PZA Boy Stories

Chapter 37: Ft — Chapter 38: Ft

Daemon Way


Chapter Thirty-Seven

— Ft —

Thanks to Absalom for suggesting the revenge his character takes on Dominic's sister.

While the junior high section of the Royal Glencoe Academy for Boys was abuzz with rumours about what had happened in the boys washroom the previous day, rumours were flying at William Cleaver High School also, about Derry Epstein and Evert Lang supposedly giving each other an enema in front of a web cam on the weekend, which renewed gossip about the wild party Kenneth Ballard had put on almost two months ago in which several participants, including Derry and Evert, had not just gotten totally smashed out of their skulls, which was routine for three-quarters of the high school student body and barely worthy of a mention the Monday immediately following the party, but had engaged in some very risque and outrageous behaviour.

"Well, that wouldn't surprise me at all," observed Tracey as she and her best friend and fellow cheerleader, Rita, huddled together in the cafeteria. "Remember how like Derry knew all about how to give little Dominic an enema at the party at Kenneth's?"

"You're so right. And Evert knew an awful lot about enemas and water sports, more than just from reading porn on the Internet," agreed Rita.

"Makes you like wonder just what Derry and Lana do on their dates," commented Tracey cattily. "She did agree rather readily to a pissing contest with Stephanie that night."

"Of course, we should talk," observed Rita, causing the two girls to giggle.

"You know, for a month afterward I so couldn't get over that I actually put my lips to a little boy's butthole and drank beer from it!"

"He did have the cutest, tightest little bubble boy butt though, you have to admit."

"And the cutest little dickey and set of balls." The two girls giggled again as they thought back to the party.

"It was so cute seeing him pee."

"What was totally cute was him and Kenneth wearing the same style and colour of thong!"

"Oh yeah!"

"Little Dominic certainly was the star of the party that night."

"Well, he was the guest of honour after all. It was his thirteenth birthday party."

"It was Dominic's birthday party? His thirteenth? Who are you talking about?"

Rita and Tracey turned around quickly. They had been so intent on their conversation they not heard Nicole come up behind them. Figuring they were talking about Evert and Derry, Nicole had been particularly quiet, hoping to overhear something juicy. Rita and Tracey glanced at each other, not knowing what to say.

"What are you talking about!"

"Ah, nothing," Rita said. "I, ah, so got to go," she said hurriedly as she got to her feet.

"Yeah, like me too. Ah, cheerleading stuff." Tracey got to her feet also.

"Yeah, cheerleading stuff."

Nicole watched the two girls hurry from the room. Who were they fooling? Glancing about the room, she spotted Kurt Jennings, Tracey's boyfriend, in the cafeteria line with several of his football buddies. She marched over to him.

"That party Kenneth had at his house in December, what was it for?" she blurted, interrupting his conversation with his teammates.

"For?" asked Kurt.

"Yes, why did he have it?"

"Ah, why don't you ask him, Nikki?"

"Was my kid brother there?"

"I think he's the one you need to ask that question to."

Kurt was evading her questions, and clearly uncomfortable. So were his teammates.

"Why won't you tell me? Why won't anyone tell me anything?" she screamed. Half the cafeteria, including several teachers, glanced their way. Frustrated, Nicole stormed out of the room. She was so angry she could not think straight. Kenneth, her boyfriend Kenneth, had a birthday party for her kid brother, knowing that they didn't celebrate Dominic's birthday for a very good reason? A party where they'd seen Dominic's butt? And other things? What was going on? She went in search for Kenneth but could not find him anywhere. That was most unusual. They always had lunch together if he wasn't involved in football practice. He was at school, but hadn't been with the rest of the team when they'd come into the cafeteria. Someone had probably warned him. Rita or Tracey.

Suddenly it made sense, all of it. For the past two months people had been commenting on how cute her brother was, her and Kenneth's classmates. What were sixteen and seventeen-year-old seniors and sophomores doing commenting on how cute a little thirteen-year-old grade eight snot was? Not only did they comment about how cute he was, but they actually were adoring him, saying how charming he was, how lovable, how he had such thin, kissable lips, such cute freckles on his nose. How dare Kenneth have a party for her brother! And how dare he not invite her! That Kenneth wasn't around to pick her up and take her home at the end of the school day only further supported her suspicion he was avoiding her and fueled her anger.

By the time Dominic arrived home, she was livid, and having nobody else to take her anger out on, she took it out on him. "So! It's about time you got home!" Dominic looked up at her, knowing right away from the furrows in her brow and the blaze in her eyes that whatever was wrong there was no arguing with her. Maybe she was having one of those girl things, her period. He wisely said nothing. "Strip!"


"You heard me. Strip. Naked. Right now!"


"Because I said so," she said as she stepped up to him and glowered at him. "Now strip!" she screamed.

Why she was totally angry with him he had no idea, but he put down his backpack and began to unbutton his shirt right there in the entryway. Dropping it on the floor, he eased off his runners, and then pulling down his fly and undoing his belt, he unsnapped his jeans and pushed them down. He was wearing the navy blue thong that Kenneth had bought him, the same make and style thong as Kenneth wore. Seeing it seemed to get Nicole all the more angry. She of course knew that Kenneth wore the same type of underwear, and that her kid brother was wearing the same she did not find cute in the slightest.

"Your underwear too!"

"No way!" Jeez, she was his sister, and she was seventeen and he was only thirteen.

"I'll teach you to talk back to me," she snapped, suddenly reaching over and before he could pull away, grabbing him by the ear. Giving it such a yank and twist he was sure it was half ripped off, she began to drag him upstairs. Yelping and protesting, he stumbled up the stairs with her and down the hall to the bathroom. Tossing him into the upstairs bathroom, she stepped in behind him, and grabbing his thong, she yanked it down, practically keeling him over.

"Take a pee!"

"What?" he asked in surprise. She'd gone totally bonkers!

"Everyone thinks you're so bloody cute, that your little dinky is so cute, that watching you pee is so cute, then let's see you bloody well pee!"

She was ranting like a madwoman. Who thought he was cute? What did she mean they thought his dick was cute? Who thought watching him pee was cute? None of it made any sense. As she raised her hand to strike him, he turned and stood before the toilet. He really didn't have to pee, but he managed to let loose a brief, weak stream. As the stream hit the water in the bowl the bubbling noise seemed so loud. His cheeks turned a bright red. Totally embarrassed, he stood there in total confusion as his sister watched him and then turned him around, this way and that, examining him closely as if she'd never seen a guy naked before, which maybe she hadn't. She certainly had never seen him naked before. Not until now.

"Now take a crap."

Dominic was about to open his mouth but thought better of it. He sat on the toilet, and even more embarrassed than before, he pushed out with his stomach muscles, opening his sphincter and straining to take a shit. He had no more need to do that than he had to take a leak, but after a lot of straining he managed two tiny, little turds.

"Oh cute. Oh, such a cute little boy," Nicole said sarcastically, making no sense at all. "Now wipe yourself off. And make sure you're clean."

Blushing a bright crimson, Dominic reached over and taking a couple sheets of toilet paper, leaned on his left cheek and wiped his anus. He took several more and repeated the process while his sister stood there towering over him, watching his every move. He hesitantly got to his feet.

"Now turn around and bend over and show me your butthole."

"Ah, com'on!" he finally protested. This was too much.

Before he could defend himself, Nicole spun him around and solidly slapped his backside so strongly it smarted. "Do it!" the witch screamed.

He bend over and pulled apart his asscheeks. Nikki had bullied him and pushed him around ever since his mom had died, which meant all his life, as far back as he could remember. Never, though, had she acted as angrily as she was today, and never had she ever ordered him to do the things she was ordering him to do today. Closely inspecting his hole, she ordered him to wipe it some more, muttering something about not seeing anything cute about it at all. He had to wipe himself several times before she was finally satisfied he was clean. Picking up his thong off the floor where she'd tossed it, she shoved it in his face and told him to smell it, again muttering what a cute boy he was, and if they could only see him now, whomever 'they' were.

"Now wash your hands and make sure they're totally clean and get dressed and start making us supper!" she ordered gruffly, turning and marching down the hall. "And don't you tell daddy anything about this!" she added, tossing him a warning look over her shoulder.

Telling him to start making their supper was the only sensible thing she'd said since he'd arrived home. It had been his chore to make the family supper for the past two and a half years now, since Nikki had started high school and had convinced their father Dominic should do it as she had homework to do, and he didn't have as many chores as she did, which was totally false on all accounts. As usual, she'd gotten her way. As for warning him not to tell his father, that made no sense. He'd never tell his father about something like what she'd made him do, and even if he was dumb enough to do so, his father would never believe him anyway, and certainly not if it was a choice between believing him or believing Nicole.

She said nothing to him about what they'd done that evening, nor the next morning as they had breakfast nor on the way to school. In fact she totally ignored him, like she always had in the past, and he figured whatever had been bothering her she'd gotten over it. Girls, who could understand them? He certainly couldn't. He probably never would. Being excessively shy and quiet, he was even more so around girls. That any girl would ever be interested in him, or even just want to be a friend, was highly unlikely. That he didn't really care. He much preferred the company of guys anyway.

When he arrived home on Wednesday, Nicole was waiting for him, and evidently had not gotten over whatever it was that was bugging her after all. Once again she demanded that he remove his clothes, all of them, even his socks this time. Once again she turned him this way and that, examining his body from every angle, muttering away to herself and growing angrier and angrier by the moment, saying things like that everyone was avoiding her, and that everyone was keeping the truth from her, even though he did everything she told him to. Again she made him pee and take a crap in front of her, snapping at him angrily that he was holding back on her because he could barely maintain a stream for more than a couple seconds, and all he could manage were two tiny little turds the size of rabbit pellets. She was hysterical by then, saying everyone was holding back on her, and that she didn't know why but she could tell because they all looked guilty, and that he'd better tell her what they were refusing to or else. He hadn't a clue what she was ranting about.

Again she made him clean himself thoroughly, but this time while he was bent over she grabbed container of liquid soap and roughly rammed the nozzle up his rectum and squirted a stream of soap up his rectum, telling him his butthole was filthy and ugly and that he was filthy and ugly. Unable to help himself so filled with humiliation and confusion, he retorted she was ugly too, uglier than a butthole. In response she spun him around and slapped him with the open palm of her hand, not his face, but his tiny, prepubescent boy balls, causing him to crumple to the bathroom floor in agony. As he knelt there doubled over with the excruciating pain between his legs, he heard her muttering that Kenneth came over every day to be with her, not to be with him, and that she was the cute one, not him. In a total rage, she stormed out of the bathroom and left him kneeling there on the floor in the worst pain a boy can know.

Thursday Dominic debated if he should go straight home after school as his father had demanded he do way back when he was still in elementary school, fearing a repeat of the previous two days, but it was his responsibility to begin supper, and he knew his father would be angry if he didn't. Even though his father totally ignored him and could not even bear to be in the same room as him he reminded him so much of his mother and her death, Dominic wanted nothing more desperately in the world than to please him, to have his love. Well, that and punish Nicole for the way she treated him, especially this week. Not really having any choice, he trudged home with heavy heart. Again the minute he was in the door she demanded he strip naked, there in the entry way. It was useless to refuse. Although she was not that strong, and was a girl, she was four years older than he was and he was expected to obey her, and besides, he was of a shy, compliant nature.

"Why are you being so mean to me?" he asked, practically in tears as he began removing his clothes. Never, not in all his life, had he ever treated her cruelly.

"I know about the party," she replied coldly as she glared at him.


"Don't play innocent with me," she snapped. "I know about the party Kenneth had at his house for you. He admitted it at school today."

"Okay. So he had a party for me."

"What did you do?"

"Just had a party. You know, party stuff, had cake and stuff. And presents. The football jersey and helmet." Nicole had seen him wearing the jersey. It had been his favorite and he'd worn it almost every day for the three weeks afterward, except the days it was in the wash of course. And he wore the helmet whenever he and Kenneth played football, which was practically every weekend.

"Don't play cute with me," she said, grabbing him roughly and shoving him up the stairs. "Everyone thinks you're oh so cute. That you got such a cute little bubble butt. How come they would say that?"

"I dunno," he lied.

How could he tell her that they'd played strip poker, and had gotten drunk, and that they'd filled his rectum with beer and had drunk out of it. He couldn't tell his sister something like that. And he knew if he did she'd go straight to their father, and his father would go straight to the police. Kenneth would get in trouble, maybe go to jail. They were all too young to be drinking, and he'd especially get in trouble for giving someone his age alcohol. And there was the sex stuff. He could never let that happen.

Sitting on the toilet, she grabbed him and threw him across her lap. "Liar!" she accused as her hand descended. "Liar! Liar! Liar!" With each word she slapped his naked butt harder and harder. "Tell me what you did at the party."

"That's none of your business."

"Tell me!" she demanded, slapping his ass cheeks again. She was seventeen and he was thirteen. He was fit, and these past two months playing football with Kenneth every chance they got he was developing some nice muscles, especially his biceps and his deltoids, and his thigh muscles, but he was small for his age, the smallest boy in all the grade seven classes at Lincoln Junior High. Though he was strong for his age and size, he was no match for an angry, jealous seventeen-year-old girl.

"No," he said defiantly. He couldn't. He'd never do anything that might cause Kenneth trouble, no matter what she did.

His obstinance only got her angrier. She slapped his ass harder and harder in her anger and her frustration. It was not like Dominic to disobey her. She slapped so hard the palm of her hand was stinging. That was nothing compared to the pain in Dominic's now crimson ass. Each smack sent razor sharp pain shooting through his now tenderized backside.

"If you won't tell me what you did, then tell me why you won't tell me."

That demand didn't make a lot of sense, and even if it did, he couldn't explain to her. How do you explain to your sister you can't tell her what you and her boyfriend did because it would get him in trouble?

"I don't have to tell you everything I do," Dominic replied, not knowing what else to say but unable to take the pain any longer.

To his relief she let him stand, but his relief was brief. Telling him to bend over and grab his ankles, he did so with trepidation. His anus was still sore from yesterday when she'd rammed the nozzle of the liquid soap dispenser up it.

"For the last time, tell me what you and Kenny did at the party, or else," she ordered.

That was exactly what he couldn't do. He tensed and prepared himself for the or else. Nicole had been prepared for the or else also. Taking her father's mini massager out of her pocket, she attached the tip with the spiral ridge like a screw, her favorite, and placing the tip against her kid brother's anus, she rammed it up his ass roughly and cruelly, not knowing any better to use lube, and not knowing she'd have gotten better results just applying the tip to his sensitive, abused anus. Fortunately for Dominic he was used to finger fucking his ass when he fiddled with himself, often doing it as he thought about the time Cory had first fucked him and taken his prune, or as he thought about how great it would be if Kenneth were to fuck him. Besides, the vibrator was not large, four inches [10cm] long and about the same thickness as Cory's cock, just a little thicker than the AA battery required to operate it.

"Now tell me what you did at the party," she ordered once again as she turned on the massager, "or I'll make you leave this up your ass until Daddy comes home and catches you with it up there."

Dominic quivered as the vibrations sent waves of stimulation through his anus and up his rectum. Designed to ease muscle tension and relieve stress, the reasons her father had bought it, the designers had made it out of durable, hard plastic resistant to moisture and easy to clean, knowing that it would be used for other purposes. As a clit stimulator by a seventeen-year-old virgin girl, or for anal torture on the girl's thirteen-year-old brother were not two of those uses.

The first use Nicole had learned from one of her best friends who had found a similar vibrator in the drawer of the night stand in her parent's bedroom. The second use she'd discovered on her own while browsing the Internet in search of a vibrator she could buy for herself instead of sneaking her father's and finding a porn site with short video clips to entice the viewers to pay to enter the site, including one showing a girl using the vibrator in just that way on her boyfriend.

To her disappointment, Dominic didn't squirm at all like the boy in the video clip, and despite her threat and having the vibrator up his asshole for ten whole minutes, far longer than she'd ever been able to stand getting her clit stimulated, he refused to tell her anything. His dick did get swollen, like her clit did, which she found intriguing, but that was not the effect she was hoping for. She was so angry at her failure by that time she would have carried out her threat to leave it there until her father came home, but when she thought about that, she realized that he'd hide it somewhere where she'd never be able to find it, or lock it up, which would be just as bad. As much as she'd have enjoyed her kid brother's humiliation and punishment, even that was not worth denying herself the pleasure of the massager. When she finally removed it, Dominic could not help sighing with relief. Had his father found him he could not even begin to imagine his punishment.

Angry at her brother and at herself for not having broken him, she grabbed his little, preadolescent testicles and began to squeeze as she ordered him for the last time to reveal what he and Kenneth had done at the party. Despite the excruciating pain, which Dominic could not hide from her as he doubled over and dropped to his knees, he would not give in. If he had to lose his balls to protect his lover so be it. He clenched his eyes and gritted his teeth as the most terrible pain he'd ever felt shot through his tender little balls. As the room began to spin and he felt blackness begin to close in on him, he reached out for the toilet bowl to support himself. At the last moment she released him and grabbing the massager, stomped out of the bathroom.

Unable to take her harassment any longer and afraid what she might do to him next, Dominic considered going to Kenneth and telling him what Nicole had been doing to him, but what Kenneth might do was just as frightening. He knew Kenneth would never stand by and let him get hurt, and Kenneth could very well confess to Nicole to protect him, which would mean she'd definitely report what happened to his father, and that would be the end of his relationship with Kenneth, and Kenneth most likely would be punished by his mother, or maybe even tossed in jail. Or Kenneth could tell Nikki that it was Dominic that he loved and not her, which would surely send her off the deep end, and the torture he'd been receiving this week would be nothing compared to what she'd do next, though quite honestly Dominic could not think of anything worse than what she'd already done to him these past three days.

So, that Friday he went to the only person he could think of that might be able to help him, Cory Wilson. That noon they walked to the Seven-Eleven together and he revealed the problems he was having with his sister, and confided in him the details of his birthday party.

"Sounds like a wicked party," Cory said with a wide grin. "Beer up the butt – I'll have to try that one!"

"You can drink beer from my butt anytime," Dominic replied, gazing admiringly at Cory with his pretty steel-blue eyes as he brushed the long strand of blond hair out of his face. Quiet and shy, he was eager to please others, and especially Cory. Cory had been the one who had introduced him to the joys of guy to guy sex, something he would be forever thankful for. Realizing suddenly that hadn't exactly sounded like a friendly offer, he began to turn crimson.

"I 3; ah, what I meant, was 3;," he stammered. Cory grinned, his green-blue eyes sparkling with amusement. He began to laugh, and Dominic joined him.

"So you're afraid if you tell your sister the truth about the party it would get Kenneth and the others in trouble."


"But she's hot for Kenneth. She wouldn't do anything to get him in trouble."

"She might be hot for him, but she hates me more. Besides, if she finds out he likes me she'd be jealous as heck."

"Likes you? From what you've told me sounds more like love," Cory said with a grin. Dominic's cheeks turned crimson again and Cory couldn't help the ache he felt in his loins. Dominic looked so damn cute and innocent when he blushed, and especially with those pretty eyes.

"So what am I gonna do?"

"How do you feel about your sister? You hate her as much as you say she hates you?"

"Oh no!" Dominic said, horrified by the idea. No matter what she did to him, she still was his sister. "I just wish she'd like me. No, more than like. Love, like brothers and sisters are supposed to love each other."

"Even though she's been so bossy and mean to you?"


"You don't want to get even with her for the way she's treated you, especially this past week?"

"Well, yeah, a little," Dominic admitted with a guilty glance at Cory.

"If you could wish anything at all, what would you wish?"

"I dunno," Dominic said with a shrug as he thought about the question, "maybe, well, that I could boss her around and stuff like she's been doing to me."

He imagined what that would be like.

"No, not that. I wouldn't like being bossy. I just wish there was something she wanted that she couldn't have, to know what it's like," he said, thinking about the attention he desperately wanted from his father, or just a word of kindness from her.

"I think there already is something."


"Kenneth," Cory said with a grin as they arrived at the Seven-Eleven. "Anyway, first thing is to put a stop to what she's been doing to you."

"How we gonna do that?"

"Don't worry. I'll think of something."

Peeking out from behind the dining room curtains, Nicole frowned as she saw Dominic coming up the walk with another boy. So the little twerp figured by bringing home one of his dorky friends he'd avoid their little after school session. Well, she'd see about that. She was going to get the truth from him today about the party and Kenneth no matter what.

"Your friend can't stay," she said gruffly as she met them at the door. "You got to get supper started."

"Cory's not staying. He's just come by to get a book I promised to borrow him."

"That's loan him dumbo, not borrow him," she said with a smug look. "For someone whose always got his nose in a book you'd think you'd know better," she added sarcastically. She'd always enjoyed putting him down, that pouting, little boy hurt look giving her a particular thrill, and it was all the better if she could do it in front of one of his buddies, not that her jerk brother had that many buddies.

Flushed with embarrassment, Dominic glanced at Cory and turned and hurried up the stairs to his room. Cory stared at Nicole and she stared back at him with a haughty, intimidating look. Dominic had some pretty dorky friends, but this one had to be the dorkiest, with this blank, stunned look on his face and the goofiest crown sort of thing on his head, like a little kid. Mind you, he was a little kid, like her brother. She kept her eyes locked on his, determined to out stare him. That was not that easy. It was difficult to out stare someone who was looking at you with this look like he had an IQ lower than his age. She concentrated on what she was going to do to Dominic. She'd give him an extra hard spanking today for this delay, until his butt was as red and hot as the coils on the stove. Hotter. As hot as her pussy got when she was with Kenneth. She'd make it burn and itch just like her clit did when she used the massager on it. Maybe she'd use the massager on his dick. Make it get hard. Make him ache like she ached for Kenneth. Better yet she'd make him make her clit hard. That would teach him not to be truthful with her.

"Nicole? Nicole? Nikki?"

Nicole shook her head and glanced around. "Where's your friend?"

"He's left."

That was weird. She hadn't noticed. She'd been standing there glaring at him and thinking about how she was going to punish Dominic for delaying her fun-well, not fun, but for delaying her from forcing the truth out of him, and then she'd had those other thoughts, about how she felt about Kenneth, how she felt about humiliating and being cruel to Dominic, about her most private fantasies and moments, all related but not related in a jumble of thoughts and feelings. She hadn't noticed Dominic come back downstairs, or his friend leave. It was really weird. It just showed what happened when you tried to out stare a moron.


She was doing it again. She shook her head, her long, strawberry blond hair sweeping through the air and bouncing about her shoulders. "Have you decided to tell me the truth about the party at Kenneth's now?"

"I've nothing to tell you."

"We'll see about that," she said with a smirk as she grabbed his ear and gave it a particularly sharp twist. "You'll tell me," she promised as she began to drag him up the stairs. She would give him an extra couple wallops on his oh so cute butt, and extra hard. She smiled, That was better. She was back to her old self.

Dominic stumbled up the stairs beside her, his ear feeling like it was going to come off. He didn't know what Cory had said to her while he was pretending to get Cory a book like Cory had suggested so he and Nicole could be alone, but whatever it was, it hadn't worked. In fact she seemed even angrier. Well, Cory had offered to come over and try. He couldn't have asked for more than that. He'd been foolish thinking Cory might be able to help him. Nobody was going to be able to change his sister.

Again she made him strip in front of her, right naked, humiliating and embarrassing him, telling him with each article of clothing he could stop if he'd just tell her what they did at the party, and why Kenneth had given the party for him of all people. Of course Dominic could do neither. Deciding to skip the humiliation of making him perform his bodily functions before her like he was a toddler she had to supervise to make sure he went potty and wiped himself clean, she went straight to the spanking. Sitting down on the toilet, she make him lay down on his belly across her lap and she applied the first slap with a resounding smack, just like she'd imagined downstairs. She'd smack him harder than she'd ever hit him before. Smack! She'd make him pay for delaying her inquisition. Smack! She'd make his cute little butt so hot and itchy he'd have to stand during supper. Smack! It would be as hot and itchy as her pussy was getting. Smack!

Her pussy was getting hot and itchy. With each solid slap to Dominic's smooth buttocks she felt an itch rip up her vagina. With each red hand imprint she left on his smooth, white skin she felt her clitoris swell and ache to be touched. She shifted her position on the toilet so she could feel his tiny little dicklet against her clit, separated by her panties and skirt, and she slapped him with all her strength, causing him to jerk and press down on her hot, itching clit. She forgot about asking about the party or Kenneth and just slapped him, over and over, getting hotter and hotter with each slap until she could stand the itching between her legs no longer.

Standing up, she lifted her skirt and pushed down her panties, revealing her slit to him, and Dominic stood there in surprise, staring at his sister's pussy. It was only the second pussy he'd ever seen in his life, the other of course having been Cory's mother's back when she'd caught him and Cory messing around, and to his surprise, had ended up spreading her legs for him, giving him the first and only fuck he'd ever had with the opposite sex. His sister's pussy was a lot different from hers, smaller and the lips more slender and tighter together, a gorgeous teenage pussy covered by a tuft of fine strawberry blond hairs like a little muff. He stood there, stark naked, his backside burning like it had never burnt before, staring at his sister's most private and precious part.

As she reached over and took his hand, he stood there numbly, too surprised to resist. She ran his fingertips over her clit, which was already hard and hot. Electric shocks ripped through the swollen flesh and she shuddered with pleasure. This was even more pleasant than using her own hand, even better than using a vibrator. She held his hand more tightly, running his fingertips over her clit over and over, brushing it, rubbing it, sending ripple after ripple of pleasure through it and through her pussy. She opened and closed her labia in her growing heat, the inner folds quickly becoming moist with her juices. She directed his cute little hand to her slit and brushed the fingers up and down her crack and she quivered with the lust and ache she felt between her legs. She'd never ached so badly in all her life, not when she thought about the boys at school, not when she imagined when she and Kenneth would some day make love. It hurt, but it was also the most pleasant sensation she'd ever felt.

Desperate now, she slipped his index finger between her labia and ran it up and down the slit, and then guided it inside her, just a little way, to the hot, wet, inner lips. She pulled his hand back away and pushed it in that fraction of an inch, finger fucking herself by using his finger, being careful not to go so deep as to rupture her hymen. She quivered with the tremors ripping through her swollen, dripping labia. She grasped two fingers, his index and middle finger, and inserted the tips up her hot, quivering pussy. Her hot, dripping cunt ached and desired them like she'd never ached for her own fingers. She pumped his hand in and out rapidly with short, quick little jabs, her breathing growing deeper and deeper, faster and faster. She arched her body with the pleasure he was bringing her. This would teach him to hold back the truth from her. This would teach him to not tell her what he knew.

She worked his hand to and fro frantically, jabbing his fingers up her throbbing cunt, pulling them out dripping with cunt juice and thrusting them in again. She closed her eyes and quivered with the throbbing between her legs as she felt herself reaching that point of ultimate pleasure. Her body tensed with the fear she would not reach it, growing more and more apprehensive as it got closer and closer until she exploded. Shocks of pleasure ripped up her vagina, through her swollen labia, and through her hard, aching clitoris. Her cunt throbbed and pulsated as her cunt juices flowed from it like hot lava from an erupting volcano. She arched her back and cried out with the strongest, most wicked orgasm she'd ever felt in her life.

Gasping and panting, totally out of breath and flushed so hot her face felt like it was burning, she stood there in the bathroom, grasping her kid brother's hand, her skirt pulled up and held against her heaving belly with her other hand, her panties about her ankles. It had been the best orgasm she'd ever had. She stared at Dominic standing there in front of her, stark naked, her hand grasping his wrist, his hand dripping with her cunt juice, his steel-blue eyes staring at her pussy in surprise, his thin lips parted and his tongue running between them. What had she done! Good God what had she done! Dropping his hand, she yanked up her panties and turned and fled from the bathroom in total disgust.

Kenneth dropped by after supper that night as he did every Friday, but Nicole was in no frame of mind to even talk to him, which was quite fine with Kenneth, and with Dominic. The recently turned thirteen year old was still shaken up by the incident after school, but he said nothing to the older teen, he simply snuggled up to him, happy to just be held. That was quite fine with Kenneth too. Up in her room, Nicole sat on her bed, her legs drawn up to her chest as she hugged herself tightly. What had come over her? How could she have done what she had done? It made no sense. Nor had the powerful orgasm she'd experienced. With her own brother! That was so sick.

When John Halder returned home from the high school drama presentation he'd attended after supper as part of his duties as Area Superintendent, he was not surprised to see Kenneth Ballard's blue Civic Honda in the driveway. Kenneth and Nicole had been seeing each other now for almost eight months, a long time for two high school seniors. He'd checked Kenneth out when he'd first begun dating Nicole of course, and had kept tabs on him since. A good student and decent athlete, his marks had improved tremendously, particularly these past two months, as had his skills on the football field. He wasn't concerned about what they might have been up to in his absence either. Kenneth was a Scout Venturer. He'd never do something he wasn't supposed to with a girl. Besides, what could they do with Dominic at home?

Seeing the car pull up to the garage, Dominic and Kenneth quickly pulled apart and as the door began to open, Kenneth gave Dominic a quick kiss on the lips and stood up to greet Dominic's father.

"How was the play?" Dominic asked.

"Where is Nicole?" his father asked as he glanced around, ignoring his son's question.

"She's up in her room," Kenneth replied, not oblivious to the fact the man had totally ignored his son and tensing with anger. Seeing John Halder's eyebrow rise and knowing he was wondering if his daughter was in her bedroom where he'd been, he quickly continued, "she wasn't feeling well tonight so I spent the evening keeping Dominic company."

"That was kind of you, but you needn't have," he said abruptly. "You shouldn't have bothered him," he continued looking at Dominic sharply, his bushy black eyebrows knitting together.

"It was no bother," Kenneth objected, but the man didn't hear. He was already heading up the stairs to check on Nicole.

Dominic was embarrassed and humiliated by his father's comments about and to him and his lack of attention, but he smiled as Kenneth shrugged and gave him a wink as he blew him a kiss before heading out the door. Kenneth's actions gave him a warm feeling, one that lasted all the rest of the evening and all night, and well into the next day. Nicole spent the evening and the next morning and early part of the afternoon in her room brooding and worrying and thinking. She'd never felt so miserable in her whole life. Hearing her father leave to go shopping for groceries, she came downstairs, finding Dominic in the family room playing a game on his GameBoy, a football game Kenneth had bought him. They called it the family room, though they never did use it as such, not since Dominic's birth.

"Come upstairs," she ordered coldly.

Even though he was farther into the game than he'd ever gotten, he shut it off and got to his feet. He knew his life was a lot better if he just did as she said and tried not to anger her. Instead of going into the bathroom, she lead him into her bedroom.

"You got off easy yesterday, you little brat," she said. Dominic stood there, staring at the floor. "Well, what are you waiting for? Take your clothes off cutie boy!"

Today she'd find out what she wanted to know. Their father would be gone for several hours. She had plenty of time. Today she'd find out what it was that happened at the party that nobody would tell her. Today she'd find out just why it was that Kenneth had taken such an interest in her little snot-nosed brother. He was a wimp, and so meek and quiet a mouse looked as brave as a lion compared to him. How could anyone possibly like him? Their father didn't. She certainly didn't. Today she'd beat his scrawny little butt bloody until he told her what she wanted to know. The more she thought about how much she hated him and how much she wanted to hurt him the angrier and hotter she became. And, the angrier and hotter she became the more aroused she found herself becoming. That made no sense, but she wasn't in any frame of mind to think logically, and the angrier she became with Dominic the more difficult it was to think logically as her crotch began to itch and ache.

"All right, you know what to do," she said as Dominic stepped out of his underwear and obediently stood there before her stark naked. He wanted to put his hands in front of him, but he knew that would only make her angrier. "Lie down in my lap."

Dominic stepped over to her, his legs trembling and his heart low in his chest. He didn't care how hard she spanked him. He didn't care what she made him do. He would never betray Kenneth and his friends who'd thrown him his birthday party, the only birthday party he'd ever had. He lay face down, his crotch in her lap. He had been foolish thinking that Cory could stop her, that he could somehow change her. It would take a miracle to do that. He had no idea what he'd been thinking when he'd confided in Cory, how he thought Cory could possibly help him. Well, he didn't need Cory's help. He'd take whatever punishment she gave.

Nicole looked down at her kid brother's backside. He did have a bubble butt, that she did have to admit, a very firm, compact bubble butt. She liked boy's butts. Boys weren't broad in the beam like girls were with their wider hips. Kenneth had a nice bubble butt too. All football players did. Maybe it had something to do with the running they did, or the exercise needed to be a good football player. Dominic's was cute, smooth and pale pink. She ran her fingertips over it, caressing it. How many times had she fantasized doing that to Kenneth? When they were married of course. On their honeymoon. She caressed and squeezed Dominic's tender young butt. It was like two loaves of bread dough. At least she imagined it was. She'd never actually felt two loaves of bread dough before. She'd never actually felt a boy's buns before either. She gradually became aware that her labia had swollen and her panties were damp with arousal.

Having Dominic stand, she quickly pulled off her sweater and removed her bra. As Dominic stood there slack-jawed in surprise as he stared at his sister's shapely, cupable breasts, she unzipped her skirt and pushed it down, quickly followed by her panties and her socks. Sitting there on her bed as totally naked as he was, she felt her groin ache deep inside. Her clit was swollen and itching to be touched, to be stroked and fiddled with. Her labia were swollen and glistening with cunt juice, throbbing with desire, aching to be rubbed. She looked at her kid brother's tiny, prepubescent dick and balls. He'd just turned thirteen but he had the genitals of a ten-year-old, and his pubes were as smooth and hairless as a child's. His dick and balls were cute. Rita and Tracey had been right. Well, they weren't the only ones who could admire her kid brother's little knockers and wee-wee. He was her kid brother. She could admire them anytime she wanted. She had access to him every day, all day.

Dominic flinched as his sister reached over, fully expecting her to slap his tender testicles like she had the last time, or flick a finger at them or something. Instead she picked up his penis ever so gently and stroked it. She was surprised how smooth and silky it felt. She knew nothing about boys' penises of course, other than what every girl learned in sex ed classes, which was not anything of much practical value. As she stroked it, awkwardly of course, it being her first time and knowing nothing of male anatomy, Dominic's foreskin began to slide back. Quickly tensing, he debated if he should tell her how it hurt when it was stretched back, figuring if he did she'd likely just be all the rougher on him. It was probably better he just kept quiet. He didn't have to say anything. Nicole could tell from his intake of breath and the tensing of his body that it hurt.

Slipping her finger between her moist labia, she slicked up the tip with her juices and reached up and applied the slick, translucent juice to the tip of his dick. She repeated it several times until the well formed by his loose foreskin was filled, and then she slowly drew his skin back to expose the tip of his little knob. Waiting for her juices to spread over the exposed tip, she drew his pale white foreskin back up, lubing up the inside of his skin with her cunt juice. The action got her pumping out more juice and caused her labia to swell even more firmly, and it caused Dominic's little cocklet to grow firmer too. She repeated the process, now being able to pull his skin a little further back and coating more of his knob with her juices. Once again she drew it up, and then she slowly eased it back, revealing his glistening, sticky dickhead as she pulled his foreskin all the way back, totally exposing his slick, shiny, purple-red bulbous knob.

As she lay there on her back, his now rock-hard little penis between her thumb and first finger, she arched her body with the need to have it inside her. His fingers would not do this time. She had to have his little boy cock inside up, stroking her, doing to her what she'd fantasized Kenneth doing to her on their wedding night. She needed it, and she needed it now. Her labia were swollen and dripping with cunt juice, aching to be stroked. He clit was hard and aching to be touched. And deep inside her was a craving like she'd never felt before. Slipping her hands down to grasp his little, dangling balls, she drew him forward, pulling his privates toward hers. Spreading apart her legs as far as she could, she guided him forward, and though he only had one other experience with a woman, Dominic did not need a lot of guidance, though under the circumstances, he was so surprised and numbed with shock he pretty much let her do what she wanted.

She sighed as she felt his cock slowly slip inside her pussy, and then suddenly tensed and cried out as his slender little cocklet popped her thin, fragile maidenhead, its first hymen. The significance was not lost on little Dominic. He had cracked his sister's cherry! His first virgin! She'd never had a dick up her cunt before. His was the first! He was so surprised he just knelt there motionless between her legs until Nicole pushed down on his buttocks, driving him up her cunt as far as his little cocklet would reach. "Fuck me," she sighed.

He did so, out of impulse and instinct. His cocklet was hard and aching and it felt good being inside her hot, moist cunt. It felt even better as he began to ease it in and out of her pussy. But she was a girl, and he didn't really like girls. Well, he didn't think he did. He liked doing it to Mrs Wilson, though not as much as he liked doing stuff with Kenneth. With her it had been sex. With Kenneth it was love. This was different that way. He did love his sister, but this was still just sex, still not the same as with Kenneth. And she was his sister. That was so totally filthy, so totally unexpected. He could not believe it. He was fucking his sister.

Nicole didn't care that it was her brother who had his cock up her cunt. She wanted a cock up her pussy, she wanted it badly, and she wanted his cock particularly. They had said it had been so cute. Well, it was her brother's, and if anyone was going to be fucked by his cute cock it was her. She knew that didn't make sense, but that didn't matter. Her labia were itching and aching to be fucked, to be fucked by him. Her clit was begging for it. And it felt good, just like 3; well, she didn't know what like. She'd never been able to fantasize what it might be like, not even when she'd used her own fingers, and this was much different from her own fingers, or even his yesterday for that matter. Nothing could compare how hot this was making her, how pleasant it was to have him inside her.

Dominic fucked slowly and uncertainly, not sure he was enjoying it, not like when he'd been fucking Kenneth's ass, not sure he should be doing this, not with his very own sister, but despite those questions and doubts it felt good, and they soon faded as the pleasure pulsating through his loins took over his mind. He gradually began to speed up, at first rocking and then plunging between his sister's legs, ramming his cock in and out of her hot, dripping pussy, working his hips to and fro faster and faster as the throbbing pleasure grew stronger and stronger and his need to reach his climax became more and more urgent. Nicole began to squirm and thrust her hips to and fro, delighting in her first fuck, desperately wanting his cock up her hot, aching pussy as far as he could shove it, wanting him to bring her off like she did with her fingers, wanting him to make her feel good, just like she'd imagined, imagined-she wasn't sure when, but she had the feeling she'd imagined this before, recently, very recently. But that did not make sense. Until this very moment she'd never thought even once about having sex with her brother, not her little thirteen-year-old snot-nosed brother. The throbbing between her legs made it impossible for her to think clearly.

And then she could think no longer, not of anything. She heaved her body up, arching her back with her first wave of orgasm, her first orgasm achieved while being fucked. She trembled and gasped, almost bucking young Dominic off. And then he was shuddering and trembling too with his dry orgasm. Wave after wave struck him, causing his dick to ache like it never had before, causing his balls to draw up so tight under his cock they almost disappeared. He shuddered not with one, not with two, but with multiple orgasms as one after another hit him as only they can to women and pre-adolescent boys. It was totally awesome. He gasped for breath, his loins on fire, and his thigh trembled uncontrollably as the fire raced through his loins and up his aching, throbbing little cocklet.

They lay there locked together, totally shocked by the power of their orgasms, their bodies flushed and hot, their organs numb and dripping. They slowly disentangled in a daze, lost in the bliss of the fucked. Minutes ticked by, seeming no more than seconds as their breathing slowly returned to normal. Nicole lay there on her back, dreamily fiddling with Dominic's once again limp but now sticky wet dicklet, amazed how soft and silky and delicate it felt now compared to the rock hardness earlier, and even more amazed how having it in her body had felt so awesome, so totally wonderful. Dominic lay there in a daze also, fingering his sister's sticky wet pussy, amazed how it had made him feel so good, amazed still how his little dicklet could make him feel so good, and even more amazed at Nicole's change in attitude. That was the most amazing of all.

Their slow, innocent fiddling with each other gradually began to arouse them again, and without realizing it Nicole's stroking gradually changed Dominic's limp little noodle into a once again hard little nail aching to be stroked, while he'd stroked the fires in her pussy to the point where her labia were once again inflamed and aching to be penetrated. Once again Dominic took his position above his sister and between her outspread legs, and once again he easily slid his little four-inch [10cm] cocklet into her hot, juicy cunt. Once again he began slowly, but as the desire and pressures built in each of their loins it was not long before he was once again fucking like a little jack rabbit and she was squirming and gasping as if she'd gone insane. She in fact had gone insane, insane with desire. Groaning openly and loudly with the flashes of pleasure shooting through her groin, she slipped her middle finger up little Dominic's anus, and as he reached his orgasm for the second time that afternoon she felt his little sphincter grip her finger tightly. And then she was coming too, convulsing once again in a series of multi orgasms as he was, her hot, juicy cunt gripping and releasing his little, throbbing cocklet with each peak while his anus similarly repeatedly gripped and relaxed its hold on her finger as he trembled with one orgasm after another.

One would have thought that two massive orgasms, one within half an hour of the other, would have satiated the two teenagers, but they were horny out of their minds, and were soon going at it again, little Dominic thrusting his slender hips to and fro, driving his little, prepubescent dicklet in and out of his sister's now sloppy, slimy cunt, driving her wild beyond her wildest dreams. She gripped his body with her raised, outspread legs, urging him on, begging him to fuck her, crying out with pleasure, and he grunted and snorted as he plowed her hot, wet trough.

"Yes, yes!" she cried out. "Oh you're making me feel so good! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fill my pussy with your hot cum!" she cried as she trembled and gasped on the brink of her orgasm.

"But I can't cum yet," Dominic gasped in a shy and quiet voice as he too reached that peak once again.

Grasping each other tightly, the two bucked and groaned as the first wave of orgasm struck them, as Dominic's little cocklet burned and throbbed with such pleasure he felt faint and as her hot, pulsating cunt gripped his cock with a vice-like hold. Nicole thrust her hips to and fro in a wild, mad frenzy of orgiastic delight and she threw back her head and groaned with the pleasure ripping through her as she looked up at the shocked face of her father with her lust-blurred eyes, and as the hidden cams Billy had installed in her bedroom, along with the one in the bathroom after Cory's call from the Seven-Eleven on Friday, caught it all on tape for posterity.

Chapter Thirty-Eight

— Ft —

Thanks to Absalom for suggesting the plot and action in this part.

Unable to believe that he had just screwed his sister, not once but three times, and finding the intensity of their orgasms even more unbelievable, thirteen-year-old Dominic crouched there over his sister on his knees and elbows in a daze, his thin chest heaving with exertion and undescribable pleasure as he gasped for breath, the air rank with the scent of hot pussy and sour sweat, his stiff little cocklet still buried in his sister's hot, juicy, teenage cunt. As he looked into her eyes with shock and disbelief, to his surprise the hot lust in her deep blue eyes suddenly turned into a look of absolute fear. Slowly his sex-numbed mind became aware that she was trying to push him off her. As he pushed himself up to a kneeling position, the room began to spin and he watched dizzily as she squirmed out from under him, her mouth opening and closing like a fish in a fish bowl. She looked so funny he had to giggle as he slipped off the bed and stood there wobbly, looking down at her now trying to cover her pussy and her boobs with her hands, her eyes wide with fear. That did not make any sense. Why try to cover herself now after having just spent an hour naked and fucking like bunnies?

Slowly turning to see what she was looking at, he stared up his father standing there in the doorway glaring at him. He'd seen his father angry plenty of times before. His father got angry easily, and it seemed that there were a lot of things in his job as Area Superintendent of Schools to make him angry. Never in all those times though had he ever seen his father as angry as he looked that moment. His eyes blazed as if they were about to shoot lightning bolts and his face was a strange bluish crimson as he stared at him and Nikki with a combination of shock, disgust and anger. Dominic's jaw dropped and his little cocklet quickly softened, like a balloon that had just lost all its air, shrinking back to its normal size. His foreskin quickly slipped up to once again cover his shiny purple cockhead and extend beyond the tip to form a little skin tube. His tiny, hairless balls and naked pubes, coated with his sister's cunt juice, suddenly felt very wet and very cold. The constriction of his tight foreskin pushed the pussy juices that had coated his little knob forward to form a clear, slimy blob clinging to the tip of his foreskin tube.

His eyes blazing like Dominic and Nicole had never seen before, John Halder stepped forward. "You vile little pervert! Look at yourself! Covered with your own filthy semen!"

Dominic looked down at his crotch too shocked and embarrassed to tell his father that the wetness was not cum but from his sister. Besides, even if he could speak, he had no idea what a girl's stuff was called.

"Look at what you've done to your sister! Sprayed it all over her for Chrissake!"

His father was bellowing at the top of his lungs. Grabbing Dominic by the back of his neck, he turned him around, forcing him to look at his sister.

"Get it out of there!" he bellowed, forcing Dominic to his knees. Get it out? Get what out? And out of where? Dominic had no idea what his father meant, but he was too frightened to ask.

"Suck your vile semen out of her. Now, before you get her pregnant!"

Grabbing Nicole in the fury caused by his anger with his son and fear for his daughter, he pulled her across the bed and swung her feet to the floor so she was sitting on the edge of the bed with her legs outspread, revealing her wet, partially swollen pussy.

"Suck Goddamn you!" he cursed, pushing Dominic's face toward Nicole's pussy. "Lick up your teenage boy filth!"

"But, Daddy, Dominic can't 3;," began Nicole, the disgusting thought of her brother sucking her pussy momentarily overriding her fear of her father's wrath. The glare he gave her, the first he'd ever given her in her life, stopped her in mid-sentence. Too shocked by his father's fury and too embarrassed to reveal he couldn't spurt yet, Dominic could not speak. Placing a hand on the back of his head and wedging his face between Nicole's widespread legs with one hand and twisting his arm behind his back with the other, his father ordered him to begin sucking.

Even if he'd found the courage and presence of mind to speak at that moment, he would not have been able to with his face buried in his sister's hot, slimy crotch. Having no choice, Dominic pressed his lips against the slime-coated and still semi-swollen lips of Nicole's pussy as if he was kissing it and sucked. He could barely breathe and the stink of her pussy turned his stomach. A girl didn't smell anything like how a boy smelled down there. It reminded him of fish, and he wasn't particularly fond of fish. Even though he knew there was no semen in her vagina, he pressed his thin lips against her smelly cunt harder, creating a vacuum, and sucked hard. Sucking in a mouthful of her slime, he gagged and had to force his bile back down.

With his father holding his head down and twisting his arm behind his back, he had no choice but to swallow the vile, slime and continue sucking, and as his mouth sucked on her pussy and his hot breath blew out of his nose into her strawberry blond hairs, Nicole's pussy begin to swell again. Afraid her father would see her arousal, she pressed her groin into Dominic's face in an effort to hide her arousal from him. What Dominic was doing to her was filthy and totally sick, but he deserved it. If he'd told her what she wanted to know right off none of this would have happened. Besides, it served him right being so cute. He wasn't looking so cute now, his nose buried in her crotch, his lips pressed against her now fully swollen pussy lips. As they brushed against her clit she squirmed and her cunt juices began to flow once again. As he felt her fresh cunt juices flowing into his mouth, Dominic had to fight back the impulse to puke even harder and he began to swallow desperately to stop from upchucking. Knowing the distress she was causing caused Nicole to get all more aroused. She could not explain it, but the thought of causing her brother pain made her feel unbelievably horny, far hornier than thoughts of her boyfriend Kenneth Ballard had ever made her.

Encouraged by Dominic's slurping, gulping sounds and certain the boy was sucking out the semen he'd deposited up his sister's vagina, John Halder pressed the thirteen-year-old's head down harder. He would never be able to live down the shame of his seventeen-year-old daughter becoming pregnant, and he'd never be able to look at her or his son again knowing it was Dominic's baby in her belly. Hopefully the boy would suck her clean before it happened. He had to.

"Stick your tongue in there and lick all of your vile seed out! Every bit of it!"

Dominic did as he was told, knowing there was no use arguing with his father. The sooner he did it the sooner this nightmare would be over. In a perverted way he was fulfilling one of his biggest dreams. He was doing something that was pleasing his father, something he desperately wished he could do. He was pleasing Nicole. Feeling her brother's hot, wet tongue slip into her pussy caused her to tremble with delight. If only all her friends who thought he was so damn cute could only see him now kneeling there between her legs and licking her pussy, worming his tongue up her hot, juicy channel like he was licking cream from a bowl. He actually seemed to be enjoying it, the filthy little pervert! She had no idea her thirteen-year-old brother was a cunt-licking perv.

Well, that was just fine with her. Her pussy was throbbing and aching even more pleasantly than when she played with it with her fingers, even more than when she used her father's vibrator on it. It was almost as good as when Dominic had had his little dickie up it. The memory of how hot she'd gotten when she'd made him screw her caused her pussy to quiver with arousal. She closed her eyes and concentrated on how it had felt, how he'd made her buck with her orgasm and cry out with the sweet pain. She was about to reach another orgasm again, he fourth that afternoon. There would be plenty more. She'd make the little pervert screw her and then suck out her pussy every day! As Dominic's tongue passed over her now swollen clit, Nicole let out a moan of ecstasy, unable to help herself as the first wave of her fourth orgasm rippled through her hot, dripping pussy.

It was a full minute before John Halder realized that Dominic had gone beyond what he'd been told to do and was now actually engaging in another sex act with his sister, right there before his very eyes. In total disbelief at the audacity of his thirteen-year-old son, John Halder's anger increased tenfold. Grabbing Dominic by his neck, he lifted him up and threw him violently against the wall, banging his head so hard the picture fell off its hook and crashed to the floor. As Dominic slid to the carpet in total fear and shock, his head aching and bright stars flashing before his eyes, his father grabbed him by the hair and pulled him to his feet. Grabbing him by the buttocks with the other hand, he threw him toward the door, intending on throwing him into the hallway. Stumbling forward and bashing his face against the door frame, Dominic stood there on wobbly legs as blood began to gush out of his nose. It flowed over his upper lip and into his mouth, the coppery taste of hot blood replacing the foul fish taste of his sister's cunt juice.

"Now look at the filthy mess you're making!"

No longer thinking clearly, John Halder, in a blind rant, seized the limp boy and slapped him across the face, cutting his lip and bashing the back of his head against the door frame. He would have continued slapping him had it not been for Nicole's screaming at the top of her lungs, begging him to stop. He paused, torn between giving his vile, hated son the punishment he deserved and protecting his daughter from witnessing his punishment. Dominic slumped down to the floor.

"Stand up!" Dominic tried but his legs would not cooperate. "Stand damn you!"

Sheer fear drove Dominic to his feet and he stood there wobbly before his sister and father, stark naked, cheeks glistening with his sister's cunt juice, and blood still running from his nose.

"So you can't stop yourself from engaging in sex, even in front of your father? You're that sick and horny? Well there's a way to break a boy from thinking with his balls instead of his head. Masturbate!"

Dominic stared at his father blankly as he pinched his nose shut with his thumb and forefinger, trying to stop the bleeding.

"You're going to pump out your semen until your testicles are empty and so shriveled up and painful you'll beg me to cut them off. Now do it!"

"But, but, I can't cum yet," Dominic replied, his voice quavering and squeaking so high you'd think he'd already been castrated.

"Do it or I'll do it to you!" Blind with anger and single-minded, John Halder had become so totally illogical he wasn't even aware of what he was saying.

Little Dominic began to play with his limp penis. Tears began to well up in his pretty blue eyes and roll down his cheeks. It wasn't so much the result of the pain in his head nor the embarrassment of standing there stark naked in front of his father and sister and playing with himself as it was the result of the pain in his heart. He didn't ever want to do anything to make his father angry. He wanted nothing more in life than to make his father happy and for his father to like him. Standing there fighting back his sobs, the blood from his nose running down his fingers and down his forearm to his elbow, Dominic tugged desperately on his limp little noodle, rubbing the sensitive knob vigorously in an attempt to get hard and to prove to his father that he was being honest. He stood there for what seemed like forever to him, but he could not get hard, and as he saw his father growing angrier and angrier it seemed like his little cocklet was shrinking more and more. His father finally totally snapped in his impatience, and leaping up from the bed, he grabbed little Dominic by his prepubescent testicles and began to squeeze, squeezing so hard Dominic could not even scream, squeezing until the boy collapsed.

When Dominic came to, he found himself lying in his bed. His entire body ached with pain with the slightest move and his head was throbbing so hard it hurt to open his eyes. He was in his pajamas. Getting to his feet ever so slowly, he gingerly inched his way to the bathroom and stared at his image in the mirror. He had a black eye, a swollen and cut lower lip, and his eyes were red-rimmed and bloodshot. His nose had stopped bleeding and didn't seem to have any external damage. He lifted up his pajama top and stared at the large blue-black bruises on his chest and ribs. Tears began welling up in his eyes again and he quickly dropped his top and turned away. How could his father have done this to him?

Slipping back out of the bathroom, he heard voices coming from downstairs, voices he recognized as that of Father Henry and his father. The door to Nicole's bedroom was closed and there was no light coming from under the door. Dominic wondered if she'd been sent to bed, or if she'd gone herself. He wondered also why he'd gotten the beating and not her. Curious, despite his pain he snuck over to the stairs to hear what his dad and Father Henry were saying. His breath shuddered and his legs trembled as he crouched down at the top of the stairs.

"I tell you Father, he is a devil child." His father's voice was calm now, and serious, the only tone Dominic had ever heard. Nikki had told him once, when he was very young and she wasn't so mean to him, that it wasn't that way when their mother was alive.

"Are you saying he is possessed?" Father Henry asked, having of course his own reasons to suspect that could very well be the case. He hadn't considered that possibility and latched onto the idea in his own desperation. It certainly would explain his own behavior, not to mention get him off the hook.

"Possessed? No, no, nothing like that. Difficult. Defiant. You know how boys are. He has been a problem child ever since his mother died."

Dominic could not believe what his father was saying. A problem child? He'd done everything his father, and his sister, had demanded of him. He'd bent over backward trying to please them, trying to get them to love him.

"He's needed a firm hand constantly, and needs one even more so now that he's entered his teens and his hormones are flowing."

Father Henry paled. Why had John Halder mentioned hormones in particular? "Yes, those are difficult years," he observed vaguely, fearing what Dominic might have revealed about what the two of them had done. That incident three weeks ago to the day in Westbank Park had been the first thing to come to his mind when John Halder had phoned him in almost a state of hysteria two hours ago and had told him that he had to talk to him that night, and at his home, on a personal matter of utmost urgency. He had in fact come expecting and prepared to be accused of having molested the boy. Exactly what was on John Halder's mind he was still not sure, but after half an hour of talking, mostly John talking and him listening, he had not raised even so much as a hint about the incident in the park, which would indicate his fears regarding Dominic having revealed something had been unfunded.

"Of course, it must be difficult for a boy to be growing up without a mother," he continued, feeling it in his best interest to stick up for the boy for whatever sin it was that he'd committed and that had prompted his father to phone him in such a panic on a Saturday night.

"I need to get rid of him for a little while. I 3; I'm afraid what I might do to him if he stays here in the house with just me."

Considering what he'd done to Dominic in the park, Father Henry could not but help think John Halder was referring to something sexual. The possibility that the boy was some sort of demon child came back to his mind. Why else would he have had such feelings of lust for the boy? Up until that evening he'd never even masturbated himself, and he'd certainly never had lustful thoughts for young boys, or for any sex of any age for that matter. And as for a father having sexual feelings for his own child, look what Pastor Winthrop had done to his boy, though if one boy was possessed, it was very likely both of them were. That was especially so with Bob Moser involved. After three weeks of soul searching, it was all coming together.


"Oh. Sorry. I was thinking. You were saying?"

"I can't have Dominic stay in this house alone with me."

"Your daughter is no longer living with you?"

"Even more reason why Dominic mustn't stay here. I'm afraid for her safety. I cannot leave him alone with her."

"I see," Father Henry said. If the boy really was possessed, he could understand that, and the references now to his daughter made the early reference to hormones make more sense, and explained why John had been so circuitous about explaining what had happened to prompt his call. The boy had evidently attacked his sister, sexually.

"Can you take him for a while?"

"Me?" The priest's eyes widened in surprise, and with sudden fear, not because of the possibility that boy was possessed, but what he might end up doing to the boy himself. No matter how many Hail Mary's he'd said, no matter how fervently he'd sought God's forgiveness and guidance, no matter how guilt-ridden and filthy he'd felt, the pleasure of being masturbated by the boy and the delight he'd felt sucking his little cocklet came back just as strong as they had that evening. No matter how hard he'd tried to put the events of that evening out of his mind, there was not a day that he didn't find himself recalling licking his cum and that of Reverend Winthrop from the naked bodies of Jonah and Dominic, and though with revulsion, he could not deny also with lust.

"He needs to be taught what is morally right and wrong in matters of sex. I've heard you preach many times on the temptations of the flesh and especially how difficult and how important it is for young people to resist temptation and remain chaste. Who better to teach the boy the Christian principles of moral decency and the need for abstinence than you?"

"I, well, suppose I could speak with him," Father Henry replied hesitantly. What could a man say about decency to a boy whom he'd sprayed with his seed and then licked it off and then proceeded to suck the boy's penis and have the boy masturbate him?

"Actually, I was thinking that perhaps living with you for a little while is what he needs. As I said, I can't trust him to be left alone, and with my job I can't always be watching over him. I need someone who can control him with a strict hand and be a role model for him. I can't think of anyone better to do the job than yourself."

"I, ah, well, I, um, I thank you for your faith in me, but, ah, well, I'd like to do it, very much, but, well, February is a particularly busy month, you know, visiting the shut-ins, and ah, well, preparing, ah, well, church duties and all. I'm afraid it would be quite impossible for me to look after a boy and keep that sort of supervision over him."

Needless to say, after their tryst in the park he'd dropped the idea of private sessions with the boy, and to his relief the boy didn't show up after church the following Sunday, or ask about the lessons he'd said they would have. Seeing Dominic every Sunday and at choir practice these past three weeks had been difficult enough. Just the sight of the boy brought back vivid memories of what they'd done, along with the feelings he'd felt and would never forget. Seeing the boy every day would be totally unbearable. After what they'd done in a place as public as Westbank Park, how could he possibly resist the temptation of the boy's charms in the privacy of the manse? And if what they'd done in the park ever came out, how would it look if three weeks later he had Dominic move in with him? His career would be finished.

"I see," John Halder replied with disappointment.

"I can talk to him now though, about abstinence, if you wish. Was there a particular incident that raised your concern?" the priest asked, fishing for information now he was confident whatever it was, it had not involved the incident in the park.

"No, no, nothing in particular," John Halder lied uncomfortably. Forty-five years old and in a senior management position, and he felt like a schoolboy lying to the priest. "It was just an idea. I'm sorry to have troubled you on a Saturday evening."

"No trouble, no trouble at all," Father Henry said as he rose. He was relieved that whatever had happened had nothing to do with him and what had gone on in Westbank Park, but he was also not being fooled. He knew when he was being lied to, and when grown men lied to him, discovering what they were hiding was always to his advantage.

John Halder sat back down dejectedly. Calling the priest had been a spur of the moment decision out of panic for the way he'd reacted to catching Dominic on top of his sister. Between the call and the arrival of the priest, he'd had time to think more rationally, and had realized that there was no way he was going to be able to tell the priest he was responsible for his son's physical condition, nor that it was because he'd caught his son forcing himself on his sister, which, after he'd cleaned up Dominic and put him in his bed, Nicole had told him what had happened. What would the priest think of him as a father if he told him what sort of son he'd raised, and how he'd handled the situation?

So, he still had the problem of what to do with his deviant son. He could not leave him alone with Nicole after what he'd done to her, and he could not trust himself to be alone with the little oversexed pervert. He needed someone who had high moral standards like himself, and who would deal with Dominic with a strict hand, someone who had experience in dealing with defiant, hormone-driven teenage boys. He also had to be someone who would not question why he was turning his son over to him, nor question his son's black eye and bruises. He didn't have any family he could turn to. Since his wife's death he'd cut all ties with her family, mainly because seeing them reminded him too much of her. At the time they'd objected, wanting to see Nicole and Dominic, but thirteen years had passed since then. They might as well be strangers. As for his own family, they all lived out of town, and they'd question him for sure.

As for friends, with his wife's death he'd thrown himself totally into his work. Again, seeing old friends had reminded him too much of the happy times they'd had before Dominic's birth and her death. He'd cut off all social contacts of a personal basis, devoting every hour of his waking day on his job, and it was that tireless dedication that had gotten him where he was today. Those he was closest to were colleagues, and being in a senior management position, even those were limited. Anyway, none of them fit his criteria. Where was he possibly going to find someone who was strict with children, who would not ask him questions, and who would keep things secret if certain things were discovered and do as he was told? The name of the perfect candidate suddenly popped into his head. Julius Gilles.