PZA Boy Stories
Chapter 50: ttgg — Chapter 51: MFt g

Daemon Way


Chapter Fifty

— ttgg —

Thanks to Caroline for suggesting Billy invite the boys Molly and Trang have been teasing to watch and join them in making a porno video, and to Ben for suggesting the exchange between Nick and Molly. This story arc concludes in Part 51.

"So, this is, like, a whore house?" asked Fats, his eyes practically popping out of his head as he looked around.

"Shh, not so loud," said Dwayne.


"Just, don't," he said, afraid Fats might insult someone.

"I didn't expect to see a desk and file cabinet and stuff," observed Jerome.

"That's because it's disguised as a massage parlour. The whore part is supposed to be secret," explained Cory as his and Ben's seven guests looked around totally awestruck.

"Sneaky," observed Wilbur.

Callie Dean stepped out from behind the bead curtain at the back of the room, and if the boys weren't google-eyed before, they certainly were with her appearance. With her reddish-brown hair, rouge and red lipstick, and slinky red dress that showed off her boobs and her ass she looked every bit the proprietress of a house of ill repute. She smiled as she looked at the gaggle of slack-jawed thirteen and fourteen-year-old boys. Eli could have a field day with this crew. "Billy has everything set up if you follow me."

The boys surged forward as one, Dwayne tripping over his big feet and the boys stumbling into each other. Fats bumped into the desk, almost knocking the phone off but fortunately Peter managed to catch it. The boys crowded against each other as they followed Callie down the hallway, all nine pairs of eyes on her backside.

Leading them to her living room, where she and Billy had brought in a few extra chairs, she smiled again as the boys filed in and awkwardly and self-consciously found a place to sit, all of them unable to keep their eyes off her 40 DD breasts and trying not to be obvious. She'd noticed yesterday that young Ben had been particularly fascinated by her endowment, and she'd learned later from Cory that Ben was a real 'tit man.' Some day she'd have to give the boy the thrill of his life.

"I've never entertained so many young gentlemen before," she said with a wide grin. "This is really quite exciting. You can just feel my heart beating." Taking Ben's hand, she placed it over her heart, causing him to turn a bright red and to pop an instant boner. The rest of the guests stared at him with envy and admiration, causing Ben to puff out his chest with pride. "Now, you boys have fun. I'll go check on the girls."

"Is she really, you know, a whore?" whispered Peter.

"She runs the place," Ben whispered back.

"A person who runs a whore place is called a madam," Wilbur advised and the boys added that piece of knowledge to their meagre store of sexual information.

Billy shut off the lights and began the video. It had required next to no editing, which was good as last night after filming the two girls he'd been so horny he'd spent an all nighter with Annette and Juan working off his arousal. He hadn't been the only one who'd found the filming hot, Callie having attended to her big brother's needs as soon as Billy and the boys left, and Cory and Ben having two hot wanks that night as they recalled the events.

As the tape rolled, the seven guests sat there with a mix of emotions. None of them had really known what to expect. Ben and Cory had split up the phone calls, and simply told them that they had an awesome video of Molly and Trang that they thought they'd be interested in seeing, and that Billy would pick them up the next afternoon at the Westbank Mall so that if their parents asked where they'd been they could honestly tell them they'd gone to the mall. As Molly and Trang dissed each of them, the boy being discussed squirmed uncomfortably and felt totally devastated hearing the two girls making fun of him and his hopes, dissing the things he held dearest to him and was proudest off, and totally dashing any fantasies he might have had of actually making it with them. Each was sure the others watching the video was sure he was a total loser, and each wished he could crawl under the seat he was on and totally disappear, or die right there on the spot. Their cheeks burning with embarrassment and their hearts sunk so low in their chests they felt like lead weights, each also wondered why Cory and Ben had done this to him, and each hated the two boys as much as the smug girls on the screen laughing about him.

Cory knew it would be hurtful, and he and Billy had actually discussed starting the video with the kissing, but the revenge of group of boys would be that much more delightful and meaningful if they heard the comments of the girls, and besides, they deserved to know just how Molly and Trang viewed them up front. Most of them deep down knew it anyway, and it was cruel to keep up any false hopes. As for Billy, filming the reaction of the boys and zooming in on the face of each of them as he was made fun of was going to make an excellent beginning to the second porn video the girls would be staring in. Eli was at that very moment monitoring and controlling the hidden cams that were strategically placed around the living room.

As Molly and Trang got into the sex part of the video, the boys sat there with unabashed attention, unable to believe the two seemingly hetero girls were making out with each other. As the camera zoomed in on them licking and sucking each other's teat and on their swollen pussies there was not a soft dick in the room. The boys could not believe what they were seeing, their so smug and haughty classmates snorting and grunting like two stuck pigs as they buried their faces in each other's muff, and as they surfaced with their lips and cheeks glistening with cunt slime and their hairs sparkling with droplets of pussy juice there was not a boy in the room that wasn't leaking. When the video ended with the two girls kissing and embracing, the boys sat there in total shock.

"Oh man, that was like, so hot!"

"Oh yeah 3; totally!" Most of them were at a lost of words. Except for Cory and Ben, the only tit and cunt they'd seen had been the one second snatches they'd seen when Molly and Trang had flashed them.

"Who would have thought that Molly and Trang were, ah, were 3;"

"Lesbians," said Cory.

"Yeah, lesbians."

"If they're hot for girls, why have they been flashing guys?"

"So nobody would suspect," concluded Wilbur.

"Oh yeah."

"Makes sense."

"They sure had me fooled."

"That's why they've been flashing skanky old men whom they never had any intention of doing anything with."

"And us."

That was a real downer and the buzz suddenly died as the reality slapped each of them in the face and each recalled vividly and exactly the comments made about him.

"They said some real mean things about us."

"They're mean, the, the, the bitches."

"Yeah!" everyone agreed.

Everyone that is except one. Nick Dawson had sat there in total silence since the video had ended. What can a guy say when it's been revealed his girlfriend is a lesbian? The girl that he'd kissed and put his arm around in front of like the whole school and had bragged to the guys how far he was getting with her was queer. The lips he kissed kissed girls. The boobs she'd let him squeeze she let another girl caress and kiss and lick and suck! She'd let another girl go way farther than she'd ever let him go. Now every guy in the room knew he was dating a lesbian, and tomorrow every guy and probably every girl in Lincoln Junior High was going to know! His life was over!

Not only that, she'd told Trang one of his most private and personal secrets. When he heard her telling Trang that he jacked off and caught his stuff in his hand he had been totally mortified. And the way she'd told it, like it was a sick joke or something! One of his most personal secrets that he'd shared to show his love for her! And now every guy in the room knew it, and tomorrow every guy at school would too. He'd be the laughing stock of the whole school. And suppose one of the guys told one of the girls, or one of the girls heard two guys talking. He'd never be able to have a date again! How could she!

"Wait until next time I see Molly Vickers! So I'm a real geek, am I? So I don't know anything worthwhile eh? Well I know something worthwhile about her now!" sputtered Peter Manchester.

"And so Trang thinks I'm clueless. That I don't know why there's two sexes," snorted Wilbur. "Well it's pretty clear that for Molly and Trang it don't matter much if there is a second sex."

"At least they didn't compare you to a squished frog. Or an elephant. Next time I see them I think I'll sit on them!"

"I'd like to get Molly Vickers alone. I'd disappear between her legs all right!" observed Jerome Eisenstein. "I'd like to see how she'd like that."

"That's what they both need, the bitches. A good fucking by a real man."

"Yeah. They're the losers."

"Would you guys really like to fuck them?"

"Oh yeah. If I had the chance, I'd fuck the two of them until their eyes popped out like a squished frog," observed Fats.

"And if they think cunt tastes so great, I got something a lot tastier they can wrap their lips around," observed Dylan. He already had in his mind an animated cartoon he'd draw of the two of them doing just that.

"You guys can," said Ben after glancing at Cory and Cory nodding.

"What do you mean?"

"They're just down the hall."

"They're here?"

"You mean they, like, they work here?"

"They're guests," said Billy, speaking up for the first time. "We recorded their conversation without them knowing it last night in one of our special rooms. We figured you might be interested in what they had to say and would like to make them pay."

"You figured that right."

The troupe of boys eagerly followed Billy down the hall. He paused at the first room and offered anyone who didn't want to confront the girls the choice of watching from the adjoining room. Cory, the only one who'd not been badmouthed by the two girls, was the only taker. While he'd despised the girls for their smug attitude and the comments they'd made about the guys, he didn't have any desire to abuse them and figured it would be a lot more fun watching them and filming them along with Eli. "While we were talking in the living room, my mother told the girls that you would be coming to get revenge for all the cruel things they've said about you, and for the mean way they've treated you, and that they are to do exactly what any of you want and if they don't, they'll have to answer to me later."

The boys had no idea what answering to Billy might involve, but they all had active imaginations, as did Molly and Trang. More than a few of them wondered what it was like to have a mother who was a madam.

"Well, now, you boys have fun," Billy said as he ushered them into the small bedroom where Molly and Trang had been confined. "And remember, the girls are under instructions to do whatever you want," he said with a leer before heading for the adjacent room to help Eli and Cory film the action.

As the boys crowded into the room they were still angry, and still feeling horny from watching the two girls engaging in sex with each other, but confronting them now face to face, and in front of each other, was a different matter. They glanced from one to the other nervously, none of them wanting to be the first to speak out, all of them realizing that to carry out their threats, which they'd made in the heat of the moment, they'd have to do it in front of everybody else, which was a much different matter. For all of them doing it was scarey, and doing it in front of other guys even scarier. Molly and Trang, having no idea that they'd been taped the previous day, had been apprehensive after Callie's little talk, but seeing the awkward and embarrassed shuffling of the eight boys and the familiar uncertainty and discomfort in their eyes, their hopes were buoyed up.

"Nick!" said Molly as she suddenly spotted him, not having expected him, and the group of losers he was with not being his usual company. She immediately got up and stepped over to him. "I don't know how you found me, but am I glad you did. Trang and me are being kept captive here, wherever this is. You got to help us get out of here." To her surprise, instead of springing to her rescue as she expected, and as he would have any other time, he drew away from her as if loathed to be touched by her. "Nick, what's wrong? I'm serious. There's this black guy and he's got a knife. He's kept us locked up in here ever since yesterday afternoon."

"Molly's telling the truth," Trang said, stepping up beside her best friend.

"Oh yeah, we know how truthful Molly is," Nick replied sarcastically.

"What do you mean?" Molly asked.

"Like you and me promising to keep each other's secrets."

"I have 3;"

"I know what you told Trang yesterday," he interrupted. "Everyone here knows what you told Trang. Well, maybe Trang would be interested in hearing some of the things you've said about her."

"Nick," Molly pleaded, recognizing the threat in his tone. He acted like such a child when he didn't get his way. It was a strange comment. How could he know what she'd told Trang yesterday?

"Molly's said stuff about me?"

"You and Ashley."

"Like what?" Trang had often suspected Molly's smug attitude was not just restricted toward the losers in the room.

"Like your clothes. And how naive and conceited you are."


"You didn't hesitate telling my secret."

"But Trang's my best friend."

"Because like you told me, beside her you looked stacked, right?"

Molly stared at Nick, unable to believe he'd revealed their totally private conversation. Trang looked at Molly in surprise, unable to believe that even as smug as she was her best friend would put her down like that. That she wasn't as big as other girls was an embarrassment and bothered her a lot.

"Please Nick, help us get out of here," Molly pleaded, desperate to get out of there, and even more desperate to get Nick alone before he revealed anything more about what she'd told him in private. "This man's threatened to hurt us if we don't do exactly what he tells us. We can talk about this other stuff later. I can explain."

"You've been kept here since yesterday afternoon?" asked Ben, feigning innocence.

"Yes! Oh Ben, please, you've got to help us. We've been so scared," said Trang, turning to him and turning on her sweet, innocent charm.

"So, what's he made you do so far?" he asked, keeping up his facade of innocence. He was not a cruel boy, but the things Molly and Trang had said about him were hurtful.

Molly and Trang looked at each other. "Well, he's kept us locked up in this room."

"But what has he made you do?"

"Well, nothing, yet," Trang admitted. "But he said he'd hurt us if we didn't obey him. He took out this knife and held it at our throats."

"Yeah, right," said Wilbur sarcastically.

"He did, honest. I wouldn't lie to you."

"Oh yeah," Wilbur snorted. Trang looked at him in surprise, and anger. How dare he use that tone talking to her?

"Please Nick, get me out of here," pleaded Molly as she sidled up to Nick and looked up at him with her big brown eyes. That always made him cave in to whatever she asked of him in the past. "I'd be very grateful," she added suggestively.

"Like you promised when I bought you the bag of grass you wanted?"


"Oh, sorry, I forgot. That was one of those secrets we swore crossing our hearts and hoping to die if we ever told."

"You smoked it too."

"Well, I guess that makes us equal in revealing each other's secrets. Guess we're both gonna die."

"I could tell a lot more," Molly said, her eyes flashing angrily.

"So could I," retorted Nick just as angrily.

"Ben, will you help us?" asked Trang. "I'd be grateful," she added, snuggling up to him.

"Because you like me and want to be my friend," Ben observed.

"Yes." Trang tried not to smile. It worked every time. The nerd was so desperate for a friend it was pathetic, and so gullible it was like talking to a child.

"Well, if you really do like me so much, you can start showing it by licking my ass," he said, glaring at her as he began unbuckling his belt. Trang stood there with her mouth open. First Wilbur, and now Ben? What was going on with these creeps? Ben had never spoken to her like that before. Nobody had ever spoken to her like that. Pulling down his fly, Ben pushed down his trousers and stepped out of them.

"Nick. Are you going to let that wimpy little geek speak to my best friend like that?"

"Let her lick his ass. It can't be any worse than eating out your cunt, which she evidently takes great delight in doing, and you evidently enjoy having done. Bitch," he snapped as he glared at her. "After all I've done for you, you haven't even let me see your pussy never mind do anything." As he spun around, he bumped into Jerome. "You want to screw her, you go right ahead," he said crossly.

Jerome looked at Molly. So skinny he'd disappear up her cunt eh? Well, he'd disappear up her cunt, but what was going to disappear wasn't so skinny. "Pull up your skirt and spread your legs and watch me disappear," he said curtly as he began to pull down his fly.

Molly was just as surprised as Trang. Jerome's behaviour, like the others had been, was totally uncharacteristic. Normally he'd be so flustered and tongue-tied in her presence he'd say nothing. Also like Trang, she was incensed that the nerd would dare speak to her so disrespectfully. "Nick!" she called, out of habit, and in desperation. Nick walked to the door and turning around, he looked at her blankly as he leaned against it and crossed his arms. "Nick, did you hear what this dork said to me? Are you going to just stand there and let him speak to me like that?" Nick said nothing.

"You got a problem with that slut?" Jerome asked, emboldened by Nick's response and by the vulgar comments the normally mild-mannered Ben had made to Trang. Angry and embarrassed over her name calling and disrespect on the videotape, and now to his face, he too acted with uncharacteristic vulgarity and authority. "Now go lay on your back on that bed and pull up your skirt and spread your legs. I got something that's gonna disappear way up your pussy." Molly could not believe it as he finished pulling down his fly and began to undo his belt.

Ben had by then stepped out of his underwear and had pushed Trang back so she was sitting on the edge of the bed, too surprised by his most uncharacteristic behaviour to resist. This was not the mild little mouse that went days without saying a thing to anyone. "Start licking this just like I seen you licking Molly's cunt," he said, "or I'll have to call in Billy."

Like he'd seen her licking Molly? But how could he have seen that? How could he have known? Had he been looking in through the keyhole or something? That would be so like him, and it would explain how he knew about Billy.

"And if you don't start moving your ass he can deal with you for not doing what you've been told while he's here," Jerome said to Molly, his coarse language and macho behaviour surprising even himself as he pushed down his jeans and his boxers and stepped out of them. He might have the ears of an elephant and the nose of a hawk, but what he had sticking up from between his legs was like that of a horse, much to Molly's surprise, and that of his friends and classmates.

Molly stumbled as she stepped back. Feeling the bed behind her, she lay down on her back and spread her legs more out of bewilderment and surprise than anything else. This could not possibly be happening. Jerome quickly knelt between her legs and bent forward to support himself on his elbows. He was functioning totally on instinct and imagination. Being a good Jewish boy, unlike many of his classmates he'd never visited porn sites on the Internet and none of his relatives had a stash of porn magazines he could peek through so he'd seen neither pictures nor read stories about how a guy and girl exactly did this. Guys talked in the lockers though, guys who likely were making it, guys like Nick Dawson, and they'd talked about girls spreading their legs and girls who didn't do it keeping them closed, and he'd heard a joke once, about a gentleman supporting his weight on his knees and elbows or something, though he didn't get the meaning of the joke, and honestly couldn't remember anything else about it.

Molly of course had plenty of experience with Eli, and Jerome was large but nowhere near as big as the black caretaker's. He was rough and awkward and she wasn't ready for him, but when he was horny Eli wasn't exactly the gentlest of men, and it wasn't as painful nor as rough as when she'd been raped in the hotel room by the cop. This was rape too, and even worse being by someone she knew and being from school so she couldn't help but run into him every day. As Jerome struggled to get his cock inside her, she wiggled farther up on the bed so he was at a better angle, not because she was eager to be fucked by him, though later that is what Billy would tell Jerome and he would believe, but because she wanted to get it over as fast as she could, and make it as painless as possible.

Jerome was large, but fortunately not that large compared to what Molly was used to, and it was painful receiving him dry, but not as painful as what she'd experienced. What was more painful was that she was being mounted by a total dork, in front of a room of geeks and nerds and dweebs, and in front of her boyfriend Nick. Jerome was not the first one up her pussy, but he was the first boy her age, and he was a total loser. If it was at least someone cool like Nick it wouldn't be half so bad. As she felt Jerome's stiff cock slowly press against her labia and slowly spread open her lips, and as she finally felt the circumcised knob pop inside her vagina, she cringed with revulsion and humiliation. One of Lincoln Junior High's biggest dorks was about to engage in that most intimate and private act that was supposed to be between lovers with her.

Feeling Molly quiver as he began to penetrate her, Jerome took it to mean she was quivering with pleasure, something guys in the lockers bragged about making girls do, and so encouraged, he plunged forward, driving his hard, throbbing early teen cock up her crack like he was a pro, much to his delight and even more to his relief. He'd been afraid that he'd not know how to do it, or would do it poorly, just like when he had to play baseball or volleyball in front of the guys. Lacking the coordination required for sports and lacking any incentive to practice, he hated gym and had totally no interest in sports, which he knew was not boylike. What he was doing now though was very boylike. He was fucking! He actually had his cock up a girl's cunt, and not just any girl. Molly was one of the hottest girls in grade eight, and he, Jerome Eisenstein, still six months away from his bar mitzvah, was fucking her! Just wait until Monday and he could brag to the other guys about having made out on the weekend like the cool guys bragged!

Sitting on the bed beside them, Trang Ng reluctantly ran her tongue up and down Ben Hanson's ass crack. It was a totally repulsive act, even more repulsive than licking Molly's pussy had been. Oh, at the time she'd been doing it, it had been the hottest thing she'd ever done, and doing it to Molly had been as hot and as pleasurable as having Molly doing it to her. In the cold reality of the night as she lay awake for hours fretting over what might happen to her, and thinking about what she'd done, she realized just how filthy and degenerate it had been. It was a filthy, perverted act. And the implication was even sicker. A decent girl didn't do stuff with another girl. A decent didn't lick a boy's ass either. At least it was not as wet and slimy as Molly's pussy had been, and other than a bit of a salty taste, it tasted a whole lot better than the cunt slime that had oozed out of Molly's crack. She had to be demented observing that licking a boy's ass crack was better than licking a girl's crack.

It was still repulsive, and even more so considering whom she was doing it to. Ben Hanson was a loser, a geek who knew all there was to know about computers and computer programs but nothing about interacting with people, especially with girls, and nothing about teenage fashions. Ben Hanson was a total nothing, a short, pudgy little mouse that everyone ignored and most people didn't even know existed. He was so totally gullible and so desperate for a girlfriend that despite the way she treated him he still hoped that he might have a chance with her. That was so ridiculous. So was what she was doing. Who would have ever thought it? The boy who was so desperate for a girlfriend that he fell for her lies about liking him despite having been humiliated by her dozens of times previously, was now standing there naked from the waist down and getting his ass licked by her!

Ben was thinking about Trang's treatment of him in the past also, but unlike her, he was totally delighted by what she was doing. As he told her to worm her tongue up his asshole, and as he felt her doing it, his stiff cock wagged with excitement. He could not believe he was finally engaging in sex with Trang Ng after all these months of hoping and wishing. It wasn't exactly how he'd daydreamed it would be when he jerked off at nights, or as he sat there in the classroom bored with the teacher and wishing that he and Trang were an item. It was hot though, way hotter than anything he'd ever imagined. Trang Ng, the girl who had humiliated him repeatedly in front of the whole class, was sitting there with her tongue up his asshole in front of all his classmates. And that was only the beginning of what he had in mind for her. Revenge was sweet.

"Okay, get on the floor on your hands and knees," he ordered.

Flushed with embarrassment and anger, Trang did as she was told, and as she felt Ben's hot dickhead press against her asshole she wanted to die. At least Jerome had stuck his thing where a boy was supposed to stick it in a girl. There couldn't be anything more humiliating than having a boy stick his thing up a girl's backside, to use her like a dog for his own satisfaction, instead of sticking it where a man was supposed to stick a woman in an act that both could enjoy. On top of that, he was doing it to her in front of a group of the biggest nerds in the school.

As he watched skinny Jerome banging away between Molly's legs, and pudgy little Ben sinking his dick up Trang's ass, Fats saw his opportunity. Grabbing a pillow off the bed, he quickly unbuttoned and removed his shirt and pushed down his trousers and boxers to his ankles. Laying on the floor, he wiggled under Trang to the cheers and encouragement of his classmates. Given his size, the slender Trang had to raise her body to accommodate him. With a bit of adjusting of their positions and with Dylan's navigational help, Trang lowered herself on Fats' stubby but thick sausage. Dylan, having seen plenty of pictures of threesomes in almost every imaginable position, shuffled around on his knees in front of her and opening the front of his trousers and pushing down his briefs, presented his stiff cock to her. Having no choice and just wanting to get it over with, she went down on him while she pumped her hips to and fro, impaling herself on Fat's thick cock as she pushed forward, and then impaling her backside on Ben's shorter and much more slender cock as she drew back. Each time her slim body pressed against Fats he quivered with delight, and each time she felt the soft, sweating blubber of his flabby breasts and bulging stomach pressing against her breasts and her flat stomach she shuddered too, but not with delight, though like Jerome, Fats had a much different interpretation. Also like Jerome, he could not wait until he met the guys in the locker room Monday and could brag about what he'd done on the weekend. It would be the first time he actually looked forward to P.E. class.

The boys were all randy and engaging in what they were doing strictly for their own pleasure. For them, that the girl was getting as much pleasure out of it as they were was a foregone conclusion. And what pleasure it was! Their swollen early teen cocks were throbbing and aching with a pleasure that for Fats, Dylan, and Jerome had been up to that afternoon the result of their own wrist action. The three of them could not believe it. They were finally making out! And with two of the hottest girls in the eighth grade. The three of them quivered with excitement as their stiff cocks burned with pleasure that until then they had only imagined in their wildest fantasies. Although he'd never fantasized about doing Trang this way, Ben was banging the snooty, cocktease's tight ass with as much pleasure as the others.

Molly clenched her eyes tightly closed but she could still see the group of nerds sitting around her and staring at her with their tongues hanging out and that imbecilic grin they always had as they watched Jerome screwing her. It was so totally disgusting and degrading, being watched engaging in that most private of acts, and engaging in something so special with a total dork like Jerome Eisenstein. Compared to the men she'd had between her legs, the thirteen-year-old felt so skinny. You could actually see his ribs and his shoulder blades. And the skinny dork had his thing inside her. It had been surprisingly large, like his ears. Despite her revulsion and humiliation, she was getting hot, and his long, thick cock was not something she could block out. She could not help but clasp her labia about it as it plunged in and out of her body.

Trang had her eyes closed also, and like Molly, she could still see the roomful of geeks staring at her and lusting for her body. She hated them, everyone of them, and as she thrust her hips to and fro and sucked on Dylan's dick she concentrated on that hate. They would pay for this humiliation. They all would. As she worked her lips up and down Dylan's slender thirteen-year-old dink she wanted to gag. Each time she lowered herself she quivered in revulsion at the feel of Fat's sweaty blubber and with the disgusting knowledge that the slob had his filthy, fat cock up her pussy. Each time she drew back and impaled herself on Ben's stiff prick she cursed him. She didn't know how, but she'd make him pay for engaging in this vulgar, humiliating act with her.

The boys of course were oblivious to the real feelings of the two girls. They were engaging in sex, for three of them for the first time in their lives, and to them it was awesome. Being young and horny, it was not that long before all four boys felt themselves approaching their peak and all four began to grunt and gasp with lust and a delight the likes of which they'd never felt before. They came pretty much together and they groaned openly with delight as their thin, early teen cum spurted out of their swollen cocks and into the two girls. While the four boys trembled with delight the two girls cringed in revulsion as they felt the boys' slime shooting into their bodies. Molly felt no pleasure knowing Jerome was shooting his stuff up her vagina, and with hot, watery cum squirting up her ass, up her pussy, and down her throat, Trang felt absolutely filthy. Their cocks, stiff and dripping with their early teen cum, jutted up in the air proudly as they disengaged and stepped back. Fats, Jerome and Dylan grinned broadly at each other, delighting in the fact they were no longer virgins, and Ben knew how they were feeling as he grinned too, his revenge remarkably delightful. Molly and Trang stayed as they were, too humiliated to even think of covering their privates, too embarrassed to open their eyes.

The remaining boys glanced at each other and quickly chucked their jeans and underwear in their haste to take their turn, their stiff young cocks aching with desire after the performance their buddies had put on. While Peter approached Trang, his best friend Wilbur and his classmate Dwayne approached Molly. Peter knelt down behind Trang and grasping her hips he placed the tip of his protruding cock between the lips of her pussy, wet with her own juices having become aroused despite her disgust, and wet with Fat's watery cum. She sighed in surrender, resigned to the fact she had no choice in what he did to her as he took her doggy style as he'd seen in porno pictures on the Internet. Contrary to Molly's opinion he did know something worthwhile. Like most teenage boys he knew how to circumvent parental controls and access porno sites and despite what the girls thought he didn't just use the computer for role-playing games. Like the rest of the oversexed boys, he took Trang's sigh to be an indication of pleasure and lust.

Wilbur knelt between Molly's outspread legs as he'd seen Jerome do, eager to have his first piece of tail, and eager to enact his revenge on her for the cruel things she'd said about him. He was the holy knight thrusting his sword into the evil sorceress and bringing justice to the world. He would show her making fun of him and Peter and their role-playing games. Little did she know the skill that involved. He thrust his hips forward angrily, delighting in the fact he was about to lose his virginity as much as in the fact that he was going to make the snooty cock-tease succumb to his wishes. Dwayne was thinking much the same thoughts as he presented her his cock to suck. So he was boring was he? Well, he'd show her a thing or two.

Molly opened up to Wilbur and slipped her lips about Dwayne's stiff, teenage cock, knowing she had no choice and knowing the sooner she did what she had to do the sooner this would be over. These geeks were going to pay for this. She had no idea how at the moment, but they would. Nobody humiliated her like this. Dwayne smiled down at her as her lips slipped down his cock and he felt her begin to suck on it. She might think he was a dick with eyebrows, but there was no doubt she was a cock-sucking whore who loved the taste of cock. She had to the way she went down on him so eagerly. That she was a whore was no doubt in Wilbur's mind either as he felt his cock slowly sinking up her cunt. Her twat was hot and juicy and felt even better than he had imagined a girl's cunt would be like. This was going to be a day he'd remember for the rest of his life. Peter was thinking the same things as he sank his cock up Trang's cunt, and as he glanced over at his best buddy, Wilbur glanced at him and the two boys grinned knowingly at each other. How many battles had they fought together side by side while playing Dungeons and Dragons? It was only fitting that they lose their virginity side by side too.

The other boys sat back to watch, knowing how their buddies were feeling. Dylan brushed back the curls from his eyes unconsciously out of habit. Thinking of how hot a picture of all of them engaged in a wild orgy with the two girls would be, he glanced about the room, making note of the details so when he drew the picture it would be accurate. Achy Bone, his art teacher, had praised him for the details of his drawings and his accuracy. He wondered what the young teacher would think if he knew about his private yaoi drawings. The thought of drawing his classmates naked and entwined with the two sluts had his cock stiff once again and his groin aching with arousal despite the fact he'd just shot off a load. Of course being thirteen, that should come as no surprise. Maybe he'd do an animated strip and give it to Trang and Molly, maybe of the two of them sixty-nining like he'd seen them doing in the video. Then see if Molly thinks his art work is a waste of time. He had no idea how Cory and Ben had arranged this, but he owed the two of them big time. For starters, he'd give them signed pictures of them with Molly and Trang, the two girls dripping with cunt juice and their hot, fresh cum. He wondered why Cory had not joined them. Maybe he didn't like girls. Maybe he liked boys. A dollop of clear pre-cum oozed out of Dylan's slender boy cock and he felt a desire well up between his legs stronger than he'd ever felt before.

Like the boys before them, Peter, Wilbur and Dwayne sought their revenge and their pleasure with a fury that only young boys who had been humiliated and disrespected all their lives by the likes of Molly and Trang could have. The immense pleasure throbbing between their legs, a pleasure that until then had been produced by their own hand, combined with the release of their frustration and hatred for the two girls to result in a powerful physical and mental pleasure the likes of which they'd never felt before. The three novices plunged their hips to and fro and inhaled deeply with total delight as their young balls began to swell and their blood-engorged cocks throbbed and burned with teen lust.

They made no attempt to hide their pleasure, which made what was happening even more disgusting for Molly and Trang. They were geeks, and they were getting pleasure from them! Accustomed to humiliating them or getting them horny and leaving them unsatisfied, that they were bringing them pleasure instead was as disturbing as the fact they were having sex with them. To the two thirteen-year-old girls, sex was something romantic, something that was engaged in only between two people who totally loved each other, and then in private, like in romance novels or television soaps. Doing it in front of others and with guys you didn't even like was disgusting and totally humiliating. Despite their revulsion and embarrassment, their bodies could not help but respond physically. To their horror and confusion, they could feel a growing desire beginning to ache between their legs as their young pussies began to throb and their cunt juices began to fill their vaginas. That they were finding pleasure having sex with a bunch of losers was horrifying.

Despite being novices, Peter and Wilbur could not help but notice the growing desire of the two girls as their cunts tightly grasped their stiff cocks and began throbbing, and Dwayne was well aware of Molly's lust as she eagerly sucked on his swollen cock. The three boys felt a flush of pride as they realized they were turning the two girls on and they began thrusting their hips as they felt that familiar tension beginning to develop between their legs. They were about to cum for the first time in their lives in the body of a girl. As one the three of them exploded, Dwayne shooting his thin, watery early-teen cum down Molly's throat as once again she and Trang felt their cunts being flooded with young teen cum as the two virgin boys between their legs emptied their nuts for the first time up a girl's cunt.

Watching Peter, Wilbur and Dwayne emptying their nuts had gotten the other boys stiff and aching to get off another load, and having an outlet for their anger and their sexual energy, they planned on making full use of it. As Fats and Dylan approached Molly, their stiff cocks jutting out in front of them, she darted Nick a desperate glance. Not more! She couldn't take any more of this! Fats' body was gross, and though Dylan was cute, he was a nerd. She couldn't stomach having sex with the two of them, not one on one, and certainly not together. "Nick, aren't you going to do anything?" she asked desperately with the emphasis on "anything." Nick sat there as if he hadn't heard her. "Nick! Are you just going to sit there and let these misfits rape me?"

Nick slowly got to his feet and walked toward her and she felt her heart leap in relief. Finally! Nick could easily take care of the whole works of these nerds and geeks. And she'd thank him. She really would. For the others this had just been sex, just mechanical. For Nick she'd make it good, like it should be between a boyfriend and girlfriend. Disappointed but relieved that at least they'd lost their virginity with Trang, Fats and Dylan reluctantly but wisely stepped aside. They were no match for Nick Dawson, and they could understand why he would be angry. It was his girl after all. That had to have been really humiliating, finding out in front of a bunch of guys that the girl you've been dating is really a lesbian, and sitting there and watching Wilbur and Dwayne totally making out with her. They'd love to also, but they weren't going to fight him for it. Molly wasn't worth that.

To their surprise, and even more to Molly's, Nick pulled down his fly. "You guys can have her," he said with a strange look in his eyes. Pushing down his jeans and stepping out of them and his boxers, he turned to Trang and ordering her on her back on the bed beside Molly, he knelt down between her legs. Molly stared in disbelief. He was going to do it with Trang! He wasn't going to save her. He wasn't even going to take her himself. Her boyfriend was going to do it with her best friend!

"Well, I guess that you'd join these losers should be no surprise," she spat. "I should have expected as much from a perv who drilled a hole from the storage room into the girl's change room so he could watch them getting changed for gym."

"Oh yeah? Well I drilled one for you into the boy's change room too didn't I, which you seemed to use a lot," he retorted.

"You too."

Nick glared at her. It was an easy way to see how he stacked up with other guys without getting caught looking. Besides, he'd only done it a couple times. She wouldn't dare tell the others about catching him. "I told you, I was just making sure nobody had found it and plugged it up."

"Oh right, and if they had you were going to unplug it with your dick that just happened to be hard and in your hand when I caught you!" Hurt and angry, she didn't care anymore. She lashed out, wanting him to feel as humiliated as she was. "And you know who he was looking at?"


"You, Ben," she said with an evil smile.

Watching naked guys through the peephole had turned him on, to his surprise and consternation. He wasn't that type of guy! He'd finally rationalized what had happened. It was like watching a porno movie, or a live cam, and after all, he was fourteen and Molly hadn't been taking care of his sexual needs. If she had it wouldn't have happened. "Oh yeah, well I'm not the one who spies on her parents when they are having sex and masturbates as she watches," retorted Nick. "Now that is sick."

Her mouth opened and closed and her eyes widened as she stared at Nick as he gave her a triumphant look. Nick had a quick wit and a sharp tongue that he used to slice up others and make them feel small when they needed cutting down to size, and at the moment as far as he was concerned Molly needed it. Molly of course saw things differently. She had revealed that to him in the strictest of confidence! How could he reveal it?

Fats chuckled, delighted to see Molly getting the end of it for a change. He might look like a squished frog to her, but at the moment Molly Vickers looked like one of those fish you see in the pet shop. The thought of her on her knees sucking him suddenly came to mind and his long, stiff cock jerked excitedly with the thought. Nick's intentions evident, Fat's stepped up to Molly and ordered her to kneel on the floor before him. She looked at his fat prick jutting up in the air. It was disgusting. She was about to tell him what he could do, but the vague threat that the big-breasted black woman had made before the nerds had come stumbling in came to her mind. She and Trang were to do whatever the boys wanted, or she would turn them over to her son, the black man who had brought them there and whom they'd seen pushing drugs near the school and the Seven-Eleven. Exactly what that meant they had no idea, but from the tone of her voice, and from the looks of her son, they knew they didn't want to find out. She reluctantly slipped to the floor and kneeling there before Fats, she opened her mouth. As she slipped her lips over his fat knob she wanted to puke.

As Molly knelt there with Fats' knob in her mouth, Dylan knelt behind her and slipped his cock between her legs. It would be wicked taking her doggy style like guys did in the cartoons he loved to collect and draw. To his delight, her hot, wet pussy immediately parted and slipped around his prodding dick. He wondered if Trang used a dildo on Molly, and what Molly thought about having a real dick up her cunt instead of a fake one. If she really was a lesbian, she'd probably hate it. As he eased his cock up her cunt until his stomach was pressing against her smooth buttocks Dylan smiled. He hoped she was hating it. It would serve the bitch right for all the mean things she'd said about him.

Having wondered what getting a blow job would be like, Jerome slowly approached Trang and Nick, uncertain if he should join the older boy. Nick was not like the rest of them, and he, in fact, had been the object of Nick's sharp tongue several times in the past, always of course in response to Molly's request that Nick beat him up for some perceived wrong. To his relief, Nick smiled at him as he approached. Trang, totally shocked that Molly's boyfriend had chosen her over Molly, especially with the knowledge that he and Molly had never gotten it on, and uncertain how she and Molly could ever look each other in the eye again after having sex with her boyfriend even though Molly had not put out, opened her mouth and slipped her lips over Jerome's circumcised knob in a numb daze. She didn't really want to think about it, none of it. As Nick rammed his rigid cock in and out of her cunt she worked her cunt muscles in time with Nick's thrusts and sucked on Jerome's cock, going through the motions automatically as she worried what Molly was thinking.

Molly, like Trang, was trying to block the entire ordeal out. This was worst than any nightmare she'd ever had. Her boyfriend was screwing her best friend, right there on the bed beside her. He boyfriend! That was totally humiliating, even more humiliating than the fact she was sucking stinky Fats Fortillini's big fat cock and being screwed by geeky Dylan Ingles. She wanted to die. The afternoon could not possibly get any worse. Like Trang, she went through the motions mechanically.

She had been wrong about things not getting any worse. With fresh geek cum dripping from her cunt and her chin as Fats and Dylan rejoined the others, she could not believe it as Ben stepped up to her seconds after Fats and Dylan were done and told her that she was a bitch. Short, pudgy, mild-mannered Ben Hanson dared speak to her like that, in front of a roomful of geeks and nerds and in front of her boyfriend whom she'd normally have told to beat him up, and who would normally had cut him to bits with his sharp tongue and belittled him better than she'd ever manage to do. Her eyes flashing with anger, she opened her mouth to retort but Ben cut her off.

"Crawl over here on your hands and knees and sniff my balls like the bitch dog that you are," he ordered, voicing what he'd thought hundreds of times when she'd humiliated and insulted him in front of his classmates but had never found the courage to say.

Molly glanced out of habit at Nick, who had finished with Trang and had rejoined the others. She could not believe his smug, satisfied smile as he looked back at her. She crawled over to Ben.

"Now lick my balls like a bitch dog," Ben ordered, relieved and shocked that she was obeying him, and truthfully, surprised at his own courage and vulgarity. It was too bad that Cory wasn't in the room. Cory would have been proud of him. Having gotten caught up in the hostility and anger that had filled the room just as it had filled with lust and the sour stench of boy sweat and the musky aroma of fresh semen, he'd spoken before he'd thought, something that was totally out of character. Delighting in the unfamiliar authority and in her humiliation after years of being humiliated by her, and relieved that she had not defied him, he looked down at her triumphantly as she ran her tongue over his dangling balls. Aware he was being watched by the others who were just as surprised at his uncharacteristic boldness as they were at Molly's subservience, he told her to stick her ass up in the air and wiggle it and to bark like a bitch in heat.

In total shock over Ben's behaviour and her mind already a mess after the humiliation and debasement she'd been through and the surprising turn of events with Nick, Molly raised her ass, her beautiful, compact ass that she knew was her greatest asset and that every boy in junior high school lusted over, and she barked. Her face turned crimson with anger and embarrassment as the nerds watching her snickered. It turned purple as Ben stepped up behind her and took her from behind. Encouraged by Ben's behaviour, and inspired by his boldness, Peter stepped up to her and wagging his stiff cock in her face told her that he had a bone for her and to lick it. To his delight, and the amusement of those watching, Molly obediently stuck out her tongue and began to lick it from base to tip. As she swirled her tongue about the knob, the horny thirteen-year-old began to leak pre-cum, which he ordered her to lap up. As he watched her do so it was only with extreme effort that he didn't cum in her face right then and there. He owed Ben and Cory big time for this afternoon!

Wilbur and Dwayne approached Trang, who was lying on the bed in as much a daze as Molly was. She mindlessly spread her legs as Dwayne pushed between them, and she mechanically went down on Wilbur. After all she had been through, what were two more nerds? Her cunt filled with geek cum and by then having lost track of how many times she'd had her mouth filled with geek juice, she went through the motions like a thirteen-year-old whore. She was barely conscious of the two boys going off.

"Oh man, I can't believe this afternoon!" sighed Dwayne as the boys finally gathered in the lobby again. "This is one afternoon I'm never going to forget." There was not a boy in the room who didn't feel exactly the same way.

"And the best part, this is just the beginning," observed Cory who had joined them.

"Just the beginning?"

"What do you mean?"

"After today, if any one of you want to totally make out with Molly or Trang, you just have to say and they'll put out whenever and wherever you want."

That was every junior high boy's dream. Why the two girls would do so for the likes of the eight of them they had no idea, but if Cory said it was so then they believed it. After all, he had made this afternoon possible. Cory smiled knowingly and glanced up at Billy. Molly and Trang were going to do whatever they said after they showed them the film they'd just made of them getting it on with their classmates and threatened to send a copy to their parents.

Arranging for Juan to transport the boys back to their homes, Billy had Cory and Nick stay behind. "You know, dude, that bitch in there was pretty cruel to you this afternoon," he said, looking at Nick. Nick shrugged. "Really, she's got one temper and a hell of a cutting tongue. If there's anything special you'd like to do to her, or you'd like us to make her do, just say."

"No. Nothing." Nick was just as surprised and shocked by the events of the afternoon as were Molly and Trang.

"Well, I think we've had enough for today. You want to give her any last words before we take her and Trang home?"

Nick shook his head. He'd probably think of a lot of things later, but at the moment, he couldn't think of a thing. Heading back toward the room where they'd left the two girls, Billy, Cory and Nick stepped into the adjoining room to tell Eli and Callie, who'd witnessed the afternoon and helped film it, they were leaving, and for Cory to pick up his headband where he'd forgotten it, having removed it after he'd found he had no need of it to encourage the action that afternoon, and nobody needing a headband to tell the feelings of everyone in the bedroom. They glanced through the large one-way mirror between the two rooms. Molly and Trang were dressed again, and sitting there dejectedly on the bed. Eli was still filming them and the hidden mic was turned on.

"I can't believe what happened," Trang observed in a whisper, her voice trembling with shock and humiliation, her mouth foul with the taste of cock and teenage cum.

"It was worse than the worst nightmare I've ever had," Molly observed. Her pussy felt so stretched and raw.

"I feel dirty all over." Trang shifted uncomfortably, certain her pussy and her asshole were leaking cum.

"Me too."

"I'm sorry about you and Nick having a big fight," she said, unable to get out of her mind the fact Molly's boyfriend had had sex with her.

"He's a loser, like the rest of those nerds and geeks."

"I was surprised he was with them."

"Nick is full of surprises, and secrets."

"Did you really smoke grass with him?"

"Yeah. We tried it," Molly confessed. She thought for a moment. Of all the things that had happened that afternoon, that he'd had sex with her best friend, and had revealed her deepest secrets, hurt the most. "He's so lucky I didn't tell his biggest secret."

"There's more?"

"Oh yeah." Molly stared at the floor. Why not? After all she'd gone through, and him choosing Trang over her and not doing anything to help her. "Nick was molested by his uncle when he was five years old."

"Oh no! That's terrible."

"But that's not the big secret," Molly continued with a look of pure evil. "The big secret he revealed to me was that he liked it. He liked it a lot."

Chapter Fifty-One

— MFt g —

Thanks to Caroline for suggesting the plot in this story which began in 48 and concludes in this part.

Nick's jaw dropped and his heart sank as the fourteen-year-old boy stared at Molly through the two-way window in disbelief. How could she? How could she reveal his most intimate secret of all, and to someone she'd badmouthed daily to him and had confided that she could not stand and only chummed around with because beside her she looked good? She'd laughed that every girl wants a group of followers who blindly worship and follow her, which Trang did.

He'd shared his secret with her one night cuddled up on her sofa in the family room, yeah, in part because he was hoping by showing his vulnerable side and being totally honest he might make out with her, he was a fourteen-year-old virgin after all, but mostly it was because he truly believed they were totally in love and lovers shared their most intimate thoughts and feelings. Molly had just finished telling him how overbearing and critical her father was and how meek her mother was, letting him boss the two of them around and make all the decisions, right down to when and what they ate and what they wore. His overbearing control had resulted in her wetting the bed as a child, and even now she had bouts of major depression during which she felt totally helpless and totally unable to make a decision.

"That girl needs her backside paddled but good," observed Eli, "and I'm just the man to do it!" He punctuated his claim with a loud burp. Callie had an order of fried chicken and grits brought in for them while they'd filmed the gang bang of the two girls.

"Oh, I think a girl like that needs a whole lot more than just a paddling, brother," observed Callie.

"I suspect you're right. So what are we going to do to punish Miss Tell-It-All for her loose tongue?"

"Have her do something totally humiliating that she'd never want anyone to know, something bigger than her deepest secret," suggested Cory without really thinking as he stared at Molly and Trang. "Like maybe something with a door knob." The three adults and Nick turned to look at him. "I read this story," he explained. "About a girl who was a real tease, getting guys all horny and expecting to make out but never letting them do anything, especially her boyfriend."

"That sure does sound like our girl in there," Eli observed as he mopped up the gravy with a sourdough biscuit and popped it in his mouth.

"So one day her boyfriend had enough so he locked her up in this room and gave her this Spanish fly stuff that made her super horny, and then went to find some friends to gang bang her. Well things happened and it took longer than he figured and she was so desperate she used her fingers but that wasn't enough, so she tried whatever she could find, her tube of lipstick, a hair brush handle, the leg of a chair. When her boyfriend and his friends finally came back they found she'd screwed herself to death on the door knob." It was in one of the magazines Anthony's father had. Neither had cared much for the story actually.

Callie, Eli and Billy had all heard versions of the same story, supposedly true, but they suspected it was more likely one of those urban legends that were passed on from person to person that were totally false but people believed. "Well," said Callie with a sympathetic glance at Nick, "that would be a fine punishment, but I'm afraid there's not really any such thing as Spanish Fly. Oh, there is, but it's an irritant, not the aphrodisiac it's touted to be, and taken internally it can kill you. And as for a girl masturbating with a door knob until she dies, well, I think that's mostly some boy's overactive imagination. It's impossible to screw yourself to death honey child."

"Would be a great way to go though," Eli observed, getting a swat on the side of the head from his sister.

"There are aphrodisiacs, but none that make a woman that desperate, or work that quickly," observed Billy. Nick was disappointed to hear that. He wondered just what sort of relationship Billy had with his mother that he could talk about sex like that so openly. Of course given Callie's profession he supposed he shouldn't be that surprised.

"There are other ways to get a girl horny," Cory observed as he studied Molly, and they nodded in agreement though Billy was the only one thinking what Cory was, and even there he had no idea how Cory did those sorts of things. "And it doesn't have to be a door knob exactly. What I was thinking was more like getting her so hot she begs Nick to do her but he refuses and she's so desperate she has no choice but to use her fingers on herself in front of him, or maybe a dildo or something like that."

"Now, you know, that's not a bad idea," Eli said with a smile. Not being the handsomest of boys in his youth, he knew about rejection by popular girls like Molly. The idea of her desperately abusing herself in front of her boyfriend who after months of teasing had rejected her was not bad. Even better would be if the boy had a hardon showing he was horny too but chose not to satisfy his need with her. The thought caused a twitch in the man's trousers. Mind you, it did not take much to cause a twitch down there, especially if it involved young girls and boys. "That's one bright boy you have there, Billy."

"Oh, that I know," Billy said with a grin. He'd said many times he liked the way Cory's thirteen-year-old mind thought.

"I like it," observed Nick softly.

"Don't you worry honey child, that girl will pay for the way she's treated you, and for betraying your trust in her," Callie observed.

"So you got something like a pill or a drink or something that will make Molly think we're giving her an aphrodisiac but that won't, you know, mess up her mind or nothing?" Cory asked.

"Oh, I think we can hustle up something, honey," Callie said with a smile. Of course she had ready access to a wide variety of drugs, but she agreed with the way Cory was thinking. It would be far better if Molly's actions weren't the result of some mind-altering drug. Five minutes later she returned with a birth control pill, which she said Molly should be taking anyway and wouldn't do her any harm, and a tube of Extra Heat, a muscle liniment her girls used on themselves after they'd had a particularly strenuous workout with a customer, or sometimes used on a customer's penis to give him an added little charge. She said it would make Molly's pussy grow warm, and with a little mental suggestion it might get her aroused though not as strongly as in Cory's story. Of course she had no way of knowing Cory's powers of persuasion.

"Now we just need something for her to frig herself with," Eli observed, pointing the drumstick he was eating at Molly. Cory stared at the half-eaten chicken leg and slowly began to grin. Noticing his focus, the others began to grin also. "Boy, that is gross!" Eli observed appreciatively.

"Oh yeah," Cory agreed, his grin widening.

Billy arranged to have one of his friends take Trang home, warning her of course that she was not to tell anyone what had happened to her or he would cut out her tongue. He had no intention of doing so of course, and nor did she, and that had nothing to do with him showing her his knife in its leg scabbard. She was not about to tell anyone she'd been gang banged by the biggest nerds and losers in Lincoln Junior High. As for her parents, if her mother ever found out, her mother would be totally devastated, and her father would certainly blame her and throw her out of the house, maybe even send her to live with his brother in Cambodia where he often said children knew their proper place unlike Western youth.

Molly hesitated to take the pill until Callie told her it was in case any of the boys had a sexual disease. That comment hadn't been planned and added to the stress the fourteen-year-old was already feeling, which was a nice touch Nick figured as he watched from the adjoining room. Being told the salve was to ease the pain of any scratches or scrapes from being raped, Molly willingly pushed down her panties and spread her legs, exposing her raw, aching pussy to the hidden cameras as Callie knelt down and applied an ample coating of the Extra Heat to her labia and up her vagina.

"Where is Trang?"

"Billy's arranged for her to be taken home."

"Did you give her a pill and salve too? Those boys did stuff to her too."

"Silly child, those boys were all virgins up until this afternoon. You needn't worry about catching any std's from them."

"But you said 3;"

"Just to make sure you took the pill girl."

"What did you give me?" Molly asked in alarm. As the door opened, she looked at it with apprehension, and as Eli, Cory and Nick walked in she quickly closed her legs and pulled down her skirt to hide her pussy.

"What my sister just gave you was an aphrodisiac," Eli said with a smile. He was carrying a paper plate with a half-eaten drumstick which he placed on the stand beside the bed as he looked down at her. "You know what that is girl?" Molly nodded slowly. She sort of knew what it was. Girls talked about boys slipping it in a girl's drink or her food to get her hot so she would make out with them.

"It's really quite pleasant," Callie said with a reassuring smile. "It begins with a nice warm feeling between your legs." The liniment was fast absorbing, especially when applied where she'd applied it, and she knew Molly would already be feeling the effects. "As it's absorbed it gets hotter and hotter, and the heat goes deeper and deeper, until you just have to have a man inside you."

"Why are you doing this to me?" Molly sobbed. Her labia suddenly felt very warm.

"Why, you brought this all on yourself girl," Eli said, "flashing all those young, innocent boys, driving them out of their mind with desire until they just had to do something. That is reason enough, never mind also betraying your boyfriend's trust in you, revealing his most intimate secrets."

"He revealed mine too," Molly replied in defence, spreading her legs in an effort to cool off her pussy and shifting her weight on the bed uncomfortably as she glared at Nick.

"Starting to burn, isn't it honey?" Callie observed with a smile, knowing that the burning action of the Extra Heat would be augmented by Molly's active teenage imagination.

"You started it," Nick retorted. "Telling Trang I masturbated. And then telling all those other things. You shouldn't have. Especially not the last thing, about my uncle."

Molly didn't know what to say. The burning between her legs was getting stronger, making it difficult to think straight. She tried to remember just what she'd said. She'd been so angry with him for not helping save her and for not defending her against those nerds, and she'd been so scared. The secret about him masturbating and the secret about his uncle, she was sure she'd told Trang when they'd been alone, not in front of the boys nor in front of him. Trang must have told him on the way out, though why she'd do so she had no idea, but then Trang wasn't the brightest bulb around the room. There was no other explanation. She pressed her legs together tightly, squeezing her labia. She could feel her blood throbbing through them. She squeezed tighter.

"There's no point in resisting it. You want to feel your boyfriend inside you," Eli said, having noticed her flexing her legs. With the short skirt she'd chosen to wear that weekend it was impossible to hide the movement of her legs. "Unless you want me to satisfy that itch for you instead. We both know how you love Eli's big black salami."

Yeah, right, in his dreams. That was the last thing she loved, and the last thing she wanted at the moment. He was fat and ugly and his breath stank of tobacco. Every time he'd made her do it with him she'd felt like puking and no matter how long she showered afterward she never felt clean. Being forced to do it in the privacy of his security office was bad enough, but doing it there in the bedroom in front of Nick and the others would be totally repulsive, never mind embarrassing. Mind you his cock was bigger than Nick's, longer and fatter. It would satisfy the itch between her legs a lot better, and he had been screwing her for the past three months so it wouldn't be as if it was something new.

Nick, on the other hand, was closer to her age which made it more decent, and he loved her, or at least he had until this afternoon. It would be a lot more pleasant having his cock inside her than Eli's. She had fantasized about the two of them doing it at sometime of course. They were boyfriend and girlfriend and that was what lovers did. She thought about those night time fantasies as she'd lain in bed fingering herself before falling asleep. Those fantasies had always turned her on, and just the thought of them now made her pussy throb with desire. As much as she wanted it, she couldn't do it with him though, not in front of the others. That would be coarse. It would satisfy the itch between her legs though.

At least doing it with him would be more pleasant that it had been doing it with those losers, Jerome, Wilbur, Dylan, and Ben. He wasn't a loser like them. He was good looking, and though on the slender side he had nice body, unlike the others who'd done her. Thinking back to when he'd pushed down his trousers and underwear that afternoon and her first sight of his thing, she pictured it in her mind. It would feel great inside her. She needed it. She inhaled deeply and shuddered with desire, and then with shame. How could she even consider such a thing? Doing it with him in front of the others, and especially after what he'd done to her, rejecting her for Trang. What had she been thinking? It had to be the aphrodisiac Callie had given her. God, she needed a cock inside her. She needed it bad. It had to be the aphrodisiac. She'd never referred to a boy's thing by that vulgar word before.

Cory smiled as he concentrated harder, picking up her feelings and doubling them and sending them back to her, supporting her disgust and embarrassment and then accenting her need, throwing her mind into total confusion so she didn't know what to think. The harder she tried to ignore the thoughts he was bombarding her the more frustrated she was becoming, and the stronger those feelings of disgust and of lust were. Without realizing it she began to breathe harder. Her pussy was pulsating hotter and hotter, faster and faster, and burning deeper and deeper up her vagina, deep where only a cock could reach, where only a cock could satisfy her. She needed cock. She needed a thick, hot load of fresh cum spurting up her burning cunt to put out the fire. Nick would do it if she begged him. She couldn't though. Not after the things he'd said about her. Not after he'd chosen Trang over her. So that left Eli. Eli had done her plenty of times. He'd do it. But she couldn't. Not there in front of his sister! Not there in front of Nick and Cory! Her cunt ached so badly she could not think straight. The vulgar words coming to her mind were proof of that. She never used language like that, not even when thinking to herself. It was weird, as if she had two minds inside her head, hers and another vulgar, demanding one, and the vulgar one was the stronger.

"Nick?" she asked weakly. He looked at her blankly. "I'm sorry. I really am," she said, swallowing her pride. "I 3; I was just scared. You know, locked up here, not knowing what was going to happen. Trang won't tell anyone the things I told her. I swear. I'll see to it. We're best friends. I need you."

"You and I are finished."

"Please," she begged, dropping to her knees and looking up at him with those big brown doe-like eyes.

Nick was tempted, very tempted. After all he'd been trying to get into her panties for the past eight months, ever since they'd begun dating last June at the end of his grade eight year. He could have it now. She was hot for him. And doing her in front of the others would be just punishment for holding out on him. The idea had been to refuse her, to humiliate her like she'd humiliated him, but, but he knew how humiliating it had been already for her to beg him like that.

"Eli?" she pleaded as she turned and looked up at him.

Eli? She was so desperate she'd ask that fat, ugly old man? She didn't want him. She wanted dick, and it didn't matter whose. His sympathy and temptation were replaced by contempt and anger. How could he have considered doing her? She deserved to suffer. Suffer like he had this afternoon.

"I don't think so girl," Eli responded. "I'm not sticking my cock up your cunt after it's been filled with all that young boy slime." Actually the idea turned him on, a lot. She had no idea how difficult it was for him to turn her down.

"Nick, I'm so sorry!" Molly said, turning back to him and looking up at him with her big brown doe eyes and a look of helplessness. It always worked before. "I really want you. I'm sorry I've been holding out on you, really. I 3; I just 3; you know how it is for girls." She was so confused. She wanted to have sex so badly, more badly that she could have ever imagined, yet to do it in front of everyone was disgusting. She ached between her legs like she'd never ached before, but that ache was just as perverted as it was erotic. She was also angry, angry with Nick for the way he looked down at her with disgust. Where did he get off thinking that she deserved to suffer like he'd suffered that afternoon, and accusing her of hurting him? She furrowed her brow. Now why had she had those weird thoughts?

Cory suddenly realized that in the hyper tense room he'd picked up Nick's thoughts with his headband and still having a link with Molly had shared them with her. For a moment he was in a panic. What other thoughts had he picked up and transmitted to her? How could he stop from picking up her thoughts and transmitting them to Nick and everyone else? How could he stop his own thoughts from being transmitted, especially his thoughts about his thoughts, and about the headband? Fuck, he'd just thought about the headband! Talk about revealing your deepest secrets! Had anyone else picked up that thought? He should remove it, but if he did, that would be so obvious.

"What your boyfriend needs girl is some down home loving," Callie observed, putting an arm about the trembling, confused fourteen-year-old boy torn between teenage lust and anger over his hurt pride. She slowly guided him toward the bed.

Molly glanced at Eli desperately. "Callie's right," he said. "Your boyfriend has a powerful load of healing to do after what you done to him." She wanted to scream as he and Callie eased Nick down onto the bed. He had healing to do? What about her! What about what had been done to her? She looked at Cory.

"Hey, don't look at me. You never did turn me on."

Molly looked at him in disbelief. She never did turn him on? But she turned every boy on. What was he, a faggot? He'd never struck her as being a fairy. Good-looking, athletic, smart, and outgoing, he had everything a boy needed to attract girls and he had a lot of friends, boys and girls. He was also self-assured and dared to be an individual unlike the rest of the boys in grade eight, which explained why her popularity and charms didn't work on him like it did other boys. Or it could be because he was queer. That suited her better than the other reasons why he didn't lust after her like every other boy.

"As for you, honey child, what you need is some sweet, tender loving, not a quicky with some hot-to-trot tart who just want to use you," Callie said as she unbuttoned Nick's shirt. She slowly leaned forward, kissing him on the cheeks, and on the lips, softly and tenderly. She was right. He wanted love, not sex. Doing it with her would really fix Molly, choosing a forty-five-year-old black woman over her, doing it with her there in front of Molly while she was aching to have sex with him herself. That would really be fitting. The woman was way old, older than his mother, but she had awesome boobs, bigger than any woman's he'd ever seen, and skilful fingers. She was delicately caressing his smooth chest and playing with his nipples as Eli slipped his shirt over his shoulders. He was ugly as sin and even older than Callie, probably as old as his grandfather, but he could sense a tenderness about the man, a tenderness he'd sensed in his uncle years ago, when he was five.

Unbuttoning the back of Callie's dress and easing it off her shoulders and down to her waist, he hesitantly reached out for her boobs and taking one in each hand, he squeezed the pendulous but still firm flesh. They were so big, like watermelons. Realizing he'd been holding his breath, he let it out with a wheeze. With her guidance and encouragement, he sat there on the bed massaging them, squeezing them and caressing them, running his fingertips over them gently, barely touching them as she barely touched his chest. He snuggled down and kissed them and licked them, running his tongue over them and lapping at her teats, two chocolate brown buds that quickly grew firm, just as he'd imagined doing to Molly hundreds of times as he'd jerked off at night. Eli meanwhile massaged his back and his shoulders, working the tension out of them. Nick could feel his breath against his nape, and then his lips gently kissing the back of his neck and his shoulders. He'd never been kissed by a guy before, but he didn't mind it. Callie reached down and pulled down his fly and unbuckled his belt. Opening up the clasp, she slipped her fingers between his legs and cupped his balls and swelling cock inside his boxers. As she caressed his package, he felt it quickly begin to swell.

The itch between Molly's legs had become unbearable. Taking her eyes off Nick and glancing back at Cory, she discovered he'd left the room. Well, she'd leave too. She'd find someone who could take care of the desire burning between her legs, someone who'd appreciate her. Getting up and heading to the door, she discovered to her dismay it was locked again. She was trapped there all alone, alone with Eli and Callie making out with her boyfriend. She wanted to join them, to become part of their lovemaking, but she knew if she tried they'd rebuff her. So she stood there staring at them helplessly, the heat between her legs increasing with every passing second.

Nick could not believe what was happening, nor how he was feeling. His girl, the girl he'd been trying to make out with for months, was standing there hopping from foot to foot she was so antsy to get off. He knew that she'd readily spread her legs for him in an instant. To his surprise and disbelief, he not only didn't care, but he no longer wanted it. His feelings for her, the lust he'd felt when they were necking and the love he'd felt when they cuddled, were totally gone. He knew that if he did have sex with her now it would simply be because she needed it, because she wanted it. It would be completely and totally for her. It would have nothing to do with him. Their whole relationship had never had anything to do with him. It was always her, just her. He was just another one of her blind worshippers, except he was male.

Of even greater disbelief was that a forty-five-year-old black woman, the madam of a whore house, was pushing down the front of his boxers and her fifty-nine-year-old brother was pushing down the back. Of greatest disbelief of all, he wanted to have sex with both of them! He really did. He wanted to have sex with these two adults three or four times his age that he barely knew more than with his girl whom he'd been dating for eight months and who had shared with him her deepest secrets! As he watched the woman's slender, long-nailed, black fingers wrap about his cock and the man's large, black hands reach around and caress his chest, his cock throbbed and jerked with desire and his nipples burned with arousal. As she slowly and gently stroked his stiff cock and her brother fiddled with his nipples, he felt an intense pleasure pulsating out from his groin and from his two irritated teats. The woman leaned forward and kissed his smooth chest and slipping her lips over his right nipple she began to suck on it, sending sharp stabs of arousal through the swollen flesh. The man's hands slowly descended, slipping over his ribs and his flat stomach, one to replace the woman's fist that had been slowly stroking his cock, and the other to cup and roll his balls.

Molly could stand it no longer. Pulling her skirt up, she began to rub her burning labia furiously, the heat and itch between her legs now so intense it hurt. Whatever that was in the pill she'd taken and the lotion that had been rubbed on her pussy, it had gotten her hotter than she'd ever felt. She had to have something in her pussy, and she had to have it now. She inserted her middle finger as far as she could and began to finger fuck herself. Despite the physical pleasure and the copious flow of cunt juice she was unsatisfied. She sank in two fingers, her middle and index, and when that failed to do the job, she added a third finger. She pushed them in as far as she could and withdrew them. She rubbed her clit, sending ripples of pleasure through her groin, but she needed something inside her, something longer than her fingers.

Spotting the half-eaten drumstick on the night table, she considered using it. Now that was gross! Still, she couldn't stop thinking about it. It was greasy so it would ease in her sore, abused pussy easily. And it was a bone after all, which she knew boys called their thing when it was stiff, and it was fatter than her three fingers together. It would probably feel good. Probably better than a boy's thing. She shook her head. Where was she getting these thoughts? That was so sick. Despite her revulsion, she could not help herself. Her need was greater. She reached over and took the chicken leg and rubbed the fleshy end against her swollen labia, coating it with her juices. Ever so slowly she inserted it up her vagina, all the way in as far as she could push it, and then withdrew it. She spread her legs and bent over to make it easier, at the same time keeping her eye on the activity on the bed. The thigh couldn't penetrate her as far as Eli's thing could, but she could push it in deeper than any of the nerds had been able to penetrate her, even Jerome Eisenstein with his surprisingly long member.

Meanwhile Callie had lain on her back and spread her legs and Nick had assumed the missionary position above her, knees between her legs, forearms and elbows on either side of her upper torso as he'd seen in porno pictures. She had a dense bush, reddish brown, the same colour as the hair on her head Nick noted. She expertly guided him into position, and for the second time that day and only the second time in his life he sank his stiff, aching cock up a hot, pulsating pussy. The first time he'd been filled with anger and he'd sunk it up his girlfriend's best friend and had pumped it in and out of the thirteen-year-old Cambodian in a fit of revenge and spite. This time he was aching with arousal and as he eased his cock up Callie's hot, moist pussy he found himself filled with pleasure and the desire to please the forty-five-year-old back madam as much as she was pleasing him.

That made all the difference in the world. It was the whore who was old enough to be his mother that was proving him the greater pleasure, not the thirteen-year-old object of every junior high boy's dream. Sinking his stiff cock in until his balls were pushing against the cord between her pussy and her asshole and his hairy pubes were meshing with hers, he paused to enjoy the sensation of having his cock surrounded by hot, pulsating flesh before easing it back out. It was fucking awesome. He sighed with genuine pleasure as he sank his stiff, aching cock back up her pussy.

Eli rubbed the tip of his thick black cock, dripping with pre-cum, against Nick's asshole, lubing the boy's opening with his own sticky juices. He was going to be delightfully tight, and just the thought had Eli flowing profusely. As Nick began to ease back, Eli held his position and grasped his stiff cock by the base to keep it straight. As the fat knob pressed against Nick's asshole Eli whispered for him to go as slow as he wanted and to push out with his abdomen to open up his hole. As the fourteen-year-old boy did so, he felt his sphincter open and Eli's slick knob penetrate a bit further. He was going to impale himself on the black man's thick salami. That should have been disgusting to the young teen, but it wasn't. It was erotic. Another guy was going to have his cock up his body. Ever so slowly and with Eli's encouragement and guidance, Nick backed up on his stiff, thick cock until he felt Eli's large black balls pressing against the same cord connecting his balls and his asshole, and Eli's coarse bush pressing against his tail bone.

That was not the first time he'd had a man's cock up his ass. As a five-year-old he had enjoyed many times the pleasure his uncle had brought him by rubbing his penis, and the pleasure he brought his uncle getting fucked. That had gone on for two years, but had suddenly stopped as unexpected as it had begun. He had wanted more and had tried to entice his uncle to resume their secret play many times, but his uncle, feeling guilty having sex with his sister's boy and worried about the legal ramifications if he was ever found out, began avoiding him. Nick, unable to understand at that tender age, was at first angry, and then hurt by his uncle's actions. Feeling that his uncle had rejected him and assuming that somehow he was responsible for his uncle discontinuing their relationship, he fell into a major depression that neither his parents nor the doctors could understand. Later as a preteen and as a teenager he got erect every time he thought about him and his uncle and he frequently masturbated to thoughts of their sexual play and recollections of the pleasure. He had at times thought about doing it with young children, cousins and neighbours, but before he ever took any action on those urges, a vague feeling of guilt and shame passed over him and he rejected the impulses.

Nick had of course confided in Molly, but Molly could not believe what she was witnessing. Her boyfriend was kneeling there on the bed humped over the big-breasted black woman, his chest pressing against her boobs and his cock buried deep up her pussy, while her brother, the man who'd been fucking her for the past three months, had his cock shoved up his ass. The cock that had been shoved up her cunt so many times, was now shoved up her boyfriend! As he slowly drew his cock out of the woman, the man's cock sank up his ass, and as he sank his young teenage cock up the black whore's pussy, her brother's long, black cock eased out of his rectum. It was bad enough her boyfriend was having sex with someone else, never mind that it was with a brother and sister who were old enough to be his parents. Molly rammed the chicken leg in and out of her pussy rapidly, in part out of anger at Nick, and in part in desperation to satisfy the itch burning deep up her vagina. Her clit throbbed violently and sent shocks of pleasure through her cunt. It was pulsating like she'd never felt it throb before, not when having sex with Eli nor with the cop who had raped her, not with the nerds that afternoon, nor her sixty-nine with Trang. Her juices were flowing out of her slit as if a dam had been broken. Why she was finding such pleasure in this disgusting act and while her boyfriend was fucking his balls off was a mystery, and most disturbing.

Molly and Nick were not the only two who were turned on. Billy's cock was throbbing hotly in his trousers and was in bad need of attention as he watched the thirteen-year-old standing there spread-eagled and ramming the chicken leg in and out of her inflamed pussy while on the bed his mother and favourite uncle were having their way with the girl's fourteen-year-old boyfriend. That was so totally obscene! Cory, who was snapping still pictures through the two-way mirror while Billy filmed the action in the adjoining room by controlling the four cam recorders strategically placed around the room to provide views in all four directions, was feeling just as randy, maybe even randier as he picked up the soaring desire from the four people in the adjoining room along with Billy's and did his best to augment the pleasure each was feeling.

Callie did not need much augmenting. She loved sex, and had been raised since the age of eight with the belief that sex was God's greatest gift to the human race, and to be practised and celebrated in all of its many forms and as often as one can. That was something which she fully believed and fully practised. She especially loved introducing others to the joy of sex, boys such as young Nick and young girls such as Molly. The bountiful energy and wide-eyed awe of the young kept her thinking and feeling young herself. On this occasion, that pleasure was even more pronounced, through Cory's efforts of course.

Eli didn't need much augmenting either, having been raised by the same mother and with the same philosophy as his sister, and adopting it just as fully. He had been introduced to the world of sex and of incest by his father as a preschooler, and he and his father had introduced Callie to both when she was eight. Like Callie, he loved sex in all its forms, but he especially liked it if it was non-consentual, largely because with his looks that had often been the only way he'd been able to engage in sex. He especially enjoyed it if it was with a young and haughty individual, the type that had put him down for his looks and lack of schooling as a boy and as a man. Most of all, he particularly enjoyed it if it was with the young, boys or girls, because to them sex was exciting and mysterious and centred between the knees and the waist, an area where Eli was particularly well endowed.

As for Nick, he could not have felt better so Cory's projecting thoughts and emotions were just more icing on the cake. His girl, who had viciously and unfaithfully broken their sacred trust was standing there totally alone and forced to satisfy herself, something she'd taken great delight in telling him Ashley and Trang did, and something she said only girls who were losers did. To make it even more delightful, she was satisfying herself with a half-eaten chicken leg, and best of all, she was doing it while watching him having the best sex of his life. With her snobbish attitude and her prudish values she would never be able to enjoy the pleasures he was. His stiff cock was throbbing with such force it felt like it was a second heart, and his asshole itched and burned with an exquisite pleasure he'd never before imagined it could as Eli's fat cock slid in and out of his rectum. As he felt himself approaching that blissful peak that until this day he'd only achieved by his own hand, he began to pump his hips to and fro faster, driving his cock up Callie's cunt as he slid up Eli's cock, and then impaling himself on the black man's rigid member as he drew his cock back out of Callie's cunt. Feeling him pick up the tempo, Callie and Eli both restrained him, and introduced the fourteen-year-old boy to the intense pleasure-pain of prolonging his ejaculation.

Molly, given the heightened need that had been induced in her mind by Cory combined with the pure sexuality in the room, reached her climax first, but it did not come near to satisfying her so desperate was her need. And so she stood there in the middle of the bedroom, her skirt hiked up about her waist, the half-eaten chicken leg rammed as far up her cunt as she could stick it, her swollen labia throbbing and dripping with cunt juice and with an ache still deep up her vagina. It was of course an imagined need, planted by Callie's supposed administration of an aphrodisiac and supported by Cory's projected thoughts and emotions.

She stood there helplessly as she watched Callie and Eli, experts at making love, bring Nick to that peak twice and then snatch it away from him. Now, as he reached it the third time and they made no attempt to quell the desire that had built up between his legs, the three of them exploded together in a blast of lust and pleasure the likes of which Cory had never before felt and which he transmitted to Molly and to Billy who unable to stand it any longer had pulled his cock out and was rapidly pounding it as he filmed the scene in the adjoining room. As Molly stood there dejected and unsatisfied, she mindlessly eased the chicken leg out of her vagina, and holding it up as if hypnotised, she began to eat the cunt-slime coated leg as she watched her boyfriend trembling with the most powerful orgasm of his life.

'Now that,' thought Cory as a smile curled his lips, 'should teach her a lesson!'