carlee - a thing of beauty
louisville revisited
a story in tesn parts, in which carlee returns to louisville, scene of her previous, dangerous escapade...
part one : carlee is shocked to find the conditions little sidney is living and takes matters into her own hands, kidnapping the boy and holing up in a motel..
part two : carlee comes face to face with miss boling, and pork pie comes to the rescue, in his inimitable fashion...
part three : carlee finds out more worrying details about sidney and enlists the help of andy and zimmerman...
part four : miss boling shows a human face and they track down the missing truck, while carlee makes a date with lissell...
part five : in which carlee and lissell get reacquainted and pork pie's explosive temper gets the better of him - and miss boling...
part six : in which carlee saves miss boling's life and pork pie realises he is in trouble...
part seven : miss boling's daughter turns up, terry gets in touch at last, and pork pie's temper gets the better of him again, with serious consequences....
part eight : carlee gets stripped and assaulted, and pork pie comes to the rescue...
part nine : special deputy carlee flies by lear jet to bring back terry...
6th january 2002 part ten : carlee ties up the loose ends and bids farewell to lissell...
email carlee