Chapter 40: Ft tb MMg — Chapter 41: Ft
Daemon WayTeacherChapter Forty— Ft tb MMg —
Thanks to Billy for suggesting the plots involving Annette and involving Cory in this story, and to Caroline for suggesting the character of Callie Dean (whom we'll be seeing more of in chapter 49) "Goddamn fucking racist pigs!" Billy cursed, his face dark with anger and his eyes flashing. "You heard what those bastards said?" "Yeah." Cory wasn't exactly sure what Billy was referring to but he figured he probably meant the two cops calling blacks niggers and talking about running them out of the country. They'd said a lot of nasty things actually. "And you saw what they did to your two friends?" "Well, they're not exactly friends of mine." "But you saw what they did!" "Yeah." "Well, doesn't that fucking piss you off?" "Yeah, I guess." Making Molly and Trang do embarrassing, humiliating things like flashing their teachers and skanky old men was one thing, but raping them was something quite different, and nothing he'd expected to happen. When Billy had swung by the Seven-Eleven at noon Wednesday to sell drugs and peddle some porn, Billy had given him the two tapes he'd mentioned Sunday. Watching Anton and the john in Room 137 when he'd gotten home from visiting Antoinette and his baby that night had been totally unexpected and totally wicked. That had been his second big surprise Wednesday. His first was to find Dominic, naked as a jay, sitting at the Gilles's kitchen table when he'd gone over to check on how his baby was doing and to have a quick fuck. "This is Dominic," Antoinette had introduced. "Ah, yeah, we know each other," Cory had said. "Oh?" "Yeah, we go to school together." "Oh, of course." "What are you doing here?" "I'm staying here with Mister and Mrs Gilles for a while." "Oh? "Yeah. My, ah, dad, ah, thinks it's best," Dominic had said awkwardly. "Why don't I leave the two of you alone to visit for a while," Antoinette had offered, sensing the awkwardness between them. Cory also sensed the hesitancy in her voice. She always looked forward to seeing him, and having a roll in bed, and he'd been looking forward to having a piece himself. "We can visit after we, ah, afterward," he had suggested. "That's wonderful. I've made a fresh peach pie the two of you can have." It was sort of weird following her to the master bedroom and stripping down and fucking her, at least for the first few minutes. After that the pleasure of a hot, sweaty fuck took over. "So you've been here since Monday night," Cory observed as he helped himself to a second piece of peach pie. He had, after all, just had two pieces of tail and had worked up an appetite, and he was a growing thirteen-year-old boy. Antoinette had left the two of them alone and had gone to take a shower. Dominic had explained over the first piece of pie that Monday after school when he'd been called to the principal's office, it was because his father had dropped by the school that afternoon with his things and had a meeting with Julius Gilles. Cory couldn't believe the son of a bitch hadn't even had the balls to talk to his son earlier about his plan, though he didn't share his thought about the bastard with Dominic. He did have to smile as tried to imagine the conversation with Goosey. Goosey would have been flattered the Area Superintendent of Schools wanted him to look after his son for a while, and he would have been flattering and sucking Halder's ass big time. At the same time, he had to have been sweating bullets. The Area Superintendent's son was going to find out he and his family went about buck naked and that he slept with his oldest boy, and maybe a lot of other things about his family that he wouldn't want his supervisor and boss to know about! "Yeah. I was going to tell you Tuesday, and today, but didn't get a chance," Dominic said. That was true. Cory had been busy talking to Ben and putting his plan into place on Tuesday, and talking to Billy at noon Wednesday about Billy's weekend plans, and what had happened with Dominic you couldn't catch up on just between classes. Dominic stared down at his empty plate. He'd certainly been eating well at the Gilles's, and things had been very interesting. He looked up at Cory and hesitantly asked, "So, you and Mrs Gilles are, you know, you're, doing it?" Having gone to her bedroom and having spent the next hour there, and having come out stark naked and smelling like sex, it had been rather evident. "Yeah," Cory admitted with a grin. Coming out of the bedroom all sweaty and flushed, it had to have been obvious what they had been doing, especially with his cock still half erect and Antoinette's cunt still partially swollen and wet. It was sort of weird sharing with your buddy and classmate that you were screwing your teacher's wife. "She's, ah, you know, pregnant." "I sure do," Cory replied with an even wider grin. "Yours?" Dominic asked, his eyes growing wide. "Sure is." "Holy fuck!" It was wicked hearing innocent little Dominic swear like that. Well, he wasn't so innocent any more, thanks to Cory. It was even weirder sharing the secret that their teacher's wife was having his child. Anyway, that had been the first big surprise Wednesday. Watching Molly and Trang being brutally raped by the two cops had been the second, both the rape and that it was by cops, but from the way the two girls walked around with their noses in the air thinking they were so much better than everyone else and from the way they treated Ben and some of the others at the school, Cory wasn't exactly totally sorry for them either. "Return the country to the white race all right! Clean the country up good! Well I'm going to do some cleaning up myself, and use those two bastards as mops." "What are you going to do?" Cory asked. He'd never seen Billy so mad and that was frightening. He knew Billy had connections and associated with some pretty unsavoury and rough criminals and gang members. "I dunno yet, but I'll think of something to fix those white bastards. Maybe turn them into human toilets for my Momma's house," he said, thinking of the tapes of Bob Moser and the Spudder's feeding Goosey Gilles, "or maybe I'll castrate them. We'll see how macho they are when I'm done." Billy scowled as he thought of the possibilities. "But, hey, that's not what I wanted to talk to you about, my man. Have you thought about what I mentioned yesterday, about coming over to Juan's aunt's place with us tomorrow night?" "Yeah, I can. But I don't understand why you want me along." "Well, its going to be a special occasion, and you're the one responsible for introducing me to my main squeeze, you know. I'd like you to be there, man. Besides, you got a way of persuading people, of making them do things they don't want to do, and I could use the backup just in case," Billy replied. He didn't know exactly how Cory did what he did, but he recognized things happened when the boy was around, and he was not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. If he had ignored the boy's improbable claim he had made a hot porno video back in October he wouldn't have met Annette, and he wouldn't be raking in the cash he was at the moment. They were making good money on porn films, better than he'd ever made and many of them the result directly or indirectly of the thirteen-year-old. "Well, sure I'll come, if I can help you," Cory agreed with a shrug. He took a deep drag on his cigarette. Billy had done a lot to help him, setting up the hidden cams at the Gilles's, the school, his home, splitting the money from the videos they were making, a lot of things. "Cool. I'll pick you up after school tomorrow." As Cory had expected, he'd had no trouble getting permission to go out the following night, and he hadn't had to even use his headband to influence his parents. They had been in an exceptionally good mood all week, and he suspected it had something to do with the Wilson twins. They were mature, polite, eager to learn and exceptionally bright and yet humble and down-to-earth, the type of teens adults loved. That was fine with him. Anything that made his parents happy made him happy. It had also helped that he hadn't gotten into any sort of mischief all week-well, except for a couple little phone calls to Jonah and Terry and one to Bob Moser for help to set something up at Westbank Park but that wasn't going to happen until the coming Sunday and his parents hopefully would never know anything about it anyway. And there was the little white lie about going over to Dominic's for the weekend instead of the truth that he was going with Billy, but it wasn't a total lie as he was going to be spending Saturday night with Dominic, though not at Dominic's home nor at his temporary home with the Gilles's. Besides, having gotten an A in his history project, thanks a lot to Ben, who after Tuesday night couldn't do enough for him, he deserved to have a couple tiny lies, and to have a bit of fun. So, Billy picked him up after school Friday and drove over to the Gladys Harper Private School for Girls to pick up Annette, and then across the city to Canal Street in the middle of the part of Riverside unofficially called the Latin District as that was where most of the immigrants from Mexico and the Carribean lived. It wasn't a poor or lower class district like Baldwin Park over between Sixteenth Street and the Industrial Park, but it wasn't anything like Eaglemont where Annette lived, or even Briarwood where Cory and his friends lived. The homes and yards were smaller and there were a lot of duplexes and fourplexes and the houses all looked much the same, white and sort of plain. Inside was totally different. Cory had never seen such a crash of colour, gaudy and tacky in Annette's biassed eyes but wild and crazy in Cory's. Bright woven tapestries depicting jungle and seascape and rural village scenes were hung on the walls and brightly coloured and intricately woven blankets covered the sofas and chairs, all of which were large and stuffed and inviting. Hanging from any wall space not covered and cluttering the shelves, end tables, and cabinets were family pictures and nicknacks of every imaginable shape and design. The room was filled with people dressed just as colourfully as the rest of the house looked. He had never seen so many people milling about in one room and spilling into the hallways and adjacent rooms, people of all sorts of shapes and sizes, well over half being young teenagers or children. Somehow in the crowd Billy's friend Juan spotted them and came over and greeted them, giving Billy a big hug and Annette a big kiss, on the lips. A round of introductions followed with warm hugs and kisses all around, Juan's aunt and uncle whose house they were visiting, his grandparents who were living with them, his mother and father who lived down the street, his eight brothers and sisters who ranged in age from four to twenty-eight, and several more aunts and uncles. Interspersed with Juan's introductions Billy introduced his family, his three sisters and two brothers, a favourite aunt and uncle, Emma and Elijah Dean, his grandmother, and his mother, Callie Dean, a short, tiny woman, five-foot-four [1.63m] and a hundred and twenty-five pounds [57kg], at least half of that being tits and ass. Cory had never seen such boobs, daringly exposed in a tight red dress with a wide and low-cut neckline. Ben would so totally cream his underwear just seeing her! Evidently the Dean and Carlos families had known each other for a long time, Billy's family originally from Trinidad and living beside Juan's parents. Cory and Annette stood out as the only two Caucasians there. "And these, are three very special people," said Billy, beaming at three little children, a little black boy just under two years of age and two girls, one just over a year and the other a little black baby four months old, "Juan's daughter Juanita, and my son and daughter, Luther and Lucy." Annette stared at the three children. These were the children of the two men who had been having sex with her? "Here, would you like to hold her?" asked Billy's sister, handing Annette Lucy. "Aw, look at her smile, she likes you!" "Dat girl know her poppa's main squeeze," said Elijah, slapping his nephew on the back. "Come, come, you must have something to eat," Juan's mother said, ushering Annette and Cory toward a huge table stacked high with food of all sorts. "After all, you are eating for two now," she said with a bright grin. God, she knew! How many of them knew? Annette wanted to crawl under the table. "And you are a growing boy," she said, pinching Cory's cheek, "and a very enterprising one, Billy tells us." Cory wondered just what Billy had told them. For the next hour they visited and munched on appetizers, crisp, golden-brown, finger-thin cheese corn sticks called surullitos, something called ostiones which Cory was told were mangrove oysters, and mofongo, half ripe plantain mashed with pork cracklings and garlic and served on thin slices of bread. While the men and women drank pitchers of beer or rum drinks, the children had pop or a coconut and lime punch. Cory and Annette quickly discovered like most Latino people, Juan's and Billy's families were very friendly, outgoing, and family oriented and they were immediately made to feel like one of the family. Well, Cory anyway. Annette was having great difficulty being the only white person other than Cory in a room filled with niggers and spics. She was also discovering much to her discomfort that their family attitudes were quite different and more open than was the case with her family and friends. "So, you are having Billy's baby," gushed one of the teenage girls around sixteen, one of Billy's sisters Annette figured. "Ah, yes," she said shyly, her cheeks turning a bright red. "Look how she blushes! A charming mother to be," giggled one of the girls on Juan's side. "No wonder Juan and Billy are so enamoured with you." "You are very pretty. And such lovely hair," observed one, reaching up and stroking Annette's long, curly red hair. She instinctively pulled away. People did not touch each other, and especially not white and coloured people. "You are so lucky to be having Billy's baby," said another, a Latino girl who had to be no older than fourteen herself. "I wish I was." "You do?" "Oh yes, it would be such an honour to have his child. He is so sexy." The other girls all giggled. "It would be an honour to be so loved by any man as to bear his child," said another girl who looked of the same age. A cousin perhaps. They all looked alike to Annette, and there were too many to remember by name. "Indeed," said one of Juan's aunts, overhearing the conversation as she filled her plate with appetizers a second time, "and having a baby at such a young age is a privilege and a blessing from God." They all nodded and voiced their agreement, and the women who had not already done so congratulated her on her pregnancy. "And you are so lucky to have not just one lover, but two boyfriends such as Juan and Billy," observed another of the aunts. "Yes, two wonderful, fine boys." "And so handsome." "And so virile," said the grandmother with a twinkle in her eyes and they all laughed. Annette blushed again a bright red, causing more laughter. Though it was all good natured and friendly, she found the comments and the attention most discomforting and embarrassing. "Juan and Billy already have other children," she observed hesitantly, looking down at Juanita who was presently sitting in her lap and playing with the necklace Juan had given her. "Oh yes, Luther, Lucy, and Juanita." "Their wives are not here?" The girls and women about her suddenly fell silent and looked grim. "Their wife," said one of the older girls. "The mother of their children passed away in November, only a month after Lucy was born." "November twenty-second, God rest her soul," said one of the aunts, making the sign of the cross. "A car accident." "I'm sorry. I didn't know." "Ah, but they have found you," said Juan's grandmother. "God knows that boys with such spirit and so full of love should not be alone for long." "And unfortunately, you were already taken," observed Billy as he joined them, causing the grandmother to laugh and shush him, but clearly pleased by his flattery. "Can I drag Annette away for a few minutes?" "Only if you promise to bring her back. She is such a sweet young t'ing," his aunt Emma observed. Uncle Elijah evidently thought the same from the way he had been eying her, and she did not like the looks he had been giving her at all. Annette followed Billy upstairs to one of the bedrooms where she found Juan and Cory. "So what do you think of our families?" asked Billy. "They're 3; very friendly," Annette replied honestly. "And open." What else can a person say to such a blunt and personal question. "Do you like them?" "Yes 3; certainly." That question was even more impolite. You just don't ask people such personal things. She tried to sound sincere but years of prejudice were not easily overcome, even with people of such friendliness. "I know they are different," Billy said, sensing she was not being totally truthful and glancing at Cory for confirmation, "but you will grow to like them, as Lucille did." "Lucille?" "My first wife." "Oh. Yes. I heard, tonight. I'm so sorry about the accident." "Well, like they say, the Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away. And in this case, giveth again. Her skin was as soft and pale as yours." Billy looked at her with such a sense of sadness and of love as he gently stroked her cheek that she could not help but feel it. At times he could be so gentle and caring. "And the children? How do you feel about them?" "They're, very, lovable," she replied. Talking about Billy's dead wife and knowing she was a white girl like herself was most disturbing, and she was not all that comfortable with the surprise he already had children before theirs. "Charming actually." The description just seemed to pop into her head. It fit. They were beautiful children, and seemed very well behaved. Theirs, hers and Billy's, would be too. "I'm glad. I think you'll be a wonderful stepmother to them." "Stepmother?" "I'd want them to come live with us after we're married." "Married?" "Of course. I don't want our child to be born a bastard." Annette didn't know what to say. "You do want to get married, don't you?" "Yes, of course," she replied honestly. She had thought of that the moment she'd found out she was pregnant, but from his behaviour and attitude she had assumed that he would not. Besides, she was only fourteen, and he was black and she was white. "And raise our children?" he asked, glancing at Juan and then returning his gaze to study her. Cory was staring at her too, with that blank sort of stunned look he often had. "Your children?" This was too much. "Yes, our three children have grown up together. Aunt Rosa and Uncle Rafael have been very good looking after them since Lucille died, but they have their own children, and two grandchildren. Juanita, Lucy and Luther need a stable home environment with a mother and fathers who they can call their own," replied Juan. "That isn't a problem, is it?" "Ah, no, no, not at all." Had Juan said fathers? "Good. Then we can announce our marriage after supper." "Ah, yes, sure." Getting married was only right and proper when a girl got pregnant. And little children did need parents to look after them when they were little. Billy gave her a warm kiss and a long hug. "Juan, why don't you take our wife back down to join the others. I need a word with Cory." "Yeah, sure," Juan said, extending his hand to Annette. As she rose he gave her a long, passionate kiss and a hug also, and a squeeze on the buttocks. "I'm so glad you've agreed to marry us." Cory watched them leave, as surprised and as confused as Annette, and as stunned too, not from the marriage proposal and mention of the stepchildren as in her case, but from the effort it had taken to probe her mind. "So what do you figure?" Billy asked once they were out of sight. "You can sense what people are thinking. Does she like Juan's family and mine?" "Not really," Cory said truthfully. "The Gilles's aren't exactly the welcoming type when it comes to people who are not white like them." "I've sort of noticed that," Billy said with a grin, "but that prejudice can be overcome can't it, at least in Annette's case? You know them better than I." "Oh yeah, it can," Cory observed, and then silently to himself, 'if not by natural means, then I think I can use the headband to bring her around.' "And the children. What do you think she thinks of them?" "She's quite surprised, but I think she likes them." The second half wasn't true. He'd sensed a real sense of repugnance. Turning that around would probably not be that difficult though. She was having a child herself after all, and he did get thoughts of liking children. "And marriage? Is she really agreeable to the idea?" How she could marry two men at the same time Cory didn't understand, but why not? She was screwing around with both of them. "I think so." Marriage yes, though not because of love. To the two of them, there she was as confused as Cory was. "Anything you can do to help convince her I'd appreciate, both Juan and I. Maybe you can talk to her. You can be very persuasive." Before more could be said Juan's aunt and uncle called them to supper. They sat down to a lavish meal like Cory and Annette had never had before, beginning with bacalaitos, fritters of mashed, spicy salt fish, followed by Sopa de Gandules, a lumpy green pigeon pea soup, which Cory thought was made from pigeons when he was told the English translation and was relieved to hear pigeon was the type of pea and the soup was actually made of tomato, green pepper, pumpkin, pigeon peas, and diced ham. Following the soup was something they called piononos, crusty, deep-fried golden-brown plantain rings with spiced ground beef fillings loaded with onions, green pepper, olives, garlic, and chillies and arranged around a mound of red beans on top of rice and served with beer. The main course was asopao, a chicken and rice stew made of rice, tomatoes, peas, green olives, Parmesan cheese, strips of chicken, and strips of red pimiento, and for desert slices of pineapple and rich almond and raison butter tarts made with cane sugar. Throughout the meal the family laughed and joked and included Annette and Cory in their conversation. And throughout it all, Cory did his best in all the noise and talking, to do a bit of scanning, and a bit of pinging. It was not easy. Annette was in a total state of confusion and shock, bordering on hysteria, and he was constantly being handed food and bombarded with questions about how he had come to know Billy. "A toast t' our host and hostess fo a most wonderful meal," proposed Elijah as he struggled to his feet, hindered by his weight and a few too many beers. They all readily raised their glasses and complemented the hosts on the great food and their hospitality. "This has been a most fitting meal and fitting company for my announcement," said Billy as he rose and had Annette stand with him. "As you all know, Annette is having my baby." Cheers and congratulations were again extended, to him and to her. "Well, earlier this evening, just before we sat down to eat actually, I proposed to her, and she accepted-." His speech was cut off by cheering and clapping and the raising of drinks. Taking a box out of his pocket, he opened it up and showed everyone a very large, and very expensive engagement ring. It took several minutes for everyone to quieten down again. "And not only that, she has agreed to become the stepmother of my two children." Again drinks were raised and the couple congratulated. "And I too have an announcement," remarked Juan as he stood and glanced at Billy with a broad smile. "Annette has also agreed to become a stepmother to Juanita and to be my wife," he said, producing a matching ring and slipping it on her finger next to the first. There followed another round of cheers and congratulations requiring them to refill their glasses. "And one more toast," said Billy, still standing with his arm about Juan's shoulders. "To the man who introduced me to my wife-to-be, and who has come be a profitable business partner, and I hope he will agree, a good friend, Cory Wilson." Cory looked at Billy in surprise as once again glasses clinked and everyone clapped and cheered. As the men retired to the living room to congratulate the two bridegrooms and offer them husbandly advice over another round of drinks, the women congregated in the kitchen to do the dishes, and to provide advice and congratulations to the bride. "You are a very, very lucky young woman indeed," said Grandmother Carlos. "And to have a child already," she observed, shaking her head in disbelief. "I was your age when I had my first child you know," she beamed. "And was blessed with thirteen more." Fourteen children. Annette shuddered with the thought. "You will not be disappointed," observed Rosa. "Inside that rough exterior, Billy and Juan are both good boys. You will find nobody more dedicated to family than they are." Yeah, right. He was married and had a child and another well on the way when he'd begun jumping her. How much of a family man was that? Of course Annette could not say that as much as she wanted to and just sat there and smiled. Cory, who had situated himself as near the kitchen as he could to hear but still be with the men, had managed to read her sceptical and sarcastic thought despite the noise, and he could ask the question, deciding to direct it to Mamma Dean. "Of course, we must not confuse a man's love and loyalty to his wife and family with his basic needs and instinct to fulfill his duties as a man," she said, the possibility Annette might not understand how a married man can get another woman pregnant popping into her mind for some reason. "Ah, yes, my man had many children by many women, but only one wife," observed Grandmother Dean. "You cannot expect a virile young buck to be satisfied with just one woman." "Though you can certainly try," said one of the aunts slyly with a smile and twinkle in her eyes, causing the younger girls to giggle. "You must by all means, keep your man satisfied," said one of Juan's sisters as she juggled two young babies on her lap. "Bear him many children, and while you are heavy with child, use the other parts of your body to satisfy him." Again there was much giggling, and Cory delighted in the images he was receiving. "Just remember, the duty of a wife is to serve and obey her man, in all things. The man is the head of the household." "At least a shrewd woman knows how to make a man think that he is," said one of the aunts to the amusement and agreement of the others. "But how can a woman have more than one husband?" Annette finally dared to ask. "Why not? In the days of old, did not King David have a wife and a t'ousand concubines, wit' the approval of God?" asked Callie. "I don't think I could handle a thousand husbands," observed one of the girls. "But think of the fun of trying," said another, causing another round of giggling. To Annette's shock the women were certainly much more ribald than those of her family or the families of her friends. Cory was quite enjoying the conversation. "With Billy and Juan, you have nothing to fear. They are both good boys, and know how to appreciate a woman." "They have shared things right from their birth." "Including the same nipples," Juan's mother observed, glancing over at Billy's mother with a knowing smile. "Dose boys!" she chuckled as she recalled what Juan's mother was thinking. "If one seen the other being suckled, he put up a fuss until he got the other teat!" "So it is little wonder they still share the tits of the same girl!" one of the sisters observed, causing another round of laughter. Annette blushed. Was there anything they didn't know, or didn't talk openly about? "The children have taken to you already," observed Grandmother Dean. "You will be a good mother. A very good mother." She patted Annette on the thigh, causing Annette to tense. So close had the link between them formed that Cory could feel her revulsion being touched by the black woman. What compassion he had for her up until then vanished feeling such strong hatred and prejudice and he was tempted to accent her fears and feelings of disgust just to make her more miserable, but instead he supported the grandmother's belief, building on Annette's fond memories of her childhood and using her maternal instincts of love for her own child and extending that feeling to include her future stepchildren. It was not easy, and he knew he was only marginally successful. Meanwhile Juan and Billy were getting their own advice from the men, their uncles reminding them it was their duty to keep their women sexually satisfied, and impregnated, everyone knowing the more children a man had the greater his virility. They also reminded them they were to protect and cherish all women and particularly the woman they chose as wife, and to let their wives think they were the bosses once in a while but to never let them forget who ran the household. In time the youngest children were ushered off to makeshift beds, and Billy and Juan indicated that they and Annette were turning in early also. The entire family of course knew why and the three were given much ribbing as they headed up the stairs to the guest room that had been set aside for them. For the hundredth time that evening Annette wanted to die, but at least she would be free from the relatives below her. "Ramon, why don't you show our other guest where the two of you will be sleeping?" "Of course, Aunt Rosa. May we take a few pastries to eat, and maybe some ostiones?" "It is perhaps Juan and Billy who should have taken a plate of ostiones," joked one of the uncles to the laughter of the others. "I doubt if either needs them," observed Rosa with a smile. "Of course, you take as many as you want," she continued, looking at Ramon. "And let us know in the morning how many worked," joked an older brother. It was not even ten o'clock yet, but Cory followed the boy up the stairs. He wasn't the least bit tired. Taking him down to the end of the hallway, Ramon pushed back the sheet that had been hung across the corridor to form a tiny hideaway at the end no more than six feet [1.80m] long. Several heavy blankets were spread out on the floor on which were piled several pillows. A cross with Jesus hanging from it had evidently been hastily hung on one wall. "What do you think? I made it myself for us." "You made it yourself?" Ramon nodded proudly. "When Juan said I should sleep with you tonight. We even have our own little window," he indicated. "We could even read, the light from the streetlight outside is so bright, if that is what you want to do," he said with an impish grin. "But if you like dark we can hang a pillowcase over the window." Placing the plate heaped with snacks on the windowsill, Ramon took one of the pastries and stuffed it in his mouth as he glanced up at Cory expectantly. "Very nice," Cory admitted. "Nice and cozy." Ramon beamed. "What was that about the ostiones?" he asked. "About needing them and stuff." "They are mangrove oysters," Ramon explained. "You know the joke about oysters?" Cory shook his head. "Well, there was this man who was drinking at this bar, and he looked real sad, so the bartender asked why, and the man said he was having difficulty getting a bone. You know what that is?" Cory smiled as he nodded. "Well, the bartender said what he needed to do was eat some oysters, because they help a man get hard. So the man ordered a dozen, and then went upstairs with this ho. The next day he sees the bartender and says he wants his money back. The bartender asks why, didn't the oysters work. And the man says, just eleven of them." Cory laughed and the boy giggled. "Juan said you were to sleep with me?" Ramon nodded. "Momma says nobody should ever go to bed alone, and she said Gramma told her that, and Gramma said her mother said that before her. Juan and Billy said you were very special, and I was to make you feel specially good." "Oh, did they? Just how old are you?" "I'm going to be eleven." "Yeah? When?" "Next year. I turned ten last week." Cory looked at him. He was short and light for his age, four foot three [1.30m] and sixty pounds [27kg], and still had full cheeks and the looks of a boy several years younger. "If you'd like a boy older, more your age, or older yet, or a boy younger, I have brothers and cousins. Or if you'd rather a girl 3;" "No. I'd rather you," Cory said. If Billy and Juan had chosen him, they have to have good reason. Ramon beamed again. "I will make sure every oyster works," he promised seriously as Cory reached for one, and the two boys giggled. "Do you want to make sex in the light, or in the dark?" "In the light, so I can see you." With a happy smile, Ramon slipped off his shirt and pulled his T-shirt off over his head. His jeans and jockey shorts quickly followed. His skin was a deep reddish-brown from top to bottom. Cory quickly followed, chucking his clothes aside. Puffing up the pillows, Ramon told him to lie back, and picking up one of the oysters, he fed it to Cory. "That's two," he said with a twinkle in his dark brown eyes and an impish grin. Wiping his fingers off on Cory's teats, he snuggled down and began to lick them and Cory squirmed with pleasure immediately rippling out from his nipples. It was sort of hot watching the younger boy laying there licking his teats and it did not take them long to grow hard. Ramon sucked on them for a few minutes, and then skipped his lips down Cory's smooth chest, past his waist and over his flat stomach. He nibbled on Cory's inner thighs and licked them, causing Cory's cock to twitch and begin to swell. Slipping his lips about the soft worm, the recently turned ten-year-old boy sucked on it gently, allowing the heat and moisture of his mouth and the fact it was in his mouth do the job. Once Cory was stiff, he slipped his lips off and tickled the tip with his tongue, causing Cory to jerk and squirm with arousal and the boy to giggle at the pleasure he was causing. Crouching there between Cory's outspread legs, he teased his cock, pulling back his foreskin and licking the rim of his sensitive knob, striking at his peehole with the tip of his tongue, and nibbling on the blood-engorged bulb. Cory trembled as he felt the boy's hair brush against his thighs as he lowered his head and licked the insides of his thighs, and then slowly moved up to lick his low-hanging balls before taking first the lower one, then the other, and then both in his mouth and gently sucking on them. Working up a mouthful of saliva, he drooled it over Cory's knob, allowing it to ooze down over the bulb and down the shaft and over his nuts. Lapping his spittle back up, he drooled it over Cory's now twitching, aching cock again. Finally slipping his mouth over the aching flesh, Ramon began to suck gently as he ever so slowly drew his lips up and then back down his shaft. At the same time he caressed Cory's hips and thighs and his backside. As Cory's breath became deeper and more strained as the pressure rapidly began to build in his loins, Ramon bobbed his head faster, sending thrills of arousal through the irritated bulb. Cory tensed with his approaching climax but before he reached it Ramon clamped his lips down tightly below the knob and paused, cutting off his desire and allowing him to calm back down. And then he resumed, again sucking gently on the throbbing, aching knob and then slowly slipping his smooth, moist lips up and down the shaft, at the same time caressing Cory's buttocks and his thighs. Again Cory felt that delightfully painful pressure developing deep in his loins and he thrilled with the burning of his knob and the throbbing deep in his loins, looking forward with anticipation to his climax. Slipping his lips off the now rapidly twitching early teen cock, Ramon sat there and caressed Cory's thighs as his stiff cock jerked and his knob burned. Cory was panting now as if he'd made a dozen laps around the gym. Ramon held his cock at the base and swirled his tongue about his exposed knob, causing Cory to arch his body with his impending climax, only to have Ramon again cut him off at the last moment. "Oh Jesus," Cory groaned in delight. "Before the night is over, you will see God," said Ramon with a grin, his smooth, bean-brown skin reflecting the street light. Cory did not doubt his word.
"Happy?" asked Billy. "Yes," Annette replied, having calmed down after the barrage of noise downstairs and the excitement of the evening. She'd have been happier if it had just been the two of them in the tiny room. They had stripped, and the two men were sitting there on the edge of the bed, one on either side of her with her lying on her back, Billy caressing her stomach and Juan stroking her hair. "It will be a big baby. Lucille was never that big with any of our children at this stage," observed Juan. "That is true." It was weird, hearing them speak of their wife that way and hearing them talk so openly about Billy's baby. She still didn't understand how two men could have one wife, or how a man could let his wife bear the child of another man. It was not the first time the three of them had stripped and the two of them had caressed her, but usually one or the other or both were eager to get off and had initiated some sex act by now. Tonight they had been slow and uncharacteristically gentle, and had talked as they had caressed her body, about how beautiful she was, and how lucky they were, and how happy she was going to be. Their hands caressed her body, Billy's dark black hand caressing her swollen stomach with gentle, sweeping circles, Juan's reddish-brown hand gently caressing her breasts with the same sweeping circles. His hand slipped down her narrow waist as Billy's rose, the two hands passing, the dark one now squeezing and stroking her other breast, the reddish-brown one now stroking her stomach. The two men leaned forward and kissed her on the cheeks, and then the lips, Billy first, Juan second. Their hands roamed her body, passing each other, occasionally brushing against each other, occasionally one slipping over the other. Taking her right hand, Billy guided it to his thighs and stroked himself with it for a moment before returning to her stomach, leaving her hand there to continue caressing him. Juan took the other hand and placed it on his shoulder and as she began to caress his smooth, strong back he returned to her breast. It was slow and gentle and it felt so strange to have the two men caressing her at the same time as she caressed them. She relied on their guidance though she'd engaged in foreplay with the two of them dozens of times by then, more often one on one, or with one focussing on the front of her body and the other lying behind and focussing on her back side. Billy guided her hand to his sweat-damp balls and she gently stroked the dangling eggs, having learned how sensitive they were and how to bring him pleasure by playing with them. Juan brought her other hand down to his crotch to his half-swollen cock, and feeling it, she slipped her fingers about it. He did not have to guide her as she began to slowly stroke it, gently pulling back his foreskin and then ever so slowly pushing it back over his knob just as he liked it, as she'd learned to do. With the two men caressing her and with her caressing their genitals, it did not take them much longer to become erect, and feeling the heat and strength in that solid flesh, she began to feel the heat pulsating from between her legs also. The two men were skilled lovers, and knowing how she was feeling, they ran their hands down to her lower torso as they lie down on either side of her. They kissed her cheeks and her lips again, Billy caressing her rapidly swelling pussy, Juan caressing her tender backside. His hands slipped up over her right hip as Billy's slipped up the inside of her left thigh and over her hip to her left buttock as Juan's ran gently over her now throbbing pussy. She stroked their now rock hard cocks, knowing to keep her strokes to their shafts least she get them too hot. Billy's hand returned, and as he stroked her swollen, parted labia so did Juan, their fingers rising and falling together, each on a lip, then Billy's slipping up along the hot, moist crack, following by Juan's. She squirmed with her growing arousal as she felt her fluids flowing and filling her vagina. The two men began to caress her breasts and her cunt more passionately, their hands pressing hard and squeezing tighter, moving faster and touching each other more frequently. They were all breathing deeply now, the spicy scent of their sweat now adding to the fragrance of garlic on their breaths and of sweet nectar from the freshly cut flowers in the small, confined room. Billy slowly began to move on top of her and as Annette spread her legs he slipped between them. He rubbed the knob of his swollen cock between the lips of her pussy, coating it with her juices and causing her to tremble in anticipation. Balancing on his knees and elbows, he mounted her, there on the narrow bed with Juan laying beside them and caressing her thighs and her breasts. His long, black cock slowly entered her hot, pulsating pussy, inch by inch until his coarse, black hairs were brushing against her curly red ones. Breathing heavily with arousal, he kissed her neck and her cheek, and then fastening his lips to hers, he slowly raised his hips, easing his long, stiff cock back out of her body until the knob was stretching apart her labia. He slowly sank again, his lips still attached her hers, sucking the breath out of her. She inhaled through her nose, the mixed fragrances of flowers, sweat and garlic filling her lungs as her lover, the father of her as of yet unborn child, fucked her, his best friend laying beside them and gently and lovingly caressing the underside of her raised thighs. She trembled with the pleasure pulsating through her vagina and the burning of her stretch labia, Billy's long cock probing her depths and the thick shaft stretching her cunt muscles open. He worked slowly this night, pausing frequently to allow the building pressure in both their loins to subside and then resuming, bringing them slowly to that peak a second and then a third time, each time arriving sooner and the need growing stronger until the pleasure was a desperate ache. And then Billy came deep inside her, lunging forward with a groan of pleasure, driving his long cock up her vagina and spurting out his thick, hot lava, mingling his slimy juices with hers, her cunt filled with her own hot slime and bathing his throbbing cock. She trembled with her own orgasm, gasping and groaning with a pleasure only a woman can know as wave after wave pulsated through her hot, dripping cunt. She tightened her thighs about her black lover and wrapped her arms about him, crying out in the ecstasy of her climax and of his, feeling such ecstasy and at the same time such humiliation aware that Juan laying there beside them saw and heard the pleasure she was feeling and that the father of her unborn child had brought her.
Down the hall in the little temporary hideaway Cory cried out in ecstasy also, his twice delayed climax arriving at last. He arched his body and clenched his eyes as he felt his cum gushing up the core of his cock like hot lava rising up the core of a volcano, and then erupting into Ramon's hot, moist mouth. Never had he come so desperately nor so copiously. Spurt after spurt of his early teen cum squirted out the burning tip, filling the ten-year-old's eager mouth. He quivered and bucked with each spurt, his knob on fire, his cock swollen and numb beyond belief. "Oh Jesus," he groaned. "Oh fuck!" His chest heaving as he gasped for air, he threw back his head, his mind spinning with the power of his violent orgasm. Ramon kept his lips locked about Cory's stiff, throbbing cock throughout his bucking, and when the spurting finally subsided he continued to suck gently on the numb, overly sensitive organ, sucking out the remaining cum. Each time his tongue ran over the tender knob Cory spasmed and fresh cum oozed out of the tip of his aching cock. Finally slipping his lips off the numb tube and keeping them pursed, Ramon crawled forward and hovered above Cory, his face inches from his own, his eyes sparkling. Cory knew immediately his intention and as he parted his lips, so did Ramon. A semi-translucent blob of early teen cum formed in the centre of his puckered lips. As he parted his lips slightly more, the globule grew and then dropped in a shiny, translucent pendant into Cory's awaiting mouth. Another globule formed and followed the other down the thin streamer, and then another, like beads on a glimmering, silver thread. Cory trembled with the eroticism of having his early teen juice slowly drooled into his mouth, and as the eyes of the two boys met they sparkled with arousal. Pursing his lips and sucking in his cheeks, Ramon worked up more saliva and once again parted his lips, his saliva and the remaining of Cory's hot, early teen juice flowing from his mouth into Cory's. And then their lips met in a hot, passionate kiss, their lips moist with Ramon's spittle and Cory's cum. Pressing his lips tightly against Cory's, Ramon began to suck, and as Cory opened his puckered lips he felt the mixture of cum and saliva, his and Ramon's, being sucked back into the ten-year-old's mouth. He slowly and carefully blew through his puckered lips, forcing the hot, slimy mixture back into the young cocksucker's mouth. His cock, still stiff and the feeling slowing returning, jerked with the eroticism and he slipped his arms about the young, naked Puerto Rican and his thighs about his waist, drawing the slight boy tightly to him. As their lips finally parted, the two boys smiled at each other, their lips glistening in the light of the street light, and they simultaneously swallowed the slimy mixture, their eyes sparkling and their smooth cheeks flushed. "That is one ostione," Ramon said impishly and the two boys giggled.
Down the hall Billy rolled off Annette and the two lie there on their backs, their chests heaving and their bodies flushed as they closed their eyes and relished the pleasure passing over them, the throbbing between their legs slowly subsiding and a flush of pleasure flowing over their naked bodies. Juan lay there, relishing their delight as much as they, knowing not to intervene. The three of them lay there for a long time, until their breathing was back to normal and their hearts had stopped racing. Billy slipped an arm under Annette's neck and rolling over on his side, he kissed her cheek. Raising his upper torso, he leaned over and kissed her, softly and gently in thanks, and she returned the kiss. His other hand reached over and he cupped her right breast and gave it a gentle squeeze as they kissed again. Slowly it began to caress her firm, budding breast and seconds later another hand, this one reddish-brown, began to caress the other. Again the two hands roamed over her body, appreciating her supple, young flesh and arousing her passion once more. They gently ran over her swollen belly and above her unborn child, and along the sensitive underside of her thighs causing her to squirm and to jerk uncontrollably and worry that she might harm her baby with her bouncing. Once again they stroked her pussy, causing the flaccid lips to swell once more. Again a pink-palmed black digit ran up along the sensitive, moist slit, sending shivers through her cunt, followed by a bean-brown digit that slowly slipped into her hot, wet channel. The black hand guided hers to Juan's chest while the brown guided her other hand to his crotch. Her fingers slipped about his stiff organ and slowly began to stroke it. And then Juan was kneeling between her outspread legs, an arm on either side of her as he balanced his weight on his knees and elbows. He slowly lowered his body and a black pink-palmed hand guided it toward the awaiting lips. Slowly he felt her heat and moistness enveloping his stiff member; slowly she felt his hot, hard cock penetrating her, entering deeper and deeper until she felt his stomach pressing against hers, his loose, low-hung balls against the cord extending from her quivering, dribbling pussy to her anus. Slowly she felt the long, thick cock begin to withdraw, and then slowly probe her once more, sending shivers up her spine and ripples of pleasure through her vagina, its thickness stretching apart her lips and causing them to burn with the friction. Her breathing began to increase as she felt him inside her, slowly building her up again, and now Billy was stroking her tits and her thighs. She trembled with the pleasure his hands were bringing her, and the pleasure the hard, long cock thrusting in and out between her legs was creating. Her labia burned and ached, and she delighted in the pulsating pleasure as her cunt throbbed in time with the thick organ working inside her. She wrapped her thighs about the brown skinned Puerto Rican, her pale flesh contrasting with his, and as his lips met hers and kissed her passionately, she returned the kiss with as much desire. She could no more deny the pleasure throbbing between her legs than she could deny the beating of her heart. Conscious of the fact the father of her unborn child was lying there beside her watching and listening to her growing arousal as his best friend fucked her, she could not hold back and quivered and gasped with the ache between her legs, an ache that overpowered the ache in her heart. She contracted and relaxed the muscles of her cunt, working with the man above her, squeezing his dark brown cock as it thrust in and out of her body, pleasing him as a woman was supposed to please a man, delighting in the pleasure a man can bring a woman. Faster and faster her blood pumped, and above their laboured breathing she could hear the schlucking sound of his cock pumping in and out of her hot, juice-filled cunt. And then he came and she trembled with her second orgasm. Her body spasmed and she ground her groin against his as he shot his hot, thick cum up her vagina, hot spurt after hot spurt. His cum mixed with Billy's, his sperm with that of the husband of her unborn child, and she cried out with the pleasure.
And again down the hall Cory once more thrust his hips upward and clenched his teeth as he felt his cum, again twice delayed, finally erupting out of his numb, swollen cock and again into Ramon's mouth. As he trembled and gasped with the burning pleasure and felt the ten-year-old hungrily suck out his juice for the second time, he knew why Juan and Billy had chosen him to be his bed partner for the night. Despite his age, he knew how to bring another boy pleasure like nobody Cory had ever met. Again he shared the watery, slimy reward for his efforts with Cory, and then cuddled in the arms of the older boy, knowing that he'd done good. Cory slowly reached down and stroked the preteen boy's stiff, throbbing little cock in appreciation, sending shivers of delight through his slender body. The two boys glanced at each other with pleasure-filled eyes and kissed in the light of the street light. It was a long, lingering kiss and their hands gently caressed each other's naked body. Downstairs they could hear the strumming of a cuatro and the rhythmic beat of a bombas as one of his uncles began to sing a beautiful Latino love song. As their lips parted, Ramon reached up to the plate on the window sill. "We still have six ostiones each," he said, dropping one in his mouth and feeding the other to Cory.
Chapter Forty-One— Ft —
Thanks to Billy for suggesting the plot in this story and the character of Darien Wilson. Marian Wilson looked at herself in the hallway mirror for the tenth time. She was feeling as giddy as a school girl on her first date, and as worried about her appearance. Fortunately Matt had left early that morning while she was still asleep on an overnight camping trip with Nat Wilson and wasn't around to poke fun at her anxiety about a simple night out with whom he'd begun calling her young awe-struck admirer, and Cory was having a Friday/Saturday night sleep over at his new friend's, Dominic Halder's, and wasn't there to see his mother's angst as if she were his older teenage sister. As she studied the image in the mirror critically, she decided the dress she'd selected was too tight and too revealing. Her date after all was only fifteen. Well, he wasn't really a date. Sure, he had asked her out that evening, and there were just the two of them, and he had bought her flowers, a dozen roses, which had arrived an hour ago. She glanced at the flowers in the vase. They were beautiful. She looked back at her image. Perhaps if she put a shawl over her shoulders. She had a beautiful white lace with a design in gold thread that Matt had bought her for her thirty-fourth birthday that would be perfect with the dress and would cover up her breasts. Or, she could change dresses. The one she was wearing had been her third choice. The first had been too ordinary and made her look like a mother and wife, which of course she was but she didn't have to look the part, and the second was too formal and businesslike, making her look like a corporate executive. This one would have to do, and besides, a shawl solved the problem of choosing a necklace. Each one she'd put on had drawn attention to her cleavage, which under any other circumstance other than tonight she would not have had a problem with. Throwing the shawl over her shoulders and looking in the mirror again, she decided without a necklace she looked incomplete. The silver one with the diamond pendant and matching earrings went nice with that dress, but they were expensive and might embarrass her date. She knew Darien came from a rich family and had a generous spending allowance, but she didn't want to overdress. She settled for the short string of pearls. It didn't hang down and it drew attention to her neck, not what was below. She looked at her image again and wondered if maybe she shouldn't have worn any lipstick or makeup. She had put it on sparingly. Going without any makeup had made her look pallid in her red dress. Maybe she shouldn't have put on the eyeshadow. The doorbell rang, putting her out of her misery. Inhaling nervously, she opened the door. Darien was a tall boy for his age, five-foot-seven-and-a-half [1.71m], and mature looking with his perfectly groomed hair, high cheekbones and strong chin, and he always dressed fashionably, but even knowing that did not prepare Marian for the handsome young man standing at the door. He was no boy, and he was absolutely dashing. His black suit was tailor-made, not something he'd picked up off the rack, and it and his powder blue silk shirt were both from Armani, and top of the line. Even his silk bow tie had to have cost a pretty sum. His layered, jet black hair was gelled and combed back, not a strand out of place, and his shoes so highly polished you could likely see your reflection in them. His downy as of yet unshaven cheeks and smooth, crimson lips, however, revealed his true age. "You look absolutely gorgeous," he observed, his rich brown eyes sparkling and his wide, open grin infectious. "And so are you," observed Marian. "Has anyone ever suggested you should consider becoming a model?" "No," he replied with an even wider smile as he blushed modestly and chuckled self-consciously, adding to his boyish charm. "Well, you should." He gave another self-conscious chuckle and they stood there awkwardly for a moment. "Oh, I bought you this," he said abruptly, handing her a small gift-wrapped box that he had been holding. "Another gift? You shouldn't have. The flowers by the way were beautiful. Thank you." "You're welcome. They were for going out with me tonight. This is for Valentines, and for all the time you've been spending with me these past three weeks." "I've enjoyed every minute of it." That was true. Darien and his brother had come over the past three Sundays and had spent the entire day, then last Monday for the entire evening, and each time the hours had flown by and she'd hated to see him leave. Unwrapping the gift and opening the jewellery box, she stared at the pendant and earrings. Made of rubies and cut in the shape of hearts, they were simple in design but beautiful, and very expensive. She could not possibly accept them. As she looked up at him she tried to think how she could graciously decline the gift. It had to have cost far too much, and was the sort of thing a lover gave his beloved. "You don't like it." "Oh no! It's perfectly gorgeous!" "It's too tacky." "No! Not at all!" "It does sort of match your dress." Marian looked at the gift again. Removing her earrings, she reached behind her and unhooked the pearl necklace. "I didn't mean you should change. The pearls match too!" he said in a sudden panic. Assuring him it was not a problem, Marian turned and he hooked the necklace for her and she put on the earrings. The ruby hung low, down to where her cleavage began. "It's beautiful." "So are you," Darien observed, stepping up behind her and slipping his arms about her as he looked over her shoulder at her image in the mirror. He was the same height as she was though with her hair done up and in her high heels she looked taller. Damn, she'd forgotten about the heels and that they would make her look taller than her date. Always tall for her age, she'd never have made that mistake when she was fifteen. She reprimanded herself. Their comparative heights didn't matter. She was thirty-seven, not fifteen, and he was not her date. Looking at their image in the mirror, she saw his eyes drop and admire the ruby, and her breasts. The shine of lust in his dark brown eyes did not offend her. She had nice breasts, and he was fifteen after all. As she inhaled, his cologne, freshy and spicy, like him, caused her heart to speed up. She might not be fifteen, but at the moment she felt like it. As they left the house, she left the shawl behind. "So, where are we going for dinner?" "I've made reservations at Duane's," he replied as their chauffeur opened the door of the limo for them. Duane's. Riverside's Triple A Four Diamond Restaurant at the Mission Inn was one of the most expensive restaurants in the city. Of course when a boy-young man-is chauffeured around town in a limo and has a weekly allowance of five hundred dollars from a Trust, that he'd chosen Duane's did not come as a surprise, other than that he and his brother were not the type to flaunt their wealth. The dinner began interestingly. The waiter asked if they would like to begin with something to drink, as waiters do, looking at both but addressing Marian, dismissing Darien as the boy he was. "We'd like a bottle of Château Mouton Rothschild Pauillac," announced Darien without looking at the wine list, "1986." "Ah, well," the waiter replied with poorly concealed amusement, "I'm sorry but we can't serve 3;" "Of course you can't. I'll have water." "Actually, water is fine for me also," Marian intervened. "You'll love the Pauillac," Darien insisted. "It has a wonderful flavour, a combination of chocolate, raspberries and spices." He looked up at the waiter expectantly. "Yes, an 3; ah, excellent choice." The waiter glanced at Marian uncomfortably. "But, ah, well, the price of such a vintage 3;" "Do you normally discuss the price of wine with your patrons?" Darien asked, his voice with just a hint of sharpness. "Well, no, but I thought 3;," the waiter stumbled, clearly uncomfortable now. Darien took out his wallet and opened it. "Really, that's not going 3;," he began, figuring the boy was going to give him a bribe. Instead, Darien handed him a business card. "Just give that to the wine steward, and be quick about it if you will. We are due at the philharmonic at seven-forty-five." He glanced at Marian apologetically as the waiter left. "I'm really sorry about that. He must be new here." "That's all right," she replied, feeling sorry for him. He was trying very hard to make a good impression and to be so grown up. "But wine really wasn't necessary." "Grandfather says that a meal without a good wine is like bratwurst without mustard. Dijon of course," he added with a smile. "I've added that last part on my own." Marian laughed and he blushed with pleasure. His conversation, like his manners, was far beyond his years. The waiter returned with remarkable speed, with the bottle and profuse apologies. Uncorking it and leaving the cork beside Darien, he poured a sample in his wine glass. He picked up the cork and examined it and sniffed it, and then swirled the wine in his mouth. "Just as Grandfather said it was," he pronounced. The waiter filled Marian's glass, and then unobtrusively picked up Darien's and holding it below the table out of sight filled it also. He had barely left when another waiter appeared to take their order. Marian had never seen such prompt service. "May I suggest we begin with the Chilled Seafood Presentation?" Darien asked. Marian glanced at the menu. Jumbo gulf shrimp, north Atlantic oysters, Alaskan king crab legs, and Australian lobster tail with the traditional accompaniments for two: how could she say no? "I'll follow that with the onion soup, and Duane's Chopped Salad (a Julienne trio of lettuces, red onion, mushrooms, green olives, bacon, hearts of palm and crumbled blue cheese tossed with garlic vinaigrette.) And with my rib chop, could I have the lobster mashed potatoes, grilled asparagus spears, and a side dish of mushrooms?" "Of course, very good sir," the waiter replied with a deep, subservient bow, unable to hide the impressed look passing over his face. "And for madam?" Marian had planned on ordering the cheapest meal on the menu, but that would be blatant. "I'll have the spinach salad, with butter and cream, and the filet mignon and lobster tail, with garlic mashed potatoes and sauteed baby corn." "Very good, madam," he replied, again with a deep bow. Marian took another sip of wine. It was very good. It had the taste of chocolate, raspberries and spice as he had said. She would have been even more appreciative had she known it was six hundred dollars a bottle. "It has an exceptionally elongated aftertaste, doesn't it?" Darien asked, taking a sip of his. He was not being pretentious. He really did know his wines, and his food, thanks to the upbringing of his parents and the influence of his grandparents. The conversation went by quickly and enjoyably. The food was excellent, the corn in butter and cream sauce smooth and sweet, the steak and lobster perfect, and she giggled as he speared a mushroom sauteed in butter, garlic and white wine and fed it to her. She was eating a lot of garlic, but it was not as if they were going to share a goodnight kiss or anything. He easily devoured his twenty-five-ounce rib eye. He was still a growing boy. And they easily finished off the wine. Stuffed, she declined dessert. "Perhaps after the performance then," he said. When they delivered the bill, there was no mistake this time. It was discretely left beside him. Marian could not help but notice Darien slipped a five and four one hundreds into the folder. It was a short walk to the Riverside Performing Arts Centre and they had time to pause and enjoy the gardens, fountains, and waterfall oasis surrounding the Riverside Municipal Auditorium before entering the concert hall. Their seats, like everything else that evening, were the best. The concert the Riverside County Philharmonic performed that evening, All Beethoven, The Power and the Glory, was advertised as 'Bad Boy Beethoven.' Darien said that it was the philharmonic's attempt to attract a younger audience based on a marketing survey that had been conducted by grad students at Cal State San Bernardino. Featuring the renowned pianist Kirill Gliadkovski and performing Beethoven's Emperor Concerto and the powerful 7th Symphony, it was a delightful evening. "Would you like that dessert now?" Darien asked as they left the concert hall. "I'm still stuffed from dinner. It was delicious," she pronounced once again. "Well then, perhaps later," he said with a smile as they headed back to the Mission Inn. Later? It was ten-thirty at night. "Did you know earlier this year the philharmonic performed Jennifer Higdon's Fanfare Ritmico?" "Which was part of the largest commission in history of new works by women composers," replied Marian. "Yes, Matt and I attended it. It was beautiful." "It was. I attended it also, with Nat and my parents. Perhaps someday I will attend a performance to hear your work." "I'll never be that good," Marian replied with a humble laugh. "You already are," Darien replied, looking at her in admiration and causing her to blush. The Mission Inn was one of Riverside's most famous historic sites, begun in 1876 as a boarding house and renovated ten years ago and now occupying an entire city block and consisting of restaurants, including Duane's, dozens of little specialty shops and exterior arcades, a medieval-style clock overlooking the Spanish patio which included a castle courtyard and Mediterranean domes and flying buttresses, and 250 guest rooms and suites. The original owner's son had built it in stages in whatever historical architectural style that struck him at the time, and filled it with museum-quality artifacts that he collected around the world. With its narrow passageways and maze of patios, gardens and rotundas, it was like a self-contained medieval European city. Many famous people had stayed there, including the Regan's on their honeymoon. "Where are we going?" Marian asked, following Darien to the elevator and stepping inside. "I've taken the liberty of reserving us a room for the night." "A room?" she asked in surprise. "It is a long drive back to Briarwood. Besides, I didn't want the chauffeur to be sitting around bored while we ate and attended the performance. I dismissed him when he dropped us off." A room, overnight? The two of them? "I've done wrong, haven't I?" he asked, noticing her look of dismay. "No, no, not at all. I just, well, I just wasn't expecting 3;" "Like the necklace and earrings. I just did it without thinking what you might want or like. Mother says I'm rash and impulsive, like Father. I just want to thank you for all you've done for me." "I haven't done anything," Marian insisted, "and you've thanked me a thousand times over." "I'll phone the chauffeur," he said apologetically as he took out his cell phone. "I'm so sorry." "Don't apologize," she replied, putting her hand on his shoulder, feeling miserable for disappointing him. His gift, the incident over the wine, and now this. He was trying so hard and she was not making it easy for him. She remembered when she was young and just dashed ahead full speed. Matt had been like that too when they were dating, which was one of the many things that had attracted her to him. He still was and she loved him dearly for it. "We can at least look at the suite before we leave," he suggested as the elevator stopped. "Since we're here." "You ordered us a suite?" "One of the Moorish rooms along Author's Row. I've never stayed in one, but Mother says they are the most spacious and comfortable. She often books one when she is writing and needs solitude." By then they had walked down the corridor to the room. "Well, certainly, we might as well look," she agreed. She'd never have another chance, and besides, she'd already disappointed him enough times that evening. She could at least look. Spacious and comfortable were not the words she would have used. With a living room with an entertainment centre that included a fifty-inch [1.27m] flat screen tv, stereo and dvd player, a mini bar, and a large sofa that pulled out into a bed, a study with full Internet hookup, and a bedroom with a king-sized four poster bed, all done with a Moroccan theme with Moorish paintings, pottery, carpets and hangings, it was like nothing she'd ever imagined. "Oh my," she observed as she sat on the soft, expansive bed. "You could sleep in here and I can sleep on the sofa. I think it pulls out into a bed." "Nonsense. I'd never think of making you do that." "Good," he replied with that wide, open smile as he sat on the bed beside her. "I don't know how to open up the sofa." That was not what Marian had meant of course, but before she could respond he took her in his arms and gave her a long, passionate kiss. Several thoughts raced through her mind, the prime one being that she was thirty-seven and he was fifteen. That he was exceedingly handsome and virile was a very close second, followed by the fact she was married, happily and with a son two years younger than the boy kissing her was, and lastly, that her loins ached for him like she'd never felt them ache before. The second and third kisses confirmed all four thoughts. By the sixth the last thought had moved up to number one. As her blood began to race, she slipped her hands inside his suit jacket and over his silk shirt. It felt so sleek and sexy, and his body so firm and muscular under it. A knock on the door interrupted them. Darien looked at his watch. Eleven, just like he'd asked when he'd reserved the room. "Besides, I ordered us wine and dessert." He glanced apologetically at her but this time with a devilish grin. "I know. Presumptuous. I should have asked first. But you'll love the dessert, I've had it before, last November, for my fifteenth birthday." There was another knock at the door and he got up to answer it before she could object. Accustomed to providing room service to many rich guests and their children, the waiter was not surprised when he opened the door, though he was taken aback by the take-charge attitude when he was told he could roll it into the bedroom and could light the burners and open the wine, and he could not hide his reaction when he saw the only other person present was a woman over twice the boy's age. She was beautiful, and stacked, but she had to be in her thirties. That, of course, was none of his business, particularly when he was given a most generous tip. "Father says the same thing happened to him when he was dating my mother and for a time after they were married," he said as he poured them each a glass of wine. "The same thing?" "The looks of surprise, sometimes even outright disapproval, the hassles over his age when they went places," he elaborated as he handed her the glass. "My father is sixteen years younger than my mother." "I see. How old are your parents, if you don't mind me asking?" "Father turned thirty on the tenth of last month. Mother is forty-six." Marian took a long sip of the wine. Forty-six? Good God, his mother was nine years older than she was, and she had been sitting there on the bed kissing the woman's son, and getting aroused. To be truthful, she'd had the hots for him ever since the Sunday he and his brother had come over to their house three weeks ago. The moment their eyes had met she'd felt this attraction, this desire. A second thought hit her. If his father just turned thirty, and Darien was fifteen plus a few months, his father had to have been fourteen and some when he'd impregnated Darien's mother. She took another long sip. "It is good, isn't it?" Darien observed as he sipped his. At $774 a bottle, it had better be. "It is a Château Latour Pauillac 1990. Grandfather says it is one of raciest wines of the Madoc region. He says the vintage favours caramel, chocolate, licorice, dark cherry and roasted fruits." He took another sip and savoured it. "The review I read of the wine said the mouth is opulent. I quite agree." Okay, perhaps he was overdoing it a bit, but he was fifteen, and wanted so much to impress the woman he'd fallen in love with. Removing the cover of the fruit plate, he speared a pitted cherry and dipping it in the bowl of melted chocolate above the burner, he fed it to Marian. A bit of chocolate dribbled from the corner of her mouth and as he wiped it off with the tip of his finger and offered it to her to lick off, she did and they chuckled, in part with the arousal that suddenly shot through their loins, and in part with the nervousness that was making both their hearts flutter. "Grandfather says everyone had thought Mother had taken advantage of my father, that she had seduced him, but that wasn't the case at all. When they first met it was love at first sight, on both sides. That's what Father says. Mother says it was lust at first sight." He smiled at the thought and fed her a piece of cantaloupe dipped in melted caramel and had one himself. "Just like you and me." Marian choked on the cantaloupe. Putting his wine glass down, he looked into her eyes. "You do feel the same way as I do, don't you?" It was a confirmation, not a question. Marian opened her mouth, not sure what to say. She didn't have to worry about her response. Before she could speak, or close her mouth, he kissed her, slipping his tongue in her mouth. Her pussy twitched. She was about to pull away when he drew her to him and pressed his lips tighter against hers, his tongue still in her mouth, slipping over and under hers. A quiver of arousal ran up her vagina with the eroticism of the oral penetration. She had felt lust for him the first day they'd met. She could not deny that. And she felt unbelievable lust for him now, that instant, and it was not the wine or the lavish evening and all the money he'd spent on her, nor the hot kiss, though that all certainly strengthened her feelings. He began to slowly caress her back. She knew she should stop him right then and there. She should insist he call his chauffeur and take her home, or at least make it clear from the onset that he would be sleeping on the sofa. What was she thinking? She wasn't. There could be no onset. Breaking their kiss, he dipped a sundew in chocolate and holding it between them they both nibbled on it and then kissed again when their lips met, their breaths smelling of garlic and chocolate and wine. His arms slipped about her and she slipped her arms about him, under his jacket once again. His silk shirt felt even sexy to her touch and his body even firmer than before. He pressed his lips tighter, more passionately, spreading his fingers over her back, and she caressed his firm deltoids. Slipping his jacket off his shoulders and allowing the expensive garment to fall to the floor, she returned his kiss, and as he ran his hands down her back to her waist and back up, she inhaled deeply with nervousness and growing arousal. She was thirty-seven, he fifteen. His deep brown eyes were so sexy, his cologne so erotic. She could be his mother. He was such a good kisser. He was unzipping the back of her dress. She knew she should stop him. She knew where this was going to lead. Her dress slipped down off her shoulders and he drew it down. Easing him down on his back she half rolled on top of him, raising her hips so that he could continue easing her dress down. It joined his jacket on the floor. As he once again began to caress her back, she untied his silk bow tie. It was actually tied, not one of those snap ons. He kissed her cheeks and neck and the top of her breasts as she unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it out of his trousers and slipped it off his shoulders. His body was smooth and muscular, the body of a young man who watched his diet and exercised. Sierra Academy, the school for the gifted and talented that he attended, ensured its pupils had a rounded education that challenged the mind as well as the body. He lay on his back and looked up at her dreamily with those deep brown eyes filled with puppy love as she unbuckled his belt and slowly pulled down his fly. Unclasping the clasp of his trousers, she tugged on them and he raised his hips so she could ease them down. Drawing her to him, he lie there on his back with her on top of him and they embraced and kissed, cocking their heads to the right and the left, pressing their lips together as their hands massaged each other. Sitting up, he quickly untied his shoes and removed them along with his socks and trousers. Picking up their wine glasses, he handed her hers and clicked it with his. "To you, and an enchanted evening," he said as he raised his glass to his lips and they drank. "And to you, my charming prince," she replied, clicking his and taking another long swallow. Putting down her glass, she dipped a cherry in chocolate and as he lay on his back she fed it to him. As he gazed up at her with those deep brown eyes, as dark as the chocolate in the melting pot, she melted with the flame burning between her legs. His lips were moist and cherry red, his cheeks so soft and crimson. He was gorgeous. They lay there in their underwear and fed each other as they finished the glass of wine. He could not help admiring her breasts amply revealed in her lacy bra, and she could not help dropping her eyes to the bulge evident in his tight navy blue jockey shorts. "Did you know licorice was once considered an aphrodisiac?" he asked as he dipped the melon in the third melting pot and offered it to her. "I think it's working," she replied with a smile, her body flushed and her mind spinning, not from the alcohol but from the lust that had been welling up in her loins. "Oh yes," he said, taking her hand and placing it on his crotch. The bulge had definitely grown. Their lips met again, their breaths with a mix of chocolate, caramel, licorice and wine and still a hint of garlic. As Marian rolled over onto her back, Darien reached over and shut off the flame on the fondu burner, another flame having been ignited between his legs. He rolled over on top of her, his almost naked body pressed against hers, and as she slipped her arms about his waist he kissed her again, firmly and passionately, and again slipped his tongue in her mouth. She quivered as she felt it again slide over and around her own tongue, and she sucked it into her mouth as she reached down and squeezed and palpitated his firm, compact buttocks. Of all the attributes of a man, she loved his butt the most, and Darien had a most attractive butt. He kissed her cheeks and her neck and returned to her lips, nibbling at them and then kissing them lightly at first and then forcefully and passionately again. He was a skilled lover, having been introduced to the art of lovemaking at an early age and having had several sexual experiences with the opposite sex besides with his brother. That he was no virgin was no surprise given his looks and physique and his charm. His experience and skill showed as he kissed and caressed Marian, gradually increasing her passion gently and passionately and yet skilfully sending shivers of desire through her body with each intimate touch and kiss. Marian had been introduced to the art of lovemaking at an early age also, and although she had been faithful to Matt these past fourteen years, with the recent exception of Cory's two young friends, Marian had not forgotten those skills as she similarly fanned the flames of Darien's desires, being careful not to go too fast knowing the hair trigger reaction of men, and particularly youth. Reaching behind her and effortlessly unsnapping her bra, evidence of his skill and experience, he removed it and slipped his hands around and cupped her tits and squeezed them and caressed them. Running her fingers over his smooth, firm pecs, she inhaled deeply with desire as he caressed her breasts with a gentle, caring touch. Wiggling down, he skipped his lips over them, kissing them reverently. He slipped them over her nipple and sucked on it, sending ripples of pleasure through the teat and her breast and up her vagina. As he sucked, she slipped her hand down and caressed the bulge in his shorts, now fully extended and rock hard. He was impressibly hung for fifteen, longer than many grown men. She continued to stroke the firm, thick tube of flesh as he kissed and sucked on one nipple and then the other until she could take no more. Slipping her hands under the elastic band of his underwear, she eased them down over his delightful bubble butt, and then unhooked them from his stiff pole and drew them down in front. Sitting up on the bed, she drew his underwear off and sat there in just her panties and nylons and took in his beauty. He was a Greek god, a god with a smooth, sculptured, athletic body, gorgeous jet black hair, and below a silky pubic bush a long, firm cock with full, low-hung balls. She trembled with arousal at just the sight of him, youthful and full of life, his moist, deep brown eyes filled with lust, his manhood standing up proud and firm, for despite his age he was very much a man. Their eyes locked, she slowly rolled down first one nylon and then the other and dropped them on the floor beside his underwear. His eyes slowly lowered and his chest rose and fell with growing desire as she slipped her fingers beneath the elastic band of her panties and slowly began to ease them down, revealing her curly auburn hairs and then her swollen, aroused pussy. Dropping her panties beside his underwear, she laid down on top of him and they embraced and kissed, totally naked now, their passions ignited and desire burning in their loins. Their kisses were forceful and filled with lust, their caresses firm and eager. He drew her tight against him, delighting in the firmness of her breasts as they pressed against his naked chest, she delighting in the firmness of his manhood as it pressed against her flat belly. He caressed her firm, round buttocks, squeezing them and kneading them as she caressed his broad shoulders and smothered him with kisses. His hand ran along her thighs, sending ripples of pleasure through her loins, and she ran her fingers over his chest, gently teasing his nipples with her long nails and sending pangs of painful pleasure through them. They rolled over and he paused and reached for his trousers. Taking out a tri-pack of Trojans, he took one out and quickly rolled it down his stiff cock and was between her legs again. She raised her hips and wrapped her legs about his waist as he knelt there on knees and elbows, and as she felt his sheathed knob press against her labia she pushed out, opening up to him. She was hot and ready and he was rock-hard and eager as only a fifteen-year-old can be. He penetrated her with ease, his knob popping inside her vagina with the first try. He slowly sank down, easing his cock up her hot, moist channel, delighting in its heat and wetness as it enveloped his aching cock. He eased it all the way in, until his low-hung balls were pressing against the cord running between her legs, and paused to enjoy the delight of her pulsating pussy, and to allow her the time to delight in his penetration. And then he began to fuck, slowly and steadily, easing his cock in and out of her aching cunt, and she worked with him, constricting her muscles and relaxing them in time with his thrusts and withdrawals. As he fucked he continued to kiss her, smothering her face and neck with hot, passionate kisses. He paused frequently, wanting to bring her to her climax and knowing it took a woman longer, though she was so hot for him that night he did not have to pause long for her to catch up to him, and more often than not had to pause so they would both cool down. He delighted in the pleasure throbbing through his stiff cock, but even more in the throbbing of her cunt, knowing the intense pleasure she was feeling. Twice he brought himself to his peak and then paused, allowing the pressure in his loins to subside. The third time he was ready, and he knew she was too. She marvelled at his skill and his patience, and as she felt herself approaching that peak for the third time she knew that they would go all the way. She gasped for breath and tensed her body as the pressure built, as the pumping of his stiff cock in and out of her body sent spasms of pleasure through her pulsating vagina and up to her womb, as the width of his shaft stretched open her labia and sent burning pleasure through the swollen lips, as his cock brushed against her clit and sent shocks of pleasure through her groin and caused her to jerk her hips uncontrollably. She massaged his naked back as his deltoids flexed and relaxed, as his trim, muscular body rose and fell. She inhaled again the fragrance of his spicy cologne and closed her eyes as she felt his cock throbbing in her cunt. So he was fifteen and she thirty-seven. What matter when they felt the way they did? His breath, laboured and hot, blew past her cheek as he exhaled and inhaled deeply, delighting in the fragrance of her perfume, delighting in the throbbing pleasure between his legs and in the building pressure deep in his loins. He knew she was about to cum and held back until she cried out and arched her back with the first wave of orgasm and then furiously pumped his hips, driving his rock-hard cock in and out of her pulsating pussy and delighting in the burning sensation around the rim of his knob and the throbbing of his shaft. His balls drew up tight beneath his cock and deep in his groin he felt a familiar twang and his teenage juice raced up the core of his cock and out the tip to become trapped in the thin condom encasing his organ. Shot after shot erupted from his body and he trembled with the pleasure as wave after wave of orgasm pulsated through her cunt at the same time. She pressed her body against his and wrapped her arms and legs about him tightly as she rode the wave of pleasure, and he threw back his head and trembled as his juice pumped out of his tight balls and into the pocket of the condom. Squirt after squirt of creamy juice spurted into the pocket and wave after wave of pleasure pulsated through her wet, dripping pussy. Panting and gasping with ecstasy they remained locked in each other's arms, his throbbing cock grasped tightly by her pulsating cunt, as they revelled in the pleasure throbbing through their bodies. At last they separated and lay there in the canopied bed in each other's arms. Their passion subsided, they exchanged tender kisses and looked dreamily into each other's eyes, the difference in their ages irrelevant compared to the mutual pleasure they had just experienced and their burning desire for each other, a desire they knew ran deep. The medieval clock in the Spanish plaza chimed midnight but neither was tired. Besides they had an almost full bottle of Château Latour Pauillac, a barely touched bowl of licorice, and two unused condoms left.