Chapter 39: Ftt
Daemon WayTeacherChapter Thirty-Nine— Ftt —
Thanks to Ben for suggesting expanding Cory's use of the headband to include mind reading and collaborating on the action between him and Cory's mother. «My mind to your mind, my thoughts to your thoughts, what's the fucking answer to question three?» There was no answer. Cory pressed his fingertips against his temple and forehead with more pressure and repeated the statement, adding a few facial ticks and eye movements for good measure. He got the same result. He really hadn't expected any. The Vulcan Mind Meld would be wicked if it was for real, but it was just an idea in an old television series. Besides, Spock would never have said fuck and in the tv shows he had to touch the other guy's head. It would look a little suspicious if he got out of his desk and went up to Goosey Gilles and put his hands on his forehead and said what he'd just said. Actually, that was funny, and he couldn't suppress the giggle. Those sitting closest to him glanced at him curiously. Well, nothing ventured, nothing gained. That was what his great-grandfather had often written in his Journal, which he'd gotten to reading every night before bed. Besides, he was fucking desperate. He hadn't studied for the exam. Hell, it was the weekend and he'd had things to do. Besides, whoever heard of studying on the weekend? Well, besides Wilbur Thornton who never heard of not studying, or Dominic Halder who was eager to please everyone and anyone, even a pompous, kid-hating asshole like Goosey Gilles. Julius had always been a total asshole, but he'd been even more so ever since they'd returned to school after Christmas. Someone had said Santa mustn't have given him what he wanted for Christmas, and someone else suggested maybe it was his wife who wasn't giving him what he wanted, and Anthony said maybe it was Mister Millburne who wasn't putting out, which gave everyone a great laugh. Actually, the conversation gave Cory a strange feeling considering that he knew Antoinette wasn't giving her husband any because she only wanted to give it to him, which was fine in that her husband didn't want it anyway, and wasn't worthy of what she had to offer besides. Actually, why he was behaving like such a cunt was a mystery to Cory. Goosey had everything that he could possibly want. His wife had gotten them a puppy for Christmas, which meant he could get his ass dog fucked any day and any time he wanted, and from the afternoon he and Anthony had spent with Goosey and his nephew Benji, there was no doubt the man loved getting it on with dogs, and that Rocky, his new pet Rottweiler, had no problems with getting it on with a man. Well, he didn't with a boy anyway. Cory had to smile as he thought back how Rocky had squirmed out from under Julius upon seeing Anthony's rump and had leaped on him and begun humping. He'd had a great time teasing Anthony afterward, telling him he had such an attractive ass even dogs couldn't resist fucking it, and asking if he was going to offer to take Lad for his daily walk for Terry now that Goosey had his own dog to be a bitch for. When Anthony had replied "don't knock it if you haven't tried it" he had smiled but Cory had sensed that his best friend was embarrassed despite having obviously liked it. He could understand that. It had to be sort of demeaning to be fucked by a dog, especially with him watching them. After all, that had been the whole point of using his headband to plant the idea and desire for Goosey to let Lad fuck him in the first place. That brought his mind back to Goosey. Thanks to the headband, he loved being a dog's bitch, and he now had now two dogs he could be a bitch for, which should make him happy. Also thanks to the headband he loved eating shit and drinking piss, and Bob Moser and Lane and Spence Spudder were making sure he was getting his fill of both, besides getting a good fucking if Lad wasn't around. And, speaking of fucking, his wife was a happy, bubbly expectant mom that had turned to baking to keep herself happy and her and her unborn child well fed, along with her whole family. Goosey had to appreciate that, and from the weight he was gaining, he evidently was not turning it down. Annette had to appreciate the extra food for her own baby too, and Julius had to be happy knowing he was going to be the grandfather to a healthy little black child in another five months. On top of that, he had to know his son Anton was following in his footsteps, spending all his time in the can at school and in the mall looking for cock, and was becoming a very adept bottom boy eager to please men and boys alike. So with all this to be happy for, why give a fucking exam on a Monday, and in physical education of all subjects? «Because in the real world nobody gets a break just because it's a Monday, especially teachers, and the sooner students learn what real life is about the better it will be for them. Besides, I hate Mondays. For one it means there's another week ahead of doing a job I hate doing, and for another, it means having to try to educate a bunch of worthless, spoiled brats for another five days. So why should students enjoy Mondays? And physical education is just as important a subject as any other so why shouldn't it have pen and paper exams?» Cory stared at Julius. The thought was as clear and loud as if the man had spoken to him. But he hadn't. He was sitting there staring at the exam paper on his desk as if totally lost in thought. «The answer to question three is?» he thought. Silence. Fuck! Had he just imagined Julius's answer to why he was giving an exam, or had he actually heard it, like read it in his mind or whatever? What had he been doing when he'd gotten the thought? Where had his fingers been? He put his fingers back where he'd had them on his temple and forehead. He concentrated. Nothing. Maybe he'd been touching the headband. Nothing. Fuck! Evidently there was no connection between Druids and Vulcans. He calmed himself and tried to recall exactly what he'd been doing and thinking. Emotions worked. He knew that now, that connecting a thought and an emotion allowed him to send suggestions a lot easier and for them to be integrated in the other person's mind. He also knew high emotion could put a person in a total trance where he could get a person to totally do whatever he suggested. That was not what he was trying to do now though. He was trying to read Julius's mind. When the message had come through, he'd just been sitting there thinking and wondering, thinking about Goosey and all the things he had to be happy for and wondering why he was being such an ass and why he hated kids so much, especially boys. He inhaled and exhaled deeply and focussed on wondering stuff as he stared at Goosey like why he didn't like boys. «I like boys, but desiring carnal relationships with boys is wrong. It's a filthy, degenerate perversion, one of Satan's infinite temptations.» The image of a teenager that sort of looked like Julian sitting in a church pew with a red-faced minister ranting up at the altar flashed through Cory's mind. «Besides, it's a hated practice in our society and almost every society in the modern world, so hated it's considered one of the worst crimes a man can commit, up there with murder and rape. Better to be hated by students as a teacher than to yield to temptation.» That made no sense at all and was totally confusing but he'd have to think about that later. Whatever he was doing he was doing it right. But how to relate it? He had to be quick. Giving exams on a Monday with tough questions like number three is sure to make a teacher hated. «The volleyball court is 29.5 by 59 feet [9x18m] divided into two equal sides by a net.» And four. «The height of the net for men is 7 feet 11 and 5/8 inches [2.33m].» Five. «The ball must be returned over the net after three hits.» Six. He was on a fucking roll! «A player must not hit the ball twice in succession.» Nineteen. «Back row players may spike if their takeoff is behind the three-metre attack zone.» And twenty. «A tip or placement is a lightly hit ball deflected or dropped onto the court of the opponent team.» "Cory? Cory? Hey, Cory?" "Huh?" "What did you think of the phys ed exam?" "Oh. It was breeze. I aced it." "Cha-ching!" "For sure," Cory said, high-fiving with Dominic without thinking. It was an automatic response for both boys. Dominic winced with pain. "You were thinking about Saturday, weren't you?" Before Cory could say he'd been trying to figure out just what exactly had happened in their physical education class and the things he'd 'heard' besides the answers he was seeking, Dominic continued. "Don't beat yourself up about it. You had nothing to do with it. Besides, how could anyone know my father would come home early?" Cory felt extremely bad for Dominic, and though Dominic didn't know it and would certainly disagree, he was sort of the reason Dominic had gotten the beating he'd gotten. Cory ached for him as badly as if he'd been beaten himself. Hell, when he'd confronted his conceited, bossy witch of a sister last Friday all he was trying to do was to stop her from bullying and hurting her kid brother and from trying to find out about him and Kenneth Ballard. When he'd used his headband to connect ideas and feelings of getting horny as fuck and needing Dominic to get her off whenever she thought of spanking him or hurting him, it had seemed funny at the time, especially planting the need to get fucked by him. Hey, he hadn't had that much time to think of something better, and besides, to his thirteen-year-old mind it was an appropriate revenge. How was he to know the witch would be so stupid as to do it at a time where the two of them would get caught by their father? Mind you the look on Dominic's father's face and on hers in the cam recording when he'd walked in and found his darling seventeen-year-old daughter with her legs spread and groaning and gasping with an orgasm was priceless, and certainly was just punishment for both him and her considering how mean they were to poor Dominic. What had been caught on tape afterward had totally sickened him, and after he'd gotten over his shock, he wanted to phone Billy Dean and have a contract put out on John Halder to give him a beating ten times what he'd given his son. Billy could do it. He had connections. He still might ask Billy to do it. Dominic didn't know about the tapes, nor that Cory knew about the beating. When he'd dropped by Dominic's on Sunday to ask how things were going, Dominic had told him that his father had caught them but that was all, and he'd said he'd accidentally run into the door frame, and was so dizzy from hitting his head he'd fallen down the stairs. Dominic was a terrible liar, and he hadn't believed a word of it, and had suspected right off that the black eye and swollen lip was Nicole's doing. He certainly had not expected to see what he'd found on the tape he'd retrieved from Nicole's bedroom and that he'd thought was going to be a hilarious video to jerk off to. The witch had put the total blame on Dominic too, telling her father after he'd cleaned Dominic up and put him to bed that he'd forced himself on her. That was on the tape too. Yeah, right, a thirteen-year-old boy who was the smallest boy of all the grade eight students at Lincoln Junior High and most of the grade sevens and as willing and eager to please others as he was, being a rapist! Of course his father had totally believed her. Now not only did he totally ignore Dominic, but he totally hated him too. Not only that, Dominic had said his father had called in their minister to put the fear of God in him and brainwash him with Catholic morality, which was funny in a sick sort of way considering the wild orgy Father Henry had in the park three weeks earlier, including some hot sex with Dominic himself. It would have been funny, except Father Henry had been racked with guilt and repenting ever since that day, and his ranting about immorality had doubled in intensity and frequency as he lashed out at everyone and everything in his attempt to absolve himself of his sin. Cory realized that he was, in an even more direct way, also responsible for the priest's current behaviour. Sadly, he'd learned that the same sort of thing had happened to young Jonah. Jonah's father, mortified by his behaviour that same afternoon like Father Henry, had been bent on repentance ever since, certain that Satan had been responsible for his behaviour. Of course he had included Jonah in that repentance, which involved beating the devil out of him with a willow branch at the slightest provocation and hours of prayer seeking forgiveness every day. Cory's attempts to approach the two ministers and plant other ideas in their heads had come to naught and had only seemed to make them worse. He'd come a long way in using his great-grandfather's headband thanks to his great-grandfather's Journal and the information Ben had found on mind control, but he wasn't that good, or else the band wasn't that powerful, one or the other. Speaking of Ben, he was in deep shit too. Ever since the incident with Ashley's panties for which they blamed him for being a bad influence on Ben, they'd forbidden Ben to see him. Of course that was sort of dumb in that they couldn't stop the two of them from seeing each other at school, and in the evenings and on weekends they had emailed each other and chatted by computer for hours. He felt bad for Ben knowing he had nothing to do with the panties bit but had been judged guilty by his parents and the teachers at the school while Ashley had gotten off Scott free, and he hated Ben's parents for not believing their own son and for keeping the two of them apart, not just for his own selfish reasons but because Ben had next to no friends as it was and he felt bad for him. Unfortunately, he couldn't even get near his parents to try to use the headband to change their minds, which from his lack of success with Father Henry and Pastor Winthrop he was beginning to doubt would work anyway. To make things even worse, Ben had felt sorry that his parents had unjustly blamed him for what was all Ashley's doing, and racked with guilt over their actions he had gone crazy trying to find information for him about mind control and anything related to it, like the latest, mind reading. That was what he'd spent most of his time Sunday on, reading the sites Ben had found and emailed him. The one on telepathy, quantum mechanics and string theory he didn't understand at all and had to have Ben explain it to him step by step over the chat line, but even then it was sort of a mystery. Okay, it was a fucking big mystery. The site was a lot easier to read and a lot more interesting, especially the Telepathy manual, but what would you expect from an article that says "some of this information could be used to harm yourself or others!" That had been the other thing he'd been thinking about when Dominic had interrupted his thoughts with the question what he thought about the exam that noon as he and the gang hung around outside the Seven-Eleven. "What are you doing staring at my girl? Hey, you! Dork! I'm talking to you!" The shove and shouting interrupted his thoughts again. It was Nick Dawson, Molly Vicker's boyfriend. "I wasn't staring at your girlfriend," Cory replied. Actually he probably was but hadn't realized it, his mind being elsewhere. "I was just thinking." "So, that was why you had such a stunned look on your face," Nick cracked, causing his closest friends, the in-crowd of Lincoln Junior High's grade nine's besides Molly, Trang and Ashley, to laugh. "Must have been pretty exciting. A new experience?" They all chuckled again. "Very funny," Cory replied with a smile. "You should go on television." "You think I'm that funny?" "No, then I could turn you off." "Oh, good one." Nick had a rapier wit, and he appreciated those who could match him, something very few could, which was one reason he liked Cory, and one reason why he didn't. He appreciated his sharp mind, which was more than just book learning, but he liked to be the star of the show, so any chance he had to trip Cory up he used it. He was very conscious what others thought of him, and especially Molly, who besides acting very weird lately was spending less and less time with him. Whatever was bothering her she wouldn't share with him, which he found very difficult to deal with in that in the past he and she had confessed some of their deepest and darkest secrets and in their declaration of their love for each other had sworn to never keep secrets from each other. He didn't know how exactly, but he had a feeling the reason for Molly's distance had something to do with Cory, and with mousey Ben Hanson, his favourite mark. It certainly couldn't be anything to do with him. "So what were you thinking, how Benny here looks in panties?" They all laughed again, except Ashley who looked a little pale and her laugh sounded fake. "What about you Benny? Picked up any pretty panties lately?" Ben stared down at the ground, his long strand of hair dropping down over his eyes as he turned a bright red. He was usually not noticed at all, and at the moment he wished this was one of the times. "You're so funny," Molly gushed, looking up at Nick with fluttering eyes and admiration like she used to in the past, a time she secretly longed for again. "And they're such losers," she continued, smugly looking down her nose at Cory and Ben. It felt good, and she had not felt good about herself for a long time. "Yeah, even the village idiot would look good beside them," Nick observed. "Oh, I forgot, they are the village idiots." His ingroup all roared. He was on a roll. "Com'on, we'd better be heading back to school." Purposefully pushing Ben aside, he commented about how chunky he was and how much space he took, knowing he was too shy to do anything about it, and he gave Dominic a shove with his elbow, saying he was such a shrimp on the other hand he hadn't seen him standing there. As the others sauntered past the boys, Trang stopped and whispered to Ben. "That was mean of him to bring that up about the panties, and your weight, Ben. Don't you pay him any attention. I like you, just like you are." She squeezed his arm and gave him that shy, innocent look that Asian girls can, and then hurried off to join the others. Ben felt a flush of warmth as he stared at her compact butt and wondered. He knew she was coming on to him in fun, and that once she'd hooked him again, as she would, for probably the hundredth time since he'd known her, she'd ridicule and embarrass him in front of the class. Cory glanced at Ben and knew what was going through his mind. He wished there was something he could do to fix Trang for the way she was playing with him, more than just flashing her goodies at their teachers and skanky old men like Molly was doing, and that there was something he could do to fulfill Ben's fantasies with her at the same time. Actually, he really wished he could do something to show Ben his appreciation for all the research he'd done for him and to cheer him up, like throw him a party with a dozen naked, big-busted women like those in Ben's porn collection and who would let him do whatever he wanted with their boobs. The least he could do was at least offer to give him a blow job or something to make him feel good. He'd never had a chance to show him the videos of Molly and Ashley he'd wanted to with Ben's parents having refused to allow them to see each other. The thought of the videos reminded him that Billy had phoned him on Sunday and had told him he had the most awesome vid of Molly and a friend of hers that Cory would love to see from the hidden cams in Room 131. He wondered what it was and how they'd ended up in Room 131, and if it would be something he could show Ben to show him the revenge he had devised on his behalf. The first step he had to find some way to get Ben over to his house. On the way back to school, he thought again about what had happened during the exam that morning and all he'd read that weekend at the sites Ben had found. The first step in mind reading the telepathy manual had said was to clear your mind, to close your eyes and block everything out and to just listen. He'd done that during the exam now that he thought about it. He'd blocked out everything, his classmates, all the sights and smells and sounds in the room, the smell of chalk and Fats's lunch and Molly Vicker's perfume, the Spaz's shuffling and sniffing and the rustling of exam papers, the pen in his hand, everything, and he'd listened, listened for Goosey's answer. The second step had been to recall your target, which he realized he'd done too. He'd thought about what an asshole Goosey was and all the things he should be thankful for. And that was when he'd heard him or read his mind or whatever, that shit about really liking boys but carnivals being sinful or something. That had been weird and confusing, but he'd sent a message back, asking about question three, pinging him the web article had called it, which was sort of like what he'd learned to do initially with the headband, way back in September when he'd told his mom to go frig herself. Then it had all just flowed, the rest of the test answers, Goosey's thoughts to his thoughts, Goosey's mind to his mind. The telepathy manual had called it linking or some shit, but he hadn't had time to read up on that part. Unexpected company had arrived and had distracted him. His Language Arts class right after lunch was all about infinitives and participles and shit and he had to concentrate too hard for him to think about other things, but toward the end of the lesson in Mrs Pakorny's history class she gave them a reading assignment. As he sat there staring down at his text, he put his hand up blocking his eyes and closed them and cleared his mind, blocking out the sounds and smells around him and the taste of nachos and cheese still lingering in his mouth. Slowly opening his eyes he stared between his fingers at Mrs Pakorny sitting there at her desk and thought about how much he enjoyed her classes and how cheerful and positive she always was. He didn't have a question to ping her with so he imagined sending a tendril from his mind, a wispy, blue-grey wisp of smoke, curling to her, touching her forehead, sort of like it had said in the psipog site, scanning they'd called it. He saw her smiling but then realized her lips hadn't curled. They weren't even moving but she was speaking. «I was like that when I was his age, inquisitive, confident, full of piss and vinegar as daddy used to tease me. Those were happy times. I miss him.» An image of a very short and chubby man sitting and laughing with an equally chubby young teenage girl formed in his mind. «I wonder why he's looking at me. He's a handsome young boy. Probably wondering what it is like to be old and fat. I know they call me Mrs Porky.» The feelings of hurt and sadness and loneliness hit Cory like a sucker punch to the gut, cutting off his concentration. "The bell will be ringing in two minutes. Put your things away, and don't forget your reports are due Wednesday. I'll give you some time tomorrow to do your title pages and finish up." Cory shook his head. That had been fucking weird. As he left the room Mrs Porky – Mrs Pakorny this is – smiled at him and he smiled back. Had that been real, or just his imagination? Next period was Computer class with Goosey again. They were working on a word processing exercise on how to do columns and he was walking around giving help, and making sure they weren't surfing the net for music or cars or porn or whatever or looking up their email accounts instead. It was a lot harder to clear his mind and to focus on a moving target. That was funny. They called the person you were sending a message to the target. A moving target. He smiled. As Julius paused at his desk and seemed to get a dreamy look on his face, he quickly concentrated on him. He had a quick flash of an image of Julius's brother and a phone call, and a feeling of fear that the call was because Benji had revealed their doggy fun. The call had been about a soccer tournament coming up and them getting together after the game. An image of Julian flashed in his mind, but this Julian had next to no cock, and there was a thought wondering if he'd be happier if he'd been a girl. Then the image was gone and Goosey was walking again. That was even weirder than with Mrs Pakorny. Last period was his Art class with Mister Adrian Kevin Bone, or Achy (A.K.) Bone as some of his students referred to him, a handsome, twenty-two year old teacher fresh out of university who knew a lot about art but had a lot to learn about students. They were doing still life drawing, in this case a bowl of fruit, which left plenty of opportunity to clear one's mind and scan. Accessing Mister Bone's mind proved to be exceptionally easy if that was what he was actually doing. Making sense out of what he 'read' was a much different matter, his mind being bombarded with a jumble of thoughts and worries about lesson objectives, teaching methods, finishing the lesson, keeping students on task, student misbehaviour, authority, and something that sounded like yah-oh -ee, all of it seeming like he was being shouted at. "So do you think your sister will be causing you any trouble when you get home?" Cory asked as they headed to their lockers at the end of the day. "I don't know. Nikki and me will be home alone for at least an hour before my dad gets home." "So how do you feel about fucking her?" "It's sortta funny," Dominic replied honestly. "I'd much rather be doing stuff with Kenny, but it feels good, and I can get boned up so it's better than jerking. The funny part is that while we're doing it I can tell she's really digging it, you know, but when we're done she feels miserable, which is sortta cool considering how miserable she's always made me feel." "Well, if she does give you any trouble, you let me know and I'll see what I can do about it." Cory felt guilty saying that considering how his efforts to help last Friday had turned out but he had to do something, and he would. He just didn't know what yet. "I wish you could do something about Kenny's mom." "You mean about dragging him off to those meetings?" "Well, that, and, well, something else." "What?" Cory asked, pausing and looking at Dominic. He really looked down. "She's been talking about when he graduates this year about them moving to LA and him going to university to take law. She says there's no reason for her to stay in Riverside when he's finished school." "What's Kenny want?" "To get a football scholarship and stay right here and go to the University of California-Riverside university." "Yeah, well, there's four months of school yet. Lot's can happen in that time." "Yeah, I suppose." Dominic didn't sound too optimistic. "Will Dominic Halder please report to the principal's office. Dominic Halder, report to the principal's office." The two boys looked at each other. "What's up?" "I dunno," Dominic said with a shrug, immediately wincing with the pain. "Want me to come and wait for you?" "Naw, that's okay. I'll see at school tomorrow." "Yeah, sure, okay then." Cory kicked at a rock on the sidewalk, sending it clattering into the gutter. Everything seemed to be crashing down around him with Dominic worried about Kenneth Ballard moving away, Dominic's father now hating him even more than before, his sister feeling miserable but still mean to him, and Father Henry feeling guilty and sinful but taking his guilt out on everyone, including Dominic. The same thing happening with Pastor Winthrop and his son Jonah. Then there was Ben being punished by his parents, Trang still up to her games with him, Goosey being even more of asshole than ever in his misery, and Nick becoming more of a bully in his attempts to attract Molly's attention. And of course there was his upcoming fatherhood and not knowing what he should do about it. And all of it was because of the dumb headband. Maybe his great-grandfather had been right. The fucking thing was cursed. Maybe he should bury it like his great-grandfather had considered doing. He just might have done it he was feeling so pissed off when he got home, but when he arrived he found they had company, the same surprise company that they'd had Sunday, Darien and Nat Wilson. Even though they had the same last name as he did, they were not relatives. When his father had been up in the Sierra Madre two weeks ago, he'd met Nat, who was the fifteen-year-old grandson of some guy who owned among other things a huge paper mill and who was in the Sierras with his grandson because he was concerned about the infestation in the forests up there. Well, it turned out this Nat was some science geek whose father was a wildlife photographer and naturalist and who loved biology and bugs and stuff so he and his father hit it off like, well, peanut butter and jam, something else the two of them loved. His dad had told him if he was really interested in his work as an entomologist to drop in some time, and the next day, the day after he and Ben had the hot night with his mom, he'd shown up, him and his fraternal twin brother with their chauffeur in a huge limo. Spotting their baby grand, the other twin, Darien, had asked if he could play it. Being his mother's most prised possession and her livelihood, and their most expensive belonging, she normally did not allow anyone to touch it, especially since she needed it in perfect tune, but she was always a sucker for big brown puppy eyes and he acted so mature and sophisticated and all she had let him, though she had hovered over him ready to snatch his fingers away from the keyboard. Well, even Cory, who knew a little about music having an interest himself though more along the lines of being in a rock band, could tell the kid was a musical genius. It was awesome listening to him play. When Darien found out his mother was a composer and had composed a number of tunes for several Hollywood films including several Disney films, the two were inseparable. Cory hadn't minded the attention his parents had paid the twins that Sunday, nor the next two Sundays, nor their obvious infatuation that Monday evening. Actually, his parents worked their asses off and were far too serious as far as he was concerned. He was glad to see them taking a break and enjoying themselves, even if it was to talk about their jobs. That would sort of be like him enjoying talking about school on a weekend. Parents were just plain weird. Still, it was good to hear his mother laughing. After the first time he and Dominic had sex with her she'd been really moody, even moodier than normal which was a lot. His dad often said all creative people were like that. At times she had seemed really happy, and other times she was totally depressed like she had a major problem though she said she didn't when his dad asked about it. Then there had been her dead serious and totally weird questions and weird behaviour the second time the three of them had sex, and then being so hyper and happy Sunday morning, like she was a teenager again, and it was way more than just because his dad had come home though she had given him a great blow job. His dad had been working way too hard too, and he was being called away from home more and more often, which he knew his dad hated, wanting to be with his family. Like he'd said, that was the price he and they had to pay for being so good at what he did. His dad was dedicated to his work. He also knew that some of the things he'd gotten into lately had added stress to his dad's life, though his dad had joked about how he'd inherited his impulsiveness from his mother, and she'd countered that he got his attitude of testing the boundaries from his dad. He knew that they both loved him, and that made the problem of telling them that they were going to be grandparents both difficult and easy. On the one hand he knew they'd be supportive of him no matter what, but he also knew it was not the news parents would want to hear from their thirteen-year-old son, and he so didn't want to hurt them. Actually, he wasn't sure how they were going to react, but he didn't figure it would be a smooth experience, and especially since the mother of his child was three years older than his mother. He didn't know what he was going to do about it himself. He knew he was going to have to do something, and had been reading up about parenting. However, how a guy was going to be a father when the mother of his child already had a husband was a bit confusing. Following supper, while his dad and Nat talked about bugs and such and his mom and Darien talked about music, he went up to his room to finish his social studies report, but still having another whole day to work on it, he ended up browsing the Internet for information on techlepathy. There was not much to read up on, it apparently being such a new field of study even the Internet didn't have much. What he did read about it, and the more he read about telepathy from the psipog site, the more convinced he was that he had in fact read minds that day at school, and that his great-grandfather's headband was something techlepatholgists or whatever would be most interested in. He'd become so involved he hadn't noticed the time go by until his mother came up to his room and told him he'd better get to sleep, and asked if he wanted a bowl of ice cream and a cookie before bed. As he joined his parents he could not help but sense they were both in particularly good spirits, and he considered breaking the news about their upcoming grandparenthood or whatever, but decided perhaps it would ruin their good mood and decided to put it off. Besides, they both seemed lost in their thoughts, a good time to put what he had read into practice. Once again he cleared his mind, and it being after ten on a school night that was not difficult. He decided to begin with his mother since he figured she might be the easiest and so focussed on her. A warm, comfortable feeling passed over him as the image of her and Darien sitting at the piano came to his mind, along with thoughts of admiration for the fifteen-year-old's maturity and musical skills and his youthful enthusiasm. Thoughts of him and Anthony and Terry and Dominic wove in and out and how she liked all his friends and how mature he was despite his sometimes rash and impulsive behaviour, how being with him and his friends made her feel young again and how she enjoyed his youthfulness and had enjoyed her own youth, and how young she felt exploring sex with young Dominic, and how exciting the world of sex must be seen through their eyes and how foolish she'd been to have been concerned about finding him and Dominic messing around, seeing it now as exploration and boys being boys. It all seemed to flow so easily from her mind to his. Switching to his father, he was surprised how easy it was to make the same contact and to find the same feelings of contentment as the image of Nat came into his mind with similar thoughts of admiration for his maturity and intelligence and enthusiasm, and then thoughts about him and his friends and how much he enjoyed them being around the house and how having kids made one feel young and think young, and then flashes of another boy that looked a lot like him but wasn't and that took a moment for him to realize it was his dad thinking about when he was a teenager and camping and fishing with his father and his father's love of nature and the outdoors, and then thoughts of him and his brothers horsing around, and his older brother telling him about jacking off. The image of his dad and Uncle Art pulling down their flies and the thought of them jerking off was shocking enough to snap him out of his scan or whatever it was that was happening. It was shocking, but that was the image and what he thought about that night as he jerked off, that and maybe some day he and his dad getting intimate. "It's not going to happen," Ben insisted as they walked up to their house after school the next day, "not on a school night, and especially not with you." "Trust me," Cory said confidently. He'd thought about it on his way to school that morning, for at least five minutes, and he was sure. Ben's mother greeted him cordially enough though it was evident she'd just as soon he'd not have shown up, and as Ben explained they had an assignment due tomorrow and Cory needed his help he could sense her objection growing, the boys of course not knowing they were just confirming her opinion that Cory had used Ben for his own needs due to his skill in computers. That Cory discovered soon enough as he focussed on Ben's mother while she focussed on Ben, the two of them not really noticing Cory. His first impulse was to become angry but he knew that was not going to get him what he wanted so instead when she thought about the first time they met he quickly reinforced her thoughts of happiness that Ben had brought a friend over, and built on her confidence in her own son and that she wanted what was best for him, using her thoughts and memories to build up and support their case for Ben coming over to help him. He succeeded in her agreeing to at least talk to Ben's father about it, and to letting Cory stay to work on his project with Ben until Ben's father came home. The moment he was in the door the two boys approached him, figuring they'd better get to him before Ben's mom. Again as Ben explained things, Cory focussed on his father, sending tendrils or whatever. It was easy now he knew how to do it and with his earlier discovery of how to send messages and emotions from his great-grandfather's Journal and the stuff on mind control from the Internet. Like with Ben's mother he latched onto the good feelings about Ben having a friend and Ben's father's secret thoughts about Ben coming out of his shell, and how the business with the panties was just a boy doing boy things as far as he was concerned and blown far out of proportion by his wife. Getting his support was a lot easier, and in the end Cory had both convinced that Ben had earned their trust and that they had punished him enough. He even threw in the thought that just perhaps Ashley Rowland had made the whole thing up to be mean. Ben could not believe it when they invited Cory to stay for supper, and then said he was allowed to go over to Cory's and to spend the night since it would be late by the time they were done. He was even more surprised how little Cory had done on his assignment due the next day, but as Cory had said, they had all evening and between the two of them it would be a snap, and besides, he was a lot further on it than he was on most of his other assignments, having an interest in history and enjoying Mrs Pakorny's classes. They both did, and he was right, it didn't really take them that long to pull the project together. They worked particularly well together, Cory being no fool and simply not wanting to expend unnecessary energy and time when they could be spent on other things. Besides, they both had motivation, Cory having promised to show Ben a hot video when they were done, and Cory hoping that after that he might reward Ben with something else, and have some hot fun himself while at the same time showing his appreciation to his mother, who had to spend the evening alone, his dad having to go into LA to follow up the Sierra thing with some biologists there. The sight of Molly and Trang standing on the sidewalk and flashing their boobs and pussys at the strangers as they walked by was the wildest thing Ben had ever seen, and totally rewarding. Cory wouldn't say how he got the tape, but in Ben's opinion whoever took it should get an Oscar the way he was able to zoom in on their pussies when they bent over, and on the looks on the men's faces. Even Ben knew the Sixteenth Street Strip Mall was known for drugs and prostitutes, and to his delight the two of them looked just like two cheap, and desperate, thirteen-year-old hookers. The next tape, of Ashley in the girls can sniffing and licking a pair of panties as she masturbated herself, was even more priceless and he sat there staring at it in disbelief with his eyes almost popping out of his head. He'd wanted to get revenge on the three of them, and seeing them in such embarrassing and humiliating situations was perfect. It was also erotic. By the end of the clip on Ashley his jeans were bulging, though not being as well developed as other boys, it was far less noticeable, about the only advantage of having a small dick. As they headed downstairs at ten for a snack, Marian could not help notice the bulges in their jeans. It seemed like that was a permanent state for Cory and his friends. Of course no longer worried about her period, she'd not gone upstairs to check on what they were doing. She didn't have a personal motive, and she trusted her son. When she asked how their school work had gone, Cory happily announced that they had finished, lavishing praise on Ben, which totally embarrassed him and totally pleased his mother. Her son could be very gracious. "Well, finish up and off to bed. You have school tomorrow." "Would you mind if I showed Ben a condom?" Ben choked on his ice-cream and Marian didn't know what to say. Her son could be gracious, but he could also be impulsive and totally unpredictable. "You said it was important for a guy to know all about them, and how to put them on and stuff." That she had indeed. Ben stared at Cory, unable to believe what he had just heard. Marian was surprised too at the sudden topic, but even more, she was pleased. She'd evidently made an impression on Cory about being responsible and being careful, and that he was spreading the message to his friends was not a bad thing. If she helped one young girl and young boy avoid the worries and complications of teen pregnancy, or a boy avoid getting an std, it was worth a few moments of embarrassing conversation. "No, of course not," she finally replied, overcoming her embarrassment and surprise. "I'll get you one." "Actually, would you mind showing us how you're supposed to put it on again. I don't think I remember it all." That was a much different request, especially when she considered what had happened afterward, but then the whole purpose of showing them how to put on a condom last time was to have sex with Dominic and find out if he was able to produce sperm yet. Of course she should have thought about the ramifications of she was doing, and the expectations she was setting up for Cory, but she'd been frightened and desperate. Now she was in a real bind. If she said yes to showing them how to put on a condom, Cory could very well expect a repeat performance of what had happened afterward. He had, after all, obviously enjoyed the experience. Ben was a different matter. She did not know him, and though he seemed like a very nice boy, sort of shy and one of those types of boys who blended in with the crowd and sort of became invisible, she had no idea what he might think about it, nor what she might be opening herself up for, especially if his parents found out. On the other hand, sex education did belong in the home, and she'd be a hypocrite if she refused his request given how she felt about the healthy expression of sexuality and the need to be open and frank about such matters. Either way, agreeing or not agreeing, she might be damned, and if she was going to be damned, then it would be better to error on the side of helping Cory and his young friend. Besides, he hadn't said anything about having sex, just demonstrating how to put on a condom. "Well, if Ben is okay with that," she said, smiling at Ben. "Sh, sh, sure," Ben replied. He always did what adults said. As Cory and Ben followed Marian to the bedroom, Ben stumbled along in a daze, unable to believe what he'd heard, and what it sounded like they were going to do. Cory's wink and smile did little to reassure him. As Cory sat on the bed, Ben sat beside him, feeling uncomfortable just sitting on Cory's parent's bed. Taking out two packages, she turned to face the boys. Ben stared at the packets in her hand. Was she really holding two condoms? "We gotta take our pants and underwear down," Cory said, getting up and pulling down his fly. Ben's jaw dropped. Not knowing where to look, figuring it was too obvious if he stared at the floor or at his hands, he watched Cory out of the corner of his eye as he stood and slowly pulled down his own fly and undid the top button of his jeans. He could not remember ever feeling so nervous or so self-conscious as he pushed down his jeans to his knees, and then his underwear. "And we gotta get our things hard," Cory continued as he began to stroke and bounce his dick as he sat back on the edge of the bed. Ben's heart was pounding. He could not believe this. They'd fallen asleep in Cory's room from working so hard and this was all a dream. It was a very real dream as he slipped his fingers about his limp dick and his face turned a bright red. He could feel the heat radiating from his cheeks. The two boys sat there fiddling with themselves, Ben obviously embarrassed, and Marian embarrassed for him. Their dicks had gone down while they'd had their ice cream and cookies, and Ben's anxiety and self-consciousness were preventing it from responding. Besides, he knew he was way shorter than other boys soft from showering after gym, and he figured he had to be shortchanged there too when hard. "Maybe it would help us if, well, maybe if you took your top off or something," Cory said, looking up at his mother with a sweet look of innocence-at least with as much innocence as a thirteen-year-old can manage when he is sitting on his parents' bed with his jeans and underwear about his knees and fiddling with his limp dick in front of his mother. Of course his plan all along had been to get his mother to expose her tits to Ben after they'd seen the videos, though he hadn't thought exactly how he was going to get that to happen. It was, Marian figured, a reasonable suggestion given that the two boys had exposed that most private part of their body to her, and in addition were playing around with themselves in front of her. Besides, if it helped speed them up and get the situation over with, it couldn't be all that bad a thing. Besides, it was only her breasts. It wasn't as if she was exposing herself down below. As she began to unbutton her blouse Cory pushed his jeans and underwear the rest of the way off, followed by Ben, and as he removed her bra Cory, again followed by Ben, unbuttoned and removed his shirt. As Cory crawled over to sit cross-legged beside Ben who was still sitting on the edge at the foot of the bed, she sat down on the edge where Cory had been sitting and turned to face the two boys. It was much like when she'd engaged in a bit of I'll show you mine if you show me yours with a few of her male classmates when she was just a little older than Cory. She felt a twinge of arousal between her legs with the memory. "Maybe if we play with your boo-a, breasts," Cory suggested. That was not going to be necessary from the way he was feeling, nor from the way Ben's cock had begun to swell, but he didn't know how else he was going to get to the next step in his plan. "Very well," Marian agreed after a moment's thought. She knew boys at their age were curious about a woman's breasts and in fact she and her male classmates had done a bit more than just show. Besides, after having done much more intimate things with Dominic, letting the boys feel her breasts was mild. As the two boys slowly reached out and began to tentatively caress and squeeze her tits she felt a thrill of arousal pass through her body. Unable to resist, she reached down and slipped her fingers about their slowly swelling cocks as she'd done to her male classmates. She was just as amazed now how those sensitive organs grew as she had been back then. She also could not help but notice the difference in their sizes even though they were close in age, and she could not help feeling a little proud. Another way Cory was taking after his dad. Cory cupped his mother's breast and squeezed it gently. It was sort of like holding a water balloon, except it was firmer. It was not as large as Antoinette's, he noticed, but it was a lot firmer. As he slowly ran his fingertips along the inside curve, following it from under her breast up along the middle of her chest, he wondered what it felt like for a woman to have her boobs stroked, and if it was anything like he felt when he had his chest caressed. As he ran his fingertips over her nipple she flinched and he felt it quickly swell and become firm. At least that much was like when he had his caressed. He glanced over at Ben, who was doing the same thing to her left boob, following his example. The look of awe and delight on his face as he stared at her breast was even greater than he had hoped it would be, and watching him sitting there caressing his mother's boob while she stroked his quickly swelling cock was fucking hot, just as he'd imagined it would be. Bending forward, Cory stuck out his tongue and ran it over his mother's hard nipple, sending ripples of pleasure through it. He could tell she was enjoying it, and that made him feel good. He wanted her to feel good, for all the times she'd made him feel good and for all the things she did for him, and especially for being such an awesome, understanding, caring mother, something he knew many others did not have. He slipped his lips over her nipple and began to suck. He wondered why a woman didn't produce milk when her tit was sucked by a guy, but she did when a baby sucked it. He'd meant to ask Antoinette that but he'd always been too occupied with other things and later he always forgot. Of course he'd sucked his mother's boobs as a baby although he couldn't remember it. He wondered if she did. Marian did, and in fact that was what she was thinking about that very minute, how she'd suckled him as a child, and how much he enjoyed feeding at her breast, and how much she'd enjoyed suckling him. He was obviously enjoying it now, but this was much different. He was no little baby now, and he wasn't sucking on her breast for nourishment. He was sucking purely for the pleasure, and that she found erotic, and especially it being her son. And of course when he'd been a baby he hadn't shared her other breast with a friend. That was erotic too, having him and a friend sucking on her breasts at the same time. Ben actually was much more like a baby with his pudgy body and full cheeks, though of course what she was stroking between his legs was much larger than what any baby had even if small for a thirteen-year-old. She thought back to when Cory was a baby and how she'd fiddled with his dickie while she nursed him. She'd wondered if other mothers did that and had felt guilty doing it at first, but he, and admittedly herself also, had gotten far too much pleasure out of it to stop. Now, as her thirteen-year-old son sucked on her tit and ran his hot tongue over her irritated nipple she stroked his now much larger cock, and as her nipples burned with arousal and his stiff cock throbbed hotly in her hand she knew he was getting as much pleasure out of what they were doing as she was. She also knew she was now definitely doing what few mothers did, and despite the pleasure she began to feel guilty all over again. However, like in the past, pleasure won over guilt. The pleasure wasn't just her itching, burning nipples. As the two boys sucked on her breasts, she felt ripples of arousal pulsating between her legs also. It began as a faint, pleasant sensation but ever so slowly the arousal grew. Similarly she had begun by tugging on their cocks slowly and rhythmically, but as they began to suck on her tits more eagerly, she slowly began to stroke their stiff, aching cocks more rapidly. That of course caused them to suck even more eagerly on her tits and she quivered as she felt the rapid throbbing of their little cocks between her fingers and the developing ache between her legs. Their hands began to explore, reaching down below her chest and along her stomach, at first outside her skirt and then inside but outside her panties, and then inside her panties. With some awkwardness and difficulty the two boys managed to push her skirt and panties down over her hips. Their fingers returned, now running through her patch, and over her moist, swollen lips. She felt both boys quiver with excitement as they gingerly touched and began to caress that most private part. In the previous two times they'd had sex, Cory had not caressed her pussy and Marian trembled now with his first time, not knowing of course the vast experience he'd had with Antoinette. For Ben, this was a totally new experience, and his awkwardness and zeal were evident and an additional turn on. The two boys ran their fingers over the swollen labia, and then up along the slit between them, causing Marian to quiver and her cunt to fill with juice. One of them, she did not know which, slipped his finger inside her pussy and moments later she felt a second finger join the first and she knew it had to be both boys. She opened up to them as they probed her hot, slimy cavity, and she clenched her cunt tightly about the two digits as the boys began to withdraw them. Their stiff cocklets throbbed even hotter with arousal as they inserted their fingers again and began to finger fuck her. All three were panting loudly and deeply and they began to squirm as they felt their climaxes approaching. Marian reached behind the two boys and caressed and squeezed their compact backsides as she felt the tension developing in her loins and she clenched and relaxed her cunt muscles as her son and his friend finger fucked her with growing speed and passion. She was rapidly pumping their stiff, aching cocks by then, and the two boys quivered and jerked their hips uncontrollably as they felt the pressure building in their loins and as their young early-teen balls drew up tight beneath their aching dicks. Cory snuggled up higher and kissed his mother's hot, flushed cheek, and seconds later Ben followed suit. She could feel the boys' hearts beating in their chests as they pressed their naked bodies against her breasts. Wiggling down on the bed, she slid down until their hot, stiff cocks were pressing against her boobs, and she grasped their buttocks and pressed them to her, pressing their aching dicks against her as she wiggled up and down, rubbing her boobs against their sensitive knobs. With a sharp intake of breath and groan of pleasure, Cory quivered and let loose, his watery early-teen cum spurting out of his throbbing cock like a water pistol and spraying his mother's right tit. Ben erupted at the same time, his mind spinning with pleasure and his numb cock, barely two and a half inches [6½cm] long, throbbing hotly as he sprayed her other boob just like he'd imagined spraying a real tit in dozens of jerk off fantasies. Looking down at the two early teen boys shooting their hot loads over her breasts, Marian thrust her hips upward as the first wave of her climax struck. Wave after wave followed and she bounced on the bed in wild abandon, revelling in the pleasure pulsating through her loins and delighting in the pleasure she knew the two boys were feeling as they emptied their young, swollen balls. She'd forgotten just how voluminous and how watery a boy's cum was at that age as the spatters of early teen cum ran down over her heaving tits. Totally spent, the three collapsed on the bed in bliss. "I 3; I'm sorry I 3; I came all over your t 3; ah, that is, ah, all over, ah, you," Ben stumbled as he finally sat up and stared down at Marian's boobs now streaked and spattered with his and Cory's cum. "Don't be," Marian said with a smile as she looked up at the chunky, blushing, totally embarrassed thirteen-year-old. "Many women like to have their breasts sprayed with cum." As if to prove she was sincere, she ran her fingers over her breasts, smearing the red-faced, awe-struck teen's cum over her left boob while smearing the almost translucent, runny cum of her son over her right. The two boys felt their limp cocks twitch. Both had seen porn pictures on the net of men shooting their stuff on women that way, but neither had considered that women might actually enjoy it. "You came too, didn't you?" Cory asked as he rolled on his side and looked at her, making it more of a statement than a question. "Yes," his mother replied with a smile. "It was as hot for me as it was for you." She thought for a moment. "I hope you two boys enjoyed it," she said, realizing they might not have. "Oh yeah, it was fucking awesome," Cory replied sincerely. As if to prove it, he leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek. "That was so better than my wildest ever fantasies," Ben admitted, alleviating her fears. "You're not disappointed we didn't, you know, do it?" "Of course not. Doing it is just one of many ways a man and woman can pleasure each other." "Like being jerked off, or like when you sucked my cock," Cory observed, recalling how much she'd seemed to have enjoyed that too, and how much she seemed to have enjoyed giving his father a blow job that Sunday morning he'd returned from the Sierra Madre. "Like that," Marian replied, her cheeks colouring as she shifted on the bed uncomfortably. For one, as an adult she was not used to the frankness of youth, and certainly not that sort of language from her thirteen-year-old son, and for another, she could not help wondering what Ben was thinking hearing she'd sucked her own son's penis. "You ever have your dick sucked before?" Cory asked, looking up at Ben and causing his mother to turn even redder. "I've never had sex with nobody before just now," Ben replied honestly and innocently. "You should see what it is like. It is so totally awesome," Cory said, glancing at his mother. She knew what Cory was thinking in his youthful openness and innocence. Well, after what they'd already done and considering she was lying there in her bed totally naked with two naked boys, why not? She knew she gave good head, and it would at least put to rest any questions Ben had. "Would you like to try it?" she asked. "Fu-ah, ah, yeah, sure!" There was no questioning his willingness, and it was not because he was accustomed to obeying adults. Having Ben lie down on his side in the opposite direction to which she was lying, she took his limp, sticky cock between her fingers and slipped it between her lips. As she began to suck, the early teen cock responded instantly, quickly filling with blood once again. She allowed her saliva to flood over it and then swallowed, her spittle flavoured with his dick and his previously spent cum. Twisting around so he was also lying down beside her in the opposite direction, Cory began to fiddle with himself as he reached over and stroked her labia, causing them to begin to swell once again. He could not help thinking that thirteen years ago he'd slipped out into the world through those very lips. By the time Ben was stiff, so was he, and both boys were again stroking Marian's rapidly swelling labia. Adjusting her position and drawing the boys' hips closer to her so they were half lying on their hips and half lying on her face, Marian took both boys in her mouth and began to suck and work her tongue over their knobs. To her surprise and delight, a moment later she felt two hot breaths against her groin and then two tongues tentatively run up along her swollen labia. She sucked on the two hot, throbbing little cocks for a minute as the two thirteen-year-old boys licked her cunt, and then sitting up she introduced the boys to muff diving. Following her instructions, Ben and Cory lapped at her pussy, running their tongues over the swollen lips, striking at her clit, and taking turns running their hot, wet tongues up her crack and inserting them inside. Marian quivered with arousal, the physical stimulation accented by the knowledge this was the first time for the two thirteen-year-old boys, and she began pumping out her cunt juice again. The two boys were randy as only thirteen-year-old boys can get and they wanted to bring her pleasure after the pleasure she'd brought them in getting their nuts off earlier. So the two eagerly and enthusiastically licked her swollen pussy, causing her labia to quiver and flood with her hot, slimy juice which the two boys hungrily lapped up, running their tongues along the slit and scooping the slime up into their mouths. Their tongues sent quivers of arousal through her cunt, and through their stiff, twitching cocks when at times they meet and ran over each other. Their flushed cheeks glistened with her womanly fluids as they nuzzled between her legs, trying to insert their tongues up her hole, rooting between her legs like two starving piglets. Laying back down, she once again took their swollen, aching cocks in her mouth and began to suck, once again sending ripples of pleasure through the blood-engorged dickheads as she worked her lips over the sensitive rims and up and down the throbbing shafts. Once again the two boys trembled with the delightful pleasure of having their blood-engorged cocks and irritated dickheads licked and sucked. As the pressure again built in their loins, they licked Marian's cunt in a daze of ecstasy, causing the pressure to build up in her loins also and causing her juices to flood out of her hot, quivering slit. It took delightfully longer the second time and by the end their tongues were beginning to tire and their jaws beginning to ache, but the triple climax was worth it. The two boys quivered with delight as they shot into Marian's mouth, their thin, watery cum easily filling it and mixing together. The thought of the cum of her son and his young friend mixing in her mouth and the physical sensation of their gooey loads oozing over her tongue and out from between her lips and over her chin sent her into spasms of pleasure. She jerked her hips and groaned in an ecstasy like she had not felt in a long time as her orgasm ripped through her loins once again. Quivering with equal delight, the openings of their cocks burning with pleasure as they shot out their hot seed, their cheeks and smooth, young lips glistening with Marian's cunt slime, the two boys road their own waves of ecstasy. Neither doubt nor guilt could be found anywhere in any of their minds.