PZA Boy Stories

Chapter 42: Mt — Chapter 43: tt

Daemon Way


Chapter Forty-Two

— Mt —

Thanks to Billy for suggesting the character of Nat Wilson and that he have a romantic encounter with Matt Wilson.

The quality, and cost, of homes gradually increased as Matt Wilson approached the Rancho Santa Ana neighbourhood of the city. There was no traffic, the sun having not yet risen, and would not for at least another hour and a half. Unbeknownst to him, as he had roused himself out of bed that ungodly hour that morning his son had just drifted off, snuggled in the arms of a new ten-year-old friend and bedmate after a wild night of sexual pleasure. The other person he loved more than anyone else in the world, his wife, he had left behind still curled up sound asleep in their bed. He smiled as he thought of her. She'd tried not to show it, but he could tell yesterday that she'd been excited about going to the philharmonic with Darien Wilson today. He couldn't blame her. To be honest, he was excited about spending the weekend with Darien's twin brother Nat.

He could not explain it, but ever since he had met the boy three weeks ago up in the Sierra Madre he'd been captivated by the young man. A young man was the only way to describe him despite the fact he was only fifteen. He was not a boy. He exuded a maturity and wisdom far beyond his years, beyond that of many grown men Matt dealt with actually. Of course that was not a big surprise considering who his grandfather was. Matt had only met the man briefly that day in the Sierras but it had confirmed his reputation as an entrepreneur and go-getter, a man who knew what he wanted and was confident he would get it. Nat was the same. His interest in biology and the outdoors, on the other hand, he evidently got from his father, a renown wildlife photographer and naturalist. The influence of the two main adults in his life had resulted in a most interesting and enterprising young lad.

The hour he'd spent with the boy in the mountains, and the four visits he and his brother had made since then had been thoroughly enjoyable. That the boy was interested in entomology and his line of work was only part of it. The boy had a quick mind and the zeal and energy of youth that was a joy, and invigorating. He dealt with too many men who had lost that enthusiasm of youth. That was one thing that could not be said about himself, nor his father nor grandfather. His youthful thinking and willingness to take risks were what gave him the edge in his job, and why he enjoyed associating with youth, taking on the position of Scout leader in the Venturers Program among other things.

It was more than just Nat's interest in his line of work and his intelligence and youthful zeal that enamoured him. The boy was polite and exhibited all those attributes of decency that many decried as lacking in teenagers today. Of course with his grandfather's reputation also as a philanthropist, it was easy to see where Nat got his attitudes and values. It was still something even more than that though. There was just something about the boy, something that he could not explain, that had him thinking of the boy when he relaxed at home in the evenings or while he was busy on the job, that had him admiring him not as a parent might admire the achievements of their child but rather as one adult would admire another. He got excited just thinking about seeing him, an excitement he was feeling that moment, a feeling not unlike how he felt as a teenage boy heading out on a date. Some might have said it was because the youth admired and looked up to him, but it was not that, though he had to admit when he saw the boy looking at him with those emerald blue eyes filled with wonder and respect it made him feel good.

The home he pulled up to was impressive but not overly flashy, sort of what could be said about Nat and his brother. Though obviously wealthy, they did not flaunt their wealth nor did they put on airs. Nat met him at the door, all packed and ready to go. Behind him was a man that he introduced as his father. If Nat had gotten his personality and beliefs from his grandfather, it was clear that he'd gotten his looks from his father. The man was strikingly handsome, and had the same curly, strawberry blond hair, long and thick and curled over his ears and down to his collar just like his son's, and the same captivating emerald blue eyes. That he spent a lot of time outdoors was evident from his tan and his physique. What was most striking of all were his youthful looks. Matt could have been easily convinced that he was an older brother.

"So, have you ever been up Mount San Jacinto?" he asked as he helped them load up the camping gear.

"No, but I've heard it's very impressive."

"So have I. Funny, I've been all over the world with my work, but never to some of the best places in my own backyard."

"Isn't that often the case?" Matt observed. His job didn't take him that far, but it did take him across the continent, and to some beautiful parts of the country.

"This will be Nat's first time up Mount San Jacinto too, though he's gone winter camping before, he and his brother, in the San Bernardino, and up in the Sierras."

"I've done a bit, as part of the job, but mostly skiing weekends when I was younger. It has been a while."

"Nat has been telling me about your work. You've quite captivated him."

"Well, it's a topic that's easy to get me going on," Matt replied with a smile, "and he's been a great listener. I'm sure I've bored the ears off him sometimes."

"Not at all," Nat objected.

"Did you remember to pack the crampons? That snow we had up in the hills a few days ago has likely turned to ice up at the summit."

"Of course, Father," Nat replied with hint of annoyance and the impatience of all teens but with a smile of good humour. "I'm not a kid. I've gone winter camping before, remember?"

"And left the waterproof matches on the kitchen table as I recall," his father teased.

"Once," protested Nat. "A guy forgets one thing once and they never let him forget!" he complained with a good-natured grin.

The comradery between father and son was heartwarming. Matt knew that many did not have such an open and trusting relationship. It was fifty-five miles [88km] to Idyllwild, and another five [8km] to the Humber campground parking area and the trail head, an easy trip that hour of the morning. On the way Nat talked excitedly about the upcoming hike and about the need for wilderness areas and the work his father did. His respect and admiration for his father were evident. Pulling into the lot just before six, they still had a good half hour before the sun would be up, but there was enough light from the full moon, and the first part of the trail was an easy climb. The deeply weathered, snow-capped summit of Mount San Jacinto loomed above them, the magnificent granite peak rising to a height of 10,804 feet [3293m] above sea level, 4,200 feet [1280m] above from where they were standing, the highest point in the San Jacinto Range and the second highest in southern California. The trail they had selected was a popular trail, but there were no other cars in the parking lot.

It had been pleasant in Riverside that morning, just below fifty [10°C] , but with the climb in elevation to the Humber parking lot and foot of the Devil's Slide Trail the temperature had already dropped by ten degrees [5°C]. It wasn't quite cold enough to put on their fleece jackets, and the climb and packing in of their camping gear would warm them up fast enough. Nat claimed to have packed the backpacks evenly as he stuffed his few personal things into the one Nat handed him, but Nat's looked suspiciously larger and heavier as they hefted them to their shoulders along with their bedroll and headed up the trail. Climbing the head of Strawberry Valley, it was a gradual climb following the contours and rises of the granite ridges and providing good views to the west of Suicide Rock, a popular rock-climbing destination. They walked slowly, adapting to the elevation and conserving their energy for the steeper grades ahead as good climbers do. As Matt had expected, they were soon sweating in just their shirts. Half an hour into the climb the sun broke the horizon and they paused to admire the sight and to take a few pictures. It was no surprise Nat had a high quality digital and was into photography like his dad.

They made good time, climbing up the two and a half miles [4km] to the five-way crossing at Saddle Junction in two hours. Stripping off their shirts, they applied sunblock, and as Matt rubbed it into Nat's shoulders and back he was surprised how broad his shoulders were and how firm his muscles. Nat, he had learned in an earlier conversation, was on the school's basketball team and was an avid swimmer besides, and jogged daily with his brother. As Matt turned and Nat applied the sunblock to his own back, his touch sent a thrill of desire through Matt's groin, much to his surprise. He smiled and brushed it off as the result of advancing old age and the fact the boy was gorgeous, even if he was the same sex. With his looks and personality he could turn on anyone, even an oldster pushing forty like himself.

With the 8,828 foot [2691m] granite dome of Tahquitz Peak rising up above the forest of chaparral behind them, they continued climbing, following the Pacific Crest Trail as it twisted north and upward for just under two miles [3km], and then took the steep branch, the steepest part of the climb and the most difficult so far, that twisted its way through the chaparral for another mile up to Wellsman Divide where the Devil's Slide trail joined the trail coming up from the Palm Springs tram station. They had been climbing for six hours including brief breaks to take pictures and enjoy the scenery and it was almost noon. The ground was covered with a light powder of snow, perhaps two inches [5cm], and Nat's thermometer said the temperature was thirty-six [2°C], but it was a bright, sunny sky with no wind and only a few puffy clouds and they didn't feel the cold.

They paused for a light lunch packed by Nat, tea biscuits with cheddar cheese, a multi-grain nut and raison snack bar, an orange, and a vitamin-packed athletic power drink. Slipping on fleece jackets and trousers Nat had packed in their backpacks, they hung the packs and camping gear from a tree out of reach of wild animals. They continued up through the subalpine forest of mixed conifers, sugar, Jeffrey, and limber pine and white fir, for another two and a half miles [4km], for a while under the watchful eye of a redback hawk and past several browsing deer who skittered off just far enough away to make a break for it if they had to, accustomed to having their domain invaded by these harmless, two-legged creatures. The snow had melted and turned to ice here and there on the trail as Nat's father had guessed, but they were able to skirt it and did not need the crampons.

Emerging from the tree line they continued upward, the snow having blown off the trail or melted on the exposed bluff, and then took the summit trail branch that headed up the granite peak for another .3 of a mile [500m]. Scrambling over the snow-capped boulders at the end of the trail to the high point beyond the trail's end, they stood in awe of the sight below them and with an exhilarating sense of accomplishment two and a half hours after leaving their gear at Wellsman Divide, and just under nine since they'd headed off in the dark that morning. To the west were Riverside and the LA basin, to the north Mount San Gorgonio, to the south and east stretched the vast Mojave Desert, and to the southeast they could see the Salton Sea and beyond into the Imperial Valley.

"John Muir said that the view up here was 'one of the most sublime spectacles to be found anywhere on earth' when he climbed up here in 1896," observed Nat as he slipped an arm about Matt's waist.

"It is certainly all of that," agreed Matt, slipping his arm about the slender teenager's back. It was a delightful view, and even more delightful being able to share it with him. Having made the climb was exhilarating, but standing there and looking at the bright sparkle of wonder and accomplishment in Nat's emerald blue eyes, his downy cheeks and lips normally crimson with youth now even brighter with the drop in temperature by another six degrees [3°C] and the slight breeze at the peak, Matt truly felt that he was on the top of the world. He had a mad urge to kiss the boy. Light-headed from the rare air at that altitude he mused with a smile.

Taking photos of the panorama below them and of each other, and having several taken of them together by another pair of intrepid hikers, and taking a few final minutes to relish their achievement and to toss a few snowballs, made from a bank protected from the glare of the sun by an outcrop of boulders, at each other, they turned and headed back down. It was a lot easier and faster going down, taking them only slightly more than an hour to reach Wellsman Divide. Slipping off their jackets and picking up their gear, they headed east down the steep Tram trail through the chaparral to Round Valley, arriving just shortly after five, barely giving them time to pitch their tent under a patch of pine under the watchful eye of a couple deer browsing in the nearby mountain meadow and to explore the valley protected by steep granite cliffs towering up out of the forest of lodgepole and Ponderosa pine and incense cedar. There were three other campers there, all setting up a respectful distance from each other and from the trail. With the descent in altitude the temperature had warmed to thirty-nine [4°C]. It would probably drop close to freezing over the night.

Starting up the little portable camp stove he'd packed up the mountain, Nat cooked their supper, a package of homemade stew with a little water from his canteen, biscuits and cheese with chocolate chip cookies and hot chocolate. Having a fire permit, they started a fire at the yellow post to take off the chill and invited the others over, a husband and wife in their late forties who enjoyed hiking and rock collecting on the weekends, a single woman of about the same age who was an avid bird watcher and mountain climber who had come up by way of the Marion Mountain trail, which was the shortest but steepest approach, two longtime buddies in their thirties who were into hunting and the outdoors, and two college students in an environmental studies program at Cal State San Bernardino who, like the others, had come up by way of the tram. The wife commented about how nice it was to see a father and son enjoying the outdoors and how impressive it was they'd climbed all the way. Nat politely corrected her on their relationship.

They all called it an early night and returned to their tents. Slipping on their down jackets once again, Nat and Matt stayed up a bit longer, looking up at the sky and bright constellations and listening to the awesome silence of the night on top of a mountain.

"It's awesome warm," Nat observed in surprise and admiration as they crawled into the two-man tent. "That's so neat." They'd left a candle burning while they'd sat outside, a trick Matt had learned from his college days.

"It will cool off soon enough," Matt replied as he removed his jacket.

"Want to join our two bags together? Darien and I usually do. Two bodies can heat up the bags faster."

"Sure, that's fine with me."

Matt and his brother Art had done the same thing camping, with the same logic, though there was another reason too, and he and Art knew it. That memory and the thought of him and Nat, together, in one bag, sent a thrill of arousal through Matt's groin. He immediately reprimanded himself for such thoughts. He was a grown man, and the boy was fifteen, a mature fifteen and devilishly attractive, with a firm, muscular body and beautiful emerald-green eyes. Another thrill passed through his groin and his cock stirred. He guiltily pushed the thought from his mind. That was perverse. And erotic his conscience had to admit.

"Did you see the look between the two macho outdoors men when I said we were friends, not father and son?"

"Yes, I did. And between the husband and wife."

"Some people immediately think the worse. Father says he and Mother used to get those questioning looks all the time when they were dating and when they got married, and more often than not looks of outright disapproval besides. They still do sometimes though they don't look so different in age now." Nat had slipped off his hiking boots and down jacket when they'd crawled into the tent, and now slipped off his shirt. Matt again could not help admiring his smooth, muscular upper torso and again felt a thrill of desire pass through his groin. That was only to be expected. The boy was gorgeous.

"What is the difference in their ages?"

"Sixteen years," Nat said as he looked at Matt. Matt could not hide his surprise. "Father just turned thirty last month, and Mother is forty-six." No wonder he'd looked so young. "You're surprised."

"Sorry," Matt apologized. "But that is a big difference."

"Well, at least it wasn't a questioning look, or a look of disapproval," Nat responded. As Matt removed his shirt, he was aware of Nat watching him. He wondered if the boy was looking for a further reaction to his comment about his parents, or if he was checking him out. Being physically active and watching his diet he did have a good physique for a man pushing forty. "I don't see what age has to do with anything when two people are in love," Nat observed, laying on his back and unbuckling his belt and pulling down his fly. He raised his hips and pushed down his fleece hiking pants, removing them and his wool socks. He was wearing boxers, with a blue and green diamond pattern.

"Cultural attitudes don't always make sense," Matt agreed as he pulled off his undershirt and tried to avoid staring at the boy. "There are cultures where a difference in age is considered very natural. Our western society unfortunately isn't one of them." Nat pushed down his underwear and lie there totally naked and totally open to view even if it was only by the light of a candle. As Matt unzipped his trousers and pushed them down he felt particularly self-conscious. He hesitated, and then slipping his fingers under the elastic band of his boxers, he pushed them down also.

"Same with sex," Nat observed, openly checking Matt out. It was logical. The boy was fifteen and had to be curious, and in the hiking tent they were practically touching. He had to look somewhere. Matt's hand began to rise to block the boy's view and then he decided that was foolish. The boy had seen all there was to see, and besides, he was making no effort to cover his own privates. He could not help glancing over at the boy. His bush was thick and the same strawberry blond as the hair on his head, and he had a nice size package for fifteen, a very nice sized-package indeed. "Like those two college students mentioning they had girlfriends a dozen times just in case we thought they might be gay, as if that really mattered today."

"Well, it does, for a lot of people sadly," Matt observed, "present company not included." He was not just saying that to be in with the times or to impress Nat. He believed it. He wondered what the boy was going to wear to bed, if he had brought an extra pair of underwear for sleeping in or what. He wondered if he should rummage in his backpack for his in the bag of personal items that he'd added. The idea of the two of them naked, side by side caused his cock to begin to swell. He'd better cover himself soon!

"That's good, cause I'm queer." Fortunately Matt was concentrating on what was happening between his legs and worrying about that, otherwise he would not have been able to hide his surprise at the latest announcement. "So, you want to make two separate bags now?" Nat asked with a good-humoured grin, and Matt knew he would not be offended if he said yes.

"Like I said, present company not included," he responded. That had been true the first time he'd said it, and it was true now, though the thought of sleeping in the same bag with the boy and with the two of them naked took on a totally new meaning. Feelings he'd felt long ago suddenly welled up between his legs and in his heart. How was he ever going to resist the temptation, even if the boy was only fifteen?

Nat smiled. "You are so totally with it," he observed in admiration, "just like Father and Grandfather."

"Your father know that you're, that you're 3;"

"Queer," finished Nat. "Yeah. I came out two years ago, to Mother and Father."

"When you were thirteen," Matt calculated. That was the same age as Cory!

"Yeah. I knew before that, long before that. I knew I guess forever that I was different. It was just that when I turned thirteen it seemed like the right time to announce it."

"And your parents were all right with the news."

"Oh yeah, they were real cool about it all, but they're not stuck in the ice ages like a lot of adults, presently company excluded," he said with a grin. "And in case you're wondering, Darien is as straight as they come, though that doesn't mean we haven't messed around with each other."

"You're very open and comfortable with the topic," Matt observed, his admiration for the boy growing by the minute.

"What's the point of hiding it?" Nat said with a shrug. "It's so way better to be up front about these things."

"I agree. There would be a lot less trouble in this world if everyone was."

"You are so totally cool," Nat replied, suddenly leaning over and giving Matt a kiss, not a grateful peck on the cheek, but full on the lips, and lingering.

"You're very open about your affections too," Matt observed as their lips separated. He knew he should do something, tell him that fifteen-year-old boys shouldn't kiss men over twice their age, call an end to the conversation and pretend he was tired, something. The problem was he wasn't tired and he didn't really believe what he and Nat had done was wrong, and he didn't want it to stop there.

"That's what Mother says." That smile and look of innocence and honesty doubled Matt's desire. The influence of the third significant adult in the youth's life was evident from the boy's casual attitude and smile.

"You said your father just turned thirty."


"Then 3; ."

"He was fourteen and Mother was thirty-one when they made Darien and me," Nat observed. He studied Matt, for his response, not his body. "You cool with teenagers having sex with people much older than they are?"

"Yes 3;," Matt began.

"Good, cause I want to have sex with you," Nat announced before Matt could add a qualifier, reaching over and snuffing out the candle and rolling on top of Matt and giving him a hot, passionate kiss at the same time.

Matt did not know how to respond as the naked teenager lay on top of him, his smooth, firm chest pressing against his, his moist cherry lips locked with his, his flaccid penis trapped between their stomachs and lying beside his own. Well, that wasn't true. He knew how to respond. The problem was his body and his mind were of two different opinions, and a large part of his mind was in agreement with his body. The teenager attacked like a wild animal, as if releasing emotions and desires that had been pent up all day. They, in fact, had been. From the moment Matt had agreed to go camping overnight on Mount San Jacinto last Monday he'd been dreaming and wishing for this evening, and all that day, each time he had glanced at Matt he had not been able to help thinking about what might be at the end of the day. He was, after all, young and full of optimism.

As their lips parted, he sensed Matt's hesitancy but that did not come as a surprise. His father had told him and Darien many times how it had been between him and his mother that very first time, and in a private conversation just between the two of them, his mother had confirmed his father's comments. Fifteen years had passed, but if anything, attitudes had regressed. Things today were even worse than when his father was his age. The Internet had opened up the opportunities for intergenerational sex like they'd never been before, and the opportunity to openly and freely exchange information and stories about teen-adult love along with all other forms of sexual expression. Unfortunately it had also opened up opportunities for all kinds of abuse and misuse regarding sex, and particularly between generations, which was wrong. The Internet had made the world more dangerous for the prey, and easier for the predator. Along with that, the increased awareness of the sexuality of teens and the increased awareness of just how wide the practice of intergenerational sex was had also raised the fears of a heretofore unaware population and the ire of the puritanical right.

Well, the obstacles hadn't daunted Father and Mother, and they were not going to daunt him. From the moment he'd first met Matt Wilson he'd felt an attraction toward him, and with each visit he and Darien had made, that attraction had multiplied. This day, having spent the last fifteen hours totally with him, he had spent the better part of that time fighting off getting an erection. Now he no longer needed to fight, and he let his smoldering lust burst into flame as he felt Matt's firm body beneath him, his broad, hairy chest pressed against his, his gorgeous cock growing beside his. It was growing, proof that Matt felt the same way about him as he felt about Matt, something he'd recognized from the way the man had looked at him that first visit to his home.

He slipped his hands beneath Matt's body and drew him tight against him, delighting in the feel of his thick mat of hair pressing against his chest. He kissed him again, pressing his hot, moist lips against the older man's. Matt's breath smelled of hot chocolate and his lips were sweet. He eased his hands down his back to his waist and cupped his buttocks. He had such a compact, smooth ass. When Matt had taken the lead on the hike that day he'd stared at it, the carrot dangling in front of him as the climb got steeper and his legs began to weary. Now that carrot was finally in his hands and he squeezed and kneaded the firm, compact ass he'd been admiring and desiring all day as they kissed over and over.

As Nat lie on top of him, his young lips pressed against his, his hot body pressing against him and their cocks lined up side by side and swelling together, Matt realized what it had been all this time that had attracted him to the handsome, mature youth. Years of social conditioning and expectations and age had suppressed those feelings that as a teenager and as a young college student and young man he would have allowed to be expressed. Yes, that attraction had been based on respect and admiration for Nat's wisdom and maturity and for his youthfulness and all those other things, but it had been based on more than that, and he knew now what the more was. It was pure and simple lust, the lust of a male for another male. As a young boy and as a teenager with rampant hormones he'd lusted, and he'd followed that lust wherever it took him, whether that be with his brother Art or with Marian or with all the others, male and female, that he'd lusted for. He had once been a healthy, red-blooded American boy who knew himself and was confident enough to not worry about false rules and society's restrictive beliefs and mores. Age and the constant bombardment by society had buried those feelings and suppressed them, but had not destroyed them.

Now this delightful boy, this blond-headed young man with emerald-blue eyes and a gorgeous body, had released those feelings from their confinements and had freed him, the real him, and it was delightful. He could not deny the sweet joy of those kisses from Nat's smooth, cherry lips, he could not deny the pleasure his firm, massaging hands were bringing him as they caressed his back and kneaded his buttocks. He could not deny the desire that was causing his cock to rise, and the lust he was feeling deep in his groin as he felt the boy's cock swelling beside his and pressing hot and eager against his stomach.

It was wrong, but it felt so marvellous. He was more than twice the boy's age, but as the boy had said, what did age have to do with love, or with lust for that matter? He was older than the boy's father, but the boy's father had become a father at the boy's age. Members of the same sex did not have sex with each other, or so the church and society would decree, but thousands-no millions-of men were proof that was false, and history showed that it had always been false. This would not the first time he'd had sex with someone of the same sex and he and his past experiences had done his partners and himself no harm. Those experiences and partners were, in fact, among his most wonderful memories.

Now it did not have to be just memories. Once again he could know the pleasure of holding another man's hot, throbbing cock and feeling the power pulsating through it. Once again he could have sex with someone who knew exactly how he was feeling, and whose feelings he knew as well as his own. As he kissed the boy hotly and passionately, beneath the pleasure pulsating through his groin and the desire in his heart was the nagging reminder that men did not have sex with teenage boys. But why not? Had he not observed that Nat had the wisdom and maturity that many adults he dealt with did not? Had not their conversation that night in the tent been proof of his wisdom and maturity, and his sincerity? The boy was enjoying this, the swelling of his cock the proof of that, and he was enjoying it too, as evidenced by the swelling of his own cock.

Rolling off him and onto his side, Nat continued to kiss as his hand stole down Matt's broad, hairy chest, over his stomach, and through his coarse, thick hairs to his now erect cock and dangling balls. Nat slipped his fingers about the swollen flesh and squeezed it gently but firmly, delighting in its arousal and in its strength. He slowly stroked the shaft, from balls to knob, teasingly avoiding the sensitive blood-engorged glans. He kissed Matt's chest, skipping his smooth, moist lips over his pecs and slipping them about his nipple and sucking, sending thrills through the sensitive bud and causing it to grow firm as at the same time he ran a fingertip along the rim of Matt's knob, sending even sharper thrills through his glans and causing the man's cock to jerk with arousal. Like everything else he did, the fifteen-year-old made love with a skill and finesse beyond his years.

Matt reached down and slipped his fingers about Nat's swollen organ, marvelling at the length and firmness of his teenage cock, knowing many men would be proud to have a cock that size. He stroked it slowly, reverently, wondering how many times the boy had stroked it, wondering if the boy had ever jacked off thinking of him, wondering if anyone before him other than the boy's brother had touched him there. From the boy's foreplay he was clearly experienced, and given his outgoing personality and handsome good looks and athletic body, he would have been surprised if he and the boy's twin were the only two to have messed around with him as he had put it. He wondered if the others Nat had sex with had been of his age or if any had been men. As the boy stroked him his breathing grew heavier and he put his wondering aside as he felt the lust growing in his loins. The two began kissing again, more fervently this time as they stroked each other's cock and caressed each other's thighs and stomach.

Pausing and searching for his backpack in the dark, Nat found the tube he was looking for, and hoping it was the tube of KY and not toothpaste, he opened it up. Squeezing out a dollop, he sought out Matt's swollen knob and smeared the grease over it. Reaching behind himself, he slipped his index finger up his ass, lubricating his sphincter and preparing it for Matt's swollen cock. Removing his index finger he replaced it with his middle finger, greasing his rectum and wiping off his greasy digit. Placing the tube aside he straddled the man, a leg on either side of his prostrate body, and then he slowly back down on him. His skill and experience were evident once again as he located Matt's greased knob and wiggled into position so that the tip was aimed at his hole. Opening his sphincter and holding the stiff, throbbing cock by the base, he backed up a bit more, wedging Matt's knob in his opening. He strained to accept the swollen bulb, openly grunting and panting now in his arousal and effort, and Matt uninhibitedly grunting and panting also as he raised his hips, driving his cock forward as Nat slid back. They were two hundred feet [60m] from the nearest tent, and if the occupants could hear them, then so be it. Love was not meant to be silent.

With the lube and their desire it was not that difficult a task, and soon Matt's knob popped inside Nat's rectum and ever so slowly his long, thick cock entered Nat's greased, hot hole. The young teen trembled with the delight that he'd been dreaming of all week and he clenched his eyes and sighed openly and unabashedly with the pleasure. Ever so slowly he sat back, impaling himself on Matt's rock-hard cock until he felt the man's balls against his backside and his own balls were nestled in the man's coarse, curly hairs. He paused, delighting in the sensation of being stuffed with hot, throbbing cock, and then he slowly flexed his thigh muscles, raising his body back up. He trembled as he felt the man's thick cock stretching apart his sphincter and its flanged knob brush against his prostate, and then he slowly sank back down, sinking down on the stiff, throbbing organ.

Matt reached up and grasped Nat's narrow, teenage waist, supporting him as he slowly rode his cock. He trembled with delight as he felt the heat and moistness of the teenager's rectum, and with the pleasure pulsating through his blood-engorged knob and thick shaft. He inhaled and exhaled deeply, delighting in the natural fragrance of the boy, the fragrance of youth and sweat. It filled the small tent and blanketed them as the boy rode his cock, causing his mind to spin as shivers of delight shot through his swollen flesh. Again the boy's experience and skill showed as after a minute he stopped and remained motionless with Matt's cock buried deep up his rectum as he delighting in the sensation of having his asshole stuffed and waited for his lust to subside. Matt was tempted to fuck the boy, to raise and lower his hips and work his aching cock in and out of the boy as he held the boy above him, but he too fought the desire and laid there delighting in the sensation of having his stiff, throbbing cock surrounded by hot, moist ass, a delight he had not felt for many years.

And then the boy resumed, and he laid there needing to do nothing but delight in the pleasure throbbing between his legs, and in the pleasure that he knew he was giving the boy. Eyes having grown accustomed to the dark, he looked up into the boy's face and their eyes met. The boy smiled, a smile of pure delight and of lust, and the look on his face sent a shiver up Matt's cock and he had to stop the boy still lest he shoot. Nat knew how hot he'd gotten the man below him, and that he'd brought him such pleasure brought him even more delight than the throbbing of his rectum. After a long pause, he resumed riding the man, and as he did he bent forward and they kissed, a long, lingering kiss of passion. Once again Matt felt the desire welling up in his loins, but he could not delay another time. Grasping the boy's hips, he thrust his own upward and dropped back to the sleeping bag beneath him and thrust again. Knowing how the man was feeling, Nat worked in time with him, raising his body as Matt sank back, and then sinking back down as Matt thrust his hips back up. His rectum throbbed and his anus burned as the swollen cock up his ass pulsated and ached with that sweet pleasure. Matt closed his eyes and threw back his head as he felt the pressure in his loins building and building.

And then he was cumming. He gasped and groaned with the unique pleasure as he felt his cum rushing up the core of his swollen, numb cock and out the burning tip, spurting deep up the teenager's rectum, filling it with his thick, creamy seed. Spurt after spurt erupted from his body and he gasped and groaned unabashedly, grasping the boy's hot, perspiring body to him as he filled his ass. Nat groaned also, with the pleasure of having his rectum filled with the man's seed, and with the pleasure of having brought him off. Motionless now, the two clung to each other, their throbbing union now wet and sticky, their bodies flushed with post-climatic bliss.

And then Nat was rolling off and laying beside him and kissing him and caressing him as he lay there spent and flushed with pleasure, his cock still stiff and feeling so wet and swollen now that it was no longer encased in the boy's ass. He half-consciously felt himself being rolled over on his stomach and was vaguely aware of the boy kneeling between his legs, and then he felt the boy's greased knob pressing against his asshole. It slowly dawned on his pleasure-numbed mind that the boy was going to screw him, and the eroticism of a fifteen-year-old boy fucking his ass sent a dollop of cum out of his still stiff cock to soak into the down sleeping bag. He willingly pushed out, eagerly opening up to the boy, and he quivered as he felt the youth's knob stretching open his sphincter. Now that was something Marian could never do. Thinking of his wife and for some reason his thirteen-year-old son at that very moment and the fact he had just fucked the fifteen-year-old boy who was about to fuck him sent a shiver of arousal through his entire body. Seconds later he shivered again as he felt Nat's knob pop into his rectum, and then his long, hard cock penetrating him, slowly easing up his rectum. Matt Wilson, father and husband, lay there and gasped with the pleasure of being penetrated by a boy half his age, a boy only two years older than his son.

The perversity of what he was doing intensified his pleasure and as the boy drew back he clamped his sphincter closed just as the boy had done while riding his cock, intensifying both of their pleasures. He inhaled and exhaled deeply as the boy rode his ass, slowly and rhythmically easing his hard, throbbing cock in and out of his hot, moist rectum. Nat, already highly aroused from riding his cock, paused frequently to enjoy the pleasure and let the pressure in his loins subside. Try as hard as he could, and again his skill in lovemaking evidenced by his success in prolonging the inevitable as long as he did, he could not hold back what had to happen. Succumbing to lust and nature, he plunged his cock up Matt's ass one last time and quivered as he felt his cum racing up the core of his young, slender cock and spurting out the tip. He threw back his head and sighed with the pleasure, his balls drawn up tight beneath his aching cock as he filled Matt's rectum with his hot, thick teen cum just as Matt had filled his. He sank down on the man and kissed the back of his neck as he pressed his hot, naked body against him. It had been even better than he had fantasized. Finally rolling off Matt, the two snuggled together in the down sleeping bag, pulling it up around them, and drained and exhausted, they soon drifted off to sleep.

Matt woke first in the morning and laid there with Nat curled up against him blissfully asleep. As he thought about the previous day, it was with mixed feelings. Their sex that night had been as totally unexpected as it had been wonderful. He knew Nat had enjoyed it too, which made it all the better. It had been a long time since he had engaged in sex with a member of his own sex, and he had forgotten just how pleasurable it could be. But it was also with guilt that he recalled their coupling. Nat was only fifteen, a boy. Yes, he was mature and intelligent and responsible and all the rest of it, and he had not seduced the boy, nor the boy him, yet he was still a boy and he was the adult, and he should have resisted the urges the two of them had felt. Had he been fifteen again too that would have been different, but he was not, and many years had passed since he was fifteen. Besides, he was happily married with a son not much younger than the naked youth stirring beside him. What they had done had felt great, but it was wrong.

As Nat stretched and snuggled again and slowly opened his eyes, Matt felt his hardness press against him. That the youth had a morning wood, and the look of joy on his face as he looked up at him, caused a stirring between Matt's legs despite his misgivings over the previous night and he could not help but return the smile. Nat reached up inside the sleeping bag and twirled Matt's chest hair and massaged his firm pecs. Unzipping the bag part way and pushing it down so he could see Matt's upper body, he continued to caress his chest. The cold early morning air quickly chilled them, but as he ran his fingertips over his nipples and twiddled with them, he sparked a growing fire in the tender buds. Matt reached over and caressed the boy's smooth, firm chest. It was still warm from the heat of their bodies trapped in the down sleeping bag. His pecs were well developed, the result of his basketball and swimming, and he delighted in their strength and in the smoothness of his skin. As Nat's hands began to descend Matt considered reaching down and stopping him. This was morning now, and the reality of their ages and their differences was as sharp and clear as the cool mountain air. This was something he had to put a stop to now. Before he could, the corner of Nat's lips slowly curled and his emerald blue eyes glistened as he slipped his fingers about Matt's swollen cock.

"You have a morning wood," he observed with a grin.

"Happy to see you," Matt replied as he returned the smile, using an old line from television, so old he couldn't recall who had said it or when.

"So am I," Nat said, taking Matt's right hand in his other hand and guiding it down over his smooth, flat stomach to the stiff organ between his legs.

Lying there side by side, holding each other's stiff, throbbing cock, the two kissed, a warm, tender, loving kiss, a thank you for the previous night and a morning greeting and all doubts and guilt fled from Matt's mind. How could what they'd done possibly be wrong? Nat slipped both arms about the older man and drew him close to his naked body as he kissed him, pressing his lips tightly against his and slipping his tongue between his pursed lips and into Matt's mouth. He felt Matt's cock twitch with excitement and he pressed his body closer and tightened his arms about his waist, pinning his hard, throbbing cock between their bodies, delighting in it's heat and firmness. He slid his tongue over and under Matt's, swapping spittle and caressing his buttocks. Matt eagerly sucked the teenager's tongue into his mouth and his tongue duelled with it as he too wrapped his strong, hairy arms about the teenager's slim but muscular body, drawing him to him tightly, delighting in the feel of his hard cock pressing against his belly.

They began to gyrate, slowly and purposefully, rubbing their cocks against each other, pinning them between them. They snuggled down deeper into the down sleeping bag out of the cold morning air as their bodies heated up. They caressed and squeezed each other's ass cheeks, recalling the previous night and the delight of having their assholes stuffed and fucked, of having their rectums filled with the other's hot seed. They quivered with the memory as lust filled their loins once more and their blood ran hotly through their veins and through their stiff, throbbing cocks. They kissed each other's cheeks and necks and then again each other's lips as they rubbed their cocks against each other, knob rubbing against knob, sending ripples of pleasure and carnal desire through the blood-engorged flesh. They moaned little sighs of pleasure as they felt the pressure slowly developing in their loins once again. For Nat at fifteen it was not unusual, and even for Matt though he was twice the boy's age, it was not uncommon.

Their breathing grew deeper and more laboured and they rubbed their bodies against each other more and more vigorously and desperately as they felt the pressure increasing. They pressed their lips together and sucked deeply as their hands caressed and massaged each others gyrating buttocks. With heaving chests and little moans of delight and sweet pain they felt the pressure in their loins reach that breaking point, and then their hot, thick cum race up the core of their throbbing cocks. Pinned between each other's body, their aching cocks spurt out their cum, lacing each other with hot, thick streamers. They gasped and quivered in ecstasy with their release, and with the other's ejaculation. Holding each other tightly, they pressed their lips together in a kiss of love and lust, their numb, swollen organs pressed between their bellies and their chests heaving.

Pushing back the top of the sleeping bag, Nat pulled his legs out and wiggling down and curling his legs and wrapping them about Matt, he began to lap up the streamers of cum on Matt's body, his and Matt's streamers interlaced with each other. The sight of the beautiful blond-headed boy eagerly and hungrily licking up their cream sent tremors of pleasure through Matt's loins, and as the boy's tongue ran over his nipples and licked the creamy cum that had laced them, Matt groaned in ecstasy. Pulling his feet out of the bag also, Matt twisted around in the low, narrow tent so he could do the same. Furrowing his tongue, he lapped up the puddles of creamy cum on the boy's smooth, muscular chest and flat stomach, licking up the boy's seed and his own. He quivered with the taste and texture of their creamy juice as he puckered his lips and sucked the puddles from his body. As he felt Nat's lips slip over his flaccid cock and begin to suck the remaining juice from his limp organ, he took the boy's cock in his mouth and sucked on it also, draining it of its remaining cum.

Finally looking up and smiling at each other, they did not have to say anything. They dressed, putting on the trousers they'd worn at the beginning of their hike yesterday, the fleece not really needed, and while Nat lit the camp stove and rolled up their sleeping bags and dismantled the tent, Matt lowered their backpacks from where they had hung them the night before out of reach of any animals. Opening the packet of pancake flour, powdered milk and dried blueberries he had slipped into his backpack the morning before and adding the remaining water from their canteens, he cooked them up a batch of pancakes, adding a couple handfuls of dried pork rinds to the pan, a trick he'd learned from a fellow biologist long ago. It wasn't as good as real bacon, but it was the next best thing. The two containers of apple juice had been nicely and naturally chilled over night.

Packing up their trash and hanging their backpacks back up along with their bedrolls, they headed off across Round Valley and down just over two miles [3km] of gentle switchbacks to Mountain Station, pausing to watch the deer grazing in the subalpine meadows and the hawks flying above the trees. They met a number of day climbers heading to the peak, the Tram trail being much more heavily used than the others. At the tram terminal they skirted the restaurant/gift shop/snack bar/visitor centre, pausing only to fill their canteens at the water tap at the Ranger Station. The temperature had warmed up to forty [4°C] and they spent a leisurely two hours along the Desert View trail, finding plenty of Sunday tourists to take their picture. As Nat slipped his arm about Matt's neck or about his waist and smiled for the cameras, a happy father and son on a weekend bonding trip, he wondered what the smiling tourists would say and do if they knew their true relationship, and the nature of the bonding that had occurred. Matt did likewise as he slipped an arm about his 'son' and smiled, but unlike when he'd woken up, he had no guilt and no regrets. It was ironic, and sad, that people accepted such gestures of affection between father and son, but only if that affection was platonic, not physical, and not under any circumstances between a teenage boy and an adult lover, especially a male lover.

And then it was back up the gentle switchbacks and through the mixed forest at Round Valley where they had a quick lunch of their remaining biscuits and cheese and picked up their camping gear. Ascending the steep trail up through the chaparral on the east slope of Wellsman Divide, they found the snow now almost gone. Descending the other side down to the Pacific Crest Trail and then on to Saddle Junction, the hike down was a lot faster and easier than it had been going up. With each turn of the trail the slope became more gentle and the temperature gradually increased.

"I'd like to hike the Pacific Crest Trail sometime," Matt observed as they paused at Saddle Junction for a break. "I hear it's beautiful."

"Oh yeah. I'd love to spend the whole summer just hiking it. Start at the south end and just go as far as we can." As the two glanced out over the valley they both had the same thoughts. An entire summer together hiking during the day and making love at night, that would be heaven. "We should come up here and climb Tahquitz Peak sometime."

Now that could be hell, Matt thought as he looked across at the steep granite dome. It was lower than Mount San Jacinto by almost two thousand feet [600m], but a steep climb that would require ropes and climbing gear. He was no rock climber, but the thought of climbing it with Nat was a different matter. Now that would be an accomplishment, and a true bonding experience. The two had the same thoughts, and as they looked at each other they embraced and kissed.

The sky was clear and the sun was shining brightly as they headed west on the Devil's Slide Trail along the head of Strawberry Valley. It was shortly after three and they had only another two and a half miles [4km] of trail, mostly down hill, an easy hour and a half hike with an hour to spare before the sun went down. Pausing at one of the many viewpoints along the trail to admire the surrounding wilderness, they glanced at each other and embraced and kissed once again as if now that they had started they could not get enough, which in a sense was true.

Carefully picking their way through the prickly brush, they slipped behind a thicket of shrubs and kissed again, this time more passionately. Dropping their backpacks and bedrolls on the ground, they unbuttoned their shirts and spread them out. They kissed and embraced, caressing each other's back, desire quickly welling up between their legs. Unbuckling and unzipping each other's trousers and pushing them down along with each other's underwear, they caressed each other's naked buttocks and each other's thighs. Their lips met and they kissed passionately as their hands reached up and cupped each other's sweaty, low-hung balls and gently stroked each other's swelling cock. Sitting down on their shirts, they quickly untied their hiking boots and removed them along with their trousers and underwear.

Lying on their shirts, they continued embracing and kissing, hands massaging each other's back and buttocks, caressing each other's chest, lips nibbling on cheeks and necks and earlobes as the hot California sun shone down upon them. Their kisses became more passionate as their lust for each other welled up in their loins. Their lovemaking was desperate, nature's safety valve for the pressure that had been building since that morning. Twisting into a sixty-nine position, they continued to caress each other's buttocks as they nibbled now on each others thighs, sending ripples of desire through their groins. They nuzzled each other's low-hanging testicles, inhaling the delightful spicy fragrance of each other's sweaty balls.

Twisting and writhing in their desire like two desert snakes, they slipped their lips about each others quickly rising and soon blood-engorged cocks. As they eased their lips up and down the rock-hard shafts, delighting in their arousal and in the arousal of the other, sweat beaded on their foreheads and began to trickle down their sides from their hairy armpits. They sucked hungrily on each other's faucet and bobbed their heads, relishing the taste of each other's cock, relishing the developing pressure in their loins once again. They inhaled deeply, the spicy scent of sweat and the sweet scent of chaparral filling their lungs as their loins ached.

They came together, there above Strawberry Valley in the chaparral and under the hot California sun, filling each other's mouth with their hot, thick juices, delighting in the burning pleasure of their ejaculation and the even greater pleasure of having brought each other off. They trembled and inhaled deeply as their cocks throbbed in each others mouth, and they closed their eyes with ecstasy with the tart taste and slimy texture of each other's precious fluids. Eagerly drinking each other's cum and sucking out every drop from their swollen, aching organs, they at last twisted around and embraced, sweaty, naked body pressed against sweaty, naked body, lips against lips, their breaths smelling of each other's nutty seed. Nat was in pure heaven, and Matt was once again fifteen.

Chapter Forty-Three

— tt —

Thanks to Billy for suggesting there be an ethereal event between Kenny and Dominic and the pressure being put on by Kenny's mother.

"Am I boring you?" asked Kenneth as Cory yawned for the third time.

"Sorry," Cory apologized, unsuccessful in his attempt to stifle the fourth one.

"Hot night?"

"Fuck yeah. I didn't get to sleep til something like four-thirty."

"Well, I'll stop talking and give you a chance to catch some z's."

"No, that's all right. You were saying about your mother?"

"Yeah, with me being in my last semester and all she's really been on my case about college."

"So she wants you to go to LA and take law."


"Can't you do that right here at Riverside?"

"She's got it in her head that getting a degree from the campus in LA would be more prestigious. Besides, I think she figures she'll have more opportunities for herself in LA. I dunno, that she'll make it big selling real estate to movie stars or some shit."

"And what do you want?"

"Not to go to ucla, that's for sure, nor to take law. I want to go to ucr right here and become a professional football player."

"She could move to LA and you could stay here. You'll be eighteen."

"Yeah, right!" Kenny snorted. "No way is she going to agree to that. She's got my whole life planned out for me, and she intends on being right there running it."

"Then it sounds like we either got to get her a good reason to stay here in Riverside, or get her interested in something so she won't have time to butt in your life."

"Good luck on that idea. She likes to run other people's lives. That's why my dad split."

"Don't suppose he can be of any help."

"Huh. The divorce papers gave my mother total custody. It was the only way he could get out. Besides, custody got nothing to do with nothing. She'll run my life forever, even when I'm an old grandfather."

It sounded like a problem for the old headband. He automatically reached up and ran his fingers over it.

"Anyway, let's talk about something pleasant. I don't want to put a bummer on this weekend. Who was that kid you were saying goodbye to when I picked you up?"

"Ramon Carlos. He's awesome." Cory smiled as he thought about the night he'd spent, and the conversation they'd had when they'd come downstairs in the morning. Ramon's brother had asked if the oysters had worked, and Ramon responded without a moment's thought that they had, all eight. That had caused quite a chuckle.

"Happy thoughts," observed Kenny.

"You hear the joke about the oysters and the guy in the bar?"

They picked up Dominic at the Gilles's and Cory sat in the back so that Dominic and Kenny could be together and then swung by and picked up Ben. He had stopped by the Gilles's house after supper on Thursday to convince Julius to allow Dominic to spend the weekend with him. Although not enthused about having the Area Superintendent's son spending the weekend with the boy who was screwing your wife, especially after promising that very same person you'd keep a strict eye on the boy, Julius had nonetheless agreed. He was, after all, in a precarious position. He didn't dare upset either boy in fear of what they might tell John Halder in retaliation, a point Cory easily got across thanks to his new abilities using his headband while getting all the details of the conversation the two men had had Monday.

After making the arrangements for Dominic, Cory had gone on to Ben Hanson's to convince Ben's folks to let Ben spend Saturday night with him, again using his skills at persuasion and his headband. That was sort of ironic in a way in that he'd been learning how to persuade people from two web sites Ben had found on the topic, one from some Baptist Evangelical Church or some shit and one from some business consultant, and his skills in using his headband had improved as a result of the psipog.net site Ben had also found. Convincing the Hansons was a tad more difficult in that Ben's mother was a real bitch when it came to protecting her only son from the outside world and still blamed him as a bad influence and responsible for Ben having stolen Ashley's panties, which of course both of them were totally innocent of, and thought of him as taking advantage of Ben and his computer skills and knowledge, which was also wrong. Fortunately Ben couldn't praise Cory enough after the hot jerk and suck session with Cory's mother on Tuesday and Ben's mother could not deny the evidence that Ben was a much happier boy since he'd become friends with Cory. It also helped that Cory had the support of Ben's dad who was glad to see his shy, pudgy son having a friend and beginning to do boy things.

Returning home after having succeeded in his two missions, he'd phoned Jonah and Terry and then Bob Moser for help setting up a little retribution on Sunday to carry out another of his plans. All in all, Thursday had been a very busy and successful day, and it had all been on top of the visit he and Anthony had made to Jacob Schuller's after school for a bit of fun besides. It had involved a few little white lies, telling his parents he was going to spend the weekend with Dominic, sort of implying at Dominic's house and that by weekend that included Friday, and telling Ben's parents that Ben would be spending Saturday and Sunday with him and implying at his house. Actually, they were truths when you really thought about it, just not the whole truth. And as for his plans for Sunday, well, Bishop Henry and Pastor Winthrop deserved every bit of what they were going to get, and besides, he hadn't quite worked out what exactly that was going to entail at the moment, having too many other things on his mind.

The weekend with Kenneth, Dominic, and Ben had been one of those things. Dominic had mentioned in their surprise meeting Wednesday at the Gilles's that Kenneth had booked a room for the two of them at Hermosa Beach for Saturday night as sort of a romantic thing, it being a Valentine's Day weekend in that Valentine's Day was on Monday, but that after the incident with his sister Nicole and now living with Julius Gilles they were afraid he was not going to be able to go. Cory had felt particularly bad about that, figuring that the stuff with Nicole and what had happened afterward had been his fault in a way. He really wanted to do something for him, and buoyed up by his success in using his headband on Monday and Tuesday, he'd suggested to Dominic that maybe he could help, not explaining how exactly of course. Dominic had total faith in Cory and didn't even think to question how he could help, and he immediately invited Cory to join him and Kenny for the weekend if he could convince Julius to let him go. Kenneth wasn't overly excited when he heard about the invitation, having intended the weekend to be a private, romantic outing with just the two of them. Having a third party was going to be awkward.

So Dominic had phoned Cory when he'd gotten back home Wednesday and had told him not to bother trying to help. Cory could understand Kenneth's reason, and that was when he had the idea of inviting Ben along too. Of course Cory's motive was personal. After messing around with his mother with Ben Tuesday, he couldn't stop thinking about messing around with Ben, and knowing Ben would do anything to thank him for Tuesday, a weekend away would be perfect. Kenneth was much more agreeable to that, Ben and Cory being able to keep each other occupied to let him have the time he was looking forward to with Dominic, particularly if they thought it would help convince Julius, and besides, it was all because of Cory and his party that Dominic and Kenny had really gotten off together. So, Thursday it had all come together.

Kenneth had reserved a Jacuzzi suite at the Quality Inn and Suites in Hermosa Beach, a three-star hotel a buddy of his had taken his girlfriend to on her seventeenth birthday. It was on the expensive side for a high school student, a hundred and twenty-four dollars, and he had to do a bit of lying himself to get it. For one, he hadn't mentioned there would be three children with him, and for another, he'd claimed he was of adult age. The lies and money were worth it when he saw the look on Dominic's face. It was not all that fancy but the hotel was located near the surf beach and had a small swimming pool. The big attraction of the suite was the ocean-view patio and the Jacuzzi, which was going to be a tight squeeze if all four were going to use it at the same time. It only had one bed, a king, but that they could work out.

Arriving at noon they missed the big Pacific swells of the morning that Hermosa Beach and Manhattan were famous for, but Kenneth being an occasional surfer and the boys having never surfed, the smaller waves were quite fine with them. Besides, Dominic was still recovering from his bruises, which he'd explained to Kenneth and Ben with the same lie as he'd told Cory. "First of all we got to get you grommets some boardies."



"Grommets is what they call young surfers," Kenneth advised with a smile. "Boardies are boardshorts. They're light weight and quick drying. If we were going to be surfing a lot then you'd be better off with wetsuits, but they'd be way too expensive for just a weekend."

An hour later four cool dudes in new sunglasses, sandals, and boardies and rented foamies strolled out onto the beach, Cory and Ben in matching black and white mid-thigh argyles, Dominic in a sexy-looking knee-long dark chocolate pair with red and white side panels, and Kenny with a green and gold print pair. As they applied sunblock to each other's body, they had to fight popping boners. It was cool, the temperature being in the low sixties [15-18°C] on the beach and a good five degrees [2°C] lower in the water. They began with Kenny showing them how to paddle out to the waves, practising in the shallow water near the shore.

"A guy needs good upper body strength to paddle out to get a wave," he explained. "Swimming is a great way to increase both upper and lower body strength, and your stamina and endurance besides." Kenneth had no problems in any of those areas, and Dominic looked at the high school football player with big puppy eyes, admiring his broad shoulders and muscular biceps and pecs. Dominic was developing a nice body too, the result of almost daily football practice with Kenny, and Cory could not help but notice the difference in Dominic compared to just a couple months ago as he stood there in his sexy boardie watching Kenneth. His hormones not having hit in yet, and being the shortest boy in grade eight, his muscles were still boyishly rounded but he still had a nice fit physique. It was because of that, that he'd practically totally recovered from his bruises the previous Saturday. Cory wasn't that much into sports but he was young and active and his sexual activities kept his muscles in tone and his body in shape. Of course smoking did not help, but it was not a habit he was addicted to, yet. Ben was the pudgiest of them all, his extra weight accented by his short stature though he was not as short as Dominic. Also like Dominic he was not as physically developed sexually as other boys his age, a major concern when you are thirteen, though unlike Dominic his hormones had hit in.

"And another thing a guy needs is to be flexible."

That was not a problem with any of them as they stood there on the beach and followed Kenneth in a stretching routine he'd learned a couple summers ago at a Scout surfing camp.

"I seen a picture once of a guy that was so flexible he could suck himself," Cory observed with an impish grin, causing an interruption to their exercise routine as each tried to imagine what that would be like.

"Now, the next thing to learn is how to catch waves," Kenneth continued half an hour later. "You place your board at the side, nose facing the beach like this, and as the wave is about to reach you, you push the board toward the beach and at same time pull yourself onto it so you are lying flat on it. Then you paddle along the wave at an angle with both arms as the wave starts to pick you up. You want to catch a wave just before it breaks into white water. You ready to try?"

"You bet!"

"A few rules first."

"Rules?" asked Cory, wrinkling up his nose. That was not a word he liked hearing.

"These are important ones, and sensible," Kenny replied with a grin, knowing Cory's type.

"Most important you have to be aware of other surfers and surf conditions at all times. You don't want to get smacked by a surfer coming in, or to run into some yourself, and you don't want to get swept out to sea. Second, if you're going to wipe out, throw your surfboard. You don't want to be tumbling around in a wave and trying to dodge your board at the same time. It might be made of foam, but it still hurts like hell if you get hit, believe me. Third, a guy always lines up and takes his turn, and the surfer closest to the wave has priority. There's not much of a crowd here today and we're not going out that deep so that shouldn't be a problem. And last, always have a surf buddy. We're going to be together so that's not a problem either, but if we do split up, never go out without someone else to watch out for you. Got it?"

"Got it," the boys chorused.

"So, let's go hit some waves."

For the next three hours they simply had fun, and by the end of it they were slinging terms like duck diving, doing donuts and popping up like they were pros. They were also getting pretty good for first time surfers. Mostly though, they just enjoyed being at the seaside and being with each other. That was evident to Cory and Ben as they saw the way Dominic looked up at his hero with big adoring eyes, totally worshipping him, and the affectionate looks Kenny gave Dominic and the gentle way he touched him when he was helping him. A person would have to be blind or ignorant not to see they were lovers. It was also evident to Kenny and Dominic as they saw the beaming smiles on Cory's or Ben's face when one or the other did something successful and by the way they helped each other. Of course they were not lovers. For Ben it was wicked spending an afternoon with real friends, an awesome experience when you've spent most of your life as if invisible, and for Cory, it was just great being outside in the fresh air with the guys and seeing everyone so happy, particularly knowing how miserable they'd been feeling lately.

The sun set suddenly as it does in California and they headed off for a healthy lunch of burgers, fries and milk shakes. They had worked up an appetite, and they needed a lot of energy for what was coming next. Kenny drove down highway 101 a bit, away from LA and the popular beach breaks. Turning down one of the less popular beach roads to a secluded and rocky shoreline, he parked and they walked the rugged shore, just enjoying the warm California evening and the smell of the sea and the fresh air and the sound of gulls and the splashing of the waves and being away from the crowds. Cory hung back a bit and Ben automatically slowed with him, distancing themselves from Kenny and Dominic.

Finding themselves several hundred feet part, Kenneth reached over and took Dominic's hand and the two strolled along, talking and just enjoying each other's company. Stopping at an outcrop of rock, they sat and waited for Cory and Ben, and as they waited they embraced and kissed. One kiss turned to another and that to several more.

"Why don't you two lovers go on the other side and totally make out?" suggested Cory as they caught up. Kenneth and Dominic glanced at each other and then at Cory, blushing with embarrassment. "Go ahead. You want to," he urged. "Just take your time so Ben and I can mess around a bit too." It was Ben's turn to turn red. With a smile, Kenny and Dominic got up and scurried over the outcropping and disappeared on the other side.

"They really are lovers, aren't they?" Benny observed, making it more a statement of fact than a question.

"Sure are." Cory studied Ben. "How you feel about that?"

"It's way cool," Ben observed. "It is so retro that people have a problem with two guys falling in love and having sex and wanting to get married. I don't get it."

"Me neither."

"I mean it's love. Love is supposed to be a good thing. Ken and Dominic are so lucky to have that with each other. I think it's stupid other people trying to tell others what they can or can't do, trying to run their lives for them." Like Kenneth's mother Cory thought. "So what if it's both guys, or if it's both girls, it's love for heaven's sake, you know what I mean?"

"Both girls."

"Well yeah. I got no problems with two girls having sex with each other."

"That's a wicked idea."


"You just gave me a great idea," Cory said, breaking into a wide grin.

"I did?"

"You sure the fuck did!" Cory grabbed Ben and gave him a kiss, a long, hot kiss, right on the lips. As they parted, Ben looked at him a bit stunned. "So, how do you feel about two guys just messing around?" Cory asked with an impish grin.

In response Ben slipped his arms about him and returned the kiss. That in itself was one major accomplishment for the thirteen-year-old having spent most of his life a loner and being painfully shy. He'd never have been able to do that if there had been a third person present, or if it had been anyone other than Cory. Ever since Cory had befriended him and taken up the battle cry in his defence against Nick and Molly and her friends, Ben had gone out of his way to prove himself a good friend, surfing the Internet for hours to find information on topics he had no interest in but he knew Cory did, helping him with his computer skills, everything he could possibly think of. And, after finding out what it was like to mess around with a real pair of tits and with a woman on Tuesday, thanks to Cory again, well Cory and his mom, there wasn't anything Cory could ask that he wouldn't do.

He didn't know a thing about gay sex, even less than other guys his age not having any close friends to share forbidden knowledge and secrets with, and not having any curiosity about that aspect of sex. He was one hundred percent straight and his dreams, awake or asleep, were about women, mammoth-breasted women. But if Cory wanted to have sex with him he'd do so in a heartbeat. He'd swim out in the ocean and kill a shark with his bare hands if Cory were to ask. Hell, he'd have sex with the shark if that's what Cory wanted. That was what friends did for each other, and Cory was his one and only true close friend. So, the only reservations he had as they slipped their arms about each other was the fear that he was going to mess things up and spoil things and the fear he was going to look stupid in front of the best friend he had ever had.

He need not have worried. Cory might only have been thirteen, but in these past five months he'd had more sexual experiences than many men have in a lifetime, with the experienced and with virgins. If there was anyone who could guide and nurture a first timer, it was Cory Wilson. And, even though he seemed so independent and confident that he didn't need anyone, and was so popular with everyone that he had more friends than Betty Baggers, whom every boy in junior and senior high and probably most of the elementary school knew put out, Cory knew the value of friendships, and the only thing that made one friend closer than another for him was the simple fact that he'd spent more time with some than with others. He also had a compassion and understanding far deeper than most thirteen-year-olds, and over these past five months that had grown even deeper though he was not aware of it.

What he was aware of was that he was feeling horny as fuck, but that was hardly a revelation, and he'd felt that way long before discovering his great-grandfather's headband. Taking the lead, he caressed Ben's back open-palmed and with both hands as he continued kissing him, teasingly touching Ben's lips and cheeks with feather-light touches. Ben followed suit, copying his mentor and closing his eyes and pretending the face he was kissing was a girl's. He first tried to imagine Molly, and then Trang and then Ashley, but imagining kissing each of them was nowhere near as hot as simply admitting that it was Cory he was kissing. That kissing a boy got him feeling hotter than imagining kissing a girl, particularly girls he'd dreamed about kissing and doing other things with for the past year, was confusing, and more than a little worrisome.

Cory did not give Ben much time to worry about it or even think about it. Pressing his hands against his shoulder blades, he began to kiss Ben more forcefully. He noted that he could not feel Ben's shoulder blades as well as say with Dominic on account of his extra weight, but that did not diminish his arousal. It just made it different from having sex with Dominic, or with little Ramon last night, and that was great. He was learning that each and every person he had sex with was unique, which made each and every person special. To night it was shy, pudgy, invisible Ben who was special.

"You ever mess around with another guy before?"

"No. Am I doing something wrong?" Ben asked fearfully, his heart dropping. He so wanted to please Cory.

Taking Ben's hand, Cory guided it down to his crotch and wrapped his fingers about the bulge in his tight boardie. "That answer your question?" he asked with an impish grin as he stared into Ben's soft brown eyes, their foreheads pressed together. "But, you know, if you don't want to, you know, do stuff with a guy, that's cool. I'll understand."

In response Ben took Cory's hand and guided it to the bulge in his own boardie. "That answer your question?" he asked softly, a smile curling the corners of his lips as he stared back into Cory's green-blue eyes. Never in a million years had he ever thought he would ever be so bold to do or say what he'd just said and done.

"Feels like a woody in a boardie to me," replied Cory as he gave the bulge a squeeze and the two thirteen-year-olds giggled. Never in a billion years had Ben thought he'd ever share a laugh like that. It felt so warm and pleasant the way his heart was floating he was sure he'd died and gone to heaven. When his dick twitched and swelled some more in Cory's fingers, and he felt Cory's dick respond likewise, he knew this was not something that would happen in heaven. He'd never in his life felt so good, not even when he'd held a pair of tits in his hands for the first time earlier that week, or when a woman had jerked and sucked him off for the first time in his life. Untying the cords and pulling apart the Velcro closures to each other's boardies, which sounded like an earthshattering rip to the two boys standing there on the beach and that they were sure Dominic and Kenneth had to have heard, the randy teenagers pushed each other's tight surfing shorts down.

The noise was not that loud of course, and even if it was, Kenneth and Dominic were far too intent on what they were doing to have heard. Having sat down on the small patch of sand on the other side of the outcrop of rock, they had immediately embraced and kissed, both of them thankful to Cory for having given them this out. That he was seventeen and a half and would be graduating from high school in another four months and the boy he was kissing had turned thirteen just two months ago and was in grade eight did not matter to Kenneth Ballard. He had never felt the way he did about anyone else in his entire life, physically or emotionally. That was funny in a way. He'd thought the same when he'd begun dating Dominic's sister Nicole, but after he and Dominic had sex at that party at Cory Wilsons three months ago, his feelings for Nicole were a pale comparison to how he felt about Dominic.

That he had fallen in love with a student in his senior year and was at the moment hotly kissing and caressing him didn't matter to young Dominic either, and that was funny in an ironic way also. When Kenny had first begun dating his sister the end of last school year, Kenny had always taken her side and had bossed him around and been mean to him just like she was, not because that was Kenneth Ballard's way, but because he wanted to impress Nikki Halder and get in her pants. Now it was his pants Kenny wanted to get into, and unlike his cockteasing sister, he was putting up no resistance. Dominic had to giggle as he thought about that.

"Something funny?"

"I'm just so fucking happy," Dominic replied, leaning his head on Kenny's broad chest and looking up at him. Kenny had just started getting chest hair and those that he had were long and silky and felt so cool against his cheek. Before Cory had introduced him to the wonderful world of sex four months ago, he had never used a swear word, not even when he got angry and lost his temper, which was never, not even the worst times he'd been hurt by Nicole's bullying or because he'd been ignored by his father.

"I'm glad. I want nothing more in the world than to make you happy," Kenny said, brushing the long strand of blond hair out of Dominic's eyes. It was always doing that, but it was one of the hundred things that made Dominic so endearing. He'd be devastated if he ever cut it.

"And me you," Dominic replied, kissing Kenneth's chest. His pecs were so firm!

"I miss you every second we can't be together."

"Me too. I miss you so much when we're not together it hurts."

"I think about you the moment I wake up and every moment until I go to sleep," Kenny confessed, kissing Dominic on the forehead.

"Same," said Dominic, running his fingers over Kenny's broad chest and fiddling with a nipple. "I even think of you in my dreams."

"Wet dreams?" Kenny asked with a smile.

"Not yet," Dominic replied with a shy smile. At one time he'd have been devastated if anyone found out he wasn't able to squirt yet, and he'd have been way too shy to discuss it with anyone. With Kenny he could talk about anything.

"It will come," Kenny consoled, bowing his head and kissing him on the lips. They were so silky smooth.

"Cum?" asked Dominic with a twinkle in his steel blue eyes. Four months ago he'd never have been brave enough to make a pun like that.

Kenny laughed as he looked down at him and drew him closer. His steel blue eyes were so pretty. So was his little stub nose and the few freckles that covered it. He kissed his nose. "Oh God, I love you so fucking much."

"And I love you."

Kenneth reached down untied the cord of Dominic's new boardie. The dark chocolate looked so hot on him. Pulling apart the Velcro closure, he opened the shorts up and pushed them down over his smooth, compact buttocks. They were tight and took a little effort. Dominic's naked pubes and naked little balls were another thing that made him so fucking cute. He was stiff, his long, tight foreskin typically clinging to the knob and keeping it encased. Kenneth reached over and slowly eased the foreskin back just enough to expose the tip of Dominic's cute little dickhead. Sliding down onto his back and rolling over, he raised his head and holding the little dicklet by the base, he ran his tongue over the slightly exposed tip, sending thrills of pleasure through it and causing Dominic to quiver with pleasure. Working up a mouth of spittle, he drooled a little droplet directly into the little hollow that Dominic's long foreskin made when pushed right up over his knob. As Kenny slowly pulled the tight skin back to once again expose the tip, his spittle oozed over the opening and the exposed bit of head. He gently drew it back up, sending more thrills through Dominic's swollen cocklet, and added another droplet of spittle and then drew the skin back again.

Dominic trembled and sighed with the pleasure of having his cocklet fiddled with. He still was not able to get fully hard unless he was with someone, Cory or Kenny, but with either one he was hard instantly. With Cory foreplay was always hot and intense and lustful, with Kenny it was also hot, but always gentle and caring. It was totally different between the two of them, and it wasn't because Cory was three months older than he was and Kenneth almost five years. Their whole relationship was totally different. With Cory it was sex, with Kenny it was love.

Squirming around so he was lying in the opposite direction, Dominic untied the cord to Kenny's green and gold surfer shorts and opened the Velcro closures, and with even more difficulty than Kenny, pulled and pushed his tight boardie down. His big, thick cock sprang up the moment it was freed, like a proud, thick flagpole. Dominic immediately wrapped his fingers about it and as Kenny felt his hot, little hand gripping his organ, he trembled with the pleasure. As Dominic ran his tongue along the edge of his knob, sending shivers of pleasure through it, he drooled another dribble of spittle into the hollow of Dominic's foreskin and pulled it back over the rim of his bulb, exposing his shiny, deep purple bulb. It looked like a little peeled plum as his spittle oozed down over it.

On the other side of the rock outcrop, Cory and Ben had pushed off each other's surfing shorts and were lying in the sand totally naked and in the opposite direction to each other also. Slipping his lips over the knob of Ben's cock, Cory slowly began to massage the novice thirteen-year-old's smooth, compact buttocks. He loved the feel of a guy's ass and he caressed the compact orbs firmly and eagerly, pausing between sweeps to squeeze them. Ben again followed suit, slowly caressing Cory's backside as Cory caressed his, squeezing when Cory squeezed. It was hot, though not as hot as playing with Cory's mom's tits, or any girl's tits he imagined, though at the moment he only had Cory's mom to compare.

Slipping his lips over Cory's cock was a much different matter. He admired and respected and was indebted to Cory and all the rest, but it was his cock, the thing he pissed with, and sucking a guy's cock was the dirtiest thing you could tell another guy to do. Well, other than maybe telling him to kiss your ass, but the two weren't really that different. Of course, Cory's mom had sucked their dicks, and had seemed to like it, but she was a woman. Women did those sorts of things to men. He did owe Cory though, and Cory was his friend and was doing it to him, and he did so want to fit in and to show Cory how grateful he was. His gratitude for having gotten revenge over Molly and her friends, and even more so, his gratitude to Cory for having befriended him, overpowered years of social brainwashing and bias about guys who sucked guys' cocks.

Cory trembled with delight as he felt Ben's hot, moist lips slip over his aching cock, encasing first his knob, and then after a minute to get used to it, slowly descending down his shaft. He trembled because it felt fucking good, but he trembled also because he knew this was Ben's first time. This was the first time he'd ever had a guy's cock in his mouth, and that was so fucking hot! He squeezed Ben's butt tighter to show his appreciation and encouragement and he slowly enveloped Ben's stiff cock with his lips, which was not that difficult a thing to do his cock being no more than two and a half inches [6½cm] long, almost the same size as when he was soft. Cory wasn't concerned about that. He knew that even though Ben was not as developed as others his age, unlike most thirteen-year-old boys, he'd already had sex with a woman.

As he worked his lips up and down Ben's stiff cock, he thought about Tuesday and how he and Ben had messed with his mom, and how she'd sucked their cocks. That was sort of wild in a way, that his mother was the first to suck Ben's cock and he was the second. He wondered which Ben preferred, him or his mother. His mother was good, real good, but then she had a lot of practice doing his father. He wondered what that would be like, to do his father. The thought caused his cock to twitch with excitement. He sucked more eagerly on Ben's stiff, throbbing little dick. It had been hot licking his mother's cunt too, but frankly, he much preferred sucking cock. It wasn't so wet and messy. Well, not until the end. Actually, he sort of liked a guy's cum better too.

Ben was having similar thoughts. It had been awesome messing around with Cory's mom, something he'd never have expected he'd do in a million years. It had been awesome getting his dick sucked too, but to tell the truth, he'd enjoyed messing with her tits a lot more. To also be truthful, he was finding getting sucked by Cory a lot better than getting sucked by his mom, and sucking Cory's cock a lot better than licking his mom's cunt. That was more than a little bothersome, that he was preferring sex with a guy over a woman. He was not gay, and he'd never once thought about having sex with another guy, not until right that very evening. Of course the reason it felt better could be an age thing, but he knew he was only fooling himself with that idea. That he'd had sex with a woman who was old enough to be his mom had actually been hot in a way.

That he was having sex that moment with the son of the woman he had sex with that week was also hot. That could be the reason why he was enjoying it, but he knew that was also just an excuse. Another thing he knew was that his cock was throbbing and burning with pleasure and he was feeling fucking great, and that from the way Cory was sucking on his cock and squirming on the sand his cock had to be feeling the same, and that was all that really mattered.

Dominic and Kenny were of the same mind, though having come to that conclusion along much different routes. Having licked and sucked each other to a peak, Dominic had rolled over onto his back and raised his hips and Kenny had knelt behind him and rimmed his asshole, licking the tender bud and worming his tongue in it until Dominic was squirming out of his mind. Kenny had then taken his stiff, aching cock and placing the tip against Dominic's spit filled hole, pushed forward. The two were sure that Ben and Cory on the other side of the rock outcrop could hear their grunting and snorting as they united, unaware of course that at that moment the two of them were much too occupied in sucking each other.

Kenny had fucked Dominic plenty of times over the past three months, so even though the thirteen-year-old was tight and Kenny was well-hung, and despite the fact they hadn't brought along any lube, they united without much difficulty. Now Kenneth had not screwed Dominic's sister, which was in itself ironic in that Dominic had, but he was no virgin. With his handsome good looks and athletic body, and being a star football player, that he'd bedded more than one girl before would be nobody's surprise. What would be a major surprise, was that the six-foot-two [1.88m], two hundred and twenty pound [100kg] quarterback preferred the eighty pound [36kg] four-foot-seven [1.40m] thirteen year old to girls.

As he worked his thick, long cock in and out of Dominic's hot, moist asshole, he delighted in the physical pleasure of fucking the thirteen-year-old's tight ass, but even more, he delighted in the look of ecstasy on Dominic's pretty face and the jerking of the boy's stiff little four-inch [10cm] cocklet, the foreskin now pulled right back and his little hairless balls drawn up tight under it. Like Ben, for Kenny the pleasure of sex came from providing his partner pleasure, and there was no doubt at that moment that Dominic was in ecstasy.

Dominic of course had known the opposite sex too, his sister Nikki, and Cory's mother, and as delightful as sex with the both of them had been, he much preferred having sex with Kenny, any type of sex, whether it be jerking each other off in the front seat of his car up at Make Out Point on Henderson Drive, giving each other a blow job in the bushes at Westside Park, or fucking each other in his bed or Kenny's. He loved the glassy eyed way Kenny's eyes looked and the way his lips curled when he was having sex. He loved the way he felt when he was bringing Kenny off regardless if he was cumming to or not. Having a cock himself he knew what Kenny's cock had to feel like as he approached that peak, and even though he was yet to experience a wet climax, he knew the power of a dry one, and he knew how Kenny reacted when he came. That was what love was about, bringing pleasure to each other, and at that moment as Kenny eagerly rammed his cock in and out of his asshole, they were bringing pleasure to each other.

So were Cory and Ben. As physical pleasure pounded through Ben's stiff, aching cock and the pressure built up in his loins, and as the mental pleasure of bringing Cory the same type of pleasure as he was feeling filled his mind, any worries about his orientation or his abilities or his size all disappeared into the night. All he knew was that his cock was aching and throbbing with the most awesome pleasure and his nuts were drawn up tight under his aching dick, and that Cory's cock and balls were feeling and doing the same. He sucked on the throbbing tube of flesh in his mouth, delighting in its taste and in the knowledge he was bringing it the same pleasure as he was feeling between his legs. He bobbed his head up and down, taking all four plus inches [10cm] of throbbing cock into his mouth on his descent, and slipping his lips up until it was almost out of his mouth as he rose. He inhaled deeply and his head spun with the delightful fragrance of sweating balls mixing with the smell of the sea.

Cory sucked deeply on Ben's cock as he expertly worked his lips up and down the shaft and ran his tongue over the tip. He loved the way a guy's cock throbbed in his mouth. He knew he was bringing Ben close to his climax and from the way his own cock was throbbing and the way the pressure was building in his loins he knew he was getting close too. That was the wildest sensation of all, so beautiful and so powerful it was almost painful. From the way Ben was sucking on his cock he knew Ben had to be feeling the same thing. That was beautiful too, the way that Ben had taken to sucking cock, and the thought again that this was Ben's first experience brought Cory even closer to his climax.

Dominic was close to his climax too. He contracted his sphincter and relaxed it, working with Kenny as he felt the pressure building in his loins, and whether wet or dry this time, it did not matter because he knew it would feel great, and he knew it would feel great for Kenny. He looked up at Kenny, the long lock of blond hair having fallen over his face once again, and he smiled. Kenny returned the smile, causing his heart to throb so hard it felt like it was about to burst. That was an even more powerful feeling than the dull throbbing in his loins and the pulsating of his rectum as Kenny plunged his thick cock in and out of his body.

Kenny was inhaling and exhaling deeply and his own heart beating madly in his chest as it rose and fell as regularly as the tides. The surf pounded on the beach beside them but all he could hear was the pounding of his heart. His thick, hard cock throbbed with pleasure and the knob burned as he worked it in and out of Dominic's tight hole, bringing the two of them closer and closer to a climax. As he looked down at the steel-blue eyes and fluttering eyelids and at that crazy strand of blond hair again hanging in young Dominic's eyes, his entire body ached, ached with the pleasure it was feeling and with the pleasure he knew he was bringing the gasping, squirming, thirteen-year-old boy beneath him.

Cory was gasping and grunting with pleasure also as he felt the pressure reaching the breaking point in his loins, and he sucked and bobbed his head eagerly and hungrily, sucking the cock that only four nights ago his mother had sucked. He could feel the blood throbbing through Ben's bone, and from the way Ben was sucking on his cock he knew that he was thoroughly enjoying his first sex with another guy, and he was not using his headband to influence him, nor to read him. He knew Ben was enjoying it because Ben was a boy and so was he and this was something boys were meant to enjoy. Despite their different personalties and backgrounds and experiences, they had one thing in common, their sex. His cock ached just as Ben's ached, and his balls were drawn up tight like Ben's. It was a feeling that all men knew, and that bonded them together. With a shudder and a gasp, it was with that thought that he gave Ben a ten-second warning that he was coming.

Ben mumbled with his mouth full of cock that so was he. He lunged and froze, thrusting his aching cock forward and grasping Cory's backside as he felt his cum racing up the core of his cock. He trembled and grunted as he felt it shoot into Cory's mouth. At the same time he felt Cory's cock throbbing and the first of his cum squirt into his own mouth. It was surprisingly hot and slimy and even more surprisingly delicious. His cock throbbed repeatedly as squirt after squirt filled Cory as at the same time Cory's cock throbbed between his lips, filling his own mouth with Cory's early teen cum. The two boys sucked and trembled as their naked bodies tensed with that ultimate pleasure that ripped through their loins and caused their thighs to quiver uncontrollably. The knowledge that it was the first time Ben had ever sucked cock, and the first time he had ever tasted semen caused Cory to tremble with even greater pleasure. That Cory was grunting and quivering with the same powerful pleasure as he was, and that he had brought Cory that ultimate pleasure, caused Ben to tremble with even greater pleasure also.

The two boys lay there side by side on the beach, their now numb and spent cocks still in each other's mouth, for a long time, each relishing his pleasure and that of the other. Finally sitting up, Cory smiled down at Ben as he swallowed the last of Ben's slimy cum, and he felt a quiver as Ben smiled up at him and his Adam's apple bobbed and his own slime oozed down Ben's throat. Ben could not believe how good his first drink of cum tasted, nor how good he felt, physically and emotionally. The thought that he had brought Cory the same pleasure as he was feeling gave him a warm, satisfied feeling. Of course Cory had brought him just as much pleasure so in a way he was still in Cory's debt. At the moment he didn't care. He leaned forward and kissed him. Cory's lips were moist with his cum and his breath smelled of his cock and his semen. That his lips and breath must smell of Cory's dick and juice sent a shiver up his spine.

As Kenny had felt himself approaching that peak the two boys on the other side of the outcrop had reached, he had paused, fighting the temptation to continue to the end and holding back his seed by sheer will and the desire to wait until Dominic was ready to come too. Overcoming the urge out of pure love and the desire to bring Dominic that ultimate of pleasures also, he finally resumed, slowly pumping his hips to and fro, slowly sinking his throbbing, aching cock in and out of Dominic's hot, moist hole.

They both approached that peak quickly and together this time and Kenny continued, willing himself not to come until Dominic did. It was not a long wait. With a whimper and a jerk, the first bolt of his climax hit and Dominic threw back his head in ecstasy, arching his body with delight, his anus throbbing hotly and his loins on fire as the shock ripped through his swollen, aching cock. Kenny quickly drew back at the same time as Dominic arched his body, drawing his aching cock out of his hot, moist rectum. Freed, his cock throbbed violently as it shot out his first squirt, blasting Dominic's crotch with thick, creamy cum at the moment Dominic's orgasm hit. His hot, gooey cream flowed up over Dominic's throbbing, slender shaft and up over the unsheathed plum, totally flooding it with slime as the first spurt was followed by a second and a third.

Wrapping his arms about the trembling, gasping thirteen-year-old, Kenneth kissed him and drew his body tight against his. As their bodies trembled with their mutual climax, the two sucked in the air scented with the sharp, salty fragrance of sweat and fresh cum and the sea, the one and the same. Their stiff, still throbbing cocks pressed against each other, glued together by Kenny's hot slime and they gasped and held each other tightly, one in body and one in spirit, one with each other and one with nature. Cory, crouched on the rocky outcrop and watching, saw once again the strange aurora slowly develop and envelop them, a dark, throbbing violet blending with the dark and then suddenly evaporating into the night as quickly as it had appeared.