PZA Boy Stories

Brianski aka Brian

Benin, A Roman Slave Boy

Chapters 6-10

Chapter 6

It was late afternoon when Benin went back and reported to Publius. Appia had dressed him in beads, which hung from his hips, his eyebrows and lashes had black mascara and red rouge on his cheeks and lips. He looked like a boy whore from a local brothel.

"There you are Benin, home at last, I trust you are fully recuperated and ready to serve me?" enquired Publius.

"Yes thank you sir master, I am ready to serve and pleasure you master," replied Benin.

"Good, very good Benin, tell me, why do you disobey me slave? You have caused me a great deal of inconvenience and my father extra expense in employing physicians, because you disobeyed me, by not wearing your belt, why boy"?

"But master, mistress Appia told me not to wear the belt, that it was not necessary while I was with her. Master Sir."

"Who is your master, boy?"

"You master sir."

"Exactly, Benin, you disobeyed me, so you must be punished."

Benin looked down at his feet, dismayed as to what form the punishment might take. At this point Publius got up from the couch where he had been reclining, walked over to Benin and took hold of the beads he was wearing and pulled them off, with force, the beads scattered to the floor. Benin felt nervous at this, Publius told Benin to raise his arms above his head. Publius walked around him, touching his skin and pinching it. Publius took hold of a cane and continued to walk around Benin, sliding the cane across his body in a slow deliberate manner. Benin became increasingly nervous, he was then told to lower his arms and stretch them in front of himself with the palms raised. Publius placed the cane across his outstretched hands, then sat back down on the couch and began eating some fruit, and Benin remained standing, naked and vulnerable, looking at the cane resting on his hands.

Publius was strangely quiet, he just stared at Benin. After some 30 minutes, Publius got up walked over to Benin took hold of the cane, raised it and brought it crashing down across Benin's palm. Benin winced, then another slow walk to the other side and a further stroke was given on the opposite hand, this continued until eight further strokes were given. Benin's hands trembled, his fingers throbbed with pain. He was then told to bend over and clasp his ankles. Publius then took hold of the cane and placed it between Benin's crack in his buttocks, and sat down again, he told Benin that if he let the cane fall he would receive double the number of strokes. Benin clenched the cane between his buttocks determined it would not fall.

Again Publius sat back down on the couch, and selected an orange, which he peeled slowly and devoured each segment in turn. Benin's arse cheeks ached with the effort of clinching the cane between his buttocks.

A further 30 to 45 minutes passed, and Publius had not spoken, but was relishing the act of punishing Benin further. Eventually he rose and walked over to Benin, extracted the cane, took several steps back and ran towards Benin, striking him a full force blow across the middle of his buttocks. Benin gave out a scream as the pain racked his body, Publius took his time and walked back ready to give the second strike, which was of equal force as the previous. Ten strokes were given, then Publius returned to his couch, and rested. Benin remained in the bent over position as he had not been told to move.

Publius waited a further 15 minutes and commenced the punishment again, first he stroked Benin's buttocks, by this time the wheals had risen, and the area was turning a nice blue colour. The eleventh stroke was given, then nine more. Benin was rocking forward with each blow, the pain was excruciating, Publius finally stopped at 20 strokes. Benin remained bent over, he was kept in that position for a further 20 minutes when Publius relented and Benin was allowed to stand up.

"On your knees Benin and crawl here to me, kiss my feet, then promise you will never again disobey me," said Publius.

"I am sorry, sir master, I will never ever disobey you again."

"Thank me for punishing you slave."

"Thank-you sir master for punishing me."

Publius made him repeat the promise twenty times, kissing his feet between each apology. Now Benin listen to me very carefully, as I do not want to have to punish you, because you disobey. Benin lifted his head, he was still on his knees, and Publius stroked Benin's hair and face.

"Each day you will wake me early in the morning, fetch my breakfast, dress me and take my books to school, you will then go the kitchen and get your food, don't worry there is a new cook and he has been given instructions by my father to feed you well, you will then clean my rooms, and be at my tutor's rooms for 2.00 pm, if you are not being measured that day, you will exercise under Sartorius's guidance until 5.00 pm. You will then attend me, at 6.00 pm you will spend two hours each evening on the wheel. You will then attend me again, when I have finished with you, you can again eat your fill in the kitchen; then go to your room you share with Romo. Do you understand Benin?"

"Yes sir master."

"Very well, I will now escort you to the water wheel for you to continue your exercises," said Publius." I will stay and watch you, so make sure you put in a good effort, no effort equals more punishment Benin."

Benin went down the steps followed by Publius. The scrawny old man greeted Publius, grovelling as usual, and he quickly called the middle boy down, and replaced him with Benin. It was difficult to get the wheel going again but with aid of the whip on the backs of the other boys and Benin pushing with all his might it began to turn. Benin found it very difficult to hold onto the wooden rail, as his fingers were stiff and swollen from his beating.

Publius was given a chair and watched as the three slaves toiled to keep the wheel turning, the heat was intolerable from the hot spring, and all three were soon bathed in sweat. Publius enjoyed watching Benin toil, his calf muscles straining each time he pushed down. Publius stayed the whole two hours, so Benin did not get a break apart from when the two outer boys were replaced with two new boys. None that Publius had seen had a body like Benin's, already well muscled, lean and trim, his waist could not be more than 28" [71 cm] if that, his legs broad of thigh , his chest broad, his pectoral muscles stood out, with his handsome good looks, Publius was pleased with his slave and look forward to honing the boy's body to perfection.

Publius laid on his bed, while Benin dried himself off, while the two boys had been down below, a long low marble table had been put in the centre of the room, hanging from the ceiling were two ropes directly above the table, Benin wondered what it could be for.

"This Benin is a massage table; I have decided each night you will massage me, so as to keep my body in good shape, first you must disrobe me," said Publius. Benin walked over and undid the clasps from his master's tunic, he fumbled somewhat as his hands were still swollen and sore; he then removed his master's undergarment and sandals.

Publius stood naked, his cock semi hard, Publius took hold of a large bottle of oil and gave it to Benin. "I will lay down on the table and you Benin will pour a small quantity of oil on my body. You then stand on the table, one foot either side of me, clasp the ropes above you, pull yourself up and then with your feet massage the oil into my body, do you understand Benin?"

"Yes sir master."

Publius laid belly down on the table and Benin poured oil over his master's back, a little too much, as it overflowed onto the table. Benin climbed onto the table took hold of the ropes and pulled himself up, then gently put his feet on Publius's back and slid back and forth, massaging the oil into his master's skin. This required some skill, as the oil was slippery so Benin strained to keep himself upright, his hands throbbed as he gripped the ropes but he managed to keep steady.

Benin went from the nape of the neck down the back, across the buttocks, and down each leg in turn, repeating time and time again. His master issuing instructions to press harder or lighten the pressure, which ever his master wanted. Gradually the oil sunk into Publius's skin, after about one hour, Publius gave Benin the order to stop, so he could turn over onto his back. Benin poured the oil over Publius's stomach and repeated the process, back and forth, down his master's chest to his abdomen, then across his hips and down his legs.

Publius obviously enjoyed the process as his cock began to grow. He looked up at Benin's naked body and felt the desire to fuck Benin, but he would enjoy the massage first. Another half hour passed and Publius was satisfied, he had Benin stop and get down. He stood up and gave Benin a curved wooden spatula, this Benin used to scrape his master's body of any excess oil. He then gave his master's body a vigorous rub with a linen cloth, to dry his body.

By this time Publius had a full hard on and beckoned Benin over to his bed. Benin was told to lay on his stomach and draw up his knees so that his buttocks were in an elevated position. He was then secured by wrists and ankles to the bed. Publius mounted the trussed Benin, pushing his cock past Benin's sphincter and entered him. The massage had made Publius feel more energetic and thrust into Benin until his balls slapped against the side of Benin's buttocks. Publius could not hold on for very long and came long and hard inside Benin. Publius was still in a sullen mood and immediately put Benin's belt on and dismissed him.

Benin was pleased to be released and went straight to the kitchen. The new cook smiled, and told Benin to eat his fill, as he was ravishingly hungry he eats as much as he could. He then thanked the cook, an amaible man of about 30 years, who obviously took pride in his work, as the food Benin had consumed was delicious. Benin went down to his quarters and was pleased to see Romo lying naked on the bed, his resplendent, muscled naked body was a perfect example of young manhood.

"Hello Romo, have you recovered from your beating asked Benin, my master has just punished me?" asked Benin.

"More or less," said Romo, "My buttocks are still tender, your master is young but I think he is cruel, my master is fair but severe."

"Does your master fuck you?"

"Yes," said Romo, "he has a big cock, he fucks me at least once a day. I am gradually getting used to it, but I am sad that I can never fuck anybody anymore, either girl or boy, my cock will never again become hard."

"My master has just fucked me, and his cum is flowing out of my anus, this belt makes it difficult to clean, and it gets all sticky," said Benin.

"Come here," said Romo, "let me help you."

With that Benin bent over in front of Romo, who took a piece of cloth and wiped Benin clean the best he could. It was a pity that Benin had to wear the belt, Benin turned and looked at Romo, admiring his lean body. Benin felt his cock stir and leant forward and kissed Romo full on the lips, his tongue exploring Romo's mouth. "Thank-you," said Benin, both boys lay side by side and embraced, a bond growing between them.

Over the next few weeks, Benin got into a regular routine, seeing to his master in the morning, then cleaning and exercising in the afternoon. He soon graduated from the light wood logs to the heavy, from carrying half bags of sand to full bags topped up with water, he would do 20 laps of the courtyard, followed by 50 press-ups, 50 squats, and 50 sit-ups, then repeat again and again, some 2½ hours of regular exercise every afternoon, six days a week and longer on Sundays as Publius was not at school. The evenings followed a traditional pattern, fetching Publius's food, massaging him, and the dreaded two hours on the wheel. Sometimes Publius would fuck him, sometimes Benin would have to suck Publius until the cum went down his throat. Some five weeks had passed and Benin was due for his usual examination.

The exercising was certainly showing progress and Sartorius was pleased with the results. Benin himself knew his body had developed well over the time. Sartorius pored over his body, measuring everywhere, Sartorius had brought a pair of metal callipers, and delighted in measuring Benin, taking hold of a piece of skin in between the callipers and squeezing, to see if any fat remained or just skin and muscle. Benin's chest had expanded and his pectoral muscles stood out, the four small muscles below his armpits were clearly visible, his waist was still slim, a cage of muscles stood out around his abdomen, each one clearly defined, his navel still protruded slightly, his thighs were huge from all the running and the turning of the wheel.

Benin was made to pose in the nude, first this way and then that way, his calf muscles were rock hard and stood out at the bottom half of his legs, his biceps were like oranges as he flexed his arms. Ridges of muscle stood out either side of his spine, they ran from the nape of his neck to his buttocks. Benin was proud of his body, slim with perfect symmetry, everything in proportion, without any huge bulk, just sinew and muscle. His skin had a golden hue from where he had exercised nude in the sun every afternoon, which enhanced his appearance, his hair had grown, little ringlets of black curly hair hung down onto his neck, his pubic hairs were also curly and a thin growth of hair travelled up his belly to his navel.

Sartorius asked Publius what he thought of Benin so far.

"You have done a fine job Sartorius and I trust you will continue to supervise the boy's exercise programme for me, I intend to give him one day a week off from exercising as I feel he is now ready to accompany me to the baths on a Sunday," said Publius.

"Of course Publius, I think six days a week will be sufficient to keep and perhaps even improve his body," said Sartorius, who was worried for an instance that he would be relieved of his duties. At this point he could not resist stroking Benin down the back and across his buttocks, he had always admired the two dimples in Benin's buttock cheeks and could not resist poking them with his index finger, with his other hand stroking Benin's belly and lingering at his cock before removing his hand. At that point the students got up from their desks and walked over to Benin to admire his physique. Marcus particularly was interested in fingering the boy, stroking and prodding Benin's muscles.

"I am going with my father on Saturday to the slave market, we have been told there are some fine new young boy slaves for sale and my father has promised to buy one for me, if it is all right with Publius's father could I bring him into school and perhaps he could exercise with this young specimen?" enquired Marcus, who was envious of Publius's boy slave.

"I have no problem with that," said Sartorius.

"I will have to speak with my father, but as long as his cock is protected with a belt I am sure he will agree, unless you are going to have him castrated?" enquired Publius.

"I don't know," said Marcus, "I will find out, but I am sure it will be one or the other, my father mentioned that they carry out castrations and nullifications at the slave market."

With this a Nubian guard entered the room, "Publius, your father has sent me and says you must come straight away and to bring your slave boy with you."

"Very well," said Publius, "follow me Benin, you can come as you are, as it appears my father is in a hurry."

Benin, still in the nude followed Publius through the villa to the Senator's apartment.

"There you are my son, I have just had your mother here, screaming at me that our daughter Appia, is with child, evidently she has started being sick in the mornings and she has had the physician examine her, and he has confirmed she is pregnant. Mother said it could only have been your slave boy, who has penetrated her whilst she was looking after him during his convalescence, this as you know will bring shame on our family, and she will be sent away to the summer retreat until she has had the child, do you know anything of this my son?" enquired Senator Crasus.

"I 3; I 3; I 3; know nothing of this father, surely she must know who has given her this child," said Publius.

"She is denying all knowledge at the moment and does not know how it could be," said the Senator.

Both looked at Benin, who just looked at the floor, he knew it must be him, but he had never given it a thought, but what could he have done, she excited him so much, and he did as he was told, Benin shuffled his feet.

"Well Benin what have you got to say for yourself?" asked Publius.

"I 3; I 3; don't know master, she caressed me and made a fuss of me, and 3; and 3;," he stammered on, "I did penetrate her Sir Master, but I did not know it would mean a child would grow."

"You have brought shame on this family; you will be severely punished and then either sold or put to the cross to die," said the senator." I will decide your fate later, now take him away Publius and we will discuss it later, I must go now and console your mother and make arrangements for Appia to go to the summer palace where Tebius will look after her." With that he departed.

Publius took hold of Benin's ear and dragged him out of the room, back to his own apartments.

Publius just stared at Benin from the couch, Benin stood with his hands on his head feeling very uneasy and vulnerable. How could he have been so stupid as to not realise a baby would result from his frolicking with Appia, he thought, yes she had led him on, but she was not his master, he knew that. He knows now what he should have done, but it is too late, perhaps if he begged for mercy from Publius it might do some good, but he thought better of it, and just stood, waiting for Publius. Eventually Publius spoke.

"Benin I don't know if I can save you from this dilemma, I don't want to lose you, but my father is in a rage and he will probably have you put to the cross and you will suffer a slow agonising death."

"Please, please, sir master, help me, I did not mean to have this happen, I was swept along with Appia, I know it is my fault, please help me." Cried Benin, as he sank to his knees and crawled over to Publius.

"Get up Boy," shouted Publius, "you are only making matters worse, all I can say is that I will put in a good word for you with my father, but at best I fear you will be sent to the galleys to row for the rest of your short miserable life, or sold to a whore house and will be fucked senseless from now to kingdom come."

With that a Nubian guard knocked and entered the room and told Publius that his father awaits him and that he should bring his slave with him. Publius told Benin to follow him and they soon reached Crasus's apartment, Benin was told to wait outside and Publius entered.

"I have decided to have your slave beaten to death," said Crasus.

"But father, will you not reconsider, I have worked hard with the boy, and if I may say, Appia is not altogether innocent in this matter, I have spoken at length with my slave, who I admit gave into temptation, but if the temptation had not been there we would not be discussing this unfortunate episode, I admit he needs a severe thrashing, one he will never forget, but I would so like to keep the boy, I am quite fond of him, please think again father." Publius pleaded.

"Perhaps I am being too harsh," said Crasus, "he did cost a lot of money, and while he is alive he is a financial asset, and I have seen how hard you have worked with the boy, he is a fine looking specimen, but I feel I cannot have him in this house when Appia returns with the infant, knowing it's father is still a slave in this house, and I am sure your mother would not agree, I will just sell him and get back what I can and buy you another slave boy."

Publius replied, "What if I punish him, say 100 strokes, and we have him nullified so he could never perform such an act again, and as it will be some months before Appia returns, you could then decide if he stays or goes on Appia's return."

Crasus thought for a few moments, and told Publius to bring in the slave boy, Benin stood in front of the Senator, quivering at the knees awaiting his fate.

"I have discussed the problem you have created in my house and after much pleading from your master, Publius, I have decided you will have your balls cut out and Publius, my son, will punish you as he thinks fit, if you survive the punishment, I will then make another decision regarding your fate on the return of my daughter Appia." Crasus told Benin. "Your balls will be cut out tomorrow morning."

"Thank-you master, thank-you." Replied Benin as he dropped to his knees and Crasus's feet, relieved he had been spared the death sentence, he went to kiss Crasus's feet, but he kicked Benin away.

"One more thing, father," said Publius, may I borrow your slave Romo to punish my slave; I think it will add to Benin's punishment and humiliate him?"

"Of course," said Crasus, just let me know, I might even come and watch. It could be quite entertaining."

With that Publius took Benin out and made him walk in front of him, Benin's buttocks were clear of any marks as he had not been punished for sometime, Publius began to think of the best way to punish Benin, certain that his buttocks would soon be swollen and bruised, 100 strokes seemed about right, but perhaps he would have Benin given 50 strokes one day then the remainder the following day, and he would introduce some torture to the scene, his mind was working overtime.

When they arrived at Publius's rooms, and as Benin was due to have his ball's removed in the morning, Publius decided that he would use Benin to the full extent this evening. He began by having Benin lay on the floor, Publius knelt down beside him, and stroked Benin's body, pinching his nipples, playing with his navel and his cock, this had the desired effect of producing a hard cock. Publius stroked Benin and soon copious amounts of cum were shooting over Benin's belly, he then had Benin suck his cock, and shot a load down Benin's throat. Publius immediately started playing with Benin again, until his cock was once again hard, he rubbed vigorously and Benin shot another load of cum, the cream liquid landing across his stomach. Publius then had Benin lick out his anus, Benin's tongue pushing inside Publius, moving in and out, producing a delightful feeling inside Publius. Benin was then told to kneel down and Publius mounted him, but as he had already cum once it took him some time to cum again inside Benin, but eventually he filled Benin's anus, again Publius played with Benin's cock, it was reluctant to grow, but eventually it did, Publius gripped it hard and rubbed vigorously until Benin orgasmed, a little trickle of cum oozed out of the head of Benin's cock. Publius continued to rub Benin's cock, it was difficult to get it hard and for Benin to climax, it became sore with such a lot of use but Publius continued rubbing harder and harder, Benin's sac was empty and he could not reproduce his cream quickly enough to satisfy Publius, it took a good half an hour for Benin to cum again no matter how hard he tried, eventually Publius gave up but Benin's cock was swollen and sore, this was just the start of two days of agony for Benin.

"Tonight Benin you will stay outside," said Publius.

He called a Nubian guard who he instructed to take Benin out to the courtyard, secure a rope to each ankle and string him up across a suitable beam. Publius supervised the operation, the naked Benin was strung upside down, his finger tips some 50 cm [20 inches] from the ground, so his whole weight was born by his ankles.

"I suggest Benin you think of what you have done, and prey to the gods for forgiveness, and contemplate your punishment to come," said Publius.

As the light faded and darkness descended, Benin wished he was back home with his parents, the ropes bit into his ankles and blood rushed to his head, he was nervous about the coming days, but tried not to think about what lay ahead. Mosquitoes buzzed around him, and bit viciously into his skin, he tried shaking himself to rid himself of the pests, but this brought more agony to his legs and ankles, so he kept still and left them to have their fill of his blood, from all parts of his naked body.

Later that evening Publius came out to wish him goodnight, mocking him, and telling him what to expect tomorrow, that Romo has been given the task of beating him, that Benin will have at least 50 strokes across his back and down his legs and buttocks first thing in the morning. This will be given to Benin in his present position, when his father is ready and the physician arrives, he will be taken down and have his balls cut out, further punishment will be given in the afternoon and in the evening he will be taken down and put to the wheel, for two maybe three hours, and Publius had some surprises for Benin, which he will for the time being keep to himself.

"Goodnight Benin, sleep well," said Publius who laughed as he retired to his rooms.

Benin felt the tears well up inside him, he was fearful that he would not be able to take all the punishment Publius had in mind for him, he of course could not sleep and the night became colder and the pain in his ankles prevented him from resting.

The sun came up illuminating Benin's naked form, several hours later Publius arrived with Romo and a Nubian Guard. A wooden box was placed to the side of Benin, Romo was given a heavy rattan cane, told to mount the wooden box, which gave him easy access to Benin's torso. Romo was naked except for a small stringed garment covering his genitals.

"Use all your force with the cane Romo, if you hold back you will take Benin's place, start with his buttocks, then down the back of his thighs and then down his back, I will tell you when to stop, slow steady strokes are what is required," said Publius.

"Yes sir master," said Romo and began the punishment, swinging the cane back and bringing it down across Benin's naked skin with an almighty blow. Benin screamed, he had never felt so much pain before, the heavyweight cane bit into his skin, time and again Romo brought down the cane with full force. He hated what he had to do, but feared that he might have to take Benin's place if he did not perform to Publius's liking. Some twenty minutes into the punishment and Crasus arrived; he took a chair next to Publius and surveyed the scene. "How is my slave performing my son?" he asked.

"Very well father, he is a strong boy and delivers the blows with steady aim, and as you can see it is having the desired effect."

Benin's back, buttock cheeks, and thighs were criss-crossed with deep red wheals, and where two strokes had crossed, blood trickled down Benin's body. Benin was still conscious and screamed as each blow was inflicted on his skin. Publius had been counting the strokes and when he reached 66 he told Romo to stop. Publius thought how attractive Romo looked, his miniscule costume covering the bulge of his genitals, sweat ran down his body, which made his skin glisten in the sunshine. perhaps, he thought, he might ask his father if he could borrow the boy for some sexual games when his father did not require his services.

Publius told the Nubian Guard to take Benin down, who collapsed in a heap on the ground, and the Nubian threw several buckets of cold water over Benin, who was made to stand in front of Publius. Benin's chest rose and fell as he took air into his lungs.

"Your punishment has just started Benin, but never fear it will continue, fetch the log and the triangle shaped piece of wood," he instructed the Nubian Guard.

"Now Benin I want you to kneel on the triangle shaped piece of wood on the floor and take up the log and hold it above your head."

Benin did as he was told, the wood had sharp edges which inflicted a great deal of pain on Benin's knees, this was increased by the weight of the log he was holding above his head, which caused greater pressure on Benin's knees. Crasus and Publius left Benin in agony and went inside to await the arrival of the physician, about an hour later the physician arrived and was taken outside to Benin, who was finding it increasingly difficult to stay on the wood as the pain was excruciating. All three sat down surveying the boy, and were served wine, the physician asked exactly what he was required to do, was it ball sac removal, cock removal or just remove his balls, or cut it all away.

"Just his balls, please sir," said Publius, "I want his cock and sac to remain."

"Very well, if the slave could be taken inside, it will only take a few minutes for me to perform the operation."

Benin was told to put the log down and to follow his master inside the villa, but as soon as Benin tried to stand his knees and legs would not take his weight and he crashed to the floor. The two Nubian Guards were told to support Benin under the arms and dragged him inside, there he was laid back down on a marble table. He flinched as the marble made contact with his scarred back. The physician walked over and took hold of Benin's cock, he was holding a sharp knife in his right hand, he placed a piece of muslin cloth under Benin's ball sac, felt Benin's balls with his left hand and expertly made an incision down one side of the sac. Benin screamed, but dare not move, he was trembling with fear, as the physician put his index finger inside Benin's scrotum and pulled out the first ball, this, he quickly severed and placed it in a bowl, then repeated the process on the opposite side and placed the second ball in the bowl. Benin felt light headed and thought he was going to faint, but managed to keep awake, the pain was not too bad, as the pain in his back, buttocks and knees surpassed the pain in his scrotum.

"There, sire, it is done, I suggest the boy rests for 24 hours then he should be as good as new," said the physician, as he poured some alcoholic fluid over the scars, which caused Benin even more pain, and wrapped the wound in muslin.

"Thank-you, sir," said Publius, "take him outside." Publius commanded the Nubian Guards, who dragged poor Benin off the table and took him to the courtyard. There stakes were driven into the ground and Benin was laid on his back and wrists and ankles attached to the stakes, he was effectively spread-eagled, the muslin placed under his ball sac and there he was left, the sun beating down on the yet unharmed part of his body.

It was now about midday, the sun was at its highest and it beat down on Benin's exposed body, there he was left for the afternoon, cooking nicely under the rays of the sun. It was early evening when the Nubian Guards came and untied Benin and took him inside the villa to Publius's apartments, although he felt light headed he managed to stand upright in front of Publius, although his skin was burnt down the front of his body, it was not too red but was turning a deep brown colour.

"Ah, there you are Benin, I have good news for you, as you have had your balls cut out, I am going to be very lenient with you. You will not have to go on the wheel to-night, but I feel your punishment should continue, so I have had the blacksmith make me these nice little instruments. Romo would you pass them to me?"

Romo picked up the metal instruments and passed them to Publius. Romo was naked, Publius took hold of Romo's arm and made him stand directly in front of him, he began stroking Romo's cock.

"Is it not a pity Benin, you are now like this, no more hard cocks for me to play with, but I am sure I will get some pleasure out of you still."

The instruments were a pair of leg irons and a pair of wrist irons, joined together with a chain. Romo secured these to Benin who was now trussed like a chicken, they were heavy and uncomfortable and Benin could not mov.

"Now for the best pieces," said Publius as he took hold of two small clamps, with screws attached, he placed the first on Benin's left nipple and tightened the screw, clamping it in place, then the second one on the right nipple. Then he commenced tightening the screws, they bit into Benin's nipples, causing excruciating pain.

"There Benin, aren't they good, I like them, and I can see from your face they are causing you some distress, now turn this way and face the bed, you can watch Romo and I having a good time," said Publius.

With that Publius called Romo to his bed and had him suck his cock. Benin looked on, wondering how much more pain he would have to endure. Romo then kneeled on the bed and Publius thrust his cock up Romo's anus, pushing it all the way in, then pumped slowly penetrating Romo to the full, until he exploded inside Romo emptying his cream inside him. Benin did not care that his master was fucking his best friend; he just wanted the pain to stop.

This was not to be, as Publius for further amusement, got down from his bed and turned the screws tighter on Benin's nipples. Tears welled up in his eyes, as he begged his master for mercy. He did not know how much more he could stand. Publius walked over to the fruit bowl and took some grapes, he stood in front of Benin eating them. He pushed a grape into Benin's mouth, saying "We must keep up your strength Benin, you have not eaten all day, you must be strong enough so you can endure tomorrow's fun and games." He laughed, mocking Benin.

"I am sorry master, please, please, show me mercy, I will never do anything ever again to displease you master." Benin implored.

"You have to endure discomfort Benin, so that you never forget what you have done, you can beg as much as you like, but you will continue to be punished tomorrow, if I want to inflict more pain on you Benin I will," said Publius, with that he called the Nubian Guards to take Benin down to the stables, trussed up in his irons, to spend the night. "Perhaps I will relent and take off your nipple clamps for the night, see how kind I am to you Benin, I am not sure if you appreciate that I have saved you from death," as he removed the clamps, and told the guards to take him to the stables. "Now Benin should I have you caned on your back or your front tomorrow, I will think about it and let you know in the morning, you may wish to give me your opinion when we recommence tomorrow," said Publius.

"Thank you sir master," said Benin.

Chapter 7

Benin lay on the filthy stable floor, his irons and chains making it impossible for him to move and to get comfortable, he was hungry and lonely, the tears welled up in his eyes. He slept intermittently, the pain from his beating made his back and buttocks throb, his nipples were still sore from the clamps.

As dawn broke, the Nubian Guards came in and dragged Benin out into the open courtyard, they removed his irons and threw buckets of cold water over him. As the water ran down his face he tried to suck in as much as he could to quench his thirst. He stood naked, waiting for his young master to appear, his ankles and wrists were saw where the irons had rubbed his skin. As the sun rose, he felt better as the health giving rays enveloped his body, but his thirst returned, he waited over an hour, and then Publius came into the courtyard.

"I thought we would have some fun before I went to school. Tell me Benin have you ever ridden a horse?" he enquired.

"No sir master," replied Benin.

"Now is your chance to learn," said Publius, "I have had a special horse made for you Benin."

The Nubian guards brought in a wooden horse, it was of simple construction, two 'A' frames one at each end, between them was a triangular shaped piece of timber attached at each end to the 'A' frame. From each 'A' frame a rectangular piece of timber was secured, this went 3 metres [10 feet] in the air, from the middle of this dangled a rope.

"Now Benin, mount the horse," instructed Publius.

Benin was not sure what to do, so the Nubian Guards, picked him up, each leg straddling the triangle shaped timber. Benin was told to grab hold of the rope above his head, which he did. The guards then joined his ankles together with a piece of rope, and then climbed up and secured his wrists to the main rope. It was then impossible for Benin to get off the wooden horse; he soon found this exceedingly uncomfortable, as the sharp angle on the triangle piece of wood cut into the crack of his anus as it had the total weight of his body pressing down. To relieve this pressure, he could pull up on the rope and support his weight that way; this soon became very difficult as his arms ached, so he gently lowered himself down onto the triangle when his arms could not stand the pain any more. This of course resulted in his anus crack giving him pain, when he could not stand that anymore, he pulled himself up with the rope.

Publius meanwhile had taken a seat, and was being served breakfast and delighted in watching Benin raise and lower himself on the horse, the intervals between pulling up and sitting down became shorter.

"There Benin you are learning quickly, riding a horse is not difficult."

Publius laughed at Benin, enjoying the boy's predicament. Romo had been called for and stood next to Publius, holding a shade above his head as the morning sun increased in intensity, Benin had no such shade and the sweat poured off his body as he rose up and then lowered himself back onto the wooden triangle, whichever position he adopted it caused him pain, he raised and lowered himself in shorter and shorter bursts, trying to alleviate the pain.

"You are doing well Benin; this is a good exercise for you, perhaps we should include it in your exercise programme."

Publius laughed at Benin, but poor Benin just cried out for mercy, as he struggled to stay on the horse both his arms and anus cried out with pain.

Sartorius entered the courtyard looking for Publius, "I wondered where you were Publius, as classes are due to start shortly."

"I do beg your pardon sire, I was enjoying the fun Benin is providing, and I have suggested to him we might include it in his exercise programme," said Publius.

"Maybe a trifle severe," replied Sartorius, who ogled Benin as he struggled with the horse.

"I will come directly," said Publius. "Give him another half an hour on the horse." he instructed, "I will return at lunch time to continue his beating, tie him over the horse and await my return."

Publius and Sartorius left the courtyard.

When the half hour had passed Benin was taken down from the horse and bent over the triangular shaped piece of timber and secured, it would be several hours before his master returned, a trickle of blood flowed down his leg from his anus, where the timber had bitten into the skin, the guards felt pity for Benin and gave him some cold water, for which he was grateful.

The two Nubian guards stood over Benin, one of the guards a young man of some twenty years, felt his cock rising as he stood and stared at Benin. He was very tempted to fuck Benin, he walked over to Benin and thrust his fingers up Benin's anus. Benin gave out a groan, but thankfully for Benin the guard thought better of it, if he had been caught fucking Benin he would have had his throat cut or put to death some other agonising way.

Several hours passed, when Publius, Sartorius and Marcus entered the courtyard. Marcus had his new boy slave with him, he was some 15 years old, slim, fair skin, blue eyes and a curly mop of blond hair, he was a handsome fellow of Nordic descent, he had a flat belly, good muscled legs and reasonable pectoral muscles, but he was in need of exercise to build his body like Benin's, he was naked apart from a small G-string around his cock.

"It will do your new boy good to see Benin punished, he is to receive 30 more strokes, to be laid across his buttocks, then I will show you his antics on the wooden horse, it is very funny to watch," said Publius.

More chairs were brought and the three sat to watch the entertainment. The fair haired new slave stood behind Marcus, his mouthed gauped as he starred at Benin, whose back and buttocks and down his thighs were one mass of wheals from his punishment yesterday. The blood from his anus had trickled down his legs and had dried. Publius stood and selected a medium thick cane and handed it to one of the Nubians, who positioned himself directly behind Benin and waited for the command to begin, Publius nodded, the first of thirty strokes landed squarely in the middle of Benin's buttocks.

"That one will not count," said Publius, "You did not count it Benin, you must not forget I like to hear you shout out the number, for that we will increase the strokes to forty."

"Oh master have mercy, I will be your best slave boy, and please you and pleasure you master, Oh please have mercy master." implored Benin.

"I know you will be good, Benin, I am sure you will never forget these days in your life, which you are lucky to have, as my father was to have you put down like a dog, but I have saved you Benin, you must be more grateful," lectured Publius, the order was given to commence once again.

Again the cane was brought down on Benin's buttocks, the pain was excruciating as it landed across the previous wheals, time and again it landed, Benin screamed out the number of the stroke. After twenty strokes, small trickles of blood ran down Benin's naked buttocks, as his tender scarred skin was opened by the force of the blows. Publius glanced over to Marcus's new slave, who had a terrified expression on his face as blow after blow landed across Benin. Thirty strokes had been given and more scars were opening up, and blood flowed down Benin's legs. The strokes continued to land, one after the other, Benin was screaming for all his might, he had never experienced such pain before as his already tender skin took the full force of each blow, finally the fortieth stroke had landed, tears were flowing down Benin's cheeks and dropped to the dusty floor.

"Now for the real fun, untie him and put him back on the horse," commanded Publius.

The Nubians sprung into action and placed Benin on the sharp triangle and secured him as before, he was soon rising and falling as the pain in his anus increased then falling back as the pain in his arms could not support him anymore, after half an hour he was rising and falling at shorter and shorter intervals, the pain in his buttocks from the caning was excruciating, and the blood still flowed from the open scars, the wooden triangle became tacky with Benin's blood. Publius wondered to himself if he had gone too far this time and decided to cease Benin's punishment.

"Take him up to my quarters," instructed Publius, "I will see him after school later to-day, my mother will attend to the boy."

Marcus turned to his slave and asked him if he was going to be a good slave or will he have to punish him to make him good. With that the slave fell to his knees and begged his master not to punish him.

"I will not have to if you are good, but if you disobey you will be flogged. Now come with me and I will ask Sartorius to measure you, as your exercising commences tomorrow."

All three left for the classroom with the new slave following behind, feeling nervous as to what would happen to him.

The Nubians took Benin off the horse, he collapsed to the floor, racked with pain, exhausted and hungry. He tried to stand but failed, the Nubians took hold of him and carried him into the villa and up to Publius's rooms, and they laid him on the marble massage table. A servant girl was called for, who arrived accompanied by Publius's mother. She was shocked at what she saw, she gazed down at Benin's body, covered in wheals and blood, and she told the servant girl to run the bath, with tepid water and to bathe Benin.

He had difficulty getting up from the table and nearly collapsed on two occasions but the servant girl helped him into the bath. She was a pretty thing, she wore a gossamer cloth around her lower waist and her breasts were naked. She bathed Benin gently, and gave him sips of cool water to quench his thirst. Benin's wounds had stopped bleeding and the accumulated dirt removed. The servant girl helped Benin out of the bath, he managed to stand without feeling light headed, she took a soft towel and gently rubbed his body dry, smiling at Benin and admiring his wounded body, which was as near perfection as one could attain. Publius's mother watched the proceedings and told the girl to fetch some food for Benin.

"Perhaps you have learnt your lesson, slave," she said, "you have brought disgrace to this family and you are lucky to get away with your life. I hope you appreciate the kindness of my son Publius to have your life spared. You will soon heal and if you serve my son and this family well in the future my husband may spare your life."

"Yes, mistress, I have learnt my lesson and I will be a loyal and devoted slave, thank-you mistress," said Benin.

"Very well," with that the servant girl entered the room carrying copious amounts of food. "My servant girl will feed you and rub healing balm into your skin, and then you are to await the return of my son Publius," said the mother, "and you girl, return to my apartment as soon as you have finished here."

"Thank-you mistress, you are very kind to me, thank-you thank-you," said Benin.

Benin tucked into the food, he was ravishingly hungry and had soon devoured the lot. The servant girl then had Benin lay back on the marble table and applied the healing balm. She had a beautiful soft touch and gently applied the cream particularly on the very sore parts. Benin felt life coming back to his body, he gazed at this beautiful girl bending over him, her pert small breasts hovering over him, her lithe limbs were of splendid proportions, she had a gracefulness to behold. She soon completed her task and took Benin to the couch and had him lay down. Surprisingly, she placed a kiss on Benin's lips, drew back and left Benin to rest.

Benin smiled to himself and was grateful that there was still some kindness in his world. He drifted off to sleep.

Several hours later Publius returned. Benin slumbered on the couch, Publius crept silently and shouted in Benin's ear. Benin awoke with a start and sat up, seeing Publius looking into his face. Benin immediately got up, Publius smiled, Benin's body still ached and his limbs were stiff, but he stood naked before his master. Publius sat on the couch and stared at Benin, a smirk across his face.

"Are you fully recovered Benin," he enquired, "let me look at you", not giving Benin a chance to reply.

The front of Benin's body was unmarked. Publius had Benin turn around, his back was a different story, wheals stretched from the top of his back across his buttocks and down his thighs, a mass of blue, yellow bruises and scars where the canes had crossed previous wheals. Publius prodded these areas, which made Benin flinch as they were very sore. Publius had Benin bend over and explored his anus pinching and prodding the skin. This area was particularly tender, the sharp triangular piece of wood had done it's damage. Publius was concerned that permanent damage had been done to Benin, so he decided to release Benin for the rest of the day to recuperate, telling him to be back early in the morning to attend him. Benin scurried off to his quarters, calling in at the kitchen to eat some more food, to help him restore his strength.

The following morning Benin awoke and put on a clean string garment and reported back to Publius, attended him and carried his books to the classroom, he did feel surprisingly better. Marcus's slave, who had been given the name of Pluto was in the classroom, he was drenched in sweat, he had run behind his master's carriage from his home to the school. He was obviously unfit, but that would soon change. Benin was told to look after him, and that they would both start the exercising programme this very afternoon.

Benin took Pluto to the kitchens and both eat heartily, Pluto asked Benin how he had taken so much punishment and Benin had replied that it was a slave's duty to take as much punishment as his master wished to give him, whether it was due or just for the master's amusement, which was often the case. Both slaves had had their balls cut out and the vein removed that flooded the cock with blood to make it hard removed, but other veins remained so that the cock did not whither and die.

The two boys busied themselves cleaning the rooms, they admired each others near naked bodies, both beautiful in there own way, Benin slim and muscular dark skinned, his black curly hair making him look almost girlish, he was beginning to get hair on his chest and a dark line of hair ran from the pubic area to his navel. Pluto on the other hand, having white skin and blonde hair was almost denuded of hair apart from under his armpits and legs, it looked like soft down on his body, he was also slim, not as muscular, his belly was flat, but no muscles showed in that area and his pectorals were flat, with pink tinged nipples, the bulge under his garment stood out proud.

Benin went up close to Pluto and stroked his body; Pluto tensed a little as Benin put his lips to Pluto's. Benin's tongue explored his mouth; he stroked Pluto's buttocks, and then undid the tie that held his garment, which dropped to the floor. The boy's cock remained flaccid, but felt stirring in his loins at the same time a feeling of frustration enveloped him, but was it different for Benin, he also felt a stirring, and he could feel his cock straining under his garment. He undid his G-string and his cock stood up long and proud. He could not believe it, how could this be. Pluto looked and took hold of Benin's cock and rubbed it. He then went down on his knees and took Benin's cock in his mouth, and sucked, Benin felt a wonderful feeling surge through his loins and climaxed, but no cream came out and his cock remained hard. Benin began to panic, how was he going to get his garment back on, his cock would not allow the small piece of material to cover his extended cock, eventually it subsided, much to Benin's relief, and he put his garment back on, and tied it tight to secure his cock so it would not grow. Time had passed quickly and with the fear of being late rushed down to the classroom to await their respective masters.

School was just finishing, when the boys were called in. "Put the two boys together, Sartorius," asked Publius, "let us compare them."

The boys stood side by side, both of almost identical height, they were told to pose this way and then that, the audience were amazed at the bruising on Benin's skin, but he still looked a magnificent specimen. Marcus was determined his slave would soon look the same, so all went out to the courtyard and exercising began. Pluto started with the medium weight logs on Marcus's instruction, skipping the light ones. Soon both boys were bathed in sweat, Benin eased up on the speed of running so that Pluto would be seen in a favourable light, although Benin still ached and his limbs were stiff he coped very well, and indeed thought this exercise would do him good, with the sun gleaming down on their naked bodies both boys worked hard, Benin in fear of displeasing his master, and Pluto struggling to keep up with the pace. After several hours, the first day's exercising was brought to a halt, and as a treat both naked boys were allowed to bathe in the swimming pool.

Pluto went off with his master and Benin followed Publius into his rooms.

"You performed quite well this afternoon Benin," said Publius, "can I assume you have recovered from your ordeal?"

"Yes, sir master, I still ache and have a pain in my buttocks, but I do feel better, thank-you master."

"Good, good, you may massage me Benin."

Publius reclined on the marble slab, while Benin soaked him in oil, and climbed up over the table, took hold of the rope and began massaging his master with his feet. Publius turned over and back several times. Benin massaged him for about an hour.

Publius then told Benin to lie on his bed, and took up position next to Benin and began stroking Benin's body with his fingers. He had the lightest touch, starting from his Adam's apple, down onto his chest, stopping at his nipples, gently squeezing them, then down further to his navel, he also stopped there, and drew tiny circles with his finger around Benin's protruding button, he stopped at the pubic hair, curling it in his fingers. Benin could feel his cock grow, he was apprehensive as he thought it should no longer grow, but it had already done it once, as Publius stroked his cock, it grew and grew, until it stood up straight and hard.

"Ah, Ah, just what I wanted to see my lovely one," said Publius, "the physician has done what I asked. Now for the second test."

Publius stroked Benin's cock, quicker and quicker, Benin's cock convulsed, but no sperm was omitted.

"Very good Benin, just as I expected, you can still become hard, but not sire any more offspring, but I still can produce cream, lay on your back Benin and raise your legs."

Publius entered Benin, who was still sore there and gave out a yelp of pain as Publius thrust into him, pumping wildly, until he emptied his sac inside Benin, who was relieved when Publius withdrew his cock.

"I will not insist you get back to the wheel tonight Benin, good master that I am, but we will be totally back to normal tomorrow, now you may go," said Publius.

"Thank-you, sir, master," replied Benin, who picked up his string garment and headed off to the kitchen, he filled his belly with food and drank some refreshing water and went to his room. Romo was not in, obviously pleasuring his master, so Benin snuggled into bed and slept soundly.

Over the next few weeks, Benin settled back into his normal routine, his body healed, his muscles grew, his body became even more defined, he was a perfect example of manhood. Sartorius always looked forward to the Friday afternoon inspections and measuring particularly that he now had two young boys to drawl over, he would start with the new arrival, Pluto, who was progressing but still had a long way to go to catch up with Benin. Both boys stood naked in front of the class while Sartorius fussed over them, measuring and recording, making them turn and bend this way and that. Benin's chest, pectorals, and abdominal muscles were like a sculptured piece of art, even Pluto's muscles were beginning to show, he had very fine buttock muscles, which had a permanent dimple on each cheek. When the inspection was over, which Sartorius always dragged out as long as possible, and pawed the boy's flesh to his hearts content, Publius made an announcement.

"My father has asked me to tell you that the Emperor Tiberius is coming to visit us, which is a great honour, and I have decided that my slave Benin and if you agree Marcus, your slave Pluto will put on some entertainment for the Emperor, this will take the form of gymnastic dancing, and ending with one boy fucking the other, obviously my Benin will fuck your Pluto, as Pluto is no longer able to raise the necessary equipment," Publius laughed, and asked if Marcus agreed.

"It would be an honour," said Marcus, "but how are we going to teach them to dance?"

"Do not fear Marcus, do you remember the two lithe young men at the slave market who prepared and taught the slaves what to do, I have asked the slave master if they could attend here every day for the next two weeks to train our two slaves to entertain the Emperor, and he has agreed," said Publius, "they should be here now." He went outside and brought in the two young men." These are the two boys I told you about, welcome, do you think you could train our slaves to perform an erotic dance? " he asked.

"Of course sire, are these the two in question," pointing at Benin and Pluto, Publius nodded, "may we inspect them?"

Publius agreed, the two young men went over to the slaves.

"They look like two perfect specimens, particularly this one, as one of them stroked Benin, he is beautiful, such perfect symmetry to his whole body, his muscle definition is superb, we will have to work harder on this one," stroking Pluto, "we have two weeks, that should be fine, have we your permission to remove some of this body hair?"

"Of course," said Publius and at the same time getting agreement from Marcus regarding his slave.

"What time have we got them each day?" they enquired.

"What ever time you want, they normally exercise in the afternoon and evening, but they will give you there undivided attention, or they will be punished severely," said Publius

"Very well, we will come each day at 10 in the morning until 4 in the afternoon, that gives us six hours per day and we will require seven days per week, starting tomorrow."

"That is fine," said Publius, "I will look in every day at their progress, and will we see a dress rehearsal before the big event?"

"Yes, there will be two, one at the end of the first week and one on the Friday before the Emperor arrives on the Saturday."

Chapter 8

The following morning Benin accompanied Publius to the classroom as usual, Pluto was already there, and waiting were the two dance teachers, Sextus and Decimus.

Publius spoke first, "now Benin, I want you to put your heart and sole into learning the dance, because if you fail my father will keep his promise of putting you to death if you do not perform well in front of the emperor, you must not bring disgrace on this family again, do you understand?"

"Yes sir master, I will work hard to please you and your father," replied Benin.

Marcus chipped in, "this is your chance Pluto to prove yourself, that you are a worthy servant of my father's household."

With that, Sextus and Decimus escorted the boys out, to the large auditorium where they would not only practice but where they would also perform.

"Firstly," said Sextus, "you must stand and watch as we show you the first elementary steps of moving around the room, you will see we will use all of the space provided, you must point your toes upwards and forwards like so."

Sextus and Decimus slowly pirouetted around the room, slowly to start and then quickening their pace, then Benin and Pluto were told to do the same.

"No! No!" Decimus shouted, "you are like two elephants. Gracefully, like gazelles, you must feel from inside you, your rhythm, your sexuality."

Again and again they practiced, over an hour had passed and the two boys had only improved slightly. Sextus and Decimus shouted louder at them, showing them time and again, what to do, the time was now noon, two hours they had been practicing the elementary steps, they had just about got it right, but much work was still to be done.

They then went on to the gymnastic element of the routine, the boys were taught to tumble and spin and to do front flips and back flips, time and again they practiced, they were becoming exhausted, but Sextus and Decimus would not relent until they had achieved each maneuver correctly at least once. It was now lunchtime and Publius, Marcus and Sartorius entered, and enquired of the progress. Sextus and Decimus explained there was much work to be done, but the boys although a little slow would learn eventually. "If you have any trouble from them, you can beat them," said Publius, looking over at Marcus, who nodded in agreement.

"That will not be necessary," said Sextus, "they will learn and besides we want their skin in perfect condition for the emperor."

"There is one thing," said Sextus, "I have been thinking about the costume they should wear for the performance, it will of course show off their beautiful bodies, but it will need some modifications to their body, some piercing and inserting of rings, would you object sire if this was to be done?"

"As long as they are not disfigured I would have no objection, how about you Marcus," said Publius.

"No, not at all if it enhances their beauty all well and good," said Marcus.

"I will have it done in the morning, I cannot tell you what I have in mind, but I am sure you will be pleased," said Sextus.

With that Publius, Marcus and Sartorius left, the practicing continued throughout the afternoon. The boys bodies glistened with sweat, as they danced around the room, at 4 pm they were brought to a halt, apart from some water they had not been allowed to eat, their tiny costumes were soaked with sweat, their chests rose and fell as they took in copious amounts of air.

"Now my fine young boys remove your garments," instructed Sextus, "let me look at you. Benin was beckoned forward, Sextus took hold of his nipples and felt them gauging the amount of flesh around each one, he then went down to his navel and pulled the skin around it, then further down to his cock and pulled Benin's foreskin forward to see how much skin was surplus. Decimus meanwhile was conducting the same examination on Pluto.

"In the morning boys, you are to have your skin pierced, at the nipples, the navel and foreskin, it will not hurt much, as the blacksmith is expert at his job, so instead of coming here you will report to the courtyard, do not worry there will be no permanent damage, in fact it will enhance your appearance," instructed Sextus.

Both boys reported to their masters. Pluto had the extra task of running behind his master's carriage, some 12 miles [20 km] home. This extra exercise was proving worthwhile as with the dancing, Pluto's body was improving by the day.

Benin stood in front of Publius, "tell me Benin how are you getting on, I trust you are working hard, it will be interesting to see what body modifications you are to undergo."

"Yes sir master, I am sure we will get better and will put on a good show," said Benin.

"Good," said Publius, "you may give me a body massage, but first remove your costume, I wish to inspect you."

Benin complied, and stood before his young master naked. Publius beckoned him forward and commenced his inspection. Benin knelt down, Publius inserted his finger in Benin's mouth, feeling his teeth. Benin then had to stand while Publius prodded Benin's torso, pinching his nipples and pulling his navel, he then stroked Benin's cock, this had the desired effect of Benin's cock growing. Publius took hold of Benin's ball sac and squeezed, this made Benin wince with pain, Benin's cock stood up hard and straight. He submitted to the inspection submissively .

"Your body is looking good Benin, particularly your belly muscles, they are well defined and your leg muscles are firm and strong. The dancing will help, but I think you should still have your two hours on the wheel. I am also pleased that your body has healed well from your previous punishment, there are no lasting scars. Now you may massage me," said Publius.

Publius had Benin remove his clothing and lay down on the marble, Benin stood on the table and grasped the ropes above him, he had previously poured oil on his master and commenced the massage with his feet, it was over an hour before Publius was satisfied, and Benin's arms ached as he slid over his masters body.

Benin got down from the table and Publius stood up. "Get that chair," said Publius "and bend over it."

Benin complied, Publius made Benin stand on tip toe and grasp the front legs of the chair lower down so that his buttocks stood up. Publius by this time had a full hard on his cock, he approached Benin from behind took hold of Benin's shoulders and thrust the implement up Benin's anus, this surprised Benin as he had not been mounted this way before. Publius thrust deep inside Benin, strangely this hurt Benin in this position as Publius pumped harder into Benin. Benin was sure Publiuss cock was bigger than before. Usually Publius came quickly, but not this time, harder and harder he pumped into Benin, each stroke harder than the last. Benin felt each stroke ripping into him, Benin was getting sore, but Publius would not relent. Benin could not believe Publius had not cum. Eventually Publius withdrew. Publius had Benin stand up and turn around, he then laughed as he showed Benin a piece of wood carved in the shape of a cock about 10 inches [25 cm] long and fat in circumference.

"Did you enjoy that Benin? You took the whole length," Publius laughed. "Now on the bed, this time you can suck me."

Publius laid on his back on the bed, Benin slid alongside and took his masters cock in his mouth, working up and down on Publius's cock. Publius took hold of Benin's ears and pulled him down further on his cock until it was going down Benin's throat. Publius hung on as long as he could until his semen pumped down Benin's mouth, making Benin cough and splutter. He pushed Benin away, he then got Benin to clean his cock between his lips.

Benin was then dispatched below to the water wheel for his two hour stint. Benin was tired before he started, he had little or no rest all day. Unfortunately Publius decided to sit and watch Benin perform, so there was no respite, but as always the plucky Benin got through his ordeal.

They both returned to Publiuss apartment, and dispatched Benin to the kitchen to collect his evening meal. He made Benin feed him, Benin picked up each morsel with a fork and put it in Publius's mouth. Benin then realized how hungry he was, as he had not been allowed to eat all day. Publius would put the odd grape in Benin's mouth, Publius labored over his meal, eventually he dismissed Benin about 9 pm. Benin scurried off to the kitchens and eat a hearty meal. He returned to his room and within seconds he was in a deep sleep.

Benin was awoken early and after escorting his master to school, he reported to the courtyard as instructed, fearful of what was in store for him. Sextus and Decimus were waiting and Pluto arrived shortly afterwards.

"Before the blacksmith arrives, I want you both to lie on these tables, myself and Decimus will shave you both, remove your costumes," said Sextus.

Both boys complied, one on each table. Sextus had a bucket of sudsy water and a sharp knife and cutting shears. Sextus brushed the warm water over Benin's chest and commenced removing the small amount of hair, then down to his belly and shaved that area, but left a narrow strip of hair from his navel to his pubic area. He trimmed the pubic hair, and then taking the knife shaved the majority of it, but again leaving a narrow strip down to his cock. He lifted Benin's cock and shaved underneath.

Then he had Benin turn over and commenced shaving his buttocks pulling the cheeks apart to get to the hair around his anus and his balls. Benin was tense as Sextus worked around his ball sac. He worked quickly and soon had all the hair removed from Benin's legs. Sextus then told Benin to stand and raise each arm and removed the hair from his armpits. He then took the shears and removed the hair on Benin's head to within a quarter of an inch of his scalp. Benin felt sad as the thick black curls fells to the floor.

Pluto had been treated the same way by Decimus, but as his hair was blonde and fine, there was not so much left on the floor. Both boys were then dowsed with buckets of cold water and given linen cloth to dry themselves. Sextus called Benin over and inspected his work; he was pleased with what he saw.

"By the time you are due to perform it will have grown sufficiently to make you look more attractive than you already are," said Sextus.

As the hair cutting was going on, the blacksmith had arrived and had set up his equipment, a brazier with bellows, which was worked by a young black boy, almost naked apart from a G-string; he pumped the bellows vigorously heating up the coals. Both Benin and Pluto were brought before the blacksmith.

"A fine looking pair," he commented, "what exactly do you want me to do to these likely specimens?" Sextus explained, Benin was told to lie on the table and would be operated on first.

"Will it be necessary to tie him down?" enquired the blacksmith.

"I have explained to them both what is going to happen, and they have promised to keep still, haven't you boys?" said Sextus.

"Yes sir!" both chorused.

"Very well," said the blacksmith, "I will start."

With that he took a pair of pincers and clamped it over Benin's right nipple. He heated a needle about 3mm [1/10 inch] in diameter in the brazier. When it was glowing red hot, he picked it up in a small pair of pincers and thrust it through Benin's nipple. Benin had tensed, fearing the worst, a searing pain shot through Benin's chest as the blacksmith withdrew the needle. He immediately poured a cup of cold water over the nipple and quickly inserted a small wooden peg in the hole the needle had made. Benin shuffled around as the pain subsided. Then the blacksmith repeated the process on the left nipple. He then concentrated his efforts on Benin's navel, again a pair of pincers were attached around his navel, which had the effect of pushing the navel up, giving the blacksmith a clear view. The needle was reheated, Benin's chest was rising and falling as he took in air, he tensed his belly muscles as the blacksmith pushed the needle through his navel with some force, immediately dowsed it in cold water and inserted the wooden peg.

"Nearly done Benin," said Sextus, "only your cock remains."

"No Sir, please sir," Benin cried, "Not my cock."

"Come, come, Benin you have been good, it will only take a second," said Sextus.

The blacksmith walked round Benin and took hold of his cock, and pulled the foreskin forward. Benin groaned at the thought of the hot needle going through his cock, he tensed, but before he new it, the blacksmith had gone through his foreskin, making a neat hole, inserted the small piece of dowelling and quenched the wound with water. Benin was told to stand, he was a bit wobbly on his legs, but had come through the ordeal. Publius entered the courtyard to watch the proceedings.

"You boy, come here." The blacksmith called Pluto, He stood frozen to the spot, his back slightly arched and his hands clasped together and in front of his mouth, he was visibly shaking from head to toe. The blacksmith looked at Sextus and Decimus, who both walked towards the boy, who stood still and urinated uncontrollably, with fear, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Come now," said Sextus, "or we will drag you to the table and tie you down, what is it going to be?"

Pluto just mumbled and groaned.

"Sir," said Benin, "may I speak with Pluto?"

"Yes," said Sextus, "but hurry up, neither we nor the blacksmith have all day to wait for a slave boy."

Benin walked over to Pluto. "Come now Pluto, it is not so bad, just a bit of pain as the needle goes in, you will be fine, I will be with you." Benin took hold of Pluto's hand and walked him over to the table and helped him get up and lay flat. "I will hold your hand to give you courage," said Benin.

With that the blacksmith commenced his work, heating the needle and pierced each nipple in turn. Pluto tensed and screamed on each occasion. Then to Pluto's navel. His belly button was not as proud as Benin's, it was flat but slightly indented. The blacksmith took several pairs of pincers in an attempt to get the navel proud of Pluto's skin, without success. Pluto was getting more and more agitated and started to whimper.

"Heat the curved needle," the blacksmith instructed his slave. This was soon glowing red, he took a small pair of pincers and clamped them on Pluto's skin, raising Pluto's belly button just proud of the skin, he then took the needle and with immense skill for a large man, pushed the red hot needle down and through Pluto's navel, and just as quickly pushed a piece of wood dowelling through the hole he had made, he quenched the wound with cold water. Pluto was breathing heavily and grimaced at the pain and clenched Benin's hand tight.

Now for the final episode, Pluto gave out a groan at the thought of his foreskin being punctured. The blacksmith rolled Pluto's cock in his fingers, playing with the boy, taking the hot needle he quickly inserted it through Pluto's foreskin, but let it rest a while to make the hole a bit bigger, the dowel was inserted and the wound doused with water.

Benin helped Pluto off the table and they both stood side by side, they looked funny standing there each with four pieces of small dowelling protruding from their naked bodies.

"I dont like the look of my slave," said Publius, "I dont think pieces of wood enhance their beauty."

"Sire, do not fear, they are only temporary and will be replaced with small gold rings within a couple of days," said Sextus.

"I will reserve my decision," said Publius.

"Don't forget, said the blacksmith," to turn the pieces of dowelling frequently otherwise they could get stuck and will be difficult to remove. I have greased the dowels so you should not have difficulty. You can remove them tomorrow afternoon and insert what ever you want in the holes, as you see there is no blood from the wounds as the hot needle cauterised the skin. Now I must be off, I am due at the slave market, I have castrations to perform."

His little black slave boy struggled with the hot brazier, as he wheeled it from the yard; the blacksmith gave him a kick up his arse to help him on his way.

Benin and Pluto followed their trainers to the auditorium to continue their practice, Publius left to attend school.

"Let me look at you both," said Sextus, "You will not wear any garment to-day or tomorrow, we will try on your costume for the dance when we remove the dowels." With that he went to each boy and twisted each dowel in turn, making sure they were loose in their holes. "To-day and tomorrow boys we will concentrate on the slower more erotic movements you will perform, how to gyrate your hips, and how to flex your belly muscles in and out in a provocative manner, so the exercises will not be so strenuous, but you must practice hard and feel within yourselves your sexuality, your only desire is to make yourselves look attractive to the emperor, you must be seductive so the emperor desires you."

They practiced all day, Benin actually enjoyed it, his cock rising on many occasions as he slowly moved his hips and thrust his belly muscles forward at the same his lower body was gyrating slowly. Pluto, however, found it more difficult, he was of course not as experienced as Benin at pleasing his master, and from the mornings traumatic events his pain threshold was not as high as Benin's. By the end of the day, both had put in creditable performances.

As they were finishing, about 4 pm Publius entered the room with Marcus.

"How are they doing?" he enquired.

"Very well," said Sextus, "it is still early days but I have every confidence they will put on a superb show for the emperor and your fathers other guests."

"I hope so," said Publius. "Benin, I will not require your services to-night as I have been invited to Marcus's house. I perhaps will have the opportunity to sample Pluto's delights." Pluto hung his head. "I want you to tidy my room and clean the floors and do not forget to have your two hours on the wheel; I will enquire of the wheel master as to how you have performed."

"Yes sir master." Replied Benin.

Benin went off to his duties and Pluto followed his master and Publius. Both boys entered the carriage while the driver secured Pluto to the rear, a rope was secured around Pluto's neck, as was normal. Pluto, naked apart from the dowels, trotted behind. As they wound there way around the streets of Rome, children in the streets threw fruit and vegetables at Pluto, they thought it was great fun but it was humiliating for Pluto, also the older men called out to Pluto, commenting on his body and enquiring if he liked a stiff cock.

Eventually they left the city limits and out into open countryside. The pace up to now had been at a trot, but both Marcus and Publius looked around and gave instructions to the driver to speed up, this took Pluto by surprise as the rope jarred his neck as the speed increased, Pluto had no choice but to run faster, otherwise he would be pulled over and dragged along the ground. The boys in the carriage laughed as Pluto struggled to keep up, he now had to run faster and faster to keep up. Although early evening the temperature as still high and sweat ran down Pluto's naked body.

The last couple of miles were up hill. Marcus's villa was huge and perched at the top of the hill. Pluto's whole body was racked with pain as he dug his heels into the dusty ground, eventually they went through the gates and the carriage came to a halt. Pluto gasped for air, in an attempt to increase the air in his lungs. The driver dismounted and released Pluto from the rope. Pluto was about to sink to the floor to rest but new if he did he would be storing up punishment for the future.

"Come lazy boy, help your master down, do you want the cane across your buttocks?" enquired Marcus, as Pluto helped both boys down and followed them into the villa.

They all went up to Marcus's apartment within the villa.

"Now let me look at you boy, you look quite funny with those pieces of wood in your body," said Marcus. As he lent forward and twisted the dowels, he could not resist on pulling on the one in his navel, and this made Pluto wince with pain.

"Run the bath Pluto, you may bathe both me and Publius."

Pluto accomplished this task and then was told to jump in the bath himself. When he got out Marcus pulled Pluto to himself and was still fascinated with the dowels, he played with them again but he found this time they were more difficult to move as the wood had swollen and they were consequently tighter. This caused some distress to Pluto, but Marcus persisted encouraged by Publius he pulled on the dowels harder until they came out of the holes.

"That is better," said Marcus, "I must admit, Pluto your body has improved; you are leaner and more muscular."

"Come to the bed with me."

Marcus lay on his back and Pluto knelt astride him.

"Suck my cock slave" commanded Marcus, "Why dont you mount the slave boy Publius, he can suck me while you fuck him."

Publius climbed on the bed, Pluto's buttocks in front of him, Publius spread the boys cheeks, raised his body and pushed his hard cock against his hole. Pluto's sphincter momentarily resisted but as Publius pushed it gave way and Publius entered the slave. He pushed forward harder until his whole cock was inside Pluto, he then pumped vigorously, at the same time Pluto sucked on his masters cock. It was not long before the young virile Publius came deep inside Pluto, as Marcus felt his friend spurt his cum inside his slave; he pulled on Pluto's ears and shot his load down Pluto's throat.

Both boys thought it was wonderful that they had cum together. Marcus kicked Pluto off the bed and thought it would be fun to have Pluto stand with his hands on his head, while he and Publius put the wooden dowels back. They both played with Pluto, deciding which dowel went in which hole, and constantly put one in and then took it out to try a different hole. This was very uncomfortable for Pluto, who had to stand still while they played. When they had tired of this game, Pluto had to remain standing with his hands on his head, while they went back to the bed. They had struck up a close relationship, and fondled each other, their lips met and they kissed passionately, both soon sported hard cocks, their kissing became more intense as they caressed each others bodies. Marcus called Pluto over and this time they reversed roles, Marcus fucked Pluto and Publius had Pluto suck his cock, their cum soon flowed into Pluto's orifices.

Pluto again was made to stand naked with his hands on his head, while the two boys kissed and fondled each other. Marcus then realized he was hungry and called the guard outside to fetch them some food. Marcus and Publius talked and discussed their slaves and made a pact to swap so they could each try out each others slaves and see which performed the best, which one sucked the best and which one had the tighter anus.

The food arrived and both boys tucked in. Pluto was ravishingly hungry, but had to stand still. The cum was by now running down the back of his legs, he could taste the salt in his mouth from the cum. Marcus then thought that Pluto might be hungry, so he had him get down on all fours on the floor and tossed grapes to him. Those that he caught he could eat those that he missed he had to leave. The two boys thought this great fun as Pluto darted around on the floor trying to catch the grapes.

"Perhaps we should punish the slave," said Marcus, "for everyone he misses, or we could save up the punishment until after the emperors performance."

Marcus and Publius counted how many Pluto missed, time and time again; they laughed and argued over the number, it was all good fun to them. Pluto's torment continued for several hours, he was fucked once more in the early hours of the morning, then finally Marcus and Publius fell asleep in each others arms, Pluto curled up on the floor, hungry and exhausted.

Only a few hours later Pluto was woken by a guard and sent to get breakfast for the two boys, he took advantage of this and pushed as much food in his mouth as he could, to stem his hunger. Pluto bathed both boys and helped them dress, it was then back to Publius's house. Pluto was secured to the rear of the carriage, he had not been allowed to bathe and the dry cum from his anus was uncomfortable, as the sweat poured down his skin, at least it was downhill all the way. As they entered the city, they were held up by a blocked road. Pluto was thankful for the rest, he put his hands on his head as he had been taught and took two steps forward so that when the carriage started again the rope did not jar his neck.

Pluto attracted attention from the crowd of onlookers; normally a slave would wear a covering, albeit miniscule, but the sight of Pluto's naked form brought comments of a rude nature, "bend over slave boy, your master says I can fuck your arse," "take my cock boy, I can add more cum to that running down your leg." This was accompanied by much laughing, and small children threw rotten fruit at Pluto which added to his discomfort. Thankfully the obstruction was removed and they continued their journey, soon arriving at Publius's villa.

Benin was already in the classroom holding Publius's books and was receiving rapt attention by Sartorius, who could not resist playing with the dowels in Benin's body and was intrigued as to there purpose, when Pluto walked in, bathed in sweat from his run, he looked dirty and dishelved, tomato juice ran down his back and the dust from the roads clung to his body. At that moment Decimus and Sextus entered and took the boys away.

Benin looked superb, he had a good nights sleep and had bathed, his body glistened, his muscles standing out full of health and energy. Pluto, however, was a different story, he was dirty and tired, the dowel in his navel was missing.

"Where is your navel dowel?" enquired Sextus.

"My master removed all the pieces of wood sire, "replied Pluto, "and when he could not get it back, he threw it away."

Sextus was none too pleased, and vowed to keep the two boys in his care, at least three days before the performance. Luckily the blacksmith had left some spare dowels. Sextus fitted a new one in Pluto's navel and they commenced their practicing. Benin was performing well, he had mastered the art of gyrating his hips, Sextus said they were more like a girls, and he could make his abdominal muscles move like a wave, this was done by exhaling air and pulling his muscles up in to his rib cage and with careful control they moved in and out. He was being particularly seductive this morning. Pluto on the other hand was very sluggish, Sextus stopped the rehearsal and had Pluto bathe to refresh himself, and the boy tried hard, but was finding the moves difficult. At midday Sextus decided to let both boys rest. Within minutes Pluto laid his head on Benin's lap and was fast asleep. Sextus let both boys rest for several hours, but it was now time to try on the costume.

The boys were told to stand and have their dowels removed, Sextus then took hold of some gold rings about 2 cm [¾ inch] in diameter, each one had a cut through the band, which enabled Sextus to pries them open insert the ring in the prepared hole and squeeze them shut, one in each nipple, one in the navel, and one in the foreskin of the boys cocks. Sextus had some difficulty in getting the ring in Pluto's navel, as it had partially closed and the hole was deep. Sextus then took hold of a very fine gold chain and tied it loosely to the navel ring, leaving about 10cms [4 inches] dangling down in front. He threaded the chain through the cock ring, and passed it underneath into the crack of their buttocks, this allowed the cock to sit neatly into the ball sac, and was partially hidden, the chain then went up the back and divided into two pieces, one part went over the left shoulder the other over the right shoulder, each end was then tied to each nipple ring. On the piece of chain left dangling at the front a piece of metal was attached, this kept the whole chain rigid. The final adornment was a bracelet secured to each wrist and ankle, they were made of leather and had tiny bells secured to the strap, when the boys moved wrist or ankle they made a nice jingling sound. They would wear the costume each day as they practiced, not only to test it out but to get the boys used to wearing it, both boys admired themselves, turning and twisting and jingling, they practiced for another hour, then their masters arrived. Both boys posed in front of their masters, showing off their costume.

Publius and Marcus agreed their boys looked very seductive and thought the costumes were well designed, they showed off their boys to perfection, concealing almost nothing of their boys flesh, both Publius and Marcus were surprised that the costume contained no fabric, they particularly liked the way the cock was half concealed.

"Do you approve?" enquired Sextus.

"Yes indeed," said Publius, "I would like my slave to wear it all the time."

"The chains sire, will be removed after practice each day, but the rings can and should remain in place, perhaps you could experiment yourself with various adornments, it could be quite entertaining for you sire," replied Sextus.

"Yes, that is a good idea; I will play with my boy," said Publius.

"The rehearsal is in two days time sire, I trust you can attend, and may I ask if I may give your slave Benin, some special potions and aphrodisiac foods, as his performance is crucial to the show, also gentleman, will it be in order for your slaves to stay with us overnight three days prior to the performance in front of the emperor?" said Sextus.

"I am looking forward to seeing how my slave will perform, and will gladly attend," said Publius, Marcus also agreed to attend.

"I am quite happy for you to feed Benin with what ever you wish, but I am not happy that my slave will be taken away for three days. But as it is for the emperor, I suppose I have no choice. Both Marcus and I are going out to-night with our respective fathers, so you slave boys will not be required apart from to bathe us and prepare us, so come with us now." Publius concluded.

There chains were removed and they all went up to Publius's apartment. Both boys could not resist pulling on the rings of Benin and Pluto. This caused some pain as the wounds had not healed all together, they thought of ways to amuse themselves by putting weights on nipples and cock, tieing rope and pulling it tight so the boys could not move, the possibilities were endless. They both looked forward to having some fun with their slave boys. Now they had to get ready, and both slaves bathed their masters and helped them dress in their finest costumes and soft leather sandals.

"Now Benin, you will do your two hours on the wheel as usual, I don't want you slacking while you are getting all this preferential treatment, how about your slave joining him Marcus, he will not have to do his run home tonight and it would be a pity to let him off," said Publius.

"That is a good idea; we will see them start on the wheel before we leave."

With that the two gold ringed slaves and their masters went down below to the wheel.

"A full two hours for both boys," instructed Publius, "When you have finished hear you will retire to your own room Benin, take Pluto with you."

"Yes sir, master," replied Benin.

Pluto found it difficult to not slip on the wet wheel, and was amazed at how hard the work was, he thought he would rather do the run home than this torture, By the time they had finished Pluto's legs ached so much he thought they would stop working altogether. Both boys were pleased when their time was up, and they scurried off to the kitchen for some food and then a good nights sleep.

The next two days passed uneventfully, Pluto was at last getting his act together and the performance was coming together, after school they had the dress rehearsal. Publius, Marcus and Sartorius took their seats and the performance began.

Benin entered from the right and Pluto from the left, they ran at full speed jumped off a springboard did three front rolls high in the air, landing squarely on their feet in front of the guests, they parted their legs and slowly performed the splits, they fell to the floor and rolled over on their bellys, kissing the floor as a sign of respect. Both boys then stood up and smiled at each other and gyrated their hips and made their belly muscles undulate provocatively, they leaned forward and stroked each others cheeks, in a sign of affection, Benin lent forward to kiss Pluto, but Pluto backed off, with that a chasing sequence commenced, Benin chasing Pluto, they jumped high in the air, spreading there legs as they did so, as they landed they pirouetted on the spot, and chased again, Pluto skillfully avoiding Benin's advances.

On the night there would be music but for the dress rehearsal they did it in silence. This performance was a gymnastic display, it was a ballet and a seduction scene, all rolled into one. Apart from a few slips the boys performed well. The scene concluded with Benin catching Pluto, pinning the boy on his back, he then looked at his master for permission to fuck Pluto. Publius agreed, Benin pulled Pluto to his feet and took hold of the weight on the chain, gave it a sharp pull, the chain parted and slid through the rings, exposing his cock, and freeing his anus, Benin then took two spaces forward and presented himself to Publius, who reached forward and pulled Benin's weight, this also parted the chain, but Benin's cock stood up hard and proud, he bowed and took hold of Pluto, bent him over and entered his anus and give him a long hard fuck. After he had fucked Pluto, both boys sank to their knees and leant forward and kissed the marble floor. The performance was over, it had lasted some fifteen minutes, both boys were bathed in sweat from their exertion, Sartorius was the first to clap, followed by Publius and Marcus.

Sextus was pleased with the performance, but took a few notes as to where it could be improved, the real thing was in three days, so the boys were taken away to stay with Sextus and Decimus.

Chapter 9

Benin and Pluto followed their tutors. The bells on their ankles jingled as they trotted behind them, their near naked bodies still ran with sweat, the fine gold chains were connected at the nipples only, and hung down the front of their lithe bodies.

"You did quite well, both of you," said Sextus," but I noticed you both nearly slipped when you took the corners too fast, and you need to jump higher, but we have two days more practice, so we will work on it until you can perform with perfection. There must be no errors in front of the emperor."

Sextus removed Benin's chain and Decimus removed Pluto's, both boys were told to remove their ankle and wrist bracelets, they were given linen cloths to remove the sweat; the gold rings would remain in position. Both boys were told to lie face down on a table and were given a massage, each muscle was pummeled and stroked. The boys enjoyed it immensely. They then had a hot bath and dried themselves, both looked magnificent. Benin's body was perfect, not an ounce of fat, everything in proportion, even Pluto looked good, he had lost his puppy fat and his muscles were beginning to develop to the full, the hard physical work had done him good. Food was brought from the kitchen and both boys tucked in, they were ravishingly hungry, Benin had some extra morsels, oysters, and some special aphrodisiac potions to consume which would increase his libido, so making his cock stand up at the slightest provocation.

Sextus and Decimus removed their G-strings and bathed. They then took the boys to bed, it was still early, about 8.00 pm, but they needed their rest so they could perform well in three days time. Sextus slept with Benin, who had fallen asleep almost immediately. Sextus ran his hand down Benin's chest and belly and soon found his cock, which was rock hard, and Sextus smiled, turned over, and went to sleep.

The following two days were spent hard at practicing the moves, accompanied with the music. Pluto needed extra practice at swiveling his hips and rolling his belly muscles, but he mastered it in the end. The morning of the third day arrived, both boys eat a hearty breakfast; they would not eat again until after the performance. Sextus and Decimus accompanied the boys on a 5 mile [8 km] run, on their return they bathed, they were given a massage and their skin shaved, removing any growth from under the armpits, belly and legs, their pubic hair was trimmed. The boy's hair had grown, Benin's was now a mass of tiny black curls, Pluto's was straight on top, but it curled at the base of his neck. Sextus was happy with their appearance, they then had to bathe again, dried and oil was rubbed into every part of their skin, this took for ever, as no oil must remain, on completion it gave their skin a golden glow.

After a short break at midday, they were given beakers of water. Benin was given a strong aphrodisiac. The preparation then continued, makeup was applied, their finger nails and toenails were clipped and a bright red paint applied to each nail, rouge was applied to their lips and face cheeks, a thin line of black mascara was applied to their eyebrows and on the outline of their lips. A bright peacock blue paint was applied to their eyelids and below the eyes. Sextus and Decimus worked methodically to produce two handsome whores.

The emperor was due in about an hour, so the chains were attached to the rings in the boy's bodies. Sextus had some difficulty with the chain through Benin's cock ring, as he was sporting a permanent hard on, but a few slaps with his hand across Benin's cock made it subside sufficiently for him to pass the chain up Benin's buttocks and over his shoulders and secured the chains to his nipple rings. The weight on the chain dangling from the boy's navels was attached, was different from before, it was a piece of gold shaped in the form of half a ball sac, when removed, the two pieces joined together perfectly, each half had a ball carved inside. These were to be a present for the emperor. The boys were told to do some limbering up exercises so their muscles were warm before the performance and to test the chains, making sure they were secured sufficiently and would not break or work loose during the performance. Everything was now ready; Sextus and Decimus could do no more, so it was up to the slave boys to put in a good performance.

Both boys felt apprehensive, as they heard the trumpets sound announcing the emperor's arrival, extra staff had been drafted in for the kitchens, slaves had been hired to serve the food, young, almost naked boy slaves, were taught how to serve wine, Crasus and his wife welcomed their illustrious guest, Emperor Tiberius, all the other guests stood as he entered the auditorium, they all chorused "Hail Caesar!" Immediately the food was served, the wine flowed and the entertainment began, tumblers, acrobats, and a troop of dwarfs who performed a slap stick routine, the emperor laughed and was enjoying himself, complementing Crasus on his fine villa and the wonderful food he was serving.

A couple of hours had passed and both Benin and Pluto were getting fidgety, but now it was their turn. The drums sounded, the trumpets blew, both boys burst into the auditorium, one from each side, springing high from the board, successfully forward tumbling three times in the air, went into the splits, rolled over and kissed the marble floor at Tiberius's feet. They then went into their sensual routine. A harp playing softly in the background as they gyrated their hips, gently stroking each other's cheeks. Benin felt his cock grow, it strained at the chain binding it in place. He desperately wanted to fuck Pluto, then Pluto made his escape, a broad grin came over his face. He was a fickle boy, wanting it, but making a chase of it. They ran around the auditorium, leaping high in the air. Benin nearly catching Pluto, but Pluto evading him at the last minute. Their gyrations and leaps increased in speed and height, the music got louder, until it reached a crescendo as Benin pulled Pluto to the floor, directly in front of the emperor. Pluto on his back with Benin kneeling over him.

Benin took hold of the gold weight at Pluto's belly, looked up at the emperor, seeking permission to pull it off, permission given, Benin pulled, the chain parted, Benin pulled Pluto to his feet and bent him over, Benin took one pace towards the emperor handed him Pluto's ball sac weight and invited the emperor to pull his own. The emperor, a large man, leant forward took hold of the weight and tugged it, it came off in his hand. Benin's cock immediately stood up hard and straight. Pluto was still bent double as Benin took up position behind Pluto ready to mount him, again he sought permission. Crasus had to prompt the emperor, who at last nodded his approval. Benin sunk his cock into Pluto, who gave a groan of lust and pleasure. Benin pumped into Pluto, simulating an orgasm, after a few minutes he withdrew. Both boys dropped to their knees and kissed the marble at the Emperor's feet. Tiberius applauded; he had enjoyed the performance, which had been performed to perfection.

Both boys scurried out into the arms of Sextus and Decimus, who gave them a big hug and kissed them on their lips. Tiberius thought the gold weights in the form of a ball sac were a wonderful present and quite amusing, he told Crasus he would treasure them.

The wine continued to flow, more entertainment was provided but nothing surpassed the slave boy's performance, the chains were removed from the boys, the rings remained, they were just about to leave when a messenger arrived, the emperor had requested the company of Benin and Pluto. The boys looked at each other and followed the messenger.

Tiberius had a smile across his face as the boys approached, he raised his arms, beckoning them to sit one either side, he congratulated them on their performance, then turned to Crasus, "Senator do you think I could borrow your two young slave boys, I would enjoy their dance after a long day, they would relax me?"

Publius was about to speak, when his father scowled at him, guessing that he would not want Benin taken from him, especially as he had been unable to enjoy the boy for the past few days.

"Of course sire, would you like to take them home with you, or should I have them delivered tomorrow?"

"Tonight, if that is with your approval." He glanced over at Publius, who of course agreed.

"I will have them suitably attired your Excellency for the journey to your villa," said Crasus.

"No that will not be necessary, I will have them clothed tomorrow. May I say Crasus you have entertained me well to-night, but alas I feel the tiredness coming on. So I will take my leave of you, by the way, when I see you in the senate next, we must discuss your governorship, which is long overdue."

"You are too kind sire; I will call your carriage immediately."

With the two slave boys in toe, he was gone. Benin and Pluto had expected to run behind the carriage, but the emperor insisted they rode inside with him. Foot soldiers were posted at the front, side and rear of the carriage, within a half an hour they were entering the emperor's palace, the most wondrous sights the slave boys had ever seen greeted them as they followed the emperor into the palace, guards were posted everywhere, huge room followed huge room, with high ceilings and marble statues, the finest gossamer drapes hung from each wall. Eventually they entered the emperor's bedroom, slaves scurried about tending to the emperor's every need. He soon lost patience with them and shouted at them to leave. The emperor reclined on his bed and looked at the two naked boys in front of him, he patted the sides of his bed beckoning the boys to join him. They climbed up and lay either side of this huge man, momentarily he stroked Benin's cock, but just as quickly fell asleep, the wine had overcome him, and he lay still and snored. Benin and Pluto could not help looking at each other and laughing.

The boys were awoken by movement in the emperor's bedroom as slaves brought in a clean toga, and ran the emperor's bath. The bath was huge almost a swimming pool. As the emperor woke, he turned on his bum and put his legs over the side of the bed and waddled over to his bath. He dismissed the two attendants and had Benin and Pluto bathe him, which he enjoyed enormously. They helped him out, and dried his skin, they were amazed at how small his cock was, for such a big man, other attendants helped Tiberius dress and to his own disappointment had to leave to attend affairs of state, but left instructions for the boys to be bathed and perfumed and a selection of garments should be made for them. He will choose later what they should wear.

Benin and Pluto were left alone in the emperor's bedroom, but within a few moments a tall, thin, elegantly dressed man entered.

"My, my, you must be the emperor's newest favorites, oh; I must admit you are beautiful, particularly you young man, as he cupped Benin's chin in his hand, you are to have your rings removed, and you must be measured for new costumes." This man was, evidently, the master of the emperor's household, responsible for the smooth running of the kitchens, personal slaves etc. Shortly after another young man came in, he was young about 17 years old; he wore baggy trousers and a velvet top, and spoke in a very effeminate voice.

"What have we here, such beauty at such a tender age, you my boy are stunning," looking at Benin, "it seems a pity to cover any of you, I would just love to gaze at your nude form every hour of every day." He exclaimed. He took out a tape measure and measured both Benin and Pluto, in every intimate detail, "I will be back shortly so you can have a fitting." He then left.

The master of the household then clapped his hands and two huge black men came in, and were told to bathe and massage both boys, and to remove the rings. They must have been over 6ft. [1.80m] tall with broad chests and slim waists, they wore just undergarments, which showed huge bulges at the front. They had some difficulty in taking out the rings, because they had large hands and fingers. They almost pulled Pluto's navel out when removing the ring, and he yelped with pain. Both boys were bathed and the massage was a trial, as the black men did not seem to realize how heavy handed they were, pummeling and pushing every muscle, it was certainly invigorating, as they finished the tailor returned with his samples.

The clothes consisted of G-strings in various colors, with matching short tunics. The G-strings had a tiny pouch at the front, a string that ran underneath, up the crack of their buttocks, with two strings that ran round the sides, where the strings met they were tied in a bow to keep the garment on. Benin particularly liked the gold string one with the matching short tunic, which fitted over his head and draped round the front and the back, this was then secured with a gold rope around the waist, which was tied in a bow, this allowed the tailor to hitch the tunic up, so it just covered the pouch at the front, but showed off the lower half of the buttocks at the rear. The tailor must have brought 10 garments for each slave boy, and had them take them on and off, adjusting here adjusting there until he was satisfied. He then took all the garments away to make any adjustments that were necessary and returned some half an hour later and they went through the whole performance again.

The boys were left in the emperor's bedroom; they dozed and played with each other, but began to get bored, as young teenage boys do, it was somewhat an anti-climax after the previous night's events. Several hours later they were summoned to the emperor, who was lying on a couch, in a huge room, tapestries hung from the wall, the roof was supported by large Corinthian columns, marble statues of naked young boys and girls were dotted around the room, a small orchestra played soft music from behind a screen, a younger man lay on the couch next to the emperor, he was in his late teens, dark haired, thin of face and looked a bit mean, he was the emperor's nephew, his name was Caligula.

Both men were attended by young girls, naked apart from rows of beads around their lower belly and jewels in their hair, and on their nipples, these girls lay on cushions on the floor. "These are the two beautiful boys I was telling you about," said the emperor to his nephew, I will have them dance for you.

"First, come here boys," said Caligula, "Take off your tunic let me look at you."

Both boys stepped forward and removed their tunics and stood in front of Caligula. The girls reclining on the cushions began to take interest at the site of the two near naked boys. Pluto stepped forward and Caligula pulled the cord holding his G-string, this immediately fell to the floor. Caligula poured over Pluto's body, squeezing his nipples, prodding his belly, lifting his cock and balls. He then beckoned Benin forward, again the G-string fell to the floor. Benin's cock stood up hard and straight. Caligula went immediately to it, and rubbed it and fondled it, Benin groaned with pleasure. Caligula was suitably impressed with the boy's body and could not resist running his hands over him, feeling the abdominal muscles and running his hands over Benin's pert buttocks.

"Come boys show us what you can do, dance for us," said Caligula.

The orchestra started a slow lament; the boys bowed and went into a slow seductive routine, their lips just touching, their hips gyrating Benin's belly moving in waves, which made his cock stand up and rise and fall with his belly movements. They then broke away and skipped around the room, jumping and pirouetting, sweat began to form on their bodies with the exertion, they returned to the group and both stood in front of the assembly and gyrated some more. Benin in particular enjoyed showing off his nakedness, several of the girls smiled at him, his seductive movements excited them. The orchestra raised the tempo and the boys put in a supreme effort at leaping and jumping, Benin chasing Pluto, he caught Pluto and took up position to fuck him.

"No," said Caligula, "you will fuck one of the whores." Pointing to the girls laying on the cushions.

"Me, me!" shouted the girls. Caligula had the girls stand up and told Benin to choose one.

Benin looked along the line, the girls pleading with him to choose them, but he was attracted to a dusky young girl probably 15 or 16 years old, slim in the waist with broad hips and breasts like grapefruit, her nipples standing up straight and proud. He walked over to her and took her hand and pulled her forward. Her eyes looked at the floor, she, like the others was naked apart from the row of beads hanging around her lower belly. She had no hair, this had been shaved, and her vagina had been rouged as had her lips and face cheeks.

Benin was hoping to take her away, but the emperor was having none of it, and told him to perform in front of them, it was part of the entertainment as far as he was concerned. Cushions were tossed in their direction and the girl lay on her back, a cushion under her lower back, this had the desired effect of pushing her hips in the air, ready to receive Benin. He sank to his knees, his fingers caressing her nipples, he then moved forward and put his cock in her vagina and slowly pumped into her, she groaned with pleasure, her hips moving to get more feeling, this excited Benin who thrust forward harder entering her fully, his buttocks rose and fell as his cock filled her love space. Both participants forgot about their audience as they reveled in their love making, Benin went on and on, the girl giving out little screams as she orgasmed, Benin could not hold on any longer and climaxed, but of course no live sperm passed between them, but both were satisfied to the full. The audience applauded, as Benin rolled off the girl and lay on his back gasping for breath.

Caligula leaned over to his uncle and suggested that Benin should stay but Pluto should go, as he was no different to many other slaves or boy whores available throughout Rome. The emperor agreed and Pluto was escorted home, meanwhile Caligula wanted to have more fun with Benin and asked his uncle if he could have the boy for a few days, so he could have him trained to perform a more spectacular dance routine. The emperor agreed, replying that he would have the boy in his bed tonight but Caligula could have him the following morning. Caligula wanted the boy for himself, he knew the emperor would tire of him within a few days; he began to think of a way for the slave boy to be his personal property.

The emperor rose, as did all the others and bowed lowly as Tiberius took hold of Benin's hand and escorted him to his bed chamber. The emperor's personal slaves took off the emperor's clothes; the fat Tiberius wallowed on his bed, dismissed his slaves and beckoned Benin to lie next to him. The naked 13 year old was dwarfed by this huge man, who had a little cock. Tiberius pushed Benin's head down to his cock and made him suck it, after much work by Benin the cock eventually grew. Benin's mouth working hard to excite the emperor, Benin sweated as he worked up and down on the member, finally the emperor orgasmed, small droplets of cum ran down Benin's throat. Both master and slave fell into a deep sleep.

The following morning Caligula was waiting patiently for Tiberius to hand Benin over, he had to wait for the emperor to have his breakfast, and Tiberius enjoyed feeding Benin morsels of food from his own plate. Caligula had given instructions for a huge gantry to be built in a large ante-room, while this structure was being erected; he took Benin down to the bath house to show him off to his friends. Caligula a strong 19 year old young man mounted his chariot and had Benin secured to the rear, who ran behind, Benin nearly fell several times as the young Caligula skidded round the corners of the narrow streets of Rome, but within a few minutes they arrived at the bath house. The bath house was a huge building; large columns supported the building which was reached by many steps. Benin followed Caligula into the building; they soon met with Caligula's friends, who wanted to know who this new handsome boy was, five young naked men gathered round Benin, stroking his hair, running their fingers over his body, pinching his buttocks.

"I bet he is a good fuck," remarked one.

"Have you fucked him yet Caligula?" asked another.

Caligula explained he was on loan to the emperor and that he was a dancer and slave of the Crasus family.

"Let's see him dance," asked one of the boys.

"Yes," said Caligula, and gave orders for Benin to gyrate in front of the young men.

Benin performed well, Caligula pulled off his G-string as he danced.

"I wonder if he can do that with my cock up his arse," shouted another.

Each of the boys had their own slave with them, and they soon settled down while their slaves massaged them. One of the young men gave out a cry and shouted at his slave that he had pinched his skin and he would be punished. With that, all the boys got up and followed the slave who was to be punished into a side room, including Caligula and Benin. A wooden trestle was in the centre of the room, chairs around the perimeter, two Nubian slaves stood to one side, while the young men took their seats. The poor wretch of a slave was secured to the trestle and the two Nubians took up position behind him.

The Nubians looked at the slave's master who raised his hand for the punishment to begin. The slave was some 14 to 15 years old; he looked Egyptian or Greek, with his olive skin and black curly hair, not unlike Benin. The two Nubians began; they were 6ft [1.80 m] tall and well muscled, one to the left one to the right, the thick rattan cane rose and fell on the boy's buttocks, the boy screamed in agony as the cane bit into his skin raising wheals. The Nubians would not stop until told by the slave's young master. Time and again the cane blistered into his cheeks, as the strokes crossed, blood began to ooze from the wounds.

Benin looked on fearfully and realized that Publius was not the only cruel master in Rome, with the heat in the baths the blood mixed with the sweat pouring down the slave's legs. Over 100 strokes had been given, but the young master was enjoying showing off to his friends and would not let the punishment cease until a further 50 strokes had been given. The slave had by this time stopped crying out, and laid limp on the table as the strokes lacerated his buttocks and thighs. Caligula turned to Benin, and said, "I will enjoy doing that to you my little one, when you are my slave boy, as I know you will be soon."

"Yes sir," replied Benin, dreading his fate if he should ever fall into this young man's hands.

The rest of the day passed uneventfully, as Caligula could not have his way with Benin until he was his new master, although he did enjoy fucking Benin that night as the emperor had retired early.

The following morning after the emperor had arisen from his slumbers, he wanted to know where Benin was. Luckily for Caligula he was bringing the boy slave to the emperor, who said he wanted the boy's company this morning as he was to inspect the new building work, and Benin should walk behind him. The entourage walked off, with the builder and the architect, in close attendance to the emperor; masses of wooden scaffolding surrounded the building, the workers on the site craned forward to get a glimpse of the emperor, but as they did so, the scaffolding started to move, men jumped and the whole structure came crashing down. Benin could see what was happening and leapt forward onto the emperor's back, pushing him down to the floor. The heavy wooden planks and staffs crashed down, several hit Benin on the head and the back, knocking him unconscious.

All hell broke loose as the Praetorian Guard rushed forward to get to the emperor, dragging Benin off, also soldiers began arresting the workers who had caused the accident, and doctors were called to attend to the emperor and the injured. The emperor had came through the ordeal unscathed, but was aware that someone had jumped on his back to protect him, after making enquiries he was told it was Benin, who had been taken away to have his injuries attended to.

The emperor went back to his chambers to rest and sent for the doctors who were attending Benin, they reported that he had a dislocated shoulder and cuts to his arms and legs, but no lasting damage had been incurred. Caligula fussed around the emperor, fearing that the slave boy would be sent back to Crasus and Publius. He suggested to the emperor that he could not return a boy injured and perhaps it would be wise to offer Crasus the money for the boy. The emperor pondered this, the boy had probably saved his life and should be rewarded, so yes, he would offer Crasus the money for the slave and take young Benin into his household. Caligula smiled to himself, and Crasus was summoned the following day. Long explanations were given to Crasus and double the money he had paid for the boy was offered, Crasus remonstrated that he would be overjoyed if the emperor would take the slave as a gift, but the emperor was hearing none of it and paid Crasus a handsome sum for the boy and his choice of governorship. Crasus was delighted with the result as he had obtained the governorship of Tarsus, and it had solved a problem of his daughter's return with Benin's offspring, now that Benin would be out of the way, he would buy Publius a replacement slave from the market that very week.

Benin was some two weeks recovering from his injuries, the emperor visited him everyday, and was pleased when the physicians declared him fit and well, Caligula was by the emperor's side and reminded him of the opportunity for him to train Benin with a new dance. The emperor agreed and said he would throw a banquet in Benin's honor, and Benin would be the star attraction. Caligula wasted no time in instructing Benin on his new routine, he was to fly like a bird, for this purpose a gantry was constructed in the large auditorium, from which hung a rope which could be pulled from one end to the other, some 60 feet [18 meter]. Benin was secured to the rope by the means of a harness around his chest; at the other end of the rope were two huge Nubian men, who pulled on the rope, which lifted Benin off the ground, this enabled Benin to fly.

After several days practice Benin was proficient in gliding and flying through the air, the day before the banquet was the dress rehearsal. Benin was bathed and massaged and then presented himself to Caligula, Benin's naked form looked perfect, Caligula could not resist pouring over his body, the young man who had made Benin's clothes arrived with a huge box, which contained white swan feathers, first the gold rings were inserted in Benin's navel and cock, the small gold chain secured to his navel ring then through his cock ring around his buttocks and back to his navel and secured, keeping his cock tucked nicely away under his ball sac. The leather harness was attached around his chest, Swans feathers were attached to his arms, each feather secured separately, starting with the longest at the top of his arm to the shortest at the bottom. Small feathers were attached to his pubic hairs, each one sewn separately; finally feathers were attached to his ankles.

Caligula instructed Benin to flap his arms and to prance around the room. He looked spectacular in his winged finery, it was decided that feathers would be attached to the harness, to disguise it. Now he was ready, the Nubians took hold of the rope and hoisted Benin into the air, he swung gracefully, flapping his arms, and he looked as if he was flying like a real swan. The Nubians pulled and ran around so Benin could fly around the whole room; they let him fall gracefully so he almost touched the floor, and then pulled hard so he would soar towards the ceiling. Caligula was pleased with the result; all was ready for the performance tomorrow.

The following day Benin was given light exercise and allowed to rest so he would have full strength for the performance. The emperor and guests assembled in the large auditorium, fine wines and food were served, music played and naked girls danced between the couches where the guests lolled, young naked boys serving food and wine as required to the important guests. Now was the time for Benin, trumpets sounded, six Nubian slaves held a large brass platform above their heads, walked in carrying Benin who stood on the brass platform dressed in his feathers, the two Nubians who would work the rope followed, which was already attached to Benin's harness. The music struck up and Benin took off, flying high towards the ceiling, the audience gasped at the sight, the emperor applauded, Benin went from one end to the other swooping high and low, flapping his wings as a bird would. The emperor turned to his wife, Julia, extolling the virtues of this new young slave, she was unimpressed as usual. The emperor scowled at her. The performance went on for some fifteen minutes when Benin fluttered down to the emperor's feet and kissed the marble floor in front of him. Applause rang threw the room, the emperor stood up and pulled Benin to his feet, he then spoke to the audience, firstly singing Benin's praises, his nephew for training the slave, but most importantly how Benin had saved his life, and that this young slave boy would always play an important part in his life, his wife Julia looked and grimaced at Benin and turned her cheek away from her husband as he went to plant a kiss on her lips.

Chapter 10

The final part of the adventures of Benin

Much to Caligula's dismay, the emperor never let Benin out of his sight, and did not appear to be tiring of the boy. Apart from entering the senate Benin was with Tiberius. They talked for hours and even discussed affairs of state, Tiberius would ask Benin for his opinion on many questions. After several weeks Emperor Tiberius made a statement which shocked the senate and dismayed Caligula, he had decided to move to Caprea (Capri) and would run the empire from there. Runners would be employed to take and receive messages to the senate, he had made up his mind that he would take Benin and an entourage of slaves to amuse him. Caligula would remain in Rome and look after his wife Julia, whose nagging had been getting him down for sometime. Besides, he needed to take things easier as he advanced in years.

Preparations began immediately for the move to Caprea. Slave traders brought in many slaves for the emperor to choose from. He purchased at great expense ten young boys, aged 6 to 7 of Germanic origin, pale of skin and blonde of hair, six muscled Nubians, aged 13 to 14, ten Greek boys of similar age, and six Nubian girls some 14 to 15 years old. Benin was put in charge of the slaves, he was to teach them how to serve their master and entertain him. The rest of the party was made up of his personal food taster, his cook, and 20 members of the Praetorian Guard to protect him, the rest of the staff were already based at the villa in Caprea. Some days later the emperor said his goodbyes to his wife, who just gave him abuse and spat in his face, he confirmed with Caligula that he had the necessary authority to run the house, and gave a farewell speech to the senate, who had grave reservations about the move, saying the people of Rome would become disgruntled and the delay in getting decisions, would jeopardize the safe running of the empire.

However, the emperor would not be dissuaded, and the whole entourage set off for his galley for the voyage to Caprea.

Benin was amazed at the size of the galley, it must have had 200 rowers. The Captain and his crew welcomed the emperor on board and the slaves were sent below. The Captain asked permission to set sail, which the emperor gave and the mighty ship left the dockside. The thud of the hammer on the block, which set the timing of the stroke for the slaves who worked the oars, was mesmerizing to Benin. He could not resist looking down through the grating at the half naked men below, who strained on the oars to get this huge vessel to move. They were spurred on by lashes of the whip across their backs to put in more effort. Thankfully it was a short trip to the island and they arrived several hours later.

The emperor's villa stood high on a hill overlooking the harbour. A chair with wooden staves either side awaited the emperor, he climbed on board and was lifted up by eight Nubians who carried him to the top of the hill and into the villa. Benin trotted beside him, taking in the beauty of this tiny island, the rest of the slaves followed behind. The permanent staff at the villa welcomed Tiberius, with many "Hail Caesars" and applause. They in fact dreaded the old man coming as they had an easy job just looking after the property for months on end, with no demands made of them. The staff had been pre-warned of his arrival, and rooms had been prepared for the slaves, who should be on hand at anytime night or day, provisions had been stocked up and the whole place cleaned until it shone like a new pin.

Tiberius took Benin around the villa and they talked and eat the evening away. Tiberius giving him basic instructions as to what slave should do what, but it was left to Benin to devise amusement for the emperor. The following morning after breakfast Tiberius decided he would like a swim in the enormous pool. Benin suggested the young Germanic boys should join him and that they should play a game. The object of the game was for the naked boys to swim around the emperor and to suck on the emperor's skin at every opportunity with their lips. This of course tickled the emperor, who thought it was great fun, he christened them his 'little minnows'. The boys themselves enjoyed the game and laughed every time they managed to suck on the emperor's toes, his buttocks or any other part of his enormous fat body. The emperor decreed that the boys should be naked at all times.

Around the swimming pool were marble statues of Greek athletes. Benin thought, that as they had the real thing, why don't they remove the marble statues, which after all were a bit boring, and replace them with the Greek boy slaves, who could pose in the nude, one on each plinth. The emperor thought this a clever idea and had the marble statues removed and the slaves placed in position, each slave to take up a different pose and should remain perfectly still at all times. Originally there were eight statues, but as they had ten boys, two further plinths were brought in, so there were five slaves evenly spaced along each side of the pool.

Benin's idea was that the Greek slaves should be on the plinths about an hour, especially during the heat of the day, which would climb to 30-35 Celsius [85-95 Fahrenheit] at midday, but the emperor had different ideas. They should remain on the plinths for as long as he was in the garden, which could be all morning or even all day. He further decided that if he saw any slave boy move, he would be punished. The tops of the plinths were quite small, only some 30cms [one feet] square, just enough to take the boy's feet. Some of the poses they had to adopt were quite difficult to maintain, particularly those that had one foot down and the other foot supported by their toes, some had terracotta pots to hold on their shoulder. Obviously the inevitable happened, some slaves got cramp and some were overcome by the heat, as they had been holding the positions for hours. The first fell off, followed by another, the remainder managed to hold their positions.

Benin was surprised at the glee the emperor expressed when the slaves fell. "Good, good," the emperor exclaimed, "we have two boys for punishment, and we will have the punishment sessions at 7.00 pm each evening, just before dinner."

Each afternoon it was common practice for the emperor to go to bed for a nap. He would choose two or three of the young Germanic boys to share his bed. He enjoyed playing with the boys, getting them to suck his fingers and his cock. He liked to push his fingers up their anus, but found this difficult, as they were so small and tight. The emperor called Benin in to his boudoir and told him of the problem. Benin suggested goose grease would facilitate entry, but it may be a good idea if some cocks were fashioned from wood, which they could sit on. These could be graduated in size and with sufficient use they would widen the anus orifice of each boy.

"Get it done immediately!" barked the emperor. Benin scurried off and spoke to the villa carpenter, who set to work immediately, any request from the emperor must be done straight away as he feared the wroth of the old man.

After his nap the emperor walked out in to the garden. The Greek slave boys had been repositioned on their plinths, their olive skin was turning a nice bronze color from the heat of the sun. Benin suggested to the emperor that an exercise programme should be initiated as some of the boys needed to develop their muscles, so they looked more sleek on the plinths. Again the emperor agreed, so Benin devised an exercise regime, which would start the following day.

Shortly after the carpenter appeared and told Benin that the first set of wooden cocks were ready, they went inside, followed by the ten Germanic slave boys. The carpenter had done a superb job in a short time, each cock had been fashioned out of a piece of mahogany timber and secured to a plank of wood, each one spaced about 70 cms [2½ feet] apart. The cocks looked very realistic, they were about 12 cms [5 inches] long, but only 5 cms [2 inches] in circumference, slightly curved, just like the real thing and even had the veins carved in the side. They were highly polished.

The emperor took up position in a heavy chair to survey the scene before him. The light skinned boys looked apprehensive as Benin took goose grease and applied it to each cock in turn. He took hold of the first naked boy by the hand and led him to where the line of cocks were. He told the boy to sit down on the floor with the cock in front of him, between his legs, his arms behind him. The boy then had to push up with his arms and position his anus above the wooden cock. Benin told him to gently lower himself onto the wooden cock. With some help from Benin the cock was positioned directly under his anus. Benin then told the boy to lower himself down onto the cock, which pushed against the boy's sphincter, with the weight of the boy on the cock. The cock entered the boy's anus, the boy gave out a yelp as the hard wood entered him. Benin then told the boy to push up on his arms and then lower back down onto the cock, and repeat the process, up and down, up and down. Tears welled up in to the boys eyes, but he refrained from crying.

The emperor clapped his hands with glee, and hurried Benin along to get the other naked boys onto their cocks. This was soon accomplished, the emperor then had all the boys rising and falling on their cocks together. He laughed at the site. A couple of the boys began to cry, but the emperor admonished them, that if they didn't stop, they would soon have sore buttocks to go with their sore arse. After some fifteen minutes, Benin suggested the boys should rest and that they should form up in a line to witness the Greek boy's punishment.

The two Greek slaves who had not survived the posing on their plinths, were brought forward by two Nubian Guards, both Greek's were pushed to the floor, kissed the emperor's feet and begged for mercy. The emperor was not partial to forgiveness, but he would be lenient on this occasion and instructed the Nubians to give them 50 strokes each. A trestle was brought up in front of the emperor and the first naked boy splayed across it, his ankles restrained to the rear legs and his wrists secured by leather thongs at the front of the trestle.

The ten boys had a good view of the punishment and were apprehensive as to what they were about to witness. The punishment began, the Nubians laying on each stroke, one from the left one from the right on the first slave. The emperor was obviously enjoying the spectacle, as the Greek slave gave out a scream as each stroke landed on his naked buttocks. The second Greek, standing to the rear of the emperor, winced as each stroke landed and new it would soon be his turn.

The ten little minnows pulled faces as each stroke was administered, two of the little boys shuffled on their feet as they became more distressed as blood began to flow down the Greek boy's legs. Fear welled up inside the two little boys who uncontrollably began to urinate on the floor. The emperor looked at Benin, pointed at the boys who had fouled the floor and made a gesture with his index finger for them to be brought forward. Benin took hold of the boys, one in each hand and led them to the emperor, Benin had them kneel on the floor and kiss the emperor's feet, there they remained until the punishment of the first boy was finished. The Nubians untied the boy led him to the nearest wall and had him face the wall, his feet some 50 cms [20 inches] apart and 50 cms [20 inches] from the wall, he then had to raise himself up on his toes, with his finger tips touching the wall and stretched as high as he could possibly reach, there he would stay until the emperor relented. His lacerated buttocks in full view.

It was now time for the second Greek boy to receive his punishment, the same procedure was adopted, secured to the trestle the punishment began. About half way through the emperor stopped the proceedings and walked towards the boy. He took a cane from one of the Nubians and took up position to cane the boy himself. With fury in his eyes he laid the cane across the boy's buttocks with all the force he could muster. He was in a rage, and with his adrenalin running he delivered stroke after stroke across the boys already bruised and bleeding skin. He went on passed 50 strokes uncontrollably thrashing the boy, releasing his pent up feelings. Although nobody was counting he must have given the slave at least 80 to 90 strokes. The boy had long stopped crying out and was barely conscious, until he finally relented. A pale of water was thrown over the slave to revive him and he took up position next to the other Greek slave against the wall.

The emperor was breathing heavily as he took his seat, and scowled around the room.

"You will all be obedient slave boys, if not I will thrash you to within an inch of your life," he exclaimed.

"Yes sir master," chorused the assembled slaves in fear of further recriminations from the enraged emperor.

The emperor then looked down at the two minnows kneeling to each side of him. He told them to stand and pulled them towards him. "I am going to have you punished, but I am going to be lenient on you as this is your first time," said the emperor. Both boys were close to tears and their legs were visibly shaking.

Benin prompted the boys to thank the emperor. The emperor beckoned the Nubians to him and had the first boy put on the Nubians back, the slave boy clutching him round the neck, his legs dangling down. The Nubian then bent forward, this had the desired effect of the boy's buttocks being in the correct position to receive the cane, the second Nubian stood behind, cane in hand, the whiteness of the slave boy's skin stood out sharply against the black Nubians skin.

"Ten strokes," said the emperor.

The Nubian took aim and brought down a vicious blow across the young slave boy's buttocks. The boy screamed as the pain ripped into his body, his legs thrashed around in an attempt to alleviate the pain. Then within seconds the second blow landed, crossing the first, the boy screamed louder and tears began to flow. The second boy watching from the side urinated again, the emperor ignored the boy as he was enjoying watching the slave squirm in agony as the blows continued to rain down on his delicate skin, the slave boy's skin had broken in two places as the final blow was given, and a small trickle of blood oozed from his battered and bruised buttocks.

"Now you my boy," said the emperor, "as you have obviously not learnt from your friend's ordeal and you have fouled my floor again, you will receive 20 strokes."

"Please master, Oh Lord and master please no master," beseeched the boy, but there was no relenting by the emperor and the boy was lifted onto the Nubians back. As the Nubian was to begin the punishment the emperor stopped the proceedings and selected a thicker cane from the bucket at his side and exchanged it with the Nubian, being thicker it would inflict more pain. The punishment began, as before the boy screamed and thrashed around in an attempt to deaden the pain, but the punishment continued. The thicker cane producing thicker and redder wheals, after six strokes the skin had broken, and with his normal skill the Nubian was able to criss-cross the broken skin with new wheals, the poor boy's tender skin was soon a mass of lacerated pulp, the blood running down his thighs.

"Harder, harder, "shouted the emperor, "I want him to suffer and to be an example to the other boys."

The last few strokes were full force from the Nubian, the slave boy was now just groaning, showing he was still conscious. The boy slid to the floor, Benin stepped forward and took hold of each boy's hand, both were still sobbing from their ordeal.

"One each side," said the emperor "on their knees and fetch leather pails of water." These were not to be drunk from, but the emperor made the boy's kneel on the marble floor and hold the buckets on their shoulders, if they should spill any water, their punishment would be repeated.

Benin was somewhat philosophical of what he had just witnessed, as he had endured the same if not worse himself, but he thought he must protect his charges more carefully and train them better so they do not come to such harm again, if it could possibly be avoided.

The four punished slaves were left in the room, as everybody else followed the emperor in to the dining room. The emperor sat on a huge couch, Benin by his side, who fed the emperor by hand, nobody else was allowed to eat until the emperor had finished. The emperor was becoming bored, so he clapped his hands and the six black Nubian girls were brought in. They were naked apart from a string of beads around their lower belly, this necklace had longer beads shaped in a triangle at the front, which just covered their genitals. The small orchestra behind the screens were told to play and the girls began to dance, slow seductive movements, extenuating their hips and their breasts, the pace of the music increased and the dancers increased their tempo as they gyrated their bodies, and curving their belly muscles in and out. The dance went on and on, the dancers and the musicians awaiting instructions from the emperor to stop, but he would not relent. The dancer's bodies now bathed in sweat, as the emperor instructed the orchestra to play faster and faster. The girls were becoming exhausted, the emperor eagerly awaited for the first girl to collapse, which came after about 1 hour. She was beautiful, about 16 years old. The emperor laughed, as he brought the proceedings to a halt.

"Fetch her here," he said to Benin, who immediately rushed down to help the girl stand and brought her in front of the emperor.

"You have disappointed me child, you must be punished for failing to entertain me until the end," said the emperor.

The emperor clapped his hands and two Nubians brought in the punishment trestle, it was no use the girl pleading for mercy. She just accepted her fate, she was soon secured to the trestle and the Nubians awaited their orders. Meanwhile the emperor told everybody to eat; the young minnows tucking in to a feast, the Greek boys also stuffed their mouths full. The remaining girl dancers were formed in a semi-circle around the punishment trestle to witness the punishment.

The order was given and the Nubians again one either side began to thrash the girls buttocks, she screamed, and tensed against her bonds in an effort to reduce the searing pain that went through her body. Some 40 strokes had been given when the emperor stopped the punishment. The emperor had noticed that several of the Greek boys were excited by the spectacle; their cocks had grown hard, as they watched the girl squirm.

"Fuck her anus," the emperor commanded to one of the Greek boys, who was sporting a hard cock.

The young lad, lean naked and muscular, stepped forward, positioned himself to the rear of the slave girl. Benin suggested some goose grease be inserted into her anus to facilitate entry. As this was done, the Greek boy stepped forward and inserted his cock the full length into the girl's anus. The girl screamed as the boy pumped viciously in and out, enjoying his sexual release, he soon ejaculated and emptied his load inside her. The next Greek boy, who was sporting a hard cock was brought forward, he also entered the girl's anus, she gave out loud groans as he pumped her full of cum. By this time the remainder of the Greek boys had hard cocks, and one after the other they filled her anus, until the cum was oozing out and running down her thighs.

The emperor began to drink vast amounts of red wine. Benin thought this a good opportunity to rescue the slaves in the other room. First he had two of the little minnows crawl under the emperor's toga, one to suck his cock the other to suck his toes, which Benin new was a favorite of the emperor. Benin dismissed the dancing girls, had cushions laid out on the floor in front of the emperor, for the Greek boys and young minnows to lie on. Benin paired them off and had them commit lewd acts on each other, sucking each other's cocks, licking each other's anus's in turn, biting nipples and toes. The emperor was amused at the sight of all the naked boys performing in front of him.

Benin took the opportunity to suggest that it was time to bring in the four boys who had been punished so they could join in the fun. The emperor agreed, so Benin rushed off to the next room to rescue the slave boys, the two Greek boys were still in position, although their heels were almost touching the marble floor. The two little minnows, although it had been at least an hour since they were left, still held their leather buckets full of water on their shoulders, they had spilt a small amount, but the emperor need not know, thought Benin.

He took the buckets off them and helped them stand; their knees were painful from kneeling on the marble floor. Benin told the four slaves to follow him in to the next room, where music was playing the emperor was still consuming copious amounts of wine. Most of the Greek boys were sporting full hard cocks. Benin took the four slaves to kneel in front of the emperor, who told them to stand and turn around. He inspected the damage to their buttocks, telling them it would soon heal, and that they were to be good slave boys to avoid future punishment. He took hold of the two little minnows and squeezed their face cheeks, making them whelp.

To distract the emperor's attention, Benin had the Greek boys stand in two's in front of the emperor. He had the front slave of each pair bend over and told the other one to fuck his anus. One boy pumped in to the other, amongst groans from the recipient, the emperor was enjoying the performance, and suggested to Benin he might want to dance to complete the entertainment. Benin complied and was soon gyrating around the room, shedding his G-string in the process.

The entertainment continued for several more hours until the emperor fell in to a drunken stupor. The Nubian guards, with great difficulty lifted the emperor and carried him to his bed chamber.

The following morning Benin took all the Greek boys and little Germanic boys for a run around the island, up hills and down hills. He was determined to get them all in the peak of fitness, as the young minnows were tiring he had them climb on the backs of the bigger Greek boys and cling on around the boy's necks. This enabled the little boys to rest but gave the bigger slaves more exercise. Benin also enjoyed the exercise running with the slaves, as he was not getting as much exercise as he used to, and he wanted to keep his sleek muscular frame in good condition. Benin was a hard task master, as the boys sweated for at least two hours, the little minnow's running back for the last 20 minutes or so to the villa. Benin made a mental note to obtain, with the emperor's permission, some G-strings to hold the slave boy's cocks in position whilst they were exercising and to ask the carpenter to fashion some weights out of logs of wood.

On their return to the villa Benin allowed the slaves to jump in to the swimming pool to wash off the sweat and grime from the run, and asked one of the Nubian guards to request some food from the kitchens be brought to the slave quarters. The six Nubian slave girls soon brought the food, Benin looked for the one who had been beaten the previous night, she was at the rear of the group, carrying a salver of fruit, he went up to her and enquired if she was all right.

"My buttocks and hole are painful," she said "I hate it here and if I can escape I will, I don't care what the old man does to me, I would rather be dead than suffer under him."

"Do not contemplate such a thing," said Benin, "he would surely kill you, if you tried to escape, I will try and protect you and keep you from further harm."

"Thank-you," said the girl, and planted a kiss on Benin's cheek.

The slave boys soon devoured the food as they were famished from their exercise. Benin ushered the slave boys back to the swimming pool area, they laid naked in the sunshine and rested awaiting the emperor's arrival. Benin went off to the emperor's bedchamber and found that he was just stirring. A Nubian guard announced that a runner from Rome had arrived. The emperor was grumpy as he had a hangover from the wine consumed the previous evening.

"Where have you been Benin?" he enquired.

"I have been exercising the slave boys, master," Benin replied.

The emperor just grunted and put his feet over the side of his bed and waddled out towards the swimming pool. He was quite naked, the rolls of fat wobbled over his belly. Benin went first and quickly told the boys to get on their plinths and the little minnows to jump in the pool.

"Tell them to get out," said the emperor.

Benin had the little minnows scramble from the pool and line up in front of the emperor, who sat on a chair. The little Germanic boys stood dripping wet, the sun glinting on their naked wet bodies. The emperor called the first boy to his side. Benin looked on apprehensively, the emperor thrust a finger in the boy's mouth, and felt his teeth, and then pushed his finger down the boy's throat making him choke. The boy tried to back off but the emperor seized his arm and pulled the boy over his knee, and began slapping the boy's buttocks. Thwack, thwack, thwack, 25 to 30 slaps were given. The boy's legs thrashing up and down from the pain, his buttocks soon became a crimson red. The emperor then pushed the boy to the floor and said, "you do not get in my swimming pool until I say so, do you understand."

"Yes sir master," the frightened boy replied.

Then the next boy was called over, he too was given the same treatment. Then it was the turn of one of the boys who had been punished the evening before, the naked boy straddled the emperor's knees, a wry smile came over the emperor's face as he gently ran his fingers over the wheals left by the cane. He then began to pinch the wheals with his fingers, making the boy scream with pain. He then commenced smacking the boy's buttocks, with more force than before, between each slap he pinched some more, he was obviously enjoying inflicting the pain. Eventually, the entire boys had received their punishment and stood naked in a line, looking down at the floor, feeling sorry for themselves. Benin himself felt distraught at causing more pain for the boys as he had allowed them to swim in the pool.

The emperor then turned his attention to the Greek boys standing naked on their plinths, as he walked along the line, he just looked and inspected them with his eyes, and the boys trembled inside, but escaped any punishment this time.

Benin turned to the emperor and told him about the exercise programme and that he had ordered log weights for the boys to use and that he thought it would be a good idea if all the boys were allowed to have small costumes to wear, to support their balls, as this would preserve their virility. Benin further suggested that the young white Germanic boys should have full costumes to preserve the whiteness of their skin, so as the sun browned the rest of their bodies it would leave white pieces around their buttocks and genitals which he suggested would look quite attractive when the costume was removed. The Greek boys would have G-strings as their skin was already a nice olive color.

The emperor agreed, so the work was put in hand. An elderly lady and two seamstresses were called in from the village to make the garments. Benin had all the boys lined up, and the old lady measured each boy. The young seamstresses looking on took notes of the measurements and gazed at the naked boys, particularly the young Greeks, who also looked at the young girls in their pretty low cut dresses. Some of the boys cocks reacted to the sight they saw, and their cocks began to rise. The old lady had an instant cure and flicked her fingers across the offending boy's cock, which immediately became flaccid. The old lady worked quickly and soon left, saying she would be back in the afternoon for fitting the trial garments to the boys.

The emperor meanwhile was reminded by Benin that a runner from Rome was awaiting audience with him.

"Oh very well, send the wretch in," said the emperor.

Benin fetched the runner, who wore just a loin cloth and had a satchel across his back, which contained the communiqué. The runner entered and immediately fell to the floor and kissed the ground in front of the emperor.

"Give me the message" roared the emperor impatiently.

The runner scrambled up and gave the emperor the satchel, he read the message. The message read.

"The Mongols had crossed the Alps and were massing at the border to Italy. The senate wanted permission to repel the enemy.

"Damn fools, of course they should repel the Mongols, have they no minds of their own," scowled the emperor, who scrawled across the dispatch. "Send Legions immediately!!" And he sent the runner on his way.

Over the coming months runners appeared at the emperor's door, day after day, reporting on the Legions and minor uprisings around the empire, on two occasion's senator's arrived for an audience and were dispatched back to Rome. The whole senate was getting frustrated by the emperor, and plots were afoot to do something about it.

Meanwhile at the villa life continued. The emperor becoming more and more debauched as time went on. It took Benin all his time and effort to keep the emperor amused. The emperor took to watching the boys exercise in the morning, a special chair was constructed, which had shafts attached to each side, four of the Nubian guards one at each corner transported the emperor from hill top to hill top, where he would gain the most advantageous viewing area, to watch the slave boys run up hill and down dale carrying their wooden logs above their heads. Even the little minnows had small logs which they struggled to keep above their heads as they ran for all their might to keep up with the Greek boys. On return to the villa there was no rest, as the boys had to perform in front of the emperor, lying on their backs as they pushed the logs up above their shoulders, or bent over and pick up the logs and raise it above their heads time and time again. At the end of the exercise programme each day, each boy would have to present himself for inspection in front of the emperor.

The exercising has been most beneficial as the slaves became fitter and leaner, the Greek boy's muscles were now quivering in to shape, even the little minnows had muscles growing in their arms and legs, and their belly muscles were beginning to grow. The moment each slave dreaded was on their return to the villa, the last slave of each section to arrive, would be punished. The two slaves in question would follow the emperor and Benin in to the villa, while the remainder of the slaves were allowed to frolic in the swimming pool. Each boy to be punished would stand in front of the emperor who was seated in his ornate chair, first was the little minnow, who was brought forward. The emperor would reach forward and pull the strings at each side of the boy's garment. The garment consisted of fine cloth, pouched at the front with a three quarter back, which covered most of his buttocks, the emperor tossed the garment to one side and looked at the boy, Benin was right, the sun had browned the boy's body but his buttocks and genitals were still pure white, the little innocent minnow looked beautiful, the emperor caressed the boy's white buttocks and played with his genitals.

"This is the second time you have come in last," said the emperor, "have you anything to say for yourself."

"I fell sire, going up hill and I fell backwards, losing my position, please sire do not punish me, I do try very hard to be in the leading group and will try harder tomorrow," said the sniveling boy.

"You were careless, so you must be punished, how many times has he been before me, Benin?"

"This is only the second time sire."

"Very well, twenty strokes this time, on your firm white buttocks," said the emperor.

The boy knew the routine, he bent forward and thrust his head between the emperor's knees, who clamped his head tight by squeezing his legs together. He liked to feel the boy struggle as the blows landed, and it excited him sexually to have close contact. The Nubian Guard was give the instruction and commenced to beat the boy's buttocks; blow after blow landed, the little minnow screamed with pain and jerked forward with each strike. The emperor was enjoying the experience as the boy's head moved forward along the emperor's thighs. Now for the Greek boy, he was told to remove his G-string and step forward, he was about 14½ years old, lean and very muscular, he had a look of defiance in his face, his chest was rising as he took in deep breaths.

"How many times," said the emperor.

"This will be his fifth time sire," said Benin.

The emperor rose from his chair and took hold of the boy's chin.

"You do not learn boy," said the emperor.

The boy did not reply.

The emperor walked round the slave boy, touching him and feeling him, his buttocks, his back, then round to the front, the emperor pinched the boy's nipples hard, the boy did not flinch. The old man then took hold of the boy's balls and squeezed, the slave boy winced but showed no emotion. The emperor then told one of the Nubian Guards to fetch the largest log he could find, he brought one in which weighed about 25kgs [55 lbs]. He told the boy to lift it above his head and to run around the room. The slave set off, a Nubian Guard was stationed at each corner of the room, cane in hand. "Faster, faster," said the emperor. Each time the boy passed a guard, the Nubian caned the boy, the strokes landing on his back his buttocks and his legs, as he circled the room. The slave boy's back was covered in wheals, the emperor then instructed the Nubians to cane the front of the boy as he passed. Soon his stomach, chest and thighs were covered in wheals. After some 40 minutes the slave became exhausted and collapsed to the floor, all four Nubians descended upon him, thrashing his body with all their might, blood had been drawn in several places. Eventually, the emperor relented; the slave was dragged before him and made to stand.

"Have you learnt this time slave?" enquired the emperor.

"Yes sir master, please forgive me," replied the slave as he sank to the floor and kissed the emperor's feet. The slave had received well over 100 strokes of the cane.

Both slaves donned their scanty garments and went back outside, following the emperor and Benin. The rest of the afternoon was more light hearted, the emperor swimming in the pool, chased by his little minnows, the Greek boys on their plinths, the sun beating down, their skins turning a golden brown, wine and fruit drinks were served by the Nubian slave girls, they all wore matching gold lace G-strings.

The emperor thought it would be fun if the slave girls changed places with the Greek boys on the plinths. They looked resplendent as the sun shone on their ebony bodies, and the sweat trickled down their breasts on to their bellies. The two slave boys, who had been punished, stood still either side of the emperor's chair, not daring to move.

As the afternoon wore on into evening, the emperor moved inside the villa and the evening meal was served. The whole entourage followed and stripped naked, as usual the emperor eat first, served by two of his little minnows. The two boys who had been punished stood either side of the emperor, both were given plumes of ostrich feathers to wave through the air to keep the emperor cool.

The carpenter over the months had fashioned many wooden dildos, the latest were mounted on a plank of wood and are massive, some 25 cms [10 inch] long x 14 cms [5½ inch] in circumference. They were laid out in front of the emperor, the Greek boys were told to straddle them. Then on the signal penetrate there own anus's, each naked slave waited while the emperor stuffed his face, he then raised his little finger, which was the signal for them to begin fucking themselves. No grease was allowed on this occasion. As they had had many wooden dildos up their anuses before, but the size of these made it difficult for the slave boys to penetrate. They pushed and strained as they stretched their holes to accommodate the enormous phalluses, some crying out with pain, but they new they must not fail, as the emperor would punish them severely. Eventually they all had the cocks inside them and began pushing up and down with their arms, the strain was immense and the board on which the cocks were mounted began to move, making it more difficult. Two Nubians were sent to stand on the board to hold it in position, as the Greek boys sweated to achieve a good fuck.

"More, more" commanded the emperor, as the slave boys strained to perform for the emperor, he would not relent until all the Greek boys were rising and falling in unison, which they eventually achieved. The emperor applauded their efforts, and they were allowed to stand, two of the boys had blood running down their legs as the huge cocks had torn their anuses.

The little minnows then suffered a similar fate, but this time the wooden cocks were smaller and not mounted on a board but lay to the side of the emperor. Each boy was called forward in turn and as the emperor took hold of a cock, each boy turned round, bent over, while the emperor pushed the cock up his anus. Once all had been inserted, the orchestra was told to play, and the little minnows had to dance around the room. The first one to allow his cock to fall out would be punished, so they all strained and pulled their buttocks in, in an attempt to keep it in position, while still dancing a seductive dance, hoping the emperor would be amused sufficiently to be lenient with the one that failed, as sure as one would. Surprisingly, as the boys became more expert, all managed to keep the wooden dildos in their anuses. The emperor finished eating and allowed the slaves to eat, but not for long as Benin had prepared another show for the emperor.

Benin quickly prepared the little minnows for their performance. The first slave boy was painted from head to toe with silver grease paint and mounted on a plinth a metre [3 feet] high. He had gossamer wings attached to his back and small artificial wings to his ankles and his wrists. He was instructed to turn slowly on his toes, he was the queen fairy. Then the next three had their faces painted silver, these were the queen's attendants. The next three had their faces painted green and were the elves, who had to protect the fairies and the queen. The final three had their faces painted black, these were the hob goblins, who were ordered to capture the queen and present the slave to the emperor. All the slave boys wore matching colored G-strings.

The three attendants danced around the plinth, pirouetting on their toes, the elves danced around looking intently for danger, which arrived in the form of the hob goblins, who attacked the elves. The attack was rebelled by the little elves, but the hob goblins came again and again, and finally won the day. The elves scurried to the corners of the room into the arms of the Greek boys waiting there. The attendants screamed and ran off, leaving the queen exposed, the hob goblins pulled her off the plinth and pushed her down to the floor in front of the emperor.

The emperor had enjoyed the show. Benin suggested maybe it was the right time to deflower the little minnows. The Greek boys in the corners brought the young slave attendants before the emperor, next to the queen, a further Greek boy was brought next to the queen, so there were four little minnows and four Greek boys. Benin walked along the line, removing each minnow's G-string. They stood naked before the emperor awaiting their fate, their little white cocks and buttocks standing out against their now bronzed bodies. Four trestles were brought forward and each little minnow was bent over and the four Greek boys were allowed to fuck them. Each one taking up his position behind a little minnow, who tensed as the Greek boy's cocks pushed against their sphincters and entered the boy's anuses. The little minnows holding on to the trestles as the Greek boys pushed into them, pumping ecstatically the full length of their cocks inside them. The emperor clapped his hands as the little minnows screamed with the force of the cocks up their anuses. The Greek boys made the most of fucking the little virgins and came heavily inside them, their sperm filling their insides.

Now for the second part of the entertainment, the remaining six Greek boys were paired with the six Nubian slave girls, who wore beads around their necks and bellies, through the beads were pieces of light white fabric draped across their bodies, the fabric falling across their breasts and down their bellies and covering their virgina. The Greek boys stood naked.

A trumpet sounded, which was the signal for the boys to chase the girls, running and dancing around the room, the girls screaming as the boys had to remove one piece of fabric at a time from the girl allotted to him. The emperor whooped with delight each time one of the boys succeeded in removing a piece of cloth. The twelve bodies were soon bathed in sweat as they chased at a break neck speed around the room. A Greek boy would fall in his haste, and the slave girl would laugh and run as far away as possible. Eventually the girls were denuded one at a time, as each boy was successful, he would pick up apiece of cloth, tie it around the girl's neck and drag her across the floor to the emperor. Each slave girl lay prostrate on her belly, while the Greek boy held her down with a foot on her back.

The emperor applauded the energetic and entertaining performance, the trestles were brought back and the girls lay on the trestles on their backs, their heads over the back looking at the emperor. Each Greek boy stood between the legs of each slave girl, each one sporting a full erection awaiting the signal from the emperor to fuck the slave girls. They had to wait some minutes as the emperor surveyed the scene before him, six virile, lean and muscled boys fully erect and six naked Nubian slave girls waiting to be fucked, the girl's stomachs rising and falling, their breasts, young and firm at the height of expectancy. He mused on the scene for some time before he gave the order to commence. As the signal was given, the boys stepped forward and thrust their quivering cocks in to the girl's vagina, pumping hard and viciously as the waiting time had made some of the Greek boys nearly climax before the signal was given.

Benin found it difficult to invent more and more tableaus for the emperor's enjoyment and woe betide any slave boy if the emperor became bored as his cruelty increased in magnitude if he was bored. One of his own favorite pastimes was to have the little minnows pick up the heaviest logs and run around holding them above their heads. The first boy to collapse or drop a log was severely beaten, 50 - 60 strokes at least were administered, and the emperor would not relent until blood had been drawn. The debauchery and the emperor's depravity knew no bounds, it sunk to deeper and deeper lows.

Meanwhile back in Rome the senate was becoming more and more restless with the delays in the emperor replying to their requests. Runners would often have to wait two days for a reply. The senators themselves decided to visit the emperor themselves and a delegation of four were sent to have an audience with the emperor. The senate was getting nervous that the citizens of Rome would rebel, as little work was done in the city and more importantly it was months since any games were staged at the coloseum, like the emperor the Roman citizens thirsted for blood.

The four senators, including Crasus, arrived at Caprea and sought audience with Tiberius. They were first told that the emperor was too busy, but after several hours were given an audience in the large auditorium inside the villa. The Nubian guards ushered the senators in, they were not expecting the sight that greeted them, Benin had devised a ballet with the ten naked Greek boys and the ten naked minnows, as the senators took their seats, the music commenced.

The Greek slaves lifted the little minnows above their heads and pranced around the room, slowly and seductively, placing the boys on the floor and pirouetting around them, then again lifting them high above their heads they danced around the room. They repeated this many times, in between jumping high and doing the splits in mid air, finally coming to rest, belly down on the floor in front of the emperor.

"What do you think of my fine lithe slave boys?" asked the emperor to the senators.

"They perform well," the senators replied, with Crasus giving Benin a knowing look.

"We have come to discuss affairs of state," said Crasus, "We have many problems that need your wisdom, sire."

"The Greek slave who slipped over during the dance, do you think I should punish him?" enquired the emperor.

"If you so desire," replied the senators.

"Very well, come here boy," said the emperor, "you will give us more entertainment."

The Greek boy, some 15 years old approached the emperor. His naked golden body physically quivering at the thought of being punished. He bowed low and was told to take up position side on to the emperor, bending over and clasping his ankles. The remainder of the slaves formed a semi-circle to watch the proceedings. The tallest, most muscled Nubian was instructed to beat the boy's buttocks. The emperor selected a thick rattan cane and instructed the Nubian to start. The first vicious blow nearly knocked the boy off his feet, he screamed as the pain shot through his body, again and again the cane ripped in to his buttocks, his legs were visibly shaking, blow after blow was delivered, the cheeks of his buttocks swelling under the onslaught.

"The boy is taking it well, do you not think?" said the emperor to no-one in particular, "each time one of my slaves is punished I insist they receive more strokes than the previous time they were punished, as their skin becomes like leather and so to inflict the maximum amount of pain more strokes must be applied."

Some fifteen minutes had passed and the beating continued, 60-70 strokes had been administered, but on the punishment went, until finally 99 strokes had been administered when the slave boy collapsed to the floor.

"Oh dear," said the emperor," we had not finished and you have spoilt the fun, now we will have to have it done all over again, but not now, after dinner I think, string the boy up by his ankles until I am ready for him." The poor wretch was dragged away.

"Now gentleman, what can I do for you?" Said the emperor.

"Well sire," began Crasus, "We have many things to discuss, could we have privacy my lord, as they are delicate matters of state."

"Benin take the slaves out to the garden, I will join you shortly," said the emperor.

When the room had been cleared, the discussions began. The emperor just yawned and really was not interested. The senators became more frustrated with the emperor's attitude, eventually the senators gave up, and although the emperor invited them to dinner, they gave their leave and left for Rome.

When the senators returned to Rome they reported to the senate who could not believe what they were hearing. A plan was devised, and some weeks later a further detachment of senators was dispatched to Caprea. This time, they laid in wait until darkness fell and approached the villa. A Nubian guard let them in, the emperor had already retired, and was being amused by several of the little minnows, who were attending to the sexual needs of the emperor's body. The senators burst in to the emperor's bedroom, shouted at the little slave boys to go, and took hold of pillows and smothered the emperor's face until breath no longer reached his lungs, although he struggled the weight of the four senators overcame his resistance and he died within a few minutes. The deed, as planned, had been accomplished.

On hearing the noise Benin ran in to the emperor's bedchamber, and could see immediately what had occurred, following him in to the chamber was Caligula, the emperor's nephew.

"Now Benin, you are mine, your little holiday is over, you and your entourage of slaves are mine," said Caligula, as he took hold of Benin's ear and pulled him from the room.

The End

What happened between Benin and Caligula is another story