd gotten the stretch limo, and how he could have possibly paid for it on a thirteen-year-old's allowance. The limo had been actually only the last of a string of surprises. The first had been that Julius had planned on going out tonight, Valentine's night of all nights, with Julian and François. Of course she now knew why they were going out every night so it really wasn't so much a surprise as it was another disappointment. Julius had totally lost all interest in making love to her since she'd confronted him with the picture, which was not that big a deal in that he'd begun losing interest way back last September she eventually realized, and after seeing him having sex with another man she certainly had no interest in having sex with him. At first she'd hoped confronting him would bring it out in the open and he'd make some effort to stop going, or at least to talk to her about it, but he'd continued going, every single night, and got all irritated and angry when she tried to bring the topic up, apparently just wanting to ignore it. Actually, other than providing him his meals he totally ignored her. He spent far more attention to their dog Rocky than he did her. Still, she had hoped at least on that special day for lovers he'd skip his rendezvous in the park.

The second surprise had been Annette's unforseen announcement about her engagement. In one way she was glad she was getting married considering she was four months pregnant. It was just too bad it was with that nigger boy even if he was the father of her child. And there was that foolishness about marrying the Spic besides, as if that was really possible. She was only fourteen, but surely she knew a girl couldn't marry two men in this country. Actually, to be very truthful, she wished there was a law that forbade marriages between races. That was only marginally better than the stigma of having a daughter who was having a child out of wedlock. On top of the marriage announcement, there was the announcement both the nigger and the Spic were moving in, and with the three babies that they said were their children. Julius had nearly had a heart attack, not that she cared if he did other than it would have ruined the evening she'd been looking forward to. She did have to admit the idea of having Annette's two beaus in the same house, eating off the same dishes, seen coming and going by the neighbours, was disgusting and was going to be an embarrassment. She'd have to buy some air fresheners tomorrow, and she'd have to laundry their bed sheets separately from the rest of the family. As for the babies, as cute as they were, they were coloureds. They had better not expect her to be looking after them.

Then there was the conversation she'd overheard when she'd gone past Juliette's room as Juliette had been packing her Barbie bag to take over to her best friend's house to play, the conversation in which Juliette was telling Barbie that she knew she was disappointed, but she'd better leave Ken's dirty underwear behind. Of course that could have been because she'd overheard Barb Anders, her best friend's mother, commenting that her youngest son's dirty underwear was mysteriously disappearing from the clothes hamper. You never know what sort of things a seven-year-old girl's imagination can dream up from that. Actually she felt like telling her to count her blessings and to wait until her eight-year-old son was Anton's age and stopped wearing underwear altogether, or Julian's age and started wearing a bra and panties. She took another sip of brandy and pushed the thoughts out of her head. She wasn't going to let her worries about her family spoil this special evening with the father of her child. That they were all growing up weird wasn't a surprise considering their father's habits.

"So, where are we going for dinner?"

"Gerard's French Restaurant."


"Yeah." Cory smiled at her evident surprise and pleasure. He knew her favourite type of food was French, and Billy had said Gerard's was the best in Riverside. "They got a special five-course Valentine's Day dinner. I hope you're hungry."

"That's wonderful," she said, reaching over and placing a hand on his thigh and squeezing it. "How did you know I love Gerard's?" Cory just smiled that sweet, innocent smile that so turned her on. She squeezed his thigh harder, causing his dick to stir in his sharply creased trousers. Gerard's served authentic French cuisine. Julius had taken her there a few times, for a couple birthdays, and once with the kids at Easter. That was years ago, and although he admitted the food had been great, he'd complained about the prices on a school teacher's salary so she'd never suggested they go there again. A five-course meal had to be terribly expensive. She rubbed Cory's thigh appreciatively and he smiled back as his dick began to swell. This romantic stuff worked fast. He took a sip of his brandy. It wasn't bad once you got over the first gulp.

The limo was a neat idea and he could see Antoinette liked it. That had been Billy's idea, and their chauffer, Sangha, Chouan Sangha, a recent immigrant from Cambodia and a friend of Billy Dean, had shown him all the stuff it had inside, your own telephone and TV, your own computer with wireless Internet even, the mini bar and ice machine. Billy had been a lot of help in setting the evening up, in thanks for his help on Friday, and after he'd gotten his rant over the two cops out of his system again. He was really steamed up about it, as if they'd done something to him personally, and he kept insisting that before he was done he was going to have their balls. One thing Cory had learned in his association with Billy Dean was that you didn't mess with the guy.

Arriving at the restaurant, Sangha opened Cory's door, and then Antoinette's, and wished them a good dinner. The feeling of importance was quickly squashed when the maitre de of course addressed Antoinette rather than himself as if he wasn't even there, asking if she had a reservation, and handing her the wine list rather than Cory. Not wishing to embarrass him and knowing she should limit her alcohol intake being pregnant, she wisely chose 7-up while Cory ordered coke.

For appetizers Antoinette selected the twice baked goat cheese souffle. Cory wondered why they said it was baked twice and why they hadn't just baked it longer the first time, but in that there was no way he was going to have that, he decided not to ask. Goat's cheese? That sounded so gross. Instead he selected the escargot au basilic. Actually he was hoping they'd serve oysters but he didn't see it on the menu. Since the escargot stuff was served in the shell he figured that might be close though, and it was served with garlic butter which he figured would be interesting, and besides, the name sounded cool. He studied his plate as the waiter placed it in front of him.

"These look like giant snails," he whispered with amusement as he glanced at Antoinette as the waiter left.

"That's what escargot is," she whispered back.

"I, ah, meant I'm surprised they still look like snails, you know, in a restaurant this fancy, and after they've been cooked and all." Snails? He should have ordered the goat's cheese. In that he couldn't very well just sit there, he steeled himself and tried to pick one up with the strange two-tined fork he'd been given. To his embarrassment it skittered across the plate and almost over the edge. He definitely should have ordered the goat's cheese.

"Do you mind if I try one?" Antoinette asked.

"Heck no. Go ahead." Frankly she could try all of them.

He watched closely as she picked one up in the clamp sort of thing that had come with them and speared the fleshy part with the little narrow-tined fork and twisted it out of its shell. Taking the clamp and fork, he copied her, not knowing of course she'd seen his look of distaste and his puzzlement and had unobtrusively shown him how to go about eating them, also commenting on how tasty they were in encouragement. They weren't bad, with a lot of butter and washed down with coke, if you didn't think what you were eating and how slimy they were and how they felt oozing down your throat.

Annette ordered the sea food soup consisting of mussels and clams in a rich cream broth with Swiss chard. Figuring he'd best stay away from anything with shells and disappointed they didn't have oyster soup in the menu, he ordered the Vichyssoise. Taking a spoonful, he was totally surprised, especially this supposedly being such good restaurant. He looked about and waved for their waiter.

"This soup is ice cold," he observed, somewhat imperiously and with a hint of annoyance as he'd seen upset customers do on television. Actually, he was thinking it would have been good in the back of the limo after he'd had his first sip of brandy.

"I'm sorry sir, has the Vichyssoise not been chilled to the proper temperature?"

"Oh, ah, yeah, ah, no. What I mean is it's great. Chilled just right. I wanted to complement the chef on just how right chilled it is."

"Ah. Very good sir. I will be sure to tell him."


The waiter was very good at his job. Following the restaurant's policy that one never questioned the customer, he did not let on that he knew Cory was covering up his blunder, and to Cory's relief, glancing at Antoinette, she seemed to be fooled too. In fact from the smile on her lips she seemed to be impressed that he knew enough about cold soup to complement the chef on it. He smiled at her and she smiled back. He took a spoon of soup, being careful not to slurp. Snails, and now cold soup? This romantic stuff definitely was not easy. After what he'd gone through so far the fucking tonight had better be especially good. After his first two choices, he decided to follow Antoinette's choice for salad. Frankly, he didn't care if it was fresh and if it gave you muscles, the only thing good about the spinach was that it didn't taste as bad as the bleu cheese. As for the raspberry vinaigrette, it tasted like vinegar and not at all like raspberries. At least the candied pecans were okay, though there weren't many of them.

For the entre Antoinette selected the Bouillabaisse, black mussels, lobster tail, tiger shrimp, sea scallops, king crab, and manila clams in a saffron and fennel scented broth. Again unable to find oysters on the list, he decided on the Tournedos Rossini. He was especially pleased to discover he'd ordered a steak, and actually the tenderloin was quite tasty, as were the truffles and the foie gras. He wisely decided not to ask what the last two were, and when Billy explained the next day that one was a fungus and the other goose liver he was glad he hadn't known at the time. The double chocolate cherry Roulade was definitely a good choice, and he was glad he'd ordered it and not the passion fruit cheese cake when he saw how small the dessert was, the idea of eating passion fruit having been tempting but a cake made of cheese sounding weird.

As the waiter arrived with the bill, Antoinette managed to catch his eye without Cory noticing and he placed it beside Cory, giving Antoinette a knowing smile. It was not the first time a young son took his mom out for Valentine's. He would have been quite shocked to know their real relationship. Taking out two one-hundred dollar bills out of his wallet, Cory felt very pleased with himself when he told him to keep the change. Calling their chauffer on his cell phone, a gift from Billy for his help Friday, Cory grandly escorted his date out of the restaurant and to their awaiting limo. Antoinette's surprises were not yet over. Instead of returning home, their chauffer took them to the Riverside Marriot where Cory informed her he'd purchased the Escape Romance Package, a room at the hotel, a bottle of champagne, and a breakfast buffet for two.

Checking in at the desk and picking up the hotel keys as Billy had explained to him, he proudly escorted his date to the elevators. Arriving at their room, he wasn't sure what he was supposed to do. In the movie it seemed like they got right into the hugging and kissing stuff, but that seemed sort of sudden, and besides, they said they'd be sending up the champagne, and that would interrupt them. Besides, he couldn't answer the door in his underwear. Fortunately Antoinette was all pleased with going to the restaurant and with the hotel room and so they had something to talk about, and he didn't have to wait that long. The boy who brought in the champagne was more than a little surprised to find a forty-year-old woman and a thirteen-year-old boy, and even more surprised when the boy gave him a ten-dollar tip.

Cory noticed that the champagne was being served chilled, just like his soup. Sitting down on the bed beside Antoinette, he struggled with the cork, and as it refused to budge he started to become frustrated. Suddenly much to his surprise the cork popped out and went flying across the room and almost knocked the picture off the wall and the champagne gushed out like a miniature geyser, spraying him and Antoinette. Already totally embarrassed, when Antoinette began to laugh his heart sank thinking she was laughing at him. As he realized she was laughing not at him but because it was funny, which when he thought about it after his initial shock, it was, he started to laugh too. Wrapping her arms about him, she gave him a big hug and a long kiss.

"You look totally dashing and debonair tonight," she observed with a happy smile. Cory had no idea what debonair meant, nor dashing really in that he wasn't dressed for running anywhere, but it seemed like a complement. "Really, you're absolutely handsome in that suit."

"It's a new suit," he said proudly, "a Mezzanotte. It's Italian. And my shirt's new too. It's nylon and got French cuffs, and my tie was made in Japan. My underwear's American though, Calvin Klein." Antoinette laughed and gave him another hug and another long kiss. "You look really beautiful tonight," he observed, looking up at her. He knew that was the romantic thing to say, but he also said it because she was. "I like the way you done your eyes." Billy had said he should mention something specific about her appearance. "I can see where Anton learned how to do his." Antoinette smiled. She knew he was trying to be complementary, and it was a strange complement, but in a way it was likely true. "And I love the dress you picked out." She smiled again, half expecting him to say he saw where Julian got his taste in dresses. "You look so way sexy."

Antoinette blushed. It had been a long time since anyone had told her that. Pouring them both a glass of champagne, she held hers up in a toast. "To the two most beautiful, sexiest, and happiest people in all of Riverside," she said. Cory took a careful sip of the champagne. It was sort of fizzy, like soda pop, and made his nose tickle. He didn't care all that much for it, but it was definitely a lot better than apricot brandy.

"You really mean that. About being happy I mean?"

"I couldn't be happier," she replied, drawing him close and kissing him.

As he felt his dick stirring again, he decided this romantic stuff just might not be too bad after all though it took a lot longer. One thing for sure, if what they'd done so far made her so happy, he knew she was going to be ecstatic over the next part, because what he was going to do next was something he knew a lot about. He returned the kiss and as he began to massage her back, he wondered if passion fruit worked like oysters, and just how many slices there had been on her cake.

As they kissed, Antoinette slipped his suit jacket off and then untied his tie. "Those are very nice cufflinks," she observed as she began to unbutton his shirt.

"Oh yeah. And they're real pearls too," Cory replied. "They're a present from Juan for, ah, well, something I did to help him and Billy. The cufflinks and the tie pin." They kissed again and Cory slipped behind her and began to unbutton the back of her dress, she being too large for him to just reach behind and do it. As he undid each button he kissed the exposed flesh, just like he'd seen his dad do to his mom. "You look good in pearls, and in this dress," he observed as he undid the last button and slipped the dress off her shoulders. "But you look best of all naked," he added as he struggled with the clasps of her bra, causing her to blush again. Now that she definitely had not been told in a long time, if ever. He wondered how a woman managed to put them on by themselves.

Turning around, Antoinette gave him a long, hot, passionate kiss and he drew her close, pressing her large, warm breasts against his naked chest. He loved a woman's boobs and figured if he was a girl he'd play with them every chance he got. "You're very sweet."

"Must be the chocolate cherry Roulade."

Antoinette smiled. "Thank you again for a most lovely dinner. It was absolutely delightful."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." She unbuckled his belt and undid the top clasp of his trousers and pulled down his fly. He seemed so different, so more mature, in dress pants instead of his usual jeans or cargo pants. Taking her hand, he placed it on the warm bulge in his briefs. "I saved you the best part for last." As they kissed, she felt the mound swell, sending a quiver between her own legs. He was always so eager to make love with her.

As Cory untied his shoes and removed them and his socks and stepped out of his trousers, Antoinette stepped out of her dress and removed her panty hose. Lying down on the large bed, she just in her panties and him in his American Calvin Kleins, the two began to make love. He caressed her large breasts slowly and gently as he smothered them with light kisses, just like he'd watched his father doing the Friday night before he'd headed off for the Sierra Madre and he and Dominic had sex with his mom. Antoinette squirmed with arousal just like his mom had. Sticking out his tongue, he wiggled it against her nipple, really making her squirm, and as he reached down and slipped his fingers over her pussy he found she was already swollen and wet. His dad sure knew how to get a woman hot fast.

As Cory slowly began to caress her moist labia and to gently suck on her tit, Antoinette massaged his tight little buttocks and squirmed with the pleasures pulsating between her legs and emanating out from her hard nipple. It never ceased to amaze her how skilful a lover Cory was for a thirteen-year-old boy. He made her feel more aroused than Julius ever had. His compact, smooth buttocks and slender body contrasted markedly with her own, accenting that he was a boy just entering his teens and she was, well, a mature woman. Making love to a boy so young was erotic in itself, and what she'd at first felt guilty and ashamed about, she now saw now not as something sinful or illegal but as a wonder that only a privileged few women of forty would ever know. If others could only see the way Cory made love and how they made each other feel they could never question that a thirteen-year-old boy had sexual needs that needed fulfilling. To deny him that satisfaction would be cruel and the real crime.

As Cory reached up from her throbbing pussy to caress her distended stomach, she could not help but be reminded that the baby inside was his. She knew many women at forty would be abhorred by the idea of having a child, but she was delighted, and especially to be bearing his child. She hoped it would be a boy, and would grow up just like his father. He kissed her belly lovingly, talking to the life inside, telling it he hoped it was okay and that it had liked the goat cheese and cheese cake its mommy had eaten, and that it had a beautiful, sexy mommy and that if it was a girl he hoped it grew up just like her. She reached down and ran her fingers through his thick, reddish-brown hair. He was so very sweet. Resting his head on her belly, he reached down and stroked the tender inner side of her thighs, causing her to quiver with desire. Wiggling down he skipped his lips over the spot he'd caressed and then licked it, sending spasms of delight through her groin and causing her to buck her hips.

"Oh God," she sighed. "Where did you ever learn to do that?"

"In a video," he replied. "The woman really liked it. She sucked on the guy's balls and it looked like it drove him just as crazy as he was driving her," he hinted, being as subtle as a horny thirteen-year-old boy could be. Of course he didn't say the video was of his mother and father.

"Well, let's see if that's so," she said as he'd hoped she would.

Smiling as he twisted around, he continued to lick her inner thighs as she leaned forward and he felt her hot breath on his thighs and then on his balls. This was going to be so hot! His dad really knew how to do sex. Antoinette slipped her lips about the lower of the two early teen orbs and gently sucked on it. She slowly ran her tongue over both of them, causing Cory's cock to twitch with arousal. This was hot! Antoinette was finding it so also. The saltiness and musky odour of the sweat of his young balls caused her to tremble with arousal and her labia to throb with desire. He was so young and tasted and smelled of hot, raw sex as only a young boy can. Opening her mouth wider, she took both orbs in her mouth and gently sucked on them both. She could feel the eggs inside roll in the loose skin. Cory squirmed and licked her thigh harder, understanding why his father liked it when his mother did that to him, and hoping that Antoinette was enjoying it as much as his mother seemed to in the videos.

Antoinette was. Sucking on those young, full balls was causing her pussy to drip with cunt juice and ache to be fucked until they filled her with their hot young seed. The brandy and champagne, the delightful, romantic dinner, and now the passionate love making, she could not remember having a more delightful evening, and she could not think of a better way of ending it than with a long, hot fucking by her young lover. Cory, despite his youth and limited experience, could tell that she was hot, and that she was ready. So was he. Slipping between her legs, he positioned himself above her with an expertise many twice his age lacked. Lowering his body, he wiggled forward to make a minor adjustment in his position, and then with the tip of his stiff young cocklet, now four and a quarter inches [11cm] long by his last measurement, poised at the entrance to her vagina, he slowly pushed forward. Antoinette sighed with delight as she felt his slender, hard cock pushing into her, and she clamped her hot, moist vagina tightly about his slender cock. She didn't care if he was thirteen. He was the father of the child in her belly, and she was in love with him.

Sinking his cock up her vagina until his curly bush was pressing against her public mound, Cory began to fuck, working his slender young cock in and out of her hot, moist channel as he'd done probably a hundred times by then. Having usually concentrated on what was happening below his waist, this time he continued to kiss her like he'd seen his father do, and following Billy's suggestion, he paused occasionally to allow her to enjoy having him inside her. He hadn't really thought about that part, about him being inside her, and she was enjoying it, as was he. Her cunt was hot, as usual, and gripped his throbbing bone tightly each time he withdrew as if she wanted to keep it inside her. His cock was rock hard and pulsating with pleasure, something he would never cease to marvel at and made him so glad he was a guy.

He tried to make it last as long as he could, but he was aching to get off, and so was Antoinette. The last time he paused, she continued to constrict and relax her cunt muscles and had begun to raise and lower her hips in her lust and need to get off and he knew they had waited long enough. Considering her size and weight and his, it was sort of like riding a wild bull as she bucked and snorted with her need. Inhaling deeply, Cory finished off in a fury, ramming his aching cock in and out of her cunt rapidly like a sex-crazed bunny. His young balls were drawn up tight beneath his rigid cock and he ached so bad deep in his groin that it hurt.

And then he came. His young balls contracted and his early teen juice shot deep up her cunt like a miniature cannon, and she began to jerk and tremble with her own orgasm only seconds later. Wave after wave of pure, physical pleasure pulsated through their groins, leaving them weak-thighed and their minds spinning. They gasped for breath, sucking in the sex-scented air rich with the fragrance of sperm and cunt juice. The two grasped each other tightly and kissed, long and passionately, his heaving chest pressed against her large, sweaty boobs, their groins cemented together with their hot juices.

As they lie there side by side later, each stared up at the ceiling lost in his and her own thoughts. Antoinette could not be happier. The entire evening had been perfect, and the sex had been the best yet. As she inhaled deeply, she smiled, knowing that once was never going to satiate her young lover, and tonight, once was not going to satisfy her either. As Cory's thin chest slowly rose and fell, he decided that having to eat snails and cold soup had been worth it. This evening had been better than the movie and any of the stories he and Anthony had read in Anthony's mother's romance novels, better than he could have hoped, and the sex had been awesome. As he felt his limp cock stir with the memory and in anticipation of a repeat performance, he wondered if maybe instead of going to sleep they'd just fuck all night until the buffet in the morning, whatever that was. He hoped it was early. He had school in the morning.