first part & disclaimers
Chapter 44: tttt M-dog b-dog Mb MM — Chapter 45: Mt tt tb
Daemon WayTeacherChapter Forty-Four— tttt M-dog b-dog Mb MM —
Thanks to Bob for suggesting the clergymen get a taste of dog cum and Absalom for suggesting Jonah get doggy fucked. "Thanks for the ride, and the weekend. It was fucking awesome!" said Cory as he jumped out of Kenny's Civic Honda. "Any time. Thanks again for convincing Mister Gilles to let him go away for the weekend." "Oh yeah!" agreed Dominic. "And I'm so totally glad you and Ben could join Kenny and me." Seeing Kenny give Dominic a squeeze and seeing the happy grin on Dominic's face, Cory was glad he'd been able to help. It had been a wicked weekend, the surfing and the sex. After they'd recovered from the session by the rock outcrop, they had gathered up some driftwood and started a bonfire and roasted wieners and marshmallows there on the beach. They had really worked up an appetite and the four of them had easily polished off a dozen wieners, a big box of chips, and the bag of marshmallows. They hadn't bothered putting on their clothes and it was wicked sitting there beside the ocean stark naked like some primitive tribe and listening to the waves and smelling the sea as they'd roasted the wieners and marshmallows. Then they'd gone to the hotel room and crowded into the Jacuzzi and just relaxed and talked. He and Ben offered to sleep on the floor in the bathroom to give Ken and Dominic some privacy, but they wouldn't hear of it. They all ended up in the king bed and he ended up fucking Ben while Kenny fucked Dominic beside them. That was fucking wicked. As Kenny drove off down the street and Cory headed for the West Gate of Riverside Park he thought back about it. It had been of course Ben's first time and that was sort of cool in that he'd also been the one who had taken Dominic's prune, and while he had been the second to do Kenny it had been his party that had introduced Ken to the pleasure of getting his ass fucked. It had all begun with them just laying there side by side on the bed talking about the fun they'd had at the beach and how cool it would be if they could go surfing every day. Of course they each thought of the fun they'd had afterward too, and that got them all feeling randy, and being young and healthy, it didn't take much to get them feeling that way. As they were all naked it was easy to see how they were getting and they teased each other, which just drew everyone's attention to what was happening between everyone's legs, which just made them get all the randier and their dicks to swell all the faster. "Now look at what you've all done," Cory had complained as he'd looked down at his erection wagging between his legs. "What we've done?" Dominic had asked with a giggle, his stiff dick jutting up between his legs proudly. "Ben and me can go in the bathroom to take care of things if you want to do something." He glanced over at Ben and his warm, gentle smile and happiness being one of the guys caused Cory's stiff cock to jerk with desire. "You two can make out right here with us, if that's all right with Dominic," Kenneth offered. "Though I gotta warn you, Dominic squeals when he has his orgasm." Dominic blushed a bright red and gave Ken a punch on the arm as he denied it. "That's fine with me if it's okay with Ben." Of course Ben was willing to do whatever Cory wanted at that point and would have done it on the reception desk of the hotel lobby if he'd suggested it. So they had begun kissing and fondling, all of them being self-conscious and especially Ben, being painfully shy to begin with and finding engaging in something so intimate in front of Dominic and Kenny embarrassing besides being a totally new experience. That had been for the first five minutes. As desire welled up between the thirteen year old's legs, he soon forgot about Ken and Dominic. Of course Cory's skill as a bed partner had a lot to do with that too. Grabbing a pillow and shoving it under Ben's ass, he'd knelt between his legs and given him a good rimming until his cock was dripping with pre-cum and his anus was winking open and closed with arousal. He'd then lubed up his stiff, aching cock with spittle and had mounted him there on the bed beside Kenny and Dominic. Being his first time, Ben was tight as hell, which almost had Cory cuming as he tried to stick him. It was so hot knowing that he was taking Ben's prune, and he was determined to make this the best fuck ever, just as he'd been determined when he'd taken Dominic's prune. Despite Ben's tightness, he was able to pop his knob into his rectum with relatively little pain, and he waited to let Ben get use to having his cock in his rectum, and for himself to cool down. He then slowly sank his cock up Ben's virgin hole, and from the wide-eyed look on his face he could tell Ben was finding it fucking awesome. He loved the cherubic look on his face, with his mop of brown hair and soft brown eyes. Spending most of his time at school looking down at his feet, they were features that nobody really noticed. He was really a very attractive boy. By then Kenneth and Dominic had taken the same position beside them and Kenneth began to pump his hips to and fro, driving his big cock in and out of Dominic's young asshole and causing Dominic to squirm and grunt with pleasure. That was part of the joy of fucking ass, hearing your partner grunting and gasping as you worked your cock in and out of them. Ben had tried to remain quiet, but that was impossible even for one as shy as he was, and as Cory began to work his cock in and out of his hole and he felt for the first time in his life the awesome burning of his sphincter and the hot throbbing of his rectum, it was impossible not to grunt and sigh with the pleasure, and with the pressure developing in his loins. There was one spot in particular that when Cory's knob brushed against it, it sent a sharp shock of pleasure through his loins that caused his little cock to quiver. The way they had rocked the fucking bed it was a surprise they didn't break it. Before long all four were sweating and panting and the bed was creaking as Kenny and Cory began to really hump and Ben and Dominic were bounced on the bed as they wrapped their arms about the two boys fucking them and their legs about their waists. Cory glanced over at Ken and Dominic, and the sight of Ken's cock ramming in and out of Dominic's hole was so erotic he felt his cock ache. Ben and Dominic were gasping for breath as they were royally fucked, their thin chests rising and falling as they licked their lips. They glanced down at each other's crotch, the two of them stiff and both having smooth, hairless pubes, and then back up at each other and they smiled, each knowing the awesome pleasure the other was feeling. The two young, thirteen-year-old boys had a lot in common, and now they had something else. And then they came. It didn't matter who came first. The four of them shuddered and gasped as the waves of orgasm hit them, sending thrills of pleasure through their blood-engorged flesh. Cory and Kenneth grunted and threw their heads back as their cum gushed up the core of their swollen cocks and out the openings with a burning pleasure. Dominic and Ben shivered as they felt their rectums being filled with hot, juicy cum. Ben was spurting too, his little two and a half inch [6½cm] cock jerking wildly and spraying him and Cory with hot, watery early teen cum. Dominic was the only one who could not yet spurt, but his orgasm was just as powerful and delightful, and Kenny was right, he did squeal. They slept in but did get up in time to catch the end of the continental breakfast on the outdoor patio which was sort of cool. Then it was back to the beach where Ben checked out the big-boobed broads in their bikinis and Cory checked out their stud boyfriends in their Speedos and they all did more surfing. Dominic even almost managed to stand up on his foamy to the cheers of the others, a moment the shy boy would remember for months to come. Dominic and Kenney had love eyes for each other all day, like they were honeymooners or something. Cory didn't mention the strange glow he'd seen around them the night before, figuring maybe it was just the way the moon had been shining on them or his imagination or something. He did have a great imagination. When they'd gotten back to Riverside they'd dropped Ben off first. He seemed to have had a really great time. At least he talked nonstop all the way back, which was the most Cory or Dominic had ever heard him say in all the time they had known him. Cory was glad he was able to pay him back at least a little for all his help. Of course what he did not know was that Ben was figuring for the awesome weekend, the best he'd ever had in his life, he now owed Cory even more. He would willingly cut off his right arm if Cory wanted him to, or let him fuck him at noon in front of the entire school in the school cafeteria. He would especially let Cory fuck him again. Having his first taste of cock and cum, and getting his ass screwed for the first time, it was a weekend the shy, pudgy thirteen-year-old would never forget. As he lie there on his bed waiting for supper after telling his mother and father about his weekend, the parts he could tell, he thought about everything that they'd done, which of course resulted in a pop up, and not the type you mean when you're surfing. Reaching down and slipping his hand inside his pants and inside his underwear, he fiddled with himself as he thought about Cory and how much he owed him. Cory had looked like some naked jungle boy out of the movies out there on the beach, especially with that headband he always wore. The way it had glowed in the moonlight and cast a pattern of light and shadows on his face while they'd watched Kenny and Dominic from on top of the rock outcrop had been sort of spooky. He was going to say something about how it had shone, but had been too shy to, a painful reminder that though it had been a wicked weekend, he was still Ben Hanson, a timid little mouse like Nick Dawson called him. It had been for the same reason that he had never said anything to Cory about Kenny and Dominic either though he wanted to. It was so obvious that they were so totally in love. It was with that happy thought, and the even happier memory of his first ass fucking, that he began tugging on his aching boner, his mom and dad in the kitchen observing how happy he was as he lie there on his bed jacking off. Sunday traffic back to Riverside from Hermosa Beach had been a bugger and Cory had to run to make it to his meeting on time, but fortunately it was just around the corner from the West Gate where Kenny had dropped him off. Bob Moser, Terry and Lad were waiting for him and they headed immediately to Cory's usual hiding spot and set up the cameras Cory had left with Terry on Friday in the anticipation his big plan was going to work. It had all begun last Wednesday and had started off totally by chance. Since he'd had nothing to do that evening except for watching the tapes from the Economy Inn Billy had given him at noon and which he'd planned on saving for his bedtime jerk, and some math homework for which he was planning on just getting the answers from someone tomorrow anyway, he'd decided to go over to the Gilles's for a little cunt and to see how his baby was coming along. That was the day he discovered Dominic was staying with the Gilles's. His baby was doing fine, and the cunt had been fine too. He and Dominic were just finishing their second piece of pie when Julius and his sons had returned from their jog and he'd decided to stick around until after the three of them had showered to see if he could find out anything. Besides, Antoinette had also baked a double layer chocolate cake that afternoon. As they'd all sat down for a piece, Julian had arrived home from another futile attempt to make out with his girl and Annette and Juliette came out of their rooms where they spent a lot of their evenings. The first piece of cake disappeared quickly and they all had a second. Cory had felt quite justified in having a second piece of cake after the two pieces of pie since after all he and Antoinette had had a particularly vigorous piece of tail while the family was out, the thought of fucking her while Dominic was out there in the kitchen having been a particular turn on. Besides, he needed energy and carbs to build up his depleted supply of semen. Antoinette had a good reason too. She was eating for two after all. So was Annette, and it was starting to show. Julius, Anton and François had all had a good jog and had worked up an appetite too, though Julius could easily do without, not having the metabolism and high energy needs of his two growing sons. Julian certainly didn't need the cake either, having gained at least ten pounds [5kg] and actually starting to look quite dumpy, and having a severe acne problem with all the sweets and fried food he'd been eating besides. As for Juliette, well she was only seven and a spoiled little suckass, two good reasons for her doting mother to give her a large second slice. It was a good time for Cory to practice his scanning as the site Ben had found for him had called it. With the emotional link he had with Antoinette she was easy, and the thoughts he picked up were not surprising, how well the cakes and pie she had baked had turned out, the trifle, whatever that was, that she was going to make that evening, the baby, and what a stud and handsome boy Cory was. All expected, Cory thought with a grin. Annette's thoughts weren't anything surprising either, how delicious the cake was and for some reason a craving for garlic dill pickles, her baby, and worries about the party Billy and Juan had invited her to Friday night, and unbeknownst to her that Billy wanted him to attend. François was thinking about the homework he had to do and the Hot Wheels toy garage his father had gotten him for getting straight A's on his last report card, totally boring, and the hopes that Anton would let him fuck his ass that night. Juliette was even more boring, thinking about her Barbie dolls and the new Barbie clothes she'd gotten for her good marks, and playing dolls with her best friend after school. "So, how was the jogging today?" Antoinette asked, making conversation to break the silence and interrupting Cory's thoughts. "Fine," grumbled Julius unconvincingly. "I'll have to start going with you," Cory observed. "I'm starting to get fat with all this cake and stuff Antoinette is feeding me." That got a number of reactions. From Juliette, with whom he was still sort of linked as that telepathy manual had called it, he got this strange thought of his sweaty underwear, and how delightful it would smell and feel. Seven year olds were just plain weird. Julius had been in a bad mood to begin with and was obviously disturbed by Cory's comment, so disturbed in fact that his thoughts interrupted Juliette's even though he and Cory weren't linked. Cory immediately switched his focus to Julius. First he was annoyed that Cory, a guest in his house and thirteen, called his wife by her first name, something he never did when he was a boy and just showed how kids today were just not being taught proper manners by their parents. It was all sort of dumb to Cory that he'd call her Mrs Gilles considering that he was fucking her and she was carrying his baby. His comment about getting fat had also struck a nerve, Julius having gained at least fifteen pounds [7kg] and starting to look like he was the one who was pregnant, and which made him waddle even more like a goose. Cory also got a flash of worry that he just might join Julius and his sons, and how he was going to stop that since he couldn't have him discover what was happening in the park. Not only already knowing all the details but being largely responsible for what was happening, Cory could not help chuckle over that. Connected with that worry were the worries about his brother and family coming over for the upcoming Valentine's Day weekend and the fear again that little Benji might let the cat out of the bag, or the dog that is. Quickly following on the heels of those thoughts were the thoughts about the fucking he'd gotten from Rocky that evening, how great it had felt, and the fear that some day he was going to get caught, just like the two clergymen had caught him and his sons in a jerk circle four weeks ago. That was a particular worry now that the Deputy Superintendent of School's son was staying with them. "Nonsense," observed Antoinette, reaching over and putting a hand on his arm reassuringly and interrupting his link again, "you're not fat dear. Your body is just perfect the way it is." You did not need a headband to sense the love and total devotion, and the glimmer of lust, which were totally embarrassing for her entire family as they sat there stark naked around the kitchen table staring down at their plates. Zeroing in on Julian who had a particularly dark frown, Cory found he was thinking about his own weight problem and that he knew he looked dumpy, but quite frankly, he no longer gave much of a damn about anything after the big party with the rgab soccer team three weeks ago, which of course he did not know Cory had a tape of, the even wilder follow-up party the next Monday, which Cory also had a copy of, to celebrate their first win of the season, and the hazing his teammates had been giving him ever since. The next game was the Valentine's Day Weekend game coming up on Saturday which he was desperately hoping they would lose in that Bob Moser had made the team the same promise that if they won a second game he'd throw them another party with the Gilles 'girls' providing the entertainment. If he had to put on that cheerleader's uniform again and whore himself to the team he just might go hang himself from the goalpost with a pair of his mother's pantyhose. Among other things, Cory had found with his improved used of the headband an increased ability to pick up the moods of his targets, and though the last thought had been accompanied by a sense of wry humour, he also got a good impression of deep despondency. He had no compassion for Julian Gilles considering what a prig and total asshole he was. Julian was getting everything he deserved, but he didn't want him to take any action that desperate as slim as it was that he had the balls to do it. Not knowing what else to do on the spur of the moment, he sent him a quick thought that things really were not that bad and that being a cheerleader and getting all that attention from the team was not a negative thing. Making out with a dozen horny guys like a woman was, after all, a lot better than having them hate you. Getting attention from horny guys was, he found when he did a quick scan of Anton's mind, what the twelve-year-old was actually thinking about. From the thoughts Cory picked up Anton evidently had been getting Valentine's cards, not from girls, but from guys, most of them quite raunchy, and all of them as a joke. There were, however, a couple which could be sincere, and that possibility had given him a boner, which of course was not an unusual condition for Anton to be in, though it was embarrassing sitting there stark naked at the kitchen table with his family. "Oh shit," observed Bob Moser, interrupting Cory's wandering thoughts. Cory followed Bob's gaze to see two boys heading down the slope toward them. "What the hell is Jason doing here?" "You know them?" "One of them, the shorter one. That's Jason Freeman, one of Anton Gilles's friends. Well, one of his former friends. They sort of have become enemies." "The other one is his cousin, Dennis Freeman. Damn, I hadn't anticipated he might show up, and certainly not with his cousin!" Cory had forgotten Bob would know the boys, having taught and coached at the Glencoe Royal Academy for Boys before he'd gotten fired. He looked at Bob curiously. "When you'd phoned me about your plan for today and asked if I had any idea how we might get Bishop Henry out here and I told you I'd come up with a solution, well Dennis was my solution. After you'd hung up and I'd thought of a scheme to lure the good bishop to the park, I phoned Lane Spudder who's a classmate and sort of loose buddy of Dennis Freeman, and told him to tell Dennis that he'd heard I was meeting secretly with a couple cub scouts for a jerk circle in the park at five o'clock on Sundays. Dennis is a spoiled little, brainwashed Catholic choir boy who Bishop Henry had made get up in court and say I'd checked him out and made a pass at him at a scout camp." Cory glanced at him but said nothing. "No, I didn't. Make a pass at him that is. I took my job as a cub leader seriously, and as a teacher too. I don't hold with people who use their position to coerce minors to have sex with them. Check him out? Yeah, of course I did that. He's a hell of a cute kid, as you can see yourself. Just like his cousin Jason." That was true. With his gelled, jet black hair, dark brown, sexy eyes, and sensuous lips, the twelve-year-old had a handsome face, and Cory knew from personal experience, a fab body besides. His cousin Dennis was a year-older version and just as much a stud muffin. "Shame too, because I never knew two kids who were bigger snobs and spoiled arrogant brats, except maybe their older brothers. They take after their ol'mans, both of them. When the accusations were made against me their fathers threatened to pull them and their brothers out of rgab if I wasn't fired." Bob glanced back up at the path behind them. "Ah, now here comes whom I did expect." Cory looked back up at the path again and saw Father Henry making his way toward them. "I knew Dennis would go straight to him, and that the old bugger would come here to check it out himself. He'd love to have a second chance to have me arrested." The short, plump, fifty-nine-year-old priest cautiously approached the clearing along the trail that had been developed by then by Julius and his boys from daily use. Finding nobody there, he pushed his way into the bushes on the other side of the path and crouched down and waited, unaware that the Freeman cousins had hidden on the other side of the clearing, and they of course unaware that Cory, Bob and Terry were hiding in the bushes between them and Father Henry. Father Henry had no sooner concealed himself than the main players in this little deception arrived, Julius and Benji along with Rocky, Dobe and Shep. After contacting Lane, Bob had left an envelope for Julius in his car that he'd find in the morning when he headed off to school, an envelope with a picture of him and Lad in the park and a note telling him to come to their meeting place an hour early on Sunday and just with Benji and their dogs, and if he didn't, he'd make sure the picture got in the hands of his wife. Antoinette already had one revealing picture, of him and their sons getting their asses fucked, which he had believed Bob Moser had posted at the school or somewhere and Cory Wilson had found and accidentally dropped when he'd come over to screw his wife. As he thought about this latest threat, he realized someone had to have told Moser about Benji coming this weekend and that had to be his family or someone their family had told. The top two suspects were Antoinette who had to have told Cory, but there was no indication that Cory even knew Bob Moser, and his efforts to find out if he knew anything in Health class Friday had revealed nothing. Regardless, he had no doubt Bob would carry through with his threat. The visit by his brother and his family that weekend had been tense to say the least. His brother Jacques was still on his kick that he should see a psychiatrist, and he and his family were clearly uncomfortable with their conversion to nudism. On top of that his nerves were on end fearing young Benji might say or do something to reveal their little secret, and as it was the boy made several hints in his seven-year-old way about the two of them going somewhere so they could 'play games' with their dogs. To add to his problems, there was also the matter of convincing his brother to stay late Sunday so he could fulfil Bob Moser's demands. All in all it was a weekend he would be glad to see over. The arrival of his bitch got Lad all excited and there was no stopping him as he happily and eagerly raced out into the clearing to meet him. Rocky had also become accustomed to the place as his breeding ground and the now eleven-month-old Rottweiler was jumping around excitedly and impatiently humping Julius's leg, which got Benji's two pets quickly in the mood, much to his amusement and delight as they each took a leg of the little fellow and began humping away, the two having become accustomed to playing little Benji's 'games' together over the past six weeks. Julius quickly stripped and got on all fours as he'd been instructed to do in Bob's note with Benji eagerly and excitedly following suit, but with four dogs and only two bitches, he foresaw an immediate problem. The last thing Julius wanted was to be in the middle of a dog fight as the four determined dominance. The problem was solved by the arrival of the last players in the little plot Cory had thought up. Jonah had enough of the rants about morality and the daily caning by his father, so when Cory phoned him and told him of his plan, he eagerly agreed to play his part in the hopes, as Cory promised, that it would put an end to his beatings by his father and give him some measure of revenge for the way his father had been treating him besides. It was his father that he was entrapping, but he knew other fathers didn't treat their children the way his did. So, after the phone call, he went directly to his father and confessed that at school he'd overheard a couple boys talking, older boys he did not know, about this man called Bob Moser who used to be a cub scout leader who was meeting with cub scouts and 'doing bad things with them' at the same place in the park where he and his father had 'fallen to the temptations of Satan' as his father described that afternoon one month earlier. Pastor Winthrop was delighted, and convinced that his daily prayers and seeking of forgiveness over the past month had been rewarded. The good Lord was giving him a chance to redeem himself by catching Bob Moser in the act he had been suspected of committing just over a year ago, something that had evaded him and Father Henry. He considered phoning the bishop, but decided that if God wanted to redeem him too he'd have arranged for him to have the same information, and if not, then there had to be some reason he was chosen over the bishop. He could think of several reasons for that. For one, the bishop had seemed all too eager and all too pleased with the sinful acts he'd engaged in with the young boys in the park last month, which was not a surprise given the reputation of Catholic priests and little boys. Besides, it would be all the more honour to him, him and his son. The beatings and the sermons had evidently worked, as he had faith they would, with the boy having voluntarily come to him with the information, though it had been five hours since school had let out before he'd told him, which meant his work in shaping the boy's moral character was not yet done. So he'd headed off to Westside Park filled with righteous indignation ready to administer the will and wrath of God, taking his son with him to show him first hand the sinful ways of Satan and men and the triumph of the pure and holy over evil. Marching directly into the clearing, he was surprised, and sorely disappointed, to find not Bob Moser but once again Julius Gilles, and not a pack of little cub scouts 'doing bad things' but a solitary boy. They were doing something sinful however, the two of them naked as Adam, though just what they were up to with four excited, barking dogs he was not sure. One was a Rottweiler, young but still a Rottweiler, giving him cause to pause. Cory, after making sure Jonah was still keeping his neighbourhood dogs happy, had told Jonah there would be dogs at the park and the man he'd met that liked dogs too, and that he should do his share in making the dogs happy. That, the seven-year-old was more than willing to do though he knew his father would disapprove as he followed him into the clearing. That was when Cory's real work began. Concentrating on the thin, austere-looking preacher, he focussed in on the anger evident in his cold blue eyes and tightly pressed lips and the way he was marching toward Julius and Benji, toward the two naked sinners. Julius Gilles had clearly been corrupted by Satan. It was a shame, Julius having been a supporter of his once, but it happened to the best of them. It had happened to him, in this very spot after all. This was an evil, Satanic place. A den of sin where men and boys enjoyed the pleasures of the flesh. He had enjoyed those pleasures. His cock had swollen with lust and throbbed with pleasure and desire. He could not deny the pleasure he'd felt that sinful day. It was easy for Cory to bring those memories to the surface, they having been on the pastor's mind ever since that eventful afternoon four weeks ago. Cory focussed on those feelings of pleasure, the way his cock had swollen, the pleasure of his ejaculation, the way the others' cocks had throbbed, the pleasure he had received and the pleasure he'd brought the others. Cory's brow knitted as he concentrated, fighting the resistance, and the resistance was strong, stronger than the feelings of pleasure. Feelings of sin, guilt, filthiness, fear, they were all thrown back at him but he countered with the pleasure of a stiff, throbbing cock, the joy of ejaculation, the eroticism of sucking cock before his young son, the deep ache in the loins that demanded satisfaction. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he hurled back his thoughts and his own feelings of erotic arousal and carnal desire. This was a place of pure evil, a place possessed by demons, demons who at that very moment were trying to possess him. He would not let them, not this time. What was happening here was sinful, though he didn't quite know what sin was being committed other than that of nakedness, which was not that big a sin, not compared to the sin he'd committed in this very place four weeks ago, a filthy, dirty, disgusting act of sex with boys and men, an act that had brought him pleasure like he'd never felt before, an act that had filled his body and soul with a pleasure and ultimate ecstasy that had to be a glimpse of the pleasures of heaven. With each step closer to the two sinners the stronger the temptation grew, and step by step temptation was overpowering his resistance. His cock had throbbed with a pleasure and a need like it never had before, more so than when doing his husbandly duty with his wife. He'd felt truly like a man should feel that day, engaging in manly things that only men can engage in. He could feel that way again. He just had to yield to the feelings. Yield to the pleasure. Remove his clothes and be free, as his son was doing. Jonah had begun stripping as he and his father strode toward Julius and Benji, and it had nothing to do with Cory or his headband. He loved dogs, and he loved messing with them, and this was something he knew about and was good at, thanks to that day he'd jacked off Lad and goosed himself in this very spot four months ago. Lad, seeing the boy approaching and immediately recognizing him, was suddenly torn between the bitch on his hands and knees, and the boy who had also brought him pleasure. The German Shepard glanced from one to the other, and at the Rottweiler beginning to bear his teeth as he stood behind his bitch and ready to fight for what was his. "Lad!" called Jonah with a beaming face as he pushed down his underwear and hopping on one foot and then the other hopped out of it, his fine, long blond hair bouncing about his shoulders and his little dicklet bouncing between his legs. His face beamed even more as the dog ran toward him, tail wagging. Shep, excited and playful, perhaps equating young Jonah with his own young master, romped along behind Lad, and as Lad began to try humping young Jonah he too joined in as he had learned to do with Dobe, with a sudden sharp growl of competition by the older dog. Pastor Winthrop's fear for the safety of his son overpowered all other thoughts as he reached for his boy to protect him and zapped Cory with its intensity. With the same intensity, he pinged the pastor with a solution. Later Reverend Winthrop would marvel at what he had done, and praise himself for his quick thinking and solution to what could have been a harmful situation, but at that moment, much to his bewilderment and confusion and what he attributed to plain instinct at first, his hand veered from grabbing his son away from the two competing dogs to grab Lad's collar and pull him away instead, at the same time quickly unbuckling and unzipping his trousers with his other hand and allowing them to drop. Lad, conditioned to the dropping of trousers, and not particular which bitch he serviced, just as readily turned to the pastor who was desperately pushing down his underwear to save his son. And so Julius knelt there naked and on his hands and knees and his pet Rottweiler mounted him, as he'd done so many times there in the clearing, while beside him his naked young nephew assumed the same position as he'd done whenever and wherever he could many times since that eventful Christmas holiday at his uncle's. His faithful Doberman immediately jumped him, eager to service his master as he'd become accustomed to doing. With six weeks of practice on practically a daily basis, the two united without the slightest problem or pain. His younger pet, Shep, just as willingly and excitedly mounted the naked young, blond-headed boy eagerly sticking his bum up in the air for him, the nine-month-old Alsatian just as eager to play with him as he was to play with his young master. The young pup's experience, and Jonah's daily routine of goosing himself while he jacked off before going to bed resulted in a painless union after only the third try. Kneeling there beside his son, relieved that he'd saved him from harm, Pastor Winthrop was in a bit of a daze as the vicious dog he'd saved him from leaped upon him and wrapping his forelegs tightly about his waist, began to hump him, ramming his hot, slimy erection against his buttocks. Lad, the most experienced of the four at fucking these two legged hairless dogs, nipped at his new bitch and growled his commands until he was in the right position and then rammed is stiff, slender cock up the bitch's virgin hole. A wave of revulsion and unbelievable arousal passed over the dazed Reverend as he felt the dog's hot, slimy organ sink up his rectum. He was not the only one in a daze. The twelve and thirteen year-old Freeman cousins crouching in the thick shrubbery blocking the freeway from the park on the other side of the clearing could not believe what they were seeing. What had happened to Bob Moser they had no idea but they suspected that Lane's information had simply been incorrect. They of course knew coach Gilles. Even though they knew from overhearing their older brothers that he and his oldest son were fags and liked to dress like women, and even though they knew his younger son Anton was a verified cocksucker perv, that Julius was a pervert who did it with dogs came as a surprise to them. Who the little kids and the tall, skinny guy with the big nose and ears and pale face and sunken cheeks were they had no idea, but they were evidently pervs too. They could not believe what they were witnessing as they stared wide-eyed as the four dogs began screwing right there before them. Nor could Bishop Henry. Disappointed once again that he had not caught Bob Moser in the act, he'd not been overly surprised to see Julius Gilles and the young boy arrive and strip naked in the clearing, and not even that surprised when it became clear to him what they were intending on doing with the dogs, not after having caught the man masturbating with his three young sons. The man had clearly fallen even deeper into sin, evidence again of the power of Satan and his evil ways, especially against those who fought against his evil as Julius once had beside himself and Pastor Winthrop. Those who stand up for good are often the front line targets by Satan and his minions. He should have realized that four weeks ago when he'd found him engaging in that foul practice of masturbation with his three sons. Too shocked and remorseful for his own behaviour that day, he'd turned in his weakness to seeking his own salvation, and that of his innocent young choir boy and had forgotten the man who had once supported him, though even back then he'd suspected the man had ulterior motives. It suddenly struck him that perhaps the motive had been to distract attention from his own perverted behaviour. When he'd first seen Pastor Winthrop racing out toward them, he was sure the man was as outraged as he was by the sinfulness and filth of what was happening, and he'd risen to his feet to charge out from where he was hiding to support the Reverend. This was not Bob Moser, but exposing any sin of any nature was his duty as a man of God, and besides, exposing a teacher, albeit not a very prominent one, and one not particularly well liked he had heard, as a pervert would not harm his reputation any, and the controversy and his role as the community's champion of moral behaviour could even draw a few more sheep into the church, which was sadly declining in membership. Before he had done so, to his surprise the Pastor's young son had begun to strip, and as the events quickly unfolded, he realized the Baptist was not racing out to prevent what was happening but to join in! That truly spoke of the power of Satan and this sinful place and he immediately crossed himself and uttered three Hail Mary's in the hopes of protection. Actually, the strength of the evil of this accursed place was no surprise given how he himself had fallen to temptation in that very spot just four weeks ago and had engaged in the most sinful, lustful acts beyond a decent man's imagination, acts that had haunted him every moment of every day ever since. The eagerness of Pastor Winthrop and the involvement of his son in the perversion he was witnessing was no surprise either. They were Baptists after all. Julius had been surprised to see the Pastor once again, and even more surprised when he and his boy had joined them, though not as surprised as the first time it had happened. The Reverend's evident eagerness did go a long way to explaining why the Reverend had not made an issue about him and his sons masturbating in a public park, though of course that could have been difficult considering the Reverend's own subsequent actions and that of Father Henry. If either did report him, those actions would incriminate them as well, and what they had done was a lot worse than a little mutual masturbation. As he glanced over at the Baptist minister and saw the contorted look of disgust and shame on his face, he realized that the Reverend just might be under the control of Bob Moser just as he was rather than being a morally corrupt man of God. That was a very strong possibility. He'd always known Bob Moser was evil. With Rocky ignoring everyone around him in his single-mined focus to madly fuck his ass, it was difficult to think clearly so Julius put aside his thoughts for the time being and concentrated on the pleasure of getting his ass fucked. That was not difficult. It was a pleasure, one he'd been engaging in for five months now. His sphincter burned with the friction of the dog's rapidly pistoning cock and his rectum throbbed in time with the Rottweiler's throbbing bone. The Rottweiler's hot, slender cock schlucked in and out of the slime Rocky had begun squirting up his rectum almost as soon as he'd penetrated his master. Feeling the hot slime oozing out of his burning hole and down the cord between his legs and over the back of his balls, and feeling Rocky's hot cock stroking his prostate sent thrills up Julius's spine and caused his cock to begin to rise. Getting his little ass fucked was nothing new to Benji who had messed around with Dobe and Shep practically every day since his visit to his uncle at the end of December, usually in his room at night while his mom and dad watched television and he was supposed to be asleep, sometimes in the alley when he took them for their walk, and sometimes both. He opened and closed his sphincter with delight as his three-year-old Doberman rammed his cock in and out of his asshole, and he closed his eyes with the pleasure pulsating through his bumhole. His little dickie was pulsating too, and had gotten pleasantly hard. Why getting your ass fucked made your dickie get hard and itchy was one of life's many mysteries when you are seven. And, when you are seven, it really doesn't matter why. It felt good when it was hard and itchy like that, and getting his ass fucked felt good too, and that was all that mattered. Jonah, having learned the joys of jacking off and finger fucking himself and jacking off dogs, all from Cory, had been messing around with the neighbourhood dogs for the past four months. Seeing the way he had with animals, his father had encouraged his interest, buying him books and taking him to the San Diego zoo, and encouraging him to take the pets of elderly neighbours for walks. The neighbours had frequently observed how excited their pets were to see him arrive, and how content they were when they returned home. Of course they had no idea why. He'd seen plenty of boy and girl dogs screwing in the park, and he'd seen Julius getting it up the ass way back in September, but he had never considered trying it himself, being content to jack them off and to goose himself. Seeing Julius and his nephew naked and on their hands and knees with the dogs milling about them, he knew they were planning on messing around, and he was eager to join them. Cory had told him there would be dogs, and that he should make them happy. Seeing Julius and his nephew being mounted and quite evidently enjoying it, he was quite eager to try the experience for himself. Having stuffed one or two of his fingers up his ass each night as he'd jacked off before going to sleep, it had not really been that painful nor that difficult to take the strange dog's dick up his ass. It did feel a lot different from his finger, being longer and hotter, and he having no control over how fast or how deep it went. That was different, and pleasant. It was even more pleasant when he felt the Alsatian begin squirting out his stuff and felt it shooting up his rectum and running out of his bumhole and down over his dangling little balls and down the back of his thigh. It was pleasant doing it with a dog with another kid his age doing it with a dog too. He knew none of his friends did it, and when he'd hinted about it, they'd all wrinkled up their noses as if it was something disgusting. Finding another boy who liked to mess with dogs too, made him feel that he was not so different after all. In fact when he glanced over at the other boy and watched his dog's hot, red dick pumping in and out of his bum and saw how much the boy was enjoying it, it gave him that achy feeling he got in his loins whenever he did sex stuff. Having his father messing around doing sex stuff with a dog was great too. He'd had no idea his father liked to do that and was actually quite surprised considering how his father was always ranting and preaching about doing any sort of sex except between a husband and wife, and that only to make a baby. Perhaps this was one thing they could share in common, one thing that might bond them as father and son. They could even take dogs for walks together. When Cory had said his plan would stop his father from caning him and lecturing him about sin, he'd had no idea what Cory had in mind, and this wasn't the type of revenge he had imagined for the way his father treated him, but it was a good trick and his admiration for Cory doubled. This was of course a completely new experience for the Reverend and he would hardly call it a trick, and it definitely would not be his idea of bonding. For the first minute he just knelt there in a daze and was just relieved his son had not been injured by the two dogs fighting over him. As he got over that shock, and the shock of being mounted and penetrated, what was really happening revolted him. How Julius Gilles and the boy he was with could do this willingly and evidently with such pleasure was truly a sin. It was filthy, the filthiest thing a person could do. He knew in the Bible it warned about laying with animals, though in the intensity of the act he was engaging in he could not think straight enough to quote it at the moment. What was happening to him was totally disgusting and so filthy it was making his skin crawl, but what had been even more shocking and disturbing had been the behaviour of his son. Why had the boy rushed out like that? Why had he stripped, as if this was something he knew about? Surely his way with animals didn't include laying with them! He was only seven! Could it be that his way with animals was perhaps some trickery of the devil, not a blessing from God as he'd thought? It was so difficult to think with the animal ramming his stiff cock in and out of his body and drooling down his back, soaking his shirt with slimy spittle. He was gradually aware of a wet sliminess elsewhere and he shivered with disgust and revulsion. At the same time he was aware of another feeling buried deep but gradually surfacing. As his anus burned and he felt the dog slime filling his rectum and dribbling down his balls, and as he felt the shocks of arousal ripping from his stroked prostate through his groin and up his penis, he began to get erect. And, as he began to grow erect, he began to see the pleasure in what was happening, the pleasure that Julius and the young boy with him had to have known, the pleasure his son had to also be feeling. He was never so aware of his anus, or his rectum. The way his anus was burning from the friction of the dog's cock was pleasant. So were the rising and throbbing of his cock, proof of the pleasure of what he was doing. He was having sex with a dog. That was erotic. As the dog wrapped his forelegs about his waist and began to fuck faster, he began to pump his hips to and fro and open and close his anus with the pleasure. They were strange feelings, totally new and foreign, and so were the thoughts running through his mind, new and foreign also, as if someone else's, but they were truths. Rocky rammed his knot into Julius's rectum and instinctively froze as his cum spurted out of his cock and into the man's ass now in full force, his duty as a male dog and as a loyal pet done. Julius trembled as he felt the knot fill and stretch his rectum and the hot slime relentlessly pumping into his asshole and he wished that a man could cum as long and as copiously as a dog could. As he felt Rocky's hot slime filling his asshole and his hot spittle dribbling from his hanging tongue and trickling down his naked back, he wondered if that was how a bitch felt. It was with that thought that he began spurting his cum into the grass. Benji was trembling with the sexual pleasure only young boys can feel as Dobe rammed his knot into his master and filled him with his dog slime as he'd done so often in the past. The faithful Doberman could sense in his doggy way the pleasure of his little master as he trembled and jerked with his dry orgasm. As he knelt there on the grass, he was so glad his Uncle Julius and the boy with the strange shiny headband had shown him this game. Beside them, young Shep, only ten months old, had locked with Jonah and was filling the young boy with his doggy slime as young Jonah jerked and trembled with an orgasm that until then he had thought could only be achieved by stroking his little dicky. It was a new pleasure that he'd be seeking now when he took his daily walks with the dogs in the neighbourhood who had come to anticipate his visit and sexual exploration each evening. Jonathan Winthrop could see the obscene pleasure on the faces of Julius Gilles and the two boys. The sudden ramming of the swollen knot up his anus had been a surprise and severely painful, but at the same time feeling the dog's slime spurting up his asshole even more rapidly and with even more force had been erotic. His rectum was being filled with hot, slimy dog cum. He had never felt so dirty and perverted, and so aroused, in his life and sensing the pleasure about him, he could not prevent nature from following its course and he trembled as he shot out his own seed, spilling it upon the ground beneath him. Father Henry witnessed it all with growing shock and disgust and even though Cory was not linked with his mind the boy could feel the priest's horror and revulsion. Broadcasting the telepathy manual had called such mental signals he recalled. With the priest's agitated state of mind and Cory's growing ability, it was easy to link up with the priest and return a message, telling him to do what he knew he had to do, to march right out there and put the fear of God into the sinners, to condemn them to hell everlasting, to look Satan in the eye and defy him as only a pure and righteous man can do. His eyes flaring and his ruddy face flushed even ruddier with anger, he rose and strode out into the clearing. The two men and the two boys saw him coming, and from the scowl on his face and the swinging of his arms they knew he was not coming to wish them well. Julius and Jonathan could not believe their bad luck, and they struggled to free themselves, to at least stand to face the man, but the knots up their butts and the weight of their still tightly grasping partners held them in place. To Father Henry they were so stunned with the pleasures of the flesh and so possessed they did nothing to break their obscene union with the beasts behind them. The pendants of cum perversely hanging from the still swollen cocks of the two men were proof positive of their carnal pleasure. He'd known that pleasure himself, in this very place, certainly not with dogs, but with children. His cock had swollen up and throbbed with the same pleasure as theirs were at that moment, had dribbled with the same release of his seed, the first and only release of his seed in his fifty-nine years on this Earth. He had felt good, mighty good, as surely they must be feeling at that moment. The dog slime oozing from their still plugged assholes had to feel good too. It was so thick and copious. As he thought about how he'd felt with his orgasm and how they must be feeling he felt arousal begin to well up in his loins. He fought it back. How could he think such evil, foreign thoughts? This was truly an evil place, and those who visited it minions of Satan. Gilles he could see from the look of pleasure shining through the guilt and shame on his face was clearly possessed, and Jonathan Winthrop too. Well, he would 3; he would 3; . Again Cory's brow knitted and his forehead began to perspire as he pressed his thoughts and feelings, using the priest's agitation and emotion to twist his feelings of revulsion and righteousness to lust and unfulfilled need. The priest's beliefs were strong and deep, but Cory was young and filled with the energy of a young teenager and the dirty, erotic thoughts of a thirteen-year-old boy. He was also filled with a vengeful anger over the way the man had been treating Dominic and how all righteous men felt they had the authority to treat others and run their lives, his vengeance no less than the vengeful anger of the God Father Henry and those like him worshipped. His will shall be done. Arriving at the group there in the middle of the clearing as Dobe pulled out of Benji, the priest dropped to his knees and to the boy's surprise, and even more to the surprise of the priest, fastened his lips to his bumhole. He sucked in the thick, gooey dog slime, delighting in its taste, feeding hungrily on the boy like a bear cub at a honey pot. He savoured the dog cum as it filled his mouth and felt a quiver of pleasure pass over his body as he swallowed it and felt it oozing down his throat. He sucked more from the boy's ass greedily and hungrily as a man possessed. He was possessed. What he was doing was foul and degenerate. His mind fought the possession as he wanted to puke, but the desire was too strong. He had to suck every last drop of dog cum and ass slime from the boy's asshole. So strong was that desire and so powerful the demons of that place that as Lad's cock shrunk and he at last pulled his knot out of Reverend Winthrop and Shep pulled his red, slimy cock out of Jonah, the Reverend felt an overpowering desire to do as the priest was doing. Four weeks ago he had dropped to his knees and sucked the cocks of Bob Moser and two of Julius's sons. The memory of performing that wicked, perverse act and the foul taste and sickening texture of their cum as it had filled his mouth and he had swallowed it had haunted him every single day these past four weeks and had turned his stomach with every bite of food he had swallowed. Now, seeing the priest eagerly sucking up the dog slime from the young boy's asshole, the joy and delight of his freedom and the expression of his sexual being that day returned in full and the memory of drinking their cum was not one of disgust but one of lust and pleasure, the taste not foul but that of sweet ambrosia fit for the Lips of God. Kneeling behind his son, he fastened his lips to the boy's anus and sucked, and Jonah willingly and delightedly pushed out, filling his father's mouth with thick dog and ass slime as his father did what in his mind he'd told him to do a thousand times as he'd bent over and had his ass whipped. That he'd beaten that tender little backside he was now sucking could not be ignored as he felt the scars of the last whipping beneath his fingertips. As he sucked now on it, delighting in the flow of dog slime from his son's bowels, he did not know it but he would never again be able to look upon that delightful, pink backside without feeling a surge of desire and an overwhelming desire to suck it, to bring the boy as much pleasure with his mouth and tongue in the future as he'd brought him pain in the past. Having sucked as much as he could out of Benji, Father Henry, his lips and cheeks smeared with dog and ass slime, shuffled over to Julius and began to feed on his ass, sucking the Doberman's slime from his bowels with a hunger and desire that made his cock swell and ache to shoot off a load as he'd shot off in that clearing last month. Unable to control himself or his movements though he did try to fight what he was doing, he pulled down the fly of his black trousers and fished out his cock and began to beat it as he ate out Julius's ass. He closed his eyes with pleasure as his stiff cock throbbed hotly in his hand, only the second time in his life that he'd played with it. Jonathan Winthrop, having drained the slime from his son's asshole, glanced over at the priest sucking on Julius Gilles's asshole and madly pumping his fist up and down his swollen cock. His sunken cheeks smeared with dog cum and the slime from Jonah's ass, he shuffled over to Julius and lying on his back he raised himself and sucked the man's limp cock, draining him of his remaining cum as his young son and Julius's nephew sat there watching. The joy and lust in the eyes of the three men were not lost on the impressionable seven-year-olds. Jonah of course had already been acquainted with the pleasures of sucking cock and being sucked, and had in fact, sucked the very cock his father was sucking. As for young Benji, it was one more exciting revelation and something to try, thanks to his uncle Julius. Meanwhile, the four dogs curled up on the grass content and disinterested. The Freeman cousins, on the other hand, were captivated by what was happening in the clearing. Totally shocked by what they had witnessed, the two teenagers could not believe what they had seen. Never in their wildest imaginations had they ever envisioned getting fucked by dogs, or grown men sucking the assholes of seven-year-old boys. And these were not just any men, but the coach of their school's senior soccer team, and their parish priest and Bishop of the Riverside - South Bay Diocese. It was the filthiest, most disgusting thing they had ever witnessed, even more perverted than what they had done with Anton in the boys room at rgab. It was also the most erotic thing they had ever seen and by then their young cocks were bulging out their jeans as they felt a pang of desire between their legs like they'd never felt before, not surprising considering their age and that they were pumped full of hormones. Glancing at each other, they pulled out their cocks and as they sat there staring at the scene before them they began to beat off. As they rapidly stroked their throbbing, aching young cocks, they had no idea that Cory had zoomed in the powerful lense of one of the cameras to where he'd seen them enter the shrubs and was catching them on film for posterity, and possible future use. The beauty was he hadn't even had to augment their lust with his headband, nor suggest a solution to the ache between their legs, proof once again of the sexual needs of a teenage boy and his natural and universal solution. Cory himself was feeling those very same needs, what he had witnessed supplemented by the powerful lust and urgent desire of the three men in the clearing and the postclimatic joy, and confusion, of the two seven-year-old boys watching them with rapt fascination. As he pulled down his fly and eased out his swollen cock, Terry and Bob Moser followed suit. Cory immediately reached out for Bob's monster cock, prompting Terry to reach out for his. Bob did not hesitate to complete the jerk circle, reaching out and slipping his fingers about Terry's slender, teenage cock and delighting in his still hairless pubes and large balls filled with teenage cum. Overcome with lust and feeling a desperate thirst for cock and more cum, Pastor Winthrop turned to Bishop Henry, and as the plump, fifty-nine-year-old priest collapsed on his back the Reverend straddled his chest and went down on his stiff, throbbing cock. He was the first and only man to have ever touched his organ, and Father Henry trembled with delight as he felt his fingers wrap about the base of his aching flesh. As he felt the man's mouth envelop the knob and begin to descend down the shaft he shuddered with pure ecstasy. Raising himself on his elbows, the Catholic Priest, his jowls glistening with dog cum and ass slime, fastened his lips to the Reverend's asshole and began to hungrily suck the slimy dog cum from it, filled with disgust and with desire. Never had he done anything so foul and felt such joy. Julius and the two impressionable young boys sat there watching the two priests locked in obvious pleasure and fiddled with themselves as they reached over and petted the four dogs curled up beside them. As Father Henry felt himself approaching his climax he sucked deeply on Pastor Winthrop's asshole and wormed his tongue up his slimy rectum and the Pastor trembled with the delight as he felt his second climax approaching. Watching the totally wicked scene, the Freeman cousins pounded on their stiff, aching cocks and trembled with delight as they approached their orgasms also. On the other side of the clearing, Cory, Terry and Bob stroked each other's stiff, throbbing cocks. What he had just witnessed had been totally wicked, and as he'd observed many times before, Terry observed once again at how hot his little adventures with Cory were. Bob was beginning to realize that himself, and as Cory stroked his thick, throbbing cock and he stroked Cory's buddy's stiff dick, he gazed in admiration and respect upon the youngster sitting there in his strange headband and marvelled at the thirteen-year-old's powers. As for Cory, as he sat there with a monster cock in one hand and his buddy's hand stroking his own, he glanced over at the clearing and smiled. He did not have to use his headband or have any special powers to see the looks of confused lust and disgust on the faces of the two priests, the content and bliss on the faces of Julius and his nephew as they sat there petting their dogs, and the beaming radiance of joy on the face of young Jonah. It was the conclusion of a fucking awesome weekend, and the beginning of another awesome week.
Chapter Forty-Five— Mt tt tb —
Thanks to Billy for suggesting the plots involving Julian, Annette and Cory in this story. Rolling over and shutting off the alarm with a groan, Julian opened one eye and glanced at the clock. Five-thirty. That was no time for a sixteen-year-old boy to be getting up, but he needed the extra time to get ready for school. Wearily crawling out of bed and already dreading the day, he padded down the hall to the bathroom, his semi-turgid cock bouncing above his balls. Why was it that while he was asleep in the privacy of his bedroom it swelled out to a nice size any sixteen year old would be proud of, but whenever there was anyone else around it shrivelled up as if ashamed to be seen? His family had been practising nudism now for three and a half months, but he still couldn't look at his mother and kid sisters, and was embarrassed them seeing him naked with the result his dick was constantly shrivelled up so it was even smaller than his nine-year-old brother's. That was even more embarrassing than the little three-inch [7½cm] boner his fag brother Anton constantly sported. He showered thoroughly, using the special soap his mother had bought him for his acne, which was running so totally out of control. It was not his fault. His mother made awesome desserts, and he had a sweet tooth. At least he didn't have a fondness for eating shit like his dad. Attaching the breast vacuum his teammates had presented him at their last celebration party, he sat on the edge of the tub and thought about their first jogging excursions into the park ten weeks ago, the beginning of January after their big loss to Weaver Central High School, one of the weakest soccer teams in the league, the day he'd accidentally shit in his father's mouth and his father had angrily pawed the crap out of his mouth and smeared it in his face. He shuddered with revulsion with the thoughts about that day as he opened up the jar of Andre Extra Strength Hair Remover for Men the team had also given him and generously applied it to his calves and forearms. It was a day he would never forget. That was the beginning of his daily jogging routine with his father and two brothers. Bob Moser and the Spudders met them there in the clearing at Riverside Park once or twice a week and the three of them fucked him and his brothers there in front of his father, and then made his father felch them and then eat their abusers' shit, usually straight out of their assholes. It was totally revolting, and even more revolting was that his father and brothers liked it. If the others weren't there they actually hung around just in case. Other times there was this dog, this big German Shepard. He didn't even want to think about what his dad and the dog did. Once the dog had shown up while Bob and the others were there and he'd found out. Other times his father sent them on while he stayed behind and then met them back at the parking lot. It was sick. His ten minutes on Doctor Copelan's Natural Breast Developer up, he removed the vacuum. According to the box and instructions he'd increased his time by one minute each day since he'd gotten it to the maximum of ten, and he was supposed to use it for six weeks. The instructions said it redistributed the lymph in his chest to stretch his breast tissue to increase the size and roundness of his breasts, the same principle as lifting weights. The team had a big chuckle over that when Spence Spudder had presented it to him at the last party. He still had ten minutes to go before he removed the depilatory cream. He got up and looked at himself in the mirror. He looked disgusting. He had gained another couple pounds and was as hairless as François. At the party two weeks ago, to celebrate their win over San José High, the team had held him down and Kenny Young had shaved his pubes and his arm pit hair. He sucked in the gut he was developing and flexed his muscles, but he still looked disgusting. His chest did look bigger, more rounded. The box said some women saw a difference before thirty days. Some women! He shuddered. At the first 'party' he and his father and brothers had thrown for the team, his mother had made them dress up like girls. The team had thought it a big fucking joke, and had decided that he should let his hair grow out and style it like a girl. So he'd had it permed on Saturday and streaked like a lot of the girls were doing for tonight. It was all his mother's fault. She thought it was a big joke. She was the joke. A big fat fucking whore of a joke. That was how he felt. She was fat, and she was screwing around with Cory Wilson. Thirteen year old Cory Wilson! That was disgusting. And she was pregnant. He looked at his body again. It was surprising how things could change in five months. When he'd begun school in September, he was a fit, athletic sixteen-year-old, his body trim and muscular from daily practice on the soccer field. He had been a good soccer player too, perhaps not the top, but close to it, and his teammates respected him for it and the girls all admired him, especially Stacey Cosher, the daughter of the rgab Chairman of the Board of Trustees with whom he'd once had high hopes of making out with and losing his virginity to, a hope he still desperately clung to. Rinsing off his body and patting it dry, he applied the body cream moisturizer. Taking the flesh-coloured girdle out of his soccer bag and opening it up with disgust, he stepped into it and pulled it up. It was made of the same thin rubber that wetsuits were made of and helped pull in his stomach. It also had reinforced rubber at the crotch to tuck in his balls and cock so you couldn't see them. It was a novelty item that, unbeknownst to him, Cory had gotten from Jacob Schuller and given to Bob Moser who had given it to Spence Spudder. It had a false cunt with lips made of realistic rubber and complete with a bush of hairs the same colour as his. Slipping on a pair of panties and the training bra, which the team insisted he wear under threat of posting pictures of their party at the Gladys Harper Private School for Girls, he put on his school uniform. Yes, a lot had changed in five months. Now the team hated and ridiculed him, all because his father had taken over as coach and had made him team captain. He had lost total interest in the game, and the animosity and his father's inept coaching had resulted in a losing streak, up until last month. That was when Bob Moser had thrown this party and told the team if they won the next game, he'd throw a second, which of course they did, and he did. Then on Saturday they'd won their second game. Bob had promised them another party if they did, and that was tonight, Valentine's Day. As he returned to his bedroom, his fat shit-eating father, with whom he'd been forced to sleep with these past three months, was just getting up. He commented something about the strange odour of the cologne he was wearing. It was of course the moisturizing cream. He hated the smell of it. He also hated the team, his father, and Bob Moser. This was going to be an especially miserable day, a day he wished was over. Actually, he wished his life was over. He hated it. Still, deep down inside, there was the hope this nightmare would sometime end, and, even deeper, was a little glimmer of joy in being a woman, a glimmer he'd first felt last Wednesday when he'd returned home after fruitlessly trying to make out with Stacey Cosher and the family had sat down for chocolate cake. "Morning Julia," greeted Spence Spudder, who had been waiting at the lockers for Julian. "You looking forward to the party tonight? We are." He and Freddy Rabb chuckled. The team had begun calling him Julia at the party two weeks ago. Even in class they muffled it so the teachers would not be sure if they'd said Julia or Julian. "Here's your daily vitamin supplement," Freddy said with a grin, handing him five pills, three orange, a white and a tan. He swallowed one of each colour there in front of them. Theo had promised to punch him out if he didn't, and at six foot four [1.93 m] and two hundred and ten pounds [95 kg], Theo could easily do it. One of the other orange capsules he had instructions to take in front of one of James Freeman who was in the same class as he was at the end of the day, and the other he was to take before bed. Even though they'd never know if he did, fearing that being forced to take the others would be for nothing if he didn't, he took it. That he did made forcing him to take them all the funnier to the team. Freddy said they were herb supplements to help develop his muscles and help combat his acne. Freddy's father was a doctor and he'd gotten them on the sly. Julian doubted if that was what they really were, but they didn't make him sick or hallucinate or anything so he took them. He'd given up fighting and caring. Opening his locker he found a couple obscene Valentine's cards, of men dressed up like women and in sexy poses, addressed to Tranny Julia from anonymous lovers asking her to be their Valentine. With half the team gathered around waiting to see his response, all he could do was laugh at the humiliation as they doubled over in laughter. It was impossible to know who had come up with the prank. The rest of the day was the same as the past two weeks, his teammates calling him Julia, asking him how his breasts were coming along, telling him how they were looking forward to celebrating their last win later that night. The biggest laugh came in gym class of course when he had to strip down to his panties and bra and put on his gym strip, and when he had to shower later. At least with all the fears about pedos, and lawsuits, the school had a strict rule that phys ed instructors and coaches were not to go into the boy's locker rooms so the humiliation was limited to the physical education class, and after school when he changed for soccer practise. It was a long day, even longer with soccer practice, which many resented having it being Valentine's day and them having dates, but it finally came to an end, not that the evening was anything he was looking forward to. Suppers had been running hot and cold ever since his mother had discovered what his father and the rest of them were doing when they went jogging. She and Annette were moody with their pregnancies. Sometimes she was elated with the baby inside her and cooked up a huge, delicious meal like she used to. Other times she'd been snacking all day or had morning sickness whatever that was or had been thinking bout the jogging thing and had gotten pissed off and they had to fend for themselves. As it happened on this particular evening she was going out, on a romantic evening, with Cory Wilson nonetheless! A romantic evening with a fucking thirteen year old. Probably a burger and fries at McDonald's and hang out at the video arcade at the mall. So she hadn't made them anything. Tossed a loaf of bread and a package of baloney on the table and told them to make a sandwich. His suckass little sister Juliette had gone straight to her friend's house after school, and Anton had phoned to say he wasn't going to be home. Probably went straight to Sixteenth Street after school to offer his ass in some Valentine's bargain special. Annette didn't care since she was being taken out for Valentine's too. Before she left, she made her big announcement to the family. With Juan and Billy standing on either side of her, their arms about her and the three of them beaming like they'd just won the lottery or something, she announced that the three of them were engaged. His father turned several shades of purple and began gasping for breath and he was sure he was going to have a heart attack right then and there. Personally as far as he was concerned they might as well. They were both screwing her. It wouldn't be a real wedding anyway. No priest was going to marry one woman to two men. If that news wasn't enough, she had another shocker. She announced that she was going to be the step mom of the three babies they'd brought over, two nigger babies and a Spic, all of them half-breeds from the looks of it. The biggest bombshell of all though was Billy's announcement that now that they were officially engaged, he and Juan were moving in, along with the kids, that night, so they could be one happy family. They were still recovering from that shock when Cory Wilson arrived, all decked out in a suit and tie if you'd believe, and chauffeured in a big white stretch limo by some slant-eyed gook in a fancy uniform. So, his dad was in total shell shock as they headed to the Economy Inn that night, over Cory Wilson and his mom going out, Annette's and Billy's announcements, and what the team and Bob Moser were going to say when they found out Anton wasn't going to be with them that night. Having come straight from soccer practice as in the previous two parties, most of the team were still in their uniforms and hadn't bothered showering, especially since they just planned on getting all sweaty again. To Julius's surprise and relief, they didn't seem particularly upset with Anton's absence. Actually, some members of the team had dates and were not there for the party though a few had plans of dropping by after dropping their dates off. Spence Spudder, as ex team captain besides being the direct contact with Bob Moser, had pretty much taken charge, and with all of them horny from thinking about the evening all day, and eager to begin in that they could not stay out too late it being a school night, he got right down to the action. Turning on a raunchy song he'd downloaded to his iPod from the Internet, he had their three entertainers begin with a strip show. Madam Goosey Gilles again in her low-cut, tight, slinky red dress and garish cherry-red lipstick and rouge, her hairy chest even flabbier, and her middle-aged gut and broad ass protruding even more, began to grind and shake. Beside her, in her wig of curly red hair with white lace bows on each side and her little girl's cute, frilly, pink dress and white ankle socks, stood fresh-faced nine-year-old François. As she began to shake her little ass, she and her father/mother thought back to another time when they had performed a strip tease for a selective audience, an audience of two, Cory and Anthony. So much had happened in the four and a half months since that late September evening. Miss Julian, looking even more gorgeous with her budding breasts and smooth arms and legs revealed in the tight, low-cut burgundy blouse and short tan cheerleader skirt, stared at her two companions in disgust. They got into it so quickly and so eagerly, like the two faggot pervs that they were. As she began to dance to the music, she concentrated on what she was doing, blocking out the leers and the laughter of the horny audience calling to them to take it off. She would not let them embarrass and humiliate her. She concentrated on her hatred for them, for her father, and for her mother who was probably giddily sitting at the A and W munching a Mamma Burger and staring googly-eyed at the father of her unborn baby. Her anger was evidently showing as Colin Cosher called out, asking if she was constipated or if her panties were too tight, causing the team to laugh, and when he said they'd take care of either problem, they laughed even harder. She thought about his sister Stacey and how she'd like to be with her that night, playing with her big boobs and kissing her. She thought about her own boobs squeezed up in the training bra, and how she was turning Colin and the others on with her body just like Stacey turned him on. Well, if she couldn't be making out with Stacey she'd make out with her brother. It was not all that bad being a cheerleader and lusted over like a woman. When Julian had first had that thought last Wednesday, it had been a spark of relief in his dark mood. He concentrated on it now, grasping it in his desperation to get him through this latest humiliation. He unbuttoned his blouse and swung it around and tossed it at the cheering audience. She swung her hips and wiggled her boobs in the tight training bra as she lowered her skirt and stepped out of it and then unsnapped her bra and tossed it to her admirers. Better to be lusted for than hated. She turned and inched her panties down, revealing her tight, compact butt. She had a nice butt. She turned around ever so slowly and coyly ran her fingers beside her pussy. It was good to be a woman. As Julius pushed down his panties and shook his hips, his fat belly bouncing from side to side and his limp dick flopping between his legs, he stared at his oldest son. He'd noticed Julian was letting his hair grow and had a new hair style, and he'd noticed the hairless arms and legs, but he hadn't been sure if that was something the team or Bob Miser had ordered him to do or if it was the latest teen boy fad. Hairless chests were masculine when he was a boy, but he knew buff movie stars and male models waxed their chests these days. He'd noticed the flabby chest also, but Julian was putting on weight and it had just looked flabby, not so much like boobs as they did now. He did not know about the other. It looked so real at first he thought Julian had actually had a sex change even though he knew that had to be impossible. Good God, he looked like a girl. And was acting like one. He was actually enjoying stripping in front of the team. Well, perhaps it was best. He hadn't inherited the Gilles family jewels anyway. François was even more surprised than his dad and knowing nothing about transvestites or transsexuals or sex changes, the nine-year-old was even more confused. What had happened to his brother's cock and balls? How had he gotten a pussy like his mother and sister? Did that mean he could have a baby like they were? When you are nine, anything's possible, even that. After all, he had a dad who ate shit and drank piss and did it with guy dogs, a fag brother who wore a dog collar and wore black lipstick and hung around the boys can and sold his body to guys, a mother who did it with a kid in junior high and was having his baby, a sister who was going to marry a nigger and a spic, and a younger sister who liked to pretend her Barbie liked to smell Ken's dirty underwear and whom he discovered recently kept a dirty underwear collection in a box with her toys. So his ugly older brother had a cunt. Compared to the rest of his family that wasn't all that weird. By the time the three of them had stripped, the team was aching to get off and there was not one of them whose soccer shorts weren't tented out. They were all especially eager to try out the new pussy Julia was sporting these past two weeks, and check out those boobs that were definitely becoming boobs. They would have left first honours to Freddy Rabb in that it had been his idea and his dad's breast enhancement drugs, but Freddy was out with his date hoping to make it with a real girl, though he was one of those planning on coming by later. So instead they'd drawn straws, and Byron Baynham was the happy winner. As Julia lie down on the motel room bed and spread her legs, Byron happily knelt down between her legs, the foreskin of stiff, aching cock skinned back to reveal his purplish-red mushroom cap. The downy-cheeked fifteen-year-old smiled down at the naked pseudo female with his dreamy, dark brown eyes, his long feathery eyelashes fluttering and his ruby lips curled in a horny smile. Having never fucked a woman before, real or otherwise, it took a few attempts to get into the right position, but once he was, it was not that difficult to slip his fifteen-year-old boner up the fake cunt. He trembled with the pleasure as he felt the moulded rubber part and then encase his stiff, aching cock. As he slowly drew it back out and then sank it in again, Julia trembled, feeling his hard, hot cock brushing against her pent up balls and dick. To her dismay and horror, she began to get hard, and her swelling cock made her fake cunt all the tighter and increased Byron's pleasure. As the young wannabe model tensed with the pleasure ripping through his knob and up his aching, throbbing pecker, he began a performance for the hidden cameras behind the smoke detector, water sprinkler, and big wall vent that would bring in far more money for Cory and Billy than all the ads he'd appeared in brought his father for his multimillion dollar company. Spence Spudder, having by then fucked Julian's ass on numerous occasions, there in the hotel room at past parties and in the clearing on the west side of Westside Park while Bob Moser had fucked Julius, now greased his stiff cock with lube and placed the tip at Julius's asshole as Julius stood there in the middle of the room and bent over for him. He was no queer and that all his sexual experiences so far had been with guys was bothering him more and more, but at least he was the one doing the fucking and getting sucked. Besides, it was going to be totally wild standing there watching Byron fucking Julia while he fucked her father's faggot asshole. Grasping his hated coach's fat ass, he lunged forward, his horny, sixteen-year-old cock plunging up the man's well-fucked asshole. At the same time, his teammate Matthew Hudson stepped up in front of Julius and eagerly brandished his stiff dick in his face. Julius of course had no recourse but to go down on the teenager's cock. The Freeman cousins didn't hesitate to zero in on young François, and young François, delighting in having his tender young ass fucked, didn't hesitate to bend over to take James's cock up his ass and to slip his lips over Chad's. At the age of nine he was too young to be labelled a fag or a perv or anything else. All he knew was that he had an itch deep up his asshole that felt good when it was scratched by a boy's cock, and that messing around with guy's ultimately made his dicky get stiff and his whole body go crazy. What nine-year-old boy didn't do things that made him feel good? As for James and Chad, what teenage boys didn't like to get their nuts off, and what difference was it if it was a nine-year-old boy or a busty teenager cheerleader? In the end, the result was the same, and in the little faggot's case, felt just as good. And so the three Gilles's brought the five boys off just as they had the last two Mondays of January, still totally oblivious to the fact that their action was being taped, and that men and knowledgeable teens across the country, and across the world, would be buying and jerking off to those tapes. From that one scene alone Billy could cut and splice to make a movie of the young tranny getting her first fuck, the old painted perv servicing two horny soccer players, the two perv cousins, who could pass as and be billed as twins, getting off with an innocent preteen boy, and a gang bang Valentine's party of all eight. Despite all his past experiences, including with the two currently engaged in sex with him, Julius was still embarrassed and ashamed to be engaging in such perverted acts with teenage boys, and especially with two students he coached. He knew the two boys thought of him as a useless, old perv and laughed at him behind his back, and made lewd comments about him. He knew that they hated him as their coach because of the games they had lost, and because he had made his son team captain over one of them. As he felt Spence's hard, teenage cock ramming in and out of his body and the teenage boy grunting and panting with the pleasure of fucking his ass, and as he sucked on Matthew's stiff cock and slipped his lips up and down the teenager's stiff, throbbing bone, he knew that they looked upon him with disgust and he could not help feel shame and humiliation. He also knew that the two cocks in his body were throbbing with pleasure, and that the two boys were gasping and quivering with the joy that he was bringing them. Despite his stern, aloof stance, and indeed, because of it, the two boys were having their way with him, and delighting in the fact that they were and could. He also knew that despite his attempts to distance himself from the boys and to avoid yielding to temptation, he was engaging in sex with them, something that deep down he desired and loved. Given that, it was no real surprise then when he glanced out of the corner of his eye at his oldest son and saw him thrusting his hips to and fro and heard him grunting and gasping with pleasure as his teammate fucked his false pussy. Julia, like himself, clearly loved cock. The difference was that he was an adult and was turned on by the young high school students in the room, and most important of all, he was still a male. His son, on the other hand, was the same age as the other boys in the room were, and unfortunately underdeveloped as a man. He might just as well have been born a girl, and at the moment he seemed a lot happier as one. Julia was. It was her escape from the reality and the horror around her. Her father was standing there in the middle of the room getting his ass fucked by one of his classmates and sucking the cock of another, eagerly and willingly like a fat faggot. His dad loved cock, and things a lot worse, and the entire soccer team knew it, and probably half the school. Beside him was his kid brother just as happily getting his ass fucked and sucking cock, and he knew his other brother, Anton, was a certified fag hustler. The entire male line of the Gilles family was nothing more than a bunch of fairies. What surprise was it that their mother made out with thirteen-year-old boys, and his oldest sister had turned to two men to prove she was straight, by getting herself knocked up, and now by wanting the travesty of marrying them? Yes he was enjoying it. Far better to live the fantasy and enjoy it than face the reality. Better to be a woman and lusted after by horny, handsome jocks that half the girls at Gladys Harper swooned over than to be hated by them. The five jocks were lusting. What boy in his right state of mind would not want to get his rocks off. Sure, all five would have preferred a girl, but at the moment all were virgins when it came to hetero sex and none of them were dating anyone on a steady enough basis to expect to get any action. They were healthy, red-blooded American boys with raging hormones and sexual appetites. And, if they were going to be brought off by guys, who better than the team captain they hated and who at the moment was wearing a fake pussy and was getting boobs, a coach even more hated because he was the cause of their humiliation and failure on the field and because he hated all boys, and his faggot nine-year-old son. All three deserved just what they were getting, and besides, all three were clearly enjoying it. And so when Byron shuddered and shot his load up the hot, rubber pussy gripping his dick, the cheerleader he was screwing shuddered and gasped with her own orgasm, proof of his prowess as a stud. Julia cringed as her swollen cock, constantly rubbed by Byron's, spurted out her cum and she felt it flowing over her crotch and her tightly confined cock and balls. Matthew threw back his head and closed his eyes in ecstasy also as his full teen balls contracted and he shot his load into the mouth of his hated, faggot coach. That the bastard was a verified cocksucker just made him all the more despicable, and the fact he himself was engaging in a sexual act with the man all the more justifiable. Spence, despite his moments of doubt, had come to that conclusion long ago, thanks to his kid brother Lane and his hero Bob Moser, without whom this would not have been possible. He rammed his cock up Goosey's fucking ass with a vengeance and a pleasure unparalleled, getting back at the faggot for having replaced him with his son and for causing the team to be the laughing stock of the soccer league, until now, until Bob Moser had found a solution. Beside him, the Freeman cousins were of the same thought as the one spurted his cum up the ass of their detested coach's queer son and the other filled his mouth. Stepping back, the five were quickly replaced. Colin Cosher smiled down at Julia, his stiff cock ready to plunge up her pussy. It was particularly satisfying to ram his cock between her legs, knowing that she would love to do the same to his sister, and suspecting that given Julia was a loser and growing uglier by the moment, and he had to admit with a smile, a better girl than a boy, she very unlikely had gotten to any base with his sister, never mind first. As he plunged his cock up her pussy and began to vigorously fuck her, concerned only for his own pleasure, he marvelled at how realistic the fake cunt was. At least he assumed it was realistic, being a virgin himself. It gripped his cock just like porno stories said a real cunt did, and it was hot, Julia's body trapped in the thin rubber having heated above the normal body temperature, and particularly with her blood rushing through her groin. And it was juicy, in this case from the load Byron had deposited before him. That he was being fucked by the brother of his girlfriend was not lost on Julia, and as she wrapped her arms about the naked, panting, leering boy and gyrated with the pain of having her swollen, recently spent cock rubbed relentlessly in the trapped rubber, she sought refuge in her femininity, in her capacity to bring pleasure to the boy who was fucking her, thanks to the fake pussy Spence Spudder had somehow obtained. She was unaware of course that it had come from the boy who had knocked up his mother and had taken her out for a romantic evening that very night while her sons and husband were being fucked in a hotel room and her pregnant daughter was likely being double banged by a nigger and spic in some gutter where those types did it. Colin of course took Julia's grimacing and thrusting in pain to be in pleasure, and he lauded his masculinity and superiority over the useless faggot wanna be woman beneath him. He was pumping his seed up her fake pussy when Theo and Freddy Rabb arrived from their dates. Big Theo pulled out his cock, and bragging that he'd just made his girl squirm with delight, proceeded to shove it up Goosey's ass with the vow that he'd make him squeal with pleasure just as he'd done his girl. Considering the size of his thick cock, François was disappointed that the teen had not chosen him, but maybe he still would that night. In the meantime, he was delighted to lie on his back beside his brother and spread his legs for Byron Baynham, and he pushed out as the horny teenager eased his cock up his ass just as he'd earlier shoved his cock up his brother's fake cunt. As Byron began to pump his hips to and fro and his fine, dark brown hair bounced about his ears and the bangs swept down in front of his face, François contracted his sphincter and trembled with the delight of having it stretched and that hot spot deep up his rectum that drove him crazy stroked. As for Freddy, as he took his place between Julia's legs, he was able to verify to the others in the room that it did indeed feel like the real thing, having just had his cock up his girl that very night. Nobody there disputed either claim, that he'd fucked his girl and that the fake cunt was real, and least of all Julia. Of course it was real. It had to be. He was no faggot. He was a woman. And that the cock ramming in and out of her cum-filled pussy had just been up another woman's pussy, maybe still sticky with her cunt slime, sent a shiver of arousal through Julia's groin as her raw, irritated cock began to spurt a second time and he whimpered with the sensation, much to Freddy's delight.